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Folklore images in the Svetlana ballad. Folklore traditions in the work of V. A. Zhukovsky on the example of the Svetlana ballad and Lyudmila project on literature (grade 9) on the topic. Fortune telling with a rooster

V. A. Zhukovsky is a Russian poet and translator of the XIX century, one of the founders of romanticism in Russian poetry, the creator of a large number of Elegia, messages and poems. Svetlana is the first national Russian romantic ballad, one of its most famous works.

In the ballad, the poet Romantic used many elements of Russian oral folk arts, in order to bring the work towards Russian reality stronger, to deepen in ancient beliefs.

So, the first thing that the reader meets is in the work is a description of the episode of divination "in the Epishetic evening". The rites described by Zhukovsky were in a kind of tradition, the authenticity of which was not confirmed - they were taken on faith. The people believed that fortune telling a man with a veil of secrets about his future, which was obviously constantly reflected in the folk works. Moreover, the ballad contains some fundamental folklore principles: for example, there is a struggle of good and evil, which take the form of reality and dreams.

The image of the road, the path is one of the main symbols of folk art. And in a dream, and in the life of heroes - Svetlana and her fiance - you have to overcome obstacles to each other. Svetlana was forced to wait for his narrowed night - "Year was rumpled - there is no one," then the power of evil fell on her, intimidating, showing the groom in the guise of a waswolf . Overcoming the test of evil, the girl wakes up and turns out to be rewarded for his patience and courage.

It is impossible not to note the way the influence of the dark side of life on Svetlana. After a quick trip to her with a false fiance, the last suddenly disappears, leaving Svetlana alone in a completely unfamiliar dark place, where the eternal cold prevails - "blizzard and blizzard". It is not difficult to guess where the heroine got: this is Antirm, the opposite of where Svetlana was located at the beginning of ballads, otherwise - the world of the dead. Confirm this way of impact on the girl of dark forces and objects in the hut nearby, namely the coffin with the convergent dead. The symbols of colors are noteworthy - one of the main techniques of oral folk art - used by the author not only in this scene, but also for the entire work: the forces of evil are painted in dark colors ("Dead / Liquor of the Night"), good, in the face, For example, a snow-white dove carries light and rescue Svetlana in response to her prayers.

The ballad uses a special system of means of expressiveness inherent in folklore works: these are constant epithets, expressed by them emotionality, as well as clear, simple tongue. They help convey the atmosphere of life and life of a simple, rustic man.

Thus, such features of oral folk creativity, as the presence of elements of ancient belief, traditional, special images, symbols, helped V. A. Zhukovsky, more precisely and deeper to transfer the features of the Russian people, to recreate the character of the Russian person in the first national Russian romantic ballad.

Ballada V. A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana" is one of the most famous works of romanticism, literary direction, the basis of which was the concept of Dvouliiria (the unity of the peace of dreams and the world of real), interest in folklore, history, the national past.

The romantic nature of the poem V. Zhukovsky "Svetlana" is obvious from the first lines. The work begins with divination scene:

Once in the baptisman evening
Girls wondered:
Per gate shoe,
After removing from the leg, threw;
Snow pololes; under window
Listened; Kormili
Counting chicken grain;
Bright wax rope ...

Zhukovsky discovers a close acquaintance with folk rites and traditions. Divination - the rite is special. What is serious in it, and what is the game? Most likely, this is a game, but the game is dangerous - with fate, with otherworldly forces. No wonder before fortunate it is required to remove a native cross, refusing for some time from the patronage of God, giving himself to the power to the dark forces. It is necessary to have either frivolousness or courage to sit down one, in an empty room, in front of the mirror, waiting for the appearance of the narrowed.

Svetlana forced to sit in front of the alarm mirror for her beloved:

Year rushed - there is no one;
He does not write me;
Oh! And they are only red light,
They only breathe the heart ...

Scary in front of the mirror. Darkness, dead silence, a plaintive cry of cricket ... Svetlana fell asleep. Did you fall asleep? How could she forget dream when "fear of the mist is"?

Amazing dream dreamed of Svetlana. It was a joyful meeting with her beloved, and the wizard winter road, and the sinister black raven, predant sadness, and God's temple, and the terrible dead man, stretching for the girl's hands, and ... a happy awakening, which everything was resolved.

What is the meaning of the work? Zhukovsky helpfully explains his reader:

Here's a lot of ballads:
The best friend to us in this life
Vera in Provideny.
The benefits of the law:
There is a misfortune - a false sleep;
Happiness - awakening.

But did the poet opened the truth? Or the words of these are told only to calm the alarmed girl? If this is the whole truth, then why are the most bright in the memory of the scary paintings of the Sveta sleep, and not a comforting morality? And why does not leave us anxiety? And did she leave Svetlana? There are no answers to these questions.

Life is full of dangers. Perhaps it is only a scary sleep. Everything in it is ghostly, Zybko, indefinitely, so hard to find and keep your happiness. And is it, happiness, is it waiting for it at the end of a long and terrible road?

In the Ballade of Zhukovsky, fiction and reality are so closely intertwined that they cannot be divided. Without fantastic paintings, there would be a narrative of real events. Fantasy in the ballad, as it were, erases the line between the philistine and high ideas about life, draws a person as a resident of two worlds, gives life a high meaning.

