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August in China is one of the richest month to events. The military parade and the holiday of Buddha, the beer festival and other events will make rest memorable and saturated.

August 1, China marks Day of the National Liberation Army. On this day, spectacular military parades are held in all centers in the morning, in some with military equipment. In the evening in summer and traditional theaters and in Chinese television, very good festive concerts are held.

International Beer Festival It is held from August 23 to 28 in Qingdao. This is the biggest similar festival in Asia, which is exhibited by almost all the eminent manufacturers from all over the planet. "Beer Festival" with more than 300 brands of beer, the possibility of tasting, participation in contests, concerts with karaoke peacefully exists in parallel with business meetings of brewers, conferences and workshops for the exchange of experience. If you want to visit it, the hotel is recommended to book in advance.

If you are interested in a trip to Tibet, then the holiday "SUNUN" In the Temple, Zhenbon in the middle of August will be a great reason to get into the most mysterious place of the planet. The holiday lies in the removal of the Buddhist tank with the faces of the Divine. The highlight of the event gives the speeches of the best opera singers in honor of him and magnificent national dances accompanying a religious event. Therefore, sometimes "Suyudun" is called the holiday of the Tibetan theater. Representations pass in Nobrinka. The holiday is non-alcoholic, but milk is offered to everyone.

Time difference with Moscow

The time difference between Moscow and China is 5 hours.

Weather in China in August

Temperature during the day +29 ° C, temperature at night +22 ° C, sea water +29 ° C.

China is often attracted by a huge number of tourists from all over the world, despite the weather.

Those who failed to come to China in June or July will hold their vacation at no worse in August. Just need to competently choose a relatively favorable region. So that you did not come to see, we suggest read our article on the tour calendar.

Weather in China in August

Many fans of this East Asian country come to it in August. Perhaps for the simple reason that during this period there is a height of the vacation season, and next month, the younger generation will sit down for the parties, and to carve out 1-2 weeks of free time will not succeed. So, what is the weather situation in the last third of the summer? It must be said that she is very difficult. First, it affects the huge area of \u200b\u200bthe territory located immediately in several climatic zones, secondly, the increase in precipitation and the risk of typhoons in separate regions. However, the latter, as a rule, are not implemented, as reported in the media, and tourists remain their rest are fully satisfied. The only one who probably should move their journey, these are elderly people with a sick heart and all those who do not tolerate the stuffiness. The percentage of moisture content in the air at this time is very large. Especially on the tropical island of Hainan, falling on which, as if you find yourself in a pair. Despite the warnings of weather forecasters that August in this part of China is the midst of the rainy season, in fact there is nothing terrible this month. The precipitation is short-term, and cloudy weather changes dramatically solar, contributing to the continuation of the beach leisure.

Beijing Shanghai Hong Kong Guangzhou Macau Lhasa (Tibet) Hainan

During the day the air warms up to +32 .. + 33 ° C. In the evening he brings lifeless coolness - about +23 .. + 25 ° C. Strong winds are extremely rare, mostly their peak falls on September-October. In the southern part of the mainland, Hong Kong and the region of Guangdong, it is still hotter. After sunset, the environment cools there just up to +27 .. + 28 ° C. August for their visits is not the most good time: at least 4-5 times a week there are strong rains, at any moment the thunder or hurricane can begin. But, oddly enough, the influx of tourists is not stopped because of this. However, in some years it is a conventional pattern, since monsoon winds bypass these areas. Central China, including Shanghai, also exhausts from the heat. At midday, the air is glowing to + 33 ... + 35 ° C. But tourist plans are upset by no high temperature marks, nascent storms and the largest part of the annual precipitation. Nevertheless, the sun in the sky at this time is not uncommon. Those who want to bring a visit to Beijing, it is quite possible to restrict ourselves to a light rain. There are precipitation in the capital, but they are not so rapid and long. However, it is not worth much hope for salvation from the heat (excluding evenings). To do this, it is worth going to the province of Heilongjiang, where during the day the thermometer column ranges in the range of + 15 ° C- + 25 ° C, or southeast of Tibet, including Lhasa and Shigadze. Livni in these cities are very frequent, but they are mainly observed at night. As you understand, without warm clothes after sunset there is no need to do, so before the excursion you need to thoroughly think out your wardrobe.

What to do in China in August?

