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Fortune telling on Andrei. Fortune telling at a desire. Video: What you need to do in church holidays

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One of the most important orthodox holidays The feast of Andrei is the First Called. On the night of December 13, magic are curly, and people get answers even to the most intimate questions. Fortune telling on Andrei the First Called Popular and Today, as evidenced by their a large number of And a variety, for example, on paper or sleep, as well as on the narrowed.


Andrei was the first-surveyor - one of the twelve apostles, which the Lord himself elected for the evangelical sermon. The apostle Andrey was born and was born in Vifsanda in Galilee, and her man moved with his brother Peter to Kapernaum ashore of the Genisaret Lake, where fishing was engaged in fishing.

With the youth of St. Andrei sought to God and was a student of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist. In the gospel, it is said that it was the Holy Apostle Andrei Proloznaya first followed by the appeal of the Lord, and also led to Christ of his brother named Simon, in the future - the Apostle Peter.

After the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, the Holy Apostle Andrei returned to Jerusalem, where on the day of Pentecost, together with the rest of the apostles and Most Holy Virgin The Holy Spirit was fulfilled and received the healing gifts, prophecies and the possibility of communication in different languages.

After, by lot, between the apostles divided for the country's prophecy. The Apostle Andrei got the state between the Black and Marble Sea, to which Kievan Rus had at that time. It is St. Andrei brought Christianity here, so he is one of the most revered saints, the patron saint of Russian lands.

Andrei Prozdnaya

When the apostle returned to Greece after his wanderings, he was persecuted and convicted of a cross execution. If you believe legend, then St. Andrei refused to take death on the same cross as Jesus Christ, demanding a crucifixion on the oblique cross, which since then is referred to as Andreevsky.


Fortune telling on Andrei, as well as the softy associated with questions about marriage and narrowed. On the eve of the Day of the Apostle Andrei, the post should be observed and praying for the gift of a good groom.

  • Fortune telling with a shoe. The most common type of fortune telling, which was popular in the villages. The girl filmed a shoe or shoe from the left leg, threw her for the gate and watched where her exercise fell. Which way looked sock shoes, the girl should have married to the side. If the wear of the shoes was turned to the goal, because of which was thrown, it means that the girl would not get married over the next year.
  • Middle fortune telling at the crossroads. At midnight, it is necessary to go to the intersection, cursed the desire about the narrowed, draw around him a circle and listen to the sounds of the county. If you hear singing or laughter - will soon marry, crying or swearing - you will sit in girls and shed combustible tears.
  • Fortune telling on water and candle. On the balcony or behind the porch of your home, put a pelvis with water. After midnight, take the candle, break the crust of ice in the pelvis, plunge the candle to the bottom to the water, return to the house, crossing the threshold, say:

    "Do not rush, burning lights, with a tormenting heating, and porch the Candle's Veta in front of a wonderful savage-manner!"

    Now burn the candle from the burning lamp, which is facing your home icon. The faster the candle is on, the faster in your hands will be a wedding candle.

Fortune telling on the coffee grounds - one of the most popular ways to know the future

Fortune telling for the future

  • Fortune telling on the coffee grounds. Drink coffee, cover the cup with a saucer and turn the cup up and down three times. By sitting along the bottom, it is possible to guess, highlighting individual images and trying to interpret them. Here are some characters:
    • The dog is friendship.
    • Forest is well-being and wealth.
    • Cross - disease, patience.
    • Mill - lie.
    • Wreath - Glory.
    • Rock - sadness, longing, loneliness.
    • House - abundance.
    • Man is a date.
    • Church - return to the native house.
    • Gate - to guests.
    • Deer - to the ambulance.
    • The mountain symbolizes the difficult period in life.
    • Fortune telling on tea grounds. Caunks can also be folded into patterns and pictures that can tell about many ways to be gadal. Drink tea until the amount of fluid remains in the circle, which will only slightly cover the bottom. After that you need to take a cup in left, to break its contents through three sharp turns of the cup clockwise, tilt it to yourself and look inside. The volume of the cup is mentally divided in half. The territory to the handle is you. The rest area is outsiders, but people familiar to you. Caulks on the walls of the cup will tell about the near future, and at the bottom - about distant.
    • Mountains - obstacles.
    • The tree is a cure from the disease, the fulfillment of desire.
    • A bottle is a threat to health.
    • The key is health, well-being, wealth, happiness in love.
    • The road is fast changes.
    • Rotate - sharp changes in life.
    • A big star in the center of the cup - the Council to change the nature of the activity, since largest troubles are expected in today's sphere.
    • Airplane - travel.
    • Cross - suffering, trouble, anxiety, illness.
    • Coffin - sadness, loss, regret.
    • Circle - marriage.
    • Ruins - to broken hopes.
    • Staircase - career growth.
    • Heart - love.
    • Heart at the bottom of the cup - heart attack.
    • Strela is bad news.

