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The most terrible archaeological excavations. The most terrible archaeological finds


It's top 10 Major Interesting

No. 10. Terracotta Army Qin Shi-Huang

The famous Qin Dynasty's first emperor is about 700,000 soldiers cut out of stone, which were buried in one of the first halls of Tiran's tomb. This unique creation of human hands would remain unknown history and science, if in 1947, local farmers did not start drilling wells, but instead of the water they found one of the brightest and important finds In the history of archeology. Each warrior of this grave is individual and does not look like others. All of them are created by hand, and their processing techniques have sunk in the century along with the Great Emperor. But not only simple soldiers cut out long years Craftsmen: The tomb found the statues of horses, officers, warriors completely equipped with weapons (swords, crossbows, spears). Qin Shihuandy was from those people who know how to lead. Otherwise, this commander did not have to unite the huge territory into a single kingdom. Together with the warriors in the tomb, the scabs of the emperor were buried, and not in stone form. Ancient people believed that the army would help them with the emperor in the afterlife, protect him. The emperor also planned to pick up his riches on the light: jewels, valuable products, chariots, simple peasants (70,000 people who buried alive with him). Singles of the tombs are being carried out so far and switched to the final stage. Be that as it may, this army will remain the brightest example of culture. Ancient China. And this amazing archaeological find Opens our list.

№ 9. Scrolls of the Dead Sea

Kumranian manuscripts are so called one of the greatest gifts of past millennia of mankind. Found from 1947 to 1956 in several caves of the Jewish desert. Posted predominantly on biblical themes, but apocryphas and a description of the Kumran community come across. Each text is complemented by fragments from the book. Old Testament. However, there is no book Esther. But I again saw the light of one completely preserved text of the book of Isaiah. Texts help to expand the ideas about many previously unknown details of the Old Testament, a variety of text traditions and other interesting linguistic discoveries. There are texts containing the rules of the then society, the rules of warfare, etc. These scrolls are believed that these scrolls are nothing like all the documentation, or the library, the Jewish sect, which was hidden during the first Jewish uprising (66-70 BD. AD) Scrolls of the Dead Sea discover some connection with Christianity: after all And the Kumran community itself was represented by a monastery in a Christian understanding, and this is despite the fact that before Christianity it was a few more centuries. And this ninth place among interesting finds.

No. 8. Royal Library Ashurbanipal

This archaeological Nakhodka, Found in the city of Nenevia in the middle of the 19th century. The Ashurbanipal Library is one of the irrevocably past past. By order of the Assyrian Tsar, more than 25 years were created. Since the king is most of all in the world, the state management issues occupied, and the most iniquitable ways This control was considered magic, fortune telling, the texts of prophecies, all sorts of rituals, conspiracies, prophecies are occupied by a significant part of the library. The main part of the texts was taken from Sumerian and Babylonian texts, and rewritten again. The library has numbered a huge collection of texts on medicine. There were led lists (for example, Epos about Gilgamesh), and of course signs that open the veil on the life of ancient people (here included and juristic documents, songs, business entries)
It is thanks to the library of Ashurban to us a huge number of clinical texts have come to us, which helped it better to imagine the culture of Mesopotamia, and significantly facilitated the decryption of texts on Sumerian and Akkadian languages.

№ 7. Tombchamon Tomb

In 1922, one of the most remarkable events in the world of archeology occurred, amazing Nakhodka - Egyptologist Howard Carter was almost the most subsequently known tomb in history - the tomb of Tutankhamon. And although up to the 20th century, for historians, Tutankhamon did not imagine any interest, with the discovery of his tomb in our world hit the whole layer of ancient knowledge and things. The tomb of this young king is probably the most successful since that time, despite the fact that she was hacked by tombs. Since Tutankhamon died very early, it is obvious that he did not have time to build a tomb, which means he had to join someone else's grave. It consists of a funeral room, cameras, hallway, treasury. The hallway leads to an inclined corridor. Of course, treasurers had in the tsarist tomb. There archaeologists discovered statues, jewels, chariots - in a word, everything that according to the ancient Egyptians could need the king in the afterlife. Although this young king was not the most powerful and famous among the kings of Egypt, and his tomb is not the most ambitious architecture, its importance in the other - in the living and components of ancient culture that came out to this day.

No. 6. Pompeii

Sixth place in the top 10 are the most important amazing archaeological finds. Pompei ... There is probably such a person in the world, which would not hear about it and about the tragedy of what happened to him. It was founded in 6 T.N.E. As a Roman colony. The settlement flourished at the expense of the port and the resort zone. It is easy to understand the escaped houses, temples, theaters and baths conceded in the colony. As in any self-respecting, the city had an amphitheater, forum. Earthquakes began in 63 BC, and destroyed the city to a malfunctional day. Despite the efforts of residents to restore the city, his fate was predetermined. The ruthless forces of nature in the appearance of Vesuvius decided to erase the city from the face of the earth. It happened on August 24, 79. Lava completely destroyed the village. And so, under the cover of the ashes, the city was resting until 1599, but it was started to research only in 1748. Pompeii is a strongest copy, an example of Roman life embodied in practical application. It was for him that scientists managed to resolve many of the questions interested. The ashes managed to stop the time, and over the past century, to preserve everything as it was on that last day: people traveling from there animals.

