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Philippines which country. Philippines: history, population, state device and political system. Center for Study Dolglyatov

The Republic of Philippines is the island state in Southeast Asia, located in the western part of the Pacific, is part of the Malay archipelago. Included in the zone of the Pacific Volcanic Fiery Ring.

Weather on the Western and East coast of the same island may differ! In the descriptions of the popular tourist places you will find on the links, this will be mentioned separately, it is enough to know that the meteorological service of the Philippines allocates four types of climate (on the clicable map on the right one can see the distribution of types on the territory):

  • 1 - Dry season from November to April. Rainy season in the rest of the time.
  • 2 - not a pronounced dry season. Maximum precipitation from December to February. The minimum of precipitation from March to May.
  • 3 - It looks like the first type, but the dry season is much shorter, lasting in one or three months, it falls for the period from December to February or from March to May.
  • 4 - precipitates are evenly distributed during the year. It looks like a second type, except for the fact that a concrete month, when the lack of rains is supposed - no.

For the western part of the country, the first type of climate is characteristic, for the central - the third, and for the Eastern - the fourth and second.

In many countries of the region, the journey into the rainy season is not a global problem or disaster, another Case Philippines. Approximately simultaneously with the rainy season there is a probability of the arrival of typhoon. It can turn into floods, the cancellation of flights and the ferry. It is worth considering this, especially if you are going on vacation for two weeks or buy tickets from the island to the island in advance. Most often, typhoon come in August. The north, the time this event is more likely, it applies to the main island of the country - Luzon - up to three typhoons per year. In the central part of the country - one or two. On the most South Island - Mindao, the probability of the parish of Typhoon tends to zero.

Cities and regions

The Philippines is a unique island state in their beauty and culture. For many centuries, some rulers have replaced others. Over the years have been influenced by European conquerors for many years, but nevertheless, the amazing distinctive traditions of local aborigines have been preserved in their culture.

And even despite the fact that the Philippines have long been considered true paradise for tourists, the islands are famous for the fact that the unique beauty of nature has been preserved here, which can be admired by an unlimited amount of time. Below are the links to the Philippines regions, passing on which you will read more detailed information on a particular region.

  • Palawan (and separate about the crown)
  • Northern Mindao (and separately about Camigin)

Sights of Philippines

The Philippines is an extremely multifaceted country, there are both natural beauty and man-made attractions left for us by Spanish conquistadors or Americans, or by the Filipinous Activities. We decided to break their geographically - the capital of the country, the most popular tourist island of Cebu and the rest of the country.

Other attractions of Philippines:

Where to go on the Philippines


Museums and galleries


Parks and recreation areas



Things to do

The Philippines are interested in divers of all over the world due to coral reefs, sunken ships, picturesque underwater islands and poor bays. Lovers of scuba diving will always be able to find interesting places here. As a rule, small boats are used for immersion, the length of which is not more than 25 m in length. They are equipped with special balancing floats - outriggers.

The most developed for diving is the Tubbataha district, at the same time, by virtue of increased interest in dives, this direction is actively developing. Subik Bay Bay attracts divers with their sunken ships. This place has become available for dives since 1992, earlier the bay was the placement of the American naval base. Interesting for divers is also the Bay of Crown Bay, here you can see the sunken Japanese ships, which were sinking during the Second World War. The revenge of Americans for Pearl Harbor turned the bombing of a huge number of ships.

Filipino reefs for the most part have the top located at a small depth. It is covered by barrel sponges, various corals, sprawling sea fans and hydroids. In all this variety, you can see many marine inhabitants. The most common fish is cesiio, a bottlefish, Moorish idols, angels fish. Among the underwater livelihood can be found and large marine inhabitants - sharks, turtles, rods, cave sharks. Also, during the dive, you can see naked mollusks, white-meter rhyphic sharks, holoturi, lobs, ascdias, cereal worms and marine stars.

Before many dive sites in the Philippines can be reached by plane. Lovers of dives should not forget about the caisson disease, making flights after diving. Doctors recommend to take a break between flights and multiple dives for no less than a day.

  • Detailed Material: Diving in the Philippines

Movement in the Philippines

As for movements within the country, between the islands, here the choice is limited only by ferry and internal flights.

Aviation message

The main companies carrying out air transportation -, and. The cost of their flights, in general, is not very different, they all fall under the category of budget. For example, Cebu Pacific offers prices for tickets to Borakaya (Kalibo) from 200 Pesos, to Palawan (Puerto Princess) from 800 Pesos, to Cebu from 1 100 Pesos, and Bohol from 1,600 pesos.

The main tourist destinations of the Philippines are Boracay, Palawan, Bochol and Cebu. Up to any of these places can be reached by both Manila and from other islands. It is worth noting the fact that due to the remote location of some airports will have to spend extra time on the road on land and (or) to use the ferry. So, for example, to get to Borakaya (from Manila), you need to fly either in the city of Katiklan (you will need only to transfer to the ferry before. Boracay and after 15-20 minutes you will find yourself in place) or in g . Kalibo (in this case it will be necessary to get to Katiklan, where you can transfer to the ferry). If your goal is Cebu, then the end item will be about. Maltan, where Cebo-Macan Airport is located, will not be difficult to get to Cebu, because there are bridges between the islands.

