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Extracurricular event "Parental House - Start Beginning." Scenario of the solemn ruler dedicated to the last call


the solemn ruler dedicated to the last call


We have a special day today
And joyfully, and sadly we are slightly.
We solemnly gathered today
At the celebration of the "Last Call".

Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers, parents and disciples!We are glad to welcome you a victorious line dedicated to a significant event In the life of graduates of our school. Today the last call will sound for students of the 11th grade!
Song of Azarov "School" sounds.


Invitement of 2012, headed by their class teacher ........................

(graduates come out)

Leading: School! Hisp! Equality on the banner! The banner of the middle educational school named ...... ..This! Oily! The solemn ruler dedicated to the holiday of the last call is declared open.

Leading:School is our second home. The house in which guests often come. Here today on our holiday there are honored guests: wonderful people Our village, Area, Our friends and assistants: ... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Dear graduates!
Today there is a special call for you, it does not look like the calls that you heard earlier.
This call for you is the line between childhood and adult life. And now you will hear the words of the faceting on behalf of those who accompanses you in adulthood.

The word is provided by the School Primary ..............................

The word is provided _______________________________________________________

The word is provided _______________________________________________________


Thank you, dear guests for warm words and good wishes. You committed my first discoveries on this planet with a person who has the most beautiful title on Earth is the first teacher. He opened you the world, gave his love, peace of mind. People remember their first teacher, remember him with gratitude.
The word is provided to the first teacher ______________________________________________


We are very little left,
Ignite here about the call,
But keeps, cherishes
The very first your lesson.
You drove us for the handle
On the wisdom of sciences.
Everything is good that is in us,
We took from your hands.
You are a kind fairy leading to a know
Giving joy, carrying light.
Hope you happy
Big recognition
And new finds,
And new victories!

Leading.Exactly 11 years ago, the most expensive heart people led you to school. Then they wished you patience, learn to read and write, be polite, obedient. They checked your diaries every day, rejoiced and stood together with you. On behalf of the parents, the word is provided .................. ..


We still have to say in this hour.
About those who gave us life.
About the closest in peace Peace,
About those who helped grow
And to help still in many ways will be.
I invisibly follow my parents for us.
And in joy, and an hour,
When the trouble came.
They seek to protect us from the seals,
But we, alas, do not always understand them.
You sore us, cute, relatives,
We have no more people more expensive
As they say - children - joy in life,
And you for us - support in it!


Let the side pass bad weather
And will be the world for you light
Take the wanted happiness
From your little friends

The word is provided 1 class

In life 11th grade

We accompany we now.

And give you a farewell

First-class our order.

We understand perfectly well

Your difficulties now:

Outside the spring in full swing.

But you have exams.

Will be a cool cool

Green forest, smooth river.

Do not givend to temptations.

You are now graduates.

You have mastered stubborn

A hundred rules and sciences.

But still a little left

At the Institute - 1000 pieces.

We sincerely wish

To the Institute you do.

So that the call is the last one

He became a step first in life.

Continue training.

So that without mental flour

Crumble formation

Zveny Doctor Sciences.

There were examples for us.

Maybe even a beacon.

Personally, I will be proud of

What was familiar with you.

Finishing our performance.

We wish you to go to you mountains,

Take over to the clouds, sail all the oceans.

To new meetings! Have a good trip!

Graduate:Dear, the smallest inhabitants of our school, first-graders! So quickly hoisted sheetscalendar, connecting autumn and spring. And you are no longer helpless galchats, which we accomplished on September 1 inschool. You already look at the world consciously and confident. Lucky road, dear boys And girls. Merry calls and school discoveries. Thank you for the gentle words that have been told at our address.

Graduate 1.

It is difficult to accomplish and part.

It is easier - everyone knows - to meet.

We need to be strong today,

So that the main words will be able to say.

Graduate 2.

Here is the first syllable and the first friend,

And first alarms.

So, finished the first circle,

And what are the results?

Graduate 3.

Here we came sometimes

In captivity of longing and boredom,

And we seemed like nonsense

Wisdom of science.

Graduate 4.

