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When the day of Andrei is the first divination. Fortune telling on Andrei on the burned paper. On Birch Lucin

On December 13, the Orthodox will traditionally celebrate the holiday - the day of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called. On this day, for a long time, the guys have been made to a hooligan, and girls guess.

On the night of December 12, on December 13, in the Ukrainian villages were gathered in the Ukrainian villages, on which young people could sing, and to dance. Closer to midnight, the girls usually expelled the guys from the hut, and they themselves were taken to guess, trying to find out how will the life and life would be with him.

For this purpose, shoes and shoes (throwing boots per gate), and food. Namely: the fortune telling on Balabushki was one of the most popular. About how our grandfathers gade and how to predict the fate of modern young ladies (and not only unmarried).

The same who does not approve of fortune telling, you can just bake delicious lean buns, turn off the TV, light a candle, creating a quiet atmosphere of the holiday ... After all, the New Year-Christmas holidays will come soon and now it would be nice to discuss plans for the future with family.

Divination at Andrei is one of the most fun Ukrainian traditions. As a rule, on the evening of December 12, the girls with guys gathered on the evening, joked, played different games, and after gadal. Most of all interested, whether they would marry next year. However, during fortunes they tried to learn and the genus of the classes of the groom, and even see him.

1. One of the most simple ways fortune telling on Andrei - go out into the street, grind your eyes and throw boots. Which way will indicate the sock of the boot, from there and will be the groom. The residence of the narrowed can be found in other way. In the old days, the girls came out with each other into the courtyard and sentenced:

Oh, Sobia, Doblya Andriya,
I am deprived of you by Mai Nadia!
I want to know myself
Studies of the naschard May Visigati?

Words needed to speak three times, and after - wait for the dogs. Which side he will hear, from there and the matchmaker will come.

2. Traditional way fortune telling on Andrei - fortune telling on balaboys, small loafs from white flour and water. At the same time, in order to knead the balaboys, the water must be brought in the mouth from the well. Each girl sculpts his loaf and denotes it with colored thread. After baking, the loaves lay down and allow a hungry dog \u200b\u200binto the house. Whose Balabushka dog will eat the first, the girl earlier will marry everyone.

3. However, learn about who will marry first, can be different. The shoes of all girls are built by a chain with each other from the very long corner of the room to the threshold. That girl whose shoes first cross the threshold, the first and marry.

4. To find out whether to prepare for the wedding next year, you need to take the ring, a sprig of myrth, a doll and a paper flower. Each thing is put under a separate plate, secretly from the girl who is guessing. After that, the girl should choose "his plate." If the plate turned out to be a ring, it foreshadows a quick marriage. Paper flower means that the whole next year will have to sit in girls. The sprig of Mirty speaks of separation from his beloved, and a doll - about treason.

5. There are even several ways to see the groom. For example, you can use the mirror. True, they say that this method is only suitable for brave girls, because it is necessary to guess alone, and in the mirror there may be anything. To see the face of the narrowed, you need to put a mirror in front of you and light two candles on both sides. After that, say:

I'm to you, dzerkalo, i
Z Kim I tell my share of May?
S'єtynati z іvanka please
More in my heart I wear.

These words should be pronounced three times, and after turn away from the mirror and with closed words, speak:

Sobia Andriya, DOWNING,
Suitfully show!
Borrow on Svei Vіnok,
I ask Zahist Vіd Zirok!
Give God, Salted daughters,
Mene z Іvanka Zіnchati.

After that, you need to turn around sharply and see in the mirror. The main thing is not to be frightened, because in the mirror there may be a face by no means Ivan, but some unfamiliar guy. If it is not possible to see a person for the first time, the fortune telling can be repeated twice. If, after three times in the mirror, no one will appear - it means that it was narrowed somewhere on the road.

