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Who and where the baptized Jesus. III. Baptism in an ancient church. II. The baptism of Jesus

In the Christian religion there are many mysteries related to some religious traditions that for modern man We became commonplace. Such riddles exist for centuries, but no one pays attention to their attention due to the lowest significance. Nevertheless, many theologians and specialists in the field today pay attention to all the facts that in one way or another give us the opportunity to resurrect the events of antiquity. Most actual question Today is the life of Jesus Christ.

This person is truly legendary, although there is a lot of arguments in favor of his historical reality. Many of the acts of this person largely led those traditions and rites, which subsequently arrived in Christianity. Simply put, what Jesus did, today we do, thereby repeating his holy acts. The most striking event in the life of this historical personality can be called about which will be discussed in the article.

Baptism as a modern Christian rite

Christianity is filled with a mass of traditions that play a rather democratic role in the life of believers. The baptism of our Jesus Christ is a symbol, a great act, transformed into a tradition, Dogmat. To date, baptism is perceived as a rite that helps to give man God's grace. Thus, baptism is the moment of obtaining divine guardianship. Many scientists do not agree with a similar interpretation, insisting that the baptism of Jesus, like the baptism of any other person, is an act of deregistration from the whole negative and adoption in his soul of God as the only lord, patron. Thus, with the help of this rite, we make a choice: to accept God or not. This theory largely found its confirmation in history.

The History of the Baptism of Jesus Christ

Great baptism is the name of the action that occurred on it is described in detail in the gospel plots and has a more common name - the Baptism of the Lord. The mention of this event in the Gospels makes it possible to consider it historical, since, in addition to religious literature, these Scriptures are a historical source.

According to the gospel plot, Jesus came to the Jordan River in the 30th age. He baptized him that caused great bewilderment from the last, because the Messiah was Jesus, so he should be baptized. However, the Son of God accepted the gift of baptism from John, for which the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a white dove.

It follows that Jesus Christ, whose baptism took place on the Jordan River, received cleansing from sinful existence on Earth. In other words, in this story, it is not important that the Holy Spirit descended from the sky, but the subtext. Baptism is an act of accepting God as a true lord, which has already been mentioned earlier. The importance of baptism as a rite emphasizes the fact that Jesus Christ came to him. The baptism of this person marked the appearance of a similar rite in the Christian world. An important role in understanding the essence of Baptism is played by the further actions of Christ.

Warning of Christ in the desert

The baptism of Jesus Christ in Jordan is of paramount importance in the process of studying the importance of this event. We figured out that baptism is and purity. But few know that the history of baptism does not end. Moreover, this event directly influenced the further acts of Jesus during the wrapping process.

After the events on the Jordan River, the Prophet immediately went to the desert and was there for 40 days. Similarly, he was preparing to implement the mission that he was prepared. From the Bible, we know that the Son of God took over the sins of people, so God forgave us. This could be done only through the act of self-sacrifice, for which it was necessary to prepare spiritually and physically. Evangelical Scriptures tell us about the events that occurred in the desert itself.

Three temptations of Satan

When the devil saw Jesus's attempts to renounce all sins and cleanse, he decided to experience the will of the Messiah. For this, Satan is trying to tempt Jesus three times:

  • with hunger;
  • with the help of pride;
  • with the help of faith.

Each new "lever", by means of pressure on Jesus, was a sophisticated previous one.

Hunger is the smallest thing that I could lure Jesus to the side of the devil. When this carnal sin did not affect the Son of God, Satan is experiencing his pride and faith. But here Jesus is not surrender. Satan was trying by all their forces to show that everyone, even Jesus Christ, may be broken before his sweet fruits. Baptism helped him to remain indisputable before the temptations of Satan. From here it follows that baptism does not just help get God's grace, it can give us the power to fight all the sinful acts of the devil.

Hypothesis about where the Baptism of Jesus Christ is

Today, scientists are trying to understand and resurrect events described in biblical texts. Everyone knows that the baptism of Jesus Christ in Jordan is a real historical eventBut did it really happen in the Jordan River? The fact is that modern pilgrims criticize information about the place that may be the place of baptism. First, Palestine is not the Gospel "Earth is abundance." Here the heat and desert plains reign. Secondly, everyone who seen the current river Jordan will understand that this is clearly not the place. It is dirty and narrow.

According to scientists, in the first century, our era is unlikely to be something different. Thus, it is impossible to say exactly where the baptism of Jesus Christ is located. Even with how quickly the historiographic science is evolving today.

It should be noted that many scientists put forward the most incredible stories about where Jesus Christ was baptized. Baptism could occur in a wide variety of places, considering modern archaeological finds. It is most likely that this great Christian event occurred on the territory of Jordan, but this is already the topic for a separate article.


