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Warming virus: What happens to a man who has become infected with them. Scientists told what a person is experiencing after death

Features of upbringing, especially in Soviet times, forced a person to think about sex only as a way to extend the genus. Any thoughts that he should happen regularly were considered immoral, youthful inability to control body reactions head, but doctors disagree with such a point of view. If a person does not have sex for a long time, he will begin to suffer his health. Why does this happen and what changes occur with the body with long-term intercommunication?

How sexual abstinence affects the body

In some religions, periodic rejection of sex is considered useful, but from a medical point of view the only significant plus of such an action is to reduce the risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases. Only if you have a permanent verified partner, they also do not have to worry about them, but for random links, good protection is barrier contraception (condoms). The minuses in sexual abstinence, especially forced, psychological and physiological terms for both sexes much more.

How many man can do without sex

Experts agree that without negative health effects, not having sex is capable of 3 weeks. The term is always individual, and the medium (indicated 3 weeks) is due to the physiological characteristics of the body. The male need for sexual acts is explained by the high level of testosterone, and the abstinence is dangerous as follows:

  • In the absence of a systematic receipt of the signal about the sexual pleasure, a blockage of sperm production is blocked, which can lead to infertility, the process of ejaculation (seeds) is disturbed, which becomes premature.
  • With a delay in sperm in the body, in the absence of regular emissions, there is a decrease in sperm mobility, the number of pathological cells increases. It provokes the birth of sick children or problems with conception.
  • If you do not even engage in sex, it occurs in blood in the organs of a small pelvis of a man, which leads to a decrease in potency, the appearance of urological diseases.

Doctors are reminded that for how long a man is able to not have sex, affect age, temperament, previous sexual activity. If it was high, go to the "supporting" contacts even once a week will be difficult, will affect the psychological state. Possible thrust for masturbation (masturbation, self-satisfaction) to correct the situation. Regarding age:

  • Young people are 20 years old due to the high level of testosterone are ready to satisfy themselves and partners, their energy is splashing through the edge.
  • Men in the age of 30 are losing the former excitement, focus on the career and pay less attention to regular sex.
  • By 40 years old men begin to worry about health, potency, as sexual intercourse.

How much time a woman can be without proximity

According to medical statistics, the sexual attraction in most women is expressed weaker than in men, since the latter is the result of high testosterone. This hormone in the female organism is laid in very small quantities (10 times less), so hypersexuality is more characteristic of men. Woman can not have sex to 2 months and longer, which depends on the temperament. For her, proximity brings pleasure and relaxation only when trusting to the partner, therefore it is primarily significantly not the frequency of sexual acts, but the sensations they give.

Consequences of the absence of sex for the body

Most doctors claim that even if there is no sex for a woman for a long time, as for a man, then on its body it reflects more. Its psycho-emotional state reacts very acutely, and the endocrine system is responded after it. A woman who has not been having sex for a long time, faces the following negative moments:

  • excess weight (on the background of attempts to obtain joy of food or due to hormonal failures);
  • frequent depression, chronic fatigue;
  • low self-esteem;
  • increased aggressiveness, frequent irritability without reason, bitchchart;
  • handicapped blood pressure.

With long-term abstinence, the appearance of malignant neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system, oncological diseases, therefore, if you have sex for a long time, it is worthwhile to visit the gynecologist. Men psycho-emotional factor is expressed weaker, although they also have mood differences (less noticeable), the appearance of insecurity in itself as in the potential sexual partner. The main negative consequences of abstinence for the male body are considered:

  • obesity;
  • infertility;
  • vascular diseases;
  • impotence (sexual impotence).

Reducing immunity

For most people, sex is a natural antidepressant, but doctors argue that he is good and the immune system. In persons who have regular sex, the protective forces of the body are 33% stronger, as Dr. Corey B. Chonikman suggests. This is especially noticeable during seasonal cold epidemics and influenza, but the influence of the inability to regularly have sex on immunity is weaker than the remaining organism systems.

Increased stress hormones

Allocation of serotonin hormones and endorphine, which occurs during sex, improves the mood, restores the psychological state and is the main cause of female enjoyment by the process. If this does not occur, the level of cortisol (hormone of stress) increases, which leads to the emergence of depressive states, especially on the soil:

  • emotional instability;
  • stress;
  • excess physical exertion.

Obtaining endorphine and serotonin occurs during sports, the use of chocolate (the common cause of unnecessary kilograms with long-term abstinence), but mostly a woman (men stress are weaker) trying to exercise anymore, work. It exhausts it psychologically and physically even stronger, which aggravates the situation and leads to an even greater increase in the level of cortisol. It is also responsible for increasing the fat mass, especially in the abdomen, therefore, on the background of depression, a weight gain occurs.

Psychological problems with excitation

If you have to have sex regularly, the process of transition from primary attraction to a partner before erection and subsequent ejaculation after orgasm becomes worked out, it is possible to control all stages. Prolonged periods of refusal provoke erectile dysfunction, which can acquire chronic character and require drug intervention (Viagra, Cialis). The repetition of the situation will negatively affect the psychological state of the man, the uncertainty of self-esteem and further problems with excitation will be not physiological.

