Repairs Design Furniture

Vintage style in the interior: design in the spirit of vintage traditions. Interior in style vintage ceiling in vintage style

Literally, everything that is connected with France has always attracted the attention of people following fashion trends both in clothing and in the design of their homes. The interior style Vintage has a unique charm, because it is from France. He undoubtedly attracts particular attention to the owners of country houses.

From the history

It is known that the word Vintage was originally interpreted as a certain style of interior design. Isxtari French winemakers so called their excellent wines of many years of exposure. Somewhat later, this word was widely distributed in the spheres of clothing, interior, music and other areas of culture and fashion, which can be characterized by one feature - this is a constitution. Any subject of category "Retro" can be boldly called vintage. Today, everything old has become incredibly popular and whole industries for the production of things, furniture, clothing, baubles and interior items stylized under the aged are created to meet such huge demand.

Interior features

  1. Charming, filled with warmth and mentality, style Vintage admits along with old objects, the presence of modern things.
  2. The feature inherent in him is the lack of luxury, simplicity of the interior.
  3. This style corresponds to light carelessness, a kind of creative mess.
  4. Vintage is not deprived of romance and implies a predominance in the design of the rooms of a relaxed color range of gray-blue, light green, beige, gentle pink and other noble calm shades. In the event of a desire to make separate bright accents in the interior, it is best to resort to the use of royal colors: burgundy and purple. The combination of nobility and heat of the color palette will make the atmosphere of the house cozy and extremely posing.
  5. A distinctive feature of the screw is considered the presence of barely distinguishable inscriptions on the item item, as if they were erased by time.
  6. Flower motifs must be present on wallpaper, curtains, bedspreads, tablecloths.

In one day, the interior is unlikely to succeed, because some thing you can get as a gift from relatives or friends, you will get something in the store, and for some particular cute little thing, you may have to go to the flea market. Only over time the situation in your home will become truly complete and harmonious.

Details of the interior and materials

To create a vintage interior, it is necessary to fill the room with things with traces of antiquities, for example:

  • hang on the wall in a loss frame of a mirror or a picture with a bouquet of colors;
  • arrange the vintage figurines from copper, caskets;
  • install a wooden table on which cracks are visible;
  • no less relevant curtains with floral pattern;
  • the presence of antiquity well emphasizes the decor from the layers of paint of different colors;
  • the beauty of the vintage interior is exquisitely emphasized the clock with a pattern of rose or lavender bouquets applied on them;
  • it looks good in a ceramic or metal vase, a drummer or a bouquet made of live seasonal colors; A bouquet is desirable to give a somewhat dissected and negligent look, the flowers should not be perfectly selected and strictly look in the vase.

  1. In no case, do not pick up all objects and things in one style for the design of the vintage interior. In this case, "Museum" should be excluded, because the interior created must be at home cozy.
  2. This style allows the most incredible combinations of ideas, flight of fantasy, creativity, experiments. This is a free and multifaceted style in which you can reflect your taste and a part of your soul.
  3. Old rag dolls, soft toys that have been inherited from grandmother Porcelain figurines, old plaids - all things that you can unexpectedly discover abandoned in the attic of your country house, undoubtedly miraculously suitable for vintage interior.
  4. Special attention is paid to the aged floor design (there must be a wooden-made-free or parquet), the ceiling (it is necessary to whiten or paint white paint) and doors (should be painted white paint).
  5. Always remember the details. The interior should look finished, and it will help exactly the details - vases, figurines, boxes, clocks, old photos within, openwork napkins, tablecloths and many other cute little things.
  6. Despite the abundance of parts, the feeling of non-flameability, cleanliness and airiness of space should be created in the interior.



Fashion for Vintage Interior came to us from France, where it was formed as a kind of retro-stylist in the 90s of the twentieth century. The style is not particularly sophisticated as Palace or Modern, but it is very cozy, calm and hospitable. Such interior is accepting the original and cute heart things that inherited from previous generations. Here will find a worthy use of old handmade things and family values, all that was done with their own hands many years ago. A special addition is artificially old furniture and stylized lamps to give the house of a special "weathered time" charm.

