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Is it possible to shoot from the traumatic pistol or kill someone. COOBOBINE - the most terrible sin? Can I shoot

You can judge the urgency of this or that topic in the number of questions on the thematic forum. The next question is devoted to the possibility of killing from the traumatic pistol. The answer to it can be definitely positive, as various unforeseen situations happen in life, in which the most harmless things become weapons. However, it is desirable to look more wider on the problem, and, above all, to determine the contingent of interest.

  • It can be ordinary citizens who try to protect themselves from possible trouble.
  • Also, the question may be interesting to beginner criminal elements.
  • Finally, people with suicidal inclinations can be asked to a similar question.

It is clear that the article is addressed mainly to the first category of citizens, so we will first talk about the legitimate use of trauma.

Even before the acquisition of traumatic weapons, the potential owner is obliged to think about the fact that its use can turn into a criminal article, even if there is no intent to violate the law. The use of self-defense weapons is so limited by the established requirements that when an accident occurs to prove the legality of its actions is quite difficult.

The whole public in the opinion of traumatic weapons was divided into two categories. It is clear that these are those who come for wearing weapons and against. Paradoxically, representatives of both categories show a certain "discontent" to traumatic. If her supporters want to have more powerful weapons at hand, as they believe that the existing opportunities are not able to stop, for example, the attack of hooligans, then the opponents consider trauma with dangerous means of protection capable of killing a person.

From laws to real use

The purpose of traumatic weapons is defined as a means for protecting life and health, as well as the health of their loved ones. In practice, it turns out that the use of traumatic weapons in most cases for the owner is turning serious trouble.

Formally, the criminal case should be initiated on the fact of murder or causing significant injuries. But for law enforcement agencies, any use of weapons is associated with hooliganism, so it is quite difficult to prove the legality of using trauma.

Unfortunately, a single step-by-step instruction for the use of the EUO does not exist. It can only be developed independently, referring to the opinion of experts. Modern technique allows you to easily conduct audio or video. When brewing conflict, it is recommended to turn on the voice recorder or chamber. If the attackers are somewhat, their testimony will be more weighty than yours.

In this case, it remains to be hoped only on stationary camcorders installed at stores, entertainment centers, entrances. The camera must record the fact that you are loudly warned hooligans about the intention to apply weapons, and also made one shot into the air. In real cases, such warning events are practically impossible, which plays an arms owner's hand.

An important role will play a moment when aimed shot was made. No matter how strange it sounds, but the least problems will arise if it was necessary to defend already after the attackers began to strike. Only in such a situation, the action is regarded as self-defense. If the enemy does not apply weapons and tries to penetrate the apartment or in the car, and also grabbed you, the open fire will be qualified as the excess of the necessary self-defense measures. It is somewhat easier to comply with the law when the attacker wakes up with a stick or another subject. You can safely shoot at the time of Zamaha.

The use of injuries against women, children or disabled people is almost always out of law. The exception is cases of attacks of an armed group of adolescents.

Deadly wounds

If it is proved that the weapon owner was intentionally aimed in his head, then any self-defense could not be a speech. These actions will be regarded as intent, even if the injury was caused by chance. That is why when choosing trauma, accuracy is considered to be determining the parameter. The main task is not to get into the temple, eyes, neck.

Traumatic weapons have a very deceptive property. If, when a bullet hit, a person may not even feel pain in the closed clothing of the body, then the shot in the temple or in the eyes will certainly become fatal. It is for these considerations that the government decided to equate traumatic to firearms, introducing a number of restrictive measures.

Tragic consequences may occur when injured in the stomach or even in foot. A rubber ball, which is able to enter a couple of centimeters into the body, with ease of casting the artery, and the person will die of blood loss. The most unpleasant lies in the fact that it is difficult to predict the consequences of a traumatic shot. For the same model of a pistol or revolver, a wide energy range is released, and the impact characteristics of the bullet depend on it.