Change of dreams

If in the body an elevated testosterone level (which is peculiar to men) or before that there was regular, frequent and high-quality sex, during the forced abstinence the subconscious will be reminded of lost and try to commit self-satisfaction. The faces of both sexes can see obsessive sexual dreams with their or other people's participation, against the background of what irritability, aggression, depression will appear. The high realism of dreams is not excluded, thanks to which a person is experiencing a real orgasm.

Reducing libido in women

Natural reinforcement protection works so that in the absence of access to the desired body, gradually loses its attraction to an unattainable object. If a person has no opportunity to have sex, there is a reassessment of needs and disappears in the brain and sexual attraction disappears. In women, such a situation is observed more often, even with the "men's" temperament after a few months the attitude towards the need for sex contacts is changing. It is possible that after the appearance of a potential partner, it will be necessary to artificially stimulate the attraction to it for a long time.

Alienation and mutual claims from partners

In a well-established pair, sex is considered to be regularly considered the norm, therefore a long break, especially if desired, on the one hand, and its absence from the second, it may cause cooling relationships, alienation. A dissatisfied person experiencing a lack of sex is seen by the opposite sex, which is capable of becoming a reason for the appearance of connections on the side.

Low self-esteem

Even in the absence of changes in appearance (which occur mainly in the hormonal imbalance), a person who has no sex for a long time, begins to look for shortcomings. It is especially acute this is noticeable if the previous relationships are over, and the new ones do not begin or reach the desired point, break down at the first meetings. The faces of both sexes can hardly experience the impossibility of having sex, which gives them confidence in themselves, which affects the mood: the attacks of irritation, nervousness, plasticity, apathy arise.

Risk growth of oncology in men

According to the studies of the American Urological Association, the risk of prostate cancer or its inflammation (prostatitis) in men who have a long refusal of sex increases in direct dependence on the abstinence. A similar situation with infectious pathologies of the urinary system, hyperplasia (growth) of tissues arising, if not engaged in regular sex. This not only adversely affects the overall health of the man, but also leads to infertility.

The likelihood of the development of gynecological diseases in women and reducing the elasticity of the walls of the vagina

Stimulation of blood circulation in the organs of a small pelvis, improving the saturation of oxygen tissues - the processes that occur in the body of a woman who regularly has sex. They protect against stagnant phenomena, tumor formations, so abstinence can provoke the appearance:

  • cyst;
  • fibrome (benign tumor);
  • adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages of the uterus);
  • mastopathy (fibrous-cystic diseases of the mammary glands).

A painful menstrual cycle, too long or with abundant bleeding also applies to the number of negative effects of sexual abstinence. Additionally, with regular sex contacts, the vaginal muscles are strengthened, its walls become elastic. With their absence, the picture is inverse, although the situation can be fixed with special intimate exercises that help and strengthen pleasant sensations from sex, but do not replace it.

Hormonal imbalance in the body

The weight set is even without changing the diet, the appearance of skin rashes, the amplification of the dryness of the skin, the menstrual cycle fails - all this is due to changes in the hormonal background. In women, such a situation arises more often and appears sharper. Additionally, it may be possible to felt signs of premature aging, because the desired amount of collagen ceases to be produced: wrinkles are formed, the skin tone is worse. The manifestations of hormonal imbalance include:

  • insomnia;
  • increased thrust to alcohol;
  • girsutism (excess hair growth in women on male type);
  • rough voice (in women);
  • obsessive state syndrome.


The Bible says that "dust will return to the ground where he appeared, and the Spirit - to the Creator, who gave him" ... Sorry for the pun, but today only the dead is not trying to figure out or find out what happens with the soul when Man dies. So I was puzzled by this question.

The death of man - what is it?

With biological and physical points of view, the death of a person is a complete stop of all processes of his life. This is an irreversible phenomenon that none of us can bypass the side. At the time of the death of a person, processes occur inversely proportional to his creation. The brain is irreversibly destroyed by losing its functionality. Emotional world is erased.

Where is she - the face of being?

The Bible says that "dust will return to the ground, where he appeared, and the Spirit to the Creator, who gave it." In accordance with this today, some scientists have brought the formula on the letter, it will have the following two options:

  • earth dust + breath of life \u003d live soul of man;
  • sugarless body + creator breathing \u003d live person.

From the formula it is clear that any of us is endowed with the body and thinking mind. And as long as we breathe (in us there is a breath of God), we are living creatures. Our soul is alive. Death is every cessation of life, this is non-existence. The human body becomes ash, breath (spirit of life) returns back to the creator - to God. When we leave - our soul slowly devies, subsequently reborn. In the land there is a decaying corpse. About it - hereinafter.

What happens to the soul when a person dies?

Our soul is freed from the body for several days, having passed several stages of purification:

So what happens to the soul when a person dies? Of all the above, you can conclude that it returns back to the Creator, and does not go to paradise or hell. However, let me! But what about the Bible, saying that our fall either to heaven or in hell? About it - hereinafter.

Where do the souls of dead people leave?

