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Strong names for boys per year of the dog. By the sign of the Virgin was born. Character of a boy born in the year of the yellow earthen dog

Each person born in a certain year receives some character traits from the patron of the year on the Eastern calendar. As is known, the symbol of 2018 will be a yellow earthen dog that will give all children born during this period some features that can be found in advance.

Astrologers assure that children born in 2018 per year of the dog,they will be successful, and native will give their devotion. Also, children will be endowed with such features of character, as a sense of justice, loyalty and nobility. Congenital intuition and insight will allow them to avoid serious problems and dishonest, dishonest people. As a rule, such children grow good economists who can feed themselves and family. Children are happy to help mom on the housework, and they do it if desired, and not in the hope of hearing praise.

Modest, unpretentious children do not require a special relationship: they do not need new toys and beautiful outfits, the main thing is love of loved ones.

Positive features of children born in 2018

Characteristics of children born in the year of the dog has much more positive traitsthan negative, consider them:

  • An integral line of children born in the year of the yellow earthen dog is responsible. Of these people, managers and director of companies grow, which strictly belong to the chosen case and require it from others. This feature will make them and good friends, because they can always rely on them.
  • They will also be able to become good specialists in the future and achieve significant success in scientific activity, as they have a lot of new things, which means there are a lot of learning.
  • The ability to quickly navigate the unfamiliar atmosphere and the gift of establishing relationships with different peoplecan make good businessmen from them. They can become owners of large corporations, whose incomes are calculated billions of dollars.
  • Dog born in the year, differ in a trepidative attitude towards parents. They are also good partners in family relationshipSince it is responsible to choose a partner, family building and raising children.
  • In addition, they are big optimists and find a way out of any position. They are difficult to knock down from the selected path.

As for negative features, you can control them with proper upbringing, it is quite simple, the child will always be sensitive and susceptible. But to suppress the negative qualities of character. Astrologers do not advise. Consider some disadvantages of the character of the dog:

  • Children born in the year dog distinguishability, sometimes excessive. The thing is that they are close to hearts perceive what they say. They will not pass by themselves, but only through themselves.
  • Alienation and coldness, mercantility.
  • Elevated concern, interference in other people's affairs and fussiness, emotional closure.
  • Excessive credulity and devotion leads to the fact that they are ready to easily cross out the lives of those who, in their opinion, are not worthy of them or betrayed their ideals. In their place, they quickly find new like-minded people.

Features of the characters of children on the signs of the zodiac in the year of the dog

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Children of this sign are often called "warriors." Honesty, conscientiousness and the acute sense of justice make him not only speak himself only the truth and nothing but her, but also to other Aries prohibits to lie and reassuring. As a child, such a child is all the strength and energy throws on the change in the world: any injustice that happened in his eyes will be eradicated, and evil - it is unexplored.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

2018 tents also distinguish increased loyalty and dedication. However, they have worse than other zodiac fellow with the turnout of things. Such children are quite simple to confuse, mislead or even just fool. Parents need to closely monitor the friendly surroundings of Chad, so that he was not drawn into dubious affairs.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

This zodiac sign is distinguished by freedom and. From early childhood, they strive forces on the street, to know the world and touch with nature and elements. Such children are hased overly strict control, so do not build their lives in tough rules and schedules. But you should also not give the child a complete will and push all his desires. Despite the kindness and others good qualities, With twins often happen to all sorts of absurdity and unpleasant situations - just because of providing unnecessary freedom.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Cancers born in the "dog" year are extremely wounded, impressionable and honest to extremes. These are good qualities, but in the modern world they make a child vulnerable. Noble and scrupulous kids are often joined by others and themselves turn out to be the victim. Unclean those surrounding, who know this property, can use excessive credulity and kindness of this child to their benefit.

Parents should carefully ensure that little cancer firmly learned suspicion lessons and caution.

Lion (July 23 - August 22)

The children lions are noisy and extremely love attention. Their element is a crowd. Only then feel fine when all the eyes and all speeches are addressed to them. This is a vital strategy and a method of existence of "lion". They won their visible and secret opponents just like this - dragging the "blanket" of universal interest on themselves. If a child-lion feels a lack of attention to his own person, be sure he will certainly declare it.

Virgo (August 23 - September 23)

Children of 2018, born in these months, smart and very kind. At the same time, the stars endowed them with caution and caution. Virgi will never be - to learn friends - to participate in doubtful affairs or go into adventures. However, a strongly developed, like all dogs, the thirst for justice can fucked these congenital instincts and push to rapid steps.

Scales (September 24 - October 23)

The main features of this sign are soft, intelligence, persuasion. These children have good diplomatic abilities: it is easy to resolve disputes, they know how to quickly negotiate with others. But there is a minus. Scales are a dual sign that transmits doubts and reflection to everyone who is born in these numbers. They doubt a long time in one or another choice, they often want to replay everything. From parents in this case, moral support will be required to form a sense of confidence in Chad and the correctness of their actions.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

The combination of dogs and scorpion is explosive. Here in different proportions are combined by anger on the injustice of the world, their own rebellion, as well as anger due to lies of the surrounding and universal flaws. Do not give such a child to boil in this internal thinking "chowder." The best that parents can do, their own kindness to show the inconsistency of the theory of world hostility.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

The Archers of 2018 are full of energy, active and extremely mobile. Any idea that came to the head of this child requires immediate incarnation in reality. And all its incredible resources will be sent to it. Parents of such guys should only be slightly directed by their activities in the right direction and encourage all kinds of positive activity. Another excellent quality of Sagittarov is confidence. The conceived project will certainly be implemented, despite any complexity. Restrictions only more of them will be raised, so parents will easier to help a little in the planned matter than to prohibit it.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Capricorn of such children is distinguished by an increased sense of responsibility sometimes even too. If the parents give the Capricorn task, he will definitely fulfill it, so that the dishes will always be a drop in the dishes, the flowers are political, and the forbidden sweets will remain intact and unharmed. The more adults trust them, expanding the responsibility zone, the more confidently and relaxed themselves the little Capricorn.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

Character of a boy born in the year of the yellow earthen dog

Tracting for communication, sociability, the ability to find a common language with everyone - these qualities will be distinctive features boys born during the reign of yellow Earth dog. They will not only have a desire to surround themselves with numerous friends, but also an incredible ability to unite all people, finding common goals for them. A guide star of each boy will be talent, as if a magnet, attract the surrounding magnet, causing sympathy from them from the very first minutes of communication. From early childhood, the boys will strive for the movement. This will lead to the fact that their development, both physical and psychological level, will be rapid. Hence the curiosity, which is one of the components of high intelligence.

Boys earlier than others learn to speak, stand, walk, read. From the boys born in 2018, a lot of outstanding athletes will grow. The huge power of the spirit and purposefulness, and the zeal will help them achieve brilliant results in sports. Some boys, on the contrary, will manifest interest in scientific activities. A developed mind and intuition will allow them to easily perform complex tasks.

