Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a warm floor from heating with your own hands. How to make a warm floor from heating: Instructions for connecting from water heating Warm floor scheme by a single-tube system

The "warm floors" systems are rapidly gaining popularity with owners of private suburban housing and urban apartments, and many of them have a question: "How to make a warm floor from heating." This is not surprising - this scheme of heat exchange in the room is the most efficient and economical - heated air from the floor evenly rises up, creating an optimal comfortable temperature distribution without the formation of horizontal convection flows.

Warm floor schemes are a lot - they are, that is, with gasket pipes for circulating liquid coolant, and electrical, in which various heat heating schemes are used. Due to the fact that electricity will not call cheap, many housing owners pay high attention precisely on the "water" scheme. Moreover, the owners of urban apartments occurs temptation to take advantage of the capabilities of the central heating circuit in the house, therefore, in the search engines in the top of the queries, it is also found in such a way: "How to make a warm floor from from the alone."

Unfortunately, many articles on this topic begin with the fact that the reader draws the most rainbow perspectives, for example, "the device of such a warm floor does not represent difficulties and may well be fulfilled on its own." Is it so? Practice shows that the equipment of such a system will require the application of considerable forces to overcome various problems, both a purely technological and administrative nature.

The purpose of this publication is not so much a step-by-step instruction on the independent equipment of the water-inside of the warm floor of from the distance, how much is an overview of all complex issues in the embodiment of this project with options for their possible permission. Assessing the scale of work, the nature of the upcoming difficulties and its own forces is likely, some of the owners of the apartments will decide in favor of much simpler in the installation.

Complexity of administrative nature

First of all, it is necessary to stop the fact that the equipment of such a "warm sex" with a connection to central heating can prevent administrative barriers.

The central heating system is calculated based on the power of the boiler room, the bandwidth of thermal chains, the pipe laying system in multi-storey buildings, the number and total area of \u200b\u200bheated apartments and many other factors. The inserting of additional heating contours, especially having a considerable length, will definitely affect the general parameters of the system. Well, if the power of the boiler room and the possibility of wiring allows you to compensate for thermal losses, but this happens not always. Thus, the tenants of apartments connected to one riser can feel a decrease in the temperature of heating radiators, which will lead to complaints of public utilities.

Therefore, the installation of the charges of the heated floor requires compulsory harmonization with the organization carrying out the heat supply of an apartment building, and not the fact that it will go to it. Of course, there are always "cleverings" that can connect "pirates", without notifying Housing and utilities specialists, but sooner or later it is detected and ends with the imposition of considerable penalties.

As a rule, permission can be given if the apartment is located at the very end of the heating circuit. For example, with heat supply scheme down upThere should be no special problems with apartment owners on the highest floor - the selection of additional thermal energy will not affect other tenants at home. Conversely, when the upper supply of heat is applied, the owners of the apartment will be the advantage on the first floor. But also, in another case, the heat supply organization, for sure, will require the installation of an additional device for taking into account thermal energy, for the individual calculation of payment for its spending.

Managers or heat supply organizations can go to meet and in the event that there is not a general coolant in the apartment heating system, but energy transmission is applied carried out through a special device - heat exchanger. The outline of the "warm floor" in this case becomes a certain extent autonomous, but the metering device that consumed the heat is nevertheless anyway will be required.

There may be no other owners of apartments with an autonomous heating system, that is, you have disconnected from the central network and installed their gas or electric boiler and a closed circuit that does not communicate with the external network. At the same time, of course, it is meant that the installation of its own heat generator (boiler) and the "autonomization" have already received the appropriate agreement. But even in this case, it is necessary to face considerable difficulties, only now is a technological nature. This will be discussed below.

Possible solutions for laying pipes of "warm floor"

If problems agreement There is no more character, it is necessary to resolve issues with the system of laying the contours of the "warm floor". Here you will have to face the mass of the nuances - an assessment of the possibility of raising the floor level and additional load, the acquisition of high-quality components, the creation of reliable thermal insulation, the choice of laying and floor covering scheme over TP UB. About everything - by row.

How long will the floor rise?

This factor should be considered in advance before all subsequent work. The system of water "warm floor" means reliable thermal insulation of the base so that expensive energy does not waste, just to warm the slabs of the overlap between the floors.

For apartments located above heated rooms, it is considered a sufficient layer of 30 mm standard insulation (for example, extruded polystyrene). In the case when the heating is mounted on the first floor, under which the cold basement or basement room, or soil, will be required by a layer of at least 50 mm, and sometimes up to 100 mm.

Installation of the "warm floor" always leads to a significant increase in the height of the coating

But that's not all. You should add a screed thickness that will close the pipes and be a powerful thermal energy battery. That is, you must add at least 50 mm. Plus it is the thickness of the finishing floor covering. In total, it turns out the overall raising of the surface level. Based on this result, it is possible to evaluate whether it is possible to fulfill in the face of the apartment.

It is possible to do without a concrete screed, reducing the height of the floor lift.

To do this, the pipe laying system is used to heat exchanger plates, which are installed in wooden ready-made modules, rush or lag structures, or in thermal insulation mats.

One of the options for planing plates - on the lags

The heat transfer at the same time, of course, is somewhat declining, but this is an inevitable place for saving space.

In any case, a certain raising of the surface level cannot be avoided. If the "warm floor" system is planned only in separate rooms, it will lead to the formation of steps in the apartment, which is not entirely convenient in everyday life - such a factor also need to be borne.

Thermal insulating mats

So, as already mentioned, laying of the "warm floor" pipes will require preliminary thermal insulation of the surface. Rolled foamed polyethylene, even with foil, will be clearly not enough (with rare exception), and usually special mats are used for this purpose. They are a few species:

  • Flat polystyrene foam mats with a thickness of 30 to 50 mm with a foil coating and, ideally, with a laminating layer, which causes a markup grid that facilitates the laying of pipes by the developed scheme.

To fix pipes to such mats, special clamps are used - "harpuna", or, when pouring a reinforced tie, pipes are attached to the reinforcement grid using polymer clamps, "ties". In addition, special mounting rails can be used for convenience.

  • Polystyrene foam profile mats with special bosses, the location and height of which allows you to securely fix the pipes in a given position.

Especially convenient are similar mats with laminated coating and the system of locks for mutual pairing - they create a single surface that will no longer need additional waterproofing.

Such mats are made of high density expanded polystyrene (more than 40 kg / m³), \u200b\u200bwhich guarantees maintaining loads and from a flooded screed, and arising during operation. Standard dimensions of one such profile panel - 1.0 × 1.0 or 0.6 × 0.8 m. Thickness varies (without accounting The height of the bobs) within 5 ÷ 50 mm, the permissible step laying pipes 50 mm and more (more than 50).

