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Sugar diabetes that you can eat and drink. What can be used with diabetes mellitus? Products for diabetics. Can people with a diagnosis of "sugar diabetes" use ice cream

Good day, dear readers and guests blog "Sugar is normal!". The theme of food and diet in diabetology is inexhaustible, infinite, and sometimes contradictory, so today I again dedicate to her whole article.
Let's talk about what can and cannot be eaten with diabetes mellitus 1 and 2, what foods (fruits, vegetables and others) are needed by a person with a sweet disease, form lists and tables for convenience.
I really hope that you will make my words, because I take the material not from the ceiling and this knowledge has been checking the medical experience.
Perhaps for someone information will be through CHUR revolutionary. Yes, this is exactly what be prepared for the "brain explosion", since what you knew before will expose my cruel criticism.
You can agree or disagree, argue with me, but the facts remain the facts and you remains to accept them or reject.

What foods are imposed on you

Speaking about food products need to remember that many beneficial properties are exaggerated, and some reason for some reason for some reason. Remember that our consciousness guides media that act in the interests of paid organizations.
In other words, who pays, that music orders. It was and will always. Let's think that it is best for sale? The fact that you will buy again and again, that product that causes a mental or even physical dependence.

Alcohol, tobacco, sweets and even bread are the most consumed goods around the world. And all these products cause addiction. If everyone knows how dangerous alcohol and tobacco, but still go to the dog, then many are not even suspected of the danger of sweets and white flour. And in vain ...
Scientists have long been proven drug addicts to sweet and bakery products. Try to limit yourself in these products for a month, more than 90% will be a real breaking and subsequent breakdown. It is on this that not only the giants producing "snickers" and "Mars", but also small shops selling fresh pastries, such as "pad" or "heat-fresher". You will always come again and buy another dose of donuts, because it is tasty, quickly saturates and is cheap.

I recommend reading :. Here you will find an answer to one of the most frequent nutritional issues in diabetes.
What do you see in advertising on tv? Chocolate bars, cookies, juices, sodes and other "snacks" that quench appetite for a while, and after wild hunger comes, because the body does not receive normal nutrients, it is still hungry. And how beautiful they advertise, ranging from the feded smile of a sexy girl, ending with cute kittens ... Yes, they play your feelings, gentlemen!

Have you seen at least once advertising eggs or fish, or real butter? And it is unlikely that you will see, because it is addictive, these products are impossible to eat kilograms, because they give a long satiety. And besides, high-quality products are expensive. And candy and soda can be burned without tired, moreover, the more you eat, the more I want.
So fast carbohydrates, namely, all the sweets, store drinks, pastries and even bread should be sharply limited not only in people with diabetes, but also in healthy people. It is these products that lead to the development of diabetes in the future, because they lead to a violation of exchange and obesity.

And those who are with 1 type of diabetes, I also advise not to dedicate. Think enough just to prick insulin and shore how much do you want? In fact, it is so, but with time you can have problems. Do you think there are no thick diabetics on insulin or with other health violations?
I am not a "saccharo or buncoon", I am for reasonable consumption, when the specified products become a treat, who are waiting for how once waited for a piece of meat on a festive table, because it was inaccessible every day. Look for pleasure outside the food diet, believe me in the world so much interesting ...

Is there any difference between food for 1 and 2 types

The first time of food problems in people with the first type of diabetes does not occur. Calculated insulin, progress and ate what I wanted. But, as I have already told this temporary phenomenon and for food pleasures will have to pay one day.
There is much more relevant diet with type 2 diabetes mellitus, because the normalization of blood sugar levels depends more from it, a successful weight loss, improving the overall level of health.
Therefore, all that I will write further concerns only 2 types of diabetes, but conditionally these rules apply to any person (with or without diabetes). If you wish, then, people with 1 type, join!

In more detail about nutrition of patients with the first type of diabetes, I told in the article.

What you can eat with type 2 diabetes

So, we talked that it is impossible to eat with any type of diabetes, we will now understand what you can.
It is always more difficult to resolve than to prohibit. And all because the ban is a ban, and admissibility always happens with reservations and conventions that require an individual approach.

The list of permitted products may be different depending on the severity of diabetes and compensation of sugars. The worse the situation, the tougher restrictions. If you want faster results, you will also have to show will and patience.

I tried to summarize and amounted to two list:

  1. Foods that can be eating all people with diabetes regardless of the severity of the state.
  2. Food products that can be added to achieve good compensation and improving the state of health, or those who have originally not a particularly bad situation and does not require hard restrictions.

Immediately I will say that limitations are superimposed only on products containing carbohydrates, both both simple and complex.
The remaining products containing predominantly proteins and fats in their composition are not limited, that is, you eat them so much to be satisfied. They will also be in the lists. If the product is fully resolved, it does not mean that it needs to be nauseous. Measure should be in everything!

A new article was published on the blog. Go on the link and find out how it is necessary to eat a sweet berry.

Suggested food tables with diabetes

List number 1

List number2

That you can not eat with a diabetes of second type

  • Bread, bakery products.
  • Flour: Wheat, rye, oat, corn, rice, pea.
  • Bran: any. Why, exactly, I told in the article.
  • Ceres are all except those described in the list number 2.
  • Dry breakfasts.
  • Pasta: any.
  • Highly carbon black fruits, berries and dried fruits: bananas, grapes, persimmon, cherry, pineapple, papa, rubbish, peaches, apricots, watermelon, melon, prunes, dates, figs, dried, raisins, candies.
  • Vegetables: potatoes, corn, beet.
  • Classic desserts, candies, cakes and pastries, sweet pastries.
  • Honey, agave syrup, cane sugar and other natural, but harmful sugar substitutes.
  • Beer and sweet alcoholic beverages.
  • Fructose, sorbitol.
  • Cola, Fed, Pepsi and other nastyness, even if it is carved.
  • Any juices.
  • Finished cottages, yogurts and other products that risk calling themselves dairy.
  • Table sugar without comment.

Answers on questions

What fruits can eat with diabetes

And once again for those in the armored speaker and without a walky, I repeat what I wrote above. Fruits are permitted only if diabetes is successfully compensated, but also there is also its limitations.
It is resolved up to 100 g of local seasonal fruits and berries per day. It is recommended to crush this dose by 2-3 receptions.
Completely excluded: bananas, grapes, persimmon, cherry, pineapple, papa, rubbish, peaches, apricots, watermelon, melon, prunes, dates, figs, dried, raisins, zucats.

Another article about a diet with type 2 diabetes mellitus I described in the article. Go on the link to learn more, how to eat at the same disease.

What cereals can be eating with diabetes

In essence, no, but considering our All-Russian love for porridge, I can resolve to reckon once a week with a plate of porridge, but only if it is wild rice, stare buckwheat or lentils from a movie.
I recommend checking sugar in the blood 1.5 hours after meals and if sugar has become higher on more than 3 mmol / l from the source, then this product does not fit you and you need to cancel it.

What vegetables eat with diabetes

If we talk even easier, then choose those vegetables that grow over the ground, because they have little starch. The exception is pumpkin and patissons, which are not allowed to all. Also completely excluded corn in any of its manifestations.
Those that grow underground contain a lot of starch, which is easily absorbed and increases blood sugar. Absolute exceptions is potatoes. The rest can be, but carefully.
I hope I am available explained which products need to be chosen. If some questions remained, then ask them in the comments below. I answer everyone!

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Lebedev Dilyar Ilgizovna

Diet with type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the main ways to support normal metabolism and reduce blood sugar levels to normal. Without the use of a diet, the treatment of the disease will not bring significant results, and disorders of carbohydrate, protein, fatty and salt balance in the body will be progressing.

With insulin-dependent diabetes, the power rules are more stringent than with other forms of the disease, since, firstly, patients need to lose weight, secondly, to normalize blood glucose levels, thirdly, reduce the load on the pancreas during food intake.

The basic principles on which low-carb diabetic nutrition are built:

  • eliminate the use of sugar both in pure form and in the composition of products;
  • categorically avoid overeating, control the size of portions;
  • consume a small food at a time (before saturation, but not overeating);
  • thoroughly chew food in the mouth, since the splitting of carbohydrates begins under the action of enzymes in the composition of saliva;
  • monitor calorie diet and not exceed the permissible rate of day energy value;
  • take into account the glycemic product index (GI);
  • use the concept of hee (bread unit) when making a menu for a day;
  • the diet should include a significant amount of fiber.

For the full use of the basic principles of a diet with type 2 diabetes mellitus, it will be learned to calculate he, have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe glycemic index and calorie content of products. How to make a menu based on these indicators, read below.

Glycemic product index

Glycemia is the level of blood sugar. In healthy people, in response to an increase in glucose level, a sufficient amount of insulin is distinguished for binding glucose molecules, replenishing the energy potential of cells and reduce glucose levels in plasma.

Opposite processes occur in the body in diabetes, as insulin, isolated by the pancreas, is not enough, resulting in several pathological processes:

  • plasma glucose level is not reduced;
  • muscle and internal organs do not receive energy;
  • the body's fatty depot is replenished.

In order not to raise sugar in the blood, it is necessary to carefully choose food, in particular carbohydrates, since it is carbohydrates that consist of simple and complex sugars, which are distinguished by the structure, the rate of assimilation and the ability to increase blood sugar.

The glycemic index is a digital indicator that characterizes the carbohydrate product relative to the ability to increase blood glucose after meals. Conditionally carbohydrates were divided into 3 groups: with high, medium and low content.

When diabetes type 2, it is allowed to use carbohydrates with low (0-35) and medium (40-65) glycemic index: raw green and leaf vegetables, nuts, cereals, savory fruits, cottage cheese, etc.

Products with high gi (more than 70) should be excluded from the daily diet very rarely, 1-2 times a month in small quantities (pancakes, cheesecakes, muesli, pasta, etc.). As a rule, high-ki products contain white flour of top grade, rapidly raising blood glucose levels, as well as forbidden sugar.

Bread unit

Bread unit is a method for calculating an approximate amount of carbohydrates in products. He is actively used in type 2 diabetes mellitus in cases where insulin is used for treatment (insulin dosage is calculated depending on the amount of carbohydrates in nutrition).

1 hehe is 10-12 grams of carbohydrates. The calculation of XE in food products is carried out as follows: the table indicates the amount of product, for example, bread - 25 grams, contains 1 x. Accordingly, a piece of bread weighing 50 grams will contain 2 x.

Examples 1 xe in products:

  • borodinsky bread - 28 g;
  • buckwheat - 17 g;
  • raw carrot - 150 g;
  • cucumber - 400 g;
  • apple - 100 g;
  • date - 17 g;
  • milk - 250 g;
  • cottage cheese - 700 g

The amount of hehe, which is allowed to consume the day may differ depending on the individual flow of diabetes. Under the compliance with the low-carb diet, the maximum number of bread units - 3, 1 hehe for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

At the same time, it should be noted that the tables may contain not the same indicators, since different number of carbohydrates for 1 grain unit (from 10 to 15) is considered in different countries. Endocrinologists are recommended instead of XE indicators to use carbohydrate content tables in 100 grams of the product.


Sugar diabetes of second type, as a rule, is observed in people with overweight and obesity. With a decrease in body weight, the state of the pancreas and the body is generally improved significantly, which is why the normalization of the weight is an important element in the treatment of the disease.

For a stable and healthy weight loss during obesity, a low-carbohydrate diet is used and the concept of calorie content of products. It is necessary to use tables every day with an indication of the energy value of dishes, to correctly calculate your daily rate and take into account the energy value of the products when making the menu for the day.

Approximate calorie on the day for the purpose of weight loss is calculated as follows: Normal weight in kg is multiplied by 20 kcal for women and 25 kcal for men.

For example:

  • day caloric content for a woman in 160 centimeter and the desired weight of 60 kilograms will be 1,200 kcal;
  • day caloric content for a man with an increase in 180 centimeters and the desired weight of 80 kg - 2000 kcal.