Character of the girl born in the year of the yellow earthen dog

Cute, kind and responsive girls who have good memory and live imagination, are often fond of art, they write music, they paint or dance well. They are confident and quickly converge with other people. To be friends with such a person will always be nice. The fair sex representatives, which appeared in the year of the dog, are able to imagine themselves in the place of another person, are easily included in the position and help in trouble. However, they are very touchy and often infinite superfluous, which can put them in an unpleasant situation. They sincerely believe in their fears invented, often exaggerate the tragity of the situation. Such girls are offended quite a long time, but depart, and again turn into a pleasant interlocutor and faithful girlfriends.

Nicely surprise and non-leafy of girls. As a rule, such children learn to speak, sit, walk, read and write before the rest. The girls who were born in 2018 will not tolerate the bustle of themselves, they also do not accept insincerity from those who surround them. Therefore, since childhood, they will avoid communicating with people with a hot-tempered character. Even subconsciously girls will more reach those who differ peacefulness and friendliness.

Thus, families awaiting the birth of a child in 2018 will be pleasantly surprised by which wonderful qualities will give the newborn yellow earthen dog, becauseevery character trait that she can convey to a child is characterized mainly from a positive side.

The dog is patient, faithful, home, faithful, fair and hardy representative of the twelve cycle. Born in the year of the boy's dogs are distinct and great patience. The guys are valid and friendly, for friends are always ready to overcome great difficulties. Despite the love and devotion to the house, easy to rise and adore travels.

The boys who came to the world in 2018 will be hardworking, stubborn and devoted to their work. But, despite such qualities, the family will take a very important place in their lives, the boys will grow loving fathers and good, loyal husbands. Names for boys per year of dogs should reflect all the above character traits and as close as possible to the native, Slavic or biblical theme, which I reflects the essence of the hostess of the year. It will be remarkably suitable in this period simple, uncomplicated names.

In this article:

Call my son for the month of birth

Fashion on beautiful, rare and unusual names was always, so 2018 will not be an exception. The only moment about which the future parents should be known is that the baby should be called according to the rules of the mistress of the year, dogs, so to speak, butlive her board. The earth roots of the name will help save the balance in disagreements between the character and the fate of the child, because as the ship will call, so he swims.

Below is a table in which names for future men who have emerged in the year of the dog are distributed by month of birth.

January Osip, Arkhip, Timosh, Daniel, Ilyusha, Anton, Pasha, Poda, Feodor, Clement, Feodosius, Seraphim, Adam, Jacob, Elizar, Elisha.
February Valerian, Poda, Valentin, Akim, Arseny, Ippolit, Ephraim, Luke, Clientey, Nikifor, Ioan, Kolya, Feoktist, Stepan, Lavr, Vlas, Leonte, Philip, Yuri, Vitalik.
March Maxim, Zhora, Vitalik, Timofey, Yura, Klim, Zakhar, Jacob, David, Alexy, Feodor, Martyn, Dima, Irakli, Efim, Sidor, Kostya, Savva, Nikita, Pasha.
April Khariton, Mstislav, Savely, Rodion, Trofim, Vasily, Stepa, Thomas, Tikhon, Lev, Makar, Polycarp, Antosha, Kondrathy, Terente.
May Zakhar, Pimen, Stepa, Gabril, Nikifor. Grisha, Dionysis, Tolik, Vitalik, Leonty, Alexy, Gabril, Seryozha, Gleb, Kuzma, Kondrat, Peter, Kuzma. Nikifor, Roma, Ignat, David.
June Nikifor, Daniel, Modest, Climenti, Boria, Elisha, Savva, Kasyan, Nikita, Georgy, Kiryusha, Andrei, Pasha, Makar, Jacob, Artem.
July Mstislav, Carp, Pasha, Kostya, Seryozha, Stepan, Roma, Gabriel, Nazar, Leonid, Arseny, Denis, Fedot, Alexey, Timofey, Ivan.
August Dima, Savva, Miron, Philip, Grisha, Alexy, Veniamin, Arcasha, Clement, Grisha, Polycarp, Maxim, Naum, Antosha, Kuzma, Misha, Elizar, Christopher, Dima.
September Christopher, Luka, Fades, Arcasha, Misha, Dima, Makar, Seryozha, Alexander, Ivan, Gleb, Victor, Gennady, Zakhar, Antosha, Nikita, Fedot.
October Trofim, Kostya, David, Nikandr, Oleg, Kasyan, Dionysis, Sasha, Guri, Kondrat, Savva, Guri, Andryusha, Valentin, Vlad, Makar, Feodor.
November Taras, Sasha, Kostya, Philip, Ignat, Grisha, Osip, Rodion, Nikita, Kostya, Stepa, Artem, Gabriel,
December Glikery, Thomas, Nikolai, Gene, Semen, Arrest, Nikon, Innocent, Andrian, Yaroslav, Kirill, Pasha.

Future parents in large quantities are given a choice of names for boys born in the year of the dog. Parents suitable for the boy should have already needed, because many of them have already thought out not only the first steps of the child, but also a distant future. The name will help not only with the choice of profession, but also help reveal some features of the future character.

How to call a strong man, future family man

Any parent crave for the child to gain family happiness, harmoniously brought up his babies, was strong and brave. How to call a real man, defender your family, loving children, you will learn from this chapter.

Anton is a warrior who enters the battle. It is strong, brave, but at the same time calm, obedient little man. Anton will be excellent family man and a good father. He chooses his second half for a very long time, but choosing once, goes hand in hand to the end of life. Although often and causes the jealousy of the spouse with its natural charm and desire to like everything.

Arseny - courageous man. A flawless family man, who in the first place will be family and offspring. For children and household issues, he will deal with great pleasure. His second half will save from many small problems, however, the spouse always must fulfill the role of the muse.

Daniel - God's judge. Communicable, creative child who later can associate his profession with people. The boy will grow very faithful and loving husband, ready to devote any free time to his family.

Elisha - Salvation of life. The guy will have a rational mindset, adore literature, not only artistic, but also scientific, these men most often devote themselves to intellectual work.

As well as: Dmitry, Semen, David, Alexey, Artem, Efim, Gabriel.

How to call the future chief or businessman

A man must ensure not only himself in this life, but also his family. Does everyone born in a strong world in the year of the dog of this can carry it out? Maybe you should help the boy, starting with the choice of name?

Gennady is noble, notable. The boy will grow a serious person who easily copes with any matter. He loves to solve questions related to career and finance, the result of which, most often, more than positive.

Maxim - has unique abilities to ruffle and doing business. In life, such a person has any aspect to achieve maximum heightsWhat he is Yaro and seeks. Max will be an excellent leader in any field.

Konstantin is a smart, dedicated man, with a wide range of and large organizational abilities. Behind Konstantin always goes, stretch to him and trust the opinion. He often applies to all his subordinates, but at the same time perfectly leads.

Yaroslav is a nice force of his. Excellent intuition allows a person with this name to predict success or failure. It is endowed with a mass of talents that can apply in any business. Yaroslav has a big memory and great dedication. If Yaroslav does not actively do business, then the creative abilities do not give him peace in this life.

Bogdan - the boy is distinguished by enviable persistence and confidence. He will always find fan solutions, as for the purpose he puts the rise in the career ladder before its top. He is easily crazy, because the guy is pragmatic and careful in his steps. Several stubborn, which does not really like others.

