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Chernozem is located in the zone. Natural perfection Chernozem. Features of the use of chernozem in the country

Chernozem is one of the species of the most fertile soils. This is a kind of separate ecosystem, widely used in all regions of our country. That is why the gardeners will not be superfluous to know that it is a black soil, what characteristics it possesses and what its difference from other types of soil is.

Chernozem is created only by nature. Make an artificial black mill with various fertilizers is impossible. It is formed in the natural zones where the moderately continental climate dominates. Place of education Chernozem - Logish Suglinki or Clay, Log. Required conditions for its formation: periodic change of humidity and temperatures, soil suitability for the lives of microorganisms and invertebrates, abundant and long-term herbal vegetation. But in our time you can buy a black soil in the Moscow region with the supply of soil to any region of Russia, which expands the possibilities of summer houses for improving the soil on their household plot.

Characteristics Chernozema

The main characteristics of this soil include:

  • the mercury structure (the soil "breathes" and misses moisture well);
  • great content of humus (soil does not have time to exhausted quickly);
  • a high percentage of calcium content (it is necessary for absolutely all plants);
  • balanced and easily accessibility of microelements useful for plants (iron. Nitrogen compounds, phosphorus, sulfur);
  • neutral or near-neutral acid-alkaline reaction (suitable for larger than plants);
  • as a result of the above - high fertility of these soils.

There are five major varieties of this soil:

  • ordinary chernozem (have a more sensitive structure, good moisture capacity);
  • southern (with the greatest content of humus);
  • typical (possesses the most striking basic characteristics of such soils, the most balanced black mill);
  • apothed (possesses a weak-eyed reaction and a small margin of humoring);
  • leached (contain a lot of calcium and magnesium).

Distinctive signs of Chernozema

What is the difference between manure, humus and peat from Chernozem? Manure is waste of animals and birds. The humus is formed from manure due to its overheating and processing worms, insects and microorganisms for a long time. The black mill is originally a fertile soil layer, and humid and manure can be called fertilizers to increase its fertility.

Peat, as well as chernozem, is formed thanks to the decomposition of plant residues. But this decomposition occurs in swampy locations, and its main plant component is moss. For these reasons, the black mill can hold moisture, and peat - no.

A real, not diluted with the black mill has a rich black color and a coarse-grained or lumpy structure. If you wet it, then according to the properties it will remind a clay: the same consistency and the long process of drying.

A distinctive feature of this soil is a fat trail on his hand, after compression chick of Chernozem. This is due to a large percentage of humus content in it.

People who have a cottage or own garden know that the soil is better not to find. It contains a lot of humus and nutrients. However, many forget that everything over time loses its properties. And even the chernozem sooner or later will have to "feed" fertilizers.

Feelable vegetable and floral crops are not recommended. They have a too weak root system, so the soil can soon condense, which means the air-and-water permeability indicators will fall sharply.

Most often dackets use a mixture of black mill, peat and simple garden soil. Decorative perennial plants are well rooted in the soil with a chernozem made to it, it is also often used when planting plants in greenhouses and greenhouses.

The chernozem is drunk only forks to preserve its density. To restore the acid-alkaline balance into a weakly acidified black, lime or wood ash are added, and in weakly alkaline - fertilizer with increased acidity.

Chernozem is a high-grade earth, dark color, chernozems are rich in humus, with a pronounced grain-sensitive structure, usually a chernozem is formed in forests, loams or clays, in conditions of moderately continental climate.

The chernozem is considered to be the best soil for agriculture, is formed by the chernozem - under long-term herbal vegetation, in the climatic conditions of the steppe and forest-steppe territorial zones.

On the territory of our country - chernozems are located in centrally black earth areas, the Volga region, in Western Siberia and in the North Caucasus, there are many black earth earth in Ukraine, as well as in some European countries, China, South and North America.

Chernozem, as the soil is rich in humus, is formed on lesing loams or clays, as a rule, in conditions of moderately continental climate, with periodic precipitation, under long-term vegetation, usually herbal.

Conditions of soil formation of chernozem

For persistent soil formation of chernozem, the following conditions are needed - the climate is moderate, or moderately continental, there must be an alternation of moisturizing and draining, with the domination of the positive temperature regime. The average annual temperature should not be below +3 +7 degrees Celsius, and the annual amount of precipitation is 300-600 mm.

The relief of the chernozem occurs - the wavy-flat, in some places is cut with stocks, ravines, river terraces.