As for about. Palawan, then his airports are based on it in the cities of Puerto Princess and El Nido, choose between them worth considering where you plan to stay on vacation. Getting to Bochola to see the famous chocolate hills, you can direct flights from both Manila and, for example, from Cebu is the nearest of the popular islands to Bokhol. The flight time between the islands is from 30 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes, depending on the direction.

Watch the schedule of flights inside the Philippines and their cost, as well as purchase a ticket at the lowest price you can with the help of our page.

Ferry message

Absolutely all islands are connected with a ferry message, which is perfect for those who are afraid to fly or want to save. It should be borne in mind that the ferries are often delayed or canceled due to bad weather (as well as flights). Schedule is regularly changing for each direction, so the best option will come to the pier in the first half of the day, since the ferries run, for the most part, up to 6-7 hours, 3-6 times a day, depending on the final point of the direction.

The approximate schedule can be found on the site, where in addition to all the phones and official sites of most ferry companies involved in the Philippines are specified. You can also use the site where it is quite convenient to navigate the islands and pirs, selecting the desired one, you will see the schedule.

Do not forget that the schedule is indicative, as well as what is best to buy the cheapest tickets, because the places of 3rd grade are located under a canopy on the open deck, and the 1st - in the hold. Ferry prices range from 250 to 500 pesos for a trip without air conditioning, in the most budget places of ordinary ferries. And from 600 to 1000 pesos with all amenities, on high-speed vessels.

Filipino cuisine

The Philippine cuisine is primarily associated with rice dishes, fish, seafood, meat and vegetables, which differ unusual for Europeans sharpness and burning. Most dishes are fast enough in preparation. Food acceptance is slightly different from those adopted in Russian: in the Philippines, the first relying snacks are relying, after which there are soups and hot dishes with a side dish, which is used in rice with vegetables. The end of the meal ends with a local drink and dessert, which, for example, can souffle, jelly or ice cream. According to tradition, they eat here mainly with their hands, but in many restaurants, tourists can offer and the usual cutlery. Now let's get acquainted with Philippine cooking dishes in more detail.

Rice in the Philippines, as in many Asian countries, can be called one of the main national dishes. Figure, which is also referred to as "White Gold", finds use in most local cooking dishes. The boiled walled rice in the Philippine cuisine is used both as a popular side dish that is served to fish, meat, bird or seafood, and just instead of bread. In the Philippines, rice can eat both porridge with garlic and spices, and add cold in salads. Even desserts here do not fail without rice - tourists will be able to try rice cakes and candy. Somaya is prepared from rice flour - fish dumplings in a pair with vegetables in peanuts and sweet sauce. Fried rice noodles with meat, seafood or vegetables are called a pans. And this is only a small part of the Philippine dishes, in the preparation of which participates fig.

Along with rice, the most important ingredients of Filipino cuisine are fish and seafood. Thanks to the geographical position of the state, there is a wide variety of marine living things. Most often in the Philippines, you can meet dishes made from fish such as Trout, Marlin, Tuna, Mackerel, Bangus dairy fish, sea bass Lapa Lap, Tilapia, Som Mackerel, Shark and Skat. Among other marine inhabitants are shrimp, mussels, oysters, octopus, crabs and squids.

So what dishes from these maritime representatives are preparing? After spending time on the Philippine Islands, you can try the fermented salty shrimp "Bagong", fish balls in acetic sauce, a shrimp "Pinacbet", broth with the addition of Sinigang mollusks, mackerel in coconut milk with various spices "Kinilo-on-Tankwinkle". One of the most popular fish varieties in the Philippine Cooking is considered a paw lamp, which represents a variety of sea perch, which is often preparing for a couple. After cooking, the fillet is neatly separated from the bones, after which it is served with a garnish.

Fish or seafood dishes can be found absolutely everywhere: from the restaurant to a small cafe. In luxury restaurants you can taste real delicious dishes with not one dozen different ingredients and local branded sauces. Slices of lemon-Kalamanci can also be served to fish dishes as snacks, unripe papaya or spicy sauce, greens and rice. In some coastal cafes and restaurants, guests can prepare a dish from the seafood tourists themselves. At home, the fish here is preferably prepared for a couple or grilled, and the table is served with rice or vegetables.

In the Philippines, meat dishes are no less popular than fish. Due to mixing culinary traditions, you can meet as usual to all European or Asian and traditional local dishes. From the branded local eats, you can taste "adobo" - pieces of chicken, pork or even squid, stewed in a mixture of soy sauce and vinegar, well-cooked pepper, garlic and laurel sheet. No less popular and "ledge" - stuffed and roasted milk piglets or "Crispie Pati" - a pork leg, roasted with garlic to a crispy golden crust. A rather unusual meat masterpiece is Chicaron, representing pork skurt, roasted to the crunch. Also here you can try meat rolls "Morcon" and "Embutido". If this is still not enough, then you can go to a truly exotic dishes, trying, for example, "Care-Kare" - buffalo tails soup; "Karabao" - a buffalo meat dish, fried on coals; "Cake" - omelette, cooked from eggs and minced meat or "Asso" - a dish of dog meat.

The traditional sauces of Philippine cuisine include sweet-sweet, soy and acetic sauces. Patisa is a popular sauce obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of a shrimp paste "Bagong". Porridge "Arros Caldo" is very popular with tourists with a dish, served with a patis. At the dinner table, the patio often replaces the salt. In addition to sauces, one of the key ingredients is vinegar, which exists here in a variety of varieties. Food in the Philippines is prepared for most of its palm oil, without exposing intense heat treatment, unlike other Asian countries.

