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IQ Einstein. What IQ at Einstein. List of smart people of the planet. IQ values \u200b\u200blevels and decryption

What would become famous, not only external data and charisma are needed. The level of intelligence plays a small role, and there are truly smart people with a very high level IQ among celebrities. As is well known, a normal person is equal to 98. According to current standards, Albert's intelligence level would be equal to 160, and Galileo Galilee - 182. There are celebrities in today's list, in which the IQ level is higher than Einstein himself, and even above than the Galilee itself. So who are they, these 12 celebrities with the highest level of IQ?

1. James Woods - 184

The level of IQ James Woods simply rolls - 184! The celebrity "Once in America" \u200b\u200band "Casino" upon admission to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology passed an academic assessment test for the maximum 800 points on the analysis of text and 779 in mathematics. Shortly before the end, Woods threw his studies for the career of the actor.

2. Rowan Atkinson - 178

In second place among celebrities with the highest level IQ is Rowan Atkinson. The author and executor of the role of the famous Mr. Bina in life is not at all similar to his somewhat dyed character. After graduating from the University of Newcastle in the specialty of electrical engineering, Atkinson continued his studies in Oxford, where he received a master's degree in this area. Student in Oxford, the future celebrity of television was carried away by the theater and after graduating from the university began writing scenarios and work leading to the radio.

3. Ashton Kutcher - 160

Yes, this is the case, and not through "a", contrary to the rules of pronunciation and wealthy, our opinion sounds the name of this actor. Kutcher - a versatile person, in addition to the movie he was engaged in model business in Paris and Milan, in particular, appeared in advertising campaigns for Calvin Klein, it is also known as a restaurant and is quite successfully engaged in venture capital investigation into novice Internet resources.

4. Lisa Kudroo - 160

Liza Kudroo also has high level IQ. Ironically, the celebrity with such a mind usually plays very frivolous specialists - which only her Phoebe Buffe from the television series "Friends". The actress at one time received a bachelor's degree in biology and eight years worked with her father, who was a doctor. The Act of Lisa took up almost by chance, deciding to help the father earn on his medical research.

5. Dolph Lundgren - 160

The fifth place among celebrities with the highest level IQ occupies Dolph Lundgren. Began his career from Triumph to Rocky-4, Lundgren corresponded to his sporting heroes and in life. In 1980, even before moving to the United States, he became the captain of the Swedish karate team. In Stockholm Lundgren became a bachelor of chemical engineering and continued his education in Sydney University, where he received a master's degree. In 1983, he was awarded the scholarship of the Fulbright program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was to continue his studies in Boston to receive a doctoral degree, but met singer Grace Jones, for which for several years he became a bodyguard and a close friend. In Boston, he never fell.

6. Quentin Tarantino - 160

Tarantino threw school at the age of 15 and went to work in the video rental. After watching the films, he decided to shoot his own cinema, and as it turned out, quite successfully. It seems that the high level of IQ celebrities played a role.

7. Cindy Crawford - 154

Cindy Crawford is not inferior to men celebrities with high levels IQ. Before her photos appeared on the covers of fashion magazines, a tempting prospects in the field of education were discovered for Cindy. As the best graduate it was entrusted to pronounce a farewell speech at the end of the school, then Crawford received an academic scholarship in the North-West University, from where he had to leave the chemical engineer. However, without finishing the semester, she threw her studies for the sake of model business.

8. Sharon Stone - 154

The actress and the former model studied at Edinborough University in Pennsylvania, but threw her studies for the sake of a career model.

9. David Spiritual - 147

The star of "X-Files" is not only a handsome man, but also an intellectual. In 1982, he graduated from Princeton University with a bachelor's degree in English literature, continued her education in Yale, where he received a master's degree. But his dissertation "Magic and technology in modern poetry Both prose "was never over - David decided to become an actor.

10. Madonna - 140

Incredible, but Madonna also fell into celebrity rating with the highest level IQ. Probably, the "most" is the most appropriate word when it comes to Madonna. The most commercially successful performer (enters the Guinness Book of Records), the most influential woman (entered into the list of "25 most influential women of the 20th century" according to the Time magazine), the most terrible actress ("Golden Malina" 2000). It is not surprising that she is also the smartest.

