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Life line: values \u200b\u200band characteristics. LIFE LIFE LIFE LIFE, in hand, is the main flow or a channel, through which the vital energy flows, fortune telling

An experienced chiromerant can appreciate the threat of life through the palm, but not always a short line of life means ambulance death. Much more often is just a break when the line continues, but in another direction. This can be interpreted simply as a difficult period. We will look at three versions of the lines of life: internal, external and thinning.

Internal line break - a break, when the line of life is directed to the hill of Venus, and its continuation is closer to the middle of the palm. This can talk about health loss (disease, operation), family (divorce, death relative) or other troubles related to health, family, home. Most often continuation of the line of life is the line of fate, which is responsible for the profession. This position of the lines on the palm shows about the happy period for a career.

External lines line - The line of life is directed to the middle of the palm, and its continuation is closer to the thumb. This situation is unfavorable for material well-being and prevents the loss of money, but is successful for family relationships. Where to find consolation? Of course, in the family! Often there is a thin strip, a web, connecting them between two scraps of the lines. Over time, it can become a strong line, completely tied both end. The next fact is interesting - at that time when a thin twig moves from another strong line of life, the first signs of expected danger appear. When it connects with another end, the time of losses ends. This can be found like this: if a person threatens a serious illness, then barely noticeable symptoms may appear in a few years, and knowing about them, you can if you do not prevent the disease, then reduce its severity.

Thinning line of life Speaks about the loss of vitality and other troubles that can happen to a person: from losing money to prison. This is a kind of "flying over the abyss." Fortunately, the black strip with a complete lack of perspective can not be long, it is necessary only to sincerely believe that the dawn will come.

Correction of events. There is a considerable meaning of what hand is a lifestyle break. If on the left, then the unfavorable event was in the previous life. However, this does not exclude a difficult period that will end safely. If the rupture is detected on the right hand, then ahead of the trouble that you deserve yourself.

What can I do, finding such a sign on your palm? Take advantage of one of the methods of correctional chiromantia. Take a red fountain pen and at night before bedtime, draw a long and clear line of life. In the morning, see and live quietly. You wrote a letter to fate. She heard you.

- Ancient science, which is engaged in the predictions of the fate of a person on his hand lines. Forecasts are treated sufficiently true than and is due to its big popularity among people thirsting to look into their future.

Concept and value

When reading the first thing, the Homerant draws attention to life line. After all, it is considered one of the main lines on the palm, in which information about the human life path is concluded.

Life line origins the beginning between big and index fingers, envelopes a large-finger tuber, the so-called Venus Hill, and descends to his wrist.

For her, the chiromate can talk about health, diseases, approximate age and lifespan, which is particularly interested in all those who want to know the fate.

Ideally, the line of life should be smooth, long, clear, the integrity is not disturbed. Holders of such a line are extremely rare. Most often, it is the islands, breaks and various violations, each of which has its interpretation.

If the band is intermittent, consists of several segments and islands, then this speaks of poor well-being, a painful period in life.

Short line on the left hand

Left hand is passive. It reflects the desired, the fact that fate has prepared us.

At the sight of a short line on hand, many have a fear of life expectancy. But it is not so. If the short line of life is on the left hand, and on the right long, there is no reason for excitement. A short strip can mean health problems.

In order to correct the future to correctly, it is necessary to evaluate the line of life together with other secondary lines and signs:

  • Availability of islands Reflects a severe illness, a difficult period in life.
  • Raunt Often mean fatal disease. If the lines are superimposed on each other, changes in life are possible.
  • Having a cross Speaks about the serious life period.
  • Chains indicate those periods when you are most susceptible to depression.
  • If on the line is present dashYou are waiting for some kind of shock in life.
  • Grid Point into windy nature when a person does not think about the future, nor sets any goals.
  • A favorable sign is square on line. If it is located on the site of the gap, it means a successful permission of a difficult situation in life.
  • Triangle Indicates a smart and diplomatic person.
  • Krapinki They talk about a person prone to disease.
  • Star considered an unfavorable sign. May mean an accident or some injury.

What does it mean on your right hand?

Right hand is considered active. It reflects those events that either have already occurred, or will occur in the very near future.

It is important to evaluate how the life band is located:

  • Closely close location - sign of fear, uncertainty, weakness.
  • If far from the thumb - large stock of vital energy, it is easily overcome difficulties.
  • High start of a strip of life, near the index finger, is symptom of ambitious and energetic.

