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Public consonants ringing deaf solid soft table. Paired consonant sounds in Russian

In this chapter:

§one. Sound

Sound - The minimum unit of sounding speech. Each word has a sound shell consisting of sounds. Sound correlates with the meaning of the word. Different words and forms of the word sound decoration is different. The sounds themselves do not matter, but they perform an important role: they help us distinguish:

  • words: [House] - [Tom], [Tom] - [there], [M'el] - [M'el ']
  • forms of the Word: [House] - [Lady'] - [Do' Ma].


words recorded in square brackets are given in transcription.

§2. Transcription

Transcription - This is a special recording system displaying sound. Symbols adopted in transcription:

Square brackets that are the designation of transcription.

['] - Emphasis. The emphasis is placed if the word consists more than one syllable.

[B '] - The icon next to the consonants denotes its softness.

[J] and [th] - different designations of the same sound. Since this sound is soft, you often use these characters with an additional designation of softness:, [th ']. This site adopted the designation [th '], more familiar to most guys. The softness icon will be used to get used to the fact that this sound is soft.

There are other characters. They will be entered gradually, as they are familiar with the theme.

§3. Vowels and consonant sounds

Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants.
They have different nature. They are pronounced differently and perceived, and also behave in different ways and play unequal roles in it.

Vowels- These are the sounds, when the pronunciation of the air freely passes through the oral cavity, without meeting the obstacles on its path. Pronoming (articulation) is not focused in one place: the quality of vowels is determined by the form of the oral cavity, which acts as a resonator. In the articulation of vowels, voice bundles work in the larynx. They are brought together, tense and vibrate. Therefore, when pronouncing the vowels, we heard a voice. Vowels can pull. They can be shouting. And if you make a hand to the throat, then the work of voice ligaments during the pronunciation of vowels can be smelted, feel your hand. The vowels are the basis of the syllable, they organize it. In the word so many syllables as vowels. For example: is he - 1 syllable, she is - 2 syllables, guys- 3 syllables, etc. There are words that consist of one vowel sound. For example, unions: and, A. and interjections: Oh!, A!, U-U-y! other.

In the word vowels can be in shock and unstressed syllables.
Shock syllable The one in which the vowel is pronounced clearly and acts in its main form.
IN unstressed syllables Vowes are modified, pronounced differently. Changing vowels in unstressed syllables is called reduction.

Impact vowels in Russian Six: [a], [o], [y], [s], [and], [e].


Possible words that can consist only from vowels, but consonants are also necessary.
In Russian consonants, much more than vowels.

§four. The method of education of consonants

Consonants- These are sounds, when they say which the air meets the obstacle on his way. In Russian, two types of obstacles: the gap and the bow are two basic ways to form consonants. The view of the barrier determines the nature of the consonant sound.

Gap For example, when pronouncing sounds: [s], [s], [sh], [g]. The tip of the language is only approaching the lower or upper teeth. Slitual consonants can be dragged: [S-C-C-C], [sh-sh-sh-sh] . As a result, you will hear the noise well: when pronouncing [C] - whistling, and when pronouncing [Ш] - hissing.

Bowthe second type of articulation of consonants is formed during the closure of the speech bodies. Air flow sharply overcomes this obstacle, sounds are obtained by brief, energetic. Therefore, they are called explosive. They will not pull them. Such, for example, sounds [p], [b], [t], [d] . This articulation is easier to feel, sense.

So, when pronouncing consonants, noise is heard. The presence of noise is a distinctive sign of consonants.

§five. Ringing and deaf consonants

According to the ratio of noise and voices, consonants are divided into write and deaf.
When pronouncing calls consonants are heard and voice and noise, and deaf- Only noise.
The deaf can not be pronounced loud. They cannot be squeezed.

Compare words: house and cat. In each word on the 1st vowel sound and 2 consonants. The vowels are the same, and the consonants are different: [d] and [m] - ringing, and [to] and [t] - deaf. Clearance-deafness is the most important sign of consonant in Russian.

couples on the bells-deafness: [B] - [P], [s] - [c] and others. Such couples 11.

Couples by deaf-belling: [p] and [b], [p "] and [b"], [f] and [in], [f "] and [in"], [k] and [g], [to "] and [g"], [t] and [d], [t "] and [d], [Ш] and [Ж], [С] and [З], [С"] and [ s "].

But there are sounds that have no pair on the sign of the bells - deafness. For example, at the sounds [p], [l], [n], [m], [y '] there is no deaf pair, and [C] and [h'] call.


Unpaid unpaired: [p], [l], [n], [m], [y "], [p"], [l "], [n"], [m "] . They are also called sonornos.

What does this term mean? This is a group of consonants (only 9), having pronunciation features: when they are pronounced in the oral cavity, obstacles also arise, but such that the air jet, passing through the barrier forms only insignificant noise; Air freely passes through the nasal or mouth in the cavity or mouth. Sonorny pronounced voices with the addition of minor noise.Many teachers do not use this term, but the fact that these sounds are ringing unpaired, should know everything.

Sonorny has two important features:

1) they do not stun as paired ringing consonants, before the deaf and at the end of the word;

2) Before them does not come off the sponsoring of paired deaf consonants (i.e., the position in front of them is strong by deaf-belling, as before vowels). For more information about the positional changes, see.