Traumatic Weapons for Suicide

We would never have thought that a certain part of the article would have to devote to people with suicidal inclinations. It is quite difficult to reflect on the question of whether it is possible to shoot from the traumatic pistol. But, immersed in the realities of life, we note that the phenomenon of suicide was, there will be. I would not like to turn an analytical article into suicide instructions, but we emphasize that traumatic weapons are not the best tool to reduce scores with life.

On the human body, many different points, the impact on which can lead to a violation of a specific group of organs. By the way, the point massage is based on this, because the impact can give a positive effect. A person is quite realistic to kill from pneumatic weapons, and traumatic power is much higher.

If you shoot in the temple, then in 90% of cases it will lead to a fatal outcome, since the bone in the temporal area is the most thin, and the bullet will damage the brain. However, there were cases when "self-trusts" survived. The bullet took place along the bone of the cranial box and almost did not hurt the brain. Is it possible to call such a confluence of the circumstances with successful? Man after injured for life will remain disabled.

Many suicidants choose traumatic as the most affordable means. After watching the staged video, they mistakenly think that death will come instantly and without torment. In most cases, which are officially fixed, death after a shot in the head of the trauma occurred in a few hours. It is impossible to imagine, which torment is experiencing a person. Statistics of lethal outcomes shows that the suicide is achieved in 50% of cases.

How to protect yourself

We see that the shooting of traumatic weapons is full of paradoxical consequences.

  • On the one hand, there are no deaths guarantees in the case of suicide.
  • On the other hand, in a ridiculous accident, you can turn into a killer from the victim.

For those, I decided to protect yourself and your loved ones with the help of a trauma, the question of what to do if we had to use weapons.

No matter how the conflict ended, you need to inform about the police. It is important that you were the initiator of the police call. Many lawyers based on judicial practice, argue that the status of the victim will have the one who will first turn into law enforcement agencies. Often there are cases when a citizen had resistance and left, and the attacker at the same time appealed to ambulance, and then to the police. And in circulation, he indicates that it is the owner of the weapon first committed an attack. Perhaps justice will triumph, however, for this you will have to make a lot of effort.

In Russian legislation, punishment for non-appearance of medical care is provided. So that you are not accused of this, call the ambulance to a person, even if he recently made you an attack.

It would be nice to get witnesses. Naturally, the police will not have any outsider agree. The best option is to take contact details. It is also recommended to rewrite rooms nearby. They may have people or a registrar can be included. And the last, but not by meaning, advice - hire a good lawyer.

Does the Church consider suicide more terrible sin than killing? What will be behind the coffin with those who refused to out, although they were in the permanent reason? How to pray for a person who committed suicide due to severe pain or fear of abuse? The priest Nikolai Petrov is responsible.

- In the world up to a million suicide per year, and this number is growing. Why?

Suicide was always. But the more the traditional society was, the less often it could come to mind so unnatural to humans. Now the problem is that a certain "culture" arose, the "tradition" of suicide. And it seems to me that the more this is stated, the easier it is to make it a person from the "risk zone". I wonder if there are no statistics that the "prevention of suicides" is made more?

There are closed people who do not want to complain. Their suicide becomes thunder among the clear sky for others. Is it possible to prevent this development of events?

Suicide can be committed by a volitional solution, and may be the consequence of some deformation of the human person. In the first case, the case is often not in the "bad" life of a person, but in the impossibility of changing something: fix the error, give a debt (for example, a general loser battle and lost all the army), etc. Man just considers himself no right to live. He himself condemns himself death. It is impossible to prevent it. You can only remind everywhere that such a statement is impossible for a Christian. If a certain mental change occurs in a person, he doesn't want to live, it can always be noticed - no matter how "closed" he was.

- How to help a person who complains of life and thinks about suicide out loud?

If a person speaks of his intention to everyone, and not only to someone solely trusted and close, then this, according to many doctors and psychologists, shows the need to attract attention, and not a real desire to part with life. The more love is required to give such a person.

