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Sardinia island length. Rest in Sardinia: Paradise island Medium of Emerald Waters

Tourists from all over the world attracts beauty and warm climate of Sardinia. it perfect place for beach holidays, swimming, diving and hiking tourism. In addition, the island stores a centuries-old history and retains its special color.

Sardinia is a paradise on Earth, which is exactly how most travelers speak about the island. Turquoise sea, golden sand and breathtaking landscapes will not leave anyone indifferent. I want to go back to the island again and again. Because it is difficult to find a tropical exotic else somewhere, ideally combined with European service.

Many Italian islands are located in the warm waters of the Mediterranean, but why is that Sardinia attracts holidaymakers from all over the world? This is explained by her unique uniqueness. Island as it were from all over the world, has its own special flavor. A tourist will discover a fabulous place with a unique history and culture, bays, charming at first sight.

Everything is here for comfortable holiday - Beautiful hotels, restaurants, nightclubs and the courage of entertainment for travelers of all ages.


First archaeological finds belong to the era of neolithic. On the island there are "tomb of giants" (only 300) - stone slabsmounted on graves and related to II-I centuries. BC. These are the most ancient artifacts talking about the first settlements on the island.

In addition to the tomb of antiquity on the island, other early buildings are preserved - nuragi or stone cloth towers in the form of cones with a height of 10-20 meters, as well as round huts made by the same principle (II-VIII century BC).

The history of Sardinia is diverse and includes many wars. Sardinia captured the Phoenicians, Romans, Vandals, Spaniards, Maurus. In 1720, Sardinia went to Italy.

If you carefully look at the card, it seems that the island reminds a huge sandal. Therefore, it is believed that the name of the place was given ancient Greeks, since "Sandaliotis" means sandals.

Best season for recreation

Sardinia occupies a central place between Corsica and Sicily - this is the most middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Unique landscape Islands creates various climatic zones. A few more than a few years ago, there was not a single tourist on Sardinia. But thanks to the enterprise local residents, the tourist business has become the main point of revenue of the island.

Special climate makes Sardinia accessible to rest round year. Nevertheless, the year is divided into seasons of high and low tourist activity.

High season

This is the summer months when beach holiday is most active. Water warm, sea breeze brings coolness. Privacy lovers can merge with nature on unreleased "wild" beaches.

Low season

Starts from mid-November. The island will noticeably empty, as lovers of a relaxing beach rest are traveled. Now in pacification and without a fuss, you can enjoy the sights and unique places of the island. It is from December to April to April without a rush to scold the whole island along and across and visit the most interesting festivals.

The Velvet season

It falls at the end of September and the beginning of November. At this time, the island is very warm, water temperature is not lower than 18 degrees. This allows you to soak on the beach under affectionate autumn sun.


A transport network is well developed on the island. Many cities run trains and buses. For example, the fare on the train from Cagliari Central Station to Olbia will be 18 euros.

Bus transportation are numerous, but in one direction only one two flights per day can be performed. The cost of a long-distance flight is about 6 euros. But you should be prepared for the fact that along the path transportation will even come to the smallest seams, so the path of 30 kilometers can stretch for 2 hours and more.

For the speed and convenience of movement, take the service of a taxi. The driver will take the price strictly in the meter. One kilometer costs from 1 to 2 euros, plus landing about 4 euros.

If the tourist plans to move a lot around the region, it is better to rent a car.


The island is completely not dangerous from a seismological point of view. You can only find out about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunami on TV.

The island does not have rampant crime. All quietly, calm and safely.


The main language of the island is Sardinsky. Almost all areas say exactly on this nashier, therefore the language received the status of regional. The main population - Sarda does not consider themselves Italians, therefore constantly protest against the abolition of their national dialect.


Sardinia refers to Italy, so you need a visa to visit the island acceptable to the country. Italy belongs to the Schengen zone, therefore, it is necessary to have a Schengen visa.


How to get?

Most fast way Get to place is air transportation. On the island of three modern airports receiving flights from all over the world. Air ports are located in different parts Islands, so when ordering a ticket, you need to choose the most closely located to the airport selection:

  • Alghero Airport. Air Harbor for tourists planning holidays on west coast islands;
  • Cagliari Airport - the best landing place for relaxing on the southern coast;
  • Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport. This air port the best way Suitable for tourists? Planning holidays on the Emerald shore or visit the archipelago La Maddalena.

The frequency of departures depends on the season. Tickets are bought out instantly. Therefore, their booking and purchase should be worried about 3-4 months before the expected recreation date.

