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Divination on a wedding ring. Fortune telling or prediction of the future on a ring with a thread

People began to guess by the rings since ancient times. With the help of simple actions, almost any girl could find out her future life, how many children she would have, how many times she would get married, and so on.

In fortune telling, the most important thing is faith. A fortuneteller must fully believe that the prediction will come true. If you doubt even a little about the veracity of fortune-telling, then it is better not to guess, but to postpone this matter for later.

You can't guess on Mondays. The best time for this is Friday evening. During fortune-telling, one should not be distracted, there should be perfect peace and quiet around, therefore, it is necessary that no one bothers you at this time, it is desirable that you are absolutely alone in the room at the time of fortune-telling. It's good if there is a cat nearby. Below are some simple examples of divination with a ring.

Fortune telling with a ring with a thread

  • If the ring touches the right edge of the glass, this means that the wish will certainly come true:
  • And if the ring touches the left side - alas, your wish will not come true.

Take the ring out of the glass and put it on your finger and sleep with it all night without removing it. Everything that is dreamed in a dream will come true.

Guessing the ring for the future groom

There are many different methods of divination by the groom using a ring. We'll look at three different ways here.

The first way: Take a wedding ring and a glass of water. Place 2 candles next to the glass and light them. Put the thread with the ring suspended on it into the glass (so that the ring does not come into contact with water). Now listen to the tapping of the ring on the edge of the glass, by these tapping you can make out the name of the future betrothed. And if you cannot make out the name, then count the number of times the ring knocked on the walls, it is after so many years that you wait for your wedding.

Second way: wait until midnight, take an ordinary glass (no patterns, with a flat and smooth bottom), pour water into it and throw a ring in the middle of the bottom, then try to peer into the reflection in the water, you should see the face of your betrothed there.

Third way: at midnight, take the wedding ring from your mom or girlfriend, light a candle. Peer into the candle flame through the ring, in it you should see the image of the betrothed.

Divination by the ring in the water

It is advisable to guess in this way in winter, but if you don't want to wait for winter, then just a freezer will do. Before you go to bed, take a glass of water, put the ring in there and leave it in the cold or in the freezer. And when you wake up, look at how the water froze.

  • If the ice on the surface is smooth, this promises success in the future;
  • There are bumps and / or pits, then with their help you can find out how many children you will have in the future: by the dimples we determine the number of daughters, by the bumps we determine the number of sons.

Divination by the ring and the alphabet

Copy the entire alphabet onto paper. Take any thread, thread a ring through it and hold it over the alphabet paper. As soon as the ring starts swinging, watch which letters it points to. In this way, you can read your future.

Fortune telling with rings for wealth

You need to take four different rings:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • copper;
  • with a semi-precious stone.

Place the rings on a flat surface such as a table or floor. Ask someone to blindfold, spin, and guide you to the rings. You only need to take one ring from the table. By which ring you pick up, determine your prosperity in the future.

  • Gold ring - rich life;
  • Silver - small profit;
  • Copper - finances will be exactly the same as at the moment;
  • With a stone - permanent losses.

Another way of fortune telling. You need a glass, a ring and a string (white). Take only your ring, you should have worn it for at least seven days. Pour in half a glass of water. Thread the thread into the ring and lower it into the glass so that the ring does not touch the water. Ask the ring the question: "How old will I have a wedding?" Look into the water, and count how many times the ring knocks off the walls of the glass - wait for the wedding in so many years. If the ring does not loosen or knocks, then you need to postpone the fortune-telling for later.

You can ask absolutely any questions, just so that the answer to the question is a number.

Divination with a ring, bread and a hook

Take the ring, bread and hook, put them on the floor and cover with a handkerchief, so that it is impossible to guess where what is. Get one of the items at random, and use it to identify your groom:

  • If you took the ring, your betrothed will be a dandy;
  • Bread - the groom will be rich;
  • The hook is poor.