Distinctive features of the vintage interior

And the term Vintage borrowed from the wine-making area, where he means a good exposure, that is, "tested by time." Recently, in the design of the home environment, the tendency is noticeable in the tendency of old things, and this is reflected in different styles:

  • grunge;
  • retro;
  • shebbi-Chic;
  • boho;
  • victorian and others.

Most vintage interiors, Shebbie or Retro assumes not exact reflection of the spirit of certain years, rather, it is only scenery or imitation. This is a new rethinking and respectful attitude towards what is already tested by time to give some things a new life. And it is not at all necessary to chase for expensive antiques or objects of a hundred years old for such an interior.

Vintage is a flow where modern things "under the classics" and household items, which are 30-50 years old, that is belonging to parents or transferred to grandchildren to be peacefully. Vintage bedroom, kitchen or living room will not cost expensive if approaching it creative.

ATTENTION: Antiques are considered to be works of art of centenary limitations and expensive household items, which are several decades. Ancient belongs include household items from 50 years and more. For retro interior, things are suitable over 25 years old who were popular in past generations.

There is no sharp face between retro styles and vintage, with the exception of pronounced affiliation to a certain era, for example, the 30th or 60th century. But all this furniture and accessories can become a highlight of any interior "under ancient". Vintage is the harmony of the old and new, so it is not necessarily a new furniture to give the old look, if it is made in classical traditions. But it must be somehow being photographed and supplemented with old objects, suitable textiles, which was in fashion a few decades ago. For example, the style of vintage in the interior - Photo:

You do not need to be an expert in the fashion of each decade, as required by boho-style, retro or shebbie chic. Vintage furniture should be with an antiques characteristic, but each item has its own story. These are tables and chairs, where each scratch or defect indicate a crossing or about the event in the life of the previous generation. Sometimes at the chest, buffet, sofa or chairs are visible several layers of paint or obvious signs of restoration, which confirms their origin.

Tip: Do not fall in extremes and fill the premises with old trash without parsing. The vintage environment is minimalist in the plan of furniture, but there is a lot of textiles and characteristic accessories that complement the design. These are characteristic decor items that changed several owners who have an individual appearance.

A good vintage interior is self-sufficient, it does not require updates and expensive repairs every 5-10 years, and therefore something is relative to the classic atmosphere. Here are appropriate effectary accents from fashion borrowed from the twentieth century, things that came from social art and pop art, or a born restructuring era.

The retro interior is often similar to the vintage or vice versa, but if the first of them is more strict as part of time, then the interior design in the vintage style is more free and simple, and therefore is quite accessible for independent embodiments. However, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the best examples of stylistics to use successful designer finds in its atmosphere. It is supposed to show a delicate taste and a sense of style that the interior turns out to be inimitable and interesting.

Usually, people who were tired of the vintage interior of the trendy trends with their characteristic attributes took place to the vintage interior. Do not think that an abandoned house is - this is the interior in the style of vintage. In such an atmosphere, a certain charm should be felt, the symmetry of things, where every subject its place in general harmony. The distinctive characteristic of the vintage style remains the originality of furniture or other items, a small circulation or originality, for example, with a stigmaster of the wizard.

Often, after receiving the inheritance, people living in noisy megalopolis seek to return to the origins to "attach" the dear heart things, and at the same time using cute accessories made by their own hands. Today, this style is in demand in the cities, since many of us are so lacking spiritual heat and pacification - among the sophisticated urbanization and the law of survival of the strongest in ruthless "stone jungle".

Today, many are touched by what was characteristic of a certain period of time, for example, polished sofas sofa or glass doors of kitchen cabinets with a metal frame. That is, today do not do this, and this is traced in this chic, which was inherent in fashionable subjects. Hand Made's things are appreciated, which did not cost anything before. But it must be subjects that give the joy and feeling of stability, rare in the modern world.

