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Play for improving relationships with your beloved. Three simple exercises to strengthen your relationship

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Theoretical knowledge is useless when in practice you do not introduce them into your life. Therefore, reading books, articles with useful and valuable information can be called a waste of time if you do not use new knowledge.

Believe me and many params that I gave these recommendations on family coaching.

"What do you want?"

First exercise It is necessary in order to always have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhether your partner is pleased or not. At first glance, such a statement sounds rude, direct clarification of this issue rarely leads a pair to constructive conversation and solving the problem. In most marriages, everything is perceived by spouses as a claim of one to another.

But not in this case. So your actions:

1. Write yourself and ask to do the same partner: what you lack in it / her, and in relations in general.

2. Ask him what you can do in order to keep your desires what you expect from him / her and relationships.

Example: I asked the spouse to be more emotional, sensitive and gentle. Then I asked him that I could do for this. He replied: "Be quieter and less soch, then I will have a desire to show more affection and care."

One time was enough for us to not return to such matters and not to experience discontent towards each other.

You're doing fine

Second exercisegives you and your favorite person to feel a confession, which many are not enough in marriage.

Your actions:

1. Create a calm, cozy atmosphere. It is important to stay alone and be in a good mood. You can open a bottle of wine or champagne for this occasion.

2. Praise each other in turn, marking five points. For example:

He: I praise you for watching you and look beautiful

She: I praise you for the fact that you are so sensitive, spiritual and very responsive person

and just four times.

The result you will feel the same evening.

I am

Third exerciseit will help pair to track changes that occur in each other. This is very important in order to remain close in spirit, the image of thoughts, looks for life, desires and purposes.

Your actions:

1. Answer both for the following questions:

♣ What events from your life forced you to experience various unpleasant emotions: fear, insult, disappointment, pain?

♣ How do you think you need to express love, friendship, respect?

♣ What person would you like to stay in memory of other people?

♣ What do you want to achieve what you want to achieve, what do you see my life in 5-7 years?

3. At least once every six months, do this exercise and you will feel the incredible rapprochement, harmony, strengthen your feelings.

Now I have a question for you, dear readers: how to show love, respect and friendship in a relationship with your loved one? How do you do? - We will discuss in the comments

Training psychocorrection family relationships.

Lesson number 1.

Purpose: Orientation of a system of psychological interactions to change interpersonal relations in the family.

1. "Hello, you imagine ...!"

Purpose: Activation and rapprochement of the group, stress removal, improving self-confidence.

Methodology: Parents appeal to each other in turn, ending with the phrase: "Hello, you imagine ..." - and begin to describe some funny casewho happened to him and his child, or an unusual episode of family life.

2. "What is my parent?"

Purpose: Self-reflection.

Methodology: Each participant must record at least 30 characteristics - answers to the question: What is your parent?. Then the parents sit in a large circle and in turn speak, commenting on their story about themselves and answering questions.

3. "Guide and blind"

Purpose: Formation of social confidence.

Methodology: The group is distributed in pairs. In each pair, one of the partners takes on the role of the slave, and the other is leading. The slave tie his eyes. After that, leading collective efforts quickly rearrange chairs. The task of the leading is to introduce its ledbles with the peculiarities of the modified space. The presenter must hold its wards on the most complex route in the room. Then the participants change roles, and everything is repeated again.

4. "Association"

Purpose: Improving social adaptation, the development of the ability to understand the emotional state of the other.

Methodology: Parents are sitting in the chair so that everyone can see everyone else. After that, they begin to describe each other's condition using various associations, attracting artistic images, metaphors. The participant described can either agree with how it was described, or express disagreement, but in any case should comment said.

5. "Marriage Announcement"

Purpose: The development of the desire for self-improvement.

Methodology: To present the text of the marriage announcement, in which you must first indicate your main advantages, as well as in several words characterize your ideal.

6. "Affectionate Name"

Purpose: Reorganization of the arsenal of means of communication in the family.

Methodology:parents sit in a circle and tell what kind of gentle names call their child, their wife (her husband). When? Why?

7. Homework

Purpose: Awareness of intrameal problems.

Methodology: Write an essay on the topic "My family."

8. "Frankly ..."

Purpose: Reagreeing emotions.


Frankly speaking…

Claim date ________________

My name____________________

2. I think the most effective ...

4. I failed in the class ...

7. On the place of the lead I ...

Lesson number 2.

Purpose: Destruction of intrameal stereotypes, the creation of an atmosphere of well-being, the provision of psychological support.

