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How cacti growing from seeds. Growing cacti from seeds at home the dates for the landing. Suitable time for sowing

Typically, the cultivation of cacti from seeds is practiced in breeding work, since these plants perfectly multiply in a vegetative way. But it is quite possible to grow cacti from seeds and at home, nothing complicated in this agrotechnical procedure. On how to grow cactus from seeds, you can learn from the proposed material. It is told about the necessary tool and equipment, the preparation of landing material and the organization of care for seedlings. A description of the entire process of reproduction is repentable to repeat this work to each flower. Before you grow cacti from seeds at home, you need to prepare everything you need and be patient, since the initial growth and development of these cultures will be very slow. Cacti-grown cacti at home can first give only 5-6 years later. And in the rest, the cacti seeds are not very difficult.

How to germinate and sow seeds cacti

Before planting cactus from seeds, you should make sure that this variety or type does not give genetic mutations. If he retains all the varietal signs, the process will be fascinating. The only thing before sowing cacti seeds must be followed by several basic rules. So the seeds of cacti germinate, in accordance with the nature of the growth of these plants in general, slowly; Seedlings are also developing slowly. In addition, although the seeds need moisture and heat, on the other hand, the seedlings of cacti are very susceptible to fungal diseases. Therefore, when sowing seeds, it is necessary to maintain the required humidity and at the same time strive to prevent the appearance of fungal diseases. About how to germinate seeds of cacti, described in detail in this article further on the page. Sowing seed cacti on a larger scale or reproduction of particularly difficult, slowly growing cacti, having very small seeds, should be carried out only with experienced cactus fans. The information you need can be found in special literature. However, to try to propagate the seeds with suitable types of cacti - for example, fast-growing column-like cactis - may if there are novice lovers in the presence of simple means. The seed is an interesting sight for surveillance, besides, a special attitude remains to grown with his own hands from seeds. Therefore, it is further given some recommendations for sowing seed cacti.

What do cacti seeds look like (with photos)

Specialized stores offer many a variety of cacti seeds. Usually, for its first attempt, newcomers are chosen either a mixture of seeds of different varieties, or seeds of fast-growing column-like cacti or seeds blooming several years after planting of species, such as reboots. You need to know how the seeds of the cacti of the species of interest and variety look like, otherwise it is not avoiding frustration in the future. Of course, you can also sow seeds obtained from another cacti lover. For sowing should use seeds that kept no more than one or two years. To prevent possible damage to shoots with fungal infections, seeds before sowing must be cleaned of possible residues of the pulp of fruits. For this, larger seeds are poured into the length of the tea of \u200b\u200btea, and smaller in the bag of linen fabric and are thoroughly washed them in warm water, after which they scatter on paper and dried. See how the seeds of the cactus look like - the photo shows the seating material of different groups of these plants:

Before planting seeds of cacti, prepare the soil and dishes

First we prepare the soil and dishes. Cacti seeds can be sung in low wide or plated, for example, from the styrene. Before planting seeds of cacti, dishes wash hot water. On a drainage hole, which, if necessary, can be done in the bottom of the pot of a pencil, put a convex clay shard. Then the 2/3 container is filled, which should be especially loose and, if possible, contain more coarse sand or perlite. Started, which means that a well-disinfected soil mixture provides the best protection against fungal diseases, but it is not necessary to do. Over the soil poured a layer of broken brick, crushed basalt (lava) or coarse sand with a layer of 0.5 cm. This material is first sifted to grain 1-2 mm, then washed to remove all small dust particles, dried and then scattered on the surface of the soil in a blue As a result, this layer will not be a nutrient medium for randomly germinating pathogens.

Reproduction of cacti seeds in mini greenhouse

The reproduction of cacti seeds in mini-greenhouse has a lot of advantages, since favorable conditions are created for germinating planting material. The seeds of most cacti germinate especially well at a temperature of from 20 to 25 ° C. Night decrease in temperature to 15 ° C is often useful, but the cooler conditions or temperature above 35 ° C slow down or generally suspend the germination of seeds.

Maintain the desired temperature is easiest in the mini-greenhouse for growing seedlings, for the bottom of which a special low-power heating electrocabyl is laid.

The most convenient mini-tubers with a thermostat, allowing to regulate the temperature, but the need for this occurs only when the room temperature is observed in the room.
Of course, additional heating is optional in the case when mini-greenhouse stands in a heated residential room, for example, on the windowsill under the central heating battery, where the required temperature is constantly maintained. Due to the covered cover inside the greenhouse, the higher humidity of the air is also achieved. Since the seeds of cacti for germination are needed, mini-greenhouse must be placed in a bright place, for example, on the windowsill overlooking the north or east of the window. However, it should not be in the sun, that is, on a sunny southern or western window, since intensive solar radiation very quickly heats the air inside a small closed space to critical values. Although the seeds of cacti for germination are desirable, but it should be soft, not bright sunny.

Sowing cacti seeds

When sowing seeds of cacti must be evenly distributed over the surface of the substrate. For this, the paper sheet is folded in half, the seeds are poured into the formed groove, after which the seeds tilted with a slight tapping on a slightly tilted, seeds one on the surface of the soil.
Since cacti develops slowly and grow better in the community, the seeds are sown relatively densely. As a reference, it can be indicated that approximately 20 seeds of cacti are seeded on the surface of the soil in a thickness of 2 x 2 cm.
After sowing cacti, the seeds are slightly pressed into the soil using any item with a smooth surface, such as a match box. Since the seeds of cacti for germination are needed, they are not sprinkled from above.

After that, the seeds and the substrate must be moistened. Of course, it is impossible to make from the watering can, since in this case the seeds will be washed from the surface of the soil of water. Therefore, the covered seeds are placed in the container-filled water and hold there until the substrate is well soaked in moisture to the uppermost layer. For the prevention of fungal diseases for you can use a 0.05% quinosole solution (1 tablet on 2 liters of water). Hinosol is a mild disinfectant. In conclusion, the sowing plates or pots are placed in mini-greenhouse, where, due to the transparent plastic lid, the necessary humidity of the substrate will be maintained.

Germination of cacti seed after landing

During germination after the substrate should not disappear. The temperature is best monitored using a minimum maximum thermometer.
Seeds of many cacti germinate for two weeks. It is interesting to observe how small green balls begin to appear on the surface of the soil and two well-labeled seedlies develop, between which the stem cactus is formed.
When most seeds are wasting, the mini-greenhouse cover is slightly lifted to reduce air humidity, and at the same time the danger of fungal infection. After three or four months, the plates with seedlings can be removed from the greenhouse. Now they must be placed in bright and slightly sunny - however, not in the bright sun - place; Since in natural conditions, the seedlings of cacti grow in the light shadow of adult cacti or under the protection of higher surrounding vegetation. Seedlings are best to develop in a bang, where they sprouted. Now, between the next irrigation irrigation, the soil should be slightly sinking, however, despite this, the seedlings need to water more often than adult cacti, because for sowing seeds it is used relatively more loose soil mixture, and the roots of seedlings are not very well developed. Watering and in the future should be reached below. So that the seedlings grew up healthy, and the substrate was not lined up, potassium phosphate (1 g per 2 liters of water) can be added to the watering water.


When the seedlings begin to form a dense pillow in a bang (Kurtin), they must be signed in fresh soil.

At the same time, the substrate in the boardingwheel or pot must be dry, then it easily disintegrates and makes it possible to extract seedlings without damage. Young plants that have a diameter of about 0.5 cm by this time, are not searched in separate small pots, but sit down to the larger pots or a rig.

The dishes for planting young plants are filled with a relatively dry ordinary soil mixture for cacti. Then a pencil or a pointed chopstick makes a deepening, placed a seeder in it and be careful with all sides of the soil.
Seedlings planted from each other at a distance equal to approximately three-time diameter of young plants. After seedlings contain in warm, shaded place; They cautiously watered immediately after transplanting, but only a few days later, when they taught, perhaps the damage to the roots. When seedlings are rooted in fresh soil, - about a week later, they are again transferred to the bright, slightly pronted from the direct sunlight place. Now the plants grow and develop relatively quickly and without any problems.

How to plant cacti seeds in a closed polyethylene package (with video)

Some cactiuses achieve good results using a simple seed seed cacti method. Before entering cactuses, seeds, pots or wreck are filled, as described above, well-steerled soil mixture, and fall asleep on top of a layer of sterile material, such as sand, perlite, crushed basalt or pumice. Then, the seeds of cacti are sown to the surface of the substrate and the crops are thoroughly poured, adding any fungicidal preparation to water, such as chinoseol.
After the flow of excess water from the pot, it is placed inside the hermetic (not having holes) of the plastic bag, they tie it and put it or hang in a light, but not sunny place.
Since moisture in a closed polyethylene package cannot evaporate, crops do not need constant control and can be provided by themselves for a quarter of the year. The decisive moment for the successful receipt of seedlings in this method of sowing is the elimination of fungal infections.

After three or four months, the packages open, slightly dry the substrate in the plates and dive seedlings, as described above. This simple way of sowing cacti is necessarily trying to try, first of all, in the case when received - for example, from a familiar amateur-cactus - many seeds of some particularly hardy look. Look at how to properly multiply cactus seeds - all complex technical coins of sowing, dive and organization of seedlings are demonstrated on video.

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This is the most difficult and most interesting way to reproduce cacti. It is from the seeds that grow the strongest and beautiful copies.

When sow cacti

Theoretically, you can sow cacti all year round, it all depends on what methods and how full you will be able to provide seedlings the necessary conditions - light and heat. Therefore, from a technical point of view, it is more convenient to sow cacti at the end of winter, early spring: days are increasing, more than the sun, the heating is still inclusive, it means that it is warm in the room and you can use the batteries for seeding.

Where to get seeds of cacti

1. In the usual flower store, mixtures of seeds of various types of cacti, such as Gavrish Cactus Fidget, are sold. Suitable for beginner cactusists, because cheap and angrily - in the mixture the most unpretentious species (mummilia, reboot, echinocacts, parodies).

2. In online stores sell seeds in mixes and various types separately. According to the appearance of seeds, it is usually impossible to determine their accuracy or freshness. And since many suppliers for seed prices are rather big, it is necessary to purchase them only in online stores with a flawless reputation (read reviews about stores). When ordering, pay attention to the minimum order amount (if you manage to cooperate with friends, you can save on delivery).

3. Get seeds yourself if you already have blossoming cacti of one species.

How to get seeds from your cacti

For the recovery, you need to have two cactus, unrelated to each other, i.e. Those who themselves were grown from cuttings or from seeds of different plants. The flowers from where the pollen will be taken, must be completely blossomed, pollen should be very easy to separate, so that it can be gathered on a cotton ball or brush. Pollen from one blooming cactus is transferred to the flower of the other, as a result, a berry is formed at the flower place after a while.

For high-quality seeds, the berry should be evaluated. Then she carefully cleaned and get seeds that can be stored in paper bag, without forgetting to sign the name of the cactus and the date of receipt of the seed.

How to germinate cacti seeds

Conditions for germination of cacti seeds

For a successful germination of seeds of cacti, many species, a temperature is needed in the afternoon about + 26 ° -30 ° C, at night below 7-10 ° C. Moderate humidity of the soil (not damp, not dry, but a slightly humid) and high humidity.

But as soon as the seeds are good, urgently the need for the third and main growth factor - lighting. And the lighting should be very good!

Growth stimulants that have proven very well in the rooting of the cuttings and the germination of seeds of other indoor plants, rarely apply for cacti, since their effect is not fully studied for these plants. If you want to try such a tool, it is better to apply it to some one cactus, and not on the entire collection.

What and where to sow seeds

For the extension and growing seeds, it is better to use a special greenhouse that can be purchased in the store or make yourself. But if you make it possible to make it easier or buy greenhouse, then the seeds are simply sized into the flame.

Drainage is poured onto the bottom of the plane (wide tray, low drawer), about 7-10 mm high. Then the layer of loose sheet of land is about 2 cm high and a layer of well washed river sand, about 1.5-2 cm high. Pre-drainage is blown in boiling water, and the soil and sand are knitted in the oven or warm up in the microwave for disinfection. Sand for sowing is suitable only river, not from the sandbox and necessarily sinking from dust. It is desirable that the particle sizes were 1-3 mm. The rapid and / or very small sand after wetting is drunk, sticks out and forms a dense crust. It does not allow the desens of the seedlings to breathe, they quickly die.

Before sowing seeds of cacti needs to be disinfected. To do this, it is easiest to use 3% of hydrogen peroxide, just soak seeds for 5-10 minutes.

Seeds are sown to the depth recommended for a particular type. Seeds with a size of up to 3 mm, especially small, dust-like not sprinkled with sand, sow directly on the surface. Seeds are bigger, you can sow a depth of no more than 3 mm in the grooves. Seying cacti is either manually, choosing each seed separately, or very small seeds sprinkle on the sand surface with a pinch. It is advisable to sow seeds, which are very much and in germination, it is not sorry to disorders. If the seeds are rare or their limited quantity, squeeze each separately.

By the way, the most experienced cactusists of our forum have already shared their secrets.

Cash care

Here the seeds are sown, now they need to spray from the sprayer. It must be configured so that the water jet formed is not formed, but only the smallest droplets. When moisturizing from the sprayer, the seeds are naturally deepened in the sand, and the soil is blurred.

In the literature, we often encounter recommendations to water sowing or seedlings by immersion of a rig into the water, this recommendation is usually reprinting with old books published in those times when spray guns for flowers have not yet been on the counters of flower shops, and watering from the watering can threatened and hope. Therefore, forget about the usual watering - it is best to spray one or twice a day.

A flame or bin with crops need to be covered with glass or food film so that the air humidity is saved quite high. Carrying to spend a minimum twice a day. Regular ventilation is a prerequisite for the normal germination and growth of seedlings. During ventilation, condensate from the film or glass should be removed. The fact is that moisture is needed high, but not 100%, and condensate can lead to a short circuit if the lamp is inside the greenhouse.