If there is a gap on the line of life on the right hand, you are extremely variable. For example, a divorce, relocation or illness can happen.

Online may be branches:

  • The presence of a fork at the base of the line will tell about a person who loves to travel and craves for change.
  • Short branches departing up - a sign of good change and new features.
  • If the branches look down - to the loss of energy, anxiety.
  • There are cases when you can see a double line of life. This is considered a good sign. The owner of such a line has a good health, a large stock of vitality, success and longevity.

Life line on the palms of the child

Interpretation of lines in children occurs a little differently than in adults. You can not pay attention to my right hand at all, because the future of the child has not yet been fully formed. Although the line of life begins to appear the first, in the womb.

On the left palm can be seen what is degenerate, innate devils. It is very difficult to carry out fortune-telling in children's palms. Lines and signs are constantly changing as the child grows. Make an accurate prediction of children's hands is practically not possible.

So do not be upset if your child's life has a short. Wait until it takes a little time, the line will become longer and clearer, other signs will appear on your baby's hands. And only in this case, you can proceed to prediction in children's palms.

Every day we experience emotions, perform various actions - all this is reflected in the hands, gradually folding in order lines, hills or rings.

Deciphering these signs will provide them with a lot of useful information and will open the secrets about which he may not have guess.

Main lines on human palm

To comprehend the Ase of the Homanty forces to everyone, the essence of it lies in the ability to determine the type of sign and understand its meaning.

Lines on the palm: meaning on the right hand, which means lines on the palm of the left hand described in detail in this article.

Total several types of lines on the hands of a person, 6 of which are the main. Others belong to the secondary.

Home Line What do the lines on the palm of the right hand What do the lines on the palm of the left hand
Life lineQuality of life in the futurePotential received from birth
Health LineIndicates possible health problemsNature health
Line UmIntellectual achievementsInheritance potential
Heart lineEmotional state of manBasic traits of his character
Line of the Sun.Way to successStrengths of personality
Line of FateThe result of decisions takenEvents that will occur naturally

Active and inactive palm

The first thing from which should be started - the analysis of the location of the main lines.

However, their value can carry various information, it all depends on how lines are located on the palm: the value on the right hand is often different from decryption features left.

When reading the signs of the left hand, you can find out that the person is destined to see his heredity.

The lines on the right talk about events that will result in decisions taken, in fact, to them a person will lead to his conscious actions in life.

Chomands call palm "active" and "inactive", the first case is usually the right hand, if the man is right or left, if left-handed.

There is another way to identify hands - just ask a person to show palm. In most cases, each intuitively submits exactly active.

Definition of a sign of life

The most good value is the trait of lifewhich crosses the palm and comes between big and index fingers, envelopes the hill of thumb and ends at the wrist.

Some people may not be absent, it means that a person is in finding himself, his destination in life. For the same reasons, this line can periodically appear and disappear.

A clear and pronounced line indicates stability, purposefulness, suggests that a person puts a certain task in life and tries to follow them, realizes its potential.

Raznitsa assume sharp changes in life, while there is a big difference, which is nearing what hand it is interrupted.

When reading the values \u200b\u200bon the left hand, you can find out that a person is destined to see his heredity. The lines on the right palm talk about events that will result in the decisions taken.

If the line of life is a dotted or interrupted on his right hand - this means that the person himself will become the initiators of change, and if on the left (inactive) palm - all events will occur by itself.

Sometimes you can see small branches - these signs indicate important events. They will be bad or good can be found in their direction - down or up, respectively.

The fork in the outcome of the feature of life means craving for long-range travels, adventure, vivid impressions.

The location itself is also the location of the line, in energetic and solid personalities, it originates closer to the index finger and envelopes the hill wide. The shift to the thumb opposite speaks of a weak character, about a pronounced tendency to fear, uncertainty.

Also chirromants say that on the length of the line of life, you can roughly define, at what age certain events will occur.. To do this, all its length should be divided into 12 parts, each of which is equal to 7 years. However, such calculations are very conditional.

Health Line

On the state of health throughout life, you can judge the health line (value on the right hand, which means this line on the palm of the left hand is described below) . Usually it represents several segments that can be linked to each other or form gaps.

The sign begins with the Mercury Hill, which is located at the founding of the maiden, and ends in the middle of the palm of the wrist.

