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What are the options for laying a tile city city? Tile layout Old City Options Layouts Tiles Old Town

Paving tile and paving slabs provide ample opportunities in order to get a reliable, comfortable and beautiful coating for a garden path. In such a situation, it is very important to choose the right version of the design of the paving slabs and select the optimal option for its placement. To do this, you will get acquainted with the circumstances of the paving, the types of tiles and the variants of the styling patterns.

Considerate the features of tiles and paving zone

Of course, choosing a coating for the track, we dream of getting a colorful and unusual execution. However, not every tile is well suited in specific conditions, and not any drawing is consistent with the existing landscape. Industry offers a number of collections of paving slabs, each of which has its own characteristics and its own name.

Variants of sizes of blocks

Among other characteristics, the thickness of the tile is determined. So, for garden paths, the size of 30mm is suitable, at frequently used tracks in the yard will not break a paving 40mm thick, for a reliable platform for the car, a 60mm coating is needed.

To satisfy any needs, manufacturers offer paving elements of various thicknesses for each of the forms. The coating of 30mm thick and less called tiles, the samples of greater height is considered a parallery.

Choosing the elements of paving, should strive for the minimal volume of trimming, as this significantly increases the value of the material and the cost of time on the track.

Obviously, smaller paving elements provide great opportunities for organizing the coating of the desired width without trimming.

Select the tile configuration

Undoubtedly, the tile of the correct geometric shape (rectangle, square, rhombus) is much easier to lay. Note that the cutting volume is noticeably larger when using complex elements that will have to be cutting near the border. At the same time, the decorative value of the elements of paving arbitrary shape is significantly higher.

Some manufacturers offer halves of tiles (for example, "clover"), which partially compensate for the designated disadvantage. Sometimes the collection of blocks consist of elements of different sizes, folding into complete figures.

Color and gray pavement - Decorative value and material value

Decorative qualities and unusual sidewalk is easiest to ensure the use of multi-colored coating. At the same time, the design can be chaotic, have a geometric shape or consist of a bandwidth to the track at different angles. Note that color items are noticeably more expensive.

Turning to multi-colored decorations on the track, you should have a layout scheme, without which it is impossible to calculate the required number of elements of each color. It should be understood that the brightness and juice of the color of the real coating will strongly yield the image on paper.

Staying blocks and form of paving zone

The most complex in the paving curvilinear areas of the tracks. In this situation, you have to perform a large number of undergrowth paving. Thus, to choose in the country curvilinear, broken, radius forms of paths and intersections with an acute angle should be included in the following cases:

  • a complex geometry dictates the landscape features;
  • in order to correct the outlines of the site;
  • complex power improves landscape design.

That is, as in the case of the choice of colored or gray tiles, when planning the shape of the tracks, the decorative qualities of the coating come into conflict with their value. It should be taken into account, the greater the pavement site, the smaller the cutting parts of the blocks installed between the whole elements and the border are noticeable. At the same time, the laying technology follows that the perimeter of the path in the country is framed by curbstone, which has a proper geometric shape.

To organize a fence in areas of complex outlines, it is possible to use the installed vertically cylindrical border, which will slightly reduce the volume of the trimming. However, it is worth such a fence more than usual and mounted it more difficult.

Popular tile laying techniques

For each collection of tiles there is a classic styling with which we will get acquainted.

At the same time, in any case, it is very convenient and efficiently planing the tile layout on the computer screen, which is possible to do it yourself even in a publicly available text editor.

This will allow you to quickly choose the necessary type of design of the coating and easily calculate the desired number of all its components. To begin with, you will get acquainted with the general factors determining the selection of the layout of the pavement elements in the country.

The easiest way to lay a rectangular tile on rectilinear sites and along curbstone stone. Laying rectangular elements diagonally will require trimming of each pavement tile at the curb. The pavement can be laid out with a displacement or coincidence of transverse seams, pairs or at right angles. The tile of the same sizes is possible to decompose according to the pattern or in disorder.

If the tile has non-linear shapes, the seams and various patterns of patterns are allowed. When paving the tracks with bends, longitudinal seams for tiles with a length and short side can be conveniently oriented in different directions.

The combination of turbines with lawn grass allows you to harmoniously link the pavement tile of any shape with a pavement section. In order for the elements of the drain system (rain-seekers, hatches, trays), did not spoil the planned drawing, you should begin laying the coating from them.

Large patterns are appropriate on large coverage areas.

Color items of paving having a central or radial symmetry axis will help to highlight the direction of movement on the track.

One of the options for laying paving slabs on curvilinear sites is the performance of wedge-shaped seams. At the same time, the violation of the pattern, almost, imperceptibly.

Harmonious and naturally looks like a winding path laid out by the Christmas tree.

Schemes layout paving "Brick"

Laming "Brick" usually has a size of 10x200mm and different thickness. Before you, several examples of styling a christmas tree. In this case, paving elements are located at a right angle to each other, and the pattern is often oriented along the direction of movement.

The coating of this type can be laid with dressing, that is, with a displacement of seams by 10cmm. If the masonry pattern consists of halves tiles in the center, and around 4 whole bricks are located, the "Well" is displayed. Parameted elements of two colors forms the "Chess Board" masonry. The pair location of the blocks at right angles to each other is called blocks.

A few more types of layouts of the brick paving "brick" allow you to evaluate the wide opportunities for creativity and make your own ornament.

Laming "Brick" is very convenient at the intersections, in the corners and on the steps. On the garden paths with a thickness of 8cm and laying on the solution, such an element can perform the function of the border.

We put "rhombus"

The standard diagonal paving "rhombus" has a size diagonal 32x19cm. A special form of a pavement element provides for only one layout scheme. However, the use of coating of different color provides several decorative species.

Laying "Roma" hexagon provides for the contact of three tiles with a blunt angle at a common point. Laying "Ornament" involves the design of figures in one color. When six tiles are found with a sharp angle at one point, it is called a star. For the organization of 3D pattern, you need three tiles of different colors, two of them must be a shade of one color.

Pleasant news: Some manufacturers offer halves of rhombus in long and short diagonals for styling from curbs and walls. Several examples of the layout of the rhombus using different colors will help choose a suitable laying method of styling.

Application options "Old Town" collection

The "Old Town" collection offers 4 versions of the paving, depending on the length: 60, 90, 120 and 180 mm with a width of 120mm. In addition, there are two elements in the form of a trapezium with different slopes of lateral sides. This makes it easy to pave curvilinear and complex surfaces, the organization of diverse drawings and ornaments.

The longitudinal laying of the blocking the "Old Town" paving.

The transverse layout involves the location of the seams perpendicular to the direction of the track.

Multicolored layout option involves any method of laying relative to the seams.

Embedded elements of LED lighting significantly enhance the aesthetics of paving in the dark.

The chaotic layout allows you to lay a tile of different colors in an arbitrary order. Obviously, in this case there is a wide field for fantasy and self-realization.

Several types of coating design using the Old Town collection will help determine the choice of the desired option.

Features of the organization of the geometric drawing of the "Old Town" set.

The wide possibilities of the "Old Town" in the new city.

How the "clover" flources

Currently, the modification of "clover" is most common, consisting of one tile of 218x267mm. Some manufacturers offer parts of the elements of the collection, which eliminates trimming by the curb. Clover layout circuits are not too much.

Several examples of the calculation of this species will help to determine the selection of pavers.

Schemes layout "Wave"

Laming "Wave" has dimensions11x22cm. Elements of this species allow laying with offset relative to each other and at right angles. The slight irregularity of the sidewall tile does not interfere with its laying along the border without trimming.

A variety of examples of ways of laying the waves allow you to evaluate its advantages.

Schemes layout "Coil"

Laming "The coil" has dimensions of 17x20cm. The "coil" suggests styling with offset relative to each other, along the track and across.

Several photos of the coil layout explains its features of its use. If you fail to get ready-made half of the elements, then with longitudinal laying you will have to cut each tile, and with a transverse one - through one.

Examples of layout less popular collections

Street, country and garden landscapes are drawn up today on modern trends. The design technology is distinguished by different techniques and a unique combination of shades, as well as colors. Today it has become possible to use dyes and innovative raw materials that have high quality. This can also be said about strengthening materials.

Thus, manufacturers offer paving slabs with high operational and aesthetic characteristics. Such a variety allows you to turn around the fantasy of the site owner, ensuring the safety and beauty of street and receiving tracks, sites, sidewalks and areas.

Tile "Old Town", the options for stacking which will be discussed below is an excellent example of how diverse installation schemes can be. A rather important factor is also a color scheme, to fully appreciate which you can after the monstering snow or summer rain. A unique effect can be achieved thanks to the quality and format of the surface.


