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How to care for the guinea pig. How to care for guinea pig at home: Rules and tips for beginners. Childbirth and care for young

Pigs are not aggressive and bite extremely rarely and then, as a rule, do not really, but only make it clear that they can bite. They don't even stop you in a not very spacious apartment, and feed will not fly into a penny. If you do not forget to clean the cell, then the smell is practically not felt. In addition, the pigs are active during the daytime, the beneficially different from many other rodents leading rapid night activities. All this makes pigs very attractive for home content. A cute rodent gets well with all the households and with other pets, except that with a cat does not lead friendship. The animals are quickly tied to a person, love when they are stroking. Already after a few weeks of staying in a new house, the pig will find out the owner, gladly goes to his hands and even welcomes his appearance with joyful sounds. Want to always be happy? Then get the guinea pig.

If a properly take care of the pig, to pay enough attention to her, create comfortable conditions, then she can live in your home from 5 to 8 years old, even cases when guinea pigs lived 15 years old!

What do you need a guinea pig?

If you decide to have a guinea pig as a domestic pet, then it is necessary to purchase:

  • cell. Its minimum size should be 70x45x40 cm (length x width x height). Read more about the cage requirements for the guinea pig you can read;
  • suspended or stable heavy feeder, which the animal could not flip;
  • suspended ball cream designed for rodents. Such a drink is most convenient because the water from it is not spilled and remains clean;
  • for bedding in a cell, it is best to use large wood sawdust. They can be found in any pet store and they are inexpensive. Speakers well absorb livelihoods of animal. It is categorically impossible to use the newspaper as a litter in the cell, since typographic paint is extremely harmful to the animal organism. The commercial filler is also not suitable, it contains dangerous for the health of the animal substance;
  • comfortable brush and coat crest (for long-haired pigs);
  • scissors for trimming cohesives;
  • hammock, pads, because guinea pigs are pleasure to sleep on soft;
  • toys. Guinea pigs show interest in toys, especially those that can be born. Therefore, it is better to buy toys specially designed for guinea pigs from environmentally friendly and safe materials, a wide choice of which is presented in pet stores.

Guinea pigs are the animals of the company, so they are often kept by groups. If you do not plan to receive offspring from your pets, you should not keep females with males in one cell. With the joint content of male fights are inevitable! As a rule, several female kept together. It is necessary to know that the pregnancy of the pig may occur already at the age of 4-6 weeks! However, the optimal age of pigs for first birth - from five to seven months. So that pregnancy and childbirth have passed without complications, the pig must achieve weight in 700 g.

The main diet of the pig - feed mixes, hay, vegetables and fruits, seeds of grain crops. About how to feed the guinea pig is written in detail in this article.

The guinea pigs feel well at a temperature of about 20 ° C. Heat they carry much worse than a decrease in temperature, which is explained by their origin, but even in winter the temperature in the room where rodents are contained, should not remain below 10 ° C. Permanent maintenance The relative humidity of air at the level of 50% is also very important for well-being of animals. In winter, air is too dry in the flooded premises. A special air humidification device contributes to maintaining sufficient humidity.

Basics of hygiene

Although the guinea pig is quite unpretentious in the care of the animal, but still requires daily attention. Do not forget that pet health depends on simple hygienic procedures.

Daily care for the guinea pig is:

  • cleaning feeders and drinking hot water;
  • removing the residues of green feed;
  • cleaning the litter (if it polluted strongly);
  • combing long-haired guinea pigs, removing the welded wool.

Once a week it is necessary:

  • fully replace all litter in the cage;
  • clear cell bottom thoroughly;
  • rinse with hot water all objects from the cell (better with the use of soda).

One month should:

  • clean the whole cell, including rods (hot water using soda);
  • optionally, cut the wool of long-haired pig.

How to clean the cage of guinea pig?

Procedures such as trigging claws and bathing of the guinea pig is carried out as needed.

Walking and danger

The most interesting moments in the content of the guinea pig are to communicate with it. When the guinea pig can be taken on the hands and climb, watch it runs on the floor, studying the room with curiosity. But before we release a switches for a walk, you should think about the safety of the environment for a pet.

  1. The first rule of such walks - the guinea pig should always be under the supervision of someone from family members.
  2. Walking on the table, chair or any other object on the elevation can lead to a fall and injury of a pet. In addition to falling from height, a guinea pig in the tables lurk and other dangers: a plate with burning food, an ashtray with cigarettes, medicines, glue, markers, etc.
  3. During a walk, other pets - cats or dogs, if any, can arrange a hunt for a guinea pig or not to calculate power during the game, so it is better to limit contact with them.
  4. Make a seat for guinea pig - Safe:
  • hide electric wires;
  • remove the decor items that can damage the animal with sharp elements;
  • close space for furniture and other slots, where the animal can climb and get it impossible;
  • doors on the balcony and to other rooms must be closed;
  • cold floor (especially tiled) should be covered with a litter;
  • drugs, household chemicals and other unsafe substances should be beyond the reach of the animal;
  • if the guinea pig will begin to nibble furniture or carpets treated with household chemicals, it can be poisoned.

Special attention deserves plants that can cause strong poisoning of the guinea pig. It concerns both indoor plants and plants on the street, where in the summer some owners take a walking animal. The list of the most common indoor and street plants representing the threat to health and life of the guinea pig is presented below.

Poisonous plants for guinea pig

From the room plants for the guinea pig are the following:

  • aralia roomroom
  • diffenbasia
  • yucca
  • ivy
  • christmas star
  • sansevier (Teschin Language, Sick Tail)
  • epipremum
  • room feces.

Street plants dangerous for guinea pigs:

  • black nightshade
  • hydrangea
  • uncooked autumn
  • rhododendron
  • black male
  • butter
  • boligols.

