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Who is the first world journey made an expedition. Who first made around the world: Magellan Expedition

As for school geography lessons, we remember that the first in the history of mankind around the world traveled flotilla of the outstanding navigator Fernan Magellan. This fact is so well-known as the question that delivered short and clearly: who made the first world swimming? - Surely the answer will be the answer not without a share of surprise: how - who? Magellan!

But despite the confidence of such an answer, he, however, is not true! If you look at the world map or globe, you can easily find the Filipino Islands stretched in the southern part of the Pacific. And, again, without difficulty, make sure that this archipelago lies almost exactly halfway from any ship that has sent from Europe around the world: overcoming the Atlantic Ocean and passing through Magellan Strait in the southern tip of American mainland, the ship will be released into the unwarked expanses of the Pacific Ocean and later For a while comes to the Philippine Islands. It was this way that fleoting was done under the command of Admiral Magellan. But in order to complete the world swimming, you still need to cross the huge space of the Indian Ocean, getting drunk from the south of Africa, go out again to the Atlantic Ocean and, passing thousands of miles, to get, finally, to the European coast, from where the swimming starts.

Why do we remind this so detailed? Only to remind another fact - sad, but indisputable: Fernan Magellan could not take around the world, because he was killed halfway - it was in the Philippines, on one of the islands in a skirmish with the inhabitants.

However, the fact that the first world journey in our memory is firmly connected with the name of Magellan, there is nothing unfair: this unparalleled expedition was organized and implemented by its plan. It is unfair to the fact that the name of the person who brought to the end of the Magellan, who came to the end of the Magellan, was completely oblivious, is the name of a person who first held his ship around the globe and thus, in particular, who has proven the shag-likeness of the Earth. Well, in fact, try to remember: Do you have anything like this name - Elkano? Meanwhile, it is he who - Juan Sebastian Elkano and is the first seating in the history of mankind, which made around the world.

And it was so ...

The hereditary fisherman and the sailor, the Basque of the Hypunity of the Spanish province, the owner and the captain of the Great Ship, the participant of the marine campaigns of the commander Gonzalo de Cordov and Sisneros - to agree that the image of a courageous and cramped in the battles of the sea wolf. And, nevertheless, this "sea wolf" was barely in twenty when he brought his ship out of the last hike to Algeria, where the Spaniards caused a crushing damage to Masters. He led to ... disappear for almost ten years. Why? For one simple reason: at all times, the royal parties with the ease of extraordinary gave the most tempting promises, and when the time came to perform them, with the same ease they forgot about them. This happened this time: the Spanish King Ferdinand, who promised generously to reward the participants of the Algerian campaign, as you guess, and was not going to remember my worses. Go about it in one, the young captain Juan Sebastian Elkano, perhaps, would reconcile with this blow - in any case, after a half of the ten years he did, again, after he experienced the "generosity" of the monarch again. But this time it was about the whole team, which it was necessary to pay honestly earned money. And Captain Elkano made an act, not only fair, but also extremely courageous: he sold the ship and, having helped the right amount, paid the command to the commissioned salary. Wait, you can tell you, of course, this is a fair deed, but what's the courage?

The fact is that the royal decree was strictly forbidden to sell ships of Portuguese - the lucky rivals of Spain on the sea. The offender was waiting for such a punishment that Elkano, selling his own ship and paid by the team, was forced to have already said, disappear for almost ten years, and not only from sight of Algwasilov (police), but also historians: about this period in We, unfortunately, we know a little about the lives of the future of the great navigator. More precisely - nothing concrete. But nevertheless, we can assume confidently: he remained the sailor, and ten years did not pass in vain - to thirty years it was already an experienced and well-known seawater in his circle.

It allows such an accurate and meaningful fact to assume: when in 1518, Magellan began to recruit people for his vessels who had unparalleled swimming, Elkano turned out to be among the team of one of Karavel. The seriousness of the offense of the ten-year prescription did not decrease at all, because the royal decree did not know condescension. And the fact that King Ferdinand has long passed away, and in the Spanish throne, Korol Carl, who became the emperor of the "Sacred Roman Empire," simultaneously, did not change, for the old royal decree no one canceled and Elkano still remained a criminal in the eyes of the law. And, nevertheless, he was taken by Magellan. And this means only one thing: Elkano was a real sailor, and the admiral was ready to look through the fingers on the long-time misdeed. And he was taken by Juan Sebastian not a simple sailor, but by Botatman; That is, by a person, in those times it is obliged to take an active part in the preparation of the expedition. And in just a few months, even before sailing, Elkano was appointed a navigator of one of the vessels of Flotilla Magellan. Of course, such a rapid rise could be made only by a person whose qualities - nautical talent, experience and fearlessness were indisputable.

And about the fact that these qualities were indisputable, testify, even if it is also indirectly, and the other fact. It is known that the swimming from the very beginning was overshadowed by the permanent conflicts of the Spaniard captains with the fleet commander - the Portuguese. These conflicts turned into an open rebellion, whose goal was to remove Magellan. Admiral managed to suppress the riot and deal with the rebels in full compliance with the harsh laws of the time: one of the captains was executed, the other was planted for the deserted shore of Patagonia, which also meant death, only slow.

Dozens of rebelled sailors were clogged in the chain. Among them was the former Konselion Konsepcion navigator, Juan Sebastian Elkano ... But passed barely half a year, and the ship's blacksmith removed the chain from the rebellious navigator, because Admiral Magellan, if you use the modern expression, "regained him in position." It's impossible to suspect Magellan in soft-grade - according to the testimony of contemporaries, it was a man of such a severity that she often reached cruelty, he was the true son of his time when a person's life was valued not more than one marated, or, we, in our opinion, a broken penny. And at the same time it was the time of great geographical discoveries, when the true values \u200b\u200bhad begun to acquire the qualities that the Basque Sailor Elkano was borne.

The wisdom of the Magellan's decision is difficult to overestimate: we do not know whether it would have completed it to complete this unparalleled swimming, around the world, he would not be ridiculously halfway, but we know exactly that it would end in challengingly after his death if it were not for ELCano.

After the death of the admiral consistently, he replaced the captain-general Espinos and Carlvalo to the shores of Borneo the last two surviving vehicles, they went into the most real robbery. Only in half a year, ships reached Moluk Islands. And here, one of Karavel flotilla is "Trinidad" - were forced to put on repair, without which she could not continue the way. Thus, one single vessel - Karavella "Victoria" remained from all the flotilla of Magellan, and the captain on it was not anyone else like Juan Sebastian Elkano.

The meaning of this fact is: it was at that moment it began ... a round-the-world journey! Let me, you can surprise you, how so?! Swimming because it started a year and a half ago!

True, and nevertheless ... But in order for everything to become clear, back to Magellan. And let's start with the fact that the purpose of the expedition is not at all around the world.

Her goal was carnation, black pepper and other spices, so appreciated in the aristocratic circles of Europe and appreciated literally on the weight of gold. The whole trouble was that these spices have grown very and very far away on the Islands of the Indian Ocean. Or rather, it was Polwy, because sailors of that time were defeated on their poorly shiphs to get even to the Moluk Islands - the main area of \u200b\u200bthe spices. The misfortune - for the Spaniards - it was that on the sea route from Europe to Southeast Asia, the unnecessarily original opponents and rivals were hungry - Portuguese, who were treated, without thinking, all someone else's ship, daring to go swimming towards Musk's Islands.

Thus, for Spanish hunters to spices, the path from Europe to the south along Africa and further, from its southern tip to the east - was ordered. Magellan belongs to the idea to try to achieve Molukky Islands not from the east, but from the West. This idea of \u200b\u200bthe Portuguese king, from whom Magellan served, was rejected - why look for another western way if the Portuguese is puzzled with a failed east path? Then Magellan also offered his idea and his services to the Spanish king Karl. And how we would say today, there were nowhere to go: the spices are needed, and the road is unavailable to them. And Magellan received the opportunity to equipped flotilla and go into swimming, the main and the sole purpose of which was to find the West way to Molukki Islands. This path, as we know, the price of incredible suffering and the burden was found. Magellan himself does not swim to the Moluk Islands, dying, as you remember, somewhat earlier. But do not happen to this and achieve himself to the main goal of the navigation, what would happen then? In other words, would he lead his ships further, to the west, to, having encouraged Africa already known, eastly, return to Europe, or would turn back?

