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The name of the cruise floor on the modern map. Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern Biography

Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern (1770-1846) is not only a legendary navigator, admiral, honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, but also a unique historical person and one of the founders of Russian oceanology. This man had a tangible influence as on the history of domestic maritime expeditions, and in general on all navigation in general. Not many know that the author of the first "South Sea Atlas" was Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern. short biography This Russian navigator is in school textbooks, it takes place in all special educational institutions, since this name that every educated person knows is invariably connected with Russian oceanology, geography, etc.

Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern: brief biography

This Russian navigator, who, at birth, ordered Adam John, took place from the Ostsey rubbing German kind of nobles, the founder of which was his great-grandfather - Philip Kruzius. Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern born, whose biography is closely connected with the sea, in the eighth of November 1770 in Estonia, in the estate of Jagudis. His father was a judge. FROM early childhood The future admiral dreamed of bypassing around the sea. And although his life was always connected with the sea, it was not possible to implement this dream immediately.

Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern after the Revetsky Church School, in which he studied for three years since twelve years, immediately entered the only educational institution in Kronstadt, which was preparing the fleet officers - the sea case. The first campaign of the young Gardemarine on water expanses was carried out in 1787 in the Baltic. Soon the Russian-Swedish war began. Like many others, Ivan Kruzenshtern, did not have time to complete the course of study, it was ahead of time to the Michmans on the linear 74-gun ship "Mstislav". It happened in 1788. Having distinguished himself in the gogindian battle in the same year, the young Ivan was mentioned by the command. And for merits in sea battles In the Vyborg Bay during the Red Gorka and in Relva in 1790 it was produced in Lieutenants.

Volunteering Period in United Kingdom

In 1793, twelve excellent officers for the purpose of improving the sea were sent to England. Among them were Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern. The biography of the future admiral from this time begins to dramatically gain momentum. Leaving the Russian Empire, he for a long time Slawed on the northern coast of America, where more than once participated in battles with French ships, visited Suriname, Barbados, in order to study the Ost-Indian waters, he went to the Bengal Bay. His goal was to establish a route for Russian trade in this region.

Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern, already being a cavalier of the Order of St. George of the Fourth Class, heavily interested in the fur trade of Russia and China, the route of which was carried out by land from Okhotsk on Kyacht. Being in Canton, he had the opportunity to make advantage of the benefit of which Russia could get from the immediate market of his fur product to China by sea. In addition, despite comparative youth, the future Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern tried to establish a direct connection of the metropolis with Russian possessions located in America in order to be able to supply them with everything necessary. In addition, he has already begun seriously thinking about him before the start of the Swedish war. around the world swimming, the main purpose of which could be the improvement of the Russian fleet with such remote routes, as well as the development of colonial trade. Therefore, swimming in the service in the waters of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, this navigator studied all possible paths.


Having gained experience and fixed, in 1799 Ivan Fedorovich returned to Russia six years later. In St. Petersburg, he tried to submit his project and considerations into the maritime department, but did not meet an understanding.

However, when in 1802, the main rule of the Russian Ministry of Commerce began to speak with a similar proposal, the emperor Alexander I approved him, and in the performance it was decided to equip a circular expedition. Just at this time and remembered Cruisestrine, inviting him to the king.

First around the world swimming

The sovereign, heavily encouraged by the project, approved him and provided the Kruzenchtern the possibility of his personal implementation. On the journey, two small sailing gate were prescribed: "Hope" weighing 450 tons and a slightly lighter vessel "Neva". To command the expedition and the main ship was Kruzenshtern Ivan Fedorovich, whose discoveries will subsequently enter the history of Russian navigation as one of the most significant. And the command of the Zhant "Neva" was commissioned him with a close friend Captain Lieutenant Y. Lysyansky.

The glorious journey started in early August 1803. Both vessels simultaneously come out of the Kronstadt port to go to a long and very difficult way. The main task that was put before the expedition is the study of the mouth of the Amur River to detect new routes. It has always been the cherished goal of the Pacific Russian Fleet, to bring to the life of which they have trusted long-standing friends and classmates - Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky. They subsequently had to survive a lot of difficulties.
Ships were supposed to wear a military flag. In addition to trading purposes, the gate "Nadezhda" was supposed to transport the Russian ambassador to Japan - Chamber Rezanov, who was obliged to organize trade relations with Japan. And with the aim of conducting scientific research From the Russian Academy of Sciences on the expedition, the naturalists of Langesdorf with Tilesius, as well as Astronomer Gornger, were submitted.