6. Another way to find out how the groom will look like, - see it in a dream. To do this, you need to put the scallop under the pillow and speak "Jighter's judges, orders, come to me. And go to bed. You can use another option of divination - put a bowl with water under the bed, and to put a plate on top. Such a design symbolizes masonry across the river. Look at bedtime needs to say several times:

0 Dai, God, young men,
Shone dreamed of MIY judges in SNI.
І You, Sobia Andriya,
I ask, Yak Umіya:
Sobia Andriya, DOWNING,
Mene Sudgorodnі do not hide!
Oh tee, m_stokok, she did not sway
And Ti, Ivanki, Meni dreamed.
Switch Rіchku - Breast Water,
Th lead to Sit Boy Mene, Molot.

7. It's easier to find out the name of the groom. Girls write on paper names guys, and after folding pieces of paper in the cap and stirred. It remains only to rely on fate and pull out random a piece of paper with the name. Another option is to go outside and ask the name of the first met man. This is the name and will wear the groom.

8. There are ways to find out the profession of the narrowed. So, it is possible to lay the earth in the garden, to gain it in a hassle and bring to the house. And then - carefully consider. If a pinch falls in the ground, it means that the husband will be a carpenter if the nail is a blacksmith if the glass shards is a glazer. If nothing excess in the Earth is, then the husband will be a chopboard. Founding in the ground Thread or stem means that the narrowed will be a good family man, and a feather - scientist man. Pebbles foreshadow the purposeful husband, but the corner speaks of unfortunate marriage.

9. Even the time remaining to marriage can be found on Andrei night. To do this, the girl should ride gold on her hair wedding ring And lower it in a vase or glass. How many times the ring will hit the edges of the vase, through as many months and there will be a wedding.

10. And the twig of cherry, apple or cherry needs to be simply put on the windowsill in the water. At the same time saying:

Sobia Andriya,
May on you NADIA:
Give a cure cherry hitch,
And my stake in Porig led.

If it blooms to Christmas - there will be a girl next year happiness.

Prayer girls about giving good grooms

When the furnace is token, it is necessary to speak into the pipe: "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy, sinful. Smoke you smoke, go, smoke, by high mountains, in the blue seas, look around you, smoke, the slave of God (name) and raise you, smoke, the slave of God (name) liver and the lungs, so that the slave of God (name) could not live without slave (name) to live and nor So that it was not to be spank him, to think everything, I grieve about the slaves of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
* * *

On the same day alone speak twice: " I will become, blessing, come out, crossing, from the hollow doors, from the courtyard gates, I will become on the eastern side. On the eastern side The flow of fiery mother river. Pray for you, conquer you. Do not go through the swamps of Zybuchi, do not walk through the forests of Dremuchi, go into the move, in the flesh of the slave of God (name). He was raging him, so that he could not sleep on a soft bed, neither work work during the sun on the sun, at night in a month, and better white light seemed a slave of God (name), better than the sun red, better mother of his native and father. Amen».

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December 13 marks the day of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called. But it is the night that Andrei, the time for centuries is considered a magical and interested in many girls, because many believe that you can open the secret of the future.

To learn about your future, on the night of December 12, fortune tells. Tell you about the most interesting and popular rituals for Andrei.

According to the traditions of our ancestors, girls and young men were going to one house on the evening on December 12th. Joked, told interesting stories And played different games. On the night of December 12-19, the guys exhibited the guys from the hut, and the girls began to fortune telling about their fate, marriage, the name of the narrowed and other important issues. Note, fortune telling on Andrei Church does not approve, but most of the unmarried girls will still not stop. Even if you are skeptical about old customs, fortune telling on Andrei is a wonderful opportunity to have fun with girlfriends.

The most popular fortune telling on Andrei Day

💫 On the night of December 12-16, a girl hides under a pillow of 11 paper leaves with written male name On each one, one should be empty. In the morning you need to get one of the sheets, it will be the name of the future husband; If a "dummy" came across, the future remains a mystery.

💫 It is believed that a man who will dream of a girl on Andrei will become her husband. Therefore, so that the narrowed dreamed of probably, you need to think about it before bedtime.