The paving slabs "Old Town" is presented in the most popular and common types of coating. Manufacturers offer a variety of colors and sizes that allow you to equip the exteriors of the yard, space near the entrance door or the porch, as well as the area of \u200b\u200bthe pedestrian street and different objects.

The described tile has a variety of fragment parameters. Three categories of thicknesses can be distinguished. For example, 40mm pavetling stacked on paving tracks. 60-mm tile is suitable for territories with an average load, while 80mm products can provide strength in the venue of the car parking and in the passage areas.

Paving tile "Old Town" has a length of from 60 to 180 mm. The width is standard and is 120 mm. The mass of one square meter may vary in the range from 94 to 189 kg. The class of concoction used by frost resistance can be presented B20-30-35. The level of abrasion is 6%.

Stacking Technology: Preparatory Stage

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare standard tools and materials. It is important to determine the amount of materials. One square meter of the square should be stocking cement in an amount of 25 kg. For the same volume of work, three sand bag should be purchased. Specialists recommend purchasing materials with some reserve, this will allow you to take into account specific soil conditions, project loads, terrain relief and other conditions. The toolkit is not so diverse, it consists of:

  • marking cord;
  • shovel;
  • ropes;
  • workman;
  • household broom;
  • level.

Algorithm of work

The technology of laying paving slabs "Old Town" provides on the first stage the leveling of surface drops. The master will have to align the soil. In the second stage there is a markup of the outlines of the tracks. It is important to ensure the admission of the width of the border.

Next are mounted border elements. Now you can begin the preparation of a mixture of cement and sand in a ratio of 1 to 3. The composition is placed to strengthen the border. Given the characteristics of the sketch, you can start styling a paving. Elements should be allowed to be allowed and customized in height using rubber inquiry.

Stacking options: Installation on primer with the basis

Tile "Old Town", whose figured elements can be laid according to a specific scheme, sometimes mounted on the primer with the base. As the main difference from technology that does not provide for the presence of the basis, it is necessary to create an additional layer of foundation. It will be tough, and is a pillow of concrete or rubble. Such a layer excludes the spreading of the track and its partial seating.

The primer layer when installing on a concrete basis may be minimal. It will provide only fixation on the surface. Characteristics of the Tile "Old Town" were mentioned above, however, they are not all that the master should be known. Before starting work, it is necessary to ask what the technology of laying material. Starting manipulation is necessary in dry weather. Wash coverage First time after laying is not recommended.

Layout schemes

If you have a "Old Town" tile, options for finishing the track in the garden, the options for laying this material you should be studied. It should be remembered that all trapezoidal and rectangular elements have the same width. Therefore, the tile can be laid across or along the tracks with separate stripes.

The most difficult option for paving the territory in the courtyard of the house is the scheme of the chaotic location of the elements. In this case, transverse and longitudinal seams are excluded. If the material has to be laid in direct areas, then you can use a cross-seam scheme. In this case, elements with different sizes are stacked between the wets. It is necessary to navigate the width that is the same for all elements.

The laying scheme may provide for the formation of a longitudinal seam. This method can be compared with the above, but the bands in this case are formed along the track. Another option laying the tile "Old Town" is a scheme without seams. It is the most difficult and usually designed in a graphic editor. In order to increase the artistic value of the composition, you should purchase color items that are stacked in an arbitrary position.

For registration of radius and winding sites, it is possible to use the elements of the FEM trapezoidal form. They are specially designed for complex territories. These components have different dimensions and allow you to maximize the design at intersections and turns. These zones can be decorated with rectangular stones if necessary. Stop the tile on the radius section should be started from the inside. The seams between the elements are lined with the wedge. Straight areas are usually fitted with ordinary tiles, while concentrated circles and radius areas are decorated with a wedge-shaped paving.

Alternative schemes

Considering the options for laying the "Old Town" tile, you must pay attention to the radius ornaments. Configuration of the territory and laying scheme can be any. However, the tile can be laid taking into account the integration of any drawing or ornament. The color can be distinguished by the space at the wipers, laying the bright shade tile into several rows.

In large areas, you can lay out a geometric pattern using narrow bands. Zoning looks very profitable. In this case, the width of the ribbon is comparable to the sidewalk parameters, and the drawing acts as the main element of the design, attention is concentrated on it.

Considering the layout of paving slabs "Old Town", you can choose a Christmas tree pattern. In this case, two or more colors alternate, which will depend on the preferences of the owner. The territory may be motley, in this case it will take several colors, the emphasis shifts to transverse and longitudinal seams, as well as on the original texture of the composition.


They ate as finishing the garden of the garden, you decided to prefer the paving slabs "Old Town", the manufacturer must be chosen. Among other things, Brother's products are presented. This Moscow provider offers tiles at a price of 617 rubles. per square meter.

Features of paving slabs "Old Town"

All items from the "Old Town" collection have the same 120 millimeters width. Such a feature allows the sidewalk to the pavement tile by strips using at once all 5 species of rectangular elements. Strips can go both along and across a garden path or sidewalk.

Laying of direct sections of paving paving slabs

There are the following layout schemes "Old Town" for direct sections:

  • Transverse seam. Elements of different sizes and colors are stacked in the width of the path or sidewalk.
  • Longitudinal seam. The laying is made on the same principle along the sidewalk.

  • Combining transverse and longitudinal seams. In such a scheme, the longitudinal seams go into one row along the edges of the track, creating the effect of the presence of borders. Inside, the tile is placed in transverse seams.
  • Chaotic tile layout. The length of the rectangular elements of the tile "Old Town" is a multiple total value. Thanks to this, you can produce chaotic laying of tiles without gaps.

In direct areas you can use mainly gray-colored paving slabs. Colored elements can be added to laying through arbitrary gaps, creating a chaotic pattern of the track. The second version of arbitrary color layouts of the tile is zoning the path or sidewalk. For example, the edges of the track are brushed with gray elements, and in the central part laid color tiles (preferably of the same color).

Laying of winding pavements Tile "Old Town"

Winding gardens can be coated with rectangular elements of paving slabs "Old Town". To do this, there is no need to order trapezoidal elements that have not every supplier. The rounded chamfer tile of this collection allows you to reduce the area of \u200b\u200bgaps between the elements when laying winding sidewalks. In this case, visually more beautiful and more reliable will be labeled only by longitudinal seams.

Color schemes layout paving slabs "Old Town"

For the tile "Old Town" there are many color schemes. Here is some of them.

Using 1-2 longitudinal rows of one color along the edge of the track or site for imitation of the flavor.

Creating a geometric pattern with a drawing duplication on a large paving area.

Zoning in color of individual sites.

Diagonal stripes or christmas pattern on a large platform.

Pepling chaotic layout diagram of elements of different colors. For this scheme, it is necessary to purchase elements of the "Old Town" collection from our company of all four colors. The chaotic color scheme allows you to shift the focus on the transverse or longitudinal seams on the originality of the texture of the overall composition on the crucible area.

As you can see, the collection of paving slabs "Old Town" is a universal finishing material for garden tracks, sidewalks and vehicles for transport. Thanks to the rectangular form, the choice of layout schemes from the "Old Town" is much larger than other types of tiles.


Schemes of laying paving slabs "Old Town"

The scarf of this species is unique to the set of concrete tiles included in it. It consists of sets with dimensions:

  • tiles size 118 * 178 * 60,
  • tiles measuring 118 * 118 * 60,
  • tiles measuring 88 * 118 * 60.

Because of this tile laying scheme, quite original are also obtained. They are not always easy to estimate in the head, you need to sit down and draw on paper or search for options on the Internet. We offer you several popular and beautiful ideas to choose from:

In addition, this tile can be combined with the usual brick or other species - so you can reduce the project and make it even more interesting and original.

Preparation of the laying surface

Consider how to make the styling of paving slabs Old Town do it yourself.

  1. Initially, it is worth making an objective assessment of the old surface.
  2. Next, it is necessary to make accurate marking of the area on which the paving slabs will be laid, it is better to use the construction line - it is more reliable.
  3. On the stretched fishing line, a place under the border is prepared, do not forget about the clearance of 2-3 centimeters, which will be used to accurate curb.
  4. The curb itself needs to be fixed with a solution of cement sand in proportion 1: 4 is the most common and reliable combination. Immediately proceed to the base for the tile is not worth it, you need to wait for the clutch of the solution and border.
  5. The base should consist of dropout or sand, which is added to the cement in proportions 1: 6. The finished mixture should be eliminated with a six centimeter layer and perfectly leveled. 6 centimeters of the mixture will perfectly cope with the drainage.
  6. To avoid tile drawing after laying, the surface must be rich in water.
  7. For the coupling of the sand, it is better to use a special vibropress, you can rent it. It is manual and mechanical, they have electrical or gasoline engines. Experts choose the vibropress (trimmer) mechanical.

