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How to call across the sacrons after the date of birth. How to give the name to the child? Names in Schitzam - February: value, origin

Not the territory of the former Soviet Union, at the beginning of the twentieth century, tea mushroom enjoyed high popularity, further the love of this pointed drink, capable of quenching a severe thirst overweight passed, the taste was forgotten, the current generation does not know absolutely anything about the benefits and the use of tea mushroom.

Tea Mushroom Care Rules

Tea mushroom grows exclusively by layers. The statement that there is a sufficiently small layer for its reproduction, is incorrect. In order to prepare a tea mushroom correctly, you need to use the middle layer to be separated with extreme caution. To begin with, this long-awaited layer must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water, put it into a clean bank, at a medium room temperature, pour water, leave it on one day to adapt to the water, to the jar of the jar with a double layer of gauze. It should not be on the surface of the mushroom, because it can die, that is why it is necessary for the double layer of gauze.

After the day, take a clean three-liter jar. It is not recommended to wash the can with detergents, it is better to get it boiling water, and give it to cool. Then pour the spring or filtered water into it. Such water will always need to wash the tea mushroom, it is impossible to water from under the tap, as it contains a lot of chlorine that can damage the mushroom.

Recipe number 1 - Cooking tea mushroom

In order to make a tea mushroom properly, it is necessary to add sugar sand into the water at the rate of a hundred grams per liter of water and one teaspoon of tea. It can not be placed in hot water, as it can perish. It is also impossible to put on the body of medical sugar, it can lead to injury to the mushroom, and he can start to hurt. The nutrient medium can be done both from black tea and green. Black tea is able to cause a rapid heartbeat, and green tea is heartburn.

The basis for cooking can be prepared from a wide variety of drinks. Often tea for the base can be replaced, for example, soluble coffee. A tea mushroom will first lie at the bottom of the bank, but in consequence it will pop up, it raises carbon dioxide, which is formed by yeast fungi. But if it does not rise long time, it means that the room temperature is too low, and it must be rearranged in a warmer place. Do not forget that full gasing and ripening of tea mushroom is carried out on the sixth day. And after two weeks, his taste is similar to dry wine.

Each month, medical zoomycet requires careful flushing. This is done like this: ready to merge into a separate jug, tea mushroom is thoroughly rinsed with warm boiled water, put it again into the jar, add a new nutrient medium for the subsequent ripening of this amazing drink. It should also be remembered that the tea mushroom should not be rearranged, because the upper layer can darken and die.

Preparation of tea mushroom - the process is very simple, if you follow all the necessary requirements, in consequence you will not marry inconvenience. Infusions of the Medozomycet during the ripening period have a large number of beneficial substances and vitamins, so necessary for a person.

This drink can bring a huge benefit to your body, get rid of some diseases and strengthen your health.

Recipe number 2 Cooking tea mushroom

Tea Mushroom - Care and Cooking

Growing tea mushroom

From an adult multilayer mushroom, one layer must be very careful. The resulting separate layer is thoroughly rinsed in boiled water, and pour its temperature in a three-liter jar with warm water should be within twenty-five degrees. To cover the jar. It is not recommended to use the lid, and leave to get used to one day.

At this stage, in no case should not feed the newborn fungus, nor the tea solution, nor sugar. The mushroom in the stage of addiction is very sick, and responds absolutely on any third-party intervention, it needs some time for what to take care.

During this time, the mushroom will swim on the bottom of the bank or will fall at the bottom. After time, the fungus must be moved to the prepared solution. For some time, he will quiet, and swims downstairs or in the middle of the tank.

Be patient. It will surely float, but only if all the requirements are completed correctly. It must be properly breeded, as it lives very little, sooner or later you can stay without mushroom.

Tea Mushroom - Preparation of the solution

Preparation steps:

  1. For a volume of three liters, it is necessary to prepare a solution of no more than two liters, as tea mushroom can become very close, because it floats, as a rule, on top of the tank.
  2. Take twenty grams of sheet black tea and make welding, strain and pour it into hot or in cold boiled water in order to get a weak tea solution.
  3. In the solution, pour fifty grams of sand sugar, and mix it thoroughly to completely dissolve sugar.
  4. Hot solution must be cooled to room temperature. In this solution neatly omit the mushroom. The optimal temperature for the life of the fungus is the twenty-five degrees of heat. It is possible a little and lower to seventeen degrees, the temperature below it is strictly prohibited.

