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The largest waterfall in russia. The largest waterfall in Russia The highest waterfall in Asia

In the Grand Canyon, USA. WATERFALL, a fall of water in a river from a ledge that crosses a river bed. Water can fall over several ledges, forming a series of cascading waterfalls; less steeply falling waterfalls are called slopes. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

WATERFALL, the fall of the waters of a river or stream from a steep slope or cliff. Where the river bed crosses the junction of various rocks, there are certain types of EROSION. The softer rock breaks down faster, forming a sharp drop in level. If the reservoir is more ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

WATERFALL, waterfall, husband. A stormy stream of water rapidly falling from a ledge formed by a sharp decline in the channel. The river forms a waterfall. Mountain waterfall. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Sutherland, Utigard, Tugela, Vodoskat, Angel, Victoria, Cascade, Iguazu, Boyoma, Padun, Vitoria, Cataract, Gavarnyu Dictionary of Russian synonyms. waterfall noun, number of synonyms: 23 angel (1) ... Synonym dictionary

Fall of water in a river from a ledge crossing the river bed. Water can fall over several ledges, forming a series of cascading waterfalls; less steeply falling waterfalls are called rapids ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

WATERFALL, eh, husband. A stream of water rapidly falling from a height. Gorny V. | adj. waterfall, oh, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

This is the name of the place where a river or stream falls over a steep or even steep ledge. Thresholds are not quite correctly distinguished from V. by a series of successive, but usually insignificant V.'s heights, which often appear instead of one large one. V.… … Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

The place where the bed of the stream forms a ledge from which water falls down. The following types of water are distinguished: 1) the Niagara mass of water is thrown down by a wide front and its width is equal to or greater than the height; typical for horizontally lying debris ... ... Geological encyclopedia

waterfall- sleepless (Fedorov); wild (Bryusov); silvery white (Bryusov); gray-haired (Balmont) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: Supplier to the court of His Majesty, the partnership of the Quick Press A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913 ... Dictionary of epithets

waterfall- Fall of river water from a ledge crossing the river bed. Water can fall along several ledges, forming a series of waterfalls - a cascade. [Dictionary of geological terms and concepts. Tomsk State University] Topics geology, geophysics ... ... Technical translator's guide


  • Waterfall of Life, Svetlana Luchinskaya. Love is a fusion of souls, to find it means to touch eternity. Superhuman love arises between a robber not by vocation and a woman whom fate forbade to love. This… electronic book

A seemingly simple and ordinary post about attracted a lot of attention, and all because we know little about the sights of our country. From time to time you have to be very surprised. Let's continue to explore our native spaces.

Talnikovy waterfall is the largest in Russia. The waterfall is located on the Putorana Plateau (Central Siberian Plateau) in the Putorana Reserve, on Lake Dupkun, on its left bank, between the mouths of the 1st Gagarya and the 2nd Gagarya rivers.

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Their greatness fascinates tourists, and their power makes them admire. "Falling water" has long attracted not only humans, but also animals. For example, with their thunderous rumblings, waterfalls for tens of kilometers serve as a guide for birds during migrations.

Nature has gifted man with many miracles that you can look at endlessly. The most beautiful mountains, where in the lower reaches there are meadows with emerald-green grass, and the tops are covered with majestic caps of snow.

Rivers, including mountain ones, which, depending on the season, can calm down with their serenity in dry warm weather, or cause involuntary respect, bordering even on some fear of the power of the water stream, which sweeps away everything in its path during the flood period. But the most bewitching sight is undoubtedly the waterfalls ...

A very curious pattern, all large-wide waterfalls on earth are located on the border of two or more states. Apparently, this is not accidental. After all, wide waterfalls are insurmountable natural boundaries, around which borders were established earlier.

There are whole clusters of such "water diamonds" on the planet. For example, in the Caucasus, in the Teberda Nature Reserve in the gorge of the Salyngan River, there is a valley of "Thirty Waterfalls". And in Japan, in a park on the island of Honshu, hundreds of waterfalls fall on the Osunidani Valley. Norway is called the Land of Waterfalls. And few people know that a small kingdom in the mountains of Lesotho in South Africa in Africa is a tangle of 3 thousand waterfalls.

