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What denotes Natalia's name from Greek. What does Natalia mean

This name is quite common and popular in Russia. But what does Natalia mean?

The occurrence and origin is associated with the male name Natalia, which is translated from Latin as "native" ("Natalis"). There is another version for which the origin of this name is Jewish and is also associated with the Male name Nathan. According to this version, Natalia's name in translation sounds like "CD".

There is also a legend to which the origin of Natalia is timed. According to it, in those distant times when the people of the rules of Emperor Maximian, who pursued and executed Christians, lived a married couple - Natalia and Adrian. Natalia was a Christian, but hid it. Adrian was a pagan and the boss in the judicial chamber, but seeing how Christians are tormented every day, changed faith.

Maximian for it threw him into the dungeon, where Natalia secretly visited her husband and was with him until the last minute. And later, not withstanding this flour and death of the spouse, Natalia died near his dust. Today, the Church considers it a bloodless martyr, and Natalia is ranked saints. Such is the legend with which the origin of this name is connected.

But Natalia is the full name of a woman, and there are also abbreviated, but no less common forms:

  • Natasha, Nata, Tata.
  • Natka, Tatka, Nataha.
  • Tusya, Tala.

There are also caressing forms: Natasha, Natusya, Natulya, Natalochka. Angel Day of All Natasha - 8, September 14, January 11, 22, March 31 and February 8.

Is there a difference between the names of Natalia and Natalia? It is believed that Natalia is an obsolete version of Natalia. And if in the second case it is so called girls in everyday life, "in the world", then when baptized in the church, they are named Natalia. To say that they are different, because they differ alone and have the same effect on the character of the girl.

The difference between them is that Natalia is taken abbreviated with Natalie, and Natalia - Natasha. But there is an opinion that Natalia's name is Natalia, but Natalia has French origins, because there are natalie girls. But this is a very controversial question.

Characteristic features of carrier name

The girl Natasha is very developed fantasy. Thanks to this, it is always fun with her, and there are many friends around it. Even in the long-lasting games, she contributes new. At first glance, this may seem frivolous, but the character of her is such that since childhood Natasha seriously relates to many things.

Studying at school is given easily, she loves praise from teachers. They inspire her even more on the efforts. Parents with daughter are also easy, because it can be rejected. At the same time, it is quite independent since childhood.

Health problems practically does not have, but still need to monitor the spine and vision. The Natalia attaches to communicating with animals, especially loves dogs, and thanks to his imagination, it easily comes up with his nicknames.

Natalia's meaning adds to the character of a girl such a feature as straightness. Because of this, trouble happens. She is very raw and touching, at the same time endowed with tremendous patience, but not worth abuse.

In addition, its character can be described as calm and balanced, it does not enter into conflicts, and with people provoking it, prefers simply not to communicate. With friends, it manifests itself as an interesting, cheerful, sociable personality. Much attention and the value of Natasha pays to male society.

Choosing a husband for Natalia does not become a problem. As a rule, the fate is folded in such a way that it comes out early. Love, comfort and warmth, which are surrounded by absolutely all households, always reign in her house. Therefore, she always has a lot of guests.

Husband should praise Natalia as often and not to notice the little flaws of a woman. In this case, they will always be together, fate does not encourage them. And most importantly - do not forget that Natalia gives comments and desires, which is capable of being very offended. This is also character.

The origin of her name imposes on the character of the girl such a print that Natasha sacrificing and selfless. She is ready to come to help friends and relatives at any time, at the same time, at the same time, all of themselves and not asking anything in return. Thanks to its communicability, it easily finds a common language is absolutely in any company.

Of great importance for the girl named Natalia has communication with friends, travel, trips to nature and visiting public institutions, such theaters and museums. The intuition of the girl is developed strong enough: based on the analysis of the smallest details, it is able to foresee the result. But it is impossible to guess her reaction to it. From the talents of Natasha, you can safely allocate drawing - it is often its hobby.

Combination with the names of men

What is the compatibility of Natalia with male names and how will her fate work with them? Consider some of them.

Natalie and Vladimir. In the relationship of this couple, the clarification of the relationship is always quite violently and loud. The surroundings are alarming, but for partners themselves it is completely normal. Simply and Vladimir, and Natasha have such a character that they better express everything, albeit on elevated colors. And then they smile again to each other, and they are fine.

In bed, everything happens in the same way. Disagreements may arise due to the fact that Nata will try to remake the partner, and Vladimir does not accept this, he is very freedom-loving. Compatibility between them is also possible because they are able to find a rational decision of any controversial issue.

Understanding in Pare Natalia and Vladimir is achieved due to forgiveness from both sides. In addition, Vladimir really appreciates comfort, comfort and care, and Natalia can give him.

Natalia and Sergey. This couple is often converged in great passion and common interests, and not for love. When the romantic period ends, Sergey becomes an ordinary man, and not by the Hunter. Natasha also from passionate lioness turns into a family woman.

And here the compatibility between them is kept on all the same common interests and topics that many on the expiration of the candidate-bought period are missing. And Sergey, and Natalia will really appreciate it in each other.

Natasha and Dmitry. In this pair, Natasha, actually, as well as Dima, pays to building relationships. They are suitable for solving controversial issues rationally, disassembled everything in detail and finding an option that arranges them both.

And Dmitry, and Natalia appreciate each other that the character of both does not have such a feature like egoism. Each of them pays attention primarily to its partner. Such an attitude provides fairly good compatibility in Pare Dmitry and Natalia, and their fate may form the most favorable way.

Natalia and Anton. In this pair, one says, and the other listens. And the character of Anton has exactly that he is ready to listen. But they do not have a common goal, they look in different directions. Compatibility will be provided only due to the fact that the big value of Natasha will give these relationships and be the leader in them, and Anton will go after her.

A couple of Alexey and Natasha have many chances of becoming happy. They have a lot of common interests, views and goals. Joint pastime, work and family - they look at everything equally. At the same time, Alexey is quite generous, and Natalie is appreciated. Thanks to this, they have almost perfect compatibility.

Alexander will also be an excellent husband for Natalia, in their marriage there is simply ideal understanding and well-being in everything.

Evgeny and Natalia. Here, benevolent and externally, calm Nata, with a strong temperament, complements the partner. After all, Eugene is very kind, calm and cheerful. With these qualities, he calms her down and also complements. They, as two opposites, are attracted to each other. Evgeny and Natasha together and in the mountain and in joy, they will not have betrayal and betrayal, so compatibility in this pair is 100%. Posted by: Natalia Chernikova

Natalia - "native, natural" (lat).

