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Orthodox holidays in the Christmas post. Last week post. What can be done in christmas post

During the Christmas post there is physical and spiritual preparation of a person to the Great Holiday of the Nativity of Christ. In order to meet a bright day with a clean heart and an open soul, during the abstinence period you need to stick to a number of rules that have become centuries.

The christmas post falls annually at the same time - from November 28 to January 6. Before the start of the post, the church is honored by the memory of St. Philip, so the post is often called "Filippov".

From the first day of the post and to the Christmas Eve, it is necessary to refrain from food of animal origin. The strictest ban is imposed on some products: meat, eggs and dairy products can not be used in any day. However, certain dishes that are prohibited in more stringent posts, during the preparation for Christmas are allowed: for example, on weekends and in the days of religious holidays, you can eat fish, on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, it is possible to cook food on vegetation oil. For certain dates, the use of a small amount of red wine is allowed.

The complexity consists in the seasonal position of the post. As a rule, in winter the body is required much more nutrientsthan at other times of the year. Before you decide on such a step, you should carefully analyze the condition of your body - if there is a risk, it is better not to deny yourself in some products. The church allows the rest of the post for children and people with troubled health.

But to retreat from the post in new Year's Eve The church does not advise. But also impose lenten menu Non-fasting family members should not - Best to collect the table where there will be rapid, and lean dishes.

In the past two days, the post should be aggravated by the abstinence: do not allow themselves any excesses and reduce the amount of portion. Before the onset of the Christmas tree, it is necessary to fully refrain from food, and in the evening, to deal with a special dish of rice and wheat - with a composite.

It is necessary to remember that the post is not a diet and not checking endurance. This is a period of reinforced work on your inner world, rethinking their actions, repentance in sins. During the post, you can not allow yourself negative emotions And bad thoughts. You should not often attend entertainment activities, conflict with others, especially with loved ones. It is necessary to make godly affairs - it is more likely to pray, help people with advice and affairs. Only if physical abstinence is combined with a strengthened self-control and spiritual life, the post will clean and the body and the soul.

Fall right and get ready to meet a bright holiday. We wish you good luck, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

30.11.2015 00:10

A Christmas post is coming - a period in which believers are cleaned with a soul and body, preparing for the Great ...

Power calendar for Christmas post will tell you how to diversify the menu. List of dishes for the whole family on ...

In a series of Christian holidays, Christmas occupies the second largest place after Easter. When God's child was born in poor Bethlehem, the angels in heaven would have incense this joyful news of the world. The Son of God accepted the human nature, embodied in a defenseless infant to save humanity from ultrasound sin.

There is no man on Earth, who would not have experienced the wonderful magic of the Christmas night. This holiday opens the veil over the intimate essence of life, breaks the cover of everydayness, gives the feeling of a never-ending holiday. To the essence of what is happening to understand in all depth, you need to clean the soul with repentance. The most important tool for this is the post. Christmas lasts almost like, exactly 40 days - from November 28 to January 6 inclusive. It was installed in the first centuries of Christianity, at the Cathedral of 1166.

Christmas post 2018-2019: What can I eat and from what to refuse

The Christmas post, like the other three, has a valve or canoon - November 27. On this day, the Church commetes the Apostle Philip. Popular and coming after the post call Philippov or Philippovka. The winning is the last day when it is allowed to eat meat, dairy food, eggs. It is accepted to transfer to the previous day if it falls on Wednesday or Friday. But in 2018 it will be Tuesday.

The essence of any post is to put the spiritual in our human nature above the physical. It is easiest to achieve this easier to refrain the flesh, including the restriction of yourself in food. Therefore, the gastronomic component is so important. But it should be remembered that without prayer post becomes an ordinary diet.

Rules of food restriction strict. But a power scheme in the Christmas post is quite simple:

Wednesday and Friday - food without vegetable oil, that is, drying.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday - food cooked on vegetable oil.
Saturday and Sunday - fish dishes are added to ordinary lean food.

Wine can be drunk in all days except Wednesday and Friday. But to use it in a small quantity, to maintain the spirit, and not for fun.

According to the charter, the fish is allowed only on Saturday and Sunday, but many conformists allow the laity to consume it on all days, except for the medium and Friday.