Such mats give another advantage - their complex embossed structure, along with the physical features of polystyrene foam, give a magnificent sheupoommothing Effect.

Prices for mats for warm water floors

Warm water floor mats

What pipes are optimal for "warm sex"

Pipes in the "warm floor" system are mounted with an eye on a long period of use, during which their regular revision will be simply impossible. That is why they should be taken to choose from special care. What requirement they must respond:

  • Suture pipes are not allowed - they will not give guarantees of the safety of the contour while increasing the pressure in it.
  • For the same reason, any joints should be avoided in the circuit - this place is vulnerable for blocks, and for the formation of leaks.
  • Pipes must have a necessary margin of strength - there is a load on them and from the heat carrier, and the outer, from the severity of the screed, floor covering and dynamic loads. It follows to the indicator of pressure resistance not lower than 8 ÷ 10 bar.
  • Pipes must have the highest indicators corrosion resistance, resistance to the formation of scam deposits, chemical inertness. "Beach" pipelines - oxygen diffusion, and the optimal will be the choice of material with a special protective layer from this process.
  • Not everyone can like the noise of water flowing through the pipes. So, pipes must have a corresponding level of sound insulation.
  • Diameter - Usually used pipes 16 or 20 mm. Undium will lead to a sharp increase in hydraulic resistance and reduction of heat transfer, and excessively thick pipes will significantly raise the screed thickness and lead to significant heat loss in the overall heating system.
  • Pipes should be purchased by one solid segment for the contour, the length of which, with a diameter of 16 mm, should not be more than 60 - 80 meters. If you exceed this value, the effect of the "closed loop" may appear in the circuit when the pressure generated by the circulating pump cannot cope with the internal hydraulic resistance. If such a length is not enough to cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room, you will have to organize two or more separate circuits from one collector.

What pipes are preferable for "warm sex":

  • Metal-plastic pipes are excellent for the "warm floor" system, but with small reservations. It should be used to truly high-quality material, since there are no discontinuities for breaking the body of the pipe from overpressure. The problem is, in fact, is not at all in the unreliability of the structure itself, but in the fact that the building materials market is oversaturated with low-quality fakes, not withstanding no criticism. In the pursuit of a low price, it is easy to get into a very unpleasant situation - something that is easily eliminated, for example, on a water supply, can have catastrophic consequences when the low-quality pipe is located in the thickness of the floor.

Another remark is an aluminum layer, in general, although resistant to corrosion, but still over time under the influence of oxygen gradually loses its qualities, becoming fragile. This significantly reduces the life of such pipes. Therefore, when choosing a material, it is best to stop at its species with a special oxygen barrier.

  • The leading positions in this area have recently retained pipes from stitched polyethylene. The process with pecial treatment of polymer - "stitching" creates additional three-dimensional intermolecular bonds, which at the output gives excellent indicators of the strength and flexibility of the pipe. Optimal are pipes with labeling Re-Xawho have the degree of "stitching" reaches 80 - 90%. It is even better if the "Evon" layer is included in the pipe structure - it almost completely blocks the possibility of oxygen diffusion.

In addition, some manufacturers strengthen the pipes of the pipes also and the layer of coated aluminum, and similar products become ideal for their use in heating systems - they are withstanding the most critical loads.

  • Competition with polymer pipes has recently become stainless corrugated. They have excellent flexibility, and the external and inner layer of polyethylene coating makes them practically absolutely impenetrable.

Such pipes are produced in bays up to 50 meters, but have such a reliable fitting system that they are allowed to increase even with the closure of connections with a concrete tie.

What "drawing" laying to choose

In the preparation of laying schemes, one of two main methods with possible variations are usually used - "snail" or "snake".

Schemes "Snails" or a double "snake" shown on the right figure, a little more complicated in stacking, but they provide a more uniform heating of the floor surface, since the feed and return pipe is located in parallel each other.

Power styling pods can be different - it all depends on how the premises itself is insulated and the effect expected from such a system. The norm is considered to be the norm of the turns at a distance of 100 mm. You can create areas of high heating, reducing this step, or, on the contrary, in those places where special heating is not required, significantly increase the distance.

Be that as it may, all the ends of the contours are reduced to one point - to the place of installation of the distribution manifold, which will be discussed below.

Prices for water pipes and fittings

Water pipes and fittings

Features of connecting the "warm floor" contours to the existing heating system

The owner of the apartment, who believes that the outlines of the "warm sex" is enough to simply trim in the risers of the heating of the house - the feeding and "return". The approach is simply impossible based on a number of considerations:

  • Water in narrow and long circuits will never start independent circulation - it will choose the path of the smallest hydraulic resistance. Thus, it becomes a mandatory element circulating pump
  • In order to ensure the movement of the coolant with the effective heat transfer, a pressure leveling device in the system is necessary, which will exclude stagnation or, on the contrary, the appearance of the effect of hydrowarders.
  • Be sure to need a removal system accumulating in the air system.
  • The coolant in the central system is far from always clean, and to prevent the clogging of the "warm floor" circuits, the installation of filters is required.
  • One of the main reasons is the need for a mandatory reduction of the coolant temperature. Water in central heating pipes can be heated to very high limits that sometimes reach even 80 degrees that absolutely non-applicable For a "warm floor" system. Overheating of the surface itself negative The way will affect the integrity of the screed and the thermal insulation layer and at the state of the finish coating of the floor. In addition, too high surface temperature will create absolutely not comfortable The decor in the apartment. Practice shows that the optimal heating of the heat carrier for the warm floor is the temperature of 35 - 40 °, and it is not recommended to exceed it. So, a special mixing unit is needed, which will mix the water from the feed and returns to achieve the desired level of its heating.

  • Of course, all this requires the installation of visual control devices and adjusting parameters, manual or automatic.
  • And, finally, no heat supply organization will give permission to any connection if all the rules for the safety of the system functioning, its economy from the point of view of heat energy expenditure, if it is at least to prevent the normal operating mode of central heating Total buildings.

Independence in such matters is not welcome - there are several basic connection schemes that are developed on the basis of carefully conducted heat engineering and hydraulic calculations.

For example, when connecting the "warm floor" collectors on the final area of \u200b\u200bthe riser (the first or last floor, as mentioned earlier), the diagram shown in the figure is usually applied. It provides:

  • Inlet valve with a mandatory filter - "mud" (1).
  • The valve on the inverse contour pipe with the check valve (2).
  • Triple crane - mixer (3) with manual or servo control.

If control is carried out in automatic mode, it is associated with the thermal sensor - the control signal is shown in the green dashed line diagram.