💫 On the night of December 12, on December 13, you need to go outside and ask the name from the first oncoming, necessarily unfamiliar, passerby. What his name will be - like the groom.

💫 Fording on opaque cups: they are put onions, bread, salt, sugar, ring, money, in one poured water. Then girls choose one. Bow promises tears; bread - wealth; Salt - trouble; Ring - wedding; Money is wealth; sugar - fun; Water is a pregnancy.

💫 To find out what future will be family life, It is necessary to write options for the development of events on the pieces of paper, for example, "will" "grow up", "split". These inscriptions must be wrapped in the handkerchief of their beloved and put themselves under the pillow. And in the morning pull out a piece of paper.

💫 To guess Andrei, it is possible with the help of shadows with the help of burned paper. On the night of Andrei in a dark room (but it should be covered with a candle), burn paper sheet. The future should guess the shadows on the wall.

💫 On the night of Andrei, the first-hearted girl takes the boxes of matches and, holding him in his hands, makes a desire. Then pulls out matches from the box, sentenced to each: "will come true", "will not come true" or "yes", "no". Last match - answer.

💫 Fording on the towel: On the night of Andrei, you need to post the white towel outside the window, saying "the narrowed-rude, come and ferment." If in the morning it will be wet, it means that in the new year the girl will marry.

On December 13, Christians celebrate the Day of St. Andrew the First Called. According to the pre-worristian beliefs of Ukrainians, it is this night that mystical things and miracles occur. Therefore, if you guess Andrei - you can look into the future.

Mystical fortune telling on Andrei at home: how to find out the name of the narrowed

And all began on this day from the evening. The youth converged to one house in the evening, December 12, where girls and young men were joking, sang songs and played different games.

Closer to the night at the age of December 13, the young men went to make losses where idle lived, and the girls were guessing for future fate.

Or effective long-standing Ukrainian fortune telling - you can check ourselves.

Fortune telling

1. On the night of December 13, put yourself under the pillow with male names. On individual packs, write 11 names at your discretion, and leave one piece of paper empty. In the morning, remove one of them. What name will fall out - this will have your future husband. And if you pulled out an empty piece of paper - fate wishes to leave his name in secret.

2. On the eve of Andreev Night, write one male name on several bulbs. Put them in water container. Which will germinate the first name and becomes your destiny.

3. Pour water in a bowl, and at the edges of the vessel, secure pieces of paper with the names of the guys. By the middle of the water, let the burning candle in the boat from walnut shell And wait until it sails to one of the edges with the male name. That will be your favorites.

Fortune telling

4. Another way to put the name narrowed very simple. On the night of December 12, we leave on the street and ask the name from the first oncoming, necessarily unfamiliar, passerby. What his name will be - both your groom.

When married married

1. Catch a spider pot and hide, so that I did not escape. If the animal starts to disarm the web - soon there will be the engagement.

2. If the Girls gathered a whole company - you can pay on boots. Each takes on his boot, and rearrangement through the house - from the wall to the threshold. Whose boot will first finish the relay - she will marry the first.

When married married

3. Throw your boots through the head. If he fell his nose - you need to pay attention to the way he pointed out, because on the other side it is worth waiting for the groom. And if the boot fell sole - soon wait for the woven.

4. Another option with boots. "Measuring" the floor with a wall from the wall to the threshold, prigine for each rearranged boot: "Well done", "Widovers", "I will be in girls." What option will be your boot on the threshold - then wait in the coming year.

5. In front of Andreeva night, break the twig of the cherry. But it needs to be done so that no one has seen. Put at home in the water, saying: "Saint Andrei, I have hope in you. Let the cherry bloom, and my fate brought to the threshold."

If it blooms to Christmas - marry this year, and if not, you have to wait for the next year.

Fortune telling on cherry branch

6. In the company of girls you can pay on the thread. Each takes on a piece of thread of the same length and set on to her. Whose dog is faster - that girl will be married. If the thread will fuse immediately or grind half - according to beliefs it is not very good. But be very careful both with fire and fingers.

