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Who can work after graduation. Who can work a lawyer - the specificity of the profession. What exams need to pass for admission to this faculty and what disciplines are studying his students

Sociology - science of society. This narrow definition has an extensive volume. All that is connected with man and society is in the zone of close study and the interest of this sufficiently young industry knowledge.

A specialist who received a top specialized education in sociology and studying society, its social layers, institutions and groups - sociologist. In which areas of professional practice can apply their education sociologist? What can he do in life? Sociology - What is the profession? And what level of income can be the representative of this sphere? We will try to answer these and other questions.

Who is a sociologist?

Sociologist - a specialist who received profile higher education.

Departments of sociology are usually included in the humanitarian knowledge system. Organized on political science, or economy. A specialist who received sociological education can work in different fields. The subject of its activity is the study of society in the plane in which professional interest is carried out. Professions associated with sociology are quite varied.


Teaching in the higher education system is a direct appointment of a sociologist.

In addition to the actual sociology and special courses on an in-depth profile, the specialist has the right to read courses in economics, philosophy, political science and other areas of social sciences. Development of the toolkit of sociological studies - the area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity of the sociologist. This toolkit has applied importance in fact in all areas of social practice - ranging from the study of buying demand in the trading shop and to the level of research in the demand for space research on a global scale.

Expert for the study of demand

For any organization, it is important to understand the objectives and objectives of the activity. And for some social institutions, it is impossible to exist without statistical data on the state of society. Analysis of this data provides sociology. What professions she "feeds"?

  • State institutions. Without the knowledge of the structure of society, population requests, statistical indicators of the development of the economy and the whole society as a whole, the activities of state institutions - politicians, authorities, rights, jurisdiction are not possible.
  • It is clear that no day will be able to function without assessing the market, its capacity, resources, analysis of targeted groups.
  • Non-commercial organizations. Non-commercial organizations that are aimed at producing socially significant benefits, are the first in the list of concerned economic activities. And here comments are not required.

As you can see, in fact, all participants in the economic space are experiencing a need for professional sociologists.

Sociologist Specialist Salary

In the perfect version, the salary is a form of remuneration for activities.

This measure of the demand of the professional resource by society. If sociology is a profession, the salary is from 30,000 rubles from the novice and up to 70,000 rubles per month in a professional. The toolkit of sociological research and market assessment is especially in demand. Here the income level depends on the cost of the project, the price of prices significantly exceeds the average data.

If the specialty of the diploma "sociology", what kind of profession can be elected at the end of study? In which areas of social practice will find a specialist of this profile?

Sociology: What is the profession?

Marketer, Analyst, Head of the Information Management Department - in these specialists a high need for modern employers. And these are all professional sociologists. For them, the scope of knowledge is limitless.

Knowledge of various social groups and layers of society, ownership of statistical information rating systems obtained in the process of studying the social facility, the ability to develop a sociological research program and apply the knowledge gained to assess the social phenomenon is only a small sketch of the specificity of the workshop in the area called " sociology". What a profession and what future this specialization has eloquently speak professional demand ratings. The top 10 includes specialties for which a sociologist is needed.

Interest in the knowledge of society and the patterns of its development is an element of a common human culture. Since without this knowledge it is impossible to adequately evaluate the prospects for the development of personality in it. And the role of a sociologist is noble in its essence. His knowledge is a golden key to the secrets of society and the success strategy!


One of the most popular professions is a copywriter. The essence lies in writing articles. Most often, copywriters act as freelancers, that is, independent workers who receive orders from different customers. However, there are other forms of cooperation (for example, official employment). Articles, as a rule, are written on a variety of topics: from construction to medicine.

There are two ways to interact with customers: execution of orders and sale of finished articles. In the first case, you have to independently search for suitable suggestions and leave an application. In the second, you will need to write an article, and then put it on sale. In the first case, you will receive money right after the approval of the article by the customer, and in the second, after the sale.

Decanter (stenograph). Specialists in this area are engaged in deciphering various audio recordings. The average price is 5-10 rubles per minute. Customers, as a rule, are various information companies that want to get a text version of their audio or video materials.

Another popular profession on the Internet is a Web designer. Work lies in drawing various graphs. It can be site designs, for articles, icons, banners and more. Here you can also work through orders and direct sales. However, graphics, in contrast to articles, can be sold several times.

