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Sights of Japan. What to see in Japan. The most amazing tourist places in Japan

One of the most amazing and contrasting countries in the world is Japan. Here, Eastern Culture and Traditions are closely intertwined with advanced Western technologies - ancient national attractions are adjacent to skyscrapers and elite business centers. And Japan is a country with excellent picturesque nature, which brings peace of mind and peace.

1. Mount Fuji.

Mount Fuji is the most famous among all the attractions of Japan. In fact, this is a valid volcano located on the island of Honshu. Mount Fuji is incredibly popular from both tourists and local residents. For the Japanese, this is a sacred place - they consider it mandatory to stand at the top of the mountain at least once in their lives. For travelers, it is an opportunity to get unforgettable impressions and enjoy the beautiful view from the top.

2. Disneyland in Tokyo

Disneyland thematic parks are known to the world, and one of them is located in the capital of Japan. Disneyland in Tokyo became the first such fleet outside the United States. This place is very popular among holidaymakers with children. In addition to the fact that there are many interesting and exciting attractions, as well as thematic pavilions, Disneyland is a separate small town with their entertainment centers, shops, cafes and even hotels.

3. Tower Kyoto

Kyoto Tower is one of the best viewing sites in Japan. It was erected on the roof of the nine-story building in which the hotel is located. A tower was built specifically for tourists to the Olympic Games in Japan in 1964. Kyoto Tower is made in the form of a Japanese candle and painted in traditionally white color. Many tourists mistakenly believe that the tower has a certain appointment, but no - she initially thought as an overview.

4. Toyota Mega Web Exhibition Center

The most popular innovative attractions of Japan cannot be attributed to the Toyota Mega Web exhibition center. Here under the roof of one huge building are the main automotive museum of the country, a disturbing amusement park and an amazing exposition best cars All Toyota times. Despite the automotive topics, visit the exhibition center will be interesting to all tourists. There are many cars of the past years and upcoming eras.

5. Park Weno

For those who prefer at least sometimes to be in silence and enjoy nature, you should pay attention to the Weno Park. This attraction is located in Tokyo and is the most visited park of the city. It is growing in its territory as traditional plants for Japan and representatives of foreign flora. But the main surprise for tourists will be the fact that the park is the heart of the cultural and scientific life of Tokyo. And on its territory there are several remarkable and interesting museums.

6. Museum Miraiskan.

Incredible contrast to the ancient sights of Japan is Museum Museum in Tokyo. In its walls, the fascinating exhibition is concentrated, which can be imagined. It is devoted to the achievements of the science of the future: each of the halls is assigned to the exposition of certain science. The exhibition of robotics is the greatest popularity. The main feature The museum is an opportunity to touch the exhibits and get acquainted with them "in practice."

7. Gindza district in Tokyo

The Gindza district remains the most popular Tokyo quarter already many years. The name of the district is translated as "coin" - because in the XVII-XIX centuries, a mint of the courtyard was located in this place. There is always a colorful and restless life here. Gindza is simply naked with all sorts of boutiques and shops, cafes and restaurants, clubs and bars, shopping and entertainment centers. By visiting the capital of Japan, it will be necessary to visit the Gindza area.

8. Garden Happo-En

Garden Happo-En, located in the very center of Tokyo, is one of the most beautiful places in Japan. He creates a unique contrast of the stormy metropolitan life. Literally abroad the garden reigns a fuss of modern major city, while on the territory of the territory of the HAPPO-EN, the quiet and relaxed atmosphere rules, which will bring a peaceful to its visitors. This garden is beautiful at any time of the year and day. A feature of the HAPPO-EN is the lack of symmetricality familiar to European countries in the location of vegetation - it was created according to the similarity of the pristine nature.

9. Tokyo Telbashnya

Among the new man-made attractions of the Japanese capital, the Tokyo Tenerbashnya is clearly allocated. Her age is a little exceeding half a century, but she has already managed to conquer the title of one of the symbols of the city. Externally, this tower is like Eiffel, and with its observation deck, beautiful views are opening. From here you can see the magnificent panorama of Tokyo at any time of the day, as well as admire the picturesque view of the snow-covered slopes of Mount Fuji.