Stages of laying tile

Upon receipt of the perfectly smooth and tumped surface (layer 1), you can already prepare the second surface (layer 2). It is not necessary to break, but the composition should be made of cement and sand, the ratio of 1: 5, the thickness is no more than 2 cm. Find the second layer by the beaches, but each specialist works with a tool comfortable for it. After the work done, you can start laying the tile.

Scheme laying paving slabs Old Town will not create a lot of trouble, when working with a tile, you just need to monitor the pattern. There are several ways:

  1. Rubber or wooden hammer. The tile is laid on its place and tamper;
  2. Vibrotrambovka. The entire tile with the pattern is stacked, then the rubber sheet is paved under the tamper, and we go through all tiles.

Final stage - rubbing seams

For this stage, it is better to take river dry sand and with a brush everything is thoroughly mixed, but you can use the usual broom. After all moisten with water.

Be sure to fail in some places in some places and the procedure is to repeat again after a while. After passing all the stages, the tile will not be fused under the legs.

In such a simple way, you can get a surprisingly beautiful paving pattern, after which you all guests are with pride to say what the styling of the tile old city themselves!

For clarity, you can also familiarize yourself with the video instructions:



The range of this paving is one of the most common and sought-after types of paving coverage. It is easy to understand, manufacturers offer various sizes and colors, it allows you to equip the interiors of the courtyard, space near the porch or entrance door, a large area, a pedestrian street and other objects. Despite the fact that it is a modern and high-tech material, it also has certain priorities, which are very significant and insignificant controversial qualities. The advantages of this wonderful material are:

  • A wide range of design solutions that are carried out due to the diversity of colors.
  • Technology allows you to get tiled with high resistance to low temperatures. With proper laying on the surface of the seamless texture of the paving, moisture is not stuffed.
  • Not polished surfaces, provide the effect of anti-slip, is a safe sidewalk, stopping public vehicles, platforms of filling stations.
  • High Ecological Cleaning Indicators. In hot summer days, no harmful substances are released in the air.
  • The best option that allows you to combine democratic prices and excellent quality.
  • Ease of operation and repair of a damaged area.
  • Minimum auxiliary materials.

In the photo - the option of laying paving slabs Old Town:

In addition to all listed qualities, the tile old city has another priority - fragment parameters. Today, all manufacturers offer products with the following dimensions. Three categories of thickness:

The technical indicators of this popular material are as follows:

  • Fragment length - 60/90/120/180 mm.
  • Width - 120 mm.
  • Height - 40.60.80 mm.
  • Massa -94-141-189 kg / square meters. m.
  • Concrete class B20-30-35 frost resistance.
  • Water absorption cycle F200.
  • Erase rate no more than 6%

Variants of drawings and patterns, laying scheme

Before laying pavement tiles, you should prepare standard materials and tools, as well as laying geotextiles. Calculate the number of preparatory materials simply. Per quarter. The meter of the square is the optimal option will be stocking cement in the amount of 25 kg, three sand bags and the same amount of sand. This is a classic ratio, more practical to make a margin, taking into account specific soil conditions, terrain, project loads and other conditions. The toolkit is quite simple. It consists of two shovels, marking lace or rope, it is necessary to include trowel, level, and household soft broom.

On the video - Laying Tiles Old Town do it yourself:

Technological bases of laying are as follows:

  1. Leveling surface drops for laying, soil leveling.
  2. The markup of the outlines of the planned tracks, the admission is required to the width of the border.
  3. Installation of border elements.
  4. Preparation of the sandy cement mixture, in proportion 3/1. She strengthens the established border.
  5. In accordance with the sketches, the blocks are stacked, the elements are well docked together and are adjusted in height with the help of rubber inquiry.
  6. Formation of slope for water drain.
  7. After the end of laying a paving slaves, the entire track falls asleep with primer, it is especially important to fill the gaps. Excessive clean with a broom.

The link describes the laying technology of blocks in detail. Creating the main sketch of the sidewalk from the paving the old city must be remembered, one pattern. This is a strict geometry and the presence of lines of transverse or longitudinal directions. In addition, the selection of colors is important - a contrast combination or scheme "Chaos" when the designer simply improvises. Applicable use of braid circuit, parquet, Christmas tree, various ornaments resembling the traditions of Italian and Arab masters. But these options for laying paving slabs are some departure from the classic scheme. Here you can see various options for laying paving slabs blocks. It is also necessary to take into account some subtleties in laying this type of blocks that do not need to neglect. First of all, it is necessary to work only in dry weather, some time after laying the sidewalk it should not be washed, thoroughly clean her surface from cement residues, this tile for the track in the country quickly absorbs foreign substances and loses its appearance and color.

Types of paving slabs

According to the material of the manufacture of a paving, it happens:

  • concrete;
  • clinker;
  • granite.

The technology of the production of concrete paversing is to vibrating concrete casting with the addition of pigments and other impurities that ensure the performance of the material. The concrete pavement is highly durable, but susceptible to the effects of the acid medium. With prolonged contact with acid on the surface of concrete paving slabs, traces of corrosion appear.

The clinker pavers is made of special clay rocks by firing in a blast furnace. The product is resistant to the effects of ultraviolet rays and low temperatures, to mechanical damage, does not absorb preciputes.

The granite pavement is made from natural stone, the coating of granite is the most durable and durable. The life of the granite pavement exceeds 50 years. Depending on the production technology, the following types of granite blocks are distinguished:

  • kololaya - the product with uneven faces, obtained by splitting the stone block on the elements;
  • the sawn - the stone, processed on the machine, is characterized by six perfectly smooth faces.

Methods of laying a blocking

Low blocking can be laid in several ways:

  • on a sand pillow;
  • on the cement-sand mix;
  • on a concrete basis.

The method of laying paversing on sand is used for the paving pedestrian tracks, household sites and other sections with a low passage load. Under the device for cars for passenger cars, a blocking can be put on the crushed stone either on a mixture of sand with cement.

The laying technology of pavers on a concrete base is considered the most reliable, road pavement laid on concrete are distinguished by resistance to sending. The method can be used to cover road sections with a large load.

Important! Road coating work should be carried out in dry weather.

How to properly lay a paving on a concrete basis

Laying paversing with their own hands is performed using the following tools and devices:

  • shovel;
  • kiyanka;
  • building level;
  • master OK;
  • pegs;
  • cord;
  • broom;
  • rake;
  • manual or vibration traam;
  • reiki;
  • bulgarian.

List of building materials:

  • paving slabs;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • borders.

The laying technology of the paversing includes four main stages:

  • preparation of the foundation;
  • concrete base device;
  • installation of pavers.

Preparation of the foundation

At the preparatory stage, the land is purified from roots and different kinds of vegetation. Perform the markup of the site under the laying of the paving strokes through pegs and cord. The garment is made, the depth of the pit is about 25-40 centimeters.

At the stage of preparing the base under the paving slabs, it is worth taking care of the drainage of atmospheric precipitation. Water drain can be organized in a transverse, longitudinal or cross-longitudinal direction. The bias for water flow should be at least 5 0.

With the help of manual or vibrotability seal the Earth. In order for the sidewalks through the seams of paving slabs, weeds, the plot is covered with a layer of geotextiles.

The next step of preparatory work is to create a pillow of sand. The previously prepared land plot is covered with a layer of sand, the thickness of the layer of about 10 cm. The sandy base is moisturized and trambed.

A layer of fine-flow rubble (rubble fraction 5-20 mm) poured into the laid sand. The surface is planned and compacted using a tamper. The crossbank layer is poured by a cement screed. After drying the solution, they perform a second layer of sprinkle from rubble, bringing rubbed pie to a height of 15 cm.

Concrete base device

Preparation of base from concrete is performed in the following sequence:

  • along the perimeter of the platform to be paved by the road tiles, set formwork;
  • prepare a concrete mix. The composition of the concrete mix includes cement, sand and crushed stone in the proportion of 1/3/2;
  • the previously prepared rubbery pie poured a concrete mix of a layer thickness to 5 centimeters;
  • to enhance the structure, the reinforcing grid is placed on the concrete basis;
  • on top of the reinforcing mesh, the second layer of concrete is poured. The thickness of the concrete layer ranges from 5 to 10 centimeters.

When arranging a concrete basis, it is necessary to pay special attention to the issue of water disposal. Specialists recommend providing dotted moisture applicants or a straw.

The laying of the blocks is made in two or three days after soaring the concrete coating, but the curbs are installed before that.

Installation of borders

Before putting the borders perform the dismantling of the formwork, along the concrete base, they pump the trench, produce a frighting of the RAA fine-phrase rubble.

The height of the border must correspond to the height of the finished road surface, the cord is pulled to comply with the required level.