One of the final stages of meals is dessert, which, as it is not difficult to guess, is prepared in its bulk from local fruits: bananas, pineapples, oranges, guava, mango, papaya, Kalamanci, UBE and others. Of them make salads, sauces, jams, add to cakes, cakes, ice cream, souffle or jelly. In addition to fruits, the desserts use familiar eggs, flour and gelatin, as well as coconut milk, brown sugar, sweet corn and the same rice. Among the most popular, it is worth noting such desserts as "Halo-Halo" - ice cream, made of a mixture of pulp of various fruits, impellent ice and condensed milk; "Leche" - Fruit Pie; "PATU" and "Bibinka" - rice pastries; "Ginatan" - dessert made from fruits and coconut milk; Durian candies and fried bananas, powdered sweet sauce. If you want to try something unusual, then you should taste the "Ballet" - this is a boiled egg, inside of which the duck embryo is located.

Featuring, perhaps, in all kitchens of the world ends with any drink. Among the non-alcoholic drinks in the Philippines, there are great popularity of lemonade, fresh juices, coconut milk "Buko", cold tea and hot coffee "Baraco", prepared by local recipes. From alcoholic beverages, tourists can be advised by the beer of local production, Rum "Tanduay", as well as palm wine "Losconak" and "Tuba" wine from a fermented coconut milk.


Filipinos is a good-natured and calm people. But, as in every location, there are its own part of the behavior in the Philippines.

Assembly to visit the Philippines, each tourist should take into account the fact that in this country there is a high level of theft, especially for large cities, but in rural areas it can not be a speech. There everything is quiet and calm. The favorite chip of local residents is to postpone the guests of the guests "Presents". So you have to be ready for such a turn. However, the philipilities do not show strong perseverance. In general, the local population is characterized by friendly behavior in relation to guests from other countries, striking cheerfulness and the famous slowness, which whole legends go.

With unfamiliar, though good-natured, people need to be neat. There are many small scammers and pockets. You need to follow your things and not rush to the "free" food and drinks so as not to become a victim of "divorce."

If you were not at odds and stole them, you should contact the embassy. But hope that things will find - not an option. So it is better to be vigilant in advance.

The last years of ten in the Philippines there was a growing crime. Non-easy criminal situation has developed not only in the capital of the state by Manila, but also in almost all the big cities. Armed attacks on tourists with subsequent robbery are far from uncommon. To reduce the risk of such a situation to a minimum, tourists should not wander through the streets with the onset of dark time of day, especially alone.

It is no secret that the Philippines are considered Mecca sex tourism. Prostitution here is put on a wide leg, and the children just flourishes. In the center of Manila, dubious comrades are ready to offer guests not one catalog with girls for every taste and color. In order not to be in a delicate situation and not get a bag of trouble, go away immediately from such Deltsov.

Police involved in the Philippines in the Philippines. It carries out control over what is happening imperceptible, but carefully. They relate to tourists with a special trepidation, although at times it seems that they do it too intrusive.

In order for the Filipinous to treat you well, you also need to treat them. Etiquette and tolerance even in such remote places no one canceled.

If you quarreled with the Philippine, then try to settle everything. Did not work out? Then just go. Creek the case will not help, especially with the phlegmatic Philipins.

Also, some household security moments cannot be bypass. Tourists are encouraged to avoid the use of noncompted water up to the cleaning of the teeth. In addition, it is necessary to avoid eating thermally untreated foods (fish, meat, milk, and so on) with the exception of fruits. They are easy enough to wash and clean from the peel.

In other aspects, security in the Philippines is at a good level. Therefore, if you stick to elementary precautions and behaviors, then rest in this country will be safe.

The Republic of Philippines is a large state that is located in the south-east of Asia. It consists of a large number of islands located in the area Pacific Ocean Between Taiwan and Indonesia.

There is an opinion that the Philippines is lost among the oceans and seas and even a little fabulous " state of seven thousand islands" By the way, this is not an epithet at all, but a real figure. The Philippines occupy 7107 islands, each of which is distinguished by its tourist character and an exotic atmosphere. Here, huge skyscrapers are adjacent to palm groves.

The only minus, perhaps, is a tedious flight. But with this nothing can be done.


Number of population

101 833 938 people

Population density

306 people / km²

pilipino, English, Spanish


beatolizism, Protestantism, Muslim

Form of government

unitary Presidential Constitutional Republic

peso, Sentavo


International Area Code

Domain zone on the Internet


types of sockets - A, less often - in

Climate and weather

The climate here is monsoon, tropical, in the south smoothly turning into a subequatorial. The coastal temperature is most often + 24 ... + 28 ° С, and in mountainous areas a little cooler. The rainy season in the Philippines begins in May and lasts on November, while blowing from the southwest Musson. Other months, the dry season is pronounced in the West of the Palawan, Lusons and Visai Islands. The precipitation on the islands drops 1000 to 4000 mm.


Most of the territory of the islands are covered with tropical wet forests with palm trees, rubberos, banyans, apitongami, mayapisas and launas. Often you can find bamboo, orchid and cinnamon. At an altitude of about 1,200 meters above sea level, shrubs and many meadows grow.

