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Tamerlan - biography, facts from life, photos, background. Tamerlan. "Great Chrome." Brief history of conquest

Tamerlan is one of the greatest conquerors in world history. His whole life passed in the campaigns. He took Khorezm, defeated the Golden Horde, won Armenia, Persia and Syria, won a victory over the Ottoman Sultan and even reached India.

Tamerlan (or Timur) is the Turkic-Mongolian conqueror, whose victories made it the owner of most of Western Asia. Tamerlan belonged to the Turkized Mongolian clan of the Barlas, whose representatives, as the Mongolian armies move to the West, settled in the valley of Kashka, near Samarkand. Tamerlan was born near Shahrisabz on April 9, 1336. This place is located on the territory of the modern Uzbekistan between the rivers of Amu Darya and Syrdarya, and at the time of his birth, these lands belonged to Khan Chagatay, named after the founder of a kind, the second son of Genghis Khan.

In 1346-1347 Kazan Khan Chagay, failed to defeat from Emir Kazgan and was killed, as a result of which Central Asia ceased to be part of his Khanate. After the death of KazGAN in 1358, the anarchy period was followed, and the troops of Timura Timur, the ruler of the territories behind Syrdarya, known as Mogolistan, invaded Maverannahr first in 1360, and then in 1361 in an attempt to capture power.

Tamerlan declared himself to Vassal Timura and became the ruler of the territory from Shahrisabz to Karshi. Soon he, however, rebelled against the rulers of Mogolistan and created an alliance with Hussein, the grandson of KazGAN. Together in 1363, they broke the army of Ilyas-Khoji, the son of Timura. However, about 1370, the Allies and Tamerlan, captivated his associate, declared the intention to revive the Mongolian Empire. Tamerlan became the sole owner of Central Asia, settling in Samarkand and making this city the capital of a new state and its main residence.

From 1371 to 1390, Tamerlan made seven trips to Mogolistan, finally defeated the Army of Ad-Dina and Anka-Tyura's army in 1390. The first two campaigns against the Kamamar Ad-Dina Tamerlan took the spring and autumn of 1371. The first trip ended in a truce; During the second Tamerlan, coming out of Tashkent, moved towards the village of Yanga to Taraz. There he drew Moguli to flight and captured greater prey.

In 1375, Tamerlan carried out the third successful campaign. He came out of Saryram and passed through the regions of Talas and Tokmak, returning to Samarkand through Uzgen and Hodge. However, Kamar Ad-Dean was not crushed. When the Army Tamerlan returned to Maverannahr, Kamar Ad-Dean in the winter of 1376 invaded Fergana and besieged the city of Andijan. Fergana's governor, the third son of Tamerlana Umar-Sheikh, fled to the mountains. Tamerlan hurried to Fergana and pursued the enemy for a long time behind the Uzgen and the mountains of Iasi to the very valley of the At-Bashi, the southern tributary of the top naryna.

In 1376-1377, Tamerlan made his fifth trek against the Ad-Dina Kamar. He broke his army in the gorges west of Issyk-Kul and pursued to Kochka. The sixth campaign of Tamerlane to the Issyk-Kul district against Kamar Ad-Dina took place in 1383, but Ulusfiegue again managed to slip away.

In 1389, Tamerlan went to the seventh campaign. In 1390, Kamar Ad-Dean was finally crushed, and Mogolistan finally ceased to threaten the powers of Tamerlan. However, Tamerlan reached only Irtysh in the north, Alakula in the East, Emila and the rates of the Mongolian khans Balig Yulduz, but he could not conquer the Eastern Mountains of Tangri Tag and Kashgar. Kamar Ad-Dean fled to Irtysh and later died of water. As Khan Moglistan, Hizr Hiza was established.

2 First hiking in front Asia

In 1380, Tamerlan went against Malika Gyas-hell-Dina Pict-Ali II, since he did not want to recognize himself with Vassal Emir Tamerlane and began to strengthen the defensive walls of his capital of Herat. At the beginning, Tamerlan sent a ambassador to him with an invitation to Kurultay, in order to solve the problem in peaceful way, but Gias-ad-Dina Pictage-Ali II rejected the proposal, detaining the ambassador. In response to this in April 1380, Tamerlan sent ten regiments on the left bank of Amudarya. His troops captured the areas of the ball, Shibirgangan and Badhiz. In February 1381, Tamerlan himself came across the troops and took Horacean, Cities of Serachs, Jami, Kausius, Tue and Kelat, and the city of Herat was taken after a five-day siege. In addition to kelata, Sebevar was taken, with the result that the state of Serbedars stopped the existence. In 1382, the son of Tamerlana Miran Shah was appointed Ruler of Horasan. In 1383, Tamerlan empty Susta and severely suppressed the rebellion of Serbedars in Sezbezhevar. In 1383, he took Sista, in which the fortresses of the zires, the head, headlights and the booster were defeated. In 1384, he captured the city of Astrabad, Amul, Sari, Sultania and Tabriz, actually capturing all Persia.

3 Three-year hike and conquest Khorezm

The first, the so-called "three-year" campaign to the western part of Persia and the Tamerlan region adjacent to it began in 1386. In November 1387, Tamerlana's troops took Isfahan and captured Shiraz. Despite the successful start of the campaign, Tamerlan was forced to return back due to the invasion of the Maverannahr of the Golden Tordy Khan Tohtamysh in the Union with the Khorezmians. In Isfahan, a garrison of 6000 soldiers was left, and his ruler of Shah Mansur from the Muzaffarid dynasty Tamerlan took with him. Shortly after the departure of the main troops of Tamerlan in Isfahan, a popular uprising occurred under the leadership of the Blacksmith Ali Kuchk. The entire garrison of Tamerlan was interrupted.

In 1388, Tamerlan was driven by Tatars and took the capital of Khorezm G. Urgench. By order of Tamerlane, the Khorezmians who had resistant were mercilessly exterminated, the city was destroyed.

4 First campaign on the Golden Horde

In January 1391, the Army Tamerlana made a campaign against the Golden Ordinsky Khan Tahtamysh. To give time, Tukhlysh sent ambassadors, but Tamerlan refused to negotiate. His army passed Yaaesi and Tabran, hungry steppe and by April, having forced the Sarysu River, went to the Mountains of Ulytau. The army of Tokhtamysh, however, slipped away from the fight.

On May 12, Tamerlan's army reached Tobol, and by June I saw the Yika River. Fearing that the conductors can lead his people to ambush, Tamerlan decided not to use ordinary brodes, but ordered the climbing climb into less favorable places. A week later, his army arrived on the shores of the Samara River, where the scouts reported that the enemy was nearby. However, the goldside mines retreated north, using the tactics of the "scorched land". In the end, Tukhtamysh accepted the battle, and on June 18, a battle was held on the Kondurche River near Itily. In this battle, the gold rods were headlong, but Tukhtamysh managed to run. Tamerlan's army did not force the Volga and moved through JiA to the opposite way and after two months reached the reflection.

