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How to drink and not get drunk on New Year's Eve? How to drink and not get drunk for the New Year How not to get drunk on New Year's Eve

New Year, wedding, birthday, corporate party - a Russian will always have a reason to drink. How to maintain a sobriety of mind so that the next day it will not be excruciatingly painful when restoring memory and the chain of events? Don't drink a lot, and it's best not to drink. This is understandable, but not always doable. Therefore, we offer several recipes that will help in such cases.


Why does a person get drunk? Everything is explained by the effect of ethyl alcohol on the blood and blood vessels. Special enzymes that the liver produces are opposed to this effect: alcohol dehydrogenase converts ethanol into acetaldehyde, and then aldehyde dehydrogenase oxidizes it to acetic acid. At the same time, acetaldehyde is much more toxic than ethyl alcohol, and it is he who causes a hangover - a severe poisoning of the body.

In different people, intoxication occurs at different rates and the hangover goes away with varying degrees of intensity, but there are still general patterns. For example, men need more alcohol to get drunk than women, and people with less body weight get drunk faster than large people. This does not apply to overweight people with abundant body fat: they just get drunk quickly.

So, if a hectic feast cannot be avoided, there are some simple tricks that will help you stay on your feet and control yourself.

Even if you are extremely hungry and want to make up for lost time right on the holiday, eat something before going out. Never start drinking on an empty stomach: intoxication will overtake suddenly, much faster than you expect. "Lucky from one glass" - this is what happens if a hungry person drinks alcohol. Contrary to popular men's opinion ("What about 100 g before dinner?"), Alcohol does not improve digestion, but only enhances the production of gastric juice. So in the end, you can eat much more than you want. If you do not eat, then the body will begin to produce more insulin, and the blood sugar level will drop sharply. This is fraught with very poor health.

Before the meal, if your stomach allows, eat a sandwich with butter, a small amount of fatty foods, and if you can, drink a raw egg.

Surprisingly, these affordable and completely safe medicines, sold in any pharmacy, are still not widely used at feasts. Meanwhile, they will definitely save you from a severe hangover and weaken the effects of alcohol. The cheapest and most well-known adsorbent is activated carbon (dose - 1 tablet per 10 kg of human weight). Lignin-based drugs - "Lignosorb", "Liferan", "Polyphepan" are considered more modern. It is necessary to drink adsorbents in advance, a couple of hours before the start of the holiday, and the next morning it is worth repeating the procedure.

They will help the body to cope not only with alcohol, but also with a fair amount of food. There are so many tasty things on the table! To facilitate digestion, take "Creon" ("Mezim Forte", "Abomin", "Pancreatin", "Wobenzim") an hour before the meal.

When alcohol breaks down, a lot of vitamins of this group are consumed, and vitamin B6 also stimulates the activity of the liver, which breaks down ethyl alcohol. If you do not want to feel exhausted and unable to concentrate in the morning, take a complex of vitamins containing B6, for example, "Pician", "Milgamma", "B-complex", "Neurogamma", "Neuromultivitis" a few hours before libation.

Tip 5. Eat hot food, as well as vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C

On holidays, they usually serve hot. Do not neglect this in any way. Meat dishes will slow down the absorption of alcohol, and a lemon or orange will provide the body with a supply of vitamin C. Salads with herbs are also very useful in this regard. Do not forget to make up for the loss of vitamin C in the morning after a meal - for example, by taking ascorbic acid.

Tip 6. Do not drink carbonated drinks, even non-alcoholic

“How many times have the world been told…”, but each one once steps on this rake. Everyone knows the instant feeling of euphoria and fun from champagne, as well as their own amazement in the morning - how could you get drunk from this light drink? The thing is that the "effervescence" enhances the absorption of alcohol. Never drink alcohol with soda, even mineral water, otherwise you risk being quite surprised at the consequences. But lemon, apple or grape juice is quite suitable for accompanying a meal.

On this occasion, you can hear different statements, for example, that you can increase the degree, but you cannot lower it. In fact, people perceive the combination of alcoholic beverages differently, but in the case of a long feast, you do not need to mix anything. Drink the drink you started with, with the exception of champagne, otherwise the holiday will end quickly for you.