Holidays in which the post is laughing

For the period of the Christmas post, there are also ten holidays, when the post is allowed to send a little, that is, even on Wednesday and Friday to file boiled food and fish to the table:

December 4, Sunday. Introduction to the temple Blessed Virgin Mary - The third largest Virgin holiday, referred to as the third most meticulous.
November 29, Tuesday. Matthew of the Apostle.
December 2, Friday. Filaret, Moscow Saint.
December 6, Tuesday. Mitrofan, Voronezh Saint.
December 10, Saturday - Icons of the Virgin "Sign".
December 13, Tuesday. Andrei, the first-hearted apostle.
December 17, Saturday. Great Martyr Varvara.
December 18, Sunday, St. Sava Savda consecrated.
December 19, Monday. Memory Nicholas Wonderworker.

But, as you can see, this year only the Filaret of the Moscow Filaret falls out of general rules post.

How fasting to meet New Year

One of the most joyful holidays is on the Christmas post - the new year. What can I eat? New Year's Eve is allowed to drink some wine and eat fish. You can cook. But in the merry, it is necessary to observe moderation so as not to allow him to turn into a rampant.

It is important to go to the temple and stand up on prayer, thank God for the past year and ask for the blessing to the coming. If you want to watch TV, it is better to choose a good family movie. Jokes and excessive fun in the post are inappropriate. Yes, and in importance, Christmas and New Year are not comparable.

Willhole and Holy Evening

Finishes Christmas - the most serious time for the rigor of abstinence. Many believers try nothing before the first star. In the temples are the services of Christmas eve. An ended in the middle of the temple of a big candle symbolizes the Bethlehem Star. After returning their temple, it is already possible to eat cochiva - welded wheat grains with honey.

Dinner on the eve of Christmas is called the Holy Evening. It is accepted to meet with the whole family. On the table - 12 lean dishes, most importantly of which are Casca. It is prepared from woven wheat grains with the addition of poppy, honey, raisins and nuts. From this dish begin to the meal. Everyone has to eat it at least on a spoon.

How to get out of the Christmas post

It is necessary to leave the post carefully, without overloading the body. In the diet must be low-fat dairy products, steam oslet. As for meat dishes, in the first days, let it be a boiled chicken or turkey, beef Language. Only in a week it will be possible to return to the usual power mode.

One of the rules of the post - a lean food for quality should not exceed the existence. Therefore, the replacement of the rapid products by post delicacies is nothing more than a useful diet. Such a post church is unacceptable. In ancient times, the money saved on the purchase of rapid products was distributed as alms. Lion Great said this: "For the generosity of God, we must thank generosity to the poor."

About the measure of the post

Measure in each person has their own. Someone can live on bread and water, and someone for health care is needed meat food. The church at all times was condescending to human nonsense. That's right, from the point of view of abstinence from food, the person who is always a little hungry will suffer. Even if there are existed food in its diet.

I need to fast, counting your capabilities and not exceeding them. The Church adopted a lean charter in essence of his monastery. Relaxation is made for the laity. It is best to consult with the priest. And if there are diseases - then with a doctor, his word and will be a measure of fasting.

Also you need to know

On restrictions in food and admissible relaxing

Question: Please tell me what kind of drying is? And what posts are strict, and which are not.

Answer: Drying is to bind food without a rude, i.e. Oil. Strict posts - Great and Uspensky. But about the post you need to think only if there is some spiritual experience. Today, many people drawn to faith are decided to join christian life Because begins to fast, and especially the great post. At the same time, they do not go to the temple and do not read prayers, and one solid diet is obtained from such a post. The post makes sense as abstaining Christ for the sake of both in bodily pleasures, and in spiritual entertainment. And the essence of the post is not in abstinence as such, but in the fact that we do it for the sake of obedience to the church and loyalty to Christ. We do not just do not eat meat and making and fish products In the post, but by raising his will in Malom, we are loyalty to God and readiness for the tests that can comprehend us and in the big one. At the same time, of course, if a person fastens, he must remember that his strength liberated from him (as less time is held for dining table And the TV) is very important to turn to the spiritual life and benefit from other people. After all, if he does not watch TV, but it's just idle on the sofa, the benefits of such an abstinence will not be.

Question: Is the statement true that everyone chooses the post bye? I know a man who brought himself to the hospital and undermined his health. Is it already somehow wrong?

Answer: In the church charter, the time of use and quality of lean food is clearly depicted. The post softens in relation to sick, pregnant women, nursing, traveling. In any case, wanting to observe the post, and know his measure for myself, consult with the confessor, tell him about my spiritual and physical condition And ask for a blessing for the post.

Question: I am 12 years old, I heard that up to 14 years on Wednesday and Friday (and during any other post, except for the medium and friday in Great post) You can hug dairy food. Is it so?