5 "Five-year-old campaign" and the defeat of the horde

The second long, the so-called "five-year" campaign in Iran Tamerlan began in 1392. In the same year, Tamerlan won the Caspian regions, in 1393 - Western Persia and Baghdad, and in 1394 - Transcaucasia. Tsar Georgy VII by 1394 managed to hold defensive events - he collected a militia, to which the Caucasian Highlanders joined, including Nahkh. Initially, the combined Georgian-Gorso army had some success, they even were able to discard the advanced troops of the conquerors. However, ultimately, the approach of Tamerlane with the main forces decided the outcome of the war. Broken Georgians and Nakhi retreated north to the Caucasus Mountain Gorge. Given the strategic importance of translated roads to the North Caucasus, especially the natural fortress - Darialya Gorge, Tamerlan decided to capture him. However, a huge mass of the troops was so mixed in the mountains of the grinders, which turned out to be non-visible. One of his son, Umar-Sheikh, Tamerlan appointed the ruler of the farce, and the other son, Miran Shaha - the ruler of the Transcaucasus.

In 1394, Tamerlan found out that Tukhtamysh collected the army again and entered into an union against him with the Sultan of Egypt Barcuk. The Goldenopa Kipchaks were poured south through Georgia and again began to empty the boundaries of the Empire. The army was sent against them, but the Ordans retreated north and dissolved in the steppes.

In the spring of 1395, Tamerlan arranged a view of his army near the Caspian Sea. Having conceded the Caspian, Tamerlan went first to the West, and then turned to the north on a wide arge. The army passed through the Derbent pass, crossed Georgia and went to the territory of Chechnya. On April 15, two armies agreed on the shores of Terek. In the battle, the army of the Golden Horde was destroyed. To Takhtamysh did not recover again, Tamerlan's army went to the north to the shores of ITYLA and drove Takhtamysh in the forest of Bulgar. Then Tamerlana's army moved to the West to the Dnieper, then rose to the north and ruined Russia, and then went down to Don, from where he returned to his homeland through the Caucasus.

6 hike in india

In 1398, Tamerlan made a trip to India, the mountains of Kafiristan were defeated on the way. In December, Tamerlan, under the walls of Delhi, broke the army of the Delia Sultan and took the city without resistance, which a few days later was looting his army and burned. By order of Tamerlan, 100 thousand prisoners of Indian warriors were executed from the concerns of the inside of their part. In 1399, Tamerlan reached the shores of Ganga, there were several more cities and fortresses on the way back and returned to Samarkand with huge prey.

7 hike in the Ottoman state

Returning from India in 1399, Tamerlan immediately began a new campaign. This campaign was originally caused by riots in the area managed by Miran Shah. Tamerlan lowered his son and broke the enemies invaded in his possession. Moving to the West, Tamerlan faced the Turkmen State of Kara-Koyunlu, the victory of Tamerlana's troops forced the leader of the Turkmen Kara Yusuf to run to the west to Ottoman Sultan Bayazidu Lynatically. After that Kara Yusuf and Bayazid agreed on joint action against Tamerlane.

In 1400, Tamerlan began military actions against Bayazid, who captured Erzincan, where the rules of Vassal Tamerlan, and against the Egyptian Sultan of the Faradja An-Nasira, whose predecessor, Barcquet, was ordered to kill the ambassador Tamerlane. In 1400, he took the fortress Kamak and Sivas in Malaya Asia and Haleb in Syria belonging to the Egyptian Sultan, and in 1401 he took Damascus.

On July 20, 1402, Tamerlan won the most important victory over the Ottoman Sultan Bayazid I, applying him a defeat in the battle of Ankara. Sultan himself was captured. As a result of the battle, Tamerlan was captured by all small asia, and the defeat of Bayazid led to the peasant war in the Ottoman state and the internecasters of the sons of Bayazid.

Smirna's fortress belonging to the John knights, which Ottoman Sultans could not take for 20 years, Tamerlan captured storm in two weeks. The western part of Malaya Asia in 1403 was returned to the sons of Bayazid, the local dynasties deposited by Bayazid were restored.

8 hike in China

In the autumn of 1404, 68-year-old Tamerlan began to prepare the invasion of China. The main goal was to capture the remainder of the Great Silk Road to obtain maximum profits and ensure the prosperity of the Native Maverannahra and its capital of Samarkand. The campaign was discontinued due to the beginning of the cold winter, and in February 1405 Tamerlan died.


Biography of the commander

Tamerlan (Timur; April 9, 1336, p. Khoja-Ilgar, Sovr. Uzbekistan - February 18, 1405, Refril, Sovar. Kazakhstan; Chagatai (Temur, Temor) - "Iron") - Central Asian conqueror, which played a significant role in the history of Central South and West Asia, as well as the Caucasus, Volga region and Russia. Outstanding commander, Emir (since 1370). The founder of the empire and the dynasty of Timurides, with the capital in Samarkand. Babur's ancestor is the founder of the Empire of the Great Mughal in India.

Thanks to the efforts of this person, as a result of almost a complete extermination of the troops of the Golden Horde under the leadership of Khan Tohtamysh on the Dnieper and the destruction of the Tamerlane of the capital of the Golden Horde, it became possible to liberation from the Mongolotatar yoke in Russia.

Name Tamerlana

monument to Tamerlane in Samarkand

The full name of Timur was Timur Ibn Taragay Barlas (Timur Bin Taragay Barlas - Timur Son Taragaya from Barlasov) in accordance with the Arab tradition (Alam-Naab-Nisba). In Chagatai and Mongolian languages \u200b\u200b(both Altai) Temur or Temir means "iron". The word (Temur) probably dates back to Sanskrit * Cimara ("Iron").

After Timur has come across the Chang of Genghis Khan, he accepted the name Timur Gurkani (Timur Gurkani, Gurkan - Iranized version of Mongol Krzen or Hrgan, "son-in".

In various Persian sources, Iranized Nickname Timur-E Lang (Timur-E Lang,) "Timur Chrome" is often found, this name is probably considered while contemptuous-derived. It switched to Western languages \u200b\u200b(Tamerlan, Tamerlane, Tamburlaine, Timur Lenk) and in Russian, where there is no negative shade and is used along with the original Timur.

Personality Tamerlana

monument to Tamerlane in Tashkent

The biography of Timur is largely reminded by the biography of Genghis Khan: both conquerors began their activities as the leaders who scored personally by the detachments of adherents, which and then remained the main support of their power. Like Genghis Khan, Timur personally entered all the details of the organization of military forces, had detailed information about the forces of enemies and the state of their lands, used among his troops unconditional authority and could well rely on his associates. Less successful was the choice of persons at the head of civil administration (numerous cases of punishment for the lair chimples of the highest dignitaries in Samarkand, Heratia, Shiraz, Tavriz.