Today, scientists are trying to prove the existence of Paradise and Hell, collecting evidence of people who returned "from the next world." Who did not understand - I'm talking about the evidence of their evidence coincide to the smallest details! Unbelievers say they saw hell with their own eyes: they were surrounded by snakes, demons and terrible SMRArad. Those who "visited" in paradise talk about light, fragrance and ease.

Where are the souls of dead people?

The clergymen and physicians who communicated with such people, noticed an interesting feature: "visited" in paradise returned to their physical body enlightened and calm, and those who "saw" hell, tried very long to come from nightmare. Specialists summarized all evidence and memories of the "dead" people, after which they concluded that heaven and hell really exist, and the first is at the top, and the second is downstairs. Everything is exactly the same as in the description of the illuminated world in the Bible and the Quara. As we see, there is no consensus. And it is quite fair. In addition, the Bible says that "the day will come, and the dead will rise from their graves." Friends, it remains to hope that our eyelids with you are zombies the apocalypse will not fall out!

It is important!

So, friends, we looked at some aspects of a person. I tried to most accurately state some opinions of modern scientists regarding this problem. And now seriously. Do you know what happens with the soul when a person dies? So I do not know! What kind of sin, no one knows the answer to this question: Neither I, nor you, friends nor scientists ... We can only assume, based on certain unproved facts of the clinical death of people. There is no direct evidence of life after death or death after death, so we can only be operated on by the scienceless arguments that science provides us. As they say, all the departed by secret with themselves in the grave ...

The most complete description in all details - what happens to a person from which a spell was removed with a fairly strong and safe magic influence.

It should not be thought that after removing the arald, the person is simple and easily returns to its original state. An alien magical impact causes a deep psychological injury to the victim. Therefore, the condition of a wary person after the removal of the love spell can be very heavy. Therefore, it is important to know how to help him will be quickly returned to a normal lifestyle.

What happens after removing the love spell?

It is clear that if a love spell has been diagnosed with a loved one, you need to take urgent measure to withdraw. And the sooner the alien impact will be removed, the better the state of the victim will be after the lifting speech.

Using various ways to remove the imagination, you should know what will happen with the victim after this and the most important thing you need to understand that the spell is removed.

Having removing the spell should be understood that an awesome person is not aware that it is under third-party influence and life around seems to be a natural process for him. Therefore, if any changes occur in life, he feels strong discomfort and feels depressed and superfluous in his surrounding world. This also contributes to the awareness of what, it would seem, sincere affection for another person, in fact, turned out to be a magical thread, forcibly imposed by someone else's will.

If one of the spouses was awesome, then against the background of severe depression, there comes a terrible repentance for his own betrayal towards a close person.

It is at that moment that you need to show understanding and surround the care and caress of a loved one who has undergone an energy attack. Of course, the spouses will have to attach a lot of strength to restore the relationship. Justice should notice that only loving hearts are capable of it.

The rule of behavior after removing the impact should be an understanding that the victim of the love spell is in need for some time in:

  • Full of peace;
  • Tender care;
  • Unobtrusive attention.

Status after the removal

The fact that the victim feels in the first approximation can be generalized. The first sensations after the removal of the impact is very contradictory and very heavy for any person. Magic does not immediately release the victim and very often, against the background of awareness of the alien influence, the victim feels a strong attraction to a person who brought him. This state of the soul can be explained by the merge of hatred and love in one sense. Professional magicians argue that during this period there is a struggle for the soul.

At the subconscious level, a person who conducted a guidance rite feels that he loses with the victim. It is fully aware of all the severe consequences that will bring the return wave in the event of a successful liftingness.

It is important that the victim for the last time suffered such a strong but the last psychological breaking. Therefore, at this point, you always need help of loved ones. Otherwise, a person trying to free himself from the Char, can start drinking or, even worse, become a drug addict.

It is important to prevent the meeting of the victim of the love spell with a person who conducted a promotional rite. Moreover, it is desirable to even eliminate the possible conversation on the phone. That is, optimally, after removing the imagination, to leave anywhere on vacation.

It should be prepared that in addition to the psychological attraction to a person who has conducted a probassiary rite can dramatically have deterioration of health status, for inexplicably reasons. Even also, therefore, it is impossible to leave a person who has been subjected to an energy attack, alone.

After all psychological bonds are ruined, the period of rehabilitation occurs. And it is also very important to organize correctly. As a rule, after removal of the impact, there is always a decline of strength and a depressive state.

Around the person from which the impact was successfully removed should be created atmosphere of care and love. He must feel safety and comfort, as well as the sincere love of people close to him. It is important that in his surroundings were exclusively the people who are pleasant to him.

It is necessary to help the victim of the love spell will get rid of memories, which means that it is necessary to throw out items that will remind him of life under a foreign influence. If possible, such things must be burned, using the cleansing force of the fire.

It is important to fill the life of a loved one who experienced the energy probability of positive emotions and sensations. To do this, you need to visit various exhibitions, go to the cinema and theaters. In no case cannot be given to a person the opportunity to dwell on the analysis of recent events and close in itself.