People, including Christians, often worries why suicide is the most terrible sin, if a person makes him with grief, in despair. He is so bad, he is so suffering, and then the most terrible punishment after such suffering. Where are God's mercy?

Suicide "By the degree of sinfulness" is not worse than the murder, for example. The problem is that a person does not have the opportunity to repent. According to the teachings of the church, repentance for the coffin is impossible. If the killer did not repent, he was waiting for the same fate as a suicide. Only I would not call it just "punishment." This is the consequence of the serious spiritual state of a person when he puts himself at the place of God, and decides who to live, and who does not. Becoming "God," he remains without God, who, with all his pity for him and mercy, cannot help him. Despair is also the result of his free action, its irregular installations ...

Suicide is always the absence of faith. Whatever the suffering and horrors in life, faith in the fishery of God and his love can save a person.

They say that you can interture and then commemorate in the Church of the suicide, former in the permanent of reason. The diocesan offices usually ask help from the dispensary or from a psychotherapist. Is it true that gradually the approach of the church is softened that more and more understanding, that situations when a person is not responsible for himself, much?

If a person commits suicide when he cannot be responsible for himself, this is another matter. If, for example, he got drunk and committed suicide, but before it did not think about it, then he would have to answer for the sin of drunkenness, in which he, by the way, did not have time to repent.

If suicide is a consequence of mental illness or clouding reason, then, of course, God will judge this person, "taking into account" the absence of his free will in this action, and independently, whether he was moving in the church. The church does not decide whether a person will be saved, but only - it is possible to pray for him in the temple. For this you only need to know that he did not deprive himself a voluntarily and thus excited himself from the church. There is nothing to soften. It's just pointless to disadvantaged the man who abandoned his life given by God, and therefore from faith. The words of the doctor are the most good testimony in this case, although it is necessary to understand that mentally sick people with a diagnosis can take away from life completely consciously and without any influence of their illness, and the funeral of nothing "will not add". And people who refused to span, can quite be "innocent" in the sin of suicide - then, of course, their God will accept accordingly. That is, the funeral is an indicator of the relations of the church to this sin, and not at all "guarantee" or vice versa "exception" of human salvation.

There are cases when an obsessive desire to commit suicide is removed, for example, drugs stimulating peripheral blood circulation. Just eliminate the oxygen starvation of the brain - and the person himself does not understand why he wanted to kill himself. After all, among those who are considered to be suicide, there may be many such "oxygenous starving". Are the priest often to advise, except for repentance, also a medical examination?

Cases with oxygen starvation are not addicted to the position of the church. It is necessary to fight not for ensuring that more suicides are allowed to span, and so that suicides are less. Therefore, of course, in the light of new knowledge of oxygen starvation, I am also ready for all people who have thoughts on suicide for incomprehensible reasons, send to a medical examination.

- And if a person kills himself because of the strongest physical pain?

He can rely on God's condescension, but still it testifies to his minority and weakness, and the sin of suicide does not remove him, just as if he abdicated from Christ because of pain at the moment of torment. But weakness and conscious guy are different things. Slow, if we are talking about this, it will not be, but it will be much easier to pray for it.

Saint Vasily Great described the suicide of virgins girls who knew that the barbarians who took their city would be abruptly over them and violate the vows them. Church considers them not suicides, but by confessions. Of course, today such a situation for Russia is rapidly, but specialists working with crisis situations say that at the time of domestic margin (for example, a drunk familiar in the apartment) a woman grabs a knife and more often screaming "Don't come, I will scream" than "Do not come, I will scout you." And it happens that it cuts. How will the church come to her if she dies?

In general, it all depends on what the person thinks, and from the reasons for his act. If someone will cut himself because of the fear of abuse, this is not a relation to the sin of suicide at all. The main thing is why she did not want this ruling. Save the cleanliness for Christ, like those girls, is one thing. He was afraid of pain or consequences - this is another. Or maybe, in general, he considered himself the right to kill himself and in another situation, and here it applied this tool - this is the third, and quite equalizing such a woman with other suicides. And if it is generally unbelieving, then there is no difference.