Deaf unpaired: [C], [h "], [sh":], [x], [x "].

How is it easier to remember the lists of ringing and deaf consonants?

Remember lists of ringing and deaf consonants will help phrases:

Oh, we did not forget each other! (Here only ring consonants)

Fock, do you want to eat a gum? (Here only deaf consonants)

True, these phrases do not include hardness pairs. But usually people can easily figure out that not only solid [s] ring, but also soft [s "], too, not only [b], but also [b"] and so on.

§6. Solid and soft consonants

The consonants differ not only by deaf-belling, but also on hardness-softness.
Hardness-softness - The second most important sign of consonants in Russian.

Soft consonants differ from solid Special position language. When dealing with solid, the whole body of the tongue is drawn back, and when they pronounce soft, shifted forward, and the middle part of the tongue is raised. Compare: [M] - [M '], [s] - [s']. Soft swollen sounds higher than solid.

Many Russian consonants form softness Couples: [b] - [b '], [in] - [in'] and others. Such couples 15.

Couples on hardness-softness: [b] and [b "], [m] and [m], [p] and [p"], [in] and [in "], [f] and [f"] , [s] and [s "], [s] and [c"], [d] and [d], [t] and [t "], [n] and [n"], [l] and [l "], [p] and [p"], [k] and [to "], [g] and [g"], [x] and [x "].

But there are sounds that have no pair on the sign of hardness-softness. For example, at the sounds [F], [sh], [C] there is no soft pair, and [y '] and [ch'] - solid.

Unparalleled softness

Hard notparable: [F], [Ш], [C] .

Soft unpaired: [th "], [h"], [sh ":].

§7. Designation of the softness of consonants on the letter

We distrace from pure phonetics. Consider a practically important question: How is the softness of consonant in the letter mean?

In Russian, 36 consonant sounds, among which are 15 pairs of hardness-softness, 3 unpaired solid and 3 unpaired soft consonants. Consonant letters only 21. How can 21 letters denote 36 sounds?

For this purpose, different ways are used:

  • yoted letters e, E, Yu, I After consonants, except sh, J. and c,unpaired softness, testify that these consonants are soft, for example: aunt - [T'O' T'a], dya' Dia - [Yes Yes] ;
  • letter and After consonants, except sh, J. and c.. Consults denoted by letters sh, J. and c, Unpaired hard. Examples of words with a vowel letter and: nibble- [N'I'i Tk'i], sheet - [L'ist], nice- [nice'] ;
  • letter b, After consonants, except sh, f, After which the soft sign is an indicator of grammatical form. Sample words with a soft sign : pro'ev - [Pros'bb], Mel. - [M'el '], distance - [gave '].

Thus, the softness of consonants on the letter transmitted not by special letters, but by combinations of consonant letters with letters and, e, ё, Yu, I and b Therefore, when analyzing, I advise you to pay special attention to the adjacent letters standing after consonants.

Discussing the problem of interpretation

In school textbooks it is said that [sh] and [sh '] - unparalleled hardness-softness. How so? After all, we hear that the sound [sh '] is a soft analogue of the sound [sh].
When I studied at school myself, I could not understand why? Then my son studied at school. He had the same question. It appears in all the guys who relate to learning thoughtfully.

Beeeping arises because school textbooks do not take into account that the sound [sh '] is also long, and the hardest [sh] is not. Couples are sounds that differ only in one sign. A [sh] and [w '] - two. Therefore, [sh] and [sh '] are not pairs.

For adults and high school students.

In order to accomplish the correctness, the school tradition of transcribing sound [sh '] change. It seems that the guys are easier to use another additional sign than to deal with illogical, unclear and misleading the statement. Everything is simple. For generation by generation does not break the head, you need to finally show that the soft hissing sound is long.

For this, there are two icons in linguistic practice:

1) Fast features over the sound;
2) colon.

The use of an edema is inconvenient because it is not provided for by a set of characters that can be used with a computer set. So, the following possibilities remain: Using a colon [sh ':] either grafts denoting the letter [Sh "] . It seems to me that the first option is preferable. First, the guys at first often mix the sounds and letters. Using the letters in transcription will create a base for such a mixing, provoke an error. Secondly, the guys now early begin to learn foreign languages. And the [:] icon when using it to designate the longitude of sound is already familiar. Thirdly, transcription with the designation of longitude with a colon [:] will perfectly transmit sound features. [W ':] - Soft and long, both signs that make up its difference from the sound [sh], are clearly presented, simply and definitely.

What to advise the guys who learn now on generally accepted textbooks? It is necessary to understand, comprehend, and then remember that in fact the sounds [sh] and [sh ':] a pair of hardness-softness do not form. And I advise you to transcribe them as your teacher requires.

§eight. Place of education of consonants

The consonants differ not only by the signs already known to you:

  • deaf-belling,
  • hardness-softness
  • method of education: Bow-gap.

The last, fourth sign is important: place of education.
The articulation of some sounds is carried out by lips, others - the language, its different parts. So, the sounds [p], [p '], [b], [b'], [m], [m '] - lip-lip, [in], [in'], [f], [f ' ] - Long-dental, all others are pagan: front-band [t], [t '], [d], [d'], [n], [n '], [s], [s'], [s ], [s'], [sh], [z], [sh ':], [ch'], [Ц], [l], [l '], [p], [p'] , medium-language [th '] and posteripal [k], [k'], [g], [g '], [x], [x'].