All must be accomplished strictly according to the instructions. For example, it is strictly forbidden to add sugar immediately into the container, since the undisputed sugar is able to cause, a strong burn of the teas mushroom mucosa, which can provoke its death. Floating chains will apply no less damage to the mushroom.

A healthy mushroom is peacefully floating along the surface of the solution, and turns gradually a mixture of welding and sugar mortar into a useful and delicious drink.

Tea Mushroom - feeding

Feed the adult healthy mushroom should be regularly and systematically merged with a finished solution. In the summer it is necessary to exercise every three or four days, in the winter period every five to seven days. In order to maximize the process of fermentation, add one glass of finished infusion to the prepared solution.

An adult mushroom is faster processing infusion than a bunned or young fungus. It is not recommended to overeat the infusion, since the upper layer will immediately begin to darken, and from this mushroom may die.

Do not forget that the fungus is necessarily washed in boiled water three times, each time when changing the solution. It is necessary to exercise very carefully in order to damage the mushroom.

It is strictly prohibited instead of sugar to use a sugar substitute, or sugar raw, because these actions are inexorable lead to the death of the mushroom.

Ready infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for four to five months.

1. Teas for infusions

Solution cooked on black tea

If we prepare a solution on black tea, you can get a very high percentage of glucurium and lactic acids, and purines that are capable of normalizing the metabolism metabolism. A huge amount of phenol and essential oils possess bactericidal actions. This infusion is perfectly struggling with fatty sediments and takes extra cholesterol.

Solution cooked on green tea

Can help fight kidney stones, in gall and blades. It will have a huge number of vitamins P, K, B2, which are responsible for the freshness and elasticity of the skin, normalizing blood circulation, hair strengthening. Thanks to the wrong green tea and containing tumors in it, cancer tumors are not developed.

Apart from this, this infusion is very effective with various vascular, intestinal diseases, and as an antibacterial agent.

Despite the fact that most people prefer black tea, the mushroom itself loves green. In it, he lives longer and grows much better.

Herbal teas

When preparing infusion for tea mushroom, you can apply both herbal fees and mixtures. To do this, you need to take two liters of water and five spoons of a herbal mixture. You can use two spoons of tea, and the rest of the grass. Before polling herbs, it is recommended to insist about one hour.

Use of various plants

  • Leaves of blackberry and nettle, mother and stepmother, plantain, strawberry and birch leaves, white black, green tea, lime color.
  • Nuts leaves, rosehip and green tea.
  • Oilsman, Yarrow, Bird of Star, Lion Growing Leaf, Any tea.
  • Lion zev, an ordinary yarrow, a bearish eye, nettle, any tea.
  • Leafs of raspberries and leaves of forest berries, black currant and blackberry.

You can not take plants that have a huge number of essential oils, for example, sage, pepper, chamomile, wild currants, etc., as such an infusion will adversely affect your health.

Recipe number 3 - Cooking tea mushroom

Required ingredients:

  1. Clean water is two liters;
  2. Tea mushroom;
  3. Black tea is four teaspoons, herbal or green tea, the same amount;
  4. One hundred grams of sugar, or honey, but strictly forbidden to use artificial substitutes.

Preparing a nutrient medium

For the preparation of the drink you need to use only sweet tea. One hundred grams of sugar, this is the norm on such a quantity of welding.

Brew tea:

  1. For black or herbal tea in a saucepan boil one liter of water. For green or white tea, water must be heated until the thick pairs have fallen from its surface, or until it boils, it all depends on your personal preferences.
  2. Remove the saucepan from the stove, add a welding to it to wait twenty minutes while tea is already imagined.
  3. Cutting tea, pour it into a jar of three liters.
  4. Add sugar and stirred it carefully until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Add one liter of cold water.