For Natasha

Personality: Singing women.
Character: 83%.
Radiation: 88%.
Vibration: 94 000 speakers / s.
Color: Blue.
Main features: Will - susceptibility - excitability - intuition.
Totem plant: Sweet cherry.
Totem animal: Cicada.
Sign: A lion.
A type: Often intrigue: you never know, they will explode or drowned. Since childhood, you need to keep them in your hands.
Psyche: You can never stop in place, they need to move all the time, dance and sing. Such women lack equilibrium and stability. It is often for greater courage to demonstrate your anger to impress the surrounding. We strive for active public life. Necessary self-confident.
Will: Strong, sometimes just despotic.
Excitability: So strong, which makes them irritable and nervous. Express their feelings extremely violently, after which a long depression comes.
Speed \u200b\u200breaction: Very fast, especially if it comes to loved ones. They are ready to protect them with teeth and claws. However, they are also active in public life.
Field of work: More interested in their inner world than work. The best thing for them is the landscaping of its own focus. These girls love to help, they can be quickly allowed to prepare and fulfill another homework .. Most of all are suitable for professions, requiring communication with people - in the field of catering, trade, education.
Intuition: Associated with their impressionability. They are charming and charming and perfectly able to use these qualities with benefit for themselves.
Intelligence: They have a synthetic warehouse of the mind, they have a lively, well-developed fantasy and excellent shaped memory, long remember what they struck or alarmed.
Susceptibility: Although they try to keep at a distance, but behind this is hiding highly developed sensitivity and susceptibility. Overly restless.
Moral: They are pleasing to the same way as their own and other people's successes.
Health: Good, but they are inclined to completeness. Possible disorders of the urogenital system. Healthy and active lifestyle should be conducted, play sports, especially water species. Tell the abuse of drugs, especially tranquilizers.
Sexuality: Strong and manifest early. Nevertheless, they are sentimental and more faithful girlfriends than it may seem. Family and public tabs can contribute to their sex complexes.
Activity: Depends on the circumstances. Waiting for sincerity friends, and if one of them deceives, able to revenge.
Sociability: Love guests, these are ideal hostesses. Well adapt and everywhere feel easily and freely. They are still sparkling the joy of life. It is not so much successful in the professional sphere as in the realization of their own personality.
Conclusion: These interesting women are as charming as their totem - a blooming sweet cherry, a tree of wisdom and happiness.

For the name Natalya

Personality: Sticking women.
Character: 92%.
Radiation: 90%.
Vibration: 90,000 speakers / s.
Color: Blue.
Main features: Will - Activity - intuition - Health.
Totem plant: Valerian.
Totem animal: Hedgehog.
Sign: Libra.
A type: They have a difficult character, which is not surprising, if we consider that their totem animal is hedgehog. When something turns out not as they would like, they turn into the ball and knock. Materialists to the brain of bones, they love the money; Clearly expressed a tendency to intrigue.
Psyche: Do not affect. If something is solved, it is not only difficult, but also unsafe to make them change the decision. They are unnecessary self-confident, rarely trust others. Very subjective, rely only on their judgments.
Excitability: These women have a very strong excitability behind which a clear and logical, but the cold mind is hidden.
Will: They possess a strong will, which serves their ambitions, quite often - very dangerous.
Speed \u200b\u200breaction: Such women are very stubborn and mark any views that do not correspond to their own. Very sensitive to failures, perceiving them as a personal insult. Do not forget about any insult, mushy for each.
Field of work: Thanks to its character, they can become actresses or researchers, for example, in the field of history or archeology, as well as restorers or museum employees. Natalia is successful everywhere where women's tact are needed, caution and determination.
Intuition: Exceptionally strong.
Intelligence: These women have a practical mindset.
Susceptibility: Enjoy the sensitivity of others to subordinate them to themselves. They are charming, but often it seems that something dangerous is hidden under a charming smile. At the same time, they are capable of sincere and disinterested sympathy, but only in relation to the one who managed to completely conquer their heart.
Moral: The aggravated sense of morality can lead them to aggressive puritanism.
Health: Good. They manage to keep both physical and mental health for a long time. Weak place - respiratory organs. Smoking is contraindicated in any case.
Sexuality: Recognize the importance of this side of life, only when they meet a man of their dreams, and if they themselves find him and if intimate communication helps them to keep the subject of their love.
Activity: They act quite vigorously. Such women have very few friends, because they do not want someone to know about their personal life, and also because, in their opinion, few people deserve the title of a friend.
Sociability: They manage to do the house perfectly, receive guests, keep a conversation.
Conclusion: These women are worthy of surprise, but their friends should have a strong character and exposure so that not too much to prose! We also remember that their totem plant - Valerian, intoxicating cats ... "Cats", take care of them!

Other Natalia, Natasha judgment

Natalia (Natalia) Native (lat.).
Name Day:
Zodiac sign: Virgo.
Planet: Mercury.
Color: Scarlet.
Favorable tree: Aralia.
Testament plant: Burnet.
Patter name: Beetle female.
Stone Talisman: Bloodstone.
Character: Natalia loves to be in sight. He loves warm companies, feast, chatter - especially by phone. This somewhat exalted lady is interesting to live, Natalia strives to intervene anything, not even his job, wanting to know everything about everyone, to do everything. She has a brown mind, inclined to generalizations and analysis. Natalia knows the price and very proud - this is the driving force of her life; He loves praise, from the slightest criticism to his address for a long time he is offended and never misses the case in response, or even pinch: Natalia is generally vigorous and sometimes scandal.

Another judgment of Natalia, Natasha

Meaning and origin: Native (lat.).
Energy and karma: For the external tranquility named after Natalia, there is a significant temperament. It is quite possible, everything would be different, do not be the world so common as it is celebrated today. And so his quiet beginning and excessive usability makes the name to be unlikely and therefore the contrast with the sonorous and energetic last syllable appear. As a result, Natalia's name is the same omut, in the silence of which there may be not one dozen devils, both in bad and in the good sense of the word.
Secrets of communication: Nobody needs human warmth and participation as people with sensitive pride. But only more than once again it is difficult to convince the sincerity of their intentions, so it's hardly once again try to climb into the soul to Natalia, it's better to relate to her. But she himself does not prevent a little careful, after all, praise, flattery or even a mentality and sympathy from it can often be achieved.
Zodiac sign: Virgo.
Planet: Mars.
Colors name: Brown, red, salad.
Stone Talisman: Turquoise, sapphire.