Southern Hemisphere

Japanese part of travel

On the twenty-sixth of September 1804, the Nadezhda gate arrived in Nagasaki. In Japan, Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern was forced to stay until next year. The incredulous and extremely slow Japanese strongly refused to take the Russian ambassador. Finally, in April, the question was allowed.

Return to the rezanov in Kamchatka Kruzenshtern decided through which at that time was completely unknown by the navigators. On the way, he managed to explore the Western shores of Nipon and Matsma, as well as the southern and half of the eastern part of Sakhalin Island. In addition, Ivan Fedorovich identified the situation of many other islands.

Completion of the mission

Pouring to the Petropavlovsky port, disembarking the ambassador, Cruzenshtern returns to the shores of Sakhalin, finishes his research, then, having reached him from the north, comes to the Amur Liman, from where the second August returns to Kamchatka, where, after replenishing food reserves, "hope" is sent to Kronstadt. This ended the legendary round-the-world journey of Cruzenshtern, which is the first to be written in the history of Russian navigation. It fully justified the planned project, making not only a new era, but also enriching geography and natural sciences useful information On little-known countries. The sovereign very generously awarded Kruzenchtern and Lisyansky, as well as all other expedition participants. In memory of this important event, even ordered to knock out a special medal.


In 1811, Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern, whose photo can be seen in any textbook of maritime schools and other special educational institutions, was appointed inspector of classes in the Marine Cadet Corps. However, the developing eye disease and not quite successful relations with the Tsarist Maritime Minister were forced to ask him to be liberated from work and in December 1815 to go to an indefect vacation.

Almost from the same time he began to develop detailed instructionsintended for around the world expeditionwhich took place from 1815 to 1818 under the leadership of the Koceb - the junior officer of the first navigation. Kruzenshtern even went to England, where I ordered the tools you need. And returning, he, having received a permanent vacation, began to work on the creation of his "Southern Sea Atlas", to which hydrographic notes that serve as a palace and clarification were made. Ivan Fedorovich treated with him specialists and created a beautiful educational description Travel S. large quantity Maps and drawings. This work published in Russian and german languageswas translated into French, and subsequently, without exception, European languages. He was awarded the complete Demidov Prize.

Guide to marine corps

In 1827, Kruzenshtern became the director of the sea corps. Almost at the same time, he became a member of the Admiralty Council. Sixteen years as director are marked by indigenous transformations in this military school: Ivan Fedorovich introduced new items for teaching, he enriched the library and museums by many benefits. Indigenous transformations touched not only moral and educational level. Admiral established an officer class, physical office and observatory.

According to the special petition of Ivan Fedorovich, the Corps in 1827 became the Maritime Academy.

Scientific and organizational activities

At the beginning of the domestic, in the 1812th, Kruzenshtern, being a good man, sacrificed a third of his state. At the time, it was a lot of money - a thousand rubles. In the same year, he published his three-volume journey around the world ... ", and in 1813 he was elected a member of many scientific societies and even academies in England and Denmark, Germany and France.

Until 1836, Cruisenstern published his "Southern Sea Atlas", in which there were extensive hydrographic notes. From 1827 to 1842, gradually rising in the titles, he reached the admiral. Very many outstanding travelers and navigators addressed support or advice to Ivan Fedorovich. He was the organizer of the expedition under the leadership of not only Otto Cotceb, but also Vavilleva and Shishmareva, Bellingshausen and Lazarev, Stanyukovich and a litkey.

Physical training

According to contemporaries, Kruzenshtern has strongly stand out in his surroundings, differing at athletic buildings, and the shoulder belt and heroic breasts exceeded everyone in the expedition. Interestingly, in travel, despite the perplexity of colleagues, he brought with him Giri and was engaged in each day. His favorite exercise was a shower with a gym.

In memory

In St. Petersburg, from 1874, on the project of the architect of Monighetti and sculptor, Schroedher opposite the marine corps are a monument to Cruise. He was built by private funds, although a small allowance was obtained from the state.

The name of this great navigator is named strait, reef and barq. And in 1993 Russian bank Released memorable coins of the "First Around the World Russian Travel" series.

Great Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern in the Tallinn Dome Cathedral is buried.