Not all owners of guinea pigs know about the names of plants and their poisonous properties for a pet. Therefore, with the slightest suspicions of the poisoning of the guinea pig, it must be urgently delivered to the vetclinic, capturing a sample of the plant, which she tried to taste.

Follow the health of the guinea pig

If your pet refuses feed, apatichene, badly, loses weight, sneezes or it falls wool - refer to the veterinarian!

The most common problems with the health of guinea pigs

1. Gastrointestinal disorders

When diarrhea should be deleted from the diet of green juicy food. Specialists prescribe antibiotics and drugs restoring intestinal microflora.

2. Problems with teeth

If the pet refuses feed, loses weight, perhaps he has problems with teeth. The reason is usually incorrect feeding. The teeth of the guinea pig grows all their life (up to 2 mm per week), so they must constantly set. If the diet is constantly there is a rough food (hay, grain, twigs, granules, as well as mineral and salt stone), there will be no trouble with teeth. When the teeth are incorrect, the specialist cuts them and adjusts the bite.

3. Problems with wool

In order to early detect the health problems of a pet, once every three days, the guinea pig should be examined. Any deviation in animal behavior, changing explicit external signs should alert the owner. To do this, it is enough to compare the conditionally familiar for the guinea with a state at the time of inspection.

What you should pay attention to?

  • general: lethargy, aggression, apathy;
  • failure or water, poor appetite;
  • frequent, intermittent breathing, wheezing;
  • changing the state of the eyes, which usually remain clear and clean;
  • changing the condition of the skin and wool;
  • changes in the consistency of excrement;
  • other alarming symptoms.

Be careful, take care of your pet!

In contact with

Any of us when was small, probably dreamed of having a pet, such a fluffy lump, which would be the most beloved in the world for him. Many then envied the children whose parents were especially generous and bought them puppies, kittens or guinea pigs. And whatever I had to deal with this amazing creation - to bathe, play or care, every minute brought unforgettable pleasure. Those who were deprived of the opportunity to start the pig, today can fix it and bring themselves home this is a cute shaggy animal.

In fact, it's not so difficult to care for the guinea pig, and even if certain difficulties arise, they simply simply decide with the knowledge of knowledge. Participate here the rules here, adhering to which certain problems should not arise. And seeing what your pet looks like, you will be happy with him.

To care for marine pigs is so easy that any schoolboy will cope with this task. And for this you need learn the following rules:

There are also other important features of the pig content at home, which you must remember. This animal differs high activity, Therefore, he will have a tendency to walk from birth. If your pet lives in a not very spacious cage, it is recommended to take it into the courtyard of the private house or giving it to walk next to a multi-storey house with the presence of the territory fence along with it.

You should not deny the animal of such an opportunity, since during walks the pigs often make such funny things that they can deliver joy to their owner.

Guinea pigs are very sociable creatures. Therefore, you should not leave them alone. If there is no man next to them, it will begin to be sad. Therefore, you must be particularly related to your pet, demonstrating your love, tenderness and affection. This animal loves very much when he is taken on the handles, and it will definitely repay thanks to you for it.

Keep in mind that keeping a cage with a pork need in a lit place. With a lack of lighting, it may appear Rahit.

We bathe pigs as needed

Do not think that once you have a guinea pig, it will have to bathe and wash it. It must be done only in extreme need. Say, the animal can dump during diarrhea. Wash the pig will have to have if you recently walked with it in the fresh air and she has something digging in the ground.

If you do not do without water procedures, then need to prepare for them.

Ensure that there are no drafts in the room for this rear all the windows and windows indoors. Swimming is very dangerous for these animals, because if they are blown, they can catch a cold.

Basics of feeding homemade guinea pig

The advantage of guinea pigs are their tiny sizes, so they will eat a bit. But, bringing this animal to the house, each owner must remember that guinea pigs are vegetarians. Therefore, they the diet should consist of the following ingredients:

Be very careful to your pet, as it is very tender creaturesAnd any error you need during care can seriously affect their health. So that they are less likely to hurt, make sure that you feed them, and exclude all the products from the diet that fall under the category of prohibited.

Never let the guinea pig that you yourself eat. This should include boiled food, too salty products and fried.

You also should not give pigs sweets and canned food. Be careful to the herbs that you want to feed your pet: they should not have dew.

You will also have to remove from among the "dishes", which you can feed the guinea pig, fresh bread, potatoes, peas and other legumes, as well as nuts and berries.

How to contain guinea pig at home?

To make your favorite feel comfortable, you must create comfortable conditions for it.

Domika device

Before you start the guinea pig, you must take care of creating a comfortable corner for her, and such will be comfortable and spacious cellin which care for it is noticeable for you will be simplified. You can even keep it in a cage designed for mice, rats and parrots.

The easiest way to buy it in the store, however, if you have an old cage in the house, you can make small changes in its design and use for guinea pig.

A good version of the dwelling for a pig can be an empty aquarium. However, keep in mind that it should not be closed. But for security reasons, it is especially important for those owners who hold the cat in the house, you will have to partially close the aquarium, about two thirds of the surface.

Choosing a drinking box

Buy this container, from which your animal will drink water, you can in any zoological store. it fairly cheap accessorytherefore it will be small enough. When you get this dishes, you will have to attach it to the wall of the cell.


With this accessory, you will keep clean the cell of your pet clean. But it is not necessary to buy it in a specialized store. If you have a toy or plastic scoop, then it can be used by you for a similar purpose. Litter you can make from:

  • hay;
  • tyrsa.

You can also use alternative options - feline Feller. If you are more interested in the litter from tyrsh, then it is recommended to choose the one that has large granules.

