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Menu for post per day. Lenten menu

19/04/2017 19:49

The Great Post is 40 days as spiritual and food abstinence. However, this is not the only post per year. There are also Petrov post, Assumption post, Christmas post. And each of them requires certain restrictions in food.

In the posts of the post, many mistresses are happy to limit themselves in food, observing the diet for weight loss, but at the same time seriously worried about the diet of other family members. And not just that - after all, many men and children oppose the night table and can reject the next dinner consisting of porridge and boiled beets.

Contrary to the established opinion on crackers and water, food in the post may be and should be diverse and full. For this meat, eggs and dairy products should be replaced by them with extreme analogues, and then lunch will no longer look like a naplety.

Your attention is 15 delicious dishes that can be prepared in the post.

1. Oatmeal - replacement yogurt

Oatmeal Kissel does not like everything, and in the post almost no one prepares such a dish. Because of this, few people know that sour kissel is very reminded by yogurt.

For cooking you need to take a standard package of oatmeal (400 g) and a crust of rye bread. Ingredients place in a two-liter jar, pour cold water. The bank must be left for 12-24 hours, while stirring periodically.

Then the oatmeal must be strain through a sieve, pour the liquid into the pan and cook on slow or medium heat. The mixture must be constantly stirred so that it does not burned. Hot jelly pour into banks and put in the refrigerator.

2. Rice with honey and nuts on lean milk

Lenten porridge can be made very tasty and nutritious, while not scoring sugar into it. You can cook porridge on the water - from this taste is not very injured. If you are accustomed to porridge on milk, you can take soy or peanuts.

Peanut milk is preparing simply - Nuts need to grind into a very small crumb, pour water, mix and strain.

Rice porridge must be salted (after cooking) and add honey and your favorite nuts. Such a useful and delicious dish can be pleased with your loved ones on the holiday.

Even lean cookies can be delicious, useful and satisfying.

For cookies, oatmeal is needed, frozen cranberry berries or jam, and vegetable oil. Oatmeal should be frying in sunflower or coconut oil, then fold on the sieve and give a track of excess fat.

Oatmeal flakes in a blender (you can not polit everything - to taste), mix with berries. From the test to form cakes, put on the tray and bake in a preheated oven to a golden crust.

4. Ragu from broccoli with peas and avocado

Such a "green" stew will be in the post very, by the way. It will help to fill energy, as well as stock of vitamins.

Take fresh broccoli, you can also add a cauliflower to the dish. To diversify the stew, add in it the pod.

When broccoli, beans and green peas are breeding, you can add avocado and fill the dish with garlic sauce. Serve hot.

5. Nutola

What breakfast without a zeotrel? The classic version of this delicacy is not lean, as it contains dry milk. We offer an alternative recipe without the use of animal products.

For cooking it will take a whole hazelnut, honey, cocoa powder and coconut oil. Hazelnut needs to soak overnight in cold water. In a blender, grind the hazelnut in a small crumb, add cocoa powder to taste, some oil, very slightly honey (or maple syrup) and vanilla as desired.

Grind to the paste and add to the lean pancakes mixed on soybean milk, or smeared on the loaf. Yummy! Try!

6. Sandwich with lean mayonnaise from beans

Let's go back to our Sandwich. Lachy sandwich should get satisfying to break the feeling of hunger for a long time.

For sandwich, we will need salad, rye or wholegrain bread, canned beans, cucumber, tomato to taste. Cut vegetables with small slices, and the beans to smoke in a plate and add oil and salt. Now the beans will perform as a lean mayonnaise.

Lubricate the bouquet itself from the bean mayonnaise, and put all the vegetables from above. Cover the second part of the bread (or bread). Bon Appetit!

7. Capping chips

Began post, and you wanted chips? Ordinary potato chips are considered to be detached, just the benefits of them are not enough.

You can make chips that can be made without fear of health from the white cabbage. To do this, disassemble the kochan on the sheets, cut into pieces and lubricate with oil. Future chips salute, pepper and lay out on the baking sheet. Laying in a heated oven, dry chips until readiness.

This idea is popular not only in the post, but also during weight loss. Such sweets are very sweet, they are perfect for tea, and at the same time will not harm the figure.

The easiest option is to grind nuts and dried fruits, and then cut the balls in the coconut chips. There is another option, no less tasty.

Take a dried fruit without a bone (for example, dried tangerines will not fit, but prunes - just right) and ride the hole with a knife. Inside, put a small walnut like a hazelnut, almond or peanuts. Future candy needs to be deceived with honey, and then cut into coconut chips, sesame or poppy.

Such lean candies will fall to taste and adults, and kids. Be careful - candy too sweet!

In Russia during the post prepared a lot of different pies. The peasants were added to the stuffing everything that remained from the meal: porridge, salt cucumbers and mushrooms. Pies ate instead of bread with soup and second dishes.

Salted pies can be prepared with cucumbers, stewed fresh or sauer-cabbage, mushrooms, potatoes, buckwheat or rice. So that the pies come out tastier, the stuffing should be frying on a frying pan with vegetable oil.

In sweet pies, apples, pumpkin, carrots with honey, jam or frozen berries will be excellent. Pumpkin pies are especially tasty, despite the fact that many of the vegetable do not like.

Dough for pies should be yeast: Put in a bowl of a teaspoon of yeast, srw with sugar, pour the glass of water and knead the root dough. When it rises, you can add salts and flour to the desired thickness.

10. Lean Borsch

The post is the time of restrictions, and many, especially men, you want a heartfelt meal. Unfortunately, the classic borscht recipe contains meat, and not suitable for fasting. But what will happen if the meat is replaced with mushrooms?

Borsch with mushrooms more resembles a mushroom soup, and therefore it is necessary to add beets, parsley and beans to it. You need to cook the borsch, as well as the classic, removing only the step of cooking beef.