Cyril is a selfish story in the character of the boy will allow him to be embarrassed forward in any business. It does not help the lagging behind, does not suffer from conscience remorse. Of these guys grow steep businessmen who devote themselves entirely to this case. It also will be the hard, disciplined boss, who, not paying attention to the problems of other people, goes to his goal.

As well as - Fedor, Climenti, Kondrat, Andrei.

Name for intellectual or creative person

They say that smart and talented children are already born, but there is no latter role in this, as, however, and upbringing.

Dmitry is an incredibly creative and capable boy, he stretches towards people and loves publicity. A person with this name will achieve success on the creative field, especially on the fact that is associated with oratory.

Nikita - winner. Very creative boy, shower company. Nikita has a rich fantasy, since childhood he is written, so it will easily fit into the creative world. The only problem can be what it does not make criticism, and after the screaming can take himself.

Philipp - owner of a clear, sober mind. Loves to get to the truth, know the new and interesting in this world.

Roman - intellectual from NEW. Adjusts books and mental activity. The novel does not make a single purchase, not a single step will do without having studied the task with different points vision. His decisions are weighed and thoughtful.

Semyon is a very versatile developed young man who loves to know the new, likes to read and analyze.

As well as - Yaroslav, Daniel, Fedot, Naum, David, Luka, Ignat, Georgy (Jora), Matvey, Nazar.

Boys names whose life will be related to sports

Many boys from childhood are fond of sports, because the guys know that men are always strong, deft and bold. Such qualities and develop training and sections. Especially sport is easily given born in the year of the dog, because it is strong and straightened.

Yuri - fast and smart small, which is difficult to thorough. From Yuri can be a great athlete. His energy is enough for a whole team. Wonderfully fit into the life of athletes and dedicates itself to his beloved business.

Sergey - The boy is endowed with a number of talents, can devote himself to anything, but in sports this person will achieve the greatest results. He is hardworking and hardy, can spend all day for training, and in the evening to walk with friends.

Artem - this movable and volitional boy has also excellent health, along with endurance. Any coach will look for such qualities in the future champion.

Laurel, Lawrence - an energetic, proud and very vain person who will easily achieve success in sports, thanks to these qualities. Recognition for it is the most important mechanism forcing to work.

And also - Daniel, Andrei, Cyril, Clement.

Beautiful I. different names For boys per year, dogs are offered for parents. The choice of this complex and responsible case is only for you. They can be fashionable, and stylish, and even unusual, the main thing is that the kid who came to the world in the year of the dog was healthy and happy in this world.

Of course, every child is unique and unique, and no horoscope will tell you about your croching better than it will make his relatives and relatives. Nevertheless, the location of the stars often affects our life. This horoscope is devoted to children to be born in 2016, in the year of the Red Fire Monkey.

He will help to figure out what to expect from your Chad, which will have a positive effect on its development, and what should be worried. After all, each sign of the zodiac is characterized by its character traits, abilities and talents. And it is important to know in advance what to pay special attention to.

For children born in 2016, a special approach is required!

Aries Born in the Year of Monkey

These kids have a very fast reaction. They are constantly in motion, jump from place to the seats and lightningly change the point of view. Small quickly are fond of and as quickly disappointed. They strive for leadership and love to lead, but occasionally can be closed and calm.

Capable on deep feelings and affection. Very love praise, feel free to act and be the center of attention. Stubborn and rarely refuse to go to the goal, try to achieve their own way. If it is beneficial to them - will be honest and frank, but they can become good and smash to achieve the desired one as a result. Conduct to prove their right and defend themselves.

Brief characteristic sign
Happy numbers 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63
Gems Diamond
Happy colors Orange, Pink, White, Blue, Dark Yellow
Planet patron Mars
Good months January, February, March, April, May, July, October
Unsuccessful months June, August, September, November, December
Most compatible signs Lion, Sagittarius, Taurus, Aquarius
The most incompatible signs Gemini, Scorpio, Cancer, Fish
Congenital skills Enterprise
Positive traits Independence, generosity, optimism, courage
Negative qualities Buddy, monotony
Scientific activities, politics, coaching
Energy sign Jan.
Problem organs Brain, CNS.


This is a "storm in a glass" - they involve parents and other children in their active games, are not afraid of bruises and cones. Inborn starters and leaders, Aries are able to endure pain and hear the swellers. There are no failures disappointed them, but only give excartes. Aries boys must learn not to experience their courage, but be reasonable.

Explain to a small Aries that the refusal of stupid purposes is not a manifestation of weakness. He must learn to control its irrepressible energy and enthusiasm. From such boys grow efficient leaders and pioneers in any business. Parents need to teach them to listen to others and reckon with someone's opinion.


These are far from obedient painks. Impulsive, persistent and bold, they resemble a peppy long stocking. Such a girl is very important that the parents do not "exhale" her energy, but they took and praised - otherwise she will be closed and will be hiding behind the mask of respectfulness and humility, being at home alone, and on the street - a completely different girl.

Baby Aries require adventure, travel and eternal kaleidoscope impressions from parents. For quiet and calm parents, such a girl - disaster. They run earlier than they go, all the time they break something, disassemble and taste. However, Aries-girls grow rapidly and become independent. They have a sense of responsibility and usually reach the goals.

Taurus born a year of monkey

Perfect devoid aggression, harmless and naive sincerely love and want to be loved. They are lazy and vulgar, but, nevertheless, have excellent brains and ingenuity. They may sit on the spot for hours, creating something or writing. They love educators and teachers - these are the most calm and reasonable kids, obedient and dirty.

Flexible mind, sociability and excellent sense of humor make them pets in any team. True, parents must prepare for amazing stubbornness and the contiguity of their little tales. Although ambition, purposefulness and consistency in the end allow them to make a good career, and the ability to find compromises in any situation will help achieve a high position in society and the family.

Brief characteristic sign
Happy numbers 6, 24, 33, 42, 51
Gems Agate
Happy colors Blue, White, Yellow
Planet patron Venus
Good months January, February, March, June, September
Unsuccessful months April, October, December
Most compatible signs Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Fish
The most incompatible signs Scorpio, Sagittarius, Lion, Taurus
Congenital skills Thoughtfulness
Positive traits Reliability, loyalty, generosity, patience
Negative qualities Secrecy, laziness, materialism
Preferred specialty Engineering, banking
Energy sign Yin
Problem organs Neck, Zhkt.


Smart and inquisitive, they from early childhood will disassemble all the mechanisms to learn their structure. Boy-Taurus does not like empty running, but can measure for a few hours in one pose, disassembled vacuum cleaner or mobile phone. Very fast, Tales learn to do something with their own hands.

This is about the Golden Hands about them, because at school age they will be able to fix everything - from the computer to the car. Usually all things are brought to the end. Slowly and sure they go to goal and do not turn anywhere. For boys, Taurles is very important to the authority of the Father, although the son has a big feeling with his mother - she will always be the main woman in his life.

For such children, tactile contact is important, so they should often hug and kiss, otherwise they will assume that they do not like them. Tales, born a year of monkeys, adore books and smart educational games. Prudent and judgments, they often become a family support and real family clan leaders.


