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Name day in January female names. Name Day of January, Orthodox holidays in January

After reading our article, you can easily pick up a name for the son born in the year yellow Earth dog. Information on male names in 2018 will be useful. You will be able to find out what features of the character are inherent in the boys who have appeared in the indicated year. In addition, the article provides recommendations for the choice of name for the boy according to the month in which he was born. So, let's go.

Character of a boy born in 2018 by a yellow earthen dog

Tract for communication, sociability, the ability to find mutual language With all - these qualities will become distinctive features of boys born during the reign of the yellow earthen dog. They will not only have a desire to surround themselves with numerous friends, but also an incredible ability to unite all people, finding common goals for them. A guide star of each boy will be talent, as if a magnet, attract the surrounding magnet, causing sympathy from them from the very first minutes of communication.

FROM early childhood Boys will strive for the movement. This will lead to the fact that their development, both physical and psychological level, will be rapid. In this they will overtake many of their peers. Hence the second main character trait - curiosity, which is one of the key components of high intelligence. Boys earlier than others learn to speak, stand, walk, read, count.

From the boys born in 2018, a lot of outstanding athletes will grow. The purposefulness, the huge power of the spirit and diligence will help them achieve brilliant results in sports. Some boys, on the contrary, will have more interest to scientific and teaching activities. A developed mind and congenital intuition will allow them to easily perform the tasks of increased complexity.

Born in 2018, boys are tremendous to their parents and other relatives. Particularly respectful attitude will be traced to the older generation. The positive qualities of boys born in 2018 include:

  • a responsibility;
  • courage;
  • the ability to fulfill promises;
  • brilliant organizational abilities;
  • skill competently lead the workflow;
  • easy adaptability to new circumstances;
  • self-criticism;
  • striving for new knowledge;
  • sociability;
  • good nature;
  • the ability to quickly assimilate the information received;
  • justice.

Ideal people do not happen. Therefore, it is worth mentioning negative featureswhich can manifest itself from the boys born in the year of the yellow earthen dog if their development and education will be held in adverse conditions. The following qualities can be not very attractive:

  • pestitude;
  • imperidity;
  • the tendency to "chop off the shoulder";
  • hot temper:
  • chang.
  1. Relieve yourself from the time of year to which the baby was born. Astrologers are confident that not only a year, day and time impose their imprint on the knife of the boy, but also a month of birth.
  2. Watch the name as follows for patronymic and surname. That is, the name must be congestive, during pronunciation it should seem to "flow" and not be sharp for hearing.
  3. Do not forget to look into the sacraticles - calendar church holidays. In it, as a rule, is indicated, in honor of whom he is named. According to the name of a certain saint, you can call a child. It is believed that this saint will help the child throughout his life, protecting and protecting against of different kind trouble.
  4. Some people believe that the most good option - Choose for the boy a fateful name. To this end, it is important to clarify the value of each male name and, according to the information received, make a choice. First, decide how the person should grow your son. Perhaps you wish in its character to prevail such qualities as intelligence, high intelligence, resourcefulness, the ability to get along with others and find compromises. Or maybe you want your son to become fair, kind and generous? To help choose a name, whose characteristic is dominated by certain qualities, will help the information provided below.
  5. Many give tribute to fashion and in such a question as a choice of name for the Son. Today it is fashionable to call sons foreign nameswho are extremely rare in the countries of the former CIS. Astrology does not see something bad in this. But psychologists, on the contrary, do not advise it to do it, because the child can take place psychological problems with adaptation in society. Of course, these recommendations are conditional. However, if the name is so rare and at the same time, intact for the inhabitants of our regions, peers can collectively offend and even humiliate the child. After all, children are so direct!

Fashionable names for boys in 2018

Mark - This name has Greek and Latin roots. Mark is smart, promotion and self. Does not like to lose and always seeks to take a leading position among peers. Boys with such a name are difficult to converge with people. Only those who have become really close to them can cause their trust and take possession of the heart. Mark learns, as a rule, well, it is of particular interest to accurate sciences. Very subtly feels a lie, so specialists do not advise parents to lie their son even with good intentions.