The most negative factor is its touch lineThis suggests that diseases will have a certain impact on the fate of a person.

In many people, this line is absent, or only the beginning and the end is a good sign, it means that a person has excellent health, and this applies to all areas: physical, emotional, mental.

When the line passes through the entire palm, without touching other signs, it also testifies to the absence of serious diseases.

If the line fragments are enjoyed on each other, it speaks of a successful fight against any diseases, Interrupt indicates that the disease will periodically retreat.

In this case, it is reasonable to make special attention to my state, responsibly approach treatment and comply with the recommendations of doctors.

What does the mind line say

The lines of mind or head begins from one point with a line of life or near, and crosses the palm horizontally.

This The sign defines mental abilities and intellectual achievements of a person. To make the right conclusions, you must compare both hands. Deciphering lines on the palm of hand, the value on the right hand will characterize the achievements of a person, its intelligent growth.

If the left line is less pronounced than on the other, it means that a person effectively implements its natural potential, in the case when the clarity and length are the same - there is something to think about.

This location indicates that mental abilities, data from birth, do not develop. In young age, this can be justified and explained, but for an adult person it is a reason to change his lifestyle and try to achieve more.

There is an erroneous opinion that the deep and clear line of the mind always talks about impeccable intellectual possibilities. In fact, this is not always the case, a pronounced sign characterizes a person, a very devoted to his work, perhaps a professional in any industry.

Basic decodes:

  1. A short line - mental work man prefers physical.
  2. Long across the entire palm - a sign of a logical mind, a tendency to analytics.
  3. Zigzag or in the form of a wave - it is difficult for him to concentrate in one case, it often switches attention from one object to another.
  4. If the line is reduced to the bottom - the person is unnecessary and trusting.
  5. The beginning of the feature does not coincide with the line of life - a seeker, a traveler in life, a lover of commemorant, learn a new one.
  6. About fateful, important solutions indicate strokes and crosses on the line.

The value of the heart line

The heart line gives deciphering the emotional psychological component of man. Her beginning goes from the palm rib, under the little finger and can reach an index or nameless finger.

When you fortunate, the chiromarts pay attention to how the line ends:

  1. Between middle and index fingers - Characteristic for the lungs in communication people. This is usually full-fledged extroverts - positive and non-merging people. Naturally, these individuals attract the attention of others, cause the opposite sex. However, if the value of the line on the palm of the left and right hand is different, this suggests that a person consciously changed his habits.
  2. At the base of the middle finger - Before you, the egocentric person who takes care only about their feelings. People with such character are attractive, but quickly tire the partner, ignoring his emotional needs.
  3. Closer to the indicable - Inherent with maximalists, they give everything, try to evaluate every situation objectively. It is comfortable to spend time with them, they are attentive to loved ones and do not accept the relationship "half".
  4. In the field of maiden or nameless finger - This is an unlimited person who keeps all his feelings under control.

It is easy to understand what the lines on the palm of the left hand mean - these character traits are transferred to a person inherited, but in his power to change. Actively can read the future, and a comprehensive analysis should be carried out by different signs.

Sometimes the refusal to change its character leads to negative consequences, for example, a person can lose work or family, if he is selfish and does not want to change anything.

Line of the Sun.

The sun line is infrequently reflected on hand palms, if it is visible, it is usually stretched from the middle of the wrist or palm and comes to the nameless finger.

The sign will help determine how one or another person can succeed and happiness in life. Thin nature, which appreciates and loves creativity, gives a short line. These people understand art, music.

Communication with such a person is pleasant and easy - such personals know how to express their thoughts and willingly share them with those surrounding.

lines on the palm of the left hand - these character traits are transferred to a person by inheritance, but in his power to change.

The line in the form of a wave also talks about the tendency to workHowever, such a person gives back pessimistic sentiment, fear, unrest. Negative emotions clearly interfere with it to achieve their goals or set a definite goal.

Interesting the fact that they mean lines on the palm of the left hand - they point to the strengths of the nature, data from birth. The features of the right palm helps to determine in which area a person can achieve success in the present and future.

Deciphering the line of fate

The line of fate passes vertically or with a small deviation from the middle of the wrist.

