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Provence region - area of \u200b\u200bbeautiful architecture and nature

Provence always served as inspiration for many famous artists.

Every year this wonderful province visits a large number of Tourists, including not only foreigners, but also the French themselves.

Tourists seek to visit Provence for various reasons. Someone hunting to plunge into the era of the Middle Ages, to see live and visit the ancient monuments of architecture, someone wishes to spend rest in resort cities France.

However, most tourists seek to get to Provence in order to visit the famous lavender fieldswho have long become business card Provinces.

Lavender fields

Lavender fields of Provence is one of the main attractions of this region.

Visit these fields is worth walking along the leaving lilac shrubs go away and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Remember that in the fields there are a large number of OS and bees that can bite if you will be careless during the walk.

If you are allergic to insect bites or floral pollen, then the best way to visit lavender fields will be a car. Second popular transport - this is a bike. On it, the walk will be more colorful and memorable.

Walk It may take a lot of time and effort, because the fields occupy huge spaces and have a lot of lifting and descents.

Lavandov's excursions are held only during its flowering - from June 20 to July 20.

Museum of Lavender

In Provence, the Lavender Museum, which was opened in 1991. It can be found about the history of the origin of lavender, its use and value in various industries.

Museum is located in Luberon, Provence Natural Park. There is an opportunity to walk, enjoy local species, as well as choose a useful souvenir in the form of honey, soap or oil. All these souvenirs are produced on the basis of lavender flowers.

The region surprises with its unusual nature. The mountain peaks of the Alps are replaced by plain fields, on which there are many vineyards. Provence is also popular as a sea resort, thanks to the location on the azure coast.


Provence vineyards are known all over the world. They are open to visiting at any time of the year.

Here you can not only take a walk, but also to taste the unique varieties of local Provencal wines.

The terrain located near the vineyards still consists of small villages in which the buildings are preserved, which are already more than two hundred years. In such small villages, as before, local peasants live.


Traveling around Provence is best on the car or on the excursion bus.

Lovers of the antiquity will like the opportunity to rent a retro car. The cost of rental will depend on the brand of the car, its year of production, as well as rental time.

Excursions in the attractions of the region will allow you to visit the vintage locks that were built in different historical epochs. Inspect interior decoration Castles can be from March to NovemberWhen they are open to visiting.

Hiking excursion to Mont-Saint-Victor, whose beauty was captured on the canvas of the Cezanne field, will amaze with its painting and will allow many memorable pictures.

Also in the program of excursion includes visiting the studio of the famous field Cezanne.

From hiking mountains can be noted rise to the mountain of San Victor. This mountain is unique in that the monastery of Notre Dame de Saint Victory, who was built in 1656, was built almost at her top.

Among the visited historical seats can be noted:

  • castle bespunga XIV centuryin which the grave Pablo Picasso is located;
  • the most large provence Abbey - Toront;
  • lock In the town of Anthlerge;
  • verdon Gorgein which the ancient villages are preserved.

Kamarg Regional Park Also appreciated tourists. It is located in the south of the city of Arles. In the park you can relax and relax among the wonderful nature.

For lovers more extreme recreation suitable on the Ardesh River on Kayaks. The river is allowed to swim by everyone. Over the Ardesh River is an unusual stone arch, which has created nature. The height of this arch reaches seventy meters in height.


Photo of delightful places of Provence, who are worth seeing:


In the Provence region, there are many cities favorite tourists.

The most important and historically valuable city of the region. His story began in the XII century, when he lived here the genus of Provenski counts.

Ex-en-Provence is located on the azure coast of France

In ancient times, ex-en-provence was the capital of Provence. The city is located between Marseille and Luberon. This city can be called calm, life in it proceeds measuringly and calmly.

Previously, this city attracted and became a refuge for many creative personalities.

The streets of the city are clean and spacious, there are a large number of fountains and various monuments.

There will be found in the city sufficient number attractions. Here you can visit the urban temple, the local town hall, the old bread exchange, in which the post office is now located. There is also a museum of tapestries.

Gourmet should be visited by the local market where you can find fresh and natural products. Provence markets are known for their variety of products.

Ex-en-Provence produces many foods, natural soap, etc. Anise liqueur, which is produced in the city of Ex-en-Provence, is considered the best in France.

For this amazing drink, many travelers come to the city.

Nice is famous for its seaside resort on the Cote d'Azur.

Crowds of tourists annually attend this resort town in order to soak under the warm southern sun, enjoy the magnificent natural landscapes, and of course, try the sophisticated kitchen of the Mediterranean.

Marseille is loved by tourists for the abundance of markets, various fairs, where you can find amazing and unique souvenirs.


This city known worldwide thanks to the Annual Cannes Film Festival. It can meet a large number of celebrities, especially during the festival.

In the heart of Provence there is a picturesque city - Avignon. The city has a large number of ancient castles and churches.

