Repairs Design Furniture

Corner sofa on the balcony with their own hands. Compact sofa on the balcony: rational solution with your own hands. Necessary materials and tools

Balconies have a small area, and to equip this limited space beautiful, with convenience and comfort, you need to think through every detail of the interior. An important role is played here and furniture for the balcony, of course, it must be compact, ergonomic, functional and not clutch the room.

Next, we will tell you how to furnish a small space as much as possible, how to choose the right furniture, from which materials it should be. And also tell me how to make a locker, shelves and a table with your own hands.

How to choose furniture, taking into account the specifics of space

Balconies are different: open, closed cold, as well as glazed and insulated, and even with heating, and accordingly, the furniture should be chosen, given the entire specifics of the premises.

Furniture should be from materials not fearing complex operating conditions

Open balconies

Choose furniture for a balcony of an open type, perhaps the task at the same time complex and at the same time creative. Here it is necessary to take into account the complex operating conditions: precipitation, dust, wind, given such specifics, the furniture should be from the materials of moisture-proof, not afraid of the aggressive environment.

Wicker furniture Although practical, but takes a lot of space, the table is better to buy folding

It is best suited to the interior items made of metal covered with durable powder paints protecting against corrosion, or forged products, for example, metal racks, preferably with doors, and shelves, cabinets.

Forged furniture on the balcony - it is always practical, stylish and original

It feels well on open balconies plastic, garden wicker furniture or foldable on a metal frame with wooden finish, a mesh or straw hammock for recreation. On the squares you can place comfortable chaise lounges.

Foldable furniture is very convenient for open balconies, in winter it is better to store at home in the closet

For people of creative and maffers, in the photo we offer an interesting idea, how do it yourself make a sofa from the tree. In the same way, a bench, a wardrobe or a table can be made of pallets or edged board.

Sofa for a balcony made with her own pallets

What furniture is suitable for glazed but cold balconies

Most often, trying to equip the balcony, the owners are glad to be cold aluminum systems. Of course, they do not preserve heat in the winter, but it is reliably protecting the room from rain and snow, from noise and dust, therefore, the furniture on such a balcony is much simpler.

Built-in wardrobe on a balcony with swing sash

Here you can place both garden furniture: wicker or folding, and wooden interior items. Shelves, dressers, cabinets, lockers from LDSP on cold balconies will serve no more than 3 years, since this material consists of pressed sawdust, temperature and humidity drops will not spare the aesthetics of furniture.

Example how to make a folding chair with your own hands

It should be noted that the balconies, near the end wall, often install the built-in wardrobe, its frame is recommended to be made of wood or plywood, but the facades of the cabinet can be made both wooden swing and lifting rollers or sliding verse, from plastic or glass.

Built-in wardrobe on the balcony, photos of ergonomic furniture with different types of facades

Flooring for warm balconies

To enjoy multiple additional meters not just useful, but also in the same residential area, the balcony is insulated, installed windows, conduct heating. But when arranging a small space, the question is sharply assessed: how to choose the right furniture so that it is not just comfortable, but also did not occupy a lot.

Mensols and brackets - the easiest way to fasten the shelves on the balcony with their own hands

It is required to maximize the entire area, for this it is better to order the manufacture of cabinets, tables, tumb, beds to order. A competent designer thinks over ergonomics of objects, and also selects the right materials for the manufacture, and the wizards will be customized and installed furniture on the place.

The folding table on the balcony will significantly save space

Of course, the price of such products is higher than on finished products, but if the task is to save, it is possible to make a cabinet, a cabinet or a table with your own hands.

In furniture on an individual project, all features of space are taken into account

Tip: To be comfortable to try to choose furniture with smooth angles, and to save space, use the wall plane, so narrow suspended shelves and lockers will help you post a lot of household smashes.

Built-in cabinet bracket

If you are determined to choose ready-made cabinet furniture on the balcony, then the size of 600 mm wide (better single), or 800 mm (duplex), are fully suitable. The wardrobe is recommended to be installed on a balcony with a width of at least 1 m, so that there is convenient access to the inner space, since one part always remains closed.