Thanks to the colossal cultural and historical heritage, as well as the richest nature, China, once apparent to us another planet, has become a global tourism center over the past ten years. For many travelers from all over the world, the frequent rains and cloudy days are not a reason for refusing a trip - so strong is the attractiveness of this mysterious, having to be exotic, countries. And, admit, they are absolutely right.

Beach rest

In August, at the expense of excellent water heating on all coasts, the geography of the zones available for beach rest expands significantly. For example, if at the beginning of summer in the resorts of the yellow sea was deserted, then in August there are quite a lot of people. If we talk about our compatriots, the inhabitants of the Far East and Eastern Siberia are usually preferred. The water temperature for this month is heated to comfortable +24 .. + 25 ° C.

But the maximum number of swimsuchists takes an island washed by the affectionate waters of the South China Sea. The temperature of its water in August is from + 28 ° C to + 30 ° C. Sunny days here are a little more than on the shore of the sea, so the protection against ultraviolet should be given the closest attention. The storm is not excluded, but also calm windless days is not enough. Nevertheless, the pool at the hotel will not be superfluous.

Entertainment and excursions

Probably, there is no longer such a country on Earth, in which there would be so many memos of the world heritage, how much is China. Therefore, absolutely all excursion tours sold by travel agencies are extremely rich and fascinating. Variations of route layouts are a great set. This month, we would advise tours to mysterious Tibet, attracting their spiritual component. Some of them are combined with Beijing, where is the trip to the Great Wall of China. And they really guarantee the journey that remains in memory for a long time.

Arranged with me and high mountain northern regions. Urumchi, Xian, Harbin - they all boast the incredible number of UNESCO objects and the unique beauty of nature. There is something to surprise your guests and Hainan, abundant reserves and animal farms. Summer is a great time for recovery in sanatoriums located on the shore of the sea. The greatest concentration in Qingdao, Dalian and Baydahhe. In addition, August is good for visiting entertainment water complexes, shopping centers and cozy restaurants, where it is always cool and fresh.

Holidays and festivals

August is one of the most "frozen" months on cultural events. Let's start familiarizing from large-scale holidays. The very first of them is the birthday of China's People's Liberation Army, celebrating annually on August 1. In honor of this, solemn fanfare sounds in many major cities, military parades and sports competitions are held. On the 7th day of the 7th month on the lunar calendar, the Day of Lovel Qi si falls. It is based on the old legend of the shepherd and weaver, which were forcibly separated, but in the only day of the year they were allowed to see. Now proceed to the consideration of local events. If you intend to visit August in Tibet, take yourself a note on the Holiday "Sounun", starting at the end of summer in the temple of Zhebon (5 km away. North-east of Lhasa). In this temple there is a ceremony of showing the Big Buddha - the rite of removal of Buddhist tanks with the face of the Divine. In addition, pilgrims and just curious spectators are waiting for the performances of artists of the Tibetan opera and national dances. Fans of the cinema will be given the opportunity to visit the Changchun Film Festival in Jilin Province. The main premium to claim all the competitive work presented on it is "Golden Eagle". In the city of izdao, every August, since 1991, an international beer festival is organized.

To date, this is the largest event of this kind in Asia, and therefore is a huge interest. In addition to tasting a foam drink, its program includes a series of passions, such as showing mod, musical concerts and sports competitions. Also on the territory of the beer town for several days attractions work. Another gastronomic event in the August calendar is the Turfian Grape Festival "Silk Road". This is a huge platform for the sale of grapes by domestic and foreign agricultural producers. In order, the festival was not similar to the boring market, his organizers added bright colors, making the theatrical ideas about the flush path. Are you still not tired to get acquainted with the August Cultural Athens? If not, then continue. In the city of Datong (Shanxi Province) at the end of the month, the present crowd is going on. In the last few days, he becomes the venue for the Datoon Festival of Yungan Caves. His main idea is a discussion of issues related to the protection problems of the caves Yunnan. Scientific symposia is diluted with fairs of local delicacies, exhibitions of souvenirs and concert evenings. In July-August, representatives of the nationality and in the Liangshan-Iyan Autonomous District in the province of Sichuan, with a scope, celebrate the holiday of torches. At the opening ceremony, his guests awaits a grandiose concert, and in the evening the largest carnival with fires and torches under the night sky. During the next 2-4-yd days, beauty contests, bulls, jumps and sacrifices of ancestors are arranged.

