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In Vietnam, the rainy season begins in July and many travel agencies cease to sell trips to this fabulous country. But - a big country with a variety of climate and where at this time we can rest comfortably and find out.

Weather and the sea

On the northern coast of Vietnam July is the hottest and rainy month a year. In hot and afternoon, and at night 29-32 degrees, hot water (also almost 30 degrees) and muddy due to constant rainstorm. In Hyphon, similar weather, but more winds.

Northern regions distant from the sea, suitable places for recreation in July are difficult to call. In Hano, a little hotter than in Halong and there is no wind at all, there are constant rains.

Central regions of Vietnam in July are dry, and only sometimes short-term rains are going. In Hoyan is hot, the air warms up to 32 degrees, water 28 degrees, a refreshing breeze blowing from the sea. In Hue, the air is 33.2 degrees, the water is slightly more than 29 degrees. But at night, cold up to 25 degrees.

Note! In Danang, the same weather conditions, at night there are rains.

In the southern regions of Vietnam in July, very few vacationersIn Ho Chi Minh City, there are constant rains, stuffy and temperatures 31-32 degrees, there are no sea. In hot, but the nights are cool - 23 degrees. Fukuok Island also pours rains, there is practically no sunny day, temperature 31 degrees and above. In Muin, it often waits, but sunny days are not uncommon, air temperature is 33-34 degrees, night 24, water on average 27.6 degrees.

At one of the main resorts of Vietnam - in - In the middle of July, the beach season continues, the air temperature is + 34-36 ° C in the afternoon, at night it becomes cooler and the humidity + 24-25 degrees increases. The sea is warm + 27-29 ° C almost until the end of the month, then begins to cool. The rains are, but they come in the evening and at night.

Useful video about the rainy season

Things to do?

In Central Vietnam, you can swim, sunbathe, the sea is very warm, though not so calm as in other months. Lovers of gastronomic tourism will get to save money in the wallet - this month is considered a low season, in the markets and in restaurants prices are reduced.

Ride and attend sights will also be profitable, the main thing to get on the day without rains, which is also a lot. For example, in Hanoi inspect the Ho Chi Mine Museum and admire the Lake Turtles.

Where better to rest?

For rest in July, the central regions with their warm climate and dry weather are most suitable. Choose Danang, Hoyan or Hue for and not mistaken.

At the same time, if the weather conditions are not frightened, and the large cluster of holidaymakers you do not like to go to Southern Vietnam. In the capital of Vietnam Hanoi hot (33 degrees) And there is solar weather, but there are no seas there, but many attractions that will be able to explore without any fuss.

In Nha Trang is also hotBut the heat transferred is good due to the lack of humidity, so this city can also be recommended for rest in July, the main thing is not to walk at lunch in the bake.

Tours and vouchers

Arriving in Vietnam in July you can save cool, the high season came to the end and prices are significantly reduced. Two standing tour 60-100 thousand rubles. Flight 20-28 thousand rubles.

Hotels Prices

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Accommodation can be removed from 150-200 thousand dong (350-500 rubles) per daybut it will be a slight room, average rooms in hotels on average 350 thousand dongs per day.

July is a very good month for rest in Vietnam, the main thing is to choose those resorts where the shins do not interfere with the hikes on the beach and walking tourism. Recreation less, tours are cheaper than in other months, and pleasures can be obtained even more, especially if you love the night rain outside the window. And do not forget Vietnam the country is big, you will not like the weather in one city, move to another.

Save yourself to not forget!

In Central Vietnam in July, there is little precipitation, the cloudiness variable is hot. Beach Lang Co.

Weather in July in south of Vietnam

July in South Vietnam is located in the middle of the wet season, but he is not the rainy month here. The amount of precipitation is about 300 mm. This is less than in May and in August.

Air temperature 25-30 ° C. Water temperature 27-29 ° C. Here July is not as heavy for a month in the climate, as in North Vietnam. Short-term rains go in the afternoon after 15-16 hours. In the first half of the day it is usually sunny or clouded.

In July, the weather in Nha Trang is a bit different from the weather in the rest of the southern Vietnam, because it is closer to the central part of the country, where there is still a dry season at this time. The days with rains are less here than, for example, in Goshihin or in Vungtau. The total amount of precipitation for the month on average is 26 mm, which is quite a bit. Rains short. Cloudiness does not interfere with the rest and tanning, but softens the heat. Air temperature 26-33 ° C (night-day), sea water warms up to 28-29 ° C.