On the Philippines you can find a deer, a mangoste and even wild boar. Very many birds and various reptiles. In coastal waters, you can find pearls - mollusks that can form pearls.


The biggest city of Phillipin is Manila. The city is on luzon Island. This is not only the capital of the state, but also the main economic and cultural center. The city is included in the conjunction Big Manila, the population of which is 10 million people. It also includes Kalokan, Ceson City and Pasai.

In Manila are:

  • National Museum of Philippines;
  • Museum of Anthropology and Natural History of Santo-Thomas;
  • Metropolitan Art Museum.

In the historic center called IntramosThere are fortifications, houses and churches of the XVI-XVII centuries. There is in the city and big Botanical Garden.

Guides offer tourists excursions not only on Manila, but also to lake Talawhere air safari and numerous folklore shows are being conducted.


Perhaps the most popular dish in the Philippine Islands is Fig. It is often served as a garnish to the main dish. Here you can also try various seafood.

Interestingly, you can choose the seafood yourself in the store yourself, to buy and bring to any cafe where you prepare it. But for this you will need to order in this cafe some drink.

The most unusual dish in the Philippines is " baluot" This is a welded duck egg with an embryo inside. At first, eggs are kept in special incubators at the desired temperatures, and then the seller travels around the city and sells them.

Freshi, various wines, coconut milk, local beer, which is made on the basis of coconut milk - these are the most popular drinks of the islands.


Mostly all hotels in Philippines bungalo typeYou can also stop in guesthouses. Multi-storey hotels on the islands are very small. This is due to the fact that the state takes care of the preservation of the natural landscape. Recently, hotels with a world famous name appear on the islands. But the number of stars on them does not always correspond to the level of service personnel: many of them are very slow.

Standard voltage for Philippines - 220 V, 60 Hz. The sockets are found with two (American sample) pin and with three. Better asking the adapter immediately, how come to the hotel.

Entertainment and recreation

The Philippines is known for their picturesque coral reefs and beaches. The best tourist resorts are in the southern part on islands Cebu, Boracay, Palawan. and Bochol. Tourists offer not only beach holidays, but also more active: diving, cruises, surfing.

On the islands there are many national parks. The largest and interesting places for tourists will be mount Apot, Maison, Tala, Canlaonlocated on the islands Mindaoand Luzon..

Today, the islands offer all types of tourism: extreme, beach, ecological, sports and informative. A negative tourism is affected by political conflicts and an unstable situation in the country.


Shopping in the Philippines pleases the possibility of useful and inexpensive purchases. The cheapest city for shopping is considered to be Manila. Mall of Asia. - The largest shopping center in Southeast Asia. This shopping complex occupies four buildings at once, and in its vast territory, trams that are transported by buyers.

The pearls of the southern sea, the dishes made from the terracotta, the pearl, pearl, lanterns made of tissue, decorations made of sinks, and various T-shirts, wood figures and clothing from the local Sitza, uses very popularity of souvenirs.

In the Philippines, cheap coconut oil is sold everywhere. It, according to sellers, will greatly protect from sunburn.


For traveling around the country it is better to choose internal flights. Each resort island has its own airport. It is better to order tickets in advance if you plan to fly on holidays, because if it is too late to spit, then tickets may not be. To the cost of the ticket will need to add the price of the fuel collection: on international flights - 15 $ , domestic flights - 3-4 $ . Remember that no more than 10 kilograms of baggage are allowed on domestic flights.

The second convenient option to move through Islands is ferries. The prices for them are significantly lower than the plane, but the road takes much more time.

You can ride the island on an interesting form of transport - " jeep" This is a local route taxi that is made from a military jeep. Each car "Dzhipni" is unique and tuning, depending on the preferences of the owner.

Buses in the Philippines are also common. Here, the fare in the air-conditioned bus will cost almost twice as expensive than on the bus without air conditioning.

Taxi in the Philippines is a completely cheap type of transport. Do not forget to recover the driver before the trip. If suddenly the meter works too fast, be sure to pay attention to this. Near the airport you will see the yellow taxis with an electronic scoreboard. It is worthwhile for them more expensive than on ordinary machines.


Since the Philippines is a country that takes more than seven thousand islands, mobile communications is well developed here and mobile Internet is also quite accessible.
According to statistics, almost every third Filipino has access to the Internet, and each fourth has its own account on Facebook. However, most of the traffic in the country goes through browsers for mobile devices, but there are far from all computers.


On the Philippine Islands you can tested the dangers of natural nature. So, according to the study of the Brussels Center, the Philippines are the most dangerous country in the world in terms of natural disasters. Earthquakes, typhoon, landslides, eruption of volcanoes have already become familiar to local residents.

In addition to natural cataclysms, various religious and political conflicts occur on the islands, when the processions of the demonstrators block the streets and ceases to walk transport. There are even marine pirates here!

If you take tourism as a whole, the level of crime is very low here, the Philipps are very friendly with foreigners and behave respectfully.

Business climate

The advantage of the Philippines is openness for any foreign investors. Often the savings of citizens depend on foreign funds.

The Philippines is, first of all, an agrarian-industrial country. The productivity of agriculture is growing, exporting bananas and pineapples. Well developed textile, electronic, food, chemical, pharmaceutical and woodworking industry.

The monetary unit of the islands - philippine Peso.