China can be bolden by one of the most interesting and distinctive countries of the world. Understand what China is almost unrealistic for one trip. This will take months, years. And yet, even a short trip to China will be unforgettable - guaranteed. China can offer tourist. All recreation varieties: beaches, ancient historical monuments, nightlife, luxurious nature, Chinese traditional and alternative medicine, Chinese delicious and unusual kitchen and much more. Of the minuses - maybe difficulties in communication, but this problem is solved.

You can go to China, in principle, when you please, but this article is about what is a vacation in China in August. Although it is quite difficult to talk about the weather in a whole country. China is huge, and, even if the territory of this country is characterized by the pronounced continentality of the climate, with a distinct difference between the seasons and the large amplitude of temperatures and the amount of precipitation, in different parts of China, the weather will be slightly different.

To begin with, it is worth noting that in different decades of August the weather is different. At the beginning of the month, the heat is almost everywhere, but in recent days, hot weather is gradually beginning to leave China's territory. And yet, on average, the daily air temperature in China + 29 ... + 35 degrees, but the merciless heat of tourists at the end of the summer it is not worth afraid. Plus, for most of China, the travelers will not need warm things, however, and the strong heat should not be afraid too.

At the end of the summer, the temperature difference in different parts of the country becomes quite tangible. In Lhasa, the average daily temperature decreases by 3-4 degrees (up to + 17-18 degrees), but in the central regions of China, in particular, in the cities of Xi'an and Chengdu, it becomes even hotter than in other summer months, and the air day is calcined here up to +32 degrees.

In Beijing in August, it will be warm, sunny and dry, and the strong wind of tourists do not bother. Day in Beijing order + 27 ... + 29 degrees, and the night are warm and pleasant (+ 22-23 ° C). Rain in Beijing in August - a rare phenomenon, but, nevertheless, two times for August are rain. But in Guangzhou rains there will be more - almost half of the days will be a cloudy sky and rains. With all the same, in Guangzhou also hotter than in the so-sump of Augustinesky Beijing (for a couple of degrees for sure).

But the spa towns at this time are a wonderful choice. For example, the famous town of Qingdao, which is on the shore of the sea. In addition, it's not so hot here, because the average air temperature is about 28 degrees, and the sea warms up to 25-27 degrees. On Hainan in August is also very good: during the day for + 30 ° C, at night about + 22-23 ° C. True, precipitation over the island is shed a lot, and August 2/13 will be rainy. Despite the considerable amount of precipitation, the resort remains incredibly popular not only among the local population, but also among foreign tourists. At least because the sea by the end of summer is heated to +29 degrees, and swim in such water is very nice.

By the way, it rains in August - with character: if in the first half of August they, if there are, then short, the second shower go longer, especially in the central and northern regions of the island. Do not forget that it is almost never happening in China, especially in August, so that such weather tourists with health problems is hard to endure. Is that, to stay at this time on the coast. It would also be important to note that in the second half of August in Hainan Island there is a high probability of the parish of Typhoon. Usually in such a situation, the water transport link is completely stopped, excursions and swims in the sea are canceled. Fortunately, Typhoon quickly passes, after 1-2 days the weather is settled.

What to do in China in August

To begin with, it is worth noting that in August in Hainan you are awaiting good conditions for surfing: Hundreds of sirfinists arrive at this time to China to conquer the growing sea. However, even athletes with experience should be alert, since the weather in August is unpredictable.

By the way, Hainan- The place is extremely picturesque. Local Safari Zoo is very popular with tourists, which combines at the same time two entertainment: a trip to special cars in areas where animals are in close proximity, and walk through the traditional zoo.

W. Great Chinese Wall It is obliged to visit every arriving in China. One of the oldest architectural monuments of China, a unique building, the symbol of the power of Chinese civilization, a wall, built in about 220s BC today is an extremely popular object among tourists around the world.

Potala Palace In Lhasa (Tibetan district) - another important landmark of the country. It seems like, this is the highest castle complex in the world, which at the same time surprises with its rich decoration.

Pro terracotta ArmyI think everyone heard. She was discovered by chance, in 1974, when the Chinese peasants dug the well in that area. The terracotta army is about 7-9 thousand clay warriors weighing 135 kilograms each. Why did it all arrange? The fact is that the army is the embodiment of the faith of the Chinese in the afterlife. In fact, this is one of the brightest examples even before our era of the tradition of burial together with the ruler of the country of all his palace and subjects. By the way, there is an assumption that the features of each of the warriors were drawn from real living people.