If Tyrsa turns out to be too small, then she may accidentally get into the nose of the animal, and it can end it very tragic. Therefore, in order to avoid such consequences it is recommended to use sawdust. This filler is traditionally very popular among the owners. In addition, you do not have to spend money on his acquisition, because it can be found on the street. Special appeal to him gives its economy. Therefore, you do not have to often stock up with large volumes of sawdust.


Someone the guinea pig may seem like the most suitable view of a pet for maintenance at home. Such an opinion among the majority arises due to its small sizes. However, in reality it is not. Although the food of the guinea pig is needed a little, attention to her during care is needed enough. This is a very gentle creation for which you need to take care of particularly. First of all, it applies to nutrition - it is impossible to feed this animal of human food.

They can be giving only vegetarian dishes - Main grass in combination with vegetables. Also, no need to forget that walks are required by guinea pigs. It will not only help maintain the health of the animal, but also will give the owner to enjoy pleasant moments, watching the pet behaves in a new setting.

Being in the natural environment, guinea pigs are careful about themselves. Natural conditions allow animals to maintain their teeth, wool and claws in order. To provide valid departures when keeping in captivity, the owner needs to know everything about guinea pigs. This article provides information on how to care for the guinea pig at home. It also contains tips and video for beginners.



It is better if the animal is accustomed to the combing procedure from the youngster. Tools are purchased in advance or immediately after the appearance of Rodent in the house:

  • soft brush;
  • comb with rare teeth;
  • metal comb;
  • scissors.

Shorthair pigs

Outlet pigs and individuals with short wool clean and combing hair cover with teeth. In the spring and autumn during molting, the pet can be helped, combing the harsh with a special soft brush twice a week.

Long-haired pigs

The wool of long-haired pigs has a setting property. To avoid this combing procedure is carried out daily, paying special attention to the bottom of the back, where the wool falls over most often. Missed lumps, if they are still formed, cut off with scissors.

  • The procedure will be less painful if you have a slightly wet your hair.
  • At first, the wool must be unraveling the ridge, and then make a massage with a soft brush.
  • To cut off the rollers, do not touch the skin, it must be slightly lifted.
  • Females during the lactation period must be cut off wool in the region of the nosks.
  • The pigs of the Angora breed can be cut in the warm season to facilitate their movement and avoid overheating.

Holders of guinea pigs with long wool can witness an interesting phenomenon - rodents cut hair to themselves and their relatives. The nature of this phenomenon is not fully studied. To avoid such unplanned haircuts, you can spray pets with a special zoo-produce.


If in the diet of the pet will not be enough of the necessary vitamins and elements, it will negatively affect the state of its hair, wool will become matte and fad. Silky gloss with animal hair will give the appropriate diet. In the rodent menu, you need to turn on sunflower seeds and linen seeds. It is necessary to feed the seeds in moderation, as they can lead to an excessive body mass set.


As the wool pollution, the pig must be bathed. To do this, fit basic or washed pets right in the sink. The water level in the basin should not exceed 3 cm. Wash the pink carefully, without sharp movements. For washing it is better to use a special shampoo for rodents, which is thoroughly washed away at the end of the procedure. Sew the animal can be dry, but only at the lowest temperature. After bathing, drafts should be avoided.

Some pigs love to swim very

Care for COGOTS

Cutting claws is an important procedure. The beast of the animals can be deformed if it is not regularly free to release it from the interfering activity of processes. The procedure is carried out twice a year, starting with a one-year-old age.


To circumcise claws, the sea pig will be needed:

  • locking - it is preferable to use special for animals, but children are also suitable;
  • hemostatic powder or corn starch;
  • manual towel.

Cut claws

Before the procedure, the entire inventory must be decomposed so as to have quick access to it. Then the pet in a calm arrangement of the spirit is removed from the cage and wrapped in a towel. Next, the pig is put on her knees and give her time to come to themselves a little, you can treat it with a snack. After the animal calmed down, one is cut off the claws from his paws, trying not to hurt empties. If the blood vessel is leaving, you need to immediately stop the blood using a powder or starch.

Caring for teeth

Healthy teeth and their stratification

Normally, the guinea pig grows about 20 teeth. The lower dentition should be longer than the upper one and a half times, and the upper teeth perform over the bottom to several millimeters. Healthy animal cutters do not touch each other, there is a clearance between them. From the bottom they look a little convex, and on top - concave.

Front teeth require special attention, as they are constantly growing.

The animals are forced to negotiate them, otherwise too long cutters will interfere with the reception of food and can damage the gums, tongue or lip of the animal. To maintain the health of the teeth and their stratification, the pig is needed wooden toys, solid food, branches of fruit trees. But sweet feed is better limited.


Owners of guinea pigs with an incorrect bite for shortening the cavity pets have to turn to the veterinarian. It must be done at least once every three months. The doctor sometimes suggests putting on an elastic bandage on the jaw, which helps the upper and lower teeth to climb. A pet can remove the bandage before the deadline, so the breeder needs to follow this.

Bite disorder can be congenital, as well as be a consequence of injury or infection in childhood.

Often, the dental range of the tooth row leads incorrect meals and the predominance in the diet of soft feed. Therefore, the care of the teeth of the guinea pig includes control over its menu. It is imperative to give pets solid feed.

Broken teeth

The teeth of the guinea pig sometimes break. This can be a consequence of injury, falling, irregular nutrition, lack of vitamins C and D. The teeth can also be fragile due to genetic failures and problems with thyroid gland.

Over time, the broken tooth will grow, it will take a couple of weeks. But that the fragment does not damage the soft fabric of the pet, and the infection was not listed, the animal should be attributed to the veterinary clinic, where the edges of the broken tooth are praised.

