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Bird cuckoo is an amazing creature. What a cuckoo looks like: a forest robber description

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Squad Cuckoo-shaped - Cuculiformes, family Cuckoo - Cuculidae,Rank Cuckoo - Cuculus.

Description of BoTurlin. Each of us since childhood is familiar to the crook of the imperceptible gray bird, this sound is "dull and simple", repeating so monotonous and nevertheless such an attractive. In the spring noise of the forest, in the ringing chorus of bird shallotes cuckoo as if woven his special musical pattern, a little sad and dreamed. This bird is more often than many others, mentioned in folk Songs, beliefs and fairy tales, her entanglements are often used in the romance and symphony composers of many nations.
"The forest is a green circle - young and sparse, and silence in the forest; And among the silence - only the voice of the cuckoo. Stunny! Remember whether to live to a new spring? "
In the old proverbs of the Russian peasantry, the cuckoo with her dyed singing was the embodiment of grief and sadness: "The cuckoo is crumbling - the mountain is doing", "does not eat cuckoo, and the wife flashes." This bird is mentioned and in other proverbs, which speaks of its great popularity: "Drown a cuckoo on the nut", "do not miss the chickens on the cuccushy eggs," "does not indulge in a cuckoo on Petrov Day", and so on.
By voice, the cuckoo is familiar to everyone, but few have seen her and know in appearance: the cuckoo is pretty carefulAnd often it fails to come closer than 50-80 meters. But there is one good tool that helps you get closer to this bird: imitating Cook, you can lift almost every screaming male. To do this, you need to learn how to shout low, thorny, but loud "oo-yu" (almost without "k"), as the cuckoo does, that for people who even have a small musical hearing, the matter is absurd.
Having walked the crock of the opponent, the cuckoo-male immediately arrives at his call, hoping to catch a female near him. Cuckoo females are less than males, so there is always a strong enmity between the latter. Light flight, the breakdown in the air is half a fan by fan, almost without stuffing wings, the cuckoo rushes between the trees, having sacrificed from the stalks of her skates. I sat on the top of the birch, raised the tail, swept the wings, throwing off his head, ponyzza's gray feathers were inflated - and the loud sleeve "Ku-ku" heard now very close to you. You cook again, after you, it is silent, then I am answering with some kind of worn "Ur-Ur ..." and with a loud laughing cry flies even closer. Now her yellow feet and a wide yellow zev, from which this strong, near the less pleasant cry is broken, is clearly visible; Gray transverse pattern on the trouser and light spots on the feathers of a light rolling tail. The cuckoo turns to the right and left, at times bends, when angry flies are flying, and dirty again without a breather. Sometimes, excited by the voice of an elusive opponent, she doubles the first syllable of a cry: "Ko-Ko-ku, ko-ku-ku ...", the yard breaks down from the tree and low swims over the bushes, then returns to the old place, and again in the trick Bor, not silent, buzzing her song. Often in the spring, passing through the forest, I managed to lead two or three cuckoo for several kilometers, melting them with a cry. But it was worth it to go away from the road with a call, a cheerful trill "Kli-Kli-Kli-Kli-Kli-Kli ...", who his senses calls the male, as my "warmed" lag behind, and I continued to walk alone.
In the middle lane of the European part of Russia cuckoo arrive At the end of April or the first days of May. First, some males appear, and after a week or two ads are joined. At the time of the arrival of males, the forest is not yet dilated, often there are cold nights - cucks are silent. But with warm weather, they begin to pour immediately by arrival. Spring hunters who are waiting for dermarias on the currents often hear the cook at night in complete darkness and predestular silence of the forest. It sounds then somehow especially solemnly and beautiful. In the midst of spring, the cuckoo shouts almost a round day - to hoarseness, longer and diligent than many forest birds sing. By the end of July, in the middle lane, the crook stops completely and resumes only for the next spring.
Cuckoo is very unpretentious in choosing summer habitats - she meet And in coniferous and in deciduous forests, in the strip of crumpled forests, in small steppe woods and ravines overgrown with bushes, high in the thoraces on the border of forests and even for reeds in the lakes, if there are a lot of reeds. For her, the features of the forest, as the abundance of insectivorous birds, which she throws their eggs is not so important. Deaf coniferous forests she avoids because there are few insectivore birds; Here it replaces the smallest deaf cuckoo.
