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Steve Jobs Biography, brief biography, in Russian. Brief biography of Steve Jobs

Zodiac sign: Fish

Place of birth: San Francisco, USA

Height: 188.

Activity: Entrepreneur, Nature Era IT-Technology, Founder of Apple, Next and Pixar

Marital status: married

Father: biological:
Abdulfatta "John" Djandali (born 1931)
Paul Ringold Jobs (1922-1993)

Mother: b.iologic:
Joan Carol Shible (Rod. 1932)
Clara Jobs (Agopyan) (1924-1986)

Children:about t Chris Ann Brennan:

  • Lisa Brennan-Jobs (born 1978),

from Lauren Powell:

  • Reed Jobs (born 1991),
  • Erin Jobs (born 1995),
  • Yves Jobs (Rod. 1998)

Steve Jobs: Biography

Today's release is devoted to the Great Entrepreneur of the previous and our generations - Stephen Paul Jobsu.

Those who prefer more viewing documentary, rather than reading, you can find out detailed information about the life of Steve Jobs from the provided video. This is the best that I found on YouTube. I hope you will be very interesting.

The father of Abdulfatta Djandali by the origin of Syrian held the post of assistant to the teacher of Wisconsin University. Mother Joan Shible, by Nationality German, was a student of the same educational institution. Young people were not married, as the girl's family was against their relationship. That is why Stephen's mother was forced to give birth in a private California clinic. After that gives the child to raising the receptional parents.

Adopted Steve, Paul Jobs and his spouse Clara, who could not have their own children. The only requirement of the biological mother was that the boy should receive a higher education.

Two years later, Steve has a Patty sister, which also adopted. After a while, the family leaves San Francisco and stops in the town of Mountain View. In these parts, Paul Jobs has found a job without problems, he was an auto mechanic. It was necessary to collect money for the payment of college for children. Steve's father wanted to instill his son's interest in mechanics, but the young Jobs attracted electronics much stronger. With all this, Mountain View was the center of high technologies. One way or another, the path of the great entrepreneur begins.

The elementary school was a difficult test for Steve, the boy had problems with teachers, although he was quite an intelligent student. Back in those years, Jobs seemed to the younger that the education system was boring, formal and soulless. But everything has changed, when one of the teachers was able to find an approach to a restless prank. As a result, the boy began to study diligently and was able to jump over two grades of learning.

In school years, Steve was fond of radio electronics and went to the corresponding circle. From his inventions in early years, an electronic frequency meter can be distinguished, which he assembled independently. Thanks to its communicability and its abilities, Steve Jobs worked for some time on the conveyor in the famous Hewlett-Packard company.

At the age of 16, as many other teenagers, the guy began conflicts with parents, mainly with the Father. The reason for the disagreement was the hobbies of Hippi culture, the music of Bob Dilan and The Beatles, also Jobs Jr. loved to smoke marijuana and used LSD.

At the same time, Stephen meets Stephen Wozniak, who was over him for 5 years. The guys are quickly becoming better friends, as they understood each other without difficulty, besides, both were fond of computers and electronics.

Much time has not passed, as the first joint invention of Jobs and Wozniam appeared. In the older school, they made a device called Blue Box, with which you could make free phone calls. The essence of the invention was that the guys were able to find an approach to a hacking telephone network by selecting tone signals.

At first it was just an entertainment, but then Stephen realized that it was possible to earn it. Their shop quickly covered, but the understanding that electronics brings money and the taste of excitement remained.

1972 year. Steve Jobs enters the private humanitarian college RID-College, the learning schedule is very rich, so students had to pay much time to prepare and classes.

After 6 months of study, Jobs does not withstand and throws college, without seeing the point of spending time in vain. During this period, his biography of a young man is much more attracted to Eastern spiritual practices, Zen Buddhism and Vegetarianism.

Company "Apple"

Stephen Jobs begins his work as a technique in the young ATAPI company. She was engaged in the production of computer games.

In the same period, Wozniak is working to create and improving the boards for a personal computer, not yet for sale. But after a little time, Jobs looms a picture of what it may happen if you start selling such fees.

And here Steve offers a friend to create a joint computer company, which subsequently will become the legendary company Apple. Below, I give you the opportunity to see the biographical film in which you can trace the most detail how steps were performed, to create and implement computers.

When working on the first version of the computer, Apple I Jobs showed itself as authoritarian, hard, partly tyranny, but at the same time skilled leader.