§nine. Positional changes

1. Strong-weak positions for vowels. Positional changes in vowels. Reduction

People do not use pronounced sounds isolated. They do not need it.
Speech is a sound stream, but the stream, in a definitely organized. The conditions in which one or another sound is important. The beginning of the word, the end of the word, the shock syllable, the unstressed syllable, the position before the vowel, the position before consonant is all different positions. We will understand how to distinguish strengths and weak positions first for vowels, and then for consonants.

Strong position The one in which the sounds are not subjected to positionally due to changes and are in their main form. A strong position is isolated for groups of sounds, for example: for vowels it is a position in the shock syllable. And for consonants, for example, strong is the position before vowels.

For vowels, a strong position under the stress, and weak - without emphasis.
In unstressed syllables, vowels are subject to change: they are shorter and not pronounced also clearly as under stress. Such a change in vowels in a weak position is called reduction. Due to the reduction in a weak position, fewer vowels differ than in strong.

The sounds corresponding to the shock [o] and [a], after solid consonant in a weak, unstressed position sound the same. Regulatory in Russian recognized "Akane", i.e. Non-existence ABOUT and BUT In an unstressed position after solid consonants.

  • under the stress: [house] - [ladies] - [o] ≠ [A].
  • without emphasis: [d butma'] -Doma' - [d butla'] -Dala' - [a] \u003d [a].

The sounds corresponding to the shock [a] and [e], after soft consonants in a weak, unstressed position sound the same. The regulatory pronunciation is oscale, i.e. Non-existence E. and BUT In an unstressed position after soft consonants.

  • under the stress: [M'Ech '] - [M'Ach'] - [e] ≠ [a].
  • without emphasis: [M'ich'o'm] - sword'm -[M'ich'o'm] - Ball'm - [and] \u003d [and].
  • But what about the vowels [and], [s], [y]? Why didn't they say anything about them? The fact is that these vowels in a weak position are only quantified reduction: they are pronounced more briefly, weakly, but their quality does not change. That is, as for all vowels, an unstressed position for them is a weak position, but for a schoolboy, these vowels do not represent problems in an unstressed position.

[Ly'ys], [in _Lu' Zhu], [N'I' T'i] - and in a strong, and in weak positions, the quality of vowels does not change. And under the emphasis, and in an unstressed position we are clearly heard: [s], [y], [and] and write letters that these sounds are considered to be denoted.

Discussing the problem of interpretation

What vowel sounds are actually pronounced in unstressed syllables after hard consonants?

Performing phonetic analysis and making the transcription of words, many guys express bewilderment. In long multi-key words, after hard consonants, no sound is pronounced [a], as school textbooks say, but something else.

They are right.

Compare Word pronunciation: Moscow - Muscovites. Repeat every word several times and listen, what a vowel sounds in the first syllable. With word Moscow Everything is simple. We pronounce: [Maskva'] - the sound is clearly heard [a]. A Word muscovites? In accordance with the literary norm, in all syllables, except for the first syllable before the emphasis, as well as the positions of the beginning and the end of the word, we say not [A], and the other sound: less distinct, less clear, more similar to [s] than [ a]. In a scientific tradition, this sound is denoted by the [K] icon. So, we really say: [Malako'] - milk'[Khrabasho'] - OK ,[Kulbas'] - sausage'.

I understand that, giving this material in the textbooks, the authors tried to simplify it. Simplified. But many guys with good hearing, hearing clear that the sounds in the following examples are different, no way can understand why the teacher and the textbook insist that these sounds are the same. Actually:

[in butyes ] - Water' -[in kommersantd'Iina '] - Watering'y:[a] ≠ [ъ]
[Dr. butva'] - Firewood[Dr. kommersantvino'y'y '] - Warning:[a] ≠ [ъ]

The special subsystem is the realization of vowels in unstressed syllables after hissing. But in the school year, this material in most textbooks is not presented at all.

What vowes are actually pronounced in unstressed syllables after soft consonants?

I have the greatest sympathy to the guys who learn to textbooks offering in place BUT,E., ABOUT After soft consonants to hear and transmit the sound "and, prone to e" into transcription. I consider it fundamentally wrong to give schoolchildren as the only version of the outdated norm of pronunciation - "Ecane", which occurred today is much less likely to "Ikanya", mainly in deep older people. Guys, boldly write in an unstressed position in the first syllable before stressing on the spot BUT and E. - [and].

After soft consonants in other unstressed syllables, in addition to the end position position, we pronounce a short weak sound, resembling [and] and denoted as [b]. Say words eight, nineand listen ourselves. We pronounce: [Wa' S'g] - [b], [d'Е'ort '] - [b].

Do not confuse:

Transcriptional signs are one, and letters are completely different.
Transcription sign [Kommersant] denotes vowel after solid consonants in unstressed syllables, except for the first syllable before emphasising.
Letter Kommersant is a solid sign.
Transcription sign [b] denotes vowel after soft consonants in unstressed syllables, except for the first syllable before emphasising.
Letter b is a soft sign.
Transcription signs, unlike letters, are given in straight square brackets.

