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Resettlement of Slavs to new territories. Origin and settlement of Slavs. The great relocation of peoples and its influence on the ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs. Tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs in VIII - IX BB


The history of anyone begins with the formation of the state. More than 100 peoples and nationalities live in the Russian Federation. But the main state-forming people of our country is the Russian people (from 145 million - 120 million Russians). The Russian people are one of the largest peoples of the world - for many centuries played a leading role in the political, economic, cultural development of the country. The first state of the Russians, as well as Ukrainians and Belarusians was formed in the IX century. Around Kiev with common ancestors - Eastern Slavs.

slavic people pagan resettlement

Slavs and great resettlement of peoples

Slavs are the largest group of relatives in Europe by the origin of peoples. They spoke to the Slavic languages \u200b\u200bthat are members of the Indo-European Language Family.

In the II millennium BC. e. The ancestors of Slavs, who have not yet divided into individual peoples, lived somewhere between the Balti, Germans, Celts and Iranians. Balts lived to the north-west of Slavs, Germans and Celts - in the west of them, the Indoran tribes lived in the southeast, and in the south of the South-West - the Greeks, Italiki. Praodina Slavs is a wide area from the rims of the rivers of Odra, Vistula, Dniester, Pripyat to the Dnieper and gums.

The ancestors of the Slavs - Praslavyans - were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. Paew agriculture became the main occupation of Praslavan; In the early I millennium BC. e. They already mastered the smelting of iron from the marsh and lake ore. This circumstance dramatically changed their life, and allowed to master the nature more successfully, as well as lead defensive and offensive wars. Military attacks forced the Slavs to create alliances tribes, the first of which belongs to 4 - 5 centuries. BC.

In the lands of Slavs, where there was an abundance of rivers, lakes, a good branched water transport system, waters were growing rapidly, trade, various crafts producing products for exchange. The edge was rich in forests, there flourished fur fisheries; An important branch of the economy here was ancient fishing. In the forest bowls, along the banks of the rivers, on the forest edges, where they lived, Väniki, Diryagovichi, the rhythm of the economic life was slowed, here people were especially hard to master the nature, while she had every fadder of the Earth for Pashnya, Lugov.

Each Slavs was not only a diligent and stubborn farmers, but also an experienced hunter. She was hunting for elk, deer, sulf, forest and lake bird. Already at this time there was such a kind of hunting. As the prey of the fur beast.

Starting from spring and to deep autumn, Eastern Slavs were engaged in Borutrvit. It gave a lot of honey to enterprising fishers, wax, which was also highly appreciated when exchanging.

Constantly improving the economy of the Eastern Slavs, in the end, led to the fact that a separate family, a separate house ceased to need a kind of kind, relatives.

Joint work on clearing the forest, hunting for a large beast in primitive stone worms of labor and weapons demanded great collective efforts. Plow, iron ax, shovel, hoe, onions and arrows, double-edged steel swords have significantly expanded and strengthened the power of a separate person, a separate family over nature and contributed to the dying of the generic community. So the right of private ownership, private ownership originated.

The neighbors of the eastern Slavs were Western and South Slavs, as well as the ancestors of the Baltic peoples and the Finno-Ugric tribes.

The pagan faith of Slavs was closely connected with their lifestyle. Slavs worshiped the spirits of nature, kind and evil, while retaining from the primitive faith by the magical rites. The Supreme God was Perun, sending rains and lightning. The annual cycle of rites began with the Holie, when a new "live fire" was mined.

In March, the arrival of spring was celebrated, the revival of nature - Maslenitsa. Rites accompanied Pahoto, North; Then the prayer fell about the rain, the harvest festivals went in August. Special rituals were performed at weddings, funeral, preceded military performances.

The Slavs-pagans in honor of their gods erected idols, satisfied the feasts. There were special sanctors for crowded generally extensive celebrations called "events".

The formation of the Russian state is associated with the Union of Slavic tribes called "Rosis", or Rus. To 9 c. The dews combined a number of Slavic tribal unions; Kiev princes led the struggle against nomads.

The whole life of Slavs was associated with the world of supernatural creatures, which were stood by the Forces of Nature. It was a fantastic world and poetic. He entered the daily life of every Slavic family.

Great relocation of peoples Created ambitious critical situations in a number of European regions. Moreover, they were aggravated by a sharp change in climate in Europe.

From the end of the IV century. AD There is a strong cooling especially harsh was V c. (the coldest over the past two thousand years). Cooling caused intensive moisturizing and rapid growth in precipitation. Scientists believe that these changes were accompanied by the transgression of the Baltic Sea, i.e., by the onset of the sea to the land, lifting groundwater, raising the level of rivers and lakes, the laborement of large spaces, flooding fields and settlements, washing the fertile layer of soil, etc. Huge disasters suffered, in particular, Jutland, a number of German tribes left the native places in general. These terrible processes caused a permanent outflow of the population from the taste-Oder region. The Middle Eastern population was shifted to the south and east. Migration of the population from the areas of Pshevorskaya and Velbarskaya (Gothic) cultures, in addition to movement to the Middle Danube and then south, moved to the East, in particular to the future Severorcans.

If in the first half of the I millennium AD The development of the Balt and Finnish ethnic groups was still at the stage of the early Iron Age and the Hunting-Collective Forms of Activities, then from the end of the IV - V c. In the territories of their settlement, under the influence of the migration of the Slavs, gradual changes in material culture occur, the number and assortment of the objects of the life of Pshevorskaya and even Velbar cultures (for example, more perfect on the form of sickles, stone hand mills, etc.) appear. It is from this time that in addition to such grain crops, like wheat, barley, millet, appear rye and Oats from the Vistul-Oder region. Migrating Slavic migrants gradually mastered the upper shovels of the Dnieper, the area of \u200b\u200bLake Ilmen and the miracle, the interfold of Volga and Klyazma, Areas of the Upper Volga. As a result, the invasions of the Huns of the achievements of the Chernyakh residents were destroyed as part of the polyeth ethnic population.

At the same time, significant groups of the population of forest-steppe spaces of the left bank of the Dnieper survived and became the founders of the new life, the traces of which received the name of the Penkovsky culture from the archaeologists, having signs of continuity with the Chernyakhov culture. These were antie-Penkovtsy, the livelihoods of which can be traced until the end of the VII century. N.E.Tevect with the fact since the period of the existence of Chernyakhov culture in the III - IV centuries. In the interfluve the Danube and the rod begin to penetrate the Slavs.