Here worried about us sometimes

Not the best marks,

And clear look of wonderful eyes

Pretty neighbor.

Graduate 5.

And now we carry out into the world

Baggage of your knowledge

And life is not a contest, not a tournament,

And not even an exam.

Graduate 6.

We are found in this way

And tears, and smiles.

And we will face somehow

Ogrechi and mistakes.

Graduate 7.

And we are more than once, not two

Remember school courtyard

And all the farewell words,

Graduate 8.

But the school novel came to the epilogue,

So, almost exhausted the plot.

Last call. We sum up

All our deeds for eleven years.

Graduates sing the song "Teacher"

Song of Chelsea "Last Call"

Graduate 9.

Teacher, farewell! Bye!
We are long to be left in this building.
You knew with us many troubles,
Exams, control, lessons
And flew by birds of the year ...
But apprenticeship passed deadlines,
And our gratitude is forever!

Graduates give flowers to teachers.

Graduates sing the song "How unnoticed time flew"


Last Your School date ...
Now he will be silent in the last time,
As the song separation, the separation signal,
Sad farewell, last call.
He rings over the past and present,
Over the fact that saving and what is not saved.
Above the youth of your outgoing
Sad, farewell last call.

So this long-awaited minute came. The right to give the last call is provided to students class 1

Leading: It is not by chance that graduates compare with birds that leave their nest. And therefore graduates are sent to the path of pigeons - a symbol of youth, beauty, freedom. (Song "Pigeons"). And we are talking to them: "Fly, pigeons, fly! Happy way to you! " (release pigeons)

Leading:The trail on the sand is fragile. Fall the wind and notice the imprint of your traces. The trace in the shower is not very much the weather or time. Such a mark in the heart, keep you, graduates in mind. We wish peace and consent in your homes reign. Let parents be healthy, and

friends are true. Let your eyes be dormant to see all the multiweight of life. Let the soul never knows loneliness, everywhere next to you will be your favorite, your loved ones.

And now I appeal to first graders. Dear first graders! At the beginning of this school year, 11-ki has led you school, they accompanied you on your first lesson, and today you will take graduates by the hand and spend them in adulthood.

In a good way, our dear graduates. (Song sounds "When we leave the school yard")

Leading:Smirno School. Equality on the banner! Banner of the cavalier secondary school ...................... Take out. Oily!

Solemn ruler dedicated to. The holiday of the last call is declared closed. We invite all the classes of caraps.

Event flow

(Sounds joining the song "Little Country". Children enter the hall and begin to sing a song.)

There are around the corner, behind the forests
Little country.
There mom, dad, grandfather and babe,
Brother or sister.
There it is always warm me and clear
Love everything there.
There sun settled
And radiates light.

Little country is my family,
Where I was born and grew up
Where everyone loves me.

Fairy: Hello guys! Today in our school holiday! Family holiday!

Do you know what family is? But I read one fairy tale now now. And you immediately understand

(Music sounds for the song "Little Prince")

Long ago, many centuries ago, so many stars in the sky, as now, was not. In a clear night, it was possible to see only one star, the light of which was bright, then very dull. One day, the moon asked the stars: "Star, why your light is so different: then bright, pointing the road even at night, then dull and imperceptible"?

The asterisk was silent for a long time, and then, sighing, replied: "My light becomes dull when I am lonely. After all, there are no stars near me, similar to me. And so I want to see and hear someone next to you!

"And what night your light becomes bright?" - asked the moon.

"My light becomes bright when I see hurrying wanderers. It was always interesting for me to find out that they were manit on the way, where are they hurrying so? "

"Did you recognize the mystery of hurrying wanderers"? - asked the moon

"Yes," said the stars. "Once I asked this question to the wanderer who was for a long time on my way. He looked exhausted and very tired of a long journey, every step was given to him with great difficulty, but his eyes ... "

"What were his eyes"? - wondered asked the moon.

"They glowed in the dark from happiness and joy," answered, sighs hard, the stars and continued. - What are you happy, wanderer "?