The owner after the injury will need to follow to the tooth grow correctly and provide rodent proper nutrition. Food will need to grind, and the diet is enriched with vitamin C. Also, the animal is better to surround the attention and care for the recovery period.

Caring for eyes

Caring for marine pigs includes a daily test of an animal eye. In a healthy guinea pig, they are clear, clean, without selection. Redness of the cornea, swelling and other deviations indicate diseases. If there are no explicit reasons for inflammatory processes (there are no drafts, etc.), and the symptoms do not pass, the pig must be shown.

Guinea pigs are subject to a variety of eye diseases:

  • Dermoid - located on the cornea, requires surgical intervention.
  • Anofthalmia and microfthalm - severe malformation.
  • Blepharitis - a consequence of fungal defeat, treats medication.
  • Age damage due to a fight or mechanical contacts.
  • Conjunctivitis - treatment requires the elimination of the root cause (most often lack of vitamin C).
  • The protrusion of the orbit is a bulk bulk, does not require therapy.
  • Roarling of the cornea.

Care for ears

The ears of the guinea pig must be checked for the presence of a tick, monitor their purity. Clean your ears can be cleaned with paper napkins. Use to clean sticks and cotton swabs are prohibited. Far into the ear of the ear shell should not be closed, and if the sulfur in the ears is not visible, it is better not to disturb the animal at all.

The pet usually scratches the sick place, also a pig can be anxious, bowing her head toward the patient's ears.

Other hygienic procedures

During swimming, it is recommended to free the anal pocket of the pig from the accumulated feces. This is especially true for older individuals. Pocket is located in the anal area. A procedure is carried out by pressing this area from two sides.

In the field of rodent genital organs often accumulate patches and hay particles. The location of pollution should be carefully brushed from the accumulated garbage as needed.

Care during illness

The first thing to be done at the first signs of the disease is to show pets to the veterinarian. Next should follow the recommendations of the doctor.

  • You can give liquid medicines using a syringe without a needle.
  • Tablets are better offered using a hemostatic clamp. The device can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • Subcutaneous solutions are more convenient to enter with the help of a butterfly crater.

Eye drops are burned as follows:

  1. An animal is placed on the table as the owner.
  2. Drops are entered above the animal head.
  3. Free hand of eyelids are bred to the sides;
  4. From above buried drops.

To keep track of the urine and a head of the guinea pig, for a while, it is placed on a towel.

If the pet is experiencing chills, it must be wrapped in warm fabric. You can additionally burst in a heating towel and put in the angle of the cell.

If rodents disappears the appetite, feeding the guinea pigs is carried out with hands. Pets are regularly weighed to prevent exhaustion.

Care during pregnancy and feeding

Special care requires a female during pregnancy and feeding offspring. Pregnancy lasts up to 70 days, at this time the pigs are susceptible to various diseases, high risk of fatal outcome.

  • provide silence;
  • eliminate bright light;
  • pet on hand as much as possible;
  • maintain the physical activity of the animal, not to cancel walks;
  • give pigs granulated feed and fresh juicy products, avoid changes in the diet;
  • give only fresh clean water, follow the filling of the drinker;
  • conduct additional vitamination.

Hardly appearing in the house, the guinea pig becomes a real family member. A cute animal is distinguished by friendliness and sociability, it is quite undemanding for the care and conditions of content - care for such a pet forces by even children. This animal is also suitable for beginners who have no experience in the testing of pigs or have never been homemade little animals at all. However, such unpretentiousness does not mean that the pet can be kept something like. So that the pig is healthy and happy, and has long delighted the owner with his society, it is necessary to provide her comfortable living conditions. For this, it is necessary even before the appearance of the animal in the house to learn the rules of its content, and how to care for it.

Preparation for the emergence of guinea pig

It is impossible to study the rules of care and content when the pig has already appeared in the house. It is important to familiarize yourself with them in advance. But it is equally important to prepare properly for a meeting of a small pet. It is necessary to equip apartment accommodation for the animal in advance with all the mandatory inventory and recommended accessories.

The first, where to start training is the choice of a suitable place where the dwelling of the pet will be located, that is, standing his house. The pig should not be in the heat and draft, in noise and darkness. The main criteria for selecting the location of the house is the removal from the sources of noise and heat, cold and drafts. It is impossible to place a dwelling of a pig in the right rays of the sun, as well as close to the windows, doors, batteries, TV, etc. At the same time, the place should be well lit (if there is no possibility of natural lighting, it is worth sinking the lamp-garland).

The most comfortable air temperature for most rocks of these animals is considered + 18-20 ° C, but bald guinea pigs need a warmer environment.

When the place to accommodate the housing, the pigs are chosen, the allowable dimensions of the pet house are determined. Based on these parameters, a lodge for animals is selected. In addition, it will be necessary to purchase inventory for housing, accessories, as well as:

  • comb (of course, if the animal is not understective);
  • cunning and other care inventory;
  • carrying (for visits to branch and other trips).

When purchasing any goods for guinea pig - from the main housing to toys and accessories - the main criterion of choice should be safety. Invalid the presence of sharp elements, paint coatings, etc.

Selection of housing for guinea pig

The selection of housing is one of the most responsible moments in preparing for the emergence of a pet. Living at home the pig almost all its time spends in personal housing. Its main characteristics should be comfortable and safety. There are 4 types of housing suitable for saving pigs:

  • cell;
  • aviary;
  • rack or terrarium;
  • metal shelving design.

Cardboard boxes, aquariums, wood boxes, etc. For pet content are not allowed. It is also not suitable for saving pigs and dunes (special plastic container). Despite the fact that it is presented as housing for guinea pigs, accommodation in such a house is detrimental for the animal.

The dune is a plastic container with removable transparent top. But the design is too close for a pet - he can't not turn around, nech more than playing (toys in such a house just do not fit). Therefore, it is necessary to refuse from this option.