11. Dumplings

Meat and completely not lean dumplings can be replaced with dumplings. They can be with anything: with potatoes, mushrooms, with cranberries or raspberries. Some big holidays are allowed fish, so you can cook dumplings on such days.

For dough on dumplings, only flour, water, oil and salt will be required. Yeast such dough does not require.

All ingredients must be neat and thoroughly mixed, gradually adding flour into salty water. In the resulting dough you need to interfle flour until it stops it will not cease to "choose" it.

This dish came to us from Lithuania. It has a very unusual taste and quickly saturates. Be sure that this porridge you will like it!

First you need to boil the barley. Before cooking, the pearl croup is soaked for the night. In the morning you can merge water and cook it. Note that this process will take a lot of time.

Next you need to grate with raw potatoes. Perlovka and rubbed potatoes should be put on a hot frying pan, lubricated with vegetable oil. Fry glass porridge to golden crust.

To serve the Lithuanian dish is necessary to be warm, pre-decorating fresh greens.

13. Salad with mushrooms and cedar nuts

So that during the post Avitaminosis did not take all your strength, you need to eat a vitamin salad. Mushrooms in its composition will be saturated with useful and high-quality floral protein.

For the preparation of lettuce, there will be blue onions, mushrooms, spinach and cedar nuts. Onions need to finely cut, get boiling water and lay out in a bowl. Spinach and mushrooms are fine crown, add cedar nuts. Salad can be filmed with garlic sauce or olive oil. You can also decorate it arugula or basil.

14. Potato pancakes (cutlets)

Potatoes have long been used to prepare a variety of dishes: chips, fries, casserole potatoes. In the post of this product you can cook cakes.

For the preparation of cutlets, potatoes, flour, onions and carrots will be needed. Carrot need to fry together with a bow in a pan. Please note that these ingredients must be very finely cut so that whole pieces of onions do not come across the cutlets.

The fried mixture must be mixed either with a potato mashed potatoes (make sure that there are no lumps in it), which did not add water, or with finely grated raw potatoes. In the first case, the pancakes (cutlets) are obtained, in the second - classic Dranias.

From this "test" you need to make small cutlets, then put it on a hot pan and fry to a golden crust.

15. Salad with crab meat and corn

On some days, the person can afford the fish. Basically such days are Sundays and holidays.

And as you know, the crab sticks make out of Surimimi - it is a minced meat of white fish. Corn and sweet pepper are ideal for this product. Salad will greatly go to the second dish, it will satisfy for a long time.

For the preparation of salad you need crab meat or sticks, canned corn, red or yellow pepper and greens. You can fill the salad pasted from a broken ripe avocado.

A deeply believer man during the post does not think at all about food, and many do not eat anything for several days at all. At the same time, feelings are hunger. However, such people are not so much. Most still consider the post not only as spiritual cleansing, but also as a useful cleansing organism diet. No matter how anyone did not belong to the post, denying his benefits no one is driving. In this article we want to tell you about how to eat right during the post.

Menu in post for every day Recipes

First of all, you need to understand everything that your menu during postit must also be diverse. It is necessary to eat more vegetables, fruits, grain and nuts. Black bread, of course, also need to eat, especially since there are such the necessary organisms of the substance as a vitamin group of V. To ensure its body with vitamins A and C, by using sauer cabbage, onions and garlic. Buckwheat porridge and spinach rich in iron and of course fasting, a person must actively use these products.

Many people have discomfort from the lack of meat and sweets in their diet. Meanwhile, the Church allows you to eat honey at this time, so the longing of the Sweet can be successfully overcome. As for black bitter chocolate, in its composition it is a lean product. However, the church does not recommend it during the post, since this is a treat, not everyday food.

Significantly harder during the post is the case among athletes. If during this period they do not reduce physical stress on the muscles, then the body begins to experience a colossal lack of animal proteins. The result of this shortage looks like loss of muscle mass of the athlete and the loss of the former endurance. Doctors recommend that such people during the post accept soy proteins and free amino acids. These drugs are obtained by artificial through vegetable food, most often of wheat germinated grain. On a row with this, in the food of athletes, you need to increase the number of vitamins and especially groups in (chromium, vanadium, lipoic acid).

A very important point in the post is that for those people who decided to fast for the first time, a sharp refusal to eat meat, can negatively affect their health. Also negatively affect the body and sharp, abundant consumption of meat after the end of the post. For such people unprepared to the post, there is a threat to the emergence of problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. An excellent prophylactic way against such a threat is the refusal to eat meat on Wednesdays and Fridays. When the body of an unprepared person will normally perceive the absence of meat in these two days a week, you can start fasting in full, as the Christian Church teaches.

How to get out of the post

In church terminology, this process is called trial. Its essence lies not to immediately on the first day after the end of the post, start coming up with rapid food. On the contrary, the conversation suggests at this time only a little bit to use meat and dairy products. What to do this is not necessary in chaotic mode and in a certain order. The fact is that during the post the body the body is cleaving a hard food and you need to give it the opportunity to reap these abilities. Therefore, the amount of fats and proteins in food when leaving the post should be minimal. If not to adhere to this recommendation, then the consequences for the intestinal and gastric tract can be very serious.

Recipes of lean dishes

And so, you already imagine what should be your menu during fasting. Now we want to familiarize you with some recipes for making delicious lean dishes, which you will not feel a feeling of hunger.

Lenten Salad Olivier

During the post you can prepare a delicious Salad of Olivier without meat and sausage. Instead, it is necessary to use boiled potatoes, green peas, boiled fish, salted cucumbers and greens. Fact a lean salad Olivier can be soymonis.