Provence is an amazing place. Romance of the region, incredible beauty Nature and its historical monuments intertwined with each other creating a unique symbiosis. On earth there are few places that could boast of such qualities.

Having visited Provence, you can feel like a different planet.

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We are waiting for attractions, cities and resorts of the warmly warm region of France - Provence! And local delicacies for real gourmets and just lovers like us.

Provence is a place where you can go to relax from the bustle and admire the unforgettable rural and natural landscapes. It expects immersion in the majestic world of medieval castles, churches and monasteries. Numerous villages spread out on the hills and the slopes of the Alps, which take their origin here. It is often possible to see that the villages are located around the old castles and fortresses remaining since the time of the Roman Empire.

Provence - Interesting Facts

Life is slow here, in summer the air is filled with floral flavors and sounds of the cicade. As anywhere else, in french province Provence want to take a brush and draw all this magnificence of nature. It was here that world-famous artists Van Gogh and Paul Cezanne worked out their priceless cloth.

By the way, Provence received its name from the ancient Romans, they came here to relax after the conquesting campaigns.

Where is Provence

Provence - pretty big region in southern France. The exclusive landscape of it is determined by the fittings of the Alps, fields and sea of \u200b\u200bflowers. To fully understand and explore these places as possible, you can stay in one of the villages, where to travel on a rented car. It is very convenient and allows you to travel at your own discretion and at any speed, stopping in particularly liked places.

Of course, you need to get a reliable guidebook and pre-book a place in the hotel, especially if the trip is planned for the summer. Very interesting as a lease of farmhouses hotels with their unique rural flavor.

Accommodation is usually provided with a kitchen, and it is possible to prepare food yourself. But it is best to try sophisticated meals in local restaurants. In the vicinity mining truffles, there are many of them here, which affected the range of restaurants. Lovely earthen fragrance with nutty notes fills air. The collection of truffles in Provence continues from November to April. Restaurants also offer a lot of seafood, vegetable and fruit dishes, and this is the most healthy food.

Where is and how to get to Provence

Lavender fields of Provence - when and where to go

France is famous not only by its wines and, high fashion and amazing architecture. The symbol of the country is a lavender whose fields surrounded by wheat are depicted on tourist postcards. The capital of the flower is considered the very provence, in the countryside of which thousands of bulbs of this plant are planted. Because of what the Department was decorated with hundreds of hectares of purple landscapes and landscapes, which from afar seem to be alien and very fantastic. Thanks to photos, postcards, publishing on the Internet and special tourist journals, a huge number of travelers arrive in Provence every year.

The peak visits falls for two year old months - July and August. It is at this time that it is necessary to plan rest in Provence 2019 to catch the blooming lavender fields.

Period of flowering lavender

The provence climate does not allow the flowers to bloom in early spring, Only individual buds can dismiss at the end of May or early June. At this time, the fields look impressive, going beyond the horizon, but without lavender flowering. Its period occurs only at the very end of June and lasts until the middle of the last summer month, sometimes longer, which depends on the weather and the number of sunny days.

Lavender is the most common gift from Provence!

Visiting tourists begins in July, and continues almost until September. In August, lavender flowers are collecting that coincides with the harvesting of cereals. Due to which, the whole region looks still colorful.

Excursions to Lavender Fields Provence 2019

Inspecting the fields, both independently and as part of organized tourist groups. In any case, you need to do this by car or bike.

The ideal solution will take a car for hire in one of the major cities, if you are fluent enough. But it is even more convenient - to order car rental in Provence in advance, pick up the car at the airport and then plan rest at your discretion. So it will be most convenient to move around landscapes to slowly inspect the sights and admire the flowers.

You can get to the fields and public transport. True, in this case, travelers will depend on the schedule of buses and a specific route schema.

Where lavender grows in Provence

Flowers are planted, mainly in the countryside, where farms have farms for the production of oil, ethers, drying lavender. Also, almost every inhabitant of the region places small bushes of plants on its plot. The centers of intensive cultivation of Lavender is the northern regions of Provence, which include Verkhnealpiysky, from-Valtulus, Drom-Provence. The capital is considered a small cozy town of Sol, which is located in Ot-Valley. It is here that the fields resemble an endless fluffy carpet, the aroma of which is felt far beyond the region. For the convenience of tourists, there are numerous pedestrian walkways. They have a different level of difficulty when passing, as evidenced by special pointers.

In Drom-Provence, Lavender is adjacent to other fields - sunflowers, wheat, vineyards.

In each area of \u200b\u200bProvence there are villages that specialize in the production of cosmetics and lavender esters. In one of the settlements - Kustell - collected various mechanismswhich many centuries used when working with flowers.

Travel route in Provence

Now we know that Provence is associated with lavender fields, as well as nice and ports of the azure coast, crowded expensive yachts.

However, this one can open from the other side if you start a trip over it from the depths. Namely, with small cities and villages located high in the mountains and on the shore of the picturesque rivers. Try to realize our travel option in Provence - you and lavender fields will see, and you will get acquainted with the most beautiful region of the country.