Moving tea mushroom in tea

Give the tea completely, after that add twenty ml to it. Apple vinegar or an incomplete glass of finished infantry mushroom. Before immersing a tea mushroom in a hand, you need to carefully disinfect. Then, very carefully remove the tea mushroom from the container, where it was stored, and carefully lower it with a dark side in tea. If the dark side is absent, then what will fall.

Since the preparatory work is completed, it is necessary to start fermentation of the drink. The jar with a mushroom cover the net gauze rolled several times, consolidate it with the help of a gum on the neck of banks. Put in a warm and dark place, where the temperature will not exceed twenty-five degrees of heat, and the direct sunlight will not fall on the fungus.

From this time for four to fourteen days, the beverage will be enormous. And you will just wait for you.

Repeating tea mushroom

Use tea mushroom can be repeatedly. To do this, you need to separate the layer of the darkest shade, and throw it out, the tea mushroom is placed in a tank with sweet tea, and then follow the above instruction. If you do not need to prepare the next portion of the drink, you can hold a tea mushroom for several days, the bay of his finished drink, which remained.

As the tea mushroom grows, it can be used and separated from it a part to create a new mushroom or distributing familiar, who also plan to start a tasty and healthy drink.

You can prepare an unusual tasty and useful drink with a tea mushroom. Tea mushroom is known for its high taste and numerous useful properties. You can even grow it from a small piece, but if you don't have it, we will tell you how to get a completely new tea mushroom at home.

In today's article, not only an effective way to grow tea mushrooms, but also the basic rules for the care of it will be described.

How to grow tea mushroom at home

For growing from zero, you need to create a special nutrient medium. Interestingly, he appeared completely by chance: just grew up in a cup with left tea. Since then, several thousand years have been used to prepare delicious drinks.

The main nutrient medium serves custard tea, sugar and water to be mixed in certain proportions. The most popular process of cultivation will be described below.


So how to grow tea mushroom at home. To do this, brew a sheet tea of \u200b\u200bthe middle fortress and add 2 tablespoons of sugar to it (with a slide) on each liter of water (Figure 1).

Ready tea is filtering so that there are no tea sheets in the liquid, and overflow into clean glass dishes.

Note: Tea in bags and sugar substitutes are not suitable, since the organism grows only on natural ingredients.

Figure 1. Features of growing

As a rule, it is grown in liter banks. Fill the tank of tea is only two-thirds, so that the product get enough air.

Growing conditions

For the successful cultivation of this unusual organism, you need to follow certain rules.

Tea mushroom needs the following conditions (Figure 2):

  • A sufficient amount of air: it is for this reason that it is impossible to fill in a can with a liquid completely so that the growing biomass is enough oxygen;
  • Optimal temperature mode: the can with tea is covered with a lid and stored at room temperature;
  • Lighting: the product does not like direct sunlight, but also it is impossible to put it in a dark place. The ideal option will be the place in the kitchen or in the room, where there is a sufficient amount of light.

Figure 2. Growing Technology

After a week, a turbid film should appear on the surface of the water, which indicates that the body began to grow. If this happened, the bank leaves about 2 months so that there is enough large biomass inside.


After you managed to grow the organism yourself from scratch, you need to carefully care for it. First of all, it must be shifted into a clean large jar, in which the drink will prepare.

Before moving, the product and the container itself is washed with warm water. The bank is dried and filled with fresh sweet tea (about 2/3) and shift raw materials. The neck is covered with several layers of gauze.

Figure 3. Correct tea for tea mushroom

In the future, an adult instance can be divided if he began to smell around the edges. It is not recommended to cut off or tear off parts of biomass: despite the fact that a young instance can even grow out of a piece, the old one from such manipulations often dies.

In the video, it is shown in detail how to spend the cultivation of the house.

Home care

It does not require special care at home. The main thing is to put it in a suitable place with a sufficient amount of sunlight, but without direct sunlight, leave the space in the oxygen penetration bank, and drain the resulting liquid (Figure 3).


A beverage that is formed in the bank has a characteristic sour-sweet taste. In addition, it is good for health, but to obtain it, it is necessary to irrigate correctly.

