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Resorts of Spain near Barcelona: cities, map, photo. Resorts for children close to Barcelona with a good beach and clear sea

The sea in Barcelona- this is one of the reasons why many people are so fond of this European city. The sun is almost all year round, the opportunity to sunbathe and cool off in the sea - isn't this something that many people lack so much? In this article, we'll take a closer look at the sea in Barcelona: when does the beach season start, what to do on the beaches, and which beach to choose.

Many people ask the question - what is the sea in Barcelona? Everything is very simple here - in Barcelona the Mediterranean Sea is incredibly clean and beautiful, comfortable and inviting. Barcelona has all the possibilities for a seaside holiday from the end of May to October. Depending on the weather conditions, it is sometimes possible to swim in the Barcelona sea until the end of October.

The sea of ​​Barcelona in August is the most pleasant and warmed up so much that even the most thermophilic tourists, without a shadow of a doubt, enjoy taking sea baths.

Is a beach holiday in Barcelona real?

It's very real! Barcelona, ​​although a major port city, has all the possibilities for a seaside holiday. The proximity of the Mediterranean Sea to Barcelona influenced the development of the city, while not depriving the opportunity of a beach holiday.

Barcelona stretches along the sea for several kilometers. Starting from Barceloneta, these kilometers are convenient and comfortable.

There are always enough people who want to relax by the sea in Barcelona, ​​so lovers of secluded relaxation try to go south or north of the city's borders, and the northern coast is even more picturesque, but there are much fewer traces of civilization there. The sea in Barcelona will give you the vacation you have dreamed of.

You can sunbathe on the sea in Barcelona from April, but it is better to go into the water from June. Most often, the sea in Barcelona is in demand until October. The Mediterranean beaches of Barcelona will surprise you with comfort, thoughtfulness of household trifles and a very democratic approach to rest.

A seaside vacation in Barcelona is a priori great, because the city is located on the coast, which means that you don't have to go anywhere or go anywhere for a long time.

Barcelona offers all the possibilities for a seaside holiday without any problems. Just which beach to choose, eyes run up. In Barcelona, ​​the sea stretches for 4 kilometers, all these are beaches. Some things on the sea in Barcelona are paid, for example, umbrellas and sun loungers will cost you 7 € per day. At the same time, the locals prefer to sunbathe on towels or pareos, which is not prohibited. The amount of time spent on the sunbed does not in any way affect the amount paid for its use.

Where to live near the sea in Barcelona

The beaches of Barceloneta are believed to be best suited for a seaside holiday in Barcelona, ​​with luxury hotels such as the Hotel Arts Barcelona and the Pullman Barcelona Skipper. The sea of ​​Barcelona is also close to budget options rest - guest houses - Beach Dream or Bedcelona Beach Club & Rooms, there is also a three-star hotel Oasis, located 200 meters from Barceloneta. By tradition, the cleanest of the beaches of Barceloneta is San Sebastian beach - there is a magnificent hotel in the shape of a sail W Barcelona, ​​5 stars. Old city has many options for accommodation for your seaside holiday in Barcelona, ​​if you want to combine beach vacation and sightseeing trips. Consider, for example, the design hotel Hotel 54 Barceloneta, which offers wonderful view to the port.

Poblenou is an area that also offers all the possibilities for a beach holiday in Barcelona. There are many shopping centers, bars and clubs here.
Of interest are accommodation options such as Barceló Atenea Mar (4 stars), near Barcelona's Nova Mar Bella beach and Confortel Barcelona, ​​a 10-minute walk from Bogatell Beach. Lugaris The Home Concept - an apartment located 100 meters from the sea in Barcelona, ​​will be able to offer you a very comfortable rest... Many luxury hotels are concentrated around shopping center Diagonal Mar - like hotels

The proud beauty of Barcelona, ​​beautiful in its exquisite and bold features, is the main symbol and capital of Catalonia, a real pearl of tourist Spain. A rich history, great sights, delicious cuisine and a unique atmosphere make a trip to Barcelona a vibrant and unforgettable experience. The city, imbued with the spirit of liberty, carelessness and freedom, simply cannot leave you indifferent - having visited here at least once, you want to return again and again. Walk again along the Ramblas, gawking at the clowning mimes a little, go to the old Boqueria market and buy something refreshingly useless, climb the statue of Columbus and enjoy the beautiful view of the port and the endless sea - but you never know there are reasons to visit this wonderful city!