The difference between Genghis Khan and Timur is determined by the greatest formation of the latter. Genghis Khan was deprived of all education. Timur, except for his native (Turkic) language, spoke Persian and loved to talk with scientists, especially listening to reading historical writings; He led his knowledge of the greatest of Muslim historians to the amazement of the greatest Muslim historians, Ibn Haldun; Stories about the values \u200b\u200bof the historical and legendary heroes Timur used to inspire their warriors.

Timur's buildings, in the creation of which he took an active part, detect a rare artistic taste in it.

Timur cared mainly about the prosperity of his native Maverannahra and about the elevation of the brilliance of his capital - Samarkand. Timur drives out of all conquered lands of masters, architects, jewelers, builders, architects in order to equip Samarkand. All his care, which he invested in this city, he managed to express through his words about him: - "Above Samarkand will always be the Blue Sky and Gold Stars." Only in recent years they have taken measures to raise the welfare of other regions of the state, mainly border (in 1398 a new irrigation canal was held in Afghanistan, in 1401 - in the Transcaucasia, etc.)

Childhood and youth

Chagata Khanna

Timur was born 8 (9) April 1336 in the village of Khoja Ilgar near the city of Kesh (now Shahrisabz, Uzbekistan) in Central Asia.

As shown by opening the tomb of M. M. Gerasimov and the subsequent study of the skeleton of Tamerlane from its burial, he was 172 cm. Timur was strong, physically developed, his contemporaries wrote about him: "If most warriors can tighten onions to the level of the clavicle, then Timur pulled it to ear. " The hair was the lighter of most of their tribesmen.

His father was called Taragai, he was a military, small feudal. It came from the Mongolian tribe of Barlasov, by that time already spoken on the Turkic Chagata language. He did not have school education and was small, but he knew the Quran. He had 18 wives, of whom his beloved wife was Emir Hussein's sister - Uljay Turkans-aha. In the people, he was called "not very notable Bay."

During the youngsters of Timur, the collapse of the Chagatai state in Central Asia (Chagatai Ulus) occurred. In Maveranna, since 1346, power belonged to Turkic emmales, and the ruled by the emperor to the throne of the khan ruled only nominally. Mogul Emirs in 1348 built the throne of the Tugluk-Timura, which began to rule in East Turkestan, the Kuldzhinsky region and Semirchye.

Climbing Timura

Fight against Mogolistan

mongolian possessions in the whole continent in 13-14th centuriesand the territory of the territory of the territory of Tamerlane

The first chapter of the Turkic Emirov was Kazan (1346-1358). Timur entered the service to the Kesha's domain - Haji Barlas (his uncle), the head of the Barlas tribe. In 1360, Maverannahr was conquered by Tugluk Timur. Haji Barlas fled to Horacean, and Timur joined the negotiations with Khan and was approved by the Welfare of the Kesh region, but was forced to retire after the departure of Mongols and the return of Haji Barlas.

In 1361, Khan Tugluk-Timur again took the country, and Haji Barlas fled again to Horacean, where he was subsequently killed. In 1362, Tugluk-Timur hurriedly left Maverannovar as a result of the emerged rebellion of a group of Emirov in Mogolistan, having transferred power to his son Ilyasu-Khoji. Timur was approved by the domineering of the Keshskaya region and one of the helpers Mogulsky Tsarevich. Khan did not have time to cross the Syrdarya River as Eli-River-Oban, along with Emir Becchik and other close emirs, they agreed to remove Timurbek from public affairs, and at a convenient case and destroy it physically. Intrigue increasingly intensified and accepted a dangerous nature. Timur had to be separated from Mogulov and move to the side of their enemy - Emir Hussein (grandson of KazAgan). For a while, they with a small detachment led the life of adventure seekers and went towards Khorezma, where in the battle under Khiva suffered from the ruler of those lands of Tavakkala Coney and with the remnants of their warriors and servants were forced to retreat deep into the desert. Subsequently, going to Aulu Mahmoudi in the region, subject to Mahan, they were captured by the people of Alibek Jakakyrban, in whose dungeons spent 62 days in captivity. According to the historian of Sharafiddin Ali Yazdi, Alibek intended to sell Timura and Hussein Iranian merchants, but in those days, not a single caravan took place through Mahan. Prisoners were saved by the elder brother Alibek Emir Muhammad-Beck.

In 1361-1364, Timurgek and Emir Hussein lived in the southern bank of Amudarya in the regions of Kachmard, Darages, Arsif and Balkah and led against the Mongols, the partisan war. During the skirmish in Seistan, which took place in the fall of 1362 against the enemies of the ruler of Malik Kutbiddin, Timur lost two fingers on his right hand and was seriously injured on the right foot, which became chrome (nickname "Chrome Timur" - Aksak-Temir in Turkic, Timur E Lang in Persian, hence Tamerlan).

In 1364, Moguli were forced to leave the country. Timur and Hussein returned to Maverannahr and Hussein were put on the throne of the loyalty of Kabul Shaha from the genus of Chagatands.

The next year, at dawn on May 22, 1365, a bloody battle between the army of Timur and Hussein with the Mogolistan army was occurring under the leadership of Khan Ilyasa-Khoji, who was in history as the "Battle of Mud". Timura and Hussein had a little chance to defend his native land, because the Ilyas-Khoja army had superior forces. During the battle, a pouring shower went, during which the soldiers were difficult to even look forward, and the horses were ridiculously in the mud, so the opponents had to retreat - the warriors of Timur and Hussein move to the other side of the Syrdarya River.

Meanwhile, the Ilyas-Khoja army was expelled from Samarkand to the people's uprising of Serbedars, who was led by his teacher of Maution Madrasa, the artisan Abubakr Ka-Lavai and the Tagged arrows of Hurdaki Bukhari. The city established the People's Board. Having learned about this, Timur and Hussein agreed to perform the promotion of Serbedars - they lured them with good speeches to negotiations, where in the spring of 1366, Hussein's troops and Timur supplied the uprising, execute Folk addictions were addressed.

Election "Great Emir"


siege of the Balc Fortress in 1370

Hussein wished to rule on the throne of Chagyatai Ulus among the Turkic-Mongolian people, like his uncle KazAgan, but at the current tradition, the power of the story of history belonged to the descendants of Genghishana. Hussein did not belong to Gengizidam, then Timur opposed the change of customs, and the title of the Supreme Emir (Emir Ul-Uromo), since the time of Genghishana, from generation to generation passed to the leaders of the Barlasian tribe, who are the ancestors of Timurbek. This confirms the written agreement between Praded Chingishan Tuminovan and Kacuvly-Bahadur - the first Praded Timura. During the Board of Kazanhana, the position of the Supreme Emir was sent by the grandfather Emir Husain's grandfather Emir Kazangan, which served as a reason for the breaking of the already not very good relationship between Becki Timur and Hussein. Each of them began to prepare for the decisive battle.