So, Jesus Christ, whose baptism was the Christian tradition, with his actions showed the importance of this act of adoption of faith. The historical facts presented in the article show us the importance of this event not only for the history of Christianity, but also for all those people who take this religion as a true faith.

As well as Jesus Christ took the baptism from John the Forerunner in the waters of the Jordan River. Since then, there is a tradition of ablution in Jordan, which is followed by all pilgrims, at least once visited the Holy Land. Thanks tourist company "Thai Turz" - An experienced organizer of pilgrimage routes, the head of the UNIAN-Religion project was visited by Jordan last year.

River Jordan.

For almost two thousand years, people come to the shores of the biblical river, with hope after the ablution to get the healing of the soul and body. During this time, the channels of the rivers and the boundaries of the states, according to which its water flows. Human faith remained unchanged God's help And the possibility of a miracle for everyone.

Once a year, January 19, on the day of the Baptism of the Lord, when the Jerusalem Patriarch of Ferofil III serves a festive prayer on Jordan, an instant occurs when the water of the river turn reversal and flow in the opposite direction. So obviously and indisputably the Lord reveals their strength and Divine grace.

River River Jordan reverse to baptismVIDEO

In the river, the Jordan dip seats seven times, plunging with his head. ("And he went and plunged into Jordan seven times, according to the word of the man of God, and his body was updated as the body of a small child, and cleared. - 4 kings, 5:14).

Everyone who has ever had to dip in Jordan, remember what the strong course this river has, because it will write off this miracle for some natural phenomenon that happens from year to year January 19, it was during the prayer of the Patriarch, - no one in mind comes. Yes, and tens of thousands of people who come for a holiday, that witnesses - they all saw this unusual phenomenon with their own eyes.

How to know, maybe two thousand years ago, the river also flowed back during the baptism of Jesus Christ, when "the sky was rejected, and the Holy Spirit launched him in bodily form as a dove."

On the memorial wall at the entrance to the yardenite on different languages The world is written: "And it was in those days, Jesus came from Nazareth Galilean and baptized from John in Jordan. And when I came out of the water, immediately saw John expanding heaven and the Spirit, like a dove that comes out on him. And the voice was from heaven: You are my sweetheart son, in which my favor "(MK. 1, 9-11).

Pilgrims visiting the Holy Earth always wanted to plunge, and some were baptized in the sacred waters of Jordan - the most famous river on Earth, which combined the history of the Old and New Testaments. The event that happened in these waters is essential for Christians of the whole world, so people needed to gain the symbolic scene of the baptism of Christ.

Complex "Yardenit", Israel. The place where Jordan flows from the Tiberiatic Lake.

According to the early version, it was assumed that the Baptism's place is located on the West Bank of the Jordan River, in the territory of Israel, in the vicinity of Kasr-El Yahud (Arabsk. - Jewish Palace) in the Palestinian Authority. But since 1967, after the war, this plot was closed.

For the ablution of pilgrims in 1981, Israel allocated the territory in the place where Jordan flows out of the Tiber Lake. There was a complex that was called "Yardenit". This territory, of course, was not a historic location of the Baptism of Jesus Christ, but well coped with his symbolic function and was the only place to provide free access to the river.

The old direction of the Jordan River, Vadi El Harar village, Jordan. The Baptism of Jesus Christ. On these steps they walked the Savior himself.

In 1996, as a result archaeological excavations Along the eastern shores of the Jordan River, the international group of scientists discovered the Genuine Baptism of the Savior. This place is located in Jordan, not far from the place where Jordan falls into the dead sea - in the Betani Valley, in the village of Wadi El Harar (Arab. - "Burling Water"). The scene of baptism was at forty-meters east of the current Jordan. From the V century, the river has significantly changed the channel and retreated from the place of baptism.

There is ancient proof, which indicates the Baptism of Christ - this is a mosaic map of the ancient Palestine VI century, found in the Orthodox church - in the Church of St. George, in Madaba.

Mosaic map of the ancient Palestine VI century in the Church of St. George, in Madaba.

They say that it was with the help of this card, scientists found an indisputable place of baptism - the square marble foundation of the Greek column, at the top of which was once a cross - it was she mentioned as the Baptism of Christ in the posts of pilgrims of the Byzantine Empire. Also, scientists were discovered steps leading to water. Researchers believe that it was on these steps Jesus Christ left the clothes before the sacrament of baptism.

The trail leads to the place of baptism. Shrubs once grew here with an impassable wall.

IN winter time In the font of the old river river, a little water is going, but by the summer the lake is completely dried. The descent is closed for pilgrims in any time of year.

Not far from the place of baptism is the cave, where John the Forerunner lived. Apostles Matthew and Mark pointed out in the Gospels that John preached in the Desert of the Jewish, the Dead Sea. John theologian clarified that once this place was called ViFar and was for Jordan. It was here at the age of 30, Jesus Christ came to take baptism - this is stated in the gospel of Luke.