Question 2. Native nature in a fairy tale was M.M. Privain "Storeroom Sun".

M. M. Svavin entered the literature not only as a talented writer, but also as an ethnographer, geographer.
The nature of his native land was enormous on all his work. A future writer was born in the estate of Khrushchevo. It was here that he learned to listen and hear the sounds of nature, her sometimes quiet, and sometimes a loud speech. Svavin was very gifted by hearing "to the whistle of birds, the breath of herbs and Murma beasts." He struggled to transfer the voice of nature, translate her to human language. We are affecting this his ability, reading the story "Storeroom Sun".
Talking about the journey of Nastya and Mitrashi, the author places us in the wonderful world of nature, while he struggles to show the human relationship with this natural world: "Poor birds and animals, as they suffered all, trying to speak out some common, one Great word! And even children, such simple, as Nastya and Mitrash, understood their effort. They all wanted to say one very word beautiful. It can be seen like a bird sings on a bitch, and every feather flies from her effort. But still, words, like us, they can not say, and they have to do, shout, tapping.
- TEK-TEK! - A huge poultry chopper in the dark forest is slightly audible.
- Schwarz-Svark! - Wild spleen in the air flew over the river.
- Kryak kryak! - Wild Mallard Duck on the Lake.
- Gu-gu-gu ... - Beautiful bird bullfinch on birch. "
The author appears here as a man with a thin hearing capable of hearing and understand the wonderful language of birds, plants and animals. Privain uses a wide variety of artistic expressive means. But the most important technique, with which they come to life on the pages of the work of the heroes of the world of nature, is an impersonation. The ability to think about the fairy tale was not only animals, but also birds, and even trees. It is also represented raven and crow, and cranes, announced the arrival of the sun and about his sunset, and moan of threw pines and spruce.
Nature is not inactive, it actively comes to help a person. They warn Mitra about the trouble and old women, they try in vain, they try to challenge him the road to destroying Elaini. And black raven scares him with his cry. What to talk about the smart, smart and devoted man dog grass!
Thus, the main topic in was - the topic of human unity with nature. In his works, Privhanin "thickens good", he embodies his ideals and thereby calls for the good readers.

In this lesson, you will learn many interesting literary facts about the birth of a new genre - Ballads V.A. Zhukovsky, get acquainted with Svetlana's ballad, consider how the author handed over the national flavor in this work, conduct a plot analysis of Svetlana ballad.

Russian readers met a new product enthusiastically. Belinsky (Fig. 2) subsequently noted:

« The then society unconsciously felt in this ballad a new spirit of creativity, a new spirit of poetry. And the society was not mistaken. "

Fig. 2. V.G. Belinsky ()

Genre of literary ballad

The genre of literary ballads was relatively new, which appeared only in the XVIII century. Before that, the ballad was exclusively a folk genome. The XVIII century is the period of hobby with oral folk creativity, in which poets and researchers are trying to guess, understand the national character. This leads to the fact that the works of oral folk creativity are actively going and published.

From the very beginning, the literary ballad focused on folklore. The poets sat down the ballad with unusually expressive emotional techniques. All this was a great future ballad, and, indeed, arising in the XVIII century, the ballad was firmly strengthened among the literary genres and prosperously exist until our time.

Ballad has a briefness and extraordinary expressiveness, emotional saturation. In the folk ballad, it was told about the terrible things: murders, inlets, betrayals. Ghosts appeared in it, revived the dead and even the devil himself.

Thus, the ballad is a lyrol-epic genre, in which the lyrics - emotions and passions; And from the epic - narration, plot.

The plumes plot contains:

  • fantastic images;
  • mystical images;
  • miracles, extraordinary stories.

Often the ballad begins with landscape entry and can have a landscape ending. But this is optional.

There are historical ballads - for example, "Song about Oleg" Pushkin or Borodino Lermontov (Fig. 3), who are essentially ballads, because they are told about the historical event and there is a dialogue.

Fig. 3. M.Yu. Lermontov ()

The dialogue is a characteristic sign of ballads as a genre. Sometimes it can be a monologue, but still implies a silent interlocutor.

There may be ballads fantastic, for example, the "Forest Tsar" Goethe (Fig. 4), which we also know thanks to the translation of Zhukovsky.

Fig. 4. Johann Wolfgang Goethe ()

Outwardly ballad looks like a small poem. But there are certain differences of ballads from the poem:

  • big tension;
  • large emotional saturation;
  • a brighter plot.

Due to its capabilities (combination of lyrics with epic), the ballad became one of the leading genres of book poetry.

Lyudmila Zhukovsky was a translation into Russian ballads of the famous German poet Gottfried Augusta Burger (Fig. 5) "Lenor".

Fig. 5. Gottfried August Burger ()

This ballad is a literary processing of mystical plot about how the girl is the dead groom. The Russian reading public of the XVIII century was raised on educational literature, and there was a cult of mind, that is, all mystical, inexplicable was expelled. Every irrationalism simply expelled from the literature. Therefore, it is possible to imagine with what fooling the hearts read the new product of Zhukovsky (especially the ladies), which effects on them were provided, for example, lines:

"That's the sun behind the mountain;
That snapped stars
Night calm arch of heaven;
Dol, and scratched the forest.