The first development was primitive and more like an electronic printed machine.

And in 1976, Woznyak tried hard and created a new fee, which could work with color, sound, could connect external carriers. Someone may think that success came only thanks to the wizzy, however, it is impossible to forget about the incredible organizational skills of Steve Jobs. He put a lot of effort to promote the device and make people buy computers that did not have much demand.

Steve very critically relate even to small design details. Thanks to him, Apple II was equipped with a beautiful plastic case and a miniature appearance. Jobs was smart and understood that he was required of him. So, for example, he hired a professional specialist in the advertising of Regude McCen, and everything spoke about the new computer.

Apple III, Apple Lisa and Macintosh were then developed. Judging by the financial situation, the firm rapidly developed and flourished. But, if you look at the picture from the first eye, it was clear, in the company disorder at the highest level. Constricated scandals and discords that occur largely due to the severe nature of Stephen Jobs.

NEXT and Studio Pixar

All litigation led to the fact that Jobs was removed from work!

1984 - Jobs leaves his own company. But he does not fall in spirit, but on the contrary, quickly organizes a new company Next Computer. From this manufacturer, the market received only advanced innovations, which no one had. But at their price they were not available to the bulk of consumers.

At the same time, Steve Jobs redeems Pixar Studio for 5 million dollars from George Lucas. The main idea was to use animated films as advertising the capabilities of the proposed NEXT computers.

But when the cartoon "tin toy" came out in 1987 and received an Oscar award, Jobs realized that it was necessary to work in another direction. Later on this studio, such famous full-length animated films were created as "Super Fames", "cars", "Ratatatui", "In Search of Nemo", "Toy History", "Monsters Corporation", "Vall-and", "Brave Heart" other.

2006. Steve sells the Pixar of Disney for the enormous 7.5 billion dollars. With all this, he remained a shareholder.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the greatest entrepreneurs of mankind. And Piczar cartoons are just incredible.

Return to Apple.

December 20 1996 of the year For $ 429 million, Apple buys Next, and Steve Jobs returns to Apple and becomes the adviser to the Chairman.

The serial release of the IMAC monoblock computer is becoming a new development and achievement of Jobs, which attracts everyone with its unusual futuristic design.

This miracle device broke all the sales figures in the company's history. In addition, a third of customers were not previously users of computer equipment. All this speaks only about one thing: thanks to the development, a new consumer market has appeared. Steve was just incredible!

Second successful step - creating an Apple Store, network of retail stores around the world , who were engaged in the sale of Apple equipment.

So what was the uniqueness of Steve Jobs manifested? He did not just keep up with the times, and he himself created a new time and dictated the laws of fashion in the IT industry.

So, for example, a businessman did not miss the opportunity and adjusted the production of miniature, but at the same time, functional and perfect devices in their capabilities.

  • Media player iTunes;
  • IPod music player;
  • Touch mobile phone iPhone;
  • Internet tablet ipad.

Yes, these devices are out of competition worldwide, but also they were released on the market before their analogues, which does not leave the chance of any of the manufacturers.

Have you ever heard that the Russians burn on the American entrepreneur? I'm not, but it happened!

About Steve Jobs written a lot of books and filmed a lot of films. A couple of them I covered you higher.

Books about Jobs:

  • Steve Jobs and me (I, WOZ) / Genuine History of Apple. Gina Smitht, Steve Wozniak.
  • Steve Jobs. Lessons of leadership. Authors: Jay Elliot, William Simon.
  • icon. Jeffrey Young, William Simon
  • Steve Jobs from the first person. George Bim.
  • Steve Jobs. Walter Aizekson.
  • Jobs rules. Universal principles of success from the founder of Apple. Carmine Gallo.
  • Behind the scenes of Apple or the secret life of Jobs. Daniel Lyons.
  • Steve Jobs about business. 250 statements of a person who has changed the world. Alan Thomas.
  • impretion. Beliefs of belief from the leader Apple Steve Jobs. Carmine Gallo.
  • BECOMING STEVE JOBS. Formation of Steve Jobs. Authors: Brent Schönder, Rick Netzeli.
  • A man who thought otherwise. Karen Blumen.
  • What does Steve think about. Lander Key.

I advise you to watch the movie:

Film "IGENI: How Steve Jobs has changed the world" ("Igenius: How Steve Jobs Changed The World").

Personal life

Understand how things were with the personal life of Steve, you can, looking at the film "Jobs. Empire temptation, "second video in this article.

