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Cruises in Australia, New Zealand and Oceania. Cruises in Australia and New Zealand

The region is huge and includes several natural zonesIn general, relevant round yearBut when choosing a specific cruise route, it is advisable to consider local seasonality.

For us, this is one of the most exotic regions on Earth. First of all, because all countries that are trained in it are traditionally geographically separated from the actively contacting Europe and the North American countries, the life and culture of which have long become familiar and understandable. In addition, the nature of these places is not only unique, but also has not undergone a special impact of man. In some areas, strictly speaking, there has never been a person at all. The local population was not completely assimilated, retaining his culture, the traditions of belief and the perception of life. Sea cruises in the region are several types - around Australia and about. Tasmania, Australia and New Zealand or Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania.

Sea cruises around Australia and about. Tasmania, above all, cultural and expeditionary. They include most of the sights of Australia, and allow you to see both beautiful rich, highly technological cities, such as Sydney, Perth, Melbourne and Natural Wonders - Big Barrier Reef, Unique National natural parks - Rain Forests, Cockada, etc., unique pristine wild places, such as Kimberly Valley - the dream of any researcher, 12 apostles - romantic rocks that the shores of the coast in the west of Victoria, tropical waterfalls, crocodiles, ostriches, Koal and Kangaroo. You will see one of the most interesting and exotic countries of the world. There will be many diverse excursions, but not always it will be a beach vacation.

If we talk about marine cruises in Australia and New Zealand, then you are waiting for a more "civilized" tour. Of the Australian ports, most likely, there will be 2-3, primarily Sydney, perhaps something more tropical. After that you are moving around the territory of New Zealand. First of all, such a cruise will give an incredible beautiful frames. There will be interesting excursions here if you find the strength to break away from incredible beautiful speciesInspired by the number of many and authors of the Saga's adventures of the Hobbit Frodo. The greatest grass in the world, beautiful mountains, incredibly piercing fresh airwhich seems to be drinking.

Sea cruises around Australia and Oceania are primarily paradise rest, diving on the osters of a large barrier reef, the white beaches and enjoying tropical beauty, clean water And stunning people who know how to live in harmony with nature. Excursions here will be either species or cultural - devoted to the traditions of the local population. However, Fiji, Cook Islands, French Polynesia - places where you strive if you want to "throw everything and escape to another world." And, which is characteristic, such expectations are always justified by the most pleasant way.

Located on the other half of the globe, away from the noise of the cities of Europe and America, Australia and New Zealand, despite their belonging to the Western World, remain unexplored for the majority of tourists, annually traveling by major tourist routes. These two countries, in addition to the achievements of modern civilization, have truly unique flora and fauna, distinctive culture of aborigines and stunning natural beauty, among which the famous big barrier reef. Get acquainted with them, as well as with the history and modern achievements of these countries you can in the cruises offered by our company.

The location of these countries on a large distance from Russia, but quite close apart from each other, it raises a fair desire to see them together, going on vacation to the other end of the world. However, this is not quite simple - each of them has its own features and unique attractions and worthy of a separate trip. The question arises - how and what to see first and foremost yes for one trip. The answer is simple - you need to buy a cruise to Australia and New Zealand by choosing suitable terms and cruise program.

Get here far, but quite simple. Usually, our tourists fly through Singapore, where you can arrange a walk between this wonderful city-state, or through Dubai. The airports are most comfortable for temporary stay and have a large number of Diverse Duty Friends and Power Points.

Traditionally, the cruise includes a visit to the two main cities of Australia - Sydney and Melbourne, as well as, Hobart on O. Tasmania. New Zealand is represented by the National Park of Fjords, the cities of Danidin, Christchurch, Wellington, Tauranga and Auckland.

During the cruise you will get to know the story, amazing nature, Flora and the fauna of these countries, the life of the aborigine and the modern population. And home, except for unforgettable impressions, you will surely bring real uggs from the wool of the Australian Merinos, a new hat from the Kangaroo skins, the famous Manuka Honey and New Zeple Healing Honey from the nectar of tea tree colors.