On the "Soveting Map" relating to this time, it was noted that the "Westerns" live here - the authors of the late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages denoted the Slavs. Together with the Gunns, part of the Chernyakhov (apparently, antines) penetrate and on the average course of the Danube.

In the V - VI centuries. There is a massive resettlement of Slavs-Antove in the left bank of the Nizhny Danube. According to a number of researchers, migration impulses at the limits of the Middle Danube proceeded from the middle ride, from the districts of Pshevorskaya and partly Velbarskaya (Gothic) cultures.

In the VI - VII centuries. Slavs already prevailed in the lower, and in the middle of the pins. And the average of the ponavyier became the initial center of movement to the Balkans. Invasion of the Slavs in the Polynavier and the Balkans. An important phenomenon of European history VI - VII centuries. The invasion of Slavs to the territory of the Eastern Roman Empire, which took to the collapse of the slave-ownership on the huge territory of the Balkan Peninsula.

Before the beginning of the VI century. In the writings of the Byzantine authors, Slavs are not mentioned, but in the VI century. The position has changed dramatically. The first attacks of Slavs into the territory of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) empire began at the beginning of the third decade Vi and. And by the middle of the VI century. acquired a wide scope.

The attack took place throughout the northern border of the Empire, held in the Danube. Attacking the Byzantine lands, the Slavs could not capture the fortified fortresses at that time, their raids had a robberish character. Capturing the prey and prisoners, Slavs took and carried them to their lands north of the Danube. The situation was complicated when 565. At the middle of the Plyannier settled the Northern Black Sea and the Arctic Tribe, who created their state here, the Avarian Kaganat here. The rulers of the Kaganate subjugated their power Slavic population of the middle ponya. Hiking began on the Balkans, in which Avars and Slavs jointly participated. Under these conditions, Byzantine military leaders have become more difficult to keep the defense line on the Danube. Trying to get rid of raids, the Byzantine emperors were forced to pay tribute to Avaras. Together with Avara Slavs, the Slavs have sought significant success, but in the battles of Avara sent them forward and took the best part of the production. The Eastern Slavs-Antah Avaras did not obey and attacked the Eastern Roman Empire on their own.

At the beginning of the VII century. The fracture came - the system of the Byzantine defense on the Danube collapsed, but it did not lead to the establishment of the power of Avars in the Balkans. The uprising of the Slavs of the Prawn headed by itself in the 30s. VII century He led to the weakening of the Avar Kaganata. Under these conditions, the Balkans occurred by the masses of the Slavic population moved from the north. In the vast territories of the Balkan Peninsula (with the exception of fortified cities on the sea coast), the Byzantine power ceased to exist, the Slavic tribes settled even on Peloponnese. Only to the beginning of the IX century. The cost of great efforts by the Byzantine emperors managed to establish their power over the territory of Mainland Greece. Simultaneously with the improvement of the V - VIII centuries. Climatic conditions part of the Slavic tribes moved to the West, settling the Earth's German tribes left before the German tribes between Oder (Odra) and Elbe (Laba). So the division of Slavs into three branches was designated: Western, Eastern and South.

Migration waves peculiar as we have shown above for the entire age of agricultural culture were particularly intense during the neolithic revolution. As the glacier retreats and increasing the population of the planet, the migration processes increased. Apparently, by this time, the formation of the three main races in the history of mankind belongs to the formation of which influenced a significant change in climatic conditions. Many historians (especially French and German) believe that the European-like raus originated in the Great Steppe, i.e. In the passing of Volga and Don (the bone is one of the confirmations of this theory). In the IY Millennium BC, representatives of the European-like race began to settle down both by the European continent and Asian.

Migration processes did not stop for a minute, but most of us are known in connection with the collapse of the Roman Empire (476 g), when the waves of Germanic, (as well as the Sarmatian and Slavic tribes) as previously emerged in the center and in the north of Europe and Newly those who came from the north of India destroyed the Western Roman Empire. This process, which occurs in the IY-Yii centuries, entered the story as the "great resettlement of peoples." This theory, at least, explains the presence of German tribes, both in Europe and in Asia.

On the territory of Southern Russia today are the descendants of one of the German tribes that have nagged at such a long time. These are Alans, or Ossetians.

As we have noted, the Slavic tribes participated in the great resettlement of peoples. The question of the origin of the Slavs is equally clear, as well as the ethnogenesis of the majority of ethnic groups formed at the borders of the Roman Empire. Some scientists consider them the descendants of the core ceramics of "culture" (in the archaeological sense of the word), which in the III-II millennium from the Northern Black Sea region and Vicarpathia settled in Central and Northern Europe. Others - descendants of assimilated Kimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians. It is reliably known that during the "great resettlement of peoples", the Slavic tribes are located in the center of Europe (see Card "Dissemination of Languages, Europe, 500 g).

Slavs were active participants in the European Rhodes, in the Y-Yi centuries, the Slavic tribes moved to the territory of the Eastern Roman Empire and settled on the Balkan Peninsula, where the Slavic population has become the prevailing population since that time. Other Slavic tribes failed to preserve their integrity, and part moved to the north, others went east.

Thus, as a result of the great resettlement of peoples, Slavs were divided into three large groups - the Southern, Western and Eastern Slavs. These groups have become the ethnic base of the formation of modern Slavic peoples. Southern - Bulgarians, Croats, Serbs. Western - Poles, Czechs, Slovaks. Eastern - Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians.

At the end of the IV century, the development of provincial crops - pshevorskaya and Chernyakhovsky- was interrupted by the invasion of the Terrible Asian nomads-Gunnov. The blooming areas of the Northern Black Sea and Earth north of the Carpathians were ruined. The most active segments of the population were forced to leave the oblivion of the earth. In particular, the German tribes gone. Significant masses of Slavic agricultural population also left previously tightly chatted territories.

The situation of this time was aggravated by a significant worsening of the climate in the lands adjacent to the Baltic Sea. The first centuries of our era, on the contrary, were very favorable for life and exercise agriculture. Archaeologists recorded here in the III-IV centuries, an increase in the number of settlements, a significant increase in population and the rapid development of agricultural equipment. From the end of the IV century, a rather sharp cooling has come in Europe. Especially cold was the V century, when the lowest temperatures over the past 2000 years have been observed. The moisturity of the soil has increased dramatically, the level of rivers and lakes increased, groundwater rose, stroke of marsh spaces rose. Many settlements of Roman time turned out to be flooded or flooded, and arable land - about agriculture. The Great Slavic Migration began.