Well, what is the largest waterfall in Russia. True, there are not so many of them on the territory of Russia. And the more useful it will be for tourists interested in the beauties of their native nature, to visit the largest waterfall in our country - Talnikovy. It can be said unambiguously that in our country and throughout Asia, the highest is Talnikovy waterfall. Almost no one knows that it is located in the Putoransky Nature Reserve in the Central Siberian Plateau on Taimyr. But almost everyone knows that this water cascade is considered the most beautiful in Russia.

What is most interesting is that the waterfall is really the largest, but for quite a long time its height could not be measured. Moreover, for a long time the information about him indicated in encyclopedic sources did not correspond to the truth, since they were taken from the diaries of the researcher Babitsky, who studied the waterfall flowing into the river of the same name (that is, it should have been called Talnikovsky).

And the Talnikovy waterfall itself is located at a decent distance from this river - it originates on Mount Trapezium in the Central Siberian Plateau. At least, this is how the discoverer Afanasyev described it in his notes. There is still controversy about the height of Talnikovy waterfall, different researchers give different numbers: they range from 482 to 700 m.

For quite a long time, this waterfall was generally one of those natural objects that are called "mythical" - there was a description, and two, which caused the confusion, but there was not a single photograph. Strictly speaking, there are still no photos of the waterfall in its full-flowing state, there are only photos provided by Mikhail Afanasyev, taken during the period when the waterfall dries up, that is, in fact, this is just a photo of a crevice. Perhaps it is this mystery that has become the main reason why this waterfall has become one of the few natural sites that have their own website, which collects all the information on it.

Of course, this aura of mystery has its own appeal - many would like to see with their own eyes something whose existence has been questioned for so long. Therefore, whole expeditions are regularly sent in search of Talnikovy waterfall. If any of the readers comes up with the idea of ​​joining such an expedition or organizing their own, we will immediately warn you - this, according to Afanasyev's description, makes sense only in July and August, all other months the stream either dries up due to drought or freezes from Taimyr cold weather. However, even if it fails, there is always something to see on Taimyr.

Additional views of the Putorana plateau

Of all the beauties that nature has given us, waterfalls have the strongest attraction. They fascinate, sometimes frighten, but always delight. There are more than one hundred of them on the planet. There are tall and small, wide and narrow, lonely and collected in one place, forming a unique landscape sculpture.

In the mountains of the Caucasus, in the Teberda Nature Reserve, the Salyngan River flows. In its gorges there is a unique valley called Thirty Falls. In a Japanese park, one hundred waterfalls fall into the Osugidani Valley. Norway is a world famous country of waterfalls. But small Lesotho, lost in the mountains of South Africa, is proud of its 3,000 waterfalls!

Most of the population of our planet believes that the largest waterfall is Niagara. And it will not be quite right. The largest is a very imprecise definition. Experts evaluate waterfalls by height, water flow capacity and width. Let's try to rank the waterfalls by their width in order to find out which one is the largest.


The widest waterfall in the world is located on the border between Kampuchea and Laos. The Mekong, called the River of Nine Dragons by the Vietnamese, is the largest river in Indochina. It begins from the sources on and with a roar carries down its waters along a deep gorge. Where the river leaves it and floods the entire Cambodian plain, and there is Kon (or Khon) waterfall.

Its basalt ridge stretches for almost 13 km. By the beginning of the twentieth century, Iguazu was considered the widest waterfall in the world, until in 1920 researchers discovered a new waterfall in Southeast Asia, significantly larger than Iguazu. This cascade of waterfalls was named Kon (or Khon). It is still the widest one by world standards. The height of the waterfall is relatively low, but its rapids, cascades and plums make it the widest.

Not far from the waterfall, in a safe, gently sloping place, the organizers set up many tents with souvenir products and food outlets. There is even a dedicated photographer. Tourists say that the beauty of Kon gives calmness and serenity, and the locals rewarded him with magical powers. It is believed that whoever saw the waterfall at least once received longevity as a gift. This cascade is the center of the national park. It is home to rare freshwater dolphins. Therefore, it is a closely guarded national site.


Describing the widest waterfalls in the world, I would like to mention Seti-Kedas (another name is Guaira). It was located in South America, it was considered the border of Paraguay and Brazil.