Every three or four days half fluid drain, and add a new portion of the sweet tea, which serves as a nutrient medium (Figure 4). You can use both black and green tea, but it must be leaf.

Note: In no case cannot be filled with welding and sugar directly to the bank. The body grows only on the cooked tea.

Periodically, about once a few months it is recommended to merge the entire resulting liquid, re-rinse the product with warm water and lower it into a fresh portion of brewed tea.


For drink to be delicious and useful, you need to take into account some features of care. First, the neck needs to always cover gauze so that insects do not get into the liquid.

Figure 4. Pouring tea mushroom

Secondly, you need to carefully follow the condition of the mushroom itself. If its surface darkened or covered with tubercles, you need to divide it into several new ones. It is necessary to do it carefully, gradually smelling biomass so as not to damage her fabrics. After that, the obtained parts are washed with warm water and placed in separate containers.


There are certain rules for growing and leaving the living organism (Figure 5):

  1. The bank is better to take a three-liter so that the body is enough space and air;
  2. Crybushko can only be lit by gauze, but by no means a lid or film, since it will not be enough air;
  3. Once a few days, half of the finished drink are necessarily drained and replenish the supply of fluid with fresh portion of cooked tea.

Also, the fungus must be periodically divided, since the production of liquid is reduced by old copies.

Useful properties and how to grow

If you have already provided the body due care and even got the first drink from it, you will be interested to find out what features and useful properties it has.

Figure 5. Storage and cultivation of tea mushroom

The use of tea mushroom is useful in such cases.:

  • Effectively struggles with excess weight, accelerating the metabolism and withdrawing salts and slags from the body;
  • Has high anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to treat and prevent influenza and colds;
  • Improves skin quality and struggles with acne;
  • Infusion on its basis removes pain from burns and contributes to the healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • It has a diuretic effect and is used to prevent arthritis, arthrosis and atherosclerosis.

Since this organism grows on natural ingredients, he has almost no contraindications. However, it is safe to drink people with obesity and diabetes mellitus, faces with fungal infections in acute form, and people with increased acidity of the stomach can be prepared only on the basis of black tea and honey (instead of sugar).

Medozomycet Cultivated for a very long time, lives in all parts of the light, easily adapts to the change of conditions and is sufficiently successfully adapted to them, withstanding a relatively wide range of temperatures, absorbing various nutrient media and various sugars. Inherent in yeast fungi and acetic acid bacteria function allow you to rebuild metabolism and experience unfavorable conditions at the expense of internal reserves. But a mushroom houses, remember that this is your friend who will always come to help its healing properties, and despite unpretentiousness, needs proper care.

Mushroom grows with layers. Often "divide" to them, taking off the "piece" from the main body, arguing that it is quite a small piece enough to develop and rose a new mushroom. Oh, how wrong it is. Yes, you will have a mushroom, but a donor and the donor will be injured for a "lamb" for a long time, and the recipient is difficult to increase, having a small gentle surface. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully separate the child film, transfer it to the clean bank, the bay with warm water and so transmit to breeding.

By bringing home the long-awaited "process", do not hurry to put it in the nutrient medium. Leave a layer of a child film with a warm warm water at room temperature for a day, covering the jar with a double layer of pure gauze. You will have time to prepare dishes for a new tenant, think about the composition of its nutrient medium. During this time, do not feed it with tea mortar and do not put sugar, let it take and adapt. At this time, the mushroom is very susceptible to external influences, the march is simply necessary, because if a fly will sit on him, he will certainly die. The mushroom will die if instead of gauze to cover it with a tightly polyethylene lid, it suffers.

Prerequisite: keep mushroom in glassware. It is better not to wash it with detergents, thoroughly whip the bank with boiling water and do not hurry to pour it out, let the dishes stand for some time with him. For the preparation of the nutrient medium, do not take water from under the tap, this water contains a large amount of chlorine and even a boiled medzomycete "dislike." The optimal option is spring water. But with a modern state of ecology, even spring water should be filtered. Another option: filtered water. Today in many homes there are stationary filters, and filters-jugs, and finally, you can still use drinking water that is sold in plastic five-liter bottles. Use the same water to wash it.