In these places, the Prophet Eliya ascended to the sky.

As you know, John lived in places where Ilya-prophet ascended. That is, precisely from here the Old Testament prophet took the fire chariot alive on the sky. And before that, according to Old TestamentThe prophets of Elijah and Elisha crossed the Jordan River. Here for the 12th centuries before the baptism of the Lord, the twelve tribes of Israel were formed, Jordan moved and the promised land settled. The first miracle on the river happened when the Israelis, following Jesus Navin, with the Ark of the Covenant, Jordan switched.

In the same place, Maria Egypt's sins went to the early Christian times - the famous harlot and a great ridiculous sinner, who 47 years old prayed to the Lord about forgiveness and eats on only foliage and grass.

Every year many pilgrims flock to the holy place. Today, the tracks are laid in the area of \u200b\u200bthe excavations, the place is equipped for ablution, and a pilgrimage center was built nearby.

Place for washing in the waters of the Jordan River. For the invisible border from Jordan, several military with automata are followed. From the side of Israel, the soldiers were not noticeable - possibly a hidden surveillance.

From the side of Jordan to the place of baptism and ablution can be reached at any time. But from Israel there are restrictions - depending on the military situation, as it is the Palestinian territory. They say that the baptism and Easter of Jordan opens the border for Israel to put the pilgrims to worship the shrines. From the Israeli shore to the shore of Jordan - about 10 meters, the border passes along the river and nothing is indicated.

The water in the Jordan River is brown and very muddy due to the rapid flow, which blurs the clay and carries it. But if you dial water into a bottle and give a little to stand, impurities are settled, and water becomes transparent.

MF. III, 13-17: 13 Then comes Jesus from Galilee to Jordan to John to be baptized from him. 14 John kept him and said: I need to be baptized from you, and do you come to me? 15 But Jesus told him in response: Leave Now, for it should be fulfilled to fulfill all the truth. Then John Allows it. 16 and, having barely, Jesus came out of the water, - and the Heavens, and saw him, and saw him John The Spirit of God, who went like a pigeon, and dug on him. 17 and CE, voice from heaven verbal: This is the son of my beloved, in which my favor.

MK. I, 9-11: 9 And it was in those days, Jesus came from Nazareth Galilean and baptized from John in Jordan. 10 And when he left the water, immediately saw John Screw to heaven and the Spirit, like a pigeon that comes back on it. 11 and voice was from heaven: You are my sweetheart son, in which my favor.

LK. III, 21-22: 21 When all the people were baptized, and Jesus, prayed, prayed: The sky was rejected, 22 and the Holy Spirit nicely in his bodily view, like a pigeon, and was a voice from heaven, the verbal: you are my beloved son; My favor in you!

In. I, 32-34: 32 And John testified, saying: I saw the Spirit that comes from the sky, like a dove, and staying on it. 33 I did not know him; But he sent me to baptize in the water told me: to whom you will see the spirit of the descendant and staying on it, he is the pont of the Holy Spirit. 34 And I saw and testified that this is the Son of God.

Learning Guide to Four Genuine

Prot. Seraphim Slobodskaya (1912-1971)
According to the book "The Law of God", 1957.

The baptism of Jesus Christ

At the time when John the Forerunner preached on the shores of Jordan and baptized people, Jesus Christ turned thirty years. He also came from Nazareth on the Jordan River to John to get baptism from him.

John considered himself unworthy to baptize Jesus Christ and began to hold him, saying: "I need to be baptized from you, and do you come to me?".

But Jesus told him in response: "Leave Now", that is, do not hold me now, "because it is necessary for us to fulfill all the truth" - to fulfill everything in the law of God and show an example to people.

Then John obeyed and baptized Jesus Christ.

For the commission of baptism, when Jesus Christ came out of the water, suddenly opened (revealed) heaven over him; And John saw the Spirit of God, who descended in the form of a dove on Jesus, and the voice of God's father was heard from the sky: "This there is a son of my beloved, in which my favor."

Then John finally made sure that Jesus was the expected Messiah, the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

The baptism of our Jesus Christ is celebrated by Holy Orthodoxy Church, as one of the Great Holidays, January 6th (Jan. 19.). The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is also called the feast of the Epiphany, because during the baptism God revealed (showed himself) to people that he is Most Holy Trinity, It is: God, the Father spoke from the sky, the embodied son of God was baptized, and the Holy Spirit came as a pigeon. And with baptism, for the first time, people could see that in the face of Jesus Christ was not a man only, but together and God.

The day before the holiday is set. This day is called Christmas Eve. In memory of the fact that the savior with his baptism sanctified water, this holiday is a sanctification of water. Water is consecrated in the temple on the Christmas Eve, and in the most holiday in the river, or elsewhere where they take water. Procession to consecrate water is called Procession On Jordan.

Farmer of the holiday.

