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Uniform and inhomogeneous definitions presentation. Presentation on the topic "Uniform and inhomogeneous definitions". Vintage stone walls surrounded the fortress

Uniform and inhomogeneous definitions of the lesson to study the new material in the 8th grade Starikov T.V., teacher MBOU "Ukrainian Sosh" Kosikhinsky district of the Altai Territory Blitz - Poll:

  • Uniform members are members of the sentences that
  • answer the question of the same part of speech (although there may be different parts of speech).
  • Syntactically homogeneous members are
  • one member of the sentence.
  • Uniform members of the sentence include
  • to the same member of the sentence.
  • Homogeneous members of the sentence form
  • Writing phrases.
  • In the sentence of homogeneous members may be
  • how much.
  • Uniform members of the sentence are connected
  • intonation and writing alliances.

Signs of homogeneous members

Answer the same question.

Refer to the same word.

Equal and independent of each other. i.e. are associated with writing communication, between them you can put the Union and.

Characterized by enumerable intonation.

On the letter, homogeneous members are separated by the comma

smiled in a clear sky.

2) Spring affectionate sun

smiled in a clear sky.

Why in sentences under No. 1 are commas, and in sentences under No. 2 - no.

1) Gorgeous, gentle sun

smiled in a clear sky.

2) Spring affectionate sun

smiled in a clear sky.

1) Oak, fir forests grew behind the river. 2) The river grew thick fir forests.

Uniform definitions
  • Characterize the subject on one side (in color, form, size) or create a holistic picture of the subject.
  • The combination of a single adjective with the involvement.
  • Interconnected by writing communication. (You can put the Union and).
  • They relate to the same defined noun, do not depend on each other.
  • Pronounced with enumerable intonation.
  • Definitions of epithets (artistic, emotional definitions).
  • Three and more definitions.
Inhomogeneous definitions
  • Characterize the subject from different sides.
  • Often, inhomogeneous definitions are expressed by adjectives of different discharges (for example, qualitative and relative).
  • 3. Directly only the closest definition applies to the noun, and the other belongs to the whole phrase.
  • There is no writing between them. (You can not put the Union and).
  • Definitions when one is pronounced or numeral, and the other is adjective.

Charging eye

The main sign of homogeneous definitions is their equality in the proposal

  • Red, green, purple, yellow, blue light panels fall on passersby, slide by facades.
  • (The subject is characterized on one side - in color. Generalized its definitions can be expressed in a word - multicolored)
Another feature of homogeneous definitions is their identical characterizing role, i.e. Such a combination of definitions that characterizes the subject, face or phenomenon on one side
  • Dark, dense, gloomy forest stood up before us.
  • (In this sentence, each definition, expressing its meaning, serves to characterize the "terrible, creepy forest." In such cases, it is possible to replace several definitions one without changing the sense of the sentence \u003d scary)
Gray, rainy, gloomy Gray, rainy, gloomy the sky hung over us The house was The house was beautiful, tall, stone. Homogeneous considered a single definition and the next involuntary turnover
  • That was the first, not inspired by any concerns of the joy of discovery.
  • A small, in places the drying river was picturesque.
  • BUT:
  • In places drying a small river was picturesque.
Niva sad, snow Niva sad, snow covered.(I. Turgenev.) Uniform definitions.
  • Bought a wide, comfortable table.
  • Bought a wide and comfortable table.
  • Output:
  • Uniform definitions are pronounced with the enumeration intonation, allow the insertion of the Union "and".
If the epithet is found in the list, then the listed definitions will be homogeneous.
  • Young, gentle month lying on a blue night halfway.
  • The epithet is an artistic definition, not only indicating some quality, but also causing the visible image of the subject, person, phenomena and forming a certain emotional relationship from the reader. Speaking as epithet, adjective is often used in a figurative sense.
If definitions are standing after the word determined, they should also be separated by commas
  • On the road, winter, boring, Troika Borzaya runs.
  • He, devotee, abandoned, almost unarmed, was still terrible.
Inhomogeneous definitions.
  • Bought a convenient desk.
  • Persistent autumn rain.
  • Quiet summer morning.
  • Output:
  • definitions are pronounced without enumeration intonation, it is impossible to put the Union "and" between them
Compare Examples: On the counter lay woolen, silk, sortshots. White wool sweatshirt hung on the back of the chair. Inhomogeneous definitions do not have signs of homogeneous members of the sentence. They are:
  • Characterize the subject from different sides, for example, in color and size (big red bow). Between them can not be delivered to the Union and; Extraction of any of them leads to a narrowing of the proposal information.
  • Explain each other, i.e. one of the definitions depends on the phrase, which includes a defined noun and other definition (red bow what? large).
  • Listed enumerable intonation (Alyosha submitted a small folding round mirror).
Fastening learned Make 5 phrases with inhomogeneous definitions Make 5 phrases with homogeneous definitions Connection and separation schemes of homogeneous membership members
  • Oh and O.
  • Oh O. (unions can be used, yes)
  • 4. And about both about and about and O. 5. O and O O and O.
Writing Unions




and, yes, no -

not only but

so - like

too, also

a, but yes (but), but

although, however

or, or,

something -

not that - not that

or or

whether - then

Unions with homogeneous members

The comma is placed between homogeneous members

The comma does not put between homogeneous members

Where to put commas?