10. Tokyo National Museum

Tokyo National Museum is a real giant among the cultural attractions of Japan. Its exposition is so great that it will have to visit daily during the week if you want to bypass the museum completely. There are over 120 thousand exhibits here, among which almost the entire history of Japan: national costumes, samurai armor and weapons, works of various artists and many other items. Also, at times there are exhibitions of foreign museums. This is a very interesting place to visit!

11. Gincaku Ji Temple

One of the most valuable objects of the cultural and historical heritage of Japan is the twin temples. They are also called the temples of the silver and gold pavilions. Gincaku-Ji Temple is a "silver" brother. Erected in Japan, this religious attraction was more than five centuries ago. The Gincaku-Dzhi Temple is dedicated to the patroness of the mercy of the goddess Cannon. The temple itself is surrounded by a magnificent sandy garden.

12. Kinkaku-Ji Temple

"Elder Brother" in the main religious duet of Japanese culture is the Temple of Kinkaku-Ji. It is, thereby thereby "the Golden Pavilion", according to the architecture of which "Silver" was already built. Kinkaku-ji was built at the end of the XIV century, since that time he was repeatedly subjected to fires, but each time he was restored. It is worth noting that the temple is included in the list of the most popular tourist destinations of Japan, and every year visits many travelers with different countries World.

13. National Theater Bunrap

The National Theater Bunrap in the city of Osaka is the striking attraction of Japanese culture. Visitors of this institution are waiting for unimaginable puppet performances that will exceed all the expectations and ideas about this form of art. Among European tourists the theater is extremely popular, because there is nothing like this in any other country. And it is impossible to submit a numerous variety of performances and performances.

14. Kabuki-Dza Theater

The subject of Kabuki-Dza is considered the subject of national pride in Japan. Locals have always been famous for honoring their traditions, culture and customs. And the theater is just an embodiment of these three hat, because it is so appreciated by the Japanese and is so popular among foreign tourists. Representations in the theater of Kabuki-Dz are inherent in the wealth of outfits, unusual for Western peoples theatrical maker and a rather deep and confusing meaning of performances.

Acquaintance with Japan and its attractions can not manage to visit the castles. Next, highlight the most interesting!

15. Nagoya Castle

Nagoya Castle refers to the most important historical and cultural monuments of Japan. The construction was erected at the beginning of the 18th century and for several centuries was the main administrative and political center Principality of Owar. But, unfortunately, the devastating garbage of the Second World War did not pass for the building without a trace - he was turned into ruins. The inhabitants of the city themselves laid the beginning of the restoration work, now the attraction is fully restored and is a symbol of the city, attracting many visitors.

16. Inuyama

Inuyama - the oldest among Japan's castles was erected in the middle of the XV century. The construction is perfectly preserved to our time and has a rich history, and its architecture amazing imagination. Visitors are invited to inspect the museum exposition located directly in the building and stroll around the garden in which trees with a centuries-old history grow. The castle of Inuyama was assigned the honorary title of Japan's national treasures, and this perfect place for visiting.

17. Coti

Another pearl in the crown of Japanese castle construction is Koti. His construction was completed in 1611, since that time the monument has managed to survive fire, and several reconstructions. Today the castle is given to the placement of museum expositions and is considered a symbol of national pride. Earth around the attractions are given to the breeding of scenic gardens. Coti is very popular among tourists and revered by the Japanese themselves, as well as annually takes many visitors.

18. Kumamoto.

Kumamoto is one of the largest and most interesting castles of Japan. This structure was erected as an impregnable fortress, which is able to survive long and exhausting siege, which was quite a lot. The indisputable greatness of the building and his rich history attract tourists as a magnet - given the considerable distance from the Japanese capital, who want to visit Kumamoto does not become less. Today, the nuts growing on the territory of the monument are only a decoration, and during cruel sides, defenders of the fortress eaten their fruits and crust.