Another name Natalia, Natalia

Nataliya - From Lat. Native, talk. Natalia.
Derivatives: Natalianushka, Natala, Nathan, Nathaha, Natasha, Tasha, Nata, Natulya, Natuna, Natusya, Tusya, Nalya, Tachey, Talyuha, Tata, Tattoo.
Name Day: 8 September.
Proverbs, sayings, folk signs:
Evil Natalia has all the people of Channelies.
Natalia-Oatman. September 8 in some places begins, in others the cleaning of oats ends. On this occasion, oatmeal cooks and bake oat pancakes.
Character: The name it carries a reminder of the purpose of not only the successors of the kind, mother, wife, but also decorated life. Natalia's talents are not stunning, but as it were, a home scale: she is lively, cheerful, hospitable housewife at home. But in family life, the catastrophes often wave. Hence the restraint, especially in front of others. But Natalia and Pissible, and Corps, and Stubin. Proud and touching, especially if the reason for this treason or false.

About Natalia, Natalia

Natalia - "Native" (Lat.)
Feminine and soft. Lyric and shy. Dusty and indulgent. Sometimes it seems that some kind of mystery is hiding behind her cute smile. Externally frivolous, in the complex situations unexpectedly collected and independent. Distiner. Loves herself and always loved. Baby Mom. Its character cannot be called easy. She is like a hedgehog: if something is wrong, turns into the ball and may hurt. Very not indifferent to money, but not scare. He spends them without regret. The "December" Natalia is clearly pronounced to intrigue. It does not affect. If what is thinking, then it is not possible to force it to change the decision not only, but also unsafe. Very stubborn. Can't take views that contradict her own. Necessary self-confident, rarely trusts the other. Very subjective, it is believed only to itself. A clear, logical, cold mind, practicality and will is hidden behind the strong excitability. Overly sensitive to failures. Often takes them as a personal insult. Ambiscical. Does not forget the insults and if it does not take place, it never completely forgives.
Natalia is successful everywhere, where women's tact are needed, caution, determination. It is quite energetic. She has exceptional intuition, and it uses this gift masterfully. She was sincerely and disinterested in empathy to be close, he was not indifferent to her man.
She manages to preserve for a long time physical and mental health. It is necessary to be attentive to the respiratory authorities. She is contraindicated smoking.
The sex attaches great importance, but only if he meets a man of his dreams whom he chooses. Here it is not always able to keep it, and therefore her personal life is most often folded.
She has few real friends, although buddies too much - no one has them more than she. I don't like to talk about personal life. It believes that few of her numerous acquaintances deserve confidence. Communicable, she simply needs communication. Surrounds himself interesting people. She manages to do a good household. Loves to receive guests. Conditions to entertain them, support a meaningful conversation. Smart, erudited. This woman is worthy of surprise. Men need to keep the Ear End.

"Winter" Natalia is a born mathematician. Perfectly dancing, a well-developed feeling of rhythm. Restrained, smart.
"Autumn" - Practical, ambitious, self-confident, and not without reason. It can work by a translator, mathematician, archaeologist, historian, a television speaker. The name comes to the patrons: Pavlovna, Mikhailovna, Vladimirovna, Petrovna, Anatolyevna, Borisovna, Naumovna.
"Summer" - Cheerful, energetic, sexy. Too active.
Spring - Pensive, Raman, stubborn. It tastes great. This is a music teacher, an employee of the museum, a fashion designer, actress, fashion model, porn, teacher. The name comes to the patrons: Konstantinovna, Leonidovna, Svyatoslavovna, Rodionovna, Romanovna, Olegovna.

Other judgment about Natalia, Natasha

The female form of the male name of Natali, which is derived from the Latin word "Natalis" - native.
In the children's team of Natasha - the initiator of many games, started and chalunya. Even in the long-lasting games, she contributes something new - fascinating, exciting.
In Natasha's school, an active community, everywhere he has time, likes to be in sight, doubles his efforts when hears praise to his address. She has fun and lively character, decisive manners, active kindness. Maybe they can be patronized and rushing to the protection of any "zamhrohshki" in the classroom, it is warm up to defend the interests of offended. Proud, it seems that it is its driving force. Several straight and hot-tempered. Intertly refers to critical comments. In school, if it is not the first student, then in any case it will not be in the last rows.
Marry go early, when choosing a future spouse, do not experience big oscillations.
Family life Natalia Sogrates her cheerfulness. And mother-in-law, and husband, and the children of Natalia will feel loved and necessary for her. Guests love to attend her home. Natalia loves to travel, ancient tourist. Another hobby is drawing. Natalia knows the price and, like all proud people, very much needs to be praised - she rates her energy. On the contrary, even the most empty remark literally kills. She is angry and resentment remembers all his life. So that marriage with this woman is happy, we must not forget about her proud character and wean yourself to make her comments on trifles. Natalia is strongly offended, and when proudly characteristic of it, she will not prove his right thing. She has so few flaws and they are so insignificant that her husband is easier to pay attention to them at all.

"Summer" Nataliy distinguishes the exaltation.
"Winter" endowed with analytical mind, abilities, they are coarse and cunning.

A marriage with Vladimir, Boris, Alexander, Andrei, Oleg, Yuri, was successful.
Upholstered - with Stepan, Gregory, Vladislav.

Or smart and exalted, and then more often have analytical thinking, or quiet and externally slow, feminine and soft.
From youth, sex is eager, paint erotic pictures with elements of sophistication. There is a "forbidden fruit" taste, lose interest or becomes medium-graded. If they are bred, then they leave them, but them. Give girls.

Natalia proud. Self-dying - a motor of its character. In all, Natalia seeks to be if not the first, it is no longer the last. At work, the boss should consider it with his deputy. And my husband is not allowed to doubt the fact that she is the best wife. And all this, Natalia is achieved by his work and perseverance. Like all proud people, she needs praise, good word rates her strength, energy, gives confidence, which she, alas, often lacks. On the contrary, even the most empty remark kills it.
Resenting Natalia remembers all his life, it is truly angry, but the revenge will not become too proud. Natalia is not always diplomatic, more often straight and hot-tempered. At the same time, modest and messenger. Analytical warehouse of the mind prevails over rich emotions.
Natalia independent and decisive. Loves music and literature. Good athlete. Watch out for your appearance. Natalia is very economic, in her hands all boils, it cooks and does it with pleasure.