Each of the 4 recommended types of house has certain features, advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before you go to pet stores, you need to get acquainted with the main characteristics of all types of houses and determine the most suitable.


One of the most convenient options that prefer experienced pursues of pigs. It is better to choose a cage with a bottom of plastic and a removable riding lattice. Such housing is easiest to clean. The cage is only one - through the garbage breaks (in the form of food residues, excrement, particles of the filler, etc.) easily falls out, so that at the place of its placement will have to constantly clean.

The bars of the lattice must be made of metal - plastic and wooden animals easily overlook. The lattice should only be the top of the cell, but not the bottom. In the bottom-lattice, the animal will fall into the legs, resulting in injury.

The more spacious the cell will be, the better. Optimal housing parameters for one animal (in brackets are minimally valid values):

  • size 90 × 60 cm (60 × 30 cm);
  • height 40 cm (30 cm).

For a joint stay of two animals, a cell is required for a minimum of 120 × 80 cm and a height of 40 cm. The more rodents will live side by side, the more dimensional for them is needed accommodation.

Cells with several levels for pigs are not suitable. These rodents are poorly climbing and almost never jump - even sowing to climb the floor above, the animal will not go back without the help of the host. The fall for the animal is extremely dangerous and often leads to death.


The accommodation of this type is put directly on the floor of the room - it is too large for accommodation on the couches. In an open spacious aviary, animals feel very rare.

In fact, it is fenced around the perimeter with metal lattices space - the bottom is not provided for all enclosures. There are no roofs of such a house. It is important to control the height of the walls - it must be from 40 cm. Otherwise, the animal will easily go out.

The disadvantages of this dwelling are in the easy penetration of garbage outside the aviary, as well as in its openness and easy accessibility - if the house already has another pet (cat, dog, bird, etc.) to keep the pig in the outdoor aviary.

Terrarium or Stellazh

The front wall of such a housing is glass, side and rear - wooden (sometimes plastic). The advantages of the terrarium in front of the cage are as follows:

  • Lack of garbage around the house
  • the possibility of installing multi-level housing (rack) with separate floors.

Multi-level terrarium for rodents make from ordinary bookcases. To do this, it is enough to attach the front glass walls to the shelves. Of course, the glass must already be width than the distance between the shelves, so that the free space remains to circulate air.

Metal design-rack

The main advantage of such a dwelling is that from metal lattice panels you can create any design by setting it under the animals, the interior, etc. Minus is the same as the cells (through metal rods garbage flies out).

Argument of the housing of the guinea pig: a list of necessary and additional accessories

In obligatory, the housing of the pet needs to be equipped:

  • feeder;
  • drinker;
  • hay;
  • mini-house for privacy.

The choice of feeders is very diverse. Mainly they differ:

  • according to the material - from ceramics, metal or plastics;
  • by installation type - suspension and outdoor.

The best option is suspended. This type of installation eliminates the contamination of food by particles of the filler, etc., and also ensures that the animal will not turn the bowl. But not every type of house allows you to install a suspension feeder. In this case, it is worth preferred by ceramic bowls - they are heavier, so they are more difficult to overturn.

As for the drill, the usual bowl with water will not work. It is necessary to purchase a special suspension adaptation in the form of an inverted bottle, at the end of which a ball valve is attached through which water flows. Install the suspended driver is easier than a bowl, so it is suitable for any housing.

The dentition in the pork house is necessary for the storage of the hay, which must be included in the ration of the animal. Through this fixture of the pig easily pulls out a fresh beam for use when only wishes.

Whatever the size of the main housing of the rodent, it is necessary to install a special slight shelter on its square, where the animal will be able to retire at any time, hide, relax, etc.

  • hammock;
  • lena;
  • toys (balls, cubes, etc.);
  • labyrinths;
  • tunnels.

It is worth noting that balls for walking and running wheels are inventory for hamsters and pigs it does not fit. The use of these fixtures of pigs is fraught with serious spinal injuries and limbs.

In order for rodents to make a teeth, it is necessary to put a special stone in his house - salt or mineral.

What and how to feed a guinea pig

The correctly composed menu plays an equally important role in the content of animals than ensuring comfortable living conditions. At the heart of the pinking diet should be hay, greens and vegetables, and not grain and cereals. That is why the pigs can not be fed with mixtures intended for hamsters or rats.

In the daily menu of the animal should be dried hay, fresh vegetables, herbs and greens.

From fresh vegetables, rodents can be fed:

  • zucchild
  • cabbage;
  • carrots;
  • cucumber;
  • tomato;
  • beckless;
  • celery;
  • pumpkin.

It is not worthwhile to feed the pet with the same, it is better to alternate the types of vegetables - for example, today Pumpkin, tomorrow tomato, etc.

As for the fresh herbs and greens, the little animal is recommended to feed:

  • clover;
  • nettle;
  • alfaling;
  • plantate;
  • salat.

Feed the pigs 2-3 times every day. It is important to control the pet that the pet always has not only food, but also clean water (necessarily boiled). The daily volume of the food provided must be within 30% of the weight of the pet. Upon exceeding this norm, the rodent will begin to develop obesity.

It is impossible to leave a pet without food - after 18 hours of fasting in the body of the pet, the irreversible process of self-destruction will launch. The hay must always be in the animals in free access. In winter, a groceable grain grain should be given as fresh grass.

Dry grain mixtures are not included in the mandatory diet. They can be included in the menu only those animals who lead a movable, active lifestyle. But in the amount of not more than 1 tbsp. in a day. Loading animals are forbidden such food, it will not bring any use - the pig only grows.