The locals, it seems, as in the well-known proverb “understood life” and are in no hurry - because of the tables of numerous cafes during the afternoon siesta, here and there you hear good-natured laughter or the sounds of a heated Spanish argument, the young guitarist spends hours perfecting his skills, sitting on the lawn in the park of the Citadel, and not far from it a young Catalan woman is napping at a book. Strange, but at the same time Barcelona is considered one of the busiest cities in the country, it is most inherent in the features of large European capitals. It is perhaps the most industrialized city in Spain, playing a significant role in the industrial and economic spheres of the entire Mediterranean region.

General description, city landmarks

The city of Barcelona is located on a small plateau at the mouth of the Llobregat River, and covers an area of ​​101 km2. The unusual landscape of the city is formed by several large hills, and the highest point of the Catalan capital is Mount Tibidabo - here, at an altitude of 512 meters, there is a beautiful temple of the Sacred Heart and a famous amusement park.

From an administrative point of view, Barcelona is divided into 10 large districts, among which the most popular among tourists are the Old Town, Montjuïc, Gracia and Eixample. The heart of the city is undoubtedly Plaza Catalunya - this is where the old and new districts of Barcelona meet. From this beautiful square, the famous Ramblas begins, cutting in half the Old Town, and going straight to the coast, the Old Port and the Barcelonetta quarter.

North of Plaza Catalunya is the Eixample - a modern area built up according to an interesting scheme (all streets here intersect at right angles). In this area, by the way, one of the main attractions of Barcelona is located - the amazing Sagrada Familia Cathedral, the author of which is the famous Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi. In the upper part of the city, just beyond the Eixample district, there is famous park Guell is another creation of this great architect. Many of the landmarks associated with the name of Antoni Gaudí are also located in the Gracia area.

It is worth noting that Barcelona is part of, so to speak, “another Spain”. Catalans value their autonomy and independence very much - for example, the official language, along with Spanish, is Catalan here, and many residents consider it to be the main one. It is very common to see Catalan flags on the balconies. By the way, such traditionally Spanish entertainment as bullfighting is not welcomed by Catalans and has even been officially banned here since 2010.


The climate of Barcelona is characterized as Mediterranean, in general, quite mild in winter time and warm in summer. The weather in the Catalan capital creates the most favorable conditions for rest - in the summer months there is no scorching heat and it is dry enough, but autumn and spring are wet.

Average temperature in Barcelona by months

Barcelona transport

Almost every type of public transport imaginable is represented in Barcelona - metro, buses, taxis, trams, funiculars. international Airport city ​​"El Prat" is the largest on the Mediterranean coast. In addition, Barcelona has excellent rail link- network railways Renfe connects most of the cities of Catalonia and all of Spain.

Tip: especially for tourists in Barcelona, ​​there is a Bus Turistic network of bus routes, consisting of 3 lines and covering the main attractions of the city. Buses run in a circle every 10-15 minutes - you can get off at any stop you like, and then continue the excursion at the next one. Each route is accompanied by an audio guide in different languages. If you have a little time at your disposal and want to have time to see as much as possible in Barcelona, ​​Bus Turistic is a great option, but it is worth noting that walking in such a beautiful city can be a lot of pleasure.

The main attractions of Barcelona

It is not for nothing that Barcelona is considered the cultural capital of Spain - for example, such great personalities as Picasso, Antoni Gaudi and Salvador Dali lived and worked here. Most different styles, eras and genres are mixed here in a magical cocktail that amazes the imagination. The number of attractions in Barcelona is so great that you can see everything in short term just isn't possible.