    Fortune telling at wax. Fit the candle, let it flare up, and then allow the wax to drip into the water, tilting a burning candle over a container and liquid. Throughout in the water, the figure can be predicted near future.

    • Fan - difficulties in work.
    • Grapes - wealth.
    • Mushroom - longevity.
    • Dragon - the implementation of the dream or the birth of a child.
    • Bell - to Wests; Symmetric bell to good news, curve - to bad.
    • Tree sheet - intrigue and envy.
    • Monkey - ambiguous situation or friend pretender.
    • Apple - wisdom and health.
    • Egg is the beginning of something new.

On the night of December 12, December 12, the feast of Andrei First Called. This wonderful night refers to the chosen day when every girl, with a high probability of success, can turn into a real fortune tune.

The Slavs Saint Andrey is very primarily revered as the personification of the male principle and the patron saint of marriage. Therefore, fortune-telling on Andrei Day, largely relate to the wedding and narrowed.

How to attract happiness and love

Divination for Andrei Day December 13, associated with the korzh, is that in the process of kneading the test, the girl should think about the beloved guy. Add honey and dried berries in the dough. The root is designed not to eat it. Before baking in the test, it is necessary to make a hole through which the tape suspend the finished korgin. He must bring happiness to the house and not to produce love from home.

Options for fortune telling for the day of Andrei about the narrowed (all divination, of course, spend in the dark):

When you go to bed, put a piece of bread under the pillow, which you baked ourselves. It is necessary to tempt that the narrowed-rich came to bite bread. Who will see in a dream first, this is destined to become your husband;

In order for the first-call narrowed on the night, you can put a deep plate with water next to the bed, and pair of straws. Ask for the narrowed to spend yourself through this bridge in a dream;

In the frosty night of fortune telling on the eve of Andrei the First Called, they will tell about how much children are destined to you. It is necessary in the evening in a glass pour water and lower the ring into it. A glass will put on the frost, and in the morning it counts the number of tuberkins and pits. The tubercles symbolize sons, and the pits - daughters;

For this fortune telling for the day of Andrei for girls, a handful of cannal seed will be needed. At midnight, you need to go to the courtyard with her and get around the house three times. At this time, sow the seed from the hemp and ask Andrei the First Called about the groom dreamed.

And you can learn your narrowed, you can have gone to the old new Year. You can read about fortune telling for this holiday.

Folk signs for the day of Andrei First Called

December 13 - St. Andrew's Day, fortune telling on the festival night they say the truth. But at this time also a lot about the coming year can tell folk signs. For example, if the water on the rivers is already sought into the ice, the winter will be quiet. If Ice is not yet visible, the winter will be with blizzards and stuits.

To find out the upcoming weather, on the festive night you can look at the fire in the fireplace. If it is red, winter will be any and frosty. White fire testifies to warm winter.

Girls guess, and guys walk

It is noteworthy that, despite the fact that Andrey was the first-surveyant - the patron saint of a male start, fortune-units, only girls always engaged in the festive night. For guys, this night was the ability to relax. So that young unmarried guys do not do on the festive night (within the framework of permissible decency, of course), people had to forgive pranks.

The history of the life of St. Andrew the First Called

Especially this saint is worshiped in Ukraine, because it was Saint Andrei and the first-surveying brought Christianity to the then lands of the Kiev Rus.
Andrei Varozvannaya was one of the 12 apostles chosen by Jesus Christ for the Gospel sermon. From the younger, they constantly prayed and stretched to God, was a student of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist.