The verbose statement - confirmed the truth of this word; Purchased - came; The world of enlightened - the world was shifted.

Archite Averky (Taushev) (1906-1976)
Guide to learning Scripture New Testament. FREEVANGEY. Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, 1954.

2. Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ

(MF. III, 13-17; MK. I, 9-11; LC. III, 21-22; IN. I, 32-34)

The baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ is narrowed by all four evangelists. Details of all depicts this Event of St. Matthew.

"Then Jesus comes from Galilee" - St. Mark complements that it is from Nazareth Galilean. It was, apparently, in the same 15th year of the Board of Tiviya Caesar, when on St. Luke Jesus turned 30 years old - the age required from the teacher of faith. In St. Matthew, John refused to baptize Jesus, saying: "Az demanding you baptized", and in the Gospel of John, the baptist did not know Jesus before baptism (John 1:33), until he saw the Spirit of God, which comes out in the form of a dove. Contradictions can not see here. John did not know Jesus before baptism as the Messiah, but when Jesus came to him to ask for baptism, he, as a prophet, penetrated into the hearts of people, immediately felt his holiness and sinlessness and his infinite superiority over himself, why could not exclaim: " Az demanding to you baptized, and whether you sat for me? " When he saw the Spirit of God, coming to Jesus, then finally made sure that before him the Messiah-Christ.

"Tako applies to us fulfill all the truth" - this means that the Lord Jesus Christ, as a person and the peoplebar of the new humanity regenerated by him, should have had its own example to show people the need to comply with all Divine Institutions. But baptized, "Jesus Abie from Water", because, as a sinless, he was not needed to confess his sins, as they did all the other bachers, while standing in the water. St. Luca transfers that "Jesus, having prayed, I prayed" is undoubtedly the Heavenly Father blessed the beginning of his ministry.

"And the ceases rejected him", i.e. Cleared over him, for the sake of him, "and the form of the Spirit of God, congeting, Yako pigeon and the coming on it." Since in Greek, "on it" is pronounced by the pronounter of the 3rd person, and not a refundable, then here it is necessary to understand that "the form" of the Spirit of God John, although, of course, he seen him and the Beschatal himself, and the people who were at the same time For the purpose of this miracle is to show the people of God's son in the Dotole's son in the unknownness of Jesus, why the church and sings on the day of the holiday of the Baptism of the Lord, also called the Epiphany: "Appeared to the Universe" (Kondak). According to John, the Spirit of God not only descended on Jesus, but also "Stay on it" (John 1: 32-33).

The voice of God Father: "This is," according to Matthew, or "Yeah,", according to Mark and Luke "My Beloved Son, about the unlikely thanks," was an indication of John and the people who were present for the divine dignity of the Kraschaty, like the Son of God, in his own sense, Only beefing, on which the Father's God always dwells, and at the same time as if the response of the father of heaven to his divine son on his prayer about the blessing to the great feat of the ministry to save humanity.

The baptism of the Lord is our St. The church celebrates ancient times on January 6, calling this holiday also by the Epiphany, because in the event it was all sv. Trinity: God father with voice from the sky, God's son baptism from John in Jordan, the God of the Holy Spirit of Blowjob.

Cycle gear "Summer Lord" dedicated to the two-month holidays and Easter

A. V. Ivanov (1837-1912)
Guide to the study of the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament. FREEVANGEY. St. Petersburg., 1914.

(MF. 3: 13-17; MK. 1: 9-11; Lux. 3: 21-22 \u003d JN 1: 29-34)

His certificate of Messia John captured his baptism. He preached about him and he was consecrated by his ministry. When baptism from Jerusalem, all Jews and from the whole neighborhood of Jordan, came to John, then appeared to Jordan and Jesus from Nazareth Galileskago and demanded that he was baptized. John held him, considering herself unworthy to baptize him, although he did not know that he was a Messiah, but only judged him on his impeccable life - maybe in the stories about him of his mother, on rumors - finally - about his increase and About the derecy of God and man (Lux. 2:52), which, of course, made an excessive baptism of John, appointed for repentance.

How would guess his higher dignity, John would wish himself to be baptized from him; But Jesus Christ insists on his decision to fulfill all the truth, that is, everything that was required by law and that could serve as a detection of it, as the Messiah, but that was only now (άρτι) and the baptism will be replaced by another best orderWhen John baptizes him. And at the time when he baptized and prayed, heaven over him (as lightning cuts in front of our eyes the heavenly arch), and the Holy Spirit, descending in the form of a pigeon on Jesus Christ; And from the sky heard the voice of the Father's God, saying that this is the son of his beloved, which hesitate his favor (love). John, who was discovered that the one to whom he will see a coming saint spirit, there is a son of God, seeing the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus Christ (John 1: 33.34) was assured in the messianic calling him and sinceimes began to preach about him As about the coming Messiah.