The verses are engaged in the transformation of drawn designs in the program code. Due to this, most of the design elements becomes interactive. This profession requires knowledge of several languages \u200b\u200b(HTML, CSS, PHP, etc.). In addition, it is necessary to deal with the engine engines (CMS).

SEO optimizer is a person who is engaged in promoting sites in search engines. This allows companies to receive a significant influx of customers. For example, a company engaged in the delivery of pizza in Moscow will receive a rather big profit for the first place on request "buy pizza in Moscow". The SEO optimizer largely depends on the search engine algorithms. This profession requires deep knowledge of the topic.

SMM specialists call people who attract customers through social networks. There are two directions: filling and promoting a separate page or promotion and selling any product. Most often it is the first option, since it does not require serious skills.

The profession of a lawyer does not lose its relevance, still many applicants give their documents for the faculties of legal specialization. However, at the end of the university, there is a logical question before the former students: who can work after jurisprudence?

The lawyer is a specialist who owns legal knowledge, knows how to use them and even train others. Without experts in the field of law, society would have long plunged into chaos.

Types of specialization

Absolutely, all specializations in the field of jurisprudence allow you to occupy any positions in the industry of law and teach. You can get higher education in the following areas of law:

  • forensic examination;
  • jurisprudence;
  • law enforcement;
  • legal support of national security.

Perspectives for a young specialist

Despite the overcrowding of the labor market, a qualified lawyer can count on high wages. Novice specialists can count on 30 thousand rubles, provided that they will be engaged in improving their professionalism, ready for an abnormal working day. But it is about lawyers who wish to realize themselves in the field of the protection of the interests of the enterprise. Who can work in the field of jurisprudence yet? To standard posts include the following:

  • lawyer;
  • judge;
  • notary;
  • prosecutor.

However, it should be remembered that these professions relate to potentially dangerous and carry risks, even the threat of life to such a specialist.

Non-standard approach to the choice of profession

Did you attract the jurisprudence? Who can work? Overview of the professions you will find in this article will take a look at the question much wider.


The mediator is a fairly new phenomenon for our country. This is a specialist in the field of law that acts as an intermediary in disputes. The main goal of a specialist is to resolve the dispute, which has arisen in almost any branch of law, in labor or family legal relations, economic or financial. A lawyer in this case can lead its activities on a professional basis, that is, to get the appropriate qualifying certificate or to act as an individual.

The mediator is not entitled to disclose the information obtained in resolving the dispute. The cost of the intermediary services is determined by the Agreement of the Parties. It costs to remember that by occupying a state post, the lawyer cannot act as a mediator.

The main advantages of the profession include a free schedule of work, high wages and interesting acquaintances. In addition, a specialist in this area should not directly solve the dispute, but only it is obliged to establish communications between the parties.

But, having received an education in the field of jurisprudence and by whom you can work - determined by choosing the profession of the mediator, it is necessary to remember that such a specialist is obliged to compensate moral damage, losses if they come for the parties due to the actions of the mediator. It is impossible to say that customers are constantly knocking on the door, they will have to look. Mediator services that have not received a certificate cannot be advertised in the media.

The average price for a specialist in one dispute is about 170 thousand rubles.

Patent attorney

Patent attorney is another specialist in the field of jurisprudence, who can work.

The specialist carries out its activities in the field of intellectual law, interacts with government bodies. The main objective of the profession is to protect and preserve the rights to the results of intellectual activities of the Customer, namely:

  • inventions and achievements in almost any sphere, literature and art, culture;
  • trademarks;
  • useful industrial models and samples;
  • innovative inventions;
  • phonograms, videolines.

In order to professionally engage in such activities, the lawyer will have to undergo certification for knowledge of intellectual property rights and have experience in this area at least 4 years.

The main functional responsibilities include such:

  • on the task of the principal to conduct analyzing documents;
  • interact with the patent office;
  • conduct examination of documents;
  • represent the interests of the principal in the authorities and courts.

The quality of the patent attorney is 95% depends on the work experience. The specialist is entitled to carry out independent entrepreneurial activities.