After the resurrection and ascension of Christ, Holy lived in Jerusalem. He will receive from the Lord the gift of healing, prophecy. It happened on the day of Pentecost, when the descent of the Holy Spirit was to the Apostles. Then, as religious legends say, the Lord divided the land among the Apostles where they had to bear the Word of God. The Apostle Andrei got the countries along the shores of the Black and Marmara Sea. In addition to the territory of modern Ukraine, they also included the territories of modern Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania.

Not one generation of Slavs checked that the night of the feast of St. Andrew the First Called is magical and capable of miracles. Perhaps the saint will tell you what is waiting in the future and will open the image of your narrowed.

December 13, the day in which the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Holy Apostle Andrei First-Called, the brother of the Holy Apostle Peter.

Since ancient times, one of the most important entertainment on December 13 for young girls was, of course, fortune telling. Girls, gathered in the evening together to find out their destiny.
However, the origin of Andreeva Day knows a few.Who is he, the apostle Andrei and why is it called the first name ???

If you look at a new style, at first glance this date Not attached absolutely to any phenomena.
But according to the old style it is November 30 - the last day of the autumn, the last tribute to the old outgoing sun.
On this day, like in the Great Martyr Catherine, the girls were guessing about their narrowed.
Preceding this day night, wears the name of Andreev evening or Andreva night, in which, popular belief, young girls and guys are the image of their narrowed.

Apostle Andrey Prozoznaya , the first one who followed the Lord and who brought his teachings on the land of Slavs.
The name Andrei translated from the ancient Greek means "courageous" or "husband".
Therefore, the apostle Andrey, always revered as a patron of marriage.
According to the Holy Scriptures of the apostle Andrey, having heard the preaching of John the Forerunners about Jesus Christ, the first followed him. Therefore, we appeal to Him as the Apostle Andrey is the first called (one who followed the first).

At first, the Apostle Andrei was a student of John the Baptist, who later sent him to serve Christ.
All three years he followed him, like all the other twelve apostles. And when the Holy Spirit went to the disciples of Christ, the apostles threw the lot, who and where to go to the ministry. Take people holy legends and praise our Lord.
Andrei fell out the eastern countries, these are the territory where Slavic lands were located. He reached the Danube, passed the Black Sea coast, the Crimea and the Dnieper rose to the place where the city of Kiev is now. Here, along with his students and followers, he stayed for the night from the Kiev Mountains.
Looking in the morning, he told his disciples: "Do you see these mountains? On these mountains, the grace of God will reach, there will be a great city, and God will raise a lot of churches " . The apostle rose to the mountains, blessed them and hoisted the cross on one of the Kiev mountains. (And so it came out in Ukraine the most maximum number orthodox churches and holy places. And Kiev is famous for the fact that there is no one city on earth, where there would be so many temples as in Kiev. The baptism of Russia began with Kiev, and the village of monks appeared in the Kiev mountains, which became a huge monastery later Lavra).

On his way along the pagan lands, Andrey was the first-surveyed underwent many seals and flour from the pagans:
- He was expelled from the cities, beaten, threw stones. But, remaining unharmed, the faithful student of Christ tirelessly carried people a sermon of the Savior. The Lord committed wonders on the prayers of the apostle.
The death of him was martyr, on the cross. However, the apostle stated that it was not worthy to be executed as Christ, so it was crucified on the X-shaped cross (hence the name - "Andreevsky Cross"). . (I executed his pagan Prince of the city of Patras, Egeat).

Thanks to Andrei First Called, there were many lady affairs: many learned about Christ and the Gospels, many people were healed and countless miracles are created. The apostle was an intermediary through which God exercised his affairs.
Therefore, through Andrei the First-Called, you can contact the Lord and she will be heard. And girls can score a good groom.
The Apostle Andrei First Called is always very honored. And the 13th of December in ancient times the girl was waiting with a special trepidation. After all, it was on this day that young girls wondered on the narrowed. Today, this holiday has not lost its popularity, and many are trying to find out their fate, they make a desire and ask Andrei for the first to show and give them the grooms.