Here is the month of magnificent
Has stood over a quiet oak:
Then the cloud flashes,
Then the cloud will come;
From the mountains hundredstores are long shadow;
And forests of the dense sense
And gloomy waters,
And heaven is a distant arch
In bright dusk clothed ...
Sleep the hillocks are removed,
Bor fell asleep, the valley sleeps ...
Chu! .. The midnight hour sounds.

Shocked top oaks;
Here revenge from the valley
Foreign breeze ...
Riding rides:
Borzy horse and rzhet and pyshin.
Suddenly ... go ... (Lyudmila hears)
On the cast-iron porch ...
Quietly grunted ring ...<…>

"Shines a month, dollars will last;
Dead with Device rushes<…>

"Chu! The leaf shook the leaf.
Chu! A whistle rang out in the wilderness.
Black raven fixed;
Shuddered the horse and recoiled;
Flashed in the field of fire. "
"Close, cute?" - "Dettle path."<…>

What is fond of Lyudmila? ..
To the fresh horse while having grave
Buch in her and with a saddle.
Suddenly - a deaf underground thunder;
Scary boards shook;
Bones in the bones were careful;
Dust squeezed; Wrap Claw;
Quiet, the coffin jumped quietly ...
What is that in the eyes of Lyudmila? ..
Ah, bride, where is your cute?
Where is the wedding crown?
Your house is a coffin; The groom is the dead.<…>

"Confined: To me, Lyudmila;
We bed - the dark grave;
The curtains - the soban sabot;
Slept to sleep in the ground with raw. "

Well, Lyudmila? .. Brown,
Blurred eyes, the blood wrecks,
Slaved dead on dust.
Moan and screams in the clouds;
Screech and grind under the ground;

Suddenly the departed Tolpayu
Reached out of the graves;
Quiet, scary chorus overlap:
"Mortal Ropot Reckless;
King of the Most High Reference;
Yours heard a moan creator;
Your hour beat, finished. "

So the heroine of Lyudmila ballads was punished for dared to rapid on the divine arbitrariness.

Svetlana was only a third ballad, written by Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky. Before her, he wrote already mentioned "Lyudmila" and the Kassandra ballad, which was a translation of the work of the great German poet Schiller (Fig. 6), and it was about the events of ancient history.

Fig. 6. Johann Friedrich Schiller ()

Svetlana is definitely the most famous Balland of Zhukovsky, who was destined to the future glory in the eyelids.

Although the plot of the Svetlana ballads lies the same story about how the girl is the dead groom, this ballad acquired a completely unique, inimitable color. It was absolutely original in terms of the nature of this collision.

Work on Svetlana continued for four years (from 1808 to 1812).

Not only the plot changed, but also the name of the heroine, which is not accidental and very important. The fact is that in Orthodox sacraments there is no name Svetlana. However, Zhukovsky wants to give a new Russian flavor to his ballad, and the same root is clearly heard in the Svetlana named as in the Word light coloured. And this extraordinary light, this is a radiance that comes from ballads and from her heroine, they were very felt by readers of that time and are felt now.

In addition, the choice of Svetlana could be connected with the character of the prototype of the heroine of this ballad - Alexandra Andreevna Protasova-Waikova.

Prototype Svetlana

Svetlana ballad was printed as Lyudmila's ballad, in the journal of European Bulletin, in the rooms the first and second for 1813. This ballad had a dedication to Alexander Andreevna Protasova (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Alexander Andreevna Protasova ()

Alexander Protasova was the niece of Vasily Zhukovsky, his daughter of His only sister Sister Ekaterina Afanasyevna Protasova.

All who knew Sasha Protasov responded about her as a man of extraordinary charm and attractiveness. Such she was from the very childhood, and the famous Russian poets admired Sasha: Nikolai Mikhailovich Languages \u200b\u200b(Fig. 8), Ivan Ivanovich Kozlov, Evgeny Abramovich Baratinsky. They devoted to her poems.

Fig. 8. N.M. Languages \u200b\u200b()

Nikolay languages \u200b\u200beven loved Alexander Protasov. He wrote:

"She fascinated me,

I found all the beauties in it,

All perfects ideal

My sublime dream. "

The Great Poet Yevgeny Baratinsky left the same admiring lines about Alexander Protasova (Fig. 9):

"Charm beauty

In you on scary to us:

You won't be like the sun you

To rebellious buses;

From loss of life like a moon

Many for the edge of the earth

And with you the soul is full

Sacred silence. "

Fig. 9. E.A. Baratynsky ()

However, in the life of Alexander Andreevna Protasov turned out to be a man unhappy. At the age of eighteen, she married a famous writer Alexander Fedorovich Warikov (Fig. 10), which was a homely tyrant.

Fig. 10. A.F. Waries ()

These circumstances brought Alexander in the grave. She died at the age of 34 years old about Chakhotka. But remained forever immortalized in the captivating image of Svetlana Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky.