Potato zrazy with mushrooms

Delicious and satisfying are zrazy from potatoes and mushrooms. To do this, you need to boil the non-disconnected potatoes, it is wrapped in a puree, salt and mix with flour. From the resulting test, squeeze small balls, inside which put the mushroom filling. Such zrazy need to fry from all sides in lean oil.

To prepare the filling, you need to twist dry mushrooms, leaving them in water for two hours. Then weld them in the same scented water and merge it. After that, the boiled mushrooms need to cut into small pieces and fry in a frying pan by adding onions to them. The same stuffing for this dish can be done from salty, or from fresh mushrooms. Potato zrazy with mushrooms can be eaten as a supplement to lean first dishes or as a separate dish.

In order to make the dough for zaras, we will need ten potatoes, four tablespoons of flour and a little salt to taste.

To prepare the filling, you need to take 70 grams of dry mushrooms, two bulbs, two tablespoons of lean oil and a bit of ground pepper and salt.

Baked apples

Apples are well flushed and carefully cut the core with a knife. In the resulting space, pour any jam. Then take a frying pan and pour some water to the bottom. Apples put on the bottom of the pan bake on a small fire in the oven. Such a dish during fasting is a great dessert. Usually one apple is medium in size to take two teaspoons of jams.

Sweet pies from lean dough

First you need to dissolve yeast in Tamy water. Then knead the dough, add yeast to it, a little lean oil and a teaspoon of salt. The dough is pretty well to knead and add sugar powder into it, lemon zest, cinnamon and vanilla. When the dough is raised, it must be rolled out in the form of a thick pancake and bend the edges. In the middle you can put a sweet filling and decorate the surface with strips from the dough. If you lubricate the surface with honey solution, then the pie will work out and more beautiful and more fragrant. Then the cake must be given time to approach and then proceed directly to baking.

To prepare the test, you will need two glasses of flour, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, a half-table of sugar sand, one teaspoon of salt and ten grams of yeast. Spices are added to taste.

Mushroom cutlets

For the preparation of this dish, you need dried white mushrooms. They need to boil and then chop out fine. Separately cooked rice with parsley and then mixed with boiled mushrooms. From this mass you need to blind cutlets, sprinkle them with flour or deceive with a klyar. Mushroom cutlets are roasted on vegetable oil, and feed them better with green peas. One hundred grams of dried mushrooms need to take one glass of rice, and the spices add to taste.

In the end I want to say about the main thing. Do not forget that the post is primarily intended for spiritual cleansing of a person. Try at this time to be more polite and friendly with people surrounding you.

Many Orthodox special attention is paid to nutrition issues, however, limiting animal products during the post is not really a key point, much more important is what is happening in the soul of man. Nevertheless, do not think and not to talk about the landing menu in general - in the root is incorrect, because the cleansing comes through restrictions - the main task of the Great Post comes.

So, we will talk about how to cook in the post and what can be a landline menu?

Let's start from afar. How often do you cook, strictly following the recipe. Experienced cooks and those who are simply often prepared, as a rule, bring their "highlight" in any dish, and it is generally costs without a recipe, taking mainly the main idea and developing it to his own masterpiece. There are products that are at hand, the ingredients are replaced by others, cooking in a pan is inferior to the food in the oven and so on. Recipe as such in this case, it is required solely in the form of a push and ideas.

The second reason for which this article was written is a constant search for inspiration. Working hostesses are familiar to the drilling head annoying thought: what to cook for dinner today? So that the thoughts do not drill their heads, and batted, waving a culinary excitement as a flag, we offer an approximate lean menu for a week - only ideas, no accurate proportions and recipes, one solid inspiration that you can use at your own discretion.

As for detailed culinary instructions, then they are - In the form of links to pages with recipes that gathered magic food for you.


- Not all Kota Maslenitsa - the great post has come.


Lean coffee pancakes
Pancakes in the post - quite a real story with the aroma of home comfort, grandmother's hands and memories of sweet childhood. All that this delicacy appears on the table to the great post, is to replace milk with any other drink (mineral water, fruit juice or even ordinary strong tea), and instead of eggs add a little more flour or starch. Give the test to draw, then beat the most ordinary thin pancakes. Delicious, tender and lean.

This time, try as the basis to take a strong fresh coffee - pancakes with it will turn out with a very unusual flavor, the color is caramel-cream. The drink should be warm - it will make the flour, so that the dough will be released elastic and strong. Fragrant lean enjoyment!

The vinaigrette
Undeservedly forgotten dish in the post will have to be as impossible. So that your vinaigrette turns out to be as tasty as possible, do not forget to buy unrefined sunflower oil, which smells like seeds and contains much more useful substances than his purified "relative".

Alternative: "White" Vinaigret without beets (Potatoes, beans, sauerkraut, onions, sunflower oil).

Afternoon person

Lean banana smoothie
Purified banana, a bit of berries (raspberry, strawberry, blueberry or cherry from the freezer), half a cup of any fruit juice or compote, pinching cinnamon, a minute blender - and you have a stunningly delicious lean smoothie in a glass! Thick cocktails without cream, milk or yogurt - what is needed to be enjoyable.

Alternative: Mango or pineapple smoothie, (bananas, carrots, apple, orange, ginger, mint.


Pilaf with seafood
On vegetable oil, fry the carrots and onions slightly, add mussels and rings squid, then pumped rice, throw water and extinguish until the cereals are ready - you have a great lean dinner.

Stuffed tomatoes
Not the most budget dish, however, if you do not give yourself regular minor joys, the great post will be a very difficult test. So take a pair of tomatoes, cut off the "cap" and remove the core, inside the filling from the boiled rice, finely chopped and roasted fungi, onions, carrots, greenery, spinach, celery and bang until readiness. Very juicy, tasty and fragrant!