Map route

The overall length of the route of the Provence on the car is 300 km.

#one. Saint-Remy de Provence

Streck and serpentine Saint-Remy de Provence (France)

You can start a trip to the region of Provence from the town of Saint-Remy-de-Provence, captured in the pictures of Van Gogh, on the streets of which the artist once walked a lot. Van Gogh wrote here the Alps, olive groves, many of which have survived to this day, because the life of the olive tree comes to thousands of years.

# 2. Chalme and Egaller

Here is located the ancient city is glad with excellent bas-reliefs and mausoleum in honor of the emperor of Augustus. Many tourists attend this attraction every year.

You can stay in Egallera - a small village of Ancient Roman origin. It is necessary to see the chapel of St. Sict, the picturesque, as if departed from the picture, the ruins of the castle of the 12th century, many churches and monasteries. In the summer, local residents arrange a lot of all kinds of festivals, parades, holidays on the occasion of honoring the patrons of agriculture and animal husbandry. Celebrations are accompanied by costume marchs. Such can observe almost every week.

# 3. Arles and Avignon

It is worth visiting the major cities of Provence - Arles and Avignon. Arles was once chosen by the Caesar of the capital of Provence, and here there is an ancient Roman theater, in which to this day there are views with bulls. The Church of Holy Trofim is widely known in Arles with its famous bas-relief depicting the day. On the bas-relief, the rim of sinners stiffed with chain and heading to hell is a very expressive reminder of human sins.

Avignon is located north, 25 miles from Arlya. Once here for 70 years there was a palace of Pope. You can see the bridge over the Ron River, which, however, was never completed. Therefore, it represents only half of the bridge, but it looks rather grand and unusual.

#four. Luberon and Roussillon

We will move closer to nature - in a small town of Luberon, where extensive purple lavender fields spread out, blooming at the end of June. That is how we most often imagine Provence! Clean the lavender in September and is used in all sorts of cosmetics.

Another interesting town is Roussillon. The walls of all houses here are red - the colors of the ocher extracted on the slopes of the neighboring hills. So it was originally, and now this image is supported in tourist purposes.

#five. Ex-en-provence

You can go to the ex-en-provence - a lively student city with a huge number of fountains. The local market is Pestrite a variety of colors of vegetables and fruits and drunk with aromas of coffee, lavender and spices - here you will probably find the best souvenirs from Provence, both gastronomic and cosmetic. IN major cities Provence every week is a market day, in each city he is his own, for example, Thursday or Saturday.

The ex-en-provence is famous for the fact that it was there that Paul Cesann drew his famous still lifes, which was considered animated.

# 6. Cassis

If pulls to the sea, then a good choice - Excursion to the port fishing city of Cassis, where, besides the sea and the beach, vineyards and beautiful white rocks spread out. You can use one of the types of marine routes, many of which suggest stopping for a refreshing swimming in the sea.

Where to stay in Provence 2019

To enjoy the beauty of Provence fully, throughout the route you will need to book a couple of overnight stays. The first stop can be made in Egallera / Arles, the second - in Romsillon or ex-en-provence.

#one. Overnight in Provence

Having dedicated the day of Saint-Remy de Provers, the villages of Glanum and Egaller, you can stay for the night in Egallera or get to a large settlement - the city of Arles.

# 2. Overnight in Provence

After examining Arles and Avignon, keep the steering wheel toward the Luberon Valley. You can stay in the heart of Provence as in Roussillon, and a little further - in the ex-en-provence.

How to get to Provence - Flights

In the Provence region international Airport. It is located in the capital of the Cote d'Azur - Nice. The airport "Nice - Cote d'Azur" ("Nice Cote d'Azur") Takes direct flights from Moscow. In high season (from May to October), the cost of tickets on the route Moscow-Nice starts from 11,500 rubles there and back. You can get to Nice from Moscow in just 3.5 hours.

Our compatriots first arrive at the airport. Charles de Gaulle. Then move closer to the south to explore Provence.

Is it profitable? Perhaps only in the case when you want to see Paris no less than Provence. And, spending a week in the capital, go to Nice. The fact is that Moscow-Paris tickets are just a couple of thousand cheaper than flight Moscow-Nice.

To get to Provence from Paris, choose one of three options:

  • Own car (It can be pre-rent it). Distance from Paris to Nice is about 1000 km. On the highways A6 and A7 on the road you will leave about 8-10 hours;
  • Public transport. It can be both a train and a long-distance bus. In the latter case, it will take more than 17 hours;
  • Internal Flight Paris-Nice. Daily on the most popular route France is made from 25 flights. You can use Air France, EasyJet, British Airways and others. The departures are made from both International Charles de Gaulle (Ruissi) and from the internal airports - Orly and a little less often by Le Bourget.