Its width was 4800 m. It was a beautiful cascade of waterfalls. Below him was Iguazu. The flow rate of water per minute was equal to almost three Niagara.

The history of the waterfall is quite interesting. It was discovered by an unknown gold digger. It was not documented for a long time. All this time, until the 80s of the last century, a mass of water fell from a 30-meter height, raising mesmerizing columns of water dust. But on the site of the waterfall, it was decided to build a hydroelectric power station, the most powerful in the world. In two weeks, the reservoir was filled, and the rocks that interfered with the construction were blown up. The national park ceased to exist.

But nature does not tolerate such unceremonious interference. The last group of tourists, examining the waterfall from a suspension bridge, fell into a seething stream. All 82 tourists were killed.


The world's widest waterfall is located in South America. Iguazu Falls is considered the eighth wonder of the world. It stretches along the border of Brazil and Argentina. Its name is translated from Guarani as "big water". The width of this cascade is more than 4000 meters (much more than Niagara Falls). Iguazu releases one billion tons of water per hour. It appeared on the maps of South America in 1541, when it was discovered by another Brazilian gold digger.

More than one decade later, a European gold digger accidentally came out to him and gave his name - Mary's Leap. The royal court did not react in any way to this find. Therefore, for several centuries the most beautiful cascade remained in oblivion.

Iguazu got into the category "The widest waterfalls in the world" only in the 19th century. Modern researchers claim that this is not a single waterfall, but 275 cascades. Over the centuries, they have formed a wall that looks like a horseshoe. Some slopes are almost 700 meters wide. The mist forms countless rainbows that are visible even on moonlit nights. The national parks of both countries are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and in 2001 Iguazu was recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

For tourists, the flow of which is growing from year to year, bridges, bridges, cable cars have been built so that you can observe the water element as closely as possible.


What is the widest waterfall in the world? Victoria. It carries its waters in the southern part of the African continent, on the Zambezi River. It has a width of almost 1800 m. It is considered the largest in the world (but only thanks to a successful advertising campaign).

From the language of local tribes, the name of the waterfall is translated as “rumbling smoke”. According to the existing legend, the researcher from Scotland David Livingston was the first to discover the waterfall and gave it the name of the then living Queen Victoria. Water spray can be seen almost 40 km away.

At its very top, the waterfall has a natural elevation, in which a natural reservoir, called the Devil's Font, has turned out. Fearless tourists love to swim in it.


If you take a survey about what is the widest waterfall in the world, almost everyone will answer: Niagara. It is located in North America, with one arm in America and the other in Canada. The width of its cascades is about 1200 m. There are only three of them: Veil, American Falls (USA) and Horseshoe (Canada).

Niagara Falls is considered the most beautiful and famous in the world. The water descends with such a crash that even a few kilometers away from it you cannot hear your own voice. Legend has it that this is why the Indians called it "the rumbling water" - Niagara.

Inga and Vermilio

Continuing to describe the widest waterfalls in the world, let's talk about Inga. It is located on the Congo River in the republic of the same name. The waterfall consists of a series of cascades and rapids, forming in some places the most beautiful islets. Its width is 900 meters.

There is a wonderful Vermilion in North America. The width of its cascades is 1829 m. It is located in Canada, near the Peace River.

Stanley and Mocona

What are the most beautiful and widest waterfalls in the world? Stanley and Mocona. Stanley, 1400 meters wide, occupies almost the entire Lualaba River. And Macona is part of Argentina. This is a one-of-a-kind large river waterfall. Its width is 2065 m.


Venezuela is famous for the Pará waterfall, or, as the locals call it, Salto Pará. Its width is 5608 m. It is located on the Kaura River, where its two parts converge. From above it looks like a crescent. It is surrounded by an almost impenetrable green jungle.


These are not all the widest waterfalls in the world. You can finish, perhaps, with the Gersoppa waterfall. It is located in India, on the Sharavati River. This river is famous for its four streams:

  • Rajoy... He is slow and unhurried.
  • Gorlopanom... He easily drags a large number of boulders along the channel among the rocks, creating wild noise for many kilometers around.
  • Rocket... It is he who sets the speed of the flow of water throughout the waterfall.
  • Rani... It is a slow winding stream.