19. Matsumoto

The popular monuments of antiquity and the cultural heritage of Japan include the castle of Matsumoto. This attraction is at 3 o'clock the way from the Japanese capital. Matsumoto and its surroundings are well preserved in the form in which several centuries stayed back. Today, visitors will be able to see the primordial look of medieval Japan.

20. Matsuyama-jo

One of the oldest and greatest monuments of Japanese civilization is Matsuyama-Dzio Castle. It is worth a reservation that a few of the guests of Japan get to him, because it is located quite remotely from popular tourist routes. But this does not mean that it is less valuable and popular. On the contrary - Matsuyama-Dzё refers to the most valuable sights of the country. Among the Japanese is considered to visit the place, the walls of which are remembered fierce battles and siege.

21. Matsue.

Special place among the attractions of Japan is Castle Matsue. It is ranked towards the greatest castles of the world, and this list simply does not fall. The Japanese called him "Black Castle" - in the color of its walls and the cracked atmosphere, which hung over Matsue. The construction is well preserved to our time, perhaps due to the fact that he did not participate in the wars of the past years. Nowadays, inside the castle walls, you can visit the museum, the exposition of which is devoted to the armament of samurai.

22. Nijo

The next object of cultural and historical heritage of Japan is a bright and loud titles - we are talking About the castle of Nijo in the city of Kyoto. This attraction is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, ranked as National Treasures of Japan and is considered one of the most beautiful castles of the country. It is here that the world-famous "nightingale" floors are located, and the history of the structure is enveloped by many secrets and legends, which guides will tell tourists.

23. Fusimi

Also among the fortresses of Japan, the castle of Fusimi, located a few kilometers from the city of Kyoto, occupies its deserved place. From the rest of such structures, this castle is distinguished by the fact that he was raised not for military purposes, but for idle stay in it. Unfortunately, to the present days, his magnificence was not preserved completely - the facade Fusimi had to restore, and his interior decoration Round in the fly. Now this building is given to the museum, where visitors will be able to get acquainted with several epochs from the life of Japan.

24. Odavara

Japan experienced a lot of wars and battles, the considerable share of which came to the fate of the castle of Odavar. For several centuries, he was subjected to siege more than once, took the battle and became the object of severe seizures and destruction. All this could not pass for the castle without a trace, and it happened - the construction was turned into ruins. Under a long time, Odavar was restored and now serves as a museum, which contains the exposition of samurai equipment and weapons, as well as national clothes.

As you can see, there are sights in Japan, which will allow how to join culture ancient CountryAnd it's closer to get acquainted with its innovative achievements. In any case, while traveling on the "country ascending sun"Everyone will find a lesson in the shower. Thanks for attention!

If you ever have been to Japan, you probably already know how an amazing country is. And for those who only plan to visit the country of the Rising Sun, you can envy - they are waiting for the lot of unforgettable impressions. In our today's selection you will find the most interesting and beautiful places Japan. Some of them are considered popular attractions, others are located away from tourist routes, but everyone is a unique pearl of this country.

15 photos

The bamboo forest of Sagano seems to move tourists into a completely different reality. In addition to the fact that high bamboo stems themselves look impressive when the wind rises, they are also published, "start singing", as local residents say.

The Hitachi Park is located in the northeastern part of Tokyo Prefecture, but Honshu Island. The most ideal time to visit the Hitachi Park is September, when 4.5 million neleophil (American forget-me-not) bloom here, turning the surface of the Earth in an amazing blue coat with colors.

The Japanese Garden of Kavatat Fuji is located in the northern part of the Cussy Island, not far from Fukuki. Attend this place is best at the end of April, at this time the garden reaches the brightest and lush flowering.

Shibazakur is a rare moss of pink and white-purple, which grows in the Fuji lakes area. Every year, from April to June, Fuji Shibazakura festival is held in honor of this extraordinary phenomenon.

The city of Kawagoy is famous for its beautiful rivers, sailing on which, you can feel the atmosphere of ancient Japan, which has been preserved here. It was Cavaga in the XVII century that was a fortress and the official residence of the head of the Segun guard.