7. Divination on the beans. Take your left handful of the beans, one postpone, saying: "I sit in the girls" - "Marry I'll go", and so until the beans end.

Food on beans

Divination on Persdney

On the night of Andrei, retreating, think about what changes in your personal life you want the most. After such meditation, take a deep enough bowl and pour wheat into it.

Place four different rings there: simple, gold, silver and ring with gemstone. Stir so that they completely "drowned" in wheat.

Closing your eyes, remind yourself once again about the most desired and pull one ring. Simple - you will look for your fate, golden - get married, silver - meet your pair, with a precious stone - you will love.

What will be the husband

1. Pour water in a bowl. Cook the wax candle on pieces, melt them in a metal spoon over a candle or other heat source. Melted wax quickly pour into a bowl. He will quickly freeze, and already in unusual forms Try to see the outlines of your future husband.

What will be the husband

2. According to the ancient beliefs, on the night of Andrei, the fate could be seen in the mirror. Those so that no one was in the room, sit in front of the mirror, put on both sides of the mirror on a lit candle, triggering such words three times:

I am a mirror, I ask
With whom I should connect my fate?
Connect with Ivan I ask
Because it is in the heart I wear.

After that, turn away from the mirror, close your eyes and tell me the following:

Holy Andrei, help,
Daughty my show!
I wonder on my wreath,
I ask for protection from stars!
God forbid, marriage wait,
I wonder with Ivan.

Therefore, immediately turn around and look at the mirror. But do not be afraid that you will see. If the first time did not work out - you can repeat the process three times. But if fate did not complicate any of the following attempts - then wait until next year.

Fortune telling on Andrey

3. See the face of the groom in a dream. Before you go to bed, put a glass with water under the bed, and from above is a wooden branch or a small plate, which will symbolize the masonry across the river. After that, try three times these words:

Oh god, young to me,
To dreamed of my narrowed in a dream.
And you, Saint Andrey,
I ask how I can:
Holy Andrei, help,
Do not leave me today!
Oh you, bridge, but not a clone,
And you, Vanya, I dream.
Switch the river - fast water,
And we lead to marriage me, young.

Pleasant entertainment and let the fate you will definitely smile!

On December 13, 2017, on a religious calendar, I celebrate the Day of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called. But it was the night that Andrei, the time of centuries is considered a magical and interested in many girls. It can open the secrets of the future and give answers to the most intimate questions.

On the day of St. Andrei the First Called, as well as on the Day of the Great Martyr Catherine, the girls are guessing about their narrowed. Many of them according to the eventual custom of the holiday on the eve of the holiday observe the post and generally pray to the apostle Andrei and the first to give them good grooms.

The most famous fortune telling on the night of Andreev Day

On the night of December 13, put the pouch with the bag with male names written on separate sheets of paper (11 names at your discretion, you can choose from friends friends, and leave one piece of paper). In the morning, December 13, extend one of the leaves. What kind of name falls - so there will be your future husband. If you got a "dummy", it means that the name narrowed while remains a mystery.
They believe that a man who will dream of a girl for Andrei, on the night of December 13th, will be her husband. So try to remember the one who you will see in a dream. And so that the narrowed dreamed of certainly, before bedtime, I will definitely think about a person who is dear to your heart. And also do not forget to congratulate all the familiar Andreev with the names.

Fortune telling on Andrey

Take a handful of hemp seed, go at midnight to the street, and go around the house three times, scattering the seed and saying "I, Holy Andrew, Conducting Ceiling! Give, God, know, with whom the wedding is played. " And the groom you will definitely dream!
The girls are going and overlooking the street. Here, every asks about the name of the first man who met a man is his name and will be the name of the narrowed.

December 13, on the day of St. Andrew, the "water" fortune telling is best. In the evening of this day, on the eve of the festival Andrei and the First Called, you can guess for the narrowed. It is believed that if two times - and on this day, and on the shints - the same person will be vacated, the fortune telling is true and will come true. For this divination, a girl needs special training. So that it turns out to be true, it is impossible to eat anything meat, only bread and water, but the most important condition is that on this day all close relatives are fed. You are guessing on Andrey only girls or women. Before and after divination, you need to be silent until the morning comes.