August 24 marks 170 years since the death of the Russian navigator Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern. Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern (name at birth - Adam Johann von Kruzenshtern) was born on November 19, 1770, died on August 24, 1846. This is a famous Russian navigator, admiral. Kruzenshtern became the head of the first Russian round-the-world expedition, he first put on the map most of the coast of Sakhalin Islands, became one of the founders of the Russian geographical society. Today, his name carries a strait in the northern part of the Kuril Islands, the passage between the island of Tsushima and Islands Iki and Oxinosim in the Korean Strait, the mountain on the new land, the islands in the Bering Strait and the Tuamot Archipelago.

No doubt, Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern was a unique historical person, was one of the founders of Russian oceanology. He had a significant impact on both the history of Russian maritime expeditions, and in general for navigation. Its brief biography is today in all textbooks, it is held in all special educational institutions of Russia. Today is the name that everyone knows without exception educated person in our country. It is inextricably linked with Russian geography and oceanology.

Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern comes from the Ostsey nobles. He is a descendant of the bubbling nobleman of the Kruzenshterns, the Rodonarchist Republic of the Russian Federation in Russia Philip Kruzius, the son of Joine Johann Friedrich, the Son of Johann Friedrich, Background Crowenchtern (1724-1791) and Frederic Christians, a nee background. Tol (1730-1804). After five daughters in their family, Karl Friedrich appeared (1769-1847), and, finally, Adam Johann himself, who became a seventh child in the family.

From the age of 12, Cruzenshtern has studied for three years at the city school at the Dome Cathedral in Revel (modern Tallinn), and then continued his studies in the Marine Cadet Corps in Kronstadt. In 1787, he was produced in Marthemary. It should be noted that since childhood the future navigator and the admiral dreamed of bypass the whole globe. This is a rare case when a children's dream really fell, although it was not possible to realize it immediately.

In 1788, in connection with the beginning of the war with Sweden, he was ahead of schedule released from the Maritime Cadet Corps and was produced in Michmans, having received an appointment to the 74-cannon ship "Mstislav". On July 6, 1788 in the Finnish Gulf, at a distance of 50 kilometers to the west of Gogind Island, there was a meeting of two squadre - Russian and Swedish. The squadron built in line - one opposite the other. At the same time, the movement of ships was seriously difficult due to the lack of wind. In fact, Russian and Swedish ships targeted each other over several hours.

The Russian squadron lost more than 300 people killed in this battle killed and more than 600 wounded. The 74-gun ship Mstislav suffered the most in battle. This ship almost lost control, the ship was badly damaged by the fire of the Swedish cannons, but remained in the rank until the battle was completed. Both sides assigned a victory in the gogindian battle to themselves, although their losses were about comparable. The Swedes captured the 60-gun ship "Prince Gustav", the flag was forced to pull the 74-gun "Vladislav" in the Russian squadron, whose team lost 260 people. If we talk about the strategic result, that the victory was here for the Russians. The Swedish fleet was forced to retreat and hide in the fortress of Sveaborg. Swedish waging plans were upset already in the first sea battle.

In the persecution of the Swedish fleet and the blockade of Svetaborg, which lasted until late autumn, took part and seriously damaged "Mustislav". Almost all officers were killed on the ship, so Michman Kruzenshtern was appointed assistant commander of Mstislav. Having distinguished himself in the gogindian battle, already in 1789, Kruzenshtern took part in Eland. Among the few losses of the Russian squadron in this battle was the death of the commander of the 74-gun "Mstislav" - Grigory Ivanovich Mulovsky, who was preparing to commit the first round-world travel in the history of Russia, was subsequently destined to make exactly the Cruisestone, who served on the same ship. In 1790, Ivan Kruzenshtern participated in sea battles with a rive, red hill, as well as the Vyborg Bay. After these battles, he at the age of 19 was produced in Lieutenants.

In 1793, Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshterns Among the 12 Russian officers, excellent, was sent to England in order to improve sea business and skills. At that moment, England firmly held the title of the greatest marine powers. With the British Kruzenshtern walked to the shores of North America, where he participated in the battles with the French. During this trip with the British, he visited Barbados, Bermuda and Suriname. To study the Ost-Indian waters and the opening of trading routes to Ost-India for Russia, Kruzenshtern visited the Bengal Bay. Interested Russian fur trading with neighboring China, which was conducted from Okhotsk by the land route on Kyakhta, Ivan Fedorovich decided that if trading was carried out directly by the sea, it would be much more profitable. He also planned to establish direct metropolis relations with Russian possessions located in America to get the opportunity to supply them with all the necessary supplies. In 1799, in St. Petersburg, Ivan Kruzenshtern introduced his vision, but his project was rejected. At the same time, in 1802, the General Directorate of the Russian-American Company was already made with a similar proposal, this proposal was satisfied russian emperor Alexander I. For its execution, the first Russian round-the-world expedition was equipped. This is how the children's dream of Cruzenchtern came true.