If you see what July was in Nha Trang in 2015 and in 2016, it will be discovered that in both years this month there were small precipitation and 1-2 times thunderstorms. The wind was from a quiet to moderate and occasionally, to fresh. Visibility in most days was 20 km, which indicates the clarity of air. Further on decades, the temperature of the air at night and day, as well as the average humidity. At first for July 2015.
The 1st decade: at night it was 26-28 ° C, during the day 31-35 ° C, humidity 62%.
The 2nd decade: at night it was 24-28 ° C, during the day 31-34 ° C, the humidity is 68%.
The 3rd decade: at night there were 25-26 ° C, during the day 31-32 ° C, the humidity is 71%.
Now for 2016 for decades, the air temperature at night and day, as well as the average humidity.
The 1st decade: at night it was 26-28 ° C, during the day 29-33 ° C, the humidity is 70%.
The 2nd decade: at night there were 25-28 ° C, during the day 31-32 ° C, the humidity is 72%.
The 3rd decade: at night there were 25-27 ° C, during the day 31-34 ° C, the humidity is 74%.
Thus, in July 2016, in this resort city, it was a little wetter than in July 2015 the temperature regime was about the same. As for the temperature of sea water, it is almost the same in the same month in different years.
Next, July 2017 in decades. Air temperature at night and day and middle air humidity.
The 1st decade: at night there were 24-27 ° C, during the day 32-34 ° C, humidity 67%.
The 2nd decade: at night it was 25-27 ° C, during the day 30-33 ° C, the humidity is 77 %%.
The 3rd decade: at night there were 25-28 ° C, during the day 31-35 ° C, the humidity is 74%.
It can be seen that in July 2017, the temperature of July was preserved at the level of last year's level. Air humidity in decades differed slightly, but in general, the difference is small in the month.
The analysis was carried out on the basis of weather data in the Nha Trang Airport.

Weather in Muin and a fantial is about the same as in Nha Trang, but in July humidity and rains in it a little more. The air temperature is 25-33 ° C (night-day). Sea water temperature 29 ° C. The number of solar shine hours per day - 5.

If more specifically consider the weather in Muin / Phantget and compare with Nha Trang, then the picture in July 2017 is next.
The air temperature in the afternoon here was slightly higher. Air humidity in the first two decades differed slightly from Nlychangovskaya. But in the 3rd decade, it was 10% higher than that of the northern neighbor. The wind was stronger.
Further, for clarity, in decades, the temperature, the average humidity and the number of days with rains.
The 1st decade: at night it was 24-26 ° C, during the day 32-35 ° C, the humidity is 72%. Days with rain - 3. One day the rain was average intensity, in two others - very weak.
The 2nd decade: at night there were 25-27 ° C, during the day 31-35 ° C, the humidity is 76%. Days with rain - 3. Here also in one day the rain was average intensity, in two others - very weak.
The 3rd decade: at night it was 26-27 ° C, during the day 31-35 ° C, the humidity is 84%. This decade was rainy. There were 7 days with rain, and three - average intensity, three - weak, and on July 31 a strong shower happened.

In the city of Ho Chi Minh City, July is the third month of the wet season. The amount of precipitation in different years happens from 120 (rarely) to 350 mm for the entire month. Air temperature 25-30 ° C. Air humidity 80%. Sunny hours per month 170-200.

July on Fukuok Island is a wet season peak and a low tourist season. The amount of precipitation grows up to 500 mm - there is more only on average Vietnam in October-November. The number of days when it is raining is also large - 22 days. But, often on such days after the rains, the sun is overlooked. Air humidity 86%. The average monthly air temperature from April to July is reduced by only one degree. In July, it is 24-30 ° C (night-day). Water temperature 29 ° C. Moderate winds (15 km / h).

On the island of Kondao in July it is worth the wet season. The amount of precipitation for the month is 230 mm, it is more than in June, but less than in August. Air temperature at night and during the day: 25 ° C and 30 ° C, respectively. Days with rains 15. Sea water temperature 27-29 ° C.

Weather in July in Vietnam's middle part

In the central (average) Vietnam in July continues the dry season. The amount of precipitation is 110 mm. It is dry hot weather with short irrelevant rains. The average air temperature in July is 30-32 ° C. The temperature of the water is 26-28 ° degrees.

In this region, the most appropriate beach holiday destination in July is Hoian. Here is more calm than in Danang, the situation. Part of hotels removed from the city a few kilometers and
Located along the beach.