In addition to the name of the heroine, an important motive that creates the national flavor "Svetlana" ballads, and the timing of events occurring in the ballad, to a completely definite time - Epiphany blessings. Read stained ballads:

"Once in the baptisman evening
Girls wondered:
Per gate shoe,
After removing from the leg, threw;
Snow pololes; under window
Listened; Kormili
Counting chicken grain;
Bright wax rope;
In a bowl with pure water
Put the ring golden
Earrings are emerald;
Spread white plates
And over the bowl sang in the way
Songs are reflined. "

Together with this instant in the ballad, he had a whole world of Russian national life, customs, traditions, morals. Recall the description of the soda gadas in the Pushkin novel "Eugene Onegin" (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. A.S. Pushkin ()

Or an unusually poetic description in the Roman-Epopea of \u200b\u200bLion Tolstoy (Fig. 12) "War and Peace".

Fig. 12. Lion Tolstoy ()

The famous critic of the time Nikolai Alekseevich Polyeva (Fig. 13) did not accidentally wrote:

"Who will figure out everything that happens we have in Russia about Holie, he will understand the spirit of the Russian people."

Fig. 13. N.A. Field ()

Zhukovsky managed to transfer an extraordinary flavor of Russian national, folk life. After all, this special, the Slevo world, the world of fortunes and various bunks was close and clear not only in common, the peasantry, but also nobility. It really was a national world.

By purchasing a national flavor, the ballad still remained ballade - a product, saturated with irrational, mystical, supernatural events.

Externally, Zhukovsky retains the same story: the girl is the dead groom. But now Zhukovsky creates some special romantic mood in the ballad and for this introduces images characteristic of romanticism: the wrong lunar light, night, fog.

"The moon glows dimly
In the dusk fog -
Silently and sad
Cute Svetlana.
"What, girlfriend, with you?
Let's wake a word;
Listen to the song circular;
Remove the ring.
Sing, Beauty: "Kuznets,
Whine me calas and new crowns
Whine ring gold;
I'm married to those crown,
Enrolled by those ring
With holy taxation ".

"How can I girlfriend, sing?
Darling friend distant;
I die fate
In sadness lonely.
Year rushed - there is no one;
He does not write me;
Oh! And they are only red light,
They only breathe a heart ...
Il do not remember me?
Where, in what side are you?
Where is your abode?
I pray and tears Lew!
Sorrow sorrow my
Customer Angel.

"Here's the table covered in the Slot
White pellena;
And on that table is worth
Mirror with candle;
Two appliances on the table.
"Clean, Svetlana;
In pure mirror glass
At midnight, without cheating
You will know your lot:
Knocks on your door cute
Easy hand;
Falls from the door constipation;
He sits for his device
Dinner with you. "

Here is one beautiful;
To the mirror sits;
With a secret timidity she
In the mirror looks;
Dark in the mirror; around
Dead silence;
Candle with stray fire
Syannia ...
Movility in it worries the chest,
Scary her look back,
Fear Misty eyes ...
With a crucible buried light,
Shouted cricket plaintively
Midnight Herald.

Slim Svetlana breathes ...
Here ... Leekhonko lock
Someone knocked, hears;
Robbo in the mirror looks:
Behind her shoulders
Someone mounted, glitters
Bright eyes ...
Take up from fear of the spirit ... "
(Fig. 14)

Fig. 14. Illustration to the Svetlana ballad ()

Despite the fact that the heroine is the dead groom (however, it does not know it yet), despite this mystical picture, the reader feels how the general tone of ballads has changed in comparison with Lyudmila. The gloomy, severity disappeared, and a tender gullibility arose:

"Suddenly hearing flies in her
Silent, light whisper:
"I'm with you, my beauty;
Heaven told;
Your heard Ropot! "

Looked back ... cute to her
Stretches hands.
"Joy, the light of my eyes,
No separation for us.
We go! Pop is waiting in the church
With Deacon, Dyachki;
Choir wedding song sings;
The temple glitters with candles. "
Was in response to the Umual gaze;
Go to the wide yard
In the gate of Tesov;
The gates of their sledge are waiting;
With impressive horses rivut
Silk's occasion. "

"Seli ... horses from the place of the prosecution;
Swollen smoke nostrils;
From the hoofs they rose
Blizzard over the sleigh.
Jump ... empty all around
Svetlana steppe Svetlana:
On the moon foggy circle;
Slightly shine clearing.<…>

Horses racing on the shoots;
Stitching snow deep ...
Here in the sidelines of God
Viden lonely. "

But here the reader finds distinguishing from the painting created in Lyudmila. Everything was gloomy and terrible:

"Rider rider and Lyudmila.
Robbo Virgo wrapped
A friend's hand
Looking for a head to him.
Skok, flying through valleys,
On the borants and on the plains;
Sinking horse, earth trembles;
Sprinkle sparks from hoofs;
Dust rolls after clubs;
Jump past them with rows
Rips, fields, hillocks, bushes;
Bridges will be engaged with thunder. "

It would seem that in the ballad "Svetlana", as in the ballad "Lyudmila", all foreshadows a terrible, tragic end - the death of the heroine. But Zhukovsky introduces the image - the impossible, unthinkable in Lyudmila, the image that goes back to the religious plot of the Annunciation:

"Suddenly the Metelitsa circle;
Snow pounds by clocks;
Black Van, whistling wing,
Goes over the sleigh;
Raven Karkayet: sadness!
Horse horses
Personally look in the Dal,
Make Maja;
Turn in the field of light;
A peaceful corner is visible,
Loose hut.
Horses fights faster
Snow exploding, right to her
Rushing friendly running.