Although the vintage interior is a very extensive and somewhat conventional concept, its characteristic feature remains a tribute to the memory of the twentieth century and his best traditions. In the residential premises, a member of this style, nice to relax and enjoy your family happiness, to honor the traditions and nostalgate for happy childhood, indulging in pleasant memories. It is chosen by balanced homemade, nostalging at the departed times.

Characteristic features of vintage stylistics

How do you imagine the vintage interior? Most likely, imagination draws a picture of family idyll, resembling the footage of the Chronicles of Europe's life a few decades ago. This is Sofa at the clock with a cuckoo or with a battle, where the girl reads the book of grandmother, which in the rocking chair knits the sock, sleeping at work. And the hostess at this time boils the fragrant raspberry jam on the electric stove at the window with the stente curtains in Ryusha. That's about everything should look in a vintage house, having nostalgia and memories. And the whole home furnishings are not just an old decor, but real life-tested items.

The thoughtful interior in the style of vintage is naturalness in everything, from the ceilings to the floor. There is no place:

  • modern vinyl wallpaper;
  • new-fashioned laminate;
  • plastic window frames;
  • plasterboard partitions and other renovation attributes.

The best choice for the floor in the residential room - parquet:

  • lacked - for the living room;
  • matte - bedroom or children.

It is possible to modern parquet board or matte laminate, which mimics a simple milking floor. Easy in decoration - Vintage style motto in the kitchen interior. Designers recommend using:

  • floors without using modern technologies, natural wood or tile;
  • matte light ceilings "under whitelle";
  • tile with rustic pattern and styling style;
  • washing wallpapers with a pattern on natural theme.

Patched surfaces are a characteristic feature of vintage stylistics. At the same time, you can choose a large and nonsense pattern or small and cheerful. Vintage style in the bedroom interior suggests smooth paper wallpaper with a flower pattern or fantasy ornament. Today there are stylized "vintage" wallpapers, repeating characteristic drawings or stripes that were fashionable 20-30 years ago.

The ceiling, around the perimeter of the room, is possible simple stucco, but not foam frieze. If there is even a desire to use it, then only wide, under painting. Acceptable and stucco sockets at the base of the ceiling chandelier. In the vintage decoration of the ceilings, even small cracks and a lunch of paint or blots are acceptable, which gives the interior of the "ancient" chic. The same applies to the floors and walls, and you should not remove a little bloat paint on the frame or door box.

ATTENTION: In the vintage interior, you should not create an antique collection, displayed in a glass showcase. These are real things for everyday use, which still have their own historical, artistic or decorative value.

Any family relics or modern handmade things performed in the spirit of traditional crafts are welcome. For example, embroidered with robes pillowcases on sofa pillows or lace tablecloths in the style of a grandmother's chest. You can set any chest or chest after restoration, which will complement other furniture of suitable design.

Modern technologists and designers periodically produce collections of furniture resembling Hand Made or "Under Vintage". A characteristic feature - the outlines and configuration of the models resembles the products of the left era, as well as artificially "corrected" surfaces. Today, chemical components allow you to make the effect of lunch and cracking the paint, as it happened when trying to dye the lacquer surface, you can give metal a type of oxide or rust, copper coat with a greenish rode or make a dark raid on bronze. Pseudo-vintage furniture is often manufactured on special order in carpentry shops, repeating the vintage samples.

Tip: An experienced master-furniture master knows how the furniture should look like under Soviet retro, French vintage or English Shebbi-Chic. If it is fundamentally important for the author's design of interiors, such details should be discussed in the formation of an order or purchase of furniture on the catalog. Basically, the majority of pseudo-vintage collections are suitable for all varieties of stylization "under the antiquity".

Regarding the choice of color gamut there are no clear limitations, but the bright surface finish is not used. Acceptable "burnt" or faded shades of natural origin, light walls of blurred shades of any natural color:

  • white;
  • lactic;
  • light green;
  • peach;
  • beige;
  • light brown;
  • sand;
  • pale pink;
  • lilac;
  • pale blue.