11. Shakira - 140

Recognized by one of the most influential women on the planet in 2013 and 2014 according to the Forbes list, this celebrity is one of the most intelligent pop stars. She achieved tremendous success on the musical field, is interested in world culture and education. Shakira is a goodwill ambassador UNICEF, actively engaged in charity and opened two schools for children.

12. Natalie Portman - 140

Natalie Portman completes the list of celebrities with the highest level IQ. One of the most beautiful and talented actresses is also a very smart woman. She received a bachelor's degree in Harvard and speaks six languages.

People love to evaluate each other. It is easy to compare physical indicators and the material situation, but it is not easy to evaluate mental abilities. However, this task has always been in society: and when taking a person to work (especially in state and research organizations), and when enrolling students in educational institutions. Some qualitative characteristics Little, for objective assessment, accurate figures are needed. And how and how to measure the mind?

Successful experiments of Alfred Bin in testing French schoolchildren

At the beginning of the last century, the French psychologist A. Bina on behalf of the government developed tests for Paris schoolchildren. The task was to evaluate the ability of children to study. To evaluate the test results, the coefficient has introduced the coefficient, which showed how much schoolchild is higher or below its physical age. If a ten-year-old child solved the challenge of eleven-year-old, its coefficient was 110 units. When calculating the mental age (in this case, 11 years) was divided into physical age - 10 years - and multiplied by 100.

The tasks were compiled so that most of the children perform all the tests of their age group, that is, the average coefficient for the same year was 100. If the schoolboy did not cope with these tasks, but mastered only more primitive tasks, its coefficient of abilities was less than 100. In this case, Him should have applied a special approach to school.

Introduction and development of adult tests

The results of the French psychologist turned out to be very impressive and were picked up by the psychologists of other countries. His approach to numerical evaluation intellectual abilities was taken as a basis and distributed to all age groups. For adults, the calculation technique was invented another, but the idea remained the same.

The first scale of intelligence for adults created in 1939 by D. Veksler. IQ (Intelligence Quotient, the intelligence coefficient) shows how much a specific person is better or worse solves intelligent tasks relative to the average level. For the average level, the number 100 is taken. It is believed that the IQ gives an assessment of human intelligence. If it is 90-110, then the person has medium abilities. If IQ lies within 120-130, then the human ability is above average. If IQ is more than 140, then a man of genius. Those people who in tests show the results less than 70 are considered mentally retarded.

The term IQ itself introduced a German psychologist Wilhelm Shtern in 1912. And what level IQ famous people? Politicians, government rulers, scientists? For example, what is IQ Einstein? We will discuss this further.

Aizenka tests are the most famous, but not the most accurate

Before you know which IQ was at Einstein, let's talk about the most popular test, with which you can define its level. One of the first to be intensively asked for the development of tests to assess the IQ for adults was the British psychologist of the German origin of Hans Jürgen Aizenk (1916-1997). He conducted research, wrote articles and books, spoke with lectures. Not all scientists have agreed with his views, but the tests of Aizenka at that time were the most thoughtful and easily applicable, so widely used in various studies.

Aisenka tests were intended for people with medium and higher education aged 18 to 50 years. The maximum IQ coefficient in Iizenka tests is 180 points.

Each test consists of text, digital and graphic tasks, the solution of which is learned by logic. The complexity of tasks increasing. The test consists of 40 questions, on which 30 minutes is given. The tasks are designed in such a way that the verbal, mathematical and visual-spatial abilities of the tested are fully manifested. All tasks not necessarily decide.

Aizenka tests are widely used now, although there are many tests created by other scientists (D. Veksler, J. R. R. Amthauer, R. B. Kettell.) And give a more accurate estimate of the level of intelligence. But all of them are more laborious. Unified Standard for IQ tests in this moment does not exist. And what is IQ Einstein in the test of Isaenka? Soon you will learn about it.