And he replied: "Freezing in the snow, starving without a piece of bread, choking on the heat, I walked forward, overcoming all the obstacles, because I knew: at home I am waiting for the warmth and comfort, the care and cordiality of my family - wives, children, grandchildren. For the sake of their happy eyes, I am ready to make even impossible. "

The star fell silent, and then replied: "With that very pore, I try to give as much light as possible to the travelers who carry happiness in their home, in their family."

The moon looked at the stars and asked: "My little assistant! And you would like to have your family, loving peoplewho would help you make people happy "?

"Is it possible"? - asked the stars hopefully.

The moon, not to mentioning a word, waved the sleeve of golden robes, and thousands of new stars were shone in the sky, who were blinking with their unique shimmering light small asterisk, as if they said: "We are near, we are here, dear, we are now - one family"!

Fairy: Did you like the fairy tale, children?

Children: Yes! But we would like to learn more in more detail what kind of family is.

Fairy: Now sit down more comfortably listen! And our guys will try to tell you what the word "family" means for them.

Child: How did the word "family" appear?

Once the earth did not hear about him,
But Eve said before the wedding Adam:


Now I will ask you seven questions:
Who babies to me, my goddess?

Eve: I.


Who is a dress saves, puts the lingerie?
I'm sticking, decorate housing?
Answer my question, my friend!

Eve: I, I, I, I.

Eve: I.

Everything: And so the family appeared on Earth!

Lead 1. "My house is my fortress," says the English proverb. It turns out that this wise saying has a deeper than us earlier, meaning. It is difficult and uncomfortable in today's world. Ideals are hardened, the powers fall apart, they fly from the pedestals of monuments ... But there are values \u200b\u200bthat remain eternal and unshakable, and they own a family.

Lead 2. What a family is understandable to all. Family is a house. This is dad and mom, grandfather and grandmother ... This is friendship and love, is care for each other. This is joy and sadness, who are alone at all. These are habits and traditions.

1st presenter. And also - this is a support in all troubles and misfortunes. This is a fortress, behind the walls of which can reign only peace and love.

Reader 1:

Family is that we divide at all,
All in little bit and tears and laughter,
Take off and fall, joy, sadness,
Friendship and quarrels, silent print.

Reader 2:

Family is that with you always.
Let them rush seconds, weeks, year,
But the walls are relatives, the father of your home
Heart forever will remain in it!

Reader 3:

In the family circle, we grow up!
Basis Fundamentals - Parental Home!
In the family circle all your roots!
And you go out of the family!

1st presenter. About how Russian people in the old people read their parents, one can judge by inner decoration housing. Until now, in the village of Rustic, hang on the walls of the photo ... Do you know what the red corner is? It is where icons are placed. And look around the photos. All family members, close and distant relatives are on them. In the center of the row, in the most prominent place - enlarged portraits of parents ...

2nd presenter. And I listening to your story about the tradition of honoring the parents, for some reason I immediately remember the words: "Parents", "Motherland", "Rod", "People" ... Whole line Single words. These words, like matryoshki, come out one of the other and one to another fit. And whether they do not help us, you want to feel what the family means.

Reader 4:

Invisibly follow the parents for us
And in joy, and an hour when trouble came.
They seek to protect us from sorrow,
But we, alas, do not always understand them.
As they say - children joy in life,
Parents - support in it.


We went to school, rain drip,
And Eldar said me suddenly:


My dad is not just dad -
He is myself best friend!
We help him with him,
Paul Parquet rubbed!
Light went out - all right here
Pope is called.
He is a tota receiver
In our old neighbor
Repaired, then helped
On the door to change the castle!
In the courtyard swing - bridge
Made dad for guys.
"Golden hands just"! -
All neighbors speak.

Reader 5:

What is our house without dad!
True, guys?
Who replaced the stool
On the car will pass.
In my diary my marks
Knows everything will lie!

Reader 6.

My dad and I decided to do the cleaning.
"A friend of mine! Said Dad. - It's time to take off. "
"The Idea is beautiful", - Mom said
And immediately from the house she ran away.
Five hours of mom in the park sits,
With fear, she looks at mobile.
"When will the end of the cleaning?
I can come home, finally? "
(Performed song "My Dad")

Many mothers on white light
All their souls love children
Only mom is alone
Everyone is more expensive to me
Love you, mom,
For what, I do not know
Probably for the fact that I breathe and dream.
And I am glad the sun, and the light, and the day
For that you, I, my native, love.
Behind the sky, beyond the wind.
Love you, mom,
You are my best friend.