In the absence of excess weight, the daily energy value of the diet should be 1600-1700 kcal for women and 2600-2700 kcal for men.

Diet with type 2 diabetes - which can be used, which is impossible (Table)

With type 2 diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to adhere to low cargo power supply to maintain the normal level of glucose in the blood. At the same time, proteins and fats are allowed on a diet in almost unlimited quantities, taking into account the daily caloric content, if necessary, reset weight.

Products What you can eat Lentimily What can not be there
Flour products Bran bread Bread and flour
Meat and subproducts Lamb, beef, veal, pork, rabbit.
Heart, liver, kidney, etc.
Bird Chicken, turkey, goose, duck meat
A fish All varieties of river and sea fish, offal and seafood
Sausages All kinds of high-quality sausages with a good composition (without the content of flour, starch and oxidation)
Milk products Fat cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, solid cheese
Eggs All types of eggs without restrictions
Craises Several times a week up to 30 grams dry cereals: black rice, buckwheat, movies, lentils, oatmeal, peas White rice. Pasta
Fat. Creamy, olive, coconut oil, fat, foiled animal fats Trans fats: Hydroholdened vegetable oils. Sunflower, rape, corn oil
Seasoning Mustard, black pepper, spicy herbs, cinnamon
Vegetables Tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, garlic, zucchini, eggplants, sorrel, white, Beijing, Brussels, blocked cabbage, salad, spinach, broccoli, green beans, asparagus, green peas, mushrooms. Canned vegetables, salads, etc. Pumpkin, Patchsons, Carrots, Rope, Topinambur, Batat, Radish. Olives and Maslins Diabetes is prohibited from drinking potatoes, beets, corn
Fruit, Yagoda Lemon, cranberry, avocado, quince Apples, pears, cherries, plums, currant, raspberry, strawberry, gooseberry, black-fed fishing, strawberries (up to 100 g per day) Bananas, grapes, cherry, pineapple, peaches, apricots, prunes, melon, dike, kuraga, raisins, cherry, watermelon
Orekhi All nuts and seeds, nut paste with low gi. Walnut flour (coconut, sesame, almond)
Chocolate and desserts High-quality chocolate with 75% cocoa content of no more than 15 grams per day Baking and desserts with sugar, candy, honey, cane sugar
Beverages Tea, herbal decoctions Fruit and vegetable juices
Alcohol Dry wine once a month Beer, Sweet Alcoholic Drinks

In diabetes of the 2nd type, you can use all types of meat, eggs, fermented milk dishes and other products with high protein content. At the same time, protein-carbohydrate products are limited, for example, nuts allowed to use 1-2 times a week.

The amount of protein in the diet should be approximately 1-1.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight. The use of protein above the norm can lead to negative consequences for the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

Fats. The use of vegetable and animal fat does not lead to negative health effects when used in normal quantities. Salo and grained animals fats, butter and other types of oils do not affect blood sugar levels, so fats can be included in a low-carbon diet with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The present threat to health is the so-called transhide-coined fats, which are the result of processing liquid vegetable oil into solid (margarine, confectionery fat) and are actively used in the food industry due to low cost.

Trans-fats are not derived from the body and accumulating in vessels, liver, heart muscle, etc., lead to serious diseases of the internal organs. Hydrogenic fats are forbidden to use not only with diabetes, but also to everyone who follows their health.


The absence of sugar in the diet is the strict rule of the diet in the occurrence of diabetes. At the same time, there is a mass of sugar substitutes, which are used instead of white refined sugar, namely: fructose, sorbitol, xylitis, saccharin, aspartame, stevioside, etc.

Sakharo-substitutes are divided into natural and artificial substances, but despite this, most of the sugar substitutes have a negative impact on the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and other organism systems, namely:

  • weight set due to high calorieness;
  • occurrence of diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • stomach upset;
  • disruption of food digestibility;
  • nausea;
  • allergy;
  • depression.

The only safe sugar substitute for type 2 diabetes mellitus is stevia (stevioside, stevia in powder, tablets, syrup, etc.). Stevia calorie is approximately 8 kcal per 100 grams, but since the plant is 300 times sweeter than sugar, then the preparations from Stevia are used in very small doses.

Products with stevia do not increase the level of glucose, since it contains glycosides (sweet chemical), which are removed from the body unchanged. The taste of Stevia is sweet-shy and need to get used to it. A characteristic feature of the plant is that sweet taste is not felt immediately like sugar, but with some delay.

It should be remembered that the use of stevia-based sugar substitutes is recommended only to people with diabetes mellitus. Frequent use of sweeteners with stevioside in healthy people can lead to insulin resistance.


Despite the fact that the low-calorie diet 9 table, which is assigned to a second-type diabete, prescribes frequent and fractional meals, modern endocrinologists refute this statement.

The most correct mode is the power of hunger to saturation from 3 to 4 meals per day.

Each meal regardless of the composition (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) causes insulin production, so a large number of food intakes per day depletes the pancreas. For the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, during diabetes, the break between the food should be 2-4 hours. Any food intake (in the form of a snack) causes an insulin surge.

Recipes of delicious dishes

Despite the fact that when problems with blood sugar, the consuming of a significant amount of dishes with fast carbohydrates in the composition, a low-carbon diet with type 2 diabetes can be delicious and diverse.

In low-carb food with type 2 diabetes, it should be included with meat, fish, birds, soups and other meat broth-based dishes, vegetables in a variety and heat treatment, fermented milk products and dishes.

Dietary pizza without flour

To prepare pizza, you will need such products: chicken minced (500 gr.), Egg, spices, salt, bulb.

For filling: cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, cheese.

Chicken stuffing mix with egg and crushed onion, salt, add spices. Next, the mince roll into the ball and put on the oiled parchment paper for frying. The minced stuff is covered with a food film (so as not to stick to the rig) and roll in the circle of the desired diameter. After that, the foundation for pizza is placed in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

While the minced me is preparing, you need to fry mushrooms, cut the cucumbers, tomatoes and graze cheese. Next, vegetables are laid on the prepared foundation, and the thick cheese is fused on top and put in the oven for another 5 minutes.

Ready food can be sprinkled with fresh greens before feeding to the table.

Spaghetti from Kabachkov

To prepare spaghetti, use a special grater for Korean carrot. The dish is prepared very simply: the zucchini rubbed onto the grater and roasted on a hot frying pan for 3-4 minutes to the state of the semi-preparedness.

Spaghetti from zucchini is served with stewed meat, fish, vegetables and vegetable sauces.

Tomato sauce for spaghetti from zucchini

Ingredients: big tomato, 1 bulbs, 3 garlic cloves, tomato paste (10 grams), salt, greens. For cooking you need to blanch the tomato, remove the skin and cut into cubes. Next, grind and fridge onions and garlic, add tomato, spices and extinguish until readiness. At the end, add a spoonful of tomato paste.

The purpose of the treatment of the first type diabetes should be considered to maintain the ratio of glucose in the blood as close as possible to the levels of those who are healthy. The main means should be considered the observance of the optimal diet. She is a low-carbohydrate diet, because it is she who is able to keep under constant control of the increased level of sugar diabetics.

Principles of diet

The main principle of a low-carbohydrate diet is to consume only such dishes that contain the smallest amount of carbohydrates. At the same time, it is desirable to maintain the perfect mass of the body - that is, the weight should not be greater. Also permissible:

  • consulating carbohydrates, especially in food with a reduced glycemic index;
  • obtaining a sufficient amount of fiber;
  • the use of salt, sugar and alcohol, but exclusively in moderate quantities.

Thus, each of the diabetics is extremely important to select the dose of insulin "short" type before any adoption of food.

A person needs to learn to thoughtfully make an optimal diet in diabetes mellitus of the first type, and also ensure that it is consistent with the scheme of individual replacement insulin therapy.

All dishes used in food are estimated by a system that is known as hehe, that is, bread units. One unit is 12 grams of carbohydrates, this amount is 25 grams of bread.
On a day, it is permissible to use no more than 30-50 xe, the optimal dosage is established by an endocrinologist and it depends on the set of factors: age, gender, the stage of development of the disease. As a rule, with diabetes mellitus of the first type, the rate of hehe is from 40 to 50.

About sweeteners

Each of the diabetics uses sweeteners. They are divided into glucose substitutes without calories and analogues with a certain amount of calories. It is about xylitis, sorbitol, iriet and fructose. It is smaller than the familiar glucose, increase the ratio of sugar in the blood, but in the number of calories is not much inferior to it. In this regard, calorie analogs of glucose is not desirable to apply diabetics with an overlooking the high body index in normal form and even more so in the dish.
As for non-calorie sweeteners, they are allowed to consume every day in portions with such an extreme limit:

  1. sakharin - up to 5 mg per kg of body;
  2. aspartame - up to 40 mg per kg of body;
  3. cyclamat - up to 7 mg per kg of body;
  4. acesulphal to - up to 15 mg per kg of body;
  5. sukraloza - up to 15 mg per kg of body;
  6. plant Stevia is a natural sweetener with a minimal calorie ratio, it can be used in the largest quantities.

Also recently, experts have concluded that it is not desirable to impose prohibitions in diabetes of the first type for sugar use. That is why it is possible to use up to 50 grams daily, if a person "sugar" disease is consistently compensated.

Schedule of proper nutrition

The most important thing is to combine the dishes used every day. It is this will allow everyone from diabetics to maintain an optimal state of health. A well thought-out modern diet with diabetes of the first type is to bring the diet of the patient to the correct nutrition of a healthy person.
Especially since it is important because the regulation of appetite on the specific costs of the body is quite the same in healthy people and in those who are ill with diabetes, but it does not have an overwhelming body weight. Therefore, the more flexible diet, the higher the likelihood that each of the diabetics will be able to maintain it.
Dinner is necessary for four to five hours before the deposit to sleep. Before injection of extended insulin, which is done before bedtime, be sure to measure the ratio of sugar with a glucometter. Thus, it is estimated at exactly how the dishes and injection of forced insulin before adopting food. If four or five hours did not pass, then there is no possibility to assess the position of affairs, because insulin, which was introduced before dinner, has not yet ceased to reduce the ratio of blood sugar.
There are two options for the first type of diabetes mellitus. The first looks like this: Breakfast at 8 am, lunch from 13 to 14 pm, dinner at 18 o'clock in the evening, an explosion of extended insulin, which is put in the evening - from 22 to 23.
The following option looks like - breakfast at 9 am, lunch from 14 to 15 days, dinner at 19 o'clock in the evening, and the injection of extended insulin from 23.00 to zero hours. Thus, time fluctuations can be one hour, but not more.
At the same time, during each meal, it is necessary to use such dishes that contain protein. In particular, this is important in the morning, that is, for breakfast.

It is desirable to take the morning food as much as possible, with an excellent eggs fit.

They should be prepared both in boiled and fried. For diabetics of this type, the first option is more preferable.

About five groups of products

All food, as well as dishes, which contain carbohydrates, it can be divided into five main groups:

  • products that have starch. This list should include bakery products, bean, pasta, potatoes and cereals. It is advisable to use grain bread with bran, because it has a reduced glycemic indicator. For example, if one xe is equal to 25 grams for white bread, it is already 30 grams for bread with bran;
  • milk-type products. If we talk about liquid products from milk and at the same time not sweet (let's say, kefir), then one xe is 200-250 milliliters of the product. Cottage cheese, this is such a product that is allowed to consume without fear for their own health, because one xe is about 700 grams of the ingredient represented;
  • fruits and juices. Almost all fruits are characterized by a significant content of sugar, therefore, their excessive use is undesirable. Apples, Feichoa, some plums, grenades and pears should be considered less harmful in diabetes of the first type. In the presented fruits there is a significant amount of fiber - a specific carbohydrate, a significant part of which does not remain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe intestine. Also, an impressive glycemic index is characterized by all fruit juices, in addition to tomato;
  • sweets and sugar. These products and dishes with them with diabetes mellitus of the first type are permissible to use exclusively with a sudden fall in blood sugar ratio (manifestation of hypoglycemia symptoms);
    Vegetables that do not contain starch. To such a group should include cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, redish, eggplants, zucchini, onions of all types, greens and tomatoes. These products and dishes with them can be used in large quantities, and there is no need for a counting of such an indicator as hehe.