1. "Compliment"

Purpose: Formation of the ability to see strengths, positive qualities of another person.

Methodology: Parents are sitting in a big circle, everyone should look closely at a partner who is sitting on the left, and think about what the character feature, what the habit of this man he likes and what he wants to say about it, that is, make a compliment.

Starts any of the members of the group who is ready to say the pleasant words to his partner, sitting on the left of him. During the statement, all other participants should listen carefully.

2. "Anger"

Purpose: Reagrement negative emotions, Changing the ideas about the child.

Method of conducting. Host: "Sit a disadvantage, relax, breathe deeply 3-4 times and close your eyes. Imagine that you fell to a small exhibition. It presents photos of people who are offended by (among them and your child). Go around the exhibition, try to remember some conflict situationassociated with this person, and better if your child is this man. Try to see myself to see yourself in this situation. Imagine that the feelings of your child are expressed on whom they are angry. Do not hold back your feelings, feel free to expressions, tell him everything you want. "

3. "I am the eyes of the family."

Purpose: Awareness of interpersonal relations in the family.

Methodology: The participant must imagine himself surrounded by people close to him and make assumptions: "Son considers me ...", "Husband (wife) thinks I ..."

4. "Reflections"

Purpose: Expanding the knowledge of parents about the psychology of family relations.

Methodology: Flee over the following Russian proverbs:

1. If the husband with the wife of the Wilder is not needed and the treasure.

2. Thieme child to give birth, mind and teach.

3. Do you love my wife, love and kids feed.

4. The child does not cry - the mother does not understand.

5. The child at least crookedly, and the father's father is cute.

6. What would the child do not take, just as we cried.

7. What is the seed, such and the tribe.

5. Etude "Our Conflicts with Children"

Purpose: Changing parental attitudes and positions, parental training with new forms of communication with the child.

Methodology: Playing anonymous family conflicts between parents and children. The video correction method is used. Parents' interaction is recorded with a child. The parent role is played by the parent, after playing a video recording and is done and a group analysis is done.

6. "Contract-commitment"

Purpose: reacting emotions, improving the confidence of parents is that

they can achieve positive changes in the behavior of the child and in

family relations.


Date _______________________________________________

Personal contractual obligation

I, ____________________________________________________ I realize that:

I like my or the following consonant with the name of my feeling


I like my present "I" and especially my following features:


b) _________________________________________________________________

I like a man (woman) Silen (strong) in the following:


b) _________________________________________________________________


I really want to grow and develop. These are the changes that

it happened in me and are my achievement:


b) _________________________________________________________________


It is a very useful discovery, and I want to go further to new things:


b) _________________________________________________________________


I am really able to achieve this. So I strive

to new changes to enrich your life and enjoy it.

Continuing to develop, I intend:


b) _________________________________________________________________


I happily understand that now I myself choose my own style

life and this allows me to move to the full implementation of your

desires and rightly take a place belonging to me in the world. I also

i admit that I can choose friends, my own business, managing my

time, I can be alone or with other people - as I want.

I like____________________________________________________________

close to me a man, and I consider my pleasant debt to tell him about

this is now in the future.

I love my children and want them to know about it so that they were

we are sure that I really accept and love them for what they are.

I love the following people:


b) _________________________________________________________________


They help me live, and I intend to constantly express appreciation for their existence.

I love the following things:


b) _________________________________________________________________


And I intend to more fully and persistently engage in them. All I said about my abilities, purposes, rights and responsibilities.

I take the obligation to do everything in my power to fulfill the terms of this contract.

I reserve the right to revise and change the wording of the allegations set out above, improving the entries, imagining the obligations.

I personally signed by me today.

7. Homework

See the first lesson, exercise 7.

Parents read essays on the topic "My family." In the second stage, discussion and analysis of writings is carried out.

8. "Frankly speaking…"

Purpose: Reagreeing emotions.

Methodology: It is necessary to complete the proposals that are given, thereby expressing their attitude to what is happening.

Frankly speaking…

Claim date ________________

My name____________________

1. During the classes, I realized that ...

2. I think the most effective ...

3. I could not be more frank, because ...

4. I failed in the class ...

5. Most I liked how it worked (a) ...

6. In the next lesson, I would like ...

7. On the place of the lead I ...

Lesson number 3.

Purpose:create favorable conditions To work in a group, promote the self-analysis of participants, reveal the quality necessary for effective interpersonal relations in the family.