Fortune telling on Andreev day

Since the roots take this holiday from paganism, then the rites are appropriate.
So let's get closer to which fortune telling our ancestors used. First of all, girls always tried to cause prophetic dreamwhere you can see your narrowed.
There is a lot of ways to see the prophetic dream. Here are some examples.

1. Looking at the evening to sleep, you need to pronounce a plot (effective by 100%)
"On Andriya Life Zhathi, with Kim Limit I will be Zhthty with Tim I will live to live"
Who will see this night that night will become a potential fiance, and with whom they will lead themselves among themselves, he will be a satellite for life

2. on bread
Looking to bed, put a piece of bread under the pillow, saying:
"Dailed-rude, come to taste my bread"
or " Durable-rude, come to eat. "
or " Daughty-dressed, come to me to eat ".
If you feed someone in a dream, he will be your husband.

3. Sent flax to pot
In advance of the seeds of flax (now, by the way, you can buy in a homeopathic pharmacy), a pot from the ground, on the evening of December 12 to take the pot to sow the flax seeds
Then read over it "Father our": nine times standing, 9-knees, 9 sitting,
After that they read a special conspiracy:
"Holy Andrei, I'm lynen on you,
Let me know who I will rip away for whom.
This pot needs to put under the bed.

4. On bread and salt. More serious with the involvement of a person you need. (Sneak)
Late in the evening, on the table, we break a piece of bread on half,
Sprinkle with cruciform salt, put them under the pillow, after having wrapped it into the napkin.
Look to bed you have to say the following words:
"Saint Andrei, God called you,
And you gave God for God's kingdom.
Call and me, God's slave (name),
Slave (such something).
Holy Andrei, help!
Give it to me in the groom.

Or if you want a good groom to ask you to say such words:
"Saint Andrey, you knew God, I called for help
And for you, God gave your kingdom.
Prize me, God's slave (name),
Slave of God in husband.
Holy Andrei, help!
I find the groom.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

One or another plot read, only once with a lit candle, turning to the east face, after that until the morning (until you eat bread) I do not talk with anyone.
In a dream and get your answer.

5. Divination on the maps

Buy new deck. Cards pull out four aces from her, mix without looking and put to sleep under the pillow, in the morning I woke up pull one of them at random.
If the ace of worms falls out foreshadows a calm measured life and good husband.
Ace Tref promises a passionate, hot husband and life full surprises.
Ace of peak prophesies a harsh and powerful husband.
Ace Tuben promises good, loving, caring husband.

6. Divination for her husband
On the night of the Andreev day, write on paper sheets as many male names as possible, as well as one empty leaf, roll them into the tube, mix and put under the pillow
Waking up in the morning, sow your hand under the pillow. What a name pull over and go married. If empty leaf fell, not to meet you love in the new year.

But so that the fortune tells are true, and fate did not laugh, slipping someone unwanted, girls in the eventual custom, on the eve of the day of the Apostle Andrei (December 12) need to keep a strict post
And a lot prayed for giving good grooms to them.

I wish to see my fate in a dream and let your dreams come true.

One of the most important Orthodox holidays is the feast of Andrei First Called. The night for Andrei, the time of time is considered magic. She can open the girls secrets of the future and give answers to the most intimate questions.

He speaks of his pre-Christian origin, first of all, that is the traditional day of fortunes. Until now, in Ukraine on this day, the girls are guessing. The date, December 13 for a new style, is not tied at first glance in any natural phenomena.

St. The Apostle Andrey is the first-surveyn, one of the twelve apostles chosen by the Lord himself for the Gospel sermon, was born in the city of Vifsand in Galilee (Sev. - Zap. Shore of the Tisterad Lake). Subsequently, he with his brother Simon (Peter) moved to the city of Kapernaum ashore to the Genisaret Lake, engaged in food fishing there.

With the young Youth Saint Andrei, he was distinguished by prayer as limb to God and became a student of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist. As it is narrated in the Gospel, the Holy Apostle Andrey was very prolonged not only the first followed by the appeal of the Lord (which is in legend ancient Church He was assigned the name "First Called"), but he was also the first of the Apostles, who led to Christ's brother Simon, the future of the Apostle Peter.