You can use straight flights from Moscow, which are no more often once a week and only in the tourist season, namely from May to September. From Moscow, flights are carried out on Sundays. For a ticket in both directions will have to pay from 14 thousand rubles.

At the same time, charters are organized from the largest Russian cities, such as Ekaterinburg, St. Petersburg.

The most convenient flights offers Al Italia. For passengers there is one transplant in Rome, which does not take much time.

You can fly to any European capital, such as Berlin, London or Paris. Such flights are very convenient because they are sent daily.

If the traveler is already in Italy or in the neighboring islands, then the most convenient way to get to Sardinia will be steam. Such transport links is simply perfectly well. Ferries have high comfort cabins. The largest taking port is Olbia. Such a journey will take from 5 to 8 hours depending on the time of day. Ferries run at night. For 8 hours of marine sailing, you can relax in the cabins equipped with folding backs.

The cost of the cruise varies within 40-60 euros.

Where to stay?

Despite the fact that there are many interesting historical attractions on the island, tourists prefer to concentrate on a beach holiday. At Sardinia, villas or beach houses are offered to be resting with special comfort.

Their price is very diverse and depends on the location of the location, the proposed service and the presence of the pool. A good option for a family of 5-6 people can be found for 600 euros per week. Of course, there are offers and more expensive. Most of the houses are located away from buses running sites, so you need to get a taxi or a rented car.

In tourist destinations there are many hotels designed for a different budget. The cheapest accommodation will cost about 200 euros for 7 nights. In the central cities, such as Cagliari or Olbia, it is impossible to find an apartment cheaper than 500 euros a week, the tourist will be guaranteed an amazing view from the window.

Best hotels

This section contains information on the reviews of Russian tourists who visited the wonderful island. According to their statements, when choosing housing, it is best to stop your view on the following hotels:

  1. Valle Dell Erica 5 * - an ideal place for families with children. At the disposal of the complex its own beaches. In the closed area, many pools, restaurants and children's playgrounds. Isn't it boring here? None at night. Spa centers, restaurants, clubs are open for holidays 24 hours in Sudki. The hotel offers yacht walks, fishing on tuna and many other unique entertainment. A day of stay in such a room for one person will cost from 150 euros at a low season and 280 euros in a high season. The price includes two-time nutrition;
  2. COLONNA CAPO TESTA 5 *. This is the best place for a romantic holiday. The five-star complex is located on one of best beaches Sardinia - Capo Testa. In the low season for a single room with breakfast will have to pay from 150 euros, high - 180 euros;
  3. Apartments in Santa Teresa Gallura. Usually housing is represented by 2 or 3-room apartments, which have a kitchen where you can make any food yourself. The cost of renting housing does not include meals and cleaning, they will have to pay extra for them. This type of accommodation can be attributed to the budgetary. It is most suitable for the co-residence of companies or families with more than 4 people.

Many vacationers choose apartments because of independence from any graphs. Here you do not need to wake up for breakfast or free cleaning room. Alternative to such a housing can only be a villa on the coast, but its price will be much more expensive.

The cost of apartments depends on the season and furnishings can be from 30 and higher euros per day.

What to do on the island?

Here, any vacationer can find entertainment for every taste. For amateurs of outdoor activities, a variety of fun are offered. These are sporting classes - golf, shady, riding.

The island is an ideal place for diving. A special school for beginners has been opened here.

Many disco and nightclubs? An ideal place for youth fun. Beautiful water park is suitable for family holiday.

For curious travelers, a huge number of a wide variety of excursions are offered.

Lovers spend the day in search of interesting shopping will find luxury boutiques on the island, shopping centers and souvenir shops. After buying shopping, you can relax in cozy cafes and restaurants.


Not many tourists going to the island, remember his historical monuments, more thinking about the beach holiday. Sardinia has a rich ancient history, which begins with nuragi. Archaeologists found thousands of metal towers throughout the island, which are dating 2 thousand years before our era.

These buildings are unique. Since no bonding solutions were applied to attach huge boulders. They hold under their own severity. Until now, the purpose of such buildings is not known. Buildings are protected by UNESCO.

In addition to the nurag on the island there are still many interesting places and attractions.


This is the natural sight of the island. The area is permeated with unique grots and caves. The most remarkable - Su Marmori. It is included in the excursion program in Sardinia.

Multicolored stalactites and stalagmites, which dwell the floor and the cave ceiling, especially affect tourists. It is absent daylightWhen light lanterns, minerals look mysterious and majestically.