Kirill - From ancient Greek translates as "Mr.", "Lord", and from the Persian - "Sunny". Boys with this name are very inquisitive, they are interested in everything that happens around. They are not over the years, developed intelligence is able to quickly figure out even in difficult situations. Kirill's favorite classes are sports and reading. Therefore, it is advisable to give your son to parents in some kind of sports section and buying as much as possible "correct" literature. Key qualities of Kirill are a huge power of will, impartiality, ambition, nobility.

Elisha - There are two versions of the origin of the name: from greek name Odyssey and from the Hebrew name of Elisha, which means "Salvation of God." Boys with this name - creative nature. In the depths of their shower hidden the huge potential to be disclosed and implemented from childhood. These are real fantasies and fifteentifiers. Many Elisha have a literary gift, so at a young age often write novels, poems, detectives, poems. Distinctive trait Eliseev is a comprehensive development and purposefulness, sometimes bordering stubbornness.

Benjamin - Russian name. But many specialists tend to the fact that this is the Russian version of the Hebrew name of Binyamin - so called the younger son Rachel and Jacob. All bonds possess a multifaceted character. According to psychological type, they can be both introverts and extroverts. But, regardless of this, the Veniamines are highly generous. These are sociable boys who strive everywhere to have time to be aware of all events. Most often, they grow up detailed, smart and pretty conservative personals.

Bogdan "The name has Slavic roots and denotes the" god given by God. " Often Bogdan is the only and long-awaited child in the family. Specialists are noticed that parents are called Bogdan Son, the birth of which was associated with many anxiety and problems. In infancy, Bogdan can often be capricious, because parents indulge him. But as they grow up, it becomes more calm and balanced. The main features of the character of Bogdan - calcality, moderation, compositeness. It should also be said that almost all Bogdans have a well-developed intuition.

Male names 2018.

Winter names

Boys who are born in winter time, endowed with excellent health. From nature they have great volitional qualities. Winter boys are purposeful and rarely retreat if obstacles appear on the way to achieve the goal. Very often, these workaholics, which for the sake of right things are ready to work for days. Increased activity and prudence allow winter boys to achieve a lot in life.


Vsevolod, Vasily, Athanasius, Gennady, Nikolay, Lev, Arseny, Valerian, Yaroslav, Klim, Guriy, Spiridon, Innokenty, Gabriel, Stepan, Naum, Savva, Zakhar, Anton, Pavel, Thoma, Arkady, Arkhip, Modest, Trifon, Semyon.


Elizar, Prokhor, Adam, Trofim, Seraphim, Yakov, Efim, Egor, Naum, Philip, Mikhail, George, Maxim, Nikita, Athanasius, Ivan, Emelyan, Valentin, Peter, Artem, Sergey, Nikanor.


Porfiry, Akim, Nikifor, Julian, Yakov, David, Yuri, Vsevolod, Pavel, Lavrenty, Philip, Vitaly, Leonte, Arseny, Peter, Konstantin, Alexey, Fedor, Kirill.

Spring names

Even at a small age, boys are endowed with an adult developed intelligence. Very careful, any solutions take only after several thorough checks of facts. Perhaps it saves them from fatal errors and incorrect actions. However, such caution often plays with them a keen joke, preventing being decisive and reach outstanding results. Spring boys are endowed with "diplomatic" qualities: loyalty, flexibility, the ability to bypass "sharp corners" and quickly adapt to the changed circumstances.


Stepan, Nikanor, Rostislav, Nikifor, Yuri, Timofey, Trofim, Alexey, Victor, Vasily, Ivan, Gregory, Anton, Philip, Alexander, Fedot, Makar, Lion, Danil, Ilya, Kuzma.