№ 5. Cave Lasco

This cave complex is located in the south-west of France. One of the oldest monuments of human culture. Inside the caves hundreds of drawings of dated Paleolithic era. This truly majestic treasury of the human heritage was discovered since everything is usually found all the great - quite by chance, with ordinary teenagers on September 12, 1940. On the walls of this stone complex, about 2,000 images of animals, people and unknown science characters are captured. Animals are represented by deer, large horned cattle. There are quite recognizable figures of cats, feathered inhabitants of the sky, the kings of the current forests - bears. The cave of LASC was used mainly for painting, and in this its value. To date, this complex is one of the largest caves that have reached us with rock painting. Fifth place in the top 10 interesting finds.

№ 4. Sinantrophop.

This kind of man belonged to an unknown until the species of primitive man. In 1927, Her Majesty wished to enter this person to their pages, it was then that the Chinese anthropologist Pey Wenzhan discovered him in Zhoukudian's cave not far from Beijing. The anthropologist managed to discover parts of the skull, slices of the lower jaw, teeth and many well-preserved skeleton bones. It turned out that the cave was a shelter for 45 of our distant ancestors. Extensive and deep studies have shown that the Beijing man was spinning, he knew how to produce guns from stone, enjoyed fire. Peking man greatly complemented the picture and ideas about the ancient people. Thanks to him, we know more about our ancestors living in different parts Sveta.

№ 3. Rosett stone

One more interesting archaeological find. Rosett stone is a basalt stele, dated 196 by D.N.E. A lot of this archaeological monument is carved: from the Egyptian decree about reverence Ptolemy V to official Egyptian hieroglyphs. Intended for the temple, he found his place among building Stone In Fort Rashid. I discovered this unusual, the Captain Pierre-Francois Bushar, the Captain of Pierre-Francois Bush, during the famous Widget of Napoleon to the Egyptian lands. Since the text on the stele is written in several languages, scientists, having studied them in detail. They were able to penetrate the riddles of the unknown civilization.

No. 2. Behistunskaya Rock

The rock is a unique monument of the Darius of the Great. The inscriptions on it are made in many languages. I discovered her Englishman Robert Shirley in 1958. This text begins the life of the king Daria, and captures the Cyrus Great and Cambiss II after the death. Behistunskaya Rock can be compared with Rosett Stone - the original inscription, and on that and on the other repeats several times, except for different languages. Text on a rock, for example, written in Old Persian, Elam and Babylonian. And just as a rosette stone allows you to understand the psychology of ancient people, look at the world by their eyes. Certainly is a unique sample of clinox literature. Thanks to this rock, the civilization of Mesopotamia, Sumer, Persia, Assyria was deeper with archaeologists.

№ 1. Olday George

First place in the top 10 interesting I. amazing archaeological finds. This is a major gorge in North Tanzania, formed at the expense of a pool of one lake discovered himself to the world in 1911. However, humanity has taken action for studying and excavations only after 20 years, in 1931. Three types of hominids were discovered in the gorge (a man-like monkey large sizes), such as Australopithecus Boisei, Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus. In addition to all there, they found the remains of ancient animals: large antelope, indigenous people of Africa - elephants, hares, etc. This historical monument of submissions to this day all the remains of various stages of development of our ancestors. Disproven any evidence that the cradle of mankind is not in Africa. Before us opened a source of gominids, their lives. And in 1975, as a result of the detection of traces of hominids, it was approved that they walked on two feet - one of the most noteworthy archaeological discoveries of the 20th century.

They write and say, as one old nationalist, a proud warrior of resistance, who avoided Tslenya in the dungeons and a chasing hand, for many years after the war, watered a vegetable garden for the hot engine oil. In the garden, nothing edible has grown, but several buried machine guns, in theory, were to "live", not rust, until the best times - the sweet hour of retaliation. Yes, Nepru - did not survive himself elderly revenge, died in a terrible dream, where his house, his fortress, surrounded by a tight ring of security officers and demanded to pass weapons. There will be several more dozen or, maybe hundreds of years, and the mystery of the armory will be revealed by archaeologists ...

People, by the nature of the activities are picking in the feet of the past, often have to face not only with amazing, but also with terrible. On the movie screen, mummies are revived by the natural romance of the audience, and the curses come true, the old blowing myths are divorced and new ones. Earth tatt a lot - in fiction, and in reality. Therefore, the nervous and constant in archeology is not a place. For anything happens ...

1. Screaming Mummy

In 1886, a respected researcher of Egyptian antiquities Gaston Massero engaged in his ordinary affair - extracting from luxurious sarcophagus, "by interpretation" by them and inventory, - how suddenly it came across an unusually modest, obviously not the royal burial, which there was no information. . In addition, the body discovered in the box was wrapped in sheep the skin - unclean, according to the ancient Egyptians, the substance. The hands and legs of the mummy were connected, and on what was face, frozen cry - clearly not enthusiastic, and possibly from pain:

Archaeologists called "Unknown Man E". Experts put forward the assumption that the dead man before death was poisoned, or they were tortured, whether they lived in generally. In the 20th century, this stupid terrible theory was debunked by the data of painstaking scientific research.

