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Prayer of the Mother of God on tireless help. Prayers for miraculous icons of the Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos

Since ancient times, girls and women treated the Most Holy Mother of God with miraculous prayers. They questioned good grooms, asked for conception and intercession, about protecting the houses and all family members, about the nice harvest, etc. As before, the prayers of the Most Holy Intercession help to modern women.

Why should you seek help to the Virgin

The Most High Deva, during his life on Earth, experienced the same misfortunes as an ordinary person. She was prepared to survive the grief of terrible criticism, the death of his son. The Mother of God knows about our sorrows, the need, weakness. Any person's trouble finds a holy sympathy, and sins are delivering suffering.

Mother of God always serves people of parolescent help, does not disregard care. It warms love and revives the soul of Divine grace. Since all people sin, they are burdened with everyday adversities, personal sorrow, diseases. The Lord for Love to Mother takes her prayer about us. Therefore, many are resorted to the help of the Virgin, as a reliable, kind panion. With the joy of salvation, she will not leave praying.

Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary

To appeal to holy, you can read the dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary - these are special prayers (all of them 77), each of which is the strongest champion and is able to help in a particular situation. Dreams are treated, saved, do not allow to get into the circumstances at which it faces misfortune. A kind is a security certificate, so some people are constantly carrying notes with the appropriate text with you, others - read the necessary prayer 3-7 times before leaving the house or in a difficult life situation.

Dream of the Virgin (on health, happiness)
"Mother Mother Maria went
on the Zion Mountains,
Lay down to sleep-rest
under a cypress tree.
Jesus Christ himself goes:
- You are my mother, Mother Maria,
Are you sleeping or you lie?
- I slept, I did not sleep.
About you Sleep big seen.
As if you were enough enough;
On the cross crucified;
In the legs, iron nails knuckled.
- You are my mother, mother Maria.
This is not a dream, but the true truth.
This dream write off
All over the world sent.
Who will read it every morning,
God gives happiness and health. "
Mother's prayers about children

Sincere maternal prayer for the Virgin creates wonders. Even modern mothers do not neglect her to protect the children from ailments and misfortunes. Prayer will help in difficulties, but it is necessary to read it with a sincere faith, then everything will be resolved for the better. Sometimes women pray for the Mother of God for conception. Before the appeal, you need to free the mind from unclean thoughts, open your soul and heart to God.

Fundamental rules:

  • it is necessary to pray regularly, daily;
  • be sure to go to the confession, get a vacation of sins;
  • contact the whole heart - only it will be a guarantee that the petition will hear.

Prayer about the conception of the child

"Oh, the Most Holy Devot, Mati of the Lord Vysnyago, a dilapidated intercession of everyone, to you with the faith of resorting! Watch from the height of the height of his magnitudes of his inadequate, dropping to your icon! We hear soon the humble prayer of the sinner and bring to the son of their own; his mind, yes, ozarks the gloomy soul my light Divine graceful, and clean my mind from my thieves, and he will calm down my heart and heales his wounds, yes, I will enjoy me on kind things and strengthens it with fear, let me forgive everyone Yes, it will save the eternal flour and will not deprive the heaven of his kingdom. Oh, predicted by the Virgin Mary! You are fragmented by the ESI in the image of your Georgian, who command themselves to try to you with faith, do not conquer a snub of the grief and not to pass to me in the abyss of my sins. On the Bose, all my hope and hope of salvation, and your intercourse and the concept of I assign myself forever. Slavly and thank the Lord, that I sent me the happiness of a married state. I pray you, the Mother of the Lord and God and the Savior of My, and my mother's prayers will send me and my wife to my beloved Chado. Yes, it gives me a fruit fruit of my. Yes, he will be satisfied with him, in his glory. Moving the soul of my soul on the joy of conception in the womb. Yes, I speak and thank you Mother of the Lord of mine in all the days of my life. Amen."

Simplified prayer for the Virgin Prev Icon "Spear Selfish"

"Holy Mother of God! Give me hope in the healing of my whale, Javi to me the wishes to give birth to a child, give me the strength to hope for such a heavenly gift, bring me the light of the clear sun in my past, give me the motherhood gift so that I could hear the baby's childhood So you heard my crying. I pray you, wait for me the womb, put in a wonderful heart of the heart, bring me a soul that I want to be born in my rapty on the joy of me, the extension of my kind. I will always pray you for your omnipotence. You can give happiness face. Turn to me the Mother of God, smile at me with the hope of maternity happiness. Do not refuse me in my hope to become a mother. I will forever praise your name. "

Motherful prayer

"On the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Virgin, save and save under the hands of your children (names), all the detachments, socklocks and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of the mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to rescue them. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves. Mother of God, enter me into the image of your heavenly motherhood. Allow soul and bodily wounds of my children (names), my sins applied. I am handing a child my wholehegable Lord to my, Jesus Christ and your preching, heavenly patronage. Amen."

Prayer icon "Softening evil hearts"

She is read in order for the child nobody dreamed to cause evil. The icon itself has long been considered a miraculous. In the Orthodox world, it is especially honored, because it is able to protect from the evil of every person. To start praying, you need to light the candle in front of the way, but if not, then the lamp and read:

"On the long-suffering Mother of God, exceeding all the valches of land for its purity and many sufferings, to you on the ground suffered. Acceptance of the multi-tech rehabillery and save us under the blood of your grace. There is no other refuge and warm presentation, aren't you who have no veam, but Icho keen on the science of the kingdom of heaven, the ideal with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity. Now and in the eyelids. Amen."

Caring for the Blessed Virgin Mary does not know borders. Prayers with readable images, supplemented by personal misstant, will certainly be heard and perceived by the Great Intercession.

I suggest you to listen to the strongest prayer of the Most Holy Virgin in the form of very beautiful chants, this prayer has a very strong beneficial effect while listening

Prayers who should know every Orthodox Christian: Father Our, king Heavenly, thankful prayer, Calling Help Holy Spruce for any kind of good, the Most Holy Mother of God, and God will resurrect, the life-giving cross, the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimonu, the Most Holy Virgin, for the peace Moses Muurina, a symbol of faith, other daily prayers.

If you have anxiety on your soul and it seems to you that everything is not like that, or not enough strength and confidence to continue the work started, read these prayers. They will fill you with the energy of faith and well-being, surround the power of heaven and protect from all adversity. They will give you strength and confidence.

Prayers who should know every Orthodox Christian.

Our Father

"Our father, which is in heaven!" Yes, your name will be sainted, yes your kingdom will come; yes there will be the will of yours both on earth and in the sky; our urgent bread give us to this day; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors Our; And do not put us in temptation, but get rid of us from the evil; for yours is the kingdom and strength and glory forever. Amen. "

King Heavenly

The king of Heaven, the comforter, the soul of truth, the same everywhere and all of the fulfilling, treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and wondered, and the cleaning from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

Thanksgiving prayer (Thanksgiving for any blessing of God)

This prayer for the impact of centuries believers people read not only when their affairs, according to prayers to the Lord, were completed successfully, but also the Special Most High, and thanks to him for the gift of life and the constant care about the needs of each of us.

Tropear, voice 4:
Thanks to the extent of the unworthy of Rabi Your, the Lord, about your great blessings on us former, the Slavs, the Slavs, we bless, thank you, and our landscotus, and the slave with the love of our taste: our salary is our fame.

Kondak, voice 3:
Your blessings and gifts of Tuna, Yako, Rabika Uncertainty, prompted, Vladyko, to you diligently fighting, thanks on force, we bring to you, and you are well benefactor and the Creator Slavs, yelling: Glory to you, God all over.

Glory and now: Virgin
The Mother of God, Christian Assistant, Your Representation Your Rabbi Your Representation, thank you yelling: Rejoice, the Most of the Virgin Devo, and from all of us, your prayers are always to save, one soon representing.

Calling Help Holy Spirit for any good matter

Tropear, voice 4:
Cottage and the creator of all sorts, God, the hands of our hands, to the glory of your beginning, with your blessing, hastily enhancing, and from all slander to get rid of, Jaco is one of the nigility and a humus person.

Kondak, voice 3:
The fast in the intercession and strong to help, represent the grace of the strength of Twee Now, and blessing the strengthening, and in the commission of the BLOGAGA \u200b\u200bof the work of the slaves of your work: All Bo, Elika Khoshchechi, Yako strong God is creative.