Here are the rules simple.

Since the union repeat,

Ile union is not at all,

Then put the commas!

This is the right advice!

Union but, but, but yes

In the text you can easily

You can put a comma

Before them you are always.

But, friend, not hurry:

In the meaning "yes" you will be killed!

Double Union noticed you

And the Orobell first?

Do not be afraid, put a comma

Before part you are the second.

1. Perforced single connecting or separation unions: and, or.

2. Forced the Union, which unites homogeneous members into the pair:

[O and O, O and O].

3. If two homogeneous sentences connected by repeating unions andor no no, Forming a sustainable combination (and day and night).

1. This feature

Not characteristic

For homogeneous definitions:

1. characterize the subject on one side.

2.Product with enumeration intonation.

3. You can deliver the Union and, if the definitions are connected

non-union bond.

4. Characterize the subject from different sides.

3. Specify

Uniform definitions

1. Royal Oak Forest

2. Beautiful slender trees

3. Wide linden alley

4. Narrow Bag Stripe

4. Specify

Inhomogeneous definitions

1. Gloomy sullen winter

2. Clay wooden dishes

3. Old Lord

4. Red Yellow Flags

Output: In our speech there are proposals with several members who respond to the same question and relate, as a rule, to the same part of speech. In the sentence, they play the same role. Such members of the sentence are called homogeneous.

Slide 2.

The purpose of the lesson: to deepen the idea of \u200b\u200bdefinitions, consolidate the skills of recognition of homogeneous and

inhomogeneous definitions in the text, their graphic image.

Slide 3.

Checking homework (arrange punctuation marks)

1. I lived a chance of chasing and playing a leaf with courtyard boys.

2. No, let the stationant in the army, will pull the strap yes sniffing gunpowder.

3. I took the view of indifferent and turning to Savelich who was and the money and linen and the Deliveman ordered to give the boy a hundred rubles.

Slide 4.

Repeat Make a number of diagrams of homogeneous membership members.

"My thief is faithful and soon"

"And I remembered the ring ringing, and

shine rifle and proud

adamant gaze and young

my sisters "

"Find out for will Ile prison

we are born to this light ",

"I suddenly subsided, then the strongest

he was distributed in silence, "

"There was a simple song, but in

thought she fixed me ",

as if I was born myself

family of Bars and Wolves. "

Slide 5.

In the days of doubt, in the days of painful thinking about the fate of my homeland, you are alone support for me and

support, about the great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! I.S. Turgenev.

Slide 6.

Uniform definitions

  • Characterize the subject on one side (in color, form, size) or create a holistic picture of the subject.
  • Interconnected by writing communication. (You can put an union and).
  • Equally directly relate to the well-defined noun.
  • Pronounced with enumerable intonation.
  • Definitions of epithets (artistic, emotional definitions).

Inhomogeneous definitions

  • Characterize the subject from different sides.
  • Directly only the closest definition applies to the noun, and the other belongs to the whole phrase.
  • There is no writing between them. (It is impossible to put the Union and).
  • Often, inhomogeneous definitions are expressed by adjectives of different discharges (for example, qualitative and relative).
  • Slide 7.


    The girl he called his sister, at first glance it seemed very pretty for me. There was something of his own, special, in the warehouse of her dark-free round face, with a small subtle nose, almost childish cheeks and black, blond eyes.

    Going home, she immediately went to her room and appeared only to dint himself, dressed in his best dress, carefully hairstyle, pulled and in gloves. At the table, she kept very chinno, almost stuporly, barely twisted the kushan, and saw water only from a glass. She clearly wanted to play in front of me a new role - the role of decent and well-spanging young lady.

    He had exactly such a face, sweet, gentle, with great soft eyes and soft curly hair.

    Slide 8.


    Uniform definitions

    • black, blond eyes,
    • decent and well-spanging young lady,

    Inhomogeneous definitions:

    • swallowed round face
    • with a small thin nose
    • big soft eyes
    • soft curly hair,
  • Slide 9.