Thus, the nutrition in type 1 diabetes mellitus implies the correct diet with maintaining the minimum amount of carbohydrates. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to a strict chart and use extremely allowed products and dishes with them.

What fruits can eat with diabetes mellitus: product table

Sugar diabetes at any age can not be a sentence, because it is fully and qualitative to live, even with such a serious ailment. At all, it is not necessary to deny yourself in the usual food and fruits, there is more that they become the main source of minerals, vitamins and vital fiber.

In such a situation, the main condition will be a thorough selection of these freshers. It should be noted only on those vegetables and fruits with diabetes, which have a low glycemic index, and still not forget about the size of the portion.

Important! Under the glycemic index, it is necessary to understand the rate of transforming glucose from carbohydrates, which entered the human body.

What is better to choose diabetics?

Speaking about what fruit can be eating with diabetes, we note that these are those in which the glycemic index does not exceed the level of 55-70. If this indicator is over 70 points, then the product is contraindicated with diabetes of any type. Adhering to such a simple recommendation, it is quite possible to hold blood sugar at a normal level. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the volume of the eaten portion.

It is the glycemic index that makes it possible to understand how the speed the carbohydrates will be split into sugar and flow into the bloodstream. It is extremely important for those who suffer from diabetes, because the sharp jump of blood glucose level is dangerous for the well-being and health of the sick person.

The feature of diabetes type 1 is that it arises at a rather young age and that is why patients know perfectly well what food products are allowed, and which are under the complete ban. The second type diabetes is a slightly different picture. The disease amazes more adult people who are quite difficult to rebuild new realities of their lives and make an adequate menu of fruit.

In order to make the right choice, only acidic or sour-sweet varieties should be used. Juicy and sugar options for fruits can be extremely negatively affected by the state of health, causing a sharp jump glucose in the blood of a patient with diabetes.

We must not forget that juices from fruits and vegetables are several times harder in terms of glycemia, rather than themselves products from which they were produced. Such a picture is observed due to the fact that juice is a liquid without fiber, which plays a far from the last role in the assimilation of sugar. The presented table showed the main vegetables, fruits, juice of them, as well as their glycemic index.

Apricots / Dried Apricots (Kuraga) 20 / 30
Alycha 25
Orange / Orange Fresh 35 / 40
Green bananas 30-45
Grapes / Grape Juice 44-45 / 45
Pomegranate / garnet juice 35 / 45
Grapefruit / grapefruit juice 22 / 45-48
Pear 33
Fig 33-35
Kiwi 50
Lemon 20
Mandarins 40
Peach / Nectarin 30 / 35
Plum / dried plums (prunes) 22 / 25
Apples, Juice, Dry Apples 35 / 30 / 40-50

What to eat diabetics?

Sick diabetes you can indulge yourself:

  • grapefruits;
  • apples;
  • oranges;
  • pears;
  • near some fruits growing on the tree.

A little more careful need to be with mango, with melon consumption, watermelons and pineapples, these fruits with diabetes are not entirely recommended.

Those fruits in diabetes that were processed thermally will have an even higher glycemic index. Sick diabetes of any type is categorically not recommended to use any variations of dried fruits.

It will be quite useful to include not only vegetables, fruits, but also berries:


  • cranberries;
  • gooseberry;
  • hawthorn;
  • cranberries;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn;
  • red currant.

Moreover, you can eat not only in the raw form of these fruits, but also to print them with different processing. You can prepare all kinds of desserts, but to exclude the addition to sugar to dishes. Just the ideal option will be the use of sugar substitute. However, the best of all, of course, will eat vegetables and fruits in their natural form.

If you really want for forbidden fruit, you can pamper yourself, dividing it into several techniques. This will not only bring the joy of the stomach, but also will not be able to cause blood glucose growth.

How to calculate the perfect portion?

Even the safest fruit in terms of glycemia can become harmful to diabetics of any type, if it is consumed in an unlimited quantity. Very well choose for yourself the one that will easily fit into the palm. In addition, you can simply split a large apple or orange, melons, on the part, if it was not possible to find a smaller fruit.

As for berries, the ideal portion will be a small cup, filled with them. If we talk about a melon or watermelon, then more than one slicé at once to eat, nevertheless, it is not worth it. There is still a trick that will help reduce the speed of the transition of carbohydrates in sugar. This can be done if we use vegetables and fruits or berries together with cheese, nuts or cookies with minimal fat content.

The right choice of diabetics

At first glance, it may seem that the suffering diabetes of any type should deprive himself in everything, but this opinion is in the root incorrectly! There are perfect fruits that will raise the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and fiber.

Apples. They can and need to eat with diabetes 2 or 1 type. It is apples that contain pectin that is capable of cleaning blood and thereby help reduce glucose levels in it. In addition to pectin, apples contain vitamin C, potassium, fiber and iron in sufficient quantities. These fruits are available all year round and will be able to help overcome the manifestations of depression, bring extra liquid and remove edema. By the way. Along the way, in diabetes, it is good to know that you can eat with inflammation of the pancreas so that the diet is balanced.

Pears. If you choose fruit not very sweet, then they, as well as apples, will digest in the stomach for a long time, and also contribute to weight loss.

Grapefruit. It is long known that it is this citrus that contains a huge stock of vitamin C that protects the body from viruses, which is sufficiently relevant during the period of mass colds. The glycemic grapefruit index is so small that even a rather large fruit eaten for one sitting will not lead to an increase in blood glucose level in a patient with diabetes mellitus of any type.

But what about dried fruits?

As already noted, dried fruits in patients with this disease under the strictest prohibition. But, if you show a little imagination, you can quite cook the drink not only delicious, but also harmless from the point of view of glycemia. To do this, you need to soak dried fruit for 6 hours and after that twice dried, but every time changing water to a new portion.

Ideal berries for diabetics

Truly invaluable can be called cherry. The berry contains such a huge amount of kumarin and iron, which is quite enough to prevent the formation of thrombus. Even the sweet cherry cannot lead to the excessive formation of glucose in the blood.

It will be quite useful for such a category of patients will be the gooseberry, especially unplanned. It contains a lot of fiber and vitamin C.

Blackberry, lingonberry and blueberries are a real storehouse of the vitamins of the group B, P, K and C, Pectin and special tanning substances.

Currant red and black will also become an excellent option for patients with diabetes mellitus of all its types. Not only berries can be eaten, but also leaves of this amazing shrub. If thoroughly washed currant leaves brew in boiling water, it turns out just great tea.

Red, appetizing and juicy raspberries can also become a welcome guest in the diet of diabetics, but still to get involved in it, because of the high content in the fructose berry.

Sugar diabetes in no way cancels the full and diverse nutrition. It is just important to maintain the permanent account of the eaten and choose only those foods that are not capable of harming the already weakened organism. If the patient is not entirely oriented in the resolved fruits, then you can start a special notebook, where you fix everything eaten every day and reaction. This approach to the case will help not only remember the products with a low glycemic index, but also qualitatively diversify their food.

What you can eat with diabetes mellitus 2: List of Diabetic Products

To learn more…

What can be fascinated with diabetes? This question is given every patient, which is recommended to adjust its menu. After all, it is a diet acts the basis of therapy that helps to avoid glycemia jumps in the body.

Diabetes is called endocrine pathology, due to the flow of which glucose exchange is violated. Treatment is focused on normalization and stabilization of blood sugar indicators by changing the diet, physical activity, medication reception.

Many underestimate the importance of nutrition against the background of the "sweet" disease, and this is rooted incorrectly. In the event of a disease, especially the second type, this should not be disputed at all, since it is based on a violation of metabolic processes, which is primarily provoked by incorrect food habits.

Let's find out that it is impossible to eat with type 2 diabetes, and what is allowed? We will make a list of products from which you should refuse, as well as announce a list of permissible to use.

It is important to reduce the consumption of provisions, replete with a large number of easily digestible carbohydrates. If excess weight, it is necessary to reduce the use of calories per day, ideally up to 2000 kilocalories. Calorie can vary depending on the physical activity of the patient.

In connection with the restriction of many products in the diet, the patient additionally should take vitamin or mineral complexes that replenish the deficit of necessary substances for normal life.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus requires certain changes in nutrition:

  • Reducing calorie, while maintaining the energy value of food for the body.
  • Energy value should be equal to the amount of energy spent.
  • To normalize metabolic processes, eat recommended at the same time.
  • In addition to the main meals, you need to snack in order to prevent a feeling of hunger and the likely breakdown with overeating.
  • In the second half of the day, the receipt of carbohydrates is reduced to a minimum.
  • To quickly enjoy the menu, include as many vegetables and fruits of food fibers as possible (choose food from the list of permitted products).
  • To bring extra liquid from the body reduce the consumption of salt up to 4 grams per day.
  • When choosing bakery products, it is recommended to choose products from rye flour with the addition of bran.

Rational nutrition helps to level the negative symptoms of the hyperglycemic state, contributes to a decrease in glucose indicators and improving overall well-being. And also, getting rid of harmful food habits normalizes metabolic processes in the body.

It is necessary to focus on fruits, vegetables, lactic and fermented products, low-fat meat.

After all, the absolute exclusion of glucose as the only source of energy is the rapid exhaustion of natural energy reserves.

What can be used in type 2 diabetes?

What is sick diabetes mellitus, how to make your daily menu and many other questions are interested in diabetics when drafting. If there is almost everything, with the exception of roasted and fat, with the second type, everything is somewhat more complicated with the 1st type of insulin.

When drawing up the menu, the glycemic product index of the product should be taken into account - an indicator of how the concentration of sugar in the body increases after the use of one or another food. On the Internet there is a complete table even with exotic products.

Relying on the table, the patient will be able to make a diet so that it does not affect glycemia. Gui happens three types: low - up to 49 units, the average varies from 50 to 69 units, and high from 70 and higher.

What you can eat with type 2 diabetes mellitus:

  • Bread is better to choose in the Diabetic Department. The daily rate does not exceed 300 grams.
  • The first dishes are prepared on vegetables, as they are characterized by smaller calorie, have a small amount of bread units. It is permissible to use first dishes based on the second fish or meat broth.
  • Diabetics are allowed to consume exclusively non-fat meat or fish. Prepare for a couple, bake. The main thing is to exclude frying.
  • Chicken eggs are allowed, but in limited quantities, due to the fact that they contribute to the increase in the content of harmful cholesterol in the blood. It is permissible to eat one per day.
  • Dairy products must be characterized by low fat. As for the fruit / berries, then give preference to raspberries, kiwi, apples that not only contribute to the reduction of sugar, but also reduce blood cholesterol.
  • Such vegetables like tomatoes, tomatoes, radish, parsley can be eaten without restrictions.
  • It is allowed to eat creamy and vegetable oil, the rate for people suffering from diabetes is 2 tablespoons per day.

In independence, from a variety of diabetes mellitus, the patient is recommended to control his sugar several times a day - after waking up, before breakfast, after meals / physical activity and so on.

Medical practice shows that already for the fifth day of the right and balanced nutrition, the symptoms of hyperglycemia subsided, the overall well-being is improved, and glucose is approaching the target level.

The following beverages are allowed to consume: homemors with cranberries, lingonberries, compote with dried apples, weakly welded tea, mineral water without gas, decoction with the addition of medicinal herbs to reduce sugar.

What can not be with diabetes?

By drawing up a diabetic menu, a list of products should be taken into account that negatively affect the course of pathology, enhance the destructive symptoms of the disease, as a result of which its progression is observed.