  • Circulating (4) with a capacity that corresponds to the total length of the contour controls connected to collectors.
  • To align the required pressure difference in the feed and inverse tube, the bypass valve is installed (5).
  • On "combs" of both collectors must be air roads (6) and drainage taps (7) to merge the heat carrier for the production of preventive or repair work.

In the case when the underfloor system is crashed directly into the coolant feed pipe (permission is obtained, or in the conditions of an autonomous home heating network) schemes must be somewhat different:

Recommended Warm Paul Connection Schemes for Heating Rims
  • In scheme "but" The connection with the use of a two-way crane (2) associated with the thermostat is shown. The crane regulates only the overall flow of water, without mixing, increasing or deceased pressure and, therefore, the heat exchange rate. Total adjustment is carried out by balancing valves (3 and 4). Pressure alignment is carried out by the bypass valve (8).
  • Scheme "B" makening from the first, and differs only by the presence of a direct bypass (jumper) between the collectors (8) with the valve, calculated on the triggering when the suppressive pressure is exceeded.
  • On the image "in" A node is presented to connect pipes with a three-way crane (11) migrating a flow of cooled fluid on the feed line. This scheme is one of the simplest, but at the same time - enough reliable.
  • Similar to it, but more perfect and easy to adjust - scheme "G" . Here on the feed pipe is made a three-way mixer (9), which ensures the immediate mixing of hot and cooled water before entering the circulation pump (1).
  • The most perfect is the scheme "D" With a four-way valve mixer, with manual adjustment, or equipped with a servo-related thermostat unit.

This divorce gives the most accurate indicators of adjustments, both by temperature of the coolant and fluid in the circuits of the "warm floor".

  • And finally, in the picture "E" Already mentioned earlier scheme for the connection of the "warm floor" to the central heating system through the heat exchanger (14). A characteristic feature is the mandatory availability of its own security group (12), which includes its own control pressure gauge, excessive pressure valve and air roadAs well as the installation of an expansion tank of the membrane principle of operation (13), which will compensate for the inevitable pressure drops.

To ensure the necessary supply of the coolant, a jumper can be installed (15) with a filter-mud, shut-off valve and a check valve.

If several "warm sex" circuits are connected parallel to the collectors, another problem occurs - the non-uniformity of the coolant flow in them. Sometimes it even ends with a hydrostatic "locking" - the liquid generally stops moving one of them, choosing a path with the smallest resistance. With this, of course, you can fight, observing a clearly verified equal length of all contours, but in practice it is extremely difficult. The output is one - the adjustment valves on each contour are installed on each contour to allow us to carry out a shared stream that it is distributed evenly.

Shut-off and adjusting cranes on "comb" collectors

In addition, such a shut-off reinforcement makes it possible to turn off some heating zones in case of inappropriate or in case of emergency situations - for preventive work or repair.

Is it possible to collect a similar layout system, mixing and accurate adjustment yourself? Perhaps if the owner of the apartment has the necessary knowledge in this area, it may turn out, but most often the help of a qualified specialist will be necessary - commissioning works on such interdependent circuits will require a professional approach.

But in order to maximize the process of installing the "warm floor" from the distance, the manufacturers of equipment offer ready-made comprehensive solutions - mixing and collector nodes of various designs with already assembled elements, including circulation pump, and a system of mixers and cranes, and measuring instruments, and Blocks automatic or manual control. Thus, the owners of the apartment remains, consulted by specialists, choose the most acceptable option, to the maximum degree suitable for specific installation conditions and arrange at its cost. The choice is quite large - similar nodes are made for small rooms, so and capable of optimally distribute the flow of the coolant on significant areas.

As a rule, a collector cabinet is provided for such mixing nodes, which can be completely hidden in a niche chopped in the wall. The place is selected for reasons of the maximum simplification of the wiring of the system of the "warm floor" pipes, access to the feeding and returning of the central heating system. With small areas of heating and minor sizes of the node itself, it is sometimes placed directly on the outer wall.

The process of laying and connecting pipes, launching a "warm floor" system

Laying contours of the heating floor pipes is usually produced in next sequence:

  • The state of the base base is carried out. If necessary, its defects are eliminated - close up with a repair solution of depressions and cracks, cut down to a smooth surface of the protruding places. After cleaning garbage and dedusting, it is necessary to walk the primer of deep penetration - it will raise the strength of the foundation, will create an additional waterproofing barrier.
  • It is covered with a layer of waterproofing film with a thickness of at least 200 microns. It should be on the surface of the walls by 150 ÷ \u200b\u200b200 mm. Neighboring bands are stacked with overlapping by 150 mm, the formed seams are squeezed with persistent building tape.
  • A damper tape is mounted around the wall of the wall, which will compensate for the thermal expansion of the future screed, which closes the heating circuits. The height of the ribbon ribbon on the walls must correspond to the planned thickness of the tie plus another 20 ÷ 30 mm.
  • Thermal insulation mats are stacked. The locations of their junctions are also desirable to sneak waterproof. If the polystyrene foam is equipped with a reflective foil layer that a thin foil substrate from foamed polyethylene needs to be used.
  • According to a predetermined scheme, a layout of pipes is layered. Start layout from the collector cabinet, and here it should end. To ensure the connection of the pipe to the collector, the required reserve is left.
  • If profile mats apply, the pipes are fixed between the buses. With smooth insulation panels, plastic locks and mounting planks are used. As an option, the pipes can be tied to the reinforcement grid. Such actions are best carried out with the assistant, which, as the bay and layouts are unloaded, will immediately fix the pipe in the right place.

Laying the circuit of "warm floor"
  • Both outputs of each contour are tightly connected to the appropriate collector in the distribution cabinet.

  • The next step is to check the tightness of the system. For this, it is carried out - all contours and elements of the mixing cabinet are filled with water under operating pressure. If there is an opportunity to use compression equipment, then the pressure should even be enhanced in a half - two times. The completed system should be at least in no less than a day, during which the testimony of pressure gauges and visual is monitored - for the state of pipes and all fitting or threaded connections. In case of detection of leakage or pressure drops, the necessary repair activities are manufactured and the processing process is repeated. Only with a stable positive result can be moved to the closure of the contours of the "warm floor" by the screed.

The closure of the "warm floor" with a screed
  • Performed ordinary order - with reinforcement, exhibiting the beacon system. Use a concrete solution of varying strength not lower than M200 with fine-flow sand. The addition of a plasticizing composition is very desirable, which will facilitate the laying of the solution in complex places (near the pipes and on the protrusions of the mounting planks or relief mats), will help to avoid the formation of air emptiness - they are capable of not only reduce the strength of the coating, but also worsen the thermal characteristics of the heating system being created.