Everything turned out to be simple. The fact is that if the mummy during the embarrassment forgot to suspend the jaw, then at the further decay of the tissue of the mouth, the mouth has opened. It happened that the strap from the jaw went. The current mummifiers take into account this in their work, and since the time of Maspero several "screaming mummies" were discovered by soblites in different countries World.

At the same time, a reasonable explanation of the phenomenon "Creek of the Deadman" does not make fun and cute. They are terrible. And this, perhaps, is not bad - you need the thrill to people.

2. The brother grave of headless Vikings

Once in 2010, yawning and thinking about a mug of beer and a sofa, citizens archaeologists picked up in the ground old road In British county, Dorset. It was assumed that a pair of shards will be dug or even a piece of plow, but fate prepared surprise researchers.

Kirk workers and brushes appeared to the light white mass burial of 54 Wiking warriors, who were, sorry for tautology, are headlong. That is, bones separately, the skulls are separately.

After examining the fraternal grave in more detail, the archaeologists learned interesting: those who fought with Varyagov's corpses after their death, dismembered the bodies and buried separately not only heads, and legs with handles and torso. In addition, the skulls were discovered significantly less than 54. The horror of some kind ...

The initial theory was the following: Vikings captured the village, behaved there badly, and therefore, when the retribution was followed, the locals were avenged by the dead, choking them into pieces, and several goals dragged home as souvenirs. But scientists alert the fact that all heads were cut down the same - a blow to the sword in the front. I gave some cruel ritual, not a panic revenge, but by cold-blooded violence. Probably - public.

The unexpected archaeological discovery made it possible to understand what were the produces of the 8-9 centuries of our era, when the Anglo-Saxons had to tolerate regular robbing raids of Scandinavians. It is possible that the fear of robbers demanded from the avengers of ritual dismemberment and sorting of parts of their ammunted bodies.

3. Do not be afraid, they do not bite. They just did not know how to fly

It was in the Kauranga National Park that Southern Island New Zealand, whose nature is familiar to us by the filmmaker "Lord of the Rings." At the foot of the Marble Mount Owen, in one of the karst caves, professional lovers of geological dicks gained impressions, followed 1986.

In one of the claustrophobic stone corridors, researchers of the faded paths found something that made them remember the frames of all the horror movies seen over the long years. The exciting find was a bunch of strange bones, places covered with rough thick skin:

Visitors of the cave thought they deal with a certain guest from Hell, who gave God or the soul line recently. Therefore, the question was asked reasonably: and whether the friends and relatives of the unknown mounds are quite near the dark galleries. Judging by the Skull and Beak found in addition, the meeting with them lived anything pleasant to the people.

The truth was not terrible - the researchers stumbled upon a cave on a 3000-year-old antiquity remains of a very large bird of Moa, similar to ostrich. In the absence of obvious natural enemies, Moa, weighing up to 250 kilos, could afford even hints on the wings.

But three thousand backs on the islands of New Zealand appeared ancestors of the present Maori - the aborigines of these distant lands. The meat of Moa came to taste, and the last Moa was eaten by the natives about 1500 of our era.

123 to the described discovery of the Bone of the MOA were found in another New Zealand cave of some James Campbell. There is still a hypothesis that somewhere in uninhabited regions of New Zealand, these birds could continue. It happens. Searches continue.

4. Sewerage, full of killed babies

Another plot for the budget horror film was ripe in 1988 in Ashkelon, which is in the south of Israel. Running the ancient Roman sewer collector, where in the old days of water and sewage from the local term (bath), the archaeologists found thousands of small human bones, most likely belonged to human babies.

It turned out that in a cracked place was not quite ordinary bath - an institution, specially built for the mass extermination of newborn children. According to Roman law, under 2 years old was considered the property of the Father. If the Roman did not take the baby in his hands shortly after birth, he made it clear that he was not needed by the child, and then the child could be in accordance with the law to kill. Only with the statement in the Byzantium of Christianity, the detebide fell under the ban.

It is also possible that bones from Ashkelon belong to the extramarital children of local representatives of the most ancient professions. Numerous colleagues of Mary Magdalene were not protected in those years, and it is believed that they rejected all the boys born and part of the girls (those who are lucky to live, growing, adopted the mother's craft).

5. People from the swamp

To live in the north of Europe and work on peat - fate, just say, unenviable. First, peat mining is considered one of the most dreary, depressive professions.

Well, secondly, the workers of peat deposits regularly have to commit unpleasant archaeological discoveries, accompanied by such a trembling shitty:

However, the "shit" is terrible only at first glance. Once it was normal, simple mortal, which one fine day gave ends and was buried in a wetland. Under conditions of high acidity, low temperature and oxygen deficiency, the body of the dead is mummy and preserved too well. Although it also happens that the so-called criminal corpses of past centuries are also found in peatings. Such is the famous Tolling man from Denmark, whom he hung on the leather rope in the 4th century to our era. It was discovered in the summer of 1950 in the summer of 1950. The internal organs brought by someone sacrificed the grandfather were very well preserved, at the time of death, the Tollyundsky man was about 40 years old, and his last meal was porridge. Head of crazy mummy decorates leather hat:

Another ancient Danchanin with excellently preserved hair was found in 1952 in a swamp near the town of Chalkoll. Judging by the converted throat, the poor fellow killed and threw the corpse into the head, where he also "managed" to break his leg. There is a version that the Globallian person fell fellow villagers for the fact that ... in that year a bad harvest happened.