It is difficult to approve, but you can assume the following with a lot of probability. So, the main goal of swimming is the opening of the Western path to Molokki - was achieved. This path existed, the Portuguese had no idea about him, so it was possible to return home without any risk of meeting with them already newly open. That's why we have the right to assume that Magellan, loading the ships so the most desirable Majesty of Karl spices, turned back - through the Pacific Ocean.

But if we cannot know exactly what the decision would take Magellan, the decision Elkano is known to us: he did not turn back, and he led his ship further. The second stage of swimming began, which is around the world. Avoiding meetings with the ships of Portuguese, "Victoria" Elkano led much south of the well-known Eastern path. In other words, he led and brought his ship to Europe through, earlier, no one was hine!

Some of the Victoria Ship in a three-liter walked on a swimming on September 7, 1522, he left the shores off the coast of Spain. On one surviving from the entire flotilla, the ship returned only to eighteen surviving sailors. These eighteen people, reinforced the terrestrial ball for the first time, and proved the flareness of the planet and what the United World Ocean exists.

How were these people who committed unprecedented at home were met at home in the history of navigation? It was difficult to believe, but it was as follows: Elkano and his comrades were subjected to a multi-week interrogation, the purpose of which was to find out: Is it all the goods of spices taken at the Molukskie Islands, a part of this cargo was tired of royal officials or seafarers? You imagine, it was most important for the King of Spanish, the emperor of the "Sacred Roman Empire" Karl V and his officials! And the fact that for the first time in history, round-the-world swimming was committed, that nine tenth teams of flotilla died during this unparalleled for difficulties and trials of a three-year hike after four oceans - all this was absolutely no meaning!

When the authorities were not without surprise, they were finally convinced that the precious cargo from the Molukska islands was delivered and commissioned in full purpose, the Emperor's king decided to reward Elkano generously. And you know, what was this remuneration? Karl V forgave the Great Seaflorer that thirteen years ago of misconduct, to which a young captain forced his "generosity" the previous king! In addition, in a rush, the same generosity Karl V appointed Huan Sebastian pension 500 Escudo, but immediately came to his senses and delayed it to pay to the return of Elkano from the second navigation to Moluk. Huang Sebastian was unlikely to surprise this decision, testifying to the "generosity" of the emperor, because the bitter words of Columbus spanish spanish sailor were known to death: "After twenty years of heavy work and dangers, I don't even have your own bed in Spain . Such was the fate of many prominent navigators, and not only navigators, and Elkano did not make exceptions ...

On July 24, 1525, flotilla from seven courts under the command of Captain-General Lajes and the Great Cordchego Elkano went into a new swimming for Molukski Islands - swimming, from which Huan Sebastian was not destined to return. Emperor Karl retained his five hundred Escudo ... Health Elkano was undermined by the greatest trials, and on August 6, 1526, a courageous captain, who was not even forty, died on the flagship of his ship "Santa Maria de la Victoria" ... The Grave of His Great The navigator, for the first time in the history of mankind of the broken globe, is in the midst of the Great Pacific Ocean ...

For many years, the name and feat of the world's first round-in-world seafarer were committed to oblivion and remained unknown descendants for more than four centuries.

Agree, reader, that all that is said, you did not know before. Many did not even hear the name Elkano, and to the question: who made the first world journey, responded with complete confidence; Magellan!

: Reach Asia, following the west. The colonization of America has not yet managed to bring significant profits unlike the colonies of Portuguese in India, and the Spaniards wanted to swim to the islands of spices and benefit. By that time it became clear that America was not Asia, but it was assumed that Asia lies relatively not far from the new world. In 1513, Vasco Núñez de Balboa, having passed Panaman's shelters, saw the Pacific Ocean, called to them the southern sea. Since then, the shed in the New Sea was looking for several expeditions. At about those years, the Portuguese captains Zhuan Lišboa and Ishteban Froish reached about 35 ° Yu.Sh. And they opened the mouth of the La River. They could not seriously investigate him and accepted a huge flooded estuary of La fees for the strait.

Magellan, apparently, had detailed information about the search for the Portuguese of the Strait and, in particular, about La fee, which he considered the Strait to the South Sea. This confidence played an important role in planning an expedition, however, he was ready to search for other ways to India, if this turns out to be false.

Even in Portugal, the companion of Magellan Astronon Rui Faleer was an important role in the preparation of the expedition. He created a method for calculating longitude and made a calculation, of which it followed that Molukki islands are easier to reach, going to the West, and that these islands lie in the hemisphere, "belonging to Spain on the Tordeslim Treaty. All its calculations, as well as a method for calculating longitude, were subsequently incorrect. For some time, Faler was listed in the documents on the organization of swimming in front of Magellan, but in the future it is increasingly pushed into the background, and the Commander of the Expedition is appointed Magellan. Faler made up a horoscope, from which he shoulded that he could not be sent to the expedition, and remained on the shore.


In the expedition gear, European merchants played a big role, who did not have the opportunity to participate in profitable trade with East India because of the monopoly of Portuguese. Huana de Aranda, who, under the agreement with Magellan, was relying the eighth of the profit, pushed out of the feeders, declaring that this agreement "does not correspond to the interests of the nation."

Under the contract with the king of March 22, 1518, Magellan and Faler received one fifth part of net sailing revenues, the rights of governorship in open lands, the twentieth of the profits received from the new lands and the right to two islands, if more than six islands are open.

The Portuguese tried to counteract the organization of the expedition, but they did not decide on direct murder. They tried to blacken Magellan in the eyes of the Spaniards and make them abandon their swimming. At the same time, the fact that the expedition will command the Portuguese, caused dissatisfaction with many Spaniards. In October 1518, there was a clash between the participants of the expedition and the crowd of Seville. When Magellan raised his standard on the ships, the Spaniards took him for Portuguese and demanded to remove. Fortunately for Magellan, the conflict managed to repay without special victims. To muffle contradictions, Magellan was prescribed to limit the number of Portuguese in the expedition by five participants, however, because of the lack of seafarers it turned out to be about 40 Portuguese.

Expedition composition and gear

Five ships with food flag for two years have been prepared on the expedition. Magellan personally followed the loading and packaging of products, goods and equipment. Sukhari, wine, olive oil, vinegar, salt fish, dried pork, beans and beans, flour, cheese, honey, almonds, anchovies, raisins, prunes, sugar, quince, capers, mustard, beef and fig. In case of clashes, there were about 70 guns, 50 Arkebuses, 60 crossbows, 100 lat sets and other weapons. For trade, they took the matter, metal products, women's decorations, mirrors, bells and (it was used as a medicine). The expedition cost more than 8 million marated.

Expedition Magellan.
Ship Tonnage Captain
Trinidad 110 (266) Fernan de Magellan
San Antonio 120 (290) Huang de Cartagena
Concepcion 90 (218) Gaspar de Cassada
Victoria 85 (206) Louis de Mendoza
Santiago 75 (182) Zhuan Serran

For a staffing schedule on ships, it was supposed to be more than 230 sailors, but besides them, there were a lot of superfilled participants in the expedition, among which was the Rhodic Knight Antonio Pigafette, which was a detailed description of the journey. And also servants and slaves up to blacks and Asians, among whom it is worth mentioning the slave Magellan Enrique, born on Sumatra and taken by Magellan as a translator. It is he who will become a man who returned to his homeland, rebuilding the globe. Despite the ban on the expedition, several female slaves were illegally (probably indian). The recruitment of sailors continued on the Canary Islands. All this makes it difficult to calculate the exact number of participants. Different authors calculate the number of participants from 265 to at least 280.

Magellan personally commanded Trinidad. Santiago commanded Zhuan Serran - Brother Franciska Serran, saved by Malellan in Malacca. Three other ships commanded spanish representatives with whom Magellan immediately began conflicts. The Spaniards did not like that the expedition commands the Portuguese. In addition, Magellan concealed the intended route of the navigation, and this caused captain discontent. The confrontation was quite serious. The captain of Mendos even was transmitted to the special demand of the king to stop compilation and submit to Magellan. But already on the Canary Islands, Magellan received information that the Spanish captains agreed with each other to remove it from the post, if we consider that he interferes with them.

Atlantic Ocean

Captain San Antonio Cartagena, who was a representative of the crown in swimming, during one of the reports demonstratively violated the subordination and began to call Magellan not "Captain-General" (Admiral), but simply "Captain". Cartagena was the second person on the expedition, according to the status of almost equal commander. For several days, he continued to do this despite the comments of Magellan. It was necessary to endure this until the captains of all ships were convened to Trinidad to address the fate of the fate of the crunch. Forgetting, Cartagena again broke the discipline, but this time he was not on his ship. Magellan personally grabbed him for the collar and announced arrested. Cartagena was allowed not on the flagship ship, but on ships sympathizing captains. The San Antonio commander was the relative of Magellan Alvara Misht.