One of the main Shinto shrines in Kyoto, the main attraction here is thousands of red ritual gates that are standing on both sides of the road, the length of which is more than 4 km.

Old bypass trail leading from Kyoto to Edo, which was of great importance to trading in the XVII century. The trail passes through a very picturesque countryside.

Buddhist temple, founded in 717 by a wandering monk. Especially beautiful this building looks in winter, on the background of snow cover.

A three-story building made in a traditional Japanese style, which is perfectly combined with the breathtaking scenery. Near the Pagoda is the most high waterfall In Japan, its height is as 133 meters.

During this festival, 20 thousand lamps are made from bamboo, which are burning for three nights. The festival of bamboo lamps in the clock begins on the third Friday of November.

The delightful blue pond, located at the foot of the Tokachi Mountain, on Hokkaido Island, is obliged to be a natural mineral resource.

Skin Flowering Sakura Flowering in Japan lasts about a couple of weeks, turning the modern capital of the country into a fragrant garden.

Pagoda Kureto - Japanese anti-war memorial, created in 1963. Pagoda is on the hill, and to get to it, you will have to overcome as much as 400 steps. However, the architectural beauty of the Pagoda and a magnificent view of Mount Fujiima are worth any effort.

15. Tea Garden overlooking Mount Fuji

Surprisingly beautiful tea plantation located in Sizozuok Prefecture. Here you can enjoy a cup of delicious green tea, brought to Japan from China over 1,300 years ago and admire the beautiful natural landscape.

Briefly tell about the main attractions of Japan: architectural, historical and natural. Photo attached. Read!

While cultures are mixed throughout the world, for foreigners, Japan and its attractions remain a mystery. The country retains distinctive traditions, architecture, authentic holidays and cooking, but finds a place for ultra-modern technologies. All this attracts tourists here, to East Asia. For one journey in Japan, you can have time to swim in the sea, visit the real tea ceremony, but the main thing is to see the legendary natural and man-made sights.

Historical sights of Japan

For a long history, Japan experienced and lifting, and tragic events. For example, war, after which significant monuments appeared in the country. No less religious traditions are important for local. Therefore, the japan route should include the ancient temples.

Mira Park

A symbolic memorial park of the world is located completely destroyed during the atomic bombardment. On its territory, in addition to the eternal fire, a monument to Sadako Sasaki is installed - the most famous victim of that attack. It is captured with the origami caravel in his hand. The memorial complex includes numerous monuments and dome Gambaku - the witness of the catastrophe and one of the rare preserved Hiroshima facilities.

The entrance is free, the park is open around the clock.

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In the city of Nara, there is one of the oldest Buddhist temples of Japan - Todai Ji, also recognized as the largest wooden structure in the world. The temple was founded in the VIII century, but the modern appear acquired to the beginning of the XVIII century. Todai-ji has deserved wide popularity thanks to the 15-meter bronze statue of the Buddha Vairokhan, which is the peer of the temple. With Todai-ji, the treasury of Syosoin is open - invaluable relics are kept. The most remarkable of them are sacred swords whose age is almost 1300 years. In the treasury, the jewels of all the emperors of Japan and many masks of theatrical representations of Gigaki are exposed.

The price of a ticket: 500 yen for visiting the museum, 800 yen for entering the museum and temple. Opening hours - from 8:00 to 17:00.


The Japanese city of Kamakura attracts tourists the statue of the Big Buddha at the temple of Kotoku-in. Its height along with the base is 13 meters. The statue dates back to the XIII century and was performed the greatest sculptors of that time. Initially, she was placed in a special hall, but he was destroyed by the elements, and decided to leave an open-air statue. Today, the Big Buddha can be inspected not only outside - the staircase leads to the inner part of the foundation of the statue. In the temple itself, the vintage plates with hockey are preserved.

Ticket price: 200 yen. Opening hours - from 8:00 to 17:30, daily.

Natural attractions of Japan

Flowering gardens, mountains, volcanoes - Japan is filled with natural attractions. To them, the Japanese belong to special trepid and maintain clean.