Well, the bored skull of the so-called man from Osterby, found in a swamp in the area of \u200b\u200bthe German village of the same name, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat hairstyle worn old men in the ancient German tribes who lived in the territory of the FRG in the first millennium to our era. Such a hairstyle is called the "Swabian node". The hair of the deceased was originally gray, and the red was the oxidation in the gloomy peat jam.

The archaeological scientific world is so arranged that every new find or opening archaeologists sometimes ask more questions than they give answers to already existing riddles.

But without archaeologists, these tireless and enthusiastic people who were hung, humanity would not solve multiple secrets that are hidden from us by a veil time, and sometimes many cubic meters of land.

Look at this charming world of archeology, and imagine your attention the most amazing and unique finds in the history, including the most inexplicable finds of archaeologists. For the convenience of perception, we divide them on thematic blocks. The authors of the site nourish a huge passion for this topic, so we hope that our material will be interesting and useful to many.

The most mysterious ...

Ancient Greek gadgets

it random discovery Made an American photographer who unexpectedly discovered an unusual subject on his photographs of a two-year old ago.

The fact is that he photographed the bas-relief. Created approximately a hundred years before our era, stored in the shops of the Museum of Genty, American Malibu. Looking around, you can see that in the hands of the girl the laptop of our time, and also with USB ports.

But isn't this discovery, is not proof of the existence of a time machine, and most importantly, such travel has already taken place.

In the vicinity of Iraq Baghdad, unique artifacts often find, but one find surprised archaeologists. Many scientists suggested that this is an oldest prototype of the modern battery.

In the vessel, whose neck was sealed, there was an iron rod, and a copper rod was inserted into the jug cavity. An experiment was carried out, and the cavity was filled with electrolytic liquid, and the "battery" began producing electricity.

Note that the most ancient vessel of this type was found by archaeologists for the first time, but used such an artifact about 2,000 years ago.

Jurassic Park

Another riddle of archaeologists pounced artists of Paleolith. In the study of the caves in Kuwait, traces of the stay of ancient people were found.

No one was surprised by the findings of stone workers and other residues of vital activity, but rock paintings were found on the walls of one of the caves.

In itself, the phenomenon is unique, but on one of the drawings, along with other animals and people depict dinosaurs. While the scientist's world breaks his head, where people had an image of a dinosaur. And while scientists argue in the laboratories, the image authenticity is checked.

P.S. Information about this find is very common on the Internet, in sources as evidence or there are no photos or shows the photo that we have published. But you do not need to be an expert to understand that this photo is just a fake. And probably the news about such a find is very exaggerated. Analyzing this information, the editorial board found the original of the photo, you can see it below.

Combat technique of past

In one of the temples of Pharaoh Network I, a strange bas-relief was discovered in Abidos, which managed to consider modern combat vehicles.

Clearly you can consider the helicopter, tank. And just below their submarine. It is difficult to assume that the Egyptians were able to look so far to the future, and many began to shout that the land was visited by aliens, which was imprisoned in the drawings.

In 1992, German Egyptologists, having analyzed, proved that the pictograms devouted the time, due to the cracks, a combat modern technique turned out.

Leacheter stone

Sometimes archaeological discoveries occur in unusual places, and even without special works. The archaeologist and TV presenter James Ball saw an unusual stone at the Fair of the Garden Inventory in Leisetene, and immediately acquired it.

The scientist cleared the stone, and patterns appeared on it, resembling ancient letter. Historians and linguists so to the end and did not solve the secret of this stone, and even put forward the versions that the calculations were carried out with the help of it, and he was the first scientific calculator in the world.

It was precisely established that this is not a modern fake, installed exactly. This is how the scientific world discovery can be made in unusual places.

Venetian vampire

In 2011, the world was presented with an amazing, and mysterious find, which was discovered on the island of Nuovo Lazzretto three kilometers from Venice.

It was a woman skull of 60-65 years old who lived in the XVI century. And everything would be nothing, but in her mouth, in the burial, brick was invested. Strange rite many times described in the literature. Based on this skeleton, a thorough criminalistic examination was performed for the first time.

Scientists immediately spoke about the fear of vampires in medieval Europe, which even after their death tried to protect the world of living on their impact, driven by brick in the mouth.

The unique monument of archeology found at an altitude of 3,800 meters above sea level, 15 kilometers from Titicaca Lake in Bolivia.

An unusual building in the form of a gate of 3 meters high is first mentioned in the notes of European researchers in 1553. Scientists have not yet come to a consensus about the date of the arrangement of the gate. And a wide variety of assumptions are put forward.

One thing is clear that this cult structure was part of the city of Tiwanako, and played an important role in the mythology and religious incans.