Having moved from Sali-Saraj in Ball, Hussein began to strengthen the fortress and prepare for the decisive battle. Hussein decided to act deception and cunning. He sent a Timur invitation to a meeting in the Chakchak gorge for signing a peace treaty, and as evidence of his friendly intentions promised to swear on the Quran. After going to the meeting, Timur took with him two hundred jigitis, Hussein led a thousand of his warriors and for this reason the meeting did not take place. Timur recalls about this case: "I sent Emir Hussein a letter with the Turkic Bath of this content:

Who intends me to deceive me, will fall into the ground, I am sure. Cunning showing his own, he will die from him.

When my letter came to Emir Hussein, he was extremely confused and asked for forgiveness, but for the second time I did not believe. "

Having gathered all his strength, Timur began to redirect to the other side of the Amudarya River. The invertible parts of his troops were commanded by Surgatmish-Oban, Ali Moayad and Husapn Barlas. At the approach to the village of Biya, the tv was put forward by the Barack - the leader of Andhudi Sayindov, and handed him the Litavra and the banner of the supreme power. On the way to the Balch, Jaca Barlas arrived from Karkar to Timur with his army and Emir Kaihusrav from Huttalana, and Emir Zinda Chasm from Shibirgana, Khazarians from Hulma and Badakhshan Muhammadshah also joined the river. Having learned about it, many warriors Emir Hussein left him.

Before the battle of Timur collects Kurultay, in which Khan choose a person from the genus of the gengiisids of Surgatmyysh.

Shortly before the approval of Timur "The Great Emir" came to him, a certain good messenger came to him, some Sheikh from Mecca, said he was a vision that he, Timur, will be a great ruler. On this occasion, he handed him a banner, a drum, a symbol of the supreme power. But he does not personally take this supreme power, but remains next to her.

On April 10, 1370, Balx was conquered, and Hussein was captured and killed. At Kurultai, Timur took the oath from all commanders of Maverannahra. Like its predecessors, he did not accept the Hansky title and was content with the title of "Great Emir" - Khana, with him, was considered the descendant of Genghishana Suurgatdysh (1370-1388), his son Mahmoud (1388-1398) and Satuk Khan (1398-1405). The capital was chosen Samarkand, the end of feudal fragmentation was put.

Strengthening the state of Timura

Battle with Mogolistan and with a Golden Horde

State Tamerlan.

Despite the laid foundation of statehood, Khorezm and Shibirgangan, who belonged to Chagatai Ulus, did not recognize the new power in the face of Surgatmisch Khan and Emir Timur. Restlessly was on the southern and northern borders of the border, where Mogolistan and White Horde delivered concern, often disturbing the borders and bribes. After the capture of Uruskhan and transfer the capital of the White Horde, the capital of the White Horde, Yasca (Turkestan), Sairra and Maverannahr were even greater danger. It was necessary to take measures to strengthen statehood.

In the same year, the power of Amir Timur city of Balkh and Tashkent was recognized, but the Khorezm rulers continued to resist Chagatai Ulus, relying on the support of the rulers of Dashty Kipchak. Emir Timur demanded to return the captured land of Khorezm first peacefully, sending to Gurgange at first Tavachi (apartmentster), then Shayhulislam (the head of the Muslim community), but Husin-Sufi was both refused to fulfill this requirement, took captivity. Since then, Emir Timur made five trips to Khorezm. Finally, he was taken in 1388.

The next objectives of Amir Timur were a curb of Ulus Juchi (famous in history as a white horde) and the establishment of political influence in its eastern part and the union of Mogolistan and Maverannah, separated earlier, in a single state called Chagatai Ulus. Moglistan's rulers Emir Kamariddin had the same objects as Timur. Mogolistan faedlines often made robber raids on Sairra, Tashkent, Fergana and Turkestan. Especially big misfortunes brought the people of Emir Camariddin in the 70-71s and raids in the winter of 1376 on the cities of Tashkent and Andijan. In the same year, Emir Camariddin was captured by Paul Fergana, from where her governor of Umar Shah-Mirza fled to the mountains. Therefore, the solution of the problem of Mogolistan was important for calm at the countries of the country. From 1371 to 1390, Emir Timur made seven trips to Mogolistan, finally defeated the Army of Camariddin and Anka-Tyura in 1390 during the last hike. However, Timur came only to Irtysh in the north, Alakula in the East, Emila and the rates of the Mongolian Khan Balig Yulduza, but he could not conquer the Eastern Mountains of Tangri Tag and Kashgar. Camariddin fled and, afterwards, died from the water. The independence of Mogolistan was preserved.

"The door to the chayan Tamerlana" Painting Vasily Vereshchagina 1875

Realizing all the danger to the independence of Maverannahra from the unification of Ulus Juchi, from the very first days of his reign, Timur tried in every way to prevent him in uniting him into a single state, once crushed into two - white and gold hordes. The Golden Horde had the capital in the city of Saray-Batu (Saraj-Berk) and extended in the North Caucasus, the northwestern part of Khorezma, the Crimea, Western Siberia and the Volga-Kama Principality Bulgar. White Horde had the capital in the city of Signak and stretched from Yangkent to Sagra, at the lower flow of Syrdarya, as well as on the shores of Syrdarya Steppe from Ulu-Tau to Sengir Yagach and the Earth from Karatal to Siberia. Khan White Horde Urus-Khan tried to unite the once mighty state, the plans of which prevented the increased struggle between Juchids and the feudal of Dashty Kipchak. Timur in every way supported Tukhtamysh-unison, whose father died from Urushan's hands, as a result of the White Horde who took the throne. However, after climbing power, Khan Tukhtamysh seized the power in the Golden Horde and began to hold a hostile policy towards the laveranna lands. Amir Timur made three campaign against Khan Tokhtamysh, finally smashing it on February 28, 1395.

After the defeat of the Golden Horde and Khan Tohtamysh, the latter ran to the Bulgar. In response to the looting of land of Maverannahra, Emir Timur burned the capital of the Golden Horde - Saray-Batu, and gave the Brazda of the board with her Koirichak-Oban, who was the son of Urushan. In search of Tokhtamysh Timur began a campaign on Russia.