  • Local cuisine and wines, famous outside the region!
  • - When to go, what to see, where to stay in the center of Grass. Instructions for independent visits to Perfumery Mecca.
  • Amazing azure sky, warm winds of the Mediterranean, lavender fields, go far beyond the horizon - is all Provence, a paradise in the south of France. Unique natural features The area has the glory of one of best regions In the world to relax at any time of the year. The territory is easy to find on the map: departments are located between the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the mountain varnish Alps and the River Rona.

    The historic region of Provence in France in terms of attractions is at one of the first places. Travelers are recognized that there will be several months for visiting only the main cultural and natural objects.

    Best time for a visit

    Provence is good so much that it is difficult to determine the best time to relax in this blessed area. The warmest, but "overpopulated" - the summer months, especially July and August. The most favorable time for a full-fledged rest is May, June, September, October. The advantages of the visit are:

    • the air is warm, but there are no heat, rains are a big rarity;
    • in the autumn months, the water and air temperature is held about + 22-24C;
    • prices are still (or already) low;
    • corks on the roads are almost absent.

    Top 10 attractions

    Among other French regions, Provence stands out that you can see a lot of interesting here. round year - Natural and architectural objects are tightly inhabited by city and small villages.

    This is a business card district. The most extensive areas, with exquisite colors are located at the following addresses:

    • medieval Abbey Notre Dame de Senank;
    • plateau valence;
    • alps Department;
    • small village co;
    • farm Shato du-boo farm.

    Medieval construction of the grand sizes of XIV, the object of large historical value, the residence of several senior servants of the Roman Church. Currently, a museum is open inside, annually the Palace adopts an international theater festival.

    3. NOTRE-DAME-DE-LA-Garde Basilica in Marseille, or Saint Virgin Temple

    The cultural object has been fulfilled by the 8th centuries. Initially, it was a small chapel, then donations were collected, and the church appeared on the highest hill of the city. The unique structure is considered a security symbol of the city.

    4. Swamps and pink flamingos

    In the Rhone Delta Unusual for the region, the swampy areas chose flocks of pink flamingos. The deserted territories chose large animals, numerous bird flocks - hundreds of migratory birds stop here.

    The city arrives for the whole day to visit the two famous markets: flea and food. Among the antiques are real rarities, products can be enjoyed and stocking with fresh vegetables, fish, fruit.

    A unique village in 25 km from Avignon - the Beauty and the national pride of the French. Conditioned in the rock of the houses of local residents and opening a magnificent view of the lounges at the foot of the valley invariably attract guests from all over the world.

    Canyon is a very beautiful landscape resembling the famous American gorges. Impressive depth, in separate areas reaching 750 meters, and unusual green color The water of the same river flowing along the bottom.

    In the southern part of France, washed by the azure waters of the Mediterranean Sea, one of the most ancient and well-known historic districts of the country - Provence.To date, this is one of the most attractive tourist areas of France. This edge combines unique historical traditions, ancient monuments of architecture and amazing beauty natural objects.

    The amazing location of Provence, which is located in several natural climatic zones: from the west is limited to a full-water Ron, from the east - the Alpine Range, and from the south of the azure coast of the beautiful sea, ensured a constant interest that these land caused from the neighbors. It is the constant struggle for the right of ownership of Provence that determined the complex and rich history of the region, which in many centuries absorbed the influence of various cultures, experienced periods of extraordinary heyday and deep decline.

    Today, this historic district is part of the Provence administrative area - the Alps - Cote d'Azur, which includes the departments of the Vokluz, Var and Bush-du-Ron, as well as a small part of the seaside Alps and the Alps of the Upper Provence. The center of Provence is the city Marseilles- One of the most ancient settlements throughout France.

    Edge History

    Archaeological excavations conducted on the territory of Provence testify that the first settlements in these places appeared about half a million years before our era. According to historians, today it is the most ancient confirmed archaeological finds, habitats of people on earth. The famous seafarers of the Greeks, which appeared in these areas in the 6th century, achieved favor of the local tribes of the Ligurians and founded the coast of two major portals of the port of Masalia (modern Marseille) and Nice, which today is called Nice.

    It was the Greeks that brought the first basics of cultural agriculture to this territory, while planting low-fledged local lands with olive groves and vineyards. Over time, the so-called mass medium empire developed at the site of the province. In the second century BC, the period of Roman colonization of Provence began. It was then that Rome under the pretext of assistance to mass masses in the fight against the militant tribe of Salienov, introduced his legions into the territory of the region. By the way, the name of Provence itself was brought by the Romans, which called the mass simply "Province".

    The period of Roman dominion has been beneficial on the history of the region. Excellent organizers and administrators, the Romans have created an excellent infrastructure of the region, built new fortified cities that were bound by a network of roads.

    With the fall of the Roman Empire for Provence, not the best times came. Its territory alternately captured and devastated the barbaric tribes of vibrations, burgundy, sharp and pawnshords.