Buying finished furniture, think over all the little things, most importantly, so that nothing prevented the opening of lockers

Several practical ideas for organization of space

Furniture for loggias and balconies of small sizes should be multifunctional and compact. For example, if the desktop is done, then it will be advisable to arrange an extension-shelves / lockers for the placement of papers.

Ergonomic computer desk on the balcony

If we consider the premises of a complex geometric shape, with sharp corners, then this place it is recommended to embed a cabinet, an angular cabinet, or choose a ready table or a bowl for flowers.

Ready attachment table for fastening parapet

An important role in the organization of space is played by thoughtful multifunctional parts, so, instead of the windowsill, it will be advisable to arrange a bar counter with a wide tabletop of acrylic stone, high chairs will be suitable for it. Under the windows, you can also make narrow built-in wardrobes for dishes and utensils.

Bar rack on the balcony, for convenience The width of the table top 300-400 mm

If the balcony is attached to the room, then as a rule, it cannot be demolished by the bottom block, it can be removed into a working, with a vertical shelves, or a dining table, with a beautiful chromium rack and baskets.

Bar rack and dining table on a combined balcony

Another very practical solution for small balconies is a homemade chest drawer, on top of which topchain or a sofa.

Homemade vegetable storage box and drawer

Inside, you can store vegetables or things, and soft pillows from above will help to equip a comfortable place to relax.

Turning Sofa Cutting Board on Balcony

Separately, let's say about the organization of the workplace. Of course, a computer table is better to be made to order, the countertop should be with curvilinear lines that smoothly outline the space. If the countertop continue along the long wall, then it should be no wider than 300-400 mm so that there is enough space for movement on a narrow balcony.

In the premises, you can even place the kitchen set, but most likely it will be with built-in wardrobes, only so can be competently ordered by a useful area.

For the organization of the dining area, a compact corner sofa is quite suitable, most often the housing is made of wood, top with a soft seat. It is recommended to choose a folding table with rounded corners. On the wall, for dishes, it is recommended to place a narrow locker or a closed rack.

Ready small kitchen corner fitting on a balcony of 800 mm wide

Often there is a sleeping place on the balcony, there are several solutions here:

  • for wide balconies built-in wardrobe or mini sofa bed;
  • the folding topchair, which is arranged along the long inner wall under the room window;
  • high mattress.

Wardrobe bed on the balcony, convenient to organize a comfortable bedroom

From theory to practice how to make furniture with your own hands

It's not difficult to make furniture on the balcony with your own hands, for homemade cabinets it is better to use a cutting board with a width of 100-200 mm, lining, for a frame - a bar 40 * 30 and 40 * 50 mm, Phaneur.

You can put the old furniture, as well as LDSP, they can buy them already cut into parts 300, 400, 600 mm wide, the melamine edge is suitable for the ends, which is glued with an iron.

Scheme for the manufacture of the folding table with their own hands

Tip: For the assembly of wooden furniture, it is better to use selflessness, but it is recommended to fix the parts from the slabs with each other by Eurobolt. To the wall, for strength, the furniture is screwed on a dowel.

How to make a locker on the balcony

To make a closet on the balcony with their own hands, first of all, it will take a drawing, indicating the size, on the basis of which the detail should be made. For an example, take the cabinet with dimensions: the height is 2700 mm (to the ceiling), the width is 800 mm (it is better to divide 2 compartments by a vertical partition, the depth is 600 mm (optimally for the organization of the rod with hangers), you can make a depth of 400 mm for the shelves. Cabinet Furniture shields, 16 mm thick. From above and below, free compartments, a height of 400 mm, 50 mm - base.


  • boc Cabinet - 2 pcs., 2700 * 600 mm;
  • horizons - 4 pcs, 2 - top / bottom, 2 - separating the mezzanine and lower compartment, (800-16-16) \u003d 768 * 600 mm;
  • foreign man (vertical partition) - 1 pc., (2700-400-400) \u003d 1850 * 600 mm;
  • rod to 1 department - (400-16-8) - 4 mm \u003d 372 mm
  • shelves on 2 Division - (400-16-8) - 2 mm \u003d 374 * 600 mm - 4 pcs., It will be 5 compartments, the distance between the shelves is approximately 350 mm.
  • Brucks for the frame of the cabinet 40 * 40 600 mm long - 6 pcs.;
  • brucks on the base 40 * 50 long 768 mm - 2 pcs.