Next, the most famous monastery of China, Shaolin.. The legendary Buddhist temple, built approximately at the end of the 5th century, is an object of worship and pilgrimage, and many go here for self-knowledge and learning.
It is impossible not to mark Forbidden City of Googun - The largest and most famous palace complex in the world. He is Beijing, and once he was a residence of 24 powerful rulers of two dynasties - min and Qing. A rather interesting fact: Chinese court astronomers before the construction of the city defined the place as the "accurate center of the globe." And "for forbidden" it was called because in ordinary people the entrance was closed, and for the penetration of the territory could be deprived of life. On the territory of the Forbidden City, you can see many beautiful and elegant facilities - pavilions, arbors, galleries, lakes, rivers, gardens.

In Beijing is worth a visit square Tiananmenwhere a huge number of attractions associated with the history and culture of China are concentrated. Everything is grand and monumental there, it is not surprising that the area is considered one of the largest countries of the world. On the square is located mausoleum Mao Zeduna, the place is especially honored by the Chinese.

If you relax in the resort of Sanya, then you will definitely visit taoist Park "Heavenly Grotes"that is 50 km from the town. The park is huge - it covers the territory of 23 square meters. km. And this is the oldest sight of Hainan. The park has rides, sights, places for recreation, and indeed there is an amazing nature: South Mountain, at the foot of which the park is covered with greens by 85%, and the air here is fragrant and delicious.
Do not forget to visit Sanya and Museum of Natural History: At least because it is the only similar museum in the southern part of China. There are exhibited the remains of dinosaurs and items, recreable the appearance of the land, which it was 140 million years ago. In total, the museum of about 2000 exhibits, about 800 of which are considered national treasures. Interestingly, Bill Clinton, who visited the museum several years ago, called one of the collections of the Museum "The most amazing find of the 20th century."

Special attention deserves Hong Kong - Special Administrative District PRC. Hong Kong enjoys wide autonomy in all matters, with the exception of a number of issues, and this is very living, modern and in all senses a unique place. Sights in Hong Kong Many: Stars Alley, Bank Bank Tower, the world's largest bronze statue of the Sitting Buddha (34 meters), Hong Kong History Museum, Hong Kong Museum of Arts, Hong Kong Scientific Museum and much more.

Thus, a trip to China is interesting, exotic, exciting. Such a tour simply cannot be boring or uninteresting, even in August, which can upset with rains or too high air temperatures. No rains eclipse the beauty of this country!

Reviews of rest in China in August from the site. As in other countries of the world in China, you can relax at any month of the year, the main thing to plan your tour. If you have not previously be sure to read the Chinese climate in August 2019 and read the reviews of the tourists about the rest of this month.

Rest in China in August 2019 with prices for tours

Prices for holidays in 3 * hotels in August begins from the rub. Despite the rainy season, the beach holiday in China in August attracts a considerable number of tourists, and there are always many people in the resorts. At the same time, holiday prices hold on the same level throughout the summer. Behind the trip will have to pay from $ 2,000, if you want to stay in a three-star hotel. This price is indicated for two and takes into account departure from Moscow. Reviews of rest in August are predominantly positive, as the resorts are warm, the sea is warmed up to + 28 ... + 29 ° C, and it will be comfortable completely to everyone. The only negative factor that is noted in the reviews is the rainstream rains in the southern part of China, including the island of Hainan, the country's beachfield. As it should be in tropical latitudes, the precipitation is carried here a storm character here, so they quickly end and do not deliver special inconveniences. But they increase moisture, and therefore lead to such a phenomenon as a stuff. Because of this, it is not necessary to choose rest in China to people with diseases of the respiratory tract and the cardiovascular system. If you want to get acquainted with the history and culture of China, it is best to visit the capital - Beijing. Here you are waiting for numerous temples, the imperial palace, luxury parks, the Great Wall of China. In addition, Beijing does not have to miss even at night when numerous discos, nightclubs, restaurants, bars, etc. are opening. Since during August the weather in China is comfortable throughout the country, this time is well suited for traveling at its various corners, Including in rainforest. Rest in China in August is worth choosing a sake of acquaintance with local nature. In August, in China, you can combine pleasant with useful, for example, beach holidays and wellness treatments. Such opportunities are on the island of Hainan, where you can fix health and return the vigor of the Spirit. Behind the rehabilitation throughout the year they go to Tibet. Here you can find a lot of interesting things about the life of Tibetan monks, to inspect the cult facilities. This place is the center of pilgrimage.