One of the most interesting features of cuckoo biology - " nest parasitism", Lining eggs in other people's nests, in which all the concerns on making and feeding the chick are performed by the" adoptive parents ". This wonderful feature of the lives of cuckoo was already known to the ancient Greeks, but only over the past decades there are particularly valuable observations over it. Each cuckoo female occupies a certain area on which the nests of birds are looking out. At the same time, some cucks use, for example, the nests of only white waguses, others - only skates, third - swamps; Scientists believe that all cucks are divided into special "biological tribes", each of which has adapted to parasitize certain "hosts" - species of small birds. In Europe, cuckoo throw eggs with several dozen species, ranging from tiny kolologists and wipes, tapping the nightingales and striks, but from this number, all types of twenty are particularly strongly suffering from parasitism.
Egg in the cuckoo begins to ripen after it finds in the selected species of birds the nest during the construction. The egg is in the eggs of four to five days; During this time, birds manage to graduate. The cuckoo puts the egg during the day (unlike most other species), which helps her to impede the moment of lack of hosts of the nest. She puts the egg or directly into the nest, or to the ground and then transfers to a pre-seen nesting site of birds-hosts. Each cuckoo puts from 9 to 15 eggs (sometimes over 20), with quite large intervals, so that young crinse can be found in different years of summer. Eggs cuckoo, compared with its magnitude, are very small and in their sizes are approaching the eggs of birds-owners. They are very variable in color, while each female puts eggs only a certain color. One is blue, throwing them into nests with eggs of the same color, the other is gray, the third is spotted. For example, in the nest of the garden slance was found (in the Moscow region), a grayish egg of this bird with a length of 23.6 millimeters and a cuckoo gray egg - 23.3 millimeters; In the slot of the skate, three brown eggs of this species and one drowned - cuckoo specializing in parasitis at the skates. But there are often exceptions when, for example, a blue bunch of cuckoo is in the nest of a skate or slance.
Birds, feeding their chicks with grains (Dubonos, Zelenushka), the cuckoo is not disturbing, but sometimes makes that mistake that throws eggs to the tit in too narrow hollow, from where her big chick can't get out and should die.
Searches for other people's nests and throwing their eggs in them (usually, but one, less than two), all cares of female cuckoo on the offspring are limited. The germ heated zeper develops very quickly: cukuschonok It comes out of the egg in twelve and a half days of reaching, that is, a little earlier than the chicks of most of our small birds hatch. Cubuschonok overtakes in the growth of chicks of adoptive parents; In his life it is of great importance. After ten or twelve hours after hatching out of the egg, it begins to develop a special need to throw out of the nest of different items touched to the back (in the naked skin, the back of the cuckoo has many sensitive nerve endings). The warm egg will fall on the back, in which the church is already moving, - the cuckoo places him into the groove on the sacrum and, holding the wings, will lie down to the edge of the nest. Here, lifting on the legs, resting his head into the nest, naked, blind robber throws the egg to the ground with a sharp jerk. So it comes with small chicks. For the first three or four days of life, when the Cubuschonka is expressed by this reflex, the chick-maker has time to throw out of the nest of all 5-10 eggs or chicks of its owners. Small poultry chicks are fed only in the nest, so all the thrown out of the young dying.
If the cuckoo put an egg in the nest with a raised masonry and cuckoo slightly stretch in growth, most of the chicks or the entire brood remains safe. Parents worth a lot of work to feed such a family.
Cookuccoon remains in the nest of about twenty days. At first he is completely silent, it is later beginning to squeeze loudly, continuously demanding feed. He is sick and after departure from the nest, two or three weeks using the works of adoptive parents. It is strange to see a big, in a reddish plumage, well flying cuckoo, near which tirelessly cotton two tiny foams or flies. Cubuschonokom is several times more than their growth, he spakes such a wide mouth that it seems, is about to swallow the bird along with the caterpillars. The poor foam is difficult to reach the beak to a wide phase of his insatiable pet, "he is so surpassed by height. Sometimes it can be seen how the bird sits out a cuckoo on the shoulders and the feed hurry hurry him, hurrying for new prey.
The burning of the growing cuckoo is very large. There is a known case when the young bird of this species, signed in the cage, ate the day 18 lizards, 39 large green grasshoppers, 3 pupae butterfly "dead head", 43 cabbage caterpillars, 5 larvae of the May beetle, 4 spiders-crushes, 50 flour worms and Considerable amount of ant "eggs".