Divination with rings and rump

The girlfriends gather in a room, and each puts her ring in a sieve. When all the girls put their rings down, they are covered with any cereal, then each of the girls must take a handful of cereals:

  • If there is a ring in a handful, a wedding is coming soon;
  • A handful without a ring - not to be married for another year;
  • And if a girl comes across her own ring, this is a very good sign and means a long and happy marriage.

Divination with ring, bread, brush and cigarette

Take a piece of bread, a ring, a cigarette, and a brush. Cover each item with a cloth so that it is impossible to guess where, what item is. Offer the person you are guessing to choose any item:

  • If you come across a ring - the future groom will be a dandy;
  • Got bread - you live with the new Russian;
  • The brush is a simple person;
  • Cigarette - the groom will smoke a lot.

Divination with a ring, chain and earring

Take a glass and pour clean water into it, leave the glass in the cold. When the water hardens, put a ring, an earring and a chain on the formed ice. Then wait for the ice to begin to melt and observe that of the objects placed on it in front will fall to the bottom.

Almost every girl dreamed of her prince on a white horse, representing not only his appearance, but also character traits. Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity has the opportunity to look into the future, using interesting things on her future husband. There are many different options with different items used. What unites them is that it is important to believe in a positive result.

Interesting fortune-telling for the future spouse

An important recommendation - do not tell anyone that you want to use magic, as the result may be false. Fortune-telling can be carried out on any day, but the greatest efficiency can be achieved on the days before the holidays: on New Year's, Christmas or Epiphany. It is best to start fortune telling in the evening or at night. It is important that no one is at home. For fortune telling, you need to use a ring that has passed the wedding ceremony. If you managed to get jewelry of non-blood relatives, then it is important to carry out a purification rite. To do this, immerse the ring in ice water for a few minutes.

Fortune telling on a ring with hair

Take a glass and pour 2/3 running water into it. Thread the ring through your own hair and hold it with your index finger and thumb. It is important that the ends of the hair do not protrude. Bring the ring to a glass of water and rest your elbow on the table. Dip the ring several times in water and hold it at the level of the glass rim. Now you can ask questions about your future husband, for example, "will I soon meet my soul mate." It is important that the answer is either yes or no. Having asked a question, see how the ring will behave, if it moves to the sides or back and forth, then the answer is negative, and the movement in a circle means that it is positive. If the ring has stopped, then the answer to the question is currently unknown, and you need to wait. You can also ask numerical questions such as "how old will my husband be." In this case, it is necessary to count the number of hits of the ring on the glass. After each answer to a question, you need to dip the ring in water to clean it. You need to finish the fortune-telling at the moment when the hair slipped out or broke.

Divination by the ring and grain

Take any deep container and pour grains into it, fill about half of the volume. For fortune-telling, you need to take several rings:

  • ring - the husband will be rich;
  • silver - wealth will be average;
  • copper - the husband will be poor;
  • engagement - the relationship will be for love.
  • Put them in the groats and mix well. Despite, lower your hand and pick up a handful of grain, which ring was there for that and you have to get married.

Divination with a ring and a photograph

You need to take a silver ring without stones and thread a thread through it. Tie the ends on a knot and, holding on to it, bring the ring to the photograph of the chosen one. Place your elbow on the table to keep your arm stationary. Think of the object of adoration and watch the ring. If it moves in a circle, then expect a wedding and the relationship between you is built on love. When the ring moves to the sides, this is an indication of parting. If the ring does not move, then there is uncertainty at the moment.

Divination on the wedding ring

Take your wedding ring and think about the future chosen one. Then drop it on the floor and see where it rolls. If the ring went to the door, it means that soon everything will change in your personal life and you can prepare for. If it rolled to the window, then it’s not time yet and it’s worth waiting a little.

Divination on the ring for marriage

Take a regular glass and fill it halfway with water. Lower your wedding ring there. Without blinking, peer into the water, the appearance of the betrothed should appear there.