Since at one time the tea mushroom was almost in every home because of his unpretentiousness, it was accustomed to cook without any special clauses: the remnants from daily tea drinking were poured into a three-liter jar with a mushroom, adding sugar sand to "taste". The resulting infusion was drank at any time, pouring directly from the bank in which the mushroom was swimming. Healthy organisms such a "use" will hold out. But we will not forget that tea kvass is primarily the healing drink. And since the infusion of the Medozomycet is a medicine, it should be prepared with the observance of sanitary standards, and contained in accordance with the necessary conditions.

Mix the infusion, wash the mushroom, prepare the nutrient medium it is necessary in a clean room thoroughly washed hands. Grinding the infusion through sterile gauze, merging into a clean, lining glass dishes. For normal growth, the fungus is suitable two- or three-liter glass bank. But sometimes there is a large number of infusion (for example, for baths), then five- and declined bottles are used. It is very important that they have a wide enough throat - this makes it possible, not traumating, extract the body of the mushroom for washing.

Tea mushroom must be kept in a room where the average room temperature has consistently under normal humidity.

Methods for preparing the nutrient medium for tea mushroom

The most versatile and frequently used method is the following.

Prepare one-threaded infusion of tea by adding dissolved sugar in the ratio to the Nasta of tea 1:10, put the mushroom into this nutrient medium.

Boil the 1.5 liter of water, remove a saucepan from fire and add 5 g of black or green tea to water (1-2 teaspoons), insisted for 15 minutes, after which add 70 g of sugar, stirring, completely dissolve it, cool to Room temperature. In no case do not put the mushroom in the hot solution, in this case it will die. Do not pour a unwanted sugar on a mushroom: this will lead to injury to the body of the mushroom, and it will be sick.

Often, instead of sugar in tea, honey is added, as it enhances the antiseptic properties of infusion. In this case, it is added to the welding of tea after it is cooling to room temperature. However, it should be noted that the high concentration of honey supplies the vital activity of the mushroom. The content in honey a whole bouquet of beneficial substances, trace elements and mineral salts makes the infused drink on it in its own way unique, enhances its antibacterial effect, energy influence on the body.

Tea is brewed in the usual way, but take at least two liters. The nutrient medium is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of tea and from 100 to 125 g of sugar per liter.

If black tea causes heartbeat, you can use other varieties of tea, such as green. It is possible to use and teas with additives, tea from rosehip (dosage approximately the same). However, it should be remembered that kvass mushroom inherits tea properties almost unchanged. And if one black tea causes heartbeat, then green tea can cause a sharp drop in pressure, which is already not very good in itself, and for hypotonists can become a serious trouble. Green tea can provoke pain, the appearance of heartburn in the diseases of the stomach.

The fermentation process is accelerating, and the effectiveness of infusion is increasing, if you add apple infusion to it. In winter, dried fruits are used. They are soaked for a day in warm boiled water, then boil no more than 10 minutes and insist 1.5-2 hours. Coolest to room temperature is added to the nutrient medium of the mushroom. In the summer, instead of dried fruits use fresh apples. First, this solution has a beneficial effect on the vital activity of the Meduse itself, and secondly, the resulting drink effectively restores metabolism and immunity.

Tea is sometimes replaced with a solution of coffee, pea or soy flour.

On 1 liter of hot water - 1 tablespoon of soluble coffee.

On 1 liter of warm boiled water - 1/2 teaspoon of one or another flour. The remaining components unchanged. The drink appears a specific taste, as they say, "on an amateur".

Care and Growing Tea Mushroom

The first days, adapting, the mushroom lies at the bottom of the bank. After a few days, it will surely pop up, it will be raised to the surface of carbon dioxide bubbles formed by yeast fungi. If this does not happen, it means that your medical azomycet lacks for the heat fermentation process. Place it in a warmer place, avoiding a sharp increase in temperature.