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Vegetation on chernozem - long-term grassy, \u200b\u200bmeadow-steppe. In appropriate climatic conditions, it is decomposition, as a result of which humus compounds are formed, which, accordingly, accumulate in the upper layers of the soil.

Together with humus in chernozem soil, in the form of complex organic, mineral compounds, such elements are formed, for plants as nitrogen, iron, phosphorus and sulfur, other. Website / Node / 2879

On the properties of the chernozem

Chernozems in their properties - have sufficiently good water and air qualities, it is distinguished by a chernozem with a mercury or a grainy structure, a large content in calcium soil from 70 to 90%, inherent in the chernozem - neutral or almost neutral reaction.

Chernozem on Earth is valued - increased fertility, natural and intense humification, quite high, about 15%, content of humus, in the upper layers of the soil.

What are the types of chernozem

Black soils are divided into the following types:

Chernozem is an apodoline - distributed chernozem data in wide herbaceous forests;

Leached by the black solar - such black soils are formed, under the meadow divergent-cereal steppes of the forest-steppe zone;

Typical black solar - the formation of this type of chernozem occurs under the diverse-zlakova, i.e. meadow-steppe, vegetation in forest-steppe zones, lesid and coating loams;

Chernozem ordinary - these black soils can be found in the northern part of the steppe zone, and they are formed under the dispensing vegetation;

Southern Chernozem - these black soils are formed under ticker-welcoming vegetation, it is possible to meet them in the southern part of the steppe zone.

Having a large amount of humus - chernozem is valued as highly fertile soil, giving a high and stable harvest. It also contains a fairly large number of other beneficial substances, for fertility, so necessary plants: nitrogen, sulfur, iron and phosphorus. Chernozem in its structure - has a dense lubricant structure, and one of the most fertile, is considered the South Chernozem, it is even called "fat black soil."

Because of its fertility, black soils are always valued all over the world. And now, in the modern time, the chernozem is the best view of the earth, for growing on it - vegetables, fruits, berries, trees and shrubs. Although it is worth knowing that for some plants, when landing them into the ground (chernozem) - should be mixed by peat, sometimes sand or compost, to break the ground (soil), because the black soil is tight enough, it does not differ in high rubble.

Application chernozem

As we already know - the chernozem for plants is the best soil. As follows from the very name of the chernozem - this land (soil) of dark color and very fertile.

Apply a chernozem like vegetable soil and is used when dealing with lawns, in vegetable garden and as a garden land, so on. It is also applied to the black soil, with an extrusion of land with a large clay composition, lands with poor drainage, to create a favorable air-water regime, as well as if necessary, creating a loose meal structure of the soil.

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The first scientific regulations on the origin of the chernozem are in the works of M.V. Lomonosov (mid-18th century), who believed that these soils were formed as a result of the decomposition of plant and animal organisms. In late 18 - early 19th centuries. P. Pallas and others put forward the hypothesis of marine origin of the chernozem and considered it as a maritime illusion that remained after the retreat of the Caspian and the Black Seas. This hypothesis has only historical importance; It reflects the existence that existed at that time about the soil as geological education. The hypothesis of swamp origin of the chernozem turned out to be insolven. Supporters of her (E.I. Eikhuld et al., Mid 19 c.) It was believed that in the past, the zone of chernozem soil was the tundra strong wetlands; The decomposition of swamp vegetation in the conditions established subsequently warm climate and led to the formation of the chernozem. The theory of vegetable-terrestrial origin of the chernozem (F.I. Ruprecht, V.V. Dokuchaev, etc.) binds their education with the settlement and development of meadow-steppe and steppe grassy vegetation. The most fully, this theory is set forth in the work of V.V. Dokuchaeva "Russian Chernozem" (1883), in which it was proved that the chernozem was formed as a result of the close interaction of herbal vegetation, climate, terrain, mother breed, and others. Soil formation factors; The consequence of this process is the accumulation of humus.

Herbal vegetation annually leaves a large amount of puff - plant residues in the soil, 75-85% of which they make roots. The hydrothermal conditions of the steppe and forest-steppe zones favors the humification process, as a result of which complex humus compounds are formed (mainly humic acids) that give the soil profile a dark color. The best conditions for the humification process are created in spring and early summer. At this time, in the soil, a sufficient stock of moisture from autumn-winter precipitation and snowming, favorable temperature regime. In the period of summer, the microbiological processes are noticeably weakened, which protects humus substances from rapid mineralization. In the decomposition of plant residues rich in the ash elements and nitrogen, the grounds are formed (especially a lot of calcium), which are saturated with humus substances. This contributes to the consolidation of them in the soil in the form of humate and preservation in the upper horizons the black soil is neutral or close to it.