No fatigue knowing
Neither peace every hour
Native Mom's Day and Night
Everything worries about us.

We are baucot, fed,
The bed sang us.
She taught us first
Good, joyful words.

Who is twisted when we
Desperate sometimes.
How much joy at mom,
If someone praises us.

How much flour she was with us
And the awards do not need her
About one dream moms -
On the love of their children.

Walk around the whole world around
Just know in advance: you will not find warm hands
And tender moms.
You can not find the eye of the eye gentle and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are more expensive.
One hundred ways, roads around
Go through the light
Mom is the best friend!
Better mom is not!

(Performed "Mammoth Song")

Mom - work, dad - work.
They still have Saturday for me.
And grandma is always home!
She never scolds me!
Sucks, feed: yes, you do not rush
Well, what happened to you? Tell me.
I say, and the grandmother does not interrupt
Greeting buckwheels in grains ...
We are good - here is so together.
Without a grandmother, - what is the house?

My grandmother is friends with my grandmother a long time ago:
She at all at all at the same time.
I do not know her boredom with her, I'm all nice to her,
And grandmother's hands love everything is stronger.

Scene "Grandmother and Grandchildren"

1 - Ya Hello, my baby! Will you not get a walk?
2 - Ya What are you, I still did not do lessons.
1 - Ya Which lessons? What are you in childhood? You are a hundred years old as school finished!
2 - Ya Yes - e? And grandchildren? Now it is very fashionable to do lessons for grandchildren.
1 - Ya Yes, I do all my life for grandchildren lessons.
2 - Ya Truth? Are you so poke them?
1 - Ya I'm not a ball! I am very strictly with them. I will do lessons, and they always rewrite them yourself.
2 - Ya Oh, really strictly.
1 - Ya So if what, ask me, I have a big experience.
2 - Ya Well, if not difficult, check, as I a poem learned GM - GM ..., at Lukomorya Oak Green; Choining chain on the oak volume ...
1 - Ya So good
2 - Ya And during the day and night a scientist dog ...
1 - Ya What kind of dog What kind of dog
2 - Ya Well, I do not know what kind of breed he has.
1 - Ya Yes, not a dog, and the cat is a scientist, understood? Cat!
2 - Ya A - A, I understood - I understood! I then first:, at the Lukomorye Oak Green, the Golden Chain on the Oak Tom; And the day and night the cat is a scientist ...
1 - Ya Well?
2 - Ya With Avoska goes in a grocery ...
1 - Ya What awnings? What is a grocery? Where did you see this?
2 - Ya Oh, what are you, girlfriend! I still have so many lessons, I confused everything.
1 - Ya How do you think if we and I will continue to study so hard, maybe in our honor some unity will be called?
2 - Ya She was already called.
1 - Ya How?
2 - Ya Pake! He put it grandchildren, for whom grandmothers make lessons.

And what do everyone love grandmother?
Probably the stove of the cheese.
They are still attracted
Dear chastushki.

(Group of children performs a chastushki)

1. Put the ears on the painter, listen carefully.
We feed the chastushki you very wonderful.

2. Straight with dad begin - in the kitchen smoke stands noise.
It is a pity that I did not finish with a culinary technique.

3. Girls in our class curled curled currencies
And the boys in our class are the coolest.

4. Dad writes writings, grandfather solves the equation.
Everyone with lessons are sitting, here is our family in a row.

5. Daughter - Mother playing, dad - mom imitate.
Chur, on the sofa - I lie, well, and you go to wash.

6. Grandfather I respect, boldly you can say!
Very difficult tasks will be together we decide

7. Christmas trees - piles, spiny, green.
Even grandparents in our grandparents.

8. We are dangling to you, there is nothing more to do,
We will go, and you sit to another evening.

Reader 12.