New Year's holidays traditionally involve a series of feasts and heavy drinking. We talked with the chief physician of the Marshak Clinic, Dmitry Vashkin, about how to have fun and without prejudice to your health. The expert kindly answered our questions.

How to start celebrating the New Year and not get drunk until the first chime?

Above all, do not drink on an empty stomach. Light snacks and fruits 2-3 hours before the start of the feast will help to avoid rapid intoxication. Start with the drinks at the lowest level and move to stronger ones gradually, in control of your condition. If possible, go out into fresh air, move more. Buy quality drinks without succumbing to the temptation of promotional cheapness. The ideal option to stay sober is to drink one drink all night and in small sips, not forgetting to eat.

He ignored the first advice

How not to go into a binge and spend the winter holidays with benefit?

The best option is not to drink at all, if this option is not suitable, plan your weekend so that meetings with friends alternate with days of complete rest from drinking. Sports, shopping and recreation with children require attention, alternate feasts with outdoor activities, give the body time to recover. Do not drive yourself to the hospital ward and refer to drug treatment specialists.

How to quickly recover in the morning after the New Year?

More rest and peace. Spend the first half of the day in bed, get enough sleep, do not invite guests in the morning and do not rush to finish all the salads that you did not have time to try at night. If you have a headache, heaviness in the stomach and thirst are driven from bed to the kitchen, do not rush to eat fatty salads and meat. Drink juices, dried fruit compotes, natural pickles without vinegar, herbal teas. Take a short walk in the park or around the house, get some fresh air. If by the evening the condition has not improved, I recommend that you consult a doctor, nausea and headaches can be a sign of body poisoning with low-quality alcohol.

What is the correct way to consume alcohol on holidays with minimal damage to health?

Don't start celebrating on an empty stomach. Most people do not eat until the first glass, they immediately pour the second and only then start eating. It's so easy to get drunk. Start with a light vegetable salad, fruit. After each toast, do not forget to snack and do not alternate alcoholic drinks. It is better to choose one, but high-quality and enjoy the quality of the product, rather than brag about the amount you drink. Eat fish, lean meats, and avoid mayonnaise dressings. The amino acids contained in bananas, oranges, increase the hormones of joy, and the mood improves naturally, without the alcoholic irritant. Look for fun and enjoyment in the conversation, not in the bottle.

A drunken aggressor has appeared in the company, what to do in this case?

The kindest and sweetest person in ordinary life, in a drunken state, can become aggressive and interfere with others' rest. If possible, calm him down and do not let him drink any more. If possible, take the violent one away from the company and the children, put him to bed or call him a taxi. If these methods did not help, and you see a direct threat to others, immediately call the police, do not expect trouble.

How to have fun with a non-drinker in the company of drinkers?

The main thing is not to focus on this. Drink juices, water, raise glasses with everyone at the table, say toast. New Year is a holiday for everyone and you shouldn't give up the fun just because you don't drink alcohol. Your advantages are that you can taste all the prepared dishes and appreciate their taste, participate in all competitions and entertainment, talk with interesting people and remember the next day what the conversation was about. If you have been addicted to alcohol in the past and are not sure if you can resist, it is better not to provoke yourself and prefer a less noisy, non-drinking and quiet company.

What medicines to arm yourself with in order to save yourself from alcohol poisoning?

Enzymes to improve digestion, containing pancreatin, activated carbon, mineral water, preparations containing succinic acid. Having drunk a few charcoal tablets before a feast, you thereby reduce the intoxication of the body, you will not get drunk longer and you will be able to control yourself. If you overeat and feel a heavy stomach, drink enzymes and try not to eat heavy foods all day, limit yourself to non-alcoholic non-carbonated drinks and clean water.

Finally, I would like to wish the readers of "Alkofan" and their loved ones good health, closeness and warmth! Relax with benefit and pleasure!