At the very beginning of the Middle Ages, archaeologists discover the Slavs as in the previous territories of their residence, but in smaller quantities and far beyond their limits - in the north-west of the Russian plain, on the middle Volga, on the southern coast of the Baltic, on the Danube and Balkans. The culture of the Slavs of the early Middle Ages was in its level noticeably below the provincial. Small masses of farmers in the former blooming areas of Pshevorskaya and Chernyakhovsky cultures could not restore craft production, only in some ways were inhabited by "stray artisans" who retained the skills and traditions of Roman time. The regression of culture is observed in the craft, and in agriculture, and in everyday life. Not having high-quality instruments for the processing of arable land and forces, farmers, especially in newly developed forest areas, were often forced to move to celebrated fire systemwhich, in combination with hunting, fishing and forestry, became the basis of the economy.

Wide Slavic migration led to further cultural and dialect differentiation. At the beginning of the Middle Ages north of the Carpathians, between the upper currents Oderea and Dniester Based on the victim of the collapse of Pshevorsk culture (in its southern part, where the Slavs absorbed Celtic traditions) prague-Korchak culture. The population here actively increased - already at the turn of the V and VI centuries, and especially in the 6th century, the masses of Slavs are spread to the West in the middlenay lands and on the ELBA. At the end of the 6th century, the Slavs of Prague-Korchak culture were also mastered by the right-bank lands of the middle subway, and the other part of them, converting the Carpathians, advanced to the Danube and Dniester interference.

The characteristic signs of this culture are peculiar stucco ceramics, the coexistence of square in terms of housing-semi-windows with ground-grazing buildings. At first, those of the dead were buried on the rite of cremation in the ground graves, and since the VI-VII centuries, the mounds were gradually spread with burials on the same ritual. The carriers of Prague-Korchak culture amounted to a steady tribal and dialectic education. Its ethnographic peculiarity manifested itself and later in the materials of the VIII-XII centuries, in particular, in the wide existence of wire temporal rings, who did not receive walking among other breeding groups of early-medieval Slavs. In written sources, the Slavs of Prague-Korchak culture are known as Slavi. East Slavic came out of their environment volynian, Drevlyan, Polyana and Dregovichi.

In the north-western part of the Slavic world, in the lands lying south of the Baltic Sea, mainly between the Elbe and the Bolt, including part of Brandenburg and the Greater Popol, was located another tribal group of Slavs, referred to as archaeologists as sUKSKO-DZEDZITSKAYA CULTURE. It is distinguished by peculiar stupid ceramics, terrestrial log dwellings with undergrounds. This culture was formed on the basis of the Northern (Ventensky) version of Pshevorsk culture. Its ethnographic originality manifests itself and later to the X-XII centuries, when a special type of temporal decorations was spread on its territory - rings of Pomeranian type.

At the end of the 1V-V centuries, the average risen, tightly populated in Prasse, almost completely empty. Due to the strong moisturgencies, the inhabitants of these lands were forced to move to the northeast along the sublime glacial ridge, stretching up to Valdaya. In a new place, the Slavs came to contact with the aboriginal population and together with him created new cultures. In the pool of Pskovsky and Ilmeni lakes, in the territory previously owned by the Baltic and Finnish population, culture is formed pskov Long Kurgans. The dialect of the Slavs of the Pskov-Ilmensky Territory is restored by the relics of Pskov Govorov and Bershetian diplomas from the excavations in Novgorod and is referred to as ancientness. Academician A. A. Zaliznyak showed that it was one of the dialects of Praslavyansky. Settling in the forest edge, the Slavs were forced to do with firing agriculture. Only in some places are preserved the traditions of pasty agriculture, in particular in the Udomelian Lazoire. From the VIII century, when the warming occurs, which led to a decrease in moisture, this population is activated and the most fertile terrain of the Ilmensky region populates. The culture of sobs is formed, identified with the chronicle words by Ilmeni or Novgorod. In Polotsk, the Madil and Smolensk subwayer in the conditions of mixing the sucked Slavs with local balts fold tuschell culture (V-VII century). In the VIII century, in connection with the activation of Slane, Novgorod, a part of the population of the culture of Pskov Long Kurgans is detained. As a result, it is formed culture of Smolensk-Polotsk Long Kurganidentified with chronicle curvacons. As a result of the same migration wave, which emanated from the Visena region, the Slavs in the middle of the I millennium also develops a transfusion of the Volga and Klyazma. A new type of settlement is also talking about the appearance of large masses in these lands of the new population, and a new form of economic activity that are not compatible with the previous one. During the formation of the ancient Russian state, the Slavs of Volga-Klajazmen interfolded were called measurements - an ethnonym, inherited from the local Finnish tribe, in the main mass of the aliens dissolved among the aliens. When the chronicler wrote that "Perviation of the insection ... In Rostov Merya," he meant the Slavs, settled the lands of Mary, and not financial-speaking aborigines. Rostov, as shown by excavations, from the very beginning was the Slavic city. Slavs, who settled during the great resettlement of peoples in the forest strip of the Eastern European Plain, amounted to the basis of future northern gigs.

Fate ants After the Natiska Gunnov was different. The inhabitants of the forest-steppe Podolsk-Dnipro region, to a lesser extent affected by Gunnov, in the V century laid the basis of the Penkovsky culture, which is characterized by specific stucco ceramics and square in terms of sonar dwellings. These are antines, known for sources of the VI-VII centuries. In the 6th century, they expanded their territory to the Lower Danube in the West to the Seversky Donets in the East. From the environment of Ants, the tribes of the Tivers, Croatians and streets came out of the Russian chronicles. As part of the Migration Flow of Huns at the end of the IV century, Anty was settled on the Middle Duna. In the description of Jordan, the funeral of Attila is mentioned "Terria" and "Honey", indicating the presence of the Slavic ethnic component in the Huns rate. An even more significant was the movement of Slavs Antove on the Middle Danube in the process of Migration Avar in the 560s. On average, the Polynavier is formed by a powerful state - Avar KaganatThe dominant position in which Avars occupied, and the main population was subject to the Slavs. This population was evident from the Ants, as well as carriers of Prague-Korchak culture. Within the kaganata, a mixed culture was formed, called Avar or Slavic-Avar.

The political history of the Avarian Kaganate is continuous wars, numerous clashes with Byzantium and the robbery of enslaved peoples. Depressed by Avara Slavs in 623/624 The years rebelled and created their state, at the head of which he had become a merchant from francs. For 35 years, Slavs, under his leadership, held the onslaught of Avarov under his leadership, expanded their possessions and made raids on Thuringia. However, after death, the Power itself broke up.