Borders are put on a concrete solution, such a method of fixation will ensure the durability and strength of the structure. The elements are exhibited at a distance of about 3 mm from each other, drive into a fresh solution with a rubber hammer. The concreted border must dry, after drying the solution, the clearance between the walls of the trench and the enclosing elements fall asleep with sand. Sand is wetted with water and seal by tamping. Next, you can proceed to the next stage of work.

Laying paving slats on concrete base

There are several laying of paving stacking on the concrete basis. One of them involves the installation of paving slabs on a dry mixture of cement with sand (method of herbs), the second - on the cement-sandy solution.

To mount the pavement to the galts, the layer of dry cement-sand mixture is fired on top of the concrete base. The layer thickness ranges in the range from 5 to 6 centimeters. The pavement tile is placed on the galts, in accordance with the selected scheme, and it is rambling with a rubber hammer. Installation of paving slabs produce from the curb, moving from above down towards the drain.

Power on the cement-sandy solution is considered more reliable and durable, however, the dismantling of the coating without damage to the tile will be no longer possible. The coating technology for the finished solution is as follows: the cement-sand mixture is prepared, which, with the help of a trowel, is laid out on the prepared foundation. The solution layer should be two or three centimeters. The pavement is pressed into a fresh solution, the position of the tile is adjusted using a ciyenka. The distance between paving elements should not exceed 1-2 mm. Fitting paving slabs in size is performed using a grinder. During the work, the correct installation of the horizontal checks the construction level.

For paving large areas, a paving styling machine is used. Laying the paving coating using mechanization means can significantly increase the efficiency and speed of work.

After performing installation work, the seams between the elements of the pavement are covered with a dry mixture of cement with sand. With the help of water seal a layer of herbs. The procedure is repeated until the seams are not fully filled with a mixture. The area of \u200b\u200bthe coating paved in a paving, is operating in two or three days.

Types of drawings of laying paving slabs There are many, one of the most popular types of blocks is the "Old Town". Tile for paving road surfaces "Old Town" is a set consisting of 3 or 4 elements with rounded corners. Stones differ in size and colors.

Scheme laying paving slabs completely depends on the designer's imagination. One of the options laying paving the old town is a combination of three colors (for example, yellow, brown and peach) in an equal proportion, laid out in chaotic order. Another option is the laying paving slabs with the use of a combination of two colors, along the edges of the track laying the stones of the same color, which go to another color gamut to the center.

We offer to watch the video, which shows the process of laying pavers on a concrete base:

Type of production

The shape of such a tile is in the form of a square, rectangle and trapezium.

By type of production Tile, the Old Town is divided into:

According to the color scheme, the paving slabs happens: brown, peach, gray, green, white, red and yellow.

Schemes layout paving slabs Old city

Due to different colors and sizes of the tile, you can come up with an infinite number of laying schemes. Due to its small tile, the old town looks harmoniously both on large areas and on small streets.

Tile Old Town has a number of advantages over other types of tiles, which allows it to be used in the most hard-to-reach and narrow places.

With its help, you can lay out complex drawings from simple details. Different size allows you to lay the tile without freight. This positively adds on the budget of any city.

Any complex drawing can be postponed, and it will look harmonious, both on paths and porches and on the roadway and sidewalks.

Tile do it yourself

If you have your own home and a big plot, and you want to make any highlight on the site, we recommend that you make the old town to do with your own tiles. Currently, in building stores, you can purchase all the necessary tools.

For the production of tiles at home you will need vibrationtol, infusion form, color pigment, plasticizer, well, and, of course, a desire, and some skill in this matter.

If you already imagine what kind of pattern you want to see in your yard, you just will only remain to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe stacked surface and the number of consumables.

The cost of paving slabs

Let's look at what the Tile value is the old town, and at what price you can buy paving slabs.

First, the cost depends on the type of cement that went to the manufacture of tiles. There are conventional gray cement and elite Turkish white.

Secondly, on the quantity and type of color pigment, which is part of the solution. The cheapest white version, the most expensive black, respectively.

Thirdly, this is the weight and size of the product. Here everything is clear, the larger the area and the weight of the tile, the more expensive it will be more expensive.

Middle Price tag Tile Old Town ranges from 400 to 900 rubles per square meter.

If you decide to post the track on your site with such a tile, we recommend not to save, because you will walk on it every day, so you just need to spend time, put a beautiful pattern, and then admire the work every day.

Options Pattern Paving Tile

From what color and type to use the slab will depend on the final result and the quality of the work performed. To date, there are many options for laying paving slabs.

Consider commonly found:

We looked at all kinds of paving slabs Old Town, patterns of patterns and layout schemes.

You can, if you wish to make such a tile on your own by purchasing the necessary materials and equipment for this.

And you can buy a tile from the manufacturer, for this you just need to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory on which we must be laid tiles.

Characteristics and features of the decorative paving slabs "Old Town". Laming Old Town Styling Scheme

Characteristics of tile

  • abrasability - 0.7 g / cm2;

Configuration and sizes

  • 12 x 6 cm;
  • 12 x 9 cm;
  • 12 x 12 cm;
  • 12 x 18 cm.

  • 5.3 / 6.3 cm;
  • 6.3 / 7.3 cm;
  • 7.3 / 8.3 cm;
  • 8.3 / 9.3 cm;
  • 9.3 / 10.3 cm.

Schemes and layout options

General principles

Decorating direct plots

Figure and ornament

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Tile Old Town: laying options, schemes, drawings

The current trends in the design of garden, country, street landscape are distinguished by a variety of technological techniques and uniqueness of combinations of colors and shades. Thanks to the use of modern dyes, innovative raw materials, excellent high-quality fastening materials, manufacturers offer unique types of paving slabs on operational and aesthetic qualities.

Such a variety allows you to turn around the designer thought and fantasy of the owner of the site, to ensure the beauty and safety of the doomes and street tracks, sidewalks, sites and squares. In this context, certain stylistic directions should be considered, which can be created due to one or another type of tiles. Tile Old Town is an example of how diverse types of laying can be used. No less important is the color range of this line of products, which can be estimated after a warm summer rain or melting snow. And the format and surface quality will allow to obtain a completely unique effect. This is a sidewalk of a small medieval town, stepping on which you can get on the streets of the most famous vintage historical places in Europe.


The range of this paving is one of the most common and sought-after types of paving coverage. It is easy to understand, manufacturers offer various sizes and colors, it allows you to equip the interiors of the courtyard, space near the porch or entrance door, a large area, a pedestrian street and other objects. Despite the fact that it is a modern and high-tech material, it also has certain priorities, which are very significant and insignificant controversial qualities. The advantages of this wonderful material are:

  • A wide range of design solutions that are carried out due to the diversity of colors.
  • Technology allows you to get tiled with high resistance to low temperatures. With proper laying on the surface of the paving, moisture is not stored.
  • Not polished surfaces, provide the effect of anti-slip, is a safe sidewalk, stopping public vehicles, platforms of filling stations.
  • High Ecological Cleaning Indicators. In hot summer days, no harmful substances are released in the air.
  • The best option that allows you to combine democratic prices and excellent quality.
  • Ease of operation and repair of a damaged area.
  • Minimum auxiliary materials.

In the photo - the option of laying paving slabs Old Town:

In addition to all listed qualities, the tile old city has another priority - fragment parameters. Today, all manufacturers offer products with the following dimensions. Three categories of thickness:

The technical indicators of this popular material are as follows:

  • Fragment length - 60/90/120/180 mm.
  • Width - 120 mm.
  • Height - 40.60.80 mm.
  • Massa -94-141-189 kg / square meters. m.
  • Concrete class B20-30-35 frost resistance.
  • Water absorption cycle F200.
  • Erase rate no more than 6%

Variants of drawings and patterns, laying scheme

To begin work, standard materials and tools should be prepared. Calculate the number of preparatory materials simply. Per quarter. The meter of the square is the optimal option will be stocking cement in the amount of 25 kg, three sand bags and the same amount of sand. This is a classic ratio, more practical to make a margin, taking into account specific soil conditions, terrain, project loads and other conditions. The toolkit is quite simple. It consists of two shovels, marking lace or rope, it is necessary to include trowel, level, and household soft broom.

On the video - Laying Tiles Old Town do it yourself:

Technological bases of laying are as follows:

  1. Leveling surface drops for laying, soil leveling.
  2. The markup of the outlines of the planned tracks, the admission is required to the width of the border.
  3. Installation of border elements.
  4. Preparation of the sandy cement mixture, in proportion 3/1. She strengthens the established border.
  5. In accordance with the sketches, the blocks are stacked, the elements are well docked together and are adjusted in height with the help of rubber inquiry.
  6. Formation of slope for water drain.
  7. After the end of laying a paving slaves, the entire track falls asleep with primer, it is especially important to fill the gaps. Excessive clean with a broom.