On November 29, flotilla reached the coast of Brazil, and on December 26, 1519 - La fees, where the searches for the alleged strait were conducted. Santiago was sent to the West, but soon returned with the message that it was not a strait, but the mouth of the giant river. The squadron began to slowly move south, exploring the shore. On this path, the Europeans first saw Penguins.

Promotion to the south went slowly, the ships interfered the storms, the winter was nearing, and everything was not shed. March 31, 1520, reaching 49 ° Yu.Sh. Flotilla rises to wintering in the bay called San Julian.


Family of Magellan Penguins in Patagonia

Looking at the wintering, the captain ordered to trim the norms for issuing food, which caused Ropot among seafarers, already exhausted with a long sophisticated swimming. This tried to take advantage of the group of officers of the displeased Magellan.

Magellan will know about the rebellion only in the morning. His disposal remains two ships Trinidad and Santiago, almost no combat value. In the hands of the same conspirators, three large ships of San Antonio, Concepcion and Victoria. But the rebels did not want further bloodshed, fearing that they would have to answer for this on arrival in Spain. A boat with a letter was sent to Magellan, which said that their goal was just to make Magellan correctly fulfill the king orders. They agree to consider Magellan Captain, but he must consult with them for all its decisions and do not act without their consent. For further negotiations, they invite Magellan to come to them for negotiations. Magellan invites them to his ship. They refuse.

Feeding the vigilance of the enemy, Magellan captures the boat transported letters and puts the rowes in the hold. The rebels were the most afraid of the strike on San Antonio, but Magellan decided to attack Victoria, where there were many Portuguese. The boat in which Algwasyl Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosis and five reliable people are departed to Victoria. Rising to the ship, Espinosis presents the captain of Mendos a new invitation from Magellan to arrive at negotiations. The captain begins to read it with a smirk, but not time to read. Espinosis puts him a knife in the neck, one of the arrived sailors finished the rebel. While the Victoria team was in full confusion on board jumps another one, this time is well armed, the group of supporters of Magellan led by Duurt Barbosa, which quietly approached another boat. Victoria crew gives up without resistance. Three Magellan's Ship: Trinidad, Victoria and Santiago - get out of the bay, overlapping the rebels to escape.

After they were taken away by the ship, the rebels did not decide to enter into an open clash and, waiting for the nights, tried to slip past Magellan's ships in the open ocean. It failed. San Antonio was fired and taken to the board. There was no resistance, the victims too. Following him surrendered to Concepcion.

For the tribunal tribunal, the tribunal was created. 40 meter participants were sentenced to death, but immediately pardoned, since the expedition could not lose such a number of sailors. Only Kesado's murder was executed. The representative of King Cartagenau and one of the priests actively participating in the mute, Magellan did not decide to execute, and they were left on the shore after the departure of the flotilla. More about them is not known anything.

After a few decades, Francis Drake will be in the same bay, which will also have to take around the world. At his flotilla will be revealed and the Court will be held in the bay. He will offer the rebel choice: execution, or he will be left on the shore, like Magellan Cartagena. The defendant will choose a penalty.


Mae Magellan sent Santiago led by Juan Serran south to exploration. In 60 miles to the south, the Bay of Santa Cruz was found. A few days later, the ship lost control and crashed. Sailors, except for one person, were saved and found themselves on the shore without food and supplies. They tried to return to the place of wintering, but due to fatigue and exhaustion, they were connected to the main detachment only in a few weeks. The loss of the vessel specifically intended for intelligence, as well as the supplies that are on it caused great damage to the expedition.

Magellan made Juan Serran by captain Concepcion. As a result, all four ships were in the hands of Magellan's supporters. San Antonio commanded Mishkit, Victoria Barboz.

Strait Magellan.

During wintering, the sailors came into contact with the locals. They were high growth. To protect against the cold, they wrapped their legs with a large number of hay, so they were named by the Patagonians (lard, born with legs). The country itself was named Patagonia by their behalf. By order of the king, it was necessary to bring representatives of those who met the expedition of peoples to Spain. As the sailors feared the fights with high and strong Indians, they went to the trick: they gave them a lot of gifts, and when they could no longer hold anything else in their hands, they offered foot shackles as a gift, the purpose of which the Indians did not understand. Since the hands were busy, the Patagonians agreed so that the shackles cling to their feet, using these sailors they were shoved. So managed to capture the two Indians, but it led to a collision with local residents with victims on both sides. None of the captives lived before returning to Europe.

On August 24, 1520, Flotilla came out of the Bay of San Julian. During wintering, she lost 30 people. Two days later, the expedition was forced to stay in Santa Cruz Bay due to bad weather and damage. On the path of the flotilla came only on October 18. Before going out, Magellan announced that he would search for a shed right up to 75 ° Yu.Sh., If the strait will not be found, then the flotilla will go to Molukskoe Islands around the Cape of Good Hope.

October 21 at 52 ° Yu.Sh. The ships were in a narrow strait of the leading continent. San Antonio and Concepcion are sent to intelligence. Soon the storm launched two days. The sailors feared that the ships were sent to the exploration died. And they really almost died, but when they suffered to the shore, the narrow pass was opened in front of them, in which they entered. They found themselves in a wide bay, followed by still straits and bays. The water remained salty all the time, and the lot did not take the bottom very often. Both vessels returned with joyful news about a possible strait.

The flotilla entered the strait and many days went on the truly labyrinth of rocks and narrow passes. The shed subsequently was called Magellan. Southern Earth, on which nights often see the lights, called fire ground. The Sardin River was convened by the Council. Feeding San Antonio Esteban Gomisch spoke in favor of returning home because of the small amount of the provincial and full unknown in front. Other officers did not support him. Magellan well remembered the fate of Bartolomeo Distas, who discovered the Cape of Good Hope, but by a lost team and returned home. Diash was removed from the leadership of future expeditions and never fell into India. Magellan announced that ships would go forward.

The island of Dawson is shared by two channels, and Magellan again divides the flotilla. San Antonio and Concepcion go to the southeast, two other ships remain for rest, and a boat is sent to the southwest. Three days later, the boat returns and sailors reported that they saw the open sea. Consumerson is soon returned, but there are no news from San Antonio. The missing ship is looking for several days, but everything is useless. Later it turned out that the feeding of San Antonio Esteban Gomes raised the rebellion, stolen in the Captain chain Mishkut and went home to Spain. In March, he returned to Seville, where he blamed Magellan in treason. The investigation began, the whole team was put in prison. Above the wife of Magellan set supervision. Subsequently, the Buntovshchikov was released, and Misht remained in prison until the return of the expedition.

November 28, 1520, Magellan's ships go to the ocean. The path in the strait took 38 days. For many years, Magellan will remain the only captain who passed the strait and not lost a single ship.

Pacific Ocean

Coming out of the Strait, Magellan went for 15 days to the north, reaching 38 ° Yu.Sh., Where he turned to the north-west, and on December 21, 1520, reaching 30 ° J.Sh., Turned to the north-west.

Magellan Strait. Sketch of cards Pigafetta. North below.

Flotilla held at the Pacific Ocean at least 17 thousand km. Such huge sizes of the new ocean were unexpected for sailors. When planning an expedition proceeded from the assumption that Asia is relatively close to America. In addition, at that time it was believed that the main part of the Earth takes the land, and only a relatively small - the sea. During the intersection of the Pacific, it became clear that it was not. The ocean seemed endless. In the southern part of the Pacific, there are many inhabited islands, where you could get fresh supplies, but the fleet route passed away from them. Not finished to such a transition, the expedition experienced huge deprivation.

"In continuation of three months and twenty days, "Antonio Pigafetta's Chronicler of An Nonio Pigafette, noted in his road notes. we were completely deprived of fresh food. We drove in breadcrumbs, but then no crackers were no longer, and sugar dust, mixed with worms that chocked the best cruck. She strongly stuck with rat urine. We drank yellow water, which has been rotting for many days. We also ate the oxid skin covering the grotto, the guys do not disappear; From the action of the sun, rain and wind, it became incredibly hard. We soaked it in the sea water to continue the four-five days, after which they put for a few minutes on hot coals and eaten it. We often fed on wood sawdust. Rats were sold by the Polforka per piece, but for this price it was impossible to get them. "

In addition, the ships raged the qing. Died, in different sources, from eleven to twenty nine people. Fortunately for sailors, there was not a single storm for all the time and they called the new ocean quiet.