If you put on the bottom of the banks already quite mature mushroom, then for 2-3 days on the surface of the liquid, the transparent skin of the new mushroom will begin. It is almost not visible immersed in the water, but after a few days it is compacted and turns into a peculiar elastic coat, consisting of elastic mucosa. If the conditions are favorable, then on the 8-10th day a new, suitable mushroom is formed. Under good conditions, the infusion remains transparent throughout the process of growth of a new mushroom, the film begins to laugh. After time, its lower layer darkens, threads are hanging from it. With aging, the lower layers can be removed if the remaining is enough for body growth.

Common and well-loose mushroom can be carefully delayed, rinse separated by a slightly warm boiled or filtered water, place another can with nutrient solution for further cultivation.

The first "maturity" of infusion reaches after 3-4 days in the summer and after 5-7 days - in winter. But we should not forget that for therapeutic use, infusions of different "age" are needed from 3-4-day up to 15 days and more.

On the third - sixth day, the drink acquires a pleasant sour-sweet taste, has a pleasant aroma, gashed. If the fermentation process is lengthened, the acidic nature of the beverage appears to the fore. After fourteen - fifteen days infusion reminds dry wine.

The finished kvass is fixed and overflow into clean bottles, close their corks tightly and put in a cool place.

The infusion of tea mushroom is rarely used in its pure form. This is possible if, after the first "maturity" (3-4 days of fermentation), you gradually parted the kvass, adding a weak infusion of tea with a decade of sugar. Usually, the infusion is diluted in the ratio of 1: 2, 1: 3 and more depending on its concentration. The drink should not irritate the mucous membrane of the mouth, esophagus and stomach.

Remember! Mushroom should be regularly rinsed with water. In the summer you will be made this procedure through one or two weeks, and in the winter every three or four. Gently get it out of the solution (which is for what you need a wide throat cans!), Carefully and thoroughly rinse in cool boiled or filtered water, then place back in infusion.

Once a month, arrange your ward a good "bath". To do this, pour all the liquid from the can, rinse the jar thoroughly in flowing water with drinking soda, slide boiling water. Medozomitzet rinse, see if it is not necessary to separate the already growing layers. In a new tea solution with sugar, place an updated fungus, to accelerate the fermentation process, add about ten percent of the old beverage to it. In such a medium, it will be restored faster.

The mushroom cannot be rearranged in solution (for this, it is necessary to rinse it), as a rule, the consequence of this is the darkening of the upper film and the mushroom dies.

Tea mushroom is called Japanese, sea, manchurian mushroom, as well as a combo, tea jellyfish, sea kvass, a Japanese sponge, fango or medical-zoomycete. This is a symbiosis of yeast-like mushroom and acetic acid bacteria. A tea mushroom looks like a jellyfish with a dense, glittering upper layer and a bowl of bacteria from below is the rosary zone of a mushroom, similar to hanging rags or belly jellyfish. Tea mushroom turns a solution of sweet tea into a healthy drink.


Until now, it is unknown, how and where tea mushroom come from. His homeland is considered China, India, Ceylon, Tibet.

In ancient China, it was believed that "Kam-bo ha" - "tea mushroom" possesses divine power and prolongs life. This drink was available only to the emperor and the most high-ranking court.

Very read the drink from a tea mushroom in Japan and India. It is not surprising, because this drink is very tasty and useful.

Tea Mushroom composition

What useful substances are in the tea mushroom?

Vitamin C, RR, B1, B2, B6, B12, D; enzymes, organic acids, polysaccharides, lactic acids, caffeine, medusine, carotenoids and sucrose; Microelements: calcium, iodine, zinc.

All these substances are extremely useful for the human body.


  • C - increases immunity, normalizes emotional state, ensures harmony of the figure, as well as the health of blood vessels, teeth and gums.
  • RR - protects the digestive and cardiovascular system, normalizes the hormonal background, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol, is involved in the blood formation process.
  • B1 - stabilizes the work of the nervous system, provides mental activity.
  • B2 - provides eye health, increases stress resistance, normalizes metabolism, protects the cardiovascular system.
  • B6 - normalizes the work of the nervous system, contributes to the processing of amino acids, stabilizes blood pressure, stimulates the work of the immune system.
  • B12 - strengthens immunity, protects the body from obesity, normalizes the work of the brain and the activity of the nervous system.
  • D - contributes to the absorption of calcium, strengthens immunity, protects the heart and intestines.