For many people who visited the love spell, work becomes a real salvation. After liberation from the magic bonds, a person gets the opportunity to work in full force and this desire is important to support.

In practice, it has been proven that if a woman was a victim of the impact, then to restore sincere equilibrium, she needs to change the wardrobe. And if you are a loving husband, do not prevent her whims. In this period of rehabilitation after a probitive impact, it is simply necessary for it.

To restore the energy structure of the protective field, it is necessary to attend the temple and attend the worship services. For cleansing you need to stand under the dome of the temple for some time and be sure to put a candle for your own health.

It is important not to forcing events and not demand anything from a person who was a victim of a love spell. Restore long and gradual process. The main thing is that it is necessary to gain patience and wait. Moreover, it follows that in each case, an individual approach is required, because all people are different.

What happens to man after removing the love spell

Let's start the conversation from how to find out a love spell for love? This will show diagnostics. Immediately you can see if the negative was removed. If a negative magic program is removed, it will feel the person himself according to his changed state. But, not immediately, but two weeks. And so, the intrigue of this material: if you did a spell how to remove? This article will be devoted to the topic of removing the magical negative, and in particular - the Plywood.

Remove the spell with a woman or with a man with a variety of ways, there are many of them. Often, especially at home, practiced methods for removing strong attitude. Most of the used are good working rituals. However, the move all the negative may not be removed from the man. Therefore, I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to always complement and complete magical rituals with cleaning.

As in the photo to remove a spell from a person at a distance - the passage of negativity

The principle of magical removal of a powerful love spell is to remove the negative from one person and shifted to another. This can be done purposefully, i.e. On a particular person, either a nonsense - on anyone who will affect the magic subject, carrier of the negative witch program. When the negative is reset up targeted - it is done, say, the rite of removal of love spell on the photo, one of the most important conditions for successful crossing is to remove protection from the victim.

Newbies are often concerned about the possibility of interception of negativity from the victim to those who will be removed from the removal of love spell (in this case, it is considered precisely as a magical negative, i.e. damage). Here is the adjustment to whom the negative is removed. If a person is located to give a negative, then it will not take someone else's energy informational dirt.

Which moon is it preferable to read conspiracy on the removal of the attitude at a distance?

In its witchcraft practice, shifts, as well as magical cleansing, I, Magic, Sergei Artgrom prefer to do only on a decreasing moon. Although, some Magi practitioners make rapid liftingness and arriving moon. The choice is always for those who do, i.e. You, if you practice magic yourself. If the case is unforeseen and limit, you can try to make the removal of the growth of growth. Another thing is that on a decreasing moon, the work of this nature is easier, lighter, and not so energy consuming.

I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I suggest my readers a simple working ritual of the love spell's crossing with a guy; How to independently remove a negative magic program.

Remove the love spell with a son in a photo - a smaller string

This is a proven, 100% working rite of relieving strong attitude at home. As always, with the reservation, that in witchcraft everything is individually, but trying. And here is a description of how you can remove the spell on your own.

For magic ritual, materials will be needed:

  • 3 Candles from wax
  • photo of pursued
  • photo of the victim
  • ritual knife
  • stone medium size

Making this ritual of the lifting spell is available on any day, regardless of the lunar phases. The time is better to choose the evening. So you can remove the spell with the girl, or the men, there is no difference. Stand, turning the face to the West or north. West is preferred. Welcome 3 candles, 2 photos are put on the table - one person from whom the negative is removed, and next to whom the cross will be made. On the left hand put a working ritual knife. On the right - the usual stone of medium sizes.

Looking at the photo, read the words of the conspiracy to remove the love spell from the victim:

Then they take a knife, and spend several times with a blade over the flame of the candle, so that the knife tip So with the cooled. Magic variatives, you can always find information, how to remove the spell itself, and the opportunity to do it. Touch the knife touches the image in the photo, watering the photograph counterclockwise, reading the words of the conspiracy on the removal of the love spell made by the mistress:

The photo of which is brushing from the love spell, put in the photo of the victim, i.e. Those who negative are recking connecting them by the front parties, and three times read the words of the conspiracy on the removal of the love spell with a loved one:

From above photo to press a stone, and read the text of the conspiracy for cleaning from the attitude 2 times:

Next to the stone put a candle. She must turn entirely. Photos of your beloved husband left until the morning. Then they need to be copped, and to remove the place in hidden from views, let them lie there. Repeat the magic rite of withdrawal with a man's black ligament every other day, up to 4 times a week. This will strengthen the result. However, quite good results are achieved from the first time of the home ritual for cleaning from the action of a love spell of the monthly. With the help of the proposed method, it is realistic to remove it at home.

If you yourself took on the witchcraft rite of removing the negative, the question is whether it is possible to remove the spell, should not disturb you. Upon completion of the rite you need to thank the strength. Excusers carry their patrons - the strength, on behalf of whom you act.

I wonder what the victim feels after the lifting spell with a person.