By the way, with high humidity, which is created in a greenhouse or covered with glass, the blue-green algae inevitably appear. It looks like a greening sand or wall plates. Blue-green algae themselves are not harmful, but they can form a dense crust on the surface of the substrate, overlapping oxygen, and just annoy. To reduce the formation of greenery (get rid of completely unreal) need systematic ventilation. You can loosen the sand in the rivers of crops. If the greenery formed a lot, it is easier to part cacti in fresh soil.

The time required for germination depends on the type of cacti. One thing is necessary for several days, others will germinate a month or even a few months. Terms of germination dependes on the period of storage of seeds. Usually fresh seeds germinate faster than those kept for more than a year. After the seeds are going, they are seedlings with two well-pronounced seedlings characteristic of all cacti, so they are very difficult to immediately determine how the cactus.

If you know that the seeds should already go, but this does not happen, the seeds lie strong and healthy in appearance, you can use a way that has practiced many cactusists. The plane with seeds is rearranged into a cooler seat and does not water until the soil is dry. Two weeks or more weeks, the seeds come back in a warm place and water. Such a procedure stimulates the germination of seeds. In some cases, about seeds in a blue should be forgotten for six months or a year, to remove into a dry place at a moderate temperature. Repeat attempt next spring. Part of the seed can take, however, there will be less strong plants from this party.

To grow cacti from seeds, you need a lower heating (soil heating), for germination, most needed temperatures of about 30 ° C. The easiest way to put a flame with seeds on the electric facility. You can also on the battery if sowing is carried out in the heating season. But as soon as the seeds are sprouting, installing lighting over them. There is one more option - thermal terrarium, or thermoshur. There are thermoses for fully ground terrariums, 3 or more meters long. It is convenient if the plantations are large. The only note is: it is necessary to progress and regularly check the temperature of the soil of the thermometer.

The coverage of cacti seedlings is a very important point. Everyone without exception seedlings are very demanding to light. If it is missing, the kids are pulled out, sore, they are sick, die. Even on the southern windowsill, in most cases of light for seedlings is not enough. Thinking out and pour in advance with lamps or lamps. It is necessary to place them so that the distance from crops to the luminescent lamp (lamps) was no more than 10 cm. It is better to use the tube lamps - with them the lighting is more uniform. Lighting duration 8-12 hours.

Sometimes a seeder appeared as if she lies on his side, and young roots stick out to the side. It is necessary to do a thin stick, you can make a pencil under the roots of the hole, and the sighter lift so that the roots are in this pit, it is not necessary to press the earth, it will be fixed in the soil or sand itself.

The seedman appeared, but the adhesive shell of the seed does not want to separate from the sprout - it happens quite often - it is necessary to neatly remove the residues of the shell, if it holds too hard, then the sighter can have to be removed from the soil to remove the shell.

One of the seedlings was loaded - urgently test all the remaining seedlings, and the deceased to remove together with a nose of the Earth or the sand, which surrounded him. If another sighter dies, then you must immediately dive all the remaining seedlings into a new disinfected soil.

Picking seedlings cacti

The question is when to spend the first picking is quite controversial among cactusists. Some advise to dive after the appearance of the first barns, others determine the time - in a year or two. The fact is that seedlings of cacti grow differently - some species are very slow, others like on yeast. In addition, growth rate depends on the conditions - grown in greenhouse in warmth, with good light and high humidity, grow much faster than without heating and lights. Well, the sweener of the hands (the work is thin) is also an important factor. Kids are easy to injure, more likelihood loss of part of crops. Therefore, sometimes it is more correct to endure slow matters, but save crops safely.

I follow the advice of experienced practitioners, dive my seedlings for the first time after the seedlings appear something similar to the spines or even hairs. Frequent dive, on average after a half - two months, significantly accelerates growth asking. Thus, I drank my cacti 6 times in the first year of life, and the next year it was almost adult plants, and no dick was carried out, but rather a transshipment into fresh soil in spring and in the middle of summer. But sometimes due to the bright growth of blue-green algae had to dive unscheduled.

Cacti seedlings picking rules

  1. It is impossible to extrude seedlings from the soil for the top. They neatly dug up, but keep a sighter better with your fingers, and not a metal tweezers. You can use tweezers if the rubber tubes from the dropper should be put on the ends. It is necessary to handle the seedlings, each, even a microscopic wound can be destructive for him.
  2. Before picking the soil is moistened, and deepening are made in it. An outlined seedman is transferred to a new place together with a lump of soil. The soil does not water, but only sprinkles. The rig is covered with glass and is under the same conditions, i.e. Heated and light, as before.
  3. If you want to remove seedlings from heating, then you need to do this no earlier than two weeks after the dive.

Many flower flowers prefer not to buy houseplants in the store, but to grow them on their own at home. The advantage of plants grown houses is that it is possible to create the best conditions and get healthy strong plants for your collection. In addition, it is less expensive than to acquire plants in a specialized store every time.

Growing plants independently, you can get even rare varieties and clean lines of room colors. Cacti from the seed can also be raised at home. The main thing to comply with all the recommendations on cultivation.

Growing cacti from seeds

Each can grow from seed cactus at home. The process does not require high costs and special knowledge, and if everything is done correctly, then new specimens will appear in the home flower garden. An important role in the cultivation of cacti at home is the time of sowing seeds.

The most favorable is the middle and end of February. In February, the light day is already more prolonged and the sun's rays are already well perturbed. Experienced flowerflowers when growing cacti use professional tools - special lamps, greenhouses. But cactus can be raised using infirred materials.

Preparation for sowing

Cactus seeds for successful germination will require greenhouse conditions. Therefore, the most suitable package for this is the packaging from the cake. It is wide, comfortable, the lid should be transparent. You can buy mini greenhouses in the Garden Store. All planting tanks - pallets and covers need to be thoroughly washed out with the household soap and wipe with a cotton swab, moistened in manganese.

Such processing will prevent the development of mold and fungi in the soil, which can cause significant harm to the seeds and seedlings. In the bottom of the pallet you need to pierce the holes in order to water the plants later through it. After the preparation of planting containers, proceed to the preparation of the soil for cacti.

It is pre-disinfected by a solution of mangalls or placed in a hot oven. Soil can be purchased in the store, it must be intended for cacti.

Sowing seeds

The greenhouse is filled with soil. The thickness of the layer must be 2-4 cm, it will be enough. Before sowing, the soil is poured from the pallet with a boiled water temperature of about 50 degrees. With the help of the line you need to brush the soil, and then cut the grooves after 1.5-2 cm.

Seeds are sown with an interval of 1 cm, it is possible to make it a toothpick moistened in water or needle. After sowing, the seeds do not need to sprinkle the earth. If they are different varieties, it is better to sung in different greenhouses, well, or in the extreme case divided one in half a paper partition.

After sowing, the chubble cover is tightly closed and put on the windowsill. Shoots will appear in about 3-10 days.

After the appearance of germs, it is necessary to care for them to care for cactuses grow healthy and strong.

Catching Cacti

To grow cacti at home you need not only to sow seeds, but also organize good care for the seedlings that appeared.


This is the most important point of care. If the conditions in the greenhouse are not warm enough, then the plants may die or will dwell.

Therefore, during the daytime, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 25 degrees of heat, and at night not higher than +20 degrees. This difference between the temperatures during the day and night contributes to the emergence of friendly shoots and good growth of cacti seedlings.

Temperature in the greenhouse should be periodically measured so that with a lack of heat it was possible to take measures to increase the temperature. You should not exhibit greenhouse and under direct sunlight, especially when shoots have already appeared.

Humidity of soil and air

Adult cacti can do without moisture for a long time, but young seedlings are very susceptible to its lack of. Even short-term drought can lead to their damage or death. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the soil in the greenhouse is always wet.

Water cacti only from the pallet. Water for watering should be boiled and warm. A month after the appearance of germs, it is possible to start the plants to the usual irrigation and short-term droughts.


Cealous conditions deprive the plants of access to oxygen, so the greenhouse with seedlings should be used daily. This will contribute to the good development of the root system. The first ventilation makes the eighth day after sowing.

Do not immediately open the entire lid. First, it is slightly open, gradually increasing the gap. On the second month in the lid, you can pierce the holes so that the greenhouse is ventilated continuously.


After the seedlings are growing a little and it will be closed in greenhouse, they are priced. Increase the gap between the plants. When picking, you will need another or two greenhouses, they are prepared in the same way as when crops.

Also disinfect the soil, squirrel and make grooves. It is necessary to extract plants from the soil very carefully, so it is better to use the fork. The transplant is made together with a lump of land.


So that cacti develops correctly, they need good lighting. If the greenhouses stand on the windowsill, then you need to diatense, avoiding direct sunlight. When exposed to the bright sun, the skin on young cactus begins to blush, in this case you need to immediately take plants and through time they will again get a green shade.

Grow cactus from seeds is not such a difficult lesson how many may seem. When growing, it is possible to quite do without expensive equipment, but to use undergraduate means. In addition, this method of cultivation will allow you to have any varieties in the collection and the types of cacti is not limited to choosing in flower shops.

Reproduction and cultivation of adenium from seeds at home Cultivation of seeds from seeds at home

It is very troublesome to grow cactus from seeds, but at the same time it is madly interesting if you are driving plant breeding. It is with this method of reproduction that beautiful and strong copies are obtained. But it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the seeds are not always transmitted signs of varieties. Although it is possible to get very unexpected and interesting results in the form of new varieties.

When you need to sow cacti

Theoretically reproduction of cacti can be held all year round, if you can easily provide them with due conditions. The main ones are light and warmth. Therefore, they are recommended to suck them at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring.At this time, the air temperature is gradually rising, and the light day increases. The ideal period is considered March - April. With earlier sowing, it will be necessary to artificially provide the seedlings coverage. If the light is not enough, they too stretch up. If you give it to germinate later, the plants may not grow to winter.

Where to get seeds for sowing cacti

The first question, which needs to be solved by flower, where to take seeds of cacti. You can get them three ways. First, you can go to the nearest flower shop and buy a mixture seeds of the most unpretentious varieties: Echinocacts, rebound, mummilia and others. This is the perfect option for beginner cactus.

Secondly, you can find seeds of individual species in specialized online stores. But in this case, you have to be confident in the seller. Even with a detailed consideration, it is not always possible to distinguish the freshness of the planting material and the accuracy of the variety.

The third and most reliable way is to collect seeds yourself. But it is only available to those who already have a cactus of the desired variety.

How to get seeds from your cacti

To independently propagate cacti seeds, you must have two such plants that were grown by seeds or cuttings.It is extremely important that the planting material from which they rose was not assembled from the same cactus. That is, plants should not be "blood relatives", although to relate to one variety.

Cacti is pollinated cross. Pollen takes out of a completely blossomed flower, it should be easily separated and sowed on a tassel or a cotton ball. It is transferred to a flower of another plant and wait when the berry will be started at the flower place.

Did you know? Such types of cacti, like Ceres, Mummilia, Some Echinocacts Aylostiers, most rebounds do not require cross-pollination. It is enough to shake the tassel of the pollen of the flower on the stroke of his own pestle.

To get the seeds of the seeds, you need to wait when the berry will cause. When it gets freeze, they are blocked, get seeds and fold into a paper bag.

It must be signed by the name of the variety, as the seeds in cacti small and similar.

All about germination of cacti seeds

So, you purchased or independently obtained landing material. Now we need to figure out how to plant seeds of cacti.

Conditions for germination

Before planting seeds, it is recommended to dunk for 12 hours, and better for a day.To do this, you can use a weak solution of payroll potassium. It is dangerous to apply for this growth stimulators, since their action on cacti is not fully studied. If you want to take a chance, soak them a small amount of planting material and disembark them separately from the whole collection.

Important! Open bags with seeds is recommended over white paper sheet. Cacti seeds are so small that dust resemble. Therefore, such precautions will help preserve and not confuse sowing material. Similarly, it is recommended to soak them in individual bags of filtered paper on which a variety is written.

The soaking procedure will help not only awaken the seeds, but also to clean them from the residues of the berry pulp. This will reduce the risk of mold in a pot for sowing and provide a plant healthy habitat. So that the seeds sprout, during the day they need air temperature approximately +26 ... 30 ° C, and the night should descend degrees for ten. The air must be wet, and the soil is moderately humid. As soon as it becomes noticeable that the seeds sprouted, they need to provide good lighting.

What, where and how to sow seeds

Cactus is a thermo-loving plant, so its cultivation of seeds is recommended in a special greenhouse. You can buy it in any specialized store, but you can also build on your own. But they are fine germinate in the usual blue.

For landing, the flaile is poured on a 1-2 cm drainage layer of clay or small pebbles, which must be predefined boiling water. Then the soil is poured, swing in the oven or microwave oven. It should consist of a part of sand with crowded charcoal, pieces of turf, two parts of deciduous humus. From above, the soil on one and a half centimeters should be filled with river sand, also disinfected and purified from dust.

Important! In order not to confuse the landed varieties, it is recommended to divide the container with strips of plastics or glass, and to determine each compartment to determine the tag with the inscription in order not to confuse shootouts. Usually there are numbers on the tags, and separately form a list with names under these numbers. It is desirable to form it alphabetically. Then, if the list is getting lost, you can easily restore it, knowing which varieties are sown.

Sowing cacti seeds are carried out on the basis of recommendations for each variety. But as a general rule, small seeds, up to 3 mm, sow directly to the surface, not sprinkled with soil. For larger testers, the trenches are made to the depth of their size, placed on the same distance from each other and sprinkle on top of the soil. You can suck them with a shrimp, if the variety is not very valuable and shoots are not sorry then to proper. Otherwise, they are planted each separately.