Additional subcort

In addition to major products, it is desirable 2-3 times a week to feed rodent nuts, fresh or dried fruit and berries

  • peanut;
  • walnut;
  • hazelnuk;
  • banana;
  • cherry;
  • pear;
  • strawberries;
  • apple;
  • raisin;
  • kuragoy.

The benefit for the body of the pet will bring the branches of various plants (can with leaves) 3-4 times a week. Bridhing solid sprigs, the animal is stripping the teeth, which is also important, as the saturation of the body with the necessary substances. To resolved twigs include:

  • pears;
  • yves;
  • maple;
  • raspberry;
  • blueberry;
  • apple;
  • ash.

Prohibited products

In no case, the animal can not feed:

  • beans;
  • branches of needles;
  • pea;
  • mushrooms;
  • oak branches;
  • fermented milk products;
  • sausage;
  • onion;
  • flour products (bread, pasta, etc.);
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • sweets;
  • beans;
  • garlic;
  • eggs, etc.

Any animal products, as well as all products from the master's table, the animal is prohibited.

It is strictly forbidden to give the animal to any nonstable, tied or fought products, even from the number of mandatory.

How to handle the guinea pig

Little animal of rather fragile and very bugged. He needs care and attention. But nevertheless, the main thing is what you should navigate when contacting him, it is:

  • accuracy;
  • delicacy;
  • caution.

To live long and happily live, it needs to be loved, take care of her and provide comfortable conditions. The little animal must be contained in a quiet, calm atmosphere, you need to protect it from nervous upheavals.

The pigs are afraid of any noise - no need to loudly turn on the TV or music, as well as speech with a high tone not far from the animal or even more shouting on it. In addition, it is prohibited:

  • throw something into the animal;
  • knock on his dwelling;
  • shake a pet or a house with him;
  • raise a pet behind a paw or "shkir".

The manifestation of violence towards rodent is also forbidden - it is impossible to be enough against the will, etc. The only permissible exception is if the animal is sick and it is necessary to urgently inspect it or give a medicine.

Games, Training and Taming Pet

For pigs are characteristic of playfulness and sociability. They are happy to joyfully share active games and various entertainment with the owner. In addition, these animals are smart and smart, they are easy to tame, as well as teach simple tricks.

How to tame

To train the rodent, the owner needs:

  1. To give a pet to get used to it. First, you should not take a new pet in your hands. First you should meet and make friends with him at a distance. To do this, you need to regularly approach the alarcomes and communicate with it. You need to say a gentle quiet voice. After a series of such exercises, the animal will begin to find out the owner on the first sounds of voice.
  2. Seeking the animal is with hands. To do this, we need to put a delicacy on the palm and stretching his pig. When a little animal, interested in treating, closer to his hand, it is important to behave calmly. It is forbidden to grab a small pet and make any sharp television. Otherwise, the pig is scared and stops trusting the owner. Under the observance of the rules, soon the animal will be, barely impulse the hands of the owner, run to him.
  3. Now you can take a pet in your hands. You need to do it carefully. I pull out the little animal from the house, you can slightly hug it. If she is nervous, it is worth it to get it through affectionate conversation and gentle strokes on the back. When the little girl understands that the owner is not dangerous for her, she will be happy to spend time with him - even in an embrace, even though playing.

How to play

The simplest thing is to play a saturate animal. To do this, you only need to hide in different parts of its dwelling pieces of treats. In search of a delicious cache, the animal will manifest himself a real Sherlock Holmes.

Another simple game - Football. It is enough to provide rodent ball (preferably paper, but it is also plastic). A pet will be happy to drive him, pushing his head, from one end of the dwelling to another.

For games with a pig, a simple box of cardboard is also well suited. Changing the holes in the width of the pet, from it you can make a kind of labyrinth. The animal with passion will move from the passage to the passage.

Diversify the leisure of the pet is possible and with the help of toys for pigs purchased in the pet store.

How to train

The animal can be learned to respond to the name, and also spin around your axis. It will help in this treat as a remuneration for a well-performed trick. Better than a short name.

To teach the pig to respond to his nickname, just enough, giving him everyday food or special delicacy, call it by name. After a few workouts, the animal will begin to resort to the owner, barely says his name.

To teach the pigs to circling, it is worth taking a treat in your hand, give a pet sniff it, and then slowly describe with a gentle circle around the animal. The petitions seduced by the treat will turn around behind the hand. When the animal scrolls the full turn, you need to give him a treat.

Correct care of the sea pigties includes the support of the purity in the dwelling of animals. Cleaning should be carried out regularly and according to the rules. They are as follows:

  • conducting conventional cleaning - every 3-4 days, general - once a week;
  • filler bedding change every 3 days;
  • food and drinking bowls wash daily;
  • starting for cleaning the housing of the pig, the animal is temporarily located in a box with high sideboards;
  • before you start cleaning, all the contents take out of the house - from toys to the bowl;
  • removing the used contaminated filler, the bottom of the dwelling should be washed with clean water, and then wipe dry;
  • all housing walls of the guinea pig are wiped with a wet cloth;
  • items made of glass and plastics are clean with warm warm water and leave to dry;
  • the house-refuge is wiped with a wet fabric napkin;
  • having finished cleaning, the bottom of the dwelling will rip the new layer of the filler, then install the bowls for food and drink and other inventory.

When carrying out general cleaning of the housing of the pet and all the items that he uses is not just wash, but disinfected (soda or acetic essence). Chemical means cannot be used for these purposes.


Half-legged male guinea pig becomes 8-12 weeks, and the female - at 7-8 weeks. But the recommended age for breeding is considered 10 months and older. The animals forming a pair should be healthy, one age and one breed, but at the same time should not be relatives.

It is desirable that fertilization occurred not later than November. There is a 2-day speaker and repeats every 12-20 days. The best time for the concerns is the first 12 hours.