Just in the first Russian round-the-world expedition, which was forever entered the history of our country, entered two ships: "Hope" and "Neva". "Hope" commanded personally Kruzenshtern, "Neo" - another famous Russian sailor Captain Lieutenant Lissean. Around the world began on August 7, 1803 with sailing of ships from Kronstadt. Their path ran across the Atlantic, March 3, 1804, they warked out Cape Horn. From the Russians and neighboring lands in the north of the Pacific, participants of this expedition paid special attention to Sakhalin, Kamchatka and Kurile Islands. Around the world swimming in Kronstadt on August 19, 1806.

During the expedition, Kruzenshtern conducted a large amount of different studies, the results of which can be generalized as follows:

Were significantly corrected geographic Maps; Deepive studies of the oceans were carried out (determining the specific gravity and salinity of water, temperature measurement at different depths, determination of flow rate, etc.);

On the map was applied west Coast Japan, East Coast and South Sakhalin, studied part of the Kuril Islands;

Installed a new path to Russian possessions located in Kamchatka and in Alaska.

Ivan Fedorovich not only discovered and inflicted many of the islands on maps, described part of the north-west coast of the Pacific Ocean and amounted to his first atlas, but also became one of the founders of oceanological research. Around the world expedition under his start gathered rich ethnographic, botanical, zoological collections, and also spent a large number of Astronomical observations. In his notes about the world journey, Kruzenshtern told a lot of new and curious about what he saw in swimming, especially about the moral and life of the savages. For his time, the satisfied atlas of the Pacific Ocean was magnificent, he abounded by plans, cards and drawings. Lisyansky, who ruled the second ship of the expedition - "Neva", sometimes it was separate from "Hope". In his book about the same world journey there was a detailed description of the coast of Kodiak and Sitka.

According to the contemporaries of Ivan Fedorovich, he stood out quite strongly in his surroundings. Kruzenshtern was distinguished by athletic addition, and all participants in the circular expedition exceeded his heroic breast and shoulder belt. Interestingly, during a swim, he, despite the bewilderment of his colleagues, drove with him Giri, and every day he was engaged in them. The favorite exercise of the navigator was the shower of the gym. With two-domed (32 kg) gary of Cruise, exercises every day, paying these classes about 30-40 minutes.

In 1811, Ivan Kruzenshtern was determined by the inspector of the classes of the Marine Cadet Corps. In 1814, he developed detailed instructions for holding a round-the-world expedition of 1815-1818 under the start of the Kotseb, one of the younger officers of the first Russian round-the-world swimming. Also Kruzenshtern visited England in order to order the necessary tools for the expedition. Returning back to Russia, he received a permanent vacation, devoting him to the creation of the "Southern Sea Atlas". His work, which was published in Russian and German, was soon translated into frenchAnd then on all European languages \u200b\u200bwithout exception. This work of Kruzenshtern was awarded the complete Demidov Prize.

Curious detail is that at the beginning Patriotic War 1812, Kruzenshtern, being a good man, sacrificed a third of his state. At that time it was large sum - thousand rubles. In the same 1812, Kruzenshtern published a three-volume one of his own essay "Travel around the world ...", and in 1813 he was elected a member of many scientific societies and academies around the world, including in England, Germany, Denmark and France.

In 1827, Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern was appointed director of the Maritime Cadet Corps and became a member of the Admiralty Council. The director of this educational institution, which he himself once successfully finished, he spent a long 16 years. His activity at this time was marked by the introduction of new items, enrichment of the library and the museum of educational institution into the training courses of the Marine Corps teaching benefits. Also during this period, senior officers were created and approved, which later convert to the Naval Academy. With Ivan Fedorovich in the Marine Cadet Corps, corporal punishments of pupils were completely canceled.