End of the Word - Special position. It has clarification of vowels after soft consonants. The unstressed ending system is a special phonetic subsystem. In Ne. E. and BUT differ:

ZDA[Zda' N'iy'e] - building[Zda' N'iy'a], I am[Mn''E'i'i'e] - Me'ya[MN''' N'ii'a], MO' RE[MO' R'E] - seas[MO' P'A], wa.[V'L'A] - on Wait[N_VOO' L'E]. Remember this when you make a phonetic word analysis.


As requires denoting vowels in an unstressed position your teacher. If it uses a simplified transcription system, nothing terrible: it is widely accepted. Just do not be surprised that you really hear different sounds in an unstressed position.

2. Strong-weak positions for consonants. Positional changes in consonants

For all, without exception, the consonant strong position is position before Glasna. Before vowels, consonants advocate in their main form. Therefore, making a phonetic analysis, do not be afraid to make a mistake, describing the consonant, standing in a strong position: [Dacha'a] - country house, [T'L'Iv'i'i'y'y'y] - television,[C'ino' N'ima] - Sino' Nima,[B'ir'O' PS] - Berezov,[KarZ "And' us] - Bases. All consonants in these examples before vowels, i.e. In a strong position.

Strong positions by deafness bells:

  • before vowels: [there] - there,[ladies] - Dame,
  • before the unpaired ringing [p], [p '], [l], [l'], [n], [n '], [m], [m'], [y ']: [DL'A] - for[TL'A] - TLL,
  • Before [in], [in ']: [Your'] - His [ringing] - Rough.


In a strong position, ringing and deaf consonants do not change their quality.

Weak positions by deaf-belling:

  • before paired by deaf-belling: [Slav'i Tk'y] - Slaughter[memory pk'i] - Zu' BKK..
  • before the deaf unpaired: [Aprah-T] - Girth, [Fhot] - Login.
  • at the end of the word: [ZUP] - tooth[DUK] - Oak.

Positional changes in consonants by deafness-belling

In weak positions, consonants are modified: there are positional changes with them. Ringing become deaf, i.e. Stunning, and deaf - ringing, i.e. Sound. Positional changes are observed only in pairwise consonants.


Stunning beams happens in positions:

  • before paired deaf: [Fsta'it '] - inhundred' vite,
  • at the end of the word: [click] - treasure.

Spiley sponge occurs in position:

  • before paired bellows: [Kaz'b'] - Co. fromthink

Cylinders on hardness sofildness:

  • before vowels: [Mat '] - Mother[M'At '] - Move,
  • at the end of the word: [won] - Won,[won '] - Sten,
  • in front of lifting: [b], [b '], [p], [p'], [m], [m '] and posteripal: [k], [k'], [g], [g ' ], [x [, [x '] for sounds [s], [s'], [s], [s'], [t], [t'], [d], [d '], [n ], [n '], [p], [p']: [sa'e n'k'i] - Sa' Nyki. (Rod. Pad.), [C'Anq'i] - Sa' Nki,[Bo' Lka] - Bo' Lka,[BU L'KT '] - Clap,
  • all positions for sounds [l] and [l ']: [forehead] - forehead,[Pal'b] - Palf.


In a strong position, solid and soft consonants do not change their quality.

Weak positions on hardness-softness and positional changes in hardness-softness.

  • before soft [t '], [d'] for consonants [c], [s], which are necessarily softened:, [s'd'es'],
  • before [h '] and [sh':] for [n], which is necessarily softened: [at' n'ch'ch'ik] - at' Nichchik,[Ka' M'In's': IR] - ka'man.


In some positions today are possible both soft and solid pronunciation:

  • before soft front-band [n '], [l'] for advanced consonants [C], [s]: snow -[S'N'EK] and, angry -[Z'l'it '] and [Zl'it']
  • before soft front-band, [s'] for advanced [T], [d] - raise -[Pad'n'A' T '] and [Padn'a' t'] , beyond -[AT'N'A' T '] and [Atn'A' T']
  • before soft front-band [T "], [d], [s"], [z "] for front-band [n]: v'Nikt -[V'I' N "T" IC] and [B'i''i'ik], NSI - [P'E' N'S'i'y] and [P'E' Ns'i'i]
  • before soft lump [in '], [f'], [b '], [p'], [m '] for lips: writing " [f "P" Isa' T '] and [FP "IS' AT'], R'Fmet(dates. Pad.) - [Р'I' Ф "M" E] and [Р'i''i fm "e]


In all cases, there is a positional mitigation of consonants in a weak position.
Write a soft sign with a positional mitigation of consonants erroneous.

Positional changes in consonant on the signs of the method and place of education

Naturally, in school tradition, it is not taken to state the characteristics of sounds and the positions that occur with them with all the details. But the general patterns of phonetics must be assimilated. Without it, it is difficult to make phonetic analysis and perform test tasks. Therefore, the following is a list of positionally-conditioned changes in consonants on the signs of the method and place of education. This material is tangible help for those who want to avoid mistakes in phonetic analysis.

Associate agree

Logic is this: for the Russian language, the likelihood of sounds is characteristic, if they are similar and in this case are nearby.