During the swimming, the expedition reached 10 ° C.Sh. And it turned out to be noticeably north of the Molukky Islands, to which she sought. Perhaps Magellan wanted to make sure that Open Balboa South Sea is part of this ocean, and perhaps he feared meeting with Portuguese, who would have ended to his battle expedition. On January 24, 1521, sailors saw a uninhabited island (from the Tuamot Archipelago). It was not possible to fall on him. After 10 days another island was discovered (in the Line Archipelago). It was also failed to land, but the expedition caught a shark for food.

On March 6, 1521, Flotilla saw the island of Guam from the group of Mariana Islands. He was populated. Boats surrounded by flotilla, trade began. Soon it turned out that the locals steal from the ships everything falls at hand. When they stole a boat, Europeans could not stand. They landed on the island and burned the village of Islanders, killing 7 people. After that, they took the boat and captured fresh foods. The islands were named thieves (Landrones). When leaving the flotilla, local residents pursued ships by boats, throwing them with stones, but without much success.

In a few days, the Spaniards first reached the Philippine Islands, which Magellan called the Saint Lazari archipelago. Fearing new clashes, he is looking for an uninhabited island. On March 17, the Spaniards landed on the island of Homon. The transition through the Pacific Ocean is over.

Death Magellan.

On the island of Homonh, Lazare was arranged, where they transported all the patients. Fresh food quickly cured sailors, and flotilla went to the future path among the islands. On one of them, Bab Magellan Enrique, born on Sumatra, met people speaking his tongue. The circle closed. For the first time a person bypassed the land.

Annable trade began. For Iron products, the islanders easily gave gold and products. The impressed by the power of the Spaniards and their weapons, the rulers of the island of Raja Humabon agrees to surrender to the patronage of the Spanish king and will soon be baptized by Carlos. Following him, his family is baptized, many representatives of nobility and simple islanders. By patronizing New Carlos-Humabon, Magellan tried to lead to his power as many local rulers.

Death Magellan.

Monument to paw paw on Cebu Island

This is what I wrote about the death of Admiral historiographer of the expedition, Antonio Pigafetta:

... Islanders on the heels pursued us, leaning out of the water once used spears, and thus metali one and the same spear five to six times. Having learned our admiral, they began to aim mainly in it; Twice they already managed to knock off his helmet from his head; He stayed with the handful of people in his post, as the Knight, not trying to continue the retreat, and so we fought more hour, while one of the natives could not have a reed spell to wander the admiral in the face. Furious, he immediately pierced the chest of the attacked his spear, but it was stuck in the body of the murdered; Then the admiral tried to snatch the sword, but he could no longer do that, since the enemies with a dart wounded him in his right hand, and she stopped acting. Noticing this, the natives of the crowd rushed to him, and one of them sabers wounded him into the left leg, so he fell back. At the same moment, all the islanders attacked him and began to prick with spears and other weapons, they had. So they killed our grazor, our light, consolation of our and the faithful of our leader.

Completion of the expedition

As a result of the defeat, nine Europeans died, but the damage of reputation was huge. In addition, immediately made himself knowing the loss of an experienced leader. Inserted at the head of the expedition Zhuan Serran and Duarta Barbosa entered into negotiations with the paw Lapa offering him a redemption for the body of Magellan, but he answered that the body would not be issued under any circumstances. The failure of the negotiations finally undermined the prestige of the Spaniards, and soon their ally Humabon lured them for lunch and arranged a massacre, killing several dozen people, including almost the news of the team. Ships had to urgently sail. Being nearly at the goal, flotilla spent several months to achieve Molokk Islands.

There were spices, and the expedition had to go on the route. On the Islands, the Spaniards found out that the Portuguese king declared Magellan deserter, so his ships were captured. Ships dilapidated. "Concepcion" It was previously left as a team and burned. There were only two ships. Trinidad was renovated and went east to Spanish possessions in Panama, and "Victoria" - To the West bypass Africa. Trinidad He fell into the lane of the oncoming winds, was forced to return to Molukki Islands and was captured by the Portuguese. Most of his crew died at Katorga in India. "Victoria" Under the command of Juan Sebastian Elkano continued the route. The crew was replenished by a certain number of Islanders-Malaysers (almost all of them died on the road). On the ship soon began missing provisions (Pigafetta celebrated in his records: "In addition to rice and water, we have no edible left; Due to the lack of salt, all meat products were sorted "), and part of the crew began to demand from Captain to take a course on the Mozambique portuguese crown and surrender to Portuguese. However, most sailors and Captain Elkano himself decided to try to surrender to Spain at any cost. "Victoria" struggled to the Cape of Good Hope and then two months without stopping went to the north-west along the African coast.

On July 9, 1522, a worn ship with an exhausted crew approached the islands of green cape, Portuguese ownership. It was impossible not to make stops here because of the extreme lack of drinking water and provisions. Here Pigafetta writes:

"On Wednesday, July 9, we got to the islands of St. James and immediately sent a boat to the shore for provisions, invented the story for the Portuguese, as if we lost our Fock Mast under the Equator (in fact, we lost her at the Cape of Good Hope) And during this time, that we were restored, our captain-general left with two other ships in Spain. By placing them in this way to themselves, as well as giving them our goods, we managed to get two loaded boats from them ... When our boat again approached the shore of Rice, thirteen crew people were detained with a boat. Fearing that some caravels do not delay us also, we strongly headed on "

Interestingly, Magellan himself completely did not intend to make a round-the-world expedition - he just wanted to find a western route to Molokki and return back, in general for any commercial flight (and the flight of Magellan was such a round-the-world journey meaningless. And only the threat of the attack of Portuguese forced one of the ships to continue to follow west, and if Trinidad did its route safely, and "Victoria" Would be captive, there would be no round-the-world travel.

Thus, the Spaniards opened the West way to Asia and Islands spices. This is the first in history. Around-the-world swimming proved the correctness of the hypothesis about the shag-likeness of the Earth and the inseparalness of the oceans, wash the land.

Lost day

In addition, as discovered, the expedition participants "lost the day". In those days, there was no idea about the difference between local and world time, since the most distant trading expeditions were held in both directions almost one of the same route, crossing the meridians first in one direction, then in the opposite. In the same case, for the first time fixed in history, the expedition returned to the initial item, so to speak, "without returning", but moving only forward, west.

On ships with the Christian crew, as it should be, to maintain the order of the WachT, the number of movement, maintaining records, but, first of all, the time counting of the church Catholic holidays was considered. There were no chronometers in those days, the sailors used the sand clock (from this on the fleet and was the bill on the flasks). The beginning of the account of daily time was at noon. Naturally, each clear day of the sailors determined the moment of noon, when the sun was at the highest point, that is, the local meridian crossed (using a compass or in the length of the shadow). From this there was a bill of calendar days, including Sunday days, Pobelia and all other church holidays. But every time sailors determined the time local An afternoon corresponding to the meridian at which the ship was at that moment. Ships sailed to the West, following the movement of the sun in the sky, catching up. Therefore, if they have a modern chronometer or simple clock, configured to the local midday of the port of Sanlucar de Barramed, the sailors would notice that their day is slightly longer than the usual 24 hours and their local noon is more and more behind the native Spanish, moving gradually on Spanish evening, night, morning and day again. But, since they didn't have a chronometer, they were extremely slow and more important and terrible incidents happened to them, then no one simply thought about this "little things" over time. Church holidays these brave spanish sailors celebrated with all thoroughness as zealous Catholics, but, as it turned out, his own calendar. As a result, when the sailors returned to their native Europe, it turned out that their ship calendar was lagging behind the calendar of the birthplace and the church for the whole day. This happened on the islands of the green demise. This is how it described Antonio Pigafetta:

... We finally come to the islands of green cape. On Wednesday, July 9, we got to St. Jacob's Islands [Santiago] and immediately sent the boat to the shore for provisions [...] We instructed our people who went on the boat to the shore, asked what day it was, and they found out that The Portuguese had Thursday that we were very surprised, since we had an environment, and we could not understand why such a mistake could have happened. I felt good all the time and made marks every day without breaks. As it turned out later, there was no mistake here, because we walked all the time towards the West and returned to the same item where the sun was moved, and thus won twenty-four hours, which could not be any doubt.