Stone Tunnels

In the twentieth century in different parts of Europe from Scotland to Turkey, scientists and simply fans of the past began to detect strange underground catacombs, various configuration and extent.

Archaeologist Henry Kush, examining not one dozen of these underground strokes, made the assumption that they were dug in the Neolithic period. That is, these moves underground more than 5 thousand years. Others went further and say it was done during the Paleolithic period.

It's just interesting, as for so many years, hundreds of earthquakes and other natural and technogenic cataclysms, they did not destroy.

The most ancient ...

In this category, we will tell about the oldest findings that archaeologists made. This will include how the discovery of the remains of people living on Earth millions of years ago and the first tools of labor used by the person.

Ancient temple

In the early 1990s, the archaeological expedition under the leadership of the German archaeologist Claus Schmidt conducted excavations in the south of modern Turkey.

As a result of the work at the Kebekley-Tepe settlement, I found a series of low stone walls. Studies have shown that this is a cult factor, and the walls of the temple were erected 12 thousand years ago, that is, in the era of Paleolithic.

Thus, it turns out that the German expedition made the unique discovery, and from all the constructions of antiquity, this is the most ancient temple in the history of mankind. Among the oldest, it is older even famous for the whole world of Stonehenge.

Alday man

Kenyan scientists, British origin Louis and Mary Liki have long investigated ancient deposits in the Olduva Gorge in the north of Tanzania.

As a result of work at the very beginning of the 60s of the last century, they made an important paleoanthropological discovery being very educated and passionate people. The most ancient remains of man Archaeologists found in layers belonging to age 2.7-2.9 million years.

Olduva culture, created by the congregation and Zindjanthrop, who belong to the form of a person skillful, the oldest archaeological culture in the world.

Ancient flute

Very rare, and the main unique find was made by archaeologists in one German cave. Exploring Paleolithic parking, archaeologists found a large cluster of mammoth bones.

After a thorough study in some bones, the holes made on an equidistant distance revealed. At that time, the person only mastered the drilling technique, but the holes were done very carefully and neatly.

So it turns out that the oldest flute was found in the cave, and even then, 14-12 thousand years ago, the man began to join the beautiful world of music.

Venus Villendorfskaya

This small figure of a woman found in 1908 by the Austrian archaeologist Josef Szombati is considered the most ancient sculpture found in the world.

It is noteworthy that the ancient sculptor was very realistic handed the shape of a woman. Her breasts, hips and belly have rounded shapes, and clearly battered navels, genitals, hair.

This discovery confirmed that in primitive society, a woman played a more important role than a man, since he gave birth and raised offspring.

As a result of excavations in the south of Africa, pointed stones were found. It can be seen that they have undergone minimal processing, and are ideally suited as tips.

These findings are about 200 thousand years, and these artifacts have moved away the age of the first tools of labor that a person used.

It was believed that at that time, primitive people had not yet mastered the technique of processing the stone, which was so brilliantly refuted, the tips of the copies were so brilliantly, and their main thing was successfully used antiquity hunters.

In 1974, a group under the leadership of Mary Lika, who worked in the Gutoli region, discovered the fingerprints of the feet of a primitive person, two adults and a child.

The prints were left in the ashes during the volcanic eruption. The family of hominids together with other animals flew by their flight from imminent death.

After examining the prints, scientists have proven that about 2 million years ago the oldest ancestors of the person moved on two legs, and today it is the most ancient traces left by our ancestors on the earth's surface.

They did not believe in them ...

You can still highlight the category of the most important archaeological finds and discoveries, but there are no such concept for historians and archaeologists, and they are all of great importance for science and priceless for humanity.

In conclusion, we simply call people in which they did not believe, and in spite of everything, embodied their dream into reality ...

Heinrich Schliman and Legendary Troy

As a child, felting the dream of finding the cherished Troy, Schliman found her on the Hisarlyc Hill when he was already 48 years old. He walked to a dream through many barriers, was a successful merchant, and even changed faith to visit historical places.

The discovery of Shliman forced the scientific world to take a different look at the texts of the ancient legends and myths. It is the German entrepreneur, an amateur archaeologist proved that there is some truth in ancient texts.

Arthur Evans and his labyrinth

Beloved in the ancient myth and English archaeologist Arthur Evans, and went to Crete to seek the legendary Minotauria Labyrinth.

The events of the British were rewarded, and the world found out about the greatest find of the majestic Palace Palace of Tsar Minos.

Within 30 years, from 1902 to the mid-30s, Evans returned to his Labyrinth, making all new significant discoveries.

16 steps Howard Carter

On November 1, 1922, the Employees of the English archaeologist Howard Carter stumbled upon the steps that go deep down. When on November 4, the steps were cleared, they were sixteen, and they led to the untouched tomb.

Two weeks later, the Lord Carnarvon arrived, the excavation financing, Howard removed the seal from the tomb of Tutankhamon.

But they laughed at him, and it was last year, and even his friend Karnarvon assured the archaeologist that this year stops excavation.

Domenico Fountain and its channel

Italian was not an archaeologist, but his discovery is considered the greatest in the history of this historical science.