Garden Happo-En

In Tokyo, there is no better way to disappear from the fuss than visiting the Garden Happo-En - the places of pristine natural beauty in the center of the metropolis. It was based on the 4th century ago and since then repeatedly changed. Happo-Ene is rich in Sakura and the spring is becoming a place for holding a large festival of flowering, and in the summer it is worth come here to admire the azalia. In addition to the flora, the garden attracts old bridges and arbors, grots and well-kept alleys.

Enter free, opening hours - from 10:00 to 20:30.


On the territory of Japan there are several major national parks. One of them is located on Honshu Island. The park covers the same mountain range and has a variety of landscapes. In Nikko there are lakes, forests, plateau, extinct stratulkans, waterfalls, rivers, hot springs and swamps. The most popular object among tourists is a cagona waterfall. The park has historical monuments: sanctuary, temple complexes and pagodas.

The entrance is free, you need to pay attention to sightseeing. Opening hours - daily, from 8:00 to 15:30.

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Fuji knows far beyond Japan as a sacred for the locals mountain. This is a valid volcano, which was traded for the last time in the XVIII century. The safe season on comes in and August, when the snow and thousands of tourists are rushing to the top of the mountain along the laid routes. The rise will take at least 3 hours, and on the descent - from 2 hours depending on the level of preparation. There are stations with places of recreation and cafes, as well as a local attraction. - Shinto sanctuary.

The entrance is free.

Bamboo Grove

One of the most unusual places in Japan is a bamboo grove located in Kyoto. This is a forest with thousands of high bamboo trees, which, swaying from the wind, make sounds. Someone hears the peaceful melodies in them. The history of the grove began in the XIV century, when one of the monks founded a picturesque garden overlooking the temples. Since antiquity, the Japanese believed that Ba Banzuk is able to protect against evil forces. Today, Kyoto residents and tourists come to the grove to be alone with untouched nature. The forest is interesting not only by bamboo trees. There are alleys with survey sites - you can consider mountain peaks and temples.

The entrance is free, surcharge for visiting temples. Opening hours - around the clock.

Architectural attractions of Japan

Japan's architecture is the ancient monuments, and modern buildings built in different time. Sometimes high skyscrapers And the vintage buildings are adjacent, surprising tourists with such eclectics.

Nijo Castle

Kyoto is located one of the most famous castle complexes of the country. The residence of Nijo Sigunov was erected in the XVII century, and today it consists of several gardens and many buildings. On the territory of the complex dominates the castle Ninomaru, in the Japanese tradition decorated with ornaments. It includes 33 rooms, each of which stores unique wall murals. Next to the lock is the Citadel with gardens filled with drain and cherry trees.

Ticket price: 600 yen. Opening hours - from 9:00 to 18:00, Ninomaru - until 16:00.

Imperial palace

In the heart of Tokyo, in the midst of the lush greenery, the palace of the Japanese emperor is located. For the first time, the castle was built in this place in the XV century, but many of his wooden structures were injured as a result of a fire. In the XX century, the imperial palace was renovated and opened for visitors. The modern complex includes not only a new palace and imperial chambers. There are a Palace Park (example of Park Art of Japan), three shrines, a music hall, a watchtower and stone bridges. All these facilities are standing on the ruins of the first castle and are surrounded by a high wall. Better time For walking around the palace complex, spring is considered when Sakura flources.

The entrance is free. Opening hours - daily, from 10:00 to 15:00.

Built for the purpose of broadcasting, the Tokyo TV Tower has become one of the main symbols of Tokyo. It is often compared with the Eiffel Tower, and the similarity really is. For visitors, two viewing platforms are open here, from which the Japanese capital can be considered as a palm. Also in the tower work souvenir shops and night club, holographic exhibition is held, there is even big Aquarium.

Ticket price: 900 yen. Opening hours of the main observation deck - from 9:00 to 23:00.

Amusement parks in Japan

Arriving to Japan, you can visit several famous entertainment parks at once. All of them are included in the top of the largest in the world and are able to surprise even sophisticated tourists.

