Repairs Design Furniture

Wooden houses with closed balcony. Bruus houses with balcony. Wooden balconies style

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Increasingly, we can see wooden houses with an erker and a balcony in country areas, as they combine high aesthetic characteristics and directly functionality. Similar structures allow you to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling. At the same time, they can act as decorative elements of the facade.

The check rails attacks the cutting board. The step between the main elements will depend on the type of roofing. If profiled sheets are used, the distance should be not more than 30 cm.

A shed can be kept on support racks or pins. The choice of a specific option is made taking into account the size of the design.

Installation of fence

Supporting racks may be carrier poles for maintaining the roof or separate tubes from the bars with an increased cross section. In the latter case, the installation of items is made by means of metal studs.

Balasins are also installed using metal rods, but with a reduced cross section. They attached a special rail to which a comfortable handrail is put on.

Attention! Select wooden fences for a balcony to a country house or a residential structure should be taken into account the general design of the structure, otherwise they can not look very appropriate.

In conclusion

Unlike the device of the ordinary terrace, the construction of this design is carried out without creating a foundation, as it is on weight. In this regard, special attention should be paid to the carrier part to achieve a high level of security. As for the remaining moments, the structures are very similar.

Detailed information about the balconies from the tree is presented in the video in this article.

"Russian construction" offers construction of houses from a bar with a turnkey balcony and under shrinkage. We accept orders for the construction of buildings of this type in the Central and North-West region of Russia. The typical projects of houses from a bar with a balcony are provided with a detailed description, photographs of facades and floors plan, approximate construction prices. We give a year warranty on work.

What are the balconies on houses from the bar?

Balconies are 2 types:

  1. external: Maybe with the release or have a support on the racks. The release is called long beams, which also act as the ceiling overlap of the building and have a large cross section. Balcony based on the rack is the optimal solution for wooden houses of any configuration. Racks take over the entire load of the balcony design.
  2. internal.

Features of houses with balcony

  • If the balcony is insulated and glazed, he will be able to perform as an additional room where you can arrange a workplace or a recreation area.
  • If you equip the bedroom with a balcony, there will be more light to penetrate it, and the room will look romantic.

Most often, the balcony on the house from the bar is located on the side of the facade, which is directed to the street. But if you want this place to be secluded, post a balcony from the courtyard's inside. So it will be possible to calmly drink a cup of coffee, without fear of the views of the neighbors.

The construction of a wooden house from a bar with a balcony is a troublesome and expert business, with which only professionals can cope with. The customer needs to decide on the form and dimensions of the future design. It is very important that the balcony fits into the architecture of the building.

Private houses that were built by the owner themselves are surprised by unusual projects and designs, made on conscience, for themselves. In this case, in this case, the question arises about the annex of the balcony with your own hands. How to do it high quality and beautiful - you can consider in the instructions below.

Advantages and disadvantages of construction

The following can be attributed to the merits:

  • The possibility of an extension of the balcony in a private house is only if the house has already been built no less than two floors, including attic. Most often, this extension is used for entertainment and recreation, although some household owners are conceived and over the expansion of the existing space.
  • Beautiful types of attack, the design of which is made with taste, create a presentable view and serve as an ornament for private houses.
  • In many cases, such extensions serve not only as a way to expand the space of the house, but also serve as a roof, terrace or a porch, serving for them.
  • You create an additional evacuation output that you and your family will come in handy in case of an emergency.

However, there are a number of shortcomings:

  • Financing the Balcony Building is best to take into account immediately, when planning and building a house. An extension to the ready-made building can be very expensive and difficult from the point of view of construction work.
  • Before you take over the construction of new buildings, accurate calculations are needed. This is recommended to refer to specialists who will study your question in detail and calculate the required number of suitable materials, and also make an individual project. Balconies - an extension with increased danger, the construction of NAVAUM usually ends with an accident.
  • The presence of a balcony door can cause large loss of heat, this problem is very common in console structures. Eliminate the outlet of the heat will help you build on independent supports.
  • Carefully examine the question of the rationality of these works. Building in an unsuitable place for your needs may be fundamentally useless.

You can build

The design and appearance of the new building in many ways depend on what kind and decoration has a house, as well as from the material from which it is executed. An important condition is the harmonious selection of the type of balcony in such a style, so that it does not stand out for design from the general image of the building.