Divination on a wedding ring is one of the most popular ways to open the veil of secrecy and find out the future. It is used by both professional sorcerers and ordinary people. The ring will answer many questions of interest, but most often they are guessing about the betrothed and family life.

The circle has long been endowed with sacred properties. The figure without beginning or end became a symbol of infinity, and the space inside it was considered a kind of portal through which one can look into the future.

To seal the marriage, they began to use rings as a sign of eternal love and fidelity. After the exchange of such accessories between lovers, an unbreakable bond arises, in which everyone transfers a piece of soul to their soul mate.

From time immemorial, lovers have been holding the union with rings. Today, not everyone wears a wedding jewelry on their finger due to unacceptable working conditions for jewelry or because of unwillingness to demonstrate their marital status, but they try to preserve the symbol of love.

With photo

Such a ritual will tell if the lovers will be together. A pendulum with a ring is held over a photograph of a loved one.

If the ring starts spinning, the relationship will develop and possibly lead to a wedding. Side-to-side movements indicate that the couple has no future.

On the floor of the child

To find out the sex of the unborn child, the pregnant woman is laid on a couch. A pendulum is placed over the tummy.

Idea! The thread decoration can be held not only over the belly, but also over the palm of a woman who is expecting a baby.

The movement of the ring in a circle indicates the imminent birth of a girl. If the pendulum swings from side to side, expect an heir.

For the number of children

They guess on the number of children and their gender and those who are not expecting a child at the moment. To do this, the one whose fate is predicted sits down and stretches his hand forward, palm up so that the thumb is at a right angle.

The fortuneteller places the pendulum over the center of the palm, then transfers it to the area between the palm and the thumb and lowers and raises it three times. Next, the thread decoration is returned to the center of the palm.

The nature of the movements is used to judge the future:

  • the pendulum stands still- the person will not have children;
  • revolves- will be the first girl;
  • moves in a straight line- boy.

The ritual is repeated several times to find out the sex of the first, second and subsequent children, as well as the number of heirs. If the pendulum stops moving after the first session, the person will have one child, if after the second - two.

With hair

Fortune-telling helps to find out about the existence of a rival. They take three women's hair, preferably from their head, and hang a ring on them. If the curls of the fortuneteller are not long enough, you can ask a relative or close friend for hair.

With such a pendulum, they go out into the street at midnight, turn their faces to the north and say: "Ring, show your rivals the porch." If the device does not move, the girl does not have to worry: her beloved is faithful to her.

Swinging the pendulum indicates treason. In which direction the structure moves, the rival lives there.

Useful video

From time immemorial, people have been trying to foresee their future with the help of fortune telling, and the ancient fortune telling on a wedding ring is very popular. About one of the ways in this video:


Many people take the results of magical rituals seriously and become desperate if they do not receive the desired answer to their questions. Don't be upset. It is better to remember that everyone builds their own destiny and by their actions is able to influence the future.

Many people use magic to achieve love or achieve happiness in relationships with loved ones, not really knowing what it is. Magic is an unpredictable thing, and at times, terrible and cruel. She is very far from love and happiness. Love spells, which are elements of black magic, have unpleasant consequences for everyone who is involved in them, and not only for them. People close to them suffer, health and well-being are lost, the earth is slipping from under their feet. It is impossible to find love with the help of a love spell, but only you can get suffering and unhappiness.

The ring has long been a symbol of eternal love. It also denotes infinity, since there is no beginning or end in it. The spouses wear rings to each other, swearing an oath of eternal love. The ring is presented as a gift to loved ones as a symbol of affection for a person. This item can become a powerful talisman and an effective amulet. In magic, the ring is a symbol of perfection and immortality. With its help, you can look into the future, as well as spoil and bewitch.

You should not accept a ring from a person you don't know as a gift. You can run into such troubles that it will not seem a little. A ring is such a thing that you need to be very careful with.