Answer: The question of the flow of the disciplines of the post is set by each believer with its confessor. This discipline depends on many circumstances: from age, health status, measures of our dependence on others and many other things. Indeed, in many cases, students of medium and higher educational institutions with the spiritists are given a relaxation for dairy food on Wednesday and Friday or in other cases and in multi-day posts. But the relaxation cannot be given me through the Internet, but should be solved by you specifically with your confessor.

Question: I need to go through an ultrasound examination of the stomach, revealing the so-called "trial breakfast" of two eggs, is it permissible in the post?

Answer: Medications of food in their own sense are not. And if the medical examination requires the filling of the stomach of the Eggs protein, then it is worth filing the stomach with this protein, perceiving it in this case is not like meal, but as a necessary medicine.

Question: I am engaged in bodybuilding. Used sports nutrition: Protein, amino acids. Immediately I will say - it is not steroids. Is it permissible to use sports nutrition during the post?

Answer: If a we are talking About lean nutrition, permissible. And if about bifhtexes with blood, then, of course, it would be rather strange to eat them into the great heels.

Question: Is it possible to post only the first and last week? And is it possible to eat bread during the post?

Answer: With respect to the second part of your question, the answer is simple: the bread can be, ordinary, not siny bread and not on the oil cooked, not dubbed pies, - ordinary simple bread.

As for compliance with the post only in the first and last week - if we are talking about a hard-sick person suffering diabetes, Tuberculosis in the third degree, dystonia, anemia, then, of course, for such a church knows the mitigation of the discipline of the post. But from others who, those who are convicted by Orthodox Christians, expects the execution of the post not selective, and whenever it prescribes the charter of the church.

Question: I have a girlfriend, deeply believing and strictly observing all posts. However, it is seriously ill, she has a severe degree of physical exhaustion, and doctors are strongly recommended to eat well. All her relatives and friends are trying to convince her that, refusing to meat and dairy food, she actually commits suicide, and this scary sin. Advise what can be taken in such a situation.

Answer: The church, of course, establishes a body post as a measure of abstinence for people healthy or at least relatively healthy, bearing in mind that it is a means, first of all, raising us spiritually, and, secondly, by some way, smoosing our bodily passions. A person is seriously sicking to a large extent and so smoomed by the bad nature, therefore, of course, in the case of a severe or chronic or suddenly, the disease of the mesa of a bodily post of the church and canons of church was always softened and softened. Therefore, it can be recommended to your girlfriend not to refuse at least from certain types of food that doctors recommend to her, but instead aggravate their spiritual post instead. Or, suppose, abandon those kinds of food, which is not necessary for medical, but to which it has addiction.

About other restrictions

Question: Tell me, please, can you cut your hair during the post?

Answer: Everything is good in moderation, so if the hair is shaking or not long hair For a long time to wash and thoroughly combing, then of course, it is better to crash. But to restore some special beauty for the sake of attracting persons of the opposite sex in the post, maybe it would not be necessary.

Question: What to look into the post TV and listen to the radio can not question any questions, but is it possible to watch TV only one brief news on the day?

Answer: Dear Andrei, was in the life of the reverend senior Siluan Athossky such a case: one monk said something read in the newspaper and, turning to the old man, asked: "And you, Father Siluan, what do you say about this?" "I, Batyushka, I do not like newspapers and newspaper news," he replied. - "Why is that?" "" Because reading newspapers overshadows mind and prevents purely pray. " "Strange, says the monk. - In my opinion, on the contrary, the newspapers help pray. We live here in the desert, we do not see anything, and so the soul gradually forgets about the world, closes in yourself, and the prayer is weakening from this ... I, when I read the newspapers, I see how the world lives and how people suffer, and from it There is a desire to pray. Then I serve Liturgy, I pray in my cheese, I ask God for people from the heart. " "" Soul, when it prays for peace, it knows better without newspapers, as all the earth is grieving, she knows what kind of need people have and regret them. " - "How can the soul know from ourselves what is happening in the world?" - asked the monk. - "Newspapers write not about people, but about events and then incorrectly; They lead the mind into embarrassment, and the truth of them do not know anyway, and the prayer clears the mind, and he better sees everything. " These words of the Rev. Siluan can safely lead as an answer to your question.

About reading in the days of the post

Question: This year I decided to start abide by the post. Could you say what prayers and texts from the Bible need to read daily during the post?