Sensual, curious and very attainable - they are probably the most practical and "earthly" of all signs. They must touch all that surrounds them - tactful is very important for children born in 2016. But they do it gently and carefully, without breaking harmony. They sincerely rejoice in life and please their parents without delivering problems.

Have such a child unfall - you can pay time and yourself. The beauty of nature, sincerity of relationships and delicious food is most appreciated. Therefore, from the very beginning, follow the weight of your crumbs and do not let it overeat. Girls - Taurus - real girls, feminine and charming. They adore beautiful, but comfortable clothes - will never be caught what's shy.

The love of everything alive makes them drag into the house of pribrous animals and wounded birds. Girls-calfs do not like cruel fairy tales and cartoons. In all stories, they expect Heppi End. Telling to muscy, drawing and any other aesthetic occupations. From early childhood, they can write good poems and prose, so they should develop their creativity, but not forget about sports.

Gemini, born in the year of the monkey

Inventive, deft and intelligent kids, they often remove parents from themselves rapid acts. Their head is clogged with new ideas for the commission of small packets and knowledge of the world. But they are difficult for them to be angry for a long time - they know how to charming and possess many talents, and their ideas are often ingenious.

Gemini children born in the year of the monkey need constant control - it is important to trace them so that they do not go too far in their experiments. Sometimes doubting and unsure in themselves, and sometimes the opposite are self-confident and looking condescendingly on the others, the twins need advice, how to live in society.

Brief characteristic sign
Happy numbers 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50
Gems Pearl
Happy colors Black, Blue, Dark Brown, Dark Green
Planet patron Mercury
Good months January, March, April, June, August, November
Unsuccessful months February, May, July, September
Most compatible signs Scales, Aquarius, Gemini, Fish
The most incompatible signs Aries, Leo, Capricorn, Sagittarius
Congenital skills Intellect, diplomacy
Positive traits Creativity, energy, wit
Negative qualities Surface, spontaneity
Preferred specialty PR, work with people, journalism
Energy sign Jan.
Problem organs Blood, CNS, Shoulder joints

Gemini boys

Unsupported fantasy and the brilliant mind from early childhood is distinguished by twins from the total mass. These are pursules who can simultaneously cause rage and admiration. They are very fast, and especially rejoice when the whole house is trying to catch them and stop. However, the twins have the ability to sensate any changes in the mood of the parents, and they can suddenly stop and become obedient and calm. True, not long.

They are skillful imitators, early learned piles of poems and songs, thanks to which they can entertain the public at least all day. In a row are witty and original, and are often considered "clever" in the children's team. Constantly in finding new knowledge and try to achieve in all perfection.

Usually there are excellent literate specialists who are valued "by weight of gold", although they hate the role of subordinates. Twins or themselves guide, or work alone. They do not tolerate the routine and monotony, so parents follow them all the time to carry them, otherwise they can fall into depression and become bore.

Gemini girls

It's just small fairies! Girls born in 2016 are charming and cleaned. They constantly ask questions and tell their own fascinating stories, but they are well noticed what is happening around them. They are interested in the whole world and all the events taking place, so parents need to be ready to answer one hundred thousand "why" a day.

Like all double signs, the twins suffer from the change of mood - rush out of laughter in tears for them normally. Girls are very mobile and love an active time, but with the same success they will be passionate about the games that develop thinking. They are not cowardly and for receiving life experience Get wicked anywhere.

No need to constantly borrow and protect them - they will still convince themselves that the fire is hot, and the knife is sharp. Just parents should not let them out of sight and constantly create the ground for the knowledge of the new. And then from boredom, cute charming can turn into evil, harmful and twist creatures.

Cancer born a year of monkey

Children-cancer have high intelligence and ingenuity, and a rich fantasy and artistry makes them cute and attractive. They love to do everything at the same time - play the ball, watch cartoons, eat and tell their fantasies. Very dream of rapidly grow, and can be good nanny to your younger brothers and sisters.

Responsible and talented need constant confirmation of this, so parents are advised to celebrate all their achievements and emphasize how they are proud of them. Sensual and gentle children born in the year of the monkeys are sharply reacting to injustice and insult. Kids need hugs and kisses, even if they look harsh and impregnable.

Brief characteristic sign Cancer
Happy numbers 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61
Gems Rubin, Onyx
Happy colors Orange, pink, bright red, white
Planet patron Moon
Good months Mart, May, June, August
Unsuccessful months February, September, July, December
Most compatible signs Scorpio, Fish, Taurus, Virgo
The most incompatible signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini
Congenital skills Understanding
Positive traits Reliability, flexibility, responsibility
Negative qualities Egocentrism, sensitivity, meticulousness
Preferred specialty Real estate sphere
Energy sign Yin
Problem organs Stomach, Reproductive System


Cancer boys should not be brought up in rigor - their high sensuality should be welcomed by their parents, otherwise they will be closed in themselves and become sullen. Especially the boy is tied to his mother, so it should bring up from him a real man and the defender of the family. Cancers are very family children, they love and appreciate all relatives, adore homely delicious food and comfort.

They are happy to bring together their friends with whole crowds, generously treat and share toys. Perhaps the boy-cancer lacks pressure and aggressiveness, but he knows how to calm opponents and avoid conflicts. In the future, these are pets of teams; Even if they become chiefs - subordinates in them the souls do not break. Cracks - great faithful friends and good specialists. They are usually called "blond heads."

Girls cancer

Girls 2016 birthday - gentle, caring and attributed. Baby cancer sincerely love their relatives and friends. They are very important a calm and cozy homely atmosphere, from scandals and rudeness they can physically get sick. Intuitively feel any tension in the family and react very sensitively. Capable to be soul physicians - they protect everyone who needs it.

Very love nature and animals, even the windowsill can grow a luxurious garden. Parents should encourage and praise their daughters, developing confidence in them. From the accidental unfair comment, the girl-cancer is lost and fall into the despondency. Talented and smart, they are sometimes not solved in the prestigious university because of their uncertainty.

They are afraid to claim a high position, although they can fully fit. The tendency "to do from the fly of an elephant" often creates unnecessary problems to girls - that is why it is so important that their relatives calm them and dispel doubt.

Lions born in the year of the monkey

Gambling, bold, sometimes even eccentric children. They are ready to go to the risk for the sake of the effects and beauty of action. May be reputable and reliable, but love to paint and put dust into the eyes. Good and generous friends, but prefer to lead. Never chitryat - open and honest, they easily forgive the resentment and put together.

Born a year of monkeys, very energetic and cute, but often the boundaries of the permitted, do not know how to stop in time. It is recommended to keep lion in rigor, but do not press the authority - these children are smart and smart, they can not be logiously explained why this should not be done, and they will no longer do that. However, they will not less selflessly stittle otherwise.