The property

The most interesting properties of real estate in the Philippines will be at home and villas that are located on the ocean. Here you can buy an apartment from the company of the developer, for example in the capital. It was Manila more often interesting for buyers, first of all for those engaged in business in the country, or working in the sales office, since Manila is the economic, cultural and political center of the country.

Many investors buy real estate in the Philippines for leasing it in the future, because property brings good income from delivery here. Many foreign pensioners, primarily from European and Asian countries, buy housing here. After all, life is inexpensive here and calm.

The Philipps are actually very shy and slow, so do not be surprised.

Do not forget to take a Russian-English phraser. Thanks to the colonial past, the countries here almost everyone knows English.

Remember that in the Philippines better not to drink water from under the tap And do not clean her teeth. It is better to use bottled water.

There are a lot of police on the streets both in shape and civil order, especially in the capital. Therefore, do not be surprised if the usual passerby is suitable for you and ask your documents. Police refers to tourists very carefully and respectful.


Citizens of Russia in order to visit the Philippine Islands, the visa is not required, provided that the stay in this country does not exceed twenty-one days. When crossing the Philippine border it will be necessary to present a passport (its validity period should be at least six months at the time of entry), as well as evidence of the availability of necessary financial resources for this trip and return tickets.

Recently, you can also arrange a visa for a period of 59 days of stay. Such a visa will cost $ 50 + 510 Philippine Peso (about $ 12).

Moscow Embassy Philippines: 121099, Russia, Carmanitsky per., House 6/8.

Phone: (+7 495) 241-0563.

Philippines are an island state in Southeast Asia. On about. Luzon spread out a huge metropolis of the National Capital Region, consisting of sixteen satellite cities. This territory takes about 39 square kilometers. Each city is a separate settlement, the main one is the capital of Manila. It has typical features of many Asian cities, while at the same time possesses a unique history, nature and architecture.


It is located between 14 and 15 degrees of northern latitude, in the strip of a soft subequatorial climate. From all sides, it is washed by the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean, the Philippine and South China seas. As in the whole region, the weather in the capital of Manila during the year is quite clearly divided into wet and dry seasons. The first starts at approximately at the end of May and lasts until mid-December, especially the sponsor of the second half of the summer. The dry period lasts almost all winter and spring. The minimum amount of precipitation falls in February. Annual average daily air temperatures are stable - they range from + 25 to + 30 ° C. However, the warmest month is May. Like the whole country, the capital of Manila is surrounded by the sea. The average water temperature over the year ranges from + 26 to + 31 ° C, it warms up to June as much as possible. In the northern part of Luzon in the summer, typhoons happen. Over the past decades, the coast of the metropolitan resort has not once suffered a lot from them. In addition, this part of the Pacific Ocean is seismically active - in Manila is not a rare earthquake and volcanic eruptions. All of them are about twenty, the most famous is in the suburbs, on about. Tala. It is famous for frequent eruptions, and at the same time very modest sizes.

Nature and ecology

The administrative center of the country is located along the banks of the Pasig River (Pasig), at the place of sign in the Manila Bay. Thanks to this geographic feature, historically developed that the capital of Manila is a port city. The climate generously gave this plot of sushi - there are picturesque mountains covered with forest, sandy beaches on the sea coast, quiet bay, valley of rivers and multi-tiered tropical forests, in which there are valuable trees breeds. Travelers from all over the world enjoy the beauty of the local nature.

But recently, due to global urbanization, overpopulation and increase in the number of cars, the ecological situation in the city territory has just become terrifying. Streets, the water area and Delta of the River are buried in the garbage and industrial waste, and in the air constantly hanging the smog cloud from exhaust gases. Ecosystem p. Pasig is almost completely destroyed, it turned into a dead reservoir. Beach and scenery about. Luzon can be admired only by moving away from the city.

History of origin

The city has a rich and complex story. For many centuries, he was the most important and very convenient sea transport hub of Southeast Asia. Until the end of the sixteenth century, it was a rich Muslim city with a port running Raji Suleiman. Trade with all Asian world flourished here. Spanish conquistadors led by Lopez de Legaspi very much wanted to take these sea doors under their control, but at first they tried to do it in a peaceful way. However, having received a refusal of the ruler, they applied the power of weapons. Despite the courageous resistance of the local troops, the city fell, and from 1571, Spanish colonialists reigned for a long time. They not only monopolized all trade and transport operations in the capital of Manila, but also the Christianity was actively distributed, namely, Catholicism.

The city gradually became the core of Christianity in the region, where only Buddhism and Islam had always been confessed. It was at this time that the construction of the first Catholic temples began. Some of them lived to this day. To protect with such work, the captured city of the Spaniards built a fortress that she subsequently helped to reflect the attacks of pirates and conquerors. Over the centuries, the Philippine Colon moved many times from hand to hand. In addition to the Spaniards, the British had time to be in power, after which the city was oversold by the Americans. In fact, they ruled the country until the middle of the last century. During World War II, the capital of the Philippines, Manila, survived the Japanese occupation. It was almost completely destroyed by the bombings of American aviation and was subsequently entered into the list of cities most affected during the war. In addition to the colossal human victims, almost all historical buildings and monuments of the colonial period were destroyed.

On the path of independent development

Only from the second half of the twentieth century, the country has become more or less independent of foreign owners. Despite this, the Philippines continued to receive financial assistance from the United States for some time. In particular, it was for these funds that the capital of Manila was rebuilt after the war. With the acquisition of independence, this monetary assistance has been significantly reduced. Unfortunately, independence did not bring tangible economic attacks, the gradual impoverishment of the whole country left the imprint and the appearance of the capital.

