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How to entertain children in the air: quiet games for children and adults on a picnic. Games and Competitions for Teenagers - Cheerful Collection

Games on any holiday are divided into several types. Quiet is usually held during the expectation of strongly delaying guests or by the end of the event. Dance contests, relay helps to discharge the situation directly during the holiday.


Creating a good mood, the development of a variety of qualities.

Good games

  • "To the touch"

Preparation. Need to put it in a bag of objects that differ in shape. Also need a sheet of paper and pencil for everyone who wants to participate.

The task. Participants need to shove the hand into the bag, feel all the items, and then draw up as a complete list of what is in the bag. The winner will be the one who has this list is the most complete and correct.

  • "Dealer"

Preparation.Each participant receives 10 coins.

The task.Players remove coins in his pocket, leaving some of them in a fist. After that, they are suitable for other participants and they are guessing how many coins are clamped in the fist of the opponent. If the player gave ways, then the enemy gives the coins to him. If he calls an incorrect number, it will have to give the opponent to the difference between the named and the actual number of hidden coins. For example, the enemy hid 3 coins, and the player called the number "5". In this case, he must give 2 coins. Wins the one who will collect more coins.

  • "Hands up!"

Preparation.Players are distributed to 2 teams, each of which is seated by one of the sides of the table.

The task.Captains sit down with the edge. One of them is a coin that needs to be transmitted unnoticed for opponents to the next players. Thus, the coin moves from hand to hand from one participant to another, while the captain of opponents does not cry "hands up!". Players of the first team raise up hands, clamped in fists. After that, the captain of opponents says "hands down!". Participants lowered their hands on the table, turning down the palm, trying to not ring the hidden coin at the same time. Any two participants of the opposite team guess the location of the coin. If they define correctly, the coin goes to them. If not - remains at the first team.

  • "Guess"

Preparation. Participants are issued a piece of plasticine or clay. A hat is put in the center: it is papers with the names of various animals.

The task.Participants take turns pull out a piece of paper, read that it is written on it, and then pested an animal from plasticine. After 2 minutes, they show what happened, and the remaining players guess what was written on a piece of paper. Who guess - gets a score. Participant who scored more points than the rest, wins.

  • "Birthday cake"

Preparation. You will need cardboard circles for the number of participants, a cube, a pencil.

The task. Players get circles - this is a pie. Then, they throw the cube in turn and draw candles on their cake: their number is equal to the number dropped on the cube. Wins the player who has more candles on the cake.

Preparation. Participants are distributed on the apple.

The task.Players without the help of a knife dry apple so that any figurine turned out. The remaining participants must guess what is shown on the apple.

  • "Slow motion"

Preparation. Those who wish to take a card on which any action is written: Chihanye, laughter, flirting, chase at the mosquito.

The task. Show move, as if in slow motion.

Dance contests

  • "Hold Feather"

For the game you will need feathers - one for a team of 3-5 people. The task of the participants is to keep the pen in the air while the melody sounds. It is impossible to touch his hands!

  • "Headball"

Football - the game of the feet, handball - hands, but the Headball is head! For the game you need balloons. Participants are divided into 2-3 groups. Their task is to throw the ball only head to the music, trying not to touch it with the other parts of the body. The one who cope with the task is declared the winner.

  • "Do like me"

From the number of players is chosen leading. It is he who will show the movements that will repeat all the others: to run in various ways, tumbling, wear socks and so on.

All participating are distributed over pairs, except for one, which will dance with the mop. While music sounds, everyone is dancing. As soon as music stops, players change partners. The one who danced with the mop also tries to "change" a partner. The remaining without a pair will be a "pair" sock for the next dance.

  • "Music has tied us"

Participants are in a circle. To the music, they quickly pass each other any item. The player who has this item will be in hand when the melody will stop, dropping away. Next, the game continues until the winner is revealed.

Merry relay

  • "Balloons". The task of players is to transfer tennis balls from one dish to another with two straws or wooden sticks.
  • "Baby feeding." Players in the team are divided into pairs, each of which receives a cup of milk and a teaspoon. The essence of the competition is one of the partners with the help of tea spoons as soon as possible rape milk to another participant.
  • "Baby". Children get children's bottles filled with water equally. The task of the participants is to drink content as quickly as possible.
  • "Orange". Participants transmit orange to each other by pushing it between the chin and the neck. If the orange falls to the floor, then it is also possible to raise it only with the help of a chin!
  • "Gloves". The first player on the lead signal puts on the second glove. Then the second participant removes gloves and puts them on the third. The last player, removing the gloves, puts them on the first participant.
  • "Buratino". Participants transmit the top of the matchbox to the last player and back. The main complexity is to do it only with the help of the nose, which is put on the boxes. Fallen boxes rises with hands.
  • "Fashion". At a certain distance from each team put a suitcase with a variety of clothing. At the signal of the leading players in turn run to the suitcase, rags pull the thing, put it on themselves, return and transmit the next one. The team will win, "putting on" more things.
  • "Apple boom." The task of the participants is to reach the opposite end of the room and back, without dropping the apple, which is installed on the head.
  • "Lemon Competitions". The task of participants is to hold a lemon with a pencil along the drawn line. At the same time, you need to try that the fruit does not go beyond the hell.
  • "One rope." Each team gets a rope motility. At the signal of the driving motility, it is transferred to the last participant, the end of the rope is in the captain. Then the rope is transmitted by the participant's back. The binding of the team continues until the rope is over. After that, the rope goes on the opposite trip.

This relay can be carried out in nature when it is warm. Since the relay is carried out in the fresh air, the competitions will be on nature. Team titles, motto and emblems can be associated with plants, birds and animals.

This is a family relay. All participants need to be divided into two teams so that parents and children in them will be equal.


Children guess, parents help in case of difficulty.