In 1842, in the rank of Admiral Ivan Kruzhenstern resigned. Leaving the service, he went to his immunism, but here the famous navigator continued to work. In 1845, together with such Russian scientists, as: F. P. Vrangel, F. P. Litke and K. M. Bair Kruzenshtern has directly participated in the creation of a Russian geographical society. After some time, this society has become one of the largest geographic science centers not only in Russian EmpireBut all over the world.

Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern left on August 24, 1846 in his estate Ace aged 75 years. The navigator was buried in a rive in Vyshgorod (Domsk) Church. But the case continued his son, Pavel Ivanovich, and then grandson, Pavel Pavlovich. Both of them became famous travelers who explored the northeastern shores of Asia, Caroline and other islands of the Pechersk Territory and the Ossan North.

According to materials from open sources

(1770-1846), navigator, Pacific researcher, hydrograph scientist, one of the founders of domestic oceanology, admiral, honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Born in Northern Estonia in a poor noble family. Early graduated from the Sea Cadet Corps. In 1793-1799 served as a volunteer in English courts in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, as well as in the South China Sea. Upon return, Kruzenshtern was represented twice projects of direct trading communication between Russian ports in Baltic and Alaska. In 1802 he was appointed head of the first Russian round-the-world expedition.

In the summer of 1803, he left Kronstadt on two sluts - "Nadezhda" (there was a mission to Japan at the head of N. Rezanov) and "Neva" (Captain Y. Lisynsky). The main goal of the swimming is the study of the mouth of the Amur and the adjacent territories to identify convenient bases and routes of supplying the Pacific Fleet. Courts reinforced Cape Horn (March 1804) and three weeks dispersed. A year later, Kruzenshtern on the "Nadezhda", "closing" on the path of mythical lands southeast of Japan, arrived in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. He then delivered N. Rezanov in Nagasaki and, returning in the spring of 1805 to Petropavlovsk, described the Northern and Eastern shores of patience of the Bay. In the summer, the shooting works continued, for the first time I filmed about 1000 kilometers of the eastern, northern and partially Western shore of Sakhalin, adopting it for the peninsula. At the end of the summer, 1806 returned to Kronstadt.

The participants of the first Russian round-the-world expedition made a significant contribution to science, removing a non-existent island from the card and specifying the position of many geographic points. They opened interpassate antiforstations in the Atlantic and Pacific, measured the water temperature at depths to 400 meters, determined it specific gravity, transparency and color; They found out the cause of the glow of the sea, gathered numerous data on the pressure of the atmosphere, tides and lowers in the waters of the World Ocean.

At the beginning of the Patriotic War, 1812 a third of their state (1000 rubles) Kruzenshtern donated to the national militia. Almost a year spent in England as part of the Russian diplomatic mission. In 1809-1812, he published a three-volume "travel around the world ...", translated in seven countries of Europe, and "Atlas to the Travel ...", which included more than 100 cards and drawings. In 1813 he was elected a member of the Academies and Scientific Societies of England, France, Germany and Denmark.

In 1815, Kruzenshtern went to a permanent vacation for treatment and scientific training. Compiled and published a two-volume "Southern Sea Atlas" with extensive hydrographic notes. In 1827-1842 he was the director of the Marine Cadet Corps, became the initiator of the creation of a senior officer class under it, subsequently transformed into the Naval Academy. On the initiative of Kruzenchtern was equipped with a round-the-world expedition O. Kotsebu (1815-1818), Expedition M. Vasilyeva - Shishmareva (1819-1822), F. Bellingshausen - M. Lazarev (1819-1821), M. Stanyukovich - (1826- 1829).

The benefit of Russia Krusenstern put out above all. Without afraid of the consequences, boldly condemned the serfdom in the country and the laid discipline in the army. Respect for human dignity, modesty and punctuality, extensive knowledge and talent of the organizer attracted to the researcher of people. Many outstanding domestic and foreign navigators and travelers appealed to him.

Ivan Kruzenshtern is a brief biography of the Russian navigator, the admiral is set out in this article.

Ivan Kruzenshtern Brief biography

Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuri Lysyansky on the ships "Nadezhda" and "Neva" made the first Russian round-the-world expedition.

Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern was born on November 19, 1770 in Hugguda in the family of the judge. Attended a church school, and then he was sent to the Kronstadt Sea Cadet Corps. In 1788 he participated in the war with Sweden as Michman. After that, he participated in the Dutch and Eland battles, as well as in other battles, and was produced in Lieutenants.

Cruise-seater was interested in the maritime case, and he went to study in England, from where, together with the English fleet, floated to the shores of America.