What is the significance of baptism for Jesus Christ and why did he take it? How sinless, he did not need to baptize repentance; As the founder of the kingdom of heaven, he did not need a dedication facility, which was baptized for the proles, for swinging. This excession of baptism for Jesus felt and premeditated the Baptist himself, when he did not allow him to baptism.

But, on the other hand, he had to take baptism, as a symbol of cleansing from the sins, which he accepted. He had to be baptized to fulfill the truth legitimate, that is, everything that was required by the law from the sinner - and Jesus Christ appeared in the likeness of the flesh of sin. He had to take baptism to submit us an example of humility and sanctifying the water not only Jordan, but also the whole world, the spirit of the Holy Spirit on them. Not actually the baptism of Jesus Christ was the meaning of the testimony of his messianic rank, dedication to public ministry.

Baptism in his own sense was the Epiphany to the world. Waving the world in the humble image of a man, Jesus Christ baptism his revealed himself to the world, like God, like the Son of God, like the Messiah. Something looks at this case and John the Baptist himself, when he says: This is for the sake of the suicle of Az the water of the crucifies, but will appear Israel (John 1:31).

For the sake of this - and the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus Christ, and the voice of the god of the Father, who testified that he was the son of his beloved. The Holy Spirit, from the century who stayed with his deity, created the body of Jesus Christ in the womb of the Holy Virgin, who stayed on him from the day of conception and birth at all of his 30-year-old private lifewho strengthened him in every wisdom, goes to him in the form of a pigeon, to fulfill him with all the gifts of grace (Is. 11: 1-3), to induce it in the Messiah (Is. 61: 1-3).

This, however, does not mean that Jesus Christ was accustomed to an ordinary person, as some heretics argued, and that Christ-Messiah went to Jesus since the baptism of Jesus; But only the solemn detection of his Mesianskago dignity, which was known not only to John, but also to all people. The descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of a blueberry, there is a valid image (σωματικόν ει̉δος lk. 3:22), accepted by the Holy Spirit for the phenomenon of himself to people, in the sign of purity, meekness and love.

Like the descent of the Holy Spirit, and the voice of the God Father is the solemn confession of Jesus Christ the Son of God in front of the whole world, there is an introduction to the father of his son in the Universe, and he will bow to him any language and let him listen to all nations (Heb. 1: 6).
The name of the Son Beloved, which worshes the favor of the Father, indicates the superiority of him in front of all the sons of God; And the blessing itself - love does not apply to the Messiah only, but also to people through the Messiah (about him \u003d through it).

The very vision of the spirit and voice of God the Father treated not to Jesus Christ only, as presented Mark and Luke (MK. 1:11; Luke 3:22), and not to John, how to intelligent Matthew and John (MF 3 : 16,17; In. 1:32), and to all people, although there may be a light of the witnesses here to see the light and did not see the Holy Spirit, heard the voice and did not know the words, as in other cases (in. 12: 28.29; Acts 9: 7-22: 9).

Note 1. The difference in the form of expressions in which the gospel of the god of the God Father is transmitted in Jordan (this is my son - Matthew and you are my son - Mark and Luke) is explained by the difference in the status of narratives in relation to listeners and readers. Holy Matthew, talking about what was on Jordan and showing the messianic meaning of Jesus, says that the voice of God's father, saying that Jesus was his beloved son.

Mark and Luca transmit the event as it happened on Jordan, repeating literally the words of God's Father themselves. The difference could happen from the difference in the story of the initial narratives. Matthew heard a story about the baptism of Jesus Christ of the first mouth (John or Christ himself); Mark and Luka from the second mouth.

Note 2. Evangelist John (I, 28) indicates that all this was in Vifavar, about he Paul Jordan. But all manuscripts have: in Viph. Origen, do not find such a place on the other side of Jordan, offered to read Vifavara. It is thought that these are two places on both shores of Jordan, one against the other, from which Vifavara \u003d the house of the crossing, and Beth-Aniah) \u003d the ship of the ship; From which however, you need to distinguish between Bifia on the Eleon Mountain. The name of this latter can mean, on other wordworks (Beth-Hine), the house of the rain.

Note 3. Mention of the evangelist Matthew that John refused to baptize Jesus Christ, considering herself unworthy to make this action over him, - and the story of the evangelist John about the fact that the forerunner before baptism did not know the Messiah - do not constitute contradictions between them, since it is easily reconciled by the assumption that The baptist knew Jesus Christ as a man of piety, not in the rest of the repentance; Maybe even guess his messianic destination; But as a prophet and the Messenger of God, he judged not on personal impression and belief, not on the basis of rumors and opinions of other people, at least the most reliable, and expected the special revelation of God for the certificate that Jesus is Christ.

And this was indeed promised to him and was given in the descent of the Holy Spirit on the pesting Jesus. This is indicated as the importance of the testimony of John of Christ, as evidence of the frank alone, and the high meaning of the witness of the truth, which was honored with the highest honor to reveal the world of whom all nations were expected.