Young Steve was loving, as it should be in a hippie culture. The first beloved woman became Chris Ann Brennan. Their relationship did not wear a light character, they were difficult, a couple of children quarreled and even diverged.

The adoptive mother of Steve Jobs, Clara Hakobyan became an indispensable person in the life of a computer genius of Steve Jobs. From childhood, he did not feel the lack of family happiness. Clara and her husband Paul Jobs became a real family for a boy, who did not have before them.

Clara Hakobyan was born in 1924, in New Jersey. Her parents, Louis Hakobyan and Victoria Artinyan emigrated to the USA from Malatia, fleeing genocide. At first, the girl's life was difficult: the means almost grabbed on a small family. Having moved to San Francisco, the parents got a job at a decent at that time (Mom worked as seamstress, and his father worked at a construction site). So the financial condition of the Hakobyan family improved, and the girl was able to get an education.

With his future husband, Paul Jobs, Clara met San Francisco. After the end of World War II, Paul Jobs worked in the coast guard. The guys often fucked and somehow Jobs made a bet with his colleagues that for 2 weeks he marries the most beautiful girl, especially since the floor was a very state man.

At that time, he was often compared with the popular actor James Din. With Clara Hakobyan, he met at a party of general friends. The guy made a strong impression on the young Armenian when he arrived on his new car. At that time it was a luxury and not everyone could afford to have a four-wheeled friend. So they began to meet and 10 days later - got married.

The family life of Jobs was calm and happy, if not alone but: they could not have children. According to Walter Aisekson writer, books "Steve Jobs: Author's biography of Apple Creator" - Clara was fruitless. After 9 years of living together, Clara and Paul adopted a small boy, who was called Stephen Paul Jobs.

« Parents never hid from me the story of my origin, "said Steve, - when I was 6 years old, I told about the history of the adoption of a neighboring girl, what I heard in response:" So, your real parents did not love you? " - I was very treated with her words, but then when my mother approached me, then looking into my eyes, said: "You are a special boy and we are your family!"

For their biological parents, American girls of Joanna Shibl and Syrian Abdulfatthaja John Jandali, Steve was a unwanted child. When he was born (February 24, 1955), the boy refused and gave it to his young California family Jobs. At that time, Clara worked as an accountant, and the floor was a mechanic in the company producing laser installations. It was the father who became acquainted with the Son with Aza electronics, computer equipment and new developments, which in the future reflected on his career.

In the 1970s, Steve Jobs with the co-founder of Apple Steve Wozniak created one of the first commercially successful personal computers. But in 1985, having lost power in the fight against the board of directors, Steve left the company. Later, he founded a NEXT computer company that specialized in the business and higher education markets and bought a Pixar Studio from George Lucas. In 1997, Steve Jobs returned to Apple and took the position of executive director. Under his leadership, the company became the most expensive IT firm in the world, releaseing devices that did not have analogues in the world - iPad, MacBook Air, iPhone and iPod. At the peak of his fame, Steve could not forget and forgive the act of biological parents. For many years he could not establish relationships with them.

« Steve said a lot about the fact that the real parents threw him. He repeatedly admitted that it was this pain that he taught him from anyone. He always did in his own way and stood out of the crowd, because he lived since birth in another, his own world. ", "Greg Calhun told him, his college friend.

As for the floor and Clara, Steve never liked when they were called "adoptive parents" or hinted on the fact that they are not relatives. "Paul and Clara Jobs My Real Parents"He said and at the same time responded sharply about biological parents, - "For me, these people do not exist."

Clara died in 1986, and Father Paul Jobs - years later. These were difficult times for Steve, he was very worried about the loss of relatives. According to Aizekson, Jobs was strongly tied to his mother: " Clara taught Steve to read before going to school. She served him an example, how to behave correctly and brought up in it only love! The role of Clara Hakobyan in the upbringing of a brilliant person was incredibly large. "

In 2007, when Jobs was in Turkey, visited the Ayia Sophia building. According to the story of a guide, at first it was a church, and then she became a mosque. " What did you do with Christians when I turned the church in a mosque? "- asked Jobs, -" You were subjected to the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians, tell me how it was " .

After a long stinking and denials of the Turkish guide, Jobs was angry and did not say a word left the building, but after and the country.

Although there was no Armenian blood in him, but because of love for his mother, he deeply felt what his mother's family survived in those terrible years ", "said Phil Valotki.