The thickness of the screed must be at least 50 mm. Too thick layer to break the heat balance and will become an excessive load and on the pipes, and on the ceiling overlap. The insufficient thickness of the screed will not ensure the safety of the contours from dynamic loads, and will not allow her to cope with the role of the heat battery.

Before the fill of concrete pipes, it is necessary to fill in the coolant to prevent the strain of their walls as an increase in the weight load.

Until completely drying the screed (3 to 4 weeks, depending on the type of solution used), it is forbidden to increase the temperature of the coolant in the system - the set of tie strength should be held in a stable temperature mode.

A fully dried concrete surface will be the basis for laying any type of finishing flooring.

Video: Option of screed over the "warm floor"

In the event that the use of "concrete" technology is impossible (due to the too large concept of the floor level either due to the inadmissibility of a large load on the ceiling overlap), "warm floor" is recommended to be laid in wooden modules using heat exchange plates, which have already been mentioned above.

Laying of "warm floor" pipes in wooden modules

Such plates can be applied for profile mats if you select them in full accordance with the diameter of the pipes and the distance between the buses.

You can make a similar laying and profile mats ...

Alternatively, even in conventional mats of their extruded polystyrene foaming, you can cut the grooves for the installation of heat exchange plates with subsequent laying of pipes in them.

... or even directly by Epps panels

On such a surface after apressing, It is possible to immediately lay the finishing floor covering. If the laminate flooring is planned, it will only need to substrate from foamed polyethylene. In the case when the linoleum is to be laid on the floor, the tile will be laid, on the metal plates, the layer of plywood (OSP, GWL) will be stopped, and then the finish coating is installed.

And finally, the features of the launch of the "warm floor" system from from the distance. In no case cannot immediately run it at full capacity. Commissioning should be carried out steps, with a smooth raising of the temperature of the coolant to the calculated one. Recommend this process to stretch for 3 to 4 days.

What is the conclusion from the outlined? Is it possible to call the process of creating a warm floor from the existing heating system by simply, for which you can take any way? Probably not. Follow

  • flexible structure is convenient for creating any turns and roundings;
  • full freedom in laying form (stripe, square, g-shaped form);
  • increased power in 330 W allows you to use the element as the main heating in the room;
  • simple installation in a concrete tie;
  • the mass of only 1.7 kg is convenient for transportation;
  • two cables in the structure give more heat;
  • interact with both electronic and mechanical thermostat.
  • the thermostat is bought separately;
  • suitable only under the tile.

Electric warm floor Devi 330 W

Teploux Eco 850 W, 60 m

This is the best warm floor of a heating cable for a large room, which has a length of 60 meters and allows you to warm up 7 m2, which is effective in front of the bed and TV or in another often goable. The goods are supplied in the coil, and the heating element is endowed with a gray insulating coating. Additionally attached tape for fixing the cable in a certain form. The capacity of 850 W permits the use of warm floors as the main source of heating.

  • you can put in the screed or tile glue;
  • it is allowed to use a cable under parquet, stone, tiles, carpet;
  • interacts with various thermostats;
  • light weight 2.5 kg will not make it difficult for delivery;
  • two veins inside provide increased heat transfer;
  • the thick layer of insulation protects against electric current.
  • cannot be treated under linoleum;
  • the connection cable has a large cross section and it is harder to hide it imperceptibly next to the outlet.

Electric warm floor Teploux Eco 850 W, 60 m

Devimat DTIR-150, 450 W, 3 m2

This is the best warm floor of mats for the loggia, because its width allows you to set a long area to 6 m with a width of 500 mm. The cable is laid on a foil base and is attached to the grid, which simplifies folding. The capacity of 450 W is optimal to maintain comfortable temperature on the balcony. The kit includes a wire for connecting, coupling and corrugated protection. 5 mm thickness does not require a large layer of mounting glue.

  • cold end 4 m long for connecting;
  • internal isolation of teflon;
  • aluminum foil for shielding;
  • heating to a temperature of 90 degrees;
  • certified by all GOST standards;
  • installation in tile glue is simpler;
  • inside two veins for greater efficiency;
  • suitable for tiles, porcelain stoneware, parquet board, carpet.
  • it is more difficult to cut off the mat for separate accommodation in the area.

Electric warm floor Devimat Dtir-150, 450 W, 3 m2

Equation 1260 W, 9 m2

This is the best warm floor for the arrangement of the children's room due to the capacity of 1260 W, which allows the use of mat as the main heating and will not give children to catch a game on the floor. The cable comes in a green insulating sheath on a white grid with a cold tap for connection and corrugated protection. It is possible to warm them up to 9 m2, which corresponds to most children's bedrooms.

  • two veins for increased heat transfer;
  • weight of 3 kg;
  • powered from the household network 220 V;
  • laying without a screed in tile glue;
  • closes 9 m2 immediately;
  • suitable for interaction with programmable thermostats;
  • you can retain under parquet board, laminate, linoleum, porcelain stoneware.
  • a good thermostat is needed, which is clearly followed by the duration of the inclusion, so that the increased power of heating has not led to a fire.

Electric warm floor Equation 1260 W, 9 m2

CALEO GRID 220 W 3 m2

These are the best warm floors from the film for heating the bathroom, because the technology is completely fireproof and is designed to work under the tile. The film covers an area of \u200b\u200b3 m2, and it is allowed to cut off with a step of 25 mm for shortening if necessary. Thin strips of carbon pasta are laid on an antisircraft grid preventing arson. The power of 660 W film is optimal for heating a small room and economical electricity consumption.

This is the best element for creating a water warm floor with an already existing gas or solid fuel boiler, which allows you to pave the pipe throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe house without a single joint. The corrugated pipe is easily bent at different angles, which is convenient for turns, steps and level drops. Stainless steel is not subject to corrosion, so it can be bolder to pour into a concrete screed and not afraid of leaks.

  • the annealed steel has a high strength on the break and withstands the pressure of 21 bar;
  • thermal conductivity coefficient of 17 W (M * K);
  • the inner diameter of the pipe in 14 mm and the outer 15 mm is optimal for throughput and rapidly circulating the carrier;
  • operating temperature up to 150 degrees with short-term maintenance even 400 degrees;
  • full fire safety;
  • lifelong warranty on the pipe itself;
  • high flexibility of material with the task of any geometry;
  • freezing is not afraid and does not burst in unheated premises;
  • the corrugated structure is well tolerates the hydroedar.
  • needs many details of additional equipment (collectors, water pump, thermostat, compound couplings);
  • requires crimping in front of the pouring screed, because the subsequent repair is complicated by limited access.