So, having received a portion of a magical negative, a person who has become a victim of crossing the photo receives a rollback. And in this, as you know, there is nothing good. The negative rollback energy can hit any field of life, and, as a rule, beats the most vulnerable point. Specifically, in this ritual of removal of insight, the work goes through the photo (methods like this, quite a few), and it is very necessary that the object and the victim are one sex. Since there is no condition so that the object of magic crossing and the victim was one sex, you can work with interpretations, and different ages. Usually, as a result, it does not affect.

How does man behave after removing the love spell

It is curious what happens with a man after removing the love spell. Do not feed empty hopes about the rapid deliverance from the love spell of the photo. A person who spent some time under the black spell made on the cemetery is not easy to return to its original state. It is injured, depressed and lost - this is what the closest needs to be understood. Magic threads are painfully torn.

Sincere pain is the first sensations after removing the attitude of the photo taken by photo, or in other ways. Suddenly it turns out that the person who was awesome infinitely trusted, someone else's. After the intuitive sense of disunity, after the first frightener, the victim of homely love spell some time is experiencing an attraction to a person who once brought him. This is a very dangerous moment when one step is from love to hatred, and when the mistress, repeating the spell in time, can take a man again. I note that the magician, especially if he seriously practices black magic, always feels when communicating with the victim of love witchcraft is lost. And he will not sit, folded, believe me. Reaction from professionally swallowing magicians instantaneous. Therefore, after deep cleaning, it is necessary to make a diagnosis in order to find out if all the negative is removed, or additional cleaning rites are required. When a powerful spell will be completely removed, the man needs to be protected. If the family is struggled for the soul of a loved one, they should not only be able to free his (or her) from the spell, but also to manifest patience and mercy to man.

What is in most cases going with a person after removing the love spell?

A deterioration of physical and mental health can occur, problems in the social environment may begin, and so on. Close at this moment should have a person from whom he recently removed a love spell, just support, that's all.

After removal of love Egg, or with the help of other techniques, feelings created by witchcraft, will slowly fluff until it disappears at all. After a complete break of psychological communications with a real magic, the period of rehabilitation occurs. And at this time, the victim of black love spell, more than ever, need care and understanding from the side of loved ones.

And one more important point: if you decide alone to clean the wander Guy, first of all, put protection for yourself. Without protection, it is generally better not to work. Practitioners specialists make not harmless rituals, often work with demons and cemetery. Therefore, it is worth cleaning yourself first, put magical protection, after which it is already cleaned a challenged man.

Independent removal of love spell Salt

Here is a good method of negativity crossing on salt. And now I will tell you how to remove the spell with salt. You can do on any day, on any moon. But, I recommend cleaning the bridge on the moon of decreasing, observing male and women's days. On the saucer to pour a handful of salt, putting a photo of the one who cleaner, face up, in the photo Handwood salt, stick a candle, light and read a conspiracy to rent a love love spell Salt:

Candle must fire. What will remain from the candle along with salt to wrap in the flap, tie, and leave in a crowded place reading the words of the conspiracy from the love spell:

Conspiracy on the removal of illness at a distance - remove the negative on the chicken egg

Cleaning from the action of a virtue with a chicken egg is universal. It can be used to remove any kind of love spell from your loved one. Perhaps at a time you love a love spell with a husband, especially strong, do not remove. You will need to repeat the procedure at least 3 times. It is also desirable to connect other methods of cleaning. Although, everything depends on the Magic practitioner. There are real magicians who have a damage to death with eggs. With the help of a rollback, reading a conspiracy on the removal of the attitude at a distance, it is possible to diagnose the magic impact, and start shooting it.

Here is a cleaning recipe from the mistresses of a strong attitude. The object is sitting on a chair. Stand over his back, circular movements counterclockwise drive in the center of his head and read the text of the conspiracy:

Press the egg to the solar plexus, say the words of the conspiracy from the love spell:

Then led eggs throughout the body of a person from whom the black spell is removed counterclockwise. After all, let him touch the eggs with lips and read:

The egg attributed to the crowded away from home, and leave there. Leaving the rules without turning around. Feelings after removing the love spell of the egg in humans can be any, from apathy, depression, lost, to emotional lifting and enthusiasm.

Status after the removal

When a magic binding loses its strength, this does not mean that now everything will be as before. The liftingness is like treatment of injury, and you should know how to behave in the restorative period.

Any trigger affects the psyche, because it makes a strong feeling in spite of the will of Walking. Often the attitude of the attitude is changing ("not his own"), depression arises, and all this is accompanied by a turbulent tower to the person who attacked him. Of course, such a shock does not pass without a trace. It is difficult to recover, even after the competent work of the master's removal masters. Siberian sorcerer parapsychologist Igor Nikolayev, famous for many years of magical practice and attractions in Krasnoyarsk, gives advice, how to help a close person after eliminating binding.

The sensations of a person after the lifting spell is largely dependent on the type of magical impact. The more stronger is the worse the condition of the awesome. Since black love spells are stronger than the psyche, the recovery will go longer and harder.