Brief characteristic sign
Happy numbers 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 51, 71
Gems Peridot
Happy colors Yellow, Green, Dark Brown, Blue
Planet patron The sun
Good months April, August, September, December
Unsuccessful months February, March, October, November
Most compatible signs Aries, Sagittarius, Lion, Aquarius
The most incompatible signs Gemini, Cancer, Fish, Scorpio
Congenital skills Inspiration
Positive traits Kindness, responsibility, determination
Negative qualities Aggressiveness, probability
Preferred specialty Organizational activities
Energy sign Jan.
Problem organs Hearts, Rapture, Blood System

Boys lion

Lion boys especially need a male hand and rigor of education, but without violence. They need to be directed to the right path and hold from nonsense. They are energetic, hot-tempered, large inventors of different pumps, but moms cannot be angry with them - their pants cause only smiles. The parents of the parents are not expected to have a quiet life - kids constantly require attention and admiration.

They will do everything so that your gaze is chained to them day and night. They need Arena and viewers - and they provide themselves. The energy of Lviv is best to put it at the same time in sports and creativity - they are completely able to attend school and a couple of sections. Their unbridled thirst for adventures should be sent to the right direction, otherwise they themselves will find her use, and often unsafe.

Girls lions

Daughters-lioness usually make our whole family service personnelBut with such charm and love that adults do not even notice how they become loosely small thiranches. It requires attention and reverence, admiration and apparel. She does not order, but favorably allows you to care for me. But if you indulge with all its whims, it will soon turn into a capricious and spoiled creature.

The lionesses have a mass of talents, dignity and pride. Parents must try to reveal them - self-realization is very important for kids born in the year of the monkey. It will give the girl the opportunity to bloom, and then she herself will take care of others. It is very important for her to appreciate it. Lioness are generous and immensely kind to those in whose heart they occupy an honorable place.

Virgin Born in the Year of Monkey

These are resourceful and inventive children, smart and selfish, but good and generous to those who like to truly. Excellent memory, dynamic mind, sequence and methodology makes their favorite students and an example for imitation. They lack intuition, which they are more than replaced by logic and reflections.

Do not have deep feelings, but remain always faithful family and relatives. They boast good administrative talents, although most often they do not shine in sciences. Good taste and love of life in sufficiency helps always look great.

Brief characteristic sign
Happy numbers 5, 14, 23, 32
Gems Sapphire
Happy colors White, Yellow, Green
Planet patron Mercury
Good months April, July, November, December
Unsuccessful months February, March, May
Most compatible signs , Capricorn, Cancer, Fish
The most incompatible signs Scorpio, Aquarius, Lev, Aries
Congenital skills Permanent learning
Positive traits Logic, accuracy, reliability
Negative qualities Grumbling, custody
Preferred specialty Teaching
Energy sign Yin
Problem organs GET, diaphragm


These are thinkers who prefer good games and mental activity. They do not like to strain so much physically, which is almost never engaged in sports, do not swim and do not go hiking. Reflections and comfort for them is the most important way of any competition in speed and dexterity.

Intelligent, prudent and logical, such boys are rarely engaged in fights and no warlikeness. They are all neatly decomposed on the shelves, they are always ready for lessons and exams. Boys-Virgin are very observational and picky to others, but also demanding to themselves. In the future, they are good disciples, excellent workers and "right" fathers of families.

Virgo girls

From the earliest childhood, these babies know what they want, they understand more others and reason how adults. They know how to communicate with people of any age, listen carefully and analyze what is happening around. Methodology and accuracy makes them the best students. Not even possessing big talents, they perfectly set out their thoughts and know how to submit the material so that there is no doubt about their knowledge.

Virgin girls are very demanding to themselves - they strive for perfection, so parents must teach them not to be in panic because of the mistakes and explain that they are wrong - this is normal. Sometimes they themselves drive themselves into the "hard framework", so they need to be taught to stitch and not always be exemplary girls.

Scales born in the year of the monkey

They begin to act still in infancy. The constant movement and the desire to impress the surrounding is the whole essence of the kids-scales. Polite and attentive, they may be unreasonably risking, only to pay attention to them. If they want something, make every effort to achieve the goal.

Can catch and sick, can flatter and begged, acting under the motto "The goal justifies funds." Drinking by something or someone, ready to sacrifice everyone. But, having lost to someone (or something) interest, they leave without looking around. Parents should teach such kids to bring everything to the end.

Brief characteristic sign
Happy numbers 6, 15, 24, 33, 51, 60
Gems Opal, tourmaline
Happy colors Yellow (Lemon), Coffee, Purple
Planet patron Venus
Good months January, February, March, July, September, November, December
Unsuccessful months May, June, October
Most compatible signs Gemini, Aquarius, Virgo,
The most incompatible signs Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Congenital skills Artistry
Positive traits Diplomaticity, friendliness, tact
Negative qualities Surface, laziness, unreliability
Preferred specialty Creation
Energy sign Jan.
Problem organs Kidney, spin


Non-conflict, calm and stopy, boys-scales can adapt to any situation. They do not tolerate loneliness, so they will be in any company, even if she do not really like it. Such boys need to teach the word "no" because they are easy to push to the bad actions - to stay in the team, the scales agree to do everything about what they will be asked.

Charming, cute and disadvantage, scales become pets of moms, grandmothers and sisters. They are formed and enjoyed in communication, and they are glad to obey, getting love and love in return. Weighboy boys need solid male education - Dad must teach them to make a choice and not pay attention to the opinion of others.


Still in the stroller, the scales of the Kakenitals with the surrounding, smiles cute and does everything to cause a retaliatory love. Thirst for attention can teach her to please and be kindly with everyone in a row. It will come on with his interests in order to belong to some community. It is because parents must teach their daughter to be able to defend their point of view and not be afraid of loneliness.

Obedient and feminine girl scales do not cause troubles or parents nor teachers. She never shawit, he does not bother and does not make something that can be condemned. It is smart, read and intelligent, but if the environment is lower than it in terms of level, it will be pretending to be silly. From girls-scales, excellent hostesses, wives and mother are obtained, but often on the altar of the girl's family make all their talents and abilities.

Scorpions born in the year of the monkey

This is not a child - this is a cunning decent with mobility of mercury. Unpredictable and uncontrollable can overcome any obstacles and prohibitions. He never goes to compromises and deftly bypass all obstacles. Most of all in life, these children love to play, they are selfish and stubborn.

Parents need to be constantly pacified and teaching humility, but not by force, but beliefs and love. Scorpio always and all holds under control, so it is difficult for them to manage. Complex, but very interesting and uncommon baby Scorpio will not let you miss your parents until the end of life.

Brief characteristic sign
Happy numbers 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 72
Gems Topaz
Happy colors Orange, pink, white
Planet patron Mars
Good months January, February, April, September, October
Unsuccessful months March, August
Most compatible signs Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Fish
The most incompatible signs Lion, Gemini, Virgo
Congenital skills Passionarity
Positive traits Energy, attentiveness
Negative qualities Laziness, jealousy
Preferred specialty With orientation into science
Energy sign Yin
Problem organs Reproductive system

Boys scorpions

Boys born in 2016, diligently hide their emotions, so parents must first of all examine all the nuances of their behavior little Scorpio. They painfully perceive criticism, sensitive to tears, but externally behave rudely and sharply, hiding true vulnerability. The boy wants to always look a strong and invincible superhero.