    For them from the territory of North Africa and Spain, no less brutal hordes of the Maurians, which were stopped in 732 by Karl Martel in the Poitiers area. In the same time, Provence became acquainted with Christianity. In the period from the X to the XV century, in the province passed incessant clashes between the various dynasties of the graphs, which fought for their influence on these lands. In addition, the land was subjected to constant raids of pirates and often for the Middle Ages epidemics of the plague, devastated Provence not worse than military conflicts.

    In the XVI century, the region was attached to France. Ruined by religious wars, the province was forced to participate in the territorial disputes between France and Italy, which for many years turned Provence into the arena of the incessant battles.

    It is worth saying that the Cote d'Azur himself completely became French only in the middle of the XIX century. Yes, and the South of Provence South Provence itself received in the second half of the XIX century, when large coastal cities turned into fashionable resorts and steel are related to railway communications. After that, they became a favorite place to visit the royal persons, as well as aristocratic surnames from all over Europe.

    Last world War He led to the occupation of Provence with the Italian troops, which in 1945 were knocked out from there the allies army.

    The most famous cities of Provence

    Arles (Arles)

    One of the most ancient cities in the region, the first references to which are dating from the second century BC, is Arles. Modern Arles is an important transport hub of Provence, from which it is equally convenient to get into the most interesting and beautiful historical and natural corners of the province. Being a major historical center of the region, Arles always attracted people of creative professions, which left numerous samples of architectural and picturesque art in it.

    Attractions Arlya

    One of the most significant historical monuments of Arlya is the ancient city of Ligurov - antique islatPrompless UNESCO to world historical treasures. It contains a well-preserved Roman amphitheater, part of urban fortifications, the largest Roman baths throughout Provence - the terms of Constantine, as well as the ruins of the ancient imperial palace, which stretched along the coast of the sea for three hundred meters.

    No less interest among visitors causes a long-standing Roman cemetery, with time transformed into necropolis Aliskawhere the most famous representatives of urban nobility were found. Lovers of long-standing culture can visit the famous antique Museum ArlyaLocated in such a way that all monuments of the city of this era are in close proximity to it.

    On the main square of the city De La Republique there is an excellent monument of Provencal architecture of the XII century Saint-Trophe Cathedral. The temple itself is in the picturesque surroundings of old monasteries and, according to legend, was laid on the place where he was baptized by St. Augustine, who was the first English bishop.

    With the history and culture of Provence, you can also get acquainted in urban museums Arlaten and Reat.By the way, the embankment is located right behind the Museum, the embankment is famous for the fact that the artist Wang Gogh, who loving on it to walk, wrote here many of his stunning paintings. Fans of exotic can like the fights held here with bulls, which are the subject of real passion for residents southern France, Including Arlya. Local Corrida, which is called Greek Taverchiya here, is carried out throughout the summer. At the same time, in contrast to other places, in Arles still practiced the so-called bloody "Spanish Corrida" ending the death of a bull.

    Avignon (Avignon)

    In a picturesque place where the full-flow Rhône and Durance rivers merge, the main city of Vokluz Avignon Department, which is a recognized cultural and religious center of France. The historic center of the city, which possesses such a rich history, could not not be included in the list of historical heritage protected by the state. Avignon is literally flooded with historical monuments, ancient churches and monasteries, museums and just beautiful buildings.

    Sights of Avignon

    Still Old city Avignon is surrounded by a continuous chain of the fortress walls, erected at the end of the XIV century to protect the residence of Roman dads, nine of which lived here in different time. Without possessing military significance, urban walls are rather playing an architectural role, emphasizing the historical appearance of Old Avignon and separating it from modern quarters.

    Attractive for tourists is impressive sizes Papal palace In which the treasury includes the angel tower, the consistory of the old palace and beautiful gardens.

    Not far from the palace the parkRoshe-Dez-House as well as old pon Saint-Benez Bridge who once joined Avignon with his suburb of Villenev-Lez Avignon, lying on the other side of the river.

    It looks no less exciting cathedral Notre Dame-Dez-House erected back in the XII century. He is majestically towers above Avignon, being on the top of the rock de home. At the same time, woven from various architectural styles that were inherent in different epochs, Notre Dame-Dez-House causes ambiguous impressions of connoisseurs of classical forms and proportions.

    Right on Square l'Horloge. You can see the building municipal Town Hall, Clock Tower and City Opera.

    Guests of the city love to gather here on Sunday morning, when the numerous bells of churches and monasteries located nearby, which dismisses the bells, which is so famous for Avignon.

    Not far from the city is a beautiful suburb Vilnev-Les Avignon, Which is famous for the luxurious old mansions of Cardinals, as well as a big monastic inhabitant. You will not regret if you want to visit the picturesque town Saint Rememiwhere the beautiful museum of archeology is located, the ruins of buildings belonging to the Roman period of the Board, as well as rich villas built in the XV-XVI centuries.