Plato, Tikhon, Khariton, Peter, Yegor, Thomas, Semen, Gabriel, Leonid, Veniamin, Sergey, Artem, Anatoly, Cyril, Terente, Polycarp, Innokenty, Yakov, Vadim, Mstislav.


Gregory, Denis, Vitaly, Leonte, Thomas, Maxim, Nikita, Boris, Roman, David, Dmitry, Egor, Valentin, Hermann, Pahoma, Lawrence, Fedor, Vsevolod.

Summer names

Summer boys are born with generous and good soul. FROM children's age They understand that it is not necessary to exchange on trifles. They always build grand plans, fantasize, reflect a lot. Sometimes it seems that they are completely immersed in themselves. However, these boys have a striking ability to quickly reincarnate, turning from a closed person in a very sociable person. They also have such qualities as impressionable, impulsiveness, incontinence, willingness to act contrary to circumstances.


Ivan, Konstantin, Leonte, Semen, Georgy, Denis, Pavel, Leonid, Fedot, Timofey, Gabriel, Arseny, Matvey, Tikhon, Cyril, Nikifor, Gennady, Ignatius, Sergey, Dmitry.


Julius, Artem, Svyatoslav, Yakov, Valentin, Philip, Thomas, Alexander, Innokenty, Daniel, Vladimir, Anatoly, Guri, Terente, Maxim, Demyan, Stanislav, Gleb, Alexey.


Galaktion, Seraphim, Makar, Naum, Konstantin, Anton, Stepan, Leonid, Ivan, Miron, Pavel, Georgy, Savva, Polycarp, Prokhor, Elizar, Roman, Ilya, Boris, Christopher, Nikolai, Fedor.

Autumn names

The boys born in the fall are distinguished by calm character and prudence. They have a clear mind that allows them to quickly absorb new information and learn well. The behavior of autumn boys is not devoid of calculating, the circumstance and some adult purge. These are small pedants who are trying to fulfill any job as well as possible. So the nature of the autumn boy will remain forever, it is not at all children's maximalism! Among other positive qualities of boys who appeared on the world in autumn periodIt should be noted prudence, foresight, responsibility, honesty.


Andrei, Philipp, Ivan, Alexander, Makar, Gennady, Gleb, Zakhar, Mikhail, Konstantin, Lev, Igor, Svyatoslav, Alexey, Roman, Ignat, Khariton, Dmitry, Efim, Stanislav, Eugene.


David, Fedor, Oleg, Dmitry, Grigory, Sergey, Maxim, Zinovy, Yuri, Stepan, Ivan, Porphiri, Christopher, Karp, Evgraph, Alexey, Julian, Kuzma, Denis, Ignatius, Vyacheslav.


Yakov, Anton, Zinovy, Konstantin, Vasily, Alexander, Zakhar, Ignatius, Anton, Prokhor, Artem, Plato, Kirill, Stanislav, Yaroslav, Hermann, Valery, Fedot, Orest, Athanasius, Egor, Paul.

Birth of the baby is very responsible and important for each parent. Of course, young mothers and dads try to provide their baby to everyone that he needs in life, but it does not always work. Some things for a child can be purchased in any specialized store - it's clothing, food, toys, etc. But here to refer fate and help the child to become happier will help the patronage of the Higher Forces. Every year, the sacred dates dedicated to the Great Saints are noted during each month, this is the adoption of a child in honor of a certain saint. In Orthodoxy, toddler's toddler name in honor of the Holy is called - to give a name on the sacnesses.

Tradition to call newborns in honor of the advenues of the saints came to us from the most pressing times. During the Baptism of Russia, which was committed by Prince Vladimir, similar to orthodox tradition Meaning confidence Higher power. Since then, believers carefully looked through names before giving their own newborn child to a certain adherence.

Since ancient times, this modernity came, in which all the names of the saints are prescribed. In any Orthodox sacred temple, employees give delivel tips on right choice Additions. If young parents in the soul appear certain doubts, they should contact their priests with their problems, the latter will definitely respond to them all the questions you are interested in and will give a delta tip.