Original text (Ial.)

Al Fine, Costretti Dalla Grande Necessità, Andassemo A Le Isole De Capo Verde.

Mercore, a nove de iulio, Aggiungessemo a Una de Quse, Detta Santo Iacopo e Subito Mandassemo Lo Battello in Terra Per Vittuaglia [...]

Commettessimo A Li Nostri Del Battello, Quando Andarono in Terra, Domandassero Che Giorno Era: Me Dissero Come Era A Li Portoghesi Giove. SE MERAVIGLIASSEMO MOLTO PERCHè ERA MERCORE A NOI; E NON SAPEVAMO COME AVESSIMO ERRATO: PER OGNI GIORNO, IO, PER ESSERE STATO SEMPRE SANO, AVEVA SCRITTO SENZA NISSUNA INTERMISSIONE. MA, Come Dappoi Ne Fu Detto, Non Era Errore; Ma Il Viaggio Fatto Sempe Per Occidente E Ritornato a Lo Stesso Luogo, Come Fa Il Sole, Aveva Portato Quel Vantaggio De Ore Ventiquattro, Come Chiaro Se Vede.

That is, they incorrectly celebrated Sundays, Holy Easter and other holidays.

Thus, it was discovered that when traveling along the parallels, that is, in the plane of the daily rotation of the Earth around its axis, the time seems to change its duration. If you move to the west, behind the sun, catching up, day (day) is lengthened. If you move to the east, towards the sun, lagging behind it, day, on the contrary, shocked. To overcome this paradox, a time zone system was developed later and the concept of the date change line was developed. The effect of changing time zones is now experiencing anyone who takes long-distance, but fast, traveling in the latitudinal direction on airplanes or high-speed trains.


  1. , from. 125.
  2. , from. 125-126.
  3. Like the Sun ... The life of Fernan Magellan and the first round-the-world swimming (Lange P. V.)
  4. , from. 186.
  6. , from. 188.
  7. , from. 192.
  8. Like the Sun ... The life of Fernan Magellan and the first round-the-world swimming (Lange P. V.)
  9. , from. 126-127
  10. , from. 190.
  11. , from. 192-193
  12. Like the Sun ... The life of Fernan Magellan and the first round-the-world swimming (Lange P. V.)
  13. , from. 196-197
  14. , from. 199-200
  15. , from. 128.
  16. , from. 201-202.

We were taught at school that the Spanish Captain Fernando Magellan (1480-1521) took the first journey (1480-1521). This answer is incorrect. The fact is that Magellan was an admiral squadron of Spanish ships, which came out of Spain and warked America to achieve the islands of spices. Now they are called Moluk Islands. On this way, among other things, the Spaniards opened the Philippine Islands, which were called so in honor of the Spanish king Philip II. It was here in 1521, Fernando Magellan killed the natives. So, Magellan did not finish his world tour. But the sailors of that single ship from the Magellan squadron, which in 1522 returned to Spain, walking around the globe and spent 3 years in swimming, were also not the first people who took around the world. Then who was the first?

Most of us is unknown. His called Enrique de Malacka or Black Enrique. It was a black slave Magellan, whom he bought on the slave market in the city of Malacca. It is located in the south of the Malay Peninsula. This is the territory of the current Malaysia. Hence the nickname: "de Malacka", "from Malacca."

How did you get into such a distance Fernando Magellan? And he got there in those years when he was still subject to the Portuguese king and called him Fernan de Magaliah. Fernan participated in the expedition Admiral Afonso de Albuquerque (AFONSO De Albuquerque) (1453-1515) to the islands of spices. Because when Portuguese, led by Vasco da Gamma, went around Africa and, overcoming the Indian Ocean, were in India, in the city of Goa, they found that not all spices that brought to Europe from India, and grow in India. Yes, there were black peppers, but other valuable spices, cloves and a nutmeg, brought here from afar Chinese merchants. According to them, they bought spices very cheaply on the islands that were far in the east. In 1511, the squadron de Albuquerque went to find these islands. On the way there they took the storm Malacca. Here Magilioli and bought a slave for himself, the black guy, whom the merchants, as expected, not bent and piracy, stole somewhere on the island of Sumatra.

Magiliolis dubbed his slave, gave him the name Enrique and took with him to Lisbon. When Magial, who, in his opinion, was ordered awards for the opening of India, in 1517 he moved to neighboring Spain, black Enrique, naturally left with him. Fucking in Spain, where he became Fernando Magellan, the adventurer suggested the Spanish king to capture the islands of the spices. How to do it? Elementary! Magellan offered to get to Molukki islands from the other side where the Portuguese "guests" did not expect from the east, having encouraged the globe. True, for this it was necessary to overtake America. This continent of the Spaniards have already been successfully mastered. However, the length of it north and south did not have.

The king approved the plan, but finances the expedition was not pampered. Only in two years, in September 1519. A squadron of five ships went into swimming, strictly speaking, even not imagining that she had to continue this swimming for three years. Enrique de Malaka was on the flagship "Trinidad" with the owner.

Fernan de Magaliol by this time was declared a traitor. To any Portuguese captain who captured him, was charged with the duty to take Magellan in ree. Therefore, the escade of F. Magellan, far off the shores of Brazil, where the Portuguese hung.

Magellan was lucky three times, and once he was still not subharled. The first luck - he did not get caught by Portuguese. The second - he was able to beat America, finding a strait connecting two oceans. Finally, he sailed almost four months to the unknown ocean, and all this time he was accompanied by clear weather. But four months it was at the limit of human strength and opportunities. Ended food and water. Crews scattered diseases.

At the shores of the Philippines, the Great Captain died in a skirmish with natives. In the will, he dismissed Black Enrique after his death. But Juan Sebastian Elcano (1486-1526) (1486-1526), \u200b\u200bwho became an admiral of a pretty spawned squadron after the death of F. Magellan, began to slow down the release of Enrique. And then the former slave escaped. On one of the Philippine Islands, Cebu, he heard a conversation of local residents. They spoke to adverbs, an acquaintance Enrique since childhood. From the island Cebu Enrique returned to his native Sumatra. Thus, he made a world journey earlier than in Seville the only ship from Flotilla F. Magellan, who survived for three years of hard adventures.

June 1st, 2018

Ask anyone, and he will tell you that the first person who made a world tour was the Portuguese navigator and researcher Ferdinand Magellan, who died on the island of Mactan (Philippines) during the armed skirmish with the natives (1521). The same is written in history textbooks. In fact, this is a myth. After all, it turns out that one excludes another.

Magellan managed to pass only half of the way.

Primus Circumdedisti Me (you first went around me) - Latin inscription on the arms of Huang Sebastian Elkano topped with a terrestrial globe. Indeed, Elkano was the first person who committed around the world swimming.

In the San Telmo Museum of the city of San Sebastian there is a picture of Salaveria "Return" Victoria ". Eighteen of the exhausted people in the White Savans, with candles in their hands, stalking, go on a ladder from the ship on the embankment of Seville. These are sailors from the only ship that returned to Spain from all over flotilla Magellan. Ahead is their captain, Juan Sebastian Elkano.

Much in the biography of Elkano is still not clarified. Oddly enough, a person who first encouraged the globe, did not attract the attention of artists and historians of his time. There is even his reliable portrait, and only letters of king, petitions and testament have been preserved from the written documents.

Juan Sebastian Elkano was born in 1486 in Getari - a small port town in the Basque Country, not far from San Sebastian. He earlyly tied his own destiny with the sea, making the "career" at the expensive person to be an enterprising man - at first, replacing the work of the fisherman to the share of smuggler, and later by posting in a military fleet to avoid punishment for his too free attitude towards laws and trade duties. Elkano managed to participate in the Italian wars and the Spaniards Military Campaign in Algeria 1509. Basque mastered the sea case in practice into bendingly his smuggling, but, it is in a military fleet that elkeano receives "the right" education in the field of navigation and astronomy.

In 1510, Elkano, the owner and captain of the ship, participated in the siege of Tripoli. But the Spanish Treasury refused to pay the elkano due to the crew with the crew. After leaving the military service, he had never seriously had a low earnings and need to observe the discipline, Elkano decides to start a new life in Seville. The Basque seems that a brilliant future is waiting ahead, - in the new for him, no one knows about him not quite impeccable past, the marin on the law was redeemed in battles with the enemies of Spain, he has official papers, allowing him to work as a captain on a trading ship ... But trading enterprises, whose participant becomes Elkano, are all as one unprofitable.