Avars rule over the Slavs to the last decades of the VIII century. In 791. The year they were defeated by Karl the Great, and a little later, his son Pipin completed the defeat of the Avarian Power. The main population of the middle ponya becomes Slavs. The origin of the political formations of Slavs began. By the 820s, the Moravian principality was formed, which in the middle of the 9th century expanded its Earth and turned into a large-mentioned Velikoyeravskaya power. Fortified hands with developed crafts and stone architecture appear. The Great Moravia accepted Christianity and became the major center of Slavic culture. At the end of the IX century Velikomoravskaya Power With difficulty reflected the onslaught of the East Franc kingdom, her military potential was undermined, and the appearance of Hungarians on the Danube led to the fall of this state. From Danube lands Slavs began the settlement of the Balkan Peninsula and Peloponnese. In small groups, sometimes individual tribes of Slavs sought to south, fleeing from the blowjob of Avarov, Huns and other Asian tribes, as well as in connection with the overcrowding of individual areas of the Polynaya. Slavs setd out in the Balkans and during numerous Avarian military campaigns in Frace, Adriatic, for Byzantine cities. As part of the Avarian troops, according to written sources, the Slavs prevailed numerically. Sometimes the Byzantines themselves set off the prisoners of Slavs in their lands. In the VI-VII centuries, the entire Balkan Peninsula turned out to be engaged in Slavs, and the local population was gradually likazed. Two centuries are dominated by the Slavs in Greece, but here the local population managed to preserve their ethnic face and gradually assimilated the aliens. During the invasion of the Huns, the large group of the Slavs of the Dniester-Dneprovsky region moved to the empty fertile lands of the Middle Volga region, where it was imenkovsky culture. The fate of these farmers was a double. At the turn of the VII and VIII centuries, under the onslaught of Turkic-speaking nomads that appeared here, the Volga lands were forced to leave and move to the forest-steppe in the Dnieper and Don riverfire, where Volyntsevian culture was created. The carriers of the Nenkovskaya culture remaining in the Middle Age Region obeyed Bulgarian nomads and amounted to the agricultural part of the population of Volzhskoy Bulgaria. In another century, her ruler Almush is referred to as Ibn-Fadlan "King Sakaliba" (that is, the Slavs), and the Volga was called the Arab author of the Slavic River. Tribes volyntsevskaya and developed from it Romena, Bishevsky and Okrug cultures Squeatted extensive territory - forest-steppe and partly forest lands of the left bank of the Dnieper, the upper course of the Oka and the Voronezh Tip. They became the basis of future south-gigors. Slavs of this tribal group, as can be judged by the "Bavarian Chronicle" of the IX century, were called rusa And were the immediate neighbors of Khazaria. Ruses at this time were well known in Bavaria, and it was not a scandinava. In the 1930s of the IX century Rusa in opposition to Khazar Kaganat created their early state education - Russian Kaganat. Khazaria was forced to strengthen its frontiers to invite engineers from Byzantium, which seven stone fortresses were built in the Slavic-Khazar border, and several more points were additionally strengthened by stone fortifications. Byzantine sources are talking about military campaigns of Russia for Byzantine cities.

The result of the widespread settlement of the Slavs was the membership of the Single Slavic Ethnic Sheet for individuals and the differentiation of Praslavyansky language into separate Slavic languages. The formation of nationalities proceeded in different places of the Slavic Area Nonodynakovo. So, the Serbs, Croats, quarantans, the sorrow and the puddles were based on large tribal formations of prior time; Czechs - by combining small related tribes at the dominant role of one of them. The formation of Bulgarians was the result of the synthesis of the input Slavs with the Bulgarians-Turki settlers in its medium. The largest rare-mededry Slavic nations - Polish and Old Russian - developed in the integration of various tribal formations of Praslavan.

The ancient Russian nationality included several distinctive tribal formations of the Slavs and the assimilated local population of East European Plain. One of the phenomena, actively contributing to the integration of Eastern Slavs, was the migration of Slavs from the Danube region. It also applies by the time the East European Plain was mastered by the Slavs. She began in the VII-VIII centuries, and the largest tide of the Danube immigrants took place in the VIII-IX centuries and continued at the beginning of the X century. The penetration of Slavs from Danube lands was a multistage process, the resettlement was carried out with more or less large groups and touched upon all East Slavic lands. The sampling of Slavs with the Danube to Eastern Europe was reflected in Russian folklore and rituals, as well as in the chronicles. A very significant moment of unification of the Slavic tribes of Eastern Europe to a single ethnicity was the formation of a military-friendly class, which absorbed representatives of various tribes, including Scandinavians-Varyagov and Finns. The ancient Russian squad became the main element of government in Russia, she participated in the fees and carried out a local judiciary. A certain role in the integration of the Slavic population of Eastern Europe belongs to both developing trade relations. Slavic lands crossed two international waterways - "from Varyag to Greeks" and the Volga path to the countries of the East. A huge role in the formation of ancient Russian nation belongs to cities and their inhabitants - urban class. By the XII century, there were more than 220 cities in Russia, and at the beginning of the XIII century, their number exceeded 300. The urban population was a kind of neoplasm compiled from various tribes. In the conditions of the city, the former regional differences were erased, a single population was created with a single urban culture that had a warming effect on the rural districts.

In the strengthening of the ancient Russian nationality, Christianity was also played, but the creation and hardening of a single state was determined. To IX in. The Eastern Slavs has a set of socio-economic and political prerequisites for the formation of the state.
Socio-economic - The generic community ceased to be economic necessity and broke up, giving way to the territorial, "neighboring" community. There was a separation of crafts from other types of economic activity, the growth of cities and foreign trade. She walked the process of forming social groups, allocated to know the squad.
Political - There were large breeding unions that began to conclude temporary political alliances among themselves. From the end of the VI century. known to the Union of the tribes at the chapter with Kii; Arab and Byzantine Sources report that in the VI - VII centuries. existed "Power of Volynan"; Novgorod chronicles report that in the IX century. Around Novgorod existed the Slavic association led by the Gostomysl. Arab sources argue that on the eve of the formation of the state existed unions of large tribes of Slavs: Kuyaba - around Kiev, Slavia - around Novgorod, Artania - around Ryazan or Chernigov.
Foreign policy - All peoples have the most important for education and strengthen states. The problem of reflection of the external danger in the Eastern Slavs stood very sharply from the very appearance of Slavs on the East - European Plain. With vi in. Slavs led the struggle against numerous nomadic tribes of the Turks (Scythians, Sarmati, Huns, Avars, Khazars, Pechenegs, Polovtsy).