Cruises in Australia

But, if you want to focus on acquaintance with Australia, you can choose one of the cruises along the coast of Australia, where you will visit such cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Darwin, Newcastle, Erlie Beach, Queensland, Cairns and Brisbane. You will be able to visit O. Tasmania, visit the national natural parks, see the Tasmansky devil and other local exotic animals. Enjoy along the barrier reef, enjoy the views of the Australian coast and stay at the resort Golden Coast. On board a cruise ship you can visit the most exotic corners of the continent with an excursion.

Cruises with a visit to Australia and Oceania

A fascinating and cognitive holiday awaits you in cruises in Australia with a visit to the island states of the region Vanuatu, Fiji, New Caledonia and Samoa. Having been in the comfortable cities of Australia, you will go to the archipelasses of the Pacific Ocean Islands, where you are waiting for a whole kaleidoscope of impressions from the variety of nature and peoples inhabiting them. Turquoise lagoons, acting and sleeping volcanoes, coral reefs, bright colors, the smell of tropical colors, unique sunsets and hospitality of local residents.

Sydney, Australia from
198 €

Sydney - the capital of the state of the new South Wales and at the same time the largest and old town of Australia. The city was named by the colonists in honor of Lord Sydney - the former Minister of Colonies of Great Britain at that time. Agglomeration around him is one of the most important tourist places countries. The city has many museums, galleries and the largest natural harbor in the world. Business card Cities, his main symbol is the amazing building of the Sydney Opera House. The abundance of restaurants, nightclubs and bars located in the city, make it even more attractive.

Brisbane, Australia from
198 €

Brisbane is the administrative center of Queensland, the third largest city in Australia, which is surrounded by Sunshine and Gold coasts. In Brisbane, there are excellent Alma Park Zoo zoos and Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. The stunning bridge Story Bridge, the chic town hall, the spacious square of King George, the warehouses of the Commissioner, the amazing Gothic Church are the main sights of Brisbane. In the city of Kangaroo Point there is a cliff from which a beautiful view of the city offers. On the city you can move on foot, by bus or using the so-called "Citycats".

Melbourne, Australia from
215 €

After Sydney, Melbourne is the second largest city in the Australian continent. Among the attractions in the city is the largest museum complex of the Southern Hemisphere, which was opened in 2000. The cultural capital attracts architecture, museums, beautiful streets and squares, beautiful nature, parks and stormy nightlife. Festivals and holidays are held here, a Formula 1 race is held, it is definitely worth seeing the penguins parade on the island of Philip and take a trip over the Great Ocean Road.

Darwin, Australia from
1200 €

Darwin is located on the North Coast of Australia and offers an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with one of the world's most famous national parks. Cockada National Park is located in close proximity to the city and is famous for all Australia with its beautiful nature and unique animals. Fascinating nature, cultural attractions, interesting museums and a wonderful beach with an evening market will make your visit special.

Cairns, Australia from
804 €

Kerns is famous for a wide selection of excursions to a large barrier reef - the world's longest coral reefs in the world, which is the UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition, this small city offers many entertainment events, here you can visit the coffee plantations, go to the amusement park, visit the village of Aboriginal, ride on the old train, watching the amazing nature. You will be attended by national parks and tropical forests in which rare animals and plants live.

Hobart, Tasmania from
558 €

The capital of Tasmania is located in the southern part of the island at the foot of Mount Wellington. Hobart is the second the oldest city In Australia, being founded in 1804 as a colony-settlement. A unique and rare animals and plants live on the island, you can visit former prisons and mines, in museums to learn about the history and culture of the aborigines. You are waiting for multi-kilometer routes for interesting places, the opportunity to do climbing and other extremal sports.

Big Barrier Reef, H. Erli Beach (Queensland), Australia from
804 €

Erli Beach - town in the east of Queensland, located on the peninsula on the coral sea. Only 3,000 people live in the city, but this place is very popular among tourists. Taking a boat for rent, go to explore turquoise waters, to divide and just enjoy the magnificent views. From here you can easily get to one of the islands of Whitsendi. This group of islands includes 74 islands with the main attraction - Whiteheven Beach.