Apostles Peter and Paul, comparing baptism with a flood (1 Peter 3: 20,21) and with the transition of Jews across the sea (1 Cor. 10: 1,2), indicate the converting value of NOV and Moses with respect to Jesus Christ. How Noah during the Flood leads from the ancient world to a new one and saves only those who, together with him in the ark, passed and - so to speak - were baptized in the waters of the Flood; And then, Moses saves his people from the slavery of Egypt and bring it to the promised land, hold the Jews through the sea and cross them in the separated waters of the sea; So Jesus Christ, spending believers in him through the waters of Baptism and he himself barely in Jordan, leads his people from ancient sinful to a new fellow life, from slavery to the promised challenges of the Heavenly Fatherland.

It is even closer to Jesus Christ Joshua, who and his name and translation of Jews through Jordan in the most limits of the promised, indicates the leader of the rescue - Jesus, with their baptism in Jordan in the kingdom of heaven. - Saint is malicious (conversation on Matt. 12: 3) In the phenomenon of the Holy Spirit in the form of a blueberry when baptized by Christ, he sees a reminder of that blueberries, which during the Flood brought a nooy oil branch in the mark of deliverance of the human race from disasters and the occurrence of the world.

"Here is a blueberry," the saint says, "although not with an oil branch is, but points to us on the liberator from all angry and gives good hope, because not one person takes out of the ark, but the whole universe is engaged in the sky, and instead of the oilseed branch brings Adoption of the whole genus of human. "

Christians of all over the world belong to Jordan as a sacred river, because according to the Gospel in his waters, the baptism of Jesus Christ took. But where it is worth this very place, it became known only at the end of the XX century.

Place of the source of the river Jordan from Lake Kinetet (Galilee Sea)

Vifavara for Jordan

In the Gospel of John, the exact address of the place where John Baptist preached and baptized was preached with Jordan (s. From John 1, 28). But where exactly is this village? The fact is that in Palestine of that time there were several villages with the same name.

For a long time it was believed that Vifavara is located in Israel, not far from the town CASS-EL Yahudthat 4 kilometers from the place where it flows.

Map of Holy Land in the Church of St. George (Madaba, Jordan)

To determine its true location helped mosaic on the floor in the temple of St. George, in the Jordanian city of Madaba. Mosaic image of 15 x 6 meters, relating to VI century AD, is a great preserved accurate map Holy Land, indicating all Christian shrines.

The map indicated that the Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River is not on the territory of Israel, but on the opposite bank of the river, on the territory of modern Jordan in the town Wadi El Harar.

It is noteworthy that in the place where the rite of baptism was happening 2000 years ago, there are no water. For such a tremendous period of time, the river changed the river when there is a falling into the Dead Sea and now flows for several tens of meters closer to Israel.

In confirmation of this version in Wadi El Harar at a dry place in 1996, the ruins of the three Byzantine churches and the marble slab found the foundation on which they were assumed to be a column with a cross installed during early Christianity at the Baptism of Jesus Christ.

It is this column that is often mentioned in written testimony of pilgrims of the Byzantine era who visited holy places.

Wadi El Harar - the Baptism of Jesus Christ

After the rapid debates, the scientists of the whole world and the leaders of the leading Christian denominations came to the conclusion that it was Wadi El Harar who was the rest of Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River.

Thus, in the spring of 2000, the visit of Pope John Paul II to these places ended with the official recognition of the Vatican of the fact that Wadi El Harar is the greatest Christian shrine.

Orthodox church of John the Baptist in Wadi El Harar (Jordan)

Russian Orthodox Church The recognition of this fact took part in the construction of Wadi El Harar orthodox church In honor of John the Baptist. The temple is based on the place where the legend Jesus Christ left his clothes before plunging into the water of the biblical river.

The discovery of this greatest object for the whole Christian world became possible as a result of a peace agreement signed between Israel and Jordan in October 1994.

Currently, in the area of \u200b\u200bEvangelsk Vifavara, both with Jordanian, so from the Israeli side, all conditions for pilgrims who want to commit the rite of ablution or even baptism in the waters of the Jordan River are created.

In the foreground Pilgrimage complex in Casp El Yahud (Israel), in the background in Wadi El Harar (Jordan)

From Israel, the pilgrimage complex is located in Casr-El Yahud (Qasr Al-Yahud). The distance from Jerusalem to Kasr El Yahud - 50 km.

From the side of Jordan, the pilgrimage complex is located in Wadi El Harar, on Google maps this place is indicated as al-Makhtas. The distance from Madaba to Al-Makhtas is 40 km away.

Israel and Jordan in this place separate only the Jordan River, the width of only a few meters, the border between the two states passes exactly in the middle.