Fortune telling on Andrei marriage in mirrors

It is assumed that people with strong nerves should be guess. There are two mirrors of large and desirable equal values, installed against each other, are illuminated with two candles; It is best to keep the mirror against the allotted wall mirror so that a long corridor, illuminated in the wall in the wall, is formed from the directional mirror. The gadgetary special should remove from the room of cats, dogs, birds and unauthorized persons, except one or two modest persons. On the part of these latter, however, it is required not to look into the mirror, do not approach gadget and not talk. And at the end of this corridor and the narrowed one should appear; True, you sometimes have to look for a very long time, and you can see not only narrowed. And any evil, but the game is worth the candle!

Invitation for dinner in Andreev night

The girl covers B. empty room Table tablecloth, puts the device, except for a knife and fork, and says: "Daughty-rude, come to me dinner." Everyone goes out, and she, remaining alone, locks the windows and the door and waits. Symptoms of approximation of the narrowed: winding wind, blows into the windows and the door. Then the narrowed appears. The girl should sit in his place, do not answer questions, notice the features of the face and clothes. The narrowed sits down at the table and begins to entertain her conversation. The girl should suddenly attach and emphasize: "How to call?". The narrowed name calls the name and takes out something out of his pocket. In this moment, the girl must say: "Chur, me!" - And the narrowed disappears.

Fortune telling on Andrei maritime towel

Usually girls on the eve of Christmas nights hang white towels over the windows with the words "Daughty-Out, come and stern." If the towel will be wet to the morning, it means to be in the new year that girl that hung this towel, married, and if the towel remains dry - the girl will be disturbed in parental House.

Fortune telling on Andrei to sleep

Putting a ridge under the pillow, saying: "Daughty-dressed, taking my head". The narrowed is in a dream and scratches his head. Take thimble salt, thimble water, mix and eat. Looking at bedtime, the girl says: "Who is my narrowed, who is my rich - he will give me to drink." The narrowed is in a dream and feeds to drink. They put four card kings under the pillow and say: "Who is my narrowed, who is my dazzhen - that dream in a dream." The narrowed dream in a dream in the form of some king.

Fortune telling on Andrei on wine glass and ring

From the evening in a glass of water, they lower the ring and exhibit on the frost. Before bedtime, I bring a glass: how many tubercles will be, so many sons, and how many pits are so many daughters.

Fortune telling on Andrei on the narrowed

So, we tell how to properly guess on the narrowed. Take a bowl of water and several ordinary sewing needles of any size, but not too large. The portno pins with a rings are suitable. If you are really interested in marriage or just the development of relationships with a partner, you can take needles different size And to pose: Let the smaller be yours, but a big one, about whom you are guessing. Both needles should be lubricated with some fat (it may be a fat cosmetic cream) and cautiously put on the surface of the water.
How to guess for Andrei

If you are in the "love triangle" or you are interested in relationships with several people, take a few needles, better than different. One will be yours, and for the rest of mentally "fasten" those who are interested in, and carefully, one by one, put on the surface of the water.

The needles remaining on the surface mean those who will remain next to you in the coming year. If some two needles are connected, it means an alliance (possibly marriage) of those people you migrated. If the needles stick through the entire length, it promises fruitful cooperation and loyal friendship. If the ends of the needles diverged or the needles were on the surface of the water in different sides - it means that the connection between these people weakens. And if the needles went to the bottom - perhaps, with these people, friendship will be interrupted next year.