Rambla Boulevard

This is a famous pedestrian street in Barcelona, ​​stretching 1.2 kilometers from Plaça Catalunya to the seashore, where it rests against the Columbus monument. According to the famous English writer Somerset Maugham, Rambla is the most beautiful street on earth. This is one of the most colorful and lively places in the city - crowds of tourists, street vendors and mimes cleverly disguising themselves as statues create an indescribable atmosphere. On the Rambla there is the old Boqueria market, the name of which translates as the Abyss - it is simply impossible to pass by this place, the bright counters beckon to you.

By the way, there is one beautiful Barcelona omen associated with the Ramblas. At the very beginning of the street, near Plaza Catalunya, there is a small drinking fountain called Canaletas - a sign says that everyone who quenches their thirst here will certainly return to Barcelona again.

Gothic Quarter

On the left side of the Rambla is the heart of the Old Town - the Gothic Quarter. Here, in the labyrinth of medieval lanes, among the narrow, chaotic streets, the history of the origin of Barcelona is kept since Roman times. The area is home to many old churches and buildings, such as the Gothic Cathedral, the Church of Santa Maria del Mar, the remains of buildings and structures from the Roman era and much more.

Barcelona Gaudi

A lot in Barcelona is associated with the name of the outstanding architect Antoni Gaudi - without his participation, we would not have known the delightful city that is now the capital of Catalonia. Gaudí lived all his life in Barcelona and put all his great talent, all his strength at the feet of his beloved city. Such creations of the architect as the houses of Mila and Batlló, Palace Guell, Park Guell and, of course, the famous Sagrada Familia, are the main attractions of Barcelona and in many ways shape its unique appearance.

Montjuic hill

The Montjuïc hill, which means "Jewish mountain", is a favorite place for walking tourists and residents of the city. A large number of interesting sights are concentrated here, so you can safely devote a whole day to exploring this area. Long time the hill was a strategic defensive point, as evidenced by old fortress at its top. In the run-up to the 1929 World's Fair, it was significantly changed appearance Plaza de España, as well as the National Palace and the famous Singing Fountain, also called Magic. In addition to all this, many interesting sports facilities built for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games are concentrated on the hill.

Barcelona! Barcelona! Dance movement, flamenco heels kicks, crazy discos with a bang. Gaudí and Miro, mountains and thunderstorms in July, the smell of paella and the sea, heady sunny sangria. Bright colors day and the thick smells of the night, and And takes your breath away - Barcelona. Rest at the sea. Everything is beautiful here, in this city, which heals from gloomy sorrow with the rapture of full life.

Barcelona is a tour for which you can organize yourself by purchasing tickets. By the way, the real price is 12,000-13,000 rubles for a direct flight. It is necessary to search for such tickets in three or four months on Aviasales or Anywayanyday or Onetwotrip. The easiest way to book a hotel or apartment is via the Internet, to understand the complex system of lines, to find on the Internet, how to get from the airport, to choose places where you should definitely come during the day, to find bars and discos, where you should definitely go at night.

Barcelona. Here the rhythms of freedom and the European resort are intertwined with magic. If you stay in the city to make sure that Barcelona is a seaside holiday, then the string of city beaches, merging into one another, will take you into their wonderful embrace for a long time. If there is no love for the bustle of the city, it is better to go to the suburbs to small beaches, where there are no crowds, where cliffs, the sea and a sand spit flaunt, take a car, take a bus or a commuter train.