Size with daw. She has a long tail and pointed wings. The male spin the dark gray, and the bottom is white with transverse stripes; White spots on the tail. The coloring of the pelvis of female reddish-brown. During the Cooking, the males take a kind of posture: the wings are lowered down somewhat down, and the tail raise up.

Cuckoo Widespread in the forests of Europe, Asia, most of the Africa. The bird is migratory, winters in South Africa, indochite.

(According to the materials of Brovina E.T. and Sivagovzov V.I.)

June 12, 2014, 02:29

I was very happy to find out that the cuckoo is beneficial, destroying insect caterpillars harmful to the forest. A negative opinion about this bird has been negative after watching the foreign film "Wildlife", where the cuckoo was represented by such a monster. She patiently waited, when the bird, the mistress of the nest, will leave the eggs without supervision. And then I made my ungrateful case. And the cuckoo, appearing on the light, literally immediately finished free from the egg shell, mercilessly cracking with the chicks-legitimate tenants of a cozy nest. Thank you for your site and interesting materials about wildlife.

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This bird is careful and secretive. It lives in Eurasia, South Africa. In nature there are 130 types of cuckoo. She adapted well to life in the forests, forest-steppe, taiga and in the coastal thickets of water bodies. Cuckoo a migratory bird, for the winter she wakes in tropical Africa.


It feeds on various insects, which eats almost all day in large quantities. We bring great benefit by drinking shaggy caterpillars covered with poison. Other birds such a treat ignore.


The males differ from the females only by color. They are predominantly gray, the back and wings of a darker tone, the legs are orange. On breasts and stomach Longitudinal alternating black and white stripes. Female more brown-red color, stripes almost all over the body, so it seems ripple.

Body lengths up to 40cm, weight 100 - 130 grams. The tail has a rounded shape, rather long - 18 cm. The length of the wing is 20cm, and the wings with a wing of 60cm. The eyes are big, the beak is slightly swept and pretty strong. Fingers chain, two are turned forward, and two ago. Thanks to this, deftly moves on the branches of trees.


The bird is interesting because it does not build nests, does not raise eggs and does not feed her offspring. In nature, there is no longer a single bird that does not raise his chicks. Only she manages to put his egg in someone else's nest. Usually they use the services of the city, swamps, curls.

And it begins with the return of cucks after the winter on its summer possessions. First arrive at the end of April males and occupy large territories. A few days later (5 - 10) females appear. The male begins to sing songs and call for a girlfriend.

His song is quite famous "ku-ku, ku-ku". The female does not know how to sing so, it makes another ringing trill: "Kli-Kli". Several females, coming to the territory of the male, remain to live. He, of course, is not lost and falls from each in turn. If a stranger appears in his possessions, claiming at least one of the females, a fight is tied.

The future "Mom" has other concerns, she needs to find a suitable nest to postpone her egg. She climers Karaulit near its chosen nest absticky owners. Total will need 10 seconds to make your dirty business: to postpone the egg in someone else's nest, or put it. Adsid parents are usually the same species that once grown her. If there are a lot of eggs in the masonry, the cuckoo can reset them or carry, and then eat. Sometimes the birds notice that something is wrong in the nest, and throw it.

Noticing the trick, can and throw someone else's egg. Well, if nothing is suspected, then their chips and strangers are sitting. Over the summer, in the marriage (from May to July), the cuckoo can postpone up to 20 small, weighing 3 grams of testicles. But, as a rule, successfully undermined treasures is only 5 to 7 pieces. Amazing, but the color and size of the eggs of the robbery is very similar to those eggs, where she is going to throw their own. They can be gray, green, blue, with specks and without. Excellent disguise.

After 13 days, the bare and blind chick of cuckoo appears on the light. It widely opens orange mouth and requires food. Usually he is the first hatched chick. Cubuschonok is not happy with his consolidated brothers and sisters. He, like his mother, cunning and cunning: pushes small out of the nest. He has an instinct of throwing out of the socket for the first four days of life.

Then he no longer pushes anyone, just takes the food and offends the little chips to him. The main thing is me, I have food, I warm my attention. It also happens that he remains in the nest one, and poor parents feed someone else's insatiable chick. Getting delicious nutrient food, Podkin's chick is growing rapidly and soon he is much larger in the size of his parents.