"He sleeps in the afternoon, at night flies and passersby scares." (Owl)

"Steel brothers on the stuff,
Looking for a stern on the way.
On the run, on the move whether
They do not get away with stilt. "(Herons)

"I grow out of the ground, we wear the whole world." (Linen)

"White peas on a green leg." (Lily of the valley)

"Spring is having fun, in the summer there is a cold, it feeds in the fall, winter warms." (Forest)

"Afraid of the beast of my branches,
Nes will not build a bird in them.
In the branches of the beauty and the power of my.
Tell me fast, who am I? "(Deer)

"In a dense forest under the Christmas trees,
Lies a tangle with needles,
spiny and alive. "(hedgehog)

"Doubles hid in the golden tangle." (Acorn)

"Stand in the meadows sisters - golden eyes, white cilia." (Chamomile)

For each riddle, the team gets a point.

Getting ready for hike

The team is issued a backpack (it can be replaced with any bag), a set of dishes (cup, mug, spoon, flask) and matches. If the team has a lot of people, then you can take two sets of dishes.

The team is built in a row, before the first participant lies a backpack. In 15-20 steps from both teams are the dishes. Each player must reach the dishes, take one subject, return, put it in a backpack and touch the hand to the next player - to "pass" the relay. Then the next participant runs.

Commands are given three points for the speed and for accurate laying a backpack.


There are two circles on Earth, in turn, team players (starting from the first pair) get up. Before them - signs with lights of light (north, south, east, west).

The lead calls the side of the world, both participants must simultaneously turn to the corresponding plate. As soon as one of the pair is mistaken, the point is given by the second participant team, and the following players are called into the circle.

Swamp bumps

The teams are issued for two newspapers ("bumps"), the participants are once again competing in pairs.

At the start, players get over one newspaper, hold the second in their hands. The Earth serves as a "swamp". You need to run on the "bumps" without hitting the "swamp". At the command, players lay a newspaper in front of them, go to her, take the one on which they stood, put them in front of themselves, go, etc. The point receives a team, the player of which reached the finish soon, while not coming to Earth (without hitting the "swamp"). If the player stepped past the "bumps", the point automatically receives the opponent team.


Riddles (children guess, adults help in case of difficulty).

"What kind of beast sleeps all winter down your head?" (Bat)

"What mother chicks do not know her?" (Cuckoo)

"Hoodie or fat to go to the bear in Berlogue?" (Fat, because fat warms his all hibernation)

"What animals we can say that they climb" out of the skin "? (About snakes)

"Where is the crayfish winter?" (In minks at the shore)

"Does the tree grow in winter?" (Not)

"Where does the sunflower look?" (In the sun)

"Why can not touch eggs in the nest of birds?" (Because then the bird will throw the nest)

"What leaves of what trees are blushing?" (Ryabins, Aspen, Maplen)

"What birds have a" nursery "? (Penguins are pressed against each other and warmed up. In such a nursery there are up to a thousand penguins.)

For each riddled riddle - a team point.

Competition of cooks

Dial water from a cup into a spoon, to convey it until the next cup, not spill, then return and "pass" the relay to the next participant. Taking before running, should come up with and name one animal or bird on a given letter, for example:

M (bear, raspberry, mouse, walrus, etc.) - first team.

K (Mole, cuckoo cuckit, goat, etc.) - the second team.

Relay race

On one leg to slip up to the finish and return back. The receiving relay must come up with one plant on a certain letter:

K (maple, nettle, bell, kickl, heel, clover, etc.)

L (lily of the valley, linden, bow, larch, chanterelle, lily, etc.)

The winning team receives five points, loser - three points.

Cheerful tree

Two trees with approximately equal to the thickness of the trunks tie the ropes of the same length. Participants are caused by pairs, one of each team. On the team, both participants begin to run around the trees and wind up the ropes. The point receives the team, the participant of which the first "wounded".

Running in bags

Relay on speed (can be replaced with jumps to the finish with knitted legs).

Participants jump to the finish line, return back, transfer the bag to the next player, etc. The winner team receives three points, the loser is one point.

Kegley Father

As kegles, plastic bottles can be used, which in which some water is poured for stability.

Before each team - 3-5 bottles. You can knock down with a stick or bottles, throw it once. Each team gets so many points as the bottles shot down.

Finishing Competition

Children guess, parents help in case of difficulty. Guess what tree a sheet is taken. (Prepare a sheet in advance). Guess the plant as described:

  • "The top side of the leaves of this plant is cold, like a stepmother in a fairy tale, and the bottom is warm as a native mother." (Mother and stepmother)
  • "Today Goldisto-Yellow Polyanka from these colors, and tomorrow is white-fluffy." (Dandelion)
  • "His mnut, beat, soak, cut. What is it?" (Linen)
  • "Garlands of white bells hang between wide leaves. And in the summer in their place - a red poisonous berry" (Lily of Lily)

For each correct answer, the team gets one point.

So, we finished our journey, it remains to summarize and get prizes.

All were brave and persistent, but these are the main qualities for any athlete! And what is Lena-Mother? Filed, dirty, I was supposed! So maybe still look into the gym? Tomorrow, after work?

Comment on the article "The relay in nature"

A number of children's plastic vegetables have pre-stuck a number, guests pulled them out and received souvenirs - children's toys in a family relay: how to organize funny moving games in nature. Ideas for contests, examples of motto and making emblems.

Pooh to competition of readers. Leisure, hobby. Child from 10 to 13. Education of a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, additional classes, leisure and hobby.

New Year competitions for fifth graders. Leisure, hobby. Child from 10 to 13. Section: Olympics, contests (competitions for children 65 rubles). When they studied at the Moscow school, they did not know about these contests, but moved to the Moscow region and teacher (child ...