Answer: In relation to daily readings in the post, I would send you to the site site, where such reads are regularly appearing, located on the day of fasting, there, or on the website, or to find those passages from Scripturewho are offered to us by the Church to read during the post.

There is still such a good pious custom - for those who do not have the skill regularly read New Testament, Do this post - one chapter of the Gospel and two chapters of the Apostle. If you begin a great or christmas post to do this, then almost all the gospel you read.

"Food" disagreements

Question: I live in a student hostel. With a roommate, we always prepare food for two. Previously, she also observed the post, and this year decided that he would not. I feel that in relationships began to appear tensions because of the questions "Menu". How in "Food" disagreements not to lose tolerance to each other?

Answer: Nevertheless, the post must be observed. However, in no way impose your observance of the post living next to you. Expose marginal tolerance in relation to its reproaches and comments, because the meaning of the post and to strive to develop in itself the virtue of patience and finding the neighbor. Thank God for the fact that it gives us a reason for the food restrictions to the more serious exercise of the soul. Because if the neighbor will ask you along the way to go to the store and buy it sausages, then go and buy, nothing terrible will happen. But observe the post yourself - this is our loyalty to Christ.

Question: How to do, if my mom has an anniversary, and I observe it in our family alone. The holiday will be noisy, my relatives I have a lot. It is also impossible to leave too, the insult will be serious. I don't want to have fun in the post accurately, but what to do, I do not know.

Answer: Anniversary Anniversary Returns, and the days of the post are also different. IN Great Friday Although the centenary anniversary can not be celebrated. But in one of the ordinary Saturdays or Sunday days of the Great Post to meet with mom on her day her anniversary, to be happy, (but not to have fun), to stay with loved ones, not having to hope for them, but at the same time observe the post, it is quite possible. Therefore, there is still a lot of time, try to prepare intelligently, and, thinking about the benefits of the soul of your mother, to participate in her celebration.

How to be if difficult?

Question: The first time seriously approached the post. I feel very weak, completely empty and unable to lead the usual active lifestyle. I'm trying to pray, but the prayer does not really go. It was hard to submit a rule. It seems that someone sucked all his strength. Advise how to be?

Answer: The advice here can be given one - not to retreat. How did you think that you will start fasting for the first time, and immediately your great path will be saturated with roses? Ambrosia and nectar will show potatoes and rice? Bones will not be sick from earthly bows and standing for good worship services? The sinful skill requires overcoming: for example, throws a man to smoke, think, is it just given to him? Others almost face the head are not fighting. It knows the person that I unanswered it, the sinful habit, from which you need to get rid of Christ for the sake of, and keeps. In the Gospel, what is said - "by the fruits will learn them," and not by the state we are experiencing. We will suffer, suffer, we bring yourself a pious life, and the Lord will give a comforting fruit; If we look for one look for one, it is known where the path of the living cool ends.

New Year's and Christmas

Question: If the summer is coming from the Nativity of Christ, then why is Christmas and New Year (including old) on different days?

Answer: Christmas Christ is the birthday of Christ. And the novely is the very conditional date. You can take any point in time from three hundred sixty five days and say: it ends here a year and the new year begins. But now, with the introduction of a new style, it seems, combs, the new year was before Christmas. What could be benefit from this? Such that now when the new year falls on the Christmas post and orthodox man It is definitely meaningless to be launched by Petard and other entertainment, we can meet the new year quite like the believer person, that is, to give a report before your conscience and God, as we spent these three hundred sixty-five days of the year. And this conquer report lead to the sacrament of confession, then the Christmas itself will be joyful and nothing to the celebration. So it is very good that the new year was transferred forward christmas.

For forty days on the eve of Christmas, from November 28, 2019 to January 6 of the next 2020, Orthodox believers will comply with the Christmas post.

It is considered not so strict as the Great and Assumption posts. "What can I eat in the Christmas post in 2019?" - Interested in those who decided to adhere to the post for the first time.

It is known that the post on the eve of the Nativity of Christ was also observed by the first Christians. For several centuries, the rules and regulations have developed that it is possible and that it is impossible to eat in the christmas post. They are determined by the church charter.

Which products can be, and what you can't eat in the Christmas post? This will make our story.

What can and what can not be eaten in the christmas post?

So, what can I eat during the Christmas post? These days can be included in the diet of the cereal dishes (buckwheat, pearl, born, etc.), legumes (beans, peas, lentils), mushrooms (white, gruza, oil, foxes, ohs), nuts, vegetables, fruits and greenery .