After 20 days after birth, he will leave, I still can not really know how to fly, but I learned to jump and smoke. For a few more days, the podlidysh hitch will receive lure from adoptive parents, and then flies away from them. In August, cucks are sent to wintering in warm Africa. The younger generation flies last. Not all cucks throw eggs in other sockets. There are those species that themselves care about their offspring.

Cuckoo is a bird from a subclass new-handed, cuckoo families, or cuckoo (lat. Cuculidae). The article describes the family.

The word "cuckoo" comes from the sonorous "ku-ku" pronounced by the bird. Her name is similar to many nations: Cukuvitsa - in Bulgaria, Kukačka - in the Czech Republic, Kuckuck - in Germany, Coucou - in France, Cucul - in Romania, Cuculo - in Italy, Cuckoo - in the UK.

Cuckoo - description and photos. What does the bunch of cuckoo look like?

In different parts of the world, according to various sources, from 140 to 200 representatives of the Cukushkov family. The sizes of birds vary from less than 20 cm to 60-70 cm. In most cuckos, the length of the body does not exceed 40 cm, and the weight is about 100 g. The maximum weight of the largest cuckoo, gigantic, is 0.93 kg.

The beak in curtains of the average size, lightly bent the book, with smooth edges. Due to the widespread cut of the beak birds can catch insects on the fly, as well as collect major prey. Eyes in birds brown, red, yellow, nut or brown. On the head of some species there is a hokholok.

Torchis in birds is thin. The tail is long, but its sizes do not exceed the wing length. It can be stepped or rounded.

Cuckoo wings are usually long and sharp, but some kinds (for example, an earthen cuckoo lat. GeococcyX Californicus) wings are short and weak.

Short legs of cuckoo can have yellow, orange or red. The fingers on the legs are directed in pairs: the first and fourth - back, the second and third - ahead. Although it happens that the fourth finger is also aimed forward.

The cuckoo cuckoo plumage, the fluff is small. On the legs of feathers long, forming "pants". In the coloring there are gray, white, brown, red, rusty and ocher color.

The torso, mostly, is darker from above, and the abdomen and suddenness are lighter or has white. Often, the plumage is not a monophonic, but with pendins, on the throat and the trouser can be present more or less pronounced strips. Males and females of many species are similar about color.

The cucks fly very quickly, these birds are very moving, crying and voracious. They are almost all the time in motion and sleep. Some types of cucks fly a little, but they quickly move along the ground.

Cike cuckoo

Usually cucks make sounds in the marriage. In moderate latitudes, they can be heard in spring and summer. Ordinary cucks are familiar "ku-ku" or "ku-ku" makes males. In front of the crooked, which sounds loud and audible at a distance, males can make a quiet sound, similar to laughter: "Hha ha ha". Pour birds can long, up to 60 times in a row. The voice of the female sounds the Trell: "Ke-ke-ke", "Kli-Kli-Kli", "Bill-Bill-Bill". Outside the marriage period, these birds are silent. Different types of cuckoo sounds differ: for example, a deaf cuckoo pronounces a deaf "bu-bu-bu-bu" or "Du Du-Doo", Creek Caelo sounds like "Koel", Lichinskoe Ani shouts "Ani-Ani", etc. d.

Where does the cuckoo live?

The habitat of cuckoo covers all the continents, with the exception of the Arctic and Antarctic. Birds are found in Asia, Africa, Russia, North and South America, as well as Australia. They are common in the forests and steppes of European countries and even capture the southern part of the tundra. Cuckoo living in Europe and the northern parts of Asia are migrable. The greatest amount of species dwells in hot southern latitudes. Here the birds lead a settling or wagging lifestyle.

Cuckoo live in reeds, shrubs, wood vegetation, some species are found and arrange nests on Earth. The habitat of cuckoo stretches from lowlands and coastlines of the sea and comes to high mountain forests, where the number of birds from the sparrow family is reduced and, accordingly, the number of curtains is reduced.

What feeds the cuckoo?

Cuckoo diet is diverse. Some species are carnivore and feed exclusively in the insects and their larvae (, largers, cicades, termites), and other species are also included. In addition, cucks are eaten, including poisonous (for example,), small reptiles (), amphibians (), small mammals (), worms, crabs, bird eggs. There are species that feed mainly berries, fruits and seeds. Unlike many other birds, the stomach of cuckoo allows them to eat shaggy (for example, a nonparthen silkworm), the body of which is covered with bristles. The cucks bring invaluable favor to the forest, in huge quantities of pests, which are capable of completely destroying the foliage in the trees in a short time. As a result of such food, the stomach of birds turns out to be completely tanned with bristles, but the cucks periodically tighten them together with the gastric mucus.