    Ex en-Provence (AIX-EN-PROVENCE)

    Between the capital of the province of Marcel and the Mountains, Luberon is located another wonderful city of Provence, which is a recognized cultural and historical center of the province - ex-en-provence. Unlike industrialized Marseille, affected by contrasting architectural phenomena, the ex-en-provence is extremely solid city, characterized by certain conservatism and aristocratism in his appearance.

    It should be said that until the XII century, the ex-en-provence was the capital of the province, and attracted numerous talented personalities to himself, which imposed their mark on the appearance of the city.

    Sights of ex-en-provence

    The historic center of the ex-en-provence is literally surrounded by a dense ring of shady boulevards, on which there is a huge number of cozy restaurants, cafes and shops. The townspeople themselves are recognized that the richest markets of the region are located in the ex-en-human provence, offering guests their company souvenirs: anisian liqueur "Pastis", lavender oil and a wonderful smelling soap.

    In the heart of the city, among numerous mansions built in the period of the XVI-XIX centuries, the majestic rises church of Madelenewithin which there are icons belonging to Rubens and Van Lo. Right immediately city Hall, which is a classic example of a medieval urban building, and the old bread exchange, in which the local post office is located today.

    No less interesting to familiarize wonderful fountain "Rotonda" and the statue of King Rene.

    For lovers of architectural monuments will be not sensitive to see saint Cathedral dated the XV-XVI centuries as well church of Saint-Jean de Maltwhich is the very first church of the region, erected by the canons of classical Gothic.

    In older palace Bishop Ansen-Argesheb Now there is an exposition of the Art Museum of Tapping. But loom lovers can visit urban Museum of Goblenov.

    For older fans, you just need to visit Museum of the Old Town, in which thousands of exhibits are collected, outlining the difficult story of the formation and development of ex-en-provence.

    Natural wonders Provence

    Camargue Region (Camargue)

    On a huge plateau, spreading between the two river rivers and the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean, is located one of the most famous reserves of France. Camarman.Its square occupies more than 100 thousand hectares.

    Hundreds of thousands of tourists arrive in Kamarg annually to admire the beautiful valley, densely dyed limans, salted lakes and swamps, as well as reeds, among which are hiding from the human eye with a distinct set of herds, wild ducks and other feathers.

    However, the genuine highlight of the reserve is Pink flamingothat stop in these places during migration to North Africa, and always cause revitalization from naturalist researchers. Experts believe that bEST TIME To visit the Kamargian nature reserve is the late spring or early autumn.

    But the real business card of Kamarra is not the flamingos at all, but Black bulls And white horses. Until now, traditional battles with black bulls are popular in Provence, and throw chairs with these powerful animals. True, the law prohibits the bulls to kill.

    Concerning kamargian horsesThe scientists believe that this aristocratic breed has a very ancient history, leading his own countdown from the paleyolite era. Interestingly, these horses are only one hundred years old, and they will go to the light of completely dark suit. Today these horses are used for horseback riding and for the protection of the park.

    Mountain Massif Luberon (Luberon)

    This mountain range is a genuine decoration of Provence, his peculiar highlight, without which the edge charm would not be complete. Mountain ridge, stretching from east west to 60 kilometers, is divided into small and large Luberona, divided by the Ezbrene River.

    The highest point of Luberon is Moore Black Mount, from the top of which, ascended by 1125 meters, opens the same amakful views of both the Alps and the Mediterranean Sea. At the same time, the width of the ridge, which crumpled centuries, oaks and pines, does not exceed five kilometers. Immediately, in the territory between the cities of Caviar and Manosk, as well as the Durant River and the Mountain Girdo, the National Park Luberon is located.

    Many towns located on the territory of the park possess the prestigious titles of the "most beautiful city of France." There are also a lot of fashionable hotels and villas of the most wealthy and famous people World. A variety of festivals and holidays are regularly held in Luberon, which attract tens of thousands of tourists who prefer active rest in these places.

    No less attractive are numerous tourist routes, like hiking, so cycling and equestrian, which are laid through the park. After them, it is so nice to relax with a glass of famous olive wine, feeling an extraordinary flavor of spices from a unique local cuisine.

    Verdon Gorge or Gorge du Verdon (Gorges du Verdon)

    Verdon Gorge - the largest canyon in Europe. At half the way between the cities of Avignon and Nice is one of the unique miracles of Provence - Gorge Du Verdon Gorge (Verdon Gorge)which is also called the "European Grand Canyon". This rare natural phenomenon was formed for five thousand years, while the rapid waters of the Verdon River pierced the path in the soft lime rocks of Provence Mountain Plate.

    The canyon takes its beginning in Rugon, where the beds of two rivers - Verdon and Zabron merge. And only after 23 kilometers, bizarkened and looping in rock, Verdon flows into the truly turquoise waters of Lake Lac de Saint-Cra.