The accessories and doors for the cabinet will also need, in our case, swing facades:

  • 396 * 396 - 4 pcs.;
  • 1846 * 396 - 2 pcs.;
  • loops overhead with a cup of 35 mm - 14 pcs. (6 preferably with closers for smooth closing);
  • handles - 6 pcs.;
  • polkter holders - 16 pcs, instead you can fill on the sides of the rail and put the shelves.

Cabinet on the balcony, photo of the built-in design, if desired, the internal space can be planned depending on the needs

Instead of the cabinet, you can make a rack on the balcony, you can buy ready-made metal sides holders with brackets that are fixed on the wall on the desired width, and cut the shelves to the size.

Guides and holders for homemade shelves can be bought in IKEA

In order to save, instead of the guides, you can make a frame from bars, by type of stairs, one side is tied with a dowel to the wall, and the second floor and the ceiling (as on the other side, as a rule window). It remains only to cut out of the boards or plywood shelves and a wardrobe ready.

Example how to make a simple cabinet with your own hands

In our photo gallery you will find some more interesting options, how to choose the right furniture on the balcony.

For many years, our compatriots have been used as seats for storing various things and trash, storage products in the cold season, as well as exclusively for smoking. Today, people seek the most expanding residential space in their apartments, so they try to create a functional room in which it will be possible to spend time, rest or engage in your own business.

It is quite possible to reflect this non-residential premises, installing the chair, the table and chairs, the sofa to the balcony.

Furniture together with high-quality glazing and insulation allows you to make a living room. Oddly enough, the sofa is best suited for balconies. Now there are many different models of sofas for balconies, which differ in the following characteristics:

  • Shape (square, rectangular, with boxes, oval, etc.);
  • Colors (you can buy or order a tightness of any shade);
  • Design (folding, standard, angular, etc.)
  • A variety of dimensions.

Many people make sofas on balconies and loggias with their own hands, without resorting to the services of professionals.

If it is not assumed that the furniture will have some complex structural features, then it does not require the use of a large number of expensive materials. Of course, it will make it cheaper with your own hands than buying a finished product.

Which sofa can be chosen for the balcony?

Free space is seriously limited, not as in the rest of the apartment, so the selected sofa on the balcony should have a compact size, and preferably several functions. If the size of the loggia allows, it is best to install a sofa bed in it.

Sofa bed on the balcony.

Many models of sofas for balconies have very compact sizes and can be laid out, so we can easily lie down with a warm summer day on the sofa. In addition, another place to rest in the apartment still did not prevent anyone.

But some folding sofa on the balcony is not needed at all, so the choice is made in favor of the most standard models. Now on the market you can find many different options, including small sizes. It will be right to measure the length and the width of the balcony in advance, and then come with the measurements in the store and in accordance with them, make the purchase of a sofa to the balcony.

Little sofa on the balcony.

In addition, as an alternative embodiment, the possibility of acquiring angular models is often considered by folding and standard structures. But it is worth noting that it is preferably a fairly large room, primarily in width.

The use of such sofas for the balcony suggests the presence of seats for the seat on both sides.

Simple corner sofa.

At the same time, if there are few cabinets, chest of drawers and bedside tables, then in the store you need to look like models that are equipped with various boxes and shelves. In such sofas, you can store different things for the balcony.

How to make a sofa on the balcony yourself?

It is not always possible to purchase a sofa for a balcony in the store. Often it is due to financial difficulties or lack of desired furniture in the stores.

Sometimes the owners have a desire to make a sofa independently.

By and large, there is nothing complicated in this work, because in order to make a simple little sofa on the loggia, no special construction and installation skills are required, as well as the presence of special tools.