Nevertheless, there are general features, as the person feels from whom a love spell. As a rule, in the first minutes (hours or days - it happens differently) the "breaking" occurs. An object of the attitude begins to experience even stronger attraction to the person to which it is tied. It may deteriorate to deteriorate the state of health, depression will increase, so at this time it is important to maintain in every way wary and not to leave it unattended (in particularly severe cases there may be a suicide attempt, a heart attack or stroke may be attempting). This is because alien information, introduced into the energy of the property, has become perceived, so that an attempt to remove it causes a negative effect. It is how to remove the opposition - it hurts, sometimes there is blood, but soon the wound heals. "Broke" after the removal spell must be pulled out and not allow the object of the privilege to see himself with his own man or even hear his voice (that is, not to give the offline back).

That later

When "Zanozoza" was removed and "bleeding" stopped, the former wanderings experiencing apathy, the decline of the forces, a depressive state may continue. In easy cases, it resembles the usual overwork. The effect of magic is over, there is no longer a strong, sometimes depressing feeling. It is not clear that all this was and what to do next. It's a shame for all my acts, it is now difficult for him to understand how he could leave his family, why he broke his friends, relatives and colleagues. He is tormented by the feeling of guilt, as he does not know that in fact did not own himself. If a person has persistent prejudice, does not believe in magic, it is unlikely to tell him about the details of what happened. The main thing is not to blame and not reproach, but to gently support. So it will be easier for him to restore relations and with other people. And an experienced master magazine after removal lovelyand be sure to strengthen the protection in order to reduce the likelihood of repeating the like in the future.

Love spell and love magic

Forum about magic and magical assistance -

Qualitative problem solving: love magic, love spell, lap, conspiracy on love, removing the crown of celibacy

How will he behave?

And yet - if this is a white - white (if any exist), in any case - through the church, will those who have identified - to avoid punishment?

How will he behave?

He immediately "get out" or will it take some time?

If the spell has been made recently and the relationship is supported by the action of this very attitude, then the recovery ritual (or in the overall exposure plan) relieves the relationship between people. Thus, removing the binding, the impact (spell) is completely reduced. Moreover, a response negative reaction may occur - the rejection of the body regarding the person to which a spell was made.

Thus, depending on the specific specifics of the situation, the receipt of the previously awesome person can cause a reaction of three types:

1. Feelings will not change, because They switched to natural channel;

2. Feelings are changing from love and strong attraction (action of love spell), to friendly or indifferent;

3. There is a rejection - the feelings change to the opposite (from love to hatred.).

Behavior will be appropriate:

2. The sexual attraction and sense of love will disappear;

3. Behavior repulsive, possibly aggressive.

The impact of the challenge takes on time 3-5 weeks.


Sincerely, alla_m

Well, for example, a person was kept, and he began to drink so that you stop.

Many suggest that such consequences are.

For example, for the help of the removal of negativity, including people who, in the past, wanted to shock their beloved "per day and 100%" :).

Yes, indeed, there are methods of black influences that can change the identity (drilled) in the eyes. But after all, such specialists do not explain such "specialists" than this procedure can threaten him or a person regarding which work is underway.

There are still such circumstances when the impact that creates the so-called. The black spell, for one reason or another does not work, it does not work. In this case, it can turn into a damage both on the customer himself and the object of impact. And this is not just drunkenness. Life can collapse within a month: from the manifestation in the form of health problems, to the imposition to the extreme psychological states up to hospitalization.

Such cases are known and met even in my practice.

Naturally, with such a work, there can be no conversation about negative consequences. Because the awakening of feelings does not contradict the nature of man.

What happens to man when a love spell is removed from him?

is it affecting well-being, consciousness, relations with those who have brought

In a state of illness, a person seems to be pink glasses, Euphoria, you want good words to speak, poems. And when the spell is removed - the charm, he will even hardly recognize his (or his) former lover. And now she (he) looks not smart and ugly. Although a person is aware of what he loved for a long time - and sorry for him to lose relations who took part of his life.

The spell is an impact after which a person ceases to be himself, he becomes twisted. It is easy to imagine what happens to him after the lifting spell. He begins to see the reality and correctly perceive his own causes of actions. He can exercise free will, as before. He is able to understand what he really wants, and not forced. The man becomes himself, the marrow falls with it, then the most impact, with the help of which others managed.

Very often, after removing the love spell, a person begins to be surprised at himself, because someone else's will is needed to push into the unusual identities actions.

what happens to a man from which a love spell

Magic - a subtle area, the use of which should be very careful. Incorrect lovelist rites have consequences, overcome which is quite difficult.

Nothing can be worse than unrequited love. Some girls and guys to conquer a beloved person use a variety of methods, including magical rituals. What will have to pay for the use of love spell, at that moment few people are thinking. However, the consequences of the perfect rite can be very deplorable.

Love spell is a magic ritual, perfect to change the feelings of a beloved man. The main goal of imposing a love rite is to make her beloved constantly think about the customer of the rite, strive for him and, most importantly, love him.

The desire for the authorities over another person in all cases is considered mercenary, so the consequences are manifested quite quickly.

The love spells are white and black, like.

There are various attributes for which.

Do not get the desired

Making various love spells of the customer (or the performer himself, if the rite is performed independently) forcibly affects a particular person. In most cases, such an impact is against the will of the victim. For example, a love spell can connect two people, but at the same time make them unhappy.