If your needle drowshes - it means that the new period will begin in your life, and not all old connections will continue. In the new year you will have new worries, not those that seem so significant now, and surround you may have other people. It may happen that all the needles will drown. What does it mean? Nothing bad. You simply missed them enough, and the fortune telling needs to be repeated.
This holiday is St. Andrei all fortune telling has a magical power. But it all depends on you how much you will believe in them. For your faith, you will find your future!
Do not forget to congratulate everyone Andreev with the name of December 13

December 13 for the religious calendar marks the day of St. Andrew the First Called. From a long time, it is believed that with the help of divination on December 13, you can learn about the events that will occur in the near future, as well as get answers to the questions you are interested in. You can learn more about this day from the video:

Fortune telling about marriage and on the narrowed

On the night of December 12-19, the girls will be burned to obtain information about marriage or a new acquaintance in a compelling period of time. For folk giving, before the coming of the holiday, the girl will be fast and read the prayers of the Holy Andrei Proliferated about the gift of the pious groom.

Several options for fortune telling:

  1. Before the departure to sleep, a slice of baked perforated bread under the pillow and loudly pronounce:

    "Dailed, rude, come to taste bread."

    This night is the first to appear in the dream of a person who in the future will be a husband gadgetting.

  2. They write on paper sheets of boys names and put under the pillow. In the morning, the girl pulls the first note and reads the name. So it will be at the future husband.
  3. Puffed water into a small container and from 2 straws make a bridge. It is believed that the narrowed will dreamed to translate the bride through this bridge.
  4. After in the house, everyone will sleep tightly, the girl should pay off the light and sit down at the wellheaded window, at the same time saying:

    "Daughty my dazzy, pass by my window."

    After that, you need to listen to the sounds published by the windows passing by the windows. If they are loud - the girl will have a wealthy groom and family life filled with fun. Quiet sounds testify to the poor Cavalier.

With boots on the narrowed

This is one of the popular types of burning. This festive divination on the narrowed was carried out by our great-grandmother in rural areas. The girl needs to be removed from the left foot of the boots and throw it out for the gate, and then observe, in which direction the wear part of the boots will be directed. If he is turned to the goal, through which he was thrown, then in the new year you are not destined to marry, but if there will be a girl in the near future.

On the water with a candle on the groom

On the night of December 13-14, the balcony put a lochcan filled with water. At 12 o'clock at night, the girl takes a wax candle, breaks the ice crust in Lohanka, immerses the candle in the water so that she will take to the bottom, and then enters the house and says:

"Do not pour lights flaming, with a growing frying, and light up the candle in front of the holy sapoma."

Then the candle is lit from the pre-lit lamp before the icon, and by how quickly the candle is lit, they define how the girl will be as soon as possible.

On needles on the narrowed

For this divination it is necessary to take a basin with water and 2 not too big needles. If a girl wants to know how soon it will come into marriage, or on the further development of relations with the already existing bridegroom, you can take sewing needles Miscellaneous size and to make a smaller girl will be, but a large man, about which she guess. Both needles need to be abundantly lubricated with any fat or cream and gently put on the surface of the water.

If your own needle starts sinking - in the life of a gadget starts new stageAnd the old relationship will be discontinued. In the new year, new troubles will appear, and those people who are now expensive will go to the background. If both needles are sinking, then the fortune telling is recommended to repeat, but now richly smearing them.

At the crossroads on marriage in the coming year

Using fortune-December 12, you can predict events that will occur in the future. To this make a girl on the night of Andrei, you need to ask a question, whether she will appear in the near time of the bridegroom and, after reaching the road, start a vorozh. Having draws a circle around him, it takes to listen to the votes: if laughter and songs are heard, then the girl will come into marriage soon, and if you hear crying and Rugan - another year will sit at home and cry.

Dream fortune telling

"My squeezed, calculating my hair."

In a dream, a person who is destined for fate should appear and comb hair.

There is another version of the burning. It is required to take a salt and water in the thimble, mix them and eat before going to bed, while saying loudly:

"Who is the narrowed my muddy - that drink will bring."

This night narrowed appears in a dream and gives the girl drinking.

Near the church

On the night of Andrei, it is necessary to go to the church and listen to the surrounding sounds. If the girl hears the wedding singing, it will soon be a wedding, and if the funeral crying is to hurt for a long time.