Spaghetti with champignons
A little bite, sliced \u200b\u200bby half rings - on a griddle, fry until goldenness. Champignons with stripes - there. A couple of spoons of soy sauce - to mushrooms and onions. Salt, pepper, parsley, add boiled al Dente spaghetti ... Magic! Allow yourself a wines of wine to today's dinner, and then the feeling of fairy tale will be full and comprehensive.


- Message of fast and mother is simple.


Lavash with vegetables
The leaf bought in the evening of a thin pitaway, turn on the board, lubricate with any lean mayonnaise (for example, apple or nuts). On one edge lay out vegetables - tomatoes, carrots in Korean, roasted or pickled champignons, salad leaves, greens. Fold the roll and breakfast tasty and useful.

Alternative: Instead of the pita, you can take corn cakes Tortyllas.


Mushroom puree soup
Mushrooms - what gives any dish a special note of the shade and thoroughness, so the soup prepared with the addition of oil or champignons will be particularly relevant to the post when the calorieness of the diet to which you are accustomed to, decreases. Do not regret vegetables - thanks to them, the first dish will be even more fragrant.

Afternoon person

Sesame milk
A couple of sesame grinding in hot water and leave 3-5 hours, after which it is pretty grinding a lot of blender and skip linseed cloth. Add honey, cinnamon or vanilla - Delightful drink ready!


Stuffed Bulgarian Pepper
You definitely have a stock of frozen Bulgarian pepper, right? Boil some rice, mix with passioned onions, carrots, root of parsley and celery, salt, puff peppers and slightly drive in the oven or steamer. No boredom, dinner is ready!


- From the post is not murut, but from the burden of mruh.


Toasts with fruit "latch"
Slightly dried nuts and seedings in an equal proportion to put in the bowl of the blender, add a little citrus zest for the flavor, if desired, a couple of spoons of cocoa powder and sugar. Grind everything into a homogeneous rather thick, a lumpy mass, after which, without turning off the blender, add some vegetable milk (sesame, pumpkin, poppy, almond, or any other), seeking a smooth structure and the necessary consistency. Such a paste is an excellent namazka on the dried pieces of toast bread. In the company with a cup of coffee - the elegant lean breakfast, which is charged with energy for the whole day.


Vegetable Assorted Soup
We take a bulk roomy saucepan, heat it a small amount of vegetable oil (olive - it would be great!), Pass onion, carrots, parsley root, add chopped bell peppers, divided into inflorescences cauliflower and broccoli, do not forget about peeled tomatoes , Suck the handful of green peas, do not greading and add some corn. Let's pass, pass ... and then - the OP, a little white wine and ordinary boiling water, spices and spices, salt and pepper. When submitting, be sure to sprinkle the greens. Harbor!

Afternoon person

Cranberry Kissel
Old good Kissel, who smells of childhood and naive ... Why not? All you need is sugar, starch and some cranberries.


Potato dumplings
Fresh dough, potato mashed potatoes with fried carrots, Puzzled dumplings, Golden Luke ... Caution: Tasty so much that you can burst!


- Bread yes capposhism will not be caught.


Long brideller
Not good science - take, pearfish in it a pearl cereal, add potatoes sliced \u200b\u200bwith cubes, carrots with stripes and finely grained salty cucumbers. Right, richly, tasty.

Chinese vegetables in sour sweet sauce
In a frying pan, fry large chopped carrots, onions, bell pepper, pumpkin, celery root, add some soy sauce, garlic, salt, pepper, and then pour the half-table of a weak starch solution mixed with sugar and lemon juice. Another pair of movements - and gorgeous vegetables in the sour-sweet sauce are ready.


Vegetable cutlets
Grind anyone comfortable way for you boiled broccoli, cauliflower, passioned carrots, roasted onions, add greens, spices, dried tomatoes, pour a couple of starch spoons, form the cutlets and fry them to a ruddy crust. Appetizing!


- During the post and food is simple.


Lean potato pancakes
A couple of potato tubers on a grater, a bit of dill, a spoon of flour, salt, pepper and a frying pan with vegetable oil - here is, perhaps, everything you need to get a wonderful and delicious Saturday breakfast. Of course, lean.

Rice with vegetables
Fry in a deep saucepan onions, carrots, Bulgarian peppers, sparky beans, stem celery and everything else that you have in the refrigerator and the freezer, and then pour the rice glass and extinguish until readiness. Multicolored lunch raises the mood!


Spray potatoes in the oven
Well, who can come up with something more appetizing than baked in the oven slices of potatoes, sprinkled with fragrant herbs and seasoned garlic? Do not forget to get a jar of salt cucumbers from the storage room - you will find a great dinner.


- The post is not in the belly, but in the spirit.


Homemade lean buns
Take the basis of any recipe for a yeast test that you always succeed, put a whale, wait until it grows. We knead the lean dough, add dried fruits and herbs, poppy and nuts, berries and berries, form balls - and please the seven hot homemade buns to breakfast.

Eggplant caviar
Baked eggplants Clean the skin, add some nuts and garlic, greenery and bell pepper, crush the blender in the paste - you have a great vegetable snack on the table.

Afternoon person

Rice ice cream
You will be surprised by learning what is capable of ordinary rice porridge. If you mix it with sugar and apple rubbish, add a bit of lemon zest and vanilla, and then grind everything with a blender, freeze, periodically stirring, you get an amazing ice cream that melts in the language, leaving a gentle aftertaste. And yes, it is absolutely lean!


Lean vegetable pizza
The classic dough for pizza is preparing to be lean, that is, without the addition of milk and eggs. Great, it fits us! Everything else is as always, with the exception of one point: we remove cheese, but add a lot of different vegetables, mushrooms, greens, onions. Bake and tall with a glass of dry wine.

We are all - people, weak and mostly falling for goodies, and therefore it is worth considering that at hand in the period of the Great Post there are always minor naughty for snacks.