Modern look

This is really a city of contrasts. Ultra-modern quarters, streets with mansions are separated from poor areas with walls, and life is different in them, as in two parallel worlds. Conditionally, the city can be divided into several large parts. This is Makati City, a business and financial center with skyscrapers, offices, trading milles and a variety of cultural institutions. It is clear here that Manila is the capital. Malate and the embankment adjacent to him completely built up with luxury villas, the yacht club is located there. Hermita - Down Town, where there are many attractions. Intramos - the historic quarter of the colonial era, Pasai City - the people's area, where poor people live in shining conditions. The city is catastrophically overcoiled, here the world's largest population density (17 meters / sq. M. km), in some quarters it comes to 50 thousand. According to forecasts and estimates of specialists, more than 1 million 800 thousand people live in the Philippine capital of Manila, What is about 2% of the total number of residents of the country. However, there are no exact data, as the census occurred for a long time, in 2007.

Economy and Education

There are many enterprises in the city: there are processing agricultural products, mostly coconuts, there is an easy industry, automotive industry, instrument making, laptops and computers are produced. There are American and Japanese production corporations and industrial brands. To this day, the port of Manila remains an essential water artery that brings income to the state budget. Although the Philippines is a very poor country, residents of Manila are formed. There is a good system of secondary education that has survived since the times of American presence, there are universities, including foreign ones. Many townspeople speak English in English, so the arriving foreigners do not feel the language barrier.


In recent decades, the country has become a popular destination of tourism. Manila is the capital and the main museum, as well as the resort town. There is even a sophisticated tourist on what to see. This is primarily a variety of architectural monuments, mainly churches and councils of the Roman Catholic Church. Some of them have been preserved since the times of Spanish domination. The unique Basilica of San Sebastian was built at the end of the beginning of the eyelid completely from iron - for resistance to earthquakes. The Cathedral of Manila, the first building of which was erected in the Middle Ages, many times have been destroyed and rejected again. The current building exists from the middle of the twentieth century. The Church of Kuipato is a place of pilgrimage to the mysterious statue of "Black Jesus". In this form, it has existed since the beginning of the last century.

Religious composition of the population

In Manila, the phenomenon was unique for the Asian region: Catholicism planted in the Middle Ages still remains the prevailing religion. In addition, there is a small amount of Muslims and Buddhists. There are representatives of other religions, as Manila has always been a port city and here formed a stunning mixing from a variety of ethnic and religious groups, which is updated constantly. Currently, a huge number of illegal immigrants from neighboring countries live in the city.

The Philippines is a multilateral state in Southeast Asia, part of the Malay Archipelago, which includes more than 7,000 islands, of which only 2,000 are inhabited. In the east, numerous islands is washes the Philippine Sea, in the West - South China Sea, in the south - Sulawesi And in the north of the Strait of Basi shares the republic with the island of Taiwan. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe island complex is 300 thousand square meters. Milometers, relief - mainly mountains, volcanoes and hills. According to the 2011 data, about 102 million people live on the lands of the Philippine Archipelago.

The ethnic composition is diverse and consists of several groups: Tagali occupy 28% of the total population, Sebano - 13%, Binisaya - 8%, Bicol - 6%, etc. The state language in the Philippines is Pilipino (Tagalog), the prevailing part of the population owns English. The monetary national currency is expressed in a unit called - Peso. Residents of the country are confessing Catholicism (81%), Protestantism (11%), Islam (5%) and other religions.

Philippines - Capital and major cities

The capital of Manila is located on the island of Lason. About 2 million people live in the metropolis, with suburbs - more than 12 million. The Philippine capital is the largest city in the whole archipelago, it is a cultural, political, economic center of the state. The entire history of Manila has experienced a lot of large wars in which many monuments were destroyed and architectural values. More than half of the buildings in the city are made of coconut trees. For other largest cities of the country include Davao, Ceson City (2nd place after the capital), Cebu, Iloil, Bakalod.

Philippines - Recreation and Tours

Philippines are a real tropical paradise, created by the hands of the nature itself, is the embodiment of the dream of any person. The country offers its guests a huge selection for recreation and entertainment: from snow-white beaches before visiting night bars and discos. Credited resorts are located on the southern Islands of the Archipelago: Cebu, Palawan and Bochol. First of all, visiting, leaving the luggage in the room, go to the famous beaches, feel the snow-white sand under their feet, swim in turquoise sea waves, sunbathing and just entertained. Forms and extremals, of course, try to curb reclamation waves. In addition to surfing, you can do diving to admire the deep sea beauty, plunge into the unknown world for us, full of charming and life. For a variety Try snorkeling, water skiing, parasailing and yachting.

See also: Islands and cities

Rest in the Philippines is a visit to the first-class spa centers, canoe travels, mountaineering and trekking, cycling and hiking, multifaceted flora and fauna. And for sports enthusiasts, special platforms for volleyball, football, golf and tennis are provided. On the islands there is a very stormy nightlife. Disco, clubs, karaoke, open beach parties will not let guests buses.
Hike on local attractions, museums, gardens, national parks, shops, etc. - An integral part of the journey into an exotic country. Recently offer islands for travelers, almost all types of tourism are developed: beach, sports, extreme, cognitive and excursion.