    Fastening learned

    Make 5 phrases with inhomogeneous definitions

    Make 5 phrases with homogeneous definitions

    Slide 10.


    Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, singers, expressive, trap, obedient. (A. Kubrin.)

    Tongue language thinking. To refer to the language of some reason, it means to think something inaccurately, incorrectly.

    (A. Tolstoy.)

    Take care of our tongue, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, is the heritage, transmitted to us by our predecessors. (I.Turgenev.)

    Rewrite the statements of writers about Russian, find homogeneous and inhomogeneous definitions.

    Made a morphological analysis of the words singers and Russian.

    Explain the formulation of a dash in the second statement.

    See all slides

    Lesson in grade 8 on the topic "Uniform and inhomogeneous definitions".

    Performed: russian language and literature teacher


    Kazanina Oksana Anatolyevna

    Objectives lesson:

    • Formation of skills:
    • develop the ability to distinguish homogeneous and inhomogeneous definitions; consolidation of the ability to put commas in sentences with homogeneous members; comply with the enumeration intonation in sentences with homogeneous and inhomogeneous definitions; improve spelling skills;
    • develop the ability to distinguish homogeneous and inhomogeneous definitions;
    • consolidation of the ability to put commas in sentences with homogeneous members;
    • comply with the enumeration intonation in sentences with homogeneous and inhomogeneous definitions;
    • improve spelling skills;
    • Develop attention, logical thinking, the ability to compare and summarize;
    • Cause interest in Russian lessons.


    Purpose: Fastening spelling skills - n. - and - nN. - In the suffixes of adjectives and communities.

    Vare. Aya beets, quasha. Aya cabbage, more beautiful. Little barisader, risk. Jump,

    kova. Casting, sow. Through the sieve flour,

    purchase. born house, brooch. born

    smoother. Hyd pants, the field is not sowing. Oh, the error is fixed. but, tree. Letter. Table,

    tum. Cleverver. Hy day.

    What definitions are called homogeneous?

    What definitions are called inhomogeneous?

    What is the difference between homogeneous and inhomogeneous


    Tell us about the formulation of punctuation marks when

    uniform and heterogeneous


    Adjustable dictation (orally)

    • There was a quiet summer morning (I.Turgenev).

    2. Straps rare small rain (A.hekhov).

    3. There was a light madless night (A.Fadeev).

    4. It was like a young slim flexible birch.

    5. Rocket rushed on the second cosmic speed.

    6. Canya painted in bright cheerful tones.


    Right and left, right-left,

    Let me see boldly.

    Down and up, down and up, I will clearly see everyone. Circle the circle eyes, I will see cool to see suddenly. We twistly twist our eyes, we see without glasses - yourself! I draw eight, I see everything now too much!

    Exercise 3.

    1) Under one of the maples stood a dilapidated bench on rusted ____________________ (cast iron).

    2) Launched ____________________ Park with impassive nutritional hazel caused despondency (lime).

    3) in the fall often flush the impustary __________________ winds (Cold).

    4) a sutured man was dressed in gray _______________ (thin).

    5) He climbed the twisted _____________________ staircase (iron).

    TEST Mark the rooms of the offers, in which the comma is placed.

    1. Everyone had a cheerful joyful mood.

    2. Vintage stone walls surrounded the fortress.

    3. The hay published a shrill slightly exciting smell.

    4. He loved a strong decisive word.

    5. Snowy drifts expeded fine icy crusts.

    6. Sugar sweet snow covered the disgrace of autumn.

    7. Cheerful sad funny things happened.

    8. It turned out something terrible confused and sharp.

    9. Piercing sharp wind knocks down the flocks of birds in a dark solid mass.

    10. Tightening sullen rains this year began very early.

    Check the test

    Key: 1,3,4,7,9,10

    • What were we talking about today in the lesson?
    • What are the three distinctive features of homogeneous suggestions?
    • What definitions are called homogeneous? Inhomogeneous?
    • What is their difference?
    • Give examples of proposals with homogeneous and inhomogeneous definitions.

    Thank you for the lesson!

    • D / s. Write an essay-reasoning "What is the role of definitions in the text? What do you think would happen if uniform definitions disappeared from speech? ". Do not forget that reasoning is built according to the scheme:


    Proof of:

    arguments, examples.


    Exercise 3. Distribute sentences using data in definition brackets. Think if you need a comma between definitions. Comment on your decision.

    6) We got drunk cold __________________________ (delicious).

    7) the book has a colossal ________________________________________________ (attractive).

    8) Big _______________________ Shadow visited near the house (black).

    9) This man walked all summer in yellowish ______________________ Kaftan German (linen).