Chernozem formation is most intensively in the forest-steppe zone, where the best moisturizing contributes to the more powerful development of herbal vegetation, active humification of its residues. In the steppe zone, insufficient moisturizing determines the lower depth of the penetration of the roots, a decrease in the amount of fading incoming into the soil and its more complete decomposition.

2. Types of chernozem

The chernozem is divided into two gradations: by the power of the humus layer and the content of humus. Consider every graduation in more detail.

For the power of the humus layer, the black soil is divided into:

· Heavy duty (power more than 120 cm);

· Powerful (120 - 80 cm);

· Medium-power (80 - 40 cm);

· Low power (less than 40 cm).

· Fat (more than 9%) - black color;

· Mediterranean (6 - 9%) - black color;

· Malmous (6 - 4%) - Dark gray coloring;

· Wem-like (less than 4%) - gray color;

· Microhymous (less than 2%) - color light gray.

By type of chernozem, there are:

· Apartment chernozem;

· Leached chernozem;

· Typical black soil;

· Ordinary chernozem;

· South black soils.

Alsalar-carbonate chernozems (priazovskiy and the predkiscosan), which are formed in areas with warm winter (soil does not freeze), and chernozem, developing in winter freezing conditions. Depending on the salinity, ordinary, carbonate, salon-dealers, salt-tank, and others are distinguished.

3. Layers of Chernozem

As mentioned above, the chernozem can be divided into several types of layers: depending on the power of the humus layer (A and B1) - low-power (less than 40 cm), medium-power (40-80 cm), powerful (80-120 cm) and heavy duty (more than 120 cm). The characteristic of the chernozem layers will be submitted as a summary table (Table 1).

Table 1 - Comparative characteristics of the chernozem layers

4. Chernozem properties

Chernozemos have good water and air properties, differ in a liner or grainy structure, content in soil absorbing complex from 70 to 90% calcium, neutral or almost neutral reaction, increased natural fertility, intense humification and high, about 15%, content in the upper humus layers .

The chernozem in its composition has the largest amount of humus, which determines its high fertile properties. The same chernozem contains a large number of other beneficial substances required by plants: nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, iron. The chernozem has a dense lubricant structure, the most fertile south black soil is even called "fatty".

Due to fertility, the chernozem is always very valued all over the world. And now the chernozem is the best kind of soil for growing vegetables, fruits, berries. For some plants in the black soil should be mixed peat, sand or compost, to break the soil, since the black soil itself does not differ in high looseness.

5. Areas of distribution

Chernozem area on the globe about 240 million hectares. They are confined to Eurasia, North and South America. In Eurasia, the zone of Chernozem and the largest) covers Western and South-Eastern Europe (Hungary, Bulgaria, Austria, the Czech Republic, Yugoslavia, Romania), extending a broad strip in the Russian Federation and continues in Mongolia and China. In North America, chernozems occupy some states of the US West and the southern province of Canada, in South America they are located in the south of Argentina and in the southern foothill areas of Chile.

In Russia, chernozems are distributed in the central regions, in the North Caucasus, in the Volga region and Western Siberia. Very fertile and almost completely disassemble. The chernozem zone is the most important agricultural area in which more than 50% (130 million hectares) of the arable land of our country is located. Here they grow winter and spring wheat, sugar bed, sunflower, flax, buckwheat, beans, animal husbandry, fruit growing, vegetable growing and viticulture.

6. Application Chernozem

Chernozem is ideal for any type of landing. It does not require additional processing and use of organic and mineral fertilizers. Under the conditions of good humidifier, the chernozem is very fertile - it can be used for growing grain, vegetable and fodder crops, with breeding gardens and vineyards, in landscape designs.

Most often, the black soil is used to form a certain grinding of soil fertility. Making the black soil Even to its most exhausted soil leads to its improvement, the restoration of all its characteristics, primarily the water permeability, enrichment with nutrient elements. A particularly significant effect is noticeable when applying a chernozem on light sandy and squeaned soils.

Chernozem can be used separately or as part of soil mixtures. It should be said that the single use of the chernozem on the site does not solve the problem of fertility once and for all. Over time, the microbiological composition of the soil changes, and at the same time the nutrient content is reduced.