Read the sign from below:

  1. A smooth vertical feature speaks of success in all endeavors, brilliant career and self-realization.
  2. If the line is expressed weak, it means that a person is dissatisfied with the situation that has. Perhaps it concerns career, personal life or other important areas.
  3. Streetings in the form of strokes or crosses speak of a frequent change of direction in professional activities.
  4. When the feature originates where the line of life begins, this indicates life difficulties in the early years of life.

Reading the lines on the palm of the palm, the value on the right hand (or active) will open the events that will occur in the future. All of them will become a natural result of the acceptance of certain solutions, so a person should pay special attention to the person.

On the left hand, you can judge what will happen by the will of fateIf it is to give in to the flow.

Minor lines on hand

Line secondary value is not found at all. Deciphering signs together with the main features you can make a more complete and informative map of life (so the chirromates call the whole process of reading hand).

For example, a line of wealth that forms a triangle, sitting between the features of fate and the mind.

If she is clear and even, it speaks of a stable financial situation, and in combination with a pronounced line of fate, it can be assumed that a person will acquire wealth thanks to a successful career.

However, the cause of welfare may be marriage, receiving an inheritance or successful intention, for example - lottery. More clarity in reading will bring other lines on which the corresponding marks will be.

There is another secondary trait - guardian angel line. This sign talks about luckSuch people are lucky in any situations, and the troubles bypass them.

The mark on the hand is located in parallel with the line of life, but shifted closer to the thumb, sitting on his hill. It can be expressed or barely noticeable, but the very fact of her presence is a good sign.

When the guardian angel line is on an inactive palm - this means that a person at birth and the whole life is given a patronage, if the line on the right hand, then over time it can disappear.

This means that protection against failures is provided with fate for a while and should be used with the mind.

Romantic relations and marriage - read by hand

The line of marriage is a horizontal trait under the little finger, by the way, there may be several. Clear, deep signs indicate marriage or marriage, weak - on romantic relationships.

If the sign is interrupted - this indicates a divorce or temporary break of relationships, double lines talk about relations with two partners at the same time.

The separation is judged by the presence of development, the reason for this may be a long business trip or coincidence.

Vertical dashes from this line indicate how many people have children. Moreover, on the left (or inactive) hand, you can find out that it is destined for fate, and on the right - what a decision will take a person. Therefore, the number and position of signs on different palms is different.

There is one more Line associated with family relationships - Damage Damus. It is angry with the base of the patient's finger. The lack of such talks about a strong family life either about its absence.

Full information about fate can be obtained only after analyzing various lines, often different features are talking about the same, or vice versa, contradict each other.

It is worth paying attention to other signs, such as a marriage line. Moreover, the analysis should be carried out on both palms, not always, what is destined, it happens in life, sometimes cool solutions help to avoid annoying errors.

The results of the decryption cannot be reed 100%, A map of fate should be perceived as recommendations, tips, instructions. Chiromantia does not apply to the list of approved sciences, but this teaching was built for a very long time.

For decades, people collected and analyzed the information, created a certain statistic, so it cannot be considered as a kind of fortune telling. Thus, she has every reason for use in practice.

What do the lines on the palm say:

Value on the right hand, which means lines on the palm of the left hand:

If you look at your palms, you will see there mysterious lines located in a specific order. Few, who thinks what they are denoted. And if they think about, or something was read somewhere, they do not believe in all this nonsense.

Meanwhile, experienced practitioners cooperate even with secret services, because it can be very easy to decipher the palm of any person, to tell everything in detail about his life, about his small and high weaknesses, psychological characteristics, open its future.

These mysterious lines on the palm of each person have noticed ancient people. They also compared the events in the life of a person with changes in the drawing on his hands. Surprised the ancients and the fact that the drawing of the palms in all people is absolutely different. One palm is absolutely not like another.

So, the science was born about reading lines on the palm, which we call the mysterious word of the Hiromantia.
Usually, newcomers in the chiromantia are only interested in the line of life. It is for it that it is believed to be predicted by the duration of the life of each individual.

Where and how to look a line of life?

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Life line is the same line that comes out of the head of the head and, rich the hill of Venus, descends down to the wrist. Although, who has like. Some it is so short that only the middle of the palm reaches, and then it happens. Others this line does not go straight down, but bends and wraps to the right to the hill of the moon.

Life line full decryption

Universal misconception - assume that it is through the line of life that the duration of human life is determined. Although somehow we had to see a little girl with such a short line of life, which, according to our estimates, did not reach 20 years of life. So it happened.