Yardenit in Israel

Many pilgrims who annually visiting Israel are asked: where else is it possible to plunge or even make the rite of baptism in the waters of the Jordan River?

A small water artery, leaving in the sands and flowing among the rocks of the spurs of the Lebanese mountains, is a natural border between the Muslim and Jewish world. Two thousand years ago, she became a mystical face that divided the history of mankind on "to" and "after". The name of the Palestinian River turned into a nominal name. "Jordan" means any reservoir or a place where the rite of great sanctification of water is committed for the feast of baptism.

IN slavic tradition "Baptism" means involvement in the life of Christ. In ancient times, this word was pronounced - cavity. This is understood by some mystical action relating to Christ and produced with his participation. The first meaning of the term "baptism" means church sacred (not a rite, but the sacrament), through which a person becomes a member of the society of followers of life and the teachings of Jesus Christ.

In the Ellen tradition, this action is called the word βαπτ? Ζω (vaptiso), which means "immersed" or "dip". Where in the Slavic translation of the Gospel is written that John the Forerunner made baptism in the Jordan River, it should be understood "dive": "... and baptized (immersed, dipped) all the Jouan," and so on. The Holy Prophet John did not think of this ceremony himself, But these actions performed on the basis of the Old Testament Jewish religious rite. Similar rituals can be found in many nations. For example, Hindus make a sacred ablution in rivers.

Ancient Jewish custom

The law of Moses prescribed to perform ablutions at all desecration: touching the dead, to taste for prohibited food, a woman after bleeding, etc. According to the rites of the ancient Jews, anyone of non-Jewish blood could join the Jewish faith. Such a person was called prose. This case was registered a special ritual of adoption in Judaism of Inoverts, which provided for and washing. Modern tongue This can be called baptism of proselyt.

In all cases, the ablution was performed by means of full, with head, immersion in the reservoir. It was a symbolic act and had a mystical meaning of cleansing from sins. The cleaning properties had only "water from God": flowing from the source or the collected raindrop.

The baptism of John

Jewish rites were known to John. At certain times, he comes to the bank of the Jordan River and proclaims that the time of the court of God comes. The righteous will be awarded perfect eternal life In the kingdom of God, and sinners are subject to eternal punishment. John preached that it is possible to escape from punishment only repent of the vices and correcting his life. "Come to Jordan," the Baptist called on, "come who wants to escape!"

John traditional Jewish ritual attached new meaning. Over people who come to him, he makes baptism in the Jordan River: immerses in the water and does not allow you to get out until a person clear his soul. Being chosen by God, he had the ability to see secrets inner world. Do not confess your crimes demanded a prophet, but a decisive refusal of sinful life. Gradually, a whole community of new saved people is formed around John.

The baptism of Jesus Christ

Peaging the Grozny Call of Prophet repent of sins, there were many people from all of Palestine. In one of the days on the shore of Jordan, Christ came. This event is described in detail by all four evangelists. Jesus did not have any sin, did not need confession and purification. Evangelicals write that Christ, plunging into Jordan, immediately came out of the water. The Prophet felt holiness of the Godhead and asked a perplexed question: "I need to be baptized from you, and whether you come to me?". The Savior commands him to fulfill the rite.

The adoption by Christ John Baptism is very important. This confirms the truth of the preaching of the Baptist in the fact that there is a new era of human morality. After baptism, Christ went into a secluded place in the Palestinian Desert, where he spent forty days in prayer and only after that he began to sermon among the Jews.

For which Jesus accepted baptism

Some Protestant denominations simplifically perceive the meaning of the event that happened. In their opinion, Jesus was baptized in order to give us an example. Example What? The meaning of baptism is explained in the Gospel of Matthew. In the 5th chapter, Christ says about himself that he was in the world not to destroy the Old Testament law, but to execute it. In the original source, the meaning of this verb has a slightly different shade. Christ came to make a law, that is, to complete his action.

Theologies see several mystical moments in baptism:

  • The River of the Baptism of Christ opened people new knowledge about God. Evangelicals suggest that when leaving the water to the Savior, the Holy Spirit has gone in the image of a pigeon, and a voice from heaven who called Christ, who had commanded to fulfill his teaching was heard. Christians are called the Event, since for the first time the world was witnessed about God in three faces.
  • The baptism of Jesus symbolizes the spiritual condition of the entire ancient Israeli people. Jews retreated from God, forgotten his commandments and massively needed repentance. Christ, as it were, it makes it clear that the whole Jewish people should make a transition to a new moral state.
  • Jordan's water, figuratively cleansing the vices of people immersed in them, carried the spiritual impurity of all mankind. The river in which Jesus was baptized is also a symbol of rolling souls. Christ, plunging into the water, consecrated and cleared them.
  • Christ is the victim. The meaning of his ministry on earth is to sacrifice himself for the sins of mankind. According to the Jewish custom, the sacrificial animal before the liturgical ritual should be subjected to abormulation.