The profession has a number of advantages, first of all, this is a highly specialized expert who has much more advantages over the usual lawyer, especially in the presence of a qualifying certificate, and minimal competition. The entry of the country in the WTO gives a chance to develop the intellectual industry in the state, therefore, the work will always be.

The minuses include monotony and monotonance of activity.

The average salary of the patent attorney in the country - 40 thousand rubles. If it is a private practice, then earnings are much higher, but irregular.

Credit lawyer (or anti-college)

We continue the review of the professions in the field of jurisprudence. Who can work and what will be the salary? Consider anti-collertors. Regarding a new profession and is associated with the rapid development of lending. Naturally, not all people know how to count their capabilities and fall into the debt. Against the background of this, collectors appeared, who, violating all the rights of the debtor and not neglecting any methods of recovery, practically knock off debts. It is logical that people appeared to help protect their rights - credit lawyers.

The specialist will also help at the stage of concluding a loan agreement, so that after some time it has not been that the borrower needs to still pay any commissions and hidden payments. But nevertheless the main task of the anti-collegetor is the legal optimization of debt by reducing penalties and interest. The lawyer can represent the interests of its client in court, make recommendations and objections to the actions of the Bank and the Collection Agency.

The anti-collegetor can work or lead an individual practice. It is desirable that such a specialist has practical experience in the banking sector.

Salary is about 40 thousand rubles, if necessary, in other cases, it all depends on the client and the amount of debt obligations.

Private detective

In the area of \u200b\u200bjurisprudence, who can still work? It is worth thinking about the profession of a private detective. Usually, when mentioning this, there is only one association - Sherlock Holmes in a dark hat and with a tube in the teeth. In practice, these are usually former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which were engaged in operational investigative activities, or investigators. Although such experience is optional for this work.

Today, the work of private owners is fully regulated by regulatory acts, and lawyers who wish to master this profession will have to get a license.

Main functions:

  • investigation of crimes;
  • search for disappeared property;
  • verification of a specific personality, even with employment;
  • observation;
  • intelligence activities in the field of business.

The amount of remuneration in this case is completely dependent on the client and the complexity of the task.

Arbitration manager

Another area of \u200b\u200bjurisprudence, where you can work by a lawyer - an arbitration manager. To become a specialist, only a lawyer's diploma is in hand, it will have to go through special training. Position does not imply career growth, but it is one of the highest paid. But for unlawful acts of a specialist can disqualify and even bring to justice. The Arbitration Manager has the right to do any other activities in parallel. The essence of the work of the Arbitration Manager is the maintenance of bankruptcy procedures.

Who can work in jurisprudence? Reviews recommend a few more professions:

  • in Rosreestre, a specialist in registering property rights;
  • an international lawyer in any company, of course, will require knowledge of a foreign language;
  • in the police.

It suggests that it is still promising, the work will always be promising.

Getting higher education is quite difficult. And finding a job in the specialty - even more difficult. What to do students? Or those who can not find work in the specialty? And just people who failed to graduate from college or university? First of all, do not despair! The vacancies market offers a huge number of suggestions for every taste, and the Internet further expands the boundaries of the available earnings.

So who can a person who does not have education or the opportunity to work in a specialty? Learn from the article. Each direction of activity has a description that allows you to better get acquainted with the tasks of a particular specialist, possible schedules and average wages.

The absence of higher education or suitable vacancies is not a reason to engage in dusty work. People, for any reason who are not able to work in the specialty, have the right to take the position, which will be interesting to them, like people who failed to get a profession. But what position can you claim?

Taxi dispatcher

The task of the taxi dispatcher is to accept orders from customers, enter them into the database and transmit to drivers. For this work, it is enough to have a secondary education - the specifics will be trained in place.
In addition, many taxi services offer a flexible schedule, so work can be combined with learning, raising children and just with a personal life.

The minus of work is that often dispatchers are asked to stay for night shifts. Someone is not averse to work, especially since they pay in a double volume, but someone is not too comfortable. In any case, conditions can be coordinated in advance with the employer.

The average salary at the full rate is about 20-25 thousand rubles per month. Typically pay hours of operation - 100-120 rubles per hour.

Work in provider companies

A person without experience and higher education can count on two posts - the Call Center operator and customer service manager.

In the first case, the graph is usually flexible, half the bet is allowed and 0.25. In the second case - only the full rate.