Along with the strictly forbidden products, they allocate food, which can be used in limited quantities. It includes solid salty cheeses, fatty milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, fatty fish. It is recommended to enter the menu no more than 2 times a month.

If the patient with the endocrine disease of the second type is prescribed insulin therapy, then it is necessary to take into account the dosage of the hormone with the power features of diabetics. In a competent approach, it is possible to significantly reduce the dose of medicinal substances, while achieving a rack compensation for pathology.

So, if a patient has diabetes mellitus that you can eat, and what is impossible? The product table will tell that it is forbidden:

  1. Sugar sand in its pure form. With an insurmountable thrust to sweet, it can be replaced by the sacrarosis presented by a wide range in the pharmacy chain and specialized stores.
  2. Baking can not eat, it is under the strict ban. First of all, due to the high content of sugar sand, as well as due to the high calorie content of provisions. Therefore, buns and cupcakes will have to forget.
  3. Meat and fat fish. In principle, it is recommended to abandon fatty food at all, as it contributes to the extra weight set, exacerbates the course of pathology.
  4. Smoked and canned foods. Despite the low indicator of the glycemic index, such food is replete with fats and calories.
  5. Refuse mayonnaise, mustard, various fatty sauces, etc.
  6. Exclude from the diet of the gun and all the food, which includes it. Restrict the consumption of macaroni.

What is impossible to eat with type 2 diabetes mellitus? It is necessary to abandon sweet fruits - bananas, watermelon, fig tree; sweets - cakes, cakes and candy, ice cream, caramel; Exclude fast food - potatoes, hamburgers, chips, snacks.

The use of alcoholic beverages should be controlled, since unlimited consumption can lead to a sharp hypoglycemic state.

Nuts and diabetes

As you know, "Sweet" disease is impossible to cure, the only way to live a normal and full-fledged life is to achieve a rack compensation for the endocrine disease. In other words, normalize glucose values, maintain them within the target level.

It is distinguished by a certain food, which literally replete useful components, vitamins and minerals. In particular, it is spent on nuts. In the treatment of pathology, they occupy no last place, as they provide normalization of metabolic processes in the body, help reduce sugar in the blood.

In addition, it is noted that the use of nuts contributes to the braking of the progression of the disease, so any kind of product refers to vital.

Consider the most useful nuts in diabetes:

  • Walnut contains many alpha linolenic acid, manganese and zinc - these components help reduce glucose concentration. The fatty acids that are available in the composition significantly slow down the progression of diabetic angiopathy, prevent atherosclerotic changes. Permissible to eat 1-2 walnut per day, or add to finished dishes.
  • The consumption of peanut helps to fill the daily deficit of protein substances and amino acids in the body. The components that are available in the composition are cleaned by blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, contribute to the normalization of blood circulation. Per day eating 10-15 nuts.
  • Almond is the "champion" on the content of calcium. If sugar has become high, then the use of 5-10 nuts will lead to the normalization of glycemia. In addition, almonds have a positive effect on metabolic processes.

All walnut foods listed above appear an indispensable additive to food in the menu of each patient. By the way, cedar nuts for diabetics will also be useful.

Their composition is represented only by proteins and mineral substances that contribute to the prevention of diabetic complications.

Features of proper nutrition

The rational nutrition of the patient is the key to a full-fledged life without complications. With an easy degree of illness, it can be compensated by one diet. Against the background of medium and severe, the reception of drugs, the introduction of insulin is recommended.

Harmful food habits lead to the fact that the signs of increasing glucose in the body are increasing, general well-being deteriorates, while significantly increases the risk of developing sharp complications as a diabetic coma.

Along with the use of exclusively allowed products, the power mode has an important value.

Features of the correct nutrition are in the following paragraphs:

  1. To maintain a normal blood sugar level during the day, a prerequisite is a balanced and nutritious breakfast.
  2. Each trapes begins with the consumption of salads based on vegetables, which helps to restore the exchange of lipids, normalize body weight.
  3. 2 hours before sleep is recommended to refuse food, since at night metabolic processes slow down. Therefore, the evening snack is 250 ml of kefir, 100 grams of cottage cheese casserole or sour apple.
  4. It is recommended to eat food warm, because for digesting such food requires a longer period of time.
  5. Each portion must have the optimal ratio of protein and fat substances, which ensures slowing down digestion and suction components in the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Drinks need to drink 20 minutes before meals, either half an hour after it; During meals, drink is not advised.

If on the background of the "sweet" pathology, problems with the digestive tract are observed, the stomach does not "take" fresh vegetables in the required quantity, they can be baked in a brass closet or microwave.

For all patients, the endocrinologist selects a specific menu, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of the disease, but the base of the diet is always the table number 9. Compliance with all rules guarantees long compensation. Fit right and be healthy.

About allowed and forbidden products in diabetes are described in the video in this article.

  • Stabilizes sugar levels for a long time
  • Restores inserting insulin by the pancreas

To learn more…

What can be fascinated with diabetes? This question is given every patient, which is recommended to adjust its menu. After all, it is a diet acts the basis of therapy that helps to avoid glycemia jumps in the body.

Diabetes is called endocrine pathology, due to the flow of which glucose exchange is violated. Treatment is focused on normalization and stabilization of blood sugar indicators by changing the diet, physical activity, medication reception.

Many underestimate the importance of nutrition against the background of the "sweet" disease, and this is rooted incorrectly. In the event of a disease, especially the second type, this should not be disputed at all, since it is based on a violation of metabolic processes, which is primarily provoked by incorrect food habits.

Let's find out that it is impossible to eat with type 2 diabetes, and what is allowed? We will make a list of products from which you should refuse, as well as announce a list of permissible to use.

It is important to reduce the consumption of provisions, replete with a large number of easily digestible carbohydrates. If excess weight, it is necessary to reduce the use of calories per day, ideally up to 2000 kilocalories. Calorie can vary depending on the physical activity of the patient.

In connection with the restriction of many products in the diet, the patient additionally should take vitamin or mineral complexes that replenish the deficit of necessary substances for normal life.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus requires certain changes in nutrition:

  • Reducing calorie, while maintaining the energy value of food for the body.
  • Energy value should be equal to the amount of energy spent.
  • To normalize metabolic processes, eat recommended at the same time.
  • In addition to the main meals, you need to snack in order to prevent a feeling of hunger and the likely breakdown with overeating.
  • In the second half of the day, the receipt of carbohydrates is reduced to a minimum.
  • To quickly enjoy the menu, include as many vegetables and fruits of food fibers as possible (choose food from the list of permitted products).
  • To bring extra liquid from the body reduce the consumption of salt up to 4 grams per day.
  • When choosing bakery products, it is recommended to choose products from rye flour with the addition of bran.

Rational nutrition helps to level the negative symptoms of the hyperglycemic state, contributes to a decrease in glucose indicators and improving overall well-being. And also, getting rid of harmful food habits normalizes metabolic processes in the body.

It is necessary to focus on fruits, vegetables, lactic and fermented products, low-fat meat.

After all, the absolute exclusion of glucose as the only source of energy is the rapid exhaustion of natural energy reserves.

What can be used in type 2 diabetes?

Sugar level

What is sick diabetes mellitus, how to make your daily menu and many other questions are interested in diabetics when drafting. If there is almost everything, with the exception of roasted and fat, with the second type, everything is somewhat more complicated with the 1st type of insulin.

When drawing up the menu, the glycemic product index of the product should be taken into account - an indicator of how the concentration of sugar in the body increases after the use of one or another food. On the Internet there is a complete table even with exotic products.

Relying on the table, the patient will be able to make a diet so that it does not affect glycemia. Gui happens three types: low - up to 49 units, the average varies from 50 to 69 units, and high from 70 and higher.

What you can eat with type 2 diabetes mellitus:

  • Bread is better to choose in the Diabetic Department. The daily rate does not exceed 300 grams.
  • The first dishes are prepared on vegetables, as they are characterized by smaller calorie, have a small amount of bread units. It is permissible to use first dishes based on the second fish or meat broth.
  • Diabetics are allowed to consume exclusively non-fat meat or fish. Prepare for a couple, bake. The main thing is to exclude frying.
  • Chicken eggs are allowed, but in limited quantities, due to the fact that they contribute to the increase in the content of harmful cholesterol in the blood. It is permissible to eat one per day.
  • Dairy products must be characterized by low fat. As for the fruit / berries, then give preference to raspberries, kiwi, apples that not only contribute to the reduction of sugar, but also reduce blood cholesterol.
  • Such vegetables like tomatoes, tomatoes, radish, parsley can be eaten without restrictions.
  • It is allowed to eat creamy and vegetable oil, the rate for people suffering from diabetes is 2 tablespoons per day.

In independence, from a variety of diabetes mellitus, the patient is recommended to control his sugar several times a day - after waking up, before breakfast, after meals / physical activity and so on.

Medical practice shows that already for the fifth day of the right and balanced nutrition, the symptoms of hyperglycemia subsided, the overall well-being is improved, and glucose is approaching the target level.

The following beverages are allowed to consume: homemors with cranberries, lingonberries, compote with dried apples, weakly welded tea, mineral water without gas, decoction with the addition of medicinal herbs to reduce sugar.

What can not be with diabetes?

By drawing up a diabetic menu, a list of products should be taken into account that negatively affect the course of pathology, enhance the destructive symptoms of the disease, as a result of which its progression is observed.

Along with the strictly forbidden products, they allocate food, which can be used in limited quantities. It includes solid salty cheeses, fatty milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, fatty fish. It is recommended to enter the menu no more than 2 times a month.

If the patient with the endocrine disease of the second type is prescribed insulin therapy, then it is necessary to take into account the dosage of the hormone with the power features of diabetics. In a competent approach, it is possible to significantly reduce the dose of medicinal substances, while achieving a rack compensation for pathology.

So, if a patient has diabetes mellitus that you can eat, and what is impossible? The product table will tell that it is forbidden:

  1. Sugar sand in its pure form. With an insurmountable thrust to sweet, it can be replaced by the sacrarosis presented by a wide range in the pharmacy chain and specialized stores.
  2. Baking can not eat, it is under the strict ban. First of all, due to the high content of sugar sand, as well as due to the high calorie content of provisions. Therefore, buns and cupcakes will have to forget.
  3. Meat and fat fish. In principle, it is recommended to abandon fatty food at all, as it contributes to the extra weight set, exacerbates the course of pathology.
  4. Smoked and canned foods. Despite the low indicator of the glycemic index, such food is replete with fats and calories.
  5. Refuse mayonnaise, mustard, various fatty sauces, etc.
  6. Exclude from the diet of the gun and all the food, which includes it. Restrict the consumption of macaroni.

What is impossible to eat with type 2 diabetes mellitus? It is necessary to abandon sweet fruits - bananas, watermelon, fig tree; sweets - cakes, cakes and candy, ice cream, caramel; Exclude fast food - potatoes, hamburgers, chips, snacks.

The use of alcoholic beverages should be controlled, since unlimited consumption can lead to a sharp hypoglycemic state.

Nuts and diabetes

As you know, "Sweet" disease is impossible to cure, the only way to live a normal and full-fledged life is to achieve a rack compensation for the endocrine disease. In other words, normalize glucose values, maintain them within the target level.

It is distinguished by a certain food, which literally replete useful components, vitamins and minerals. In particular, it is spent on nuts. In the treatment of pathology, they occupy no last place, as they provide normalization of metabolic processes in the body, help reduce sugar in the blood.

In addition, it is noted that the use of nuts contributes to the braking of the progression of the disease, so any kind of product refers to vital.

Consider the most useful nuts in diabetes:

  • Walnut contains many alpha linolenic acid, manganese and zinc - these components help reduce glucose concentration. The fatty acids that are available in the composition significantly slow down the progression of diabetic angiopathy, prevent atherosclerotic changes. Permissible to eat 1-2 walnut per day, or add to finished dishes.
  • The consumption of peanut helps to fill the daily deficit of protein substances and amino acids in the body. The components that are available in the composition are cleaned by blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, contribute to the normalization of blood circulation. Per day eating 10-15 nuts.
  • Almond is the "champion" on the content of calcium. If sugar has become high, then the use of 5-10 nuts will lead to the normalization of glycemia. In addition, almonds have a positive effect on metabolic processes.