1. "Happy New Year!"
The guys get up in a circle, driven with tied eyes, in the middle. All the hands stretch to the water, he shakes his hand (one) and says: "Happy New Year!". The owner of the hand answers: "And you also!". You can change the voice. If the lead is guessing in a voice who answered him, he becomes leading.
2. Requires a home billet.
On a sheet of thick paper (for the drawing) of the A3 format, the hole is cut out the size of the child's face. A recognizable subject is drawn around the hole (snowflake, butterfly, sailor, doctor aibolit, fungus, etc.). Driving sits on a chair, looks out in a hole, as in the window. Everyone see who he, besides himself. With the help of questions, this is a living (non-living, beast, can fly, etc.)? Must guess who he is.
We have this contest on the "URU" for the third year. Pictures make schematic, but easily recognizable.
3. Twins
Two children take each other for the belt. They remain free from one hand. And they must do something that requires both hands: close the bottle with a lid, cut a piece of paper sheet

yesterday my 5 grades had NG Ogonok.
From the competitions were:
1. Drawing on a board with knit symbol of the year (2 people participate at the same time, the winner of the couple is determined by the class)
2. Children stand in a circle and mandarin from hand to the music. Music stops. The one who has Mandarin's hands, sings, dances or tells verse.
3. A paired contest: participants are issued for 2 sheets. You need to get from one end of the class to another, not advancing the floor. Put one sheet - puts his leg on it, then another leaf, the second leg on it, etc.
4. "Prince": Parts of the body (thigh, brush, head, waist, elbow, etc. can be repeated written on small leaves.
Children in turn pull out paper and must adhere to the previous participant written. It turns out a funny caterpillar)

How to celebrate the fun birthday child in nature? We offer a cheerful program from our animators! It can be both a game program from your favorite fabulous heroes and sports competitions using additional details ...

Education of a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and trying to find a daughter (grade 4, almost 11 years old) poem about winter at the Titsov contest. Part of the teacher shared, as very nursing or short.

Contests for birthday. Toys and games. Child from 7 to 10. Tell me some contests to entertain children on the birthday of the son. Son is running 10, there will be no more than 5 people of boys near the same age, birthday is celebrating at the cottage.


my favorite is "Mummy", all over couples, each pair - on the roll of toilet paper, 2 stages - 1) Actually Mummy - wrapped the partner's paper - who is faster. When everyone finishes - the next stage of the 2nd "Mummy is released" - a ripe mummy breaks down the paper, who is faster and immediately the 3rd stage - which steam larger the paper scraps. For this, plastic bowls were issued for each pair. The 3rd stage is exclusively for purity so that the garbage is not lying. Always causes a wild delight first scattering paper, and then its gathering picking up. But this year I had to weigh the collected paper - the children demanded accuracy! :). We also play alias and "crocodile", a simplified version - I gave the tasks to one person, it would be depicted with gestures and faith (helicopter, dog, etc.), and the rest guess.


Children's playground - place of play for children, not a lounge for adults. Don't even hope to read, eat a month before the birthday of my son I thought that if you treat the preparation for the celebration more seriously, then maybe something ...

No worse than Kangaroo

It is necessary to run, and rather - to run a certain distance by closing between the knees of the tennis ball or match boxes. If the ball or boxes fall to the ground, the runner raises it, pins again with his knees and continues running. Wins the best time.


Color chalk on the asphalt is drawn a few intersecting, intertwining "paths" of different colors. Players, choosing your "path", try to reach as soon as possible, get to the end of the way. Who will be the first to have a winner.

Baba Yaga

Restafe game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, as a mop. The participant gets up one foot in the bucket, the other remains on Earth. One hand he holds a bucket for the handle, and in the other hand - a mop. In this position, you need to go through the entire distance and transfer the stue and the next one.


Participants of the game will have to portray fraudsters from the fairy tale "Golden Key". Two pairs are called. One in each pair - Fox Alice, the other - Basilio Cat. The one who falsides in his knee one leg and holding her hand, along with a cat, who believes her eyes, embracing, overcome the predetermined distance. The pair of "dowing" the first gets a "golden key" - a prize.

We are all friendly guys

The participants of the game are offered as long as possible to jump with a rolling pin, crashed into a couple, three, foursome players.

Lunar ball

A wonderful game for one team, which develops coordination, quick response and sociability.
For the game, use a well-inflated beach ball. The task of the team is to hold the ball in the air as long as possible (Of course, hitting it), do not give him to fall on the ground. The team will defeat the ball in the air longer.


The game involves two teams. Alone is built along the lot at the start line, and the second is a few meters from the back. At a distance of 20 m during the start line, the second line is stuck, on which the flags are installed with an interval of 1.5-2 m. 2 m from each flag put on a small ball. At the signal of the leading players of both teams run forward. The players of the first team are enveloped by flags and rush to the finish line, players of the second team, bypassing the flags of the balls lying behind them and try to get them in running away. For each hit get the point. After that, the teams change roles.


Two teams compete in running with jumps through a partner standing, tilting forward his head and leaning hands on the hips. Stand standing at the back of the number. As soon as the rear in the column jumped through the latter, it runs forward and also jumps, etc. Distance is arbitrary.


Playing are divided into two teams and are built into the columns two, holding hands, one column parallel to the other. At the signal of the leading children standing in the last columns, running forward under raised hands of playing and stand ahead of their column, raising her hands up. The latter is a signal for the rear, and they perform the same as the previous steam. Wins the team, whose players will be the first to finish the jog.

Hares and fruit

Two teams are located on the front lines of the site face to each other. Players squat and take hands for the ankle. On the signal, all at the same time begin to move forward, one team towards the other, like hares jumping out of the squats. Hands can not tear off the ankle. Back players move in the stop position lying, turning through with their hands (like las). The captain of the team, when the last player crossed the site line, announces loudly: "All at home!" The team wins, all players whose faster profits to the finish.

"From the bump on the hammer."

Played are divided into several teams and are built into the columns one by one near the starting line. Before each column from the starting line to the finish line (10-15m) drawn 10-12 circles (bumps) with a diameter of 25-30 cm. At the command of the leading players standing first, begin to jump from the bump on the hammer, and reaching the finish line, return back . Holding the first and his team is given point. The game is held several times, and in conclusion it is counted, who personally scored a greater number of points and which team in the number of winnings was the first.