This suggests that the love of the mother was immensely great that no lie about her pedigree could hold his anger. Before his death, Clara asked her son to find his true mother and see her. Steve was against. But since it was the last desire of the mother, he performed it. So 30 years later, Steve first met with Joanna. However, forgive her, he could not.

« I believe that the qualities of a person are determined by his surroundings, not heredity. But still a little interesting to learn about the biological roots. In addition, I wanted to assure Joanna what she did then rightly, giving me a family Jobs"Said Steve.

Steve Jobs died on October 6 in 2011. The cause of his death began to stop the respiration caused by a malignant pancreatic tumor.

Steve Jobs - American businessman, talented leader, co-founder, her ideological inspirer, director and chairman of the board of directors. Until 2006 was the director (CEO) of the Animation Studio Pixar (Piczar), it was Steve Jobs that gave her a name.

short biography

Steve Jobs (full name - Stephen Paul Jobs.) Born February 24, 1955 In San Francisco, USA, California. His biological mother - Joan Sible. Biological father - Abdulfatta Dzhandali.

Stephen was born with students unregistered in marriage. Joan's father was against their relationship and threatened to deprive his daughter inheritance, if she does not break them. That is why the future mother of Steve left to give birth to San Francisco and gave the Son to adoption.

Adoptive parents

Joan put the conditions for adoption: Stephen's adoptive parents should have been secured and have a higher education. However, the Jobs family, who could not have their children, did not possess the second criterion. Therefore, future adoptive parents gave a written commitment. pay training boy in college.

The boy was adopted Paul Jobs and Clara Jobs., neborn agile (American Armenian origin). They gave him the name Stephen Pol.

Jobs always considered Paul and Clara Father and Mother, he was very annoyed if someone called them receiving parents:

"They are my real parents by 100%"

According to the rules of official adoption, the biological parents knew nothing about the location of the Son, and Stephen Paul met with his mother and younger sister. only in 31 years.

Training at school

School classes disappointed Steve with their formalism. Primary school teachers Monastery characterized it as a squad, and only one teacher, mrs. Hill, I was able to see in my student outstanding abilities and find an approach to it.

When Steve studied in the fourth grade, Mrs. Hill gave him for a good study of "bribes", in the form of sweets, money and sets of "do it yourself", thereby stimulating his training.

It quickly brought the fruit: Soon Steve Paul began to diligently study without any reinforcement, and at the end of the school year it was so brilliantly passed the exams that the director suggested translate it from the fourth grade immediately in the seventh. As a result, by decision of parents, Jobs was enrolled in the sixth grade, that is, in high school.

Further learning

Ongoing school, Steve Jobs decided to submit documents in college Reed In Portland, Oregon. Training in such a prestigious college specializing in humanitarian sciences was insanely expensive. But once the parents of Stephen promised a young woman who gave birth to their son that the child would get a good education.

Parents agreed to pay for their studies, however, Stephen's aspirations to join the student major life was enough for a semester. The guy left the college and deepened in search of his destination. This stage of Life Jobs was under the influence of the free ideas of hippie and mystical teachings of the East.

Birth apple

Stephen Paul became friends with his classmate Bill Fernandez, who was also interested in electronics. Fernandez introduced Jobs with a fascinated graduate computers, Stephen Wozniak ("WHO"), His older for five years.

Two Stephen - two friends

In 1969. WHO with Fernandez began to assemble a small computer that they nicknamed "Cream sodov" and showed Jobs. So Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak became best friends.

"We sat with him for a long time on the sidewalk in front of Bill's home and shared stories - we told each other about our draws and about the device we have developed. I felt that we had a lot in common. It is usually difficult for me to explain to people all the subtleties of electrical devices that I collected, but Steve enough all on the fly. I immediately liked it.

From the memories of Steve Jobs

Apple Computer

Steve together with the chapter began work on the boards for computers. Wozniak at that time was a member of the mug of amateurs computer "HOMEBREW COMPUTER CLUB". It was there that he was visited by the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating his own computer. To implement the idea, he needed only one fee.

Jobs quickly realized that the development of a comrade is a tailed piece for buyers. The company appeared on the world Apple Computer. Apple began its climbing in the garage from Jobs.

Apple II.

A computer Apple II. He became the first mass product of Apple, created on the initiative of Steve Jobs. It happened in the late 1970s. Later, Jobs saw the commercial potential of the graphical interface controlled by the mouse, which led to the appearance of computers Apple Lisa. And, a year later, Macintosh (Mac).