The easiest option is to make an ordinary sofa, without any additional features. Of course, if there is a desire to make a folding structure with your own hands, then the skills and the corresponding toolkit (to create such a sofa for the balcony, it is possible to help specialists.

Works are performed in several stages:

  1. First you need to make a project. Regardless of its sizes, the process of creating a sofa for the balcony must be accompanied by a detailed plan and at least banal amateur drawings for a visual representation of what happens in the end. To do this, you need to measure the installation site and calculate the appropriate design dimensions, thoroughly consider the form and design. As an assistant, you can use the Internet, where, if you wish, it is possible to find completely free plans and drawings of sofas for the balcony.
  2. In the second stage, the workpiece of all necessary materials should occur. The sofas on the balcony usually have the most simple design, so nothing special will have to buy. To build such a complex technically design with your own hands: Wooden bars, chipboard or plywood sheets, antiseptic and protective compounds for wood processing, fasteners, foam rubber or synthesis for giving a sofa for a soft balcony, Velcro tape for fastening pillows, hammer, wood-hacking, Pliers, stapler for working with furniture.
  3. In the third stage, it is necessary to process all the wooden elements of the future sofa for the balcony using antiseptic and protective compounds. With the help of this process, not only long-term and reliable protection of wood will be ensured, but also the opportunity to give it aesthetically attractive appearance.
  4. At the fourth stage you need to do the formation of the frame. To do this, you first need to cut the bars with a tree with a tree, observing the dimensions specified in the drawing prepared in advance. After that, the frame is peeled from the bars. In most cases, the sofas in the balconies for funkling reliability are additionally punctured by all zones of BRUSEV joints (in addition, it will not be superfluous to strengthen them with metal corners). When creating a sofa back, do not need to forget that it should be located under a slight inclination, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable to sit.
  5. At the fifth stage should be created by the creation of a soft back. Sofas for balconies typically use the simplest foam rubber for giving softness, so it is simply no sense to acquire expensive fillers and foreign analogs. The foam rubber must be glued with domestic and environmental adhesive compositions to plywood sheets, after which it is tightly covered with the help of matter intended for upholstery. Also, the sofas on the balcony can be equipped with a removable upholstery, which can be washed, so the foam rubber in the case of its use needs to be placed inside.
  6. Next you need to kill plywood sheets to a wooden frame. You can do it with your own hands using conventional nails, but for reliability you can fasten them through the screws. Finished pillows are stacked directly on the frame, like the seats. Most sofas for balconies do not have side backs with armrests, because those occupy an excess place that in conditions of limited space is extremely uncomfortable. Of course, with a big loggia, the best armrests do.

Finishing work

In the store you can purchase enough practical types of fabric, which are conveniently covered with homemade sofas in balconies and in other rooms. Tightwork is performed with your own hands using furniture nails and hammer, a furniture stapler is very comfortable. If necessary, the sofa can always be disassembled described above, it will not take much time, and the remaining mars will be quite suitable for further use.

Sofas for balconies made by their own hands can also have a free space located under the seat.

Sofa - the storage is closed.

When it is created, it is necessary to use carports that are usually mounted to the posterior crossbar of the wooden frame and are attached on one side of the seat. The sofas for the balcony are very convenient to have a free space at the bottom, it can be used to accommodate various things.

Sofa - the storage is open.

In the understanding of the modern urban resident, the balcony is an integral part of the apartment. The room, which in Soviet times, was perceived as a warehouse for all sorts of homemade utensils, is now associated as a rest room. There is nothing surprising in setting the sofa to the balcony for convenience and beautiful appearance. Considering the small area, the sofa on the balcony can be made with their own hands or order from the profile organization that supplies the embedded furniture. This will save space and will allow you to enter it in the size of the room.

Types of sofas for the balcony

There are various modifications of sofas on the balconies. Someone is more important that the furniture is transformed into a sleeping place, someone appreciates the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, preferring to smaller models. The main types of sofas suitable for installation on the balcony should be highlighted.

The practical sofa for the balcony combines direct functions with the ability to store things.