Philippines - sights

As a result of World War II, many cultural and historical values \u200b\u200bin Manila were exterminated. Intensive construction helped to restore part of the attractions. In the old metropolitan area, founded in 1571, the magnificent fortress walls of the 16th century, with a length - about 5 km deserve attention. Many galleries, museums and a large aquarium are focused in their thicker, which will undoubtedly strike you abundance of marine living nature. Also in the capital are located: Fort Santiago 16th century, Manila Cathedral, San Luis Square, Museum Casa Manila, Soulis - major center Antiques, colonial buildings dating back to the 16th century. It is interesting to visit the Retal Park with planetarium, floral pavilions and concert venues. Malate's chic church, Harrison Place Square, Robinson-Place, Lighthouse at Cape Booador, National Museums and many other attractions are concentrated in Manila.

Krechidor Island is known for fortress ruins, malita tunnels, hot sulfur sources and resorts based on them (Los Banos, Kuyab and Pansol). Severe from the capital you will find the area of \u200b\u200bZamble with curious Sagadsk caves. And the south of Manila is the picturesque ridge Tagaitai, within which the National Park and Volcano Tala flashes.
Mindoro Island is famous for the underwater national park with magnificent ihthyofauna; Mindao is known to a large number of mosques, Parks Phassen and Clemaco Frida. The volcanic island of Suul, Palawan, Vistara, Cebu - the famous objects of the archipelago, it is here that the main number of tourists focuses.

See also: In the Philippines are looking for an alternative to closed borakay

Philippines - Weather (Climate)

A significant role in the formation of climate is plays the dismemberment of the relief, but monsoon, marine tropical and subequatorial climates prevail. In the summer, the temperature rises from +24 to +33 degrees. In general, the summer here is roast, but the wet. The sufficient season begins in the fall of February, the temperature varies from +23 to +39 degrees. The newest months are November, December - the average temperature in the afternoon ... +26, at night - lowers up to +16 degrees. In mountainous areas, frost and destructive typhoons are often observed.

Philippines - National Cuisine

Filipino cuisine is a successful interlacing of Malay, Spanish, Chinese culinary traditions. Therefore, rice is used as the main ingredient. It replaces the Filipinians bread, which is not very common here. Rice in all its variations (boiled, fried, with the addition of vegetables, fruits, meat, sauces, fish and other seafood) There is always on the table.
Also, the Philippine cooks will surprise you with a wide range of meat dishes. Traditional delicacies - chicken chickens "Tinola", paella with chicken, pork and seafood, Maucon meat rolls, meat casserole "Pankitmolo" with mushrooms, fried chicken with vegetables with the addition of the Riytafel sauce, stuffed with a piggym coal, " Adobo "- pickled pieces of meat, soup with vegetables and beef," relay "- stuffed fish or chicken, kebabs from buffalo meat. As you can see, vegetables are used in the preparation of most dishes.
Try also a huge amount of eats of fish and seafood: "Sinigan" from mollusks, shrimp "Pinacbet", delicious marinated fish, fish balls and cutlets. Seafood dishes are the country's business card. Their unmerced number here, and each of them is unique in their taste.
The hospitable residents will not leave you and without sweet. For dessert you will be offered various pastry products. It is necessary to try traditional sweets: sweet rice flour patties, cheese buns with sugar, fried bananas with honey gravy, desserts based on coconut milk and fruit and popular ice cream "Halo-Halo". Common Drinks - Lemonade, Buko (Coconut Milk), Natural Fruit Juices, as well as Refreshing Cold Tea.

Philippines in Asia are considered a special country. Indeed, there are even dishes are not so sharp as in other Asian countries. In addition, European colonists had great influence on the Philippines. Therefore, the Philippines, which consist of a variety of islands, can be considered an amazing Asian country with beautiful nature, waterfalls, old attractions and snow-white beaches.

Geography Philippines

The Island State of the Philippines is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean in Southeast Asia. To the north through the Strait there is Taiwan, in the West through the South China Sea - Vietnam, and in the south are Islands of Indonesia. The total area of \u200b\u200bthis country is 299,764 square meters. KM

The Philippines includes more than 7,100 islands, the largest of them - Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

Most of the territory of the Philippine Islands is covered with dense forests. The largest local vertex - the mountain of APO, whose height reaches 2,954 meters, is located on the island of Mindanao. On the Philippine Islands, earthquakes often happen, but they are not felt, because Too weak.

The longest river in the Philippines - Kagayan, its length is 505 km. Kagayan, flows through the northern part of Luzon Island.


Manila - the capital of the Philippines. More than 1.8 million people live in this city.

Official language Philippines

The Philippines have three official languages \u200b\u200b- Pilipino, relating to Austronesian language family, as well as English and Spanish.


More than 90% of the Philippine population professes Christianity (they are mainly Catholics), and the remaining 10% are Muslims.

Public Device Philippines

According to the current Constitution, the Philippines is the presidential republic. Her chapter is the president, elected by a national vote for 6 years.

The two-beamed parliament in the Philippines is called Congress, it consists of the Senate (24 senators, elected for 6 years) and the House of Representatives (240 deputies are elected for 3 years).

Administratively Philippines are divided into 17 regions and 80 provinces.