This is the best water warm floor as an economical option for arranging individual heating in the apartment. The pipe is made of stitched polyethylene and is equipped with a protective layer, a protruding oxygen barrier, which contributes to the long service.

  • good flexibility allows you to pave a pipe with different turns;
  • it is well dressed for European fitting, suitable for collectors of any manufacturers;
  • protective barrier layer;
  • bending radius 80 mm;
  • the outer diameter of 16 mm is convenient for closing with floor materials;
  • 12 mm inner diameter is optimal for circulation.
  • buying a separate fitting for connecting, collectors, pump;
  • when laying, chances are possible, which will have to correct the heating hairdryer so that obstruction is not formed for the carrier;
  • needs crimping;
  • so that the bugs do not occur on the surface of the screed is needed by a layer of up to 30 mm;
  • it is necessary to store and transport in the package so as not to damage the protective layer.

Often, heated floors are installed in addition to the already existing one. In a house with a radiator heating system, it is very convenient to lay warm floors from heating. Although there is no need for the installation of a water boiler, nevertheless, in this case, careful preparation is necessary, which is carried out in accordance with certain rules and requirements.

Nuances of connection technology

In the process of activities of this kind, the parameters of the available heating contours usually change. And in this case, in this case, it cannot be made simply about replenishing the amount of coolant - the heating circuit with a warm floor involves improving the system as a whole. However, it is important to determine as:

The preparatory operations also include the calculation of the parameters of the future design and the power of the heating elements, which will allow you to choose the most suitable diameter of the main pipes. Such an exemplary list of questions needed to compile a connection scheme.

As is known, single and two-pipe. A two-pipe, which includes a pipeline with a hot liquid and a return on the cooled coolant to the boiler, no difficulties when connected does not create. The main thing is to determine the location of the collector and the order of connecting to the pipeline.


If a two-pipe heating system is installed in the house, there will be no connection problems. It contains highways with a hot heat carrier and a reverse tube for transporting the cooled water to the boiler. It is enough to determine the order of its connection to the highway.

For a single-tube "Leningradka", the task is significantly complicated.

The main problem is the absence of a separate reverse tube. In this case, the connection of the warm floor to heating occurs by analogy with the connection of another radiator. It is advisable to choose the installation site after passing the coolant through the heating devices. In this section, its temperature will be lower, but still sufficient to heat the floor surface. The inverse supply of cooled water is performed in the tight of the highway.

It is important to prevent a simple error in the connection - the feed must be attached earlier than the reverse nozzle.

The warm floor from the heating system, connected by the gravitational principle of fluid advancement, will not work correctly, since it will overcome the hydraulic resistance in the pressure of the pressure of the pipes of different diameters, from a large to smaller, it will be very difficult, and maybe it is impossible.

Important, the feed when connected must be attached to the reverse pipe.


Initially prepared the calculation scheme. Warm floor, radiators are the main heating components in the design of the heating system. Therefore, the basic calculations are related to their parameters, in particular, with the cumulative volume of filling heating fluid. Let us give an example of calculating the floor energy with heating. The average of 24 ° C is averagely comfortable. When calculating its calculated value, it is adjusted by the thermal loss. For example, take the concrete tie to the covering system. Obviously, when passing through this layer, a certain amount of heat is lost, which must be taken into account.

On a note

In any case, if the total heat loss is greater than the return, then we can talk exclusively about an additional power source.

Important components

The standard water-insulated floor connection diagram includes:

  • - Preferably of polymers.
  • Heavy floor mixing assembly, working on the rationing of fluid temperature to optimal values \u200b\u200bof about 50 ° C.
  • Collectors designed to distribute fluid in contours.
  • Control devices.

The main thing, of course, remains a mixing knot. The efficiency of the system provides one of its most important components - a three-way tap for a warm floor, a circulation pump and a thermal sensor that is connected to the thermostat.

Adjusting the supply of hot and cooled fluid into the input comb is carried out by means of a damper. In the indications of the sensor below the optimal temperature, the volume of hot heat carrier - more cooled. In the opposite situation, cold liquid will prevail.

Installation schemes

There are various schemes for which the heated floors are stacked, but in all of them the balance of the coolant flow should not be disturbed and heat consumption is measured. Otherwise, the water floor with heating, which is connected to the riser and actually takes the temperature, is able to significantly reduce the level of heat passing through this riser in the neighboring apartments.

Unregulated system

In such a scheme, a fairly weak pump is used. The length of the highway should not exceed 70 m, the pipeline is laid from Ø16 mm elements and skips about 5-10 liters of fluid per minute. Such floors, one can say, cannot be adjusted, besides, even small heat loss often become often becoming cooling radiators.

Adjusting balancing

The installation circuit provides a balancing crane. It makes it possible to lower the flow rate of the fluid, that is, thanks to it, it reduces the temperature of the floor, for which it is enough to rotate the belt of balancing to the required pass.

Scheme with a three-way valve

The main advantage of this scheme is possible, due to the thermo-sensitive design of the three-way valve (K 2), to lower the power consumption of the circuits, since the set temperature is automatically supported. The crane must be configured in such a way that at this point is pretty high temperature. However, if the warm floor from the central heating will not provide sufficient heat, the valve temperature is recommended to reduce.

It is possible that the radiator will cool very much, then the two-way valve (K 1) mounted in the jumper (K \u200b\u200b1) will close the path of the liquid, and it will take place as usual.

Scheme with a mixing node

At the input, either balancing valve, or the flow meter, which regulates the flow rate of the required thermal energy, is established, and, it means, the temperature of the room. The second approach is undoubtedly considered more optimal. There is also an autoclapan installation option, with which you can stabilize the operational pressure drop, that is, respectively, the flow rate. Such a mounting scheme with proper execution can warm the entire apartment.

Warm floors from heating: Benefits and Disadvantages

Such heating systems have a lot of advantages, in particular, it is necessary to note the increased comfort, since the floor at its entire surface evenly gives the world, it is provided with the same comfort and in the center of the room, and the windows. Moreover, its height distribution is in the best possible way - the height increases, the air is cooled, and the minimum amount of heat is almost due to the ceiling. Water heated floors - an excellent solution for structures with high ceilings.

Since the air does not circulate in the room, it means that the dust also applies to dust, then the drafts are reduced, that is, these designs are hygienic and are suitable for people suffering from allergies and having problems with breathing paths.

Such floors are economically beneficial because it allows you to adjust the flow, use secondary energy resources as a source of thermal energy.

At the same time, some lack of warm sex should be noted.