Concrete balconies

The most common option with overlapping from concrete. There are several features:

  • The bearing elements of one of the sides are fixed in the wall of the house. With the help of electrical welding, they are connected with pre-installed and carefully fixed anchors. From how much massive wall, the reliability of the whole design will depend. If the walls of the house, which will help distribute the weight and pressure of the new building, are not durable enough, additional supports must be attached.
  • Dimensions for departure and depth should not exceed one meter.
  • In brick buildings, concrete slabs come to the carrier wall of the house throughout their length. They are welded with jumper reinforcement, which is located above the floor below.
  • The masonry lay the elements of the console in homes having stone walls.
  • The top level of the main carrier plate in the end must be installed 100-120 mm below the final floor level.
  • The floor of the design created should have a bias from the main building by 2%.
  • Concrete slab should be hydroizing. To do this, the water-repellent coating is mounted on the surface of the installed plate, on which the sand-cement screed is poured.
  • Parapedes should be no lower than one meter. For this, metal grilles are used, which consist of handrails and racks. The racks are fastened with electrical welding to the mortgage elements of the plate, and the edges of the handrails are introduced into the bearing wall of the building.
  • The threshold of the balcony doors must be arranged 100 mm above the floor level.


  • The carrier elements are beams, for the manufacture of which a wooden bar was used with a cross section of 10x20 cm.
  • At a depth of 25 cm and the larger the beam is fixed into the bearing wall and coated with water-repellent substances or materials. They must be located at a distance of about 80 cm from each other.
  • The beams are fixed to the walls with steel corners or strips.
  • Wooden racks 4x10 cm bolts M12 are attached to the installed beams.
  • Then the longitudinal beams from the 5x10 cm boards at a distance of 30-40 cm are fixed over the console.
  • To obtain a more rigid design, at the intersection points of longitudinal and console beams, there are grooves for console beams in a depth of 300-400 mm.
  • Floor floor using the installation of prepared boards having a thickness of 4 cm.
  • The boarding fence should be made from boards with a cross section of 3x13 cm. It is attached to the racks of screws or nails.
  • The wooden handrail must have a cross section of 4x9 cm. It is fixed with nails to the racks and insert into the carrier wall.
  • All elements of the finished design are necessarily covered with hydrophobic paint or oil, and the fencing and handrails of the balcony twice are treated with frost-resistant hydrophobic varnish.


This is a fairly beautiful option, which serves not only by the fence, but also the elegant decoration of the building. Installation features are as follows:

  • An forging product should not exceed the size of the plate and the rumble to avoid cutting the grid. But small decreases are permissible.
  • For installation, carefully reproduce to the state of the stove, because metal products have a fairly large weight. The surface must be smooth, without removing and damage.
  • To restore the integrity of the slab, you need to renovate the mortgages to which the decorative wrist grid will be welded during the installation.
  • To restore the reinforcement of the plate with it, the first coating layer is knocked down to the base.
  • If the slab is broken or edges, the frame is welded so that it is possible to pour cement screed and save the initial shape of the plate. The framework is negotiated from the metal.
  • Iron mortgages are fixed to the welded frame elements directly to install the fence.
  • When the elements described above are welded, starting the formwork and pour the stove.
  • The lattice must be installed only when the solution is completely frozen. This applies to other installation work. The term of complete drying is about a month.
  • If the stove or a whole or has small shortcomings, then for its recovery, do not use cement-sandy solution, since it will disappear very quickly.
  • To get rid of small cracks, add glue for tiles to the same amount in which cement poured into a solution. If the finished layer is not more than 20 mm, only glue can be used.

French balcony in a private house

This is a completely glazed balcony with tinted or transparent windows. Toning can be carried out by a special decorative film at will, partly or throughout the area. The features of its installation are as follows:

  • Anchor plates are attached to boxes at a distance of no more than 80 cm.
  • The line of contact of the block and a quarter of the openness should be squeezed by a pre-compressed sealing ribbon and then mount the extreme block to the support pads.
  • The second unit is pressed and attracted with screws with a periodicity of 40 cm.
  • Next, it is necessary to align the assembled elements and attach them to a dowel-nail.
  • Formed enlighitives are filled with mounting foam.
  • The remnants of the mounting foam are removed and covered with a vapor insulating tape.
  • The last step is screwed down the handles and plastering the slopes.

With sheds

If desired, the installed balcony can be attached. The choice in this case is so great that it requires a separate consideration.

For reference!

To attach a canopy, the pipes from the profile and the material for the roof will be used. The first are designed to collect the frame, and the material for the roof can be the most diverse.

Basically, the canopies are performed from slate, ondulin, polycarbonate, professional flooring or metal tile. Most of all is beneficial to such an option as polycarbonate. First, it is easy to mount. Moreover, it suppresses noise, durable, and its formula creates additional protection against ultraviolet rays. Slate and Ondulin are inferior to polycarbonate with massiveness, as well as more complex installation.