Parents should explain to their kid that tears and emotions are not weakness, and Superheroes also fail. Love and dislike in relation to other Scorpios express immediately and does not embellish. Their straightness often leads to unpleasant consequences. These are very passionate ones, it is difficult for them to do what the soul is not lying.

That is why they often have problems in school - there are no twins of them to learn the subject that they dislike. Left to those whom they love to truly, scorpions will protect their relatives and friends from all adversity. They can be reached on them.

Girls scorpions

These are the most real women. They comprehend science to seduce and sick in the wheelchair. Smart, workable and talented, they always know exactly what they want, and achieve this. Girls are very friendly with moms, making them with their spiritual mentors. If the mother will be sensitive to all revelations and take the side of his daughter, then better friend She will not have.

They dearly feel attached to themselves and native, so in the presence of unpleasant people become suspicious and closed. Most of the whole girl scorpions need strong love and faith in their strength - this will help them achieve a lot in life.

Sagittariov born in the year of the monkey

Calm, volitional, with a huge organizational talent, Sagittari children can achieve very much if they do not exercise themselves to behave with others. They have a bright head and excellent intuition, which helps to learn well. And the ability to get along with teachers and all those who are higher in rank will help birth easily and quickly make a career.

Sagittarius absorb the information like a sponge, and always make the right conclusions, so it seems that they know much more than their peers. Possess great authority and very much in a challenged reputation. Honest who do not know how to sick and remove, loyal and generous archers are usually lucky in life.

Brief characteristic sign
Happy numbers 3, 12, 21, 30, 33, 42
Gems Turquoise
Happy colors Dark Red, Dark Blue, Dark Green
Planet patron Jupiter
Good months January, February, May, August, November, December
Unsuccessful months July, September, October
Most compatible signs Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Virgo, Sagittarius
The most incompatible signs Gemini, Cancer, Scales, Taurus
Congenital skills Sociality, Intellect
Positive traits Optimism, friendship, honesty
Negative qualities Related, anxiety
Preferred specialty Dynamic non-rooftic work
Energy sign Jan.
Problem organs Spin, knees


Boys resemble frisms and cheerful puppies - they love life and energetic games. Baby monkeys behave like Mowgli - feeling their unity with nature, they climb on trees, swim in all reservoirs, they are happy to go hiking and live in tents. The greatest happiness for a little Sagittarius is implaniated to sculpt the pies of dirt and put the boats in the pool.

Do not try to calm the baby, it is elegantly to dress it and put it at the table. It can not remain clean and tidy, and old shorts and ripped sandals are a favorite clothing, because it is comfortable and allows you to be a crumb. Sagittarius is very actively taken for new things, but they quickly cool and throw the started. Parents should teach Streltsov to bring the case to the end - only then the child will achieve good results.


These girls enjoy life in the family. They are very homely, although far away. The powerfulness of the Khizhet-Sagittarov can charge the whole family. They usually learn great and without problems. Possess fearlessness and know how to risk - there are no failures, because they believe that life is a cheerful and interesting thing. In addition, Sagittarius have an excellent sense of humor and love to laugh.

In the house and in the company they love them and consider lungs, pleasant people. But sometimes the Sagittarius girl begins to engage in "self-confidence" and dwells in a gloomy mood, from which everyone becomes bad. True, it quickly passes - an hour later she is full of enthusiasm and is ready to laugh. Usually, the Girl-Sagittarius is lucky in life, and it is achieved by the goals without any problems. Early becomes independent, but parents never forget.

Capricorn born in the year of the monkey

This is a stubborn, workable and purposeful child - someday in the future, when it will grow a little. In the meantime, this is a squad, a lover of disgrace and fun. Cancer and cuckle children have time and do all the times and have fun. Diligent and responsible, they can manage their surroundings. Never conflict and try to solve all disputes peacefully.

In the event of a fight, they will not be fleet, and you will be able to stand up for yourself and your comrades. Possess uncomplicable logic and make the right conclusions. Usually they grow early and are able to solve any ultra-fold. Despite the seemingly inaccessibility and restraint, desperately need love and recognition, so parents should more often emphasize how they are proud of their little Capricorn.

Brief characteristic sign
Happy numbers 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31
Gems Garnet
Happy colors White, Dark Brown, Green
Planet patron Saturn
Good months February, March, April, June, July, November
Unsuccessful months January, May, September, October
Most compatible signs Cancer, Fish, Gemini, Capricorn
The most incompatible signs Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scales
Congenital skills Goodworking
Positive traits Independence, patience, loyalty
Negative qualities Autocracy, jealousness, suspicion
Preferred specialty Working with people, consulting
Energy sign Yin
Problem organs Knees, bones, leather

Capricorn boys

Quiet and calmly go to the goal without making it noise. The company adults like more than the surroundings of peers, so the Capricorn boy will be happy to sit with his father's friends. It has many talents and independently develop them. Often, he decides what section to go and with whom to be friends. Very adult and reasonable Capricorn loves order and appreciates discipline.

He likes everything to plan in advance, and then not to retreat from the plan. With all this, the Capricor boys are quite timid, so the father must teach them boldly and openly declare the world about himself. Most of all appreciate the stability and peace in the family. Never climb with your opinion - waiting until they are asked. In any society behave fit.


Capricor girls appreciate the power of spirit, independence and composure. They will never call weak gently. They will not give up a man in rights, but will take an equal place next to him. Possessing hardness and endurance, they are able to lead the team already with kindergarten. Usually they become support in the family and at work. Capricorn girl will fulfill the most difficult and responsible work to become useful and gain recognition.

You can always count on it - these are not supplied. They are very demanding to themselves and others, they learn well and always serve as an example. But with all these qualities born in 2016, the kidnaps of Capricorn will need recognition and praise. It is important for them to know that their labor is appreciated, and they do everything right. Parents must convince their daughter that it loves it regardless of its achievements, assessments and good behavior.

Aquarius born in the year of the monkey

Unusually wise children-aquaries amaze everyone with their abilities - they are equally well dancing, playing many instruments, draw, write poems and prose, quickly and easily mastered foreign languages and technical sciences. Generous and kind to native and friends, they have a fine intuition and are very sociable.

Dynamic and extremely curious, satisfy their brain with many knowledge and hear very smart and erudite children. With such data, they are subject to any heights, but often they need parental love and care more than in the conquest of the vertices. Very seriously experiencing separation from those who love to truly, and may even get sick.

Brief characteristic sign
Happy numbers 5, 6, 8, 11, 19, 22
Gems Amethyst
Happy colors Blue, Salad, Yellow
Planet patron Saturn
Good months March, April, May, July, August, October, November
Unsuccessful months January, February, June, September
Most compatible signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius
The most incompatible signs Aries, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer
Congenital skills Creativity
Positive traits Honesty, intellectuality, wit
Negative qualities Stubbornness, worn
Preferred specialty Marketing
Energy sign Jan.
Problem organs Glazenostop.


Water boys will never listen to tips - they will find out and decide themselves. Inquisitive mind and solid logic allow them to correctly understand the events and actions of other people. Very love to experiment in order to learn more about life. Aquarius look at the world at a completely different angle, so they are often inventors and discoverers.