In 1395, Tamerlan, who went on a trip to Russia, passed the Ryazan region and took the city of Elets, in the same year, Elets was ruined by Tamerlana's troops, and the prince was captive, after Tamerlan moved towards Moscow, but unexpectedly turned around and left on August 26. According to the church legend, it was at that time Muscovites met the Vychimya Vladimir icon of the Mother of God, transferred to Moscow to protect it from the conqueror. On the day of the appearance of the image of Tamerlan in a dream, according to the chronicles, the Mother of God was and ordered him to immediately leave from Rus. The Sretensky Monastery was founded at the meeting place of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God. Tamerlan did not reach Moscow, his army passed through Don and took full.


There is another point of view. According to Zafar-NEE ("Book of Victory") Sherf-Ad-Dina Yezdi, Timur was on Don after his victory over Torkdamiam at the River Terek and to the total defeat of the cities of the Golden Horde in the same 1395. Tamerlan personally pursued by the recession of Tokhtamysh's commander to their complete defeat. At the Dnieper, the enemy was finally defeated. Most likely, according to this source, Timur did not put the goal of going on Russian land. Some of his squads approached the borders of Russia, and not he himself. Here, on the comfortable summer Ordane pastures, ran out in the floodplain of the upper don to modern Tula, a small part of his army stopped for two weeks. Although the local population did not have serious resistance, the edge would turn the cruel ruin. According to Russian chronicle stories about the invasions of Timur, his army stood on both sides of the Don two weeks, the land of Yelets "Igled" (occupied) and Prince Yeletsky "Issima" (captured). Some mint trees in the vicinity of Voronezh are dating precisely 1395 year. However, in the vicinity of Yelets, undergoing, according to the above-mentioned Russian written sources, pogrom, treasures with such dating are currently not detected. Sherf-Ad-Dean Yezdi describes a greater prey to take in Russian lands and does not describe a single combat episode with the local population, although the main appointment of the Book of Victory was to describe the feats of Timur himself and the valor of his warriors. According to the legends of Yelets Local Lowers of the XIX-XX centuries, Yelchan had a stubborn resistance to the enemy. Nevertheless, in the "Book of Victory" there are no mentions about it, the names of the fighters and commanders who took the victims, who were the first to the shaft, who were personally captivated by Yeetsky Prince. Meanwhile, the great impression on the soldiers of Timur was produced by Russian women, about whom Sherf-hell-Dean Yezdi writes in the poetic line: "Oh, beautiful peri similar roses stuffed in a snow-white Russian canvas!" Then in "Zafar-NEE" follows a detailed list of Russian cities of the conquered Timur, where there are Moscow. Perhaps this is only a list of Russian lands who did not want armed conflict and sent their ambassadors with gifts. After the defeat of Beck, Yaryk was announced, Tamerlan himself began to teach the lands of his main enemy Tokhtamysh. The Horde Citys of the Volga region did not recover from Tamerlanov ruin until the final decay of this state. Many colonies of Italian merchants in the Crimea were defeated and in the bottom of the Don. The city of Tana (modern Azov) rose from the ruins for several decades. Elets, according to Russian chronicles, existed for about twenty years and was completely ruined with some "Tatars" only in 1414 or 1415.

The defeat of Khan Tukhtamyshu, who led the Golden Horde at that time. Fearing the transition of the Transcaucasia and Western Iran under the authority of the opponent, Tukhtsama took the invasion of this region in 1385. Capturing Tabriz and divorid him, Han retreated with rich prey; Among the 90,000 prisoners was the Tajik poet Kamal Hodgende. In the 1390th Tamerlan eased Horde Hanu, two cruel defeats - at Condurce in 1391 and Terek in the 1395th, after which Takhtamysh was deprived of the throne and is forced to conduct a permanent fight with the Khans supplied by Tamerlane. This defeat of the Army Khan Takhtamysh Tamerlan brought indirect benefit in the struggle of Russian lands against the Tatar-Mongolian yoke.

Hiking in the Caucasus, in India, Syria, Persia and China

In 1380, Timur goes to the campaign against Malika Gyasiddin Pir Ali II, which rules in the city of Herat. Initially, he sent a ambassador to him with an invitation to Kurultay, in order to solve the problem peaceful way, but Malik rejected the proposal, detaining the ambassador. In response to this, in April, 1380 Timur, under the leadership of Emirzade Pirimukhammad Ja Hangir, sent ten regiments on the left bank of the Amudarya River. He captured the area of \u200b\u200bBalch, Shibirgangan and Badhiz. In February 1381, Emir Timur himself delivered the troops and took the city of Horacean, Seracs, Jami, Kausius, Tue and Kelat, and Herat was taken after a five-day siege. Also, in addition to kelata, Sebeevar was taken, as a result of which the state of Serbedars ceased to exist; In 1382, the Son of Timur, Miransha, was appointed Runer of Horasan; In 1383, Timur devastated Seystan and severely suppressed the rebellion of Serbedars in Sezbezhevar.

In 1383, he took Seystan, in which the fortresses of the zires, the head, headlights and the booster were defeated. In 1384, he captured the city of Astrabad, Amul, Sari, Sultania and Tabriz, actually capturing all Persia. After that, he went hiking to Armenia, after which he several times did conquering campaigns to Persia and Syria. These trips are known in world history as a three-year-old, five-year-old and seven-year trips, during which he led war in Syria, India, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey and Persia.

In 1402, Timur won the most important victory over the Ottoman Sultan Bayazid I lightly? Snow, applying a defeat in the battle of Ankara on July 28. Sultan himself was captured. As a result of the battle, all the small Asia was captured, and the defeat of Bayazid led to the breakdown of the Ottoman Empire, accompanied by the Peasant War and the crossbursions of his sons. An official reason for the war was allegedly offering Timur to the Turkish ambassadors. Outraged by the fact that Bayazid appears in the role of benefactor, Timur announced hostilities
Three big hikes of Timur

In the western part of Persia and the fields adjacent to it, Timur made three large campaigns - the so-called "three-year-old" (since 1386), the "five-year" (since 1392) and "seven-year-old" (since 1399).

Three-year-old hike

For the first time, Timur was forced to return back due to the invasion of the Maverannahr of the Golden Tordy Khan Tohtamysh in the Union with Semirechensk Mongols (1387).

Timur in 1388 was driven by enemies and punished Khorezmians for the Union with Torkdamiam, in 1389 he made a devastating campaign into the Mongolian possessions to Irtysh to the North and to the Grand Jyldyza to the East, in 1391 - a campaign on the Goldenopian possessions to Volga. These trips have achieved their goal.

In 1398, a campaign was made to India, the mountains of Kafiristan were defeated on the way. In December, Timur under the walls of Delhi broke the army of Indian Sultan (the Toglukid dynasty) and without resistance, took the city, which a few days was looted by the army. In 1399 Timur reached the shores of Ganges, there were several more cities and fortresses on the way back and returned to Samarkand with huge prey, but without expanding his possessions.