The chair on the balcony is an excellent solution for a small space. It is suitable for narrow balconies. It is possible to install it to the Far from the entrance of the wall to ensure laying. Folded will play the role of the chair, which will save space. If necessary, the chair is declined to obtain a bed.

Sofa eurobook

This option is designed for wide balconies. The advantage of this type is the usual rapid folding-folding. It is a comfortable surface for seating with a vertical soft back. Such a sofa to the balcony will be practically combining both of these functions.


Topchak is a mini-sofa, under the soft surface of which there is a box for storing a homemade scar. Little sofas on the balcony save space and are intended only for seating. They are not transformed into a sleeping place. Its main advantage will be the savings of the useful area on the balcony of small dimensions. This is the smallest option for arrangement.

Corner sofa

The corner sofa will perfectly fit on the balcony of the large size. It may also contain a folding part to provide an additional bed. Little protrusion can be with a storage box. Such structures are ergonomically fit into space. With quite large dimensions, they occupy little space. Corner sofas for loggias will become an excellent solution in organizing practical space.

Selection of material

The air temperature on the balcony or loggia during the cold season does not coincide with the temperature in the apartment.

It is necessary to understand that the unheated premises is an aggressive medium with high humidity, so in order for the furniture to serve as long as possible, the materials are chosen for operation in street conditions.

It is not worth the external coating to produce from the tissues, easily absorbing moisture and dust, and the body is from the material unprocessed by special means. About how the sofa can be on the balcony, see this video:

For the manufacture of a frame, you can use a dry wooden bar, treated with an antiseptic from fungus and lacquer protecting with moisture penetration. Filler securely serve the foam rubber. The surface of the sofa to the balcony can be made of eco-tree. It will not allow water and dust penetrate inside.

On an open unlocked balcony, to achieve maximum practicality, it is better to make a choice in favor of wicker or plastic furniture. But here it is not about embedded sofas and chairs.

Production of a sofa on a balcony with their own hands

If the owner is decided to build a sofa to a balcony on its own, then you can be guided by the following general rules. Tips will help avoid unpleasant mistakes in the process of manufacture:

  1. Make measurements on the balcony and create a design project with a sofa drawing. Rounded parts of the sofa will create the visibility of a larger balcony space. The size must be commensurate with the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. It is necessary to take into account this when designing.
  2. Accurately calculate the number of required material.
  3. Decide with the tool required in the manufacturing process.
  4. When assembling the case, use special furniture hardware. Collect the frame is from solid wood. For the foundation to which the filler and the observer material will be attached, plywood is suitable. The design of the housing must be calculated on the planned loads. It is not recommended to use ordinary carpenter nails for attachment, as in the process of use, with constant dynamic effects, they are separated inside the wood.
  5. Select only high-quality accessories for sliding sofa parts. The movable positions of the design must be smoothly and without happiness to give in advance when necessary. Cheap fittings over time will stop working correctly. In no case should not save on this such an important component.
  6. As a filler, use foam rubber in two layers: the first - increased rigidity, the second is soft. The foam rubber is an inexpensive and practical material for filling between a rigid body and an external coating. The first layer that will lay down to plywood, it is better to choose a solid, and the second layer covered with cloth - soft. Then sitting and lying on such a sofa will be quite comfortable.
  7. Upholstery material is fixed to the housing using brackets and stapler.

It is possible that the sofa to the balcony with their own hands in view of any circumstances will be a difficult process (the absence of its instrument, cutting fabric, etc.). About how to make a sofa with your own hands, you can see in this video:

There are organizations that will be able to solve this task, saving time, strength and funds of the customer. Having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe characteristics and materials used by the manufacturer in the production of balcony furniture, it can be concluded about its qualifications. This will help determine the choice of a particular artist.

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Exclusive sofa to the balcony: 4 options for "from nothing"

In recent years, I still have to see the littered balconies, turned into a storage room for unnecessary things. But in the houses of the old building, they have so microscopic size as the recreation area on such an area is difficult to arrange. For example, the smallest sofa to the balcony, which I had to meet in stores, in length is 75 cm. And the width of the balcony in the Son Khrushchev - exactly 73 cm.