Life expectancy of cuckoo

It is believed that the cuckoo lives on average for 5-10 years. But there are cases when some individuals have lived to 35 and even up to 40 years.

Types of cuckoo, titles and photos

Below is a description of several varieties of cuckoo from the Cuculidae family.

  • Ordinary cuckoo( Canorus.) - a widespread view that lives in Russia (from the Urals to Kamchatka in the East and the Borders of the Tundra in the north), in Europe (everywhere, except for the Far North), in Asia (in Turkey, in the Caucasus, in China, Korea, Japan, in places Central Asia). Ordinary cuckoo is migratory birds. They winter in Central and South Africa, in South Arabia, South Asia, reaching Australia.

The body's body length reaches 33-40 cm. The length of the female wing varies from 20 to 23 cm, in males - from 21.5 to 25 cm. Tail Long - 15-19 cm, rounded, stepped. The beak is 1.6 - 2.4 cm long. Weigh cucks ordinary from 80 to 120 g. The color of the plumage in males and females, as well as young, adults and old individuals differ. The males are painted in shades of gray flowers, with white or light gray belly and suddenness, on which there are transverse stripes. A older females are painted in the same way, but have a brown shade. Young females in the coloration predominate rusty-red tones, on the trouser, throat and suddenness, there are bright black or red stripes, and horn pendans can be on the lower back and wings. The edges of the eyelids and eyes in all individuals are yellow. Only young people are brown, and red females are nuts.

Ordinary cucks are harmful, reducing birds of birds, in the sockets of which they throw their eggs. But the benefits that they bring are incommensurable. Going in huge quantities of hairy caterpillars, they save the forests from this terrible enemy.

  • Small cuckoo(Lat.Cuculus PolioOcephalus.) - The view that lives in the south of the Primorye of Russia and in Asia: In the Himalayas (from borders with Afghanistan to the north of Myanmar), in the north of China, in Korea, in the north of Japan. Small cucks in southern China, India, on the Indochina Peninsula. Some subspecies are found at Madagascar, the Stern Islands, in South Africa.

In appearance and color, a small cuckoo resembles an ordinary, but differs from it with small sizes: the wing is 15-17.1 cm in length, the tail is 13-14.9 cm, plusing 1.7-1.9 cm, the beak 1.7- 1.9 cm. Young individuals of small cuckoo differ from the young eating cuckoo with whitish transverse stains on outdoor flying feathers and fewer black and brown color. Eyes in young and old birds brown.

Small cuckoo makes five or six-sided cry, sounding like "Pi-Pi, Pi-Pi-Ju."

  • Yolvering american cuckoo(LAT.. Coccyzus Americanus.) it was named thanks to the yellowish color of the connection and thin, curved beak, and also thanks to the habitat. This species nests in North America, and the winter in South.

The size of the body of a carnivorous bird is small, but the tail is long. From above cuckoo painted in brown with bronze tint color, abdomen and stripe on white tail.

These cucks can throw eggs in other sockets, but, mostly, eggs are sitting. The masonry period is very stretched. The nest may be present both eggs and already ready for the flight of chicks. Total cuckoo postpones up to 10 eggs in the nest, which builds itself.

The yoltering cuckoo is dug as well as ordinary, only louder. In general, this bird is very secretive. She often serves as the rain, for which he got a nickname of rain bird.

  • California Earth Cuckoo (California Running Cuckoo, California-Platinite Cuckoo)(Lat.Geococcyx Californianus.) - This is a rather large bird, reaching a length of 60 cm. She has a big tail and high strong legs, but small and weak wings. Cuckoo-plantain has a very peculiar appearance and unbroken color. The back of her burying with white-red spots, the belly belly, and the lower part of the throat of black and painting. The bird's head decorates a modest corkscrew. Interetic skin of her face is dark blue, but the orange spot is distinguished brightly on her eyes. A large beak is equal to the length of the bird's head.

Cuckoo-plantain lives in the south-west of the United States and in the north of Mexico, in arid airless places: in the thickets of cacti on the slopes of the mountains and on the plains. She flies badly and rarely, but it runs well, developing speed up to 42 km / h. It spends most of the life in chicken, on earth. Here she is looking for feed - insects, small vertebrates (lizards, mice, etc.). Among shrubs on Earth, the plantain cuckoo builds his nest, applying for its manufacture of branches and blades.