New Year, as usual, sneaks up unnoticed. However, it is no secret that many, on the eve of this significant holiday, are convincingly trying to "insure" their liver from severe damage. Someone in advance "ties up" with alcohol, saving strength for the meeting with NG, and who thinks over their alcoholic feast so that it would be fun and something else would be remembered the next day. The author of this article is no exception. About what, how and how it is recommended to drink in the New Year, I will further describe with humor, but "to the point".

False start

"Do no harm!" - reads one of the main postulates of medicine. "Don't get drunk BEFORE the New Year!" - says already popular wisdom, more than once tested by time and "cases". Probably, each of us has acquaintances / friends (or maybe we ourselves "gave it to jazz"), who, starting with beer, for cutting salads for the holiday, then "added revolutions" with cognac, wine and fixed with vodka. As for the most frequent result, do not go to the fortuneteller: "Dimon, get up ... we drink for the New Year ..." And in response - silence. In general, it is better to save your strength for the chimes. After all, this is the main "moment".

What and how much to drink

It is customary for us: a lush table and a sea of ​​alcohol on New Year's - signs of success and well-being in the coming year. However, do not forget about the hangover, which especially loves to “rape” those who have acute problems with drinking culture. Therefore, alcohol intake must be approached carefully and thoughtfully.

Mixing. Now even fifth-graders know that mixing disagreeable alcoholic drinks is more expensive for themselves. Mixing cognac, brandy, champagne, wine (one group of drinks) with vodka, beer or whiskey (another group) inappropriately, you risk seeing the "light at the end of the tunnel" much earlier than your comrades. By the way, they will also "cut off" you. As a last resort, it is better to follow the increase in strength: from champagne / wine and forward with a song to stronger "spirits". By the way, be careful with sweet wines: the sweeter the wine, the more severe the hangover syndrome.

Vodka. There are some nuances here. Doctors do not recommend women at all: they say that their body contains much less alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme that breaks down alcohol. Although, of course, there are "exceptions" who drink "Conan the Barbarian" at a time. A safe dose of vodka for any man is no more than 60 g per day. Accordingly, everything else refers to "overdose". Moreover, the threshold of intoxication for each person is also individual. The stereotype “the more a person weighs, the more he can drink” has been refuted more than once.

Remember! You can prepare for each vodka drink in order to extend the time of your stay in the world of real people. Knowledgeable people advise that each glass you drink should be accompanied by eating fatty foods. Fats slow down digestion by slowing down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. However, always chew to the end before taking another sip of alcohol.

Snack or drink. Definitely a snack! Two hundred years of "scientific research" have yielded one result - nothing better than a pickle has yet been invented. And here A.P. Chekhov was right. Although the snack “steals the degree,” it will postpone the time of calling the squirrel on duty until another time. It is also a very common "epic fail" or fatal mistake of drinkers - to wash down strong drinks with carbonated "cola", "Baikal" or "Sprite". In this case, alcohol quickly penetrates the bloodstream, bringing the moment of intoxication closer.

Champagne. A festive, pleasant and, at the same time, the most vile drink. And meanness lies in the egoism of champagne: it does not like to be "mixed" with other drinks. Get a hangover, tantamount to "Lucifer" agony on the outskirts of hell. By the way, busting with the norm of this fizzy drink leads to the same place.

Prevention of the onset of intoxication

Then we follow the mottos. "Be ready!" - reads the main slogan of the Ameran Boy Scouts. In our case, you can also prepare your body for the drunken party in advance. Before starting it, drink plenty of liquid - juice or, in extreme cases, water. Some "avid" chemists generally advise to mix vodka with a tincture of Eleutherococcus (medicinal thorny plants from Asia), which can be found in pharmacies. If the "process" is already underway, and you are in a cafe, then while drinking, you can often leave the table to move around, dance or chat with friends. Let your intestines process the "fuel" poured into it and prepare for new tests.

Alcohol and sex

As you know, alcohol is still that aphrodisiac! Working like Photoshop, it can make our interlocutor (s) more attractive and even rekindle the fire of short-term passion. In this case, you can combine business with pleasure and determine the best time for seduction. You can go on the offensive if: her (his) cheeks turn red, her tongue is untied, sociability and giggle has increased. However, if you "slow down" and show "Estonian" reflexes, the second stage of alcoholic intoxication will come. Like Cinderella at midnight, the previously acquired "special effects" will leave you: the charm will disappear, the sensitivity will disappear.