To its flags

Purpose: The development of honesty, attention, as I remembered the color of your subject.
Share children for teams. All teams give the subject of different colors. At the signal, everyone dances to the music. Music ends - everyone stops and closed eyes. Captains are suitable for the educator, and he whispers, how to get up. Music turns on, everyone opens eyes and is looking for a captain with the subject of their color. Options: If the captain raises the object up with one hand, the team is built into the column, if in the direction - in the rank, if both hands are up in a circle.

Running on bumps

At a distance of 1 m from each other, the circles are drawn in a straight line to the finish. Jumping out of a mug into a circle, participants are successful to the end line and the crossed paths are returned back. Run to the team members relate to the next player with hand and get up to the end of the column. Winning team, previously completed the relay.

Do not cry (With hoops)

On the start line in front of each team lies the hoop. At the signal, all participants are in the hoop, and lifting it up on youth of the belt, in this position they are running (or go) to the checkbox (10-15 m), envelm it and return it back.
The team wins, which will return to the start line first, retaining the hoop position at the height of the belt.

Cargo carrying

On the start line, the captain puts the bag with sand on his head. Moving a quick step, he must not touch the bag, cross the finish line, remove the bag from the head and be-hardened to the team. Touching with the hand of the next player, it transmits the relay, and himself goes to the end of the column.


Before each team, 2 wrap is 3 m from each other. At the signal of the leading captains run to the first hoop, take it with their hands, they do it, and leave it in place. This is the same they do with the second hoop. Then run back. Touching the hand of the next player, they transmit the relay, and they themselves go to the end of the column.
The victory is awarded a team that is faster and without errors will complete the task.

Landing vegetables

A player standing ahead, that is, the captain holds a bag with 6 potatoes and onions in his hands. On the finishing strip on-black 12 circles for each team. By the signal of the lead, the captains of the teams run to circles and "plant" potatoes and onions on one vegetable in every circle. Then the first participants return to their teams and transmit bags to the following players. Players, taking bags, run to collect potatoes and onions, etc.
Rules: Players do not go beyond the start line without a bag. If the vegetables fell, they should be raised and only after that you can run.

Running with inflatable balls

Compare teams are obtained on a tablespoon. An inflated ball is put on a spoon. Participants must convey the balls to the wall and return back. Come on the start, they transmit the next player to the relay.
If the ball fell from a spoon it should be raised and continue the baton. You can not hold the ball with hand. Penalty glasses are charged for it.


Each participant of the relay must go along the line drawn on the floor. You can not bear it on the floor. For equilibrium, you can use your hands. The first player passing the stage transmits the next player to the relay.

Running in bags (one by one)

The first participants in the teams wear bags on their feet and run 3 - 5 m. Requer to the chair, take off the bag, put it on the chair and return to their teams. Having ran up for the next players, they touch their hand and they run to the chair, put on bags and return it ... The relay continues until the last player finishes the competition.

Get into goal

Each team members throws the ball into a basketball basket from a distance of 3 m. For each hit 1 point is accrued. In this competition, the team will defeat the larger points.

Stay with a ball

Three participants from each team tie an inflatable ball to the right leg. They must hold out with Shari-Kom and try to burst the ball of their opponent. Wins a team whose player stayed with a ball on his leg.

Game with an apple

Each member of the same command master gives one apple. Participants put them under the chin. Members of another team gives the task to bite the apple rivals. Players of the first team try to keep their apple.

The relay "Pass the wand"

The first participant takes from the leading relay stick and runs to the wall. Returning back, he transmits it to the second player.

The relay "jumps on one leg"

Acquain on one leg to the wall and run back back.

Relay with skump

Board on the rope to the wall and run back back.

Relay with the ball

1 option. Bring the ball to the wall, overcoming obstacles from the racks.


With the ball - bring the ball to the wall and try to throw in the basket. Who will fall, he brings his team an extra point.

Relay: with a tennis ball.

A tennis ball is lying on a spoon. It should be conveyed to the wall and return back.

Relay: with hoop

1 option. The first player rolls the hoop to the wall. Reverse - running. The hoop does not apply to the floor. Sends the hoop to the next player.

OPTION 2. The first player climbs into the hoop and runs to the opposite wall and back. Then captures the collapse of the second player and they run to the wall together and return back to the third player, etc.

Outfier "Kangaroo"

Participants of the relay put the ball between the legs and jump with it to the wall. Returns come back and transmit the ball to the next player.

After a daily bustle and long stay in a stuffy and noisy megalopolis, it is so nice to get out of nature with friends or family. During fees, cooking snacks and, thinking of the menu and a cheerful road - all this gives a feeling of the approach of the holiday.

And finally, the bonfire is burned down, an improvised table is unfolded in the meadow and the breathtaking aroma of meat roasted on coals is unfolded.

But often tasted snacks and treats, the company begins to be sad. And boredom is the first enemy of positive emotions and a good rest. Therefore, we turn on the fantasy and invent entertainment for a picnic. And this will help calm and moving games, adapted to the conditions of carrying out in the fresh air.

This game is perfect for holding on the street. You will need bottles of different heights.

You can take both plastic and tin tanks.

The picnic takes with you various drinks in bottles. Here are them and use for entertainment outdoors.

It will have to take rings that will be attacked on improvised bow.

If there are small children in the family, there will be no problems with such a props. But you can make rings yourself from wood or rigid wire.

If the idea to organize the game came already on a picnic, then such rings can be easily made from ordinary IV ruts.

Arrange all the bottles on the clearing or place them in one box. Let them be different height, it will even be more interesting to compete.

Determine how many steps will throw the rings, and even better make a limiting feature. Throw rings in turn and do not forget to count the glasses.