Grandpa's hands, grandfather's hands!
They never suffer from boredom!
They do not have peace on the day off.
Familiar to them and big.

Working hands, in the corns, bug,
Workers and dazzling clean.
Everyone do so well and skillfully,
As in the saying:, they argue about them! "

Children are a wonder! I saw it myself!
And the miracle ranked the most wonderful wonders.
We are before the future in response: our joy, pain and sadness,
Our future is children ... difficult to them, well, let him
In our children, our strength, extraterrestrial worlds lights.
If only the future was as light as they.

Leading 2. Family, a house is a fortress that is not amenable to unbelievable time. This is the world where they are preserved and preserved in relations to people, dedication, self-sacrifice. it lifebuoywho helps us not to stop in the ocean of chaos and failed, with the help of which we nail to a calm and reliable harbor every night, where the comforts reign, joy, peace of mind.

Lead 1. Family is a continuation of your kind. Since ancient times, the people came up with proverbs and sayings for the strength of the family (students in turn explain the meaning of proverbs about the family).

Leading 2. Much forces, patience, efforts, caress should be given to little men so that they have grown by real people. We all want to see you healthy, educated, educated. Good children - the house of the crown, thin children - the house is the end! See, guys, how much depends on you. Try to master the science as not to upset your relatives. " Unfortunately, there is no such science at school, but this can be learned by himself, if only it is very wanted.

graduation evening in the 9th grade

The class is elegantly decorated, the stand "Words of Gratitude" (statements, student letters to their mentors).

E.V.: Open our joyful holiday,
Open a solemn evening.
How many persons here are beautiful and different!
As we are glad to meet today!
"On the threshold of youth" - this is the name of our today's meeting.
We invite the main perpetrators of today's celebration! These are graduates - Mentik-graders!

Waltz sounds, grade 9 students enter the class.

E.V.: Nine years old you lived in the family
Nine years have lived in one.
Here studied, friendly, loved
Every time they went here how to go home.
You died here every day,
You have any corner here.
We know each of us will take care of hardly
His school is the second cute house.

E.V. I give the floor to the school director M.S. Hedgehog.

Words of congratulations on the director.

Presentation of certificates, diploma, gifts, thanks.

E.V. Well, graduate, Zamre for a moment!
So this day came, this hour.
School accompanies with a wave -
School childhood goes now!

Against the background of music:

1. So I struck goodbye hour,
Years of teaching,
And we leave partly from you
To achieve bright goals.

2. Will not light paths
Have a lot to work hard
But we can pass them all,
In total, I want to achieve.

3. Today everyone is ready for us
Say so much for a piece
Heart, kind, warm words -
IN last hour, per hour of parting.

4. Nine years already flew
And I can not believe it now
That sometime noisy stink
We came to your first class.

5. Our first teacher is Valentina Vsevolodovna. We hosted through these years ... It is not entitled to forget about you never!

Music. Flowers Valentina Vsevolodovna.

E.V.: Valentina Vsevolodovna, you word.

Answer word Artemich V.V.

6. Immediately time lasted:
Year, like a day, and the day, as an hour.
"Wholesale" we translate us
Every year from class to class.

7. There were all these years:
Two, Troika, Tears, Laughter,
Even the "strong" word
The address is all, all and all.

8. And notes, and paper,
And marks in diaries.
We split our school,
Straight, in the fluff and dust!

Song on the melody "I can't otherwise"

1. There is no night without night, no day
Gorky director cries.
At school smoked? .. Forgive me,
I can't otherwise.

2. There is no alarms night, no day
At school, oh, the head crying.
Missed lesson? Forgive me,
I can't otherwise.

3. There is no alarms or night, no day
In the school, Zanezoz, oh, crying.
Broken window? Forgive me
I can't otherwise.

4. There is no alarms night, no day
At school, the teacher is crying.
Learned bad? .. Forgive me,
I can't otherwise.

5. There is no night without the night, no day
At home, the parent cries.
To the director urgently? .. Forgive me,
I can't otherwise.