So, everything is good on time and in moderation. Remember this on New Years and… eat more often! Happy holidays to you and all the best!

Let us warn you right away that there is only one way to drink alcohol, not to get too drunk and not to think in the morning: "I wish I had died yesterday." The method is very simple: you need to calculate how much you can drink. And limit yourself to this dose. How much alcohol can you drink? Unfortunately, according to the WHO recommendations, your norm is only 20 ml of pure ethanol per day. In terms of drinks, these are completely tears: about 50 ml of strong alcohol such as brandy or vodka, 125 ml of vermouth or 175 ml of wine.

Horror, huh? But in fact, WHO is talking about the amount of alcohol that will definitely not harm your health. As for the dose that will not knock you out - it needs to be calculated individually. And the most important thing here is not numbers, but psychological preparation: you must in advance forbid yourself to drink more than is necessary for light intoxication. And this very "light intoxication" already needs to be counted in glasses - based on past experience. And drink exactly that much, yes.

Harmful myth: a couple of hours before the feast, drink to "warm up" the body

It is believed that in this way you will prepare the body for the upcoming fun, because if you force it to process alcohol in advance, then by the right time it will be fully armed - with the necessary enzymes at the ready. However, recently, scientists have found that it is not possible to increase the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase in this way. By the way, remember this word, because this is a great test: if you cannot pronounce it, you will definitely have enough. So, by drinking in advance, you will simply increase the load on the liver - and nothing more.

What to eat so as not to get drunk instantly?

You, of course, know perfectly well that you cannot drink on an empty stomach. Even if at the New Year's corporate party you planned not only to drink, but also to devour three buckets of food, you still need to eat in advance. Question: what is there and in what quantities? The answer is: do not lean on sweets, fatty foods and do not overeat. Because the more you eat, the slower alcohol will be absorbed. But he will not disappear anywhere. That is, at the moment when the food is finally digested, you will be covered with everyone you drink at once. Anyway, forget about three buckets of food, yeah.


Harmful myth: you need to eat a piece of bacon or a sandwich with a thick layer of butter. Fat will prevent alcohol from digesting

In fact, the suction surface of the gastrointestinal tract is hundreds of square meters. You will have to eat the whole pig in order to defeat the insidious green snake in this way.

Have a snack!

Drinking alcohol at a corporate party is a bad habit, you definitely need to eat it. The only problem is that there are usually too many snacks on the table and everything is so tasty, right? So, help your body and try not to turn your stomach into a storehouse of supplies in case of a nuclear war: choose the type of snack you like best and don't mix it with others. You can, of course, polish the sauerkraut with jellied meat and chocolate-covered fruits, but it is very difficult to digest all this together with alcohol. Stomach, sir.

Harmful myth: the denser you bite, the more sober you will remain

As we already said, a dense snack does not cancel the effect of alcohol, but only slows it down. Thus, you will achieve the opposite effect: you will drink more than you should. But the danger is not in this, but in the fact that a full stomach in combination with abundant libations is too much stress on the pancreas. Hello again, sanitary ware friend!

Don't mix drinks

Alcohol intake rules: you can mix it with still water and juices. Well, that's all, perhaps. If you prefer sparkling wines, limit yourself to them: carbon dioxide from the "magic bubbles" accelerates the absorption of alcohol, so a shot after champagne may accidentally drop you under the table.

A harmful myth: you cannot lower the degree, but you can increase it!

In fact, it doesn’t matter at all in what order the drinks of different strengths are consumed - intoxication causes ethanol in a certain dose, and how much this dose was diluted before drinking is irrelevant. Another thing is that, starting the evening with wine, you get used to a certain rate of intoxication: here comes a little bit of alcohol, then a little more, a little more ... And suddenly a solid dose arrives. For which you are completely unprepared, of course. So if you're going to make every toast, don't change the drink.