You can complicate the task, putting a bottle at different heights and assigning a different number of points.

Air Entertainment: Park Bowling

If the picnic takes place in the park and there are asphalt tracks nearby, you can organize the most real bowling. To do this, we take plastic bottles of the same volume and half fill with water.

It will be kegli, which are set in one end of the track.

Cut down the improvised kegli will be a conventional football ball, which always exists in a funny company.

Of course, lift the kegli will have to be independently, but it will give a special color of the game.

And you can simply have a duty officer near the kegle, which will play the role of the "lift".

Children's quiet games: Twister on the grass

Favorite outdoor fun Twister is easily reproduced in the fresh air. If it seems that you have to tinker with preparation, then think about the fact that there will be a good entertainment.

And in such a game, children are glad to play even without adults. But parents do not refuse to take part in it.

So, in order to make a field for a twister on the grass, you will need aerosol paints in the canopy, as well as a cardboard sheet with a circular diameter of 20-25 cm cut in it.

Directly on the grass we apply paint drawings in the form of multicolored circles.

Recall that in the classic version there are four rows of 6 circles. Used red, yellow, blue and green colors, that is, each row is drawn in one color.

But it is possible to complicate or diversify the task for playing by drawing a whole field of multi-colored circles. Moreover, let the colors are not in the same row, but in the scatter.

For the presenter, you will need a roulette, which determines the actions of playing. There are houses shopping version of the twister, take a roulette with you.

But its manufacturer does not represent much difficulty.

On a square white sheet, draw a circle that divided into four sectors. Each sector corresponds to the foot or hand of the participant.

Now we divide each sector for another four parts, and apart by a certain color or just subscribe.

It remains in the center to secure the arrow, which can be cut from cardboard or to build out of the wire.

All props is ready - you can proceed to the game. According to the team of the lead, which turns the arrow of the improvised dial, the participants rearrange their legs and hands on the circle of the desired color.

Having cells on which the opponent stands is prohibited. He who could not keep balance comes out of the game.

As a result, the most intricate postures are obtained and, of course, the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive.

Quiet Games for Children: Snacking Snacks on the Grass

Everyone familiar from childhood game is becoming completely new outlines in the fresh air. No, we will not discharge the leaves and draw the usual figures. Create a real "stone theater".

It is necessary to find 9 medium-sized stones, they will perform the role of cells. We declare them on the grass in standard three rows. But instead of the "cross" and "Nolikov" you can use any natural material.

It can be bumps, acorns, sticks, and even flower buds.

In extreme cases, take the stones of smaller size, but you have to come up with the distinctive images on them.

The preparatory stage is completed. Call friends and children to play an old game that helps develop memory and thinking.

Quiet games for children 5 years

When kids fought, you can offer them to play funny calm games.

Preparation for such competitions so carries the baby that they forget about the pampiness and are completely given to the process.

We build a monster

Invite the kids to build a real monster. Definitely, for such construction will need a sub-manual material.

But in the field and the monster, let it be unusual. Therefore, any sticks, twigs, newspapers, buckets, toys, stones, flowers can be used as building materials.

You can build one large monster or individual monsters.

So that the little girl was not so bored, turn on the perky music. By the way, it is using music that can limit the construction time.

And at the end of the competition, let each convener present his work, giving a name to his monster, and telling what unusual abilities it possesses.

Where, as not on a picnic, you can jook insert. Therefore, the idea to organize a noise orchestra will have to taste. Moreover, the orchestra will not be simple, but from the primary materials.

You can, of course, take musical toys such as drum, tambourine, whistle, musical hammer.

But it will be much more interesting if creative ideas go to move.

Pots with covers, glass bottles filled with different volumes of water, whistles from blades, sticks and branches - everything can sound.

It remains to choose a conductor, put on the orchestrants for the likelihood of butterfly and you can include your favorite song that children should play on their tools.

Designer from watermelon

On a picnic as a treat was watermelon? Collect all the crusts. They can be used to hold an interesting competition.

We give the children watermelon crusts - it will be details of the constructor. We use conventional toothpicks as connecting elements.

Each kid gets a task that it should build.

It can be any animal, machine or messenger. It is not forbidden to use in the creation of composition and infringement materials.

When all crafts are ready, be sure to organize the exhibition. And inventive builders hand out sweet prizes.

Quiet Games for girls and boys of school age

To captivate schoolchildren to the construction of monsters or sowing songs is problematic.

They like the noisy contests in the air. But here there is a way out. Entertaining schoolchildren easily with the help of various quests. It is so interesting to seek treasures or solve confusing riddles.

You can organize a common game or command competition if there will be many children in the company.

Parents will have to thoroughly prepare for such entertainment, but it is worth it. Finding the treasies like both the boys and girls. Even adults and adolescents are joined for children.

Drawing the road to the covenant put on the map - the usual sheet A3.

In each item marked in the graphic image, the participants should wait for a small surprise - they must fulfill a certain task, there will also be directions to the further direction of movement.

Tips must force children to fulfill the next task. For example, to find on the glade Voon and from it to make 15 steps to the southeast.

What is boulder? And where is this southeast? Here you may need adult tips and props.

If you specify the parties of the world, then provide children and compass.

Pick the complexity of the task depending on the age and interests of children. And at the end of the way they are waiting for treasure. It can be buried or hide under a bush in a box.

For a picnic, a prize will be appropriate in the form of hiking souvenirs or sweets designed to all guests.

Game will like everyone without exception. After all, children are waiting for rewards. But in order to get a believed prize, you will have to become a real tracker for a while.

You need to look for no gifts themselves, but a number of prizes will occur. The numbers of the played prizes can be written on boxes from the kinder surprises, balls, chestnuts.

The main thing is to hide them in different places: under the bushes, in the grass, in the voupel.

Make billets with a margin for prizes to have enough children.

Consider that someone can find five numbers, and someone none. To do this, prepare comforting prizes.