Grotty Neptune

Gott visitors deepen into the mysterious underground world. From Alghero daily to the tourist season, excursions are made on a boat worth 16 euros. You can overcome a long-term descent on the stairs, then the tour of the throat will cost 13 euros, but at the same time will have to overcome 659 steps from the beginning of visas, and then up.

The overall length of the cave is more than 2.5 kilometers.


The greatest fame has a "bearish rock" - Capo d'Srso. From the peak of hill on a sunny day, you can admire not only the infinite blue sea, but also the island of Corsica.

La Maddalena National Park

This is the only reserve not only in Sardinia but in all of Italy. The protected area area became only in 1996. In the near future, it is planned to open an international park.

Botanical Garden Cagliari

It is located in the Valley of Palagand. In the garden, you can admire not only with a huge number of unique plants collected from all over the world, but also archaeological monuments of the Roman Empire.

The garden collection is striking with its magnificence and bizarre images. Not only unique land plants are presented here, but also an amazing marine fauna.

San Sporace village. Muralles

The word "Muralles" means wall painting. Passing along the streets of such villages, you get to the art gallery in the open sky, the walls of the houses are so beautiful and picturesque.

Paintings are engaged in artists "from the people", so the paintings reflect daily life Sardinian peasant. There are a lot of such artistic villages on the island. Now no one will remember who invented so to change the appearance of villages. The most visited includes villages:

  • Palau;
  • Orgozoloto;
  • San Sphet;
  • Mamaada.

In addition to paintings on the walls, you can find philosophical sayings. The most famous: "The work you choose is love, then you will not have any day in life."


Cattedrale di Santa Maria Cathedral in Alghero was erected in the 16th century. The temple amazes with its unique architecture and splendor of the internal decoration.

Church of St. Michael.

The construction of the building began in the 14th century. Saint Mikhail is the keeper of the city of Alghero, so the church is particularly aweotic attitude from local residents. The building adorns the octagonal dome. The facade itself is equipped in the style of early baroque.

Church of San Slimio

The building was built in Albia at the end of the 11th century. She did not lose their majestic beauty and nowadays.

Weaving factory

In the province of Oliastra in the city of Ulasai, there is a unique place where exquisite carpets made of wool and cotton are manufactured. Products are made on handwater machines. Visitor show all stages of work and even give to feel weaver.

No tourist leaves without a unique souvenir - the famous Sardinian carpet handmade.

Museum of Witch

In just 3 euros, you can get acquainted with the expositions dedicated to witches and sorcerer. Since 2005, this unique place attracts thousands of tourists. Visitors show interesting exhibits related to sacrifice and other terrible rituals.

In the souvenir shop with a museum you can buy protective amulets and healing herbal teas endowed with special energy.

Bastion Saint Remy

From his observation deck, you can consider even the farthest outskirts of the city. Once the construction was part of the defensive complex of the island. Now is a favorite place for excursions.

Beaches Sardinia

On the island along the coast, sandy beaches stretched, the number of which reaches several hundred. In addition to white sand, bright sun and transparent emerald blue sea tourists will meet pine, palm groves, rocks and cozy bays.

Travelers can move along the coast and choose suitable beaches - noisy and crowded or wild and secluded.

The most interest for beach lovers are the following places:

  1. Costa Smeralda or Emerald Beach is the most popular tourist area located on the northeast coast. The Emerald Bay extended 55 km along the sea and includes many separate beaches. Here you can get enough to get up, sunbathe in the clean sand, as well as interesting and fun to spend time in clubs, discos, pubs, restaurants and shops;
  2. On the north-west coast there is a resort town of Stintino, whose beaches are compared with paradise. Compared with the elite resort of Costa Smeralda, it is rather quiet and not crowded. The main beaches are La Peloza, Pelozette, Le Saline. Next to the beach of Pelozette on a small island is the stone tower of the XVI century. In Le Salina, you can meet beautiful pink birds - flamingo;
  3. Costa Paradiso is a cozy resort for a secluded or family holiday. Many travelers argue that here the most beautiful sunsets in Sardinia. The resort is replete with wild beaches and quiet bays who will be interested in both beach lovers and divers;
  4. It is worth paying attention to the beaches of Li-Cosos and Cala Spinoza. Li-Kosy affects granite pink mountains and vegetation. It's good to come here in the spring when the trees flourish, smell like rosemary and juniper. Cala Spinoza - a wild beach, surrounded by rocks, with rare tourists and with golden sand;
  5. Villasimius is a resort village in the southeastern part of the island, located near the center - Cagliari. it perfect place For lovers of noisy nightlife - there are many clubs, pizzerias, restaurants. Here is the Bay of Carbonara, which opens beautiful view on the sea. The beaches of Willasimius are well suited for divers - this zone is declared a reserve, and therefore you can see the underwater world in untouched condition;
  6. Separately, it is worth mentioning the beach of Cala Moon, located on the east coast of the island near the city of Tortoli and near the beach (just 1 km) Cala Gollaritz. This is a beautiful place famous for your vaulted cliffs and freshwater lake. The depth of the sea is small here, so you can take the rest of the children. By the way, the neighboring beach - Kala Gollaritz - is not suitable for recreation with children, as the depth of the sea in these places near the shore is 30 meters.