The easiest option is a secret jar with your favorite dried fruits: fill the beautiful capacitance with nuts, dried, raisins, prunes, dried cherries and open it when there is a very strong desire to "break" from the selected power mode and getting a cake with oil cream or buy three kilograms " Doctoral "and make yourself a vehicle such a sandwich.

Help lean cookies: a little sweet - and everything seems simple again and real. Examine the composition of the chocolate proposed in the stores - among the black joy tiles, those that are manufactured without milk and milk products are often found. Many caramel candy are also suitable for a laundry menu, and therefore they can raise your mood and help not succumb to temptation.

Lung and delicious fasting!

The post is a religious tradition of abstinence from food. And it is such an abstinence that causes many thoughts from the owners about what to cook. Let's study some major recipes.

It should be remembered that full nutrition is a guarantee of your health. Therefore, during the post you should not starve, as in the future it can lead to adverse consequences. You can also complement your diet with the necessary vitamins during the post.

So, let's start with salads. This is one of the easiest, but at the same time useful dishes that need to be prepared during the post. It is worth noting that the Christmas post covers the holiday of the New Year and those who are strictly adhered to the post, have to limit themselves in disassembly. And what new year without russian saladAnd for fasting you can find an alternative.


  • 300 g potatoes
  • 100 g of carrots and onions
  • 100 g Asparagus or beans
  • 100 g of favorite mushrooms
  • 100 g of lean mayonnaise
  • spice


  • The first three ingredients boil, and cut the cubes
  • If marinization mushrooms, then shredt them. Fresh mushrooms pre-scam
  • Marinated Bow Grind Cubes
  • Mix the ingredients, add spices and fuel mayonnaise
  • Leave for 60 minutes to appease and serve to the table

Delicious salad with corn and crackers:

  • 300 g of Beijing Cabbage
  • 1 Bank Corn
  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • 100 g of Sucharikov
  • 100 g of lean mayonnaise
  • Spice

The advantage of such salad is that after the post you can prepare it with ordinary mayonnaise:

  • Cut onions and cabbage
  • Mix with corn
  • Fuel spices and mayonnaise
  • Sprinkle with crackers from above

Salad with crab chopsticks - This is a universal festive dish, which will decorate both a festive and daily table:

  • 200 g of sticks
  • 100 g risa
  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • 200 g corn
  • 250 g of mushrooms
  • 100 g of lean mayonnaise
  • spice
  • rinse the rice and boil until readiness
  • cut the crab sticks, mushrooms and bow
  • mix all the ingredients and make mayonnaise

You can also cook very simple salads:

  • from cabbage with lean oil
  • from tomato and cucumbers
  • lean oil beet salad

Lean pastry: recipes

Very tasty and just bake during the post oatmeal cookies. To do this, take:

  • 300 g of oat flakes
  • 50 g of raisins and honey
  • 200 g of apple jam
  • Dried fruits (optional)
  • 50 g of sunflower oil

Prepare cookies as follows:

  • Flakes a little dried in a frying pan
  • Mix with the rest of the ingredients
  • Formize cookies with a spoon, and lay out on the straightened paper
  • At 120 with bake 60 min

Love adults and delicious children fritters. And in the post they may be no less sweet and lush. To do this, take:

  • 500 g of flour
  • 300 g of warm water
  • 1 h yeast and salt
  • 1 T.L.Sahara

Prepare pancakes like this:

  • Fill salt with sugar and yeast warm water
  • While yeast diverges, seek flour
  • Mix the ingredients with flour and, covering the food film, send to the warm place to appease
  • When you see that the dough approached almost twice, then the spoon lay the pancakes on a preheated frying pan
  • Lush and delicious pastries ready. Sweets can increase quantity of sugar 1.5-2 times

Run. During the post prepare very often. But now we suggest cooking not just baking, but to diversify the knife 2 apples and 50 g of walnuts, as well as:

  • 200 g of sugar and water
  • 1 ppm of soda and lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp
  • 300 g of flour
  • 5 g baking powder

Cooking Pads:

  • Grind walnuts
  • Mix flour and ripper
  • Mix sugar with water, put on a water bath
  • Add honey and boil until honey dissolves
  • Extinguish soda and pour into the mixture
  • Remove the mixture from the water bath, and add nuts
  • Add flour with a ripper and knead the dough
  • Pour the dough on the baking sheet and decompose the cut apples on top
  • Bake the knit for half an hour at 180 ° C

Another delicious baking recipe - onion pie. After all, not everyone loves sweet pastries, and this dish is very exquisite and just in cooking:

  • 750 g of flour and water
  • 125 g risa
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 15 g Soli.
  • 1 kg of Luca
  • 10 g yeast

Onion cake is preparing like this:

  • Rinse the rice and add to boiling water, boil until readiness.
  • Drain the decoction from Rice, it is him you will need it.
  • Grind onions and fry.
  • Check the dough by adding rice decoction to it. You can do it manually either with the help of bread makers.
  • When the dough stands and rises, divide it into 3 parts.
  • Roll each part and decompose onions, fold the dough to each other.
  • Cut the cake on 16 parts and roll out of each rogal.
  • Spread out in the form of horns and binge 30 minutes.
  • Delicious pie is ready, you can call guests and drink them tea with homemade pastries.