Children at the beginning of the competition receive pre-prepared lists in which it is indicated that they should find. Such lists need to be prepared in advance.

And they can indicate anything:

on the letter M;

You can complicate the task, instead of concrete items, write riddles or draw rebuses. Children will need to first unravel what you need to find, but only after going to search.

Moreover, the search place of suitable items is not limited.

Spend a little time to prepare cheerful entertainment, and your guests will be incredibly grateful.

After all, the picnic is not only a kebab and snacks, but, above all, communication and fun.

Video: Merry Games in Nature

No cheerful children's holiday will be able to do without games. Children love competitions and will gladly take part in contests. The main thing is to choose them in accordance with the age of guests.

Playing in a bow of plastic bottles with children

What kind of child does not like bowling? Some seamless - and this game in two accounts is organized anywhere.

The number of children - from one.

What will required?

  • Plastic bottles (better fill them with water) or real kegli.
  • Ball.
  • Ribbon, rope and other remedies that can be applied to designate the feature.

How to prepare?

We put the bow in a row. We count on them a certain number of steps and lay the feature.

How to play?

The child must be behind the line and throw the ball on the kegs so as to bring the maximum number of them.

Pluses of the game:

It allows children to show dexterity and move.

We catch a tail of each other's ribbons

In just a couple of minutes, funny disgrace is arranged!

The number of children - from two.

What will required?

  • Ribbons of approximately 1 m or long belt for each player.
  • Funny music.

How to prepare?

A tape is tied to each player to the belt so that the node is behind and hung the tail.

How to play?

Children to the music are caught a girlfriend over the tail, but they do not give their tail.

Pluses of the game:

Super fun, moving.

Create art with the whole team in teams

How to laugh from the soul with the fantasy and do not turn everything upside down? Easily!

What will required?

  • 2 sheet of paper.
  • What you can write - 2 pcs.

How to prepare?

How to play?

  1. Out one participant from the team and draw each on your sheet at the top of the head.
  2. The piece of the sheet is flex, so that the main part of the head is not visible.
  3. A new participant is suitable from each team and draws part of the body below.
  4. Similarly raises the sheet. And so far the drawing will not be ready.

Pluses of the game:

Quiet, but fun. For creative.

Artistic on the relay raises the team spirit

To start hard to raise the team spirit? Elementary, and without too much noise!

The number of children - from 6, preferably a pair.

What will required?

  • 2 sheet of paper.
  • What you can write - 2 pcs.

How to prepare?

Divide all participants for 2 teams. For each team, put your leaf and pencil.

How to play?

  1. The ultimate goal is to draw an animal.
  2. Out one participant from the team and draw each on its sheet only one piece of drawing.
  3. Another participant draws another detail. And so everything is in turn until the drawing is ready.

Pluses of the game:

Makes it possible to fantasize a cohesive team.

Eat a candy on the fishing rod and win the competition

Want to connect a snack with the game? Not a problem.

The number of children - from one.

What will required?

  • Candy in the candy.
  • Thread or fishing line.
  • Rod. It may be an ordinary pencil.

How to prepare?

I will bring a thread on a stick, on a thread - a candy.

How to play?

Holding for a rod, to bring candy to the mouth, without the help of the hands to deploy a fantasy and eat candy.

Pluses of the game:

Tasty, fun, you can shine dexterity.

We divide the territory and play with the balloon

Want to make children sit a little? It's possible.
The number of children is 4 and more, better than a pair.

What will required?

  • Balloon.
  • Chair for each player.
  • Ribbon or rope for marking.

How to prepare?

We divide the territory in half with the help of a tape. In both parties (equal number) at a distance of 1 m from markup.

How to play?

  1. Participants are sitting on the chairs and should not get up.
  2. We throw the ball and play, like in volleyball.
  3. You can not take in the hands! At whose territory the ball landed, he lost.

Pluses of the game:

A quiet game, but for the dextering the most!

Try to laugh me or lose

When it is necessary to discharge the situation, you can laugh unbeaten.

What will required?

  • Stool, but it is possible without it.

How to play?

One participant sits on a chair and looks at all. Everyone is trying to laugh. Do not tick! Who launched, sit down in his place.

Pluses of the game:

Allows you to take resourcefulness, liberates.

Find me in the mittens blindfolded!

Tired of ordinary sals and hide and seek? They can easily combine and make an order of magnitude more interesting.

What will required?

  • Thick mittens.
  • Scarf or scarf.

How to play?

  1. One participant tie his eyes, clothes mittens and catches other players.
  2. The one who caught, you need to learn with the blindfolded eyes to the touch through the mittens.

Pluses of the game:

Develops memory and not only.

Interesting game without additional attributes "Dae-Naka-Gaughty"

The most interesting game for the smaller erudites. The main thing is to correctly explain the rules and set the tone of the game.

The number of children is 3 and more.

What will required?

How to play?

  1. Selected presenter.
  2. Then the topic is determined. For example: transport, animals, cartoon characters.
  3. The presenter comes to the subject of voiced topic.
  4. Everyone asks to him leading questions, and he can only speak "yes" or "no".
  5. Who first guessed the said word, he takes the place of the lead.

Pluses of the game:

Develops logic, helps communication.

Flashing phone for children aged 4 years

Old-kind game for dad and mothers. And for many children, it can become a small discovery, how to spend time.

The number of children is 4 and more.

What will required?

How to play?

  1. The first participant makes any word, says him quietly and quickly the second participant in the ear.
  2. The second also transmits this word to the third.
  3. And so to the last player who utters the word out loud. Maybe it is very funny!

Pluses of the game:

Developing hearing, brings together participants, fun.

The game "Unlock live tangle" for children from six years

Children of the marked age many games consider children and do not want to play them. But this game is accurately like.

The number of children is 4 and more.

What will required?

How to play?