More about Natalia, Natasha

Translated from Latin - "native". Synonym Natalia.
Natalia is proud, stubborn, hardworking, straight-line nature. It can be hot-tempered and touchy, but externally modest and the messenger, even slightly frivolous. Always strives for leadership and loves to be the center of attention. Constantly needs the praise and approval of their actions. This increases its strength and energy, attaching confidence, which Natalia is often not enough. Sometimes exalted. From nature is endowed with many abilities. Reaches professional success in music, painting, in the field of accurate and humanitarian sciences, medicine. The trade works extremely rarely, but successfully engaged in small business.
Natalia loves trips. It is not too tolerant for critical comments. Very malicious, but not vengeful. And under external frivolousness, a solid will, pragmatism and analytical mind are hidden. It predetermines all the consequences of the decision. It does not save in trouble. On temperament - a sanguine with a balanced psyche.
Natalia is an economic, economical woman who takes care of his loved ones. She carefully chooses a satellite of life, but marry comes early. Family focus warms it in love and cheerfulness. She is really a good mistress, the husband and children of which are always well maintained. Lotting with mother-in-law. Excellent culinary and very welcome. However, her husband must be remembered about her proud character and not to make her comments on trifles. Her small disadvantages with interest overlapped with advantages. Externally, the husband is a leader in the family, but it leads his actions skillfully and unbelievously.

Native Congratulation of Natalia (Natalia), Natasha

Option 1

Today is a birthday book - Natasha.
There will be her mile and more paint,
Reliable and persistent in affairs?
She is in concerns, like bee in colors!
On the day of Angel Natasha congratulations
And I will not leave without a gift!
Advantages of all it is not detained,
So let the holiday be in her honor!
Natalia, you wish from the heart:
Success in all, let him endlessly,
Happy be, welcome and beloved
And the angel is always stored!

Option 2.

You Natalie, Natalia,
Natasha can be called.
Your actions and desires
No one can predict.
You change the sea, like the sea,
You are in the lull, then the storm.
From your cares
Do not each, do not run away.

Option 3.

That I'm not tired of life -
To blame for Natalia.
I looked at Natalia -
Again this life is happy.

Option 4.

I live like in a closed circle,
Rice image on the snow ...
Midfield dreams of my plot,
That without which there is no life.
I write the name clouds,
And whispers the dark river:
Natasha-girl dreams,
You are a symbol of young beauty.
I do not want to hear "no"!
I do not need this answer!
From the life of the project
But I will hear from you "yes."
About this day, about this moment!
He reverents before me,
Sold together, you and me,
Come, I'm waiting for my love!

Option 5.

I whispered her grass from evening
What is Natalia's name?
I chirbethta birds in the morning
What is Natalia's name!
And meadow colors, daisies,
As a gift, Natasha brought the day.
You started and chalunya,
In all, you strive to first be
You, my thing,
Let it be interesting to live.
Live with smile and wise.
And the day will seem suddenly gloomy -
You remembered Dali Light,
After all, you are waiting for a cherished!
Better not you, I know.
You name - native.

Option 6.

No our Natasha
Mile and beautiful!
Let's drink
For our Natasha!

Option 7.

Natalia, you - the soul is native,
You're not in vain in this world,
And how much I know you -
Always charmingly mila.
You are the consolation of Rodney,
Keep the fate of you, keep.

Option 8.

Ah, Natalia Fidget!
Have fun with you conversation,
You dance and sing,
All smiles distribute
Naughty eyes shine
We want to conquer the whole world.
Let him conquer you
To the heart, like a bird,
Unrestrained, freely, boldly
Fortunately, happily flew!
Happy Angel Day, native!

Option 9.

Our Natalia has a thin waist,
Antique nose and nature of vigor.
All Natalia is fitted
Sultry slaughter.
She will look - and you Khan.
Let's drink for Natalia, for a happy waist,
For the anical nose and the character of the vigor!

Option 10.

Accept you in the flourish
Our hot, welcome hello.
Contain no feelings ours
And everyone will raise bowls together ... for Natasha!

Angel Days: On September 8 - Martyr Natalia, the wife of the Holy Martyr Adrian, comforted and encouraged her husband during his torment (IV century).

Winter Natalia. - The owner of an analytical sharp mind. She is calculating, restrained, confident in itself and in their abilities. Thanks to his congenital sense, the beat never goes to mutual insults. However, the treachery Winter Natalia will never forgive, on the contrary, hopita and at a good case will definitely revenge.

Spring Natalia. It is endowed with a subtle taste, therefore always stands out among others. This emotional, artistic and somewhat eccentric woman has developed intuition. She delicately feel the mood of people, so it easily finds a common language with them. It is not surprising that Natalia, born in the spring, has many devotees and reliable friends.

Summer Natalia. - Exalted special, which loves to surprise those around his appearance and behavior, which is perceived by many as extreme and fault. Natalia itself is little interested in what others think about her. This active, energetic, temperamental and incredibly optimistic woman can enjoy life.

Autumn Natalia. Practical, reasonable, ambitious and self-confident. She achieves his own, not looking at obstacles, with the sake of achieving the goal can step over through certain moral principles. For autumn Natalia, it is important that its leadership qualities find their use, and merit was recognized.

Stone - Talisman

Stones that protect Natalia is a bed, sapphire and turquoise.


This mineral, the official name of which "hematite" is considered an energy shield that protects against any kind of astral negative impacts. This is a symbol of wisdom and courage, helps to resist vital trouble.

The bed enhances the sexual attraction of its owner, improves its energy and contributes to the removal of stress.

Wearing a bed gives spiritual resistance, harnesses the will, strengthens courage and courage, improves the mood, restrains the flashes of anger, reduces the tendency to the dreamability.

Hematite, recalculated in silver, reliably protects against evil eyes and damage.


This gem symbolizes blamefulness, virginity, loyalty, modesty, selflessness, nobility and calm.

Sapphire is the personification of clarity of thought and spirituality.

This stone, helping to find a mental balance, attracts only positive people, thereby protecting their owner from meanness, deception, betrayal and evil.

Sapphire - amulet, contributing to understanding and disclosure itself and its capabilities. In addition, this stone strengthens love and marriage bonds.

Interesting fact! Travelers consider Sapphire with their faith and take it into long-lasting trips, because they believe that this stone gives strength and helps to overcome fatigue.


This stone of blue symbolizes the world, good luck, health, well-being, spiritual enlightenment, fertility, prosperity, courage, love and marital loyalty,

Turquoise amulets protect against negative energy, nightmares, depression and stress.

Turquoise helps to attract good friends to its owner or the desired thing.