The minus of work with providers is a large number of negative customers, so you need to be extremely stressful. And additional complexity is that it is necessary to work with a constant flow of information - it's easy to get confused!

The salary of managers is made up of salary - about 19-20 thousand rubles and a premium part, accrued for the sale. Salary of Call Center operators - hourly, about 110 rubles per hour of work.

Call Center Operator and Application Processing Manager

Now many online stores are open, and each is required both operator on the phone and a person engaged in processing incoming orders. It is necessary to work with large volumes of information, but in general, the work is not too complicated, and it is often paid decently.

Some companies offer only a full bet, some are partial. On average, the salary for the month at the full rate is 20-25 thousand rubles.

Sales Manager

Sales specialist is a special person. Wearing on your arms will be those who really know how and loves to sell. Now sellers are required in cellular salons, household appliances shops, colors and insurance companies.

The work is usually offered at a complete rate - 5 after 2 or 2 through 2. Such employees have to consult and sell, and sometimes solve additional questions, while the salary is rather low - from 15 thousand rubles. But the premium in real genius sales can reach 20, and 30 thousand per month.

Operator post office

The work will suit a person, ready to cope with a large number of monotonous work, and sometimes - with negative visitors. At the same time, work in the mail guarantees stability - after all, the state enterprise.

The salary is not very high - for the full rate you can get about 15-17 thousand per month. Partial employment is offered in post offices usually only minors - as a part-time for the summer.


Work as a waiter in fast food restaurants is very difficult, you need to constantly be on your feet, not to be distracted for a minute. But work in small decent cafes is an excellent opportunity to earn money, especially since the waiters usually offer flexible schedule.

The minus is that the salary of the waiter is rather low - usually 50-70 rubles per hour. The rest of the salary consists of tips that do not always come.

In the famous network coffee shop, work at a complete rate is paid in 19 thousand rubles per month.

Personnel recruitment assistant

Many companies are looking for personnel selection managers among people with special education, but there is a proposal in the vacancies market and for those who have no formation.

Such employees need to post ads on the Internet, invite people to interview and conduct primary interviews. Usually it is necessary to work with the specialties of the mass set.

The graph is in most cases - 5 after 2, from 9 to 18. Some where it is possible to work 2 through 2.
Salary on average - 25-30 thousand rubles per month.


A person who will not give up long walks or cycling trips is perfect for the post of courier. Deliver the package or order to the addressee is quite easy.

The minus is that sometimes the salary does not even cover the purchase of new shoes to replace the coat. In addition, the work by the courier can be dangerous - it is unknown who will meet outside the door. However, work in law companies and delivery of their correspondence partners can be quite pleasant.

Couriers running on a permanent basis receive about 20 thousand rubles per month, and couriers with a free schedule - from 300 rubles for delivery.


Anyone can make money on their own skills. Working with students live recently was not too interesting - it became possible to carry out webinars. To do this, it is enough to have only a webcam, a microphone, a room for webinars and a decently prepared material.

Now many students who successfully surrendered the exam and students in universities are dealt with this type of activity, while getting quite large amounts. In addition, you can sell and record lessons and master classes.


Often the concept of "freelance" is associated with low prospects, and in vain. You can make money on your skills not only tutoring. Many programmers, logists, accountants are now fully transferred to private business activities.

But freelance does not go away and people who do not have any skills - there is a direction of copyrighting - writing articles - can cope with anyone. All that you need is to competently write in your native language and be able to search for information.

On average, 150 rubles pay for a good article for 4,000-5,000 thousand characters. Further, it all depends on the activity of the author - successful copywriters overlook 10, and 20, and by 30 thousand per month.

Disposable part-time job

Now there are several sites on the Internet, where people are looking for assistants for one-time orders - deliver the parcel, getting into the apartment, reprint the text. Some use such proposals as an opportunity to receive additional earnings, and some are so joined that they are completely moving to these part-time.

They pay differently, depending on the instruction - may be 300 rubles, and 3 thousand.


Under the mysterious name is the usual "nanny" for pets. Leaving on a business trip or vacation, caring owners are often looking for a person for overexposure. Now this activity is so in demand that special Internet sites are opened, allowing to offer their services or find a good "nanny".