Apple Care - New Success Tilt

Having lost the struggle for power with the Board of Directors in 1985., Jobs left Apple and founded Next- A company developed by a computer platform for universities and business. In 1986, he acquired a Lucasfilm film companies, turning it to.

He remained CEO Pixar and the main shareholder, until the studio was acquired in 2006, which made Stephen Paul the largest private shareholder and a member of the Disney Board of Directors.

"Resuscitation" Apple

In 1996, the companyApple boughtNext. It was done to use OS NextStep. As a basis for Mac OS X. In the framework of the transaction Steve Jobs received the position of Apple advisor. By 1997, Jobs returned Apple Control, heading the corporation.

Rapid development

Under the guidance of Steve Paul Jobs, the company was saved from bankruptcy and a year later he began to profit. Over the next decade, Jobs led the development imac, iTunes., iPod., iPhone. and well as development Apple Store., iTunes Store., App Store. and iBookStore..

The success of these products and services that ensured several years of stable financial profit, allowed Apple to become the most expensive public company in the world in 2011.

Many call the revival of Apple one of the greatest achievements in the history of business. At the same time, Jobs criticized for the hard style of management, aggressive actions towards competitors, the desire for total control over the products even after its implementation to the buyer.

Merit of Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs received public recognition and a number of awards for the influence of technology and music. It is often referred to as the "Visioner" and even "Father of the Digital Revolution". Jobs was a brilliant speaker and brought the presentation of innovative products to a new level, turning them into exciting shows. Its easily recognizable figure in black turtleneck, huge jeans and sneakers is surrounded by a kind of cult.

October 5, 2011, after eight years of struggle with pancreatic cancer, Steve Jobs died in Pal Alto at the age 56 years old.

What is famous Steve Jobs? What is his biography? What is talking about in the biographical film "Steve Jobs" and in the book of the same name?

Hello, dear readers online journal "Khitirbobur"! With you Eduard and Dmitry.

Our article is devoted to a person whose name has already turned into a legend. This Steve Jobs is an American entrepreneur, IT-technologies pioneer, the founder of the largest Apple on the planet.

So, let's begin!

1. Who is Steve Jobs - Biography, Official Wikipedia Data, Success Story

Steven Paul Jobs (Steven Paul Jobs) - a gifted businessman, inventor, workaholic and man, for many years, forward to the direction of the development of modern digital technologies.

He looked at the world in his own way and was always guided by the uncomfortable ideals that helped him achieve fantastic success.

As a talented engineer and a pioneer of the Era of IT-technologies, he produced several revolutions at once in different spheres of our life. Thanks to Steve Jobs, the world has become perfect, harmonious and more convenient.

Its achievements are diverse and numerous:

  • he founded Apple subsequently by the Mega Corporation and the most expensive company in the world;
  • created personal computers in the form in which we use them today;
  • improved graphical interface and computer management devices;
  • he was directly involved in the creation of "Ipadov", "Ipodov" (digital music players of the new generation) and "iPhones";
  • founded the studio of animated films of the new generation Pixar, which currently produces cartoons for Disney.

We will definitely tell about all these projects in the relevant sections of this article, but we will begin in order with the biography of this amazing person.

Biography Steve Jobs

The year of birth of our hero is 1955. Place - San Francisco, California. Jobs's biological parents (Syrian and German by origin) refused son a week after his appearance. The child was adopted by a couple of Mountain View, who gave him his surname.

Steve's adopted father was an auto mechanic by profession: he repaired old cars and tried to instill with his son's love for mechanics. Steve classes in the garage did not inspire, but it was through car repair that he met the Aza electronics.

Classes at school also did not particularly like Stephen, which affected his behavior. Only one teacher on the surname Hill noticed in the boy an outstanding abilities; The rest of the teaching staff considered him a mischief and a slacker.

Miss Hill managed to stimulate the trigger of Steve to the knowledge of the bribes in the form of sweets and money. Soon the learning process is so attracted by Jobs that he began to strive for education himself, without additional promotion.

Outcome: Brilliantly handed over the exams that allowed the boy to move from the 4th grade immediately in the seventh.

The first personal computer (primitive programmable Calculator) Steve Jobs saw in the research club of Hewlett-Packard, where he was invited by a neighbor - engineer.