Interesting fact! This gem is able to reconcile the harvested spouses, for this reason in Russia from turquoise, wedding rings were made, which were to strengthen the marriage union.




The owners of Natalia patronize Mercury and Mars (these planets can be found in the article "Elements, Planets and Numbers in Human Life").


Animal - symbol

For Natalia, animal symbols are hedgehog and beetle.

In the Christian tradition, the hedgehog is a symbol of intelligence, wisdom, joy, friendliness and defenselessness.

At the same time, the hedgehog is the personification of voraciousness, misfortunes and rage: he does not regret his offenders, the wound with sharp needles.

Ancient Slavs argued that hedgehog could drive the evil.

Beetle Plavnets

This is a dual character that can designate at the same time annoying and hard work, distrust and attractiveness, disgust and beauty.

Floor beetle personifies persistence and assertion.


Zodiac sign Natalia - Virgo (in more detail about the influence of this sign, you can read in the article "The influence of the sign of the zodiac and the color name for the life of a person").


Natalia's talisman plants are Azalia and Valerian.


This is a plant, symbolizing love, friendship, dedication, modesty, femininity, mental attachment and openness.

Azalea - family symbol. This flower protects family happiness, brings peace and peace to the family, strengthens the relationship between family members.

On the other hand, Azalea personifies the sadness provoked by loneliness.


In the European tradition, Valerian symbolizes hypocrisy. At the same time, this plant is a symbol of health and longevity.


Metal Natalia is silver, personifying grace, well-being, nobility, peace, peace, virginity, cleanliness, and eloquence.

Favorable day


The origin of Natalia.

Translation name

From the Latin language, Natalia is translated as "Roda", "native", "Natural" and "Born in Christmas".

History name

Natalia's name is the female form of an old and rather rare male name Natali, which is like from Latin Natalis ("native"). In addition, in Latin, there is the concept of "Natalis Domini", which is translated as "Christmas Holiday", "Christmas" or "Birthday".

According to another version, Natalia's name has Jewish roots (swept from the male name Nathan, which is translated as "gift").

Forms (Analogs) name

Most common forms named after Natalia: Nata, Natasha, Natalia, Natal, Natuka, Tusya, Natathy, Nathaha, Natasha, Natalka, Tasha, Tata, Tatka, Natulya, Natuuna, Natasy, Natalle.

Legend of Natalia

According to the life of the saints, the spouses Adrian and Natalia lived in Nikomidia during the reign of Emperor Maximian, known for his cruel persecution towards Christians, over which he organized the courts and whose executed.

Adrian was a pagan and head of the judicial chamber, but the suffering of the Christian martyrs for faith was promoting him to adopt Christianity. Natalia was a secret Christian, therefore, having learned about the appeal of her husband into a true faith, in every way supported him, thus strengthening faith in the Lord.

When Adrian declared himself a Christian, he was concluded in the dungeon, where they were subjected to cruel torture (in addition to Adrian, another 23 prisoners were thrown into the dungeon, who abandoned the ministry of the pagan gods). Natalia and other wives secretly visited prisoners under the guise of service. Natalia to the last breath supported her husband, comforted him and helped to gain peaceing in faith.

After Adrian and other believing prisoners were executed, their power was collected and sent to Constantinople. Natalia could not survive the death of his beloved spouse and soul gave the Lord's soul.

Holy Natalia is revered by the Church as a bloodless martyr, which was extended by suffering.

Mystery named after Natalia.

Patrons name

Holy Martyr Natalia Nikomidia.

Angel Day (Name Day)

January: 11 number.

March: 22 and 31 numbers.

September: 8 and 14 numbers.

Famous people

Famous actresses named Natalia:

  • Natalia Krachkovskaya;
  • Natalia Andreichenko;
  • Natalia Varley;
  • Natalia Arbasarova;
  • Natalia Gundareva;
  • Natalia Bondarchuk;
  • Natalia Junnikova;
  • Natalia Native;
  • Natalia Fallen;
  • Natalia Grebenkina;
  • Natalia Drozdova;
  • Natalia Druzhinina;
  • Natalia Bondarchuk;
  • Natalia Zhitkov;
  • Natalie Portman;
  • Natalia Oreiro;
  • Natalia Fateeva.

Famous singers named Natalia:

  • Natalie (Natalia Rudina);
  • Natalia Vetalitskaya;
  • Natalia Sturm;
  • Natalia Queen;
  • Natalia Vlasova;
  • Natalia Ionova (glucose).

Famous athletes named Natalia:

  • Natalia Snytina (biathlete);
  • Natalia Murinovich (Sprinter Spectrix);
  • Natalia Petrinshev (skating);
  • Natalia Lavrov (gymnast);
  • Natalia Misktenok (figure skater);
  • Natalia Linichuk (figure skater).

Natalia Durova - Famous trainer, circus artist.

Natalia Kasatkina - Balletmaster and soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.

Natalia Bekhtereva - Soviet-Russian neurophysiologist.

Natalia Immortalova - Famous Russian ballerina.

Natalia Goncharov - Wife A. S. Pushkin.

Name name Natalya

For a child

Natasha is a cheerful and active child who loves to fantasize and involve his friends in his fantasy.

Play with her is always interesting and exciting. But still the owner of this name is not so frivolous and careless, as it may seem at first glance. This is a serious child who is responsible even in childhood.

The study is given to Natasha easily, so often it is a good one or an excellent study, which is actively involved in class and school life. Praise and confession give her strength for new achievements.

Thanks to the analytical warehouse of the mind and the ability to think analytically, it is rarely involved in various troubles.

But what a little Natasha does not like - so this is a change, with the arrival of which her world will not be so as she created it in their fantasies.

Parents can always rely on independent and obedient Natasha. The main thing is to motivate the girl's praise, whereas it takes criticism extremely negatively (maybe even climb into yourself).

For girl

In his youth, Natalia is straightforward and fair, because of what it often falls into unpleasant stories. At the same time, it will always come to help weak and offended.

This good-natured, modest, responsive, but at the same time a decisive and active girl is not afraid of difficulties that only temper it without that strong. By nature, Natasha - the leader, at the same time its driving force is a pride, for which she is ready to work in the afternoon, and at night, conquering respect and authority. She craresses confession, so at the institute tries to learn well (often becomes the older group).

Among the negative qualities of Natasha should be mentioned, quick temper and stubbornness. This girl has truly angelic patience, but when it ends, Nata unfolds without unnecessary words and leaves. She will never forgive his offenders. But in the company of friends it is open and charming.