After the resurrection and ascension of Christ, whose witness was the Holy Apostle Andrei, he returned to Jerusalem. Here on the day of Pentecost ("Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles"), together with other apostles and the Most Holy Virgin, the Apostle Andrey was performed by the Holy Spirit, where he received, like all the apostles, gifts of healing, prophecy, as well as the possibility of communication in different languages.

Then, in the lot, the countries for the prophecy were divided between the apostles for the prophecy, the appeal of barbars and pagans to Christ. The Apostle Andrei got the countries lying along the banks of the Black and Marmara Seas (the territory of the current countries of Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria). Among others, in which St. Andrei preached, the current territory of Ukraine ("Great Scythia").

It was he who brought Christianity in Kievan Rus. Since then, Andrei Prolozalnaya has been in Russia - one of the most revered saints, its patron.

Returning after the apostolic wanderings to Greece, the apostle Andrei was persecuted and was convicted of a godmander. According to legends, he refused to take death on the same cross, on which Jesus Christ suffered, and demanded a crucifixion on the oblique cross. Since then, the oblique cross is called Andreevsky.


On the day of St. Andrei, as well as on the day of the Great Martyr Catherine, the girls are guessing about their narrowed. Many of them in the eventual custom, on the eve of the Day of the Apostle Andrei, keep the post and generally pray to him to give them good grooms.

Foreign on marriage

Fortune telling with shoe (shoe).

This is the most famous and common type of divination. So you wondered our great-grandfathers in the villages. This is done so. The girls take a shoe from the left foot and throw them out for the gate, watching the way to the sock. If the sock turns out to be turned back to the gate, from where it was killed, - to live a girl another year at home, not to get married if in some other side - to be in the new year being crouched.

Divination at the intersection at midnight

The girls in the Christmas night go to the crossroads and, commemorated each of their future bridegroom, outlined the circle, and standing in it, "listen to the district": if you hear laughter and singing - it means that you will get married soon, if you hear crying, swearing, keeping - sitting They are in girls and tears pour.

Fortune telling on water

On the lunar night go to the river and look at the hole: the one who marries will be married; Which in girls sit down - only hears a knock out of the water.

Fortune telling at the church

In ancient girl went to the church overlooking the church. At night, of course, there is no service. But they say that some beauties heard that wedding singing, then funeral crying. Depending on the heard, the girl concluded: whether she will marry or get very sick.

Fortune telling on water and candle

Behind the porch of the house (on the balcony) put a laghan with water. For midnight, the girl needs to take a candle, smash the cry of ice in Lohani, dip the candle in the water until the bottom, enter the house with the words: "Do not sink, burning lights, with a growing hot fry, and the wax candle is a wonderful sack!" By how soon the candle is lit from a burning lamp before home iconYou can find out whether to be wettered, whether to keep the wedding candle at the wedding.

Foreign with straw

Throw out in the ceiling of straws: how much will you stick to the ceiling, such a great family will be in which the girl will give.

Chicken feathers

Closer to midnight the girl should be put on the threshold chicken feather. And to say: "There is an oak, there are 12 nests on it, in each nest of 4 eggs, in every egg 7 chicks, one of them - show, let me know what to wait in the coming!" When the door was opened, then the chicken feather, climbed by the air, or the door flew, or flew into the house. If the door is married to, in the house - in the girls a year to sit.

Divination on the ring

On the floor, playing in turn ride a ring. If it rides the door, the girl will soon marry. And the guy is to a long road. The ring is also secretly transmitted from hand to hand, and the leading should guess who has it. Remember our childhood, a similar game "Colek, ring, go on the porch!".

Fortune telling for the future

Coffee thicker

Drinking coffee, cover the cup with a saucer and three times tilter her up-down. The thick will spread over the bottom, forming intricate figures. On them and you need to guess.
The dog contour symbolizes friendship.
Forest richness.
Staircase-achievement of the desired goal.
Cross patience.
Wreath - Glory.
Mill - lie.
Rock - sadness, longing, loneliness.
The shadow of man is a pleasant date.
Shadow at home - a symbol of abundance.
Pashnya - good sign fertility, shoots, success
Meadow, field with grazing animals - fulfillment of desires.
Church, Bell Tower - Return home
Deer - Ambulance
Gate - arrival guests
Mountain - Difficult Life Path


To correctly read the sign, which will work out from the Chanins, it is better to use a cup of simple form. The liquid should only cover the bottom. Take a cup into your left hand and break tea - make three sharp turn with a cup clockwise. Turn over the cup and holding her handle to yourself, reject so that it is convenient to look inside. Mentally divide the volume of the cup in half. Everything that closer to the handle is related to you, the rest - to a stranger, but familiar to you to people. Tea thick at the walls of the cup will predict the near future, at the bottom - remote.