Communication between the value of IQ and the profession

Psychologists conducted mass testing of people in different social groups And they received quite expected results. The average value of IQ among unqualified workers is 87. Rural workers and working secondary qualifications have IQ 92. Office workers, sellers, qualified workers and IQ brigadiers in the area of \u200b\u200b101 points. Managers and administrators are gaining 104 points. In people with higher education, IQ is 114 points, candidates of science reaches 125.

It should be understood that these are average intelligence levels from a group of subjects. They do not argue that among farmers there is no person with IQ 110 points, and among the graduates of the institute will not be people with a ratio of 90.

And what figure had a scientist Einstein Albert? IQ should be according to the above information, not less than 125. What, now you will learn the answer to the main question.

IQ Einstein level and other historical personalities

The Creator Albert Einstein is perhaps the most famous scientist of our time. Most people know about him consider him a brilliant person. So how many IQ at Einstein?

By the time of his death, the study on the calculation of IQ was also typically gained momentum, and Einstein's tests did not pass. But scientists really wanted to answer this question, and they came up with indirect methods of intelligence assessment. In the Sveson-Crane method, for example, analysis of behavior and oral statements is carried out. The IQ Einstein test showed stunning results. According to all calculations, it was out that IQ of the Great Physics at least 160, or even all 200. The scatter explains different ways Estimates and different set of source data. Each researcher defends its own method and its results. There is no consensus on this issue.

IQ level of other historical personalities

The intellect of other historical personalities was estimated in the same indirectly. At the Philosopher Benedict Spinoza IQ amounted to 175 points, the Blaise Pascal - 171, from Isaac Newton - 190, Leonardo da Vinci - 180, near Charles Darwin - 165. You can find data and other scientific and political figures of the past. The question is that with this information to do next ... Einstein himself very skeptical about the ability to evaluate human mental abilities in numbers.

People with the highest IQ indicators

There is a Mensa International club in the world where people with a high IQ value take. Each person can take the test and, if there is a high IQ, be accepted into this club. To date, the club has more than 100 thousand members from all countries of the world. Among them are scientists, artists, politicians, students, drivers.

The highest rates have:

  • Tao Terens (Mathematics, Australia, IQ 230).
  • Marilyn Rosca Savant (journalist, USA, IQ 228).
  • Christopher Hirata (Astrophysics, USA, IQ 225).
  • Kim Ung-Yong (mathematician, South Korea, IQ 210).

Most people famous in the world also have a high intelligence coefficient. For example, the founders of the Microsoft Corporation Paul Allen and Bill Gates have IQ 170 and 160, respectively. A. Schwarzenegger IQ 135, the ex-president has IQ 137. Brad Pitta IQ 119, Angelina Jolie - 118.

Interestingly, people with medium intelligence have popularity. Here are the owners of a low IQ, which everyone knows and loved:

  • Bruce Willis is an American actor, IQ \u003d 101.
  • Britney Spears is an American pop singer, IQ \u003d 98.
  • Mohammed Ali is american boxer, IQ \u003d 78.
  • Sylvester Stallone - American actor, screenwriter and director, IQ \u003d 54.

What dependences revealed psychological research of intellect in different groups of the population

  • Intellect actively develops in children and youthful age and reaches its peak for about 26 years. In the future, it is saved at the same level or falls. But with the right lifestyle and regular training, the intelligence coefficient rises.
  • To a greater degree of IQ is determined by genetic features (about 80%), but living conditions, especially in childhood, also affect its magnitude.
  • There is a link between the value of IQ inhabitants of the country and its economic condition, the development of democratic institutions and religiosity.
  • Crimes are more often performed by people with IQ 70-90, and this indicator does not depend on the race.
  • Poor nutrition in childhood reduces the intelligence coefficient. The disadvantage of iodine and the use of marijuana also lower IQ. The decrease can reach 10-12 points.
  • Breast feeding of a child contributes to increasing its level of intelligence.
  • In people with high IQ life expectancy higher, they are less likely to suffer.
  • As a rule, beautiful people have a higher IQ.

Is it worth passing the test

Despite the more than a century, the history of studying the intellect, scientists did not come to a single opinion, what is intelligence and how to measure it correctly. FROM general definition Intellect, as the ability to reasonably act and successfully cope with all life circumstances, according to most psychologists, but the discrepancies begin. Therefore, all IQ ratings should be considered approximate, which characterize the person only in part. You now know what I was IQ Einstein and others famous personalities. Take the test is still worth everyone. And suddenly will be taken to the club MENSA INTERNATIONAL?