Barcelona is full of life, filling every corner of it. Whatever you see, wherever you go, whoever you meet, the main thing here is the passion for life! Barcelona is rich and sophisticated: you can go to the Museum of Modern Art of Barcelona, ​​or the Picasso Museum, stroll through the Goel Park, see the Sograda de Familla Casa Baltio, Casa Millo, go to the Miro Foundation, climbing Manjuic. You can gaze at the figures that come to life on the Ramblas, here you can go to the most famous in Spain (take care of your wallets and phones), watch the dances. And you can see everything: from the expected flamenco to break and capoeira. Immediately get an invitation to a flamenco evening in some bar. Eat hot paella or cold gazpacho. The port city of Barcelona is also very interesting. In general, I must say that Spain is such a vacation at sea, where the incompatible is combined. Children, teenagers, pensioners, respectable and not so couples come here.

Everything is closed in the area from one to four, except for the tourist restaurants on the Rambla. The heat is unimaginable, not even the wind from the sea can save you. Only in the room, only in the shower and sleep! After a siesta, around five o'clock, Barcelona slowly begins to prepare for a bright, noisy night. When it becomes clear that the city is a seaside vacation, only this sea is not waves and not the sound of the surf, the sea of ​​Barcelona is full of life, and you need to be in time for everything.

The darkness envelops the city like velvet, when the song of the Montjuic fountains enters with a burst of light and sound, the performance begins at about eleven and ends at one in the morning, then the city is filled with completely different rhythms: discos, noisy, bright, where you can find any style where you can get lost in the crowd, to go to the empty city beach in the morning, sit on the still warm sand, look for a long, long time almost beyond the horizon and feel and remember. As if to make an inscription on a postcard: Spain. Barcelona. Rest at the sea. Infinity of life.

Park Guell, Barcelona

It is difficult to find more attractive in tourist plan European country than Spain. The seaside, warm climate, picturesque nature, as well as a stunning heritage of culture, architecture and painting - all this can be enjoyed while visiting Spain. Tours to Spain are an opportunity to combine a relaxing holiday with entertaining excursions, getting a huge amount of positive emotions from the rest.

A little about Spain

According to one of the versions, translated from Phoenician, Spain means "Daman coast". The capital of Spain is the city Madrid. The population of Spain is about 40 million people... National currency - Euro... The state language is Spanish.

  • Most big cities- Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville.

What Spain looks like on the world map

Geographical position of Spain

Spain is located in the southwestern part of Europe, borders Portugal, France, Morocco, Gibraltar and Andorra. It is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Occupies an area of ​​more than 500 thousand km2. Includes, in addition to the mainland, the sunny islands - Tenerife, Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Canary Islands , which are loved by many tourists.

How to get to Spain

Direct flights of airlines fly from Moscow Transaero, Aeroflot, Air Europa and Iberia to Madrid and Barcelona. From other cities in Russia, you can fly to Spain with one or more transfers. In summer, charter flights are carried out.

  • Flight Moscow-Barcelona, ​​cost from 11,000 rubles, fly 4 hours 30 minutes.
  • Flight Moscow-Madrid, cost from 8700 rudders, fly 5 hours 10 minutes.
  • You can also fly to other cities in Spain, such as Valencia, Seville, or the islands of Ibiza, Menorca, but with transfers.

Do I need a visa to Spain

To visit Spain, Russian citizens need to apply for Schengen visa, the cost of which will be about 2500 rubles. Most often, a visa is opened for six months, which in the future makes it possible to visit other countries of the European Union.

It is better to take care of a visa in advance by submitting documents for obtaining it 3-4 weeks before departure.

An unforgettable holiday in Barcelona

Barcelona is the most important resort on the Spanish coast. Warm sea, bright sun, clean beaches, traditional cuisine and of course unforgettable architectural structures famous Gaudi. All this attracts a large number of tourists from different countries.

Climate of Barcelona

Barcelona delights travelers with its mild subtropical climate. For those who want to sunbathe and swim in the warm sea, the most suitable time from May to October, the air is warming up up to +28 degrees. You can get acquainted with the sights of the city in winter, the air temperature rarely drops below +10 degrees, and the weather is clear and sunny.