A thirteen-year-old teenager became a member of the Mug of inventors: his first project was a digital frequency meter who was interested in the founder of HP - Bill Hewlett.

Hobbies of that time were not alien to the young inventor - he communicated with Hippie, listened to Bob Dilan and Bitles and even used LSD, because of which there was conflicts with the Father.

Soon he had a senior comrade - Steve Wozniak, who became a friend for his whole life and in many ways identifying the fate of a young genius.

The first joint project of this pair was the device called Blue Box ("Blue Box"), allowing you to hack phone codes and make free phone calls around the world.

Jobs offered to organize the mass production and sale of these devices, and the Wozniak improved and simplified the scheme of the invention.

This story laid the principles of many years of cooperation between two geniuses: Wozniak invents some revolutionary thing, and Jobs defines its market potential and is implemented.

Further stages of the Big Road: College, work in Atari - companies engaged in the development of computer games, a trip to India in search of enlightenment (fashionable youth passion for those years).

Finally, the revolutionary event that occurred in 1976 is the creation of Steve Wozniam at the initiative of Jobs Personal Computer.

The model turned out to be so successful that friends decided to start her serial production. This was born to Apple (Apple), which was able to hold leading positions in the computer technology market for 10 years.

In 1985, the Founders' Fathers left the Mother Corporation and took up other projects. The Hero of our article has created a NEXT company, which is engaged in hardware, even later became one of the founders of the Pixar animation studio (another revolutionary project).

In 1996, Jobs returned to Apple, sold Piczar Studio by Disney, but remained at the Board of Directors. In 2001, Jobs presented to the public the first model of the iPod player - the device had a fantastic success in the market and many times increased corporation's revenues.

In 2004, Jobs made a public statement about health problems - he was diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor. For 7 years he managed to fight the disease with varying success, but in October 2011, the life of a brilliant entrepreneur and IT revolutionary broke off.

2. The main projects of Steve Jobs - the top 5 of the most famous inventions

The author of many developments attributed to Jobs was Stephen Wozniak. However, it is believed that it was Jobs that was an inspirer of a brilliant engineer and the man who brought his raw and unfinished inventions to the mind.

It was according to such a scheme that the companions worked, creating a new market for personal computers in 1976. Wozniak implemented technical ideas in reality, Jobs adapted them to sales, working as a marketer and head of the company.

Project 1. Apple.

The debut model of a new generation personal computer was named Apple I: over the year it was possible to sell 200 devices at a price of $ 666.66. For 76 years, the amount is quite decent, but the sale of "Apple-II" surpassed this result in tens of times.

The emergence of serious investors made a new firm with the sole leader in the computer market. This position lasted until the middle of the 80s: both Stephen (Wozniak and Jobs) to this time was time millionaires.

Initial Fact: Apple Computer Software was developed by another company that later became the leader of the Digital Universe - Microsoft. The brain of Bill Gates was created for half a year later "EPL".

Project 2. Macintosh.

"Makintosh" is a line of personal computers developed by Apple. Their release was made possible by the contract between Apple and Xerox.

Almost all the modern interface familiar to us (windows, virtual buttons controlled by pressing the keys on the "Mouse") arose thanks to this commercial agreement.

It can be said that Macintosh (Mac) became the first personal computer device in a modern sense. The first apparatus of this line was released in 1984.

Computer mouse has become the main working tool. Prior to this, the management of all machine processes occurred using the commands dialed on the keyboard.

Work on the computer required knowledge of programming languages \u200b\u200band other special skills: now the device could manage any person independently of education.

Steve Jobs every one of his device created the most convenient for people and Mac was no exception.

At that time, there was not even the closest analogues of the Macintosh computers, comparable to them on technological capabilities. Almost immediately after the release of the first machine of the series, Apple production was discontinued.


Above the creation of computers of the modern generation, Jobs began after Apple leaves in the mid-80s. The first batch of new devices went on sale in 1989.

The cost of computers was pretty high ($ 6,500), so the machines were delivered only to the leading universities of the United States with limited edition.

Soon the demand for Skust computers became widespread, and the modified versions entered retail sales.

Interesting fact

The OS, which was called NextStep, was attached: Oxford Dictionary, thesaurus, a set of writings of Shakespeare. These digital additions were peculiar forerunners of modern e-books.

In 1990, the second generation of computers was published, complemented by a multimedia system of communications. Innovation opened the limitless possibilities of communication between the owners of devices and allowed to exchange graphic, textual audio information.