Most of us are learning to find a good job. In turn, each self-respecting university is interested in the situation of graduates in the labor market and their assessment of the education obtained. This issues are devoted to one of the recent studies of the Internal Monitoring Center of HSE. In the spring of 2011, 1748 graduates were surveyed, which graduated from the university in different years (2004-2010).

"Not for school, and for life we \u200b\u200blearn" - such is the motto of the Higher School of Economics. "The tower is trying first to provide students with an analytical instrument," explains the principles of learning in the Higher School of Economics Rector. - It is impossible to teach the entire array of knowledge in any industry of knowledge, you can teach it to mine. It is absolutely unknown than our students will earn in five years, technology and in material production, and in computer science, and in social life, and in financial life they change so quickly that if we all today will teach well-worked money tools, not fact that they do not lose tomorrow. It seems to me that a graduate of a research university should be able to master any technology independently, and it highlights it, distinguishes from a standard university. "

That is why in the tower they focus on teaching the theory and development of personal skills that contribute to adaptation to ever-changing environments. A graduate survey indicates that knowledge and skills in the specialty obtained in the university are consistent with their employment in the labor market. So, respondents asked to appreciate how much their current work corresponds to the specialty they received. The estimates were exhibited on a 7-point scale, where 1 - "absolutely no correspond to", and 7 - "fully corresponds." Most graduates assess the compliance of the current work of the specialty obtained by 5-7 points (55%). It is worth noting that among those who graduated from two levels of education in HSE (undergraduate and magistracy), there are almost no those who talk about the discrepancy between their current employment and the education obtained.

Speaking of acquired competencies, in the main mass of the respondents noted that they had learned how to cope with a large amount of work, to independently develop new areas of knowledge, clearly and clearly express their thoughts on writing, developed creative abilities and general erudition, learned to work in a group over joint projects They developed the skill of oral speeches, presentations, improved knowledge of foreign languages, expanded the possibilities to use basic computer programs, acquired practical skills for work.

Responding to the question of what the university's training was more facilitated, 55% of graduates noted the appearance of confidence in their ability to self-realization, 48% indicated that due to their studies received a profession demanded in the labor market, in 46% formed a circle of like-minded people and loved ones In the spirit of people, 27% is a circle of professional communication, 20% have acquired the necessary links for employment.

How do graduates find work?

As a rule, trachins found the first job independently or on the recommendation of students and teachers: 30% - through specialized sites, 19% sent a resume directly, the employees of the companies themselves were 14%, 12% were recommended by teachers or employees of HSE, 11% arranged through students or graduates of HSE. The same who found work through relatives or friends was 23%.

It is worth noting that upon the subsequent change of work, the percentage of those for whom representatives of a particular company themselves are much more than 30%, which indicates the growth of the demand for graduates of the tower in the labor market as experience accumulates. And the more time passed after the end of the university, the smaller share was employed on the recommendation of teachers or HSE employees (4%).

How fast are the graduates of the tower find a job?

Only 6% of surveyed graduates did not work at the time of the survey. Given the fact that graduates of the specialist, and undergraduate, and magistrants participated in monitoring, it should be noted that many of the respondents do not work precisely because they continue their studies on the following steps. However, there were those who simply do not need constant earnings. In numbers their number is most likely close to the statistical error.

The overwhelming majority of respondents (94%) are employed. At the same time, 48% of respondents began to work before receiving a diploma, the rest were settled in the first months after graduation.

First work after the university

At hiring in various companies and organizations, 93% of graduates are working, 3% are engaged in their own business, 3% become freelancers, that is, perform projects for various customers as "free artists".

In recent years, the share of hired employees among graduates is gradually decreasing. If in 2004-2007 their number was 96-98%, then in 2008, the share decreased to 94%, and in 2009-2010 - up to 91%. The turning point was 2008. Until this time, the proportion of entrepreneurs and freelancers was 1-2% for each category. And among the graduates of 2008-2010, those who have been engaged in their own business has already numbered 3-5%. The number of freelancers over the years reached 4-6%.

How much does the graduate of the Higher School of Economics pay?

The starting salaries of graduates of 2010 are most interesting here. So, graduates of last year their careers began with a salary from 25,000 rubles after undergraduate up to 35,000 rubles after graduate. The largest average monthly size of the starting wage for graduates of all steps of 2010 (after tax deductions) was observed at the Faculty of Business Informatics (38,000 rubles), the smallest - at the Faculty of Sociology (28,000 rubles). It is worth noting that the analysis did not include data on faculties on which the size of their starting earnings indicated less than 20 respondents.