Divination in the company on the ring

December 14 is a company of girls, taking a rings in advance. Cleaning are located in a spacious room and one after another begin to roll the ring. If it rolled towards the door, then the girl who rolled it will soon become a bride.

Conspiracy-fortune telling on the pen

Closer to 12 o'clock in the morning, the girl should leave a chicken feather on the threshold and say such words:

"There is an oak, there are 12 nests on it, in each of them they are 4 eggs, in every egg - 6 chickens, 1 from chickens - appear, let me know what to expect in the future."

When someone opens the door, then the pen climbed by the air will fly away by the door or flies into the house. The feather flew in housing testifies that the coming year is not destined to enter into marriage, and if the pen is departed at the door to marriage.

Fortune telling for the future

Predictions at fortune telling on Andrei on December 13, always come true, so many girls want to know the future on this day. Before holding a ritual of fortune-seeing, it is forbidden to eat dishes from meat. It is allowed to eat only bread and drink water. There is another important condition: on the day of fortune telling all relatives should be fed. Only girls or women can be burned. Before the ritual and after it is required to be silent before the in the morning.

On coffee grounds

On the day of Andrei the First Called, you need to drink coffee, and then cover the cup with a saucer and tilt it 3 times, and then down. Husband will be distributed over the bottom, forming the shape of different shapes. For their contours, you can get answers to the questions you are interested in:

  • the dog is a symbol of strong friendship;
  • forest - financial welfare;
  • the stepladder is to achieve the goal;
  • cross - Exposure;
  • wreath - honor;
  • mill - deception;
  • rock - longing;
  • the shadow of man is a meeting with a loved one;
  • shadow at home - wealth;
  • the field with animals is the execution of a cherished dream;
  • the church is the way home;
  • deer - Travel;
  • gate - to visit guests;
  • mountain - problems.

Full list of characters for interpretation you will find in the article about. Also do not forget that these days you can do!

On tea grounds

In a cup of simple form poured not a large number of Tea (he should only cover up the bottom). Then the cup is taken with your left hand and break tea by performing 3 sharp turn clockwise. Then the container turn over and holding her handle to themselves, they deflect in such a way that it happened to be easily peeled inside. Then mentally separated the volume of the cup on 2 parts. Everything located near the handle is directly related to the fortuneful, the rest - to the people who are familiar to it.

The thick of the cups will give information about the nearest events, and at the bottom - about those that will occur in the distant future. .

On the candle wax

In Andrei, the first-sized day of memory can be watched on the candle wax (do not forget about others). To do this, you need to light the candle and, when it turns around, tilt it above the water tank and give the wax. You can repeat this procedure 2-3 times so that it froze in water sufficient number Drops wax. The figure formed on the water surface takes and pushing the future on them. If, in addition to several big-sized figures, a large number of small figures were formed. round shape - This is a symbol of wealth.

Interpretation big figures:

  • fan - trouble at work, misunderstanding in the team, closure of the enterprise;
  • grapes - love feelings, friendship, good luck in any endeavors, well-being;
  • mushroom - vital energy, achieve your goals;
  • dragon - the accomplishment of conceived, completion of the cases started or replenishment in the family;
  • bell - Events (symmetric shape - good news, curve - bad);
  • sheet of wood - envy, slander from the outside people;
  • monkey - incomprehensible situation, appearance of a false friend;
  • trousers - the distribution of the road;
  • apple - good health, wise solutions.

On burnt paper

In the room with redeemed light (when candles light) it is necessary to burn a paper sheet in a plate, depending on the outlines, resulting on the wall in the process of burning. The silhouette of the trait testifies to the big trouble or temptation with a bad outcome. The outline of the cat foreshadows a love game. Bird's figure - to great changes in life, and the outline of the castle or other building - to marriage in a short time.