Relative to the patterns on textile, then the "film" is completely admissible, which will revive the pale background or the calm finish of natural wood. The golden rule of vintage style - if there are many small items, then they are combined with a common color, and in a monophonic interior there must be several bright accents.

In a special accommodation - accessories and textiles, which create a special vintage color, for example, a fringe on the sofa pillows and tablecloths, stewed bedspreads or patchwork blankets. The main favorites are textiles of a diverse texture, velvet and sitts, lace and silk, embroidery with a cross and stroke, crochet and handmade knitting, can be successfully combined.

At the honorable place - family portraits as part of or pictures of Hand Made, wood carving, metal chasing, plates with painting under folk crafts or other handmade ceramics. But the most appreciated vintage without fakes:

  • vintage watch, phones and cameras;
  • porcelain figurines and vases with robes;
  • threaded curtains from vintage beads or staples with cuts cards;
  • antique dishes and samovars on trays;
  • carved wooden hangers;
  • retro chandeliers with crystal drops;
  • handmade gift souvenirs;
  • collections of books of pre-war and post-war times, photos and postcards;
  • dry bouquets and various crafts on black velvet under glass within.

1. Vintage kitchen - this style is very relevant, but there is a complexity in the competent alignment of the latest home appliances and the "grandmother" kitchen utensils. It makes sense technique to hide in the closet behind the door, and for old items of everybody to take the honorable place in the corner, on the shelves or on the hinged cabinets. For example, set ceramic dishes or painted plates in a prominent place.

Bright cheerful shades in accessories are appropriate in vintage kitchen in accessories, a lot of spectacular dishes "Duta" forms, kettles and samovars. "Cheerful" curtains with ruffles and ruffles or filleic meshes on windows with crochet patterns, as well as openwork tablecloths and napkins.

2. The interior of the vintage bedroom is primarily a bed "under ancient", it is best with wrought-iron details of the head of the head. Well-embroidered pillowcases, quilted blankets and knitted bedspreads. You can use an old tremor instead of the dressing table, hang the dietary beds above the bed. Instead of a modern bedside table, put an ancient chair with a high back, where you can throw a bathrobe or clothing before bedtime.

Experts recommend in the bedroom to put an old Chiffonier, hanger on a tripod, and on the wall or on the reverse side of the door - a row of hooks for handbags and hats. Metal chandelier with simple matte plagues or lampshade will complement the vintage bedroom attribute.

3. Children's room or chambers for a teenage girl, too, can be made under Vintage, complementing the collection of vintage dolls on the shelf or porcelain statuette. There will be a very organic collection of toys performed by your own hands 2-3 generations of craftsmen.

On the walls - family portraits within, near children's drawings. An excellent decoration will be wallpapers for children's themes, independently stitched multi-layer curtains with ruffles, and also made by their own hands.

4. For the living room in the vintage style, it is not customary to choose bright tones, it is better to prefer muted shades in the walls of the walls. Against the background of monochrome walls, it is best to use soft furniture with a stingy cloth, and if the wallpaper with a pattern, then the sofa and chairs are recommended to put one-photon, with a plush upholstery or from the cargo to avoid ripples. The wardrobe is appropriate or an old servant, as it was fashionable in those times, but the modern plasma panel and other equipment is better not to advertise.

You can use a fireplace or place for an electrocamine that imitating the flickering of the flame, but without the "wild stone" and other modern finishing materials. Wallpapers pay special attention as they are responsible for the vintage atmosphere in the living room. Therefore, they are chosen as it was fashionable 30-40 years ago. Then the wallpaper was covered with all the walls, while not leaving the place for the decorative panel and the other finish.

Take a pinch of antiques and stir in the modern interior? The story did not save the name of the one who was the first to try this recipe, but it was so that a new style was born with the beautiful French name "Vintage". Formerly, this word marked exclusively a weathered wine, which not one ten years expected its o'clock. Now the term spread into the design scope of both interiors and clothing.

But just take an old subject and turn it on in the ready-made composition will not work. Vintage involves the creation of a single image, a one-piece picture, where things from the past era will occupy a central place.