In 1517, at the expense of debts, he sold the vessel under his command, Genoese bankers - and this trading operation determined all his fate. The fact is that the owner of the soldered ship was not Elkano himself, but the Spanish Crown, and the Baska expected again arise difficulties with the law, this time threatening to him the death penalty. In the time he was considered a grave crime. Knowing that no excuses will take into account the court, Elkano fled to Seville, where it was easy to get lost, and then hide on any ship: in those days the captains were less interested in the biographies of their people. In addition, there were many countrymen Elkano in Seville, and one of them, Ibaroll, was well familiar with Magellan. He helped Elkano to recruit on Flotilla Magellan. Passing the exams and having received as a sign of a good assessment of the beans (unreliemen received from the examination committee of the pea), Elkano became kingchim on the third largest ship of the Flotilla - "Concepcion".

Ships of Flotilla Magellan.

On September 20, 1519, Flotilla Magellan came out of the mouth of Guadalquivir and headed for the shores of Brazil. In April 1520, when the ships are located on the wintering in the frosty and deserted San Julian Bay, the captains were displeased to Magellan raised the rebellion. Elkano was drawn into him, without daring to disobey his commander - Captain "Concepcion" Cesada.

Magellan vigorously and cruelly fed the rebellion: Kesade and one more from the head of the conspiracy cut off his head, the corpses quartered and the worried remains stumbled upon the sixtes. Captain Cartagena and one priest, also insurgent insurgent, Magellan ordered to land on the deserted bank of the bay, where they later died. The rest of the forty rebelochers, including Elkano, Magellan spared.

1. The first in history around the world swimming

On November 28, 1520, the remaining three ships came out of the Strait and in March 1521 after an unparalleled difficult transition through the Pacific Ocean approached the islands, later than the name of Mariana. In the same month, Magellan opened the Philippine Islands, and on April 27, 1521 he died in a slaughter with local residents on the island of Mathan. Elkano, affected by Qing, did not participate in this skirmish. After the death of Magellan captains of the flotilla, Duarte Barboz and Juan Serrano were elected. At the head of a small squad, they went ashore to Raje Cebu and were captured. Fate again - once again - spared Elkano. The head of flotilla became Carvalyo. But only 115 people remained on three ships; Among them are many patients. Therefore, "Concepcion" burned in the Strait between the Islands Cebu and Bochol; And his team passed to the other two vessels - "Victoria" and "Trinidad". Both vessels wandered for a long time between the islands, until finally, on November 8, 1521, did not give an anchor at the Island of Tidor, one of the "Islands of the Spices" - Moluk Islands. Then it was generally decided to continue swimming on the same ship - "Victoria", the captain of which the Elkano became captain, and the Trinidad was left on Molokki. And Elkano managed to spend its covered ship with an accelerated team through the Indian Ocean and along the shores of Africa. A third of the teams died, about a third was detained by Portuguese, but still "Victoria" on September 8, 1522 entered the mouth of Guadalquivir.

It was unparalleled, unheard of in the history of navigation transition. Contemporaries wrote that Elkano surpassed the king of Solomon, Argonauts and a cunning odyssey. The first in history around the world was completed! The king complained to the navigator annual retirement in 500 golden ducats and erected Elkano to the knights. The coat of arms assigned to Elkano (since then Del Kano), perpetuated his swimming. Two cinnamon sticks were depicted on the coales, framed by nutmeg and cloves, a golden castle, crowned with a helmet. Over the helmet - the globe with the Latin inscription: "You've got the first to the first." Finally, a special decree King announced Elkano forgiveness for the sale of a ship by a foreigner. But if you reward and forgive the brave captain, it was quite simple, then allow all the controversial issues related to the fate of the Molukky Islands turned out to be more complicated. For a long time, the Spanish-Portuguese Congress began, but it was not able to "divide" between the two powerful powers of the island, located on the side of the "earth apple". And the Spanish government decided not to delay the sending of the second expedition to Molokki.

2. Goodbye La Coruna

La Coruna was considered the most secure port in Spain, in which "could accommodate all the fleets of the world." The value of the city has even more increased, when it was temporarily translated from Seville Chamber of Indium Affairs. This chamber has developed the plans of a new expedition to Molokkami to finally approve the Spanish domination on these islands. Elkano arrived in La Coruna full of rainbow hopes - he had already seen himself by Admiral Armada - and engaged in the equipment of flotilla. However, Karl I appointed the commander of non-Elkano, but a certain Hofre de Lais, a member of many marine battles, but completely unfamiliar with navigation. The pride of Elkano was deeply vulnerable. In addition to the Royal Office, the "highest refusal" came to the petition of Elkano on the payment of the granted annual pension in 500 golden ducats: the king ordered to pay this amount only after returning from the expedition. So Elkano experienced the traditional ungratefulness of the Spanish crown to the famous navigators.

Before the sailing, Elkano visited his native heter, where he glanced by the sailor, it was easily possible to recruit a lot of volunteers to his ships: with a man who went around the Earth Apple, would not disappear at the devil in the mouth - the port of Bratia reasoned. At the beginning of the summer, 1525, Elkano brought his four vessels to La Coruna and was appointed feeding and deputy commander of flotilla. Total flotilla numbered seven ships and 450 people team. Portuguese in this expedition was not. The last night before the departure of the flotilla in La Coruna was very lively and solemnly. At midnight on the grief of Hercules, on the site of the ruins of the Roman lighthouse, they lit a huge bonfire. The city rushed with sailors. The cries of citizens who hurt the sailors of the leather bottles, sobbing women and the hymns of pilgrims mixed with the sounds of the funny dance "La Minear". Flootilla sailors remembered this night for a long time. They went to another hemisphere, and now lived life, full of dangers and deprivation. The last time Elkano walked under the narrow arch of Puerto de San Miguel and went down to sixteen pink steps to the shore. These steps, already completely erased, preserved to the present day.

Death Magellan.

3. misfortunes of the main feed

Mighty, well-armed flotilla Laisa came out at sea on July 24, 1525. According to the Royal Instructions, and in general, the Laica had fifty-three, the flotilla was supposed to follow the path of Magellan, but avoid his mistakes. But neither Elkano is the chief adviser to the king, nor the king himself predicted that it would be the last expedition sent through Magellan Strait. It was the expeditions of Lais that was destined to prove that this is not the most profitable way. And all subsequent expeditions to Asia went from the Pacific ports of New Spain (Mexico).

July 26, the courts rented Cape Finisterre. On August 18, the trial fell into a strong storm. At the Admiral ship broke the grotto, but the sent Elkano two carpenters, risking her life, still got there on a small boat. As long as the mast was repaired, the flagship ship was faced with the Parral ship, breaking him the Bizan Mast. Swimming took place very hard. Lacked fresh water, provisions. Who knows how the fate of the expedition would have formed if on October 20, the Annobon Island in the Gulf of Guinea did not see on the horizon. The island was deserted - only a few skeletons lay under the tree, on which a strange inscription was carved: "Unhappy Juan Ruis is resting, killed because he deserved it." Superval sailors saw a formidable omen in this. Ships hurriedly flowed with water, stuffed by provisions. The captains and fleet officers for this occasion were convened for a festive dinner to Admiral, who almost ended tragically.

The table was filed a huge, unknown fish. According to Urditiona - Pizza Elkano and the chronicler of the expedition, "Some sailors," who gave meat of this fish, whose teeth were like a big dog, so the belly was treated that they thought they would not survive. " Soon all the flotilla left the shore of the non-microgenic Annobon. From here, Laiz decided to sail to the shores of Brazil. And from this point on "Sancti Espiritus", Elkano vessel, began a strip of misfortunes. Not having time to put Sails, "Sancti-Espiritus" almost ran into an admiral ship, and then at all some time behind the flotilla. An admiral ship disappeared on the latitude of 31º after a strong storm. The command of the remaining courts accepted Elkano. Then San Gabriel separated from the flotilla. The remaining five vessels for three days the admiral vessel was wanted. The search was unsuccessful, and Elkano ordered to go on, to Magellan's strait.