Five-year hike

During the "five-year-old" campaign, Timur in 1392 won the Caspian oblasts, in 1393 - Western Persia and Baghdad; The son of Timur, Omar Sheikh, was appointed ruler of the farce, Miran Shah - the ruler of the Transcaucasus. The invasion of Tokhtamysh in the Transcaucasus caused Timur's campaign to South Russia (1395); Timur broke tichtamysh on Terek, pursued him to the limits of the Moscow kingdom. There he invaded Ryazan lands, detected Elets, making a threat to Moscow. Starting an offensive to Moscow, he unexpectedly turned back and left the limits of Muscovy on that very day when Muscovites met the image of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, brought from Vladimir (from this day of the icon, he was revered as a patronage of Moscow). Then Timur plotted the commercial cities of Azov and Cafu, burned Sarai Batu and Astrakhan, but the durable conquest of the Golden Horde was not the goal of Tamerlane, and therefore the Caucasian Ridge remained the Northern border of Timur's possessions. In 1396, he returned to Samarkand and in 1397 appointed his younger son of Shahrukha ruler Horasan, Seistan and Mazandran.

Seven-year-old hike

The "seven-year-old" campaign was originally summoned by Miransha's madness and unrest in the area entrusted to him. Timur lowered his son and broke the enemies invaded in his possession. In 1400, the war began with the Ottoman Sultan Bayazet, who captured the city of Arzinjan, where the rules of Vassal Timur, and with the Egyptian Sultan Faraj, whose predecessor, Barcquet, still in 1393 ordered to kill the Ambassador Timur. In 1400, Timur took Sivas in Malaya Asia and Haleb (Aleppo) in Syria (owned by Egyptian Sultan), in 1401 - Damascus. Bayazet was broken and captured in the famous battle with Ankara (1402 years). Timur plundered all the cities of Malaya Asia, even Smirna (belonging to the John knights). The western part of Malaya Asia in 1403 was returned to the sons of bayazet, in the Eastern were restored by bayazet small dynasties. In Baghdad (where Timur regained his power (1401), and up to 90,000 inhabitants died) was appointed the ruler of the son of Miransha, Abu Bekr. In 1404, Timur returned to Samarkand and then made a campaign to China, which began to be prepared back in 1398. In that year, they were built a fortress on the border of the current Cheese Dariain region and Semirchia; Now another fortification was built, in 10 days the way further to the east, probably near Issyk-kul.


Mausoleum Tamerlane in Samarkand

Died during the campaign to China. After the completion of the seven-year war, Bayazid I was defeated during which Bayazid I was defeated, Timur began preparations for the Chinese campaign, which he had long planned due to the claims of China on the land of Maverannahra and Turkestan. He gathered a large two-hundredthly army, together with which he nominated on November 27, 1404. In January 1405, he arrived in the city of Refire (ruins of him - not far from the fall of Arysi in Cheese Daria), where he fell ill and died (according to historians - February 18, according to the tombstone of Timur - 15th). The body was concerned, put in a black tree coffin, a silver parolh, and taken to Samarkand. Tamerlan was buried in Mausoleum Gur Emir, at that time still unfinished.

1. The real name of one of the greatest commander in world history - Timur Ibn Taragai BarlasWhat means "Timur Son Taragia from the kind of Barlasov". In various Persian sources, a derogatory nickname is mentioned Timur-E. Lang, i.e "Timur Chrome"This commander of his enemies. Timur-E Lyang moved to Western sources as Tamerlan. Having lost the derogatory meaning, it became the second historical name of Timur.

2. Since childhood, loved hunting and military games, Timur was a strong, healthy, physically developed person. Anthropologists, in the 20th century, who studied the tomb of the commander, noted that the biological age of the conqueror who died in 68 years old, judging by the state of the bones, did not exceed 50 years.

Reconstruction of the appearance of Tamerlan on its skull. Mikhail Mikhailovich Gerasimov, 1941 Photo: Public Domain

3. From the time of Chingiskhana The title of Great Khan could wear only Gengizids. That is why Timur formally wore the title of Emir (Chief). At the same time in 1370, he managed to breed with chingizis, marrying her daughter Kazan-KhanaSaraight Mulch Hano.. After that, Timur received to the name of the Gurgan's prefix, which means "son-in-law", which allowed him to live freely and act in the houses of "natural" genghisids.

4. In 1362, Timur, who conducted a partisan war against Mongols, seriously suffered during the battle in Seistan, having lost two fingers on his right hand and having received a heavy wound of his right leg. The wound, pain from which Timur was chased the rest of his life, led to chromotype and to the appearance of the nickname "Timur Chrome".

5. For several decades of actually continuous wars, Timur managed to create a huge state, which included Maverannovar (the historical region of Central Asia), Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. He himself gave the name to the state name Turan.

Conquest Tamerlane. Source: Public Domain

6. At the peak of his power, Timur had a army in his disposal, which had about 200 thousand warriors. It was organized by the system created by ChingiShanom - dozens, hundreds, thousands, as well as the Tumen (divisions of 10 thousand people). For the order of magnitude in the army and its provision, all necessary was the responsible authority of the management, whose functions were similar to the modern Ministry of Defense.

7. In 1395, Timur's army in the first and last time turned out to be in Russian lands. The conqueror did not consider Russian territories as an object for joining his power. The cause of the invasion was the struggle of Timur with the Golden Town Khan Tukhtamiam. And although Timur's army ruined a part of the Russian lands, capturing Elets, in general the conqueror of his victory over Tukhtamiam contributed to the fall of the influence of the Golden Horde on the Russian principality.

8. The conqueror of Timur was illuminated and in his youth did not receive any formation, except for the military, but at the same time was a very talented and capable person. According to the annals, he owned several languages, loved to talk with scientists and demanded to read him out loud works on history. Having a brilliant memory, he then led historical examples in conversations with scientists than heavily surprised them.

9. Leading bloody wars, Timur from hiking brought not only material production, but also scientists, artisans, artists, architects. With it, there was an active restoration of cities, the basis of new, construction of bridges, roads, irrigation systems, as well as the active development of science, painting, secular and religious education.

Monument to Tamerlane in Uzbekistan. Photo:

10. Timur had 18 wives, among which they often allocate Ulti-Turkan. yeah and Saraight Mulch Hano.. These women, who are called "loved wives of Timur", had to relatives to each other: if the ultra-Turkan Aga was the sister of a tamur's companion emir Hussein, then Sarai Mulk Hanoi - his widow.

11. Back in 1398, Timur began to prepare for a conquering campaign to China, which was started in 1404. As often happens in history, the Chinese saved the case - the starting campaign was interrupted because of early early and extremely cold winter, and in February 1405, Timur did not.