In Dananga and Hoian, the air temperature is usually within 25-34 ° C, the average of 30 ° C. The lowest air temperature of July for the entire observation period here was 18 ° C, the highest 38 ° C. The amount of precipitation is 86 mm. Air humidity 75% (the lowest indicator per year). The number of solar shine hours per day about 8. Sea water temperature 27-29 ° C.

Weather in July in North Vietnam

By the number of precipitation in the northern part of Vietnam July is in second place after August - on average, 350 mm. A few days of sunny weather alternate with a few days of rainy weather. The temperature is the highest in the year - 33 ° C. In the north of the summer months, even a little hot than in the south of the country. The seasons here are more pronounced than in Central Vietnam (in South Vietnam, the difference is practically not visible).
For a rest, this month is suitable little due to rain, high humidity and heat. Perhaps here is the most sorty of time.

In the same Hanoi in July, the amount of precipitation is the largest per year, it is 280-450 mm. The number of rainy days (more than 5 mm per day) - 10-12. Air humidity 79%. Air temperature - 26-33 ° C, average 29 ° C. The lowest air temperature of July for the entire observation period here was 22 ° C, the highest 40 ° C.

On the coast of Northern Vietnam, the weather in July is about the same as in all Northern Vietnam: medium and strong rains, hot. Water in the sea of \u200b\u200bfundament to 29 ° C. Temperature regime and the amount of precipitation in Halong is approximately the same as in Hanoi and other places remote from the sea. The differences are the winds. If in the cool winter they are unpleasant, then in hot summer, light breeze brings some comfort. Therefore, Hanoi residents on weekends are saved here from the metropolitan stick.

In a mountain sappa in July, air temperature range 18-23 ° C, the average temperature of 21 ° C. This is much cooler than in the valleys. Monthly precipitation, along with August, the largest per year - 480 mm, air humidity 88%. The number of solar shine hours per day is less than 4.

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Here, by the customer of tourist services that are part of the tourist product, and an authorized representative of persons (tourists) specified in the application, I agree to the agent and its authorized representatives for the processing of my data and data of persons (tourists) contained in the application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport details listed in the passport; address of accommodation and registration; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; As well as any other data relating to my personality and personality of the persons listed in the application, in the amount of necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those who are part of the tourist product formed by the tour operator, for any action (operation) or a set of action ( operations) committed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the application, including (without restrictions) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), Defending, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without using such funds meets the nature of action (about PERIOTIES), performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, to carry out in accordance with a given algorithm, the search for personal data recorded on the material carrier and contained in card files or other systematized personal data meetings, and / or access to such personal data, and Also on the transfer (including transboundary) of these personal data to the tour operator and third partners to the partners of the agent and the tour operator.

Processing of personal data is carried out by the agent and its authorized representatives (tour operator and direct executors of services) in order to fulfill this Agreement (including, depending on the terms of the contract, in order to execute travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation and carriers, data transfer to Consulate of a foreign state, permit complaints with their occurrence, submission of information to authorized state bodies (including at the request of the courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data transferred by me is reliable and can be treated with an agent and its authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the agent and the tour operator to send me emails / informational messages to the email address specified by me and / or the mobile number.

I hereby confirm the existence of my authority to provide personal data of the persons listed in the application, and make an obligation to compensate to the agent any costs associated with the lack of relevant authority, including losses related to the sanctions of the auditory authorities.

I agree (for) with the fact that the text given by me on his own will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the application, the consent to the processing of personal data is kept in electronic form in the database and / or on paper and confirms the fact of consent For processing and transferring personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This agreement is given for an indefinite period and may be with me at any time, and in the part of the swinging specific person, the subject of the personal data specified in the application specified by the person, by sending a written notice to the address of the agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights, as a subject of personal data, are clarified by agent and understand me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of the Review of this consent are clarified by the agent and I understand.

This consent is an application of this application.

Consent to the processing of personal data

Here, by the customer of tourist services that are part of the tourist product, and an authorized representative of persons (tourists) specified in the application, I agree to the agent and its authorized representatives for the processing of my data and data of persons (tourists) contained in the application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport details listed in the passport; address of accommodation and registration; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; As well as any other data relating to my personality and personality of the persons listed in the application, in the amount of necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those who are part of the tourist product formed by the tour operator, for any action (operation) or a set of action ( operations) committed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the application, including (without restrictions) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), Defending, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without using such funds meets the nature of action (about PERIOTIES), performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, to carry out in accordance with a given algorithm, the search for personal data recorded on the material carrier and contained in card files or other systematized personal data meetings, and / or access to such personal data, and Also on the transfer (including transboundary) of these personal data to the tour operator and third partners to the partners of the agent and the tour operator.