  1. Selected presenter. He turns away.
  2. All the rest are taken by arms, form a circle.
  3. Then they are confused - they will penetrate each other, they are crawling between the legs, stretching opposite each other - and all this is not a blurred hands!
  4. The task of the lead is to unravel this living tangle. At the same time, smear the hands of the participants of the chain, of course, it is impossible.

Pluses of the game:

Develops logic, attention, smell and fun.

Game for any children's holiday "Fairy tales"

How to surprise the younger videos? You can offer to invent fairy tales. But not just to write, but do it in the form of the game.

The number of children is 3 and more.

What will required?

  • Any book, you can log or even a newspaper.

How to play?

  1. It is necessary in turn (from each person - one sentence) come up with a fairy tale.
  2. For this, one person without looking at his finger in printed text on any of the pages of the book.
  3. The word for which the choice fell, the first story of the fairy tales should introduce into its proposal.
  4. In the same way, the second sentence is invented by the second storytellor.
  5. Then the third and so on.
  6. If there are few children, you can pass the baton in a circle several times.
  7. Must happen a fairy tale. As far as it is interesting and cheerful depends on the fantasy of the children's children.

Pluses of the game:

Developing fantasy. For read guys - this is a real chance to show yourself.

Game for children aged six years "Catch the fish"

If children dressed and they are tired of the games that make brain strain, you can switch to a more sporty wave.

The number of children is 3 and more.

What will required?

  • Rope.

How to play?

  1. Selected presenter.
  2. He takes a rope at one end.
  3. The other end of the rope remains on Earth.
  4. The master is spinning around its axis and circling a rope. And everyone should be lined up in a circle and jump over the rope.
  5. Who will not have time and the rope will bet on it, leaves. And so far will not remain the most resistant.

Pluses of the game:

Develops a quick reaction. In this game you can show a dexterity, stamina.

Air attack using hoop and balls

At first glance, well, not a children's game! But children cope more like!

At the same time, it is not enough sensitive and with a rapid outcome. It may turn out very fun.

The number of children is 4 and more, but necessarily a pair number.

What will required?

  • Hoops - 1 on two people.
  • Balloons - one for two.

How to prepare?

We put hoops to the floor.

How to play?

  1. In every hoop comes two people.
  2. Each pair is given a ball.
  3. On the team, the ball needs to throw and blow on it, but not to concern either with your hand or other parts of the body.
  4. The task of the couple is to hold the ball in the air as long as possible. In this case, it is impossible from the ring.

Pluses of the game:

Allows you to show all your sports craftsmanship and smell. It does not require a lot of room in the room. Develops a quick reaction. Who has a good breath, he can show a class.

Smart grovets for shock and active children

If you see that they gathered well, just "reactive" children, followed by direct, one can offer them to boast of their speed reaction.

Plus, at least briefly to squeeze them, so that they do not run.

The number of children is 7 and more, but it can be less, although then it will not be so fun.

What will required?

  • Cards with numbers - one for each player.

How to prepare?

Each player is given a card. That is, everyone will have their own number.

How to play?

  1. Everyone becomes a circle.
  2. To begin with, we ask rhythm. For this, everything is chloride together: in the palm "times, two", on the knees of "times, two", then we repeat.
  3. Then one of the children clap into his hands and says not "times, two," and repeats his number twice. For example, "three, three". When slapping on the knees, shouts the number of someone from the players: "Six, six" and so on. Out of order.
  4. He whose number is named, continues.
  5. The main thing is not to get down. Who is confused or called the number of the retired player, he is retired himself.
  6. We defeat the most persistent, that is, those that will remain only together.

Pluses of the game:

Develops attention, the smallest squeezes.

We play in conventions with the guys to twelve years

Usually, the conventions scare adolescents, but this is not the same option.

If you approach such a game with a fantasy, then you can choose conventions, which will actually have fun.

The number of children - from 4. But the more, the more fun.

What will required?

How to prepare?

Everyone becomes in a car. Leading opposite face to rank.

How to play?

  1. The lead explains to all the rules: what a number, which conventional is denoted. Very convenient to take numbers with the same numbers. For example: two, twelve, twenty. And then it all depends on the fantasy of the lead. Let two mean action: cotton. Twelve means: Hands up. Twenty: squat.
  2. So began: two are cotton, twelve - hands up, twenty - sat down.
  3. Then we pronounce only numbers, and every time everything is faster.
  4. You can change order: twenty, two, twelve, twelve, twenty, two.
  5. Who is confused and will not fulfill the action that conventionally implies the number said, he drops out.
  6. Moreover, while others continue to play, he can distract them, specifically demonstrating the wrong movements.

Pluses of the game:

Replaces boring charging. Develops attention, speed of reaction.

Give freedom to prisoner and become a liberator!

When the children entered the excitement, played out and are ready to talk to the full, it's time to start the game with prisoner, conversion and liberators.

The number of children - from 5, but the more, the more fun.

What will required?

  • Chairs for each participant, except one.
  • Scarf or scarf -1 pcs.
  • Ropes for binding of hands and legs - 2 pcs.

How to prepare?

One chair is placed in the center of the room. Around them all the other chairs. Select prisoner. He is planted in the center and tie his hands and legs to him. Next, choose an escort and tie his eyes. All other participants are the liberators. They sit down on the chairs that form a circle.

How to play?

  1. Convoir must protect the captive. And the task of the liberators to unleash the rope on the body of the prisoner and not get caught in the hands of a convector.
  2. If the escaler caught the liberator on the hot, he displays it from the circle.
  3. Who freed and got caught, the winner.
  4. The winner and convoir are changing in places and the game can continue.

Pluses of the game:

If you come to the game thoroughly, you can come up with a release plan. It develops and thinking, and smelting, and dexterity and skill too. In short, this is a real team game!

Game with chairs "right, left, chaos!"

Continue to fool, but at the same time without having demolished the entire room, thanks to the next game.

The number of children is 5 or more.

What will required?

  • Chairs for each participant.