Did you know? The seeds of the Cactus of the parody's variety are so small that they are mixed with sand to evounce them and pour out to the grooves from a piece of paper.

The ground is not poured, but sprayed from the sprayer. This is especially true for those who are not poured soil. Soil must be covered with glass and put in place with artificial heating. It is important that the Earth warms up to a temperature not lower than +30 ° C day and +20 ° C at night. To do this, the plane is put on the battery of central heating or electric facility. Alternatively, you can use a thermal system or a thermal engineer for the terrarium. But in this case it is recommended to install a thermometer in the soil and monitor its testimony.
Shoots expect two weeks, however, they are rarely friendly. As a rule, the last seeds germinate in a month, but some varieties will germinate in two or more months. The gesture depends on the age of the sowing material. Fresh seeds germinate faster. As soon as the first seedlings appear, the glass should be removed, add lighting and omitting the night temperature to +2 ... 5 ° C so that the sprouts do not stretch.

If all possible periods of seed germination have already passed, but nothing happened, and the seeds themselves look healthy, use this method of awakening. The flag is cleaned into the cool place and do not watered about two weeks or a little more. It is important that the soil sound well. Then the flag is returned to a warm place and resume irrigation. Such stress should awaken seeds. If it did not help, the tire is cleaned into a dry place and do not touch six months or a year. The next spring procedure can be repeated, but the germination will be lower than expected, and plants will not be so strong.

Cash care

It is important not only to know how to plant cactus seeds, but also to care for shoots. The first thing you need to think is watering.You can meet recommendations on immersion of a rustic water in water in order to moisten the soil. But this is a long-time method that was used before the appearance of small pulverizers. Now for irrigation, it is recommended to spray the soil from the fine sprayer once or twice a day.
Improvised greenhouse should be regularly ventured twice a day. During this procedure, you must remove the resulting condensate from the walls of a walker and underfloor material. Cacti is dangerous 100% humidity, and if there is still a lamp inside the acet, it can lead to a short circuit.

In addition, high humidity leads to the appearance of blue-green algae on the ground and the walls of the plane. Algae themselves no danger of cactis are not carried, but their thick cover overlaps the access of oxygen to the roots of the plant. It is completely unrealistic to get rid of them, therefore, it is recommended that, besides regular ventilation, periodically loose aisle of crops. If there is too much algae, cacti is better to dive into fresh ground.

Did you know? Even if you have sown one cactus variety, its shoots can be different in color: various shades of brown, gray, green, purple or pink. Not knowing about it, they are easy to confuse with lumps of land or grain. But as color grows, it is leveling, and cacti acquire a color characteristic of this species.

Seed reproduction is carried out with good lighting, as any variety of cacti is demanding of light. If it is not enough, the plants are pulled out, weaken, begin to hurt and ultimately die. Even on the windowsill on the south side of the world they are not enough, so it is necessary to purchase fluorescent lamps in advance, preferably in the form of tubes. They are installed so that the lamp is above the ground at a distance of no more than 10 cm. Lighting must be withstanding at least 8 hours a day.

In such conditions, seedlings should live the first two years.In summer, they can be taken to the balcony, closing from the scorching sun and strong wind. On the third year in winter they are satisfied with the period of rest, withsting in a cool temperature. Then by the next summer they will delight you first bloom.

Possible difficulties with sowing

When sowing and growing crops of cacti, some difficulties characteristic of the cultivation of these plants may occur. For example, it may be that a seeding of a sprinkle side and part of the roots grows into the opposite side of the side. In this case, a hole is neatly a thin stick under the seedlings, the seedman himself is as neatly lifted while the roots will fall into this hole. It is impossible to attach their land, as they are fragile and can break. Over time, they themselves attach to the soil.

Another common problem is the shell sticking to seed, which it cannot lose. It happens often, but it is necessary to deal with the problem at once. At best, traces from the clamp will remain on the sprout on top. At worst - at a shell, a seedman will begin to start or there will be other diseases. Therefore, the residues of the shell should be carefully removed with a soft tassel. If it fails, the seedman will have to get out of the soil, slowly and carefully remove the cap with your fingers, and then put the sprout again.

Did you know? Wet and cool medium are detrimental for cacti. In such conditions, they are covered with mold and die. At the same time, dry cold, as well as high heat, do not have such a destructive effect on any cacti or seeds.

If the seedman started, it urgently needs to be removed along with a lump of the earth from a row and drop in a hole of the alcohol. It is also necessary to check the rest of the germs that surrounded it. Continue to follow them. In the case of relapse, all cactuses are threatened, and only seedlings can be saved. In the blue, infection clearly started, and shoots may die literally in a couple of days.

As already mentioned, algae or mold mushrooms may appear in a humid environment. They need to be removed as far as possible, and sprinkle the affected places. The following year, plants from this medium are divened to fresh soil.

It happens that one or more seedlings simply die without any visible cause. In this case, they are removed along with the lump of the Earth, and alcohol dripped into the hole.

Picking seedlings cacti

Among those who grow cacti from seeds, there is no consensus when to dive plants. Some cactisists recommend to start this procedure when the first spines will appear on the cacti, others are strictly a year or two plants. It should be understood that different varieties of these plants develop in different ways. Some are formed by high rates, others are necessary. In addition, the quality of the development is also influenced by the quality of care: heat, lighting, temperature, humidity. Another important factor is the skills of the cactusist in the processing of soil and plants. This is a very thin work, as the sprouts of the cacti of fragile and with imperative circulation they are easily injured by losing some of the crops. Therefore, it is sometimes better to refrain from picking until the plants are fixed.

At the same time, experienced cactusists argue that frequent dive is positively affected on the formation of the root system and the growth of cacti. Young sprouts recommend to transplant in the first year of life even every month and a half. Then by the second year they will noticeably fix it. Remember that the appearance of blue algae in a blue usually makes you do unscheduled transplants.
Picking is carried out using a pixelpick. Plants are searched at a distance of centimeters from each other. The procedure must be carried out by adhering to certain rules.

In no case cannot be pulled out the seedlings from the soil for sprouts. They must first be carefully soaked so that the sprout is easily separated from the soil with a lump of land on the roots. It is really better to remove it with hands, not metal objects. In extreme cases, rubber caps from the dropper are put on the tweezers. Seedlings are very fragile, and even a small wound can be destructive.

The new soil, where the plant will be peaked, moisturizes in advance. It makes a deepening of the size of the land with the roots of the seedlings. By inserting it into the hole, the ground is not pressed and sprayed from the sprayer. Then the flake is closed with a film or glass and provide the same conditions as before. When it was time to shoot seedlings from heating, note that it is possible to do this only two weeks after the dive, otherwise they may die.

The reproduction of cacti seeds simply, if you know the nuances of this process and stick to the basic rules of cultivation. It is only important to remember that cactis do not like high humidity at low temperatures, and their seedlings are very fragile and tender. If we grow knowledge and patience, after three or four years, the plant grown from the seed will delight you with the first flowers.

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54 once already

Grow some plants from seeds is not easy. At the same time, it gives such a pleasure that you can only dream of. Growing cacti from seeds - reality. You only need to know some nuances.

Flowers that do this not one year, in advance acquire special greenhouses, where there are lamps with reflectors. Of course, the beginners to buy it all, firstly, not at the power, secondly, what's the point of doing this, if you just want to try it once, what it is.

True, if desired, this is not necessary. It is much more important to perform all the steps of landing, and after competently care for seedlings.

Rules landing cacti

Start the process is necessary with the purchase of special soil for cactus.

  1. Get seeds and disinfect them in order to prevent the development of fungi. To do this, you need to take planting material and place it for 10-15 hours in a manganese solution. It is important to note that the germination of the swollen seeds is much higher. At the same time, you need to remember that the seeds do not go without heat and light, so in the middle of February it will be possible to make a small greenhouse on the windowsill. For these purposes, a plastic or plastic box is suitable.
  2. At the bottom of the found future greenhouse, it is necessary to make a variety of fine ventilation holes. It will also be superfluous to find a pallet. It will come in handy if the boxes or box will be transferred from place to place.
  3. Next you need to go to the soil. By purchasing soil, it is important to ensure that coarse sand prevailed in it. Its share should be at least 50%. The substrate will definitely need to be disappearing in a water bath. To do this, you can put a colander with hot water on top, to eat it with a cloth and pour the ground there, and after it is all closed with a lid. Upon completion of the steaming, the pan is removed from the fire, but the cover does not open, because the substrate should cool in this way.
  4. Previously displacing the greenhouse by mangartee or alcohol, it will be possible to fill it with already ready-made soil. The soil layer should be shallowing, quite enough multiple centimeters.
  5. After that, the soil is well smoothed, they make small grooves in it, retreating from each to a couple of centimeters.
  6. Seeds are filled with all these grooves. Some gardeners simply scatter the planting material on top of the substrate. Of course, if you plant one species, then you can do this. If we are talking about different copies, it is much more convenient when there are separate wells.

Important! Before sowing, it is necessary soil to moisten well with warm water through a pallet. Pouring water from above is prohibited.

Given that the seeds of the cactus on top do not sprinkle soil, it will be necessary to immerse them well into the substrate. To do this, you can use toothpick or tweezers. In this case, it is necessary to take on one seed and gently put in the prepared groove. The distance between seedlings should be at least 1 cm.

After performing all manipulations, the greenhouse needs to close the lid tight and put on the illuminated window. If there is little light, you should think about an additional source of light, which can be a conventional table lamp. Geese seeds should within 10-14 days.

Care rules for seedlings

Perhaps some gardeners may think that the seedlings planted and at this stage you can forget about them. In fact, it is not.

At this point, special care begins, which comes down to:

Observing these moments, you can confident that cacti from seeds will soon be shown.


In order to landing material, inside the acet, it is necessary to maintain a special microclimate. So, during the daytime, the temperature should be kept at a mark from +25 to +30 ° C. At night, it is desirable that these indicators be below at least 5 degrees. Ideally, if the temperature is from +18 to +20 ° C. In the case when the greenhouse is standing on a sunny window, there will be no problems with heating, because the sun even warm through the glass. Another thing is cloudy days. During this period, you can use the heater.

Important! Behind the temperature in the greenhouse should be followed daily, leaving a thermometer in a greenhouse.


The constant humidity of the soil is that without which it will not be possible from the planting material. Gentle roots are very sensitive to drought, so it costs one day to forget about watering and you can forget about cactus. It should be understood that to plant seeds is only half the right, the rest depends on the care of them.

As for watering, it is best to carry out from the pallet. Some use the spanner, but it is not always convenient. In addition, sometimes the planting material "takes" to neighboring wells. The first month of watering is carried out daily for warm and clean water. Starting from the second month, there is no need to part. You can go to the watering first in the day, then after two, etc.

An important role is also played by the light, it should be a lot. True, immediately after germination occurred, it is recommended to take care of a slight diagnosing of cacti. This is due to the fact that the "skin" of young plants is so gentle that one ray of the sun is enough so that it flushes and stopped in growth. If it has already happened, then damaged young people retard in the shadow until the green color is back to him again.

Fresh air

So that young plants grew well and developed, they need fresh air. First time, of course, the cover should not be opened, but after a couple of weeks it will be possible to move a little to leaving the excess condensate, and a good ventilability was provided. In a hot and sunny day, it is necessary to do this, so that the temperature inside the acet did not rise above the norm, otherwise the crop will be bad, in the sense that everything can be contrary.

Important! Young seedlings even in warm season at night need to close the lid so that they do not frozen and do not disappear.

When young people grow up for a couple of centimeters, it will be necessary to dive, that is, to send apart from each other for a greater distance so as not to interfere with the "neighbors". In this case, the ground is used exactly the same as for sowing seeds. It must be remembered that the plants are very young and have not yet stunned, so special care should be taken during the procedure.

At this stage, we can assume that the beginning is made and growing cactus from seeds at home almost turned out. Next, it will be necessary to care for seedlings until they turn into small, but full-fledged plants that can be searched on separate pots.

Growing cacti from seeds, microclimate, watering, lighting, picking - 1

Reproduction of cacti seeds

When you start collecting cactiIt is not always possible to purchase already ready-made grown plants of that kind or type that you want to search. As a rule, the overwhelming majority of cacti in our flower shops are plants from Holland. And they are often hybridized seedlings, the species purity of plants in this case cannot be speech.

And then one way remains - to purchase seeds and start the personally growing of the desired type of cactus from scratch, that is, with separate seeds. This is how it is possible to collect a good collection for several years, including even very rare species.

Seed reproduction of cacti is a rather troublesome business, but sometimes it is possible to get a wanted look. In addition to the arrangement of mini greenhouse, this method of reproduction requires careful records, accounting: that and under what number is sown, pointing the date of sowing and the number of seeds, when and in what quantities they rose, dates of picking, etc.

But first of all you need to decide: where to buy seeds? You can search for them in Cactus clubs that are in major cities. You can use the Internet and order seeds even abroad - experienced and well-known European cactus pipes. Such seeds, of course, are expensive, but the guarantee of obtaining high-quality sowing material is high. But the easiest and most affordable option for beginners is to buy a mixture of seeds in the store. They are inexpensive and just suitable in order to practice in this painstaking.

I will tell you about my method of seed reproduction of cacti.

When to sow them? To obtain successful sections, it is necessary to have two main factors: heat and light in sufficient quantities. If there are lamps of daylight, then you can sow at any time of the year. I do not have them, so I focus on the number of light and warmth outside the window. In our middle lane, quite suitable conditions come from the end of February. March and April are also favorable for sowing seeds. Cacti cacti sown during these deadlines will already be quite grumbling and harming and stop needing greenhouse conditions. The plants depicted on my pictures (see photo) were sown on February 14, and they have already reached 7-8 mm in diameter to three months, and barb sticks almost the same length in different directions.