Processing of personal data is carried out by the agent and its authorized representatives (tour operator and direct executors of services) in order to fulfill this Agreement (including, depending on the terms of the contract, in order to execute travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation and carriers, data transfer to Consulate of a foreign state, permit complaints with their occurrence, submission of information to authorized state bodies (including at the request of the courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data transferred by me is reliable and can be treated with an agent and its authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the agent and the tour operator to send me emails / informational messages to the email address specified by me and / or the mobile number.

I hereby confirm the existence of my authority to provide personal data of the persons listed in the application, and make an obligation to compensate to the agent any costs associated with the lack of relevant authority, including losses related to the sanctions of the auditory authorities.

I agree (for) with the fact that the text given by me on his own will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the application, the consent to the processing of personal data is kept in electronic form in the database and / or on paper and confirms the fact of consent For processing and transferring personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This agreement is given for an indefinite period and may be with me at any time, and in the part of the swinging specific person, the subject of the personal data specified in the application specified by the person, by sending a written notice to the address of the agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights, as a subject of personal data, are clarified by agent and understand me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of the Review of this consent are clarified by the agent and I understand.

This consent is an application of this application.

Ended the ideal months of months such as March, April and May. By July, the entire territory of Vietnam will dip in constant suffocating heat. And in the northern and southern edges to critical temperature indicators (above +33 degrees), almost one hundred percent humidity with rains is added. Especially hard such a period is postponed in North Vietnam, here July is the most shower of the hot month of the year. But in the central Vietnam dry and warm. Although no, hot! On the beach, without risk to burn, do not lie.

Northern Vietnam in July.

In the north of Vietnam, suffocating heat with almost imperceptible daily temperature drops (average daily air temperature +33 degrees). That is, here and at night do not extend. Most of the month are constant rain. Water on the coast warms up to +30 degrees. But due to constant rains and winds, coastal waters are very muddy. Not the best time for your holiday.

In the Hanoi area, the average air temperature ranges within +33 degrees, often during the day the thermometer rises above +35 degrees. "Joy" add almost everyday rain and lack of at least some breeze. Very stuffy.

The coast (Halong) is a little easier due to wind, and the average temperatures here for a couple of degrees below the capital. Water frequent up to +30 degrees. It seems well, only because of the rains and squall winds, the water is very muddy, frequent strong unrest with the threat of flooding of coastal territories.

The coolest destination of the entire Northern Vietnam is a sap with its average temperatures in the area of \u200b\u200b+23 degrees. But here are constant rains do not allow to enjoy
surrounding nature.

Central Vietnam in July.

The only region where the rains are practically no center of the country. The sun shines the whole day, the average temperature is kept in the area of \u200b\u200b+32 degrees, the weather is free to +28 degrees. Rain occasionally come, but are short-term and most often go closer in the late afternoon. The wind is also there, but more in the form of lung cooling brins from the sea. The perfect picture for the perfect holiday.

Due to the fact that the sun shines almost all day, on the beach, sunbathing should be carefully.

The most comfortable resort of the center of Vietnam is Hoian. Here the temperatures are slightly lower than regional, about +31. And small winds from the sea are cooled by a meal heat. By evening, there may be a small rain shed.

In Danang, the overall picture is about the same as in Hoyan, only the sediments fall more likely.

In Nha Trang, the dry season is practically no rain. The average air temperature is +31 degrees, water - +28 degrees.

South Vietnam in July.

In the south, July is the middle month of the wet season: abundant precipitation, high humidity, high humidity and, as a result, is a stuff. True, in the north the situation is even worse.
Due to the remoteness of Ho Chip from the sea, the average temperature here is approximately +33 degrees. At night, not much cool. There is almost no wind. Abundant rains go almost every second day.

Less dry in Muin, the sun heats the air to +31 degrees, free water to +29

But the island of Fukuok literally covered with tightening rain rains. They come here almost every day. Air temperature - +32 degrees (average). There is almost no wind. Wet and stuffy. Not everyone dares to rest on the island during this period.

Total: In June, it is best to rest on average (central) Vietnam, especially in Nha Trang or Hoyan. Here is sunny, there is almost no heat and rains. The most uncomfortable places are two capitals of the country: Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh. Critical temperatures, a large precipitation wheel, lack of wind and stuff.