On mirrors

This fortune telling is held on December 13th. However, it is recommended to resort to it only to the bold girls, because in the mirror you can see not only the future husband, but also otherwithstanding creatures. During the rite in the room, someone's presence is unacceptable, except for gadgetting. To fulfill the rite, the girl sits on the chair, placing the mirror in front of him, and then lights up from both sides church candles And pronounces:

- I ask, mirror, you,
With whom I connect with?
Connect with (the name of the Beloved) I ask
After all, in his heart I wear.

Conspiracy is repeated 3 times. After that, the girl turns away from the mirror and closing his eyes says:

- Holy Andrei, help,
Daughty show!
Borrow to your wreath,
I ask for stars of protection.
Help, God, marriage wait,
Give me (the name of your beloved) in the church to get married.

Now the girl needs to sharply turn and carefully look into the mirror. It will seem narrowed, but it is not always the one that she dreams about.

On the towel

The girl must be placed on the balcony a white towel, whispered: "Daughty my rich, come and ferment." If the morning the towel is wet, then in the new year the girl who posted him will marry. Dry towel foreshadows that the whole next year the girl will live in the parent house.

On straws

Under the festive tablecloth, it is necessary to put a straw, and then exactly at 12 o'clock at night to pull 1 straw: a long copy indicates that the year will be favorable and fertile, a short - bad symbol, a bad year. With this divination, the girl can predict their destiny. If you extend the green stem from under the tablecloth, it will soon wear wedding Dress, and if blackened - no one will make a sentence for a long time.

There is another 1 option of divination. Unmarried girl Must throw straw up and by how much straws will stick to the ceiling, determine, from how many people will be its future family.

On cups

On Andreev evening take 6 cups from an opaque material, and then put bread, salt, sugar sand in them, money, and in one - pour water. The number of gadget people should be equal to 6, i.e. The number of cups. Each of them in turn, without looking, chooses a cup. If it got a bowl with a bow - to sorrow and tears, with bread - to life in sufficiency, with a ring - to the wedding, with water - to a sustainable position, with salt - to unpleasant incident, with sugar - to merry, with money - to wealth .

In small objects

For the night of December 13, you need to gather cavaliers and girls, take a tray, pour out any small items, such as a ring, key, coin. After that, you should cover the tray by a towel, sing over it any song, and then shake 3 times a tray under a towel, reset it and with closed eyes Each one of the objects lying on the tray should be left left.

A man who pulls out a coin will soon be wealthy who will get the key - buy new apartment or house. And the one who pulls out the ring must show it on the floor. If the subject rolled to the side entrance doorNext year is planned wedding.

On spoons

In the tube with water you need to put spoons by the number of relatives, writing on each of their names. After that, it is necessary to shake the water and look around: if all the tables are located nearby, then the death of relatives is not expected during the year, and if someone's spoon is away from the rest - the death of a loved one (with whose name table object).

On Birch Lucin

A girl seeking to learn about his own of the future life, on the night of Andrei, it is necessary to take into the hands of Birch Luchin, dip it into the spring water either into the water from the melon of snow and light it from the fire. If the pinch lights up quickly and smoothly burns - life will be long and calm, if the chips burns with a crash - the gadget will be sad and root all year.

On Lukovice

This ritual will help learn what weather conditions will be in each month of next year. For this purpose, it is necessary to cut the bulb at 12 equal parts (Each part symbolizes 1 month, starting in January and ending December). After that, you need to sprinkle onion slices salt and leave all night. In the morning you should look at what slicing the salt has become wet, and on what - it remained dry. Based on this and interpret, for what months the coming year will fall a large amount of precipitation, and which will be without precipitation.

On coals

We are held in Andreev day on December 13 divination and about yields. For this purpose, you need to take glowing coals, each of them means any grain culture. By what coal is burning before, a high-yielding grade is determined in the coming year.

Fortune telling on matches

It is believed that on the holiday of Andrei, you can predict fate with the help of matches. On the plate with water it is necessary to put 2 matches:

  1. 1 is a cavalier who likes a gadget girl;
  2. 2 - symbolizes the girl itself.

After that, the girl needs to be picked up on these matches: if they come out from the girl's breath, the desired cavalier will soon become her fiance.