Where did the name "Jordan"

According to the generally accepted opinion of the river, where Jesus baptized, has a Jewish name. In a scientific environment, there is no consentual opinion about this.

  • The most logical suggests the semitic origin of toponym. In this case, the Jordan comes from the Jewish word "Yer? D" ("descending", "falls"), and the name of the source Dan is the name of one of the 12 tribes of ancient Israel.
  • There is a version of the Indo-European Origin of the Word. Since ancient times, indoirans - ancestors of Philistines lived at these Middle Eastern territories. Indo-European Danu root means "moisture", "water", "river".
  • Russian religious philosopher Dmitry Sergeevich Meriarykovsky in Odyssey Gomer saw a line speaking about a certain tribe of Kidonov who lived off the shores of Yextan. He concluded that the River of the Baptism of Jesus was named Jordan from Crete.

Sacred Water Jordan

Already 1000 years before our era of the water of the River Jordan was honored with sacred. Chronicles retained a lot of evidence that patients with leprosy were healed after swimming in the river. Other jeques went into the water in the funeral Savans. Fabric cuts stored until the day of death, believing that it would help to rise.

After the baptism of Jesus River began to be considered a great shrine and without additional rites. Early Christians used water, considering it miraculous and possessing healing properties. When Christianity became a state religion in Byzantium, believers got the opportunity to be easily moved along the empire. The River of the Baptism of Christ became the root target for pilgrims.

Many pilgrims rushed to the shores of Jordan, not only in order to worship the sacred places. In addition to reverent reverence, superstitions appeared. The river's water began to immerse the patients waiting for a miracle of healing and old age people with faith in rejuvenation. Water began to apply for the sprinkling of farmland, hoping that it will bring a rich harvest. Owners of sea courts gained large vessels of water, trying to prevent shipwreck and arrange a prosperous swimming.

Jordan today

The flow of pilgrims does not stop in our days. According to ancient testimonies, a place on the shore of Jordan, where John Pretegor made his mission is located on the territory of modern Israel. The Baptism River of Christ in this area flows through Palestinian autonomy and access to it after the war of 1967 is impossible.

Going towards the wishes of Christians, the Israeli government allocated a small sector's section when Iordan's leaves from Lake Kinetere (Galilean Sea). With the participation of the Ministry of Tourism, a whole range of facilities was built. This pilgrimage center is not considered a historic place of evangelical events, but for numerous believers from all over the world, he is the only opportunity to immerse itself in the sacred water.

Miracles for the holiday of baptism

On the feast of the Epiphany on January 19, the Orthodox Jerusalem Patriarch makes a festive prayer and great consecration of water. The climax of this worship is a three-time immersion of the cross into the water. Many present indicate an annually repeating miracle. At the moment of immersion of the cross, the River of the Baptism of Jesus stops its run, and the water begins to move in the opposite direction. This phenomenon is captured by many eyewitnesses to the video. Jordan has a rather strong course, and explain this phenomenon natural factor does not seem possible. Believers believe that in this way God exhibits its strength.

Genuine Savior Baptism

If the question is, the river is baptized by Jesus, is already considered solved, then with the definition of the site itself, you can argue. In the twenty centuries, the river bed changed more than once, they were rushed into the summer of states and peoples that existed in biblical times.

In the Jordanian city of Madaba, the ancient temple of the heyday of the Byzantine Empire has been preserved. The Church of George Victorious was built in the middle of the 6th century. Her floor decorate mosaic geographic map Palestine. The preserved fragment of this document has dimensions of 15 by 6 meters. Among other things, the Baptism of the Savior is also depicted on the map. It pushed scientists to find an archaeological certificate of gospel events.

On the territory of Jordan, not far from the location of the river in the Dead Sea, in 1996, on the forty-meter east of the modern line, the Archaeologists group found the true Baptism of the Savior. For almost a year with the Israeli side of the River of the Baptism of Christ, in this place is available for visiting pilgrims. Everyone can get to the water and perform ablution or immersion.

River Baptism Rus

Kiev Prince Vladimir decided to make Orthodox Christianity official religion. In historiography, both church and secular, sanctifying these events, it is customary to mention the ambassadors of various religions. The Greek preacher was most convincing. In 988, the baptism of Russia took place. The Dnipro River became Jordan of the Kiev state.

Vladimir himself took the baptism in the Greek colony of Crimea - the city of Chersonese. Upon arrival in Kiev, he commanded to be baptized with all his yard. After that, under the fear of the attachment to personal enemies, I committed the baptism of Russia. In which river there will be a mass sacrament, no doubt arose. Wooden statue of the most revered pagan god Perun was overthow in the river, and the Kiev residents are collected on the shore of the Dnieper and his inflow of cathedral. The clergymen arrived with Vladimir from Chersonese committed the sacrament, and the new era of our state began.