A person, not believing in God, so as to do - how to judge him? - Inadequate in its essence ... His "problems" when meeting with God will be completely different, and not in suicide. If not to say that for successive atheists suicide, according to their own estimates, the most logical way to part with life.

I was born in an ordinary family. He studied without triples. But parents decided that it was better to give me to the boarding school. The boarding school clearly did not go to me: in a few years the parents saw that I was better to transport me to a regular school, but it was too late. I became a completely different child: unleashed, bold and rude. When returned to the old school, the teachers did not recognize me. I walked lessons, spent time, spent time in the gym. If he was in the lessons, then broke them or played cards. Always stretched to the guys older, and with one year old it was uninteresting. Parents regularly aroused school. But no one could affect me - no stern father, nor kind, loving mother.
At the age of 15, I was kicked out of the house. But it did not upset me. I was strong, proud and confident. I saw my future strong and carefree. I decided that in this life I'll get everything myself, what I would not stand it (at that time I did not even suspect what it would be for me).

By collecting the top three to themselves, I organized a criminal group, which was under the wing of one of the Kiev "authorities". Soon we will fall off and began to study the racket on our own, our grouping was small, but very strong. People in her were desperate and devoted to their work. It was a family in the literal sense of the word. Could life put each other. Everyone was unique and talented in its own way. Any crime clearly planned to the smallest details. Over time, I realized that with extortion it's time to finish. By that time, businessmen began to contact the police. Many have come to prisons. Forest groups. I was well focused on the end-in-law of the law and tried to find a way to earn more money without hitting the trial. We were involved in various scams of the organization, individuals. The whole chain of schemes, passing through which, a man remained without money, and at the same time he sincerely believed that we, just that we had no relation to this, but also want to help him.
My impunity gave me a huge confidence. By that time, I had already sought everything to what, but it was not satisfied, I wanted more. We started robbery and engage in scatteries. For me it was so natural and normal that I even experienced great pleasure.

It was often necessary to deal with people with attitude to the shadow economy. They never appealed to law enforcement agencies. But, on the other hand, they had huge finances to "order" us, and it was more dangerous than any militia. Many times they could just kill me. But every time I stayed alive and thought it was a gangster "Fart". God, thank you that you already kept my life!

I was a supporter that since life is given once, then you need to try everything in it. Restaurants, women, alcohol, the grass no longer brought satisfaction .. everything became ordinary and gray. Then I decided to try heroin. I did not suspect that from this time began a new stage in my life. Once in opium slavery, I still naively believed that at any moment I could stop, soothe myself by the fact that I had a huge power of will. At that time, many of my acquaintances, the same "volitional" athletes, despite their strong will, could not stop. I thought that I was stronger than them, and I would be different, it is only worth wanting. But I had no desire to quit, I liked, and I continued to bother. I tried all the drugs that could be bought in Kiev. The consequences of drug use were not forced to wait long: I have experienced something, and I began to behave very aggressively, beat people. In this state, I got into a psychiatric clinic, where I was diagnosed with a 12th degree of violence, schizophrenia. In the hospital I stayed for about a month. It is very good, I thought, with such a diagnosis could not be imprisoned, the maximum is to appoint forced treatment for a period of 6 months. And this is a very trifle.