Boys are constantly in search of something interesting, and parents have no time to miss such sons. Strong will and perseverance distinguish these kids from peers. Having an overwhelming and thin soul, the boys scoop express their emotions, so the main task Parents are not hiding their love and tenderness, as well as teach this son.


Small aquaries are deeply individual personality from birth. They can flow to everyone, but not from harm, but only then to violate the rules. Persistent in achieving the goal and recalcitrant, they just go their own way. Natural charm and ability to communicate with people make them welcome in any team. They quickly get acquainted and have friends.

Calm and balanced aquaries are able to take care of others. Family for girls born in the year of the monkey plays a huge role, so related ties will always be for them in the first place. They have a subtle aesthetic taste and know how to create beauty and comfort around themselves. Very emotional and comrade, they appreciate their relatives and friends above all.

Fish born a year of monkey

These children have a very high intelligence and a whole list of abilities. There is practically no of the area in which small fish could not show themselves with best side. They highly appreciate family bonds and unite all relatives around them. Possess an amazing acting talent, excellent memory and a thin irony.

For fish it is very important to get along with everyone, so they are easy and simply allow any conflicts. Perhaps these children lack the depths of feelings, but they have an excess of charm and charm. Parents need to teach these children seriously refers to people and affairs, because it is easy to take up the most difficult thing and also easily throw it, as soon as something more interesting appears.

Brief characteristic sign
Happy numbers 3, 7, 12, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52
Gems Aquamarine
Happy colors Yellow, Green, White, Pink
Planet patron Jupiter
Good months January, February, March, April, June
Unsuccessful months May, July, September, October
Most compatible signs Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn
The most incompatible signs Aries, Lion, Sagittarius, Virgo
Congenital skills Vesseny
Positive traits Tolerance, Flexibility, Creativity, Devotion
Negative qualities Escapism, irrationality, laziness
Preferred specialty Medicine
Energy sign Yin
Problem organs Foot, fingers, liver


Soft and conscious, they never dictate their conditions and do not require their execution. They understand others and do not tolerate violence - neither physical or spiritual. Fishes are easier to reconcile with others, than to prove the truth by force. Parents must teach their sons to defend their needs and develop self-confidence.

Bright fantasy and endless imagination allow them to live in their own world. They may have imaginary friends and heroes, they boldly interfere with reality with fiction and committed sincerely confused where the truth, and where fiction. You can only learn what they are interested. They will never deal with routine affairs - they always have a lot of ideas, how to spend time more exciting.


Their main features are sensitivity, compassion and rich fantasy. They are talented in all kinds of art, so parents should develop this gift in them. In childhood, a fish girl changes his goals every day - yesterday she wanted to be a doctor today, a ballerina, and tomorrow you will be a strict tigers. Similarly, she chooses sections and mugs. No need to stop it and demand that she attended something one.

Your child was born in the year of the snake? This wonderful child is a wise, stubborn, persistent, cheerful, inquisitive, courageous, friendly and caring.

The snake is a symbol of wisdom, and this wisdom is combined with a deep calculation. If the snake decided something, you can be sure that all the moves are calculated, all the possibilities are considered and one is one, the only right solution in this situation. TO negative traits The sign can be attributed to an excessive closure and suspicion of the snake to others. A child-snake has already been able to make independent years since the Small years. right solutions, surprising, and sometimes putting his parents in a dead end. How, such a small, and he can be solved sometimes very difficult issues! Trust your child, give him the opportunity to make decisions, control and adjust it, as unnoticed, make it so that he trust you, and you wonder how smart and the right little man grows.

Snake kids converge with peers not immediatelyAnd, as a rule, have no more than one or two friends, but the most real! In school, the kite children helps their intelligence and perseverance. It can easily be accurate sciences that others often do not even die - mathematics and physics. As, however, all items where good logical thinking are needed without any difficulties. But sometimes such children choose humanitarian sciences. But parents do not need to force their children to study this or that subject, he must make a choice, let him do what he likes. Only in this case, the kite's child will be able to achieve the goal and become a successful person.

It is not indifferent to art, especially for music. But get ready for unexpected difficulties. It is not easy - to be the parents of a child born in the year of the snake.

Already a small snake viewed the traits of a wise, strong adult. These are "small old men", which already since childhood can give advice to adults. They love to help everyone, sympathize, empathize. Just like that, because of loneliness, your child never cries. It is sensitive to temperature, so the room should be warm, but not hot. Bathing he will love only when it becomes older and learn to swim.

A particularly difficult period comes when the child begins to crawl and walk. He all grabs, explores. He is attracted to all new. Remove all acute dangerous items, it can be born. Rear on the castle all household chemicals. Do not let him into the kitchen, it is too dangerous place For him, it can crawl everywhere.

A snake baby loves to climb the stairs, trees, overcome obstacles. Limit it in physical activity is harmful. To equip a sports corner for him, where the child could spend its energy, or drive him more often on the playground. When your child is growing, he will love sports, because it stimulates the atmosphere of the competition. At all, he likes to be the first. Offer Different classes: Build a house from cubes, collect a pyramid or car from the details of the designer. He can scatter everything if it does not work. Do not lose patience and insist the same task another time. You will have to make a lot of strength to teach the child to intelligent classes. If you do not do it in childhood, it can grow physically healthy and strong, but rough and stubborn. Teach it from childhood to books. Let these books tell about noble heroes, your child loves feats and adventures. Try to give it a good education, then his adult life will be much richer. In any case, ambitiousness does not occupy.

If your child is a boy, he can be hot-tempered, even aggressive. Never respond to his irritability, otherwise he can grow cruel and prone to violence. Do not encourage the love of weapons in the boys and to rude games.

How should you handle your child in order to achieve the desired without disturbing his internal equilibrium?

1. Do not rush it and do not pushe, do not worry. Strain your intelligence: find the arguments, convincing not only for you, but also for your child, appeal to his sense of justice, which is very developed. You need to handle it firmly, but gentle.

2. Never order him without explaining why you need to do so, and not otherwise. Despite Bravadu, he is afraid that he can sobly, because He has a huge need for love.

3. Try to trust your baby, let's advice, not the team. If the house is quiet, calmly, then you can provide your baby happy childhood. Snakes do not take noise.

4. Do not undermine the foundations of his safety, never even in a joke, do not tell him: "Get out of the house, since you are so bad." He also should not have two houses, because, from his point of view, two houses are not like a single one. He, like no other, must be sure that his house is his fortress. Your child needs a peaceful and friendly atmosphere.

But much depends on when your little snake was born: at night or day. Born at night, especially around midnight, will be delivered from any traps, and her life will be less violent compared to the snake, which was born after sunrise, especially at noon. Their life will be more saturated, passionate, sharp, but on the other hand they are more successful.

Combining the year of the snake with the signs of the zodiac

Please note that the general forecast is made only for typical zodiac representatives (this turns out on the basis of a personal horoscope, in this case, at least 3 planets must be in your zodiac map). In other cases it follows

Aries is a very fervent snake, which is able to talk about his feelings clearly and straight.Aries emphasizes the artistic abilities of your child and his unique sense of humor. Due to the fool's Aries, your kid may have the mood drops. This is a bright and attractive person, but it can be volatile and envious if he failed to be in the spotlight. If the snake can remain cold-blooded, control the gusts of the Aries, to make it adheral, then it will go far due to their innate intuition.