How to prepare?

Chairs are placed in a circle so that they stood tightly.

How to play?

  1. Selects the presenter, it enters the circle.
  2. All other players sit on the chairs. One chair, respectively, remains free.
  3. Next, the lead distributes commands. For example: "Right!" And everyone moves their ass from the chair to the chair in the appropriate direction.
  4. Similarly, the team "Left!"
  5. Third team "Chaos!" Means that participants must pass in chaotic order.
  6. There may be other commands if you think about it.
  7. The task of the leading to confuse participants and have time to take a free stool itself.
  8. Who did not prevent such maneuver of the lead, that is, he made it to a free chair, he himself becomes the leading and distributes the teams.

Pluses of the game:

Develops the speed of the reaction, attention, dexterity.

Merry game "Two hands for two"

The number of children is 4 or more, better than a pair.

What will required?

  • Two chairs.
  • Candy in wraps (at least one per person).
  • Paper sheets - one for two.
  • Shoes with laces - one boot for two.

How to prepare?

Chairs put in one distance. They put one of the items (we have candy, sheets of paper and boots) in turn. You can come up with your items and, accordingly, what will need to be done with them.

How to play?

  1. Children disassembled over couples.
  2. Couples are built in two queues.
  3. The first two couples are at the same distance to the chairs.
  4. The couple should stand in such a way that the partners look at each other. Moreover, one person puts her right hand on the partner's shoulder, the other is left. It turns out that another hand and one, and the second - remain free. They need to work!
  5. The first task for each pair: go to the chair, take candy, deploy them and eat them.
  6. But it is impossible that the pair blur over their "arms".
  7. Second task: in the same way to fold and sheet paper airplane. You can boat or so on.
  8. Third task: Tie shoelaces.
  9. Tasks may be how much you think about.

Pluses of the game: how to play?

  1. As soon as the cards found themselves in the hands of the participants, the music is presented and everyone dances.
  2. Everyone carefully looks, whose name is written on the card, that he has in his hands. This is a combat task: the owner of this name must be caught!
  3. It is important that the other does not see your card.
  4. As soon as the music stops all hurrying to fulfill its combat task, but it is important not to get caught.

Pluses of the game:

It is best prepared for the disco, liberates, fun. Developing attention, dexterity.

Create a miracle xerox with a scarf

Well, a very fun game! And most importantly - it's easier to think!

The number of children is from 3, the more, the more fun.

What will required?

  • Scarf or scarf.

How to prepare?

One of the participants tie their eyes.

How to play?

  1. He who is with tied eyes - copier.
  2. Another one of all participants is a picture, well, or sculpture - how it is more convenient to call.
  3. The rest are the audience.
  4. The task of the picture to accept any interesting posture and frozen in this position.
  5. The task of the xerox blindfolded to explore the picture and make an accurate copy of it, that is, to become the same pose.
  6. As an option: xerox should make an accurate copy of the sculpture from another participant from among the audience. All this, of course, blindfolded.
  7. The most ridiculous when Xeroxes unleash his eyes and he sees what he did wrong.

Pluses of the game:

Helps shy to cope with their uncertainty.

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Write a finger and meet everyone on the holiday

Children somehow did not dislike each other? After this game, they will definitely start a rapid discussion of events.

The number of children is from 4, the more, the more fun.

What will required?

  • Pen and paper.

How to play?

  1. All participants are in the column one by one. If there are many children, you can make 2 columns that will compete with each other.
  2. The last and first standing in the columns is given by the handle and the sheet of paper.
  3. The latter must draw something on paper. It can be any figure, animal, vegetable or some word. And the same thing must draw a finger on the back in front of standing.
  4. The picture is transmitted by the relay. Each draws on his back in front of standing what, as he felt, painted on his back.
  5. As a result, the first of the column depicts a handle transmitted on his sheet of paper.
  6. Then the drawings are compared.

Pluses of the game:

Helps become more sociable. Develops feelings and small motility. Cheerful, not boring, albeit little.

Children in the role of tin soldiers share territory

If you can jump, you can arrange a real festival of tin soldiers.

The number of children - from 2.

What will required?

  • Ribbon or rope for boundary designation.
  • If desired - music.

How to prepare?

The floor is laid out on the floor, which will divide the territory in half.

How to play?

  1. One soldier stands on one half, the other - to another. Stand on one leg. Hands like soldiers.
  2. The task of each move to the enemy's territory, but not to give the enemy to move to him. All this in the position of the tin soldier, on one leg.
  3. Who is the first to cope - the winner.
  4. If someone accidentally rose on both legs, then lost.

Pluses of the game:

Super mobile, but does not require much space.

Game for children from 10 years "Hands - in line"

The game capable of confusing even the smallest and smeared

The number of children is 3 and more.

What will required?

  • Chairs for everyone.

How to prepare?

Chairs put in a row.

How to play?

  1. All participants sit down. Everyone puts hands on the neighboring hand of a neighbor's knee. The extreme sitting puts one hand on his knee. You can sit in a circle, then all your hands will be on other people's lap.
  2. At the team, every hand makes cotton on the knee in the order of the line.
  3. What a hand got down, coming out of the game.
  4. The winner is the one who was not mistaken.

Pluses of the game:

Develops a sense of rhythm, attentiveness, coordination of movement.

Merry game for children up to 12 years "Caterpillars"

And finally, you can just relax

The number of children is 5 and more.

What will required?

  • Music.

How to play?

  1. All participants form a caterpillar. The hands of everyone at the same time on the belt in front of standing.
  2. To the music of the head (that is, the first in the caterpillar) shows movements, and everyone repeat.
  3. After each line of the song, the head-head goes into the tail of the caterpillar.
  4. Next, the new head shows movements.

Pluses of the game:

Develops plastic and attentiveness.

Merry contests for children 11 12 years are able to make an unforgettable any children's holiday, whether it is a birthday or some other celebration.