Visors are the following types depending on the designs:

  • Single. The simplest and most economical version of the visor equipment. The monotonous angle of inclination is formed by the triangular brackets to which the roof is attached.
  • Double. A more complex view in the shape of a row roof is most convenient for an angular balcony or loggia. Such a trump will be more resistant to adverse weather conditions, and will also be a solution to the problem of the accumulation of snow on the roof.
  • Canopy "Markiza". The advantages of this type of carport is the impossibility of clustering icicles and snowy layers in winter.
  • Dome type. The less popular option, since its execution requires time spent, and is also more expensive. Nevertheless, it looks very presentable in private houses.
  • Arched type. Easy to operate and install, has an interesting design and has great functionality when used.

Installing a nauzer

For mounting, visor will need the following equipment:

  • Welding machine for frame formation.
  • Perforator.
  • Sculpture.
  • Level, roulette and constructionar marker or pencil.
  • A hammer.

Installation steps:

  • Apply accurate marking of the carcass mounting, as well as places for drilling holes under the dowel. Exhibit the exact horizon and level of construction.
  • With the help of a drill make holes for fastening the frame of the frame.
  • Fix the frame, clamping the anchors and tightening the keys of the appropriate size.
  • Between the carrier parts of the frame there are ribs of stiffness from the same profile pipe. They can be welded or attached with a bolt tie.
  • At this stage, the base is already installed, go to the installation of the roof. The roof is fixed to elements of rigidity using self-drilling screws.

Roof balcony

Such balconies are three types: frontal, roofing and windows-balconies. The first are speakers and in-depth, in the form of a small terrace.

Installing the frontal balcony:

  • One of the frontal roofs build deeper, commensurate the width of the desired balcony. For trim roofs, a hanging rafter system is used.
  • The plate bordering between the floor is lower and the preparing balcony is covered with insulation, the waterproofing is superimposed on this layer on top of this layer.
  • The next step is to install the fence. Here the choice is large enough, it will be metal, wooden or brick.
  • A wall separating the attic should not be massive.

Roofing type:

  • In the roof, it is created in width and height for the future passage.
  • From the top of the bottom of the day, the installation of doors and partitions that will serve as the entrance are performed. The formed holes on the sides of the entrance are laid by brick, seal joints.
  • The floor of the attic between the partition and the roof is your future balcony. It is thoroughly insulated, waterproof and tighten, like the previous frontal version.
  • You can increase the space using a concrete slab. She is placed, having advanced a little forward. Next, around the perimeter reinforced the slab and the fence is erected.

Installing the window-balcony:

  • The design of this type consists of the upper and lower flaps. The lower at the opening usually serves as the railings, and the top - visor.
  • The loops allow the lower flap to perform translational movements or fix in the required position. The upper sash rises along the upper axis, if it is performed in the suspension technique, and if in the mid-speed - along the central axis.
  • In the open state, the window-balcony forms the handrails.

A variety in the choice of attached balconies allows you to choose exactly the option that will most match the style of execution and finishing at home. Wooden, concrete, metal options with a variety of design will be designed to emphasize the individuality of the house, and will also allow you to find time for recreation and contemplation of the panorama.


The roller collects the most beautiful houses with original balconies.

Some consider balcony luxury, others - a mandatory element of the country house. There is no sharp necessity in the construction of such a premises. Therefore, it is referred to additional designs. However, it performs a number of functions that make life easier and improve rest.

The balcony will be a canopy above the terrace, a porch or platform on the first floor. It will increase the area and decorate the facade of the building. Will provide a way out in case of fire.

Two loggia will further increase the square, allow you to organize two places to relax on the first floor of a log. Such a project is relevant to the house with two and more bedrooms. It's nice when there is a balcony in each bedroom.

A successful solution is the placement of one of the loggias in the lobby or billiard room. It will be a continuation of the rest room or a place for privacy.

Two balconies are used to create an interesting project and design. If you lay the loggia on different directions of the house, it will fully enjoy the surrounding view.

Benefits of the balcony

  • Gives additional space;
  • Use on economic purposes for storing things and objects of life;
  • Aesthetics. Competent layout will strengthen the external design, decorate the facade and create an individual image of the house;
  • Fire safety;
  • Canopy for a porch or terrace.

Of course, such a platform requires additional costs. However, in some cases, construction is advantageous if the house is supposed to be a terrace, a terrace or porch. Then the base will become the roof. Balcony leads to heat loss. But the proper placement and implementation of communications will solve this problem.

Thus, competent design will help avoid problems that appear during the construction of balconies.

Projects "Marisrub"

Architects of the company "Marisrub" carefully develop each project. It does not matter whether it will be a large country cottage or a small country house.