Perth (Fremanth), Australia from
554 €

Perth - the largest city on the west coast Australia, in which about two million people live. The industrial boom of the 19th century gave a rapid development of the city. There are many restaurants, cafes and other entertainment sites. Nearby is the beach of Cottersloe, where you can not only swim, but also work diving and snorkeling. It produces wine, and local cuisine is replete with seafood. In the surroundings you can see amazing lakes, visit the islands, take a walk in parks and go to the planetarium to watch the magnificent starry sky Australia.

Adelaide, Australia from
576 €

Adelaide is located on the southern coast of Australia and is famous for wine high Qualityproduced in nearby areas in Barosso and Claire valleys. In addition, there are also numerous parks and reserves, small bays and beaches, you can go to Kangaroo Island and see rare animals. You will enjoy hilly landscapes, wine valleys, a huge zoo and the village of Aboriginal, where you can see various crafts and get acquainted with the life and culture of local residents.

Bernie (Tasmania), Australia from
633 €

Bernie is the port city of Tasmania (Australia), which is located in the north-west of the Australian state of Tasmania. Bernie, together with Devonport, are considered the main regional centers of the North-West Tasmania. In Bernie there is an art gallery that sometimes also serves as a place for performances and concerts. In Bernie pretty big choice Coffee and restaurants, but especially here love to be touched by fantastic cheese, which is produced in Bernie.

Eden, Astanvia from
1582 €

This small Australian town is surrounded by forests and parks, its coastline is cut and attracts surf lovers. The first settlers were engaged in fishing, agriculture And whale fishing. In the local museum you can find out everything about these unique animals, as well as to observe their majestic beauty during migration to Antarctic waters from September to November. Shoot on numerous pedestrian routes, walk along the coast and imbued with the beauty of this area.

Townsville, Australia from
2173 €

Australia: Cruises in Australia online

Book cruises to Australia online. Seasonal cruise offers to Australia. Cruises to Big Barrier Rifu, Cruise Prices in Australia

Australia is a country that occupies a prominent place on modern Map Cruise travel. Only with his picturesque panorama of the famous opera in the port of what is worth.

Cruises season in Australia for most passengers start in winter. Since the bulk of the cruise tours of the cruise tours lives in the northern hemisphere, and Australia is in South, then to get to the Australian summer is great, but to be in the Australian winter, even if there are few wishing liner.

The main cruise port of Australia - Sydney. If the modern liner did not attend Sydney, then he, consider, and not the liner while, and so, the "untepered" vessel. Cruise In Sydney, for any cruise ship is akin to baptism, dedication to the elite of cruise shipping.

Australia due to its location, unique fauna and flora, the famous coral reefs is considered the region equally attractive both for luxurious cruises and for expeditionary. By the way, for a long time It is the cognitive expeditions in the waters of Australia enjoyed in high demand. Today, many leading cruise companies in the world appreciated the country's potential. Here spend whole seasons liners such well-known lines, like, Holland America or.

Cruises in Australia - among them there are both short-term marine vigions between Melbourne and Sydney, and exciting travel to the islands of a large coral reef, to fjords and Tasmania.

Anyway, make a tedious flight for the sake of a short-term cruise to Australia from Russia, only the most thangable fan of the green continent will solve. For the rest, a full-fledged cruise in the region can be a two-week journey, for example, from Singapore, during which passengers of the liner will be able to see several ports of the Australian coast, including Darwin and Brisbane, as well as picturesque islands Indonesia and Polynesia.

However, expeditionary cruises promise the main highlight of a cruise trip to Australia. It is they will allow us to get a complete picture of what is really a big barrier reef and what the culture of the population of the Cook Islands from the culture of the Fiji people is. Most of these cruises are offered in a luxurious segment. One of the most famous and authoritative Australian operators on this cruise direction can be called a company