So, to the IX in. Eastern Slavs their internal development was prepared for the formation of the state. But the final fact formation of the state of the Eastern Slavs is associated with their northern neighbors - the inhabitants of Scandinavia (modern Denmark, Norway, Sweden). In Western Europe, the residents of Scandinavia called normanians, Vikings , and in Russia - varyagami. In Europe, Vikings were engaged in discrepancies and trade. The whole europe flutter before their raids. There was no conditions for the maritime lobby conditions, so the Varyags were mostly traded and hired to the Slavs in military squads. Slavs and Varangians were approximately one stage of social development - Varyagov also had a decomposition of a birthplace system and folding the prerequisites for the formation of the state.
According to the chronicler Nestor in the "Tale of Bygone Years", to the IX century. Novgorodians and some northern tribes of Slavs were addicted to Varyags and paid them tribute, and the southern tribes of Slavs paid tribute to Khazara. IN 859 The Novgorodians were driven by Varyagov and stopped paying tribute. After that, the Slavs began civilian: they could not come to an agreement on who to rule them. Then in 862 The Novgorod elders appealed to Varyags with a request: to send them to the reign of any of the Varangi leaders. "Our Land is great and abundant, and the outfit (order) is not in it. Yes, please go to the princes and turn us." On the call of Novgorod, the Vorazhsky Konung (leader) Rurik responded. So in 862, the authorities over Novgorod and his surroundings were transferred to the Varangian leader Rurik. It happened so that the descendants of Rüric were able to strengthen the Eastern Slavs as leaders.
The role of the Varangian leader Rurik in Russian history is that he became the founder of the first ruling dynasty in Russia. All his descendants began to call Rurikovichi.

Rüric's calling is a historical fact, but he talks about the emergence of the princely dynasty, and not about the origin of Russian statehood.

After death, Rürk was left the young son Igor. Therefore, the edit in Novgorod became another Varyag - Oleg. Soon Oleg decided to establish his control over the whole course of the Dnieper. Southern Pilot of the Trading Road "From Varyag to Greeks" owned Kievans.
IN 882 Oleg went to Kiev. There at this time the warrunnels Rüric Askold and Dir ruled. Oleg deceived lured them for the city gate and killed. After that, he was able to gain a foot in Kiev. The two largest Eastern Slavic cities were combined under the rule of one prince. Further, Oleg set the boundaries of his possessions, laid down the entire population of tribute to the territory, he began to monitor the territory and ensure the protection of these territories from enemy attacks.

State power carried out its functions throughout Russia, not believing with the former tribal structure. The decisive role of the ancient Russian state in the development of a single East Slavic language emphasized also academician A. A. Chematov.

Over time, the lands around Kiev, the population of Kiev will be called the word "Rus." In historical science there are several versions about the origin of this name. For a long time, the point of view prevailed that the so-called Varangian tribe, from which Rurik took place. Later this name will be entrenched behind the state and for all Eastern Slavs.
The chronicles and the monuments of the angiography of the XI-XII centuries testify that at first, the military-serve and church class were called by Rusami, but very soon Ruso, Russian people began to consider themselves and wide sections of the population of the entire Old Russian state. The question of the origin of the ethnonym of Russia remains a discussion. On the one hand, the Slavic tribe existed in the Dnieper region rusAnd this name in ancient Russia could spread through the territory of Eastern Slavs. This seems to say the tale of temporary years. In 882, Oleg, organizing a trip from Novgorod to Podneprovye, takes into his army " mnosy Varyagi, Cheld, Slovenia, Measure, All, Curvich"(Rusi in a squad was not). And only after Oleg established himself in Kiev," wares and Slovenia and Officon Ruso".

On the other hand, the same chronicle reports that in 862, "Rus, Chose, Slovenia and Crivichi and WSI" decided to invite the princes from behind the sea and turned "to Varyags, to Russia." "And from those Varyag nicknamed Russian land." The tribe of Russia in Scandinavia has never been, Western Finns are so called the Swedes. Hence the hypothesis common in the literature, that Russia was originally called Varyagi, then representatives of the doublennoe class, regardless of the ethnos and at the next stage, this term was transferred to all residents of ancient Russia.

Old Russian nationality was quite formed ethno-speaking community. In the second half of the XIII-XIV century, the East Slavic territory turned out to be politically fragmented, but the unity of the ancient Russian ethnos remained some time, as evidenced by the chronicles and chronicles of this time. However, integration processes were interrupted, other trends prevailed: the formation of individual language formations - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian began.


Notherle L. Slavyansky antiquity. M. 1956.

Sedov V. V. Slavs in antiquity. M. 1994.

Sedov V. V. Slavs in the early Middle Ages. M. 1995.

Sedov V. V. Old Russian nationality. Historical and archaeological research. M. 1999.

Trubachev O. N. Ethnogenesis and culture of the oldest Slavs. Linguistic

research. M. 1991.

Philin F. P. Education of the Language of the Eastern Slavs. M.; L. 1962.

Slavs belong to the Indo-European language group. At 5-3 thousand to n. e. Indo-Europeans occupied the territory of Northeastern Balkans, Malaya Asia, possibly between the Black and Caspian Sea. In 3-2 thousand BC Indo-Europeans were widely settled in Eastern Europe. The transition to agriculture made them settle on a certain territory. The tribes gradually formed large ethnic arrays. One of these arrays became Praslavyans, settled by the territory from the middle subway, to Oder, from the northern slope of the Carpathians in the south to Pripyat. The first mention of the Slavs belong to 1-2 V. n. e. Under its name, Slavs are mentioned in Byzantine and Arab sources from the VI century. Slavs were not Aboriginal Eastern Europe. Before the resettlement of Slavs in the Dnieper, these territories obviously inhabited dew (Rusa) - the ancient German ethnic education.

"The Great Resettlement of Peoples." Migration processes in the history of mankind did not stop for a minute, but most of us are known in connection with the collapse of the Roman Empire (476 g), when the waves of Germanic, (as well as the Sarmatian and Slavic tribes) destroyed the Western Roman Empire. This process, which occurs in the IY-Yii centuries, entered the story as the "great resettlement of peoples." This theory, at least, explains the presence of German tribes, both in Europe and in Asia.