How is the real interior in the style of vintage? What little things and important things about knowing? And is it difficult to withstand this unusual style?

Vintage style features in the interior of the apartment

Transform your apartment and create even in a small territory a magical place that will help to distract from the bustle and stress at work - a dream that can easily become a reality. Style Vintage will not deprive you of all the benefits of civilization in the form of the latest sound systems and plasma TVs, "" and ordinary coffee machines. But it will allow you to change the overall feeling, the atmosphere, reigning in the apartment.

It is worth noting that the rules for designing interiors are quite blurred. You can show fantasy and create something unique. And yet there are some specific traitsThrough which you can easily find out this style. Among them:

  • the use of original items preserved to our times, as well as artificially aged things;
  • recreation of a specific era;
  • special attention to the color palette,
  • mature accessories.

The advantage of this style is that you can get the necessary items with friends and friends who want to say goodbye to the "junk". You can also search for interesting things in the markets, search ads in the section "I will give for nothing." Of course, on such objects of the decor will have to work to bring them in a decent view. But nevertheless, no artificially aged thing has a spirit of time. The real relics of your chosen era will create an indescribable atmosphere, from which the interior perception is largely dependent.

It is worth remembering that style Vintage addresses different time cuts, but still limited to the period from the end of the XIX century to the 80s of the year XX. Of course, mixing objects of different eras, you will not be able to achieve a positive result. That is why create an interesting interior so difficult. For long months to search and prepare all the items of furniture and accessories may be required.

Basic Colors in Vintage Style

Since the entire interior should reflect the journey through time, then designers are recommended to stay on restrained, slightly "shaft" pastel colors. Gentle pink and beige, light yellow and dirty blue - These shades will be wonderful as a background. The drawings of others are welcome (often contrasting) colors, but they also need to be with a light yellowish flare, a little burnt, exterminated from time.

Quiet colors will allow the interior to enjoy the interior and pay attention to carefully selected accessories. but you can use bright colorswhich juicy stain will stand out against the background of pale walls. Furniture objects, individual or luxurious, for example, fill the room with an amazing charm and a feeling of luxury.

Choosing a specific color scheme depends on the periodwhich was taken as the basis. Bright fifties love contrast and. But for the end of the XIX century, cold shades and vegetable patterns are characteristic.

Vintage Room Design

For the design of what room you would take, in advance decide with the epoch. All items must comply with this period, only this is a one-piece picture.

Bedroom in Vintage style

Such an important room try to pay a lot of attention. Vintage allows you to include a large-size luxury bed in the interior, but it must have. Most often there are forged backs, but you can find an instance decorated with carving on a tree.

Light tones will perfectly look in the bedroom and create not only the atmosphere of comfort and comfort, but also a romantic mood. Add a little pink and beautiful rules - The perfect bedroom for a young girl.

If you want something less feminine, you can abandon the ruffles and give preference to concise and thoughtful details. Light wallpapers with a barely visible pattern, beige or light brown furniture, a shabby parquet - so simple, but at the same time, a cozy image is perfect for the bedroom.

Special chic that will enjoy many lovers of antiquity - bedahin over the bed. You can pick up a beautiful thin lace fabric or make it from a dense tissue of a saturated and deep dark color.

Be careful, this piece of decor is not suitable for small rooms. Baldahin is grown up space, so only the spacious bedroom costs.

It will also be appropriate to look at which bottles with spirits, frames with photos, porcelain dolls and other little things correlated with the selected era.

Vintage Living Room

If you like experiments, then the living room is the perfect room for the incarnation of fantasies into life. Traditionally delicate colors are used for finishing: Blue, pink, beige, light green. But in this room you can give yourself will and use bright and juicy colors that were popular in the seventies. If you focus on this era, of course.

The ceilings are usually painted in a light tone, built-in luminaires need to be avoided. But large in the form of candles or (depending on the time segment) will be by the way.

