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What give man travel around the world

The positive parties of the journey are manifested in the situation when it is carried out voluntarily, with a hunting and an interesting route for the traveler.

1. A sense of personal freedom.

More opportunities to choose where to go to the road with anyone else's way (naturally, taking into account financial and other possibilities), as well as spending time in accordance with personal preferences. If you wish, you can choose this type of travel, which will allow you to move at a comfortable pace and choose the intensity of daily loads. Everyday daily life, unlike travel situations, is significantly more regulated by all sorts of commitments. In addition, traveling is usually missing direct control from meaningful peoplewhose opinion has to take into account. Significantly reduces the need to comply with their expectations, which increases the feeling of freedom.

2. Rest from the social role.

There is no need to fully follow the rules prescribed by a social role (husband, wives, parent, child, head, subordinate, representative of a certain profession, etc.). You can allow yourself a library in choosing a form of clothing, behavior manners, a day mode. While traveling easier to behave naturally, in accordance with its natural needs. In an unfamiliar surrounding, it is easier to shoot "role-playing makeup".

3. Raising life energy.

In journey and after it, as a rule, an increase in the total life tone and the ability to resist external pressure of the medium is observed. There are strength and abilities, on the presence of which first and did not guessed. The optimistic attitude and the desire to act. Stamina, adaptability and general adaptability increases.

4. Return to basic human values.

Revives the ability to be content with small and rejoice in the trifles. Cessation of the tightened rain and the first sun rays In the lumens of the clouds, overnight in warm, the ability to stretch on the bed and relax after a tiring day, thickening thirst clean water, the taste of simple food for a hungry person, freshness of the morning air, a pleasant feeling from clean clothes, etc. All this makes it possible to rethink the usual values \u200b\u200band change life priorities. Man's behavior becomes easier and natural.

5. Intellectual and aesthetic enrichment.

In the process of preparing for traveling, the necessary information is usually collected. Photo-video materials, precursor reports, cards, guidebooks are studied. Even not too curious people involuntarily attach to this process. The primary stage of self-education is complemented useful information coming from travelers, professional guides and representatives of the local population. In the journey exacerbates aesthetic perception Natural and man-made attractions, especially non-planned, unexpected. The horizons are significantly expanding.

6. Practical everyday experience.

The need to solve everyday road problems contributes to the development of practical intelligence. The observation and speed of reaction in freelance situations are training. Communication skills are mastered unfamiliar peoplewhich belong to another language and cultural environment. All sorts of receptions are intensively used in the journey. psychological impactTo achieve your goals. In addition, self-service skills are trained using sweater, as well as the ability to survive in an unusual setting.

7. Loyalty to other people.

Increases tolerance to others, not similar to you. Many stereotypes are destroyed. Sustaintly, and sometimes hostile attitude towards representatives of other races, beliefs, social layers or even marginal groups are replaced by interest, understanding, sympathy. Dissent begins to call not protest and anger, but curiosity and desire to look more carefully in its origins.

8. "Accommodation Achievements."

Travel, in a certain sense, is a human life model model. There are quite specific goals and expectations, there is a need to move from a non-ideal present to a better and promising future, there are difficulties of the path, grief, disappointment and the joy of achieving the desired. However, in everyday real life Everything is slightly stretched and blurred, and goals are more global (for example, education, family creation, home, career growth, etc.) and require long effort. During the journey there is a kind of time compression. During the relatively short period of his gap, a person thinks something and achieves it. In the journey there is a specific tangible goal (let and not so global!), There are ways to achieve it and the joy of realizing the conceived. In a short time interval, the "short, bright life" lives. All this gives a sense of satisfaction and hope more than once to experience this in the future, transfer new experience Successful achievement goal for all your life.

9. World-class discoveries.

Unresolved problem situationsThe questions that are waiting for an answer - everything is present in the life of most people. To make a responsible decision, it is necessary to clearly realize the problem and be able to seek resources to overcome it. Very often, the answer cannot be found through targeted reflection and consistent builds of clear logical structures. It is suddenly in the form of "insights." To provoke these "illictions, you need to go through several stages. The first stage of dispersal, when the volitional efforts to search required solution And a person allows himself to do not think and enters the state of "figurelessness." The brain is in a state of calm wait, although the focus on solving the problem remains. The system is in a non-equilibrium state, and therefore any external stimulus It can provoke the effect of "instant" awareness and finding the required response. In the journey, all this happens more naturally and with minimal efforts.