Slavic tribes participated in the great relocation of peoples. The question of the origin of the Slavs is not entirely clear, as well as the ethnogenesis of the majority of ethnic groups formed at the borders of the Roman Empire. It is relifically known that during the "great resettlement of peoples", the Slavic tribes are located in the center of Europe. Slavs were active participants in the European Rhodes. In the Y-Yi centuries, the Slavic tribes moved to the territory of the Eastern Roman Empire and settled on the Balkan Peninsula, where the Slavic population has become the prevailing population since that time. Other Slavic tribes failed to preserve their integrity, and part moved to the north, others went east.

Thus, as a result of the "great resettlement of peoples", Slavs were divided into three large groups - the Southern, Western and Eastern Slavs. These groups have become the ethnic base of the formation of modern Slavic peoples. Southern - Bulgarians, Croats, Serbs. Western - Poles, Czechs, Slovaks. Eastern - Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians.

East Slavs.After the separation of Slavic tribes into three main groups, Eastern Slavs populate extensive areas of Eastern Europe. Unfortunately, the process of this settlement is poorly known to us. Sources, both written and archaeological, can often be ambiguously interpreted. Most historians adhere to the concepts set out in the "Tale of Bygone Years", although, as it is known, it was drawn up not earlier than the XII century, and we use it with lists belonging to a much later period. The compiler of the "Tale of Bygone Years" was the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor. It is assumed that he used the "initial chronicle", not reached us.

In the VI-VIII centuries. Eastern Slavs settle down in a large area, mainly on the average and upper flow of the Dnieper and his tributaries. There is a mixing with local indigenous tribes, in the northeast with Finnish-Ugric tribes, in the south-east with Turkic tribes and is obviously with the remnants of the ancient German tribes. The natural conditions of the new settlement area have great impact on the development of ancient Russian ethnos. First, the predominance of the plains and the abundance of rivers going on in different directions ("Primitive Roads" by V.O. Kuevsky), which contributed to the rapid settlement in the large territory and the development of trade. Secondly, enough fertile land and the abundance of forests, which predetermined the main types of economic activities of the Eastern Slavs: agriculture, forestry, hunting, fisheries.

From the VI - Yii centuries, the Eastern Slavs quickly goes to the process of social bundle. Tribal to know led by Prince assigned a significant part of military prey and prisoners who turned into slaves. The authority and power of the prince relied on the support of the squad. Prince's squad was created not only to protect against nomads, but also to protect the interests of tribal nobility and collecting taxes from the subordinate population. The location of the prince and his squad fell and strengthened. Thus, the first Old Russian cities appeared, which were performed, above all, the role of administrative management centers and defensive fortifications.

The most important issues of the life of the breeding union were solved by the prince together with a squad. For example, when the princess Olga tried to paint his son Svyatoslav, he, as reported by the Tale of Bygone Years, refused, referring to the fact that the squad could not approve this step ("And what a squad will say"). Such a progational form of management was called "Military Democracy". The squad prince shared on the "senior", where the princely men included. They accounted for "Princely Duma" and its representatives were appointed to the highest administrative positions. The main mass of the warriors was "the younger (younger) squad."

At the beginning of the IX in. "Rus", "Russian Earth" was several, according to Academician B.A. Rybakova about 15, military tribal unions. At the head of everyone stood the prince with a friend. By the middle of the century, they united in two major education: South Rus and Northern Rus. The team of South Rus was the Polyan tribe. The administrative center was the city of Kiev, laid down, according to the chronicle, still in the VI century. Legendary prince. In the north, a tribal union was formed around Novgorod, headed by Slona, \u200b\u200bthe so-called North Rus. As we see, at this time the centripetal trends in the development of ancient Russian society dominate. The objective reason for this process was the need to unite the entire territory on the trading path "from the Varyag to Greeks" and ensuring its security, as well as the need to jointly combat nomads.

2. Norman and Antinormandskaya Theory of the Origin of the Old Russian state. The activities of the first princes. The "Tale of Bygone Years" binds the beginning of the formation of the state with the vocation to the Novgorod Prince of Varangian Prince Rurik with brothers. The chronicle reports that they took all their kind - "all of Russia", and came to the words rule. "And from those whims a Russian land appeared."

The chronicle story about the calling of princes-Varyagov became the basis for the formation of the Origin of the Old Russian state in the 30th century in the 1980s, the origins of which were German scientists who were invited to the Russian Academy of Sciences - Georg Bayer and Siegfried Miller. They put forward a hypothesis that Varyagi Rus was Normans, Scandinavians. Thus, it turned out that the state of the Eastern Slavs is obliged to foreigners by its origin. In the consequence of this thesis, far-reaching conclusions were made of the inability of the Russian people to independently historical development. The first who made these conclusions and with these positions criticized the concept of Z. Miller and G. Bayer was M. V. Lomonosov. But for a long time, the Norman theory of the Origin of the Old Russian state was dominant in domestic historiography. It was supported by N. M. Karamzin, S. M. Solovyov and other historians.

In the domestic antinormistics, the second half of the 20th century you can allocate two currents. The first (B.A. Rybakov, etc.) struggled with the extremes of "Norman theory", with tendency political conclusions. They argued that the state began to form in the Slavs to the vicarius of Varyagov; emphasized the insignificant role of Varyagov in the state life of ancient Russia, its culture; They noted that the Varyags were at a lower level of development and therefore quickly assimilated and blizzards.

The second direction adhered to more hard positions on the origin of the ancient Russian state (A.G. Kuzmin et al.). His representatives believed that Varyagi, designed to Russia had nothing to do with the scandinavas, did not have Normans. Under the Varyags, I had in mind the tribe in the southern shore of the Baltic, belonging to the ancient Germanic tribes, which to the IX century weakened. Varyagi (Var - Water) is simply assistant who lived on the southern shores of the Baltic Sea. From this point of view, it becomes clear to the indication of the Tale of the Tale of the Warranty, that Novgorod "from the genus Varyzhsky" and that in Kiev the speech of Novgorod and Varyagov understood.

It is important to the question of who was meant under the name "Varyagi Rus". Interesting, but not indisputable is the point of view S.V. Yushkova. He believed that "Russia" is not an ethnic term, but a social, reflecting the allocation of a special social group, and in all Slavic tribes, and opposes the identification of Polyan or another tribe with Rus. In his opinion, such social groups were in Western Europe, Burgundy, etc. I must say that this point of view is not unfounded. In the documents, including in the "Russian Pravda", there are certain evidence of the social character "Rusi".