All walnut foods listed above appear an indispensable additive to food in the menu of each patient. By the way, they will also be useful.

Their composition is represented only by proteins and mineral substances that contribute to the prevention of diabetic complications.

Features of proper nutrition

The rational nutrition of the patient is the key to a full-fledged life without complications. With an easy degree of illness, it can be compensated by one diet. Against the background of medium and severe, the reception of drugs, the introduction of insulin is recommended.

Harmful food habits lead to the fact that the signs of increasing glucose in the body are increasing, general well-being deteriorates, while significantly increases the risk of developing sharp complications as.

Along with the use of exclusively allowed products, the power mode has an important value.

Features of the correct nutrition are in the following paragraphs:

  1. To maintain a normal blood sugar level during the day, a prerequisite is a balanced and nutritious breakfast.
  2. Each trapes begins with the consumption of salads based on vegetables, which helps to restore the exchange of lipids, normalize body weight.
  3. 2 hours before sleep is recommended to refuse food, since at night metabolic processes slow down. Therefore, the evening snack is 250 ml of kefir, 100 grams of cottage cheese casserole or sour apple.
  4. It is recommended to eat food warm, because for digesting such food requires a longer period of time.
  5. Each portion must have the optimal ratio of protein and fat substances, which ensures slowing down digestion and suction components in the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Drinks need to drink 20 minutes before meals, either half an hour after it; During meals, drink is not advised.

If on the background of the "sweet" pathology, problems with the digestive tract are observed, the stomach does not "take" fresh vegetables in the required quantity, they can be baked in a brass closet or microwave.

For all patients, the endocrinologist selects a specific menu, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of the disease, but the base of the diet is always the table number 9. Compliance with all rules guarantees long compensation. Fit right and be healthy.

About allowed and forbidden products in diabetes are described in the video in this article.

Diabetes is a disease of the endocrine system, in which the synthesis of insulin is broken (or its development is terminated at all). Treatment of diabetes includes drug therapy and therapeutic nutrition, helping to control the blood glucose content and prevent sharp jumps of sugar. Maintaining the recommendations of the doctor for nutrition can not, since even the minimum amount of prohibited products can lead to hyperglycemia or hypoglycemic crisis.

To avoid such complications that relate to the group of pathologies with an increased risk of mortality, and correctly compose a diet, you need to know which products can be eaten with diabetes mellitus.

Basic power rules in diabetes

Diabetes meals must comply with the principles of carbohydrate recovery. Products included in the diet of the patient should not have increased loads on the pancreas - the body responsible for insulin synthesis. Patients with this diagnosis should be avoided abundant meals. A single portion should not exceed 200-250 g (plus 100 ml of beverage).

Note! It is important to control not only the amount of food eaten, but also the volume of the drinking liquid. About 200-230 ml tea is placed in the standard cup. People with diabetes mellitus at a time is allowed to drink half of this volume. If the meal consists only of tea, you can leave the usual number of drinks.

It is best to eat at the same time. This will improve metabolic processes and digestion, as gastric juice containing digestive enzymes for splitting and learning food will be produced in certain hours.

When making a menu, you should adhere to other recommendations of specialists, namely:

  • when choosing a method of thermal processing of products, preference must be given to baking, boiling, steaming and cooking for a pair;
  • the flow of carbohydrates should be uniform during the day;
  • the main part of the diet should be protein products, vegetables and greens;
  • power must be balanced and contain the required amount of minerals, amino acids and vitamins (in accordance with age needs).

People with diabetes mellitus must closely monitor not only the content of carbohydrates, but also by the amount of fats in the consumed products. Lipid metabolism with diabetes is broken by almost 70% of patients, so it should choose products with minimal fat content. Meat needs to cut off all fat and films, in the fatty dairy products should be within 1.5-5.2%. The exception is sour cream, but it is better to choose a product with a percentage of fats no more than 10-15%.

What is useful in diabetes?

People suffering from diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to increase the amount of protein products in the diet, while it is important to monitor their fat content and content of basic vitamins and other useful elements. Products with elevated protein content allowed for diabetic use include:

  • non-fat varieties of meat and birds (rabbit, veal, lean beef, chicken and chicken fillet, turkey without skin);
  • fatty cottage cheese not more than 5%;
  • chicken eggs (with elevated cholesterol, limited only by protein);
  • fish (any varieties, but preference is better to give tuna, trout, mackerel, cod).

Important! Nutrition in diabetes should be directed not only to the correction of carbohydrate exchange, but also on the prevention of possible complications from the musculoskeletal system, heart and blood vessels.

Useful diabetics Apples (excluding sweet varieties of yellow color), blueberries in limited quantities, carrots and bell pepper. In these products, a lot of lutein and vitamin A, which prevent the pathology of the visual apparatus. About 30% of people diagnosed with diabetes have increased risks of glaucoma, cataracts and retinal atrophy, therefore the inclusion of these products in the diet is necessary with any form of diabetes.

It is equally important to ensure sufficient flow of potassium, magnesium and other elements to maintain the work of the heart muscle. The most useful products for the heart are traditionally considered nuts and dried fruits, but they have high calorieness, and nuts also contain a large amount of fats, so they are not recommended to use with diabetes mellitus. The opinion of the doctors on this score is ambiguous, but most experts believe that sometimes dried fruits can be entered in the menu, just to do this by certain rules:

  • drinking dried fruits and nuts are not more often 1 time in 7-10 days;
  • the amount of product that is allowed to eat at once is 2-4 pieces (or 6-8 nuts);
  • nuts need to be used in raw form (without frying);
  • dried fruits are recommended to soak in water for 1-2 hours before use.

Important! Despite the high caloric content of dried fruit, diabetics are not contraindicated by compotes from the dried, prunes, figs (rarely - raisins). When cooking is better not to add sugar to them. If you wish, you can use stevia or other natural sweetener recommended by the doctor.

What products can I eat?

Some patients believe that food with diabetes is scarce and monotonous. This is an erroneous opinion, since the only limitation with a given disease concerns rapid carbohydrates and fatty foods that are not recommended to use even healthy people. All products that can be eating patients with diabetes are listed in the table.

Product type What can be used in diabetes? What can not eat?
Cannedize Little canned fish from pink salmon, tuna or trout in tomato fill. Vegetable preservation without adding vinegar and ready-made marinization seasonings Fruits in syrup, industrial compotes, marinated vegetables with acid addition (for example, acetic), stewed beef and pork
Meat Rabbit, turkey, veal (bulls not more than 5-7 months), chicken and chickens without leather Pork, duck, goose, fatty beef
A fish All varieties (no more than 200 g per day) Fish in oil, fat canned food, dried fish
Eggs Quail eggs, chicken egg protein Chicken yolk.
Milk Pasteurized fatty milk not more than 2.5% Sterilized milk, dry and condensed milk
Dairy products Natural yogurt without adding flavors, sugar and dyes, rippy, cottage cheese, sour cream with low fat, bifox, kefir Sweet yogurts, "snow", cottage cheese masses, fatty sour cream
Baking and bread Reframing, powder bread, whole grain buns, bran bread White bread, bakery products made of higher grade bakery
Confectionery Snacks made of natural fruits, polished with apple puree, marshmallow (based on seaweed), marmalade with the addition of natural juice Any confectionery with the addition of sugar and confectionery fat
Fat. Natural vegetable oils "Premium" class (cold spin) Salo, butter (5-10 g of oil is allowed 2-3 times a week), confectionery fat
Fruits Apples, pears, oranges, peaches Bananas, grapes (all varieties), apricots, melon
Yagoda White currant, cherry, gooseberry, plum, cherry Watermelon
Greens Any types of greenery (dill, fennel, parsley) and leaf salads Restrict kinse consumption
Vegetables All kinds of cabbage, spinach, eggplants, zucchini, radishes, boiled or baked potatoes (no more than 100 g per day), boiled beet) Fried potatoes, raw carrots

Occasionally can be included in the diet of sunflower seeds or pumpkins. They contain many potassium and magnesium necessary for normal operation of the heart and nervous system. From drinks with diabetes, you can use compotes and frosts, kisins, green and black tea. From coffee, carbonated drinks and packaged juices with this disease is better abandoned.

Is it possible to drink alcohol?

The use of alcoholic beverages with diabetes is contraindicated. In rare cases, it is possible to use a small amount of dry wines, the sugar content in which does not exceed 5 g per 100 ml. At the same time, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • you can not drink alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach;
  • the maximum allowable dose of alcohol - 250-300 ml;
  • snack on the table must be protein (meat and fish dishes).

Important! Many alcoholic beverages have a sugar-imaging effect. If a sick diabetes plans to drink a little alcohol, it is important to have a glucometer and the necessary drugs with me, as well as a memo on the provision of emergency care in the event of a sharp drop in sugar. Measure the glucose indicator is necessary at the first signs of deterioration of well-being.

What products contribute to a decrease in glucose?

There are certain groups of products with a low glycemic index, the use of which contributes to a decrease in blood sugar. They are recommended to include in the diet daily - this will help control the level of glucose and avoid negative consequences in the form of hyperglycemia.

Most of these products make up vegetables and greens. They must be a third part of the total amount of daily diet. The following types of vegetables are especially useful:

  • zucchini and eggplants;
  • pepper Bulgarian green;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage (Broccoli, Brussels and Belococcal);
  • cucumbers.

From greenery, parsley is particularly useful. Its glycemic index is only 5 units. The same indicators in all types of seafood. The following types of seafood are recommended for patients with diabetes:

  • shrimp;
  • crayfish;
  • lobsters;
  • squid.

Some types of spices also have sugar-imaging properties, so they can be added when cooking, but in a strictly defined quantity. It is recommended to add some cinnamon in tea and casseroles, and in vegetable and meat dishes - turmeric, ginger and ground pepper.

Important! Almost all spices have an irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, so they are contraindicated in gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Berries have a good sugar-imaging effect. Especially useful for cherry diabetics. Using 100-g cherries 2-3 times a week, you can improve well-being, reduce the content of glucose in the blood, enrich the body with vitamins and mineral salts. In winter, you can use frozen berries, in summer it is better to buy a fresh product. The cherry can be replaced by a gooseberry, currant or plums - they have a similar chemical composition and the same glycemic index (22 units).

Approximate menu for a day for diabetic patients

Meal Option 1 Option 2. Option 3.
Breakfast Omelet to a pair of quail eggs cut by cubes vegetables (tomatoes and bell pepper), unsweetened green tea Cake of cottage cheese and peaches, wholegrain bun with a thin layer of cream oil, tea Oatmeal on water with fruit, tea, 2 slices of marmalade
Lunch Pear juice, diluted with water in a 1: 3 ratio, 2 cookies (gallets) Orange and compote dried fruit Natural juice from fruits or vegetables
Dinner Vegetable soup with veal meatballs, potatoes and cabbage casserole, berry kissel Receptionist, buckwheat with vegetables and turkey cutlets, compote ear Cod, pasta and walking from lean beef, compote
Afternoon person Milk, baked apple Ryazhenka, Pear Natural yogurt, handful of berries
Dinner Boiled fish with a garnish of vegetables, decoction of rosehip Baked Salmon Steak with Vegetables and Tomato Sauce Rabbit in sour cream sauce with garnish of vegetables and greenery, morse
Before bedtime Kefir Kefir Kefir

Proper nutrition in diabetes is the most important part of the complex treatment of the disease. If the patient does not comply with the recommendations of the doctor and will not change the diet, the likelihood of a favorable life forecast will be very small. The effectiveness of drug therapy directly depends on which products use the patient, so the compilation of the correct diet and strict adherence to the doctor's appointments is an important task from which the patient's further life depends on.