Learn list:

[C] and [W] → [W:] - Sew

[z] and [F] → [w:] - squeeze

[s] and [ch '] - in the root of words [Sh ':] - Happiness, account
- at the junction of morpheme and words [Sh ': Ch'] - comb, dishonest with what (the preposition followed by the word pronounced ply of as one word)

[C] and [sh ':] → [sh':] - split

[t] and [c] - in the verb forms → [C:] - Smiles
-An the junction of the console and root [CS] - dumbfound

[T] and [C] → [C:] - Flip

[T] and [h '] → [h':] - Report

[T] and [T] and [W ':] ← [c] and [h'] - Countdown

[d] and [sh ':] ← [c] and [h'] - counting

Frame management

Framework is the process of positional change opposite to the likelihood.

[g] and [K '] → [x'K'] - easy

Simplification of group agreements

Learn list:

vFA - [ST]: Hello, feel
zdn - [zn]: late
healthy - [SC] : Under the Woodhouse
lNT - [NTS]: the sun
nDC - [NC]: Dutch
vDSH - [NSh:] landscape
nTG - [NG]: x-ray
rDD. - [RC]: a heart
rDch. - [RF ']: serchchko
stl - [Sl ']: happy
sTN - [CH]: local

Pronunciation of sound groups:

In the forms of adjectives, pronoun, the communities are found alphabetic combinations: Wow, it. INa place g.they are pronounced [in]: his, beautiful, blue.
Avoid contracted reading. Pronunciation of words his, blue, beautiful right.

§10. Letters and sounds

Letters and sounds have a different purpose and different nature. But these are correlated systems. Therefore, the types of ratio need to know.

Types of ratio of letters and sounds:

  1. The letter denotes the sound, for example, vowels after hard consonants and consonants before vowels: weather.
  2. The letter does not have its own sound, for example b and kommersant: mouse
  3. The letter denotes two sounds, for example, yoted vowels e, E, Yu, Iin positions:
    • the beginning of the word
    • after vowels,
    • after dividing b and kommersant.
  4. The letter may designate the sound and quality of the preceding sound, for example, yoted vowels and and After soft consonants.
  5. The letter may indicate the quality of the prior sound, for example bin words shadow, stump, pallet.
  6. Two letters can designate one sound, more often: sew, squeeze
  7. Three letters correspond to one sound: smile - draw -[C:]

Sample forces

Check how you understood the content of this chapter.

Total test

  1. What does the quality of the vowel sound depend on?

    • From the shape of the oral cavity at the time of the pronouncement of sound
    • From obstacles formed by speech bodies at the moment of pronouncing sound
  2. What is called reduction?

    • correction of vowels under the stress
    • pronouncement of vowels in an unstound position
    • special pronouncement of consonants
  3. What sounds the air jet meets the obstacle on his way: a bow or gap?

    • In vowels
    • In agrees
  4. Is it possible to pronounce the deaf consonants?

  5. Do they participate in the pronouncement of deaf consonants voice ligaments?

  6. How many pairs form consonants by deaf-belling?

  7. How many consonants do not have a pair of deaf-belling?

  8. How many pairs form Russian consonants on hardness-softness?

  9. How many consonants does not have a pair of hardness-softness?

  10. How is the softness of consonant in the letter translated?

    • Special icons
    • Combinations of letters
  11. What is the name of the sound position in the speech stream, in which it performs in its main form, without being subjected to positional changes?

    • Strong position
    • Weak position
  12. What sounds are the strong and weak positions?

    • In vowels
    • In agrees
    • All: and vowels and consonants

Right answers:

  1. From the shape of the oral cavity at the time of the pronouncement of sound
  2. pronouncement of vowels in an unstound position
  3. In agrees
  4. Combinations of letters
  5. Strong position
  6. All: and vowels and consonants

In contact with

Oral speech possession is very important for the social life and development of the individual. Much attention in the study of a native (or foreign) language is paid to the spoken speech - the right pronunciation of the phone. There are many words that differ only in individual sounds. Therefore, special attention is paid to the functioning of speech organs and sound formation.

Production of sounds

Sound formation occurs as a result of human mental and speech activity. The voice apparatus consists of a diaphragm, larynx, the nastestrian, pharynx, voice ligaments, the cavity of the nose and mouth, tongue, nose (soft and solid), alveol, teeth, tongue, lips.

Language with the bottom lip is actively involved in sound operating. Teeth, packed, the upper lip remain passive.

The production of sounds (background) includes:

  • respiration - Breath,
  • lancture - use of larynx and voice folds to create a phone game,
  • articulation - work for sound operating.

Noisy (deaf) Russian language

Letters in Russian Rivne 33, and sounds much more - 42. Public phones consisting of a pure voice - 6. The remaining 36 sounds are consonants.

In the creation of 16 consonants, only the noise is involved, which is formed as a result of overcoming the exhaled airflow, some obstacles, which are interacting speech bodies.

[k,], [p,], [s,], [t,], [f,], [x,], [h,], [sh,], [k], [p], [with ], [T], [F], [x], [C], [sh] - deaf consonant sounds.

To learn how to determine which consonant sounds are deaf, it is necessary to know their main features: what way and in what place they are formed, how vocal folds in their production are involved, there is a palatalization during pronunciation.

The formation of noisy consonants

In the process of producing deaf consonants, the interaction of various organs of the speech apparatus occurs. They can be closed with each other or form a gap.

Deaf consonant sounds are born when exhaled overcomes these obstacles. Depending on the type of obstacles, the deaf phonemes are divided into:

  • flicer explosive [K, P, T, K, P, T];
  • fit sloping (affrust) [C, h,];
  • slisal (fricative) [C, F, X, Sh, C, F, X, W].