In the future, the salary of former students increases. If we take into account that almost half of the respondents have already worked before the end of study, then the start of the career among graduates of 2010 fell on the spring - autumn 2010. The next "measurement" of their wages falls on the spring of 2011, when monitoring was conducted and when they were asked not only about the starting salary, but also about the current one. So, after a year, the average earnings of graduates of 2010 increased and ranges from 30,000 to 55,000 rubles. The leader here is the former - the faculty of business informatics with salary of 55,000 rubles. Also, graduates of the faculty of world politics and world politics were the highest paid paid - 45 000 rubles. It is noteworthy that far from the leaders in wages did not leave the least paid former students from the department of business and political journalism - 33,000 rubles.

Where do the tower graduates work?

It can be said that the former cross-shops work around the world. Of course, the overwhelming majority (94%) are occupied in the Russian economy. But there are those who work in European countries - Germany, France, Switzerland and others, such 2%. In the UK, 1% of respondents work. The share of other countries, such as the United States, China, is less than 0.5%.

The spheres of graduates are quite predictable, given the main focus of the university. Most often, monitoring participants noted the following: banks, investments, leasing, finance (11%), IT, Internet, Telecom (10%), PR, marketing (9%), trade (9%), education and science (6%) . It should be noted the fact that humanitarian faculties - historical, philological - graduates are not yet. And as soon as they appear, we can expect that the list of activities of graduates of HSE will expand.

The distribution of the seferences of graduates of individual faculties is very natural: graduates of the Faculty of Economics, MIEF and World Economy and World Politics prevail in the banking sector. Most of the information technologies are in the field of information technology - graduates of business informatics, marketing clearly have advantageous graduates of the Faculty of Sociology and Applied Political Science, as well as branches of business and political journalism. Trade seems to be a more diffuse sphere, however, it can be noted that 16% of graduates of the management faculty are occupied in it.

Comment by Tatyana Dubova, Director for working with partners of the Higher School of Economics (Directorate for working with partners supports university's communications with other universities, as well as with graduates of the HSE. - Approx. Ed.)

How do you assess the results of the survey?

First of all, I am very glad that a successful start of a new, important monitoring study for the school, receiving feedback from graduates. We all understand that the success of graduates is an objective indicator of the success of the university. If you evaluate the results, then I do not care as a psychologist, and the specific people who are behind them are. The study not only gave us interesting data, but also raised new questions. For example, why part of our graduates do not immediately find a job? Agree if a person for several months at the end of the university cannot get a job, for him it can be a serious personal problem. Of course, the reasons can be very different. More often than we could assume, talking with graduates, and with such a wording: "The work was not looking for, I wanted to take a break from study." If a person can afford to remember half a year - this kind of pause can be very productive - it remains only to be happy for him.

But the most typical situation with which graduates face is the unwillingness of employers to take specialists without work experience. In part, this is explained quite high among our students the percentage of those who combine their studies with work. On the one hand, they receive a comparative advantage over the end of the university before those who have studied. The backward side: such combination is not in favor of study, since the leading activity for the student has already become no longer student, but work. Since the survey was anonymous, we cannot see the correlation with its performance. Or the reason is that a graduate failed to show his competence in an interview situation? Agree, the findings that follow from one of this figure are completely different.

Or take work in the specialty. It seems to me that it is not worth absoluting the importance of this indicator. A person can work with a specialty all his life and hate her. In my opinion, it is much more important that the person never stopping to look for himself and move towards the ideal classes. Well, if he immediately found a place for his soul, but in practice it happens quite rarely, given the perfection of the professional orientation system that does not exist in the country. This is confirmed by Gregory Cantorich, according to the results of the current reception of documents in the magistracy, an increase in the number of those who change the direction of learning in four years. I believe that it is good, you need to actively use the fan of available opportunities. In the meantime, the situation is typical when the applicant (or rather his parents) choose a university, and not an educational program.