Tommerlan tomb. Photo:

12. One of the most famous legends associated with the name of the Great Communion is associated with the "curse of Tamerlane's graves." Allegedly, immediately after opening the grave of Timur, the Great and Terrible War should begin. Indeed, the autopsy of the tomb of Timur in Samarkand Soviet archaeologists held on June 20, 1941, that is, two days before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Skeptics, however, remind that the attack plan for the USSR was approved in Hitler's Germany long before the autopsy of Timur's grave. As for the inscriptions, which enlighten the trouble to the one who will open the grave, they did not differ from similar, made on other burials of the Timur era, and were intended to scare the tomb of tombs. It is worth noting and one more thing - the famous soviet anthropologist and archaeologist Mikhail Gerasimov, I didn't just participate in the opening of the tomb, but also restored the appearance of Timur on his skull, lived safely until 1970.

Name: Tameron (Amir Timur, Aksak Timur, Timur)

State: Golden Horde

Field of activity: Politics, Army

The greatest achievement: Fought for power in the Golden Horde, founded the empire of thimurides.

History remembers some names that inspired such horror as Tamerlan. However, it was not the actual name of the Conqueror of Central Asia. More accurately call him Timur, from the Turkic word "iron". His names of Aksak Timur, Timur Leng (literally - Iron Chromeman) are also known.

Tamerlan is remembered as an evil conqueror who equalized the ancient cities with Earth, destroyed whole nations. On the other hand, he is also known as the Great Patron of Arts, Literature and Architecture. One of its indicative achievements is its capital in the beautiful city of Samarkand, in modern Uzbekistan.

Sophisticated person, historical personality. Tamerlane's life continues to interest us six centuries after his death.

Early years Tamerlana

Timur was born in 1336, not far from the city of Kesh (now called Shahrisabz), about 75 km south of Samarkand, in Maverranakh. His father, Taragai, was the head of the kind of Barlas. Barlas was a mixed Mongolian and Turkic genus that occurred from and earlier inhabitants of Maverrana. Unlike his nomadic ancestors, Barlasi were farmers and merchants.

Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Arabesha in the $ 19th in the biography "Tamerlan or Timur: Great Amir" declares that the roots of Tamerlane go back to Genghis Khan on the mother's mother; The accuracy of this approval is in question.

Disputes about the causes of Tamerlant chromotype

The European versions of Timur - Tamerlan or Tamberlane are based on the Tyrksky nickname Timur-I-Leng, which means "Timur Chrome" or "Iron Chromeman". The body of Tamerlan was exeted by the Soviet team led by the archaeologist Mikhail Gerasimov in 1941, and they found the actual evidence of two healed wounds on the right leg of Tamerlane. On the right hand there were no two fingers.

There are many versions of the causes of Tamerlane chromotype, but we will adhere to the one that in the youth Tamerlan was the leader of the whole gang of peers and was engaged in robbery, where he was injured.

Political situation in Maverranakh

During his youth, Tamerlane Mverhananovr was weaging the conflict between local nomadic clans and saddled Chagatai Mongolian Khans that ruled them. Refused the nomadic life of Genghis Khan and other ancestors and to a large extent supported their urban lifestyle. Naturally, it raised his citizens.

In 1347, someone named Kazgan seized the power from the ruler of Chagatai Ulus. Casgan rules until his death in 1358. After the death of KazGAN, various military leaders and religious leaders sought power. Tugluk Timur, Mongolian commander, won in 1360.

Young Tamerlan gets and loses political influence

At this time, Uncle Timur Haji Bek headed the genus of the Barlasov, and he refused to submit to Tumuru's Tuguluk. Haji Beck escaped, and the new Mongolian ruler decided to establish instead of him, it would seem that more flexible young Tamerlan.

In fact, Tamerlan has already begun to build plans against legal khan. He entered into an alliance with the grandson of KazGAN - Emar Husain and married his sister. The latter pursued her personal goals, wanting to make his puppet from Tamerlan. In this case, he would not risen his head in the fight against Khan Tokhtamysh or any other chingizid planted on the throne in Saraj.

Quite soon, the goldside forces will overthrow Tamerlane and Emir Husina, and they are forced to hit the run and even go to the banditism to survive.

In 1362 Tamerlan loses almost all his retinue and even puts to prison in Persia for two months. Escape from prison attracts the attention of the Persian ruler and some people learned in Tamerlan's prisoner, in whose troops they had to fight. The soldiers remembered him as a fair and wise commander.

Start of climbing Tamerlana

The courage and tactical mastery of Tamerlane made him a successful hired soldier in Persia, and soon he had worked great authority. In 1364, Tamerlan and Emir Khusayen again united and defeated Ilyas Khoja, the son of Tugluk Timur. By 1366, two military orders controlled Maverranakh.

Tamerlana's wife died in 1370. She was the last factor that restrained him from getting rid of Emir Husaine, with whom there were more and more disagreements and treacherous actions. Emir Husain was besieged and killed in the city of Balkha, and Tamerlan declared himself the ruler of the entire region. Tamerlan was not a Genghisid (a generic descendant of Chingishana), so he rules as an emir (from the Arabic word "prince"), and not as Khan.

Over the next decade, Timur seized the rest of Central Asia.

Expansion of the Empire Tamerlan

Favoring Central Asia, Tamerlan invaded the Russian ulus in 1380. Tamerlan captured herat (the city in modern Afghanistan) in 1383, began a campaign against Persia. By 1385, all Persia was His.

In 1391 and 1395, Tamerlan struggled against his former protégé and legitimate Khan Golden Horde Takhtamysh. The thimurid army captured Moscow in 1395. While Tamerlan was busy in the north, Persia rebelled. The answer was harsh. He compracted entire cities with the ground and built a pyramid from the skulls of the rebels in their place.

By 1396, Tamerlan also won Iraq, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Mesopotamia and Georgia.

The Army of Tamerlane at 90,000 people crossed the Indian River in September 1398 and went to India. The country broke up into pieces after the death of Sultan Firuz Shah Tugluk (1351-1388) of the Delia Sultanate, and by this time, Bengal, Kashmir and Dean were individual rulers.

Turkic-Mongolian occupiers left a bloody trail on their way; The Delhi army was broken in December, and the city was destroyed. Tamerlan captured tons of treasures. 90 military elephants were fully loaded and sent back to Samarkand.

Tamerlan took the course to the West in 1399, returning Azerbaijan and conquering Syria. Baghdad was destroyed in 1401, and 20,000 people were killed. In July 1402, Timur seized early and conquered Egypt.

Last campaign Tamerlane and his death

The rulers of Europe were glad that Turkish Sultan Bayazid was defeated, but they trembled from the thought that Tamerlan was at their threshold. The rulers of Spain, France and other powers sent ambassadors with Tamerlane congratulatory letters, hoping to prevent an attack.