What to try?

Food in restaurants and cafes of the island depends largely on national traditions. For example, no matter how much I want, it will not work out to taste the pizza before 19.00. If you are even very hungry, it is not possible to eat anything significant between 16.00 and 19.00 days. At this time, only cold sandwiches with cheese and ham will be served.

Make an exception can only in tourist restaurants, but they still need to be found. In local institutions have a wide selection of original Italian dishes and local traditional. Of these, it is necessary to try the following:

  • Kulurjones. The dish is something like Raviol, but the filling simply shakes its amazing taste. Potatoes, cheese, eggs and other components, create an unforgettable taste;
  • Malloreedus. Very much reminds dumplings;
  • Poroccal. This is a gourmet dish. Milk pig-fried on aromatic firewood, seasoned with a special composition of spices;
  • Stufato di Capretto. This is an exquisite casserole of goat meat;
  • It is a dried tuna or kefali caviar;
  • Blue fish. Local restaurants prepare her on the barbecue. The taste turns out simply fantastic;
  • Pekorino cheese.

Besides traditional dishes Be sure to try vegetables and fruits grown by local farmers. On the island traditionally cultivated oranges, grapes, figs, chestnuts, almonds, watermelons and much more.

Local establishments indulge visitors delicacies from seafood. Be sure to taste a paste, seasoned with oysters or marine hedgehogs.

Never deny yourself in dessert. Sardinians adore sweets. Therefore, sweets here have a stunning taste.

From drinks should be tastefully tasted. Here they use this drink in large quantities. Not so cheap, but very tasty try a glass of red wine cannonau. Of particular interest is the local alcoholic drink Mirto, this is a mixture of wine alcohol with the same berries.

Do not give up local wines, their taste is just divine.

Prices for dishes differ depending on the class of the institution. So lunch for two people in an inexpensive institution will cost 15 euros. The glass of beer can be enjoyed for 4 euros. Lunch in fast food will cost approximately 4.5 euros.


Sardinia is carefully stored local traditionsTherefore, national holidays are often noted on the island. Particularly interesting carnivals. The celebration of St. Ephysio is most popular. It is held from 1 to 4 May every year. The procession takes place in Cagliari. A huge number of inhabitants take place a festive procession in traditional costumes through the streets of the city.

Very beautiful is a holiday dedicated to the collection of oranges. Within a few April days, the inhabitants of the Muracher and tourists throw oranges and lemons.

Equestrian carnival in Sartille is one of the most popular holidays among tourists from around the world. This bright, exciting event occurs in February.

Be sure to visit the carnival in Mamayada, which is also held in February. It is devoted to cattle and farmers. All male population of mountain villages take part in ritual dance. They are closed in clothes from the skins, and the wooden masks closes their faces. They ring with hundreds of little bells tied on the backs, asking for gods to bless and protect their fields and cattle.

What to bring?

Many shops, shopping centers And souvenir shops will not leave tourists without shopping. The island is famous for its crafts of their ceramics or wicker baskets. Of course, they can be brought from the trip.

Special attention should be paid to subjects that reflect the Spirit of Sardinia:

  1. Local alcoholic drink Mitto;
  2. Liquor "Lemoncello di Sorrento";
  3. Cheese. The core is famous for cheeses. Here you can find cheese with mold or larvae. Ask what product can be taken on a long road;
  4. Bottarga tuna caviar. She is sold by slices. Despite the high cost, everyone can afford to bring a small piece of this exquisite disk;
  5. Local sweets.

Special attention cost to pay products from corals, gold and silver. Local masters are used unique technology For their manufacture. Sardinian lace and handmade carpets received deserved glory around the world.

Of course, you can make shopping of Italian clothing, shoes and accessories. Tastes in tourists are diverse, so everyone is lucky what he likes most.

tour cost

The cost of trips to Sardinia depends on the recreation season. The higher the season, the more expensive the tour.