Weather forecast for Barcelona

Choosing a hotel in Barcelona

Barcelona has accommodation options for every taste and budget, from the most modest hostels to five-star VIP hotels. Most level hotels 5 stars located in the center of Barcelona: near the famous La Rambla. Hotels with unusual design and style, for example, Hotel Omm or Villa Emilia... You can also stay in the city in boutique hotels Granados 83 or Ayre Hotel Caspe.

Hotel Omm

Hotel Omm, Barcelona

This hotel is made in a very bold and modern design , on the roof of which there is a terrace with a bar and an outdoor swimming pool. Hotel guests can enjoy a delicious views of Gaudí's Casa Mila, Sagrada Familia and the lights of Montjuïc.

Villa Emilia

Villa Emilia Hotel, Barcelona

In the summer time on the hotel terrace is a huge amount of entertainment and non-stop party. Zinc-Bar invites you to taste culinary delicacies made from the freshest ingredients. Hotel guests have the opportunity to taste various snacks and pastries from 5 to 7 o'clock in the evening absolutely is free.

Granados 83

Granados 83 Hotel, Barcelona

The hotel is located in the center of Barcelona, surrounded by exclusive shops. Design the interior is designed in an elegant minimalist style, using iron, brick, wood, genuine leather and white marble. The walls of the hotel are decorated collections of Asian art.

Ayre Hotel Caspe

Ayre Hotel Caspe, Barcelona

This hotel is the best place to explore the city as it is in the heart of modernist Barcelona. It contains 141 room, each of which is completely soundproofed. The hotel also has a gym and a cafe in which no tobacco smoke.

National cuisine of Barcelona

Spanish cuisine is a hearty and tasty meal, as well as wonderful wines. When visiting Spain, you should definitely try paella with various additives - with seafood, chicken, cuttlefish ink, meat or vegetarian, as well as local snacks - tapas and jamon.

As for the wines, be sure to taste the famous Spanish sherry, light sangria or a special champagne - cava.


4Cats Restaurant, Barcelona

While walking in Barcelona's Gothic Quarter, take a look at art restaurant "4 cats" where Pablo Picasso often visited and the works of many Spanish artists are exhibited. The restaurant offers Catalan cuisine menu, meat and fish dishes, snacks and desserts. Numerous boutiques are located in the same area.

Ca l'Isidre

Ca l'Isidre Restaurant, Barcelona

You can also visit the favorite restaurant of the Spanish king - Ca l'Isidre. Family restaurant where meals are served Mediterranean cuisine, and pay special attention to seasonal products. For example, in April you will taste dishes with truffles, octopus and young beans. The cellar contains more than 50 types of wine, champagne and cognac.

Casa Leopoldo

Casa Leopoldo Restaurant, Barcelona

Small restaurant with traditional spanish cuisine where the service is very fast and the waiters meet speaking Russian. The sights of Barcelona are literally 10-15 minutes walk away.

Casa Calvet

Casa Calvet Restaurant, Barcelona

Exclusive restaurant in the center of Barcelona, ​​which is located in a building designed by Antoni Gaudi. Customers are served creative dishes which are based on traditional Mediterranean cuisine.

Barcelona landmarks

Fountain of Montjuic in Barcelona

Fountain of Montjuic, Barcelona

The symbol of the city- a magic fountain, located on the mountain of the same name. Previously, it pleased tourists and locals only backlit, but in 1992 it was refurbished and now everyone can enjoy music.

Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

Expiatory Temple of the Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

To be more precise Expiatory Temple of the Sagrada Familia, it was built from 1882 to 2010. It became a long-term construction for one simple reason, money going for construction with donations from parishioners. The famous architect was Gaudí.

House Mila, Barcelona

Another awesome creation of Gaudi. It was built as a residential building in which ventilation is arranged so that air conditioners can be dispensed with, and interior partitions can be moved. Now there is exhibition hall, cafe and apartment - museum.