Nevertheless, Tamerlane had big plans. In 1404, he decided that he would capture China Dynasty Min. (Ethnic Han dynasty overthrew its cousins, yuan, in 1368).

Unfortunately for him, the army of Timurides came out in December, in an unusually cold winter.

Men and horses died from supercooling, and 68-year-old Timur fell ill. He died in February 1405 in the reflection, in Kazakhstan.

Tamerlan began life as the son of the secondary leader, as well as his intended ancestor of Genghis Khan. Thanks to pure intelligence, military skills and personality strength, he was able to win the empire stretching from Russia to India and from the Mediterranean Sea to Mongolia.

However, unlike Genghis Khan, Timur won not to open trade routes and not protecting its borders, but in order to rob and rob. The empire of Timuridov did not last long after the death of its founder, because Tamerlan was rarely worried about creating any government structure after he destroyed the existing order.

While Tamerlan was a faithful Muslim, he, obviously, did not experience any remorse from the destruction of cities and the destruction of their inhabitants. Damascus, Khiva, Baghdad ... These the ancient capital of the Islamic world never remained without attention to Tamerlane. His intention seemed to make it the capital in Samarkand the first city in the Islamic world.

Modern sources say that Tamerlana's troops killed about 19 million people during their conquests. This number is probably exaggerated, but Tamerlan seemed to love a massacre.

In the absence of Tamerlane

Despite the threat of a deadly execution from the conqueror, his sons and grandchildren immediately began to fight for the throne, when he died. The most successful ruler of Timuridov, the grandson of Tamerlane Welle-Beck, gained fame as an astronomer and a scientist. However, Hall was not a good administrator and was killed by his own son in 1449.

In India, the descendants of Tamerlan were more successful, his great-grandfather Babur founded the Mughal Dynasty in 1526. Mogola ruled until 1857, when the British expelled them. (Shah Jahan, the builder of the Taj Mahal, is also a descendant of Tamerlan).

Tamerlan's reputation

Tamerlana read in the west for victory over Ottoman Turks. This is confirmed by the works of Tamerlan Great Christopher Marlow and Tamerlan, Edgar Allen by.

It is not surprising that people of Turkey, Iran and the Middle East remember him less favorable.

In the post-Soviet Uzbekistan, Tamerlan was turned into a folk hero. However, residents of Uzbek cities, such as Hiva, are skeptical about this historical figure; They remember that he destroyed their city and killed almost every resident.

Tamerlan is one of the most famous in the history of the greatest conquerors. He was born in the family of a military, petty landowner. His race took place from the ancient and powerful Mongolian tribe of Barlasov. The date of his birth in different sources coincides with the year and month, but the number is different everywhere. Come to the overall conclusion, historians stopped on March 11, 1336.

The hometown of Tamerlan was Keshe, who was in Central Asia. The nearest surroundings of it were keen on the Mongolian tribe. The full name given to Tamerlan at birth was Timur Ibn Taragai Barlas. Giving similar names was an oldest Arab tradition. Translated from the Mongolian language, the name is as "iron" or the "iron"

The political activity of Tamerlane is rather similar to the biography of the great historical personality of the commander of Genghis Khan. Both were unique individuals, commander of personally gained groups of warriors. Tamerlan was well aware of all the details of the organization of military forces. Numerous troops were the support of the power of Tamerlane.

After the reign of the Great Khan, a large number of cultural values \u200b\u200bremained. He cared about prosperity not only the capital of the state, but also his hometown. Conquering a large number of land, Timur came from there standing masters, masters of their business, jewelers, builders and architects. With their help, he tried to rebuild and exalt the capital of his Khanate Samarkan.

It is worth noting that in the biography of Tamerlane, there was a very large number of amazing moments. Starting with the youth itself, Khan was fond of hunting, horseback connants, archery and throwing spears. His skills served as an example and support to many soldiers of his army. The restraint and courage of the commander could envy each, because the sobriety of his judgments played in the hands of the invaders. Positive traits of character helped to surround themselves with a large number of wise people.

The first information about Timur appeared in 1361 from reliable sources. It was during these years that he began his political activities. Until that time, Timur was not a Genghiside and officially could not wear the title of great Khan. He called himself "Emir", that is, the leader, the leader. Only in 1370, Han threatened with the House of Genghisids and took the new name Timur Gurkan, the latter was as "son-in". After rapprochement with Khana, he could easily live and rule in their homes.

It is worth noting that Great Khan died already in old age. But when his grave was opened, scientists of our time discovered quite interesting facts. The death of Nastagla Tamerlane in 69 years, but the structure of his remains indicates that he was no more than 50. The appearance of the conqueror is striking. He was a wonderful physique, high growth, and had a well-developed muscles. The small dryness of the forms pointed to the complete absence of obesity, but it is not surprising, because all his life he spent in the campaign sitting in the saddle.

The most important external difference from other Muslims was the preservation of the Tamerlane and his army custom Mongol - Kos. This can confirm the numerous drawings of the time and many manuscripts. Khan had a beard, which heed by the title, he could not cut. Some sources indicate that the leader may have painted his hair henna, so as to give them a light shade.

The formation of Tamerlane was commendable. He owned Persian, Turkic, Arab and Mongolian languages. This is confirmed by numerous documents and orders of the time found in the excavations. A large confirmation is the stone at which orders were given during the offensive for the Golden Horde in 1391. This historical value has been saved to today, it is in the Hermitage and presented in St. Petersburg.

Timur had 18 wives. It was the usual time. The most beloved of them was the daughter of Kazan-Khan and was a patroness of art and science. It was in honor of her mother in the capital of the country of Samarkand a large madrasa and mausoleum were built. In addition to the large number of wives, Hana also had 21 concubines attracted from many countries and tribes. Thanks to his wives who were daughters neighboring the territory of Khanov, Timur mastered the great power and respect for his person.

The ascent of Tamerlan on the throne was long and very thorny. After overthrowing from the throne, Khan Kazanana, the country began to rule his son, who was later killed. The region covered political anarchy. It was during these years that Timur entered the service to the Kesha rule. Later, Han appointed his manager of the entire cache region and was overthrown from his throne. After a while, Han Haji returned to his conquered place, and Timur had to run.

A lot of betrayal, dirt, the offensive suffered a great ruler for his life. He was repeatedly in captivity, he was going to sell, despite it, he was not despair. Thanks to all the wounded wounds and physical pain for their lives, Khan was very solid, calculating and harsh. Unfortunately, his actions did not find the continuation in his children, grandchildren and followers.

Until today, the personal belongings of the Great Khan Tamerlane have survived, but scattered throughout the mainland. They are stored in museums of many countries and are a heritage of historical culture. Tamerlan died on February 18, 1405 at the age of 69. His burial ground was opened in June 1941. Great Khan, the Timur conqueror, was one of the most majestic people who will forever remain in the history of many countries.