Products that need to be included in the diet with diabetes

With diabetes, only choose products that have a low glycemic index. If the products are characterized by an increased carbohydrate content and their glycemic index exceed 70 Such products cannot be used.

Diabetics must adhere to the main power rule, you need to be moderated. Portions of food should be small. Doctors allow people to patients with diabetes to consume even sweet berries and fruits in limited quantities. For example, apples and citrus fruits are even useful for diabetics. The main thing is not to abuse them, but consume in limited quantities. Therefore, it is not necessary to think that the diet of diabetics consists only of restrictions. Just need to combine the products correctly, diversify the menu and most importantly, consume small portions of food.

Products that need to be included in the diet with diabetes mellitus:

  1. Citrus (grapefruit, pomegranate, mandarin, orange, lemon).
  2. Fruits and berries (pears, apples, raspberries, cherry, currant).
  3. Natural teas (rosehip, raspberries, currant).
  4. Dried fruits (dried apples, pears, prunes, kuragu).
  5. Vegetables (cabbage, pepper, zucchini, eggplants, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers).
  6. Confectionery and sweets (sugar confectionery).
  7. Meat (chicken, lamb, veal).
  8. Fish and seafood (shrimp, sea cabbage, pike, polytai, cod).
  9. Cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, brown rice).


Doctors allow people suffering from diabetes to include grapefruit, garnet, lemon, mandarin, orange in their diet. They are rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals. Also citrus facilities help strengthen the walls of the vessels. However, they need to use moderately without fanaticism. Diabetes do not recommend consuming bananas, especially overripe, because their glycemic index reaches 70.

Fruits and berries

In the diet of diabetics you can include pears, apples, peaches, plums, cherries, raspberries, currants, strawberries, blueberries. They can be consumed in a fresh, dried form, as well as make kissels, jelly and compotes. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is desirable to eat baked apples. They are rich in fiber, pectins, vitamins, organic acids, therefore have a healing effect. In diabetes, the cherry brings the greatest benefit, because it is rich in iron, therefore contributes to the normalization of hemoglobin in the blood. Diabetics should limit the consumption of grapes it has a high glycemic index, and exclude watermelon and melon from its diet.

Natural teas

People who suffer from diabetes can prepare tea from dried berries (currants, rosehips, raspberries), as well as raspberry leaves and currant. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, you need to include natural teas in your diet.

Dried fruits

Before using dried fruits, you must pre-dock them in hot water and drain the liquid a couple of times. Thus, it will be possible to consume drizzle and prunes. People who are sick diabetes need to abandon raisins, dates After all, they are characterized by an increased carbohydrate content.

From dried fruits (apples, pears) you can make compotes. You only need to soak them overnight. During cooking you need to see water several times. Only then can drink compote.


There are no large restrictions among vegetables for diabetics. However, it is not worth abuse of products that are rich in carbohydrates. Therefore, potatoes need to be limited during the cooking of dishes. Also do not need to abuse carrots and swear After all, they have a high glycemic index. Diabetics can consume zucchini, eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, parsley, dill, salad, cabbage. However, no need to abuse them, but consume in limited quantities.

Confectionery and sweets

Today for diabetics on store shelves you can find sweets without sugar. However, it is impossible to abuse. With diabetes, doctors allowed to even eat a piece of chocolate and a little ice cream. However, from their dietary diabetics should completely eliminate sugar and products that contain it. You can consume honey only in limited quantities.


In its diet, diabetics should necessarily include meat, because it provides the body with proteins, which serves as a building material for cells. People with diabetes should give preference to chicken meat, however? You can turn on both rabbit, lamb and veal. It is undesirable to use fatty meat grade for the preparation of their dishes. I need to boil meat, bake or do a cold. Thus, it retains its nutritional properties. In no case of diabetics should not include roasted meat in its diet it is very harmful. Also do not abuse sausage products.

Fish and seafood

In its diet, diabetics should necessarily include seafood, as well as sea and river fish. Preparing them need a couple or boil. Fish is valued with increased calcium and protein content. Seafood and marine fish are rich in iodine.


Kashi is rich in fiber and microelements, so diabetics should include them in their diet. It is necessary to prefer oatmeal, pebble, pearl and buckwheat. It is not desirable for making a porridge to take a white rice or a gun. You can consume a crude or stolen rice.

Milk products

Diabetics can consume non-fat dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, kefir). but do not abuse sour cream and solid cheeses. Many doctors recommend to reducing fermented milk food products, because they are very helpful.

Power principles

As a result of a diabetes mellitus of the second type, a chronic metabolic disorder occurs. Improper operation of the digestive system is associated with a lack and inability to fully absorb glucose. With a light form of a diabetes of a second type - a diet can be treatment and will not need to use special drugs.

Despite the fact that for each patient, its own, individual nutritional mode is drawn up, for the aggregate of general features, meals for patients with second-type diabetes are submitted in a single scheme called "Table No. 9". Based on this basic diet, an individual scheme is created, adjusted for each specific case.

  1. In therapeutic nutrition, the ratio "Proteins: Fats: Carbohydrates" is very important. In this case, it must be "16%: 24%: 60%." Such a distribution ensures optimal entry into the body of a patient "building" material.
  2. For each patient, its individual daily need for calories is calculated. The amount of energy received with food should not exceed the organism spent. Usually doctors advise to establish a daily rate for women at 1200 kcal, and for men in 1500 kcal.
  3. First of all, it should be excluded from the nutrition of sugar, replacing them.
  4. The diet of the patient must be vitaminated, and is rich in microelements and cellulose.
  5. Use of animal fats required to reduce twice.
  6. Be sure to increase the number of food meals up to 5 or 6 times. Moreover, each of them should be properly combined with physical exertion. Also select the use of drugs (saccharincing).
  7. Dinner should be no longer than 2 hours before bedtime.
  8. It is required that breaks between meals make up at least three hours.

A person suffering from diabetes is very important to competently compile the power mode and select the appropriate menu using the doctor's recommendations when choosing products. It is impossible to engage in amateurness, as this may be aggravated by the course of the disease.

Permitted products and prepaid dishes

The patient with such a diagnosis will have to fully observe the diet. It is the right choice of permitted products that can provide a worthy life to a person. The patient is allowed to eat certain products.

  1. Bread. In small quantities, diabetic or rye bread is allowed. Freely allowed to use the product cooked from bran. Ordinary bakery products and pasta are allowed in extremely limited form or are completely excluded.
  2. Vegetables, greens. The patient with diabetes can and you need to add fresh vegetables to your diet. Cabbage, sorrel, zucchini, cucumbers, onions and other sources of food fibers have a beneficial effect on metabolism and contribute to normalization. Potatoes boiled, beets and carrots are allowed to consume no more than 200 g per day. Corn and Products of the Bob family can be eaten with caution and in small quantities.
  3. From fruits and berries, it is unlimited, you can eat cranberries, quince and lemon. The rest of the products from this group are allowed to eat in limited quantities. There are no completely prohibited fruits and berries.
  4. From spices and seasonings to the permitted can be attributed to pepper, cinnamon, spicy herbs and mustard. Seasoning for salads and low-fat homemade mayonnaise is rarely used with caution.
  5. Non-fat meat and fish broths are also in the list of available applications. Vegetable soups are allowed.
  6. Low fat cheese and kefir also get green light.
  7. A fish. Principle When drinking fish in food: The less it contains fats, the better for the body. It is allowed to eat 150 g. Fish.
  8. The patient is very important to limit itself in the use of oily meat. It can not be more than 100g per day solely in boiled or baked.
  9. Ceres. A person who has a diagnosis of a second-type diabetes, can afford oatmeal, bunch and buckwheat porridge. The use of pearl and millet cereals must be reduced.
  10. Herbal infusions, green teas should be preferred from drinks. You can drink milk and ground coffee.
  11. Higher fatty cottage cheese is solved in its pure form, and as casserole, cheesery and other finished dishes.
  12. Because of the incoming cholesterol, eggs can be eaten no more than once a week in the amount of no more than two pieces. Several preparation options are allowed: omelet, boiled sick or screwed, or add them to other dishes.

As can be seen from the list, the sick diabetes mellitus of the second type is allowed a sufficiently large number of diverse products to make the menu with a variety of, tasty fully balanced.

Prohibited products

Since diabetes mellitus is a very serious disease affecting the entire metabolism in general, the list of prohibited products is quite large and varied.

  1. Forbidden cookies, cakes, cakes and other sweets. Since their taste is based on the inclusion of sugar, then you need to beware of eating them into food. The exception is baking and stuff made specifically for patients with diabetes based on sacrarosis.
  2. You can not use bread from a dough.
  3. Fried potatoes, white rice and chopped vegetables should disappear from the patient's table.
  4. You can not eat sharp, smoked, very salted and fried food.
  5. Sausage products should also be excluded from the patient's diet.
  6. It is impossible to eat even in small quantities butter, greasy mayonnaise, margarine, culinary and meat fats.
  7. Manna and racial cereals, as well as pasta, similarly fall under the ban.
  8. You can not eat homemade pickles with marinades.
  9. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.

It is important to remember that compliance with the diet, and the exclusion from the menu of products prohibited in this disease will help to avoid many complications of diabetes, such as blindness, cardiovascular diseases, angiopathy, and so on. An additional advantage will be able to maintain a good figure.

The benefits of food fibers

Food fibers are small elements of plant food that are not exposed to enzymes that promote product cleavage. They pass through the digestive system without digesting.

They have a sugar and lipid-related action. Food fibers reduce the absorption of glucose in the intestine of a person, additionally create a sense of saturation. It is because of these properties that they must necessarily enter the menu of patients with diabetes.

Food fibers are rich:

  • uneasy flour;
  • rude bran;
  • rye and oatmeal;
  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • strawberry;
  • dates;
  • raspberries and many other products.

The amount of fiber that is required by the patient with diabetes is 354 g per day. Moreover, it is important that 51% of it came from vegetables, 40% of the grain, its derivatives, and 9% of berries, mushrooms.


For those patients for whom the presence of sweet in nutrition is mandatory, special substances that add sweet taste to the product were developed. They are divided into two groups.

  1. Caloric. Their number must be taken into account when calculating the energy component of food. These include: sorbitol, xylitis and fructose.
  2. Uncorganic. Acesulphal potassium, aspartame, cyclamat and Sakharin - these are the main representatives of this group.

In stores you can meet baking, drinks, sweets and other sweet foods in which sugar is replaced with these substances.

It should be remembered that in such products may contain fat, the amount of which is also required to be controlled.

Approximate menu with diabetes mellitus of the second type

In diabetes mellitus, one of the important conditions is the reduction of consumed portions, increasing the number of food meals.

The approximate menu and the patient's power mode looks like this.

  1. First breakfast. Best of all at 7 am. You can eat porridge from the allowed list for breakfast. They launch metabolism. Also good in the morning there is cottage cheese or dishes from eggs. Must be 25% of the entire daily energy need.
  2. Second breakfast (snack). Useful curd dishes or fruits. 15% allowed calories.
  3. Lunch must be at 13-14 hours and make up 30% of the daily diet.
  4. At 16:00, the time of afternoon comes. 10% of all calorie content. Fruits will be the best solution.
  5. Dinner at 18:00 should be the last meal. It is the remaining 20%.
  6. In case of strong hunger, you can allow snack for the night at 22:00. Kefir or milk will relieve a feeling of hunger.

Diet with diabetes must be developed together with the attending physician. Depending on the degree of the disease, any products can be added or removed. Also on the menu can affect other concomitant diseases.

It is important to remember that proper nutrition, bringing a visible result, is not a panacea. It is necessary to combine with light physical exertion and medication treatment. Only an integrated approach to the treatment and implementation of all prescriptions can guarantee a stable state and lack of complications.