It must be said that Natalia Pragmatic and calculating, the material component is extremely important for it, so it thinks through every effect to the smallest details.

For woman

Adult Natalia is still independent, decisive and proud. It is extremely difficult to influence the opinion of the owner of this name, as she is used to trust only. Another will also not impose their point of view, because it believes that everyone should answer for their actions himself.

Natasha is impressionable, charming and charming. The surroundings consider it an incorrigible optimist, but this is not always true. The fact is that in the life of Natasha there are many difficulties and barriers, but she prefers to be silent about them. It can only pour out his pain just closest people.

Even in the adult life of Natasha does not know how to sick, catch and remove. She was accustomed to achieve everything honest way, especially since Natalia's duplication and intrigue considers real defects with which it is necessary to fight.

Natalia can forgive much, but will never communicate with a person who deceived her or betrayed.

Description name Natalya


Moral principles for Natalia is not an empty sound (and this is despite the fact that it is the most real materialist). But even for the sake of material benefit, she will not betray, will not deceive and will not be against his conscience. It refers to those people who are able to rejoice not only by their own, but also other people's successes.


Natalia is the owner of strong physical and mental health. It has almost no nervous disruptions. But nevertheless, she should pay attention to the respiratory organs, the spine and the stomach.


Female and soft Natalia - a real one-haul, so she does not happen short-term novels. It is aimed at long and serious relationships, so the choice of a man is suitable very responsible. But she is not alien to passion, so, falling in love, she can forget about caution and selectivity, and surrender to the feelings fully. Finding in love, Natalia becomes vulnerable and loses vigilance, which can lead to disappointment in men.

The chosen one of Natalia must be a reliable, strong and caring man who can provide her worthy future. Natalia will help romantic dates, compliments and beautiful courtship.


Natalia is waiting for his ideal man, but, disappointed, marries the one who does not meet her ideals. As a result, she encourages himself an accident, while on the divorce Natasha rarely decides, trying to preserve his family, especially if children were born in marriage.

Natalia's successful marriage will be in the event that she marries after 25 years, while her man should be serious and solid. Only in the circle of the Natasha family will be able to realize themselves in full as a woman, because it is overly developed a sense of responsibility and care.

Family relationships

Natalia is sincere, caring, attentive and faithful wife who will do everything for the prosperity of his family.

Her house is always open to relatives and friends who consider it a beautiful mistress and excellent culinary. Her house is associated with comfort, harmony and well-being.

Husband loves and appreciates Natalia, so it closes his eyes to her minor flaws. She surrounds his seven incredible care and attention, but also from households is waiting for the same, because it is extremely important for her to feel necessary.

Natalia does not take on his family his own bad mood, provoked by troubles at work or discharging with neighbors. On the contrary, it supports the atmosphere of love and happiness in the house.

Thanks to his female wisdom, Natasha is able to create a truly strong family.


For Natalia, intimate relationship is the inseparable part of the love story, so random ties for the owner of this name are unacceptable. It is through intimate intimacy that she expresses his feelings for his partner.

Natasha will give his chosen one to the complete range of feelings and emotions, but provided that he will be faithful to her, will become a gentle and sensual lover.

Mind (intelligence)

Natalia has a practical warehouse of the mind, she is pragmatic and calculated. Due to its purposefulness and perseverance, always achieves the goals.


Activity, determination, responsibility and good faith Natalia will be used in any profession. For any business, she takes thoroughly and brings it to the end, for which her colleagues appreciate it, and the bosses. At the same time, Natasha does not seek to take the position of the leader (it is more important for her to be respected and appreciated, and not afraid and hated). The best stimulus for her is the recognition of its abilities with leadership and promotion.

From Natalia, a wonderful accountant, manager, bank employee, lawyer or engineer will work. The owner of this name will find itself and in the profession of actor, director, artist, historian, journalist.

In general, this active person will suit any work in which such qualities should be taken as caution, determination and tactfulness.


The independence of Natalia, its ability soberly think even in the most critical situations will help her build a stable business, especially since the material component is a priority in the life of this woman.

However, Natalia should conduct his own business independently, because he does not transfer critical comments to his address, and business management with a partner is impossible without comments and constructive proposals that can be perceived by Natalia as humiliation of its dignity.


Natalia is a personality talented and artistic, she loves to draw, with pleasure participates in theatrical productions. Another hobby is traveling (for the knowledge of the world in all its diversity it does not regret neither the means or the time).

Type of character


A kind, responsive and sensual Natalia close to the heart takes someone else's grief. She will never leave the trouble who needs her help. She is alien to such traits such as envy, hypocrisy and doubliness. On the contrary, Natasha is a true fighter for justice.

She offensive and rasima, but will not take revenge on his enemies (it will not allow pride and self-esteem). Natalia will simply forget about the existence of a person who has caused her pain.

In general, Natasha is a balanced and judicial woman who thinks rationally and is rarely eliminated by emotional gusts.


Natalia has a greatly developed intuition, which helps her to accept the correct solutions on the intuitive level where it is difficult to logically solve the problem.

Horoscope named after Natalia.

Natalia - Aries

This is an energetic, active and talented woman, which is always in the spotlight. Cheerful Natalya-Aries can captivate with his idea of \u200b\u200ball around, so it is quite natural that in her society is always interesting. Its openness, sincerity and infertility bribe, so this woman has many faithful and reliable friends. The enemies are afraid of Natalia-Aries because of straightness, besides, she is "Ortre in the tongue." She enjoys high attention in men, but at the same time prefers to keep loyal to his only man. Never forgive betrayal and treason.

Natalia - Taurus

This feminine, spelling and manifest woman does not batch vanity. She easily enchants others, pulling them into his game, the main purpose of which is the recognition of the merit of Natalia-Teltsa, which is eager for universal attention. It is characteristic of exaggerating its merits and its role in one business. Moreover, for the sake of achieving their goal, Natalia-Taurus can resort to frank lies and fiction. To arrange this woman, a man is suparing with its compliments and flatkeys.

Natalia - Gemini

This is a good-natured, fussy and responsive personality, which is subject to frequent change of mood. She says more than it does, and she often often change his opinion. It is not surprising that chaos reigns in her affairs, and the mess of Natalia-Gemini contributes in some way and in the affairs of the people around it. But it is simply impossible to be offended by such a feature of her character, but thanks to the simplicity and sincerity of Natalia. Men attracts the carefree image of Natalia-Gemini, while they are rarely serious and long-term relationships.