1. Akhtyrtsev B.P., Akhtyrtsev A.B. Soil cover of the Central Russian black earth. Ed. Voronezh University, 1993.

2. Adorichin P.G. Soil, their genesis, properties and brief agricultural characteristics. Ed. Voronezh University, 1993.

3. Akhtyrtsev B.P., Ephanova E.V. Humus subtypes of medium-Russian black soils of different granulometric composition. Ed. VSU, 1999

5. Orlov D.S. Chemistry soil. M.: Ed. Mosk. un-ta. 1992.

6. Schieglov D.I. Chernozem center of the Russian Plain and their evolution under the influence of natural anthropogenic factors. Ed. Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1999.

Adeyrichin P.G. Soil, their genesis, properties and brief agricultural characteristics. Ed. Voronezh University, 1993.

Scheglov D.I. Chernozem center of the Russian Plain and their evolution under the influence of natural anthropogenic factors. Ed. Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1999.

Glazovskaya M. A., Soils of the world, Part 1-2, M., 2002-73.

Orlov D.S. Chemistry soil. M.: Ed. Mosk. un-ta. 1992.

Akhtyrtsev B.P., Ephanova E.V. Humus subtypes of medium-Russian black soils of different granulometric composition. Ed. VSU, 1999

Glazovskaya M. A., Soils of the world, Part 1-2, M., 2002-73.

Akhtyrtsev B.P., Akhtyrtsev A.B. Soil cover of the Central Russian black earth. Ed. Voronezh University, 1993.

The chernozem is most fertile from all other well-known soil species. As a rule, the Russian chernozem is formed in the steppe and forest-steppe areas of Russia, and its formation itself takes more than a dozen years. To form the chernozem, it is necessary to have certain natural conditions, for example, such as a moderately cold and dry climate, an abundance of meadow and steppe vegetation. In the process of decomposition (humification) of a huge amount of vegetation residues, annually accumulating in the soil, there is an education and accumulation in the upper layer of soil so-called humus, which is essentially humus. Gumus is considered the most valuable element as part of the black soil. It is due to the large content of humus the chernozem has the highest rates of fertility, among all other types of soils, and a characteristic black or dark brown color with a "fatty" tint. In addition to humus, chernozem is rich in many other useful and necessary for vegetation by trace elements, such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and others.

Properties of chernozem

Due to the loamy and grain-sensitive structure of the chernozem soil, ideally suitable for the growth and development of vegetation, the most optimal water-air balance is consistently supported in the chernozem ground soil. The acidity of the chernozem is neutral, and the content in it of various soil microorganisms and calcium is just huge. The quantitative content of humus in the chernozem ground can reach up to 15%. All of the above properties in the aggregate and cause such high fertile properties of the chernozem. Depending on the quantitative content of humus and conditions in which the formation occurred, the chernozem is classified as: leached, apodulated, ordinary, typical and southern.

Application chernozem

The chernozem is ideal for almost all species of plantings and, in most cases, does not require additional mixing with other components, for example, with organic and mineral fertilizers. In climatic conditions with good humidity, the black soil can be extremely fertile. Chernozem soil is used with great success when growing crops such as grain, vegetables, feed, as well as at the cultivation of gardens and vineyards, in the vineysome works in large cities and megalopolis, in landscape design. Usually, mining and delivery of black soil is carried out in order to form a rich fertile soil layer. It is known that the addition of black soil Even to the most depleted and depleted soil gives an excellent wellness effect, in which almost all soil characteristics are restored, and, above all, the water permeability and the content of nutrient elements. The greatest effect is achieved when using the chernozem on light sandy and sampling soils. The application of the chernozem is possible both separately and together with other soil mixtures. However, it is worth noting that the single application of the chernozem for enrichment and improvement of one or another soil will not solve the problem of fertility once and for all. Unfortunately, in a few years the microbiological composition of the soil is again depleted and hesitates that, accordingly, will lead to a decrease in the amount of nutrient elements.