Medical nutrition

For the need for a diet with diabetes, doctors have long known - it was the healing nutrition to Doinsulin Era that was the only effective mechanism to combat the problem. The diet is especially important to the patient with a diabetes of 1 type, where the likelihood of coma during decompensation and even fatal outcome is high. Diabetics with the second type of disease, therapeutic nutrition is usually prescribed to correct the weight and more predicted stable meter of the disease.

Basic principles

  1. The basic concept of the therapeutic diet under any type of SD is the so-called bread unit - the theoretical measure of the equivalent of ten grams of carbohydrates. Modern nutritionists have developed special sets of tables for all types of products indicating the amount of X 100 grams of the product. Early, the patient with the SD is recommended for the reception of products with a total "value" 12-24 x - the dosage is selected individually, depending on the body weight, age and level of physical experience of the patient.
  2. Maintaining a detailed diary. All used products must be recorded that, if necessary, the nutritionist makes the power system correction.
  3. Multiplicity of receptions. Diabetes recommended 5-6 multiple food receptions. At the same time, for breakfast, lunch and dinner should account for 75 percent of the amount of daily diet, the remaining 2-3 snacks are the remaining 25 percent.
  4. Individualization of therapeutic nutrition. Modern science recommends individualizing classic diet, customizing them under the physiological preferences of the patient, regional factors (a set of local dishes and traditions) and other parameters, while observing the balance of all components of rational nutrition.
  5. Equivalence of replacement. If you change the diet, then the selected alternative products must be the most interchangeable by calories, as well as the ratios of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. The main groups of components in this case include products containing mainly carbohydrates (1), proteins (2), fats (3) and multi-storey (4). Replacing possible only within these groups. If the replacement occurs in (4), nutritionists make adjustments to the entire diet, when replacing elements from (1), it is necessary to take into account equivalence and glycemic index - the Tables described above can be helped.

Products strictly prohibited with diabetes

Modern dietology, armed with advanced diagnostic methods and studies of the influence of substances and products on the body, has significantly narrowed a list of absolutely prohibited products to eat patients with SD. At the moment, dishes based on refined purified carbohydrates, sweets and sugar, as well as products containing refractory fats and many cholesterol are currently contraindicated.

The relative prohibition is on white bread, rice and semolina, as well as pasta - it can be used strictly limited. In addition, regardless of the type of SD, completely contraindicated alcohol.

Diet with diabetes

In some cases, strict adherence to the diet with a 2-type diabetes helps to fully compensate for the carbohydrate exchange and not use drugs. For diabetics with 1st and other types of SD, therapeutic nutrition is considered and is important elements of integrated therapy problem.

Types of diets with diabetes

  1. Classic. This type of healing nutrition was designed in another 30-40 years of the twentieth century and is a balanced, albeit a strict type of diet. The bright representative of it in domestic dietology is the "room number 9" with numerous, later variations. It is this kind of therapeutic nutrition that is suitable for almost all diabetics from the 1st and 2nd type SD.
  2. Modern. The principles of individualization and features of the mentality of individual social groups gave rise to many diverse menus and modern diets, with less stringent prohibitions for certain types of products and taking into account new properties found in the latter, which made it possible to introduce previously prohibited products into the daily diet. The main principles here acts as a factor in the use of "protected" carbohydrates containing a sufficient amount of dietary fiber. However, it is worth understanding that this kind of healing food is selected strictly individually and cannot be considered as a universal carbohydrate compensation mechanism.
  3. Low carb diets. Designed primarily for second-type diabetics with increased body weight. The basic principle is an exception as much as possible use of products with a high content of carbohydrates, but not harm to health. However, for children, it is contraindicated, it is also impossible to apply it to people with renal problems (later stages) and diabetics with 1-type SD and pronounced hypoglycemia.
  4. Vegetarian diet. As shown experimental studies at the turn of the 20-21th century, vegan types diets with an emphasis on a significant reduction in the use of products rich on fats, not only contribute to a decrease in body weight, but also reduce blood sugar. A large number of solid vegetation rich in dietary fibers and fiber, in some cases it is even more effective than recommended specialized diets, the more the vegetarian power supply system implies a significant decrease in the total caloric content of the daily diet. This in turn significantly reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome in pre-beauty states, is able to perform an independent prophylactic agent and effectively deal with the appearance of the SD.

Menu for every day

Below, we will look at the classic dietary menu for the diabetics of the 1st and 2nd type of disease that is optimally suited to patients with light and medium forms of SD. If there is serious decompensation, inclinations and hyper-and hypoglycemia, the individualized diagram of therapeutic nutrition should develop a nutritionist with a person's physiology account, current health problems and other factors.


  1. Proteins - 85-90 grams (sixty percent of animal origin).
  2. Fat - 75-80 grams (third - plant base).
  3. Carbohydrates - 250-300 grams.
  4. Free liquid - about one and a half liters.
  5. Salt -11 gram.

The power system is fractional, five to six times a day, the daily maximum energy value is no more than 2400 kcal.

Prohibited products:

Meat / Culinary Fats, Sharp Sauces, Sweet Juices, Bouches, Radish Broths, Cream, Mountains and Marinades, Fatty Materials and Fish, Conservation, Salt and Saturated Cheeses, Pasta, Manka, Rice, Sugar, Jam, Alcohol, Ice Cream and Sweets Based on sugar, grapes, all varieties of raisins and bananas with dates / figs.

Permitted products / dishes:

  1. Flour products - solved rye and cut bread, as well as non-proper flour products.
  2. Soups are optimal for therapeutic nutrition of borscht, soup, vegetable soups, as well as pussy on non-large broth. Sometimes - okroshka.
  3. Meat. Non-fat varieties of beef, veal, pork. It is permitted limited chicken, rabbit, lamb, boiled tongue and liver. From fish - any low-fat boiled varieties, a couple or baked without vegetable oil.
  4. Milk products. Non-fat cheeses, fermented milk products without adding sugar. Limited - 10 percent sour cream, low-fat or bold cottage cheese. Eggs to use without yolks, as a last resort, in the form of omelettes.
  5. Ceres. Oatmeal, Perlovka, Beans, buckwheat, jacket, pesh.
  6. Vegetables. Cleaning, beets, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplants, cucumbers and tomatoes are recommended. Potatoes - limited.
  7. Snacks and sauces. Fresh vegetable salads, tomato and low-fat sauces, horseradish, mustard and pepper. Limited - zabachk or other vegetable caviar, vinaigrette, filar fish, seafood dishes with minimum of vegetable oil, beef jelly non-fat.
  8. Fats - limited vegetable, butter and foiled oil.
  9. Other. Drinks without sugar (tea, coffee, decoction of rosehip, vegetable juices), jelly, mousses, fresh sour sweet-sweet is not exotic fruits, compotes. Very limited - honey and candy on the sugar substitutes.

Approximate menu for a week with diabetes mellitus

The individual components of the menu below are subject to replacement according to the principles of equivalent replacement within the above-mentioned groups.


  • Breakfast with two hundreds of grams of cottage cheese of low fat, in which you can add a little berries.
  • For the second time, breakfast with one glass of one-thread kefir.
  • I dine 150th grams of baked beef, a plate of vegetable soup. On the side dish - stew vegetables in the amount of 100-150 grams.
  • Halfing fresh salad from cabbage and cucumbers flavored by a teaspoon of olive oil. The total volume is 100-150 grams.
  • We dine grilled vegetables (80 grams) and one medium baked fish weighing up to two hundred grams.


  • Breakfasts of buckwheat porridge - no more than 120 grams.
  • For the second time, breakfast with two medium-sized apples.
  • I dine a plate of vegetable boards, 100 grams of boiled beef. You can drink food with a compote without adding sugar.
  • Halfing a cup of bravery from rosehip.
  • Dinner salad bowl of fresh vegetables in the amount of 160-180 grams, as well as one boiled non-fat fish (150-200 grams).


  • Breakfast cottage cheese casserole - 200 grams.
  • Before dinner, you can drink a glass of ragger from a rosehip.
  • We dine a plate of cabbage soup, two small fish cutlets and a hundreds of vegetable salad gram.
  • Halfing one boiled egg.
  • We dine a plate of stewed cabbage and two medium sizes, meat cutlets cooked in the oven or a couple.


  • Breakfast with omelet of two eggs.
  • Before lunch, you can eat a cup of yogurt minimum fatty or completely unsweetened.
  • We dine the cabbage soup and two units of stuffed pepper based on low-fat meat and allowed cereals.
  • Halfing two hundreds of grams of casserole from low-fat curd and carrots.
  • Dinner stew chicken meat (a piece of two hundred grams) and a plate of vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast a dish of millet porridge and one apple.
  • Before lunch, eat two medium in size of orange.
  • I dine meat goulash (no more than a hundred grams), a plate of fish soup and a barberry dish.
  • Halfing a plate of fresh vegetable salad.
  • We have a good portion of stewed vegetables with lamb, a total weight of up to 250 grams.


  • Breakfast a plate of porridge based on bran, you can use one pear in principle.
  • Before dinner, it is permissible to eat one egg skey.
  • We dine a large plate of vegetable stew with the addition of low-fat meat - only 250 grams.
  • Halfing a few solved fruits.
  • Sweet a hundred grams of braised lamb and a plate of vegetable salad in the amount of 150 grams.


  • Breakfast a bowl of low-fat cottage cheese with a small amount of berries - just a hundred grams.
  • On the second breakfast - two hundred chicken grilled gram.
  • I dine a plate of vegetable soup, a hundred grams of a goulash and a bowl of vegetable salad.
  • Halfning a plate of berry salad - up to 150 grams in general.
  • We dine a hundred grams of boiled beans and two hundreds of grams of cooked shrimp.

Features of type 2 diabetes and the importance of healthy eating

Type 2 disease is also called insulin independent. In this case, in injections of insulin, the body does not need. According to statistics, the number of people suffering from this type of disease is 4 times the number of type 1 diabetes patients.

In patients with 2 type of pancreas still produces insulin. However, it is either not enough for full-fledged work, or the body loses the ability to recognize and correct use. As a result of such problems, glucose does not fall into tissue cells. Instead, it accumulates directly in human blood. The normal functioning of the body is broken.

Why sometimes it happens so that the person gets sick of this ailment? This question is hard to give an unequivocal answer. Often type 2 diabetes are diagnosed in several members of one family. That is, there is a hereditary aspect.

If there were cases of illness in your family, it is better to do prevention in advance. This is worth talking to the endocrinologist. Periodically hand over the necessary tests for timely identification of the problem. Also, the probability of occurrence of the disease increases with age. The risk gradually increases by 45 years, reaching the maximum after 65.

The following factors have repeatedly increase the likelihood of type 2 diabetes mellitus:

  • overweight, obesity
  • hypertension
  • frequent use of oily food
  • systematic alcohol intake
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • increased in the blood of triglycerides (i.e. fats)

Weight and pressure problems are often a consequence of improper nutrition and abuse of high-calorie products. Sitting work and lack of physical activity lead to a slowdown and impairment of metabolism. All this does not give the best affects the work and condition of the body.

As a result of the negligent attitude towards the diet, a person can get a lot of problems flowing, including the development of diabetes mellitus. Choose healthy natural products and abandon harmful desirable in advance in preventive purposes.

In diabetes mellitus, choosing products must be determined. Food should slow down the absorption of carbohydrates to prevent the level of glucose levels in the blood. The selection of the menu is rigorous enough, because the further flow of the disease depends on it.

If a person has 2-type sugar diabetes, a list of prohibited products will be quite impressive. However, without this, you can get a full nutrition rich in all necessary vitamins and microelements.


The most useful consumption in raw form. However, it is possible to prepare with extinguishing, cooking or baking. The use of those vegetables that are able to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates are welcomed. These include: cabbage (raw, stew, sauna), eggplants (stew or boiled), sweet pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, greens, onions and garlic. Excellent selection - eggplant caviar. Tasty and healthy.