The link describes the laying technology of blocks in detail. Creating the main sketch of the sidewalk from the paving the old city must be remembered, one pattern. This is a strict geometry and the presence of lines of transverse or longitudinal directions. In addition, the selection of colors is important - a contrast combination or scheme "Chaos" when the designer simply improvises. Applicable use of braid circuit, parquet, Christmas tree, various ornaments resembling the traditions of Italian and Arab masters. But these options are some departure from the classic scheme. Here you can see various options for laying paving slabs blocks. It is also necessary to take into account some subtleties in laying this type of blocks that do not need to neglect. First of all, it is necessary to work only in dry weather, some time after laying the sidewalk it should not be washed, carefully clean her surface from cement residues, this tile quickly absorbs foreign substances and loses its appearance and color.

Read also material about tile texture.

Prices for tile and its laying

The price aspect of the paving the old town is quite democratic. Depending on the manufacturer and the popularity of the color gamma, the price of a square meter may be as follows:

The cost of laying usually fluctuates several depending on the category of the company producing these works and other factors. Typically, the base value is 2.1 - $ 2.5 for laying one square meter tile. This includes the production of all the work, starting from the zero cycle and before commissioning.

In modern conditions, the assortment row of tiles Old Town is one of the most popular for the design of objects of different purposes. It is bright, diverse, has excellent durability and safety indicators, which is very important for regions with a long cold period. It is also important and the factor of the democratic price and simplicity of laying. Tile does not arrive in maintenance and repair. This makes it the most successful solution for the design and organization of various pavement coatings.

Laying of paving slabs "Old Town" do it yourself + installation schemes

Paving slabs is the face of a residential building, public institution or street. It is not surprising that the tile of the old town is so common, and it loves a large number of buyers. It differs from other types of tiles originality, however, because of this, laying of paving slabs The old town has many variations that even hard to imagine themselves. A, adding the old city into the overall picture to the overall picture, you can create a more colorful look. It is worth considering the options for combining colors and styling.

Schemes of laying paving slabs "Old Town"

The scarf of this species is unique to the set of concrete tiles included in it. It consists of sets with dimensions:

  • tiles size 118 * 178 * 60,
  • tiles measuring 118 * 118 * 60,
  • tiles measuring 88 * 118 * 60.

Because of this tile laying scheme, quite original are also obtained. They are not always easy to estimate in the head, you need to sit down and draw on paper or search for options on the Internet. We offer you several popular and beautiful ideas to choose from:

In addition, this tile can be combined with the usual brick or other species - so you can reduce the project and make it even more interesting and original.

Preparation of the laying surface

Consider how to make the styling of paving slabs Old Town do it yourself.

  1. Initially, it is worth making an objective assessment of the old surface.
  2. Next, it is necessary to make accurate marking of the area on which the paving slabs will be laid, it is better to use the construction line - it is more reliable.
  3. On the stretched fishing line, a place under the border is prepared, do not forget about the clearance of 2-3 centimeters, which will be used to accurate curb.
  4. The curb itself needs to be fixed with a solution of cement sand in proportion 1: 4 is the most common and reliable combination. Immediately proceed to the base for the tile is not worth it, you need to wait for the clutch of the solution and border.
  5. The base should consist of dropout or sand, which is added to the cement in proportions 1: 6. The finished mixture should be eliminated with a six centimeter layer and perfectly leveled. 6 centimeters of the mixture will perfectly cope with the drainage.
  6. To avoid tile drawing after laying, the surface must be rich in water.
  7. For the coupling of the sand, it is better to use a special vibropress, you can rent it. It is manual and mechanical, they have electrical or gasoline engines. Experts choose the vibropress (trimmer) mechanical.

Stages of laying tile

Upon receipt of the perfectly smooth and tumped surface (layer 1), you can already prepare the second surface (layer 2). It is not necessary to break, but the composition should be made of cement and sand, the ratio of 1: 5, the thickness is no more than 2 cm. Find the second layer by the beaches, but each specialist works with a tool comfortable for it. After the work done, you can start laying the tile.

Scheme laying paving slabs Old Town will not create a lot of trouble, when working with a tile, you just need to monitor the pattern. There are several ways:

  1. Rubber or wooden hammer. The tile is laid on its place and tamper;
  2. Vibrotrambovka. The entire tile with the pattern is stacked, then the rubber sheet is paved under the tamper, and we go through all tiles.

Final stage - rubbing seams

For this stage, it is better to take river dry sand and with a brush everything is thoroughly mixed, but you can use the usual broom. After all moisten with water.

Be sure to fail in some places in some places and the procedure is to repeat again after a while. After passing all the stages, the tile will not be fused under the legs.

In such a simple way, you can get a surprisingly beautiful paving pattern, after which you all guests are with pride to say what the styling of the tile old city themselves!

For clarity, you can also familiarize yourself with the video instructions:


Paving tile "Old Town": laying options, technology, layout schemes

Street, country and garden landscapes are drawn up today on modern trends. The design technology is distinguished by different techniques and a unique combination of shades, as well as colors.

Today it has become possible to use dyes and innovative raw materials that have high quality. This can also be said about strengthening materials.

Thus, manufacturers offer paving slabs with high operational and aesthetic characteristics. Such a variety allows you to turn around the fantasy of the site owner, ensuring the safety and beauty of street and receiving tracks, sites, sidewalks and areas.

Tile "Old Town", the options for stacking which will be discussed below is an excellent example of how diverse installation schemes can be. A rather important factor is also a color scheme, to fully appreciate which you can after the monstering snow or summer rain. A unique effect can be achieved thanks to the quality and format of the surface.


The paving slabs "Old Town" is presented in the most popular and common types of coating. Manufacturers offer a variety of colors and sizes that allow you to equip the exteriors of the yard, space near the entrance door or the porch, as well as the area of \u200b\u200bthe pedestrian street and different objects.

The described tile has a variety of fragment parameters. Three categories of thicknesses can be distinguished. For example, 40mm pavetling stacked on paving tracks. 60-mm tile is suitable for territories with an average load, while 80mm products can provide strength in the venue of the car parking and in the passage areas.

Paving tile "Old Town" has a length of from 60 to 180 mm. The width is standard and is 120 mm. The mass of one square meter may vary in the range from 94 to 189 kg. The class of concoction used by frost resistance can be presented B20-30-35. The level of abrasion is 6%.

Stacking Technology: Preparatory Stage

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare standard tools and materials. It is important to determine the amount of materials. One square meter of the square should be stocking cement in an amount of 25 kg. For the same volume of work, three sand bag should be purchased. Specialists recommend purchasing materials with some reserve, this will allow you to take into account specific soil conditions, project loads, terrain relief and other conditions. The toolkit is not so diverse, it consists of:

  • marking cord;
  • shovel;
  • ropes;
  • workman;
  • household broom;
  • level.

Algorithm of work

The technology of laying paving slabs "Old Town" provides on the first stage the leveling of surface drops. The master will have to align the soil. In the second stage there is a markup of the outlines of the tracks. It is important to ensure the admission of the width of the border.

Next are mounted border elements. Now you can begin the preparation of a mixture of cement and sand in a ratio of 1 to 3. The composition is placed to strengthen the border. Given the characteristics of the sketch, you can start styling a paving. Elements should be allowed to be allowed and customized in height using rubber inquiry.

Stacking options: Installation on primer with the basis

Tile "Old Town", whose figured elements can be laid according to a specific scheme, sometimes mounted on the primer with the base. As the main difference from technology that does not provide for the presence of the basis, it is necessary to create an additional layer of foundation. It will be tough, and is a pillow of concrete or rubble. Such a layer excludes the spreading of the track and its partial seating.

The primer layer when installing on a concrete basis may be minimal. It will provide only fixation on the surface. Characteristics of the Tile "Old Town" were mentioned above, however, they are not all that the master should be known. Before starting work, it is necessary to ask what the technology of laying material. Starting manipulation is necessary in dry weather. Wash coverage First time after laying is not recommended.

Layout schemes

If you have a "Old Town" tile, options for finishing the track in the garden, the options for laying this material you should be studied. It should be remembered that all trapezoidal and rectangular elements have the same width. Therefore, the tile can be laid across or along the tracks with separate stripes.

The most difficult option for paving the territory in the courtyard of the house is the scheme of the chaotic location of the elements. In this case, transverse and longitudinal seams are excluded. If the material has to be laid in direct areas, then you can use a cross-seam scheme. In this case, elements with different sizes are stacked between the wets. It is necessary to navigate the width that is the same for all elements.

The laying scheme may provide for the formation of a longitudinal seam. This method can be compared with the above, but the bands in this case are formed along the track. Another option laying the tile "Old Town" is a scheme without seams. It is the most difficult and usually designed in a graphic editor. In order to increase the artistic value of the composition, you should purchase color items that are stacked in an arbitrary position.