The love spell on the ring is in demand and is considered very effective, but it is worth remembering that not a single love spell ritual goes without consequences, although it is carried out from sincere motives. Submitting a person to his will against his will, one cannot achieve his love, but one can only harm him and himself. It is worth thinking carefully before bewitching someone, the reckoning will come necessarily and at the most inopportune moment. And you should also know that bewitching your beloved man without consequences will not work, no matter what they say to you.

Divination with a ring and a thread is very old and known to almost everyone. Our ancestors also resorted to this fortune-telling to resolve various life issues. It is quite simple in execution and does not require something supernatural - you need a thread (in the original you used your own hair), and, in fact, the ring itself, sometimes a container with water is also used for fortune telling, but this is not necessary.

Preparing for fortune telling

The ring, in theory, should belong to the fortuneteller, but you can take any other. If someone else's ring is taken, then first you need to charge it with your own energy, and this is why you need a container with clean water. The ring is immersed in water for a while - a couple of hours is enough. The ring itself should be made of precious materials, ideally gold, it should be without engravings and should not be decorated with stones. A wedding ring is ideal, but single people can use ordinary rings, as long as they fit in all parameters.

The best day for this fortune-telling is Friday, but fortune-telling can be done on days other than Monday. The ritual is best performed in the evening, and ideally at night. The room must be empty and the electric lighting must be turned off, only dim candle light is allowed. Before the fortune-telling itself, the fortuneteller must take off all jewelry, as well as church accessories, no rings, no chains, no bracelets should remain on the body. If a woman is wondering, then it is best to loose the hair and, in general, remove all the belts and belts - nothing should tie the clothes.

Next, an ordinary thread is taken, according to tradition, in general, they used the hair from the fortuneteller's head, but if the length of the hair does not allow this, then a simple thread will do. With a thread fifteen to twenty centimeters long, a ring is tied on one side, and the other part of the thread is left free, thus, a kind of fortune-telling instrument is obtained - a pendulum. The resulting pendulum must first be tuned up and charged with the energy of the one to whom they are guessing. To do this, you need to hold the finished pendulum in your palms for several minutes, thinking about something specific.

The interpretation of fortune-telling

Further, for a correct interpretation, it is necessary to adjust the work of the pendulum itself, that is, to determine which movement will correspond to a certain answer - positive or negative. To do this, you need to take a ring with a thread in such a way that one free end of it is in the arm extended above the flat surface, and the other end, on which the attached ring is located, is above the surface itself and takes a calm position and does not move.

First, you need to ask a few simple generalized questions, the answer to which will be unequivocal - "yes" or "no". As simple questions, such questions are suitable, the answers to which are obvious and known, for example, if a woman is wondering, then she asks: - "Am I a woman?" or - "Do I have children?" After the question is asked, you need to observe the reaction of the pendulum - namely, how it moves to the question with positive and negative answers - in a circle or in a straight line. If the movement is not definite, and it is impossible to understand a clear answer, then this means that there is still no answer to this question, fortune-telling should be postponed for another time.

Divination technique

When the pendulum is tuned, and everything is ready for the very fortune-telling, then you need to bring the pendulum to its original position and mentally clearly formulate the question of interest and then carefully follow in which direction the pendulum is moving. When the movements of the pendulum become clear and definite, then we can assume that the answer to the question asked has been received.

It is not worth asking too many questions in one fortune-telling session, the information may be confused, and a reliable answer will not work. At a time, it is enough to ask a couple or three questions, the answers to which haunt.

Before each new question, you need to stop the movement of the pendulum and return it to its original position. You need to carefully concentrate on a specific issue, mentally imagine the circumstances, time and its participants. Undoubtedly, with such concentration and observing all the conditions, the answers to the questions posed will be given correctly and definitely.

Thus, fortune telling on a ring and a string is simple and accessible to everyone. In addition, it is really interesting and do not forget that a pendulum constructed in this way is the most common thing for psychics, it is a traditional object that has won a worthy place in their activities.