Here they knew ... and VMIG
From the eyes disappeared:
Horse, Sani and Groom
As if there were no.
Lonely, in the dark
Broken from each other
In terrible maiden places;
Around the blizzard and blizzard.
Return - there is no ...
Light visible to her in the hut:
So crossed;
At the door with a prayer knocking ...
The door flashed ... Watching ...
Quietly dissolved.

What? .. in the hut coffin; Cover
White scuff;
Saches Face in the legs standing;
Candle Prev Icon ...
Oh! Svetlana, what's wrong with you?
In whose survival went?
Strays hut are empty
Unrequited resident.
Included with trepidation, in tears;
Before the icon fell in dust,
Sava prayed;
And with his cross in hand
Under the saints in the corner
Robingly plucked.

Everything subsided ... There are no blizzards ...
Weakly candle is rushing
Then shed a trembling light
Then again eclipses ...
All in deep, dead sleep,
Scary silence ...
Chu, Svetlana! .. in silence
Light murmur ...
Here looks: to her corner
Snow white dove
With blond eyes
Quietly, flew,
To her on Percy quietly sat down,
Hugged them with wings. "

Hope on the mercy of God saves Svetlana. All the terrible and tragic in this ballad turns out to be only a dream, and in reality the heroine learns happiness:

"Smallklo all again around ...
Here Svetlana is impaired
That under the white web
Dead moves ...
Confused cover; Dead
(Face dark night)
Vena is visible - on the forehead of the crown,
Shook eyes.
Suddenly ... in the mouth of closed moan;
It is being strengthened to push out
Hands cool ...
What is the maiden? .. tremble ...
Death close ... but not sleeping
Block white.

Embedded, unfolded
He's light curls;
To the dead of the chest felt ...
All deprived of strength
Proslemonary, snored
Scary he is teeth
And the virgins shot
Terrible eyes ...
Again pallor on the lips;
In the emerging eyes
Death portrayed ...
Look, Svetlana ... Oh Creator!
Dear friend her is the dead!
Ah! .. and awakened. "

And no longer in a dream, but in reality, is Svetlana her groom, living and healthy:

"Village (hard chest !!
Under the Svetlana window;
From the window wide way
Visible through the fog;
Snow in the sun shines,
Couple Aleut Slim ...
Chu! .. Dali empty rattles
Bell ringing;
On the road Snowy ash;
Mechat, as if on the wings,
Sanki Kony Ryan;
Nearer; Here at the gate;
Static guest to the porch goes ...
Who? .. The groom Svetlana. "

As if she was in a hurry to calm the reader, Zhukovsky finishes the ballad of moral notes:

"Smile, my beauty,
On my ballad;
There are great wonders in it
Very little warehouse.
With your eyes happy
I do not want and fame;
Glory - we were taught - smoke;
Light - the judge is evil.
Here's a lot of ballads:
"The best friend to us in this life
Vera in Provideny.
The benefits of the law:
There is a misfortune - a false sleep;
Happiness is awakening. "

So was punished for Ropot Lyudmila and the Svetlana was awarded for faith in the goodness of God's idea.


  1. Literature. 8th grade. Tutorial in 2 h. Korovina V.Ya. et al. - 8th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2009.
  2. Merkin G.S. Literature. 8th grade. Tutorial in 2 parts. - 9th ed. - M.: 2013.
  3. Kritarov Zh.N. Analysis of the works of Russian literature. 8th grade. - 2nd ed., Act. - M.: 2014.
  1. Internet portal "Encyclopedia of Russia" ()
  2. Online portal "Festival of pedagogical ideas" Open Lesson "()
  3. Internet portal "Lit-Helper" ()


  1. Give the definition of concept ballad. Name the main characteristics of the genre of ballads.
  2. Speak comparative characteristics of the Svetlana Zhukovsky and "Lyudmila".
  3. Learn an excerpt from Svetlana's ballads by heart.

Ballad--epic songs about tragic events in family-household life, the hero of ballads is a nameless person who is suffering, sometimes perishing in heavy life circumstances.

Plots in ballads are built on a crime, often on murder. This gives ballads a tragic character. In the eponym and often in historical songs, the positive hero triumphs, in ballads he dies, and the villain does not receive direct punishment. Heroes in ballads are not warriors, not historical figures, but usually ordinary people. The meaning of ballads is in the expression of moral assessments of the behavior of the characters, in the protection of the free manifestation of the feelings and aspirations of the person.