For registration of radius and winding sites, it is possible to use the elements of the FEM trapezoidal form. They are specially designed for complex territories. These components have different dimensions and allow you to maximize the design at intersections and turns. These zones can be decorated with rectangular stones if necessary. Stop the tile on the radius section should be started from the inside. The seams between the elements are lined with the wedge. Straight areas are usually fitted with ordinary tiles, while concentrated circles and radius areas are decorated with a wedge-shaped paving.

Alternative schemes

Considering the options for laying the "Old Town" tile, you must pay attention to the radius ornaments. Configuration of the territory and laying scheme can be any. However, the tile can be laid taking into account the integration of any drawing or ornament. The color can be distinguished by the space at the wipers, laying the bright shade tile into several rows.

In large areas, you can lay out a geometric pattern using narrow bands. Zoning looks very profitable. In this case, the width of the ribbon is comparable to the sidewalk parameters, and the drawing acts as the main element of the design, attention is concentrated on it.

Considering the layout of paving slabs "Old Town", you can choose a Christmas tree pattern. In this case, two or more colors alternate, which will depend on the preferences of the owner. The territory may be motley, in this case it will take several colors, the emphasis shifts to transverse and longitudinal seams, as well as on the original texture of the composition.

Thematic articles

Paving slabs "Old Town" - Preparation for work, ways of laying blocks

Rounded, small, diverse paving slabs "Old Town" are made of composite material, the forms of which resemble stones laid out on the bridges in medieval cities. Despite the fact that the latch prepared using the material is acquired by unique uniqueness, not immediately popular with the material. For a long time it was believed that the use of blocks uncomfortable, especially high-heel and studs. However, after adding to the standard gray and brick colors of other colors and shades, the paving slabs "Old Town" gained popularity and interest in it.

What does finish look like


Landstolding the territory of the site, paving a pavement under the name "Old Town" gives in the end:

  • unique patterns of stone, which are relevant for several years;
  • the possibility of wasteless use of purchased material;
  • the use of different shades of paving slabs that are fully combined with each other;
  • in order for the appearance and shape of the selected part of the site to match the overall design of the facade of the house.
Concrete gray plates

Additional requirements are put forward to the sidewalk:

  • wear resistance;
  • resistance to temperature drops;
  • defined levels of moisture absorption.
Private territory Finishing of urban square

The range, color gamut, shapes and sizes of paving slabs in different manufacturers have insignificial differences, but mainly:

  • the width of the elements ranges from 6 to 12 cm;
  • length varies from 5 to 18 cm;
  • thickness, depending on the purpose of the part, from 4 to 8 cm.
Patterned masonry

For the convenience of developers who want to perform styling with their own hands, many companies produce additionally blocks of trapezoidal shape, the use of which contributes to the reduction of clock waste during complex installation.

The cost of the tile depends on the parameters, so the choice of thickness allows you to reduce costs.

  • Details with a thickness of 4-5 cm are used on garden paths and sidewalks in private houses.
  • The technology of manufacturing blocks 6 cm thick allows you to withstand low-constracy traffic. Tiles can be put in public places with high patency.
  • Paving tile 8 cm is designed for use on the roadway and city parking lots.

The tile is manufactured by the vibratory method, and all sorts of dyes are added to it.

Assortment of colors and sizes Wave-shaped masonry

Work on laying

The technology that laying the decorative sidewalk tile "Old Town" is so simple that a person with zero experience can lay out. Stop it better on a specially prepared basis, removing the roots of plants and trees.

Chaotic masonry
  1. Plot to place, fencing with the help of pegs and construction line.
  2. Before laying out the tile, install borders that hold from the spreading. Border can be taken a stone or plastic.
  3. The fixation of border stone is produced on a cement-sand solution, diluted in the proportion of 1: 4 or 1: 3, depending on the cement brand.
  4. After installing the curb, the solution is given 4-5 days to grasp.
  5. Under the plates make the base from the stone crumb of fine grinding, mixed with cement in the proportion of 1: 6.
  6. The crumb is smoothed and covered with sand with a thickness of 5 cm.
  7. Sand pillow shed water and tamper.
  8. A dry cement-sand solution is poured on the prepared base in proportion 1: 5, 1: 4. The height of the layer depends on the thickness of the tile.
  9. The layout of the decorative paving slabs "Old Town" has 2 ways:
  • each item to score in the place of China, aligning the area in terms of level;
  • having postponing the entire area, to the vibrotambovka.
The track from the slab withstands the weight of cars Color variations plates

In both cases, the main thing is to ensure that the level of tile is smooth, there were no sticking and failed parts.

Having finished the masonry, the tile fall asleep cement-sandy mixture. The composition is noticed in all the cracks between the tiles. Then shed water. The process is repeated until the slot disappear.

Masonry on the Egyptian motive

Options and laying methods

So that the tile fit into the plot ensemble, it is necessary to plan in advance, options and scheme of laying paving slabs.

Plate textures

There are basic design forms that can be performed with their own hands. Varue depending on the desire of the developer.

  • The tile pattern is similar to the ancient laying. For this, the paving slabs of the corresponding color and shape takes.
Laying a symmetric pattern
  • It looks good, ways to combine multiple colors, arms located or smoothly moving one to another.
Laying Zigzag

Masonry technology is the same. The color scheme is selected depending on the landscape. The gray tones of sidewalks are less and better masked dirt.


On the technology of work on laying plates, you can learn more from the video:

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Paving slab options Old Town

In the ranking of finishing materials, the paving slabs Old Town confidently keeps the top position due to the original design. There are options for laying with longitudinal, transverse seams, chaotic location of the paving. Compositions are diluted with colored stones, patterns and patterns.

Blowing elements Collection Old Town

With the improvement of the territory in the courtyard of a private house, paving slabs Old Town provides the developer the following advantages:

  • economy is the lack of cutting waste, the budget value of the material, the lack of operating costs;
  • design - For the Collection, the Old Town There are ready-made layouts, drawings and ornaments, allowing to improve the exteriors of the building facades, as in the photo below.

Important! For some modifications of FEM (for example, "clover", "rhombus") manufacturers produce good elements of "halves", which are almost like a whole tile, increasing construction budget. For the collection, the Old Town does not work these rules, as it consists of the default tiles of different format.

Collection The Old Town consists of several tiles of different magnitude

Characteristics of tile

Figure power elements (FEM) have the following operational properties:

  • abrasability - 0.7 g / cm2;
  • water absorption - within 6%;
  • frost resistance - F200 - F300;
  • the strength is bending 50 g / cm2, compression of 500 g / cm2.

Possible laying of paving slabs on the breakfast, the packing of garden tracks, recreation areas, parking and the courtyard area of \u200b\u200bthe house, like on the bottom photo.

Configuration and sizes

The Collection of the Old Town is a medium format mosaic, it is usually of 4 rectangular tiles:

  • 12 x 6 cm;
  • 12 x 9 cm;
  • 12 x 12 cm;
  • 12 x 18 cm.

For paving the roadway, a tile is used 8 cm thick, parking in the courtyard of a private house can be decorated with elements of FEM 6 cm thick. In the layout scheme on garden paths, a tile 4 - 5 cm thick is usually included.

In the range of some manufacturers there are options for trapezoid tiles Old Town with greater / smaller sizes:

  • 5.3 / 6.3 cm;
  • 6.3 / 7.3 cm;
  • 7.3 / 8.3 cm;
  • 8.3 / 9.3 cm;
  • 9.3 / 10.3 cm.

The width of all elements is the same - 8.2 cm, the thickness varies in the range of 4 - 8 cm.

Schemes and layout options

Any paving slabs must meet the following requirements of an individual developer:

  • improve the quality of exterior tracks with minimal cost;
  • provide high performance of styling in the courtyard of a private house.

This conditions fully satisfies the Collection Old Town:

  • there are no waste wheels, the tile is cut only in the nodes of adjustment to the objects of complex shape;
  • it is suitable for paths, parking, porch, other architectural elements.

The photo shows a complex adjoining knot, separated by FEM elements of this collection.

Crossroads with two flower beds lined with the old town.

General principles

When choosing a sidewalk tile, the old city developer automatically expands the possibilities:

  • all rectangular and trapezoidal elements have the same width;
  • therefore, laying tiles along or across the tracks with stripes, as in the photo below.

Important! The most difficult option for paving the tracks in the courtyard of the house is the scheme of chaotic location of the tiles Old Town without longitudinal and transverse seams.

Decorating direct plots

For laying of paving elements The old city in direct areas apply schemes:

To increase the artistic value of the composition, it is enough to buy colored stones, lay them through an arbitrary distance.