It is believed that the adoption of the baby in the sacnesses is a sacred effect. After all the Orthodox foundations are met, the baby will receive as a reward from the heavenly forces of the Guardian angel, who will become an assistant, and a reliable defender of a child throughout his life. Believers are confident that the guardian angel is able to give the power to his ward, it becomes especially true in moments of sadness and disadvantaged.

Modern young parents prefer that their child have not only Orthodox adherence, but at the same time beautiful and fashion name. All these conditions combat all these conditions may be quite possible, because the Calendar of the Orthodox Calendar for 2018 contains many reasons in its data, which are very popular and in real times. An important aspect in taking the right and harmonious name An infant is a comparison of adoptions with its character. Denote that the names are found in the saints in certain months, and how best to call a newborn, which appeared on the white light during a certain period of the year.

The harsh winter time brings rigidity and self-confidence in knives. Such kids always know what they wish to receive from their own life, they are confidently sent to their own goal, overcoming on their fateful paths of various kinds of obstacles.

January is considered a very good period for the birth of babies, because this this month appeared on the white light Jesus Christ. Winter Sorry is associated with other religious festive dates, which are essential in the life of every Orthodox.

The kids born in January will be happy, because in their character there are only hard qualities, and the heavenly forces and the patrons angels will become such children reliable assistants. In January, there are plenty of beautiful adhesions for boys, and for newborn girls, so parents are granted a huge choice.

Name Day in February 2018

Windy time of the year is February. Frosty period is also very good for the emergence of long-awaited kids. What kind of nature will be the February children?

The domicile quality of such children will be a dedication, they clearly represent their desires and are always stubbornly moving to a meeting to their execution. The February kids are good-natured and miles, they are waiting for a happy fate if parents will try to choose them the right church adherence.

It is important to remember that the February kids have such negative quality as a thrust for leadership, but it can be properly adjusted with the help of adventures chosen by church calendar Names.

Name Day in March 2018

Spring time is the most wonderful time of the year. It is in these bright days in nature begins an active awakening. The initial period of the spring season is known for its impermanence, and student nights and sunny days are equally observed here. Young parents will surely tell the calendar of the Orthodox Calendar for 2018 by day, what admixture is best to choose for a Martov newborn. Doesn't it hurt to find out what kind of character do nature gives the nature of Mother Children's kids?

Baby, born at the beginning of the spring period, has a selfish, but good-natured temper. Such kids always try to do everything in their own way, but such spiritual qualities, as a constancy, loyalty to all around others, justice, are at all the stupid.

Name Day in April 2018

The bright sunny April month combines all the pleasant signs of spring pores. In the Orthodox name calendar, you can find the most popular and most beautiful adhesions for your kids. How do the saints advise the newborns?

Name Day in May 2018

With the arrival of May, nature is finally awakened, all living things are activated, and the kids born in this spring month are distinguished by self-confident and strong qualities of character. It is mistaken that May is not a favorable period for the birth of kids, on the contrary, this season is filled with joy, happiness and grace.

It should be a little talk about the character of the May children. Such kids are stubborn personalities, they always put concrete goals and stubborn them. It is impossible to disappoint such a baby, but I will instantly turn into an inadequate for him - it is simpler. May kids hate hypocrisy, lies and betrayal. If one day they observed similar manifestations from nearby people, then they instantly lose confidence in such personalities.

Name Day in June 2018

In June, it is rare to notice the real heat, during this period of the year everything is consistently and systematically. Approximately the same qualities have both kids born in the initial summer month of the year. For June kids, it is important to carefully select the right adherence, it is impossible to be in the name of such kids too soft sounds. In the character of June there is a hardness, but they are too trusting and inconstant. It is possible to correct such drawbacks with the help of harmonious-selected adherents, which is combined with Orthodox traditions.

Boys-June preferably called Ignat, Nikita, Ivan, Konstantin, Victor, Makar, Leonid, Zakhar, Denis.