Most Holy Virgin

"On the Most Holy Mother of the Virgin, the Heavenly Queen, save and hind us, sinful slaves of yours; from in vain slander and all sorts of misfortunes, attack and sudden death, ame in daytime clock, morning and evening and at all time, save us - standing, sitting, on Every way of walking, in the night hours of sleeping, stuff, stand up and cut, protect. Master of the Virgin, from all enemies of visible and invisible, from all evil circumference, at any place and in every time be us, mother preparing, needed wall and strong intercession Always now and died and forever. Amen. "

God will resurrect

"Yes, God will rise, and the enemies will rise, and it runs from his face. How the smoke disappears, yes will disappear; as waxes from the face of the fire, so yes demons will die from the face of those who love God and marked the glory sign, and in the cheerlery of verboloving: Rejoice , The precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, run to the demons by force on you the Primary Lord of our Jesus Christ, in hell of the devil's strength, and who granted themselves, the cross is honest for the defendance of any sacrup. About the pretensible and life-giving cross of the Lord! Help me with Holy Cross Mrs. Virgin Virgin and with all the holy forever. Amen. "

Life-giving cross

"Fence me, Lord, the force of an honest and life-giving your cross, save me from any evil. Weaken, leave, forgive, God, our preggie, free and involuntary, as in the word and in business, as in jurisdiction and not in ignorance, as In the days and in the night, as in the mind and in the disturbance, we all sorry, Jaco, and a philanthroper. Sorry hate and offending us, Lord a good man. Characterious good of Satvory. Braths and SCRIPS OUR GRIVE LANDERS TO SELECT FORGORT AND LIFE ENERVALLY Sunny visit and healing Darui. We will manage the sea. Traveling letters to the Understand. Served us, unworthy, to pray for them, to pray for them in the great of your mercy. Pomyani, Lord, before the deceased fathers and our brothers and we rest, where The face of your face. Remember, Lord, the brothers of our captives, get rid of them from any circumstances. Remember, Lord, Fruit-seeming and vasting in the saints of your churches, give them the way to save the petition and the eternal life. Remember, Lord, and us , humble and sinful, and unworthy of your slaves, and to educate our mind the light of your mind of yours, and make us on the path of the commandments of your own, the prayers of the Maria's preching ladbery and the Mary and all of your saints, Yako blessed by the centuries. Amen".

Holy Great Martyr and healer Pantelemon

"O Great Christ, the Relief and the Preszen Healer of the Great Martyr Panthevonon. The soul in the heaven the throne of God, the Treploads of His Glory Enjoy the Body and Saint Flash on Earth in Divine Temples and give you more grace with various sources of miracles. Watch with gracious OK for the upcoming people and Honestly your icon praying and clearer from you. And the prayer officer is calling for our sinners. Yako, you accepted the grace of Him from having to drive away and heal the passion. We ask you, do not win us unworthy you and your assistance requiring; Whether in our sorrow, the doctor, in the illnesses of the duty, With sorry and infants in the sorces of the preparing ideas and healer, based on Aese everyone, all to the salvation useful Yako Yes, to God to God with prayers, get grace and mercy to glorify all the good sources and the god of God's one in the Trinity of the Holy Glorious Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are also confused and forever. Amen".

Most Holy Virgin

"The Most Holy Lady is my Virgin, the saints, your holy and all-plating pliers of an alignment from me, the humble and punk slave, despondency, oblivion, nerazuma, the magnification, and all the bad, saint and consistency."

For the peace of the enemy

"Vladyko is humoring the king of centuries and the subman who destroyed hosts to the mediastinum and the world who submitted to the genus of the human, give and now the world of the slaves yours, to reconcile your fear of your, to each other's love approve, fade away with all sorts of fulfillment, we are all disagreements, seduced. Yako you There is our world, you fame to you. Father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confessed and forever. Amen. "

Oh sore

Vladyko, the Almighty, the Holy Tsar, are punishing and not killed, saying the abandoning and removed, the bodies of the sorrow correct, pray to you, our God, the servant of yours ... Completely visit your free and unwitting. His, Lord, your medical power from Heaven was sent, touched the body, fierce firing, decorate the passion and every sorts of melting, be a doctor's doctor's discovery, erect him from Odra painful and from the bodies of the whole and all-in-free, give him the church of your prosperous and creative will Yours, yours is, hedgehogful and save us, God, and you fame to you, the father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Live in help

"Alive in the help of the Vyshnyh, in the blood of God of Heaven waters. Recounts to the Lord: myself, myself, if my refuge, my God, and I hope for him. I will save you from the network of catching and from the words of rebellious; his shoulders will be hindered by him, under his wings. ; weapons are created by the truth of him. Not sure from the fear of the night, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in the darkness coming, from shaking and softening a meal. Falls from the country of your thousand, and darkness to you, you will not get closer to you, Obache Clean your see and reward sinners of the vrudeshi. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe; Vyshnya put your refuge. Does not get an evil to you, and the wound will not get closer to your body, IKO angels to meet you about you, preserve you in all your ways. On Hands will be taken, but not when you are pushing about the foot of your foot, on aspid and Vasilisk Communion, and ease of Leo and Zmia. Yako on My Upov, and get rid, and I will stop my name, and I will call my name, I will call him and hear him; with I am in grief, Izmu I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with the longitude of days, Jav Liu him salvation my. "

Rev. Moses Muurina

Oh, the great power of repentance! Oh of the immeasurable depth of the Mercy of God! You, Reverend Moses, was before the robber. You horrified our sins, reckled about them and in repentance came to the monastery and there in the great crying about his lawlessness and in difficult exploits spent his days before the death and won the sorry and the gift of the miraculous. O, Reverend, from grave sins, reached strict virtues, help and praying to you, the slaves (name), inhalled into the destruction from the fact that they indulge in the immeasurable, harmful to the soul and body use of wine. Sloni on them their gracious eyes, do not rejoint and do not despose them, but they hurt them, resorting to you. Moths, holy Moses, the Lord of Christ, so that they do not reject them, merciful, and the devil the devil of their death, but will spill the Lord of these powerless and unfortunate (name) who took possession of the destructive passion of the drunkenness, because we are all of God's creation and redeems Blood son him. Hear the same, reverend Moses, their prayer, eating the devil, giving them the power to defeat their passion, help them, send your hand, bring them away from slavery and get rid of the winery so that they are updated, in sober and the light mind, they loved abstinence And piety and always glorified the all-bad God, always saving their creations. Amen".

Symbol of faith

"I believe in a single god of Father, Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible, in the Unified Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beast, and from the Father born before all century; light from the world, the God of Truth and the God of Truth , Born, not created, one of the father, they are all the whole house. We for the sake of the person and our sake of salvation from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of the Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the crucible. Consistent for us with Pontic Pilate and suffering and buried. And Risen On the third day of Scripture. And asked to heaven, sitting on the Odessa Father. And the Paki of the Forthwest will be alive and the dead, his kingdom will not be the end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord Lord, II from the father of the outgoing. izh and son Spicle And the Suslim, who verbally the prophets. In the United Satisfaction, the Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. Tea of \u200b\u200bthe resurrection of the dead and the life of the future century. Amen. "

Prayer of spouses, children not do

"Hear us, merciful and almighty God, yes, I will be graceful to our rally. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, prevent your law about the multiplication of the genus of the human and be a gracious patron, but your help will remain you installed. You are worth it to you From nothing, everything created and laid the beginning of everything in the world of the existing one - created a man in the image of his own and high secretly, consecrated the unity of the marriage in preparing the mystery of the unity of Christ with the Church. Watch, merciful, on us, the slaves of yours, the Union of Culture and Being Assistance , let's be your mercy on us, let's be fruitful and we will see the sons of our sons even to the third and quarter and to the desired old age will live and enter the kingdom of heaven in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom everyone glory, honor and worship is pleased with Holy Spirit. Amen. "

Daily prayers

Waking up in the morning, mentally say the following words:
"In the hearts - the Lord God, ahead - the Holy Spirit; Help me with you to start, live and finish."

Going to the far way or just for any cases, well mentally uttering:
"My Angel, let's go with me: You're ahead, I'm yours." And the guardian angel will help you in any start.

So that your life has improved, it is good to read the next prayer daily:
"Lord is merciful, the name of Jesus Christ and the power of the Spirit of the Holy Save, save and nice me, the servant of God (name). Remove me damage, the evil eye and pain, forever. Lord is gracious, drive the demon of me, the servant of God. Lord is merciful, heales Me, the servant of God (name). Amen. "

If you have anxiety for loved ones, pronounce the following prayer, until calm comes:
"Lord, save, save, hindle (the names of loved ones). Everything will be good for them!"

The ancient world was waiting for the arrival of the Savior for a very long time. And this thought is saturated with all the Old Testament. But why the Messiah did not appear in the human world for so long!? The whole thing is that only a woman who was ready to give birth to the son of God, who was ready for the great feat of self-denial and endless love. She had to fully entrust her life to God and would agree to the immaculate conception of her son. We passed the century and only when Mary's Virgo appeared on the light - it became possible.

Who is the Holy Mother of God

The Mother of God is the most humble and clean Virgin, which ever was born on earth.

In Christian confessions, the Holy Maria is referred to in different ways:

  • Virgo or Salne, because Mary in his ministry God remained a virgin and the conception of God's Son was immaculate;
  • The Mother of God, because she is in the earthly life of the mother of the Son of God;
  • Spearness, as Maria with humility adopted the command of God to give birth to a son from the Holy Spirit.

Holy Scripture About the Virgin

The Scripture contains a description of only a few episodes of the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who reveal her personality. All information about the life of the mother of God can only be found in the church legend, which contains ancient legends and church-historical writings.