Taurus is a snake balanced, but only too susceptible, even scrupulous. The snake with this sign is more generosity, but also more than noow and stubbornness. Taurus will strengthen the "snake" tendency to introversion and add objectivity and determination. Both signs in this combination are prone to privacy and reflections, but your child will also feel responsible for others, and will try to become a support for the family. He is ambiguous, reliable and practical. He sets the strong relationship with others and knows exactly what he wants to achieve in life. And with such force and endurance, he will probably reach his goal.

Gemini is a snake of insane and risky events, although, mainly achieves success in life. A child with a combination of twin-snake is born in order to win; He is worthy of the most cunning rivals. The snake is added sharp, as a razor, the Mind of Gemini to the incomparable constancy and persuasiveness. Your ambitious and charming kid easily cope with many difficulties. It is distinguished by smartness and calcality. The snake never gives up and is not inferior. This is a winning combination, in which strategic thinking is combined with insight and creative approach. Gemini will teach the snake to understand it subtly and seek their own, not advancing anyone on his feet.

Cancer - This Snake is a fan of the fireplace and a small fire, preferring moon nights, and in the day of a sedentary lifestyle. Able to make friends and keep secrets. The elegant snake will be endowed not only to persistence, but also prudence, resourcefulness. Your charming baby has many friends, they are becoming more and more as he matures. When he needs, he will receive any information. This child will be in very close relationships with relatives and friends - perhaps even too close - because he is sent to his beloved people and even considers them something like its "property." On the one hand, such feelings are found very rarely; But for him it will be very difficult to break a similar connection. This child will take care of his parents and will always be attentive to their needs.

Lion - By nature, these children are noble and generous, self-confident and proud, hardworking, with a strong sense of self-esteem. "All or nothing" is their motto. Such a snake has more cheerfulness, and, accordingly, in her life more freedom and speed. Other snakes can be too attached to material values, but this snake has no such inclination. When your child is growing, it will probably be a success with the opposite sex, since the snake, and the lion attract a lot of attention. A child with such a combination of signs of energetic and sincere. The snake strives for stability, and the lion will give your baby flexibility, and in an unfavorable situation, he will change the solution without hesitation.

Virgo is a snake for which the realism and the practical side of life above all. He always sees his life goal and moves to her adamantly. Such children are the biggest realists and practices. The combination of the Deva-Snake gives strength and wisdom. Their judgment and analytical thinking, picklight, criticism appear already from early childhood. Virgin, as a rule, do not disappoint either their parents or educators or teachers. Punctuality and accuracy are manifested with early years. These children know that they want and what can achieve, but they are sometimes not like because of the acute tongue, due to the fact that they always know more than the predetermined and belong to the type of self-taught. Communication with these children should be light, relaxed.

Scales - this snake is most similar to home and tamed. But the Snake Weighs will be not only a pleasant interlocutor, as well as a very useful companion in all matters. Scales endow your cute baby with spiritual warmth, friendliness and ability to trust, so such a snake is capable of love more than other snakes. Such a snake can easily get friends, and people are usually drawn to it. This pretty snake is not as nervous as others; It prefers equilibrium and practicality. The loyalty of your child knows no boundaries, and he will make anything to protect and justify those who love. Snake with weights in the role of an internal "I" will not be a selfish individualist. In the nature of such a snake there is no jealousy and demanding; She knows how to get along with others. This property of the scales allows the snake to think less about himself and more about his team.

Scorpio is a snake too complicated and too dangerous, from which you can wait for anything, because Born to fight and achieve their goals, which is well worked out by dangerous professions. Children scorpions will develop in accordance with how they are brought up. Amented by conviction and ready to take arguments are always sincere, frank, but they have a capricious temper. Parents must learn to cope with them from early age, become their friends and accomplices in all matters, secrets and experiments. Scorpions are big mockers, love humor and satire, but at the same time impulsiveness and aggressiveness inclined them to disputes and quarrels, which greatly prevents in games with other children, and then in family life. Since childhood, there is an increased interest in the opposite sex. He patient and smart, has first-class intuition and durable and deep convictions. The surroundings are oriented according to your baby to understand what is important and what is not. This mysterious child with full right will be the ruler of the Dum.

Sagittarius - such a snake can very far go. For the most part, these children are noble and generous, curious, honest and fair, truth, too frank and straight, with a huge desire for freedom. Their main quality is optimism and faith in the future. In the Games with peers, there is a great need for power and strength, dismissed magnificence, try to conquer recognition and popularity. In the ideal case, such children must have young parents, because They require games and classes in 2-3 sports sections, interesting trips, travel, etc. Children-Sagittari - the people are capable and talented, good memory, everyone is grabbed on the fly. When communicating with such children, it should always be said only to the truth and teach their economy.

Capricorn is a sense of the snake. It is superbly avoiding all life traps and other troubles. From an early age he has seriousness, hard work and performance, perseverance and perseverance, excerpt, patience and endurance. And it helps him confidently go ahead and climb up the social steps. His motto: "Depending - to independence." Enjoy each opportunity to improve their position in life. Good friends, but in the emotional plan there is some grip, coldness and irritability. In this sign, the mind fully controls emotions. The main sources of danger to the Capricorn child are drops, bruises and stretching ligaments. Parents needed in childhood for Capricorn carefully monitor, as this is the most dangerous period in his life.

Aquarius is a smart snake, which will always find a balance between reflections and decisions, actions and actions. This type of child is one of the most funny in all zodiac. Aquarius intelligent sign, and child-aquaries usually have a living, moving mind. They are persistent and achieve success in what they conceived. Parents involuntarily have to get acquainted with the supermodic ideas of their children, be surprised by their latest morality, where not family bonds are considered an ideal model of the Union, but friendship and partnership. In the nature of the Aquarius there is no jealousy and demanding; She knows how to get along with others. This property allows the snake to think less about himself and more about his team. Literary abilities and ingenuity are two talent that is gifted to aquatic, and if they are appropriately developed, it will allow them to choose a specialty associated with research.

Fish is a snake sometimes funny, sometimes crazy, very impressionable, sophisticatedAnd often even quite dangerous, especially for yourself. The weakest and sensitive creatures from the whole zodiac, but here you can hope that the snake will give them some confidence and wisdom. Plaks, they can cry and without reason - just to shed tears. Their small hearts are overcrowded by a feeling of fear and fear of life, in front of the future. Because of this, they have already been looking for friends and partners with a stronger spirit and strong character, who can always protect them from various adversity and dangers of life.

Most often stared and disappointed in their child too ambitious fathers who dreamed of a hero shot, so the mother should be necessary to become a faithful girlfriend to her child, to open access to his heart to make it much easier to relieve him life Path. These children are endowed with huge creative talent and parents should contribute to its development, help choose the right direction. Also, parents are also very important to ensure that their children do not fall under the influence of a bad company, as they are equally well absorbed and bad and bad. As long as they do not learn to choose the right paths in life, their parents must follow.