January 12, the vessels were at the mouth of the Santa Cruz River, and since neither the admiral vessel nor San Gabriel came here, Elkano convened the Council. Knowing the experience of the previous navigation, that here is a wonderful parking, he suggested expecting both vessels, as it was provided for by the instructions. However, the officers who want to quickly enter the strait, advised to leave the river on the mouth of only Pinass "Santiago", granted a bank under the cross on the island a message that the vessels headed in Magellan Strait. On the morning of January 14, the flotilla starred from anchor. But the fact that Elkano accepted for the strait turned out to be the mouth of the Gallegos River, five to six miles from the strait. Urdnet, who, despite his admiration for Elkano. Preserved the ability to relate to its solutions critically, it writes that such an ELKANO error was very struck. On the same day, they approached the present entry into the strait and became anchored at the Cape of the eleven thousand of saints of virgins.

Accurate copy of the ship "Victoria"

At night, a terrible storm fell on the flotilla. The raging waves poured the ship to the middle of the mast, and it barely held on four anchors. Elkaano realized that everything was lost. His only thought was now saving the team. He ordered to plant a stranded ship. Panic began to "Sancti Espiritus". Several soldiers and sailors in horror rushed into the water; All drowned, except for one who managed to get to the shore. Then the rest crossed the rest. I managed to save part of the provision. However, at night, the storm was played out with the previous force and finally broke the "Sancti Espiritus". For Elkano - Captain, the first round-the-world navigator and the main feed expedition - wreck, especially in its fault, was a big blow. Never Elkano was not in such a difficult position. When the storm finally stood, the captains of other vessels sent a boat for Elkaano, offering him to conduct them in Magellan's strait, since he had been here before. Elkano agreed, but took with him only urdnet. He left the rest of the sailors on the shore ...

But failures did not leave the exhausted flotilla. From the very beginning one of the ships almost appeared on the stones, and only the determination of Elkano saved the ship. After a while, Elkano sent to Urdanna with a group of sailors for the sailors left on the bank. Soon the Urditionary group dried up the provisions. At night, there were strong cold, and people had to be buried on the throat in the sand, which also warmed little. On the fourth day, Urdnet and his companions approached the dying on the shore from hunger and cold sailors, and on the same day at the mouth of the strait, the ship Lajes, San Gabriel and Pinasa "Santiago" entered the spir. January 20 they joined the rest of the ships of the flotilla.

Juan Sebastian Elkano

On February 5, a strong storm broke out again. The ship Elkano covered in the strait, and the "San Lemes" was dropped by a storm further south, up to 54 ° 50 'southern latitude, that is, it came to the very tip of the fiery ground. South at that time did not come in any ship. A little more, and the expedition would be able to open the way around Cape Gorn. After the storm, it turned out that the admiral ship sits on the meli, and Lais with the team left the vessel. Elkano immediately divided the admiral group of the best sailors. On the same day, Anunsiad was deserted. The captain of the vessel de Vera decided to independently get to Molokk past the Cape of Good Hope. "Anunciada" disappeared. A few days later, deserted and "San Gabriel". The remaining vessels returned to the mouth of the Santa Cruz River, where the sailors were repaired by the repairs of the admiral ship's storms. In another conditions, it would have to leave him at all, but now that the flotilla lost the three largest ship, it was already impossible to afford. Elkano, which, on returning to Spain, criticized Magellan for the fact that he was delayed at the mouth of this river for seven weeks, now it was forced to spend five weeks here. At the end of March, some kind of capable ships again headed for Magellan's strait. As part of the expedition, only an admiral ship, two caravels and Pinasse, were now.

April 5, the courts entered Magellan Strait. Between the Islands of Santa Maria and Santa Magdalena, the admiral ship has suffered another misfortune. A boiler boiler caught fire, a fire arose on the ship.

Panic began, many sailors rushed to the boat, not paying attention to Laja, who shown them with curses. Fire still managed to put out. The flotilla went further through the strait, on the shores of which at high mountain peaks, "such high, which seemed to be stretched to the very sky," lay perpetual bluish snow. At night, on both shores of the strait burned fires of the Patagonians. Elkano has already been familiar with these lights on the first swimming. On April 25, the courts were starred from an anchor from Parking San Jorge, where they replenished the reserves of water and firewood, and went back to hard swimming.

And where the waves of both oceans are encountered with a deafening roar, on the flotilla, Loisy again hit the storm. Ships were anchored in San Juan de Portalina Bay. On the shore of the bay, mountains touched a height of several thousand feet. It was terribly cold, and "no clothing could warm us," Krdneta writes. Elkano all the time was on the flagship vessel: Lais, without having an appropriate experience, fully relied on Elkano. The transition through the strait continued for forty eight days - ten days more than Magellan. On May 31, a strong northeast wind blew. All the sky was tightened with clouds. On the night of June 1, a storm broke out, the most terrible of the former so far, who stood all the vessels. Although the weather then improved, they were no longer destined to meet. Elkano with most Sancti-Espiritus team was now on the Admiral ship, where there was one hundred and twenty people. Two pumps did not have time to pump water, feared that the vessel could be sank at any moment. In the overall ocean was great, but not quiet.

4. Feeding dying by Admiral

The vessel was one thing, there was no sail or island on an immense horizon. "Every day, - writes Urdnet, - we waited for the end. Due to the fact that people moved to us with the victim of the ship's wreck, we are forced to cut the bats. We worked a lot and few fir. We had to go through great difficulties, and some of us were killed. " On July 30, Laja died. According to one of the participants in the expedition, the cause of his death was the decline of the Spirit; He was so worried about the loss of other vessels, which "became weaker and died." Lais did not forget to mention in the will of his main feed: "I ask the Elkano to be returned by four whites of white wine that I should. Sugari and other provisions, which lies on my ship "Santa Maria de la Victoria", let them give my nephew Alvaro de Lais, who should divide it with Elkano. " It is said that by this time only rats remained on the ship. On the vessel, many sicks were sick. Where Elkano gave a glance, everywhere he saw the swollen pale faces and heard the moans of the sailors.

From the time they came out of the strait, thirty people died from Qingi. "They all died," Urdnet writes, "due to the fact that they did not have the gums and they could not eat anything. I saw a person who was so swollen gums that he broke the pieces of meat thick with a finger. " The sailors had one hope - Elkano. They, in spite of everything, believed in his happy star, although he was so sick that four days before the death of Laiquis himself made a testament. In honor of ELKano's accession to the post of Admiral - the position he was unsuccessful to achieve two years ago - a cannon Salute was given. But ELCano's strength dried up. The day came when the admiral could no longer stand out from the bed. The cabin gathered his close and faithful Urdnet. With the twinkling light of the candle, it was visible as they were yelling and how much stood. Urdneta becomes knees and with one hand concerns the body of his dying owner. The priest carefully follows him. Finally he raises his hand, and all those present slowly fall on their knees. ELCOO ONLICES OUT ...

"Monday, August 6th. Died valiant señor Juan Sebastian de Elkano. So noted Urdnet in his diary the death of the great navigator.

Four people raise wrapped in Savan and tied to the board the body of Juan Sebastian. By the sign of the new admiral, they throw him into the sea. A splash ran out, drowning the prayers of the priest.

Monument in honor of Elkano in Getari


Heaved by worms, the lonely ship exterpated by storms and storms continued its path. The team, according to Urndette, "was scary exhausted and exhausted. It did not pass the day so that any of us was died.

Therefore, we decided that the best for us is to go to Molokkami. " Thus, they abandoned the bold plan of Elkano, who was going to implement the dream of Columbus - to achieve the eastern coast of Asia, following the shortest way from the West. "I am sure that if Elkaano did not die, we would not have achieved so soon with the Ladron (Mariansky) islands, because its early intention was searching for Chipanu (Japan)," writes Urdnet. He clearly considered the ELKANO plan too risky. But the man who first rebuilt the "earth apple" did not know what fear is. But he also did not know that after three years Karl I will give up for 350 thousand golden ducats their "rights" on Molokki Portugal. From the entire Expedition, Lajes survived only two vessels: "San Gabriel", after two-year-old swims that are coming to Spain, and Pinass "Santiago" under the Hevara team, who passed along the Pacific Shore of South America to Mexico. Although Guevara saw only once the coast of South America, his swimming has proven that the coast is not going to the West and South America has a triangle shape. It was the most important geographical discovery of the Laian Expedition.

Getari, at the Motherland Elkano, at the entrance to the church stands a stone slab, the seaside inscription on which he reads: "... the adestrating captain Juan Sebastian del Kano, a native and a resident of the noble and faithful city of Getaria, the first heated globe on the Victoria Ship. In memory of the hero, he put this stove in 1661 Don Pedro de Obva and Asa, Cavalier of the Order of Kalatrava. Pray for the rest of the soul of the one who first traveled around the world. " And on the globe in the San Telmo Museum marked the place where Elkano died, - 157º Western longitude and 9º northern latitude.