In 1983, Tokyo became the first city outside the United States, in which Disneyland appeared. Every year there are no less than 14 million visitors. Today, the amusement park is divided into 7 main areas and has more than 40 rides for every taste. Among them - carousels, rides based on the "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Pinocchio" and "Cinderella", a cruise on the jungle, a house with the leaders, game houses for children and exciting slides. In Disneyland, a show every day with the participation of the most popular characters of Walt Disney.

Ticket price: on day - 7400 yen adults and from 4800 yen children, for 2 days - 13200 yen adults and from 8600 yen to children. There are also 3-4 days tickets and even for a year.

Opening hours - from 8:00 to 22:00, but in some months Disneyland works from 8:30 (you need to specify in advance).

Universal Studio.

Another theme park in Japan is Universal Studio, located in Osaka. Since the opening, it is continuously updated with new types of entertainment. Today in the park there is a large zone with attractions and shops in the style of novels about Harry Potter, themed sections based on the cartoons about Snupei and "Sesame Streets" and a slide of various types ("Park of the Jurassic period", "Spiderman", "Jaws") . On the territory of Universal Studio, exclusive shows are held with the participation of dancers, acrobats and musicians.

Ticket price: on day - 7600 yen for adults and from 5100 yen for children, for 2 days - 12800 yen for adults and from 8600 yen for children. Opening hours - from 10:00 to 18:00 on weekdays and until 20:00 on weekends.

Among the largest oceanariums of Asia and the world as a whole - Osaka's oceanarium. It lives in the inhabitants of the waters and the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Now you can count more than 30,000 fish, invertebrates, mammals, birds and amphibians. Oceanarium is divided into thematic areas: Japanese forests, Ecuadorian jungle, Antarctica, Aleutian islands, jellyfish, spilling Cook. Visitors can see the skates, a whale shark, dolphins, penguins, sea lions, octopuses, marine outers.

Ticket price: 2300 yen for adults, for children - from 600 yen (depending on age), up to 3 years old. Opening hours - from 10:00 to 20:00.

Attractions in Japan, great many, do not need to go far, so as not to stumble upon some unique place. No matter how many times you visited Japan, you can always find something new for yourself. There are those whose description of Japan's attractions to be easily found on the Internet, and there are little-known corners, only locals can tell the way to which. So look carefully on the sides, so as not to view any wonder.

We will list only the main attractions of Japan, what you can meet in the journey.

The best sights of Japan

Mount Fuji. Practically business card Japan. Snow from the top does not make all summer, giving us the opportunity to admire the white shine of its slopes. The Sacred Mountain of the Japanese marked on a variety of photographs and samples of classical Japanese painting.

One of the oldest castles in Japan is located near the city of Nagoya. The castle wears the title of National Treasures of Japan.

This entertaining museum dedicated to the world's famous Japanese comics is located in Kyoto.

This museum in Khakon is dedicated to the creativity of Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Museum made in olive style And even possesses a real French restaurant. The entrance is 1500 JPY.

In this museum you can get acquainted with the most amazing japanese technology. And even feel it with your own hands, because the museum is interactive. The ticket is worth 620 JPY for an adult and 210 JPY for a child under 18.

National Theater Bunrap. The art of the puppet theater has no one hundred years in Japan. Theater is located in Osaka, and you can easily visit any idea. Children will come to a special delight.

One of the most beautiful and oldest parks, which is called the "garden of eight landscapes." The garden is located in one of the busiest and noisy areas of the city - Cirokenedai.

Famous theater on the whole world with ancient traditions is in. The Japanese tremendously relate to theatrical art of Kabuki with its dense make-up and sophisticated outfits. Women's roles are traditionally played by men.

The famous construction in Tokyo has a huge high and outlines similar to Eiffel. You can climb and review the city with a multiometrous height.

The terrific beauty of the Temple of Japanese female deities is in the vicinity of Kyoto.

This magnificent Buddhist sanctuary is sometimes called the Golden Pavilion. There is a temple in Kyoto and is one of the heritage of UNESCO.