Depending on the places where barriers are formed, among the deaf phonemes distinguish:

  • lights [P];
  • long-dental [F, F];
  • advanced tooth [C, C, T, T, C];
  • front-band-in-lubricant-tooth [h, sh, sh];
  • rear-speaking posterior [k, x, k, x].

Palamatory and Veselization

Noisy phonemes are classified according to the degree of tension of the middle of the language. When the front and average language of the tongue rise during sound operating system, a palatalized consonant (soft) deaf sound is born. Rearized (solid) phones are produced by raising the root of the tongue to the back area of \u200b\u200bthe soft noise.

6 soft and 6 solid noisy deaf backgrounds make up pairs, the rest of the steam do not have.

Paired deaf consonants - [K, - K], [P], [C, - C], [T, - T], [F, - F], [X, - X]; [C, h, sh, sh,] - Deaf unpaired consonant sounds.


The combination of all works of individual organs of the speech apparatus involved in pronouncing the background is called articulation.

So that it is clear that you need to be able to clearly vote sounds, words, suggestions. To do this, you need to train your speech apparatus, process the pronunciation of the phone.

Understanding how deaf consonants are formed, as they correctly pronounce, a child or an adult will greater than the speech greeting.

Sounds [K - K, X - X,]

Lower the end of the tongue, slightly move away from the cutters of the lower jaw. Roth open. The back of the tongue is to raise it so that it becomes in touch with the border zone of the raised soft and solid nose. Through a sharp exhalation, the air overcomes the barrier - [K].

Cook the end of the tongue to the lower front teeth. The middle and rear of the language brought closer with the mid-rear area of \u200b\u200bthe solid nose. Exhale - [k,].

In the production of phones [x - x,] the speech organs are arranged similarly. Only between them remains not a bow, but a gap.

Sounds [P - P,]

Splesh lips, leaving the language loose freely, the tip of it slightly move away from the lower cutters. Exhalation. The air jet breaks through the lips - [P].

Lips are also located. The end of the tongue to press to the slope of the lower jaw. To solid nebu, raise the middle of the language. A sharp impetus is overcome by a lifting barrier - [p,].

Sounds [C - C,]

Lips stretch, teeth almost sick. The end of the tongue to touch the front teeth of the lower jaw. Intrind the language by lifting the middle back to the nebu. His side edges are pressed against the upper chewing teeth. The air flow passes through the groove resulting in the middle of the language. Overcomes the gap between the alveolar arc and the front back of the language - [s].

The phoneme [C,] is pronounced similarly. Only the middle rises higher, and the front is launched (the groove disappears).

Sounds [T - T,]

Operate lips. The end of the tongue is rested into the cutters of the upper jaw, forming a bow. The stream of exhaled air with force breaks through the barrier - [t].

Lip position is the same. The tongue of the tongue is nourished to the lower cutters. The front of the language touch the upper alveolar arc, creating a bow. Under the pressure of the air jet overcomes the barrier - [t,].

Sounds [F - F,]

The bottom lip is slightly drawn and press it the upper cutters. The back of the tongue is lifted to the back area of \u200b\u200bsoft nob. In exhalation, the air passes through a flat slit formed by lip and teeth - [f].

Lips and teeth in the same position. The tip of the tongue is moved to the bottom cutters. The middle part of the tongue is raised to the nebu. The air flow penetrates through the lip-toothbrush - [F,].

Sound [C]

The sound is made in two stages:

  1. Stretch a little tense lips. The end of the tongue is attached to the front bottom teeth. Raise the front part of the tongue, closer with the hard naba (immediately behind the alveolar arc).
  2. The air flow enters the oral cavity. The tongue is a little bend - the middle part is lifted, the rear omit, the side edges press to chewing teeth. The bow turns into the gap and the air comes out - [C].

Sound [h,]

The formation of the phoneme consists of two phases:

  1. Slightly round and push the lips. The end and front part of the tongue to cuddle to solid nebu and the alveolar arc, creating a barrier.
  2. Push the air: on the site of the bow between the language and the neba, the gap will turn out. At the same time, it is necessary to lift the middle of the language - [h,].

Sound [Sh]

Slightly rounded lips push out. The end of the tongue is raised before the formation of a narrow passage with a nose and alveolar arc (1st gap). Having lowered the middle of the tongue, raise his back (2nd gap). The edges press to chewing teeth by forming a bowl. Smoothly exhale - [sh].

Sound [Sh,]

Lips slide and round down. The end of the language is to lift to the alveolar arc, without pressed, so that there is a lumen. Lower the tongue to solid nebu (except for the front), the edges are nourished to the indigenous teeth of the upper jaw. Exhale slowly. The central part of the tongue goes down, creating a chute through which air flow passes. Language strains - [sh,].

In the speech stream, the deaf consonants are adjacent to other phones if there is a vowel, then the lips take the position to articulate the latter.

Comparison of noisy deaf and ringing background

There are phonemes ringing, in the formation of which voice and noise participate simultaneously (the latter prevails). Some calls have pair sounds from the deaf.

Paired deaf consonants and bellows: [k - g], [k, - g,], [p - b], [p, - b,], [t - d], [t, - d,], [ C - s], [C, - Z,], [F - V], [F, - B,], [sh - F].