First of all, for sowing seeds, you need to prepare soil. It should be loose, well transmitting water and air, and poor nutrients. Because it is in poor soil that the root system of cacti is better developed. The optimal version is the store soil for cacti and coat-grained sand in equal parts. You can bring the stake of sand and up to 70%, it will not be worse. The soil is necessary for half an hour to disappear, then sift through the colander. Mix with steamed sand. Large components of the soil and sand put on the bottom of the landing dishes for drainage, and to place the soil and the ramp.

I will explain how I sterilize soil. On the bottom of the pan pouring some water. From above I install a colander shining with a thin cloth on which the soil is puffed. Tightly covering the lid and put on a small fire. After the half-hour boiling of water, the fire must be turned off and leave everything before cooling. Steadying the soil is best to make days ten to sowing, by that time the useful microflora restored in it.

Preparation of seeds To sowing is also one of the important components of success. Seeds need to be disinfected to prevent the development of fungal diseases. To do this, they need to be placed in a pink solution of mangartages for 10-15 hours. Switchy seeds and go faster.

Dishes for sowing It should be disinfected with boiling water, alcohol or a strong mangartee solution. For sowing seeds, plastic plastic plastic ties with a height of no more than 6-7 cm, a lot of drainage holes are made on the bottom, and the gross is installed on the pallet. For example, I used plastic packaging from the cake, by the way, it also has a lid. When the dishes are filled with soil, with the help of the ruler you need to make a groove. Outside, a paper strip can be glued onto a toss, to write sequence numbers in front of each groove. In this way, we avoid confusion with the types of seed seeds of cacti. But if you have seeds of different types from the store pack, then this is not necessary. Of course, this method of sowing seed is not the only one. Many use the carpet method, just sprinkling seeds along the surface of the soil. But I somehow more like this, "ordered" method.

Now you can already start cropping. The soil before seeding should be carefully moistened very warm, up to 50 ° C, boiled water through the pallet. In order to put each seed into the groove, you can use sharply sharpened by match, toothpick or needle. Fairing her tip into the water, cling to him seed and neatly put into the grooves. In this way, all seeds will be transferred, taking into account the paper numbers put on the strip, if they are known. I leave the distance between the grooves and between the seeds of approximately 1-2 cm. Flip them is not needed. From above covering with something transparent - glass, film or transparent plastic lid (for example, plastic packaging from the cake is a very convenient option). Seeds rose quite quickly, after 3-10 days.

Now remains the most difficult - provide the necessary microclimate For the proper development of seedlings. The temperature inside the acet should be in the range of 25 ... 30 ° C, but not during the day. There should be a daily and night temperature drop. It is the night coolness that gives the seeds of rest and stimulates their germination, so at night you need to provide a temperature not higher than 18 ... 20 ° С. We will have to rearrange the greenhouse at night to another place. There is another way to solve this problem. If you grow cactus at a luminescent lamp, it is enough just to turn off it for the night, and the temperature decrease is provided. I have a greenhouse located on the southern window, the day there is quite a high temperature from the direct sun, and at night there is a cooler.

Second important point - watering. During the first month, the soil in a blue should always be wet, especially its top layer. Slowing even on a day leads to damage to gentle young roots. And only from the second month, seedlings to the usual irrigation regima, giving a bit, begin to gradually, giving the soil a little. Watering best from the pallet, because using the sprayer, you can place seeds along the entire surface of the soil, which will lead to an inevitable confusion. Water is taken necessarily boiled and warm. The first six months of the seedlings are better not to feed. The feeding will lead to rapid growth, but at the same time the plants will grow weakened and less resistant to external factors.

Fresh air It is also very important for the germination of seeds and good development of the seedlings. Therefore, in the lid must be small holes, you can simply move it a little to the side, so that the greenhouse is ventilated and the algae is not covered there. Although there are different opinions on this. Some cactiuses are recommended during the first month not to open the lid at all, and only from the second month to begin to tend to teach seedlings to fresh air. I did not open the lid only in the first week, then we started to ventilate, and a couple of times a day I completely removed the lid for a few minutes so that too abundant condensate of water from the walls was evaporated. Subsequently, he always left a small crack so that cactus was not overheated on a sunny day. At night covered the lid denser. With this mode of conducting no negative consequences noted.

The next important point for shoots and growth of cacti - lighting. Light is vital for the proper development of these plants. Of course, young shoots need to be protected from direct sunlight. Their gentle skin is very sensitive and redels quickly, and this slows down the growth of seedlings. Therefore, they need easy shading. Redneck seedlings need to be temporarily removed into the shaded place until they acquire a normal green color. In general, the greenish-brown color of the peel is quite characteristic of cacti in the sunny location.

As the kids grow, they will need several times to dive, increasing the distance between them every time. Piking technology is the same as during the crop: a bloom, groove, numbering of species. Different sources recommended different dates for dive: aged one, two or three months. And preferably in the first year of life to spend several pickles to stimulate the development of a strong root system. Soil uses the same as for sowing seeds. It should be in moderately humid condition. Each sighter needs to be carefully transferred with a small spatula or a fork in the prepared hole with the soil lump on the roots. The landing depth is chosen with such a calculation so that the semilarians are on the surface of the soil. And the distance between seedlings is approximately equal to their diameter. This, at first glance, is simply necessary, because seedlings are growing faster and are smaller than fungal infections.

The end follows

How to grow cacti from seeds without having a special greenhouse?

The cultivation of rare plants from seeds is a real pleasure for a flower plant. And to grow from seeds such exotic as cacti - this is not something incredible. And, nevertheless, they are not much difficult to grow, subject to certain conditions. And the mass of positive emotions from this process will be provided to you!

Experienced cactusists have special tubers with lamps and reflectors intended for this sacrament. But for the successful absorption of their own, they are causing all these attributes are not necessary, although desirable. Cacti from the seeds can be quite possible without these "frills", there would be a desire.

So, if you are not sure in your abilities, for the first experience, you can use an inexpensive shopping mixture of cacti seeds in order not to risk expensive elite seeds. Seeds need to be disinfected to prevent the development of fungal diseases. To do this, they need to be placed in a pink solution of mangartages for 10-15 hours. Switchy seeds and go faster.

Since for successful sedresses, two main factors are needed - light and heat, it means that in the middle strip the right time comes from about from mid-February. At this time, the day is already quite long, the sun heats, you can build a mini-greenhouse on the southern windowsill. As a greenhouse, you can accommodate plastic packaging from the cake (although it all depends on the number of seeds available). In the deep part on the bottom it is to pierce a lot of holes and put it on a durable pallet, and the second transparent part is used as a lid. I want to pay attention that when moving, the box under the weight of the soil begins that it is undesirable, that is why a solid pallet is needed, in which the greenhouse can be safely rearranged.

For seeding, it is necessary to prepare soil with a large proportion of coarse sand (50-70%). This mixture is defined in a water bath for half an hour: a little water is poured into the pan, a colander was placed on top, covered with a cloth and stuffed, covered with a lid. After half-hour steaming, the fire is turned off and give the soil to cool gradually, without removing the lid. Here is this sterile soil and fill clean, disgraced with alcohol (or a strong manganese solution) to greenhouse.

The soil layer should not be too deep, enough 2-3 cm. It is spilled and the grooves are made at a distance of 1.5-2 cm, slightly pressing a ruler. In these grooves and lay seeds. Although many use the carpet method, just sprinkling seeds on the surface of the soil. But with the "linear" method, it is more convenient to marry the numbers of grooves, where what kind of sowing, gluing outside the paper, on which to write sequence numbers in front of each groove.

Before sowing the soil, it is carefully moistened to a very warm (up to 50 ° C) boiled water through the pallet. Seeds of cacti can not fall asleep the earth, they are separated only superficially. For this, they are armed with an acutely sharpened match, toothpick or needle. Fairing her tip into the water, cling to him seed and neatly put into the grooves. So tolerate all seeds, laying them into a groove at a distance of 1 cm. The greenhouse is tightly closed with a lid and put on a light window. Seeds rose quite quickly, after 3-10 days.

Now the main thing is to maintain the necessary microclimate for seedlings: the temperature inside the acet should be in the range of 25 -30 ° C, but not the clouds day. Daily and night temperature drops for better germination, so at night you need to provide a temperature not higher than 18-20 ° C. When the greenhouse is located on the southern window on sunny days, the temperature in it rises to 30 ° C and above, and in the cloudy need to give the lower heating, for example, using the electric facility. The temperature is chained daily by a thermometer.

Another important point is watering. During the first month, the soil should always be wet. Slowing even on a day leads to damage to gentle young roots. Watering best from the pallet, because using the sprayer, you can place seeds along the entire surface of the soil, which will lead to an inevitable confusion. Water is necessarily boiled and warm. And only from the second month it is possible to gradually teach seedlings to the usual irrigation regime, giving the soil a little to foam.

For the correct development of cacti, light is vital. Of course, young shoots need to be protected from direct sunlight. Their gentle skin is very sensitive and redels quickly, and this slows down the growth of seedlings. Therefore, they need easy shading. Redneck seedlings need to be temporarily dialed until they acquire a normal green color. In general, the greenish-brown color of the peel is quite characteristic of cacti in the sunny location.

Very important for germination of seeds and good development of seedlings of fresh air. Therefore, in the lid, there must be small holes, or simply slightly move to her to the side so that the greenhouse is ventilated and the algae is not covered there. Although some cactusists recommend during the first month do not open the lid at all. But it is possible to start ventiling in a week, removing the cover for a few minutes so that the abundant condensate of water from the walls is evaporated. And on a sunny day, be sure to leave a slit for ventilation so that shoots do not overheat inside. At night, cover the lid tightly.

As the seedlings grows, they are divering them, dissolving to a greater distance from each other. Piking technology is the same as during the crop: a bloom, groove, numbering of species. Soil uses the same as for sowing seeds. It should be in moderately humid condition. Each sighter needs to be carefully transferred with a small spatula or a fork in the prepared hole with the soil lump on the roots. The landing depth is made with such a calculation so that the semilaries are on the surface of the soil. And the distance between seedlings is approximately equal to their diameter.

Conclusion: the hell is not so terrible, like his little. Cacti from the seeds can be quite raised with a minimum of fixtures at the right season. I wish you successful crops to enthusiasts!

Rules for growing cacti from seeds at home

General rules

To grow cacti from the house seeds, it is necessary to prepare at first. In addition to planting material, we will need soil and the container in which we will plant.

Get seeds can be independently or buy in a specialized store.

In the first case, it is necessary to wait until the blocking one cactus, which you wish to multiply. It can be considered a disadvantage of this method, first of all, the lack of uniqueness, because you can only plant the species that you already have. In addition, it will have to wait long. However, in order to gain cultivation experience, this option is the best.

In the store you can buy seeds of those cacti, which you still have no. No need to expect anything. True, you must find a conscientious seller who will sell you high-quality sowing material.

But soil exactly better to purchase a shop. Of course, you can cook the ground yourself, but this procedure requires certain knowledge and experience. The finished land will contain all the necessary trace elements.

To land, we will need a small box with a transparent lid, for example packaging from the cake. You can, of course, take a disposable plastic box. In short, you need a kind of greenhouse of small size.

Video "How to grow cacti from home seeds"

In this video, the expert will tell you how to grow cacti from seeds at home.

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Further care

The cultivation of cacti from seed implies not only the landing of seeds, you need to correctly care for the seedle. First of all, this is the right temperature. If in a place where there is seedlings, it will be not warm enough, then the growth of plants will slow down, and some can even die. The day of the thermometer should be shown +25 ° C, and at night +20 ° C. Such a temperature will ensure seedlings and excellent growth.

It should be observed in the temperature in order to take appropriate measures on time and prevent sharp oscillations. When the seeds rose, watch the sprouts do not hit the straight rays of the sun and did not get burns. If adult copies can carry the absence of moisture, then for young seedlings, even short-term drought is destructive.

Watering is carried out only from the pallet. To do this, use soft water: boiled, resistant or filtered. A month after the seedlings climbed, they can be gradually adapted to the usual watering, alternating with aridness periods.

So that the roots develop well, the home plant needs to be ventilated. The first time they ventilate 8 days after sowing. If the cacti are in a greenhouse, then you can not remove the lid. Operate, then increase the slit. After two months, you can make constant ventilation by doing the hole in the lid.

"Young" can be started to fertilize. First you need to do literally on a little bit. Undercumation is bought in specialized stores. Look carefully on the box and learn the composition. The main condition is to make a lot of potassium, phosphorus and calcium in the composition. As for nitrogen, it should be very small.

Transplant Rostkov

Sustained cacti, on which spines already appeared, it should be rehanced. You need to plant young sprouts with an earthen room, so as not to damage the young roots. At first pick up a pot suitable for these purposes. It must be small, as the roots of the cactus are not particularly likely to like the space. The pot is suitable plastic or clay.

Prepare the soil. To do this, buy ready-made soil in the store or mix garden soil with river sand. The sand performs the role of a baking powder here, as it is important that the soil is water and breathable. The coconut substrate is still used as a tearful. In the pot, drainage holes should be made. At the bottom of the pot lay drainage - you can use crushed stone, broken brick, pebbles.

A pot must be filled with a minimum of one third. Top filled with soil capacity. The surface is thoroughly align and make a small hole, where the sprouts plant. The root system is slightly sprinkled with a layer of humus.

"Baby" is placed in the room where heat and light. A small plant is placed so that it is protected from direct sun and drafts. Watering is carried out moderate. With such comfortable conditions, the cactus will grow well and develop.

As you can see, grow a beautiful home cactus from the seed is not so difficult.

Growing cacti from seeds at home

Many flower flowers prefer not to buy houseplants in the store, but to grow them on their own at home. The advantage of plants grown houses is that it is possible to create the best conditions and get healthy strong plants for your collection. In addition, it is less expensive than to acquire plants in a specialized store every time.