Natalia - Cancer

This careful and closed woman is excessively suspicious, which prevents it from not only to build contacts with the outside world, but also to fully show their abilities. Natalia-cancer acts consistently and methodically, slowly going to his goal. Any opinion, different from her, as well as criticizing it perceives negatively. The man will have to seek the location of Natalia-Cancer for a long time, which will build an impregnable lady, for the hand and the heart of which it is necessary to compete.

Natalia - Lev.

Self-confident, principled, pragmatic and selfish Natalia-Lev is ready for everything, just to achieve its goal. She is alien to compassion, participation and pity, because people she used to use for their own mercenary purposes.

Natalia-Lev will be a generous, a separate, friendly and responsive until he gets desirable, after which he will just forget about the person and will strike it out of his life. Male Natalia Lion must be a real diplomat to get along with such a powerful and strong woman.

Natalia - Deva.

This serious, calculating and practical woman got used to live according to a strictly planned plan. It is mandatory and executive, so from others requires the same. For Natalia-Virgin, there are no trifles, because it is from the details and the whole is formed. Thanks to the analytical mind and intuition, it knows exactly what business will benefit her. Men Natalia Virgo also considers through the prism of practicality and pragmatism, so long time cannot build a serious relationship.

Natalia - Scales

Unpredictable Woman with a weak power of will - this is the main characteristic of Natalia-Scales. She is unsure of itself and is often not able to defend his point of view, which prevents her promotion through the career ladder. But still this woman is also inherent in such qualities as stubbornness and perseverance, thanks to which it is capable of achieving a lot (justice, we note that such qualities are "wake up" in Natalia is extremely rare). Cute and good Natalia-Scales can truly captivate a man.

Natalia - Scorpio

This is a fairly contradictory personality, which can be simultaneously secretive and sincere, adventurous and shy, good and tough. Natalia Scorpio is a real defender who will never be offended by the weak, on the contrary, it will always come to the rescue who needs it, because it has a strong sense of justice. This woman wants to like, so she tries in every possible way to attract attention and appearance, and manner of behavior. Men pay attention to her, but not everyone can accept her eccentricity.

Natalia - Sagittarius

This generous and open woman has a big and kind heart. It is sincere and straightforward, so it does not endure intrigue, wovers and critics. Natalia-Sagittarius is a real enthusiast, which is suitable for any case creatively, bringing interest in him and some adventurism. This woman is devoted and true to his friends, she knows how to be friends and love. The feelings of Natalia-Sagittari are always sincere, so she will give all his tenderness, affection and passion.

Natalia - Capricorn.

This is a practical and reliable woman who will never retreat from his beliefs. Neither flattery, nor compliments, nor critical attacks are able to influence the opinion of Natalia Capricorn. In this fragile and charming woman, an iron will enclosed that helps her with dignity to transfer all the tightness and adversity of life. Natalia-Capricorn is absolutely deprived of romanticism, it does not know how to flirt and never will be initiated. But still her confidence in itself and the inner strength attracts men.

Natalia - Aquarius

Talented, freedom-loving and extravagant Natalia-Aquarius of the stroke and restless. She is lazy and negligent, but it does not prevent her from bringing to the end to the end, especially if what she is doing, it brings her a real pleasure. The lack of Natalia-Aquarius is a tendency to criticize others (in this way it is asserted). She hides his inner world even from the closest people. With men, this woman is cutting and impregnable, so it is not easy to conquer her location.

Natalia - Fish

She knows how to compassion and sympathize, her sensitive heart acutely reacts to any evil and any injustice. Natalia Fish is a philosopher who is interested in the issues of the universe, the questions of life and death, good and evil. In real life, she often feels lonely and uncomfortable. Men in this woman attracts charm and mystery (Natalia-Pisces is surrounded by a certain secret, which you want to solve). Such an extraordinary woman will be able to submit only a strong man.

Natalia's compatibility with male names

Natalia and Alexander

This pair reigns the atmosphere of fun and holiday. Natalia and Alexander love to travel, and their trips often resemble real adventures.

Such a desire for change brings closer and strengthens the relationship.

Natalia and Dmitry

Natalia and Anton.

The owners of these names rarely form a pair, but if it still happens, the Union of them is short-lived and definitely.

And all for the reason that Natalia and Anton are absolutely different people who do not know how to find a common language.

Natalia and Mikhail

Natalia and Victor

This creative union is strong and reliable, both partners feel comfortable, since neither Natalia nor Victor limit the freedom of its second half.

Natalia and Vadim.

In this union, partners not only love, but also appreciate each other, and therefore will value their relationship. Tandem Natalia and Vadima is a rust of feelings and emotions.

Natalia and Stanislav

Initially, Natalia and Stanislav attracts a feeling of novelty in the relationship, but it is worth the feelings to grab how boredom is creepy. If it does not make a variety in this union in this union, then the pair will dispense.

Natalia and Anatoly

In this tandem, the heat and understanding reigns, so it is not surprising that the economic and decisive anatoly goes well with practical, but at the same time caring Natalia. Treason and betrayal there is no place in this relationship.

Natalia and Valery

This union unites two people who are a continuation and addition of each other. Valery has a light and cheerful temper, while Natalia restrains the impulsiveness of his partner.

Natalia and Vasily

Both partners are practical and calculating, so their life is clearly planned, and goals are achievable. Natalia and Vasily can create a prosperous family in all respects, in which there is no place to scandals.

Natalia and Grigory

This union can be called unequal: so, Grigory is not ready to part with its independence, while Natalia for the sake of family preserving will have to abandon its ambitions. If Natalia end patience, the marriage will disintegrate.

Natalia and Peter

Hardworking and practical Natalia and Peter are guided exclusively a mind that helps them rationally distribute physical and moral forces. Thus, they do not have no strength on quarrels and scandals.

Natalia and Egor

This is a truly perfect union, despite the fact that it is based on the unity of two absolute opposites. These strong nature are not bend under the load of vital difficulties. Together they rolled the mountains.
Egor - Name, Origin, Characteristics, Horoscope

Natalia and Veniamin

This tandem can be long and happy only if Natalia cease to re-educate Veniamine. However, a man in this union is ready to prevent the scandals to comply with their elected.

No one can predict what will happen to him in just a few years or even hours, what surprises will differ in the future, how to act in one situation or another. Humanity for many years trying to find at least some way to look into fate, and found a few simple ways for this, one of which is to solve the secret meaning of the name. Does relatively make relatives correctly if you choose Natalia's name for your crumbs, the meaning of the name, character and fate for girls - must be familiar with these features before baptism.