The duration of pregnancy is about 10 weeks. Multiple pregnancy is often accompanied by an early delivery. The future mommy-pig need a complete peace - it can not be taken in hand, stroking and disturbing otherwise. Any excitement is fraught with miscarriage.

Rhodework lasts no more than half an hour. Pigs appear with an interval of 3-4 minutes. In one litter, 1-5 kids are usually born.

What is the guinea pig

Porks sick infrequently, but still their body is not protected from diseases. The most common one includes:

Noticing any deviation from the usual behavior of the animal (rejection of food, apathy, etc.) or other suspicious sign or symptom (wool loss, mucous selection, cough, convulsions, etc.), it is necessary to urgently turn to the veterinarian.

Hygiene guinea pigs

The animals are distinguished by cleanliness and regularly clean their wool. This does not mean that the owner should not care for the guinea pig. Most hygienic pork procedures are not able to spend on their own. Such procedures include:

  • combing;
  • cleaning ears;
  • haircut nails;
  • bathing.

The following tips on the care of marine pigs will help to hold these procedures correctly.

Regular combing (every 2-3 days) it is necessary for animals of long-haired rocks (such as crown and others). Without this procedure, their wool is implanted and piles, chopenins will appear. Sombs with short wool frequent combing are not needed, but, nevertheless, they love it very much. For them, combing is a pleasant massage. Therefore, it is recommended from time to time to please them with this procedure.

It is very important to brush the animal ears in a timely manner, since the dirt and sulfur accumulating in the sinks can lead to deafness. To prevent it, it is required to regularly purify the inner surface of the transition of the pigs by means of a cotton stick with chlorhexidine. In addition, to prevent different health problems with a pet, it is necessary to draw its claws in a timely manner with small scissors or special drives.

In regular water procedures, only Baldwins need, but animals with wool (such as others) are used only in extreme cases. If such a need arose (the animal smells badly, etc.), it is important to carry out the procedure correctly so that the animal does not overcooke and do not get sick.

For bathing the animal you need warm water and children's shampoo. In the process of washing, it is necessary to control the fluid to be in the nose, eyes and ears of the pet. After bathing, the guinea pig is needed to drain a thick towel and keep, like a kid, in his hands, until it is completely dry. After receiving the bath, the animal is better to bring together.

It is important to remember that all hygienic procedures for the animal are considerable stress. In the process, he can break down and try to resist. Starting any procedure, you need to be ready for this. The pig is required to keep tight, but at the same time carefully, to properly not injure the pet.

Seasy pigs are usually called the domesticated type of rodents, which refers to the family of swine. In ancient times, the first, who began to breed these little animals, became the tribes of the Incas, and at the beginning, guinea pigs were used exclusively in food, and already after some time began to be considered full-fledged homemade pets. Caring for such a favorite is quite simple and will not take you any extra hassle. Details of all norms and rules of content can be found from our article.

Useful information about the guinea pig

Guinea pigs have the following characteristic features:

  • the length of the body is from 20 to 35 cm;
  • no tail;
  • ears have a hanging shape, and the muzzle is wide and rounded to the chin;
  • the average female weight can be from 800 grams to 1.3 kg, and the males usually weigh from 1 kg to 1.5 kg;
  • the most common is brown, gray, white wool color;
  • the animals are very kind and easy to come to contact with a person.
it is advisable to acquire guinea pigs aged 1.5 months for successful adaptation in new housing

How to choose a guinea pig in the pet shop?

Before buying a guinea pig, find out many different nuances. You need to do the following:

  • check out how cool the animal is to inspect it, the wool should be smooth, shiny, the torso is strong, the eyes are dark, having no discharge, and the nose is dry and pinkish;
  • find out the seller from the animal of the animal, for example, females can be put in one aviary, but the males may not divide the territory;
  • specify age - it is best to purchase 1.5 monthly guinea pigs so that it is easier for it to get used to you and to the new place of residence;
  • carrying out the animal exclusively using a special cell or carrying, in order to avoid strong stress and fright.

Necessary for care

Like any other homemade animal, the guinea pig requires a wide variety of care accessories. These include:

  • cell or aquarium;
  • feeder;
  • pOWER;
  • house;
  • filler;
  • mineral stone;
  • toys;
  • carrying;
  • hygiene products;
  • brush comb and grade.

Cage or aquarium

The content of the guinea pig is allowed both in the aquarium and in the cell. The main condition is the size: the dwelling should be at least 50 cm long and 30 cm high, so that the animal is comfortable to move. If you choose exactly on the cage, it is best to look at the options having a plastic bottom. Plastic is easy enough to care, it is easy to wash, dry, etc. The wooden base will not be suitable due to the fact that these animals drink a lot of fluid per day, which means that a large amount of urine is distinguished. Wood simply will be unusable for a very short time. You can purchase aquarium on the above dimensions. Its also, like a cell with a plastic bottom, is enough just to wash and clean. But you should be careful, as the glass is very fragile material and at the time of permutation, for example, to another room, the safety rules should be followed (the pet should not be in the aquarium, it needs to be transferred to carry).



The feeder must be sufficiently weighty so that the guinea pig can not tip it over. An excellent option will be bowls made from ceramics, stainless steel, etc. It is also recommended to buy 2-3 tanks. For example, one will be used for vegetables or fruits, and the second for dry feed.


For the guinea pig, the vertical ballpoint is perfect. It is usually made of plastic with a metal tip. In such a drinking there is no need to change water daily, and it is about 2-3 times a week.


Be sure to install a small house in the cell or aquarium. In it, your pet will sleep, rest or simply retake when he wants to be alone. Most often, such houses are made of wood with a round door carved in the middle. The most optimal size is considered 25 cm long and 15 cm in height. This space is quite enough for the animal in order to hide and at the same time feel comfortable.