For the eight-day tour for two without meals in the low season will have to pay from 90 thousand rubles. The price includes a flight from Moscow to both ends, accommodation in the hotel and medical insurance.

The minimum cost of the tour, which "all inclusive" will be about 155 thousand rubles. With a full board of about 110 thousand rubles.

Sardinia is an amazing island, a rest on which will leave the brightest and pleasant sensations. Ideal beaches, azure sea and affectionate sun, makes Sardinia most attractive for beach lovers. This is a great place endowed with a special flavor. In addition to unique beaches here you can find a lot of interesting entertainment and cognitive excursions.

More interesting about sidding - in one of the issues of the transfer "Eagle and Rusk":

The island capital of Cagliari is at the same time the main port of Sardinia.

Where is Sardinia?

The island is located in the western water area of \u200b\u200bItaly, 200 kilometers from the continent. From the south of Sardinia, the French island of Corsica is located only 12 kilometers from Sardinia.

Sardinia - Beach Vacation

Year-round on Sardinia is warm weather, even in winter it does not happen here, thanks to a pronounced subtropical climate. But the tourist season on Sardinia lasts from April to November. In the summer months there is a significant influx of tourists. The real connoisseurs of beach recreation are chosen for a trip to the island of September - October, when it goes out, and the water remains pleasantly warm.

The length of the island coastline is more than 1,800 kilometers. Sardinia is famous for its purest sandy beaches With transparent water. On the seashore there are a number of prestigious resorts, interrupted by many "wild" beaches, natural grottoes and picturesque lagoon. In accordance with the official data, a quarter of Italy beaches is concentrated on Sardinia. In the environment of fans of water sports Italian island is considered the best place Mediterranean for diving. Holidays in Sardinia prefer tourists who, and a calm privacy and a unhurried pace of life.

Sardinia: Attractions

In Sardinia, traces of ancient civilizations are preserved: Phoenician, Ancient Roman, Byzantine. Sights of the island carry imprint of many cultures that are thriving in the former centuries.


Stone dwellings of nuragov civilization were built 2500 years ago. Huge cone-shaped towers were erected from blocks laid out in a circle. In this case, no binder solutions were used, the strength of the structures was provided by strong rocks and special laying technology.

Tomb giants

About 300 graves belonging to the second millennium BC were found on Sardinia. Impressive the magnitude of the burial cameras - it ranges from 5 to 15 meters long.

Porto Torres

A small town in Sardinia Porto Torres is built on the ancient Roman foundations. In the town, many vintage structures have been preserved, including the ruins of the church dedicated to fortune; Aqueduct, Basilica. In Kripte there are sarcophages related to the times of ancient Rome.

National Park "Bay of Orosei and Jennarjent"

In the east of Sardinia, the protected natural park "Bay Orosei and Jennarzhet" spread. Picturesque shores with luxurious colors are a place of residence of magnificent butterflies - Corsican sailboats. On the territory of the park there are Sardinian Forest Cat, seal monks, wild ram and other species of rare animals. In addition, the place is famous for its landscaped formations: Pedra E Liana and Pedra Long Di Baunii, Suercone Valley, Gorrópu Gorge.

National Park "Archipelag La Maddalena"

The park "Archipelago La Maddalena" is located on the group of the islands. You can get to the place from Palau. From the whole archipelago, people live only on three islands. Numerous representatives of the island nature are under the protection of the state. La Maddalena also attracts tourists with historical places associated with Napoleon's names Bonaparte, Giuseppe Garibaldi and Admiral Nelson. The little Island Budille is considered one of the most beautiful places of the Mediterranean, thanks to Schyadj Rosa - the beach covered with microscopic remains of corals and seashells, indulging in the pink surface.

"Green Train"

For excursion to Sardinia very popular special compositionFor a narrow scene and a delivering tourists to the central part of the island. Vintage cars are carrying a century-old steam locomotive. The trip is given the opportunity to see the facilities of the XVIII century: Aqueduct and Booth stationery. In addition, from the train window can be admired by the beautiful island nature.

How to get to Sardinia?

The tourist season to Sardinia is organized direct from Moscow. The rest of the time to the island can be reached by ferries from nearby Italian ports.

Little reference information By region of Sardinia:

Not far from the French island of Corsica, there is a picturesque Italian island - Sardinia, in size is inferior only to one island in the Waterlife of the Mediterranean Sea. The island's shape reminds sandal and, as the legend says, this is due to the fact that it was in this place that the creator first stepped on the ground.