The cascades and descents of Gersoppa stretch for 472 meters. Locals consider the waterfall to be magical. He attracts tourists like a magnet. The water stream of Gersoppa from the top rushes down with lightning speed, in contrast to those already described.


Now you know what the widest waterfalls in the world are. Photos of the most famous are presented in the article. All of them are beautiful and interesting in their own way. We hope this information was helpful to you.

Among the many wonders that nature has presented to man, the most beautiful and popular is perhaps the waterfalls. Their greatness fascinates tourists, and their power makes them admire.

"Falling water" has long attracted not only humans, but also animals. For example, with their thunderous rumblings, waterfalls for tens of kilometers serve as a guide for birds during migrations.

A very curious pattern, all large-wide waterfalls on earth are located on the border of two or more states. Apparently, this is not accidental. After all, wide waterfalls are insurmountable natural boundaries, around which borders were established earlier.

There are whole clusters of such "water diamonds" on the planet. For example, in the Caucasus, in the Teberda Nature Reserve in the gorge of the Salyngan River, there is a valley of "Thirty Waterfalls". And in Japan, in a park on the island of Honshu, hundreds of waterfalls fall on the Osunidani Valley. Norway is called the Land of Waterfalls. And few people know that a small kingdom in the mountains of Lesotho in South Africa in Africa is a tangle of 3 thousand waterfalls.

If you ask the question, what is the largest waterfall on earth, then many will answer that Niagara. Maybe someone will remember Victoria, who is in Africa. And only geographers will clarify what is meant, height, width or power. Indeed, the very term "largest" in this case is rather vague.

Waterfalls of Russia

The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls. The widest waterfall on the planet is located on the Mekong River and is called Kon (Khon). The most powerful was the Iguazu Falls, or "The Devil's Throat", because a huge mass of water rushes down through the ridge and its roar can be heard for tens of kilometers. Well, the most famous is Niagara Falls. Its height is only 50 meters.

Russian gifts

Well, cocoa is the largest waterfall in Russia. Yes, yes, although most of the country is located on the plain, Russia can boast of a large number of waterfalls. It can be said unambiguously that in our country and throughout Asia, the highest is Talnikovy waterfall. Almost no one knows that it is located in the Putoransky Nature Reserve in the Central Siberian Plateau on Taimyr. But almost everyone knows that this water cascade is considered the most beautiful in Russia.

As tall as a skyscraper

It is worth noting that Talnikovy waterfall falls from a 920 meters high mountain called "Trapezium" into the lake. The projection of the stream in length onto the plane reaches 1000 meters.

Surprisingly, the watercourse for this waterfall is seasonal, it has existed for about two months. In the scientific literature it is reported that the waterfall "achieves" in height (this is a visual estimate) of about 600 meters. However, when the instruments for measuring the waterfall were made, scientists found that the height of the cascade is 482 meters. It is hard to imagine, but this is the height of a 160-storey building. This record for Russia is even included in Kravchuk's book "Records of Nature". Another waterfall called Zeigalan (or Big Zeigelan waterfall) is also brought there.

Fickle beauty

Another outstanding waterfall is the Zeigelan waterfall. This is the second highest waterfall in Russia and throughout Europe. The height of the cascade, this is an approximate value, is 600 meters. The data is inaccurate, as it was obtained from the study of maps of the area. The Zeigalan waterfall is located high in the mountains and, experts say, is pulsating in nature. According to the majority, the flow of the waterfall directly depends on the ambient temperature. And the biggest runoff appears in August every year. During cool seasons, at an altitude of four kilometers above sea level, the glacier stops melting; at this time, only drifts on the mountains remain in the place of the most beautiful waterfall. Big Zeigelan waterfall is located in North Ossetia.

It can be found 7 kilometers south of the village of Jimara. Over this place, by the way, clouds are constantly gathering, this happens even when it is warm and sunny on the plain. By the way, from all the slopes of this natural beauty, dazzling waterfalls constantly rush down. Experts have calculated that there are more than ten of them.

Cascades in the Sayan Mountains

Another attraction of Russia is the Kinzelyuk waterfall. It is located in the Sayan Mountains, on the border of the Irkutsk Region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The site where the waterfall is located was named Tofalaria. The water cascade originates from the lake located at the Kinzelyuk (or Two-headed) peak near the left tributary of the Kinzelyuk river.