10. Ability to "Reality Reconstruction".

People with a rich "sensory" experience can recreate a whole picture on its separate elements. For example, a person who has repeatedly happened in the mountains, can easily be in a photo or video of unfamiliar mountainous terrain to introduce it to himself. Moreover, the presentation is multidimensional and different. It includes sounds, smells, skin and tactile sensations. The exhalar traveler, looking through the video footage, the flat picture turns into a volume and complements quite concrete details. There is a peculiar "reality reality" is very close to what is actually. A person who has no travel experience in a similar situation connects fantasy, and does not create a real image, but only the one who wants to see.

11. Improving personal status.

Travel, this is a hidden message to other people - "I am a brave person, strong, daring, confident, decisive, capable of risking. I'm interested in all new, unusual. I have a good intelligence and smelting. I own many useful practical skills. I have seen the world, and therefore I have the right to competently argue about many things, evaluate people and situations. " In the case of "status" travels, an additional message "I am financially worthwhile" appears. The reputation of the experienced, "experienced" traveler makes a person more attractive to other people. And for this there is no need to open something and explore. The main thing is to go where others did not get.

12. The ability to worry "return".

The presence of "home" contributes to the satisfaction of the basic human need for security. "Houses", as a place that is yours and where you can always go back and stay from the wicked. Where everything is more or less predictable, and therefore quite safe. The emergence of longing for houses during a long journey, most travelers notes. The moment of returning home, and the first stay in it refers to the number of the most powerful positive human experiences. So strong feelings are impossible to experience with short-lived beams, they can only give full-fledged travel. Waiting for a meeting with a house is a powerful positive factor that allows you to intensify volitional efforts and survive in a hazard situation.

Publication date: 06/22/2014.

Often, before you go to rest somewhere, in my head we scroll through the upcoming adventure, anticipating calm and peace. Of course, the main purpose and benefit of vacation is the restoration of forces, however, during rest you can get not only this positive effect.

Other climate, new people, unknown traditions and culture - the whole of this vital environment affects the psychophysical level and reboots the worldview, and often women's worldview. The image of our thinking, rooted habits, character traits, in the process of traveling is able to undergo significant changes and get a positive impetus to constructive transformations. the main travel benefits for manIt is that he leaves the familiar habitat, losing its impact strength and acquiring the quality of the "pure sheet".

When you are relaxed and are in an unusual setting for you, just follow your thoughts, and you will notice that they flow quite differently. New experiences are generated by completely new impressions - the benefits of travel is obvious. In the process of recreation, a person gets a very valuable experience that expands the horizon and gives new opportunities. We begin to think differently and let's let a new way of life.

When we return home, these amazing gifts that we presented a vacation, very quickly leave us. As a result, a person feels empty (this state is called called post-tab syndrome) And quickly forgets about the emerging internal changes. However, the experience you received elsewhere or in another country can be harmoniously pour into your daily life. Let's look at how to make the vacation bring benefit and become a kind of impetus to self-development.

First, it is necessary to answer the following questions by returning:

  • Who or what out of what you saw during the rest, do you remember most? What exactly made you the strongest impression? Emotions can generate both certain events and some elements.
  • What thoughts attended you while resting regarding your life and your personality? What did you find out about yourself in the process of staying in a new place? What life experience You received?
  • What kind of motives and intentions did you acquire in another city or country? What did you want to implement the return home?
  • What thoughts and positions you would like to do part of Your lifestyle?

Secondly, when you have already returned home, think about how you can use your new experience or knowledge in everyday life. With what actions and through what situations you can consolidate this experience or strengthen its effect. There are many ways to do it. And this does not have to be large-scale ventilation. Often, most of the impressions and experiences we can restore in our everyday life. If we look at them from the usual angle, then they are practically unrealistic.

Having done the work described above, write down the ideas, and then try to implement them. Do not avoid experiments. Strike to treat K. this process Easy and easy. Subscribe to the fact that you have been settled on vacation. Some part of the fact that you will try to use, do not fit or lose its relevance. However, most of the ideas can get directly to the point and become part of you. They can become a serious impetus for your development and improving the quality of life.

Know how to spend your vacation with benefit and be able to transform the emotions received during your holiday in experience, represent a very valuable skill, which truly can be called a diamond of your personality. Many smart people Use travel as a development tool. Make and you your travels effective way self-development and an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

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Changing the setting is an excellent emotional discharge! In this article we are discussing the benefit of travel!

Benefit from travel.