Since different genres draws the means of creating an image from a combustible system of funds, a number of traditional formulas (anger, annoyance, sorrow) transmitting certain feelings, both in ballads and in thenes and historical songs, but the reasons that cause these feelings, and Also, their consequences are different in each genre. Most actors do not even have a name, not to mention the characters. They differ only in family relationships (husband, brother, mother-in-law). The ballads are revealed more complex, controversial inner world of the destroyer. Cruel mother-in-law, in one episode, damage to the daughter-in-law, appears in the other, as a loving mother, and in the third - vinit himself and suffers. All this makes images of ballad characters more vital and convincing.
"Ballers - songs with an epic plot basis, but imbued with lyrical mood and distinguished by stress drama"
Ballad and adjacent genres in the process of existence provide mutual influence. B. N. Putilov spoke of possible cases of the transition of historical song in the ballad, as well as ballads in the historic song.
It should be noted that fabulous motives are also present in the ballasts. For example, in the Ballad "Prince and Staritsy" Prince Mitria revitalize live water. Unlike fairy tales in the ballads, it wins not good, and evil.

Ballads make it possible to deeply realize the joy of being and survive the soul cleansing compassion for a dying. The death of the ballad hero is perceived as the infusion of evil, approval of moral norms. "Ballads have so specific character that we can talk about them as genre" [propppe].

Thematic cycles (Anikin):

1) Family

2) love

3) historical

4) Social (social and domestic)

The main place in the genre ballad is occupied by a family-domestic product. Such texts reveal sharp family conflicts. Their characters are wife, husband, mother-in-law. The plot is built on the relationship of her husband and wife or mother-in-law / Snohy.

1) Medieval despotism - the domination of her husband in the family, the husband kills his wife

2) In her young woman ruins mother-in-law, the drama is that the mother-in-law kills not only a snowy, but also a grandson. Son, having learned about the crime of the mother, cums the life of suicide.

3) Mother herself poisoned her son and his chosen to them.

The works called by love ballads are also based on the plots that reveal the difficult position of the woman. ("Dmitry and Domn")

Plots of historical ballad are associated with historical events. They reflected the tragic position of Russian people during the times of the Mongol-Tatar invasion. There are two groups of works among historical:

About the Tatar term, revealing freedom-loving and irreconcilable nature of alliances, "Tatar Polon"

About tragic meetings of relatives. The tragedy of Russian women stolen in full and is told about the meetings of the mother and daughter (for example, "Mother-Polonanka).

For socio-household ballads are characterized by two topics:

Public inequality in personal relationships, people of different, social status live in love: Queen and simple well done, princess and keyword. This serves as the basis for their tragic fate "Well done and queen"

The destructive role of the church. They are clearly expressed by a people's protest against the restriction of the person in her aspirations and desires; The cruelty of public and church morality is opposed to the protection of the free, natural manifestation of the human feeling, "violent break"

Plots were very popular with the theme of incest (from lat. Incestum - a heap). The content of folk classical ballad addressed to the topic of the family. Such ballad worries the moral side of the relationship between fathers and children, husband and wife, brother and sisters. In the plot of ballads, though and triumph evil, however, the topic of the woken conscience is important.

  1. Develop the skill of students to competently and reasonably express their point of view, to compile connected statements on the specified topic; develop thinking, imagination, memory and creative abilities of students;

3. Revitalize students respect for the traditions of their people; To form a culture of relationship.

"Foreign on shoes"

Foreign for shoes:

Divination by snow:

Listen under the window:

Fortune telling with a rooster:

Fortune telling with Piste:

Foreign on the wax:

Divination on the mirrors:

Foreign for shoes:A gadget girl removed the shoe from her legs and threw it over his shoulder, and then defined in the direction of the sock, which side lives in the direction.

Divination by snow:Snow-giving pololies, if he turned out to be lightweight and sugranted, the married life will be happy.

Listen under the window:Gadget girls came out late in the evening. Each of them chose a certain house, and then they quietly approached the window if at that moment they heard that the owners of the house were peacefully talking, the girl who had chosen this house would be a happy marriage. And if the Branj and Rugan will be coming from the house, the marriage will be unsuccessful.

Fortune telling with a rooster:On the floor they scattered the partly grained and then exactly at 12 o'clock in the morning they took a rooster from the petition (preferably black) and allowed into the room, and then the future was determined by his behavior. If he crossed all the grains, then this year will be luck, and the one who fed will marry. Suppose the rooster spared three grains, it means that the third girl will marry. If the rooster did not cut at all - this meant fails this year.

Fortune telling with Piste:They took a bowl with a completely even bottom, without any drawings. Three quarter of water poured into it and gently lowered the ring to the middle of the bowl. Then after time they looked through the water in the middle of the lowered ring. So gadgetting allegedly could see the face of the future groom.

Foreign on the wax:The candle was crushed and put pieces into a metal spoon. The wax over the fire and quickly poured into a pre-prepared bowl with water. Wax, frozen in water, forms a figure, in the outlines of which and guess: who will see what. Animal meant fun, joy, fulfillment of desires. The tower is a very good sign. Human shadow is a nice date.

Divination on the mirrors:Two mirrors of equal values \u200b\u200bset one against the other, lighting them with two candles. When the mirrors are installed and illuminated, you should stay in the room one. She should look in the mirror intently and motionless, directing his eyes to the end of the corridor introduced her, formed from two mirrors. The time for divination is impossible to determine exactly. You can see far from the screen and see nothing, you can take a lot in a dream.

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"Tasks to groups"

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky - Who is it?