In 1592, the fountain architect paved the water canal, and his workers discovered part of the wall of the destroyed building, which was the inscription "Pompeii". The architect considered that this is the Villa Emperor Gneta Pompei, and did not give it much importance.

After 150 years, the world found out that the fountain found an ancient city, who died in an eruption of Vesuviya in 79 to our era.


About these and other great archaeologists and their discoveries, read in the large deployed.

Will there be a continuation?

If you like this article, I will be happy to offer you by reference, and read about the worst findings of archaeologists. We are confident, the material will not leave you indifferent.

The nervous path to archaeologists is ordered, since not only ancient shards and historical relics can be extracted from the depth of the earth, but also human remains, buried very terrible way, skeletons of archaic unknown animals and other horrors covered by the smoke of centuries.

Scary human remains

Since the death of these people, centuries and millennia were held. What kind of riddles of the past keep their remains?

Screaming mummy

In 1886, the country of Pyramids and Pharaohs threw the next riddle to historians. The Egyptologist Gaston Massero came across unusual burial: it was very modest that it was not standard for luxurious Egyptian sarcophagus and burials - obviously not royal when he learned the mummy from the sarcophagus in order to be developed, examine and pass the museum, he discovered the body without any jewelry, Wrapped in a sheep skin. But the ancient Egyptians were considered sheep the skin with a symbol of vice. The limbs of the mummy were associated, and on her face, the mouth curved in the cry was frozen.

In the archaeology environment, this terrible Nakhodka Received the name "Unknown Man E". Many experts put forward their opinions on the death of the late: poisoning, cruel torture, burial alive.

In the 20th century, the new generation of archaeologists dispelled the pessimistic guesses of the predecessors. After the "Mummy Masper", several more "screaming" copies in various tombs around the world were discovered. In the course of their research, it turned out that if during the mummification the dead did not sue the jaw, as required by the ritual, during the decay of tissues, the jaw was opened and such a "horror mask" was frozen on the face. It also happened that the strap or rope was moved from the jaw or rushed.

Headless Vikings

Another terrible find was made by archaeologists relatively recently, in 2010, on excavations in the British county Dorset. Researchers planned to find ancient shards, plows and other inventory ancestors. They were waiting for a surprise. Under the thick layer of the soil, the ancient fraternal grave of the Vikings was found. All warriors were beheaded, the skulls lay separately from skeletons.

After a more detailed study of the burial, archaeologists found out another terrible detail - the bodies were 54, but the heads are significantly less. Scientists came to the conclusion that there was a public execution or a ritual of mass sacrifice, since all the heads were disconnected from the body by hitting the sword in the neck. Apparently, several heads captured the killers as souvenirs.

The estimated date of burial: 8-9 century of our era, the time when the Anglo-Saxons suffered a robbery scandinavian raids. Therefore, a variant of the demonstrative reprisals with the offenders was not excluded in order to others were no strong.

Cemetery of babies

Literally the story for the horror movie was thrown into the history of archaeologists in 1988. During the excavations of the ancient sewage, the time of the Roman Empire near the Israeli city of Ashkelon workers stumbled upon a whole graveyard of babies - thousands of small bones.

It turned out that in this place there was a special establishment created for the extermination of disagreeable babies. The Roman law allowed the child to kill the child under 2, if his father did not recognize him, since before this age, the baby was considered his father's property. Among the dead babies could also be the extramarital children of local prostitutes.

Born boys were not lucky the most - they were killed immediately. Girls could wait for less cruel fate - they were left alive, so that in the future they could replenish the ranks of representatives of the most ancient profession.

Strange finds

What kind unusual finds, In addition to human remains, the earth is tait? Let's find out.

Unknown animal

In 1986, active recreation lovers were gaining impressions in the Kauranga National Park, New Zealand. Near the foot of Mount Owen, amateur researchers came across a karst cave, which they decided to visit.

In one of the winding cave corridors, the company came across a frightening find - the mountain of bones of a strange view, places covered with thick skin. It was not possible to determine the type of animal travelers, therefore, feeling a superstitious horror, young people decided that this is a certain inhabitant of hell escaped to earth to emit the spirit here.

Panic turned out to be in vain. Travelers stumbled upon the skeleton of the ancient bird of Moa, who lay down in a cave a lot of no one for 3 thousand years and surprisingly well preserved. It is saying that in the deserted regions of New Zealand, this bird can still exist.

Crystal Skull

In the middle of the XIX century, the adventurers of the old and new world were eager to get the subject created by the hands of the Indians of Central America - a skull of pure crystal, made with amazing for primitive technologies with naturalism. No one seen the skulls, but the press stubbornly heated interest.

In 1889, in search of skulls in the jungle, Guatemala went to the British Antiquarian Eugene Boban. And found the whole two!

40 years later in the jungle of Belize (Central America) Fearless researcher Frederick Mitchell Hedgees (by the way, it was he who became a prototype of Indiana Jones) found a chape of quartz weighing 5 kilograms.

In 2007, mysterious skulls were analyzed with the help of UV radiation and particle accelerator. The results were sorrified by lovers of unknown: Nakhodka and Boban, and Hedges were "Novyodel". Crystal was from Switzerland (in the second case from Germany), and traces of the milling machine were discovered on the surface.