Lean first dishes, recipes

One of the most satisfied first dishes is borsch. And even in the post it can be prepared quite diverse. We offer the main 2 options for lean borscht:

For classic Love Burst Follow:

  • 2 pieces of potatoes, beets and tomatoes
  • 1 carrot and bow head
  • polka suits
  • 2 garlic teeth
  • 1 tbsp. L Sahara and Salt
  • spices to taste

Naturally, meat in this dish is not provided. Prepare as follows:

  • cut vegetables as you do it for ordinary borscht
  • patch cabbage and grind garlic
  • pour 2 liters of water in a saucepan and when it boils, put potatoes into the container
  • in the pan fry carrots and bow
  • in a separate frying pan, also drive the chopped beet
  • grind the tomatoes with a blender and add to the saucepan
  • when the beets with carrots and onions will be ready, add them to a saucepan
  • sung and add sugar, as well as favorite spices
  • bring to a boil and leave to appear

Excellent option of launch borsch with beans and mushrooms. To the previous ingredients, add:

  • 200 g champignons
  • 10 pieces prunes
  • 100 g dry beans
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste

Quick borsch cook like this:

  • Rinse the beans and leave to swell on the night
  • In the morning in the same water, tapping it 45 minutes
  • Pull out the beans, and put the chopped potatoes in that water
  • Louk with carrots Fry with tomato paste
  • In another pan, turn the beets and finely chopped prunes
  • Pour the contents of two pans in a potato saucepan
  • On the liberated frying pan, fridge mushrooms
  • While everything is preparing, put the cabbage
  • When in the booster the ingredients are already slightly softened, but they will not yet be soft enough, pour mushrooms there, cabbage and welded earlier beans
  • Runs should be boiled 10-15 minutes
  • Sprinkle the first dish greens and call homely at the table

Another dish, which is known in the days of the post, is rassetnik. Ingredients for such a dish on 2 liters of water are as follows:

  • 100 g Perplovy
  • 5 potatoes
  • 1 carrots and bulk
  • 2 pickled cucumbers with 100 g of brine
  • spice

Cooking process:

  • Rinse the cereal and leave to swell for 30 minutes
  • Boil Perlovka to readiness
  • At this time, cut potatoes into cubes
  • To the softened croup add potatoes and spices
  • Fry the grated carrot and chopped onions
  • Add roar to the reception, when potatoes will already be sufficiently soft
  • Cut the cucumbers and also pour into the brideller
  • At the end, pour brine, and bring the dish to a boil
  • Last receptionist Ready

Well, how to do without a lean soup. One of the traditional options is noodles soup:

  • 2 small bulbs and medium carrots
  • 200 g noodles
  • A couple of celery stems
  • Spices to taste

  • Fruit onions with spices until golden
  • Cut celery, carrots and also send to the bow just a couple of minutes
  • Put the ingredients in the pan and pour 2 l of water, cook before boiling
  • Next add noodles and boil until readiness
  • If desired, sprinkle with greens and you can try your creation

Delicious will also lean Soup with Pea. For him you need:

  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 carrot and bulb
  • 100 g of pea
  • Spices and greens to taste

Cooking soup:

  • Peas Leave on the night swelling in cold water
  • In the morning, put it to boil it, and at this time, clean the carrot and onions with potatoes
  • The last ingredient cut the cubes and send to the peas
  • The remaining peeled vegetables grind and pass
  • Add them to the soup and boil up to mitigate potatoes
  • Before serving, sprinkle with greens
  • Deliciously add such soup with croutons or crackers

Lean cabbage recipe

Cabbage perfectly complements salads and first dishes. You can also cook lean pastries with cabbage. But excellent and simple option during the post is stewed cabbage:

  • 1 Lukovitsy
  • 500 g Cabbage Belococcal
  • 7 g of vinegar, sugar and flour
  • 15 g tomato paste
  • 100 g of water
  • 30 g of sunflower oil

Preparation Instructions:

  • Patch cabbage and extinguish with oil about 20 minutes
  • After add chopped onions, spices and tomato paste
  • Add flour to the finished cabbage, mix and still turn 5-7 minutes

Delicious and lean cabbage is ready. You can complement it with potatoes or post hooks.

Lovely mayonnaise: recipe

There are several varieties of lean mayonnaise, which is great for refueling dishes during fasting. But such a product you can cook at home. So you will be sure that you use a quality product:

  • 750 g of water
  • 250 g of flour
  • 3 tbsp of lemon juice and mustard
  • 2 tbsp of sugar and salt
  • 120 g of vegetable oil

Prepare mayonnaise is not at all difficult, for this:

  • Sketch the flour and add some water to it, scroll to the formation of a homogeneous mass.
  • Add the rest of the water and negotiate until thickening, leave cool.
  • Mix in a separate dishes the remaining ingredients and whipping the mixer, enter flour.
  • When the mass becomes homogeneous - mayonnaise is ready. Just and quickly!

Lean recipes of mushrooms

In addition, the mushrooms can be added to soups and lean borschy, as well as salads during the post, with them you can also make a wonderful baking. Fragrant and magnificent pies or pies with mushrooms will become very useful to tea.

Excellent option will cook roasted potatoes and mushrooms with greens. Mixing these ingredients you get a great lunch or dinner.

But one of the favorite recipes of fasting are Cabbages with mushrooms and rice. For cooking you will need:

  • 400 g Cabbage Leaves
  • 100 g rice and mushrooms
  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • 50 g of flour and tomato paste
  • Spice
  • Mushroom broth

Cooks will not work:

  • Boil in separate containers of rice and mushrooms, the last after cutting straw
  • Louk grind, and fry, add spices
  • Stir with rice and mushrooms
  • Wash the cabbage leaves and cut thickening
  • On the cooled leaves, lay out the stuffing and fry in a frying pan
  • While the cabbage is roasted, mix flour with tomato and broth
  • Lay out the cabbage rolls in the saucepan, pour the broth and extinguish 45 minutes

Another very tasty recipe with mushrooms is stuffed champignons. The filling can be any lean - it is rice, and the legs of mushrooms with greens, as well as various vegetables. You will need just:

  • Remove legs in mushrooms
  • Decompose them on nurse and breed the selected filling
  • Lightly fool on top of a lean mayonnaise and bake in the oven for 20 min at a temperature of 180 s

Lean Pumpkin Recipes

From pumpkins you can cook enough dishes. We offer you somewhat very simple, but at the same time delicious dishes:

First try first - pumpkin soupFor which you need:

  • 400 g pumpkins
  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • 4 garlic teeth
  • 500 g of vegetable broth
  • Spice

Such soup will be in the form of a soup-puree:

  • Sliced \u200b\u200bingredients put in the form for baking and send to the oven at 200 s
  • After that, lay out the ingredients in the bowl of the blender, adding broth, and beat
  • Decorate the soup of greens and serve to the table

Unusual but tasty dish - Pumpkin in Klyar. For her, you only need flour and pumpkin in proportions 1: 5, as well as some frying oil. Optionally, you can add your favorite spices. The cooking process is very simple - cutting small pieces of pumpkin in flour and fry to ruddy crust in oil.