Improvement, self-development, expansion of the horizon, new acquaintances and MN. Dr. - All this gives us travels that fall out on life Path of many people. Someone loves to constantly leave the limits native cityAnd someone is forced to do it at work or with another purpose. One way or another, but any journey is displayed in our memory and brings certain memories that affect our fate.

What is the benefit from traveling?

The impact of traveling per person for everyone individually, but to highlight the main items, yet, you can:

  • New acquaintances with people and new territory. You can meet many new acquaintances in any journey. Of course, this factor depends on your sociability, but new discoveries will not hide from you in any city. Traveling, you can find not only new friends and the soul mate, but even new jobwhich will entail and replace the usual location of the dislocation.
  • Personal growth. The journey, regardless of scale, is able to disclose new faces in ourselves. Any comfort zone favorably affects the consciousness, on the psyche, and on health in general. Not in vain, caring mothers and dads try to allocate time and means to send a child to rest during the holidays or the sea in the summer. We can even suspect of their capabilities until we start to travel, because the removal of the native threshold is already given away from the house, which was so recently tired to death.
  • Spiritual enrichment. Regardless of your spiritual affiliation, everyone wants to develop, and travels give this opportunity to fully. You can get acquainted with new religions and new traditions, find out interesting historical events - And this will definitely affect your mental state. It is not necessary to make pilgrimage to holy places, because sometimes it is enough to meditate on the forest clearing or visit some ancient temple, chat with old people, etc.
  • Expansion of the horizon. If you are removed to travel, then this means that you will learn a lot of new things, because in the way there will be a lot of interesting things that will attract your attention at least to the greatestly. Even light communication with the local population can enrich spiritual world, not to mention sightseeing and familiarization with the traditions of another country.
  • Improvement. Travels will bring not only new impressions, but will play a role in the allocation of endorphins, which will preserve the body from premature aging and improve general state. Those. Endorphins are peculiar elements of stress prevention, because they are capable of configuring to a general positive state.

Long walking and presence large number sunlight or, on the contrary, fresh frosty air can fill any human body Energy and give rings of new strength. Traveling alone or in the company - does not play a special role, and if a person is afraid of wanderings alone, then this is his personal morality. Sometimes it is even more useful to travel alone, because In this way, you can dramatically change the relation to the alarming situations and rebuild the point of view on the world. Thanks to single journeys, you can restore adequate self-esteem and gain confidence in your abilities. Often traveling couples - lovers thus wish to retire from the public world and spend time alone somewhere under the sun or in the mountains. Travel is a medicine that can dispel any negative thoughts, especially if they sat down firmly in the head.

In the nearby past, most people in our country about travel, and even more so regular, could only dream. Soviet citizens in the overwhelming mass were not attending, and about what other corners of the world represent a representation of only newspapers and television. Today the situation has changed dramatically.

Thanks to the openness of the borders, the absence of ideological obstacles and, of course, the development of modern vehicle Each of us has a potential opportunity to visit any corners of their country and to be abroad. Many fellow citizens enjoys opened opportunities, which is called, in full, traveling around the world with enviable regularity, turning it into his hobby. What give a man travel? What is due to what many people, barely be back from one trip, are already planning another and after a short time again started on the road? Are constant traveling journey to health? Consider these questions more.

Travels give a feeling of happiness

Many people complain about fatigue, bad Son., nervous overvoltage, stress. Do not save even evening rest in front of the TV, full night sleep, Meetings with relatives and friends in the weekend - all this one of this great moment ceases to charge with energy, does not give a feeling of cheerfulness and happiness. In such cases, many decide: "You need to completely change the situation, go somewhere." Psychologists agree with such intentions, arguing that only travels can give full unloading. And regular. That is, if you want to feel comfortable, then schedule some short travels a year, refusing our usual long vacation.

Regular travels give a person a feeling of happiness, feed new impressions, emotions. They open opportunities for new acquaintances. Someone finds in another country like-minded people in hobbies, and someone and their soul mate. Many of our compatriots are attributed to certain areas with beautiful nature And unique attractions, trying to leave there regularly. And this is not necessarily abroad: there are quite a few such corners in our country, as well as in the near abroad. Scientists have proven: a person who invests in a trip traveling to large centers to various exhibitions, presentations, concerts of favorite stars, feels much happier for those who prefer a secluded lifestyle for a TV and a computer. Because the quality of life increases, satisfaction it.