The female postpones 3-9 white eggs, raping them with the male in turn.

The length of the body of the giant cuckoo reaches 66 cm, and weighs the bird until 930. The distinctive feature of this species is a large, curved beak. Wings and tail are long, like all representatives of the family. The plumage, mainly gray: from ash and dark gray on the back and wings to light gray on the trouser, chest and sides. The ends of the wings are black, bottom of the tail and sides in black transverse stripes. The skin around the eye is naked, reddish or brownish color. The beak is gray at the base and light at the end. The eyes of young individuals of brown, in adults - red.

Giant cucks in their area lead a caviar or migratory lifestyle. Inhabited in mangrove groves, on the edges and outskirts of forests (where eucalyptus, figs are growing), on the shores of rivers and marine coasts.

Giant cucks eat various fruits (figs, mistletoe, mulberry), insects (butterflies, beetles, grasshoppers, ladies), eggs and newborn chicks, as well as Padal. Eggs are put on, mainly in the nest of various birds from the family of the vandines (, daws), as well as the collator of the hawk and the Australian Gullina. The voice of the giant cuckoo sounds like "Kuac" with subsequent lengthy and fast whistles or as a bouffer "Kl-Klou-Kloms".

  • Floating earthen cuckoo (lat.Carpococcyx Renauldi.) - View leading ground lifestyle. Habitat - Indochina Peninsula (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos).

Chicks of red coats are withdrawn themselves. Nest both trees and earth. Feed small vertebrates.

The length of the bird body is 68 cm. The plumage is light gray. Neck and tails are dark. Beak and legs of reddish color. Eyes yellow. Feathers around the eyes blue, and leak leak.

  • Coel (Coeler)(Lat.Eudynamys scolopaceus.) - Cuckoo, inhabiting in Asia - in the south-east, in India and China, as well as in Australia. Received its name thanks to the Samoys published sounds: "Coe-it, Coe-Spruce."

The bird has a very long tail, constituting almost half of the body length, which is equal to about 42 cm. Males and females painted brightly, but differ from each other. Males blue-black with green tump, females - bronze-brown with white spots.

Coals lead a secretive lifestyle, are found in the crowns of high trees, while danger hide among foliage. The diet of these birds consists almost exclusively of fruits and berries with which they feed in the forest or in the gardens. These include figs, zizi infus, silky, papaya, guava, capers, tamarind, etc. Insects, birds and snail eggs make up a minor part of the diet.

  • Pheasanya Shorths Cuckoo(Lat. Centropus Phasianinus.) - Representative of the kind of shore cuckoo, living in the west of Indonesia, in Australia, in Papua New Guinea. Lives in forests with thick undergrowth and swampy places in high, thick grass.

This large bird reaches 70 cm long and has a long tail. The color of the plumage isero-brown.

  • Guira (Guira) (Lat.Guira Guira.) - South American cuckoo, which is found south of Amazonian lowland and east of the Andes. It is found in countries such as Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina.

The bird has medium sizes (35-40 cm), lives in high trees, the nests build itself and derives chicks. The plumage of guira has a gray-brown shade. The beak is yellow at the base and orange at the end. On the head of adults there is a hooker.

  • Frozed-voluminous ani (lat.Crotophaga sulcirostris) - Bird from the family of cuckoo, which lives in the north of South America and the Islands of the Caribbean Sea. In its name, external signs are reflected: grooves passing along a large curved beak, and the sound published by the bird is "Ani-Ani".

The furrotchkully ani is used in the food insects, worms, catch mollusks in coastal areas. In their diet also includes vegetable food.

In length, they reach 33 cm with a mass of 70-80. The plumage in the furrotchkulvoy Ani is black, with a purple tide. Tail black, long, with a bluish tint. Eyes and legs are gray.

These cucks are distinguished by the fact that the nests build joints, the chicks are sitting and they care about them together. The jack of furrotchlouvea ani is a cup lined with leaves, which is located near the tree trunk at the height of human growth and relies on the side branches. In such a cup of tea, there may be from 15 to 50 eggs. Ani fly little and badly, while on the ground are quite bolko. Birds prefer open spaces, hiding in the forest only from the rain. Noticing the danger, they quickly hide in the thickets of shrubs.