Write and deaf unpaired consonant sounds:

  • [th, l, m, n, r, l, m, n, p] - ringing (sonorny);
  • [x, h, sh, x, c] - noisy deaf.

Noisy background with letters

The ability to competently write is no less important than to talk. Mastering a written speech is associated with even greater difficulties, as some sounds on paper can be recorded by different letters or letters.

The deaf consonants when writing are transmitted similar letters if they are in strong positions.

According to the deaf-belling: before vowels, [in - in,], other noisy (applicable to pair deaf!).

On hardness-softness: before vowel, [b, m, g, k, p, x, b, m, g, k, p, x,] - for sounds [s, s, t, t,], at the end the words.

In other cases, to determine the right letter (or combinations of letters), it is necessary to apply certain rules of the Russian language for a deaf consonant phone game. And sometimes it is necessary to simply memorize the correct writing of words (vocabulary).

In Russian, not all sounds of speech are indicated, but only basic. In Russian, 43 main sound - 6 vowels and 37 consonants, whereas the number of letters is 33. The number of basic vowels (10 letters, but 6 sounds) and consonants (21 letters, but 37 sounds) do not coincide. The difference in the quantitative composition of the main sounds and letters is determined by the peculiarities of the Russian letter. In Russian, a solid and soft sound is indicated by the same letter, but the sounds are soft and solid are considered different, therefore it turns out the consonant sounds more than the letters that they are designated.

Ringing and deaf consonants

The consonants are divided into ringing and deaf. Calls consist of noise and voices, deaf - only from noise.

Ring consistent sounds: [b] [b "] [in] [in"] [g] [g "] [d] [d] [z] [z] [z] [l] [l] [ M] [M "] [N] [N"] [p] [p "] [th]

Deaf consonants: [P] [P] [F] [F "] [K] [K"] [T] [T "] [C] [C"] [Ш] [x] [x "] [ h "] [sh"]

Paired and unpaired consonants

Many consonants form a couple of bell and deaf consonants:

Ringing [b] [b "] [in] [in"] [g] [g "] [d] [d] [z] [z]] [w]

Deaf [P] [P "] [F] [F"] [K] [K "] [T] [T"] [s] [C "] [Ш]

Do not form couples following ringing and deaf consonants:

Bezov [l] [l] [m] [m] [n] [n "] [p] [p"] [th]

Deaf [x] [x "] [h"] [sh "]

Soft and hard consonants

The consonants are also divided into solid and soft. They differ in the position of language when pronouncing. When pronouncing soft consonants, the middle back of the language is raised to a solid nebu.

Most of the consonants forms a pair of solid and soft consonants:

Keywords: [b] [in] [g] [d] [z] [k] [l] [m] [n] [p] [p] [s] [t] [f] [x]

Soft [b "] [in"] [g "] [d"] [z "] [k"] [l] [m] [n "] [p"] [p "] [s"] [ T "] [F"] [x "]

Do not form steams the following solid and soft consonants:

Solid [z] [sh] [C]

Soft [h "] [sh"] [th "]

Hissing consonants

Sounds [F], [Ш], [ch '], [sh'] are called hissing.

[F] [sh] [h "] [sh"]

Whistling consonants

[s] [z] [s] [s "] [C]

Whistling sounds sch, z-ze front-band, slotted. With the articulation of solid ss, the teeth are naked, the tip of the language concerns the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is slightly curved, the side edges of the language are pressed to the upper indigenous teeth, which is formed in the middle a groove. Air passes through this groove creating friction noise.

When pronouncing soft C, s articulation is the same, but additionally the back of the tongue rises to a solid nebu. When pronouncing the sounds of the Z-Z, bonds closed and vibrate. The root curtain is raised.

The consonants in different words sound differently. Somewhere firmly, and somewhere gently. In this lesson, we will learn to distinguish soft and solid consonant sounds and designate the softness of the consonant sounds in the letter letters and, e, it, Yu, I and b. We learn what consonants form a lot of hardness pairs, and which are only solid or only soft.

Compare the first consonant sounds. When pronouncing the sound in the word whale, the middle part of the tongue is lifted to the nebu, the passage is narrowed by which the air goes and it turns out the sound that scientists called conventionally called soft. And the opposite sound was called - solid.

Perform the task. You need to decompose the vegetables in two baskets. In the first one, in the names of which you can hear any soft sounds, in the second, in the names of which all consonant sounds are solid. Sweet, turnip, eggplant, cabbage, onions, tomato, onion, pumpkin, cucumber.

Check. In the first basket put: swarm(sound [in ']), turnip(Sound [R ']), tomato(sound [m '])cucumber(sound [R ']). Second: cabbage, pumpkin, eggplant, bow .

It is important to listen to the sounds of pronounced words. If pronounce a word Ness Otherwise, with solid first sound, we get a completely different word - NOSE.

Listen and watch the movement of your language:

row - Sound [R '] - Rad - Sound [P]

luke - sound [l '] - Onions - sound [l]

Fig. 3. Onions ( )

meal - sound [m '] - small - sound [m]

Sounds can be recorded (conditional) icons. Musical sounds are recorded by notes, and speech sounds - letters, but in special square brackets - in transcription. In order not to confuse, when reading the transcription of solid and soft sounds, scientists agreed to show the softness of the sound with a icon, very similar to the comma, only put it on top.