A bottle is a threat to health.
Mountains - obstacles to life path.
The tree is a deliverance from diseases, the fulfillment of desires.
The key is to health, well-being, wealth, happiness in love.
The road is two ruts or two rails - to close changes, if the lines are winding - the path is difficult.
The turn is associated with sharp changes in life.
One big star in the center of the cup is a warning: it's time to change the nature of the activity, otherwise they are waiting for trouble.
The contours of the aircraft - to an unexpected journey.
Cross - trouble, suffering, anxiety, illness.
Coffin - sad news, loss, regret.
A circle - happy event, marriage.
Two circles - disappointment.
Ruins - broken hopes.
Ball - ups and downs.
Staircase - take off in service and personal affairs.
Heart - a symbol of love.
Heart at the bottom of the cup - a disease, a heart attack from close man.
Arrow - bad news. If she flies from you - you can become a herald of trouble for others.

Fortune telling at wax

When the candle breaks up, she tilted over the mission with water and give wax to the wax. Do this can be done several times to froze in water sufficient number wax drops. The resulting intricate figures and prompt the future - they are taken out of the water and interpret. If, in addition to several big figures, many small round figures were formed - it is to money. And O. big Figures They are judged by the associations caused by them. For those who do not hoped for their imagination or fear to make mistakes, - Tip.

Fan - difficulties in the service, friction in the team, reorganization or even liquidation of the enterprise.
Grapes - love, friendship, luck, wealth.
Mushroom - life force, perseverance, longevity.
Dragon - "High Flight", exercising hopes, completion of labor or the birth of a child.
Bell - lead; Symmetric bell - good news, curve or shcher - bad; Several bells - anxiety.
Sheet of wood - envy, intrigue from the outside.
Monkey - false friend, pretense, ambiguous situation.
Pants - Running Path, Crossroads.
Apple - symbol of life, wisdom, health. The more like a figure on the present apple, the better its meaning.
An apple is a curve, shapeless can mean the temptation, which is better not to succumb.
Egg is an ancient symbol of hidden, unmanifested. It may mean fears, concerns, but can symbolize and just start something new.

Divination by book

It is best to take the book of spiritual content, you can, for example, "Bible" or "Psaltry"; Without revealing it, to make a page number and string on top or bottom, then reveal it and read in the specified place. Involve read according to the fact that the most extinguishing interests most (wealth, rides, marriage, health, etc.).


Her burns in a dark room when candles light. It is necessary to look at the shadow resulting on the wall when burning paper. The reflection of the trait promises large troubles or temptation that will not lead to anything good. If you saw a cat - Flirt and romantic passion is possible. Wait for big changes if a shadow resembling a bird appeared on the wall.

Divination on ash

Burn on a plate crumpled sheet of paper. Slash the candle and in the shade formed by ash, determine your fate. If the outlines of the castle, the building will appear - to the wedding.

Fortune telling on straw

This is very ancient divination. In the Christmas Christmas Eve under the tablecloth, which was covered festive table, put the hay or straw - the memory of the nursery of the Baby of Christ. Exactly at midnight pulled out the straw: a long one will be a good, yield, short - a bait. Well, the girls here were guessing about their fate: it will stretch out of the tablecloth the green skelter, which means that her love and an ambulance wedding awaits, and if it gets blackened - Sit the whole century in girls.

Fortune telling on cups

It is necessary to take several opaque cups. Spread in them bread, salt, sugar, ring, money, pour water into one. Gadgets should be as many as cups. Each of the assembled in turn chooses a cup with eyes closed.

Onions - to tears, bread - to sleep, ring - to the wedding, water - you are awaiting a steady position, salt - be careful: in the near future you can comprehend trouble. If you got a cup with sugar, you will soon expect fun. Money will become rich.