The main information about the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary is contained in the "First-choicehelege Jacob", written in about 150. After R. Kh. Virgo Maria was born in the family of the righteousness of Joachim from Nazareth and Anna from Bethlehem. The parents of the Virgin Mary were outdated from noble royal childbirth. They lived together in harmony to old age, but God never gave them children. But the time came and their pious was marked by the Most High and Angel told them a joyful news that soon they would have a noble daughter.

The next important event in the life of the future mother of God is a moment when a three-year-old girl parents led to the Jerusalem Temple to dedicated to God. The baby independently overcame fifteen steps, and she came to meet the high priest Zakhariya, who was given an indication of over the story Glump of the sanctuary, where none of believers had the right to go.

At the age of 14, Virgo Maria independently decided to devote all his life to God and gave a vow about virgin. At the same time, she was engaged with the older Joseph, which came from the royal genus David through Solomon. They lived in Nazareth and the hoop took care of the Virgin Mary, provided it and defended it if necessary.

About the Annunciation, when the Holy Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to the Most Holy Virgin Mary with the good news of the birth of the Son, tells in his revelations of Saint Luka. With great humility and humility, a young woman took the news that she should become the mother of God. Angel also appeared to Joseph and said that Mary Mary was conceived from the Holy Spirit. And the husband took the command of God to accept the Virgin as his wife.

When it came to end the end of the life of the earthly to the Holy Virgin during her prayer on the Eleon Mountain, Archangel Gabriel went down from the sky. In his hands, he held a paradise décor branch. He said that in three days the earth's life ended the Most Holy Theotokos and the Lord will take her to him.

So it happened. A minute of death, the room where Virgo Maria was located, illuminated unusual light. And Jesus Christ himself appeared surrounded by angels and took the soul of the Virgin. The brainstorm was buried in the cave at the foot of the Eleon Mountain, where her parents were previously buried.

On December 4, the believers are celebrated by the Great Church Holiday - the introduction to the Church of the Holy Virgin. It is on this day that the moment is celebrated when Maria was given to his parents to serving God. On the very first day, the high priest Zakhariy led the girl in the sanctuary, where it could later go every year on December 4th. In the temple, the girl spent 12 years, after which he independently decided to preserve the Nity in the name of serving God.

A significant day began to celebrate the church for a long time. This is due to the fact that, thanks to the introduction of parents to the Temple, Virgin Mary began his way to serve God, who allowed people on earth to receive their Savior. In all temples on this day, services occur. Prayers, spoken by believers, make the praise of Mary's praise and ask about the intercession of the Virgin before the Most High for everyone praying.

Of course, such a great festival associated with a significant event in the church world has been reflected in icon painting. On Icon on Introduction, Virgo Mary is always depicted in the center. Other actors are parents on one side and the Girl's high priest Zakhariy. Often on icons are depicted in the temple, it was their little Maria who overcame without any help.

In the calendar cycle, this church holiday coincides with the end of the autumn season and the beginning of the winter period.

The Russian Orthodox people also celebrated this day:

  • Holiday of a young family;
  • Opening of the gate of winter;
  • Entering.

Folk signs on this day:

  • After that, it was forbidden to dig the land on the street, so women needed to take care to stock clay for household needs;
  • From this day and before the ninth Thursday, it was not necessary to use racks for ducting linen, otherwise it was possible to cause bad weather;
  • On holiday, it was forbidden to engage in work related to the beating and friction, it was impossible to clean and dig the land.

Since this is a big religious holiday, it was necessary to hold it in harmony and peace with the surrounding people. Very good on this day to invite close friends to visit or go to visit them. Since the introduction always falls on the Christmas post, then on this day it was allowed to diversify the table with fish dishes and drink some wine.

Orthodox experiencing special and very deep feelings for the Mother of God. It is for all believing people with a model of piety and holiness. A huge number of prayers are addressed to the Most Holy Theotok, in her honor for great church holidays services and special canons are performed.

A lot of prayers are represented in the prayer, with which various reasons can be asked for help from the Most Holy Mother of God. As a woman, she had a lot of trouble and sorridge in the period of earthly life. She fate prepared a fate to lose his own son. The Mother of God knows what needs and dismiss. Therefore, any human trouble finds in the soul in the Music Mother's Mother of God's understanding and sympathy, and any sin delivers her unbearable suffering and she is ready to ask God for the forgiveness of the believer.

Mother's prayers about children

Mother's prayers are very important and effective. They will definitely hear the Most Holy Mother of God. And it doesn't matter how old the child, because always mothers can ask for blessings and protection for him in the mother of God.

It should be remembered that prayer must come from the depths of the heart. It is important to know that it is impossible to pray for the good for your children to the detriment of other people. This is a big sin. The following is considered a strong prayer.

It is read on cover and sounds as follows:

"O, the Most Holy Master of the Virgin, I ask you and hope to be heard. Save and save my favorite children (children's names) under her root reliable. And also help to all other years and babies, baptized and still nameless, beaten by earth mothers in their womb. The lump of their own rhizo from all whales womb. Give me strength to raise them in fear of God and in obedience to your parents. Bless them on the righteous life and good things so that the Almighty gave my Chadam salvation. I trust them with your maternal supervision, I hope that you give them the divine cover.

Mother of God, Szondeva, tell me all the righteousness of your heavenly motherhood. Healing spiritual and bodily wounds of my children. Forgive me, my sins, who caused Cadam to my harm. I trust you your children, born in love, I give them my souls. I hope for your patronage and protection of your son Jesus Christ. Amen".

If the child is sick, then you can contact the Most Holy Virgin with the following prayer:

"Oh, Almighty, Installing the Heavenly Mother Mother of God, accept my prayer. I pray for you with tears in my eyes. I will ask for an unworthy and sinful slave of God's health about the health of your child. I hurt my prayer, because you are always thinking about helping you and you always hear about help. You will make a sorrow with human facilitates, heal, patients with all ails heal, run the demons from the shower of people, help all small children. Seldiece Heaven, I ask you, petition before the Lord for my child. Asking the Son of God, to give he healing to my chad. Give me hope of a miracle and on my child's health. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and now and are constantly and in the eyelids. Amen".

A prayer for the Most Holy Virgin about the conception of a child is read at Christmas. Its text sounds like this:

"Oh, Immaculate, Blessed Vestnoeva Maria, Chosen by God, Net Soul and Body, Mother of Our Jesus Christ. I speak and please you, because you are the salvation of all kind of human.

Accept the prayer sincere from the unworthy of the slaves of God (own name), hear me and do not spin my request. I always glorify you and everywhere, you sing your greatness and I trust your fate. I pray you for myself and for my husband. Ask your son, God of our Jesus Christ, give us a pious life that will benefit for our souls.

Oh, the Most Holy Virgin, the Queen of the Heaven, the mercy of her to contact us, on the slaves of God, who want to acquire the offspring. In sins of their repentance and forgiveness, please. We left us a cure full of infertility. The Most Holy Queen of the Heavenly, I pray you to hear my molub.

Humbly and hopefully resorted to you, we expect help. We succeed with the Almighty Absorption of our sins, who have been disassembled for an intimacy and by the will of ours. You are our only hope. The Lords of our Almighty and you are the Most Holy Mother of God, and all the saints are increasingly glorify. Amen".

In the evening rule of the Orthodox believer also includes prayer to the Most Holy Virgin.

She sounds like this:

"The merciful and great king of heaven, a merciful mother. I pray you, the last and blessed of the Virgin. We succeed at your son, God of our mercy for me, fill my soul with a blatant hope and direct me to good and good deeds. Help me the remaining life live without sin. Discover me the way to paradise with my mercy is one and blessed. Amen".

You can use another prayer in the evening:

"To you, the Most Holy Mother of God, I'm sinful, falling, appeal. You know the queen of heaven in the life of the earth I sin and amuse your son, our God. I repent every day every day, but again and again there is a false thing and I ask for forgiveness. I hope for the Forgiveness of God and I'm afraid of the wrath of God. Help me, the master of heaven, strengthens the Spirit, direct me to good and gentle life. Only you, the Holy Virgin, you know how I suffer from the evil deeds of my own. Save me, the preching and Most Mother of God, the victims of me and give strength will not submit a detrimental passion and resist before evil will. I want to get grace from the Holy Spirit and give up the badness of anything. I strive to live according to Christ's commandments. Amen".

Babies necessarily require spiritual protection. Therefore, in the evening, moms should be prayed to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for a children's coming dream.

To do this, you can use such a prayer:

"O, Major Most Holy Mother, Virgin Mary, Assistant of the Republic of Ludsky and his defender. You hear anyone asking from the needs of the suffering. Give the calmness to us and healing. Mix us the great mother of God and hope to us. Apply for us before the son of your just and merciful. Amen".

Prayers for health

Prayers to the Holy Virgin about health are considered one of the strongest. If you pray for your own health, you can use the following prayer. It is necessarily praining to the icon of the Virgin Mary, but you can do it both in the temple and at home.

Text of prayer:

"Queen Heaven, my hope, the Most Holy Mother of God. You are an assistant to all who believe in virtue of yours and in need of contacting you. Pretending the mother of his son of my almighty, you do not leave in the misfortune and grieving. Hope to give and support offended. Hear my request, feel sorrow. Help me cope with my misfortune, associated with the bodies of bodily. Give me strength to cure from diseases pursuing me. Allow the Most Holy Mother of God all my health problems. I speak to your help, for your help, for the fact that you are a good comforter man, hand help from heaven with an eligible stretching. Save me and save me. Amen".