According to expert estimates, in the next ten years, 80% of existing technologies and equipment will endure, by this time 4 out of every 5 employees will have education obtained more than 10 years ago. What does this mean? Only one thing: there is no alternative to continuous education. Sorry for the truism. That is, learning becomes mandatory (but not sufficient) condition of life success. The task of the university is to help graduates quickly fill out the identified deficit of knowledge or competencies, offering flexible programs of professional tuning. Therefore, the slogan of the tower receives a new sound: with a school in life!

Monitoring showed that graduates are generally satisfied with their education. And how are the employers are satisfied with their knowledge?

This question is better to set the director of the Career Development Center of HSE, which supports links with a wide range of employers. But, as far as I know, the systematic research of the opinions of employers about our graduates has not yet been conducted. I saw the results of a small study conducted by the GFC "Rus" in graduates of sociological faculties, but it looked a purely pilot character. This kind of research is quite complex and time-consuming. Currently, we launch the first study of employers in conjunction with the management faculty. One of the goals of this study is to obtain international accreditation of master's program of management faculty. In the fall, we will be able to compare the opinion of graduates about the education received in the tower with the opinion of employers about our Magistractions of Management. Very interesting what happens! Next, we can pursue such polls regularly. I am sure that the results will be useful to the university, especially the training unit for the correction of educational programs.

The quality of the studied research directly depends on the assembled contact base of graduates and employers. Believe me, this is a very difficult task. It is enough to imagine how difficult it is to find the contacts of those who finished the tower many years ago. It is very pleasant that the response to the questionnaire was higher than we calculated - almost 50%. In this regard, I would like to consult all graduates with a request to help us update the contact information by registering on the site. Stay in touch - you are interested in us! And we hope that the interest is mutual.

Also on questions about the employment of graduates of the towers answered the head of the HSE.

Olga Aleksandrovna, how easy it is a graduate of HSE to find a job?

In general, easy. This situation is explained by a combination of a number of factors. First, unconditionally, the prestige of the university and the high level of education, which students are obtained in HSE. Employers actively demand such graduates in many areas. In particular, among the active partners of the Career Development Center of more than 700 companies and institutions, among them representatives of the financial sector, civil service, consulting, FMCG, the company of the oil and gas industry, research companies and others. Moreover, employers are trying to attract HSE students with various recruiting and HR branding events, and companies also participate in the educational process, starting from the third course. The competitive struggle of leading Russian and foreign companies for potential employees is unfolding during this period. Students are invited to pass internship, manufacturing or pre-diploma practice, go to work on flexible schedule. So, for example, during the 2010-2011 school year, about 100 recruiting and career and educational events took place with the participation of 150 companies, about 40 new employers were added to the number of active partners. Next year, according to our forecasts, the activity of companies will be even more intense.

Secondly, it is explained by the active position of the students themselves. Lockers attend career events (job fairs, career days, master classes, presentations, trainings of employers' companies), are addressed for career and career guidance consultations, they are following the news of the labor market relevant to them.

Third, the combination of work and studies, the passage of internships in potential employers. According to annual monitoring career of student student training courses, which conducted a Career Development Center from 2005 to 2010, often cases when the tower diploma is received, a graduate has already occupied a leading position or had experience (specialty!) Not less than 3 years.

Fourth, the presence in the tower of special services and departments for students and graduates who contribute to personal and career development, the dense interaction of faculties with representatives of companies, active cooperation of the university in various fields with business.

What difficulties are found when looking for work?

Often a graduate is difficult to decide which scope to choose, since the education obtained opens a wide range of possibilities. Some resort to consultations of specialists, others study the market independently, third (if they did not do during the years of study) are progressing by sample themselves in various fields of economics.

Also, employers celebrate several overestimated career ambitions and the salary expectations of graduates (however, the economic crisis corrected this situation, the self-esteem of young professionals in the labor market became more adequate), unpreparedness to "work with hands", to rapid, but still gradual growth and promotion .

All this is overcome and refers to the category of minuses, easily addressed in the pros. Thus, a multifunctional specialist can easily move between spheres, mastering new areas, working at the junction of areas, thereby possessing great innovative potential. Oversized ambitions over time are corrected and become "healthy", turning into an effective "engine" of graduates in the career ladder, they stimulate to continuously learning and self-development, which is initially laid in university students.

Elena Kalinovskaya, HOSE portal news service