Incredible facts

We often talk about celebrities with a high level IQ. We admire their mind, education and reading.

Beautiful, famous and ... smart.

They cause sympathy not only due tohis beauty , but also high intelligence.

What about the stars who do not shove the mind and whose level IQ is not so high?

Celebrities with low IQ

Here are 11 stars with an unacceptable low level IQ:

1. Paris Hilton (Paris Hilton)

The antics and phrases of this secular lioness have repeatedly confirmed its low level IQ.

2. Courtney Kardashian (Kourtney Kardashian)

The representative of the star surname Kardashian was recently recognized as one of the most stupid celebrities.

3. Kim Kardashian (KIM KARDASHIAN)

Looks like a rare member of the Kardashian family is distinguished by a high mind. Kim Kardashian is no exception.

4. Niki Minaj (Nicki Minaj)

Niki Minaz was also ranked celebrities with low IQ.

5. Nicole Scherzinger (Nicole Scherzinger)

Another star, better known, thanks to its appearance, and not at all intelligence, - Nicole Sherezinger.

Unfortunately, the former soloist Pussycat Doll, on rumors, does not differ in high intelligence.

Stupid celebrities

6. Jessica Simpson (Jessica Simpson)

In one of his interviews, Mama Jessica somehow stated that the level of IQ her daughter reaches 160.

However, few people believed this statement, considering how funny Jessica adds words to the phrase and how ineptly she leads dialogues with journalists.

7. Britney Spears (Britney Spears)

Pop Princess itself stated that her level of IQ is 104. It is also hard to believe, because the britney does not shine intellect, more than once they spoke her close and acquaintances.

According to rumors, the IQ level of Miley can be from 100 to 130, and most often exactly the number 119.

However, it is unlikely possible, considering how stupid and ridiculous star behaves life, as well as in a conversation with journalists.

9. Mariah Carey Maria

How could Mariya Carey be on the list of famous people with a low level of intelligence?

But it is most likely true. And although, from some sources it is known that the IQ index of a sequapile singer of as many as 126, it seems that it is not true.

Numerous errors that the star admits in their speech, testify that it is not so smart, as she would like.

10. Courtney Love (Courtney Love)

Somehow Courtney said that the level of IQ her daughters is much higher than her. True, I did not dare to voice my level IQ.

As it turned out, IQ of some popular stars exceeds Einstein levels!

The average intellect ratio is 98. According to today's IQ standards, Albert Einstein would be equal to 160, and Galileo Galilee - 182. There are those who have IQ higher celebrities in our list than Einstein and are approaching the level of Galilea.

1. James Franco - 130

The actor is just preserved in education. During filming in the film "Spiderman-3", he re-entered the University of California in Los Angeles, handing over 62 (!) Host to the semester. Moreover, after graduating from the university, he simultaneously entered the Colombian and New York Universities, and the Brooklyn College to obtain a master's master's degree, and then transferred to Yel to get scientific degree By philosophy. Like this!

2. Nicole Kidman - 132

Oscar's owner for the best female role, the first Australian actress, awarded award in this nomination, began to engage in ballet at 4 years, then hit the Australian Theater for Youth and theater Philip Street, where she was still engaged in vocals and studied the history of the theater, and from 15 years already debuted into the movies.

3. Kate Beckinsail - 132

While studying in Oxford, Kate offered a role in the film on the play of Shakespeare "Many Noise from Nothing." At the university, she studied modern languages, speaks well in French, Russian and German. Having studied for three years, she left the university for the sake of filming.

4. Arnold Schwarzenegger - 135

Actor, bodybuilder, governor ... It is hard to believe, but the executor of the Terminator role has the level of intelligence much higher than the average.

5. Tommy Lee Jones - 135

With honors graduating Harvard in the specialty englishTommy was decided not to continue his education and came closely acting. Given that he did not teach acting skills, his successes are impressive on this.