For girls, it is preferable to choose such adhesions like Elena or Maria, Harita, Sophia, Martha or Vera.

Name Day in July 2018

When the parents mistakenly choose "wrong" names for their children, they thus worsen their fate. It is impossible to give kids too new-fashioned adhesions, such as Marionella or Leonardo. In Orthodoxy, do not approve if the newborn is given double decline, so the child becomes owner double fateHe may be unhappy in the future.

For the July kids, names are selected taking into account the foundations of the Orthodox Calendar of Names. In terms of the child, strong and hard qualities are dominated, the negative of the character is only a traction to deception.

Name Day in August 2018

Completion of summer in many cities is considered golden sometimes.Nature at this point is "covered" with unusual paints, and such beauty is appropriately reflected on the nature of newborns of the August children. Such babies are fair, externally miles and good-natured, they are purposeful, fair and loyal. August kids will not tolerate offended and injustice, evil and vanity.

It should be clarified that for a child born in August, the name is selected only "solid". In maiden names, should also be present solid sounds. The whole thing is that the nature of such kids is too kind, and the soft sounds in adventure only will develop naivety in the character of the kid that in adulthood can deliver a lot of unpleasant problems.

Name Day in September 2018

Wonderful month September. In Christianity, during this period there are a huge number of important celebrations. The most significant holiday of Orthodoxy is the christmas of the Virgin. Believers solemnly celebrate an important festive day, in honor of the main event of the year a large feast is arranged, where all relatives and acquaintances are invited.

Calendar Named for 2018 offers parents a lot of options for the right choice of adhelations for the newborn.

  • Boys it is preferable to call Alexander, Nikolai, Maxim, Vladimir, Moses, Artem, Dmitry, Mikhail, Stepan.
  • For girls ideal will be such adhesions like Maria, Anfisa, Antonina, Vasilisa, Elena.

Name Day in October 2018

By orthodox custom The sacred adoption of the child is given at the date of his christening. The baptism rite is carried out strictly in orthodox church. In exceptional cases, the exit of the clergy for the house is possible. When baptized by the priest, the baby is given a name that is chosen in advance by parents. It is important that it fit on the basics of religion and did not contradict the church canons. It is undesirable to call a baby in honor of the dead relatives. It is also not recommended to give the child such a name that has a person with unfortunate destiny.

There is a lot of rules and basics in choosing suitable name For a child, but observing them all, parents provide their own happy fate.

Name Day in November 2018

The nature of the November kids is very controversial, such kids prefer to live on the rules only established by them. They do not like to indulge whipping people around people and contradict their life rules. The church calendar indicates a list of the best names for the November kids.

  • Boys you can call Afanasiya, Valery, Ivan, Pavlom, Denis, Yakov, Vasily, Leonid, Makar, Naum, Andrei, Herman, Stepan, Nikolai, Artem, David, Kuzma.
  • Girls it is good to give such adhesions as Elena or Anastasia, Eugene or Anna, Elizabeth or Dominica, Vasilisa or Alexander.

Name Day in December 2018

Many parents are wondering how the church refers to the fact that, for example, girls are given male names - Alexander or Eugene. It is important to note that in the Orthodox calendar names there is no distinction for men or women's namesThe adventures of the saints do not have sex distribution, but still young parents should not be chosen from the list of names such adhesions that are initially not suitable for their child.

If there are questions from the parents, then in any church temple, the priest will answer them. And yet, the last decision remains precisely for parents.

Good names for December kids orthodox calendar are:

Women's and men's names (how to name boys and girls in December)

Name Day in January:

1 - Voniphati, Grigory, Ilya, Timofey.

2 - Anton, Daniel, Ivan, Ignatius.

3 - Leonty, Mikhail, Nikita, Peter, Prokokii, Sergey, Feofan.

4 - Anastasia, Dmitry, Fedor, Fedosya.

5 - Vasily, David, Ivan, Makar, Naum, Nifont, Paul, Feoktist.