Upon returning Ivan, the Kruzenshtern came to mind the idea to establish trading relationships with China and America on the sea route, which he shared with the authorities. However, the idea was not approved. Later, the Russian-American company turned to Emperor Alexander I, and this time it was approved. It was then, during the preparation for the first Russian world expedition, they remembered Cruisestry. The expedition sailed from Kronstadt on two ships in August 1803. Return to St. Petersburg took place exactly three years later.

In 1811, the navigator was offered to become an inspector of classes in the Marine Cadet Corps. In 1814 he had an idea to create "South Sea Atlas". Soon the Atlas was released with detailed description Hydrographic notes. In 1827, Kruzenshtern and became the director of the Cadet Corps at all. For 16 years of management, he introduced many new items, he enriched the library and the Museum of Education.

Ivan Kruzenshtern died on August 24, 1846 and was buried at the Dome Cathedral in the capital of Estonia.

Ivan Kruzenshtern Interesting Facts

  • Crowenxtern was very well developed physically. The athletic physique was distinguished by the impressiveness of the shoulder belt and the heroic breast exceeded the strongest sailors headed by the expedition. On the journey I took with you two two powdered weights and every day I was engaged in 30-40 minutes, fulfilling my favorite exercise - Svunk gym.
  • Kruzenshtern loved domestic animals. In travels, he was accompanied by Spaniel, the favorite of the whole team. Before each sailing included in the good tradition, every member of the expedition was sweeping in spaniel for long hanging ears, and indeed, travels were surprising smoothly. Literally anecdical situations are known when savage, in life, not seen animals with so long hanging ears, burned in horror.
  • Fedor Tolstoy, as well as Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, and Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, who became widely known thanks to the poem Andrei Voznesensky and Rock Opera "Juno and Avos" Rybnikov.

Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern

He was distinguished by the athletic physique, despite the bewilderment of his colleagues, drove with him Giri, and every day he was engaged in them.
Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern devoted his life to the study of the World Ocean. He participated in the world expeditions and created many scientific papers, for the first time put on the map most of the coast of Sakhalin Islands, became one of the founders of the Russian geographical society.

short biography


Ivan Kruzenshtern born on November 8, 1770 in the family of the German nobleman of Kruzenshternov (the founder of the genus in Russia became great-grandfather Ivan, Philip Kruzius), his father was a judge. When it turned 12 years old, Baron Kruzenshtern entered the church school, where he studied for two years, and then entered the sea cadet corps. He completed study in 1788 in connection with the beginning of the war of Russia with Sweden.

In service

At the end of study, the Mstislav linear ship was prescribed on which Kruzenshtern in 1788 fought in the gogindian battle, and a year later he shown himself in an Eland battle. And a year later, in 1790, he was raised in rank to the title of Lieutenant for a number of important victories in the sea battles of this year. In 1793, Kruzhenstern along with his future partner around the world journey Yuri Lisyansky was sent to England, where he stayed 6 years old.

In the service of the English king, he managed to play with the French, to visit the coast of both American continents and in Africa. During these long-haul swimming, he carefully studied the routes, looking for the exit of Russian ships in the east-indie waters and looked closely to the sea routes for trade with China.

  • In the life of Ivan Fedorovich, there are many interesting facts, for example, it is known that

he was engaged in sports even on a ship - I practiced daily with 2 pudded weights

  • Very loved animals and one of his favorites was always swimming with him. It was spaniel, and say that in front of each exit from the port, the team was trepal a dog for long ears - people were convinced that after this "rite" swimming should pass successfully.
  • At the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, Kruzenshtern, being a good man, sacrificed a third of his state. At that time it was a big amount - a thousand rubles.
  • During his studies in the Cadet Corps, Adam Kruzenshtern became Ivan Fedorovich. The name Adam cut the ear, so the future traveler chose the consonant, but more familiar to the Russian name - Ivan. The middle name, he borrowed from a boat friend - Ivan Fedorovich Lisyansky.
  • Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern was honored to meet with President George Washington when he visited Philadelphia.

Upon arrival at home, in 1799, Kruzhenstern appeared to St. Petersburg to Alexander I and asked permission to hold an expedition on the organization of the sea route between the metropolis and distant Russian possessions in America. In 1802, the Russian-American company (cancer) made similar proposals, and the emperor approved the company, at the head of which Ivan Fedorovich Kruzhenstern. So he became captain.