6. Natalie Portman - 140

One of the most beautiful and talented actresses is also a very smart woman. She received a bachelor's degree in Harvard and speaks six languages.

7. Shakira - 140

Recognized by one of the most influential women on the planet in 2013 and 2014 according to the list of Forbes, Shakira is one of the most intelligent pop stars. She achieved tremendous success on the musical field, is interested in world culture and education. Shakira is a goodwill ambassador UNICEF, actively engaged in charity and opened two schools for children.

8. Madonna - 140

Probably, the "most" is the most appropriate word when it comes to Madonna. The most commercially successful performer (enters the Guinness Book of Records), the most influential woman (entered into the list of "25 most influential women of the 20th century" according to the Time magazine), the most terrible actress ("Golden Malina" 2000). It is not surprising that she is also the smartest.

9. Gina Davis - 140

The former model and actress received a bachelor's degree in the University of Boston, pays a lot of time to the problem of sex equality.

10. Steve Martin - 142

It is very difficult to make people laugh, therefore, under the amplua comic, non-cubized brains are hidden. Before come to the cinema, Steve Martin studied philosophy at the University of California Los Angeles.

11. David Spiritual - 147

The star of "X-Files" is not only a handsome man, but also an intellectual. In 1982, he graduated from Princeton University with a bachelor's degree in English literature, continued her education in Yale, where he received a master's degree. But his dissertation "Magic and Technology in modern poetry and prose" was never over - David decided to become an actor.

12. Nolan Gould - 150

Seventeen-year-old actor, the star of the American TV shows graduated from school externally at the age of 13 and is a member of the Mess Society, uniting people with a high level of intelligence.

13. Sharon Stone - 154

The actress and the former model studied at Edinborough University in Pennsylvania, but threw her studies for the sake of a career model.

14. Cindy Crawford - 154

Before her photos appeared on the covers of fashion magazines, a tempting prospects in the field of education were discovered for Cindy. As the best graduate it was entrusted to pronounce a farewell speech at the end of the school, then Crawford received an academic scholarship in the North-West University, from where he had to leave the chemical engineer. However, without finishing the semester, she threw her studies for the sake of model business.

15. Quentin Tarantino - 160

Tarantino threw school at the age of 15 and went to work in the video rental. After watching the films, he decided to shoot his own cinema, as it turned out, quite successfully.

16. Dolph Lundgren - 160

Began his career from Triumph to Rocky-4, Lundgren corresponded to his sporting heroes and in life. In 1980, even before moving to the United States, he became the captain of the Swedish karate team. In Stockholm Lundgren became a bachelor of chemical engineering and continued his education in Sydney University, where he received a master's degree. In 1983, he was awarded the scholarship of the Fulbright program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was to continue his studies in Boston to receive a doctoral degree, but met singer Grace Jones, for which for several years he became a bodyguard and a close friend. In Boston, he never fell.

17. Conan O'Brien - 160

The famous American comedian and TV presenter, known to our public indirectly as one of the authors of the TV series "Simpsons", received a brilliant education. In 1985 he graduated with honors from Harvard, becoming a specialist in American history and literature. Since 1987 O'Brien began writing scenarios for television programs and television show, and also became the author of several seasons of a popular animated series.

18. Lisa Kudroo - 160

Ironically, a woman with such a mind usually plays very frivolous specialists - which only her Phoebe Buffe from the television series "Friends". The actress at one time received a bachelor's degree in biology and eight years worked with her father, who was a doctor. The Act of Lisa took up almost by chance, deciding to help the father earn on his medical research.

19. Ashton Kutcher - 160

Yes, this is the case, and not through "a", contrary to the rules of pronunciation and wealthy, our opinion sounds the name of this actor. Kutcher - a versatile person, in addition to the movie he was engaged in model business in Paris and Milan, in particular, appeared in advertising campaigns for Calvin Klein, it is also known as a restaurant and is quite successfully engaged in venture capital investigation into novice Internet resources.

20. Rowan Atkinson - 178

The author and the executor of the role of the famous Mr. Bina in life is not like their somewhat dyed character. After graduating from the University of Newcastle in the specialty of electrical engineering, Atkinson continued his studies in Oxford, where he received a master's degree in this area. Student in Oxford, the future television star became interested in the theater and after graduating from the university began to write scenarios and work leading to the radio.