Trace elements:

  • Calcium - is responsible for the normal passage of nerve pulses and the strength of bones and teeth, contributes to the removal of salts and radionuclides from the body, has antiallergenic properties, stabilizes the activity of the heart and reduces pressure.
  • Iodine - protects the thyroid gland, is responsible for normal growth, participates in metabolic processes and stabilizes the state of the nervous system.
  • Zinc - is responsible for the health of the joints, strengthens the reparative functions of the body, participates in blood formation, improves the work of the brain.

Useful material:

  • Organic acids - have disinfection and antiseptic properties, strengthen the body, ensure the full operation of the gastrointestinal
  • the tract is involved in metabolic processes.
  • Enzymes - strengthen immunity, contribute to the removal of slags from the body and the absorption of vitamins and trace elements, protect the digestive system.
  • Polysaccharides - provide the body with energy.
  • Carotenoids are necessary for the health of the eyes, protect the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet, are natural antioxidants.
  • Caffeine - Bodrit, briefly increases attention and memory, increases performance.
  • Sakharoza - useful for kidney diseases, promotes saturation, improves brain.
  • Milk acids - improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Medusin is a natural antibiotic.

Tea mushroom: benefit and harm

The composition of the tea mushroom contains many components important to human health. Because the tea mushroom is considered so appreciated.

Tool mushroom properties:

  • Infusion of tea mushroom is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Recommend tea mushroom with liver and gallbladder diseases.
  • Drink tea mushroom with viral infections and colds.
  • This drink is useful when problems with gums and nasal mucosa.
  • Helps infusion of tea mushroom with infected wounds, burns, allergies.
  • Tea mushroom is recommended to take with skin and hair problems.
  • It is believed that the tea mushroom facilitates the condition of patients with tuberculosis.
  • Drink this drink and wishing to lose weight.
  • Tea mushroom promotes the normalization of the nervous system.
  • It restores the natural intestinal microflora and is effective when dealing with constipation.
  • Tea mushroom reduces blood pressure.
  • Infusion of tea mushroom soothes toothpow.
  • In addition, this drink perfectly quenches thirst.
  • Infusion of tea mushroom helps to improve well-being after feasts with abundant recovery.
  • Tea mushroom helps to fight increased fatigue and depression. It is useful when decaying forces and constant stress.

Application of tea mushroom

By the way, infusion of tea mushroom is used not only as a drink:

  • This presentation you can rinse your hair - they get stronger and softer to the touch, look more shiny.
  • You can rinse with this infusion of the mouth: it helps to restore the health of the gums and eliminate the unpleasant smell of mouth.
  • When burns, the compress from this infusion helps well.
  • Useful feet baths, tired, as well as nail baths - nails become healthier and durable.
  • People with problem oily skin recommend wipe the face with a cotton swab, moistened in this liquid. It is also useful to wash the infusion of a tea mushroom: it will make the skin smooth and healthy.
  • In conjunctivitis, the compresses for the eyelids are useful from infusion of tea mushroom.
  • You can add infusion of tea mushroom in the bath (1 cup). Such a bath tones the skin and does not dry it.
  • Tea mushroom helps in the treatment of nail fungus.

We use tea mushroom and in cooking:

  • The infusion of tea mushroom can be replaced by kvass when cooking around.
  • Cocktail is prepared from the mixture of infusion, honey, lemon and carrot juice.
  • Based on this drink prepare sauces.

A mixture of a tea mushroom with an infusion of other plants helps to cope with insomnia, reduce allergic reactions, improve the condition in diseases of the urogenital system, diseases of the joints, get rid of migraine.


Unfortunately, even the most useful products may have contraindications. Therefore, before starting to drink infusion of tea mushroom, you need to make sure you have no allergies to this product.

You can not drink this drink to those who suffer from type 2 diabetes, obesity and increased acidity of the gastric juice.

With caution, it is worth referring to the use of tea mushroom with pregnant women, nursing mothers.