A man under the influence of magic begins to change, to do what he recently did not like him, love who is unpleasant to him. Often a wary man loses himself, his former appearance ceases to enjoy life, he can start visiting suicide thoughts, etc. And as a result of all this - the customer did not achieve what he wanted, but only broke the life of his beloved man and his own.

Fulfillment of desire but

Even if the magic ritual worked on the beloved exactly as the customer wander wanted and the relationship was really warm, and the union brings only the joy both, but there is a small but. This outcome of events is possible, but if the customer and the victim were previously predisposed to the love relationship. For example, people were predetermined by fate to be together.

However, having accelerate this process, the initiator and his victim still the effects of magic can not be avoided, even if not immediately, but after a while. As a consequences for a couple, very serious tests in relations may be threatened to end the separation.

What can happen after the love spell

In the best case, the consequences of love spellots are solvable for a pair. These may be small quarrels, threats to the relationship from others, etc.

Having passed all the tests and the customer, and the person awesome them will pay for the perfect magic rite. In addition, relations in this case are only strengthened. Mages argue that this kind of consequences are a test, whether the happiness of the newly formed couple is worthy.

In the worst case, the consequences of magical rites, for example, through monthly blood, by photograph, etc. Can become insoluble and dangerous to health and life. To soften a terrible magic blow, the customer is better to abandon the desired and contact a specialist of the magic to remove the spell.

Love spell in the photo

Love spell in the photo is a fairly popular way to influence magic, but at the same time is one of the most dangerous. The consequences of the ritual are serious for the victim - the reprogramming of his fate occurs. As a result of a strong energy impact, the will of a wary man is blocked, it will quickly weaken, tires, health problems appear.

Before speaking, we need to weigh all the "for" and "against".

In addition, the attitude is a gradual mental destruction, which is accompanied by a decrease in emotional background, irritability, oppressed state, contradictory actions and thoughts. At first, the person resists sudden energy exposure, and when he does not have the strength, it falls into an apathetic and depressive state.

Psychological and physical consequences of love votor

Love love spells are associated with the submission of the personality and senses of man, and as a result of this, the victim of the ritual instead of love can have hatred for a person who ordered a magic rite. All this leads to the fact that the customer, attracting a full-fledged person, receives a broken, feeling a feeling of disgust, Depression, anxiety and hatred of "slave".

The victim of the love spell may not be next to those who ordered or spent ruthu, but not in the power and leave him. This condition caused by magic, with time leads to impotence, alcoholism, neurosis, depression, significant changes in appearance and character. As a result, the customer (or performer) of the Love of Love as a "remuneration" receives a beloved person with exhausted soul. Of course, in this case, you should not expect a relaxed family life filled with love and respect.

During the ritual, energy paths overlap, with the help of which the victim also lived to this point, and instead, a new path of the "slave" and "host" is formed. In turn, the customer gives his energy to the one who was subordinate. It is these circumstances that explain the emergence of such a solid connection between the new pair.

The separation of vitality threatens to the customer the same consequences as the victim - chronic diseases, irritation, neurosis, infertility, etc. As a result of the appeal to magic, two human destinies are broken - the initiator of the rite and its victim.

Also the characteristic consequence of the love of love is the emergence of financial difficulties. This is explained by the fact that the object of the magic rite does not have enough energy for the realization of previously set plans, he lost interest in everything that he was interested in, and gradually it leads to constant failures in all endeavors.

Love spell on blood

A special conversation about the spell with the use of monthly blood. Woman, wanting to get a lover in this way, and does not recognize, on what terrible flour do it and himself.

A man under the influence of black love spell quickly loses male strength, becomes an impotent, constantly falls in bad situations and accidents. In this regard, he appears aggressiveness and hatred for the customer of the rite (he subconsciously understands who is to blame for what happened).

The effects of the rite for menstruation are very dangerous for both, since damage through blood is the only magical seal with the force of the curse of the genus on the male line. Often the man who received a love spell loses mind, and long such people do not live. A woman for a spell over the monthly can get a serious cancer, the crown of celibacy, the inability to give birth to children, etc.

The consequences of the wrong love spell

Magic - a subtle area, the use of which should be very careful. Incorrect lovelist rites have consequences, overcome which is quite difficult. These include:

  • the complete absence of an expected result (return or awakening a love passion, sexual attraction, etc.);
  • the opposite result (the appearance of hatred, hostility near the victim of the love spell towards the one who brought him);
  • zombie object of the magic ritual;
  • the appearance of a rapid nervousness, aggressiveness, anxiety, thrust to alcoholic beverages;
  • deterioration of physical well-being, the emergence of various diseases in the property of the attitude;
  • the consequences for the customer of the priority, which include health problems, etc.

In ancient times, all love spells for love were considered variables and damage.

One of the subjects of love magic was the study of rituals that were protected from the impact of similar love spells.

Since then, the mechanism of action has not changed, their goal is still "damage to love", and their popularity among people is due mainly due to the ignorance of all negative consequences.

Our ancestors knew that love spells act as well as damage, and therefore did not solve them.