That girl died at 18, along with his boyfriend tragic and ridiculous death.

It also happened to see and very strong with the superb health of a man who had a smooth deep clear and very long line of life, and also the same companion next to her. Such a line could promise it to the owner that he lives at a minimum, up to 120 years.

However, this man died in 68 years old, although it was not natural death in the full sense of the word - a man died of damage to his death.

So, you have already understood that a flat deep clear and very long line of life without dots and islets says that its owner was lucky to have a good health and the same reinforced concrete psyche. It is difficult to remove it. It can withstand serious psychological loads, has a strong will and very hardy, in any sense of the word.

Two lines of life on hand

The presence of its satellite at the line of life (this is exactly the same line running next to the line of life in the same direction) shows that this individual also has a beautiful genetics that helps him in life very much.

In addition, a person with such a hand is extremely extraordinary personality and has the strongest energy capable of self-set and pull out itself from the most difficult situations.

People who are able to raise themselves from a wheelchair, it is most often individuals with such a life stripe. They are considered lucky and balovses of fate. Waiting for people and brilliant military careers. And if your lines are also reddish, then you are too loving, and the energy is spending on the opposite floor.

If you are such a person, remember that there are too much envious around you, beware. As we wrote, a person with such a stunning line of life and the most powerful energy sent to the world with a very strong damage to death.

What does the line of life on hand mean?

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If your line is thin, barely noticeable, then you are too distinctive and impressionable, possessing, most likely weak health and an unstable psyche. Such people are easy prey for energy vampires. So bad, you are constantly disturbing and are afraid of something, and here you also "suck" every day more viable and strong individuals than you. It can be said that you often cry, sleep badly and long "chew" every vital problem.

Life line in chiromantia

If your line of life is very close to the thumb, then you are depressive and changing. This farther she is from the hill of Venus, the more cheerful and energetic you are more cheerful.

Many people think that if they have gaps on their lifestyles, it means a sudden death, although this is not so. Raznits say that the personality changes, other views appear on life. Man in the end. Maybe dramatically change its life 180 degrees and go completely in another direction. Often next to such ruptures are short lines on the side of the hill of Venus. These are peculiar insurance so that you do not happen to anything bad.

That's when you see gaps on both hands in the same place, here it is already necessary to melted. This is a sign of possible accidents.
Points and crosses, which occur often on this line, also most likely indicate a certain dangerous situation and in difficulty with health.

If there is a cross at the very end of your life line, expect an old age.
The triangle sign can be interpreted in different ways. If he is near the line of life, then unexpected profits will fall on you (winning the lottery). This geometric shape, located on the line itself, indicates a danger from the fire.

Do you have an unusual life strip starting with Jupiter's Bugger? Congratulations, you have the opportunity to achieve an outstanding position in the life. But the ambitiousness is shrinking.

If your life strip is crossed by small thin stripes, then you are too emotional. Your life is solid nerves and experiences.

A very dangerous sign when 3 lines are connected to a life strip) head, heart and life). Such personalities are meaninglessly risk and sooner or later find a sudden and fast death.
If only the line of life and head is connected on the palm, this is a sign of a person insecure and very careful.

Designation of lines of life in children

Interpretation of lines on hand in children will be slightly different with the way this happens in adults. Since the future of the child has not yet been imposed, you should not look at his right hand (if the child is right-handed, and vice versa).
Take a better look at the left palm of your Chad, there you will see what is laid in it, its innate features.
The prediction of children's hands makes it even the fact that signs in children's palms are short and grow along with how the child grows.

Do not worry if the line of life on your child's hand is short. Predict at such a young age with accuracy is impossible. The line will grow with time, will become clearer and large other signs, then look.

Otherwise, you will cheat yourself and program the unenviable fate of your child.
Homorates in such cases urge to calm down, as well as take advantage of the Council of the famous Astrologer Paul Globes on how to lengthen your own life and the life of your child in the presence of a short line of life on both palms.

Islet on the line of life on hand

The presence of islands (in the form of circles) on the line of life may indicate problems with vision. The presence of quite large islets on your line indicates the possibility of dangerous diseases. And the more island, the more dangerous the disease. Squares are as if insurance.

If there is a gap on the line of life, and there is a square in this break, and your line comes out of it and continues your movement, then this is a reason to be glad - you will overcome all your difficulties and remain the winner.
Dangerous sign on life - grille.