9. How many wounds and cones were!
Well done we are all as it is:
The winners came out,
Saving the face and honor.

10. Our favorite class leader Lyubov Ivanovna! How much she suffered from us ... Do not be offended by us, we will no longer ... Take these beautiful flowers from us!

MUSIC. Flowers KL.RUK.

E.V. The word is provided to the class mom - the love of Ivanovna Chebotar.

11. Not left, did not run away,
And were friends with all the gurba.
Together we are now going
For a farewell graduation!

12. And good luck and adversity
We divided in half
And relative year from year
The school became us.

13. Our native school is headed by a very energetic director Marina Stanislavovna. This energy and we have become infected! Take these flowers from us!

MUSIC. Flowers director.

14. And today, parting,
All "Thank you" say
From the soul of good wish
You, and children, and relatives!

15. Our dear teachers!
So that you all were healthy
So that spring in the soul bloom!
So that the disciples loved,
To remember always!

16. And so that you were not bored,
If your goal is such
We wish you obedient,
Not as we, students!

17. Intelligence and troubles
Let them bypass!
We wish a lot of happiness
Our school is expensive.

Song "Hope".
The sun shines in the sky high
Again we go here with hope.
We are not easy to say goodbye to us
We will love you all as before.
And forget still can not be forgotten
All teachers and all objects.
Together we are all more than friends
We generally love we are warming.

Teacher, you supported us
In minutes of difficult exams
And knew to the drop gave
And we do not forget about you.

2 Coupling - Flowers to teachers.

We still have to say in this hour.
About those who gave us life
About the closest people in the world
About those who helped grow
And helping still in a lot in life will be!
Invisibly follow the parents for us
And in joy, and an hour when trouble came.
They seek to protect from all the peasants
But we, alas, do not always understand them!
And we sometimes take care of them,
Their troubles seem to be unnecessary.
And we remember my parents,
When a sudden trouble snaps us.

18. You forgive us, cute, relatives!
We have no more expensive people!
As they say, children are joy in life,
And you for us - support in it!

Music. Graduates give postcards with the inscription "Thank you".

SHE IS: Yes, guys, your dads and moms are always next to you - and in joy, and in moments of sadness. This, together with you, studied the buckwari, solved logarithms and wrote across the nights. They were upset because of your triples and worried about today when you were given certificates. And their hearts are overflowing with joy for their children and gratitude to teachers. We will not torment you, dear parents. We provide you!

Speech by parents.

E.V.: Well, that's said all thankful and party words. Begins new lifeAnd now the graduation continues!
We wish our guys, so that in adult life they have had to face lies and heartlessness, cruelty and meanness. And if still have to, let them be able to keep themselves! And let them arrange their lives as they guess today! Let all your innermost desires and dreams come true! Be all happy!
Please pass graduates, parents and teachers for photographing to the street!

We still have to say in this hour.
About those who gave us life
About the closest people in the world
About those who helped grow
And to help still in many ways will be.
Invisibly follow the parents for us
And in joy and an hour when trouble came,
They seek to protect us from the seals,
But we, alas, do not always understand them.
You sore us, cute, relatives,
After all, besides you, there are no more expensive people.
As they say, children are joy in life,
- And you for us ... Support in it!


Mommy! The academic year has passed
Knowledge gave a lot. And declare:
Learned very well -
With rest, I congratulate you!
Together on vacation, we go,
No luck of us in the world:
We will sing and sunbathe together
Resting mind, soul and body.
To, ring a call when,
Summer resources connecting,
Re-teach lessons without difficulty
Only some "fives" getting!


You have gotten with me, Mom, -
The next one is over the class ...
On me a wide Panama:
Hooray! Vacation with us!
I do not cry over the textbook
Science at night not rrybe
And I'm going to the camp and in the country,
I chase the ball, Pasya Goat.
Three-month short conveyance
Sunny Klyan Vacation
From unsolicited lessons
You rest. And - from me!

Well, how not to remember today we are about those
Delil who is with us joy, grief, laughter
Who collected daily school
And from the shame for us sometimes burned ...
Parents! Without you, we are nowhere!
Bed anyone with you is not trouble!
And joy is so full for fun!
After all, with us, do-oh-oh-lgo you still learn ...