Pray for the health of family members, you can another prayer directed to the mother of God:

"Lady of the predicted, the Most Holy Mother of God, I ask you to take my family with my defense. Cutting us all with your cover, save and save. Give us health and calm. Unskie in the heart of households the unquestioned obedience of God's covenants, love and rejection of all kinds of good deeds. Help us live in fear of God and welcome. Do not allow our seven of our grief, do not let us experience the separation of painful and hard parting with loved ones. Do not give us the death of a painful and sudden without repentance and forgiveness. Our house is saved from misfortunes and troubles, from any external evil and the devilish puff. And we will thank you and glorify your name always and everywhere. Amen".

Miraculous is considered the prayer of the "Virgin Delo, rejoice." This is due to the fact that it was these owls that appealed to the Virgin Maria Archangel Gabriel, when she brought her good news about the immaculate conception of the Son of God.

Listen to the audio prayer "The Virgin Delo, Rejoice":

In the original, the prayer in the church language sounds as follows:

In prayer, an appeal to the Virgin Mary is already applied, as the Virgin. But further emphasizes the fact that the Lord will be with her and will support it in the decision. The phrase "blessed in the wives" indicates that God's power of Virgo Maria is glorified among all other wives. The word "ferthod" is emphasized that the woman received the grace of God.

In Russian, this prayer can be translated as follows:

The prayer "The Mother of God Devo ..." is a miraculous Word of God, which is able to give the grace of Saints Heaven. This prayer reflects the aspirations and hope to get help from the Virgin in every grief, as well as to pour for forgiveness and salvation for themselves and their loved ones.

Prayer "Queen is my predictory"

One of the most used prayers, which contains an appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos is "Queen is my preplarative."

It is believed that she:

  • Brings joy to those in need and grieving;
  • Helps offended and offended;
  • Protects poor and wandering.

The text of the prayer sounds as follows:

"My Tsarice is preparing, Hope My Most Holy Mother of God, giving a shelter for orphans, people's displays. Brief joy bringing and patronizing offended. You, all-inclusive, hear me and see my trouble, which leads to the soul mate. Help me from the gentity to get rid of me, direct me as you send every wanderer in the right path. You know what's my resentment, help allow it and choose the right path on your will. I have no help to another, but there is no other than your protection. You are the only one comforter and only on you I hope that you will save and you will save me forever. Amen".

This prayer is read in front of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, in case there is a need to preserve pregnancy. It is also recommended to read it every day, including in the morning and evening rule.

Any prayer directed to the Most Holy Mother of God should be read correctly. It is important to have a deep faith in the fact that prayer will be heard and assisted. It is impossible to read a prayer carelessly. In each word and phrase, deep respect and respect for the mother of God should be felt. Praying the Saint Virgin Mary is necessary only in a positive mood. In addition, if a believer plans to handle the Prayer of the Blessed Virgin, he must love and read his own mother.

To the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as the Most High and all soles, should be handled with pure thoughts. In the soul should not be hatred, envy and malice. Orthodox faith allows you to pray in your own words. But if a believer will be decided to use the original, then you need to pre-disassemble the entire meaning of the prayer text. Then the original text must be learned to read the prayer, not stuffing. It is allowed to insert their own petition for help in their own needs into the prayer appeal to the Most Holy Mother. It is important that your request for help does not contain threats to other people and was not harmful.

When visiting the temple, it is necessary to pray at the icon of the Holy Virgin. Be sure to put candles at the same time. After prayer, you need to stand for some time in silence and think about your life. This will help you buy the desired calmness and set up yourself to the fact that everything that is notice from heaven, you need to accept humbly. In particularly severe life situations, it is allowed to turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary silent. This can be done throughout the day in a secluded place, renovated for a second from all household problems.

Listen to the song-prayer "Most Holy Delo Mother of God of God"

Icon of the Virgin Yeletskaya

Prayers of the Virgin

"My tsarice is predictive, my hope, the Virgin, the brew of sirah and strange subsidiaries, grieving joy, insidual patroness!

See my trouble, seeing my sorrow; Pomping mi, Yako Weekly, Okammy, I, Yako strange!

Harmony of my weight - Allow those whims of Volishi!

Yako is not imam in wanting help, don't you, nor a bird's present, nor burghi comforter, Tokmo to you, about the Bogomati!

Yako Yes, save me and covered in eyelids. Amen.

All prayers for the Mother of God

Prayers repentant to the Most Holy Theotokos

Prayer Virgin 1st

The Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mary, a single pure soul and body, a single eighteenth full of purity, chastity and virginity, the uniform fully pretended by the Human grace of all sorts of breath, the smallest of the best forces here is still incomparably surpassed the cleanliness and shrine of the souls and body, proud the soul And the body turns out the perfectness of my life of my life, to cleanse passionate my mind, immaculate prefigure and the landscaping of my wandering and pinching thoughts, bring my feelings and guide them, freeing me from tormented by me Zlago and Gnusnago skill to unclean prejudice and passions, stop all Sin, overshadowed in me, donate sober and disinterested to correct your excuses and falls, so that, having freesed from sinful darkness, I made a daring to glorify and picked you, the uniform Mother of Truthful Light - Christ, our God; Because you are alone with him and about him blesses and famous any invisible and visible creature now, and always, and forever. Amen.

Prayer for the Most Holy Virgin 2nd

Unwair, unlable, unwanted, therapy, non-invalid Bogopevo, the Virgin Mary Marie, Ms. World and Hope! Watch on me, sinning, in the hour of this and the eggent of the pure blood of your inseciomeznozno bore the Esi of the Lord Jesus Christ, I prefer me to make my mother's prayers; That ripe convicted and weapons of sadness in the heart of a vulnerable, you vulnerable my soul my Divine Love! Togo in the UzAs and rules of the horsepower mourning, tears of crushing to me darue; With a free one to death, the soul is severely whimpering, diseases of them freedom, and I can Slavs, worthy of the famous forever. Amen.

Prayer for the Most Holy Virgin 3rd

The intercession is a diligent, fragrant Lord Mati! To you, I resort to AZ, the pupinous and more of all the people of the sinner: the won praying of my prayer, and the cry of my and the lance of hear. Yako lawlessness is my forehead of my head and Az, I am a ship in the Pochini, I immerse yourself in the sea of \u200b\u200bmy sins. But you, all-inclusive and merciful Vladychitsa, do not despite me, desperynago and Gresh dyingly; Pommuyu me, Kayuchagosya in the evil decele of my, and turn to the path of the right lack of ankanese soul. On you, Mother Vladychitsa, I have all the hope of my. You, Mother of God, Save and follow your telescope, now and are confronted and forever. Amen.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary, Cheat Day Sunday, PRP. Nile Sorsky

ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY DELOW THE MABLE MAY, MATY OF SHECHERTROT AND PERSONALITY, PUBLIC IMAGE HOPE AND HOW MY! About Mati Masting, Firstborn and Any Love Superior Savior, Lord Jesus Christ, Personnel and My God, the light of the souls of Moyya! To you, Az multi-hearted fall, and you pray, the source of mercy and the puchin of a generous and humanity than the habit of having been having a bitterness, a lot of vulnerable, in a lightening robbing station, and from clothes, in Nyfort, nude. Hearing the disturbance of my wound from my face madness. But, Mother Motherod's Vladychitsa, I pray sleeved: Review on my merciful my Okom, and do not rush to me, everything is praised, everything is desecrating, everything in the Tine of Slavs and Passions is immersed, Lyuta Padshago and by being not mightily: soaring on me, and gone Helping hand, in hedgehogs erected from the depths of sinful. About my joy! Get rid of me from making himself; Enlighten your face to your slave, save dyingly, to stand Padshago Luce: Mozheysh Boy all, Smya Mati God of Almighty. Flowing on the mercies of your mercy, and the wine of the mission of the ultrasound; You are truly you the hope of Moiem in life. Do not remove the pit, to you intensely, but I will have a sorrow with my, the devo, and the souls of desire, and this and save and save myself, the guardais of my salvation.