That is, it will not wander it to the most convenient place in the face, but you can put it along the long wall except that a narrow shop. There are two outputs: make furniture to order either do it yourself. I, as a big amateur, to exploit the crazy handles of a husband for the implementation of all sorts of delusional and not very construction and creative ideas, more interested in the second.

All sofas are good, choose to taste

Methodically shaking through the eyes of the house and the site, the role of the future sofa, I tried on a lot of things. My goal is to use what lies without a case. We were already in surprise to state that the price of the homemade thing turned out to be comparable to the factory, if all materials for its manufacture had to buy.

So it's not interesting: I want not only to get moral satisfaction, but also save. Therefore, we will make a sofa to the balcony with their own hands on the principle "I was blinded from what was." The only thing that in most cases will need to buy - upholstery fabric.

I energize your court a few ideas.

Option 1 - frameless

First of all, the look fell for old chairs, stitched five years ago and stuffed with foam balls.

During this time, the balls were crushed, covers crawled along the seams, the chairs lost the form. So why not sew a new cover of the desired form and size, and do not ship the filler into it? Business:

  • Find a suitable pattern:
  • Make two covers with zipper locks - internal and outdoor, which can be removed and washed. And the locks, and the fabric for the internal bag can be used the same;
  • Shoulder balls in a new shell and ready!

The only drawback of such furniture is difficult to get out of it.Since the balls under the weight of a person are moved, the chair slides down. But it is easy to solve this problem if you install a transverse bar at the bottom of the sofa, securing it between the walls.

Option 2 - Alteration of old furniture

On the same photo next to the seats is the old sofa, which we still do not get sideways. It is small - the balcony of a width of more than a meter would be quite up.

But! Firstly, it can be seen that it is an old one, secondly, it is inexperienced, well, and thirdly, it is not fit for dimensions. Although ... if you remove the massive back and armrests, from the frame and the seats you can come up with something. For example:

  • Disassemble the whole design, install the lower part of the frame in place, and the seat to connect with it with the help of door loops - it will turn out a sofa with a box to the balcony for storing tools, home billets and other necessary things;
  • Since the original sofa folding (advanced forward), then the seat consists of two stitched pillows. One of them in our version will serve as a soft back. It can be simply noted to the wall or fix over the sofa, and the pillow hang to it on the hinges.

If inside a box to sew a fluolisolone, potatoes on the glazed balcony can be stored in winter.

For soft details, a new case and pillowcases for armrest pads from the same fabric will be sewn. Although the armrests are more convenient to do in the form of rollers.

At all, it is not necessary to use a wooden frame from an old upholstered furniture. The box can be made independently from bars, boards, plywood, chipboard and even from building pallets.

Instead, it is possible to put on the floor of the camera from the broken small refrigerator the door up, put the chest, a low cabinet from the hallway with the swollen doors or the lower part of the chest.

In the absence of ready-made uphill furniture, the seat for the sofa is easy to cut out of the foam rubber. But there are other solutions. For example, to fill in the size of the case in the punch of old pillows and down jackets - it turns out excellent perina. Or small soft toys, koi in the "children" families often accumulate in threatening quantities.

By the way about pillows!

Option 3 - Mattress Pillow

I have long been dreaming replacing feathery pillows with new, with a synthetic filler, and get rid of the ancient "cotton" mattresses, without being done in the Hozbok. All the hand was not raised to throw out, and not in vain. Because very in time came across the eyes, this is such a simple and original idea, how to make a sofa with your own hands on the balcony from such a mattress and wooden shields:

Now the pillows will not throw out. Even if you can't use the balcony of a young family to improve the balcony at home on the terrace. Sleeping, Oden in beautiful covers and with the help of bilateral lipukes will lock on a wooden podium.

For the podium device, the material also finds: somewhere there must be an old wooden door leaf-semesey. His one is enough and in order to make a frame under the sofa to the balcony, if this option is like children. Split into three parts in width - it turns out the seat, and the back, and the front panel.