Climate and weather

The climate is tropical, hot and wet. The hottest months - from March to May. The rainy season begins in June and continues until the end of October (at this time Typhoon is possible). The coldest month is February (the average air temperature + 21c), and the hottest - May (+ 36c).

The best time to visit the Philippines - from November to April. At this time, the precipitation is very small, and the air and the sea are very warm.

Sea in the Philippines

The Philippines is washed by the Philippine Sea, which is part of the Pacific Ocean. The total length of the coast of all Filipino Islands is 36,289 km. Thus, the naval coast of the Philippines is the longest worldwide.

The diving season in the Philippines continues from the beginning of November to the end of May. Peak diving season - from March to May.

Rivers and lakes

The Philippines have more than 45 rivers. The longest of them - Kagayan, her length reaches 505 km. Kagayan, flows through the northern part of Luzon Island.

Culture Philippines

The Spanish and American colonial customs were greatly influenced by the Philippine culture. It is thanks to the Spaniards in the Philippines the tradition of Fiesta and Carnavalov was rooted.

Every January in Manila is the most massive festival in the Philippines - "Black Nazarenina Day". On this day (and this is January 9), several hundred thousand people come to the streets of Manila.

Tourists in the Philippines will be interested to see the Mango Festival, the Festival Aurora, the Ati-Atiha Festival, the festival of pineapple, the lantern festival and many others.

All Filipino Festivals are accompanied by colorful musical, dance and theatrical ideas. Most of these festivals take part in them in traditional national costumes.


Filipino cuisine was formed under the influence of Chinese, Malay, Spanish and even American culinary traditions. The kitchen of the Philippines for Europeans is not as well known as, for example, Vietnamese, Thai or Chinese dishes. The Philippine cuisine is different from the kitchens of other Asian countries by the fact that it is not so acute. Although, of course, the Philipins also love to add spices into dishes.

Spices (garlic, onions, ginger) are needed by Filipinos in order to give the flavor dishes. As in other Asian countries, in the Philippines, the main food product - rice, as well as fish and seafood.

  1. Adobo - stewed meat (chicken or pork) with garlic in soy sauce;
  2. Pansit - rice noodles with chicken, pork or shrimp together with vegetables;
  3. Tinola - chicken soup with ginger;
  4. Sinigang - spicy soup with pork, chicken, fish or shrimp;
  5. Lengua - fried beef language in char sauce;
  6. Calamares - fried shrimps / squid;
  7. Kare-kare - stewed on slow flame beef;
  8. Bopis - spicy pork required.

Traditional non-alcoholic beverages in the Philippines - "Sago" T Gulaman "- a sweet drink from Melissa, Coconut Juice, sweet drink" Taho ".

Sights of Philippines

On the Philippines you can see very interesting sights. So, on the island of Mindanao in the city of Davao there is a unique National Park of APO and a large orchid farm. On the same island, tourists can visit the medieval Spanish port of Pilar and a few more natural parks. On the island of Sulo, you can visit the villages of local residents, built directly on the water.

On Cebu Island there is a very old Spanish fort, erected in the middle of the XVI century, as well as several medieval churches.

Some sights of the Philippines are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List - the city of Vigan, the Underground Puerto Princesa River, the rice terraces in the Philippine Cordillerakh, the Church of St. Aavgustin in Manila, the Church of Miag-Ao on O-Veoilo, Church of Pool, Church of Santa Maria, Tubbataha Reefs National Park.

Cities and resorts

The biggest cities in the Philippines - Kesson City, Kalokan, Davao, Cebu, Zamboang, Antipolo and the capital - Manila.

The Philippines are known worldwide with their fantastic sandy beaches. Infrastructure on most beaches is well developed, there are excellent opportunities for outdoor activities, including diving. By the way, some of the Philippine diving centers meet all international standards.

Top 10 best beaches in the Philippines:

  1. Boracay Island. The length of the beach on this island reaches 5 km, the sand is white small. It is considered one of the best beaches in the world.
  2. Pagudpud. There may be strong winds here, and therefore Pagudpud is a great place to surf. Compared to Boracay, rest on Pagudpud is considered more secluded and quiet.
  3. Mactan Island. On this island, there are not only beautiful beaches, but also a cheerful nightlife. Suitable for tourists who want not to sunbathe on snow-white beaches.
  4. Panglao Island. Do you like to do diving? Then Panglao Island is just for you. Quiet, secluded island that surrounds coral reefs.
  5. Camiguin. This beach is considered a "paradise garden." The beach is located near the beautiful waterfall, as well as hot and cold sources.
  6. Dakak. This is a private beach, its length reaches 750 m. There are waterfalls and sources of spring water in the beach.
  7. Islands Honda Bay. These islands are located in the southwestern province of Palawan. It is considered a great place for diving.
  8. El Nido. This island is located in the province of Palawan. El Nido - a quiet, secluded place with snow-white beaches.
  9. Pearl Farm. The resort is located in the south of the country near the city of Davao. It is considered one of the largest Philippine resorts.
  10. Siargao. This beach is considered another popular destination in the Philippines for diving.

Souvenirs / Shopping

From the Philippines, tourists usually bring the products of folk crafts, baskets, wallets, wallets, rugs, local clothes with manual embroidery, Sargian clothes, scarves, musical instruments (for example, bamboo flutes), figurines, hammocks, traditional Philippine knives, hats, Philippine delicacies (mango, for example, it is better to wrap in a napkin so that the fruit remains fresh).

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