Chernozem pH 6.0 -7.0

As already noted, for the chernozem is characterized by the highest, compared with other types of soil, natural fertility and the content of humus, as well as the presence of a grain-sensitive soil structure and a subline mechanical composition optimal for the growth and development of vegetation. It is also important that the chernozem soil contains a huge number of soil microorganisms. In Russia, black epic grounds is most common in southern regions (Lipetsk, Tula, Ryazan, Voronezh, Belgorod and Kursk region). As for the Moscow region, there are practically no chernozem land here. When buying a black soil to improve fertility on the nursery area, you should not forget that the one-time introduction of the chernozem in the depleted soil will not solve the problem with fertility forever, since the change of natural conditions for the chernozem will lead to a change in its microbiological composition, a decrease in nutrient content and the destruction of soil aggregates. As a result, in a few years the black thing will turn into an ordinary clay substrate, cracking during drying and turning into conventional dirt after the rain. The chernozem is quite simple to use, however, its use in Moscow and the Moscow region should be carried out with the addition of sand or peat, for greater looseness of the soil layer of the Earth.


The use of chernozem on heavy and sublinous and clay soils is ineffective. The greatest effect can be achieved using the chernozem on light sandy soil.

If the trial jumping of the Earth and trials for planting trees will show that the soil is not suitable for planting trees, it is necessary to improve the soil and prepare the ground for embankment into the landing pits. Chernozem and humus soils often need to add clay and lime: clay will make soils more connected, will contribute to the best retention of absorbent moisture, lime helps plants better absorb nutrients. In addition, lime helps to improve the structure of the soil, tying its smallest particles.

What does the chernozem mean? Chernozem is a fertile land having a black shade of color, land endowed with a huge amount of humus and having a grain-lucked structure. As a rule, chernozem soils are formed in the forest, as well as on loams and clays with a moderately continental climate.
To date, the black soil can rightly consider the best for farmers, farmers and gardeners with soil, the soil, on which the flowers, trees and shrubs and fruit cultures, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc. Consequently, the chernozem is an excellent garden land, an excellent land for gardens, as well as for home plants.
On the territory of our state, chernozem soils most prevail in Western Siberia, in the North Caucasus, in the Volga region, in Central Black Earth areas, as well as they can be seen today in Ukraine, in North and South America, in China and a number of European states .

Chernozem - Earth, saturated with humus, for the formation of which the following conditions are important:
- moderate climate or moderate continental;
- consistent alternation of drainage and moisturizing;
- Positive temperature regime.
As experts installed, the temperature of the chernozem is most favorable is the temperature mode above +5 degrees and the annual precipitation of up to 600 mm, not more.
Black-earth lands are running, as a rule, on a wavy-flat relief, rugged in separate places with ravines, stocks and river terraces.

As for vegetation on chernozem soil, meadow-steppe and herbaceous plants are dominated here. Under appropriate climatic conditions, the process of decomposition of such vegetation is underway, as a result of which humus is formed, which over the years is accumulated in the upper layer of the soil. Along with humus, black epic soils also contain a number of other substances such as mineral compounds and complex organic matter. It is due to them in the soil those important for plants growing on chernozem batteries, such as phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur, and some others.

On the properties of the chernozem

The chernozem differs not only by the grain-sensitive structure from other types of soils, but also beautiful water-air qualities and a huge content in its composition calcium. The last substance in chernozem soils is contained up to 90%.
Among the farmers, the black soil is very valuable and the people are valued, first of all, for increased fertility, which is connected in this case with intense natural humification and with a very high level of humus in the upper layer of the soil. Gumus in this case is contained in the soil of about 15 percent.

Types of chernozem

Chernozem is divided by experts on 5 main species.
1. leached. This type of chernozem is formed in the forest-steppe zone in the process of dying the varnoped-cereal plants.
2. Apothed. This type of chernozem is inherent in broader herbaceous forests.
3. Ordinary. This black soil can be detected in the steppe zone. It is formed, as a rule, in the process of dying the dying vegetation.
4. Typical. The formation of a typical black solar occurs on loams, in meadow-steppe zones and in the forest-steppe regions as a result of the decay of various grain crops.
5. South. This type of chernozem can be seen in the steppe zones in the southern part of them, and it is formed as a result of the dieting of the ticker-welcoming vegetation.
In view of the increased content in the chernozem of humus, this type of soil is valued mainly for the high level of fertility and stable yields. Sold with chernozem, that is, garden land in bags, as well as in packages weighing from 1 kilogram and up to several tens kilograms.

It is worth noting that in addition to humus in the chernozem, there are other no less useful substances for fruit plants such as phosphorus, nitrogen, iron and sulfur. According to its immediate structure, the black-earth soil resembles small lumps of fertile land, and the chernozem soil of southern zones is considered the most fertile. This soil in a different way, specialists are called the "fatty ground" or "fatty black soil."

