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The climate on Halkidiki is a cross between the Mediterranean climate and the climate in Northern Greece: there is no dry weather, nor high humidity, nor too high or low temperatures. True, the season on Chalkidiki lasts somewhat less than in other regions of the country: from May to September. However, according to statistics, it is almost always clear on Halkidiki, so if you swim in the affectionate sea and will not succeed, you can simply shuffle on the sunny beach.

Chalkidiki in January

Chalkidiki in January immediately after Christmas and New Year holidays is experiencing a quiet time. Tourists come to Chalkidiki only for sightseeing and pilgrimage on Athos. On the occasion of Halkidiki, gourmets wishing to enjoy local cuisine without a rush, and fashionable for winter sales in nearby.

In general, the weather in January is stable, without sharp temperature differences. Temperature in the afternoon - + 7 + 11 ° C, at night it decreases almost to 0 ° C. The precipitation is a bit, but in the mornings are not uncomfortable fog.

In January, the peninsula is experiencing a quiet


Usually February is the most rainy, most windy and cloudy month a year. "Winter is not angry", because in the air it is about to wind early in the air, and the weather will change dramatically. Rain on Chalkidiki go no more than 1 time a week, the sun shines at least 10 days a month, and the average temperature in the afternoon and at night is almost equivalent to: + 8 + 10 ° C at any time of the day.

Sometimes after a clear night, the weather may change: begins to go drizzling rain, the temperature drops to + 1 + 3 ° C. But in recent years, such climatic surprises have been observed more and less.


On Chalkidiki in March, dry clear weather is already installed (16 sunny days per month, rainy days no more than 3). On the peninsula already in full swing there is a preparation for the high season, which here begins a little earlier than in other areas.

Weather in March clear and sunny

Temperature day can already rise to + 16 + 18 ° C. At night, it still remains at the same level: + 8 + 10 ° C, on certain days - up to + 5 ° C. In general, the weather in March is great for longer walks (walking or cycling). Sea, of course, still cold, water temperature is not higher than 14-15 ° C.


According to weather forecasters, in recent years, the climate on Chalkidiki allows you to start the beach season by the end of April. The sun is already shining at this month almost every day, rains are short-lived, the sea warms up to 16-17 ° C. In the afternoon, the temperature rises to + 18 + 20 ° C, and by the end of the month - and to + 20 + 24 ° C. At night, occasionally can be reduced to + 7 ° C, but on average, the mark of + 12 ° C is held.

Of course, such weather does not yet favor beach holiday, and tourists will have to be content with the relax by the pool at the hotel. Nevertheless, the first swimsters are already beginning to appear in shallow water in the bays, where water warms up faster. Almost all April is the time of the rapid flowering of fruit trees (cherry, quince).

In recent years, the climate allows you to start the beach season by the end of April

Halkidiki in May begins a high season. Citrus trees bloom everywhere, early fruits and berries appear on sale. Weather in May are predominantly sunny (up to 25 clear days), so the sea warms up quickly: from 18 to 20-22 ° C by the end of the month.

The average temperature in May Day + 22 + 24 ° C, at times and to + 26 ° C. At night, the thermometer bar is not lowered below + 16 ° C, but from later walks it is better to refuse, because at this time strong short-term rains are possible, especially in the dark. But stormy weather on Chalkidiki in May is unlikely.


Weather on Halkidiki in June solar (clear up to 28 days a month), but not too hot due to low humidity. Occasionally, short-term shower with thunderstorms. There are no excitements to the sea: usually the weather during this period is almost windless. However, on hiking excursions and water trips are better sent early in the morning or closer to the evening, so as not to burn in the sun.

In May, Halkidiki enters high tourist season

The temperature of the day gradually rises: from + 22 + 24 ° C at the beginning of the month to + 28 + 30 ° C at the end. At night, the temperature is kept at + 20 ° C. This month is already warm enough to relax even with children: up to 22-24 ° C.


Weather on Chalkidiki in July can be rather hot: the sun shines brightly, and the rains - neither with thunderstorms, without them - there is practically no. Windy days are something from the field of fiction. The temperature in the daytime is held at + 28 + 30 ° C, occasionally rising and up to + 32 + 34 ° C. Warm weather and at night - not lower + 22 + 24 ° C.

On the beaches and in hotels in July, no longer pursue from vacationers: people are having fun and during the day, and (which is especially characteristic of the eastern resorts in Cassandra) at night. But the water off the coast of Chalkidiki freshens even in the early morning watches. Its temperature in July comes to 25-27 ° C.

August on the peninsula is almost always dry and windless


On Chalkidiki in August is not cooler than in July. Unless by the end of the month, with the beginning of the velvet season, the temperature of the air begins to decline gradually. The sun is still shining every day, but the probability of rain gradually increases. However, August on Halkidiki is almost always dry and windless. On the sea, too, everything is calm, and the water is warm, like pair milk (25-27 ° C).

Daily temperatures can increase to + 35 ° C, but usually keeps at + 30 ° C, at night - to + 22 + 24 ° C. The weather is favorable and those who are interested in local cuisine and customs. Almost every day in August, rural holidays are held with gatherings and dancing far over midnight, and the counters in local markets are broken from vegetables and fruits, young wine and honey. The Assumption of the Virgin (August 15) is widely celebrated.


September on Halkidiki is a velvet season. Happy warmth, and sometimes hot, soft and windless nights. It rarely rare, but a little cloudy is possible. Temperature in September during the day + 25 + 27 ° C, and "summer relapses" to + 30 + 32 ° C are possible. At night, the thermometer column can fall to + 18 ° C, but usually the weather is stable and in the dark (+ 20 + 22 ° C).

Halkidiki in September - the empire of the velvet season

Meanwhile, the water in coast resorts begins to cool down. Its temperatures by the end of the month decreases from 25 to 23 ° C. In this regard, seasonal hotels and taverns begin to close, although the flow of vacationers is still quite large, and the weather still requires the use of creams from sunburn.


The high season in October is already over. There is a better time for walking and visits to attractions. However, the weather in October, according to observations, is not devoid of surprises, and those who are going to visit Chalkidiki (especially in the second half of the month), it is worth thinking about buying an umbrella and windbreaks (for evening walks).

Weather in October are not deprived of surprises

Daily temperatures can rise to + 22 + 24 ° C, and may and suddenly fall to + 16 + 18 ° C. Night drops depend on how heat was in the bright time of the day (from +12 to + 20 ° C). Despite the fact that the wind is still weak, small excitements are possible at sea. Water in coasts, starting from the middle of the month, is already quite cold (about 20 ° C), but the beachheads arrived at the "hatching", it does not scare.


Going to Chalkidiki in November (, pilgrimage, shopping), it is necessary to capture warm things with you (jacket, sweaters) and cold medicines. The weather during this period can be rather unstable: the sky even on the most sunny day can suddenly tighten with clouds.