Squad - Cuckoo-shaped

Family - Kukushchy

Rod / View - Cuculus canorus. Cuckoo ordinary

Basic data:


Length: up to 40 cm.

Wingspan: 55-60 cm.

Weight: 110-130


Nesting period: May-July.

Number of eggs: Up to 20, most often 9, 1 eggs in each nest.

Incubation: 12 days.

Picking up chicks: 19-24 days, after 50 days become independent.


Habits: Cuckoo (see photos) - Single birds; During the nesting period for a short time, there are pairs.

Food: Insects and their larvae.

Related species

The genus belongs to the 13th species of birds inhabiting almost all over the world. The closest relative is cuckoo deaf.

Flights cuckoo

Adult cucks after laying eggs, about the end of July, leave Europe and fly to the wintering to Central and South Africa. In April of the next year, they return to the nesting sites and lay eggs. Young cucks fly to warm edges in late August or even only in early September, that is, a few months later than adult birds. Surprises the fact that they are without the help of adults find the way to the places of wintering.

Where dwells

Each spring cuckoo is returned from their African wintering to Europe. They live in forests, forest-steppes, steppes, different in the composition of coastal bushes of congestive or current water bodies, in parks and gardens, in the mountains at an altitude of up to 3,000 m above sea level. Quite often, cucks can be found in wet areas, less often they settle on the outskirts of settlements or in urban parks. Flying cuckoo, you can confuse with an overwhelming hawk, because she has the same pointed wings and striped belly.

What is food

The cuckoo is powered by insects, which usually finds on trees and in the bushes. She jershits all insects that come across her on the way. Cuckoo is one of the few birds who eat and shaggy caterpillar. The hairs of shaggy caterpillars are absorbed into the chitin coat of the stomach walls. The cuticle with the hair stuck in it is removed from the intestine in the form of lumps, which cuckoo joins. Multiple beetles have important in the nutrition of the ordinary cuckoo.


Usually at the end of May, the cuckoo lays one egg at about nine nests, in which at that time the birds are based on their eggs. In order to postpone the egg in someone else's nest and, according to some researchers, throw one of the eggs of the owners, the cuckoo is enough for a few seconds. For changes to be as little as possible, the female chooses those birds whose eggs resemble her own. Since the eggs of the cuckoo, the incubation period is shorter than other birds, then her chick hatches first. Cuckoo chick is stronger and more than other chicks. The next day, the ejection reflex is manifested in the cuckoo: everything that lies in the nest, cuckoo tends to throw away.

During the three-four days, cuckoo is getting rid of the named brothers and sisters. In total, he spends three weeks in the nest.

Leaving the nest, Cubuschonok still flies. He starts to fly well only a week after departure from the nest.

Reception Parents feed Cubuschonka for another 1-1.5 months after leaving the nest.

Observations for cuckoo

Cuckoo - careful bird. However, the loud "ku-ku" knows each of us well. Especially often this cry is heard in the forest in spring or summer in the morning. He is impossible to confuse with the voice of some other bird. Cuckoo Cook is heard from afar, however, because of the modest color of the bird and her habit of hiding in dense crowns of deciduous trees to see the cuckoo is not easy. The flying cuckoo is well noticeable long, rounded on the end of the tail. Birds of both sexes are painted equally, only the chicks on the neck have a white spot, and their plumage, in addition, often has a reddish-brown shade.

  • Cuckoo throws up eggs, robin, oatmeal and.
  • The cuckoo chick is so demanding that the feed is that sometimes other birds are fed, not only his "educators".
  • Cuckoo has similar names in different languages. So, for example, Bulgarians call it "Cooks", Czechs - "Kukachka". The Germans are called her "Cukuk", and the French are "Cook". In Romania, its name is "Cook", and in Italy, "Kuzuo".

"Adopted" chick

Substitution: It is believed that the female throws away from the nest one of the eggs of the owners and postponing his place.

Coloring: The bottom side of the body is bright with gray stripes, like a yastreb-rewtage. It is probably not by chance, because thanks to this cuckoo it is easy to drive away from the owners of the nest.

Nest: Most often, swamps and horikhvostka become educators.

- Ordinary cuckoo

Where dwells

Ordinary cuckoo nests throughout Europe and most Asia. For the winter, she flies to Central and South Africa, Southeast Asia and the Philippines.

Protection and preservation