Casa Batlló, Barcelona

Antoni Gaudi never ceases to amaze Casa Batlló was built for one textile tycoon. In the work of Gaudi, the construction of this house marked the beginning of a new stage. Both in the facade of the building and in the interior there is practically straight lines were not used, preference was given to curved. Barcelona cannot be seen in one day. With each visit, this city reveals its new facets, causing the desire to return here again.

Heads and Tails in Barcelona

This time Jeanne went to Barcelona for the weekend with her husband Alan.

Airfare to Barcelona

By filling out the form below, you can see the cost of the flight to Barcelona on a date convenient for you from all leading airlines.

You can find out the cost of a trip to Barcelona, ​​flight and accommodation options, choose a suitable package tour using ours.

Rest in August is associated with beaches, sun. And what a sea in Spain, in Barcelona, ​​at this time of year! Today we will step back a little from the sights, shopping and gastronomic delights that every tourist is steadfastly associated with Catalonia. We will not mention that this is a visa country, for entry into which Schengen must be opened. Let's talk only about the happiness of rest in this land.

The sea in Barcelona

Each of us has heard about the capital of Catalonia in connection with culture and Antoni Gaudí y Cornet, who created from the city a place of world architectural pilgrimage. But the main destination for recreation here is the sea - the Mediterranean, one of the cleanest and warmest on the planet. The swimming season opens in April, when the water temperature reaches + 17 ° C, but such heating will not be comfortable for everyone. Better to wait for May and a pleasant + 19-20 ° C. July - September - the time of those who travel with a child or like to swim in "fresh milk" - not lower than + 27 ° С. Unofficial closing of the adoption season sea ​​baths falls at the end of October, when the water cools down to + 20 ° С.

Better to enjoy Barcelona and the sea from November to March from the shore, during leisurely walks along the promenade, because the temperature in it drops to a minimum of + 13 ° C. It's time to indulge in shopping, excursions, gastronomic discoveries and dreams of the next summer in Catalonia.

Tourist and sea

In addition to swimming directly, a luxurious Mediterranean tan can be purchased by spending time more actively. The list of activities in Barcelona is endless:

  • Surfing and windsurfing. For those seeking to ride the wave, the Mediterranean coast is one of the best places... There are no waves, extreme in height and unpredictability, like the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, but it is comfortable for beginners to learn to catch a wave. The sportsmen of the expert level will not be disappointed either.
  • Diving is for those who, for the first time or once again, are planning to visit the underwater world of the Mediterranean with striking landscapes and a variety of exotic inhabitants. Beginners will spend their first dive in a special pool with an experienced instructor, and only after that they will go to storm the depth.
  • Kayaking is a single or two-seater boat for risk-taking fans of extreme sports.
  • Catamarans are not from our childhood. On the beaches of Barcelona, ​​this is the name for large roomy boats, in which you can make a mini-sea cruise on your own or with an instructor.
  • Sailing trips - you should definitely organize a sailing trip to enjoy the panorama of the city. If desired, a real boatswain will teach the basics of navigation and conduct a sea baptism ceremony with an indispensable glass of champagne. All equipment clothing is already on board. A discount is guaranteed at the Maritime Museum. Of the restrictions, there is a prohibition on the presence of children under 7 years old on the ship. Those who have not reached the age of majority must be accompanied by an adult. And the ability to swim for sailing travel is a prerequisite.

Famous beaches and towns

The city is surrounded by beaches. Some are located right in Barcelona, ​​the rest are in the immediate vicinity. Is it worth mentioning that everyone's territory is an excellent example of how a space by the sea should be arranged - daily cleaning, free sun loungers and umbrellas, toilets, enough professional rescuers.


Noisy, colorful and relaxed. Its location is especially successful - you just need to take a step from the main street of the metropolis and you find yourself on the beach. Everything is possible here:

A resort in the north of the metropolis, which stretches for almost 150 km, right up to the border with France. There is everything for a fashionable and meaningful vacation, except for the beaches themselves: ancient monasteries on Mount Montserrat, nature reserves, water parks, medieval castles, a botanical garden and observation decks offering memorable views of Tibidabo, the Pyrenees and Mallorca.