1. "Internal state".

Purpose: The development of the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and adequately express its own, the correction of the emotional sphere.

Methodology: Parents and teenagers are standing in a circle. Everyone takes turns makes a move reflecting his inner state, and the rest of the participants repeat this movement 3-4 times, trying to join into a state of a person, it. After the completion of the exercise, you can ask a group question: "What, in your opinion, is the condition of each of us?" After a relatively condition of one of the participants, several hypotheses will be expressed, you should contact him to find out its actual condition.

2. "Birthday."

Purpose: Creating a positive emotional background, an increase in self-confidence.

Methodology: A volunteer must imagine that he has a birthday today. Members of the group are going to visit him. He hopes that each of them will bring some kind of gift and a good mood. The space of the group is converted into the space of a room or an apartment, at the doors of which the Birthday volunteer meets its guests. The condition "entrance" to this imaginary apartment is to utter congratulations to the birthday man and a motivated presentation to him an imaginary gift.

3. "Exercise for self-analysis."

Purpose: Opening of his "I", the formation of a desire for self-improvement.

Methodology: Finish the proposal in a circle in a group of three people:

- "I used to be ..."

- "Actually I ..."

- "I soon…"

4. "Excess chair".

Purpose: Formation of group cohesion, removal of voltage.

Methodology: Participants of the game go on an external circle. One stool is not enough. Through the master's cotton should be time to sit on the chair. Then one chair is removed with each twist of the game, but there are no dropping players, since you can hit your knees, etc. It remains "Pile Mala" on one chair.

5. "Guess."

Purpose: The development of the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express its own.

Methodology: Parents and adolescents receive cards on which one or other emotional states are indicated and then in turn depict these emotional states. The remaining members of the group are trying to understand what state is depicted.

6. "Proverbs".

Purpose: awareness and free adoption of new ways of interaction.

Methodology: Participants of the group are divided into two subgroups. Each subgroup is given time to prepare, during which it will have to choose any proverb and think about how to portray it. It can be a sculptural image, or a non-verbal action. In the image, all members of the group should take part. While the first subgroup shows what she prepared, the second subgroup guess which proverb is depicted. Then the subgroups are changing in places.


    What would do the child who do not take, just not crying.

    What is the seed, such and the tribe.

    Whoever honors parents, it does not die.

    The whole family together and the soul in place.

    To which the treasure when in the family of the way.

7. "Live Cocoon".

Purpose: The development of social sensitivity, social trust.

Methodology: The presenter puts the volunteer in the middle of the group and says: "Close your eyes. Prepare for something unusual. Do not be surprised anything. Just be attentive. " After that, at the command of the leading other participants, if possible, silently approach the volunteer and comfortably for him put one palm on the body of the Volunteer. "What's going on with you? What do you feel?" - asks leading after some pause.

8. "Frankly speaking…"

Purpose: Reagreeing emotions.

Methodology: It is necessary to complete the proposals that are given, thereby expressing their attitude to what is happening.

Frankly speaking…

Claim date ________________

My name____________________

1. During the classes, I realized that ...

2. I think the most effective ...

3. I could not be more frank, because ...

4. I failed in the class ...

5. Most I liked how it worked (a) ...

6. In the next lesson, I would like ...

7. On the place of the lead I ...

and decided to make a coaching exercise for marital couples from this parable.

Let's start with the fact that big account Exercises that concern family well-beingAll the same, more designed for women. There are several reasons for this. First, for Women, family and home focus - life priorities. For a man, priority is to provide this very focus. That is, if there is nothing to ensure, then, alas, the keeper for this is responsible.

Secondly, women are always more loyal to numerous exercises, tests, learning on personal life. After all, men give training in the field of business and success. Again, the explanation of this is given above.

And thirdly, lovely ladies, let's admit to yourself that most often we are dissatisfied with our personal relations, our man and everything around. This happens because of fluctuations in the hormonal background, which entails more frequent mood change than in men; And due to the fact that women more boldly express their emotions (especially negative). We are not accustomed to "worry in ourselves", we have taught us to express emotions. From this women began to call harmful. The boys from the very childhood are taught to hide tears, because "Men don't cry"; Hide other emotions to not seem suddenly a loser, etc.