21. James Woods - 184

The star "Once in America" \u200b\u200band "Casino" upon admission to the Massachusetts Technology Institute has passed an academic assessment test for maximum 800 points on the analysis of text and 779 in mathematics. Shortly before the end, Woods threw his studies for the career of the actor.

The highest level of IQ in Australian mathematics, author of the Green Tao Theorem, his name is Terens Tao. Obtaining results over 200 points is a very rare phenomenon, because most of the inhabitants of our planet are barely gaining 100 points. People with extremely high IQ (more than 150) can be found among Nobel Laureaatov. It is these people who move the science forward, make discoveries in various professional industries. Among them, American writer Marilyn Rosca Savant, astrophysicist Christopher Hirata, the phenomenal reader Kim Peak, able to read the text page for a few seconds, British Daniel Tammem, who remembers thousands of numbers, Kim Ung-Yong, who has already studied at the university and other famous personalities for 3 years with striking abilities.

How is the IQ person formed?

The level of IQ affects several factors, including heredity, environment (Family, School, Social status of a person). Also significantly affects the result of the test age of the test. In 26 years, as a rule, the person's intellect reaches his peak, and then only decreases.

It is worth noting that some people with exclusively high kew everyday life turned out to be completely helpless. For example, Kim Peak could not fasten the buttons on clothes. In addition, not everyone has such a talent appeared from birth. Daniel Tammem received his ability to memorize huge number of numbers after a terrible seven epilepsy in childhood.

IQ level above 140

People with IQ indicators Over 140 are the owners of excellent creative abilities that have achieved success in different scientific sectors. Among the famous personalities with the result of the test of intellectual abilities from 140 - Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking. Such geniuses of their epoch are known for their outstanding abilities, they contribute incredibly high contribution to the development of knowledge and science, create new inventions and theories. There are only 0.2% of such people from the total population.

IQ level from 131 to 140

High IQ indicators are only three percent of the population. Among the well-known people who have such a result of the passage of the test - Nicole Kidman and Arnold Schwarzenegger. it successful people with high mental abilities, they can reach heights in different areas Activities, science and creativity. Want to check who is smarter - you or Schwarzenegger?

IQ level from 121 to 130

Intelligent level above average shows only 6% of the population. Such people can be seen in universities, as they are usually excellent in all disciplines, successfully finish universities, implement themselves in various professions and achieve high results.

IQ level from 111 to 120

If you think that the average IQ level is approximately 110 points, then you are mistaken. This indicator refers to the intelligence above average. People with test results from 111 to 120 are usually hardworking and stretching all their lives to the knowledge. There are about 12% of such people among the population.

IQ level from 101 to 110

IQ level from 91 to 100

If you have passed the test, and the result was less than 100 points, do not be upset, because this average A quarter of the population. People with such intelligence indicators are well studying at school and universities, they are arranged to work in the field of mid-link management and other specialties that do not require significant mental efforts.

IQ level from 81 to 90

The tenth of the population has the level of intelligence below average. Their results of the passage of the test on IQ are from 81 to 90. These people are usually learning normally at school, but most often they do not get higher education. They can work in the field of physical work, in industries that do not require intellectual abilities.

IQ level from 71 to 80

Another tenth of the population has the level of IQ from 71 to 80, this is already a sign of mental retardation of a lesser extent. People with such a result are mostly visited by special schools, but can finish and ordinary primary school with medium marks.

IQ level from 51 to 70

About 7% of people have light shape Mental backwardness and IQ level from 51 to 70. They are trained in special institutions, but they are able to take care of themselves, and are relatively full-fledged members of society.

IQ level from 21 to 50

About 2% of people on Earth have a level of intellectual development from 21 to 50 points, they suffer dementia, the average degree of mental retardation. Such people cannot learn, but they can take care of themselves, but most often have guardians.

IQ level up to 20

People with a severe form of mental retardation are not leaving training and education, have the level of intellectual development of up to 20 points. They are under the care of other people, as they cannot take care of themselves, and live in their own world. There are 0.2% of such people in the world.