In the history textbooks, Juan Sebastian Elkano was undeservedly found himself in the shadows of the fame of Fernan Magellan, but he was remembered in his homeland and worship. The name Elkano is wearing a training sailboat as part of the naval forces of Spain. In the steering cutting of the ship, you can see the coat of arms Elkano, and the sailboat itself managed to carry out a dozen round-the-world expeditions.

An acquaintance with the heroes, which was the first to disgust the challenge of the element, I owe my grandfather. He spent more than thirty years in the sea, but he preferred to tell not about his work, but about the brave of the discovers that the furrowless expanses began long before his birth.

Roots of great geographic discoveries

Why did you need to look for this way to India? Why was it necessary to swim in the wrong way? To understand where such a need arose, it is necessary to return to the distant past and consider eurasia Civilizations Post Roads.

First of all, I'm talking about those tips:

  • European civilization ();
  • Han;

The message of the first first, as far as I know, it started through Silk Path In the second century BC. The second significant trading path - Road Spices, Connecting India and Europe.

The reader who did not miss the lessons of history at school may have already guessed what I was doing. In the seventh-eighth century of our era arab conquests cut off European civilization from the routes described abovewhich leads Europe in the so-called dark century. A few centuries, Arabs from aggressive conquerors turn into sedentary merchants and, it seems, life is being established. Or not being established, in the 15th century begins his seizure of post-Mongolian state formations empire Timurid, about the same time, the Omman Turks capture Constantinople, Europe begins to choke again.

However, this time, European civilization is well informed about the external world, and also has access to Arab astronomy and compass. Appears idea find a workaround first in black africa, and if you're lucky, then and in such a desired indian.

Mohellan's motivation and first world journey

Of all the figures of this era, I was most struck by the feat of one person, we are talking about Fernan Magellanwhose expedition reinforced the globe by committing the first in the history of mankind around the world.

Mageldlanconsisted on Portuguese service, but he fell into opal and decided to offer its services Catholic kings (Name of the Government of Aragon and Castile). Fernan suggests sleep in India from the West And thereby finding the system (loophole in what is really in the west of the demarcation line). The leadership of Spain approves the expedition And even agrees to appoint an ambitious navigator by the governor of the largest outdoor islands.

Useful1 not so much


As a child, I had an interesting book - the "encyclopedia of geographical discoveries". It was there that I read all the details first Arrangement Travel And I take add a few facts.

First round road

Almost 500 years ago in port Spain the ship arrived on board which was all 18 people. These people changed the course of history, doing a unthinkable at that time - trip around the world. During the marine campaign was intersected 3 Ocean, new trading paths appeared, and most importantly - information about the actual sizes of our planet. Despite the awareness of the course of the expedition, there are still unknown facts.

Commercial goals

In August 1519, guided only by its intuition, Mageldlan He headed the expedition out of 5 ships. The goal is by no means a desire to overtake the globe. As in most expeditions of that time main goal - thirst for profit. Like the travel of Columbus, the expedition assumed the achievement of the cherished coast Asia. An open to this continent was little studied and did not bring significant profits, which would not say about Portuguese colonies in India. It was clear that - not Asia, but the cherished country of the spice lies a little further. It was for these purposes that 5 ships were cut:

  • Victoria;
  • Concepcion;
  • Santiago.

Missed name

Actually Mageldlan - fictional name. Real name - Fernan de MagalyaineAnd it was changed upon receipt of the royal service.

Around the world swimming

In addition to the scarce diet and psychological stress, the team members experienced a sense of fear. Even the sky above their heads looked differently, and pious sailors were surprised Southern Cross And the accumulation of several bright stars surrounded by strange clouds. Nowadays, these clusters are known as the nearest galaxies, and nebulae - Magellanovy clouds.


Shortly before his death, Magellan experienced disappointment: such welcome shores of the spices were in hemisphere Portuguese. It's all about the contract between Spain and PortugalAccording to which the world was divided into two hemispheres. Everything that extended the west of 49 Meridian, fell into the dominion of Spain, the eastern part was eternal opponent - Portugal.

Fernand perfectly understood that this ultimately means. After all, all values \u200b\u200bwere on spanish sideSo, all the idea was taken in vain, and in fact he deceived the king. Much bigger than he assumed, the size of the globe could not stop him, but he played a dick joke.

Useful1 not so much


The first round trip was performed by Fernal Magellan. A trip on September 20, 1519 started, ended on September 6, 1522. It participated in five ships with a crew of about 280 people. But as a result of internecakes, conflicts and skirmishes back to Spain, just 18 people returned aboard one ship - "Victoria".

Useful1 not so much


Everything, probably watched or read Jules Verne and his immortal " Around the world For 80 days "? To someone like, and I wanted to catch up to burning in your heels to catch up and overtake this record! With a modern transport system, you can cope with this task for a couple of days. And what was the first travelers? how passed the very first round trip? In the textbook, this was boring and little, therefore had to rely on their own strength.

Who became a pioneer around the world travel

Pioneer in this beginning was spaniard Fernan Magellan With his flotilla. From five ships Send 20.09.1519 from Sanlukar de Barramedaonly "Victoria" returned To Spain 6.09.1522. Magellan himself was also not returned, perishing in the skirmis near Cebu Island. Completed the route toapitan "Victoria" Juan Sebastian Elkano, Therefore, the laurels of the first rounds can be boldly divided into two.

Composition of flotilla:

  • Trinidad;
  • Santiago;
  • San Antonio;
  • Concepcion;
  • Victoria.

Why was it necessary

Like Columbus, many wanted find the western way to asia. In addition, through Panaman stake It was seen that America is not the edge of light and prospects for searches abundantly. Yes I. economic incentive Do without intermediaries in spices trade - not the last reason. therefore touskins Europe took the most active part in the preparation of the expedition. King Magellan and Faler.(a companion-astronomer) were persons and income Facilities from expedition, and governance in new lands, and even possession of a part of new islands.


Flotilla passed along west Coast Africa, overwhelming B. b.ukhta San Julian (Argentina), having survived several rebellions due to distrust, fatigue and food shortages, losing "Santiago", found proll in the southern part of South American mainland, called in honor of Magellan. Already in 3 ships (rebellious "San Antonio" left back to Spain) For 38 days, the expedition overcame the strait.

Nearly 4 months won their way to the Mariana Islands. This ocean size was unexpectedly large even for experienced sailors.

On one of the Visai Islands, Maktane, in conflict with local forces, Magellan was killed.

A few months later, the dilapidated ships, already without "Concepcion", left and burned by the crew, got to Mlowa Islandswhere "Trinidad" was arrested by order portuguese kori.

Only a team "Victoria", overtook Africa, managed to complete the started.

Useful0 not so much


I remember, in school years was a prettyought child, was interested in history and geography (and where did I turn there?). I have never built anger from myself, but the disputes with geographical about different points of view came from me periodically, and somehow it categorically refused to seriously perceive the hypotheses of famous scientists from the mouth of a seventh grader ...

Seeing the question of pro first round roadI wiped a stingy nostalgic tear and climbing his knowledge in Google. Well, now I can tell you who actually was this brave navigator.

First round-the-world expedition

It's believed that first Around Lent (1519-1522) performed Fernan Magellan, Portuguese Savior, who was going achieve Asia, floating to the Westand at the same time finding a new way to Islands spicesfor Spaniards.

The journey itself can be divided into several stages:

And it is ELKANOspanish king acknowledged man who committed the first round, but notMagellan. Why? Because he is just did not live before the end of the expedition. It was a stern 16th century: for Magellan to the West followed almost 300 people in five shipsbut returned only 18 .

"Slave traveler"

Enrique de Malaca Born on the island Sumatra, but soon was captured Portuguese and then burned by Fernal Magellan. During the trip, he was on the ship by somehow a translator, and after the death of the owner, when ships stopped at one of Philippine Islands, escaped and soon returned to Sumatra. Perhaps he was thereby the first person in history that has broken the globe.

Travel Zheng HE

Also I want to mention one curious assumption of a writer and former submariner Gevina Menzisa. He claims to in the 15th century the first round Made Chinese admiral Zheng HEand as an argument leads vintage cards found in China, on which, among other things, applied