Travels expand the horizons

Travels are different. It all depends on which goal has set a traveler. If there is a major motivation to stoke and silence money in expensive restaurants and fashion clubs or, at worst, sit, sit in zucchini and pizzerias - this is one (it is clear that idle pastime does not give anything in terms of spiritual and intellectual self-development). And completely different if the tourist trip is planned to learn more about the country of stay, to get acquainted with attractions, to get in touch with the history and cultural traditions of her people, taste local dishes. Such travel is expanding the horizons, make a person internally richer. Occasionally, you can see a lot of TV shows about the largest museums of the world, the richest cathedrals, picturesque reserves or historical attractions, but while the viewer does not see these beauties, with their own eyes, the impressions will not be complete.

Travel enriches knowledge

Many of our compatriots, avid travelers, successfully combine pleasant with useful. That is, rest with scientific work. To this end, specialists of various profiles - historians, painters, ethnographers, architects, literary critics, etc. - with great interest attend, for example, Louvre and Versailles in France, Rome and Venice in Italy, are happy to work with the funds of old libraries and archives with pleasure, study architectural features These or other attractions.

A lot of journeys are given to those who are interested in learning foreign languages. Because the daily live communication with the local population develops skills spoken Speech, Allows you to learn a lot of new words, come into contact with the features of local pronunciation. This is especially important for children who early age study one or another foreign language. In general, psychologists consider, parents are doing correctly, not leaving the younger family members at home. The child must see the world, it will contribute to his becoming as a person, the development of his communicative skills. Practice shows that children traveling with adults are more open, they have less complexes, they are more sociable, they know more and willingly share their knowledge with peers.

Travel and Quality Personality

Anyone who travels a lot - be it an adult, a child or an elderly person - feels not only happier and knowing, but also more confident. Regularly fighting people are more relaxed and sustained, which is important in our rapidly changing and sometimes unstable world. Travels develop many positive qualities in man: the ability to quickly adapt to new people and circumstances, the ability to find a way out of the most non-standard situations. Avoid travelers are less susceptible to fear, they have more and more diverse life experience, they have rich communication skills, including with representatives of the most exotic nationalities and cultures. Travelers become more tolerant and tolerant to representatives of various minorities - national, religious, sexual. People who have seen the world are usually devoid of xenophobia - that is, fear of something else, not investing, it would seem, in a traditional understanding, and therefore considered dangerous and hostile.

Travel strengthens not only personal qualities, but also health. Bully B. different countries and, accordingly, different climatic zonesThe man becomes hardy physically. Thanks to the journey, many older people feel greatly cheerful and healthier, namely, which age still allows moving to more or less long distances: they decreases the risk of depression, strokes and heart attacks. Mental health of people are strengthened on travel, regardless of age.

There are quite a few cases when internally compressed and susceptible panic attacks People noted that their condition was noticeably improved on the journey. Internal fears, depressive states, various phobias disappeared. And, as it seems to us, the more often a person since childhood will communicate with representatives of other races and nationalities, the greater the chance that the concept of friendship of peoples will be filled with practical meaning. At the same time, many traveling people do not cease to love their homeland. On the contrary, returning, they say how much they missed it.

Who travels with caution

But not everyone travels gives a pleasant change to the setting, a magnificent holiday, fresh impressions, the joy of discoveries and new acquaintances. Many people, unfortunately, and morally, and physically heavily carry travel. Many feel bad on the road, they are casting them on the plane and in the bus, they do not fall out and go from transport extremely tired. They are uncomfortable in the hotel bed. On excursions, feel tired and broken. If a person travels to the long distance for the first time, then, perhaps, such sensations arise from inappropriate, and in the next trip, there will be no trace. When this uncomfortable state occurs again and again, it is worth thinking: maybe travel is not for you?

Many people are unpleasantly changing time zones and acclimatization. To too sensitive to these influences, people will most likely have to abandon long-range travel, since there is a risk to health. Because colds may be more frequent, there is a stomach disorder from unusual local food, and weakness, drowsiness, headaches, blood pressure jumps occur. Those who are sensitive to a lesser extent can minimize risks, consulted before a trip with a doctor, without refusing to the planned journey. Experts and pregnant women are called to caution, since not every can withstand inconveniences associated with flights and acclimatization.

At the same time, we should not forget that people belong to different psychological types. Therefore, recommend regular travel, for example, an introvert is hardly worth it. For him best rest - once again stay at home, immerse yourself in reading, chat in social networks. Trying the power to eat such a person from the usual situation and "sculpt" from him the traveler means to apply a psychological trauma.

Travel with us!