Costadel Garraf

A place to the south of the metropolis. "Golden" young people come here to have a great and expensive vacation. Beaches, discos, extreme and trendy sports, hotels and bars right on the sand and pebbles of the coast.

Costa Dorada

The quietest part of the coast for those who plan to combine beach holidays with shopping, as well as for families with children. The former will appreciate the shopping malls, the latter will appreciate the PortAventura amusement park. Gastronomic festivals and culinary master classes are constantly held here. You cannot visit Barcelona and not get acquainted with the national Catalan cuisine, famous for the preparation of seafood. Today is the motto have a good summer sounds like this: Spain, Barcelona, ​​sea, food.

To the tourist about vigilance

Watch out: while you crave cultural experiences and southern tanning, local thieves are eager to profit from visitors. Relaxing on the beautiful streets and beaches of the capital of ancient Catalonia is fraught with trouble. Losing attention automatically leads to the loss of cash, and even documents. Therefore, learn to combine sightseeing of famous landmarks, a glass of sangria de cava, and increased vigilance.

The piggy banks of tourist stories about how it is customary to deceive visitors are constantly replenished. Everyone knows that they can snatch a bag out of their hands, so the fraudsters have to act more sophisticated.

For example, an agitated local resident may jump up to a visitor and, with frustrated gesticulations, make it clear that he has stained his clothes. And he will offer to take you to the nearest entrance to help clean things up. Even if you did not go with a stranger to a secluded place, most likely, you have already lost some valuables - at the moment when the problem was told with fierce gestures.

Local specificity

The Spaniards are lazy. Tune in to a long wait for the end of the siesta - everything closes at 13.00, and it won't work again until 17.00. On Sunday, very little works at all. But that's not all - people like to go on strike in Barcelona, ​​including taxi drivers, bus drivers, metro drivers and air harbor workers.

A separate conversation should be devoted to the loss of luggage at the airport - a favorite attraction of local loaders, but today we are talking about the sea. Therefore, we will simply briefly recommend as much as possible to take with you, so that later from home you will not have to find out the fate of your luggage for a painfully long time. Another problem is the return of the VAT amount, which they will try to return for some reason in dollars, with a commission. It is possible to be surprised that there is no euro at a Spanish airport, but it is pointless. Faced, you have to take it for granted.

And finally - the cost of visiting museums and other attractions. Culture is expensive in Barcelona. Creator of the main tourist places of the city of Antonio Gaudi would be surprised to learn that even the unfinished Sagdada Familia has access only for money. Today it is 22 euros.

How to get there and how much is the rest

To find out which sea washes Barcelona, ​​you just need to buy a ticket there. Direct flights from Moscow are carried out three times a day, so it's easy to fly. If you buy tickets through special services, you can seriously save money, while common price is approximately 230 euros round trip during the peak holiday season. Since September, the cost has dropped significantly - the cheapest way to fly to the capital of Catalonia is in May - no more than 150 euros. Prices rise again in June. If you are planning not only a beach vacation or shopping, but an intensive cultural program, you should purchase a special tourist card. With it, the use of public transport, as well as visits to museums, will become free.

Holidays in Barcelona are, in principle, affordable. It all depends on the needs of the tourist. If you choose “all inclusive”, you shouldn't worry about three meals a day, solid medical insurance, a beautiful view from the window, and a convenient transfer. There is an opportunity to visit the pool and gyms of the hotel for free. All this is foreseen. Such service systems are preferred by family tourists with children. Those who want to save money are offered to purchase the minimum package - bed and breakfast. But the tourist will be able to eat according to his choice during long walks around the city.

We hope that after reading the article you will have a desire to go to the capital of Catalonia and get your own answer to the question, which sea in Spain? You will definitely share it with us.