Today, the chernozem is appreciated not only in our state, but also far beyond, and all due to the increased fertility of such soil. Currently, it is the chernozem that is recognized as the best soil for growing berries, fruits, vegetables, fruit shrubs and trees. It is important to know that for some individual plant species, only the black soil in the soil will be very useful and it is important to mix with other useful components, for example, with sand, peat or compost. These components help to make the chernozem Bole loose, which will allow to receive the best fruits of certain types of fruit crops.

Application chernozem

As you know, the best soil for growing vegetables, fruits, berries, as well as fruit-berry shrubs and trees is a black soil, and all because such a soil is very fertile. Chernozem, as already seen from the name has a black color, and with this a dense composition.

It is used today with black earth soils in gardening, gardening and agriculture as high-quality fruit land for planting various kinds of plants, shrubs, herbs and trees. Use the chernozem today when dealing with lawns, as a special vegetable soil, with lands, endowed with a large amount of clay, as well as for diluting land with a bad drainage system, to create air-water air-favorable plants on such lands. The chernozem is also the best land for the seedlings, it is in it in it in the cryment of seedlings and begins to grow with an unprecedented pace.
Today, the fertile land in packages and in bags in any volumes, to purchase a black soil and all sorts of fertile mixtures from it can be and personally at the most affordable price.

Characteristic Chernozema

Chernozem is a soil that is enriched with a huge amount of humus and the content of humus in the chernozem in the top layer is especially expressed. At the same time, chernozem soils contain a huge amount of nutrient elements and microorganisms beneficial for plants, and visually they constitute a self-grain structure. It is endowed with black soil and excellent water and air qualities that are no longer endowed by any other natural origin of the soil.
In the chernozem, as specialists proved, up to 90% of calcium, as well as humic acids, which are currently the most valuable and simply indispensable fraction of humus, quickly visible roots of absolutely all plant species.
Meanwhile, even despite the fact that black soil has a number of such weighty advantages, there is one lack of such weighty. The chernozem does not possess looseness, and therefore, planting plants with a weak root system into this land, it is important to take care of what to give Blackcut the looseness. This can be done very easily, adding a little sand, peat into the ground, a peat or a special compost mixture, which can be used in any horticultural or economic store. The most optimal is the most optimal proportion of three parts of the chernozem itself to one part of any of the above components, that is, peat, sand, or a compost mixture.

It is worth noting that the chernozem soil is also very fat soil and in this one can make sure, simply taking such land in his hands, and squeezing it. On any hand, after these actions, a black bold imprint will remain. This is exactly what it says that the black soil is a fertile land with a fairly large content, as already noted, humus. Thanks to its own qualities, properties and less porous structure, rather than other types of soil, the chernozem does not sin in the sun and does not rot under the action of moisture, as clay soils make, for example.
Plants in the chernozem feel quite vigorously and freely, because here they are provided with all the necessary elements and oxygen necessary for nutrition, which is so important for the growth of any living organism. In order to grow good fruits on chernozem soils, you will not need to fertilize the land of some chemistry or biodoxes, the plants will bloom and delight you on it in natural conditions without any soil impurities.

Views of Chernozema

Today, all farmers and gardes and gardeners are called the standard of soil and this is not in vain, because it is he, the black soil, consisting of half of the humus, gives plants and fruit cultures to all the most necessary for their life and excellent growth. Consequently, the chernozem is the most fertile land and this fact is indisputable.
Meanwhile, depending on where exactly the chernozem was formed, it differs markedly in its composition. So, the black-earth soils are poured by the following types:

Typical black soil;
- blurred chernozem;
- leached chernozem;
- Chernozem opollen;
- Bescarboland, etc.

At the same time, despite the difference in species, the chernozem in any case remains the most fertile soil.
They distinguish between the chernozem not only through the territory of education, but also on the percentage of humus in it. In this case, scientists share black-earth soils on the following types:

Weakness (contain up to 4% of pure humus in its composition);
- low-hummous (contain up to 5-6% of pure humus in its composition);
- Mediterranean (contain from 6% to 9% of pure humus in its composition);
- Silnogumus (contain over 9% of pure humus in its composition).

Today, fertile land is sold in bags and packages of various volumes. So, for example, garden land in packets (5,10,25.60 liters) can be purchased directly at a bargain price. Landscaping and improvement of your homeland territory with such land will be quick and easy. Among other things, we can buy a soil for seedlings and other useful compositions for the growth and development of plants.