If there is a living room, then this item may set the tone to the whole interior. The comfort and heat of real masonry will complement the fluffy carpet, decorate the shelf with various souvenirs and photographs. The final stroke will be a rocking chair. Such a living room will manham with a plaid blanket, tasty tea and an interesting book.

Kitchen in Vintage style

The problem of contacting the past and the present in this room is especially relevant. Designer's task is to combine modern technique with objects from the left era. It may seem that such a task is impossible, but there are several possible solutions at once.

The easiest, but quite expensive option - purchase technique, externally similar to the one that was used in the selected period. Italian designers, for example, admire the refrigerator Zil and consider him hardly the icon of the style of their era. There are stylized coffee makers, ovens and even cooking panels. But there is such a technique much more expensive than similar "modern."

Second option - hide all techniques. Built-in ovens, microwaves and dishwashers will help forget that you are in the 21st century, but continue to use all the benefits.

You can also try to "adapt" existing technique for new requirements. An ordinary refrigerator will look less modern if you apply a print characteristic of the 60s. And the openwork napkins will hide a microwave oven from prying eyes.

Vintage Bathroom

You can make a luxury bathroom in a small apartment, but still style vintage requires space. If square meters allow, then give up the classic plumbing alignment along the walls. Self bath can be reached into the center of the room and make the main element of the composition. An exquisite bath with handrails on adhesive legs will look not only stylish, but also aristocratic. A little gilding in the decor, the tile with the effect of rubbing - and the interior will take you to the end of the XIX century.

But a small space will allow you to enjoy comfort. In this case, it is better adhere to traditional bright gammato. We recommend laying out the formation, it will also have a positive effect on visual perception of sizes. But shower cabins that save space so well, Vintage style is not welcomed. With a lack of space, you, of course, can replace the bath on the cabin, but in this case you have to work hard and add accents. For example, use cranes "under copper", fine tiles and even laminate, imitating a natural tree.

Entrance hall vintage

Do not underestimate the importance of the hallway, because it is from her who begins to get acquainted with the house. The vintage interior will help immediately plunge into the chosen era and penetrate the spirit of the time. First of all you will have abandon big and bulky cabinets. An forged hanger with a soft pouf is a more appropriate piece of furniture. However, a small wardrobe can be left if it is decorated with carvings, and will also save traces of time (scuff and cracks).

Try to avoid bright and screaming colors, in this room they will be superfluous. But the panel or small pictures on the walls will only complement the composition.

Vintage style combination with other interior styles

Designers rarely use one "clean" style in the work on the interior. And the vintage easily finds himself a suitable "partner". It may become an elegant and discreet or shockful and causing pop art, nostalgic or saturated. Everything, of course, depends on the selected period. It is worth paying attention to what trends were relevant during this period. You can combine vintage only with the style that was at the peak of popularity in the selected era.

Vintage style furniture

Feature of all items suitable for this style in their scuff. And it does not matter whether the Komod is 80 years old or it was created a year ago and specially aged. Of course, furniture shape must match the selected era. The carved headboard and legs, the stools upholstered by velvet refer to the end of the beginning of the century, and plastic chairs on one leg - by the middle of the past.

The color of the furniture, the upholstery, the materials used - all this will help to emphasize a certain period of the past or before last.

Style decor vintage

Accessories in this style play hardly not the most important role. These may be numerous, pumps on the tulle curtains and porcelain figures of angels. But also relevant and bright posters, geometric patterns, strange decorative stuffs of plastic.

In order not to make a mistake in the choice, carefully examine the era you liked, determine the cult items, distinctive features and only after that, proceed to creating your original interior.

Vintage interiors are becoming increasingly popular every year. This is due to the fact that the old things become more valuable and exclusive.

Is Vintage popular today and who prefers him?

Some people are not a modern atmosphere due to the impact of high technologies, but to the dwelling, filled with objects associated with the left era and causing a feeling of unobtrusive nostalgia.

Vintage in the interior of the house often declared lovers of history, older generation, collectors and those who are appreciated by old objects.

In order to correctly arrange such a situation, it is best to use the help of a designer and an antiques expert.