    Along the picturesque gorge, which in some places reaches a depth of 750 meters, a road is laid, a length of more than a hundred kilometers, which makes it easier for tourists to access the canyon and enjoying his stunning views. The width of the DNA of the Gorge in different places ranges from 8 to 90 meters, and its vertices disagree from two hundred meters to one and a half kilometers. Along the entire canyon, due to a long erosion effect on soft rocks, the river has created whole line Fancy caves, tunnels and grotts.

    Canyon Gorzh-du Verdon - Stunning Creating Nature

    Gorge du Verdeon himself is extremely popular among tourists thanks to his close location to the French Riviera. He acquired particularly popularity at the beginning of the twentieth century, when one of the French rhinesticker researchers published their amazing discoveries in print. Since then, Gorzh du Verdon has become a real Mecca for lovers of outdoor activities and stunning natural species. Today, travel companies offer those who want to descend down the canyon on the kayaks or go down the rocks using climbing equipment. For those who just want to admire this unique natural phenomenon, equipped special viewing platforms along the road. However, drivers should remember that winding and steep tracks laid along the canyon are sufficiently dangerous for driving and require care and caution.

    What is there to say, Provence today is one of the most attractive tourist areas of France, to get into which many lovers of both active recreation are striving for a good time on the beaches of the Côte d'Azur. Here everyone has an exciting interest in interest. This edge combines unique historical traditions, beautiful ancient architectural monuments, reflecting the centuries-old influence of a variety of different and original cultures. And beautiful natural species, extraordinary cuisine and fragrant wine will not leave indifferent not a single amateur of simple joys of life.

    What is Provence? This is the corner of France with a rich history and picturesque nature. In the XVII century, among the bourgeoisie, it was fashionable to build houses in the province.

    Life on the Nature Lona allowed to move away from clearly canons of classics and strict conventions. Increasing natural landscapes inspired on the simple design of houses, but with a characteristic French charm. Currently, Provence is one of the most popular tourist placeswhere travelers come out from around the world.

    Geographical location

    Located in several natural climatic zones in France, Provence with eastern Limited by the Alps, from the West it is washes the Rhône River, and the south side is a beautiful and warm Cote d'Azur, famous for resorts and wonderful nature. The center of Provence is the colorful city of Marseille, which has an old origin and beautiful architecture.

    History Provence

    Having a rich history, Provence was populated over half a million years before our era. Archaeologists have found confirmation that these settlements were among the most ancient found on Earth. From the 6th century to our era, this area inhabited by Ligurians received a new development. Seafood-Greeks as a result of negotiations with local tribes got the opportunity to establish port cities on the sea coast:

    • Massali (currently Marseille);
    • Nikeya (Nice).

    The Greeks not only built cities, but also began to engage in agriculture, putting olive trees and breaking the vineyards. The territory began to be called the Massali Empire. But already in the second century AD. Rome under the favorable pretext of helping in the fight against militant tribes, introduced his soldiers. The Romans began to call the Region "Province", which gave the name Provence.

    For this period of Roman rule, the infrastructure has received development, new cities and roads were built. The fall of the Roman Empire affected Provence. The region has fallen by patronage has become susceptible to the seizures and loans of various neighboring tribes.

    In 732, the hordes of the Mavrov were detained by K. Martel. But the troubled times of wars and looting continued for centuries. In addition to the incessant seizures of various noble dynasties, the edge very often robbed pirates, and overtaking the plague, bringing damage no less than war.

    From the XVI century, this territory is part of France. Despite the then attractions of Italy. Finally, France, the region fastened only in the XIX century, when fashionable resorts for leisure of aristocracy from around the world began to appear on the azure shore.

    The Second World War contributed to the Italian occupation of the territory of Provence. But at the end of the war, the allies army restored control over the territory, knocking out Italian troops.

    Famous cities of Provence and Attractions

    Rich historical heritage makes Provence France interesting not only by beaches and style that designers are embodied in the interiors country houses And apartments worldwide. The south of France is the focus of historical monuments, architectural samples and colorful painting of various eras.


    Mentioned in times before our era, the city of Arles is a major cultural and historical center of the region. Attached people creative, Arles famous for art.

    The most famous historical monuments of Arlya belongs to antique root. This is an ancient city with a well-preserved amphitheater, large Roman baths and part of urban fortifications. And the ruins of the Imperial Palace today extend for as many as 300 meters.

    Another attraction is Necropolis Aliska. City museums, the embankment, on which Van Gogh wrote his paintings, like a local corrida, attract travelers from all over the globe.


    Being the cultural and religious center of France, Avignon is located in beautiful placewhere Durance and Ron rivers merge. The city center is so flooded with historical architectural monuments, which is entered into the register of historical heritage protected by the state.

    Avignon's fortress walls were erected in the XIV century and were intended to protect dad, nine of which were located here. The Big Papal Palace is one of the most attractive tourist places, opening for visitors the beauty of the Angels Tower, Treasury and Vintage Gardens.