6 - Eugene, Innokenty, Claudia, Nikolay, Sergey.

August 8, Agrippina, Alexander, Anfisa, Vasily, Grigory, Dmitry, Efim, Isaac, Konstantin, Leonid, Maria, Mikhail, Nicodem, Nikolay.

9 - Antonina, Luka, Stepan, Tikhon, Fedor, Ferapont.

10 - Agafya, Alexander, Arkady, Vavil, David, Efim, Ignatius, Joseph, Leonid, Nikanor, Nikodim, Nikolai, Peter, Simon, Feoktist, Yakov.

11 - Agrippina, Anna, Barbara, Veniamin, Georgy, Evdokia, Euphrosinia, Ivan, Lawrence, Mark, Markel, Matrona, Natalia, Feodosius.

12 - Anice, Anton, Daniel, Irina, Lev, Makar, Maria, Fedor, Fedosya.

14 - Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Grigory, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Plato, Trofim, Fedot, Emilia, Yakov.

15 - Vasily, Gerasim, Kuzma, Mark, Modest, Peter, Seraphim, Sergey, Sylvester.

16 - Gondi, Irina.

17 - Alexander, Andronik, Archip, Athanasius, Anisim, Aristarkh, Artemy, Athanasius, Denis, Efim, Karp, Clement, Kondrati, Luke, Mark, Nikoror, Nikolay, Pavel, Prokhor, Rodion, Semen, Siluan, Stepan, Timofey, Trofim, Faddia, Feoktist, Filimon, Philip, Yakov.

18 - Apollinaria, Grigory, Evgenia, Joseph, Lukyan, Matvey, Micah, Roman, Semen, Sergey, Tatiana, Thomas.

19 - Feofan.

20 - Athanasius, Vasily, Ivan, Pafnuti.

21 - Anton, Vasilisa, Victor, Vladimir, Dmitry, Georgy, Grigory, Evgeny, Emelyan, Ilya, Mikhail, Sidor, Feoktist, Julian.

22 - Antonina, Zakhar, Nikandr, Paul, Peter, Philip.

23 - Anatoly, Grigory, Zinovy, Makar, Pavel, Peter, Feofan.

24 - Vladimir, Mikhail, Nikolai, Stepan, Terente, Fedor, Feodosius.

25 - Euptrase, Makar, Peter, Savva, Tatiana.

26 - Athanasius, Maxim, Nikifor, Nicodynam, Pahom, Peter, Yakov.

27 - Agnia, Adam, Andrey, Aristarkh, Veniamin, David, Yeremy, Ivan, Ilya, Joseph, Isaac, Makar, Mark, Moses, Nina, Pavel, Pafnuti, Savva, Sergey, Stepan.

28 - Varlam, Gabriel, Gerasim, Elena, Ivan, Maxim, Mikhail, Pavel, Prokhor.

29 - Ivan, Maxim, Peter.

30 - Anton, Antonina, Victor, Georgy, Ivan, Pavel, Feodosius.

31 - Alexander, Athanasius, Vladimir, Dmitry, Evgeny, Emelyan, Ephraim, Hilarion, Kirill, Ksenia, Maxim, Maria, Mikhail, Nikolay, Sergey, Feodosia.

Church Orthodox Holidays in January

Rev. Elijah Pechersky

On the first day of the year, the church celebrates the memory of the St. Ili Pechersky on the nickname of chobotock. Elijah was a native of the city of Murom, the folk and national legend identified him with the famous hernth Ilya Muromers, which Russian epics told.

The Savior was born in the reign of Emperor August in Bethlehem. During the census, everyone had to be in the place where his genus came from. Arriving in Bethlehem, Virgin Mary and Righteous Joseph did not find free hotels and stopped outside the city in a cave intended for livestock. At midnight, the news of the birth of the Savior from the oblivious angels came to the shepherds who came to bow to the Godrift. The holiday in honor of this event was installed in the apostolic times, however to the IV century. He connected with the celebration of the Epiphany.