Growing plants independently, you can get even rare varieties and clean lines of room colors. Cacti from the seed can also be raised at home. The main thing to comply with all the recommendations on cultivation.

Growing cacti from seeds

Each can grow from seed cactus at home. The process does not require high costs and special knowledge, and if everything is done correctly, then new specimens will appear in the home flower garden. An important role in the cultivation of cacti at home is the time of sowing seeds.

The most favorable is the middle and end of February. In February, the light day is already more prolonged and the sun's rays are already well perturbed. Experienced flowerflowers when growing cacti use professional tools - special lamps, greenhouses. But cactus can be raised using infirred materials.

Preparation for sowing

Cactus seeds for successful germination will require greenhouse conditions. Therefore, the most suitable package for this is the packaging from the cake. It is wide, comfortable, the lid should be transparent. You can buy mini greenhouses in the Garden Store. All planting tanks - pallets and covers need to be thoroughly washed out with the household soap and wipe with a cotton swab, moistened in manganese.

Such processing will prevent the development of mold and fungi in the soil, which can cause significant harm to the seeds and seedlings. In the bottom of the pallet you need to pierce the holes in order to water the plants later through it. After the preparation of planting containers, proceed to the preparation of the soil for cacti.

It is pre-disinfected by a solution of mangalls or placed in a hot oven. Soil can be purchased in the store, it must be intended for cacti.

Sowing seeds

The greenhouse is filled with soil. The thickness of the layer must be 2-4 cm, it will be enough. Before sowing, the soil is poured from the pallet with a boiled water temperature of about 50 degrees. With the help of the line you need to brush the soil, and then cut the grooves after 1.5-2 cm.

Seeds are sown with an interval of 1 cm, it is possible to make it a toothpick moistened in water or needle. After sowing, the seeds do not need to sprinkle the earth. If they are different varieties, it is better to sung in different greenhouses, well, or in the extreme case divided one in half a paper partition.

After sowing, the chubble cover is tightly closed and put on the windowsill. Shoots will appear in about 3-10 days.

After the appearance of germs, it is necessary to care for them to care for cactuses grow healthy and strong.

Catching Cacti

To grow cacti at home you need not only to sow seeds, but also organize good care for the seedlings that appeared.


This is the most important point of care. If the conditions in the greenhouse are not warm enough, then the plants may die or will dwell.

Therefore, during the daytime, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 25 degrees of heat, and at night not higher than +20 degrees. This difference between the temperatures during the day and night contributes to the emergence of friendly shoots and good growth of cacti seedlings.

Temperature in the greenhouse should be periodically measured so that with a lack of heat it was possible to take measures to increase the temperature. You should not exhibit greenhouse and under direct sunlight, especially when shoots have already appeared.

Humidity of soil and air

Adult cacti can do without moisture for a long time, but young seedlings are very susceptible to its lack of. Even short-term drought can lead to their damage or death. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the soil in the greenhouse is always wet.

Water cacti only from the pallet. Water for watering should be boiled and warm. A month after the appearance of germs, it is possible to start the plants to the usual irrigation and short-term droughts.


Cealous conditions deprive the plants of access to oxygen, so the greenhouse with seedlings should be used daily. This will contribute to the good development of the root system. The first ventilation makes the eighth day after sowing.

Do not immediately open the entire lid. First, it is slightly open, gradually increasing the gap. On the second month in the lid, you can pierce the holes so that the greenhouse is ventilated continuously.


After the seedlings are growing a little and it will be closed in greenhouse, they are priced. Increase the gap between the plants. When picking, you will need another or two greenhouses, they are prepared in the same way as when crops.

Also disinfect the soil, squirrel and make grooves. It is necessary to extract plants from the soil very carefully, so it is better to use the fork. The transplant is made together with a lump of land.


So that cacti develops correctly, they need good lighting. If the greenhouses stand on the windowsill, then you need to diatense, avoiding direct sunlight. When exposed to the bright sun, the skin on young cactus begins to blush, in this case you need to immediately take plants and through time they will again get a green shade.

Grow cactus from seeds is not such a difficult lesson how many may seem. When growing, it is possible to quite do without expensive equipment, but to use undergraduate means. In addition, this method of cultivation will allow you to have any varieties in the collection and the types of cacti is not limited to choosing in flower shops.

Growing cacti from seeds. Part 1

You can grow cactus from the seed. Moreover, in this case, it is possible to grow a rare kind of cactus, which is infrequently found on sale. And cacti will not need acclimatization. But this requires time and patience. You needless:

  • seeds of cacti
  • the soil
  • magantaneous solution (dark cherry color)
  • capacity for sowing (better 10 x 10 cm)
  • glass for coating or polyethylene
  • labels
  • patience and skillful hands


They should be well affixed, fresh, stored in a dry cool place. If you notice traces of floting on the package, then for the extension these seeds are not suitable.

The soil

There are many opinions in which the soil sow cacti. This may be earth from overcoating leaves, mixed in half with large sand, plus one-third of the crowded charcoal, or a mixture of one-third of washed river sand, a third of the sheet humus and a third of a broken peat. But the most reasonable is sowing in that soil, in which cactus will have to live in the future.


You can sow seeds in any weather and at any time of the year. It is only necessary to provide the necessary temperature and lighting. It will be wiser to sow at the beginning of spring, but you can use artificial lighting, placing a wagon with seedlings at a distance of 10-15 cm from the lamp. Natural lighting should not be direct, otherwise young plants are simply welded. The optimal temperature for growing cacti can be considered the range from +15 to + 40 ° C, better + 25c. In addition, it is useful to a night and daytime difference (the temperature difference prevents the development of mold on the soil).


Mandatory soaking of seeds in a pink solution of mangartages for a day.
It is better to put them in a package of tight paper so that the seeds do not merge and not pop up. The utensils are also treated with a rival of mangartages, but more concentrated (1 g. On 1 l. Water). Earth before sowing should be disinfected by calcining in the oven at a temperature of 90 - 95C for 20 minutes.

Capacity for sowing

Seeds of different species can be sowed into one dishes, separating areas with strips of plastics. A plot of 1 sq. Cm is enough to grow 4-6 medium seeds. Such a close is due to the fact that, being in a close group, causing better developing. The depth of the dishes is selected at the rate of the calculation that it should accommodate drainage from sand and a layer of layer 1 cm, a layer of soil 2-4 cm and the space before the coating glass is at least 2 cm. We must have holes for water outflow.

Sowing seeds

  1. Prepare dishes, pouring drainage and soil. Split a soil tapping, but not tamping.
  2. Divide into the soil sectors if we are going to sow different types, place tags with names.
  3. Dispatch seeds evenly on the soil, can be groups.
  4. Moisten sowing, it is better to bottom, immersing a waters in the water, but watching the seeds do not pop up. But it is possible and spray from the pulverizer to the full wetting of the substrate.
  5. Sewing with glass, put on a permanent place.

Untrusion, the lights have no value, but it is necessary to maintain a permanent humidity, spraying the soil from the spray gun. It is impossible to complete the soil drying. After the appearance of germs, it is necessary to increase the illumination and reduce the humidity, stopping the spraying.

The speed of germination of seeds of different types of cacti is different. Filocactuses, Freiley and Astrophitumes (several days) are most quickly germinated. The remaining cacti germinate from one to two weeks. But: the thicker the seed sheath, the longer it is required for germination. For a long time, the emplation and epiphillums take up to 6 weeks. Seeds of naughty can be helped by sowing, sowing from before sowing for a day in warm water or carefully processing the nail file every seed. And some types of north-American cacti (sclerokactus and pediocata) require more circulation. To do this, the flame with the extinguished seeds of these species in a wet state is placed for several days in conditions with a temperature of -5 -10s. And seeds of cacti, having juicy sugar fruits, it is necessary to process enzymatically. For this, the fruits of these cacti are laid for several days into a small amount of water, where the fermentation process begins, which removes the fetal particle from the seed surface.

It is considered normal if more than half of the seed seeds are sprout.

This is the most difficult and most interesting way to reproduce cacti. It is from the seeds that grow the strongest and beautiful copies.

When sow cacti

Theoretically, you can sow cacti all year round, it all depends on what methods and how full you will be able to provide seedlings the necessary conditions - light and heat. Therefore, from a technical point of view, it is more convenient to sow cacti at the end of winter, early spring: days are increasing, more than the sun, the heating is still inclusive, it means that it is warm in the room and you can use the batteries for seeding.

Where to get seeds of cacti

1. In the usual flower store, mixtures of seeds of various types of cacti, such as Gavrish Cactus Fidget, are sold. Suitable for beginner cactusists, because cheap and angrily - in the mixture the most unpretentious species (mummilia, reboot, echinocacts, parodies).

2. In online stores sell seeds in mixes and various types separately. According to the appearance of seeds, it is usually impossible to determine their accuracy or freshness. And since many suppliers for seed prices are rather big, it is necessary to purchase them only in online stores with a flawless reputation (read reviews about stores). When ordering, pay attention to the minimum order amount (if you manage to cooperate with friends, you can save on delivery).

3. Get seeds yourself if you already have blossoming cacti of one species.

How to get seeds from your cacti

For the recovery, you need to have two cactus, unrelated to each other, i.e. Those who themselves were grown from cuttings or from seeds of different plants. The flowers from where the pollen will be taken, must be completely blossomed, pollen should be very easy to separate, so that it can be gathered on a cotton ball or brush. Pollen from one blooming cactus is transferred to the flower of the other, as a result, a berry is formed at the flower place after a while.

For high-quality seeds, the berry should be evaluated. Then she carefully cleaned and get seeds that can be stored in paper bag, without forgetting to sign the name of the cactus and the date of receipt of the seed.

How to germinate cacti seeds

Conditions for germination of cacti seeds

For a successful germination of seeds of cacti, many species, a temperature is needed in the afternoon about + 26 ° -30 ° C, at night below 7-10 ° C. Moderate humidity of the soil (not damp, not dry, but a slightly humid) and high humidity.

But as soon as the seeds are good, urgently the need for the third and main growth factor - lighting. And the lighting should be very good!

Growth stimulants that have proven very well in the rooting of the cuttings and the germination of seeds of other indoor plants, rarely apply for cacti, since their effect is not fully studied for these plants. If you want to try such a tool, it is better to apply it to some one cactus, and not on the entire collection.

What and where to sow seeds

For the extension and growing seeds, it is better to use a special greenhouse that can be purchased in the store or make yourself. But if you make it possible to make it easier or buy greenhouse, then the seeds are simply sized into the flame.

Drainage is poured onto the bottom of the plane (wide tray, low drawer), about 7-10 mm high. Then the layer of loose sheet of land is about 2 cm high and a layer of well washed river sand, about 1.5-2 cm high. Pre-drainage is blown in boiling water, and the soil and sand are knitted in the oven or warm up in the microwave for disinfection. Sand for sowing is suitable only river, not from the sandbox and necessarily sinking from dust. It is desirable that the particle sizes were 1-3 mm. The rapid and / or very small sand after wetting is drunk, sticks out and forms a dense crust. It does not allow the desens of the seedlings to breathe, they quickly die.

Before sowing seeds of cacti needs to be disinfected. To do this, it is easiest to use 3% of hydrogen peroxide, just soak seeds for 5-10 minutes.

Seeds are sown to the depth recommended for a particular type. Seeds with a size of up to 3 mm, especially small, dust-like not sprinkled with sand, sow directly on the surface. Seeds are bigger, you can sow a depth of no more than 3 mm in the grooves. Seying cacti is either manually, choosing each seed separately, or very small seeds sprinkle on the sand surface with a pinch. It is advisable to sow seeds, which are very much and in germination, it is not sorry to disorders. If the seeds are rare or their limited quantity, squeeze each separately.

By the way, the most experienced cactusists of our forum have already shared their secrets.

Cash care

Here the seeds are sown, now they need to spray from the sprayer. It must be configured so that the water jet formed is not formed, but only the smallest droplets. When moisturizing from the sprayer, the seeds are naturally deepened in the sand, and the soil is blurred.

In the literature, we often encounter recommendations to water sowing or seedlings by immersion of a rig into the water, this recommendation is usually reprinting with old books published in those times when spray guns for flowers have not yet been on the counters of flower shops, and watering from the watering can threatened and hope. Therefore, forget about the usual watering - it is best to spray one or twice a day.

A flame or bin with crops need to be covered with glass or food film so that the air humidity is saved quite high. Carrying to spend a minimum twice a day. Regular ventilation is a prerequisite for the normal germination and growth of seedlings. During ventilation, condensate from the film or glass should be removed. The fact is that moisture is needed high, but not 100%, and condensate can lead to a short circuit if the lamp is inside the greenhouse.

By the way, with high humidity, which is created in a greenhouse or covered with glass, the blue-green algae inevitably appear. It looks like a greening sand or wall plates. Blue-green algae themselves are not harmful, but they can form a dense crust on the surface of the substrate, overlapping oxygen, and just annoy. To reduce the formation of greenery (get rid of completely unreal) need systematic ventilation. You can loosen the sand in the rivers of crops. If the greenery formed a lot, it is easier to part cacti in fresh soil.

The time required for germination depends on the type of cacti. One thing is necessary for several days, others will germinate a month or even a few months. Terms of germination dependes on the period of storage of seeds. Usually fresh seeds germinate faster than those kept for more than a year. After the seeds are going, they are seedlings with two well-pronounced seedlings characteristic of all cacti, so they are very difficult to immediately determine how the cactus.

If you know that the seeds should already go, but this does not happen, the seeds lie strong and healthy in appearance, you can use a way that has practiced many cactusists. The plane with seeds is rearranged into a cooler seat and does not water until the soil is dry. Two weeks or more weeks, the seeds come back in a warm place and water. Such a procedure stimulates the germination of seeds. In some cases, about seeds in a blue should be forgotten for six months or a year, to remove into a dry place at a moderate temperature. Repeat attempt next spring. Part of the seed can take, however, there will be less strong plants from this party.