  • People hosting medicines should consult with the doctor before drinking the infusion of tea mushroom.
  • Do not add sugar substitutes to the nutrient medium.
  • If the solution turned out to be too saturated, it is worth it to dilute before use.
  • Do not drink infusion of tea mushroom in front of the road, if you have to drive a car: in the process of fermentation, alcohol is formed.
  • The list of diseases at which tea mushroom is useful is extremely extensive. But with serious health problems, you should not replace the goal of the doctor and the traditional treatment of this drink.
  • Infusion on the green tea contains more caffeine and is stronger effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is not recommended to drink more than 1 liter infusion per day.

How to grow and how to make tea mushroom

For the preparation of tea mushroom, you need the following:

  • Zakvaska (tea mushroom)
  • 2 liters of water
  • 200 gr. refined sugar (sometimes I use honey, but the taste of such a drink is peculiar)
  • 4 teaspoons of black or green tea (if desired, you can use any other tea, including herbal or floral)
  • Three-liter glass jar (you can use stainless steel dishes, but in no case is not metallic)
  • Marley, Paper Napkin, Fabric
  • Rubber or elastic braid, bandage

Preparing tea mushroom:

  • You need to brew sweet tea and give it to launch at least a quarter of an hour. Make sure that there is no welding lumps or unavailable sugar in tea.
  • Pour tea to a jar or stainless steel vessel and cool it. You can not put a tea mushroom in a hot liquid.
  • Add an old Zavskaya to the bank: about 1:10.
  • Lower the mushroom into the liquid.
  • Cover the bank with gauze or paper napkin and secure the rubber band (tape). Mushroom must breathe, but dust should not fall inside and the more insects, and
  • also pollen and disputes of other plants.
  • Place the jar in a dark and warm place (about 25 degrees).
  • The warmer around the mushroom, the faster it is imagined. As a rule, it is ready after 7-10 days.
  • From the finished infusion mushroom you need to take out - very neatly and necessarily clean hands. It must be placed in a new nutrient medium, prepared exactly
  • Infusion must be given a "trim": Pour it into the glass container with a dense lid and leave no less than 5 days in a cool place.

Drink ready to eat!

It is the opinion that the tea mushroom is sensitive to handling: it is necessary to take care of him, handing out the child mushrooms to relatives and friends, and the old mushroom can not be thrown away - you need to bury it.

Useful tips:

  • Tea mushroom Do not install in the refrigerator: it must be stored at room temperature, but in the shade.
  • You should not close the vessel with a tea mushroom tightly - it's better to just cover it so that the mushroom can breathe.
  • Nutrient medium for fungus - Sweet tea - should not contain pieces of sugar or leaves of welding.
  • No need to pour sugar to the mushroom itself.
  • Not less than once a month (and in the summer - twice) you need to wash the mushroom with clean water. However, you should not wash tea mushroom too often: it can damage him.
  • Visual evidence that the mushroom is not all right - thickening infusion.
  • You can cut a tea mushroom, it will again begin to function when it is fed by sweet tea.
  • It is necessary to refrain from growing tea mushroom in herbal teas from plants excreasing essential oils: chamomile, currants, sage. And, on the contrary, they are well suited for tea mushroom such plants like: lion zev, nettle, birch leaves, strawberries, raspberries, rosehip, mother-and-stepmother, oregano, yarrow.

Reproduction of tea mushroom:

You can separate part of the fungus yourself and place it in the nutrient medium.
Tea mushroom can separate the daughter mushroom itself.
You can grow a new tea mushroom: Leave the infusion of tea mushroom at room temperature - after a couple of weeks (maybe, before), a thin film is formed on the surface of the liquid, which will become an adult mushbine.

Where to get and where to buy tea mushroom

Tea mushroom can be ordered through online stores (in dry form). Its value ranges from 240 to 800 rubles. The average price is 500-650 rubles. In European countries, as well as in China and Japan, tea mushroom and drugs from it are sold in pharmacies. So you can order it familiar leaving these countries.
But the best tea mushroom is considered as a gift from a good man: a friend, relative or just familiar.