    The suburbs of Avión are mansions of cardinals immersing in luxury, rich villas and vintage ruins.


    Conservative and aristocratic, ex-en-provence until the XII century was considered the capital of the province. Its famous not only by historical sights, the city is rich in markets with souvenir products inherent in this region. This, for example, anise liquor and lavender oil. Lavender itself, as a symbol of Provence, is often depicted in paintings, textiles and ceramics.

    Fountains, statues and medieval buildings surround tourists in this old town, where even the Town Hall Building itself is a historical monument.


    One of the most famous reserves of France, Kamarg, stretched on the majestic plateau framed by the Ron River and the Sea coast. Tourists visiting this place have the opportunity to enjoy wonderful landscapes and population of pink flamingos, stopping on lakes during annual migrations.

    Camargian White Horses and Black Bulls Along with Flamingo is a business card of the reserve. Preserved in Provence to date, the corrida with black bulls is a bright view, in which animals are not allowed to kill them.

    Mountain Massif Luberon

    The picturesque mountain range extends for several tens of kilometers, divided by the Ezburn River. The highest point is mun black. Here is the National Natural Park, in which there are small beautiful towns, drowning in the green of trees and flowers.

    Cycling, horseback and hiking routes are built in such a way that visitors can fully experience the beauty of the surrounding nature and spectacular species.

    The largest canyon of Europe

    The wonders of Provence are multifaceted and endless. One of these unique places is the Verdon Gorge located between the cities of Nice and Avignon. Travel road is laid along this deep canyon.

    Kitchen Provence

    Private attention should be given to olive cuisine. Growing in the cultivation of spices, the edge has delicious diet cuisine. Olive oil Here too local production. Among the dishes of olive cooking are a lot of vegetable and mushrooms from products grown in place.

    Lavender fields

    From mid-June Provence is visited by those who want to admire the abrase of lavender fields. The collected plants are subsequently processed in essential oilwhich is used to produce soap and cosmetics. It is Provence who belongs to the championship in terms of the grown lavender. At the same time with respect to small territory gives the world about 80% of lavender raw materials. Answering the question of what Provence is, it is safe to declare that it is endless lavender fields, vineyards, a warm sun and an original culture, which has absorbed age-old traditions.

    Features of olive style

    The style of Provence was chanting artists and poets, drawing inspiration at nature itself: warm sea, lavender fields, vineyards and lush gardens. The setting of comfort created by Provence has to rest, reflections, unhurried life away from the bustle of cities.

    When decorating an apartment or country house In the style of France Provence special attention is paid to materials and shades.

    Characteristic style features are:

    • natural materials in the design;
    • calm natural color gamut;
    • a large amount of textiles;
    • abundance of colors;
    • compilation;
    • accessories in the decor.

    Color palette and prints

    Thinking the interior in the style of Provence, it is necessary to repel from the warm natural color scheme characteristic of the azure coast. In the shades of furniture, finishing materials and accessories prevail:

    • white;
    • milk and beige;
    • brown;
    • tender shades of pink, yellow, mint and blue;
    • lavender;
    • gray, etc.

    The dominant pastel shades can be diluted with accents of terracotta or blue.

    Monophonic surfaces in Provence are combined with patterns:

    • strip;
    • cell;
    • floral motifs;
    • prints similar to prints from vintage mail envelopes.

    Materials and textures

    Among the materials of the finish:

    • a natural stone;
    • wood;
    • forging;
    • natural flax and cotton;
    • ceramics.

    Finishing the premises in Provence may have a somewhat rude view, which is designed to emphasize the natural textures of materials. This applies to textured plaster On the walls, and to the use of wooden ceiling beams. Wooden facing is often supplemented with outlining fragments wild Stone Or bricks on the walls. At the same time, the surfaces can be painted white and artificially made up.

    As outdoor coating A tile or tree is used in warm light shades.

    Furniture of the azure coast

    The style of the room is set by suitable furniture, which in Provence is interesting and beautiful with its authenticity. Furniture can be:

    • forged;
    • wooden;
    • wicker.

    Light colors for furniture are organically combined with the effect of the compilation - shabby and slightly plated paint, aged vensels. In this case, the texture of the tree and dark metal of wrought elements is most effectively attacked. Among the furniture can be presented:

    • cabinets;
    • buffets;
    • tables with chairs;
    • bedside tables and dressers, etc.

    Upholstered furniture - comfortable and quite solid, should have a natural upholstery in the colors of the style, supplemented with covers and decorative pillows.

    All charm of naturalness and European elegance has been reflected in style french Provence. The region combining the ancient historical monuments and old traditions, unites the centuries-old heritage of cultures. Beautiful landscapes, distinctive kitchen with good wine and warm climate Do not leave anyone indifferent. Reproduction of the free embodiment of the provincial life of past centuries in the interior of his house is a guarantee of the natural and truly spiritual atmosphere for true romantics.