First, it is important not to overdo it with the design, secondly, you need to be able to distinguish ancient things depending on their era.

History of origin

The word "Vintage" (FR. Vintage) was used from the vocabulary of the manufacturers of expensive and high-quality French wines. After time, this term began to denote exclusive, expensive and old things.

As a style, vintage in the interior arose at the end of the last century. He originated thanks to the architect from the USA Patrick Willis. Possessing ambitions and talent, he conceived to present a house in the form of an ellipse.

But shortly before the presentation it turned out that he lacks funds to complete the project. Therefore, the architect decided to compensate for the missing elements with a flea market. The idea turned out to be more successful and got a name - Vintage style in the interior.

Key style ideas

  • Vintage in the interior of the apartment is, first of all, the unobtrusive addition of the modern base of the interior of the ancient objects is most often the past and last century.
  • He is close to the classic, but provides for solutions in the form of modern finishing materials and some structures.
  • Antique objects correspond to a certain period. Properly decorated atmosphere personifies a certain era and causes a sense of light nostalgia.
  • The principle of minimalism is not used. Decor and vintage things are often set on the universal review, personifying the selected era.
  • The abundance of vintage things is also not welcome. Otherwise, the style of Vintage in the interior of the apartment will not be expressive, and the room will be overloaded objects.
  • Agreements or artificially aged things look neat and attractive. It is not used objects that heavily dilapidated due to their limitation. Therefore, it is important to see a clear line between the old things with minor traces, which left for them, and the objects that are about to collapse because of the windiness.

Vintage components

  • Antique objects or things (furniture, lampshades, paintings, figurines, porcelain, vintage toys).

They not only attach to the premises of the comfort and nostalgic mood, but also serve as an indicator of elegance and taste.

  • Artificial formation of interior elements.

For example, items from copper or bronze with intention of waste plots, painted artificially darkened by the age of gilding.

  • Wall decoration, floor and ceiling under ancient.

There are many finishing materials that imitate the past epochs - wallpapers with a characteristic print, plastering walls with a certain invitation.

  • Natural colors of moderate saturation:
    - light pink,
    - light lilac,
    - white
    - green,
    - Golden,
    - copper,
    - light blue,
    - Brown.
    Also used burnt colors.
  • Natural textiles typical for the selected era:
    - cotton,
    - wool,
    - linen,
    - Silk.
  • Natural materials: brass, copper, forging, ceramics, porcelain, tree, plaster from natural components.
  • The stucco is used, often supplemented with silver, gilding or patina.
  • Modern vintage in the interior may include dried flowers and appliques with them.
  • The lighting is chosen soft, moderate brightness, for example, lamps with lamps, gently scattering light.

  • Retro

Despite the fact that both directions have a lot of common, differences exist. The main thing is different intervals.

Vintage is considered the things of the pre-war period. Retro, respectively, is called objects characteristic of the 50s - 80s of the 20th century.

Vintage implies a classic, and retro can include modern and art deco. There is a difference and in colors - retro is characterized by a wider color palette, and not muffled, natural colors.

  • Classic

Classic, like vintage, does not leave fashion. Both directions create a special charm, elegance and comfort.

But if for the classic setting you can choose the characteristic furniture with a non-weathered smell of factory paint, then the direction under consideration includes elements of the composition or things that it can be seen that they are not one dozen years.

  • Shebbi-Shik

The genre originated in the 80s of the 20th century, he demonstrated the rejection of the clarifications of the dismissed wealth, which herself to old, but high-quality things. As the interior style of Vintage originated a little later.

Shebbi-Chic implies a slightly lagged luxury, sophisticated and elegant. Light colors are dominated in the setting. Vintage style in the interior is based on the use of antique items or giving them such an appearance. Light shades are not prioritized.

  • Provence

Provence appeared in the 18th - 19 centuries in small French cities under the influence of charm of rural nature, cheeses and lavender fields. He also personifies the comfort and peace of mind of the country life, the beauty of natural colors and good-quality things. But Provence, unlike vintage, does not provide for the mandatory presence of old objects.