Project 4. iPod iPad and iPhone

In the late 90s in Apple, where Jobs returned, there was some stagnation. The impetus to the development came from an unexpected side: an applied novelty of the company - the iPod player began with great popularity to play digital music.

The advantages of the new device were really impressive:

  • aesthetic and stylish design;
  • convenient management and interface;
  • synchronization with iTunes - media player to play music and movies online.

The first players came out in 2001 and immediately became a hit of sales. Commercial success greatly improved the company's financial position, which made it possible to do further developments.

In 2007, Jobs presented another novelty to the public - a smartphone operating on the IOS OS. The new apparatus was called the iPhone and was a modified communication device - a combination of a phone, a media player and a personal computer.

Magazine "Time" announced the "iPhone" of the invention of the year. Over the next 5 years, more than 250 million original iPhone copies have been implemented worldwide, which brought a profit corporation at $ 150 billion.

In 2010, Apple released the iPad - a digital tablet, which was called upon to replace laptops and personal computers.

The new device was primarily intended for convenient use of the Internet, and because of its large sizes than the phone or iPhone, Aipad became very popular especially among connoisseurs of other Apple products and her father founder - Steve Jobs.

This invention also has become a successful and new fashion on the Internet tablets was picked up by other companies - manufacturers of digital devices.

Project 5.

One of the Apple divisions was engaged in developing software for work with graphics and production of short animation films. Jobs intended to use the workstation capabilities called Pixar Image to create programs that would allow each wishes to create realistic three-dimensional pictures.

However, the consumer was not interested in modeling in 3D, and the departments of the department were sent to another channel. The studio engaged in creating cartoons. One of them ("tin toy") was unexpectedly nominated for Oscar. A new type of computer animation was interested in the Disney Studio.

The famous film company concluded an agreement with Pixar on the cooperation and production of the film "Toy History": The conditions were disadvantageous for the animators, but the studio was at that time on the verge of bankruptcy. The film brought studio recognition, fame and multimillion profit.

For the 15 years of existence, Pixar has released a dozen of the kilometers, nominees and owners of Oscar, which became the classics of full-length animation - "in search of Nemo", "Flik's Adventures", "Monsters Corporation", "cars", "Vall-and".

3. The film "Steve Jobs" and the book "Rules of Steve Jobs" - where to download, read, see

On the life of our hero by the director Danny Boyle Hero, the film "Steve Jobs", nominated for Oscar in 2 categories.

When we looked at him, were delighted with the game of actors and the most directing work.

Watch the film Steve Jobs Empire Tempting Online in Good (HD) as:

About Steve Jobs written many books, one of the most musical - "

the IT industry has left life for less than five years ago, but has already managed to double two biographical films. The first swallow became the "Empire Temptation" - the project Joshua Michael Stern. Attempting on hot trails to explore the ascent of Steve Jobs on Olympus Glory was not too successful. Ashton Kutcher turned out to be amazingly similar to the legendary head of Apple and successfully copied his spring gait, but Steve in the execution of Ashton lacked psychological depth. For the most part, the linear and monotonous plot, nevertheless, miscalculated in detail the inexperienced viewer with the life of the pioneer of the computer era, starting with the student years and ending with the presentation of the iPod, which produced a real extension in the field of mobile systems. The director's Stern's approach suggested a descriptive story without any reasoning and did not too much for the Wikipedy Frames, donating the possibilities to understand the motivation of the actions of the eminent protagonist.

Special hopes assigned to a long-suffering project, conceived before the production of the "Empire Sedussment" and through the creative flour search found Danny Boyla. The famous director and his colleagues, judging by expectations, had to demonstrate the master class Katherar and the company. Did they get it? How to say. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that the "empire is tempting" and "Steve Jobs" - ribbons, absolutely different in stylistics and semantic filling. Joshua Stern removed the standard Baopek, diligently listed the most important facts of the character's life, but not seeking to study his inner world. It is difficult to say how much Danny Boyle was repelled from the work of the predecessor, but his filmmakers of the life path of Steve Jobs seemed, rather, add-on to the previous picture about the cooplation cooping coop. Such an approach can scare a certain part of the audience, as it initially assumes that the public is already familiar with the "Empire of the Sedelnance".