The height of the waterfall is 330 meters, and the height of the water fall is about 90 meters. It turns out that the Kinzelyuk waterfall is the largest waterfall in the Sayan Mountains.

Mineral waterfall

There are waterfalls in Russia that are not so impressive in size, but no less impressive. Of course, the mineral spring "White Waterfalls" deserves attention. It is located on the slope of the central crater of the Koshelevsky volcano. On a small terrace, numerous springs are knocked out of cracks under pressure, forming low fountains. They merge into two streams and fall from a height of only 20 meters, thereby giving rise to the right source of the Levaya Pauzhetka river. Here the western stream falls off the cliff, the eastern one rolls down like steps. At the very exit from the earth, seemingly clear water turns white before our eyes. It takes on the appearance of a rather highly diluted milk. The streams are covered with a white bloom, and downstream it becomes denser and thicker. Many fountains and streams are knocked out, on the cliff they increase their power and the width of the painted area. The water temperature is 4.2 degrees Celsius. This source is called mineral for a reason, the water in it tastes a little astringent. More than half of its sediment consists of aluminum oxide, the rest is compounds of iron and various other substances. Aluminum oxide also gives a white precipitate, due to a sharp drop in pressure to atmospheric.

Musical icicles

Musical fountains have a special charm. They are located above the Arctic Circle. The waterfall looks like a musical organ, where instead of pipes there are giant Musical Icicles, tens of meters long. But amazing and very useful hot waterfalls are located in Kamchatka in the Valley of Geysers.

By the way, experts say that the formidable rumble of a waterfall has a calming effect on a person. The beneficial effect of hydroaeroionization of water cascades of the "sleep near the sea" type is already known. Tourists always leave the waterfall fresh and cheerful.
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Waterfalls have an interesting feature: they can soothe, and sometimes the falling water excites, making the heart swoon in front of the power of the elements. There are many waterfalls in Russia, but two of them claim the title of the highest.

Waterfall in the lost world of Siberia

The highest waterfall in Russia (and according to some sources, in Asia) is located in the Putorana Reserve. The Putorana Plateau is a real lost world of Siberia, which has not been touched by civilization. Its stunning views will impress any traveler:

But this territory is inaccessible, so there are very few tourists here.

The waterfall was named Talnikovy.

You don't need to be a great etymologist to understand that it is formed from melt water. In the warm season, Mount Trapezium feeds a waterfall, and then a seasonal stream is formed, which has 15 steps. This is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Russia.

Measurement problem

In fact, the seasonality of Talnikovy waterfall played a cruel joke on it: it is still not known exactly what its height is. According to various sources, from 482 to 700 meters. The discoverer Mikhail Afanasyev saw the waterfall not in all its glory: when only a stream was left of it. Therefore, in the photo taken by the researcher, practically one crevice is captured, along which a stream of water runs at the peak of the season. Then Talnikovy waterfall was visually estimated at 600 meters.

In September 1990, an expedition headed by Boris Babitsky was sent to these lands. According to their data, the waterfall totaled only 482 meters (however, there is a version that they measured a completely different waterfall, since there are many of them on the Putorana plateau). But then several more expeditions were carried out, in which the height of Talnikovoy waterfall fluctuated in the region of 600-700 meters. In general, this is considered to be the main indicator.

In fact, this confusion is quite understandable: Talnikovy waterfall can be seen in July and August, at other times, due to the harsh Taimyr cold weather, it freezes, or the water flow is too weak due to drought.

Waterfall from the mountains of North Ossetia

Another waterfall, whose height exceeds 600 meters, is Zeigalan.

It is located in the mountains of North Ossetia in the valley of the Midagrabindon River.

Zeigalan also faced a similar problem: his height is not entirely accurate, and it was never possible to measure it. The fact is that the waterfall is also seasonal: the largest flow occurs in July and August, but in the cold season, the waterfall almost disappears.

Zeigalan feeds on a glacier, which is located at an altitude of 4 thousand meters, in warm weather it melts, sending streams along its slopes, which fill the waterfall, but in winter the glacier stops melting.