  • This heating system cannot be installed in high-rise buildings having one-tube central heating systems.
  • The cement fill layer and additional insulation raise the floor level by 10-15 cm, depending on the floor.
  • Higher cost of laying such heating in comparison with traditional.

In conclusion, you can see how the heated floor is connected - a video lesson.

Designs of water warm floors differi am in ways to adjust and connectivity.

Some methods good suitable Two-storey houses with a attic and basement, others - residential premises with a small area.

Exists four main types of heating systems. Consider more each of the options.

System without adjustment

The main difference of the heating system without adjustment lies in a simplified collector of the thermal circuit. The most cheap collector models are equipped with only simple shut-off valves.

Valves do not allow regulate The parameters of the heat flux. In essence, you will only have to turn on / off heating. As a result, the ultimate efficiency and comfort from the use of a warm floor will be questionable.

The system operates from the circulating pump of low power. Total length of communications should not exceed 80 meters, and the diameter of pipes - no more than 16 millimeters. The throughput of such a design will be from 5 to 10 liters / minute.

With balancing adjustment

Balancing adjustment is a technically more advanced solution. The diagram additionally includes balancing crane. This structural element allows you to reduce or increase hot water duct. Using the crane, you can change the temperature of the floor, which is undoubtedly a plus.

With a three-way valve

Application of a three-way valve
- Another improvement in the design. It is the basis of a special device sensitive to temperature change. The result is the automatic adjustment of the heat flux.

Three-way valve mounted to the temperature maximum. If you notice a decrease in the efficiency of automatic adjustment, you can always manually configure the system.

With a mixing node

The mixing knot is optimal option For those who want to make a warm floor independently, since this design is most simple in installation and operation. In addition, this type significantly reduces energy consumption - by 20-30%.

In general, the device consists of a pressure gauge, circulation pump, thermostat, flow meter and air valve. Mixing knot will cost you regardless, about 20-25 thousand rubles.

Air connection technology to heating system

The order and technologies for connecting the warm sex to the heating communications of the house have some differences. All set out three main options - one-tube and two-pipe scheme, as well as a combined method. We will understand more attentively with features.

Single pipe system

One-pipe scheme It is best for one-story houses with a small square. To install it you will need:

  • circulation pump;
  • security module;
  • expansion tank;
  • heat exchanger;
  • pipes for feeding and returning (warm water);
  • armature.

The radiator part of the structure consists of two branches with shut-off valves. Individual valves are also installed on the radiators.

In case of malfunction It will be possible to cut off the communications and repair (for example, a boiler, pipes, or replace the shut-off valves).

For feeding and returning Use pipes of different diameters (20 and 25 millimeters) to provide the necessary pressure. Directly the floor pipes are connected to the return.

Two-pipe scheme

Feed and reverse Take place in separate contours / bottling. Rosels are connected by a jumper, there will also be home heating (for example, batteries). The two-pipe method is significantly better suitable for installation in a two-story house.

Combined floor

This means combining several types of heating, such as water and electric. This appears to choose the most economical method of heating.

Controller for combined floorUsually performs a distribution manifold manifold. The device guarantees accurate adjustment of the set of heating circuits.

The design is characterized by high technical complexity and cost, if you do not have much experience, the installation work is recommended to leave a specialist. Options without adjustment preferably avoid. They will not allow you to adjust the temperature of the floor, which will lead to significant energy losses and the controversial level of comfort.

With a limited budget A good solution will be the use of balancing adjustment or three-way valve. According to the connection technology, one-tube scheme is the least cost.

Warm floor connection schemes to the heating system Look at the video:

The temperature of the floor, and, more precisely, its increase was and remains the urgent task for both the owners of the country's ussers and the owners of apartments in high-rise buildings. Especially acute this problem is in relation to the bathrooms and premises for children. However, there is hardly a person who refuses to have an outdoor heating, in the bedroom, for example.

The very idea of \u200b\u200bthe insulation of the floor, as well as walls, by laying inside them pipelines with hot water, not Nova. Even in Soviet times, experimental projects of panel houses were created and implemented, inside the slabs of the overlaps and walls of which heated hot water circulated, thereby providing the heating of an apartment without radiators. It was believed that the lack of batteries saves the useful space of the rooms and does not spoil their aesthetic appeal.

Connecting a warm floor to the heating system

It is quite natural that such buildings have not passed the tests of time, due to the practically zero maintainability of heating systems and extremely low economic feasibility. Indeed, most of the heat was not spent on the heating of interior premises, but was on the heating of elements of the structures of buildings and the surrounding atmosphere.

Channels made of iron were corroded very quickly, due to a constant contact with water under pressure and having a high temperature.

The description of the heating systems combined with heating communications, as well as the consideration of the nuances of the warm floors, this publication is devoted to the nuances.

Why is the warm floor?

The device of warm floors, combined with the heating system, returned, due to the appearance of new materials, for example. Low maintainability of such floors does not play a decisive role due to the lack of need for repair (frequent, in any case).

Practically not subject to corrosion and serve long periods of time. Therefore, water warm floors are now very relevant and popular.

As noted earlier, the warm floors are needed in children's and bathrooms, where people walk on them barefoot. Indeed, an unreasonable child, the weakly aware of the effect of temperature on its health, can crawl, lie and play on the cold surface.

The adult spoken in the bathroom also does not notice the cold walking from the floor, and can get sick. Some, on the contrary, have very sensitive feet and for them, normal discomfort turns into a will test.

In fact, a warm floor with its natural convection, when the heated air circulates throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, in accordance with the opinion of the doctors, is the optimal option of heating any premises.

In addition, such a healthy microclimate is easier and economically more expedient to create and maintain precisely with the help of warm floors. Uniform over the entire area The movement of heat fluxes contributes to this. Due to these reasons, the question of how to connect a water warm floor is very relevant.

Scheme of different heating systems

Some experts argue that the design of a warm floor can be successfully used as a self-sufficient and only heating system. Here, probably, taking into account the climate of Russia and the cost of heating, you can argue. It is recommended to combine both types of heating.

General setting of the task

When considering the task of how to connect the warm floor to the heating system, it is immediately worth clearly clarifying the difference between the device of its heating in a private and apartment building. In the first case, the owner of the Waves to carry out improvement without any restrictions, based only on the characteristics of the boiler and laying the premises. In high-rise buildings, the connection of water heat to the heating system causes much more problems.

Of the mains, you can allocate the following:

  • the difference in hydraulic resistances in heating radiators and heat-mall pipes;
  • the quality of water in the central heating system leaves much to be desired and can have a tangible effect on the operation of warm floors;
  • hydroceeds and pressure drops can lead to premature destruction of the floor heating system.