Adding color tiles to improve exterior.

Colored elements of FEM can zonate paths and platforms.

Registration of winding and radius

FEM elements of the trapezoidal form of the Collection The Old Town is specially created for the packing of winding plots. The different size of these elements allows you to maximize the design on the turns and intersections. However, if necessary, the same zones can be decorated with conventional rectangular stones.

The main advantage of paving slabs The Old Town is a rounded chamfer, imitating natural stone blocks:

  • laying on the radius section begins from the inside;
  • the seams between the tiles are lined with the wedge, as in the photo below;
  • longitudinal seams are preserved, the paving the paving is focused on the width of the path at the house.

Straight tile on the radius area.

Tip! Straight areas can be brought by the usual tile Old Town, and concentrated circles and radius areas to issue a wedge-shaped paving the same collection.

Trapezoid FEM in direct areas.

Figure and ornament

Regardless of the laying scheme and configuration of the paving territory, paving slabs model The old town is suitable for integrating any ornament or pattern into it. There are several typical solutions that are samples in the photo below:

Tip! When using bands, ornaments and geometric patterns, a preliminary virtual layout is required in a graphic editor. This will avoid trimming, buy the required number of elements of the FEM of different format.

For the convenience of a home master, there are typical block diagrams in which the old town stacked.

Thus, the elements of figure pavement The Old Town is a universal finishing material for the design of winding and direct sites for transport or pedestrian traffic at the house.

18.02.2019 |

Paving slabs have long become an indispensable element in the design of the landscape of private houses, cottages, parks, city sidewalks and squares. A variety of forms and colors of paving slabs allows the designers and owners of the plots to embody almost any stylistic ideas in the improvement of territories.

One of the most popular forms of paving slabs (after the classic paving) on \u200b\u200bthe statistics of the Stellard plant --. This paving slabs loved by buyers due to the appearance, sizes of stones and many drawings of laying. The rounded edges of each stone imitate a natural cobblestone, creating a unique view of the ancient pavement on your site.

Characteristics of the old town

The shape of the Old Town of Stellard consists of three stones, sizes of 90x120, 120x120, 180x120 (in length and width), which in equal shares are present on the pallet with tiles. The number of tiles on the pallet differs thick. For pedestrian areas, we produce sidewalks with a thickness of 4 cm, on the pallet for 315 stones of each size. For medium loads (including car parkings) Tile thickness 6 cm - on the pallet 300 pieces of each size.

Tile Sizes Old Town

The entire tile complies with the requirements of GOST and has the following characteristics:

  • Brand concrete on frost resistance - F200;
  • Water absorption - no more than 5%;
  • Abrasibility - G1 not more than 0.7

Tile colors Old Town

Performed in any of the options for the Stellard plant.

Schemes for laying paving slabs Old city

1. Standard laying scheme

To begin with, consider the standard one-picture version of the old city. On the pallet, the tiles are arranged in the order, as in the figure below.

Location of stones on the pallet

During paving, it is necessary to change the elements in the ranks, as in the following figure.

Standard laying scheme

2. Monotonic laying option

This scheme is suitable for laying. But the flashing tile can be used, making splashes in the bulk. Starting to lay the tile should be cutting the stones of 180x120 in half.

3. For monochrome tracks width 117 cm

Here we offer to use a monochrome tile or colors of the Colormix series.

Monochrome diagram for tracks

4. For tracks width 117 cm.

This laying model provides 2 colors, the main color in the center, the optional frames the edges of the track. The second shade is 33.3% of the total. If it is necessary to make a wider pavement, then the second color will be necessary at the rate of 0.195 m2 per meter perimeter.

Laying option for tracks 1.17 m

5. Drawing for sidewalks of any width

The amount of primary color depends on the width of the path, and the stroke tiles are 0.12 m2 per 1 meter perimeter.

6. Another layout for tracks of any width

Here the framing of the track is represented by two lines. The counting of the tile volume is carried out similarly to the previous one.

Laying option for tracks

7. Standard diagram with the introduction of the second tile tint.

In the presented version, we propose to add a second tint that will be combined with the main color. The ratio of 80 to 20.

8. Combination of two colors

The tile will need the old town of two tones in an equal number.

Laying of paving slabs on a concrete base: photo, video. In this article, we will analyze the specificity of such a procedure as laying the paving slabs on a concrete basis: we denote the advantages and disadvantages of this technology, consider the detailed scheme of its implementation and get acquainted with the basic recommendations for laying the paving tile tile with the use of such types of material as a "brick" tile , "Old Town" and "Rhombus".

Old Town is one of the most popular and attractive types of paving slabs

Laying of paving slabs on a concrete base: the feasibility of the procedure

The order of laying paving slabs with their own hands, with their own hands, not only owners of country houses and cottages seeking to equip and improve their household plot. Tile coating is popular and in urban conditions.

As an indisputable evidence of such popularity, not only eloquent photos of examples of laying paving slabs, which can be seen on the network, but also real solutions found on the streets of any city.

The site in front of the private house is paved with a tile "Brick"

Most often, paving slabs are used to organize a coating:

  • around shops, pharmacies, office and administrative buildings;
  • on the tracks leading through the lawn;
  • in park areas;
  • on car parking lots;
  • in places for storing large equipment;
  • on the squares of the city and other areas where heated permeability and the load on the sidewalks (zones in theaters, train stations, markets, cinemas, large companies and shopping centers, stadiums, educational institutions, libraries, sports complexes) are observed.

Note! For parking lots for passenger cars, the thickness of the paving slabs is selected taking into account weight loads. It is impossible to use the material purchased for pedestrian tracks to arrange parking. Such a coating will quickly come into disrepair.

Tile is a material that is perfectly suitable for coating urban tracks and facilities in the country of country

Paving tile on concrete: Is it possible to put the coating on top of the concrete base?

Most people got used to think that the installation of the tile coating is carried out exclusively on the sandy surface, therefore the feasibility of laying paving slabs on a concrete base with many of them is questioned.

In fact, the concrete surface is considered the most reliable basis for the formation of paths and sites from the paving. This is explained by the fact that the concrete prevents the movement of the tile on the surface, called "walking", and is characterized by high resistance to large loads. In some cases, in violation of the technology of laying concrete paving slabs, the result may be reverse. Therefore, it is recommended to clearly comply with all the requirements and recommendations regarding the construction of such a coverage.

The technology of laying paving slabs on a concrete break is equally interesting both owners of country cottages and urban residents who have their own store or any other type of business. By itself, the scene has many advantages, and in combination with a tiled coating, you can get a really optimal solution in all respects. Due to the slope, the water will not accumulate on the surface of the tile.

Laying paving slabs for tracks with their own hands

The scene is considered an independent design, which is usually formed around the building in order to protect it. It can be completely devoid of coating. It is recommended to make laying tile elements on top of it, but it is not a mandatory procedure.

Creating a concrete break around a private house

Helpful advice! To make the exterior of your household plot spectacular and harmonious, use the same type of tile coating for the arrangement of tracks and scenes. On the Internet you can meet successful photos of the options for laying paving slabs "Brick" on the breakfast around the house and in the courtyard.

Despite the fact that the decoration of the scene is not mandatory, it is still worth it, since the concrete surface looks unattractive and can spoil the appearance of the house and the yard as a whole. For this reason, it is worth spending on purchasing the material and call specialists or perform the procedure yourself.

The price of laying paving slabs on a concrete basis (specialist services):

Kind of work Price, rub. / M²
Removing the upper coating (asphalt, concrete, etc.) 150-600
Work with the finished base from concrete
Dry mix 150
Laying of tiled surface 300
Preparation of concrete site with reinforcement
Sand 15
Concrete 315
Reinforcement elements 180
Preparation of the usual site of concrete
Sand 15
Concrete (layer thickness 14 cm) 315
The cost of the work of specialists 420
Installation of borders
Concrete (m. N.) 70
Sand (m. P.) 15
Installation of drainage
Concrete (m. N.) 55
Sand (m. P.) 15
The cost of the work of specialists (m.) 70

Benefits of laying paving slabs on concrete

Advantages of working with concrete surfaces:

  1. A simple installation system - to form asphalt sidewalks, it will be necessary to hire special techniques, while laying the pavement tile on concrete is much easier and faster and can be done independently.
  2. It turns out a strong, reliable and durable basis. The modern range of stores is able to offer special types of tiled elements that provide the absence of a sliding effect on the coating even when severe precipitation.
  3. The coating retains stability even under the influence of sharp temperature differences. It shows a resistance to various types of damage to the mechanical properties. In most cases, the manufacturer provides consumers a long warranty period for the operation of decorative materials. They depend on the type of tile coating and can be in the range of 10-40 years.