To grow cacti from seeds, you need a lower heating (soil heating), for germination, most needed temperatures of about 30 ° C. The easiest way to put a flame with seeds on the electric facility. You can also on the battery if sowing is carried out in the heating season. But as soon as the seeds are sprouting, installing lighting over them. There is one more option - thermal terrarium, or thermoshur. There are thermoses for fully ground terrariums, 3 or more meters long. It is convenient if the plantations are large. The only note is: it is necessary to progress and regularly check the temperature of the soil of the thermometer.

The coverage of cacti seedlings is a very important point. Everyone without exception seedlings are very demanding to light. If it is missing, the kids are pulled out, sore, they are sick, die. Even on the southern windowsill, in most cases of light for seedlings is not enough. Thinking out and pour in advance with lamps or lamps. It is necessary to place them so that the distance from crops to the luminescent lamp (lamps) was no more than 10 cm. It is better to use the tube lamps - with them the lighting is more uniform. Lighting duration 8-12 hours.

Possible difficulties with sowing

Sometimes a seeder appeared as if she lies on his side, and young roots stick out to the side. It is necessary to do a thin stick, you can make a pencil under the roots of the hole, and the sighter lift so that the roots are in this pit, it is not necessary to press the earth, it will be fixed in the soil or sand itself.

The seedman appeared, but the adhesive shell of the seed does not want to separate from the sprout - it happens quite often - it is necessary to neatly remove the residues of the shell, if it holds too hard, then the sighter can have to be removed from the soil to remove the shell.

One of the seedlings was loaded - urgently test all the remaining seedlings, and the deceased to remove together with a nose of the Earth or the sand, which surrounded him. If another sighter dies, then you must immediately dive all the remaining seedlings into a new disinfected soil.

Picking seedlings cacti

The question is when to spend the first picking is quite controversial among cactusists. Some advise to dive after the appearance of the first barns, others determine the time - in a year or two. The fact is that seedlings of cacti grow differently - some species are very slow, others like on yeast. In addition, growth rate depends on the conditions - grown in greenhouse in warmth, with good light and high humidity, grow much faster than without heating and lights. Well, the sweener of the hands (the work is thin) is also an important factor. Kids are easy to injure, more likelihood loss of part of crops. Therefore, sometimes it is more correct to endure slow matters, but save crops safely.

I follow the advice of experienced practitioners, dive my seedlings for the first time after the seedlings appear something similar to the spines or even hairs. Frequent dive, on average after a half - two months, significantly accelerates growth asking. Thus, I drank my cacti 6 times in the first year of life, and the next year it was almost adult plants, and no dick was carried out, but rather a transshipment into fresh soil in spring and in the middle of summer. But sometimes due to the bright growth of blue-green algae had to dive unscheduled.

Cacti seedlings picking rules

  1. It is impossible to extrude seedlings from the soil for the top. They neatly dug up, but keep a sighter better with your fingers, and not a metal tweezers. You can use tweezers if the rubber tubes from the dropper should be put on the ends. It is necessary to handle the seedlings, each, even a microscopic wound can be destructive for him.
  2. Before picking the soil is moistened, and deepening are made in it. An outlined seedman is transferred to a new place together with a lump of soil. The soil does not water, but only sprinkles. The rig is covered with glass and is under the same conditions, i.e. Heated and light, as before.
  3. If you want to remove seedlings from heating, then you need to do this no earlier than two weeks after the dive.

We carry out seeds of cacti and grow new interesting specimens

Despite the large number of plant lovers, sowing cactus seed causes difficulties. This is due to improper landing, in the process of which they reap. Rules of growing and care will help to acquire new barbed seedlings on the windowsill. To do this, it will take some time, patience and properly selected materials.

We select seeds

Before sowing cacti seeds, it is necessary to determine the way they are received. Material for landing can be purchased in a flower store or extract yourself. The first option is much simpler - you immediately come to landing the selected variety.

To get seeds of cacti at home, it is necessary to wait for the end of the flowering period. In place of the inflorescence will remain a box with seeds. The minus of this method is in long waiting time. In addition, we will grow only such plants from which the material for planting is assembled.

The appearance of seeds depends on the variety. They can differ in color, shape and size. Cacti from seeds bloom much later grown by the vegetative method.

Requirements for soil and capacity

Soil for landing can be prepared independently. To do this, you will need leaf land, river sand, a small amount of peat and chopped charcoal. All components must be disinfined, the sand is washed and crooked in the oven for 90 minutes at high temperature.

However, for a favorable germination of seeds, it is better to store the finished soil for cacti and succulents. It contains all the necessary nutrients and trace elements for the seedlings. Shop Earth also needs a preliminary treatment with a solution of manganese. You can roll in the oven on the contrary no more than 10 minutes at a temperature of + 110 ° C.

Tank for landing

Cacti seedlings are grown in greenhouse conditions. For this, a small plastic container with a lid is suitable (special container, packaging from a cake or disposable container for products).

Cacti Seeding Technology

Before planting seed, it is necessary to prepare. To do this, they are soaked in a weak mortar of manganese at 10 o'clock, then get and dried. After that, you can proceed to the process.


Stages of sowing seed cacti:

  1. In a prepared mini-greenhouse, put drainage, pouring a soil with a thickness of 5 cm and thoroughly pouring boiled warm water. You can not allow overflow, otherwise you have to wait until the earth will dry;
  2. Wet soil to dissolve and make small deposits for seeds, at a distance of 2 cm from each other;
  3. Place in each well on the seed, not falling asleep from above;
  4. Close the container with a lid and put on the windowsill.

Already in the first week, you can find the first sections of planted plants.

You can open the container only after the appearance of the barns on the seedlings. They need oxygen.

Seed care rules

To obtain high germination and strong plants at the same stage, it is necessary to care for them. From the moment of landing until the appearance of sprouts, it is necessary to strictly comply with the care requirements.


Posted by cacti seeds and in the period of their active growth it is important to monitor the soil moisture, not allowing it to dry. If you overdo it with watering, then seeds can bend. Before irrigated, it is standing on the touch to check the state of the soil: if it is practically dried, then it has come to moisturize it.

In no case cannot pour water from watering can or bottle. It is necessary to do it carefully, using a sprayer or pipette (each plant is watered separately). Do not forget that for watering it is necessary to prepare warm boiled water.

Temperature mode

Regardless of the time of year, when the seeds of the cactus were sown, they need comfortable air temperature. The optimal indicator varies within 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C. It is very useful sometimes to reduce the temperature to 15 ° C, so it is worth removing the container with seedlings to a sharp place.

The lighting has a big impact on young flowers, so before planting cacti from seeds, it is worth choosing a good place.

On the windowsill should be a large amount of natural and artificial light (daylight lamps), while the greenhouse should be preserved from the effects of direct sun rays.

Seeking rules

With the advent of the first barns, the cover from the greenhouse can be removed for a few hours a day for venting. This is an important stage, during which it is necessary to gently handle the plants. To regular spraying, you can add watering from watering can with a narrow nose. It is still necessary to follow the humidity of the soil, not allowing complete drying.

The temperature regime remains the same, but now the plants feel well and at + 30 ° C. At night, the mini-greenhouse requires a cooler room.

If the cultivation of cactus from seeds was carried out using daylight lamps, during this period of growth from them you can already refuse.

Young searches need moderate feeding and fertilizers. The tool for these purposes can be purchased in a flower shop. Its composition is characterized by an increased content of potassium, phosphorus and calcium and minimal amount of nitrogen. The gap between the feeders should not be from 10 to 15 days.

Transplant and care for a young cactus

At 3 months of age, the seedlings of cacti are picked. For each plant, a separate container is necessary. While the seedlings are small, quite a small container, such as a plastic cup. The pot must be a bottom with holes for outputing excess fluid. If the bottom without holes should be watered very carefully.

Long roots should be segged to accelerate the growth of the seedling.

The transplant is carried out according to such a scheme:

  1. Pour on the bottom of the tank drainage (clamzit, small brick battle, fine-flower crushed stone), and on top of the soil layer (similar as when sowing) to the edges of the pot;
  2. In the center make a small hole;
  3. Transfer to the pot of cactus from the greenhouse along with the earthlings;
  4. The ground around is carefully tumped, then make fertilizer and pour.

In the first year, a special care is not required for the plant, except for watering, which should be such as in adult colors (after 6 months). The schedule of fertilizer remains the same until the first autumn month, after which it is worth cutting watering and provide the cactus of the rest period.

As the cactus grows for a long time, he needs a more spacious pot that corresponds to its size. Blooming a plant grown from seeds will have to wait at least 5 years. For further transplant, it is better to purchase the finished primer for this species. Despite the fact that the cactus in the sand of different colors looks beautiful and unusual, this is not the most favorable option for further development. Over time, the sand is rambling and becomes dense, thereby preventing the development of the root system.

So that the experience is successful in how to germinate cactus from seeds should be carefully understood. Performing all stages taking into account the councils of experienced gardeners, you can get rare varieties of plants at home.

Grow cacti from seeds - video

Features of growing popular cacti from seeds at home

The cultivation of cacti from seeds is practiced mainly in greenhouses and nurseries.

This method is applicable and at home, but requires the necessary knowledge and patience: the preparatory process is very laborious, and the growth of cacti in the early stages of development is very slow - flowering occurs only in 4-5 years.

What types can be germinated in this way?

Almost all kinds of cacti breed seeds. Most popular species for growing at home:

Advantages and disadvantages of the method


  • the rarest kinds of cacti are multiplied by only sowing (do not give children or processes);
  • the plant is more vitial;
  • low cost of sowing material.


  • laboriousness of the preparatory process;
  • some seeds (for example, parody) are very small;
  • low percentage of germination and survival of the sowing material (50%);
  • requires a constant supervision and care for seeders;
  • the emergence of difficulties during the initial growth period: Holding; Prostine sideways or roots up; sticking shell; "Flowering" of the Earth and others.

More about reproduction of cacti can be found here.

Suitable time for growing

The most favorable time in order to put the cactus seeds correctly, is spring. Climate Spring is more favorable for faster sprouts: The duration of the day increases and becomes warmer. Martov sowing to winter grow largely large and viable plants and can easily transfer the wintering.

Select land

To disperse cacti, it is necessary to prepare a substrate consisting of:

And drainage from small clay or perlite. The soil and drainage can be prepared independently or purchase the finished soil in a specialized store. The main requirement for soil - lightness and breathability.

Cactus seeds have no resistance mechanism to infections, so before planting the soil you need to disinfect, withstanding a mixture of 15-20 minutes in the oven, and drainage to pre-give boiling water. You can add a broken egg shell in drainage.

Preparing pot

How best to plant? Plant seeds is better in a shallow plastic container - up to 8 cm. Height. Containers at the bottom should have many drainage holes. The capacitance of white matt is best suited, which do not absorb a large amount of sunlight. The pot must be equipped with a pallet for flowing excess fluid. The mandatory element is a transparent lid. It can be a glass or a transparent plastic cap (cup, cover), which are covered with seeds.

Where to buy material for sowing and what does it look in the photo?

Sowing material can be purchased in the store Or collect seeds yourself. The first option is suitable for beginner flower products, the second - for experienced, having at least two unrelated plants of one variety. Their flowers must be crossed and wait for the aging of the berries. When the berry matches, the seeds are dried and prepared for landing.

Due to the small sizes of seeds in appearance, it is difficult to determine whether they are healthy or not. The main criterion is freshness of seeds, they should not be kept more than six months. If the seeds were stored in a wet room or the marks are visible on the packaging - such copies are not suitable for planting.

Soil processing

Seeds need to soak 12-15 hours in a weak solution of manganese. This procedure not only disinfects the seeds and warns the development of the fungus, but also awakens them.

Purchased material for sowing

Cactus seeds worth buying only proven manufacturers and suppliers. The average price per package of 3 seeds in Moscow and St. Petersburg is 25 rubles.

Planting procedure

How to sow?

  1. The drainage layer (1-2 cm) is poured into the disinfaped container, then the substrate prepared (3-4 cm). 1/3 of the tank should be not filled.
  2. The land is watering with warm boiled water.
  3. With the help of a toothpick at a distance of 1 cm, wells are made in which the disinfected seeds are fell.
  4. The soil with seeds spray with water from the pulverizer, but do not watered.
  5. The greenhouse is covered with a lid and put on a sunny place.

How to care for at first?

  • Spray 1-2 times a day.
  • I ventilate at least 2-3 times a day.
  • Remove the condensate from the walls of the lid so that blue-green algae is not formed.
  • Belt outstanding crops.
  • Provide sufficient illumination - at least 10 hours a day.
  • Contain at an average temperature of 25 ° C during the day and 20 ° C at night.
  • Fertilize special fertilizers to increase cacti.
  • If the pot appeared algae, the plant should be transplanted.

How fast are developing?

How many seedlings grow? The first seed sprouts give no earlier than in 2 weeks, the latter shoot in a month. If after the expiration of the germination of the sprouts did not appear, it is possible to remove the container in a cool place and stop watering for 2 weeks, then return to the previous place and resume care. A similar stress method allows you to "awaken" seeds.

There are views with a large period of germination from 2 months or more. Seedlings most species grow very slowly and even two years reach the size of no more than 4 cm in height and diameter. When complying with all the rules of care, the cactus can start blossoming for 4-5 years of life.

What if you don't get angry?

If cacti do not come true, you need to revise the conditions of their content and check for diseases. If infected instances are detected, they must be immediately separated from healthy and destroy. The remaining sprouts should be treated with a solution of manganese. At the initial stage, you can resort to the emergency change of the situation and force the cactus to go into the hibernation, reducing the temperature and cutting watering. Then you can transplant the plant and resume the care cycle.