These are only the main issues that can be solved by applying various tricks so that the warm floor and radiators can function simultaneously. But simply bypassing administrative obstacles will not work. Get permission to lay the additional contours connected to the building heating system is extremely difficult.

Usually, it is possible to agree on this issue only to the owners of apartments, which are the easiest of the heating contour. In addition, you should not forget that when connecting warm floors, the heating circuit will have to erode, and thereby change the pressure and temperature of the water in other apartments.

The way out of this situation is the connection of warm water floors to the boiler established independently, which does not cancel the requirements of the housing and communal services to install water consumption counters. This event is undoubtedly very invalid, but for people who want to feel comfortable - this is the only possible option. The gas boiler is much more economical, but there are no cases of use of electrical installations.

In addition, regardless of the type of heating system, a warm flooring device should solve the main task that consists in the conjugation of the high and low-temperature heating circuit. Hot floor, connected directly to the heating system, will burn legs. Indeed, if it is a feed from the boiler in private apartments or a riser in a high-rise building, the temperature in the pipes reaches 85 o C.

In the pipes of a warm floor, the water should not be heated above 35 ° C and at the same time climb from the heating system. In this case, the heating circuit with a warm floor, naturally, is somewhat complicated and cannot be connected directly. There are several options for its execution using a heating boiler or connecting to a single-tube heating system, which will be discussed in detail below.

Warm floor design

First of all, you need to decide on the floor insulation project and transfer it to paper. At this stage, it is necessary to take into account the planning of the premises, their location (perhaps on different floors) and even the placement of furniture and designs forming the interior.

There is no need for a bathroom, for example, lay pipes under the container itself, which can occupy a significant area. The same applies to the mezzanine and other stationary objects.

Here, it is necessary to choose a pipe laying scheme. Usually apply the scheme "Snail" or various derivatives of "snakes".

Different laying of warm floors

Double snake and snail circuits provide good uniformity of the surface of the surface, and therefore popular, despite the more complex stacking process.

It should be remembered that the length of one contour should not exceed 30 m. It means that for heating of the floors in a large room, more than one snail or snake may be needed. At the same time, each of them should enter and exit a heap collector. The two-circuit option is usually sufficient for most rooms.

Materials required for a warm floor

The material material should also be defined in the design process. This largely depends on the quality, durability and cost of comfortable stay. The most common are the following options:

  • polypropylene or steel pipes, although suitable for the floor heating device, but, in view of the obvious deficiencies, are not further considered;
  • copper pipes;
  • metal plastic pipes;
  • stitched polyethylene pipes;
  • corrugated stainless steel pipes.

From copper, which has excellent performance both in thermal conductivity and in durability, due to its high costs, they refused long ago (although secured individuals are also found).

Warm floor of copper pipes

Metalplastic gives excellent results, however, with time the aluminum layer becomes fragile due to the effects of pressure and oxygen of water. This, in turn, can significantly reduce the durability of the heated floor, the repair of which is very laborious and roads.

Pipes for warm flooring from metalplastic

The use of pipes from stitched polyethylene is considered optimal to date. The technology of their manufacture allows, along with the flexibility, to achieve excellent strength and durability of the pipe. If an additional layer "Evon" is included in the pipe design, reducing the diffusion of oxygen, it becomes almost eternal.

Polyethylene tubes for a warm floor

Decent competition with stitched polyethylene is stainless steel. Corrugated pipes from it are bending, durable and inexpensive. Their distinctive feature is so reliable fitting system, which is allowed to compound (extension) inside the concrete screed.

Stainless steel pipe

In no case cannot use suture pipes. This is especially important if we are talking about the system of central heating. Hydroat, not even very strong, destroy the pipe and lead to serious trouble.

The term "insulation" against the warm floors will not be completely correct. It is fair to talk about the shielding of heat, which should warm the upper surface, and not spend the heating of the ceiling of the neighbor or basement.

Materials for insulation are chosen, given the possibility of lifting the floor. In standard high-rise buildings, this circumstance is particularly critical. The total thickness of the floor folds from, actually, the thickness of the insulation and the thickness of the screed.

If a heated room is located under the apartment, there will be a 30-millimeter layer of insulation. In the case of placement under the floor of the base, basement and all the more soil, this value can reach 50-100 mm. The thickness of the screed, based on the requirements for its strength, cannot be less than 50 mm. These simple calculations - the axes should be taken into account, starting to the heat-insulated device.

The floor thickness must be calculated already at the stage of its hydro and noise insulation, creating a stock for the heating layer.

Usually for when it is laying, they are used specifically designed for this. Located on them of the buses allow you to simply, quickly and reliably lay the pipe along it. The latter can be attached to the reigning grid during the fill of the screed.

Thermal insulating mats

To reduce the total thickness of the floor, sometimes abandoned the screed, laying the pipe into metal heat exchange plates, which, in turn, are mounted in rush or finished wooden structures, as well as thermal insulating mats.

Thermal exchange plate

Types of hot-floor connection to heating system

Combined heating radiators plus a warm floor may be the only possible way to achieve comfortable conditions in the room. But for a number of reasons, warm water field is impossible, connect a simple "inserting" in the riser or heating pipe, thus ensuring the supply of hot water and return to the system (reverse).

The main ones are:

  • independent circulation of water in thin and extended pipes is impossible, and it means that a pump is needed to connect to heating;
  • to coordinate pressure in the system, it is necessary to smoothing it, which prevents the effect of the hydroudar;
  • it is necessary to remove air from the system;
  • water filtering, especially current in central heating systems, implies the presence of dirt leads;
  • the presence of a mixer is due to the need to mix water from the supply and returns in certain proportions to achieve the desired temperature in the heat-mall circuit (decrease in the water temperature relative to the heating system);
  • devices for adjustment and accounting (for housing and communal services) are objectively necessary.

Because of these factors, the circuit of the warm floor connection to the heating system is significantly complicated.

Sometimes the method of simple cutboxes are still used, but this applies exclusively to the premises of the small area, less than 10 sq.m., bathroom, for example. This in no way cancels coordination with utilities and the installation of related counters.

Types (schemes) of connecting water warm floors in the case of autonomous home heating or when a permit from housing and communal services, sustaining the insertion directly into the system pipes are presented in the figure.

Water warm floor connection diagram to heating system

The most simple, and, accordingly, the inexpensive circuit of the warm floor connection to the "A" boiler works using a two-way tower associated with a thermostat. The heat is adjusted by reducing or increasing the flow of regulators (3 and 4). The bypass valve 8 serves to level pressure.

The "B" scheme in principle is similar to the first, with the only exception that the collectors are connected directly with the jumper 8 in conjunction with the valve, locking the supply when the allowable value is exceeded.