Try as snacks Pumpkin Salad with Tomatoes. A feature of this salad is that it is fed warm. Ingredients:

  • Pumpkin without skins - 600 g
  • 300 g Tomato
  • 1 bunch of bow and arugula
  • Olive oil
  • Spice

Warm salad is prepared as follows:

  • Sliced \u200b\u200bpumpkin Put in the form for baking
  • Explore cut tomatoes on top, add oil and spices
  • Bake vegetables 15 min
  • At this time, cut the greens
  • Warm salad Sprinkle with greens, mix and serve to the table until you cooled

You can also prepare oatmeal in which add crushed nuts, pumpkin and cinnamon.

Lean dishes from potatoes: recipes

The simplest dish is boiled or fried potatoes. You can add your favorite spices to this dish, and also add delicious salads. But you should not stop on the results achieved. Let's try some more options.

Let's start by S. potato casserole with mushrooms:

  • 3 potatoes
  • 700 g of mushrooms
  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • Spice

Casserole is preparing very simple:

  • Boil and skip mushrooms with potatoes through a meat grinder
  • Pass onions and mix with a potato mushroom mixture
  • Spread the future casserole in the form for baking and bake until you shook

Exquisite and useful dish is potatoes with prune and raisins. 0.5 kg of potatoes take:

  • 100 g of dried fruit
  • 20 g of vegetable oil
  • Greens and spices

Potatoes are prepared as follows:

  • Cut potatoes into cubes and, mixing with dried fruits, stew to half-year
  • Next, add the oil, spices with greens and continue to stew until readiness
  • Serve hot, you can sprinkle with freshly cut greens

And how to get around the party potato zrazy. But let's add them rice and vegetables. So they will be more delicious:

  • 0.5 kg of potatoes
  • 100 g risa
  • 1 bulbs and carrots
  • Spice

Cooking method:

  • Boil the potatoes in the uniform and disarm or soda
  • Boil rice and fry vegetables
  • Mix the ingredients, add spices and form bokings
  • Fry until the ruddy crust is obtained

With potatoes, you can prepare a mass of dishes, during the post this product that will help you no longer.

Lean Cutlets: Photo Recipes

Do not think that cutlets are only meat. A variety of options simply amazes. Let's look at the most popular. First, many hostesses will give a question to add to the cutlets instead of eggs so that they do not fall apart. The answer is very simple - manna Crup. And you can panick the cake in sugar, oatmeal or sesame.

Cutlets from eggplant and potatoes:

  • 4 potatoes
  • 2 small eggplants
  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • 2 garlic teeth
  • 50 g Manka
  • Spice

Vegetable cutlets:

  • Cook 2 potatoes
  • While the tubers are boiled, grind eggplants and onions in a meat grinder, squeeze juice
  • The rest of the potato soda and add to chopped vegetables
  • There, add a glamorous boiled potatoes and a gun
  • Mix well, if you wish, cut in breading and fry
  • Use hot

Bean cutletsIn this case, we use Masha - small peas:

  • 500 g of pea
  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • Spice

Pea cutlets:

  • Soak Masha for 2-3 hours with cold water
  • Drain the water and fill the new, boil 20 minutes after boiling
  • Grind Peas in Blender
  • Bully fry and mix with pea mixture
  • Take the cutlets and fry

You can also cook excellent oatmeal cutlets - simple and tasty:

  • 250 g of flakes
  • 1 bulb and potatoes
  • 5 champignons
  • 2 garlic teeth
  • spice

Cooking Kotlet:

  • Fall oatmeal for 20 minutes
  • Clean potatoes and soda on a small grater
  • Onions with mushrooms grind in a blender along with greens
  • Mix the ingredients and blind cutlets, fry

Lean holidays and New Year's dishes: recipes

One of the traditional dishes for the festive table is Olivier. At the beginning of the article, we are represented by a recipe for lean Olivier, take it to the note. This article proposes a variety of options that can be used for the New Year's Eve. But still we want to offer you some more interesting dishes:

Vegetable fuel:

  • 1 Eggplant, Zabachka and Bulgarian Peppers
  • 350 g tomato
  • Pack gelatin
  • Greens
  • Spice

Step by step:

  • In the oven 190 ° C decompose vegetables on baking sliced \u200b\u200bslices, bake for 15 minutes
  • From pepper then remove the skin
  • Pour 1/7 tomato tank and gelatin and warm up in a water bath until gelatin
  • After that, pour the rest of the juice
  • In the form decompose the food film and spread the pepper, pour part of the liquid
  • Next, alternately eggplants and zucchini, also alternating them with liquid
  • Send to the fridge to the frozen

Tasty and festively burn eggplant:

  • Tomatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Prunes
  • Nuts

Such a filling or any other you can use for stuffing vegetable:

  • Cut eggplants with stripes and sprinkle
  • Pan in flour and fridge
  • Put the selected stuffing and tighten on the strips.
  • Decorate greens

You can cut eggplant not stripes, but rings and then the filling just need to lay out on top.