Prayers of Thanksgiving to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Song of the laudatory of the Most Holy Virgin

You, Mother of God, praise; Ty, Marie, Virgin Mary confess; Ty, Pereverto Father Dzcher, all the Earth Musks. You vsi Angeli and Archangel and the whole start humbly serve; You all the authorities, the thrings, the domination and the whole exceeding the power of heaven obey. You cherubs and seraphims are rejoicing to the oppression and incessant glans cry: the Holy Mother of God, is full of the essence of the heavens and the land of the Majesty of the fame of the fetus of your womb. You, the Preslav of the Apostolic Face of his Creator Mother praises; You martyrs are many Mother of God; You have the preschool confessors for the Songs of God, the temple has nursing; You are presented by the dominance of the presenters; You praise all the Heavenly War of the Queen of Heaven. All the Holy Church glorifies you throughout the village, Mother of God honors; The truth is the king of the cement to the sort of illuminates. You are angel Mrs., you are a paradise door, you are the soticing of the kingdom of heaven, you are the king of glory a child, you are the ark of piety and grace, you are the abyss of the generous, you are the refuge of sinners. You Mati Savisteva, you are freedom for the sake of the Sagitangago person, God has perceived the ESI in the womb. You have been enemized to you; You rejected the faithful doors of the kingdom of heaven. You are the best God of God; You are God for us Molishi, Delo Marie, and I will judge alive and dead. You ask you, asking, the intercession of your son and God, sorted by the blood of us, I will accept us, and I will accept MZDU in eternal glory. Save your people, the Virgin, and bless your heritage, I will be, we will be partakes of your heritage; Eupy and observe us even before the century. For every day, about the Most Holy, praise and please be a heart and mouth. SPO, premium-free Mati, now and always will be preserved from sin; Mix us, intercession, have mercy. Budy the mercy of yours on us, I am on the eyelids on the eve. Amen.

Prayers leeches to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer 1st

To whom I will have, Vladychitsa? Who resserved in my sorrows, isn't it for you, the queen of heaven? Who is crying my and sinking my binding, isn't you, forekloric, hopefully Christians and refuge us, sinful? WHO WILL PROTECT YOU WILL PROTECT? We hear a slaughter of my womb and scream your ear to me, the Mother of Mother's Mother of God, and do not despise me, requires your help, and do not remove me, sinning. Inceckers and teach me, the queen of heaven; Do not retreat from me, the slave of yours, Vladychitsa, for the Raptation of my, but let me Mati and the intercession. I give myself a merciful cover to yours: bring me, sinning, to a quiet and serene life, but we are looking at Gresh my. To whom Bo is resorted by the borrowed Az, not to you, hopefully and refuge the sinful, hope for the ineffable mercy and the generotes of your salary? About Vladychitsa, Queen Heaven! You hope and refuge, cover and intercession and help. Queen is my preparing and ambulance, my preventive petition, to protect me from the enemy visible and invisible; Soften the hearts of evil people who work on me. About Mati Lord My Creator! You are the root of virginity and unfavorable color of purity. About the Virgin! You are supposed to help with a weak carnal passion and a painful heart, one and your son and the god of our imam interpreting; And your stupid intercession can get rid of any trouble and attack, about the foreloping and the Pressenger of God Mati Marie. Tormy with the verbose of verb and yoke: Rejoice, fertile; Rejoice, delighted; Rejoice, predicted: Lord with you!

Prayer 2nd

Queen is my preparing, my hope, the Mother of God, the priviful hitch of the sirah and strange subsidiaries, which are grieving joy, inspired by patroness! See my batch of seeing my sorrow, pomping, I can be sad, shames, sly, is strange. Miscellaneous of my weight, allow the one, Impo Volishi: Yako is not imam in wanting to help you, nor a bird's present, nor Bogia comforter, Tokmo to you, about the Bogomati, Yako yes, save me and covered in eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 3rd

About the Most Holy Devo, Mother of the Lord Vynyago, the intercession and the cover of everyone, who are resorting to you! Watch from the height of the Holy Handie on me, the sinner (name), seizable to the preching image of yours; I hear my warm prayer and bring Ye before beloved the son of your son, our Lord Jesus Christ; his mind, yes, ozarks the gloomy soul my light of the Divine grace of God, yes will save me from all kinds of need, grief and illness, yes low to me a quiet and peaceful life, the health is bodily and mental, and it umiths my head and healed my wounds, let me push me For good deeds, my mind from the Thiege Thiege Thickness, I will consider the fulfillment of my commandments, I will take rid of my heaven of kingdoms, and I will not deprive your heaven. About the Most Holy Mother of God! You, "all the grieving joy", hear and me, sorrow; You, referred to as "sorrow", quench and my sadness; You, "busty unalitable", save the world and all of us from malicious fiery armed arrows; You, the "recovery of the dead," do not, not, and for me to die in the abyss of my sins. On the boo bose all my hope and hope. Budge to me in the life of a temporary intercession, and about the life of eternisters before your son, the Lord, by our Jesus Christ, Guodatais. Teaching me to the worker with the faith and love of serving, the same, the Most Mother of God, the Mother of God, is reverently honorably to the condense of my days. Amen.

Prayer 4th

Virgo Mother of the Virgin, who worn in the womb of the Savior of Christ and God of our god, lay on you all my hope, I hope for you, the highest of all celestial strength. You, the most preching, guard me by Divine Your Grate. Governance my life is mine and guide according to the saint will of your son and our God. Give me to leaving the sin, be me refuge, cover, protecting and supervisor, transmitting eternal life. In the terrible hour, the mortal would not leave me, my master, but speed up to help me and disappear from the bitter torment of demons. For in more than their own, you have and strength; We pretend to be a truly Mother of God and over all who is dominic, and you have a common one who has been brought to your gifts from us unworthy of your slaves, the bad, all the birth of the Mother of God, selected from all kinds, which turned out to be the highest of all the creatures of heaven and earthly. Alone, you learned the Son of God, through you, the Lord had become with us, and we were encouraged by the saint body and blood of him, then you are blessed in childbirth, the Holy Holy Cherubimov and the Sorny Serafimov; And now, who has been playing, all-in-law, do not fully be silent for us, unworthy of your slaves to get rid of us from any of the goat Lukavago and from any extreme, and observe invulnerable at any nuclear income. Even to the end of your prayers, you will save us unlucky, and you will always be saved by your intercession and you will always be represented by glory, praise, thanksgiving and worshiping in the Trinity of God and the creator of all. The good and predicted laddy, Mother of Bolago, all-incaging and extensive God, on the prayer of the unworthy and indebugo the slave of yours is a merciful ocom of yours, and go with me in the great grace of inener And every feeling was presented, arbitrarily and involuntarily, with jurisdiction and by ignorance, and update all me, having promoted the temple of Vomblegotago, the life-gloomy and dominal spirit of the Spirit, which is the power of Vysnyago, and familiar to your all-time womb, and dwell. For you are an assistant to bombed, the presenter of the distinguished, the savory of the broken, the pier of the challenge, the defender and the intercession of those in extremes. Give the slave to your crushing, the silence of thoughts, the constancy of thought, the mind of the chawed, soberness of the soul, the humble image of thoughts, the sophisticated and sober mood of the Spirit, the temper of the prudent and landscaped, who serves as a sign of spiritual collens, also piety and the world as our Lord gave his disciples. May my prayer in the holy temple and your housing in your glory; My eyes will freeze the sources of tears, and yes, you wash me with my own tears, you clean the threads of my tears, cleaning me from the bad passion. Gathering the handwriting of my sin, scorching the clouds of my sorrows, MGLU and confusion of thoughts, removed from me a storm and the aspiration of passions, keep me in a gentleling and silence, silenced my spiritual surveillance, hesitated and rely on me with the joy inhale, cheerful to the right of the commandments Your son walked, I was right and unshamed with a unspanitious consistency. I give me a prayer to me, and a pure prayer, so that I was constantly the day and night, I had a word of divine scriptures and night, I decided to give me the words of Divine Scriptures, and I brought a prayer to the glory in the glory of the Son Your Lord of our Jesus Christ. He also applies any glory, honor and worship now, and always, and forever and ever! Amen.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Ephraim Sirina

Virgo, Veldist, Virgin, Page of the Nature and Words who born the only beggar of God, the Word, Creator and Vladyka with all the visible and invisible creatures, one from the Trinity of God, God and the Man, who pretended to the inhabitants of the Divine, Celebrate all the shrines and grace, in which, for the favor of God and Father , with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, bodily dwells the fullness of the Divine; Inracted by Bogrigent advantage and the preview of the Honor of the Angels, the royal crown of the apostles and the prophets, the prenemic and wonderful courage of the Martyrs, the victorious of the victims and the grooves of the Ventes and the devastations of the Militias and Renovation and the glory of the reverend, the uncompressive travel companion and the mentor of the silence, the door of the revelations and spiritual secrets, the source of light, the gate of eternal life, the inexhaustible river of the mercy, the inexhaustible sea of \u200b\u200ball Bograypoints and miracles, you ask you and begging you, the compassionate Mother of Personal Lubya, whether , humble and unworthy of your slaves, Reviews are bless with the captivity and humility of our, rub the scroll of the souls and bodies of our, rushing visible and invisible enemies, be for us unworthy, before the soup of our enemies of our strong pillar, sworn weapons, strong militia, promotion and incruise Early, show the ancient now on us and wonderful gracefulness of yours, and you know the lawless enemies, that your son is and God is the king and the lord that you are truly the Virgin, who gave birth to the truth of God, that everything is possible to you, and what neither email, Lady, you have the power to commit In the sky and on earth, and for any petition to bestow what is useful: sick health, which is in Mori silence and good shipping. Traveling up letters and guard them, prisoners save from Gorkago slavery, comforting sad, make it easier for poverty and any other bodily malformation: everyone freedoms from mental illness and passions, invisible to your reprehension and suggestions, in order, well and incomprehensively committing this time life, we have suffered Through you and the eternal benefits in the kingdom of heaven. The faithful, who are honored by the terrible name of the Son of Your Personality and the mercy of your son and the mercy of yours and in all of you who have your own gudataaisu and compete, strengthen the invisibly against the surrounding enemies, the rushes of a cloud of despondency, tighting their souls, save them from the shower, and give them a bright The most grateful and joy, laying the world and serene in their hearts. Save your prayers, Vladychitsa, this is predominantly dedicated to the flock, the whole, city and country, from hunger, earthquake, sumps, fire, sword, invasions of the interemphetics, internecine breeding, and all the righteous of the anger will turn off, on the favor and grace of the Son And your God, Jesh, approves every glory, honor and worship, with his original father, with a sign and life-friendly spirit, now and always, and forever. Amen.