Terrible finds of modernity

Barrels with embryos

In 2012 in Sverdlovsk region, not far from the village of Anik, the locals found four sealed in the overgrown ravine plastic barrels. Inside, human embryos were lying: 50 pieces treated with formal drugs with a tag on each.

The police who arrived in place were fusing the ravine and found about two hundred embryos and 113 tags with the names of the guide and the names of medical institutions. Before death, all embryos were on the 22-26 weeks of development.

The versions of the fact that the embryos were kept in barrels, there were several: negligently utilized abortion material, material for vaccines or drugs for research. Their origin has not been determined. Police opened a criminal case on the fact of pollution ambientSince formalin from the barrels got into the soil.

Bangkok Nakhodka

In 2010, a case similar to Nevyansky occurred in Thai Bangkok. 348 human embryos sealed in plastic bags discovered in a Buddhist temple. The guilty was found - 33-year-old Lanchakon Chantonanat did underground abortions to girls (in Thailand abortions are prohibited by law) and hid an aborted material in the temple.

Current are not only antiquity. The site editorial website was the top of the most terrible killers in modern history.
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Perhaps the archaeologist is not the most exciting mind profession, but in it definitely have their exciting moments. Of course, not every day, archaeologists find valuable mummies, but periodically can be stumbled upon something really amazing, whether an ancient computers, huge underground army or mysterious remains. We offer you the 25 most striking archaeological finds in the history of mankind.

1. Venetian vampire

Today, every schoolboy knows that in order to kill the vampire, you need to put the Ospen's heart to him, but hundreds of years ago it was not considered the only method. Let me present you an ancient alternative - brick in your mouth. Think yourself. How best to force a vampire not to drink blood? Of course, to score his mouth with cement before the dump. The skull, which you look at this photo, was found by archaeologists on the outskirts of Venice in a mass burial.

2. Dwarf children

At the end of this post, you will probably realize that for a long history, people (at least in the past) were supporters of cannibalism, sacrifices and torture. For example, not so long ago, a few archaeologists spent excavations in the sewer channels under Roman / Byzantine bathing in Israel and stumbled upon something really terrifying ... on the bones of children. And there were a lot of them. For some reason, someone at the top decided to get rid of many childhood remains, simply throwing them into the sewer.

3. Sacrifice of Aztec

Although historians have long known that the Aztecs held many bloody holidays with sacrifice, in 2004, a terrible thing was found near the modern city of Mexico City - a lot of dismembered and mutilated bodies of both people and animals that shed light on terrible rituals that were practiced here several hundred years ago.

4. Terracotta Army

This huge terracotta army was buried along with Qin Shihuandi's body - the first emperor of China. Apparently, the soldiers were to guard their earthly ruler in the afterlife.

5. Screaming Mummy

Sometimes the Egyptians did not take into account the fact that if you do not bind the jaw to the skull, then in the end it will open as if the person shouted before his death. Although such a phenomenon is observed in many mummies, he does not become less terrible. At times, archaeologists find mummies, which as if they really shouted before death on somehow (most likely, not the most pleasant) reasons. In the photo of the mummy, which was called "Unknown Man E". She was found Gaston Masparo in 1886.

6. First leisure

The leprosy (leprecha), also called Hansen's disease, is not infection, but people suffered from her often lived beyond the country because of their external deformity. Since on the Hindu traditions, the corpses are cremat, the skeleton in the photo, which is called the first lepers, was buried outside the city.

7. Ancient chemical weapon

In 1933, the archaeologist Robert Du Mesanil Door Bewson spent excavations under the remnants of the ancient Roman-Persian battlefield, when it came across some siege tunnels, stealing under the city. In the tunnels, he found the body of 19 Roman soldiers who died, desperately trying to escape from something, as well as one Persian soldier clinging to the chest. Most likely, when the Romans heard that the Persians were digging the tunnel under their city, they decided to divert their own to counterattack them. The problem was that Persians were aware of this and installed the trap. As soon as Roman soldiers descended into the tunnel, they met the burning sulfur and bitumen, and this hellish mixture is known to turn into human lungs into the poison.

8. Rosett stone

Detected in 1799 by the French soldier who sobs in the Egyptian sand, the Rosett stone became one of the greatest archaeological finds today and the main source of modern understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Stone is a fragment more large stonewhere the decree of King Ptolemye V (about 200 years BC), translated into three languages \u200b\u200b- Egyptian hieroglyphs, demotic letter and ancient Greek.

9. Divis balls

They are also called the stone balls of Costa Rica. Scientists believe that these Petrosphere, almost ideal balls that are now at the mouth of the Ducks River, cut out at about the turn of the Millennium. But no one may certainly say for which they were used and for what purpose were created. It can be assumed that these were the symbols of the heavenly luminaries or the designations of the boundaries between the lands of various tribes. Paranuchant authors often argue that these "ideal" spheres could not be made by the hands of ancient people, and associate them with the activities of cosmic aliens.