Most of the consonant sounds forms a pair of softness - hardness:

Some consonants are only solid or only soft. They do not form steam on hardness / softness:

Only firm consonants: [F], [Ш], [C]. Only soft consonants: [th '], [ch'], [sh '].

We will perform the task: We indicate the pair sound.

[z] -? [F] -? [R'] - ? [h '] -? [from'] - ? [l] -? Check the correctness of the task: [s] - [s']; [P '] - [p]; [C '] - [C]; [l] - [l ']. [F], [ch '] - unpaired soft soundness sounds.

In the letter, the hardness of consonant sounds is denoted by vowels a, o, y, s, e, and the softness of consonant sounds are denoted by vowels E, E, and, Yu, Ya.

There are words with soft consonants at the end of words or in the middle of the words before other consonant sounds. Listen to words: salt, horse, notebook, coat, ring, letter.Then a soft sign will come to the rescue. Even his name is prompting - sign soft, for soft consonant sounds.

We will make a memo, as you need to act during the letter of words:

I hear a solid consonant sound - I write after it on the site of the vowel sound letters: a, o, y, s, e.

I hear a soft consonant sound in front of a vicinity - I designate it softness vowels: E, E, and, Yu, Ya.

I hear the soft sound at the end of the word or before the consonant sound - I show softness.

Fig. 5. solid and soft consonants ()

So, today we learned that the consonant sounds can be soft and hard, and the softness of the consonant sounds in the letter in Russian is denoted by letters and, e, ё, Yu, I and b.

  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. M.: Astrel, 2011. ().
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronon O.V. Russian language 1. M.: Ballas. ()
  3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Tutorial on learning literacy and reading: ABC. Academknig / tutorial.

Additional Web Resources

  1. Hypermarket Knowledge ()
  2. Russian language: short theoretical course. ()
  3. Logo: site of children's computer games. ()

Make home

  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. M.: Astrel, 2011. p. 35, UPR. 6, p. 36, UPR. 3.
  2. Consider how many soft consonants in the word electrician? (In the Word of the train - 3 soft consonants ([l '], [p'], [ch ']).
  3. Using knowledge gained in class, make rebuses or character with words where the softness of sound is changing the value.

Usually, with understanding the difference between vowels and consonants, children do not arise serious difficulties. But on solid and soft consonants should be stopped in more detail.

How to teach children to distinguish solid and soft consonants

The very first thing you need to teach the child are: solid and soft can be consonant sounds, but not letters.

Typical error:
Children confuse sound and letter. Remember that the sound sounds, and the letter is an icon, it is written. The letter cannot be solid or soft, solid or soft for pronunciation can only be a consonant sound.

Sometimes children can easily learn to distinguish with soft and solid sounds.
But it happens that this is done with difficulty, and in this case, the signs of which can be distinguished to help solid sounds from soft.

Distinctive signs of soft and solid sounds

What kind of sound is after the consonant:

  • If, after the consonant sound, there is a vowel a, o, y, e, s, then the consonant solid.
  • If there is a vowel and, e, Yu, I am a consonant soft.

Terms of Examples:
In the words "mother", "Nora" - consonants are solid, because after them they are "a" and "o".
In the words "fly", "Nanny" - consonants are soft, because after them they are "E", "and", "I".

  • If another consonant sounds after the consonant, then the first consonant will be solid.
  • There are sounds that can only be solid, and sounds that can only be soft, no matter what sound is heard and what letter is written after them.

Always solid sounds - Well, sh, c.
Always soft - th, h, u.
Increased way to learn these sounds is a simple reception: we write letters that pass these sounds, in the line, and emphasize "th, h, sh." Underlining symbolizes the pad on which soft sounds are sitting. The pad is soft, then the sounds are soft.

Soft sign and hard sign

  • If I agree at the end of the word, and after it is worth the letter "b" - then the consonant is mild.

This rule is easy to apply if the child sees the written word, but it will not help if the child performs a rumor job.

Language movement when pronunciation of soft and solid sounds

When pronuncified, the language moves a little forward, approaching the nebu (or touching it) with its middle.
When solid sounds pronunciation, the language is not moving forward.

Table of signs of solid and soft sounds


  1. Before A, O, Y, E, s.
  2. In the end of the word before consonant.
  3. Well, c, sh.


  1. Before the vowels, E, E, and, Yu, I.
  2. If after the consonant stands a soft sign (dust, king).
  3. Th, h, sh.

It is shown a picture or simply a list of thematic words, and the task is given to choose words with soft or solid consonants. For example:

Ring and deaf consonants

In Russian, 11 pairs of calling / deaf consonants.
The phonetic difference between bell-and-deaf consonants is in the tension of voice ligaments. Deaf sounds are pronounced with noise, without tensioning ligaments. Sound sounds are pronounced voice, caused by vocal ligament, because Air with noise comes out of the larynx.

Mnemonic reception to memorize deaf sounds:
Examine the phrase: "Stepka, do you want a helmet? - Fi! ". All consonant sounds here are deaf.

Examples of tasks for children

Tasks for training The differences in paired consonants can be drawn up for each pair according to the following principle (on the example of a pair of d / t):

Tasks on the difference of pairs of consistent g / k