Thanks to such an unusual form of Sardinia and received its name, which in the old Greek sounds like "Sandaliotis". Let there are not many monuments of architecture and cultural heritals in Sardinia, as in mainland Italy, but still the influential civilization of nuragov, which was inhabited by Sardinia 2000 years BC, made a lot of mysteries left without answers to this day.

On the island there are guard towers and acropolis, erected from huge stones, and they have been stood for more than 25 centuries and probably still as much as the same. But how exactly these nuragi were built - it is not known to anyone.

In addition to nuragov, the Ruins of the fortresses of Genoa and Pisa, Necropolias, Acropolis, Amphitheaters and Other Buildings are preserved on the island: after Nuragov, the island inhabited the Romans, the Phoenicians, Barbars, Byzantines, Arabs, Westges.

Sardinia is the west of the Appenne Peninsula and is separated from the nearest island - Corsica - Bonifacio Strait's blue waters. Sardinia is a very comfortable island regarding climate. In winter, there + 7 ... + 10 degrees, and in July - on average + 24 ... + 26 degrees.

In winter, the truth falls out a large number of precipitation is about 600-1000 mm. In addition, Sardinia is the island of mountainous, and in the mountains they fall much more. SAMI high mountain Islands - La Marmora - stretches up 1834 m and it is located in Jennarland Mountainside.

The most mountainous - the eastern part of the island, the western - on the contrary, is predominantly flat. In the southwest there is a mountain array of igglesiente, which separates the lowland campidano from Jennargent. The mountains in the center of the island are composed mainly from crystalline shale and granite formations, in the north-west and west are tuy and lava plateau.

Sardinia has its own production - a large aluminum plant is in the port-weight. Sardinia provides Italy and nearby European regions with sheep cheese, since it is here that the best manufacturers of such cheese are focused here. GDP Sardinia is about 2.2% of the GDP of all Italy.

Local residents speak in a dialect - Sardinsky (regional for the European Union), but Italian is more common, so he gradually displaces Sardinsky. Hospitality is the main quality of residents of Sardinia. They are very kind, friendly and good-natured, very loyal to foreigners.

Every year, festivals are arranged in the villages and the city, where local residents demonstrate skill in horseback riding, in dancing and singing - all this is accompanied by an accompaniment of a unique triple clarinet. Participants are dressed in elegantly embroidered costumes, which are also fulfilled by local craftsmen - on the island flourish folk Traditions and craft production.

We advise you to watch little colorful video with basic beauty? Beach and attractions of Sardinia.

Going to Italy to Sardinia on holiday, be prepared for the fact that this place will forever remain in your soul synonym earthly paradise And the best corner of the planet.

Sardinia Island is the second largest, after Sicily, is the island belonging to Italy, it is washed by the Tyrrhenian and Mediterranean Sea, and the distance to the mainland country is about 250 km. The area is only 240 square meters. kilometers. The island, according to legend, received his name on behalf of one of the sons of the mythical strongman Hercules - Sardon, whose army in due time captured the territory of the island. But the historian Ancient Greece PAsans in their writings gives another interpretation. Ellians found in his form similarity with the trail of the human leg - in Greek "IINUS", and the island some time wore this name. Nevertheless, the first option came across and preserved to this day almost unchanged.

Historical Island Help

The north coast of the island and what is drawn to the mainland Italy, completely covered with the mountains. The traveler of the Middle Ages Ibn-Batutta, who deliberately excluded from his journey to non-Misulman countries due to their religiosity and reverence of the traditions of Islam, still visited this island and was quite surprised by its magnificence and uniqueness. By that time, he had already had a lot of dramatic historical attractions.

Holidays in Sardinia, Italy

The story of Sardinia is too interesting to go around her attention. The island was opened by the Phoenicians, but soon came under the control of Carthage, then he moved into the hands of Rome. After a century, Sardinia began to belong to Spain, later passed to Austria, and at the beginning of the 18th century he went to the Sardinian Kingdom of the same name. Russians practically did not attend this island and little knew about him, even those who were often in Italy traveling or establishing diplomatic relations. At the very end of the 18th century, the island finally received his stake - the King of Italy took himself on him in his own residence of Cagliari, escaped from the captivity of the French army, the victoriously exciting city city. The army of Suvorov, who was able to resist the army of conquerors and helped free italy from French domination. For this, the Russian Communist Party was awarded the honorary title of Grand Marshal of the Kingdom of Sardinia. Thanks to these events, the island has become famous for the whole world.

Gradually, over time, it has become more and more foreigners. Marinist artists found sea scenery magnificently, and archaeologists started evidence in Earth that one of the oldest civilizations of the Mediterranean lived on the island.