10. Man from the chalk

Mummified bodies found in swamps are not so rare for archeology, but this is a body called by a person from the challenge, unique. It is not only perfectly preserved with intact hair and nails, scientists were also able to establish the cause of his death on finds collected on the body and around it. Judging by the big wound on the neck from the ear to the ear, it seems to be sacrificed to ask the gods about a good crop.

11. Desert snakes

At the turn of the twentieth century, pilots discovered a series of low stone walls in the Israeli desert of the Negev, and since then they are confused by scientists. Walls could be more than 64 km in length, and they were called " aerial snakes"Since they are very similar from the air to reptiles. But recently, scientists have come to the conclusion that the walls used hunters for the corner of large animals into enclosures or throw them from the rocks, where they could easily be killed several times.

12. Ancient Troja

Troy is a city well known for its history and legends (as well as valuable archaeological finds). He was located in the north-west Anatolia in the territory of modern Turkey. In 1865, the English Archaeologist Frank Calvert found a trench in the field he bought from a local farmer in Gissarlyke, and in 1868, a rich German businessman and archaeologist Henry Schliman also began to carry out excavations in this area, after he met Kalvert in Chankkale. As a result, they found the ruins of this ancient city, the existence of which many centuries were considered a legend.

13. Akambaaro figures

This collection of more than 33 thousand miniature clay figurines, which were discovered in 1945 in Earth next to Akambairo, Mexico. Nakhodka includes many small figures, reminiscent of people, and dinosaurs. Although most of the scientific society now agree that these figures were part of the exquisite scam, at first their find was produced by Furore.

Found on the wreckage of the ship at the Greek Island Andikitir at the turn of the twentieth century. This device to which 2000 years is considered the world's first scientific calculator. With the help of dozens of gears, it can accurately determine the location of the sun, the moon and the planets by simply entering data. Although disputes about its accurate use continue, he definitely proves that even 2,000 years ago civilization has already made huge steps to mechanical engineering.

15. Rapa Nui

Known as Easter Island, this place is one of the most isolated places in the world. It is in thousands of kilometers from the Chilean coast. But the most amazing in this place is not even the fact that people generally managed to get to it and observed, but what they managed to build huge stone heads around the island.

16. Tomb of sunken skulls

Conducting excavations on the drying day of the lake in Motale, the Swedish archaeologists came across several skulls with sticks sticking out of them. But this, apparently, it was not enough: in one skull, scientists found pieces of other skulls. Whatever happened to these people 8,000 years ago, it was terribly.

17. Map of Piri-Risa

This card is dated to the early 1500s. It shows the outlines with striking accuracy. South America, Europe and Africa. Apparently, it was general and cartographer Piri Reis (hence the name of the map) from the fragments of tens of other cards.

18. Geoglyphs of Naski.

Hundreds of years, these lines were practically under the legs of archaeologists, but they found them only at the beginning of the 1900s for the simple reason that it was impossible to see if not to look from a bird's eye view. The explanation was much - from the UFO to the technically developed civilization. The most believable explanation is that Nasquas were amazing farmers, although the reason they painted so huge geoglyphs are still unknown.

19. Dead Sea Scrolls

Like the Rosett stone, the Dead Sea scrolls are one of the most important archaeological finds of the last century. They contain the earliest copies of biblical texts (150 years BC).

20. Moa Mount Owen

In 1986, the expedition was increasingly deepened into the caves of Owen Mountains in New Zealand, when suddenly stumbled upon a huge part of the paw, which you are now looking at. She was so well preserved, which seemed like her owner died quite recently. But later it turned out that the paw belonged to Moa - a huge prehistoric bird with a terrible set of sharp claws.

21. Manuscript Warusich

It is called the most mysterious manuscript in the world. The manuscript was created at the beginning of the 15th century in Italy. Most of the pages are occupied by the recipes of herbal infusions, but none of the presented plants coincides with now known, and the language on which the manuscript is written is not possible to decipher.

22. Göbekley-Tepe

At first it seems that these are just stones, but in fact it is an ancient settlement found in 1994. It was created approximately 9,000 years ago, and now it is one of the oldest examples of complex and monumental architecture in the world, which appeared much earlier than the pyramids.

23. Saksayuaman

This room surrounded by the wall of the city of Cusco in Peru is part of the so-called capital of the Inca Empire. The most incredible lies in the details of the construction of this wall. Stone plates They lie so tightly to each other that even hairs can not sleep between them. This suggests what exactly the architecture of the ancient Incans was.

24. Baghdad Battery.

In the mid-1930s. Next to Baghdad, Iraq, there were several simple views of the jugs. Nobody gave them much importance while the curator of the German Museum did not publish a document in which she stated that these pitchers were used as galvanic cells, or, speaking simple languageBattery. Although this opinion was criticized, even the "destroyers of myths" connected to this case and soon came to the conclusion that such a probability exists.

25. Headless Vikings Dorset

Locking the railway to the English city of Dorset, the workers stumbled upon a small group of Vikings buried in the ground. They were all without heads. At first, archaeologists thought that, perhaps, one of the inhabitants of the village survived in Wiking raids and decided to take revenge, but after careful analysis everything became more foggy and confusing. The beheading looked too clear and neat, which means it was carried out only from behind. But scientists cannot say with confidence that it really happened.