Natalia Name for Girls Briefly

How unexpected can be a secret meaning, hidden in the name and should try to solve him - questions that are often disturbed by adults who choose the name of their baby. Does natalia's pleasant surprises please Natalia, the meaning of the name, character and fate - relatives are reflected in the continuation of a long time, although they do it in vain - it does not foreshadow it. The Latin name will surely bring a lot of enjoyable owner and will certainly contribute to the career, family life and even health.

Natalia's meaning for the girl briefly - "native". It almost fully corresponds to reality - the baby from the small years will convince their relatives in the fact that they chose the name correctly, because for all she will be a wonderful ray, which will delight the kindness, responsiveness. Often, even for other people's people, she turns out to be a native girl who is ready to always come to the rescue and do everything to ease the life of even an unfamiliar person if he needs it.

What does Natalia name mean for a church calendar girl

Often parents who plan to call their crumb to modern fashionable name, forget that he depends not only the future, but also the number of saints patroness. It is they who will protect their child from life adversity, to help in making complex decisions, keep a good health. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is certainly necessary to study Christian literature, which will certainly come to the rescue and help to decide on the most appropriate and promising name.

Natalia, the meaning of the name, character and fate are described in the sacrats or church calendar in detail, and adults are recommended to carefully examine all the information. It often happens that this greatly facilitates education, helps to understand the intricacies of character, find out negative features and quickly fix them.

What does Natalia mean for the girl in the church calendar and will it patronize the saints? The interpretation fully corresponds to the Latin - "native". The patroness of the baby will be only alone, and the baby's birthday can be celebrated in September (8th).

Mystery named after Natalia - Signs, beliefs

The mystery named after Natalia was disturbed by people in the continuation of the centuries, and the observation helped them to find out what events can be marked by the day of reverending the saint. It is in this holiday that the bake is accepted, using only oatmeal for it. Why is Oatsa is the main hero of the day? Holy Natalia to his celebration notifies that it's time to finish collecting this grade or vice versa - sow how it is done in some regions.

Taken on this day to completely abandon work and go to relatives, to enjoy freshly baked pancakes. After the festive lunch, the remaining food was usually distributed to the poor and the poor, it was believed that the Holy would certainly thank for such kindness and send a warm winter without strong frosts.

Young girls also looked forward to this day - it was believed that the holy helps to choose the narrowed. It was her the holiday that the prayer was attracted and asked to send the groom. It was often happening that the wedding was already played in winter - the Great Martyr listened to the request and necessarily helped.

The origin of Natalia and its meaning for children

How important in the life of the baby may be the origin of Natalia and its meaning for children? As long-term practice tells, no origin will be able to influence future events that will occur in the life of crumbs. For the first time, the secret meaning of the name was described in detail in Latin books, it is in them the greatest information about this name.

How difficult will the child be after baptism? Usually he does not cause harm to adults, differing in the ability to find an interesting occupation and without requiring this attention to the parents. In the education of relatives, considerable surprises are also waiting - the baby is distinguished by wonderful prerequisites, attention, abilities. Just just once it is detailed to tell something in order for it forever hesitated the information. The excellent memory will help her both in their studies and work.

Natasha helps with pleasure. It does not matter what Mom entrusted to her - to remove in the house, wash the dishes or cook lunch - the girl will definitely cope with the instruction, and it will manage to turn it into a pleasant time. Such useful skills will certainly help her in the future turn the house into a cozy family nest, which will certainly envy others and friends.

Character of the girl named Natalia

How difficult in the upbringing may be the character of the girl named Natalia, and will they be able to cope with him worthy? It is not necessary to configure yourself in advance for difficulties - everything will be passed simple and easily, without much difficulties. The girl will be happy to enjoy all the instructions of adults.

Positive qualities have a lot of positive qualities, and almost all of them will continue throughout life:

  • cheerfulness;
  • excellent fantasy;
  • logical thinking;
  • wit;
  • kindness;
  • hospitality;
  • activity;
  • determination;
  • ability to protect the weak;
  • wonderful sense of justice;
  • activity.

Does Natalia have something negative in its character? One of the unpleasant damns is painful pride. Everywhere and always it should be the first and receive numerous praise, and not only from parents, but also from teachers at school, from the bosses at work. If this does not happen, the girl is annoyed, and for a long time can be offended. There are positive moments in this - it will make it all dementant to it, so that it does not happen again and will definite the maximum effort to take the first place.

Fate Girl named Natalia

Does the native people please the fate of the girl named Natalia? It should not even doubt it, it will be abundant only with pleasant moments. The choice of profession will not take much time - the girl still has a good one knows what specialty will choose. Most often it becomes.

Natalia's character is difficult. Since childhood Natasha is very cheerful. She is a big duty. Takes an active part in all matters, seeks to be the leader. He loves when it is praised. Loves noisy companies and gladly meets guests in their home. At the same time, Natasha is moderately modest and shy. The girl named Natalia knows the price and rarely suffers unreasonable criticism in his address.

If something does not work or goes wrong, I would like, cheerful and friendly nat turns into a barbed hedgehog. Rarely forgives resentment and not all people give a second chance. She will never go anyone about. It is difficult to convince something. Very self-confident and almost in all matters only trusts himself and his intuition, which Natalia has been very developed. It becomes much clear to her in small details and signs.

Work and career

One of the important goals in the life of Natalia is to find its own business in which she will invest all their strength. Since childhood, she visits a variety of circles, sports sections in finding the very lesson to which she dedicates his life. Most often, Natalia prefers work, which makes it possible to make new acquaintances, apply organizational abilities. As a rule, this is a social activity that does not require large loads. For example, politics, journalism, painting, acting, museum, etc. Whatever type of activity Natasha choose, everything will be done in it perfectly and strive to become one of the best in its sphere.

Love and personal life

By nature, Natalia is very in love. However, it will be close to all. She carefully comes up to choosing a satellite of life. And only to those who will be ideal in all respects will be considered. Spouse Natalia must be kind, soft, tolerant, understanding, faithful person. Able to provide their family and at the same time give her enough attention. In return, Natalia will give all the best that she has, surroundings, care and caress. But I will not forgive betray for anything. Natalia family will never stay hungry. She with great pleasure will prepare dishes of any complexity, will not let go of the guests from his home while they do not try her branded fragrant pie or casserole.

Natalia's name from time immemorial is considered one of the most common in Russia and the countries of the former CIS. Also a lot of Natasha and Europe, more known as Natalie or Natalin.