In the company catalog you will find wooden houses with one and two balconies. In stock Projects with outdoor and internal loggias. Choose a ready-made version or order an individual project.

Design involves close cooperation with the client. Experts take into account wishes for layout, functionality and appearance of the structure, as well as the parameters of the land and soil. At each stage you get a 3D model at home.

Design when ordering construction for free!

A wooden house with a balcony from a log is a fairly popular variety of country cottages of medium and large areas embodied in the form of attic or two-storey log cabins. And this is a fully logical explanation - a wooden balcony Cat-nominated architectural element of the structure allows us to simultaneously increase the useful area available at the disposal (let it be not all year-round) and at the same time bring beauty and individuality to the perception of the facade of the building. The attic with a balcony of a log looks more exquisitely and noble being embodied both in a wooden house of considerable square and in a compact guest house with a bath.

Order Srub

Want a wooden house with a balcony?

The balcony in a country house made of a rounded or chopped log may have a different area, architectural solution and stylistics. Carved railing from logs or forged parts, openwork original balusters and other elements not only will ensure the safety of the use of such a balcony, but also give it a unique aesthetics and a cozy appearance. It is important that the balcony design, which can be performed immediately during the construction of the house, is attached to him later (which is significantly more expensive and more difficult), harmonized with the general style of the structure and the facing of its individual elements.

Balcony in a wooden house: difficulties that need to remember

A balcony in a wooden house Despite those positive qualities with which he possesses, in fact, in its embodiment, has many difficulties and nuances, which when choosing a log of a log cabin above one floor worth knowing potential homeowners.

  • The problem of orientation in space. Obviously, the balcony in a private house is striving to perform the bedroom to specific rooms - the living room, the bedroom of the hosts, the cabinet - either overlooking the most picturesque corners of the land plot (garden, open aquatic spaces and so on). But often the wind map, which determines the likelihood of oblique rains and snowfall, dictates their directions of balcony orientation. Therefore, if you do not want a wooden balcony from a space for aneg and relaxation in the fresh air to turn into a local selection of swamps and a snowdrift with everyone from here with the "charms" (turning of wood, mold), this factor is worth it. In addition, many owners initially planned logs with an open balcony, after two or three years of operation, forced to resort to glazing.
  • Heat and waterproofing of a balcony from a tree. Although the tree has high thermal insulation properties in comparison with a number of other materials, if the wooden balcony is located above the residential premises, its ceiling should be additionally insulated. In addition, even under the roof, an inexporated balcony requires careful waterproofing and removal of precipitation from the floor-standing gender, as a result of which many prefer to perform a frame-shield design of the balcony on the racks.
  • The balcony over the veranda, terrace or other external parts of the house is used for 7-8 months a year. If we are talking about a log house for year-round accommodation, in some cases, much more reasonably, preferred to the project of the house with balconies and terraces with an erker, which is heated and therefore can be operated more efficiently.

Nevertheless, even taking into account the above nuances, the balconies are a very common architectural element in almost every project of wooden houses from the architects of our company.

Mansard and two-storey houses with a balcony from a log: Constructive execution

Log downtown or full-fledged two-storey houses with a balcony are performed in most cases using one of two technologies:

  • Construction of the balcony on the racks (the beam-rack);
  • The construction of the balcony on the releases (the beans-console scheme).

Stands for the backup of the balcony are broken or log poles, the bases of which, in turn, transmit the load on the terrace platform. Projects of houses with a balcony and terrace are most common among all attic and two-storey log cabins. Shrinkage at home when building a balcony on racks is leveled by one of three technological options:

  • The use of shortened racks. Under such racks, several wide, but thin bars, which, as shrinkage, are embarrassed, allowing you to adjust the lowering of the rack on the desired value.
  • Application of racks on jacks. The same principle - As the house shook, the jack is lowered.
  • Racks in need. The rarest due to the complexity and complexity of its implementation is the solution to solve the problem of shrink shrink.

A wooden house from a log with a balcony on releases, which actually represent wooden consoles leaving the wall of the house, does not require any adjustments under the shrink shrink. Several such cantilever beams, interconnected by the transverse bearing element, are covered with black and finishing floorboards. It is worth remembering that to leave precipitation from the surface of the balcony during the device floor it is necessary to make a small slope outward - 1.5-2 °.

If you are interested in projects of log houses, baths or guest houses with balconies of various designs, as well as their high-quality embodiment on your land plot, the additional tycoon will be happy to help you solve such a task. The highest quality design and a guarantee for all types of work we produce work, as well as reasonable prices for sure to become interested in those developers who really dream of landscaping their own life by purchasing one or another object of private low-rise construction.