The task: Read the visitor's biography, then turning the sheet, fill in the pass in the abstract. Pass your job to the neighboring group to evaluate themselves, check their work yourself, put the rating, explain why you set such an assessment.

    What year was Va. Zhukovsky born? _______________________________

    Who were his parents? Father mother____________________

    How did the poet lived in the father's house ___________________________________________________________________

    At the age of 14, he entered ____________________________________________________________________________________

    What works created the poet at the beginning of his creative way ____________________________________

    The poem ______________________________ brought Zhukovsky fame and put it in a number of the best Russian poets.

    What talents, except poetic, possessed Zhukovsky? ________________________________________

    Competing in creativity with A.S. Pushkin, Zhukovsky wrote a fairy tale __________________________________________

And A.S. Pushkin Fairy Tale _______________________

    Zhukovsky created the first ballad "Svetlana" in __________, the poet worked on it _______ years.

    The topic of ballads "Svetlana" ______________________________________________________________________

What is speaking in the ballad "Svetlana"?

Task: Set the correct sequence of events in the ballad

Check your key job, put an assessment by criteria, explain why you put such an assessment

Evaluation criteria: "5" - no errors; "4" - 1-2 errors; "3" - 3-4 Errors Evaluation

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky wrote the ballad "Svetlana". Ballad - what is it?

The task:Read the three definitions of ballads. Highlight signs of ballads. Listen to other groups, rate your work.

Ballad - (dance song) - Laro-epic genre on historical, fabulous or household topics, narration about tragic, mysterious events.

Vocabulary S.I. Ozhegov but. Ballad - this poem is a special form, mainly on the historical, usually the legendary topic.

Illustrated encyclopedic dictionary. Ballad - Romantic storylock poem, built on a fantastic, legendary historical, domestic material, usually with a tragic mysterious end.

Literature (reference materials). Ballad - A small plot poem, which is based on some other unusual case associated with historical events or legends.

Fortune telling

In the first stanza, the author of Balladus talks about how the girls were guessing. Set the connection between the lines from the ballad and the discharge description (connect the lines). Tell the class of 2-3 divorces, after reading how the author writes about them

  1. Foreign for shoes:A gadget girl removed the shoe from her legs and threw it over his shoulder, and then defined in the direction of the sock, which side lives in the direction.

    "In the bowl of pure with water put a gold ring ..."

    Divination by snow:Snow-giving pololies, if he turned out to be lightweight and sugranted, the married life will be happy.

    "Yellow wax trees"

    Listen under the window:Gadget girls came out late in the evening. Each of them chose a certain house, and then they quietly approached the window. If at that moment they heard that the owners of the house were peacefully talking, then a girl who chose this house would have a happy marriage. And if the Branj and Rugan will be coming from the house, the marriage will be unsuccessful.

    "For the gate, the shoe, removing from the leg, threw"

    Fortune telling with a rooster:On the floor they scattered the partly grained and then exactly at 12 o'clock in the morning they took a rooster from the petition (preferably black) and allowed into the room, and then the future was determined by his behavior. If he crossed all the grains, then this year will be luck, and the one who fed will marry. Suppose the rooster spared three grains, it means that the third girl will marry. If the rooster did not cut at all - this meant fails this year.

    "Snow Pololes"

    Fortune telling with Piste:They took a bowl with a completely even bottom, without any drawings. Three quarter of water poured into it and gently lowered the ring to the middle of the bowl. Then after time they looked through the water in the middle of the lowered ring. So gadgetting allegedly could see the face of the future groom.

    "Listen under the window"

    Foreign on the wax:The candle was crushed and put pieces into a metal spoon. We melted the wax over the fire and quickly poured into a pre-prepared bowl with water. Wax, frozen in water, forms a figure, in the outlines of which and guess: who will see what. Animal meant fun, joy, fulfillment of desires. The tower is a very good sign. Human shadow is a nice date.

    "Feed the counting chicken grain"

    Divination on the mirrors:Two mirrors of equal values \u200b\u200bset one against the other, lighting them with two candles. When the mirrors are installed and illuminated, you should stay in the room one. She should look in the mirror intently and motionless, directing his eyes to the end of the corridor introduced her, formed from two mirrors. The time for divination is impossible to determine exactly. You can see far from the screen and see nothing, you can take a lot in a dream.

    "Here in the Svetlice, the table covers white pellery; And on that table there is a mirror with a candle "

Folklore traditions in the ballad "Svetlana"

Fantastic and real in the ballad "Svetlana"

Determine which images can be attributed to fantastic, and what real?

Fill the table. Tell the class about the results of your work.

Fantastic events and images in the ballad

Real events and images in the ballad

In which genre of folklore (fairy tales, epics, songs or others), you can meet the combination of fantastic and real?

Fortune telling, dead, meeting with lover, sleep, night travel, raven (symbol of dark forces), dove (symbol of light forces), coffin in the hut, cock (watchmaker symbol, intercession)

You can add your own.

Folklore traditions in the ballad "Svetlana"

Folk symbols - images of birds help to comprehend the ballad.

Find a description of birds in the ballad and compare them with folk ideas.

Bird image

Example from the text

What denotes the symbol of the people

The value of the image

Raven p. 108.