Today, prices on Sardinia prices are relatively high - this is determined by the high demand of tourists who dream of visiting numerous beaches and cities of Sardinia. Indeed, there is something to see: a unique natural landscape, a picturesque sea coast, mountain slopes, covered with thick thickets, magnificent flowers and plants, a soft Mediterranean climate with its light wind.

Sardinia Island, Italy

After going to Italy to Sardinia on holiday, you will certainly want to go back here more than once. Today, Sardinia's cities have been turned into small cozy resorts, with many hotels and hotels. You can stay in luxury apartments and rent a villa right by the sea when renting villas in Italy, you will get a luxury home with a private pool and garden. Missing in Sardinia do not have to - you will be waiting for a wide variety of entertainment. Constantly work with European and national cuisine, wellness centers, nightclubs and discos. For tourists - diving, riding, riding, archery, scooters and the ability to rent a car.

The climate of Sardinia is characteristic of the softness, like the entire Mediterranean coast. Cloudy days here are very small, and the sun rays appear in the sky almost every day, regardless of the season. The swimming season on the island continues from May to October, and the average air temperature ranges from + 12 ° in winter to + 26 ° in the summer months. The average water temperature is on Sardinia from + 7 ° in the cold season to + 25 ° in August, when it is finally warming up.

Even, despite the fact that the holidays on Sardinia prices are quite high, there can always be a lot of tourists. Most of them come here in the late spring, and the last holidaymakers leave the island in the middle of the autumn.

The difference between time in Sardinia and in Moscow is two hours. In the summer season, when the flow of tourists in this direction increases, the island can be reached by both charter flights from Moscow and from Milan, Rome and Venice airports, while the time spent in the air will be about 1-1.5 hours.

Sardinia is divided into provinces, each of which is glad to offer tourists all the conditions for a comfortable rest. The best is considered to be the Costa Smeralda, translated - the emerald coast, which is located in the northeastern part of the island. Small gorges located right in granite rocks make the coastline bizarre and very attractive. Between them you will find secluded beaches with crystal clear water and white sand. The southern province of Sardinia Cagliari and her capital of the same name is famous because the residence of the Italian kings was here. Cagliari runs along the coastline, on its territory you can find interesting lime hills in its composition, the most famous of which is Cape Sant-Elia, listed in the list of pan-European monuments of nature.

Thanks to Italian cuisine, during the rest in Sardinia, prices are not a serious obstacle for true gourmets. Local cooks are able to deliver true pleasure wealth and harmony of tastes. Here you will find both the restaurant brands that are famous for the whole world and small cozy establishments, the quality of the dishes of which will be no worse. It serves unique gifts of the sea, salads and hot snacks, fish of different cooking, and it is necessary - the famous Italian wines of all sorts of shades and aromas, which are unable to leave anyone indifferent.

Sardinia Island, Italy

Entertainment on the island of Sardinia Italy are presented for every taste: discos and clubs of Costa Smeralda are known among young people. The rich excursion program will allow you to better learn the unique history of the island and see the monuments of culture and architecture of the Middle Ages before our days. Here you can find the remains of the settlements of many nations, in different time Inhabited by Sardinia: Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, Pisans, Spaniards and Genoesers.

Many programs are aimed at not only the excursion, but also the entertainment program simultaneously. For example, a visit to the House-Museum Hero Italy Garibaldi is combined with a tour of small islands, as well as bathing in the open sea and shopping. Very interesting and cognitive for tourists will be visited by the National Archaeological Museum and the exhibition of religious painting in Pinacoteca Nazionale.

The historic part of Sardinia is also full of sights - buildings and towers, medieval cathedrals and small quarters of houses have been preserved. For example, the XIII century Cathedral, with the preserved golden mosaic and wooden balconywhere there were places for the kings of the time.

It is also worth visiting the Roman Amphitheater, where the famous gladiatorial battles, the Botanical Garden of the local university, with his unique rich flora passed. Do not forget to take a camera with you on the journey - it will help capture the magnificent scenery of Sardinia, opening with any elevation of the island.

And the total length of the beaches of the island is its main attraction - it is almost 2,000 kilometers, and they are rightfully considered the most beautiful in Italy. The sea on the whole coast is exceptionally clean, and the sand on the shore is soft and warm.

Holidays on the coast of Italy on Sardinia island is considered one of the best tourist reviews.

Reviews of tourists about the weather and holidays in Sardinia.

Sardinia is an island located 200 km in the west of the mainland Italy in the pool Mediterranean Sea. 12 km from him is Corsica owned by France. Also close to Sicily. Sardinia is also the same-named autonomous region of Italy. Administrative Center - City Cagliari.