During this period, animal products are excluded from the diet - meat, eggs, milk, butter, cheese, etc.

However, it is possible to eat fish - on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as on the days of great holidays, for example, on the holiday of introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Mother of God.

Talking about what products you can eat in the Christmas post, it should be noted that the day before the holiday, from 2 to 6 January, the post becomes more stringent. These days cannot be included in the Fish menu.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday are triation days. This means that you can only eat food that has not been subjected to heat treatment: vegetables, fruits, nuts, honey; Also allowed bread.

What else can I eat in the Christmas post? On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are not recommended to use not only fish and wine, but even food with vegetable oil. On Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday you can add it to food.

If health problems arise, the post can be loosen (from the blessing of the priest). So, every person, depending on the conditions of his work, the state of health should determine the measure of abstinence, preferably - consulting with the priest.

Limit yourself in food and carnal desires. These segments of time are called posts. They provide a refusal not only from food, and full spiritual cleansing, reunification with God and humility. One of the main posts is Philippov, which precedes the bright holiday of Christmas.

Filippovskoe valve

This is the eve of the third - forty days of abstinence, spiritual and physical. Before the Filippovsky post comes, on November 27, it was still possible to bare something delicious and rapid. To withstand the long week of all sorts of restrictions and not break the strict rules, our ancestors came up with a custom: I go to the dump. Just like on the oil, the people and today on the eve of the Christmas post, it is satisfied with a walking, goes to visit and trapes in a family circle.

In many regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus on Philippovskoy, guys and girls organize the so-called Evening. Often hire musicians to have fun from the soul. There is a tradition - to treat each other with different delicacies. It can be pancakes, nuts, gingerbreads, as well as alcoholic beverages - wine or vodka.

After that, on November 28, the Philippovsky post comes, during which strict rules should be observed: there are no products of animal origin, not to drink alcohol, not to support intimate relationships in marriage. It is forbidden to even sing and dance, all this time people must devote to prayers and communicating with God.

Fundamental rules

The Christmas or Philippovsky Orthodox post lasts exactly forty days: from November 28 to January 6. It is not so strict and hungry as Easter, but from meat and milk still will have to refuse. Already, you need to think about how to replace these products, since the body will be catastrophically miss the protein. To avoid its deficit, doctors recommend that there are soy products, beans and peas. Priests argue: in order not to be tempted to eat something forbidden, make your everyday menu as much as possible. Prepare cabbage donuts and other goodies.

Filippovsky post is obliged to comply with all believers. An exception is only for old and sick people, pregnant women and nursing mothers, young children, travelers and those who are engaged in severe physical labor. They can use dairy products and even some meat. First of all, such people are recommended to be cleaned spiritually, since this component of the post is more important than a simple abstinence from the rapid.

Three parts of the post

The abstinence period can be conditionally divided into three time segments. The first lasts from and until December 19. These days on Mondays, there should be only vegetable food without adding oil. It is permitted on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Also in these four days of the week is allowed to use a small amount of fish and red wine. Wednesday and Friday should be completely devoted to dry shock.

Christmas post (Filippovsky post) gradually tightened. In his second period, on December 19 and before January 1, in terms of food, everything remains almost still, only fish and wine can be used exclusively on weekends. Even more time should be allocated to visit the Church and communicating with recommended rites of communion and confession on the eve of the new year.

Filippovsky post, which lasts 40 days, comes to the peak of rigor to the last week before Christmas. Draid extends for three days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday there is vegetable food without oil. It is recommended only once a day without such excesses like fish and wine. On Christmas Eve, January 6, you need to starve a whole day, as well as before the first star in the sky.

Exit from post

In order not to get a stomach disorder, it is necessary to stop abstinence competently. Filippovsky post ends on the night before Christmas. This is a big holiday for all Orthodox when the table breaks from delicacies and delicacies. Limiting yourself for a long time, a person often breaks down and falls into the hospital. Therefore, on a Christmas Eve, when uncorrected dishes are served for dinner, they say a bit from each of them. People are all a glass of wine, which promotes digestion.

On Christmas itself, when meat and greasy dishes are put on the table, sweet cakes and cream cakes, it is also important to abide care. It is better to eat small portions, but often. Priests advise special prayers that will help complete the abstinence without prejudice to their health.

Christmas (Philippovsky) post provides not only for food restrictions. As said "True abstinence is also a curb of his language, the taming of lust, getting rid of evil, wrath and bad thoughts, stopping a lie and slander." Therefore, try to abide by these rules, and not only during the post, and throughout life.