High reliability and simplicity combines the "B" scheme. Here, a three-way crane (11) is installed on the return, which redirects the cooled water to the feed area.

More perfect than the previous one, the scheme "g" is characterized by a more sensitive temperature adjustment. This is explained by the presence of a three-way mixer (9) on the pipe supply (9), which mixes water until it gets into the circulation pump (1).

There is no limit to perfection. The validity of the statements confirms the "D" scheme. It uses a four-way valve mixer, which can be controlled manually and using a servo reacting to signals coming from the thermostat unit.

The "E" scheme describes the optimal connection of the warm floor in the apartment to the central heating system through the heat exchanger (14). It means the presence of an appropriate permission to perform this procedure, as well as an air vent, pressure gauge, excess pressure valve and expansion tank (13). These elements constitute a security group (12) when connecting the warm floor from the battery.

Trying to improve the aesthetics of the interior, the pump-mixing unit can be "hide" anything far. However, access to shut-off and adjusting cranes, as well as to meters, pressure makers and other elements of control and management, should be carried out quickly and unhindered.

The assembled, ensuring the inclusion and control of warm water floor, should look something like that, as shown in Figure:

Pump-mixing knot

Instead of imprisonment

From what has been said with a large thing, it is possible to conclude that the occupation, requiring knowledge and experience, may not be experienced, maybe not everyone. At least trying to save finances, a warm-alone device should be performed, having unlimited access to specialist consultation.

Connecting a warm floor to the boiler is a very difficult task, not everyone can perform it. Fortunately, almost everyone has a brother, matchmaker, a neighbor or just familiar who will help the advice. Tom and stand.

On the post office often come questions about how to connect one or more heat-mall circuits to the already existing heating system.

In this article you will learn how to do it. The circuit of the heating floor can be connected to the system, for example, radiator heating using the local module for connecting the warm floor. To do this, you need to purchase this module or make it with your own hands.

Consider the everyday example: you have a radiator heating system in your house and you mounted a warm floor circuit, for example, in an extension and want to connect it to your heating system, but at the same time break your head as it is done correctly. And on the Internet, I will tell you, a lot of controversial information regarding such a connection.

First, we consider how the heating system should be arranged, to which the circuit of the heated floor can be connected. The system must be with its circulation pump. It may be two tube, one-pipe (Leningradka) or gravitational.

The first and most ideal option for connecting the circuit of the warm floor is the system. In this case, we mount the circuit of the warm floor and connect it to the feed and reverse pipeline of the radiator heating system. It can be done both through the module for connecting a warm floor, and you can simply with two ball valves.

Connecting a warm floor to a single-tube heating system

The second option of connecting the circuit of the warm floor to the system of radiator heating, called Leningradka. Or simple. In this case, you need to connect the supply of the circuit of the warm floor after the circulation pump, and the reverse floor reverse is in front of the pump. You can regulate the temperature of the room at the same time using a warm floor connection module and with ball valves.

Connecting a warm floor to the gravitational heating system

Third option, for example, a purely gravitational horizontal heating system without a circulation pump. Since the system in this case goes under a slope and you can connect the circuit of the warm floor, for example, in one room using the same slope system. To do this, connect the supply of the circuit of the warm floor at the beginning of the room, and the contour reverse in the other end of the room. I want to immediately say that we will have to be very tinted to connect the circuit of the warm floor to the gravitational heating system. It is easier to cut into such a circulation pump in such a system and make a connection on the second option.

Conditions of connection

Now let's talk about conditions for the circuit of the warm floor connected to the radiator heating system. First you need to understand that the mounted radiator heating system is not rubber. Therefore, has some limitations. And must be done correctly. I very often see how people mount the radiator heating systems using the PPP pipe of DM 25 mm. And how in this case, connect the warm floors to the system? That's why I always recommend installing pipes for the radiator heating system starting with a diameter of 32 mm and above.

Now about the length of the circuit of the warm floor. Length should not exceed 40-50 meters for a two-pipe system, depending on the above characteristics. You can mount as a snake starting, for example, from outer walls and spiral.

The length of the warm floor circuit for Leningradets with forced circulation should not exceed 20-30 meters. Wherein if you have a length of the contour more, then you need to share it on equal parts.

The pipe for mounting the circuit of the warm floor in this case I recommend using a metal-plastic DM 16-18 mm maximum. DM 20 mm is used for gravitational systems. Typically, the temperature of the coolant in the systems of radiator heating at least 70 degrees. At the same time, PEX-Al-PEX pipes withstand the temperature of 90 degrees. There is also analogue of pipes from stitched polyethylene with oxygen with an impermeable layer, which also withstand the temperature of 90 degrees Celsius.

Air connection module to heating system

Now let's talk about the operation and device of the heat-mall connections module. A warm floor adjustment module operates through all the laws of the warm floor system. I.e The module due to the thermal head turns off or includes the flow of the coolant in the circuit of the warm floor. In this case, the module is mounted on the return. To do this, in the module and mounted an automatic air absorb. To drive out air from the circuit of the warm floor.

The module is assembled to a plastic box with a lid and serves for hidden editing inside the wall. In the lid there is a hole from which the thermostatic head looks out for measuring the room temperature. And, consequently, the resumption or termination of the circulation of the coolant in the heat-mall circuit.

The thermal head is mounted on the terminal valve under the thermal head. The valve in turn is connected to the tee, which screws the air absorbing machine. All this is located inside the box.

Installation of a heated floor circuit starts with a warm floor module mounting . To do this, you need to choose a place indoors near the door. It is from the side of its opening. At an altitude of no more than 1000 mm. Make a deepening in a wall of a brick or frame in a plasterboard wall. It is also necessary to make a penabile from the deepening to the floor of 50x50 mm.

Now mounted a warm floor adjustment module. Intim the cake of the warm floor in all the laws of the genre ( ) and connect the pipes of the heat-mall to the radiator heating system, following this scheme.

But not so everything is smooth in our time. Connection modules of the root floor circuit and not always can be found. In this case, the module for the contour can be made by its own hands.

For this we take, for example, a shield for mounting electricity. A shield or junction box can be plastic or metal. Junior junction boxes. The size is chosen 200х300 mm. 300 mm in height. Now take a straight radiator valve under the thermal head. The direction put up. Bottom Fresh fitting for connecting pipes. Maybe a press or TM. Top winds screw ½ inches with inner and outer thread. On the removal, screw the tee ½ inches. We screw the air absorbing machine with top. Bottom fitting to connect pipes. Maybe a press or TM. Now with the help of metal clamps on the heel, we mount this design into the shield.

We connect the circuit of warm and enjoy its work and warm floors to the module.