Divination in small objects

Under the evening, young men and girls are going, take a tray, who are poured upon him who is the ring, who is a cufflink, who is an earring, who is a button, coin, other small things. Cover a tray with a towel, they sing a well-known melody over him, then a tray under a towel shakes several times, drop the towel, and without looking, everyone drags some of the things lying on it. It reminds something like a home lottery. The one who will get, for example, a coin - "gets rich" who will get a handkerchief - will be grown in the new year, who will get the key - will acquire a new housing. And the one who will get a ring, must show it on the floor, watching at the same time it will ride: if the door is to be in the coming year of the wedding.

Fortune telling on things

Girls and guys gather at someone in the evening, sit at the table. Collect all the cufflinks, rings, earrings and put it all under the dish interspersed with pieces of bread. Top covers a dish towel. Then the participants sing a "sub-luxury" song. For example, the glory of bread and salt. Then everyone in turn, blindly, putting his hand under the dish, pulls the first thing. If the girl got a male subject (and the guy is female), you have to wait for a quick wedding. Redemption of someone else's subject threatens a kiss.

Swimming songs. Without such fortune telling, neither the Slander did not affect. In the dish or a bowl of the girl folded their small things - the ring, the comb, earrings, ribbon. Under a special song-prediction, without looking, took these things. "Who will come out - it will come true to whom will come true - it does not happen," they fell after the next couplet.

Fortune telling on wine and ring

From the evening in a glass of water, they lower the ring and exhibit on the frost. Before bedtime, I bring a glass: how many tubercles will be, so many sons, and how many pits are so many daughters.

Fortune telling with spoons.

In the tube with water, spoons are put in the number of relatives, noting who whose. Then sculpt the water. In the morning, watching: if all spoons in the cheese, then no one will die during the year in the family, and if someone has fallen behind, it means that this family member is dying.

Fortune telling with Lucina

If the girl wants to learn about his future life, then she takes her hands on Christmas night berezova Lucino, dipping it in the spring (well) water or in water from the module snow and lights it from the fire. If the beacon lights up quickly and burns smoothly, it will be a long and calm life, if the beacon is burning with a crash and sweatshirts, "will be sad to peel and sneeze into the girl.

Fortune telling on a bowl with water

Take a bowl of water and several ordinary sewing needles of any size, but not too large. The portno pins with a rings are suitable. If you are really interested in marriage or just the development of relationships with a partner, you can take needles different size And to pose: Let the smaller be yours, but a big one, about whom you are guessing. Both needles as you can lubricate any fat (it can be a fat cosmetic cream) and cautiously put on the surface of the water.

If you are in the "love triangle" or you are interested in relationships with several people, take a few needles, better than different. One will be yours, and for the rest of mentally "fasten" those who are interested in, and carefully, one by one, put on the surface of the water.

The needles remaining on the surface mean those who will remain next to you in the coming year. If some two needles are connected, it means an alliance (possibly marriage) of those people you migrated. If the needles stick through the entire length, it promises fruitful cooperation and loyal friendship. If the ends of the needles diverged or the needles were on the surface of the water in different sides - it means that the connection between these people weakens. And if the needles went to the bottom - perhaps, with these people, friendship will be interrupted next year.

If your needle drowshes - it means that the new period will begin in your life, and not all old connections will continue. In the new year you will have new worries, not those that seem so significant now, and surround you may have other people.

It may happen that all the needles will drown. What does it mean? Nothing bad. You simply missed them enough, and the fortune telling needs to be repeated.

Fortune telling in Lukovice

Want to know what will be the weather in every month next year? Cut the bulb for twelve poles. Every slicing is one month, from January to December. Now sprinkle salt slices and leave for the night. In the morning, look carefully, at what slicker the salt was hidden, and what - no. So determine what months of the new year will be rainy or snowy, and which are dry.

Department of coal

This is a fortune telling about the crop. Gearing coals are taken, every corner means some kind of culture: wheat, rye, oats, and what kind of corner burned before, he pointed to the most dense Zlak in the next year.

Fortune telling on the steps

Speak steps, saying: widower, well done, etc. And, reaching the latter, they look at what word they stopped.

Pages of love magic

They say what you can do on Andrei, and what is forbidden.