Option 4 - lightweight-portable

Somehow I have already shown this "masterpiece", made by the husband of plastic pipes and residues of the kitchen countertops:

After mounting the water supply on the site and in the garden we have remained pipes that can be used to manufacture such a design. You need to buy only tees, corners and clips that are worth a penny, and to build a sofa to the loggia right on the spot.

  • In our case, the back and seat are removable, they are attached to the frame tubes using clips screwed to the shields:

  • But now I would choose another option - with a soft support from a stronger tension tubes. In this case, the instruction for making the framework is slightly complicated, as before making the tubes, they will need to turn through the "pocket".

At all from plastic pipes you can make any furniture for the balcony, especially if it is not glad. It is chairs, and tables, and shelves for potted flowers. For the winter or in rainy weather, soft details are entered into the house, and no moisture is terrible.


And I also have a grid from the shell bed ... But I have not yet invented how you can use it to make a sofa to the balcony. It turns out only the ottoman having half of its area.

You can find any other things that have come out of consuming things that, if desired, are transformed into balcony furniture. Some ideas can be spacked up from the video in this article.

Well, I would like to hear opinions: which of the described options it seems to you the most worthy. Waiting for comments. Tomatoes are also ready.

September 12, 2016.

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Is it possible to put a sofa to the balcony? How to choose to choose its size, color, material? Answers to these questions know professional interior designers. Some nuances must be considered when selecting furniture on their loggia, as its size is limited.

Furniture do it yourself

Let's talk about how you can make a sofa to a balcony with your own hands. Among the basic requirements that are presented to this element of furniture, we note functionality, ergonomics, compactness.

Tip! The sofa on the loggia can be chosen in the form of a chair-bed, a soft corner, a mini-sofa. When selecting the model of furniture on the loggia, you need to take into account the type of glazing the balcony, as well as its parameters.

It is quite possible to make a sofa to a balcony with your own hands. For this suitable tools are suitable: old boxes, boards, boxes. After decoking the bedspreads or tissues of the designed furniture element, you can make a real masterpiece for your loggia.

Tools and Materials for Work

In order to make a sofa to a balcony with a box, create an armchair to the balcony, you need to stock in tools and materials:

  • plywood for the manufacture of the backrest;
  • fasteners;
  • a knife, hammer, glue, pliers, furniture stapler;
  • brucks for making frame;
  • high-quality filler;
  • removable or upholstery covers

Attention! To protect the finished product on the loggia made by your own hands, it is necessary to process the surface of the primer and an antiseptic.

When gluing a foam rubber can be armed with special furniture glue or use stapler. In the modern market of paintwork products, a variety of varnishes, morilos, paints are presented, so you can give an angular sofa created on the loggia, the desired shade.

Narrow models of upholstered furniture

A narrow sofa to a balcony with a drawer creates professional designers, freeing the maximum amount of free space on the loggia or balcony. Narrow spaces are ideal for a small space. Furniture that is installed on a narrow space is intended for recreation and relaxation. It is almost impossible to place a full-fledged sleeping place in this limited space, but a narrow sofa for morning coffee is a great idea for a loggia.

The sofa on the loggia with their own hands will help to make a comfort and home harmony into the space, will make a balcony place for privacy and relaxation after a difficult day.

How to make furniture selected for registration of loggia, functional.

Narrow sofas can be made with their own hands using a minor amount of free time, construction and finishing materials.

The created soft corner can be supplemented with cozy soft pillows, and on the wall hang shelves, put flowers on them, books. After completing all the finishing works, you can enjoy a certain corner of an oasis on your balcony or loggia, where you can spend time with friends, enjoying beautiful landscapes.

Features of balcony furniture

When thinking about the image of its balcony, consider some furniture nuances to get the desired result after the completion of all decorative works.

  1. When choosing a sofa on a loggia or a balcony, it is important to pay attention to its functional purpose and design features.
  2. A small sofa, selected on the loggia, should be not only an element of furniture, but also use as a cabinet.
  3. For balconies, combined with kitchen space, cabinet furniture.
  4. When used on the balcony of panoramic glazing, the classic sofa will fit perfectly into the interior.