Predicts ______________. The sadness will leave with a dream, the prophecy is not so terrible.

Pigeon page 110.

A symbol of happiness, peace, love, God.

In a dream - faith in __________________. The stronger the fear of Svetlana, the stronger the protection.

Rooster p. 111.

Watchmaker, intercessor.

It wakes up the heroine, when ______________ so that it does not happen in reality ____________________________

Color in the ballad, as in folklore, plays an important role.

Determine its location in the ballad and value. Remember that the color can be expressed in words, for example, the night means black


Location (sleep or yawn)




White tablecloth, white dove, white paddle, snow-white dove, white blouse

Dark (black)

Black coffin, black distance, black raven, dark distance, face dark night

Tell other groups about folklore images of ballads.

In which genre of folklore (fairy tales, epics, songs or others), you can find similar images?

Folklore traditions in the ballad "Svetlana"

The image of Svetlana

What does the name Svetlana mean? Svetlana -

Fill in the pass in the table. Tell the class what the heroine of ballads seems to you.

Damage character Svetlana

"Here is a beauties one to the mirror sits down ..."


"Joy, light of my eyes"

Faithful and devoted to the groom

Before the icon fell in dust,
Sava prayed;
And with his cross in hand
Under the saints in the corner
Robingly plucked.

What fabulous heroine is like Svetlana?

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"Jobs on puzzles"

A combination of actions performed in a certain sequence and related to household tradition. It consists of magical actions and spells, accompanied by singing. Views: Baptism, Trinity, Maslenitsa, Baby of the Child, Wedding, Round-up songs (Saty)

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1 - 4 girls are guessing the Epiphany evening.

2 - 2 girlfriends ask to sing sad Svetlana, but the girl refuses. She is sad, because there is no Westa from her groom.

3 - 3 Svetlana goes on cute, looking into the mirror.

4 - 7 At night, Svetlana is her bridegroom and takes her to marry her.

5 - 5 unexpectedly bridegrooms, sleigh, horses disappear, and Svetlana remains one from an unfamiliar hut.

6 - 1 In Svetlana, he sees his groom in the coffin.

7 - 9 Heroine saves an angel - the keeper of snow-white dove.

8 - 3 Svetlana awakens from terrible sleep at the mirror.

9 - 8 her bridegroom is returned in the morning alive and uncaptured after a long separation.


1 - 4 girls are guessing the Epiphany evening.

2 - 2 girlfriends ask to sing sad Svetlana, but the girl refuses. She is sad, because there is no Westa from her groom.

3 - 3 Svetlana goes on cute, looking into the mirror.

4 - 7 At night, Svetlana is her bridegroom and takes her to marry her.

5 - 5 unexpectedly bridegrooms, sleigh, horses disappear, and Svetlana remains one from an unfamiliar hut.

6 - 1 In Svetlana, he sees his groom in the coffin.

7 - 9 Heroine saves an angel - the keeper of snow-white dove.

8 - 3 Svetlana awakens from terrible sleep at the mirror.

9 - 8 her bridegroom is returned in the morning alive and uncaptured after a long separation.


1 - 4 girls are guessing the Epiphany evening.

2 - 2 girlfriends ask to sing sad Svetlana, but the girl refuses. She is sad, because there is no Westa from her groom.

3 - 3 Svetlana goes on cute, looking into the mirror.

4 - 7 At night, Svetlana is her bridegroom and takes her to marry her.

5 - 5 unexpectedly bridegrooms, sleigh, horses disappear, and Svetlana remains one from an unfamiliar hut.

6 - 1 In Svetlana, he sees his groom in the coffin.

7 - 9 Heroine saves an angel - the keeper of snow-white dove.

8 - 3 Svetlana awakens from terrible sleep at the mirror.

9 - 8 her bridegroom is returned in the morning alive and uncaptured after a long separation.

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"Definitions of genres of folklore for division into groups"


Orally - a poetic story about extraordinary, fictional events. Heroes: King, Ivan-Tsarevich, Snake Gorynych, Baba Yaga.

Lyrical songs.

Works of oral folk creativity in which the feelings and experiences of a person are transmitted, but these feelings have a collective nature, i.e. Typical for individual segments of the population. Heroes: a girl and a young man, a barker, soldiers, robbers, married woman.


Epic song - the tale of the heroes, the story that when it was, it happened, what did you believe. Heroic and socio-household.


A combination of actions performed in a certain sequence and related to household tradition. It consists of magical actions and spells, accompanied by singing. Views: Baptism, Trinity, Maslenitsa, Baby of the Child, Wedding, Round Songs

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"Scene sequence"

    In Zebe Svetlana sees his groom in the coffin.

    Girlfriends ask to sing sad Svetlana, but the girl refuses. She is sad, because there is no Westa from her groom.

    Svetlana is gone on a cute, looking in the mirror.

    Girls are guessing the baptismian evening.

    Suddenly the groom, Sani, horses disappear, and Svetlana remains one from an unfamiliar hut.

    Svetlana awakens from terrible sleep at the mirror.

    At night, Svetlana is the fiance and takes her to marry her.

    Her groom is returned in the morning alive and uncaptured after a long separation.

    Heroine saves an angel - the keeper of snow-white dove.