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    Signatures for slides:

    Homogeneous and inhomogeneous definitions

    Uniform definitions are directly related to the (main) word, whereas among themselves are in terms of transfer (they are pronounced with the enumeration intonation and can be delivered between them and): blue, green balls. - Blue balls. Green balls. Blue and green balls. Uniform definitions

    1. Dennal signs of different items: Red, green balls - red and green balls; The balls were red; The balls were green. Uniform definitions

    2. Denote various signs of one item, characterizing it on one side; Rolled, burned city - Rally and burned city; The city was ruined; The city was burned. Uniform definitions

    3. characterize the subject from different sides, but in this context are combined by some common feature; Lunar, clear evening - "Moon, and therefore clear"; Heavy, gloomy times are "heavy, and therefore gloomy." Uniform definitions

    4. Under the context of the context between definitions, the synonymic relations of stupid, the gulling pain in the chest are created - in this context of the shape of the stupid and the gulling act as synonyms, that is, as words close by value. Uniform definitions

    5. are artistic definitions - epithets; Round fish eyes. Uniform definitions

    6. Form graduation, that is, each subsequent definition enhances the symptom expressed by it; Joyful, festive, radiant mood. Uniform definitions

    7. For a single definition, a definition is followed by the involvement of the trafficking, that is, we are involved with a dependent word; Black, | Smooth hairstyles | hair. Uniform definitions

    Note! a) it should be not a single sacrament, but communion with a dependent word (Wed: black hairstyle); b) the involvement turnover should stand in second place (Wed: smoothly hairstyled black hair); c) the comma is placed only between homogeneous members; After the involvement of turnover, if there are no special conditions of separation, the comma does not put. Uniform definitions

    8. Stand after the word determined; Hair black, hairstyles. Uniform definitions

    9. The second definition explains the first - between definitions you can put a union that is, or namely. Normal, peaceful coexistence of states. - Normal, that is, the peaceful coexistence of states. Uniform definitions

    Inhomogeneous definitions are not pronounced with the enumeration intonation, it is usually impossible to put an union between them and. Inhomogeneous definitions are otherwise associated with the defined (main) word. One of the definitions (nearest) is directly related to the defined word, while the second is already connected with the phrase consisting of the main word and the first definition: inhomogeneous definitions

    Long commodity train. With the main word, the train is directly connected to the nearest definition to it - a commodity. The definition of a long associated with all phrases is a commodity train. (Freight train is long). Inhomogeneous definitions

    1. Characterize the subject from different sides, in different respects, that is, there are signs related to different generics (general) concepts: a large stone house "Size and Material", Wed: The stone house was great; White round clouds "Color and Form", Wed: Round clouds were white; Puzzled Walnut Bureau "Form and Material", Wed: The Walnut Bureau was pushed; Inhomogeneous definitions

    more often expressed: pronouncing and adjective; My old house. qualitative and relative adjectives; Large stone house. relative adjective and single communion; Launched fruit garden. relative adjectives. Author's draft sketches. Inhomogeneous definitions

    Remember: inconsistent definitions are usually homogeneous, that is, separated by commas. Uniform usually combine agreed and inconsistent definitions. A young man has entered twenty-five years old, gloves health, with laughing cheeks, lips and eyes.

    When uniformity of homogeneity - the inhomogeneities of the definitions are possible variability. "There was a hot sunny day" "hot" and "sunny" - inhomogeneous designate different signs: hot - temperature; Sunny - no clouds and illumination

    "There was a hot, sunny day" "hot" and "sunny" - homogeneous signs are different, but they are interconnected and interdepended: the day is hot because sunny, and if solar, then hot.

    1. Specify homogeneous definitions (punctuation signs are not arranged): 1) White blue balls; 2) old oak floor; 3) new silk blouse; 4) Big black stone.

    2. Indicate inhomogeneous definitions (punctuation marks are not arranged): 1) a gloomy sullen look; 2) clay wooden toys; 3) the old domicile house; 4) Red Blue Flags.

    3. Indicate an example with a punctuation error: 1) Evening light light alets on the fields. 2) Last Year's Persecution Chamomile Thickets. 3) Early May morning on the coastal meadows grew lights of beacons. 4) In the cool July day I sat on the shore and admired the river.

    4. In which sentence you need to put a comma? 1) A long comma train was rushed past the station. 2) This little pocket flashlight is convenient for a tourist. 3) Old slender birches grew near the clinic. 4) In the fresh snow it was not difficult to notice the sickery of the belch traces.

    5. What word should I pick up a porcelain dishes to the philatum, so that the definitions become homogeneous? 1) old; 2) broken; 3) faience; 4) white.

    Check: 1. - 1) 2. - 3) 3. - 1) 4. - 4) 5. - 3)