Selection of furniture for balcony or loggia

Currently, in apartment buildings there are open, cold closed, as well as insulated glazed designs of balconies or loggias. When choosing a folding sofa for a balcony or loggia, it is important to take into account the features of its design.

Attention! Selection of a small sofa for an open balcony is a difficult and responsible task that it is better to entrust a professional designer.

Atmospheric precipitation will be atmospheric, dust, therefore it is necessary to choose moisture-resistant materials resistant to aggressive media. As an ideal version, professional designers call metal or wicker sofas.

Metal surfaces can be collapsed under the influence of atmospheric precipitation, therefore it is important to cover all metal surfaces with powder quality paint.

Tip! Among fashion trends - wrought-iron corner sofas on the loggia or balcony, decorated with bright textile pillows.

A good option for an open balcony or a loggia is plastic furniture, and an alternative for a full-fledged sofa, professionals call chaise lounge or hammock.

It is much easier to choose a furniture kit for a cold closed space. For example, you can make a small wooden sofa with your own hands by placing it with a high-quality filler, decorating with soft textile pillows.

Currently, there are many interesting interior options for loggias and balconies, so even the most capricious owners of urban apartments will be able to make their choice.

Tip! To create a comfortable space on the balcony, professionals recommend the owners of apartments to give preference to sofas with smooth angles.

Such a design technique will save the free space of the loggia, while to maximize the plane of the walls.

Among those rules that need to be adhere to with the selection of furniture on a balcony or loggia, select the need for the correct selection of the size and shape of the sofa. If you carefully spend all measurements, think over the overall design of the balcony space, the result obtained will not disappoint the owner.

On spacious loggias, it is quite possible to create a full-fledged bed. If you take care of the quality warming of space in advance, you can functionably use the loggia even in the cold winter time. Currently, manufacturers of soft cabinet furniture use folding mechanisms, so you can collect a balcony sofa for a day, and at night turn it into a full-fledged bed.

Soft sofa bed

Lovers of relaxation in the fresh air can pick up model for their loggias with a mechanism that allows you to lay a sofa forward. In order for the model you likeded in the sofa dimensions, it is necessary to clarify the length of the sofa in the open form before purchasing it for the interior of the loggia or the balcony.

Manufacturers of modern furniture offer interesting corner models that are designed for standard loggias.

Tip! If you decide to order an angular soft furniture on a small balcony, make an individual order. Some furniture factories offer customers the services of professional measurers, which completely eliminates any problems with the installation and operation of finished furniture.


Topchan is a multifunctional furniture element, perfectly inscribed in the interior of the loggia or balcony. For small balconies, you can pick up a small topchak, which will also perform the function of the cabinet.

Alternatively, a classic sofa can be viewed for a balcony chair-bed. Its functionality and compactness appreciated by professional interior stylists, so they increasingly use this element of furniture in their projects.


Currently, owners of urban apartments stopped using their loggias only for storing old and unnecessary things that are not needed inside the apartment, but it is a pity to throw out. More often on loggias, beautiful furniture appears, original decorative elements. Of course, in the houses of the old planning, where the balconies have a small space, it is quite difficult to create a seating area, install a soft furniture or to organize a working office here. How do real interior professionals cope with such a problem? Useful tips are presented here:

They come up with individualized furniture to maximize all the nuances of the decorated space. Those owners of urban apartments who have "golden hands" can completely create small corner or classic sofas for the space of a loggia, making them pride in front of friends. Regardless of which model of the sofa you will pick up for the design of your loggia, it is necessary to remember that the materials from which it will be manufactured must be high quality and safe. For example, for open loggias, it is desirable to select such fabrics that will not be deformed under the influence of atmospheric precipitation.

In small closed spaces, you can install frameless soft furniture, in the manufacture of which old chairs will need, inside which there are foam balls. It is enough to sew covers with lightning so that it is possible to shoot the covers for washing, pour balls into a new shell, and you will not only inhale the new life into old furniture, but also create a cozy and harmonious setting.