Boiled carrots and beets eaten in extremely limited quantities. In this form, these vegetables quickly raise sugar in the blood. But raw carrots will benefit more, but only in the minimum volume.


Of course, the meat should be present in the diet of diabetics. Preference should be given to low-fat beef and chicken breast. Meat can be easily replaced by mushrooms. This product is also recommended for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Choose low-fat fish.


Bread can be turned on in the menu. Just choose rye or wheat-rye (wheat flour must be 1 or 2 varieties).

Craises and legumes

Grass - source of vitamins and fiber. Day portion - 8-10 tbsp. spoons. You can buckwheat, barley, Hercules, millet. Beans, lentils and peas are used in boiled form and is more limited. Bypassing the side follows wheat and fig.

Dairy products, eggs

The perfect option is low-fat dairy products, cottage cheese, milk. In small quantities of cheese (fatty up to 30%). A steam oslet or eggs welded for breakfast is suitable.


With fruit worth being careful, many of them are pretty sweet. Eat grapefruit, lemons, cranberries. In small quantities - cherry, apples, tangerines, plums.


Best drinks: compotes without sugar, green tea, tomato juice, mineral water. Occasionally, you can pamper yourself with black natural coffee.

The first dish in the first place is vegetable soups. Salads fill with a lemon nipple or a small amount of olive oil. On a little bit, you can rummage nuts.

The diabetic menu should consist mainly from low-calorie products. Food prepare in a certain way. The best solution is Cooking for a couple. You can use special sweeteners and sugar substitutes. They are natural and artificial. However, they do not need to overdo with them.

What products are prohibited for use in type 2 diabetes

If a person has diseases of the pancreas (sugar diabetes is just treated), it is necessary to clearly know that it is impossible to eat. Inappropriate food exacerbates the situation, provokes glycose jumps.

Products prohibited with type 2 diabetes mellitus are as follows.


Of course, the first thing that stands in the "black" list is sugar and products containing it in excess. You should forget about: Jam, marmalade, chocolate, ice cream, sweets, hulwe, caramel, jam and other similar sweets. Not recommended and adding honey.

Glucose from these products instantly penetrates blood. If you really want sweet, it is better to eat a little fruit, baking from the flour of coarse grinding or nuts.


Under the ban, bakery products - white bread, loaf, bread, cookies, cupcakes, fast food elements.

Golden dishes are slower than carbohydrate. But they are also able to significantly raise the blood sugar level to high marks. In addition, oily food contributes to a weight gain and obesity.

It follows from: sour cream, cream, mayonnaise, swine baking, oily meat (lamb, pork, ratty). Also eliminate fatty cheeses, cottage cheese and sweet yogurt. Do not prepare soups on fatty meat and fish broths.

Semi-finished products

Semi-finished products In addition to a large amount of fat, they have a mass of harmful amplifiers of taste, flavors and stabilizers. Therefore, do not look towards sausages, sausages, sacks, ready-made industrial boils and fish sticks.


Food saturated by transhirs will not benefit not only diabetics, but also a healthy person. Such foods include: margarine, spreads (oil substitutes), confectionery fat, air corn, Potatoes, Burgers, hot dogs.



There should not be some vegetables. It is better to refuse or minimize the consumption of potatoes, beets and carrots.


Some drinks contain a huge amount of sugar and calories. This applies to sweet juices (especially packaged), alcoholic cocktails and soda. Tea should not be sweetened, or resort to the help of sugar substitutes. Juices better drink vegetable. Not recommended for use and beer.

You should not add sharp spices and spices, pork, goose or chicken fat when cooking. We also have to abandon semolina and pasta. Do not use sharp or salted sauces. Prohibited marinades and pickles. Do not give in to the desire to absorb pancakes, dumplings, pies or dumplings.

Power has a huge impact on people suffering from type 2 diabetes. Moreover, the fact of increasing blood glucose itself is not so scattered as consequences. And these are strokes, heart attacks, a fall in view, disruption of the nervous system.

Diabetics are important to monitor not only the amount of sugar consumed, but also for the fatty dishes. It is necessary to strictly control your weight and prevent its set. Food caloric content is largely determined by thermal processing method.

Of course, with type 2 diabetes mellitus, you should forget about frying in a large amount of oil. Also worth remembering the portions without making them too voluminous.

Follow the following preparation rules:

  1. It should be borne in mind that even for cooking vegetables are taken fresh. Do not take frozen and especially canned food.
  2. Soups should be boiled on the second broth. After boiling first, you need to merge and pour meat with water again.
  3. Best meat for soup - low-fat beef. You can cook broth broth.
  4. Pickles, borschy or bean soup are included in the menu no more than once a week.
  5. In order for the dish more attractive taste, the vegetables are pre-slightly roasted in a small amount of creamy oil.

The most useful for diabetics are recent salads from raw vegetables. This is the most preferred cooking method. Next, the usefulness is cooking in water and a couple. Baking is made after cooking or as an independent method of processing. Less often resort to extinguishing.

How to eat?

Diet with diabetes is simple - rejection of fast carbohydrates, fiber consumption, protein and calorie control.

Carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels. A healthy person sugar is rapidly spent as fuel for the body. Insulin produced by the pancreas increases the susceptibility of muscle tissue to glucose. In diabetes, this does not occur, so blood glucose control is an important component of therapy.

Some products contribute to the rapid increase in glucose. The jump occurs immediately after meals, which is dangerous to the body. The use of other products increases the level of sugar gradually, since it is necessary for the processing of such food such food, during which glucose concentration slowly increases.

An indicator that determines the oscillation of the level of glucose after meals is called a glycemic index that determines that it can be used with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The product for the preparation of the daily diet should be selected in accordance with the table of values \u200b\u200bof their glycemic load.

All food is divided into 3 groups:

  • not provoking glycose jump;
  • gradually increasing sugar;
  • causes a rapid jump sugar.

The base of the ditch during diabetes is the products of the first group. These are vegetables, beans in pods, beam greenery, spinach leaves, all kinds of mushrooms. The second group includes cereal, pasta (but only of solid wheat varieties), grain bread, fruits, dairy and dairy products, low-fat meat. The third product group consists of pastry, sugar in pure form, carbonated sweet drinks, honey, baking with sugar, fast food (fast food). This group is a list of prohibited products. For diabetics, their complete exception is made from the menu.

Base of ration

The list of products allowed to use diabetics is large and allows you to make an optimal menu for every day. Preference is given to products rich in food fibers. Such food saturates for a long time and avoids overeating.

When making menu, it is important to comply with the balance. Half of the daily diet is complex carbohydrates. They are kept in porridge, vegetables, grain bread. Porridges are allowed any other than rice, as it contains starch. From the manus should be refrained, as it does not saturate the body due to the small amount of fiber. Diabetes useful buckwheat.

Vegetables and beam greenery are permitted products. They contain fiber that improves intestinal motor. Preference is given to seasonal vegetables, as they bring a maximum of benefit to the body. Some vegetables and root plates are prohibited, for example, potatoes. There are potatoes, but in small quantities due to starch in the composition.

Any types of low-fat meat are allowed to use. It is allowed to eat veal, lean beef, rabbit, bird. These products for diabetics are prepared for a pair, boil, or baked. It is impossible to fry meat, vegetable oil in large quantities is unacceptable.

Dairy products are included in the list of allowed, but you can not use them not to all patients. What kind of dairy products are possible with diabetes mellitus, you should consult with your doctor. If the doctor does not impose a ban on the use of dairy products, preference is given to low-fat products.

Useful food is pods of beans and citrus. These products can be used frequently, but you need to stick to balance in the diet. There are apples of any varieties, as well as pears and plums (including prunes) with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

What do you need to refuse?

What products can not eat with diabetes mellitus? This is all carbohydrate food that is quickly absorbed - any pastry and pastries. If a patient has a type-type diabetes, you need to know that you can not have potatoes and rice in large quantities. These products are allowed with a compensated diabetes when glucose indicators are close to normal. They contain many starch, which increases sugar quickly, as it is easily absorbed by the body.

It is impossible to eat gas with artificial sweeteners, drink packaged juices and drink alcohol. Smoked meat, semi-finished products and sausages are excluded from the diet.

Patients with diabetes should be excluded from the diet wheat white bread. Its consumption provokes glucose rapid jump, especially in combination with other carbohydrate food.

From bananas, raisins of different varieties, grapes and dried dates need to be abandoned.

In diabetic nutrition from the diet, fatty dairy products are excluded. Creamy oil is impossible. Sick diabetes mellitus of the second type can not eat marinated vegetables and peas.

You can eat cookies for diabetics, but only low-calorie, in which sugar is replaced with fructose. Any fast food acquired in the fast food cafe is banned.

Features of nutrition in diabetes 1 and 2 types

Allowed and prohibited products are important to consider in the insulin-dependent form of the disease. Failure to comply with the diet causes the need to increase the dosage of injections. When diabetes of a second type of diet is the basis of therapy, since the development of the disease is caused by improper power supply, which leads to a disruption of metabolism and an increase in the patient's weight. A timely discovered type 2 diabetes with proper approach is successfully compensated and prohibited without complications.

The disciplined patient, which adheres to the right nutrition and knows that you can eat with diabetes mellitus, and what foods and dishes for diabetics are prohibited, without receiving sugar-anti-cancer drugs. Diet with diabetes mellitus, which can be eaten, and what is impossible, it is selected by an endocrinologist individually for the patient.

Permitted products against diabetes 1 and 2 types depend on the course of disease, weight and patient sugar indicators. Knowing what products you can eat with diabetes mellitus, and what kind of food is prohibition, the patient independently controls his well-being properly composed of the menu.

A list of what can be used in diabetes is quite large, so it turns out to be a varied diet. Delicious food for patients who suffer from diabetes are prepared by different recipes, including with video instructions.

In order not to break the power mode, you need to remember useful products with type 2 diabetes mellitus and make your own menu, based on the recommendation of the doctor.

Why can not sugar?

Sugar is a pure carbohydrate that does not benefit the body. It is impossible to use refined in diabetes, but not everyone knows why. When using sugar, a rapid leap of glucose in blood plasma occurs. For a healthy person, this is not hazardous and glucose is rapidly consumed by the body. In a patient with diabetes, muscle fibers are not susceptible to this substance, so it remains in the body and is not spent. This leads to hyperglycemia and provokes the development of complications, up to the diabetic coma.

Sweet tooths can be resolved by the use of sugar substitutes, but only after the consultation of the doctor. All confectionery and pastries contain a lot of sugar, so the ban is imposed on them.

With satisfactory glucose indicators in the blood plasma in diabetics, you can use sweets, but with the condition that they do not contain refinuses. Such sweets are sold in the department of goods for diabetics, the sugar is replaced with fructose or artificial sugar substitutes. The use of such products is limited. Candy on fructose diabetic can eat no more than two pieces per day, subject to the normal course of the disease and the absence of complications.

Only in the implementation of the Doctor's recommendations and strict observance of the diet it is possible to achieve diabetes compensation and reduce the risk of developing complications. A list in which the allowed and prohibited groups of products in diabetes are specified must be in mind. It is recommended to print a list and attach it to the refrigerator.

The diet helps to get rid of excess weight, which improves metabolism and stimulates the susceptibility of cells to insulin. Knowing how to eat and what can not be used in diabetes mellitus, the patient's well-being depends on its discipline.

What is the correct menu for diabetics?

  • Failure to comply with the amount of carbohydrates and bread units is dangerous with a sharp jump sugar.
  • The use of products with a high glycemic index is fraught with headache, loss of consciousness.
  • With any incorrect calculations of the menu or the amount of insulin, the patient with diabetes can be to whom with paralysis of the brain centers.
  • With stable high sugar, various complications are developing:
    1. coronary artery disease,
    2. blood impairment in vessels,
    3. kidney inflammation,
    4. gangrene lower limbs.

Consider from which products you can make a secure feed menu for diabetics.