The girls are guessing on their narrowed and pray to Andrey the First Called, so that he presented them with good grooms. In addition, on the night of December 12-19, young people are going to the evening, to fulfill the "biting of Kalita" rite - the guys must, without shook, riding on the ack of jerking and bite off a piece of gaiten. Those who do it - successfully marry.

Who is Andrei Prolifean

According to legend, after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, the apostles decided to determine who and where to preach. For this, they threw the lot, Andrei, Brother Peter, got the Viphini (modern Turkey), Greece and East Scythia - Black Sea.

He is first because he followed Christ and became his student. It is worth noting that he didn't like his sermons - he was trampled from cities several times and beat. By legend, the apostle crucified in the Greek city of the pits on the cross of the X-shaped form. Since then, such a cross became known as Andreevsky.

Byzantine mosaic. Photo:

Saint Andrey is the primarious - the patron of marine professions.

What is necessary to do to Andrei

On the day of the Holy Apostle, it is necessary to go to church and pray for children. On this day, Saint especially hears the requests of mothers about the happiness of their daughters in his personal life.

The Day of Andrei First Called is the first holiday in the Christmas cycle, so this day is customary to cover the festive table. Food should be lean, as this is the time of the Christmas post.

What can not be done before and after fortune telling on Andrei

It is impossible to eat anything meat, better just bread and drink water. Just only girls or women. After divination, you need to be silent until the morning comes.

Popular fortune telling for Andrei Day

  • On the night of December 12-16, a girl hides under a pillow of 11 paper leaves with written male name On each one, one should be empty. In the morning you need to get one of the sheets, it will be the name of the future husband; If an empty sheet got caught, the future remains a mystery.
  • According to believes, a man who will dream of a girl on Andrei will become her husband.
  • The girls go out on the street - each asks the name of the first meticulous man - such a name will be the narrowed.
  • The girl takes a plate and pours there wheat, lowering the golden, silver, with gemstone And a simple ring. Closes eyes and takes one of them. Silver - meet the soul mate; Golden - married; with a stone - will love; The usual ring - and then will look for a loved one.
  • The rite recorded in the Poltava region in 1849. On the eve of Andrei, the girl is tuned by the belt, and does not shoot it all day, fastens and prays. Before bedtime, it puts it under the pillow to the pillow and says: "I live in Kiev in the mountains, I put the cross in the heads. With whom it can be done with whom it will be enjoyed, with the hands of the hands." In a dream, her fate should be dreamed.
  • The girls took their shoes and at the far corner of the house put their path (heel to the sock). Then, when all the girls exhibited their shoes, the latter put forward and so every next. Led the road to the exit. Whose shoes will first cross the threshold, the fact and destined to marry earlier.
  • Special for family happiness was guessing Boyki (Ukrainians from the Northern and South Slops of Karpat). They were bred in the mountains or in the Bonfire Valley, the girls were shouted and listened to echo. Which side went echo, since the groom should be expected. You could also listen to the dogs of dogs in the village.
  • Fortune telling on ash: I need to burn a crumpled sheet of paper on a plate, and then light the candle, and in the shade formed by ashes, determine your destiny. If the outlines of the building are guessing - to the wedding.
  • On the night of Andrei, the first-hearted girl takes the boxes of matches and, holding it in his hands, makes a desire. Then pulls out matches from the box, saying each: "will come true", "will not come true" or "yes", "no". Last match - answer.
  • On the night of Andrei, it is necessary to post the white towel outside the window, saying "narrowed-ridden, come and ferment." If in the morning it will be wet, it means that in the new year the girl will marry.

It is worth noting that on the day of Andrei the First-Called Mistress Bake Poppy or Apple Pie, if the pastries succeed in lush and tasty, then there will be welfare and prosperity in the house.

Signs on Andrey

  • If the holiday is snowing - winter will be protracted and frosty;
  • if the snow fell until December 13 - winter will be warm and soft, and if after - then cold;
  • if this day is sunny weather - the next year there will be a very rich harvest.

It is worth noting that the official position of the Church - on Andrei the First Called can not be guess, as it is considered to be sin. In addition, the Christmas post implies peace of mind and rejection of entertainment.