Scheme of the device of concrete cement with paving slabs

Note! In winter, the design is not subject to serious icing, as the excess moisture enters the soil through the seams and absorbs.

Due to the extensive nomenclature of the material, opportunities are expanding with regard to design. Existing schemes for laying paving slabs "Old Town" themselves are capable of offering several unusual design options.

In addition to this material, there are other different:

  • size;
  • form;
  • quality;
  • colors;
  • characteristics and properties.

You can evaluate the photo methods of laying paving slabs, their diversity and the decorative effect they create.

The process of laying paving slaves on the site in front of a private house

Tile coating is easy to repair. For this, it is not necessary to completely replace the entire pavement, just damaged items can be changed. If you work on the styling of the paving slabs "Old Town" or some other coating, experts recommend purchasing material with a margin.

Description of the technology of laying paving slabs: video and recommendations

There are many options for laying paving slabs on top of the base from concrete. The scene does not put forward special requirements regarding the selection of the finish, so the defining factor is the quality and your personal taste. Even an option to lay paving slabs on an old concrete base is possible.

The process of forming the scene begins with markup. To perform this stage of construction, a marking cord will be required, as well as a set of wooden pegs. They are placed around the house in accordance with measurements, after which the cord is stretched through each of them. From how carefully and accurately, the markup depends on the quality of the scene.

Laying of paving slabs on a sandy concrete mix

Note! Recreation by photo Pattern paving slabs pattern on the breakfast, do not forget about the slope. Most often, this indicator varies within 1-3 ° / m. There are also exceptions to the rules when the angle of the slope is 5 ° / m.

After performing the markup, the extension of the upper soil layer is carried out in the construction work area. Most of the sidewalk laying types depicted in the photo involves the mounting of the coating width 40 cm. Taking into account this indicator, the depth of the recess of the upper soil layer is determined. Do not forget that the concrete gland must rise above the ground level.

These data are also added to the scope requirements, which is formed for the device of the drainage system.

Mounting border - an important part of laying paving slabs per solution

Even if you work with one of the simplest options for laying paving slabs "Brick", the photo as the basis does not provide a qualitative result. It is very important to comply with all the requirements of technology, and regarding not only the paving sidewalks, but also the formation of the scene.

Sitting design is quite heavy. At this stage, experts recommend installing borders, which will make it possible to simplify work. The fact is that any pattern of laying paving slabs is repelled from the curb, which limits it. At this stage, it will perform another function - frame.

If you refuse to install a curb, its installation will still have to be performed later, and work in the deficiency will complicate the need to install a formwork design.

The pit under the border should be deeper than the level of masonry running. Most often, its bottom is lowered by 30 cm from the bottom border.

The track in front of the house is covered with a blocking of different sizes

Helpful advice! Do not forget to include water outflow in these calculations. After all, the border should not prevent the water to waste, which can disrupt the integrity of the foundation of the building.

After that, at the bottom of the pit, a rubbed pillow with a thickness of 15 cm is formed, the material should be carefully tumped. On top, the pouring from a concrete solution with a thickness of 2 cm and the montage of the curb is performed. For full grasp and frozen, a day will be required. Making sure that the fill dried completely, it can be taken for performing the next array of work.

Formation of the basis for laying paving slabs: video lessons and recommendations

After installing the curb, the area is aligned and thoroughly taking into account the desired slope of the surface. It is recommended to sit down several geotextiles sucks. This type of material will prevent the growth of plants. Despite the fact that the vegetation is not able to penetrate the concrete base, geotextiles will provide additional protection.

Diagram of the base device for sidewalk or paving

In some cases, bituminous material is used as a liner. Laying this material is carried out in order to increase the waterproofing properties of the coating.

Concrete base formation scheme:

  1. The first layer is formed from rubble. If the curriculum is satisfied, this stage can be omitted.
  2. If serious coverage loads are assumed, it is necessary to equip the reinforcing breakfast unit. It can be made of reinforcing rods.
  3. For a monolithic structure under a pedestrian walkway, a height of 10 cm. The basis for the car parking should have a height of a minimum of 20 cm.

Helpful advice! To obtain a quality result, use M200 concrete marking. It is optimal in terms of quality and cost.

Complete using video laying paving slabs on a concrete base is very simple. Taking advantage of the recommendations and visual materials, this process can be performed personally.

Paving tile: how to lay the finish coating

To compare in the photo samples of paving slabs, this technology is largely similar to the technique of working with a cafeter. A distinctive feature here performs a solution with a slightly different composition and consistency.

In the photo of the paving slabs, the styling patterns of the coating elements are the most diverse. The specificity of the design does not affect the method of mounting sidewalks, as well as on general technology. There are two methods to perform tile laying: sand-cement mixture and sandy-cement solution.

In the case of a sandy cement mixture, a more thick consistency of the solution is obtained than that that was used in the construction of the base. The mixture does not tolerate the presence of small pebbles, so the sand should be pre-samped. This will make it possible to simplify the work on the independent pavement of the paving coverage. The required thickness of the prosecable layer is 2-3 cm, after that the mixture is aligned with a trowel.

There are two methods of laying tiles: with a sand-cement mixture and a sand-cement mortar

When using the dry method, the probability of shrinkage of paving slabs occurs. For some solution, specialists are put on the coating, in this case no longer matter, since special knowledge will be required. Pricing for the purchase of a specialized mixture is quite high, therefore it is better not to risk and give preference to the cement-sand mixture.

In the second case, cement-sandy solution can be used in a ratio of 3: 1, respectively. After the solution is cooked, it must be postponed on the base, align and catch.

Helpful advice! For paving the coating of a paving, use a wooden or rubber image. It is unable to damage the tile.

Use to familiarize yourself with the laying technology of paving slabs per solution, video placed below.

After all the coating elements are posted, the surface is abundantly wetted with water. During a certain period, the tile enhances, then the seams between the elements of the sidewalk are filled. To wash the residual cement and dirt, the coating will need to rinse again with water.

Options for laying paving slabs "Old Town": photos and features

Judging by the numerous photo of laying paving slabs "Old Town", this type of coating compared to other are most common. Such popularity is determined by the big list of advantages that this material carries in itself.

The "Old Town" tile allows you to form interesting drawings and combinations of coating elements. In one package of this material, parts may be within four different sizes. Sometimes there is a choice of three dimensional combinations in a pack (without the smallest option).

Complete equipment includes:

  • big tile;
  • square tile;

There are many interesting pavement schemes for the old town tile, which will create a unique design of the site.

  • the element constituting 1/2 on the size of a large tile;
  • an element constituting 1/3 from a large tile or 1/2 from a square.

Thanks to this size variety, options for laying paving slabs "Old Town" is enough. Schemes can be complicated by adding several colors.

On the other hand, the presence of such a large scope in size can cause chaoticness and disorder. If you do not adhere to a certain pattern in your work, you can get too beautiful coverage.

Helpful advice! To some extent, small chaoticity can even be welcomed. The main thing is to avoid the formation of spots consisting of clusters of tiled elements in one size or the same color.

If you want to simplify your work as much as possible, it is enough to limit the pattern of laying paving slabs from two colors, which is attractive in its own way.

An example of a combination of tile of various types and different colors

Features and photos of laying paving slabs "Brick", "Rhombus" and other forms

At first it may seem that the compilation of sidewalk schemes is a rather complicated task. In fact, after watching a video, the laying of paving slabs ceases to seem difficult. Using recommendations for selection of schemes, you can easily orient in the selection.

For example, if you have chosen a "brick" for your sidewalk, you should pay attention to the following schemes:

  • line of linear type, which can be complicated by a shift or do without it;
  • laying modular type;
  • spiral paving.

Thanks to the rounded edges, such a tile exceeds its decorativeness in all of the above patterns.

Schemes of laying tile "Brick" are one of the easiest

In the photo of the sidewalk tile "Rhombus" options for laying the coating look almost like a 3D image. As a result of such a pavement, an amazing optical illusion arises, which creates the impression of the surround effect on the surface of the sidewalk.

This effect is explained in the photo of the sidewalk tile "Rhombus" laying based on the use of elements with various external characteristics:

  • form;
  • surface texture;
  • coloring.

In total, the modern range has more than 40 species of tile products with similar geometric data.

Putting the paving the concrete base in the urban feature

Polymerpess tile uses extremely popular. The material is able to offer excellent specifications and is suitable for consumers who want to speed up the installation. Products are created based on sand, polymers and dye and may include elements of completely different configurations.

The laying of polymerpess paving slabs shown on video is clearly reflecting how much simplifies and accelerates in this case the process of coating coating.

Most of the modern tile coatings perfectly transfers the effect of the sun and low temperatures, is distinguished by durability and increased strength, as well as other no less profitable performance characteristics. Consumers just remains to choose the design and coloring in which the coating will be performed.