The years went, I continued to be bothering, the hopes for my own strength was less and less. By that time, I had already tried to repeatedly be treated in various clinics of our city and realized that I was in slavery, from which there is no deliverance. Drugs no longer brought any pleasure. Used only to come to normal, if you can call it, condition. It was even difficult to think until I am ugly, but when I am ugly, I could figure it out for three. For the previous 10 years there were only 6 months in which I did not use drugs. But then I began to drink so much so much that many said that I would be better to choose. I have already had liver cirrhosis and many chronic sores. By that time, "punctured" everything that I had, except for the apartment. My wife was gone, parents refused me. Friends no longer had - whom they killed, who died of drugs. I died. I tried to shoot several times, but nothing happened. When once again, you finish with you, climbed into the bath and revealed the artery, then my surprise had no blood for my surprise. Then I cut even deeper, but the blood practically did not go. It was very strange, because in the artery there is pressure, and even with a small cut, the blood should go strongly. I was scared: I did not want to live, but I could not commit suicide. I have come to accept the fact that I am a drug addict, and decided to bother until I die. I hated everything and everyone, and most of all myself. The heart was filled with anger and rage. During the long years of such a lifetime, there was nothing human left. Life was completely destroyed.

I often caught myself thinking why I live and what my goal was, always felt that there was something else and unlike what I know. But where is the other and how to find it, I did not know, although I was looking for, but it is not necessary where necessary.
I was on the balance between life and death, and then the Lord came. At that time I have already heard about the Rehabilitation Center "Freedom". During the next treatment in the hospital on Smolenskaya Street to us, Maxim, an employee of the render, went to the ward, and left business cards.

Having come to the center, I saw a woman and two guys. Subsequently, I learned that these were brothers, former drug addicts, and Sister Tatiana. The brothers remember vaguely, as in the fog, because on the eve I passed the 20-day course of treatment in two days. The number of drugs that I entered yourself exceeded the possibility of my body several times. I was purple. The woman seemed to me very strange and unusual. Her eyes glistened, and the look penetrated me, but at the same time love and warmth came from her. I have not met such people in your life. After watching me an X-ray glance, she persistently suggested to pray for me. Thank God for such sisters! Then I called her with a godfather for some time. They did not have to explain that I am a sinner. I myself understood it perfectly perfectly, I was even amazed, as I am generally the earth. Therefore, I immediately repaid before God in my sins. Then they began to pray for me. I was very surprised by their prayer. I did not hear such a prayer before. At that moment, the power of God went to me, and I didn't just cry, but sob. I encharged a few days: Imagine - the Lord saved me in a second one prayer from what I suffered from many years. I had a mad breaking, but, coming home, I lay down and fell asleep. Waking up in the morning, I did not believe that I slept. I jumped like a scratching, from somewhere I took up, and rushed to the center. In my head was a bunch of questions that I wanted to get answers. There they were told that God forgive and loves me. On the one hand, it was pleased with me, but on the other, it was not clear how such a sinner, as I could forgive, and even more likely to love, the Lord God himself. I found out that when Jesus crucified, the first one who went with him to heaven was a robber hanging around. Later, I learned about the past of some brothers from the drug center and realized that I got home.

So began my rehabilitation, or rather a new life. The Lord without a single tablet wonderfully healed my cirrhosis, a sore stomach and other chronic diseases. God not only freed me from slavery to sin, but changed me completely. He changed my worldview, and most importantly, delivered from slave thinking, from rotten thieves "concepts" for which I lived all these years. Jesus broke all the old in the fluff and dust, and gave me his mind and completely different concepts, not similar to the previous one. Now I am new, everything has passed. God made a miracle for a miracle. Relations with relatives and loved ones were restored - I am accepted and loved. There was no hope for the restoration of my marriage, which was desecrated and completely destroyed. But the Lord is faithful and strong, he returned my wife, and now we are together again.

God thank you! Jesus gave a desire to learn, which was not before. The Lord healed my soul and filled my heart with love for people. My friends who were afraid of me and went around the tenth expensive, could not understand what happened to me, they would not recognize me. I testify to them about joyful news.

Not enough paper to describe everything that the Lord did in my life for such a short time. And I really devoted my life to Jesus, I decided to go after him to the end wherever he did not.

Now I myself work in the rehabilitation center and serve the same as I was myself. Boldly I go to the attachments and talking about salvation and that the drug does not have any power to me. For my life I tried literally everything and now I know for sure that the Lord Jesus Christ is nothing!