The famous Writer Aaron Sorkin again plunged into the world of high technologies after working on a "social network" David Fincher - a biographical picture about Facebook Facebook brand Zuckerberg. This time, Aaron focused on three, in his opinion, the key events of the life of Steve Jobs: Presentations of Macintosh computers (1984), Next (1988) and IMAC (1998). For three parts of the film, a special manner of shooting is characteristic: on 16 and 35 mm film, as well as on the digital chamber. Not to mention diligent selected melodies and the corresponding era costumes, hairstyles and interiors. It seems that not the most important part of the picture from the point of view of the inexperienced viewer - however, confidently speaking about the thoughtful and painstaking work of the filming group.

Such a separation of the plot into three parts leads to a comparison of the film composition with theatrical play. Especially since the static action of a 100% colloquial picture occurs in two-three locations. Danny Boyle admits that the allocation of these events of the life of Steve as a fundamental - approach is a debate, but he allows you to look at the character, to consider his psychology deeper and try to explain his actions, having studied the character of his relationship with the closest to Steve people. Indeed, I don't seek to squeeze in a two-hour film with a superfold life of a cult manager, Danny Boyle Sovistovakov does not say that in the most thoroughly, but unsuccessfully understand why Steve Jobs spoke or did this.

Taking as a proper non-standard scenario approach, it is not difficult to explain the other features of the tape. The absolute dissimilarity of Michael Fassbender on Steve Jobs as it were hints: the director appreciates a worked character above the portrait similarity. Michael unequivocally tried to adequately imagine the difficult character of the legendary leader. Danny Boyle deliberately immersed Steve to Out of Passion, the accepted accuracy in a matter of minutes before the presentation. "They all seem like getting drunk in the bar and go to me" - thoughtfully reports on the screen Steve Joanne Hoffmann - the most important character, ignored in the "Empire Slate". The role of a devoted assistant to Igia, serving a peculiar emotion to its most complex nature, was committed by Kate Winslet. Its charming, heartfelt game, full of natural drama or even tragedy, attracts a look no less than her chef.

The filmpectacle played on the screen may seem entered and tightened, but it takes care of a multifaceted and conflicting nature of Steve Jobs. Danny Boyle granted on-screen time and engineer Steve Waughty (Apple Hands), and the Andy Herzfeld Programmer, and the manager John Scully, who became the second father for Jobs. Enough the place and disassembly of Steve with his school girlfriend Chris Ann, who gave him out of marriage to the daughter of Lisa. At the same time, the creators of the picture are relied on the awareness of the viewer, jokingly juggling with the names and facts. Steve Jobs is a picture for the prepared public who knows a little more than "ex-president of Apple". A person who is familiar with Steve only in his attachment presentations, risks to leave from viewing the production of Danny Boyla significantly disappointed. The fact that the frontman of the company of the Non-Turkish Apple was not at all a sugar character - the secret of the Polishinel. It is much more interesting to know that Motalo Steve Jobs, what was his goal, which environment he picked up. This question "Steve Jobs" does not give an answer. It will not receive his viewer and in the "empire of the temptation", but the picture of the Stern represents the master of motivation as a full-fledged character. The tape of the boy is digging in the head and soul of Jobs, but how believable is this study? It should be remembered about theatrical conventionality.

The spectator "Steve Jobs" will not recognize about Hippova youth Steve, about his search for enlightenment in India, about confrontation with Bill Gates, about his wife and children, in the end. The public in the project Danny Boyla and Mike Marcquul - the first investor Apple sample garage startup. Following the "empire of the temptation," Steve Jobs ignores the defining influence of Steve on the fate of the Pixar film company, which became the most successful animation studio of the XXI century. Yes, and the whole line of the newest mobile devices - iPod, iPhone, iPad - is mentioned in both films only indirectly. Having made a bet on psychologism, consciously restricted by three locations, Danny Boyle and Aaron Sorkin placed his character in the prison of emotions and passions, artificially injected before each major exit to light. This approach is more curious, but not every viewer will master a monotonous two-hour film with a minimal humor. The situation does not save and the original installation when the voice-timer text accompanies flashbacks or simply parallel shooting. If you are too lazy to read a meaningful Wikipedia article - it's worth watching the "Empire Sobloy". If you are more interested in the immediate nature of one of the creators of Apple who committed a revolution in the IT industry - Danny Boyle is waiting for you. Do not forget to make a discount on the stage exaggeration - and then, perhaps one of these paintings will inspire you to great things. In essence, Steve Jobs was incredibly successful, but still man. This is exactly the first of all sought to convey Michael Fassbender to his game.