Nevertheless, the archaeologically in the territory of the Novgorod land is buried the IX-X centuries. with objects characteristic of the culture of Scandinavians. For example, the sculpture of the Scandinavian god of the thoroughbred with the characteristic hammers of the Torah. But it should be noted that hundreds of Druzhin Vikings were swimming in search of wealth and good luck in the Baltic Sea. They hired to serve both Russian princes, and to Byzantine Vasilev. It is important to note that the formation of the state is unlikely to act as the subject of export or import in history. Without the internal readiness of society, its forced creation is not possible.

The activities of the first princes (Rurik, Oleg, Igor, Olga, Svyatoslav). Figure Rurik in domestic history is very "foggy." You can only say the following. In the 60s of the IX century in Novgorod, as a result of acute internal political struggle, the power in the city captured Varyag Rurik, hired, obviously, representatives of Novgorod boyarism. From this legendary Rurik and went the first kings dynasty. IN 882 year Ruriker's relative - Oleg (prophetic) gathering a squad from Varyag, Sloven, Krivichy went down to the Dnieper to Kiev, killed the Kiev princes of Askold and Dira and captured the city. From this year and the countdown of Russian history is underway. The center of the young nascent state, Oleg made Kiev - the main control point on the trading path "from Varyag to Greeks". Thus, the North and South Rus was merged.

Oleg subjugated another number of Slavic tribes, force or through the contract made Kiev Dan. Most Slavic tribes in Byzantine sources were called "Kiev's Faqii" (Pact - Treaty). Oleg collected tribute from Novgorod and Severorcan lands (Ilmen's Slam), with curvice, from the measure and the whole (Finnish tribes). The force of "climbed" (subjugated) Drevlyan. Issued the Chernigov lands of Northerners and Radmich in Khazar. Oleg led an active foreign policy, he walked the war several times on Byzantium. In 907, 912, political and trading contracts were concluded, profitable for Rusich, which indicates the victories of the Army of Oleg in these wars.

Receiver Oleg - Igor Rurikovich - "Primuchil" (joined) the streets and tivers. Leading a long fight against the treac. In one of the trips for the tribute (945) was killed. His wife - the great princess Olga - dismissed the Drevlyans: destroyed the capital of the Drevlyan, the city of the estuary, destroyed the Drevlyanskaya to know and finally subjugated this tribe Kiev. She first in domestic history began to debug the system of interaction between regions and the center. I installed the sizes and places of collecting Dani with tribes, the so-called "tract". Princess Olga, as reported by PVL, was beautiful, smart, "switched" (rejected) emperor Konstantinople itself. Relations with Byzantia, in contrast to Holy Son Svyatoslav, tried to regulate not military, and diplomatic way. Therefore, it is called the "first diplomat" in the history of Russia. "

Territorial growth and strengthening Rus continued at Svyatoslav Igorevich. According to Byzantine sources, we have the first detailed description of the appearance and the habit of Prince. Heroic speeches inspired him a squad before the battle. Making campaigns against Vyatichi, subdued Circassians, defeated Khazaria and Volga Bulgaria, made the Russians of ITIL and Tamarh (Timutaranan), fought against Byzantium, disgasted Kurchev (Kerch). Thus, he made an attempt to make a free shopping path along the Volga, and gaining a fit on the Black Sea.

Prince Svyatoslav led the fight against the Pechenegs, who after the defeat of Khazar were taken by the Caspian and Black Sea territory. But his squad in endless military campaigns was exhausted. And, returning after an unsuccessful campaign against Byzantium, the squad of Svyatoslav was broken by Pechenegs in the Dnieper thresholds. Died and the prince himself.

3. Baptism of Russia. Vladimir I.A special role in strengthening the unity of the young Old Russian state was played by the son of Svyatoslav and the grandson of Olga Prince Vladimir I. It can be called the first great reformer in our history. First of all, he strengthened the status of Kiev - as the capital of the new state. Built a number of defensive structures in the East from Kiev. In 983-984. He holds the first religious reform that fails. From the many pagan gods, Vladimir I tried to choose five, and make them the main ones for all Eastern Slavic tribes included in the young state. In their honor, Kapic was built (place of worship and sacrifice) near Kiev, where there were five wooden Istukhans (sculptures). But paganism did not unite, but separated the tribes. Each tribe had their own pagan deities, and the Voluntarist action of the prince could hardly lead to unity. For this, a fundamentally different religion was necessary, not polytetic (paganism), but monotheistic. It was on Vladimir I that the historical mission of the choice of state religion fell out.

The author of the Tale of Bygone Years describes in detail the long process of this choice of state religion. But, relying on historical studies, it can be said that he was largely predetermined. What are the main reasons for the adoption of Orthodox (Eastern) Christianity? First, long-term connections with Byzantium, which was a generally accepted world leader of that time. Secondly, Kievan Rus surrounded the states that have already accepted Christianity (Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia). Thirdly, the process of Christianization of the population of Russia began in the VII-VIII century. Before official baptism among the warriors, merchants of Russia had a lot of Orthodox. In Kiev and other southern Russian cities, Christian temples were built in the IX centuries. Historians believe that the first attempt of the Christianization of Kievan Rus was undertaken in the middle of the 9th century at the Kiev princes of Ascold and Dius. Fourth, Byzantium also strove to Christian Russia, and wanted to make Kiev Rus with the help of a religion to make a government a profitable policy. There is also a subjective moment, Vladimir I was brought up by the grandmother, the great princess of Olga, the first Christian Rus, and, obviously, knew well the foundations of Orthodox Christianity.

We note immediately that Russia did not become an obedient conductor of the Byzantine influence. Baptism did not occur "in Byzantine, but" in Kiev scenario. " When the Byzantine king forgot to fulfill his promise and give his sister to the Kiev prince, Princess Anna, Vladimir began the war with Byzantia. He took the city of Korsun, and threatened: "The same will be with Constantinople." Byzantine king Vasily, that hour gathered sister and sent to Corsun. Here, first, as the chronicle reports, Vladimir I has painted, and then a wedding with the Byzantine princess was held. A year later, officially 988 Kiev was baptized. This year was officially the Year of the Baptism of Russia.