It's not easy to grow a cactus, but insanely interesting. The plant survived at the initial growth stage will be strong and tempered. With independent cultivation of seeds, you can get unexpected results in the form of new copies of hybrid varieties.

Useful video

We offer for viewing video with a cactus planting procedure, as well as information on how to take care of:

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Exotic flower "from scratch": cultivation of cacti from seeds at home

Among the exotic succulent plants grown at home, cactuses are considered the most popular and distributed. They feel good in the apartment, many willingly give children, let go shoots and bloom. In addition, they can be multiplied not only by the method of vegetation, but also seeds. This is not the easiest way, however, causes the interest of cactusovodov - after all, grow an adult copy of tiny seeds, go through all the stages and observe the process, quite interesting.

Where can you take high-quality cacti seeds, how to properly prepare them, sow and care for the result not disappointed?

Best time for landing

Succulents from the family of cactus seeds can be generally year-round, but only if you can provide them with suitable conditions. And since they need abundant lighting and warm, then they are better to suck them from the end of February to mid-April. It is during this period that an increase in the daylight and an increase in air temperature occurs.

With earlier sowing, the trouble will add, as the seedlings will need additional artificial lighting. With a lack of lighting, young sprouts will begin overly stretch into the search for a light source.

Where to get seeds?

Most often, the seed material is purchased in flower shops, it is natural that it should be purchased from proven sellers offering a fresh product. In addition, you can find mixtures consisting of cacti seeds of various types and varieties. In most cases, they contain the sowing material of the most non-registed and unpretentious species that have similar needs - mummillary, parodies, rebounds, echinocacts.

But, there is another option - to grow cacti from seeds collected from home specimens, which also rose in room conditions from seeds or cuttings.

It is important! Many species require pollination, however, for these purposes it is impossible to use plants that are blood relatives. That is, they should not be grown from the seeds of the same flower.
Most cacti are pollinated by allogamy method, that is, cross when pollen from a flower of one plant is transferred to the other flower.

The owner should take a brush or a cotton ball, and if the pollen is easily separated and settled, then transfer to the flower of another instance. After that, you can expect when a berry is formed instead of inflorescence.

Without this event, you can do in pollination of the cerers, mummillary, some Echinocacts of the Isosterete and most rebounds. These succulents do not require "couples", it is enough to spend on a flower with a tassel so that pollen gets the pestle on the stitch.

It should be remembered that the seeds only have seeds of only fatal fruits. When the berry dries, it needs to be broken, get seeds and put into an envelope from paper.

Tip! If the collection of seed cacti cacti of various types and varieties is to be collected, then it is recommended to sign bags, as the seeds of these plants are tiny and very similar to each other.

About the geogide of the seeds

Hanging seeds of various cactus at the same time, providing the same conditions and waiting for germs, one cannot forget that they can be different from them. Most often, the first seedlings of cacti are gluable for the first week.

Seed germination rate depends on their quality and on what conditions they were kept. Among the "Toropag" there are both real recordsmen. Thus, the pre-closed seeds of the large-flowered cactus from the genus of the Akantocalysis rose already in 12 hours after they got into the substrate.

Unfortunately, often cactusov expects failure, as the seeds are absolutely nonsense. However, according to statistics sprout from 70% to 100% of seeds, even taking into account the cultivation of aryocurps and roseokacts.

Low germination has only a few varieties, for example, Aztekium Ritterii and Brasilicactus Haselbergii. The last look is sewn for several years in a row, but, at best, it was possible to get only one sprout from all sowing.

Preparation and sowing

Succulent plants, and cactis are no exception, differ from ordinary room colors - appearance, climatic and other preferences. The same applies to their landing and cropping. What should pay special attention to the cultivation of cacti from seeds at home?

Suitable substrate

A fertile, rich and organic land succulent is not suitable, they are familiar to more scanty, stony soils. However, even if in the substrate, the cacti grow great, it is not necessary to use it for the extension of seeds. Suitable soil can be purchased in a garden store or prepare it independently from the following components:

  • 1 part of the leaf land and fine washed sand;
  • 0.5 pieces of crushed charcoal.

The last component is extremely important, as it absorbs excess moisture, does not miss the light, prevents the formation of mold, picking seeds and sprouts. But most often the seedlings are dying precisely because of the excessive humidity of the substrate.

In such a soil, seeds are sighable, where seedlings remain up to the first dive. With the following dives, the composition of the soil gradually change, bringing it to the composition of the soil of adult succulents.

How and why register shoots?

If the flower is closely engaged in the cultivation of cacti from seeds, then the material of various species become frequent. Experienced cactiuses provide data - names of varieties or varieties, landing date, in a notebook, assigning numbers or the letter that is transferred to the tanks and landing. In the future, there will be no difficulty identifying instances.

Capacity for sowing

So that the seeds are sprouted, and seedlings felt well, you should take care of a suitable tank. You can hang a mixture of seeds consisting of different types of cacti, but care for such a planting is much more difficult than for individual species. In addition, they can with a significant break.

The exceptions are ready-made mixtures, as a rule, they include seeds of cacti similar, even closely related species. Often they are capable not only to germinate in one container, but further exist in the form of a mix composition.

It is most convenient to highlight for each of the species a separate small, fine container, the volume of which does not exceed 50 cm3. This volume of seedlings will be enough to first dive.

The reservoir should be prepared by sending potassium permanganate per day for disinfection.

Planting process

To grow cacti from seeds and get a good result, it is recommended to adhere to a certain algorithm:

  1. A layer of drainage material is placed on the bottom of the pots, which is pre-sterilized.
  2. On top, 5-6 cm layer of the substrate, which is slightly tamped and is aligned.
  3. The soil should be shed so that it is wet, but avoiding overflow.
  4. On the surface, small lunas are made, at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other.
  5. They unfold seeds, they do not require even greater and sprinkle their soil.

It is important to take care of the purity of the hands and tools, it will significantly reduce the risks of penetration into the soil pathogenic fungi.

Upon completion of the landing capacity, it is necessary to put in the prepared general tank. It is covered with a film and sent to the windowsill.

The most "active" seeds are glorified after 1-2 days, but some for this requires 1.5-2 weeks. Many flower products give non-resident seeds a second chance, withsting them in warm or cold. But, such events are rarely productive. In addition, from poor-quality seeds, strong, developed flowers are most often not obtained - they grow and develop worse than others, often dying with the slightest changes in the conditions of detention.

Possible problems of germination

During the germination of seeds, such a situation may arise that the root will not deepen into the ground, and it turns out on its surface. In this case, you need to do with a needle or match a small deepening, in which carefully put the root and sprinkle with the substrate.

Sometimes the maquet of seedlings turns out to be pinched seedside, breaking their growth. You can help with juveniles, carefully removing the peel with a needle and plant sprouts to the previous place.

The shells of seeds that are on the ground should be collected and throwing out that it does not put it in the future.

Cash care cacti

As practice shows, to grow a cactus from seeds to achieve little so that they give shoots. Unfortunately, weak sprouts are often completely dying - due to improper care, inappropriate conditions of content and other factors. It is necessary to care for landing as follows:

  • Watering the ground is not recommended, it is enough 1-2 times a day to irrigate it with a fine sprayer.
  • Landing requires regular ventilation - twice a day for 15-20 minutes.
  • The condensate must be removed on the container and underpressible material.
  • If you still failed to avoid high humidity and mold appeared on the soil, then it should be in addition to ventilating, once a few days carefully loosen the soil between the rows of crops. With abundant algae, seedlings are better to be supported in a container with a new substrate.

It is interesting! Often, newcomers are wondering why when planting seeds of a cactus of one species, seeds of various colors - gray, brownish, green, purple and even pinks are glorified in the tank. It is not necessary to scare, over time they acquire the same, uniform color, peculiar to this species.

It is very important that the future cactuses have enough light, without it they will pull out. It is also recommended to install additional lighting devices. The distance from the lamp to the soil should be no more than 12 cm. Seedlings should be under illumination at least 8-9 hours per day. This mode is observed during the first two years, because you can not forget that cactus grow pretty slow.

In the warm season, you can arrange the "walks", making the tanks on the loggia or balcony, but necessarily protecting them from scoring rays, precipitation, drafts and busting winds.

By the third year, cacti can winter as adult copies - in the coolness without irrigation. It stimulates the plant to flowering and green lovers will delight its owner with a beautiful spectacle.


From the moment the tiny seed fall into the ground and turn into an adult exotic flower, there will be a lot of time. And it is necessary to take patience to wait for the first flowering of your ward. And besides, sometimes it is required not one attempt so that the result is positive. However, the avid cactiuses in one voice say - that it is worth it, the main thing is not to give up and correctly take care of their tiny wards.

We grow cacti houses from the seed. All you need to know

There are many lovers of cacti in the world, but not everyone knows how to multiply and grow them from seeds at home. In fact, there is nothing difficult here, however, it requires certain skills. Another problem is that the seeds are improperly improper and ultimately, they are simply rotten in the ground.

One of the most problematic questions is: "How to grow a cactus from seeds?" In this article, we will try to describe the whole process of preparation and cultivation as possible, as well as you should monitor and care for future plants. Let's start!

What you need to put

Before you tell how to plant seeds, you should prepare everything you need to not be distracted in the process. We will need:

  • Seeds cactus
  • Land for disembarking
  • Capacity where we put

Now, you will shortly stop at each of the items.


You can get our planting material in two ways - on your own or buy in the store.

In the first case, you need to wait for your favorite cactus to flash and on the place of the flower will remain a box with seeds. The disadvantage of this method is obvious and not one - you need to wait long and lack of uniqueness. If there is clear, then under the "uniqueness" mean that from the received seeds you can grow a few more cacti of the same kind. Although, to obtain the experience of growing, this option will fully come.

The second method is most preferred. You don't need to wait for you, you can go to the flower shop at any time and purchase seeds of any kind, and even rare.


With the earth, everything is too simple. The soil can be made independently, but it is not recommended for growing seeds, as it requires certain knowledge and will take a certain time. You can prepare the soil yourself for more adult cacti, but for growing seeds, it is better to purchase a special, already prepared soil in the store. It will already have all the necessary fertilizers, trace elements and other components.

Do not forget to treat the soil before landing. To do this, it is possible to pour it with a solution of manganese and give a completely dry, or pour out on a baking sheet and send to the oven for 5-10 minutes, at a temperature of 100-120 degrees.


For landing, we need a small greenhouse with a transparent lid. You can find it in a flower shop, but you can also save. What is needed for this? Packing from the cake! Most packages for cakes, now have a transparent lid and pallet with small sides. This will be enough for us.

Another greenhouse can be replaced with plastic "disposable" (so it is called) by boxing, which can be on plastic "loops" or removable. You can find it in the same place where plastic cups are sold, plates, forks, etc. Quite often, they are found in supermarkets - usually pack pastries, tubes and any other.

Preparation of seeds

Be sure to go to the seeds should be processed and disinfected. It is possible to do this with a weak mortar solution. Seeds should be soaked in a solution for 9-10 hours, but not more than 12! So, check out the time, and better not to forget - put alarm clock.


After everything is ready, you can proceed to seeds. Take our greenhouse and fill the earth. The layer should turn out no more than 5 cm. Some prefer to put on the bottom of the drainage, which in principle will not be superfluous, but it is possible without it. The full ground is now necessary to pour - it must be boiled water with a temperature of 40-45 degrees. Water evenly, avoiding overflow, otherwise you will have to press when the extra moisture evaporates.

Further, when the Earth is wet, it must be dissolved and make shallow lunas for seeds. The distance between them should be 1.5-2 cm. The wells can be made using toothpicks or matches. Now, you can proceed to the explosion. Every seed put in the finished hole, but I do not fall asleep the earth. When finished, the greenhouse should be closed with a lid or food film, and put on the windowsill.

During the first week, you will see how your future cactuses begin to germinate. As soon as the first spines appear, the greenhouse can be opened so that the plants breathe fresh air.

How to carek to go

In order for our planted seeds to go, some conditions should be observed, namely:

  • Watering
  • Temperature conditions
  • Lighting

A little more about each of these 3 points.


During the growth period, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is wet and not to give it to dry. But, it is also not necessary to abuse, otherwise the seeds are simply rotated due to the re-fulfillment of moisture. Check the humidity with your finger. If the ground is slightly wet, but it is more dry, it should be poured.

Just do not think to water from a bottle or a mug. The best option is a pipette or sprayer (pulverizer). Using a pipette, moisten the soil around each seedling. Yes, it will take time for this, but in order to save it, you can use the sprayer. It covers, much more area and moisturizes the whole earth immediately. Remember that water is needed warm!

Temperature conditions

In whatever time of the year you have not planted seeds, for their proper growth, the desired temperature should be maintained. The normal and appropriate, the temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees of heat is. At night, greenhouse can be transferred to a slightly cool place, with a temperature of 13-18 degrees - it will be even useful.


As for lighting, young plants should receive it in full, so choosing a windowsill, make sure that a large amount of light falls on it, both day and sunny, but avoid direct sunlight. Additionally, you can use artificial lighting devices.

How to care after seed shoot

As soon as the first spines appear, the greenhouse can be opened on the ventilation. During this period, it is important not to spoil anything. In addition to spraying from a sprayer, you can add a small watering from the Level. Soil moisture, all also check on your own and do not sue her completely.

As for the temperature, it remains the same - 25 degrees, but gradually, it can be increased to 30. At night, everything can be (even needed) to carry cacti in a cooler place.

As for lighting, it also remains unchanged. The only thing you can remove artificial lamps if used them.

In addition to the foregoing, young shoots can be started to feed fertilizers, however, in small quantities. For this, in a flower shop, take a special feeding. The main thing is that in its composition there is a lot of content, potassium, phosphorus and calcium, but nitrogen should be in meager quantities. Perform fertilizer feeding, it is possible once a half - two weeks - this will be enough.