Instead, they preferred to use self-improvement to conquer a beloved person, believing that love magic is not only dangerous, but, and invented for unsure and weak people.

Thanks to militant films in the head, a steady image of the main character has long developed. A pumped main character, carelessly holding the machine gun in one hand, and the American flag in the other on the background of the explosions is shooting from the enemies that come from all sides. No bullet flies past the enemies and all of them are frozen.

Such paintings certainly cause laughter from people who were fought and seen all the horrors of war. It turns out, the bullet, falling into a person, not always, or rather, almost never leads to instant death. So how does it affect the organism and what does a person feel?

Sledge hammer or drill

Feelings in obtaining gunshot wound depend on the type of cartridge: they are high-speed (supersonic) and low-speed (subsonic).

Participants in combat actions describe it like this: "Hit a supersonic bullet is felt like a strong sledge hammer, which can knock down. The location of the hit does not hurt first. The dosage bullet in this plan is much more vigilant - it hurts a burning banging pain, as if the body was pushed with a hot rod. "

But this is all only if it comes to a standard FMJ ammunition (Full Metal Jacket) or in Russian - a bullet with a all-metal shell. The feature of the design lies, as it is easy to guess, in a solid metal coating around a soft lead bullet. Such a bullet does not fly into pieces inside the body and not tumbling. In the situation described above, we are talking about an intermediate automatic cartridge 7.62x39 mm and about the dialing pistol 9x18 mm.

Currently, so-called low-departure chucks 5.45x39 mm or 5.56x45 NATO are also used in military conflicts. If you get into the body, such cartridges begin to tumble and cause extensive internal damage.

"At first I did not even understand what happened, as if we were just a boiling water. And then the head began to circle sharply, it struck cold sweat - it is difficult to explain, but those who felt - will understand, and the pre-corporate state. And when a shock passed in a couple of minutes, the pain began such that not even tell. " - describes the consequences of hip from the AK-74 veteran of hostilities in the North Caucasus.


Meanwhile, even gunshot injuries are not increasing instantly. Man, even being mortally wounded, can continue to fight for a while. The American police instructor from Ohio and a member of the local Association of firearms owners Greg Ellifritz conducted a study on the impact of various types of pistol ammunition per person and the results were extremely amazing.

Cartridge 6.35 × 15 mm Brauning.
For dismissal, there is an average of 2.2 shots. Even when ingestion, the probability of bringing a person is out of order - 49%. 35% of the people to which this caliber was used and did not lose their ability to resist. And only in 25%, people died from wounds caused by such cartridges.

Cartridge 5.6 × 15.6 mm (in Russia such a cartridge is called "Small")
For dismissal on average, 1.38 shots needed. Even when in the torso, it is likely to bring a person in order to 60%. 31% of people to whom this caliber was used and did not lose their ability to resist. And only in 34%, people died from wounds caused by such cartridges.

Cartridge 9x19 mm "Parabelloum"
For dismissal, the average requires 2.45 shots. Even if you get into the torso, it is likely to bring a person in order to 47%. 13% of people to which this caliber was used and did not lose their ability to resist. And only in 24%, people died from wounds caused by such cartridges.

Pulest Platt

A visual example of how much the man of whimsion and can continue to resist, a history that occurred in the United States in 1986 and called the "Miami slaughter" was served.

The police surrounded the car in which two suspected of the bank robbery were located, one of which was the former special forces Michael Platt. The criminals began to shoot. One of the suspects was injured and stopped shooting, but the Platt continued resistance. He got a bullet in the neck from the revolver, then in his chest, having broken before these hand, the expansive (discontinuous) bullet flew, which struck the lung and artery. After that, the Platt received two more expansive bullets in the leg and back. Already wounded, he hides behind the car and gets two more revolving shots in her hand (he crushes his brush) and in the chest. When trying to sit in the car of the FBI agents, he gets on the feet of a cabinet that interrupts one of the bones.

All this time, seriously injured, Michael continued to fight, moved under the fire and reloaded the weapon. He killed two and injured five FBI employees. The point in the shootout was put three shots in his head when he had already moved to a police car to hide. Newsipers nicknamed his "Pulest Platt."


As the forenswhelsexperts say, does not kill the bullet, but the damage it is delivered. And these damage are divided into two types: damage from the bullet, tearing tissue and breaking bone, and damage from bullet energy. The fact is that our cells are filled with liquid and firearms are accompanied by a hydroudar. From this there is damage to the nerve endings and the secondary tissue break when the bullet has already passed on the wound channel. The mood itself is a considerable meaning.

According to the doctors, the Platt's already mentioned was able to continue to act, because initially put such a goal. He did not feel pain even if in part in the body, penetrated by nerve endings. Despite the fact that such places are one of the most sensitive.

In such a stressful condition, the body tries not to pay attention to damage, focusing on the task. Such a case occurred in 1991 in Vilnius. In the telecentra, extremists sat down, and to deal with them sent "Alpha". When special forces crossed the square and went inside, one of the fighters complained that he had something in his back. It turned out that even on the square, the automatic bullet flew in the back, but he was focused on the execution of the order and did not even immediately notice the injury that was fatal.