Prayers of the Virgin: All Prayers for the Most Holy Mother

Prayer appeal to the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. John Kronstadtsky

Oh, Vladychitsa! Yes, not the tasteful and Vousy, we nourish you by the Lady: Yavi and rend on us your holy, living, effective dominion. Javi, for everything can be good, I can Mati all-incumbent all-bad kings; Outleeping the darkness of our hearts, reflect the arrows of the slices, flattering on us movable. The world of your son, your world is so reigning in our hearts, but everyone is blindly exclaimed: who, after the Lord, is our lord, all-inclusive, all-stock and abstreat of our assumption? You are exalted, Ladyman, on the abundance of an unspeakable divine grace to you, on the wrong jergeon and the strength of the throne of God and the gift of the Almighty Prayer are given to you, on the wrong holiness and the purity of the blessing, to you, the power of the powerfulness from the Lord is given, To save you, defend, implicit, clean and save us, the legacy of your son and God, and yours. Save us, oh, the prechile, all-inclusive, reminding and all-aggregate! You boasts of our Savior Savior of our, which of all the names favor more thance the Savior Savior. For us, we are interested in seaside, it is intended to fall, because we are taxed by the flesh of multiiliate, surrounded by the spirits of the Evil Primbus, sexually segmented by sin, we live in the world of adulterators and sinful, seducing in sin; And you are above all sin, you have the sun's sun, you are the most prediendly, all-inclusive and all-stock, you tend to clean us, deserved sins, as a mother cleans their children if we call you humbly about help, you tend to raise us, increasingly falling , to guard and save us, viscasted from the perfumes, and instruct us to march to any savory path.

Miliation to the Mother of God.

What to pray you to ask you? You see everything, you know yourself: look into my soul and give her what she needs. You, all undergoing, all premier, - will understand everything. You, who hurt the baby in the manger and taking it with her own hands from the cross, you alone you know all the height of joy, the whole burns of grief. You, who entered the adoption of the whole human genus, look at me with maternal concern. From the Tenet Sin, bring me to my son. I see a tear, irrigated your face. It is necessary for me, you shed her and let her move tracks of my limits. So I came, I'm standing, I'm waiting for your response, about the Mother of God, Oh, Four, Oh, Vladychitsa! I do not ask anything, just stand before you. Only my heart, a poor human heart, exhausted in the longing of the truth, I will turn to your preching legs, Vladychitsa! Give everyone who calls you, to reach the eternal day to you and the face to worship you.

Prayers of the Virgin: All Prayers for the Most Holy Mother

Virgin Rule

Daily read 150 times "Virgin Devo ...":
Virgin Devo, Having rejoice, the fertile mariye, the Lord with you; You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

If it is not difficult for unusual to overcome daily 150 times, it should be read at first 50 times. After each decade, it is necessary to read one time "Our Father" and "Mercy Doors":

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.
The doors of the doors of the hole for us, blessed by the Virgin, hoping on the hell, will not die, but yes you will get rid of you from the troubles: you bless the saving of Christianskago.

The following is a scheme in which the Mary of Vladyka Seraphim (Zvezdinsky) is invested in his prayers. By fulfilling a Virgin rule, he prayed for the whole world and covered this rule the whole life of the Queen of Heaven.

After each tent, additional prayers are read, such as those listed below:

The first ten. I remember the christmas of the Blessed Virgin. Pray for mothers, fathers and children.

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Mother of God, save and save your slaves (names of parents and affinities), and those who died with the saints in the eternal glory of your.

Second ten Remember the introduction of the Virgin Mary of the Blessed Virgin. We pray for lost and disappeared from the church.

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mary, save and save and connect (or joining) to the Holy Orthodox Church of the lost and disappeared slaves of your (names).

Third dozen. Remember the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We pray about the thickening of mourn and consolation of grieving.

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Mother of God, the quench our grief and went comforted by the mournful and sore slaves of yours (names).
Fourth dozen. I remember the meeting of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Righteous Elizabeth. We pray for the connection of separated, who have close or children in separation or disappeared.

O, the Most Holy Master of the Mother of God, connect in the separation of the slaves of your slaves (names).

Fifth tens. Remember the Christmas of Christ, pray for the revival of the souls, about the new life in Christ.

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Mother of God, give me, in Christ those who are baptized, in Christ.

Sixth dozen. I remember the decision of the Lord, and the word tendered by the Holy Simeon: "And the soul itself will pass the weapon." We pray that the Mother of God meets the soul at an hour of death and having encouraged the saints of secrets in the last sinking and spent the soul through terrible weary.

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Mother of God, the saints of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, who herself speaks the sires of Christ, and the soul itself.

Seventh dozen. I remember flight to the Egypt of the Mother of God with the Boggladère, pray that the Queen of Heaven would help to avoid temptations in this life and would save from attack.

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Mother of God, do not enter me in the temptation in this life and save me from all sorts of misfortunes.

Eighth dozen. We remember the disappearance of the twelve-year-line of Jesus in Jerusalem and the grief of the Mother of God about this. Pray, asking for the Mother of God with permanent Jesus prayer.

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Mother of God, the Major Delo Marie, give me the unceasing prayer Jesus.

Ninth dozen. I remember a miracle in Cana Galilean, when the Lord triggered water in wine according to the word of the Mother of God: "There are no wines." We ask God's mother to help in business and get rid of needs.

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Mother of God, help me in all the matters of my and save me from all kinds of needs and sadness.

Tenth ten. I remember the standing of the Mother of God at the Cross of the Lord, when the sorrow, as a weapon, pierced her soul. We pray to the Mother of God to reinforce the mental strength and about the outlock of despondency.

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mary, predicted Devo Marie, strengthened my forces of spiritual and discharge from me despondency.

Eleventh dozen. Remember the Resurrection of Christ and prayerfully we ask God's Mother to resurrect the soul and submit new vigor to the feat.

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Mother of God, Sunday my soul and give me a permanent readiness for the feat.

Twelfth dozen. We remember the Ascension of Christ, in which the Mother of God attended. We pray and ask the Tsaritsa Heavenly to be a soul from earthly jeep fun and send to the desire to the city.

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Mother of God, save me from the Thiege Things and give me the mind and the heart, seeking to rescue the soul.

Thirteenth ten. We remember the Zion Hill and the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the Mother of God and pray: "The heart is purely creating in me, God, and the spirit of rights to update in my womb. Do not reject me from your face and the spirit of your convict not by me. "

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mary, Nispex and Ukhrepi grace the Holy Spirit in my heart.

Fourteenth dozen. Remember the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God and ask peaceful and serene death.

Oh, the Most Holy Lady of the Virgin, give me a peaceful and serene death.

Fifteenth dozen. We remember the glory of the Mother of God, who is crowned with the Lord after the relocation of her from the Earth on the sky, and the molim of the Tsaritsa heavenly not to leave the faithful, stern on earth, but to defend them from any evil, covering them honest with their own omophore.

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Mother of God, will save me from all the evil and the face of my honest omophore.

It is worthy to eat Cako truly Bunity to the Virgin, the subjection and foremarital and mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major.

In Russian
Truly adequately glorify you, the Virgin Mary, forever happy and the Holy and Mother of our God. And we glorify you, the true Mother of God, a honest cherubimov and incomparably a sorry Serafimov, without a violation of the lady gave birth to the Son of God.

Worthy - Fair. Truly - True, completely. Bunnye - Remove you, glorify you. Blessed - happy. PRESENTAL - highly immaculate, messenger. Eastern - damage, destruction. Without nonsense - without violation (virgin). Essential - True.
Who do we glorify this prayer?
We glorify this prayer to the Most Holy Virgin.
Who are Cherubs and Serafima?
Cherubim and Serafima-Higher and the closest angels towards God. The Most Holy Virgo Maria, as God-born in the flesh, is incomparably higher.
Who is the word?
God the Word is the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Why is the Son of God called a word?
The Son of God is called the Word (John 1, 14) because he, when he lived in the flesh on Earth, opened, that is, she showed us the invisible God of Father exactly as our word opens or shows the thought in our soul.

Note: There is a brief prayer for the Most Holy Virgin, which we should pronounce more often.

This prayer: Most Holy Virgin, save us!

"The Mother of God Devo, Having rejoice, the fertile mariye, the Lord with you; You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls. "

The Mother of God - gave birth to God.