Having learned from the Volkhvov about the birth of a new king, Herod ordered to kill all the babies under the two years, hoping that among them there will be a Big Mouden in which he saw his opponent.

On this day, the Lord accepted the circumcision set for all male babies into the sign of the Testament of God with the forefather Abraham and his descendants.

On the same day, the memory of the Archbishop of Caesarea Cappadocyan is performed.

Vasily lived in the IV century, in Constantinople and Athens, he received a brilliant education. Returning to Caesaria, he taught rhetoric, then he accepted baptism and rose on the path of ascetic life. Together with his friend, Gregory Theologian, he retired to the desert to devote the life to God. In the future, Holy was ordained in the presbyter, during the reign of the emperor Valentine, a supporter of Arian, he became an archbishop and put great efforts to protect his flock from heresy. They were composed of Chin Liturgy, written conversations on Shestodnev, at Psalms, as well as a meeting of monastic rules.

January 15 - the day of the presumption (1883) and the second acquisition of the relics (1991) of one of the people's favorite Russian saints. Having accepted the monastic tonsure at the age of 27, the Rev. until the end of his life was pregnant in the Sarov Resident, or in the Forest Desert. For his prayer feat, he has conceived a repeated visit to the queen of heaven. To the Lord, the Rev. Seraphim went away during prayer before the icon God's Mother. The reverend was glorified in the saints in 1903. After the October Revolution, the relics of the saint disappeared and were discovered only in 1991, in the Museum of the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism, which was located in the building of the Kazan Cathedral in Leningrad.

January 17 - Cathedral of the 70 Apostles of Christ, elected by the Lord, in order to preach the gospel of the whole universe.

The memory of these apostles is committed separately during the year, and this holiday was established in order to show equally each of the seventy and thereby prevent disagreements in their worship.

January 19 is celebrated - the two-month holiday established in honor of the Baptism of the Lord of our Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River and in honor of the phenomenon during this event. Blessed Trinity. The Father verbal from heaven about his son, the son was baptized from the Holy Forerunner of the Lord John, and the Holy Spirit went on the son in the form of a dove. The next day, the Cathedral of the Forerunner and the Baptist of the Lord of John is the one who served as the Baptism of Christ, putting his hand on the head of the Savior.

On January 24, we remember the St. Feodosius of the Great, who became the founder of hostel monasteries. He was born at the end of V c. In Cappadocia. For about 30 years, Saint lived in the Palestinian Desert, staying in a post and prayer. The desired to live under his leadership constantly came to him, as a result there was a hostel monastery, or Laurel, which existed according to the Charter of Vasily the Great.

The memory of the holy martyr tatianizers it on January 25th. Tatiana, the daughter of the Roman Consul, refused marriage, wanting to devote the life to the Lord. She was delivered by Diaconisa in one of the Roman temples and served God, causing patients and helping the needy. At the board of Emperor Alexander North (between 222 and 235), Tatian adopted a martyrdom for Christ, refusing to bring the victim pagan gods And underwhelming terrible tortures.

On January 27, the Church recalls the Educator of Georgia. She was born around 280 in Cappadocia at a notable pious family. Once I saw Nina in a dream Most Holy VirginWho handed her cross from grape vine And sent with the apostolic ministry to Ieria (Georgia). Nina came to Georgia in 319 and put a lot of effort to enlighten this country - in five years in Georgia, Christianity was established.

January 30 - the day of memory, the famous devotee, the founder of the desert, referred to as the father of monastic. Anthony was born in Egypt in 251. After the death of the parents who inspired his love for God and piety, he began a mobility life. He had to fight with the hardest temptations and attacks of unclean forces, but with God's help He overcame the trick of the devil and went deep into the Fiival desert to serve the Lord in full solitude. 85 years old holy spent in the deserted solitude, his example followed many of those who wanted to hold life in a ascetic feet for the sake of the Lord.