Learn more about the sights of Japan can be found on the pages of our site dedicated to its cities.

Japan is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Here you will find a unique combination of traditional churches and buildings of the past, with modern achievements in the field of architecture and technology. Tourists, hitting this country, can plunge into Japanese history and culture, as well as get a tour of the future, with the help of this science. Many historical monuments are used by their destination, while remaining open to the public. The incredible beauty of Japan can be seen at any time of the year. It seems to your attention short review Attractions of Japan, which you should see your own eyes.

1. World Memorial in Hiroshima

This monument can be attributed to the tragic sights of Japan. The memorial stands in memory of those whose life was carried by an atomic bomb, discarded on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Located in the park Memorial Dome Gambaka is the only building that remained survived after the explosion. This is a harsh reminder of the world in war, about the importance of human lives and innocent victims.

2. Monkey Dzhigokudani Park

Dzhigokudani Park is famous for its hot areas. The name of Jigokudani literally means: "Ada Valley". This name was fixed behind the park due to steam and boiling water, which flows out of the marzular land, surrounded by steep rocks and cold forests. The park is also famous for the great population of wild Japanese macaques, which are sent to the Valley in the winter when the snow covers the park. Monkeys descend from the sheer cliffs and from the forest to warm up from warm sources, but in the evening they are returned back. Thousands of tourists are going to look at it.

3. Kiemyidzu-Dera

Kiemyidzu-Dera - Buddhist Temple Located in East Kyoto, was founded in 778. The temple is in full harmony with nature. During the construction of the temple, not a single nail was used. Nearby are beautiful waterfalls that fall into deep rivers, in which local residents sometimes jump from height (survival 85.4%). Guests can enjoy the shrines and talismans, not risking their lives.

4. Castle Himedezi

Castle Himedezi is considered the best existing example Japanese architecture of castles and the most visited architectural landmarks of Japan. He was strengthened from enemies in the era of feudalism, it turned out many times and reconstructed throughout different centuries, so reflects different periods Design. This castle survived the bombing of World War II.

5. Great Buddha Kamakura

The great Buddha Kamakura is a colossal cultural monument. The bronze Buddha is 13 meters in height and weighs 93 tons. Statue dates back to 1252 year. Initially, it was placed in a small wooden temple of the Great Buddha, but now stands on open platformSince the initial placement location was clean the tsunami of the 15th century.

6. Temple Todaji

Temple Todaji is a real engineering feat. It's not just the biggest wooden building In the world, this temple is also home for the largest bronze statue of Buddha in the world. It is one of the most famous temples of Asia.

7. Tokyo Tower

The Tokyo Tower is evidence of technology development in modern life. The Tokyo tower is designed according to the analogue of the Eiffel Tower. Visitors can rise to the tower and see the panoramic view of Tokyo and surrounding areas, as well as visit the shops and restaurants. This is one of the most modern attractions of Japan.

8. Imperial Palace in Tokyo

The Imperial Palace in Tokyo functions as a control center and a museum for demonstration japanese art and history. The palace is located on the ruins of the old castle, which was destroyed as a result of a fire. The new palace is surrounded by traditional japanese gardens And has many halls for receiving guests.

9. Mount Fuji.

Mount Fuji is the most high mountain In Japan, its height is 3776 meters. An exceptionally symmetrical cone of the volcano is a well-known symbol of Japan, it is often depicted in the pictures, or photograph. Every year 200,000 people rises on Fuji. Lifting can take from three to eight hours, and the descent can take from two to five hours.

10. Golden Pavilion

Kinkaku-Dji or the Temple of the Golden Pavilion is the most popular tourist attraction in Japan and Kyoto. The pavilion was built at the end of the 14th century. Unfortunately, the pavilion was burned in 1950 by a young monk who went crazy. Five years later, he was restored as an exact copy of the original. The pavilion is covered with gold and very beautifully reflected in the pond.

At this attractions of Japan do not end. You will find a description of many other interesting places in a section on a country that is constantly updated with new materials.