Therefore, I still dedicate this article to women who value relations with their man. I recommend it in cases where you were very angry with your spouse, once again consider it a "brainless chubban," and pops up with the well-known feeling " not for you my mom is such a flower as I climbed»…

  • See also:

So, you are in the "desired" mood: I want a husband to scold, divorce him, and maybe even killed. Then urgently grab the sheet of paper more - more, for the handle and sit comfortably for desk. The wonders of awareness and transformation will begin now.

Divide the sheet of paper into two parts: left and right speakers.

The left column is chosen "What annoys me / infuriates / kills in my husband." And begin to write this column about everything with enviable squeezing. Write that he does not removes him; does not notice when you feel bad; does not help you in some domestic affairs; Does not give you flowers / expensive gifts / iPhones; Does not love your mother and have long been no longer walked with a child; often spends time on stupid her divisions, although he could devote him to you, etc. Do not regret neither paper nor ink. Now you exactly have something to remember and what to write about. Throw all this on paper (good, humanity has invented such excellent tools as paper and pen!).

First, when you write it all, you will already become a little easier, because you will release steam. And secondly, you need to be accepted for the second, right, column of our page.

In the right column, we will not describe what your husband has good. You also know about it perfectly, because 3-5 points remember much easier than thirty-five, which you just wrote in the left column. In the right column, now you will describe what your reaction to the behavior of the husband described in the left column is. Let's call the "My Behavior" column.

Here I had to think. And what happens in this column: you are thinking on my husband; Do not consider it worthy and successful; You often take offense at him and do not want to talk with him (at best), and even sleep in the same bed; You demonstratively call mom / girlfriend, and complain what you have a "infidental man", etc. Write-write. Pour all your actions, emotions and behavior on paper.

The final stage of the exercise is to break the sheet into two halves, and the left to throw into the garbage! Now look at what you stay with! That's the same, lovely ladies, we will work with you, in order not to launch the running on the closed circle of "hopeless provisions" in the family.

Remember the beginning of the article? Family, our priority with you, dear women! So we start working for the benefit of the family will have to us! And the first steps are work on yourself! After all, by and large, we can not change the other person. But we can change ourselves and change your attitude to the situation.

Do you exercise and describe in the comments, what emotions did you experience at the end of the exercise? What is the main thing you understood by doing this exercise?

What changed in your family after you did this exercise?

This game is aimed at improving mutual understanding with a loved one, whether it is a spouse or a young man.

The essence of the game is as follows:

Everyone answers the questions below first from themselves, expressing his impressions, feelings, presentation, then trying to submit, as partner answered. All answers (and for themselves and the alleged partner responses) can be written on a sheet of paper. Then everyone reads his version of the answer and the partner would answer. Then the partner reads his version and tells about his guesses about your reply. Who begins to respond first - either determined by agreement, or you can throw the lot. And you can exchange sheets of paper and bid answers.

Meaning games Not to find out who someone knows who better, but to get close to, try to join the perception of relations with a partner and to convey their vision. The game allows you to get closer to each other and is accompanied by insauts, insights, states of Yeah.

Conditions, Rules of the game: Do not blame the partner for his answers. Be prepared to hear honest answers, no matter how unpleasant they look for you. Be honest yourself and ask to be an honest partner. You do not do this to pump each other or something to do, and to open vulnerable places in your relationship and open resources to improve them. Thank each other for honesty.

So questions:

1. The most nice gift from you is ..........

2. The most pleasant memory of the relationship is ........

3. The most pleasant thing you can give me / do is ........

4. Most often we quarrel from - for ........

5. When you say that ........, I begin to worry much.

6. Most of all I've disaggeted when you ..........

7. I want more from you ....... and less ........

8. The most beautiful moments in the relationship is when ........

9. Most of all is saddened when there is a relationship ........

10. When we spend your free time together, I would like .....

11. Most of all I want ........

12. The most difficult thing to agree on .......

13. I am angry when you ..........

14. If you ask, I am ready ........

15. I present our future relationship so .......

16. To make you feel good with me, I need it .......

16. I am ready for joint happiness to do ........

17. It can be hard for me to talk about my feelings because .......

18. When you behave like this ........., I get scared.

19. The very top QualitiesI like in you - this ....

20. Most of all I appreciate the moments when ......

21. I think you want me to love (a) you showed my love so ..........

22. So that our relationships are more trusted, I need to do ......

23. I want to do for you .......

24. How I cope with my role of a loving person .......

25. I am grateful (a) for you .....

26. I want to be with you, because ........

The game allows not only better to understand your partner, find out his thoughts, to penetrate his feelings and experiences, but also better understand yourself.

Interesting game!