The sound is the last for your children.
Dried time of funny school days,
On the threshold of adult life they now stand
Just do not know today your guys.
Cute parents, congratulations,
Behind checking lessons, explained,
Ahead of you are waiting for new empties,
God forbid you excerpt, good luck and patience.

The last call of Trel
In adult life, your children now come
For them, you will always be responsible
After all, at any age, they are children for you.
With the last call you, parents, congratulations
Light future your children wish
We wish you good luck, joy, good,
So that children are always happy with their successes.

Congratulations on the release:General | From graduates | Graduates | Brother |

All: Thank you! And the air kiss is sent.

Class teacher

Beautiful melody


We still want to say this hour

About those who gave us life.

About the closest people in the world

About those who helped grow

And to help still in a lot in life will be.

I invisibly follow my parents for us.


And in joy, and an hour when trouble came,

They seek to protect us from the seals,

But we, alas, do not always understand them,

And we sometimes take care of them.

Their troubles seem to be superfluous

We remember about my parents

When a sudden trouble overtakes us!


You sore us, cute, relatives,

After all, there are no people any people other than you!

When it says - children joy of life,

And you for us support in it.

Pupils (on the motive of the song "I like that you are not sick with me"):
We love you and heart, and soul,
We love you and we are proud of you.
And our gratitude you for everything

Probably not to express words.

We love you for affection, for heat,
For the fact that we care was surrounded,
And all your health, and peace

You put a sacrificial altar.

Thank you and heart, and soul.
"Break a leg!" We wish us
And us while exams pass,

More often and more you scold.

We will meet your all hopes.

Thank you, thank you!

I presenter.

The word is provided to parents (at the end you need to wish good luck in the exams)

Presenting flowers to parents.


2- Presenter:
For 11 years of our training in the walls of the beloved school we had 12506 lessons, the last of which begins at these moments, and all our remaining life will continue; 152 textbooks, and in them - 25843 pages, most of which are in miscellaneous was studied by us; 25012 calls have shown for us ...


I wrote in a notebook,
He checked the shock.
Hit, hit
So that the party broke!

Oh, I'm tired, tired -
Roots all day digging.
Not in the forest and not in bed
And in words in your notebook!

Denis addressed God:
- Requires my request,
Make so that in dictations
Chu wrote through Yu!

Oh, I do not remember again,
Word "Bowl" how to write!
With the letter "I"? And maybe without?
I will write a better "forest"!

At today's lesson
We were taught to take away!
Could I listen to
Sit satiety and silent!

We teach English together,
There are progress and progress:
Instead of "yes" now everywhere
Answer the Chorus "EU"!

Oh, do not love when Kolya

Replies at the board.
From his sinks of sleepy
We die with longing.

Nastya - White Crow!
On dictation again "five".
Could not make mistakes
To support us all.

Who is not in Lada,
With that, I do not lead friendship.
I have a cool character -
I respect since childhood work.

We joked a little
Laughed at themselves,
If what was submitted -
So misconduct small!

I presenter.

For misconduct so brave

We will verify the knowledge of boldly

Come one by one

Thoughts of everyone read

Magic black talking hat is taken out.

The presenter goes into the hall and in turn it puts on

hat on some graduates. At each

trachemias in the phonogram sound excerpts from

popular pop or children's songs, so or

otherwise characterizing graduates. For example,

"Well, where are you, girls, girls, girls?",

"Wear ready-made! Who is new? ",

"Who goes to visit in the morning, he comes to wisely" and others.

I presenter.

Look, look
We granted us now
First class, first class -
To give us your order.

First grader 1:
Scheduled by school calls,
Eleven years have passed lessons
Since then, you have become students,
And today you are graduates!

First grader 2:
Do not hide if you are waving,
Good feelings do not hide ever!
This youth to you, friends, knocks
And childhood leaves forever!

First grader 3:
You have become adults now
And you can not return for children.
You school in life opened the door
And pointed the path.

First grader 4:
We and you almost finished learning.
We - walk,
And you - pass the exams time ...
Wish us good entertainment.
We wish you:
Nor fluff! Neither a pen!