Sardinia - the second largest (after Sicily) island of the Mediterranean Sea. Its area is 24,000 square meters. km. Most of the territory occupy archaeological and Natural Reserves. In addition, there are long, clean and very picturesque beaches. Thus, Sicily offers beach rest in combination with cognitive excursions.

Sardinia is located in the Central European time zone, that is, in the time zone UTC + 1.. Summer arrows are transferred for an hour. Consequently, the difference with Moscow is -3 hours in winter time And -2 hours - in summer.

How to get to Sardinia?

Getting to Sardinia is completely simple, because transport links with the island has been set much better than with many cities of the mainland Italy.

In the midst of the tourist season from the largest Russian cities are organized charter flights before international AirportLocated right on the island. If you do not want to use the services of tour operators or fly to the island in the off-season, then there are many other ways to get to Sardinia.

It is easiest to first fly regular flight to RomeAnd from there an internal flight to one of the airports on the island - Cagliari, Alghero or Albia. Daily flights link to Sardinia and other major cities in Italy - Milan, Naples, Florence, Venice, faithful. In addition, airplanes fly every day Paris, London, Berlin and other major European cities.

To Sardinia can also be reached on a ferryboat: Water report has been established with all nearby ports. It is possible to accumulate from mainland Italy (Genoa, Naples, Livorno, etc.) to one of the ports located on the island - Cagliari, Golfo, Porto Torres. Also from France through the strait Bonifation goes to the ferry to the northern port of Santa Teresa di Gallura.

Between major cities of Sardinia, a bus service has been established, but still best for movement on the island rent a car. There are very high-quality roads here, but due to steep descents and lifting, it may be somewhat extreme.


Average temperature in Sardinia

Resorts Sardinia

Sardinia is the island of Big, and the key to his prosperity is the development of the tourist sphere. It is for this reason that the resorts here are so much that it is impossible to describe them all. Let us dwell on some of the most famous of them.

Southeastern coast

In the south of Sardinia, it likes to relax lovers of a calm sea and picturesque beaches with small sand. Approximately 40 km from Cagliari is the resort Willasimus, not far from him - Costa Rei.. This area attracts diving lovers, because on the seabed there are four sunken ship, and besides this, you can enjoy the beauty of underwater reefs.

Southwest coast

35 km from Cagliari is the resort area Santa Margarita Di Pula. They come here for the sake of pure picturesque beaches, dating a local folklore and sports, and not only water, but also terrestrial. For example, it is quite popular to play golf and ride. Lovers of scuba diving better choose the resort TeuladaSince there is a wonderful flora and fauna, and at the bottom there are sunken ships.

Northeast coast

In the north-east of Sardinia there are elite resorts, such as Porto Cervo, Costa Smeralda, Porto Rotondo. There is everything you need for high-class holidays, but in this part of Sardinia, a completely untouched nature, picturesque bays, rocks have been preserved. The sphere of entertainment is well represented, near the Costa Smeralda there is an aquapark.

Northwest coast

In the North-West Sardinia, excellent prospects for a combination of beach recreation and dating with a local culture. In the town Alghero There are many interesting excursions, in particular, according to the historical center. Here you can get acquainted with Catalan architecture and culture, taste the dishes of national cuisine. On the coast of Alghero still mining corals.


City Oristano In the West of Sardinia is the perfect option for those who want to visit the most important archaeological monuments on the island. Not far from the resort there are ruins of the ancient city Tarros, Santa Cristina complexes and Nuragi.

What to do in Sardinia?

In addition to the classic beach holiday, in Sardinia, you can entertain yourself and other activities that are most interesting of which:

- Visit the capital of the island

Cagliari is located in the south of Sardinia and attracts cultural lovers. A lot of buildings of the Middle Ages are preserved in the historical center, as well as the Amphitheater of the Ancient Roman era, archaeological monuments. In order not to miss important historical places, it is worth walking through the old town with a guide. In the capital, there is also a big beach, on which incendiary parties are often satisfied.

- Lunch with local dishes

On Sardinia, a special kitchen, so it is necessary to try branded dishes. Their number includes pickled cafal caffal, simple, but sophisticated meat shark and sea hedgehog And, of course, the delicious cheese of local production.

- Vineyard tour

Grapes are grown on Sardinia and produced wine. There are especially many vineyards in the northern part of the island, and travels on the most interesting of them are offered at the resorts. In such a journey you can spend all day, learn how grapes are grown and processed, and also taste best varieties Local wine.