The approval of Christianity in Russia as a state religion became an event of great historical significance. First, Kievan Rus strengthened its economic, political, dynastic and cultural ties with the world leader of Byzantium. More active connections from Western Europe, i.e., insulanceism was overcome. Kievan Rus - became a Christian power, which became in the family of other Christian peoples. Secondly, thanks to Christianity, a new system of social relations began to form. Accelerated the extensive of local, tribal pagan representations, which contributed to unification into a single people. Christianity contributed to the strengthening of the Power of the Prince, i.e. Strengthening the early refortion monarchy. The power of the prince - now he was considered a boodan. The relationship between people began to be built on the basis of the Christian value system (slavery was forbidden, polygamy was prohibited). Thirdly, the church and church hierarchy, which occupied an important place in ancient Russian society, begins to develop Christianity. And the last but very important, the rapid process of the development of ancient Russian culture begins (writing, literature, architecture, court etiquette, etc.).

4. The flourishing of the Kiev Power. Yaroslav Wise and Vladimir Monomakh. Vladimir I reforms created conditions for the country's rapid development. The time of the prince of Vladimir I and his son Yaroslav - is considered the time of the heyday of the Kiev Rus, when the foundations of the ancient Russian state and the Old Russian people were laid. The chronicler in the story of this year notes that Vladimir plowed, Yaroslav sowed, and we (descendants) reap the fruits of their works.

With Yaroslav Wise, the borders of the state were expanded, the South-West Rus is attached, the entire Chernihiv and the Darktarakan Earth. To secure on the Western borders, the city-fortress of Yuriev (Tartu) was built. The capital of the state was decorated with the Sofia Cathedral, a new fortress wall was erected around the city with "golden" main entrance gates. Foreigners called Kiev "Pearl of the East", "Opponent of Constantinople".

Yaroslav was no wonder received a nickname "wise." It can be said that this is the first in our history a man of "book culture", for it believed that the main wisdom could be drawn from the books ("there is a great benefit from the teachings of the book"). First of all, with it, the first written state law was created in our history - the famous "Russian truth" in his active assistance in Russia is formed by a layer of educated people, the first schools for boys and for girls, first libraries appear. Yaroslav creates a whole state of translators who translated foreign books into ancient Russian language. He seeks to carry out independent, both from Western countries and from Byzantia politics. At the initiative of the Kiev Prince in 1051, for the first time, the head of the Russian Church was not appointed from Byzantium, and elected from Russian priests. They became Metropolitan Illarion, the author of the famous philosophical treatise "The Word of the Law and Grace", where the need for a single religion, a single power, of the Unified Law was justified.

Thus, Kievan Rus to XI was a single state created on the basis of the advanced (by the time) of culture written by the law, a single religion, which was the basis for the formation of a new, ancient Russian ethnic volume. Kievan Rus has not been inferior to European countries in any economic, military, cultural, relationship.

After the death of Yaroslav in the middle of the XI century, centrifugal trends intensified in Russia, the unity of Kievan Rus began to weaken. Only the grandson of Yaroslav Vladimir Monomakh for a short time managed to unwind Russia to fight Polovtsy. He was nusted by Monomakh in honor of his grandfather by Mother, the Byzantine Emperor Konstantin Monomakh.

Vladimir Monomakh was the initiator of the "Congresses" of the princes from 1097 to 1110, which resolved the issue of termination of hostility between them. Very quickly, the princes forgot their agreements, killed each other, seeking to seize their new principles. The most wild case of this hostility was the blinding of the Kiev prince with the Holy Brother of Vasily. After the death of Svyatopolka, Vladimir Monomakh was drafted by the Kievans for the reign. Although his entry into the princely throne was associated with the suppression of the rebellion of death, nevertheless, his rule was characterized by concern for death. For example, he ordered tax collection. When he was wicked, that the campaign against the half began in the spring, it is impossible to tear down a sideways, Vladimir replied to his opponents: "Not about death you are in front of the horse. Sider will come out in the field, and here Polovtsy will flush, kill, the horse will lead, his wife and daughter will lead to full.

Vladimir Monomakh in a short period of his reign (1113-1125) left a good memory. The Charter of Vladimir Monomakh entered an integral part in the arch of the ancient Russian laws "Russian truth". As in the charter, and the famous "teaching ..." Sons, he acts as a peacemaker who believes due to the law and common sense. For a short time he managed to rally the Russian principalities around him, but after his death, the feudal plots accepted an irreversible character.

The complex of documents of this time, primarily the "Russian truth" and "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh" give us the opportunity to describe social structure of ancient Russian society And identify the features of the country management system. The Higher Layer of Kievan Rus was represented by the Kiev Prince and representatives of the princely kind in all cities, the top of the prince's squad, local land aristocracy. With the adoption of Christianity, the numerous layer of white and black clergy began to be issued. The main mass of the country's free population was the peasants (sidenta, people, sibs). But there were also semi-dependent (purchases) and fully dependent peasants (man, courtyard, chopped). A significant part of the population of the Old Russian cities was the princes with their administration, merchants, artisans.

The system of political management of Kievan Rusyu was peculiar. The owner of the Russian land was considered the genus of the Great Kiev Prince, and the state was managed by all Rurikovich. According to cities, representatives of the princely species were distributed in accordance with the "solester" (in turn and on seniority), i.e. The older the prince, the more significant city he received in management. In addition, in the ancient Russian cities, there was a urban verse led by a local one (Elders Gradskie). Veche was an authority of urban self-government and solved all the main questions of the life of the city, elected thousandtly (head of the urban militia), tax collectors, judges, and sometimes, for example, in Novgorod, and Metropolitan. In addition, the eve of the right to invite Prince or expel the prince. Between the prince and the urban vechement there was a constant struggle for the championship. But as long as the relative unity of Kievan Rus remained, the opinion of the Grand Duke was a decisive role, the "Guardian of the Russian Earth".

Summing up, make the following conclusions. The formation of an ancient Russian state is a long process that covers the IX-XI century, and is the result of the unification of the Eastern Slavic tribes, the development of the extensive territory and protection of it both from the Catholic West and the nomads from the south. The emergence of any state is a consequence of the internal development of society. Therefore, statehood cannot be the subject of export or imports, but is a natural result of historical development. Earned monarchies, such as Empire Karl the Great, Kievan Rus, etc., were the most important condition for the origin of private ownership of land, and the development of feudal relations.

Terminological dictionary:

Varangians (Normans), Verve, Veche, Military Democracy, Village, State, Feudalism, Rannerfodal Monarchy, Code of Laws, "Russian True", Tribal Union, Norman and Antinorman theory of the Origin of the Old Russian State, Chronicle, Logging, District (Generic) Inheritance Principle , natural economy, alert, Christianity, Western Christianity (Catholicism), Eastern Christianity (Orthodoxy), paganism, dualsmanship, generic community, neighboring community.