When to transplant. Care in the first year of the plant

After 3 months, the seedlings will first be searched. For this, you will need small pots or at first plastic cups with a volume of 0.5 liters. On the bottom of the cups, be sure to make a few holes, like on pots. If kashpo without holes, observe watering mode. (Water on a little bit and not often). So, proceed to reset.

  • On the bottom of each pot, pour the drainage layer (clamzit, rubble, crushed brick). After that, start pouring the soil. Earth use the same as when landing, the other, so far is not needed. Fill the pot soil almost to the top, leaving 1-2 cm of stock. In the middle it is necessary to make a recess, you can finger. This is necessary in order to place our cactus there.
  • Now, from our greenhouse, together with a lump of land, take a seedling and transfer it to the "new home". Gently, everything plumps his fingers, after which, the soil can be fertilized and a little pour. All the same, should be done with the rest of the left.

As for the departure in the first year, there are no difficulties here. The most important thing is to continue to care for it. The only thing you should remember what gradually, the plant needs to be accustomed to the right watering, that is, to such as more adult plants. It is possible to begin to begin at about half a year. Do not forget about the feeding that you need to be held until September, and, of course, in the period of rest, provide a plant to peace, and once again do not disturb.

After the first year, the cacti will need to transplant in more spacious pots, and in the future, the transplant should be performed as farming.

Options for making sickness decorative sand

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And on this everything! Successes to you in cultivation!

Growing cacti from seeds

Cacti belong to plants that are valued by people engaged in amateur cultivation of decorative plants. Many lovers cope with growing more demanding species, grow cacti from seeds at home, hoping that the received plants will decorate the apartment with minimal costs. Although the cacti deservedly use a reputation as simple in cultivation so that cacti beautifully bloomed, you need to pay a little more attention.

The family of cactus, is overflowed by many species and varieties, it is worth purchasing a mixture of seeds, allow you to get an interesting composition on the windowsill.

What seeds choose?

So that the seeds of the cacti have high quality, you need to buy only in well-known stores. Look, whether there are traces of the development of the disease on the seeds, will not crumble when touched.

Do not be surprised at the opening of the packaging, individual instances may differ in appearance. Copies belonging to the same look, produce seeds with various physical features.

Exterior Smean

Cacti sowing material differ depending on what kind of belongs, there are some common features. Seeds, small - compared with poppy grains, although there are less, in some species with a diameter of 2 mm, the empmium is clearly more (flat, like lentils). The empmits differ in the color of the shell, in other cacti, the shell is black or brown, the emplation remains yellow. Specific feature of cacti seeds - surface type. Some species have a smooth and brilliant surface, others have matte and rude, often covered with snacks or cones.


  • Do not overheat, can adversely affect the germination.
  • In order for cacti seeds well, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature in the room does not exceed 25 ° C in the case of heat-loving species, in the case of mountain species 20 ° C, in some species, at astrophites, the optimal germination temperature is considered 15 ° C.

It is best to germinate fresh seeds, some cacti (echinocactus) seed matures long, even for two years! The seeds of most species germinate a week after sowing, astrophitis - after two days. If the sowing material is not used within a month from the moment of receipt, the germination will fall and return to the previous state only in six months.

How to plant cacti seeds?

Sowing matteria cacti most often sow in pots. Containers should have many holes for drainage and color different from black, absorbs a large amount of sunlight, can lead to overheating of the root plant of the plant. Cacti do not like too fertile soil, it is better to buy a special substrate for succulents. You can independently prepare the substrate - just mix clay fragments, sand and neutralized peat. The substrate should be easily wet and quick to sleep. The main thing is that the earth is sterile. To this end, the soil should "fry" in the oven for an hour and postpone for two weeks.

Adult cactus can be transplanted into the ground - perfect for alpine slide. For this purpose, varieties withsting large temperature differences are chosen.

Some nature species grow on limestone areas. We need a substrate with pH\u003e 7. Seeds should be sown in alkaline soil (you can add a lime for neutralization).

Species requiring alkaline soil:

  • Ariocarpus (seeds germinate best at high temperatures, 25-30 ° C);
  • Astrophytum - astrophitum;
  • Stenocactus (EchinofossULocactus) - angularactus;
  • Escobaria - Escobary;
  • Epithelantha - epitateanta;
  • Lophophora - Lofofor;
  • Turbinicarpus - turbinearpus;
  • Some species, corinals and echinoserines.

When to sow seeds?

Seeds of cacti are grown in the greenhouses all year round, in winter, the likelihood of infection with malicious fungi increases. It is better to hang out early spring (March, or February) or at the end of summer (from mid-August to mid-September). On the windowsill at home, they are sown in turn, from January to May (if the containers at the selected place are well covered), or only in April-May (if the light is weak). The sun's rays must be scattered, the scorching sun can destroy shoots.

How to sow seeds?

For sowing, it takes a container with a depth of at least 5 cm so that between the two-per-penimeter layer of the soil and the layer of glass, which we cover germinating cacti, should remain 3 cm of the gap. Seeds before sowing to rinse, disinfection and dry, at the very end to be treated (with capaty drugs). Sowing material is not dug on the surface of the soil, we do not fall asleep - you need to slightly press. The exceptions make up the seeds of the nation, the floor should be covered with a centimeter layer of land.

It is necessary to start the harvest when the fruits are ripe. The moment comes when the fruit reaches full maturity. It is easier in the case of species whose fruit breaks through the slits are freely visible to the seeds, astrophites. There are cacti, the fruits of which are softened and melted, releasing seeds. Melocactus, fruits together with seeds to achieve maturity, are fired at a certain distance.

Evaluation of the degree of maturity seeds is difficult. Problems repeatedly causes the form and consistency of fruits. From fruit dry seeds is easily mined, you can immediately pack into paper bags, putting into a dry and ventilated room. Difficulties appear in the case of fleshy berries that need to be washed after collecting. Do not delay with this procedure, because the wet pulp can be molded. Rinse the seed, stands before packing, immersing potassium permanganate solution.


Cacti is affixed by a variety of forms, wealth of species and varieties. Most of the species comes from the areas of South America, where they are found in rocky deserts and high-mountainous areas - even in the Andes at an altitude of more than 4,000 m above sea level.

The cactus family includes 120 genera, covering several hundred species. To the family of mummillaria, there are 350 species, to the kind of progress - 300. There are many features on the basis of which the succulents can be distinguished, the most obvious is the form. Astrophitis - Mexican cactis - look like stars, cafaloceremistry cactus (called the head of the old man) is completely covered with silver hairs, which resemble a gray beard of man.


Cacti planted in fresh ground are not fertilized for about 2 years. Cacti growing for a long time in one pot (substrate), begin to lose their appearance. From pleasant green becomes dull, pale, with a reddish tint. Typical symptoms of nutrient deficit. Instead of fertilizer, it is possible to water acidic water (a tablespoon of vinegar per 10 liters of water). If the cacti has long been poured by tap water for a long time, it is often solid, pH in a pot increases, which blocks the absorption of many micro and macroelements. It is necessary to fertilizer with long-term cultivation without transplantation, use multicomponent soluble fertilizers with the advantage of P and K, fertilizing once a year.


Cacti growing in nature are subject to rest period. This is mainly due to temporary, often long-term water deficit. Plants cease to grow, waiting for the best times. At home, the provision of resting period is necessary for proper growth and abundant flowering of plants. Cacti grown at home or greenhouse is unlikely to clean long drought, other conditions that are unfavorable for growth - lack of light, facing in winter.

People period prevents the deformation of plants growing in conditions of weak deficit. New shoots will be subtle, light green and gentle.

The rest period has a positive effect on the abundance of flowering, many species need to bloom.

From September to October, we carry cacti in a cool room with a temperature of 5-12 ° C (watering carefully only in spring from March to April, after transfer to a warm and bright room. If you store cacti in place without access to light or with weak access (basement) , Then during this period you need to be careful not to expose the plant to direct sunlight - a burn is guaranteed. Cacti must be covered with a grid or agrotectile within a few days or exhibited in a less sunny place.

The cultivation of rare plants from seeds is a real pleasure for a flower plant. And to grow from seeds such exotic as cacti - this is not something incredible. And, nevertheless, they are not much difficult to grow, subject to certain conditions. And the mass of positive emotions from this process will be provided to you!

Experienced cactusists have special tubers with lamps and reflectors intended for this sacrament. But for the successful absorption of their own, they are causing all these attributes are not necessary, although desirable. Cacti from the seeds can be quite possible without these "frills", there would be a desire.

Preparation of sowing inventory for growing cactus

It is better to sow each view separately, or two types together in small boxes (for example, children's cubes), which are then comfortable to make one common toss.

It is also possible to sow in one plastic or ceramic candes with a depth of at least 3 cm, which is divided by vertical partitions to cells. Place of seeding of each species marks the number or title. Pre-lei dishes should be thoroughly washed and disinfected by a strong solution of potassium mangartee, chlorine lime or formalin. Ceramic dishes are advisable to boil. All preparation is performed on the eve of sowing.

Preparation of the sowing substrate for growing cactus

The substrate for sowing should be well air and water permeable, poor nutrients capable of keeping moisture, have a weakly acidic reaction (PH-6) and be sterile. This requirements satisfy a mixture of equal parts of a sifted leaf land and a large washed sand that does not contain lime, with a small addition of sifted peat ns powder of charcoal. More complex compositions of noticeable benefits do not have.

For sterilization, the finished mixture is refucing into a saucepan, well moisturized, close tightly with a lid and placed in the oven, where the temperature of 200-250 ° C is maintained. Three liters of the mixture are sterilized 1-1.5 hours. For a smaller amount of the mixture, the duration of sterilization is reduced.

The sterilization is also conveniently carried out over the steam in the pumping boiler. After sterilization, the substrate should remain wet. Sterilization is performed on the eve of sowing. For drainage use fine pebbles, well washed and boiled.

Preparation of cactus seeds at home

The process of preparing seed cacti to landing is similar to many vegetable plants. Making them in a solution of mangartee will help speedy germination, and the rotation process will be minimized.

It is important to remember that after a day after soaking, the seeds can be planted. A longer powering in water will lead to the appearance of long sprouts, which, unfortunately, are easily rolled.

Landing cactus seeds at home

Three layers should turn out in any plant for landing: the first - drainage, then a layer of the prepared soil, which should be sealing to remove the formed emptiness, the top layer is more loose and small, for this, the soil must be sifted through the siter.

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Align the surface, plant seeds, using a needle or a small tassel, additionally moisturize. From above, it is necessary to create a shelter from transparent plastic or glass, set the containers into a warm light place. For moisturizing, use a pipette or a spray gun, prevent the cut. Monitor the temperature that should be within + 25 ° C.

After 2-3 months, you can pix seedlings, which contributes to the better growth of barbed plants and reduce diseases.

A few words about picking cacti

Passed cacti, on which the first spines and gentle hairs began to break through, be sure to transplant, and together with a nickname of land around the root. In a separate pot, a thick drainage layer is equipped, and then fill the container with a substrate for cacti. The surface of the earth is very thoroughly align, make a small deepening in it and put a young plant there. The roots are sprinkled with a thin layer of fertile soil. The little sprout is placed in a warm, bright room, protected from direct sun rays, and are moderately watered (as the soil dried).

Cactus Costs

If the signs of growth is not noticed, you need to remember the rule: in doubtful cases, do not water! Always more dangerous excess water than its disadvantage. This is especially important for winter when most cacti is completely dry, of course, with cold content. Low temperatures for many cacti are needed so that they bloom in the next growing season.

It is cold, but the bright content is sometimes the greatest difficulty in the room culture of cacti. Cold, but the dark room is not suitable here. Many cacti, especially blooming in spring, and during recreation require maximum light. Despite the cold wintering, sometimes cacti flowering is not possible. The reason is that these species are dealing with young plants that have not yet matured to the flowering stage. Certain cacti, such as small-scale, cefalotcereus, the esposta form flowers only in a certain blossom zone, it is called cephalium. This zone is covered with thick, mostly yellow or brown hairs or bristles, which are sitting as a cap on the top or side sometimes at column-shaped cacti (the so-called lateral cefalius).

How to water cactus at home

Watering during growth and flowering is carried out abundant, but water should not be stood in a pot. Water with warm water, but in no case on the flowers. Well, if you will spray with water every day.
During the flowering and bootonization period, two weeks are performed feeding (root and extractive), these are ready-made mixtures for forest cacti rich in potassium and a moderate nitrogen content that is harmful to roots in large quantities.

What will be the lighting

Lighting. In the light, cacti need already at the earliest stage of life - during germination. Of course, like many homemade cultures, direct sunlight they will be harmful. Therefore, it is desirable to put the tray on the sunny window, but it is mandatory to priest.

In addition to all listed factors, cacti spacins are very necessary fresh air. How to ensure its access to greenhouse? It is enough to do several small holes in the lid or simply to move it from time to time to air. The first time it can be done a week after sowing. The lid needs to be taken just a couple of minutes to remove the condensate, but not perching small "cactisate." At night, the lid should be tightly closed.

Cactus blossom

Flowers can form either in the top area, or at the base of the stem cactus, this is an important feature in determining. They are not long saved by par plants, sometimes only a few hours. Some cactuses have a kind of feature - blossom at night, because in terms of their homeland, they are pollinated by night butterflies or volatile mice. Flowers evaporate a lot of moisture, so for a long time the plant can not solve such a luxury.

Thanks to the spines, many cacti are very attractive and not in a blooming state. They are not too demanding. It is enough to remember, in what conditions cactuses dwell, for example in the mountains, and it will become clear why they need to raise enough. Many species useful to significant differences of night and daytime temperatures, they give stronger spines and more abundant flowering. When buying plants, it is recommended to choose species with especially beautiful spines.