Rejoice - the usual form common in the east greetings.

Gracious - filled with grace of God; letters Assuble.

Blessed - glorified.

In the wives among women.

Yako Sava gave birth to Esi - For you gave birth to the Savior.
The words rejoice, Lord with you, blessed you are in the wives taken from the greeting Archangel Gabriel, when he graduated from the Blessed Virgin Mary about his birth from her in the flesh of the Son of God (Lux. 1, 28).

The words Blessed you in the wives Means that the Most Holy Virgo Maria, like the Mother of God, is glorified by more than all other wives (Luke. 1, 42; Ps. 44, 18).

The words blessed froth fruit They are taken from the greeting of the righteous Elizabeth, when the Holy Virgin Mary after the misfortune wished her to visit (Luke. 1, 42).

Fruit of peating Her - the Son of God Jesus Christ.

"On the Most Holy Devo, the Holy Son of Mati all-building, a hail of Moscow to the patroness, all those in Gresheh, Sorrow, troubles and diseases, a faithful subcer and an intercession! We accept the picker singing from us, unworthy of your slave, you are crazy, and the alarm of the sinner, for all the day, the twinks of a long-standing icon, I didn't despite the Icon, but I gave him the inappropriate joy of repentance and wondered the son of your son to many and zealous to him The petition for the forgiveness of this sinning and borrowing, such and now do not form the praying of us, unworthy of your slaves, and the silence of our son and our God, and all of us, with your faith and defeating your default in your own way, gives you an unknown for a good customer joy: The sinner, marked in the depths of evils and passions, is an overlookingance, repentance and salvation; in the sorrow and sovereign consolation; observed in the troubles and embositry - the perfect year; unwell and unreliable and hopeful and patience; In joy and abundant living - the ultimate benefactor thanksgiving; distress-mercy; in sickness and delicates and left-minded healing and strengthening; I was dependent on the mind of the mind-mind Return and update; Extending to an eternal and endless life - the memory of death, lunizing and crushing about Gresh, the Spirit of Bodr and firm on mercy sudience hope. About Mrs. Blessed! Soaring to all who, which, who reads the all-wing name is yours, and all of the IVI, your assistant cover and intercession; In piety, cleanliness and honest residents who are in addition to their convergence in the goodness of adequacy; angry good coat; lusting on the way right to nasty; all the case of a good and son of your pleasing consideration; Every matter is the evil and bad destroy; in bewilderment and difficult and dangerous treatment of invisible assistance and the insight with heaven low saw; From temptations, temptations and killed, save; from all evil people and from enemies of visible and invisible protection and save; Floating alloy; traveling confusing; By the need for the need and glad Budi Nutrient; the poor and gadgets are clouds and refuge; Nagim feed robe; offended and unjuvenated persecution; slander, the renovation and hooking of the ending invisibly justify; Blizzards and looseners are preventable; The fiercely warrant of the inappropriate guess reconciliation, and all of us our love, peace and piety and health with gravity. Marriage in love and dispossess Spouses, in the enmity and division of land, Omri, connect to each other and put them the Union of Luva Non-deed; Mother, children calling, emergency resolution; Infants raise; Yunae StateComobomari, who was rejected by his mind to the perception of all slander, the teachings, fear of God, abstinence and hardworking to nasty; From homemade Brahi and hostility of the only peace and love fence. Immercity orphans Budi Materia, from all the vice and the bad will turn off the whole of the good and goddly teachi, delivered and in sin and the uncleanness of the Padshia, the sin of the sin of the elimination, from the abyss lost. Widow are a comforter and assistant widow, the old age wand, from the sudden death without repentance of all of us to get rid of us, and our Christian death of our belly, painless, restless, peace and a good response to the terrible judgment of Christ. Plentering in faith and repentance from the life of this from the angels and all the saints of the life of the saint son of your mind who died suddenly death, and about all the departed, others do not have the affinity, about the rest of their son being pleasing, Budy itself, the unceasing and warm prayer and the passata Yes, VSI in the sky and on the Earth leads, Yako firmly and a non-Christian presenter of Christianskago, and, leading, the saint of your son, with his original father and his spirits, now, and in the eyelids of the centuries. Amen."

Prayer Virgin Mary about healing from addiction

"Oh fulfilling the attitude of the Mother of God Pantanass, the Allzaritsa! Taken worthy, yes, I don't work under my shelter! But Yako Milostivago God Lyubaglaglantic Mati, the roots of the word, and my soul will heaance and will strengthen my body. IMASHA Bo Power invincible and does not exist to you all the verb, about the Allzaritsa! You are for me imprising, you are so bad, yes, you always glorify your Name, now and in demonstrative eyelids. Amen."

Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God to health, healing

"About the Most Mrs. Vladychitsa Virgin Mary! With fear, faithful and lovely, Pacific Icon, Molima: Don't Take your face from those who are resorting to you, the mind, the mercy of Mati, the son of your and the god of our, gentlemen Jesus Christ, will save our country to our country, will approve the Power Russian piety, the church is His Holy Dah, I will not be inscribed from disbelief, heresy and split. Not imama bo is noise, not immay of hope, isn't you, the prechile devo: you are an all-grade Christian assistant and intercession. Relieve everyone, with faithful you are praying, from falling sinful, from the naval of evil people, from all sorts of temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death; Give us the spirit of the crushing, humility of the heart, the purity of the thoughts, the correction of the sinful life and leaving the lacerations, yes VSI, grateful to the obsesses and the greatness of your own, will advise the celestial kingdoms and Tamo with all the saints to glorify the precessive and magnificent name of the Father and Son and Saint Spirit. Amen."

Prayer of Our Lady about the healing of the patient from cancer

"Oh Major Bogomati, All Commary! We hear the multi-breaking rehabilitation of our before the miraculous icon, from the lot of Afonovskago to Russia in Russia, the proud of your children, insecious inconsidants of the suffering and the holy image of your faith with faith! Jacques Bird Kromrome covers her chicks, so now, and you are still alive of the land, the faceting of us with a multi-purpose omophore. Tamo, the hope of hope disappears, the bad hope of Budi. Tamo, the appearance of the moody grief overwhelm, patience and weakenly appeared. Tamo, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe darkness of despair in the souls, you wanted to take the wrong light of the Divine! Unwell comfort, weakly strengthened, fierce hearts softening and enlightenment Darui. Healing the sore people of yours, about the barking queen! The mind and hands of the dorsal us are blessed, and will serve as a weapon of the doctor of Christ the Savior of our Savior. Yako lives with us, I pray before the icon, about the Vladychitsa! Pretty your hand, filled with healing and dozes, joy of grieving, in the cooking consolation, yes, the miraculous help will soon receive, we glorify the lifelong and inseparable Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen."

Prayer of the Mother of God from Fire and Healing from Diseases

"On the Most Holy and Sweet Mother Sweet SolishGo Lord of Our Jesus Christ! Fit and worship you before the sacrament and precessive icon, the wonderful and copper miracles of the Wonderful, from Felnago Population and Lyneninosnago Thunder Housing Our Saucers, Salzing Healers and Any Good Fosting Outstairs. Humbly Molim, the omnipotent kind of our intercession, the controversy, weakness and sinful, your mother's participation and prosperity. Save and save, Vladychitsa, under the blood of grace, your emaciated country, the authorities and the host of the Hero, the Church of the Holy, the Temple of this (or: the abode of this) and all that falling towards you with faith and love and lovingly aside with your tears of your intercession. To her, Mrs., soaring on us, beyond the sins by the sins by many and not to dare to Christ, asking him about pardon and forgiveness, but we offer you to him for the defense, my mother in the flesh; You, all-inclusive, send your god-airfare to him and predominate for us before the goodness of it, asking us for the forgiveness of our pregnancy, the piety of the Murnago life, Bulgia Christian death and the Dobago answer in the terrible court of him. At the same time, Genmonian visits to God, alone, our houses ourselves ourselves or the lightning thunder will be frightened, we will be eagerly, IVA will be a gracious intercession and the holding alex, yes, we save the All-Fivy to Lord with prayers, the time of God's Paradise and Eternal Bliss of the Paradise Tamo inherit Holy Weekly, the precessive and magnificent name of the Pockemor of the Trinity, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, and your greatness to us mercy in the eyelids. Amen."

Prayer of Our Lady to protect the house

"On the multi-size mother of God, the exists of all the dskend of land for its purity and in many sufferings, to the grounds of the suspended! We use the multi-breaking frills of our and save us under the blood of a mercy. Inago Bo Refuge and TeploChoble Representation, Do you, not Vechy, but, Yako Consider Izmuti to others from you born, Pozoan and save our prayers with your own, and it is inconspicuous to achieve the kingdom of heaven, I am an idea with all the saints, we will chanting praise in the Trinity, always Now, and dreamily, and in the eyelids. Amen."