When arranging the cells do not forget about the litter. It will create a comfort in a cage, will not give an animal to frozen and to some extent will keep clean. As a filler, you can use sawdust or crushed corn cobs. In no case do not put into the cage as a litter of cotton, newspaper, paper, etc., as it is not safe to the health of your pet.

Mineral stone

To maintain the health of the teeth and the calcium level in the body of the guinea pig, the mineral stone is essential. After all, it serves not only as a vitamin complex, but also perfectly helps the animal to bring teeth. Such a stone is sold in a pet store, and its price is quite democratic.

a rock


Guinea pigs in their behavior are something like decorative rabbits. They love to play very much. Therefore, be sure to buy some interesting and fun toy for your pet, for example, tunnel, hammock, mirror, riding wheels, etc. The game will not only bring the animal joy and pleasure, but also will strengthen the muscles, and will also become an excellent preventive tool against obesity.


In the event that your plans did not include joint travel or any trips with a guinea pig, then the carrying should be needed. Carry an animal on hand, in a box or blanket, is strictly prohibited. For example, you must visit the vet or transport the animal to another home or apartment, in such life situations you will definitely help the carrying. The pig will feel safe and the process of transport will be calm.

Hygienic means

Guinea pigs are considered to be chopped animals, but sometimes they are still allowed to bathe. For such cases, it is necessary to take advantage of special hygienic agents that can be purchased at the pet shop. The most popular of them:

  • "Biogance" - bio-perfume;
  • "Veda" - wheat shampoo.

Brush comb and grainbrother

Care for wool and boat guinea pig is extremely important. To do this, you need to purchase a special comb with soft bristles (combing is made daily), as well as cogteraz to mount the cohesives (the procedure is performed as they extended).

How to feed the pet?

To maintain the health and longevity of the guinea pig, it is necessary to ensure proper and balanced nutrition. Make a maximum diverse and rich in vitamins and minerals. It should include dry food, such as grain and hay, vegetables, fruits. As a delicacy or treats, you can give a pig with boiled beets, carrots, an apple. Observe the following feeding rules:

  • in summer, it is recommended to collect various fresh herbs, such as clover (along with flowers), nettle, yarrow, dandelion leaves;
  • in winter, just like people, animals need vitamins of the group "C", so add daily 1 mg of ascorbic acid into drinking water, and do not forget that such a liquid should be changed every day;
  • it is forbidden to feed the swine frozen, dried fruit and vegetables, sweets, flour, cottage cheese and dairy products, old, moldy feed;
  • pay attention to the power mode: it should be a two-time (in the morning and evening), but the exception can be a pregnant pet, in such a situation it must be translated into four-time meals.

guinea pigs need to fade twice a day and periodically show veterinarian

Despite the fact that guinea pigs are quite unpretentious in care, but still certain rules for their content must be carried out, in order to avoid health problems.

Basic care requirements

At the time of staying in a natural habitat, guinea pigs are able to care for themselves. In nature, absolutely all conditions have been created to maintain a healthy state of teeth, wool or claws. But when the animal falls into the house to a person, then the care of the care falls on his shoulders. So, you must perform the following:

  • feed - 2 times a day;
  • wash the feeder - 2 times a day (after each meal);
  • to air the room with a cell (animal to pre-transfer to carry) - 1 time per day;
  • change the litter - 1 time in 3 days;
  • conduct the general cleaning of the cell - 1 time per week;
  • comb the fur - every day;
  • cut claws - 1 time per month;
  • inspection of the veterinarian - 1 time in 3 months.

Sick animal

As soon as you have had the first suspicions that your guinea pig fell ill, instantly take it to a competent veterinarian. Then follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Perform the following actions:

  • if your pets were assigned medicines in liquid form, then they should be given them with a syringe without a needle;
  • in the case of assigning tablets, it needs to be crowned to a powder state, put in a teaspoon, and then slightly pour water and give an animal;
  • eye drops need to be buried from above, holding a hand over the head of the animal, and it should be placed with his back to the owner;
  • if you need to track changes in the urine or stool, then instead of the usual filler bed in a cage, a soft towel;
  • with a strong chill, the pig must be burned in warm fabric (small spice, towel, etc.), also in the distant corner of the cell you can put the heating.

Pregnant pig

The duration of pregnancy at guinea pigs is approximately 70 days. At this time, the immunity of the animal is low enough, so it is important to pay special attention to your pet. To do this, do the following:

  • provide silence and peace;
  • remove the bright light;
  • do not take an animal in hand (only in extreme cases);
  • follow the diet;
  • daily change water and filler;
  • let's provide special vitamins and minerals.

Reproduction of guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are able to bring offspring all year round, but, of course, with high-quality content and proper care. The female during the flow period is planting in one cell with the male for a couple of hours, then seed. This is done for "dating". After that, the procedure is repeated. If, after a couple of weeks, the female did not start at the female, then this fact may indicate pregnancy. After 3-5 weeks, the "interesting position" of the pigs can be determined by meansing the abdomen. It is important to know that a pregnant individual should contain in a separate cell. For the next mating, the female will be ready 5-6 hours after childbirth. For some kind of birth can appear to 6 young. For more than 2 times in a year, the female is not recommended to be knitted, as the pregnancy at great extent weakens the animal organism, it takes time to restore.

Guinea pigs good and smart pets. They quickly get used to a person, willingly go to contact and easily become manual. These fun rodents love love, attention, as well as when they are stroking or combing. Provide your new friend with the right departure, warmth and love. Believe me, he will answer you the same. The pig will become an excellent first pet pet for your child. It is easy to care for it, and its wool is considered hypoallergenic.