Hand is your fate

Often it points to a prison sentence, although it can be marked and simply some restriction, for example, service in the army or study at a closed school.
If multiple branch lines go from the drawing of your strip of life, pay attention to which direction they are directed. If up - then your energy is constantly accumulated. Down - you always lose vitality.

on the right

It is believed that the leading hand in a person right if he is right. And left - if he is left-hand. Usually, all the signs are watching the main hand, which means that right. On the right hand, all actions that a person accomplished during his life, and the events that happened to him were reflected. In other words, the right hand indicates the present and future of the individual.

on the left

The left hand in the usual right does not lead the lead, which means that there are not the events, but a mental plan of a person (that is, his thoughts).
From here we can conclude that on your left hand can be told about the human past.

Short line of life

To date, the chirromants call people not to worry if they found a very short line of life in their palms. It is believed that such a line simply indicates the absence of a stormy temperament, about its restraint and some coldness.

If your strip is broken and shifted very much to the thumb, get ready for death.
To find out how old or another event will happen at what age, share your life line for a segment of 1.5 mm (this corresponds to 1 year of life).

Famous astrologer Pavel Globa offered his own extension of life if your strip is too short. He recommends buying a red handle and draw a line of life every day on his hand, what you want to see her. This procedure must be seen for a long time until the space of your fate will change for the better.

Then you will find out in surprise that your life strip lengthened by itself, has become clearer and deep. This is, according to the astrologer, a reliable way to change fate.
Sometimes it happens that the life strip disappears dramatically from the palm of the person, the chirromants in this case are predicted by paralysis.

However, we met people who had a paralysis, but the line of life was not doing anywhere, but continued to be as long and smooth without any signs and breaks.
All this suggests that all signs on the palm need to be viewed in the complex and without tearing apart. Otherwise you can only scare yourself.

In addition, if I have a meek strip on your palm, you should pay special attention to your health, to eat correctly, to be examined in time, do not climb into dangerous situations. Then there is a good chance to lengthen your life.

And even having a gorgeous long line of life on his hand, you can manage to die before the deadline when you have a fear of yourself and your health, as well as excessive self-confidence.

Life line splits

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If the short line of life is also splitted at the end, we can say that a person lacks energy for life, and he is constantly sluggish and tired.
If your life strip splits and turns to the hill of the Moon, this is a direct pointer to the fact that in your life you will travel a lot and often change the place of residence. If on both hands the line splits, then emigration is waiting for you. Your life you graduate from a foreign land.
If the string is not at the bottom, but at the top, it predicts the patronage of the strengths of this world.

Center of Life Line

We have already told you higher how to measure the line of life. With this technique, you can find the life strip center. In the center of the Lifestyle signs are especially important in the event of human existence. Therefore, they need to be monitored especially intently.

It is known that during life the length and outlines of the lines on hand can change. Of course, everyone wants to have perfect lines and signs on hand, everyone wants to be the balobs of fate. However, not everyone is obtained. It is important to remember that life can be changed. All in the hands of a person.

Photos of Life Line

Line of life on hand photos of all signs

Life line on hand can suggest a lot of information. First, consider the lifestyle break. First, you need to compare the left and right hands. If the gap is present only on the left hand, it has a purely theoretical character. More difficult, if the right hand line has a gap.

If she gradually be sinking and it comes to no, it means a disease. If there are no signs yet, a person needs to do primarily spiritual development. Because the roots of all diseases are deep in the subconscious.

Signs of gifted people

Look, whether the line continues After it is not available. If it continues, then through the gap. The larger the distance of the cliff, the more difficult it will be to get out of difficulties.

It happens that the line of life is broken and again begins Aside with the initial channel of movement. If the new line begins closer to the center of the palm, this gap is considered an internal gap, and it carries positive characteristics. The person will receive external support for continuing the life path.

If the line of life is restored Closer to the hill of Venus, this gap is considered an external gap. He means that a person will have to look for resources within himself to continue his own life. If this sign is present, it is better to do self-knowledge and self-development even before fate takes the throat of the external rupture.

Another sign of trouble - The line of life is being sophisticated, and in addition she crosses her comet (see signs on hand). This is a clear sign of serious trouble. For example, in the case submitted case, a man got into a serious accident, after which he hardly survived. More than 10 years have passed since those sweat, but a person still remembers this case with his shudder.

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