To the above salads you can also prepare fruit salad:

  1. To do this, cut Kiwi, banana, orange and pear.
  2. Mix and pour soybean or honey. It is very tasty, children love him.

Fantasize, use the above recipes for the festive table and complement them with the desired ingredients.

Menu on benchmarks

It is not true that it is impossible to eat fully in the post. We offer you an approximate menu for several days. You can complement and improve it depending on your imagination and availability of products:

  • Morning: Fruit Salad
  • Lunch: noodles soup, buckwheat porridge and vegetable salad
  • Dinner: Potato zrazy with mushrooms

  • Morning: oatmeal with dried fruits
  • Lunch: Borsch with beans, salad with cabbage
  • Dinner: Vinaigrette, Honey Rusp to Tea

  • Morning: toast with honey, tea
  • Lunch: pickle, beet salad, baked potatoes
  • Dinner: Mushroom Lazagna

  • Morning: Lean Fritters or Pancakes
  • Lunch: Soup with peas, pea cutlets, noodles
  • Dinner: Pilaf with mushrooms

  • Morning: Oatmeal cookies with tea
  • Lunch: Vegetable soup, buckwheat porridge with mushrooms
  • Dinner: Vegetable Salad

The post is the time of cleansing the soul and body. One who once fasted can no longer refuse them. Try and you - feel ease in the body and the strength of your own will.

Video: Cooking for lean dishes

Lean dishes They are a category of dishes that Orthodox Christians eat food into special days of fasting, when it is not allowed to eat meat, eggs, dairy products, sweets, and drink alcohol. Such a restriction in the products would seem to have to make the table too scarce. However, in fact, this is not so! Even of the usual vegetables and fruits, a real culinary masterpiece can be made. In general, the category of lean dishes is very diverse and replete with thousands of all kinds of recipes, which you can see by examining this section of our site.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner in the post

Lenten meals, like the eating, the ordinary can be varied by appointment. This means that there are dishes for both breakfast and lunch, as well as for dinner. In addition, such eaters can be quite everyday, that is, calculated for every day, as well as they can be festive. Therefore, even on the birthday in the post you can cook a wonderful festive table. It will turn out, we assure you, very tasty. Your guests will not even notice the absence of some products!

In addition, lean dishes are very diverse by type. So, for example, you do not have to exclude a snack from your diet, nor first dishes nor the second hot. Even from sweet treats, you can not refuse if you get reasonable to cooking. And even your favorite cutlets may not leave the lean table, if the meat is replaced by fish or, for example, lentils.

Thus, even excluding some products from their diet, you can still leave it approximately the same as before the post. And sometimes the replacement of some components to others makes the eats more winning in the taste.

Dishes from croup and legumes

Dish from cereals occupy an important place on a lean table. First of all, this is due to their satisfaction. Even the simplest porridge prepared on the water can satisfy no worse than a piece of roasted meat. In addition, there will be such a food much more useful.

Most often during the post prepare such cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal. As a rule, they are boiled as a side dish, and in addition, add to all sorts of lean soups.

In addition to croup, legumes (peas, nuts, lentils, beans) are widely used. In terms of their nutritional qualities, they are not inferior to meat, but the benefits of them are much more, because in their composition you will not find the "harmful" cholesirin, as well as growth hormones.

Dishes from vegetables, mushrooms and fruits

The main components of dishes during the post still remain vegetables. Of them prepare snacks, salads, first, as well as second dishes. In addition to the fact that they are obtained delicious and low-calorie, they are also very useful. After all, the vegetables are rich in the mass of all kinds of vitamins and minerals, as well as weighing the other necessary organisms of substances. Thus, vegetable dishes during the post not only give believers the opportunity to demonstrate their humility before God, but also to improve, which, perhaps, will be a reward for humility.

The most common to use during the post are such vegetables: eggplants, broccoli, zucchini, cabbage, potatoes, turnips, beets, pumpkin, spinach.

A rather popular ingredient in many lean recipes are mushrooms. They can become an excellent meat replacement, and besides, they can be widely used in the preparation of all kinds of dishes, like vegetables that were discussed earlier. Most often use oysteries and champignons that are available on store shelves all year round. However, forest mushrooms can be used if you have such an opportunity.

Also, in this context, it is impossible not to mention the fruit. They are usually used in an independent form, as a substitute for desserts. In addition, they can also be composite parts of a sweet dish.

The most common fruit in our area is apples, however, and overseas fruits can be bolder to eat twice. So in the consumption of pineapples, bananas and other gifts of nature, you can not limit yourself. In addition, to maintain health, they will be very useful!

Fish and seafood dishes

Meat during the post can be replaced not only vegetable food. On some days that are not particularly stringent, you can eat all kinds of fish. It may be river, marine or at all oceanic. The value does not have. Prepare from fish as you probably know a real masterpiece! So in the case of any celebration, coming at the time of the post, you can please our guests and your favorite, fish in any culinary processing that you will only prefer.

Allowed during the post also consumption of seafood: shrimp, squid, mussels, oysters, algae, etc.

Baking on benchmarks

Baking on benchmarks as well as many other dishes listed earlier can remain in your menu. All that will be needed is to cook it on a lean dough that does not contain milk, butter and eggs. Its base is any flour at your discretion (traditional wheat, buckwheat, corn or any other). Other ingredients: water, food soda, yeast, salt.

From such a lean test you can make any baking: pancakes, pies and pies, pizza, rolls, etc. The filling can be vegetable, fruit, mushroom or fish.


The post is not just a restriction in food, this your ability to exercise humility bodily and humility spiritual. However, it does not mean that you must argue yourself with hunger and radiate your body. Therefore, to draw up a laundry menu for every day, take care carefully, trying to make it balanced. Remember that health is above all!

We hope that the photo recipes of our site will help you draw up a delicious and diverse diet at the time of fasting.