Mother's Mother's Prayer from Enemies, Evils and Hate

"Who is not pleased with the male, the girl's gracious, who will not be reeling your mercy to the genus of human. You pray, we ask you: do not leave us, in the evil dying, the loving of the heart of our hearts and our enemies went to their arrow, and the hearts of our world to chase us. Over the world hates us - you send our love to us, whether we are driven by the world - you accept us. Giving us a grapple strength of patience - to transfer the test without Ropot, in the world of the world. About Mrs.! Soften the hearts of evil people upright on us, and they will not die of their hearts in evil, but the hell, the gracious, son of yours and our God, and the hearts will be ascended by their world, the devil is the father of the malice - yes will be brightened! We, and the mercy of yours to us, evil, indecently, week, about the misfortune of God's gratifying: hear us at the time of this, the crushed hearts of it, the rest of the world and love to each other and the enemy of our, the eradication of us And enmity, let you and your son and your son, to our Lord Jesus Christ: Alliluia! Aliluia! Allilouia! "

Prayer of Our Lady of Marriage

"Oh, the Most Holy Mother of the Mother of God, the Queen of the Sky and the Earth, the Higher Angel and Archangel and All Creatures are honest, clean devo Marie, the world of the Helper, and all people are a statement, and in all kinds of need to get rid of! Watch and now, Mrs., in the slaves of yours, you have a soul and a crushed heart praying, with tears to you falling and paying your prechytoma and a workbook, and help and interpreting your aspecting. Oh, the global and premium Delo the Virgin is clean! Reviews, Mrs., for people of yours: We are the sin of the wrongness of the Imai help, don't you and you have a risk of our god of our god. You are an intercession and our concern. You are offended by the defendant who grieves joy, siere refuge, the widows of the keeper, the devies of glory, crying fun, sick visits, weaken healing, sinful salvation. To, for the sake of God, about the Bogomati, we are resorting to you, and on your prechistan image with banging your own child, the Lord Our Jesus is indirectly, a defeated singing to you and yelling: numbness, Mother of God, and our existence It is possible for your petition, I can be clarified to you now and dream and forever. Amen."

Prayer about healing from the disease

"Delivereled by Vladychitsa, Velodelo the Virgin, God of the word Puchae some words on saving our having talked, and grace him is preploridately than everyone who manifested, the sea was the enlightened divine tanning and miracles a dedicated river, pouring grace to everyone, with faith for you resorting! The miraculous look of your image falling, praying to you, having mercy of the mother of human loving lord: Surprise on us the mercy of your grace, and our petitions, bringing you, fasting, will speed up everything, herself benefit to consolation and salvation, which is advocated. Visit, preparing, the slaves of your grateful, I will have a flammable Claw and the perfect health, beaten silence, captive freedom and various images of suffering consideration; Get rid of the gloves of Mrs., all sorts of degrees and the country from glad, ulcers, coward, flooding, fire, sword and other execution of temporary and eternal, with your daring the wrath of God; and there is no lack of disappearance, dyeing passions and fellings freedom of your slave, Yako, it is incomprehensible, in every piety of foul in Sevech, and in the future of eternal goods will be advised by the grateful and humans of your son and God, Jerzhe applies any glory, honor and worship, with his original Father and the Most Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen."

Prayer for help in work

"On the Most Holy Devo, Mati of the Lord Vysnyago, a dilapidated intercession of everyone, to you with the faith of resorting! Watch from the height of the cheeks of your greatness on My, indecent, to the holy icon of your fallen, hear soon the humble prayer, sinning, and bring you to your son, the mind of him, yes, he illuminates the gloomy soul my light Divine grace and clean my mind from thoughts Sweet, and he will urit the suffering heart and healed his wounds, yes, I will enjoy my good deeds and strengthen it to work with fear, so I will forgive everything that I am angry with me, it will save from the eternal flour and will not deprive the heaven of his kingdom. About the predicted by the Virgin! You are fragmented by ESI in the image of your inappropriate, commanding everyone to try to you with faith, do not despite the pit, sorrowful, and do not miss me to die in the abyss of my sins, on the bose all my hope and hope of salvation, and your preservation and the concept I give myself forever in the eyelids. Amen."

Prayer of Our Lady from the bisps and grief

"Velo Vladychitsa The Mother of God, a pucha of the nature and the words gave birth to the only beast of God, the word, the creator and the lord of all creatures visible and invisible, one from the Trinity of God, God and the person who pretended the insidency of the Divine, which contains every shrine and grace, in the most famous God and Father, The promotion of the Holy Spirit, the bodies of the fullness of the Divine, which is incomparably extracted by Bogolyptic advantage and the advantagement before all the creatures, Sno and consolation, and the ineverance of the angels, the congestion and the prophets, the prenemic and wonderful courage of the martyrs, to the rape and the victory's factor, which deems And the rewards are eternal and Bogolep, erasely all kind of honor, honor and gloros of the reverend, uncompromising travel and the mentor of silence, the door of revelations and spiritual taine, the source of light, the gates of the eternal life, inexhaustible Mercy Reco, the inexhaustible Sea of \u200b\u200ball Bogoly Treasuries and Miracles! I ask you and be begged, compassionate Mother of human livo lord: be loved by us, humble and unworthy slave of yours, revive the harvest of the captivity and humility of our, all the breaks of the souls and televisions of ours, scatter visible and invisible enemies, Budi, unworthy, before the Lesia the enemies of our strong pillar, a sworn weapon, a strong militia, the governor and the inspirement of the chase, show now on us ancient and wonderful grace of yours, and you know the lawlessness of our enemies, the son of your son and God is one of the king and Lord, Yako you are truly the Virgin that gave birth to The flesh of the truth of God, Yako, all of you is possible the essence and hedgehogos of the emptition, Vladychitsa, imagine the power of all this to do in the sky and on the earth, and for any petition to bestow the Komugoot in favor: sick health, which is in Mori silence and good shipping. Traveling in confusing and guarding them, the prisoner save from Gorkago slavery, comforting sadness, make it easier for poverty and any other bodily malustration; All freedoms from mental ailments and passions, invisible to your concepts and suproyess, Jaco, and good and incomprehensively by the path of Say of the time of life, I will depone and ati eternal benefit in the kingdom of heaven.

Loyal, respectable by the terrible name of the only beef of your son and your victim and the mercy in all of the people who are interested in Mauditaitz and the earner, strengthen the invisibly contradicts the enemies, scattering a cloud of despondency, save me from the stunning druption and give them bright grateful and joy, and Update peace and serene in their hearts.

Save your prayers, Vladychitsa, this is the dedicated to the flock, all degrees and the country from the glad, a coward, the flood, fire, the sword, the invasions of the invalid and internecine breeding and all the righteous angry the angry of the son and the god of your son, Heads every glory, honor and worship, with his original father, with a talked and life-friendly spirit, now and are also confessed and forever. Amen."

Prayer of Our Lady to strengthen faith

"Oh, the Most Holy and Constituted Devo, Vladychitsa Virgin Mary! Watchly a gracious OK on us, the upcoming confinement of your own icon and with the lining of you, erect us from the depths of sinful, enlighten our mind, overshadowed with passion, and rub the souls and teles of our ulcers. Do not imami's help, do not immay hope, is it, Vladychitsa, you are weighty all the weakness and sinners, we are resorting to you and yelling: you will not leave your heavenly help, but I will prenate us and your inevitable merciful and generous to save and hindle us dying. Give us the correction of the sinful life of our life and save us from sorrows, troubles and diseases, from vain death, hell and eternal flour. You Bo, Tsarice and Vladychitsa, an ambulance and intercession to everyone who runs to you, and a strong refuge of sinners. FUNNY WELL, FRELLENT AND WARMITELY DEVO, THE CHRISTICAL ENDERN OF OUR YESSELL, MYREN AND NON-DENTUD, AND CONSUME TO YOUR PETTER PERFORMANCE IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CHILDREN'S, IT IS INTRODUCED GLASS, FOOD, FOOD, AND SONG, AND SANGAR , and forever in centuries. Amen."

Motherod's Prayer from sincere torments

"The hope of all the end of the Earth, the Most Major, Mrs. Virgin, the consolation of my! Do not be bended by me, sinning, I hope for your th mercy: fussing the sinful and repentance of the face of the face of my heart, to cleanse my mind from sinful thoughts, accept plenty, from the heart and heart with a sinking. Budi about me, Guodatais to your son and God and Ukrholi's anger of his mother's prayers, the spiritual and bodily ulcers healed, Mrs. Vladychitsa, the quench of the soul and body sickness, sculpt the storm of evil attacks of enemy, eliminate the burden of sins of my sins, and do not leave me And the sadness of the crushed heart is my consolation, and I will sleep to the end of my scene. Amen."

Prayer of Our Lady about the instruction on the True path

"The aucedness is a diligent, fragrant Lord Mati, I'm resorted to Az, the puffy and patch of all the man's sinner, my prayer in my prayer, my whale, I will hear Yako, my forecast is my head, and Az, I am a ship in the jam, I am pumped into the sea My sins. But you, all-inclusive and merciful Vladychitsa, do not despite me, desperynago and Gresh dyingly; Someone, Kayuchagosya in the evil dealer of my, and turn to the path of the right lack of ankanese soul. On you, Mother Vladychitsa, I have all the hope of my. You, Mother of God, Save and follow your telescope, now, and dreamily, and forever. Amen."