The expedition started from Kronstadt on July 26 (August 7) \u200b\u200bof 1803 under the leadership of Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern, who was 32 years old. As part of the expedition were:

  • Three-mahl gate "Hope". The total number of teams 65 people. Commander - Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern.
  • Three-mahl gate "Neva". The total number of the ship's team is 54 people. Commander - Lisya Yury Fedorovich.

Sailors All to one were Russian - this was the condition of Cruise

In July 1806, with a difference in two weeks "Neva" and "Nadezhda" returned to the Kronstadt raid, having done the whole journey at 3 years 12 days. Both of these sailboats, like their captains, became famous for the whole world. The first Russian circulation expedition had a huge scientific value of a global scale.
At the end of the expedition, many books were issued, about two dozen geographical points were named after the famous captains.

Life after the army

After completing the world expedition, Kruzenshtern is engaged scientific work. In 1809-1812, he publishes a three-volume essay "Travel around the World", which was translated into 7 European languages, and "Atlas sea traveler" In 1813, Ivan Fedorovich was elected by a member of the largest European academies and scientific societies.

For a long time Kruzhenstern was the director of the Marine Cadet Corps. With this educational institution on his initiative, the highest officer class was created, subsequently transformed into the Naval Academy. In marine expeditions, due to the old age, he no longer participates, but provides all sorts of support to famous navigators and travelers.

Memory about Cruisesttern

  • On November 6, 1873 in St. Petersburg, opposite the Sea Corps, a monument was opened to Cruise
  • In 1993, the Bank of Russia was released a series of memorable coins "The First Russian World Travel".
  • In honor of I. F. Kruzhenstern named:
    - Kruzenshtern Island
    - Strait Kruzenshtern
    - Reef Kruzenshtern
    - In 1935, the International Astronomical Union assigned the name - I. F. Kruzenshtern Kratra on visible side Moon.
  • His name is worn:
    - Kruzenshtern (Bark);
    - Ivan Kruzenshtern (icebreaker);
    - Airbus A320 with the number of VP-BKC Aeroflot airline carries the name of Ivan Kruzhenstern.
    - Oceanographic research vessel of the project 852 "Ivan - - Kruzenshtern" as part of the Baltic Fleet in 1974-1998.

Cruisenstern - Man and Parabit

The name of the Kruzenshtern in Russia is known to everyone, and from early childhood.
The reason for such reverence is paradoxical. The true merits of the deceased admiral remember a few, although solid work, and strictly scientific, and popular, this topic is enough. But all the efforts of scientists were blocked short, for 70 seconds, an episode from the cult cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino". "Let me ask in order to increase the formation: and who will be Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern?" - asks the postman Pechekin. And gets a brilliant answer from the cat Matroskin: "I don't know. Only so the steamer was called, on which my grandmother was swimming. " A peculiar result brings the fucking ball: "Probably he was good man, since his name, the steamer was called. "

Bark Kruzenshtern

Sailboat "Kruzenshtern" - Bark, training vessel of the Russian Marine Fleet. Port of registry - Kaliningrad. It is one of the largest sailing ships in the world. A similar ship-sailboat existing today is a four-matt bar of Sedov. The ship is built in Germany in 1925-1926, on the shipyard of Telengorg. He was laid on the water under the name "Padua". After the end of the war of 1941-1945, in accordance with the Reparation Agreement, the vessel passed under the jurisdiction of the USSR and was renamed in honor of the Admiral-Flotovodz Krusenstern Ivan Fedorovich.

Sailboat "Kruzenshtern" - Barc with significant potential, the speed characteristics of which allow you to use the ship in various marine competitions. In the international regatta of 1992, Kruzenshtern defeated other participants with a large margin, showing at the distance of Boston-Liverpool 17.4 speed node, and this is not a little bit of 34.5 km / h. The sailboat team has a little less than 200 people, of which 130 cadets, 20 trainees and the main crew. Despite age, Bark is in excellent condition. Once a year, he passes a complete technical inspection with checking all the mechanisms and equipment.

Shooting Barca Cruzenshtern with a quadrocopter in the North Sea

A trainee can be every wishes from any country in the world. You can sit on the ship in one port of the following and exit in the other, it all depends on your desires and opportunities. If you want, you can help the team in work. In any case, the bed and four single meals are provided to you.

Stock Foto Ship Kruzenshtern

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